#Eumenides oc
daxwormzz · 2 years
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DUNE OC drawings I’ve made recently MASTERPOST of SORTS
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direwombat · 11 months
tagged by: @inafieldofdaisies, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @jillvalentinesday. and @voidika. going with the la roux siblings because they really are a modern day greek tragedy with a cursed bloodline
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ORESTES. Who are you? Who do you think you are? Are you prisoner to a story written long before you were born? Look at me. Listen. You do not have to be brave anymore. Stop looking at the sky like it will swallow you whole. You do not have to walk this world alone.
SCREAMING AT THIS RESULT FOR HER. ugh. yeah. specifically orestes in the eumenides. all of this is accurate...the identity issues...prisoner to her cursed bloodline...but also finding peace and acceptance and someone who will walk the earth by her side until one or both of them die <3
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CHRYSOTHEMIS. You are written in and out in one breath. Hold on to yourself-- storms are coming. Do not let them rid you of your empathy, your warmth, do not lose yourself in the bloodbath that is your family. The playwrights may forget you-- but the audience will not. There are happy endings for people like you. Hold on tight.
a little surprised he didn't get iphigenia tbh considering she was the sacrificial child but oof. "do not lose yourself in the bloodbath that is your family" hits really hard for my boy ;w; he tries sooooooo hard to break the cycle of violence only to end up dragged back into it against his will </3
tagging: @josephslittledeputy, @deputyash, @alexxmason, @strangefable, @testyfestyenthusiast, @locustandwildhoney, @madparadoxum, @adelaidedrubman, @aceghosts, @purplehairsecretlair, @fourlittleseedlings, and anyone else wanting to take the quiz for their kiddos!
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dark-breakers · 1 year
My Dimensional Counterpart OCs: A more comprehensive list
Sun Models
Sunshine Vuillemot Klase (Briar Glen Universe)
Dawn Celestial (Lord Eclipse Universe)
Solstice Celestial (Nice Eclipse/Setting Sun Daycare Universe)
Helios Celestial (Faz-Cort Universe)
Naos Celestial (Zombie Apocalypse Universe)
Phlox Celestial (Queen Lilac Universe)
Soleil Celestial (Celestial Popstar Universe)
Arcturus Celestial (Princess Mars Universe)
Samson Celestial (Starry Seafoam Universe)
Helianthus Celestial (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Twilight Celestial (Saint Eclipse Universe)
Skylar Celestial (The Fazbear and Friends Show Universe)
Lord Sundrop Celestial (Lord Sundrop Universe)
Callisto Celestial (Serial Killer Sundrop Universe)
Sirius Celestial (Starry Hope Daycare Universe)
Solana Celestial (Teacup Blood Twins Universe)
Moon Models
Midnight Klase Vuillemot (Briar Glen Universe)
Gibbous Celestial (Lord Eclipse Universe)
Crescent Celestial (Nice Eclipse/Setting Sun Daycare Universe)
Umbriel Celestial (Faz-Cort Universe)
Corvus Celestial (Zombie Apocalypse Universe)
Magenta Celestial (Queen Lilac Universe)
Jericho Celestial (Celestial Popstar Universe)
Gideon Celestial (Princess Mars Universe)
Muraco Celestial (Starry Seafoam Universe)
Grian Celestial (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Meridian Celestial (Saint Eclipse Universe)
Somi Celestial (The Fazbear and Friends Show Universe)
Lord Moondrop Celestial (Lord Moondrop Universe)
Cressida Celestial (Teacup Blood Twins Universe)
Eclipse Models
Lord Eclipse Celestial (Lord Eclipse Universe)
Umbra Celestial (Nice Eclipse/Setting Sun Daycare Universe)
Violet Celestial (Queen Lilac Universe)
Mars Celestial (Princess Mars Universe)
Haneul Celestial (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Calypso Celestial (Saint Eclipse Universe)
Lucas Celestial (Celestial Popstar Universe)
Kuiper Celestial (Serial Killer Sundrop Universe)
Ida Celestial (Servant Eclipse/Lord Lunar Universe)
Bloodmoon Model
Hunter Moon Celestial (Princess Mars Universe)
Ravi Celestial (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Alicia Celestial (Teacup Blood Twins Universe)
Lord Bloodmoon (Lord Bloodmoon Universe)
Harvest Moon Model
Ayuna Celestial (Lord Eclipse Universe)
Strawberry Moon (Princess Mars Universe)
Haemin Celestial (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Flower Moon Celestial (Saint Eclipse Universe)
Elizabeth Celestial (Teacup Blood Twins Universe)
Lady Harvest Celestial (Lady Harvest Universe)
Lunar Model
Aibek Celestial (Lord Eclipse Universe)
