#Prototype Girl
anti-socialexperiment · 3 months
the silly symbols for my TPTM ocs <3 (song series by @weevildoing) feel free to predict what each girl is about if you wanna :]
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each one separately (+ which girl they are undercut)
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50-year-old-baby · 4 months
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my debut comic, Proto/Type Girl, can be read here: https://theprototypegirlcomic.cfw.me/comics/first!
(for desktop users i'd recommend zooming out to 50% before reading each chapter)
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One of my TPTM (the post traumatic manifesto) OCs, Prototype Girl!
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MORE OCS (I’m sorry this took so long….)
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skygodtraumabond · 10 months
<Looks like a video file is attached! Let me provide a transcript!>
<The scene opens up just outside of a Kalosian hotel. Juno is transfixed by a street performing Mr. Mime. This one seems to be a Kalosian variant—being a far more monochromatic black and white with red accents. It is walking up a flight of invisible stairs to steal a pair of red shorts from the balcony on the second floor, which it promptly puts on. It then admires itself in the window for a moment, then jumps off the invisible stairs, parachuting to the ground using an invisible umbrella. Juno applauds and tosses it a coin, which it catches with a bow before running off into the night.
As the camera floats through the doors of the hotel, Elodie can be seen kneeling in a hallway on the first floor, holding a chunk of scrap metal close to her chest. It's one of the battlebots from the Unovan botfighting ring. Clearly, this one didn't make it out. Elodie wipes her face and glares down the hall at a door as she sets the bot down on a small mat in front of her, covering it with a small white sheet and some twigs.
The camera then floats further down the hall towards the door that Elodie was glaring at. It bumps into the door a few times to emulate a knocking, then the door is opened... By a very tired Blaziken. Scorch peers suspiciously out the door for a moment, then relaxes as he realizes that it's just me and lets me in. How polite!
As the door shuts behind me, the camera pans across the room to show Snicker chasing Clem around the hotel room. Clem seems to be enjoying himself, but Snicker seems to be a little more intensely invested in the chase. Looking closely, it seems the Skwovet has stolen the Morgrem's collar, and is holding it in his mouth as he scampers under the bed.
The camera hovers over to a spot on the floor where Ray and Domi are sitting. Domi is holding their Linoone, Porter, in their lap while Ray mixes a berry paste into a small handful of kibble. Despite Ray's serene expression, the kid is visibly nervous, stroking the Linoone's head as the pokemon stirs with a paines expression. A scan reveals that Porter seems to be taking small amounts of damage from an unseen source. As Ray gently coaxes him into eating the berry mixture, though, the damage slowly subsides. By the time he is done eating, he seems a lot less restless, and settles into Domi's lap with a quiet huff.
Ray: ... There. That should take care of his soreness for a while.
Domi: Is... Is he going to be okay? This has been happening a lot lately.
Ray gathers up their berry mixing tools and begins wiping them off with a damp rag, nodding as they drum their fingers down the side of a pestle.
Ray: Yes, he'll be fine. He's just... Porter's quite old for a Linoone. I'm sure he still has a few good years left in him, but he's going to need a little help here and there. Some days he's going to be sore like this and need some medicine and patience. It's just a part of life.
Domi: ... So... It's like when maman wakes up with a sore back? And you need to put that berry paste on it and sit with him for a while?
Ray: ... Yes. Somewhat.
They smile and nod, tucking their mortar and pestle back into their backpack. They then give Porter a scratch on the head, pressing into his fur gently as he leans into the petting. Beyond those yellow goggles lies some other emotion, though. Something more indecipherable. Domi also seems to shift expressions somewhat, seeming more somber as they stroke Porter's back.
Ray: ... I saw that he got done with the trial, by the way. He should be back very soon.
Domi: ... Are you still mad at him?
Ray blinks in surprise for a moment, looking down at Domi. The child isn't even looking in Ray's general direction. They sigh and resume petting, choosing their next words carefully.
Ray: ... No. I think... Your maman says things that he doesn't exactly... Mean sometimes. It can be hard for me to tell the difference between him meaning what he says and him just... Being angry.
Ray nods at their own explanation, standing up with a smile as they stretch. Porter's ear flicks as the vagabond's back cracks, a light grimace on their face as they ride the wave.
