#Euthanasia Girl
anti-socialexperiment · 3 months
the silly symbols for my TPTM ocs <3 (song series by @weevildoing) feel free to predict what each girl is about if you wanna :]
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each one separately (+ which girl they are undercut)
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ohnoitspheo · 9 months
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All my Coastergirls so far! 🎢
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merloksdigitaltoes · 4 months
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@thebluelittlewitch2-thesequel @wannabemasterofwindintraining Posting the doodle of ur little guy <333
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The official Adult Swim Facebook 
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fbwzoo · 5 months
:/ Crappy start to the weekend. Our sick ratty Quail took a sudden sharp downhill turn after 2 weeks of antibiotics. We're expecting she'll either be gone in the morning, or I'll be taking her in for emergency euthanasia.
Quail is only 2 years (would be next month), but she was a craigslist rescue, and the lady had impulse purchased her from the pet store. So her poor health due to respiratory issues isn't surprising, but still sucks. We've had her since she was around 5 weeks old, and she's always been a sweet baby. I wish we could do more for her.
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asleepymonster · 4 months
Today was/is a really really hard day for me and my husband. We had to make the decision to euthanize our pug Hoshi.
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We've had Hoshi in our lives since she was a little puppy before we even got married. She has been a part of our home and lives practically since we got back together. She was a rock for us, a constant, and today we had to let her go.
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There will never be a day in which we won't miss her, and we will cherish all the time we had with her. She was the sweetest girl we could have ever asked for, and she lived a wonderful life of 16 years.
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Goodbye Hoshi, my dearheart. May your energy fuel this vast universe and may you live in our hearts forever.
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sergeantkitty · 5 months
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Tomorrow, our baby girl, queen of the house, Midnight, is going to be put to sleep. She is perhaps one of the kindest, most gentle souls I've ever known. I know that sounds a bit weird considering I'm talking about a cat, but if you'll allow it, I'd like to tell a little story showcasing her innate kindness.
One summer in high school, I had come down with an insanely bad flu. I was vomiting, shivering, and had a high ass fever, the works. However, the week I had come down with it was literally 2 days before my family and I were supposed to go on a trip to Arizona. Obviously, I couldn't go. So I was essentially a sick af teenager home alone for the first 2 days with my phone constantly by my side in case I needed to call my retired nurse grandma who lived down the street.
Now why I wasn't already staying with her? I'm just as clueless as you are. Either way, I was completely alone with only this cat cuz our dog went with the family too, and the whole time she stayed by my side.
Again, this flu was absolutely horrendous, and the shivers combined with the insane fever put my brain in a bad position, and I started hyperventilating. I had actually never hyperventilated before, so that confusion just made it worse. So I called my mom who was already in a different state and she of course directed me to my grandma (again my brain was NOT working at all) and so I shakily called my grandma who was across town doing some shopping.
So while I waited for her, I had to pee, like, REALLY badly and I'm still hyperventilating, pretty sure I had no pants btw, and I can't walk cuz if you don't know, hyperventilating basically makes it so your whole body feels like when your foot falls asleep and gets all static-y. So when my bladder decides to be the main character, I had no choice but to crawl across the house to the bathroom. Now I'm crawling really slowly and sadly, and through the whole way, this cat o' mine crawled with me. She stayed with me the whole time and gently nudged me forward when multiple times, I just wanted to flop down and never get up again. And she stayed with me on the way back, too. She stayed as long as she could. Now, on her last day here, I'm trying to stay with her too.
If you've made it this far, thank you for reading. I know it's probably a bit weird for an art account to just out of the blue come in and talk about a cat you've never known, but I've known her since I was 7. I'm 20 now. She's been with us for a long time. I just hope this little story allows you to get to know her even just a little bit. I want my baby girl to have a legacy even if it's to just one stranger on the internet. Because Midnight deserves it. Because my queen deserves it. God save this queen and give her a lovely throne in the afterlife.
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fr-aoi0303 · 10 months
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yeah i bet
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fantastic-brainrot · 1 year
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Teenage Pete
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meefstewk · 1 year
putting my girlfriend down (she was rabid)
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ratwebsite · 2 years
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vet appt today for normas little footsie inflammation! feel like a celebrity every time we come to visit bc everyone wants to see the little rats and talk about how sweet and beautiful and cool and awesome they are 😎
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anti-socialexperiment · 4 months
Some TPTM ocs !! @weevildoing
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sar3nka · 2 years
Genuinely need to get a piercing and have sex abt it. This is literally too much. She's half dead half alive on my lap and I feel like we are gonna be like this for a while
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onika-t-maraj · 2 years
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fbwzoo · 2 years
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We said goodbye to our Button today. She had a good run of it, 2.5 years! And kept trucking for something like 4+ months with the mammary tumor under her front leg. We decided it was time as she had a second tumor growing near a back leg, has lost weight, and was starting to show some more stress - she had a brief bout of difficult breathing after I examined her last week and noticed the new lump.
Button was a great rat the whole time we had her. Happy to go with the flow & get along with everyone, and LOVED her treats - she was always first out to see if the humans had goodies. 😂 She got some smoothie & chicken pot pie last night, and enjoyed some more treats on our ride to the vet today. Not a bad way to go. Say hello to everyone on the other side of the Bridge, Button. 💙💜
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My mother just now: Why is it no one else follows the rules of war except the US? Why are we the only ones following the rules??
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