Lilac Celestial (Queen Lilac Universe)
Frost Moon Celestial (Princess Mars Universe)
Luan Celestial (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Lord Lunar Celestial (Lord Lunar Universe)
Casey Model
Eosphoros Celestial (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Stephano (Princess Mars Universe)
Eumenide Celestial (Saint Eclipse Universe)
Cyrus Celestial (The Fazbear and Friends Show Universe)
Lord Casey Celestial (Lord Casey Universe)
Earth Model
Eunbi Celestial (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Erienne Celestial (The Fazbear and Friends Show Universe)
Evangeline Celestial (Starry Hope Daycare Universe)
Lady Earth Celestial (Lady Earth Universe)
Space Model
Vega Celestial (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Solomon Celestial (The Fazbear and Friends Show Universe)
(Starry Hope Daycare Universe)
Lord Space Celestial (Lord Space Universe)
Glamrock Freddy
Ford Fazbear (Lord Eclipse Universe)
Flynn Fazbear (Nice Eclipse/Setting Sun Daycare Universe)
Finnegan Fazbear (Faz-Cort Universe)
Fletcher Fazbear (Zombie Apocalypse Universe)
Fenix Fazbear (Celestial Popstar Universe)
Fabio Fazbear (Starry Seafoam Universe)
Faron Fazbear (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Fahim Fazbear (Saint Eclipse Universe)
Fallon Fazbear (The Fazbear and Friends Show Universe)
Fenrir Fazbear (Starry Hope Daycare Universe)
Lord Glamrock Freddy Fazbear (Lord Glamrock Freddy Universe)
Glamrock Chica
Callie Chicken (Lord Eclipse Universe)
Clara Chicken (Nice Eclipse/Setting Sun Daycare Universe)
Claire Chicken (Faz-Cort Universe)
Cecilia Chicken (Zombie Apocalypse Universe)
Cora Chicken (Celestial Popstar Universe)
Cordelia Chicken (Starry Seafoam Universe)
Calliope Chicken (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Claudia Chicken (Saint Eclipse Universe)
Colette Chicken (The Fazbear and Friends Show Universe)
Cassandra Chicken (Starry Hope Daycare Universe)
Lady Glamrock Chica (Lady Glamrock Chica Universe)
Montgomery Gator
Maverick Gator (Lord Eclipse Universe)
Matthew Gator (Nice Eclipse/Setting Sun Daycare Universe)
Maddox Gator (Faz-Cort Universe)
Maisen Gator (Zombie Apocalypse)
Melvin Gator (Celestial Popstar)
Malachi Gator (Starry Seafoam)
(Deceptive Eden Universe)
(Saint Eclipse Universe)
(The Fazbear and Friends Show Universe)
(Starry Hope Daycare Universe)
Lord Montgomery Gator (Lord Montgomery Universe)
Roxanne Wolf
Riley Wolf (Lord Eclipse Universe)
Rosalie Wolf (Nice Eclipse/Setting Sun Daycare Universe)
Raeanne Wolf (Faz-Cort Universe)
Rebecca Wolf (Zombie Apocalypse Universe)
Rhea Wolf (Celestial Popstar Universe)
Ruth Wolf (Starry Seafoam Universe)
(Deceptive Eden Universe)
(Saint Eclipse Universe)
(The Fazbear and Friends Show Universe)
(Starry Hope Daycare Universe)
Lady Roxanne Wolf (Lady Roxanne Universe)
Glamrock Bonnie
Byron Rabbit (Nice Eclipse/Setting Sun Daycare Universe)
Lord Glamrock Bonnie (Lord Glamrock Bonnie Universe)
DJ Music Man
DJ Judicious (Nice Eclipse/Setting Sun Daycare Universe)
DJ Jovial (Saint Eclipse Universe)
(Starry Hope Daycare Universe)
Lord DJ Music Man (Lord DJ Music Man Universe)
Noah Peterson
Gordon Hotaling (Zombie Apocalypse Universe)
Gavin Hofting (Saint Eclipse Universe)
Elara Gabbamonte (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Neoma Callen (Celestial Popstar Universe)
Caden Fazbear Celestial (Lord Eclipse Universe)
Naomi Donnick (Setting Sun Daycare Universe)
Dorian Schaub Fazbear (Faz-Cort Universe)
Melania Valverde (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Aylin Marklund (Eclipsed Rockstar Universe)
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The Erinyes - Ερινυες
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The Erinyes, also known as the Potniai, Ablabiai, Melainai, Eumenides or the Semnai Theai, are the famed ruthless goddesses of revenge, punishing many a mythological protagonist. The acts they took most issue with were murder, betrayal of one’s family members, murder of one’s family members, offenses against the gods, oath-breaking, harming supplicants and perjury. They can bring fertility - agricultural or otherwise - or death. The number of Erinyes ranges from one to more than three -- when singular, she is referred to as Erinys; the most well-known triad consists of Alekto, Tisiphone, and Megaera. Due to their role in bestowing agricultural blessings, their offerings tend to be either bloodless flower and honey offerings, or wholly burnt animals. In this particular aspect, they are similiar to Demeter, who possesses the epithet Demeter Erinys. Sacrifices to the Erinyes were made at nighttime. They were sometimes depicted winged.
Sacred animals
White turtledoves
Sacred plants
Yew tree
Holm oaks
Pomegranate (perhaps avoid offering to them)
Wild fig (perhaps avoid offering to them)
Black sheep images; pregnant sheep images
Piglet images
Nephalia (drink made of honey and water)
Honey cakes
Water or milk libations (no wine)
Eumenides (Gracious)
Semnai (Revered, Holy)
Meilikhioi (Gentle, Mild)
Praxidikai (Exacters of Justice)
Aei Parthenous (Eternal Virgins)
Telephousia or Tilphoussa (The Bringers-Forth of Dues)
Kynes Enkotoi (Hounds of Wrath)
Holy Days
The 5th day of every lunar month is sacred to the Erinyes.
Orphic Hymn 69 to the Eumenides:
To the Erinyes, Fumigation from Aromatics. Vociferous wild Erinyes hear! Ye I invoke, dread powers, whom all revere; nightly, profound, in secret who retire, Tisiphone, Alekto, and Megaira dire : deep in a cavern merged, involved in night, near where Styx flows impervious to sight. To mankind's impious counsels ever nigh, fateful, and fierce to punish these you fly. Revenge and sorrows dire to you belong, hid in a savage vest, severe and strong. Terrific virgins, who for ever dwell, endued with various forms, in deepest hell; aerial, and unseen by human kind, and swiftly coursing, rapid as the mind. In vain the sun with winged effulgence bright, in vain the moon far darting milder light, wisdom and virtue may attempt in vain, and pleasing art, our transport to obtain; unless with these you readily conspire, and far avert your all-destructive ire. The boundless tribe of mortals you descry, and justly rule with Dike's impartial eye. Come, snaky-haired, Moirai many-formed, divine, suppress you rage, and to our rites incline.
Orphic Hymn 70 to the Eumenides:
To the Eumenides, Fumigation from Aromatics. Hear me, illustrious Eumenides, mighty named, terrific powers, for prudent counsel famed; holy and pure, from Zeus Khthonios born, and Phersephone, whom lovely locks adorn: whose piercing sight with vision unconfined surveys the deeds of all the impious kind. On fate attendant, punishing the race with wrath severe, of deeds unjust and base. Dark-coloured queens, whose glittering eyes are bright with dreadful, radiant, life-destroying light: eternal rulers, terrible and strong, to whom revenge and tortures dire belong; fateful, and horrid to the human sight, with snaky tresses, wandering in the night: hither approach, and in these rites rejoice, for ye I call with holy suppliant voice.
Death, Fate, and the Gods: The Development of a Religious Idea in Greek Popular Belief and in Homer by Bernard C. Dietrich
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lostpeace · 3 years
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The Eumenides.
Hear me, illustrious Furies, mighty nam'd, terrific pow'rs, for prudent counsel fam'd; Holy and pure, from Jove terrestrial born and Proserpine, whom lovely locks adorn: Whose piercing sight, with vision unconfin'd, surveys the deeds of all the impious kind: On Fate attendant, punishing the race (with wrath severe) of deeds unjust and base. Dark-colour'd queens, whose glittering eyes, are bright with dreadful, radiant, life-destroying, light: Eternal rulers, terrible and strong, to whom revenge, and tortures dire belong; Fatal and horrid to the human sight, with snaky tresses wand'ring in the night; Either approach, and in these rites rejoice, for ye, I call, with holy, suppliant voice.
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thesolarfairy · 5 years
Ballroom dancing (Eumenides x Spinner)
(AN: This is my first Scenario and basically it is Eumenides meeting Spinner for the first time, I thought they would meet while her family is doing an event, even though she does not want to be there, Spinner saves the day! so please enjoy reading. Also, Eumenides is an OC of my friends so this is also a request! if anyone out there wants requests, please do ask, I will do my best! (◡‿◡✿) ))
Lights shining, people chattering the sound of music filling the halls, it was bright as day outside, but the thing was this was no ordinary get together, it was a royal meeting, mainly for those to just come and talk, even dance a little. "Eumenides are you coming downstairs?" A female called out wondering when the younger would be coming down. Eumenides, on the other hand, didn't see why these events were always so important, it was just her father trying to sell her off, or well, marry her to some wealthy guy. Yet she let out a sigh, fixing her dress, knowing her peach hair was perfectly fine, her eyepatch was even the same colour, blood red that matched her flowing dress.
Eumenides stepped out her bedroom, heading towards the stairs, knowing whoever her father was going to pick, she would of course reject, a woman like herself was not a prize to be won. Though before she could even make it her shoulder was bumped, causing her gaze to slither up a male in a black suit, tall figure...green skin? purple hair that was combed back. He was different? Not like the rest, he didn't seem like your casual snob, but something about him, other than his green skin, caught Eumenides attention, it was his smile. The way he just apologized and that cute smile? maybe that was the simplest way, she just looked at him with a slight redness to her cheeks.
"Sorry, are you okay?" Spinner questioned, he was looking for the bathrooms, knowing he would get lost in such a big place. But now he was completely distracted by such a beauty in front of him, her eye, her hair, her confused expression had the taller blushing. "I-I was looking for the bathroom, would you um--" "Eumenides! come downstairs now! the guests are waiting!" Eumenides really wanted to tell her mother to shut up, but in the end, she let out another sigh. "I'm sorry, the bathrooms are down the hallway, take a left and then another right, the first door you see, I hope to see you later." With that, she headed downstairs finally.
Spinner, on the other hand, watched the female leave, his eyes couldn't leave her, he could feel his heart pounding, his face becoming warm, wondering if he should follow her right now instead of going to the bathroom. "Screw it." Spinner could hold it in, he went downstairs to see the female once again, wanting to speak to her, wanting to get to know her. Spinners eyes were bouncing everywhere, trying to look for her, he wanted her.
Eumenides was standing beside her parents, who seemed to be busy trying to 'Deal' with another set of parents, she just stood there with sadness, or well, no expression at all, she didn't want this, she wished she could just leave and enjoy her own free life by herself. Her thoughts were soon ruined when a hand took a hold of her arm, pulling her away from the horrible situation and there her eyes met Spinners, the mysterious man from earlier. "Bathroom man!" She said with a little giggle.
"Eh?? Bathroom...My name is Spinner, and you must be Eumenides right?" Though as they were talking, he took a hold of her left hand into his right while his left laid against her hip. Eumenides placed her free hand upon his shoulder while they began to take small steps, dancing slowly to the music, as if they were the only people in this entire hallway. Spinner looked down at her with loving eyes. "So, Eumenides? what is a girl like you doing in this sort of place?" "Oh, you know? just hanging around." Spinner chuckled at her answer. "Just hanging around? Maybe we should leave this place and enjoy time alone."
"I can't right now...but if we meet later, that would be amazing." Eumenides smiled softly, she never showed this much emotion, but Spinner was lucky, he could get every emotion out of her so far, he felt his heart thumping in that very second, was it love at first sight? was this what love is? He knew he was going in too deep, wanting to question her but instead he leaned closer. "Spinner?" Eumenides questioned until she went quiet, she blocked out all the talking, the music, her parents' voice. All she could feel was Spinner's lips against her own, the soft feeling had her heart thumping.
Eumenides eyes fluttered shut, she didn't such a kiss could exist, the type that could make her fall head over heels for such a man, but then the kiss soon broke when Spinner pulled away, she looked up at him with a saddened look, wishing for more, wishing it never ended. "If we meet again, promise to take me away?" Eumenides asked, Spinner looking at her, his left hand now placed against her cheek as he said: "I promise."
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