Ray: He was just frustrated, is all. I'm sure he'll be in higher spirits after he gets back from Hoenn-
Just then, a fire alarm goes off. Ray quickly hooks Domi under their arm and helps them to their feet, ushering them towards the door. As they open it, they can hear a confrontation between a Kalosian and someone speaking Hoennian with a thick, indistinguishable accent. The second voice is identified as Elodie. As smoke billows down the hall, the video cuts to black.>
<This transcript was provided by me: Techie the Rotom! Let me know how I did! Your feedback is greatly appreciated! :> >
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mahou-furbies · 1 month
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Prototype Whip & Macaron!
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rabbitlegs · 2 months
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selena gaming
patreon reward for @arriettylunaris
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animepopheart · 6 months
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★ 【hiro】 「 黒 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me! insta • x • bsky
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blueskittlesart · 4 months
ups is just fucking with me at this point i think
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Do you have ideas for how the Angel and The Prototype ship would occur and progress? (Like, who would get feelings for who first, who would they get advice from, how the toys would react, if it would be an even bigger romcom than Dogday and Catnap…)
Angel x Prototype in the Everyone Is Saved AU first starts after Angel finds a nice house for all the toys to live in. After everyone is moved out and settled in, Catnap convinces Prototype to leave the abandoned factory. Prototype reluctantly agrees, making sure to grab every single document he can find with him. I know Prototype is known by the authorities because Angel had to tell them about him, but not by the general public. When he leaves Playtime, it's a very quick and effective escape and into a small hut outside the farm.
This new place is way smaller than Playtime, physically wise, but it feels so much better in every way possible. Prototype is weirded out by everything at this point, even the sound of the toys playing with each other and talking like normal kids and young adults would do instead of trying to hunt each other for food like before. Elliot's mind is full, all the memories from the toys he absorbed together with his own, and now his brain finally has time to work out through the +10 years of trauma. He dissociates a lot, his hallucinations get weirder, all the good stuff about dealing with trauma, and the only ones who are there for him are Catnap and Angel.
Oh, Angel...
So we all can agree that Angel is also suffering from PTSD, right? And on top of that, they're taking care of +80 kids! Yeah some of them are young adults, but from Angel's POV those are still THEIR kids, and they have no idea how they work. Except Prototype does, and thus their relationship evolves from merely two adults desperate to give a better life to monster toys to two adults having no fucking idea what they're supposed to do for them. Prototype feels like he will never be able to repay for his sins, Angel feels like they'll never be able to provide everything the kids need. So one day Angel stays up late in Prototype's hut just talking about the toys, with Proto/Elliot also talking about them, and the two just go "this feels so overbearing, right?", and the other agrees.
When Prototype's relationship with Catnap finally gets better when they have some important conversations about the decade-long post Hour of Joy, there's a notable shift in his behavior, because now that he feels like he has his kid back it's like things can indeed be better. Cue to Angel getting better at dealing with the other toys, and as months go by their bond becomes stronger and more than just "hey the kids gave me a lot of work today and I need to drink/smoke, i'll stay at your hut so I won't be a bad example to them".
The really good stuff hits only after Poppy finds out that Prototype = Elliot Ludwig = her actual dad, because it's Angel grabbing Proto around and going "TALK. WITH. YOUR. KIDS", and it's the first time in decades since someone ever did that to him, because who in their right mind would bicker with a monster like HIM? And then Angel does exactly that. Smacks him with a newspaper and demands him to get his shit together instead of spiraling further into depression.
Somewhere during the months where Prototype is being promoted to parent #2 by each toy, one by one, is when Angel realizes that their friendship is getting a bit Funky(tm), but they just. Ignore it. Two years post-Playtime Co. go by and Angel is just there like "what I feel for parent #2 is entirely platonic and I do not think of him as anything else than a friend at all hahaha it would be weird right. Because he still talks to me about how he misses his wife (they divorced each other +70 years ago) and how he feels like he failed literally everyone important to him. I mean he didn't fail me what I see is just a guy struggling to be better and honestly I'm worse than him and- oh wait What" until like, they go to a family trip and Prototype decides to stay behind to watch over the farm, and Angel misses him way more than they think they would just miss a dear friend, and it's not just because he helps them with the kids.
Anyways Angel is panicking in all levels except physical when one day Prototype is talking with Catnap and Poppy (they're having a three-toy "tea party" because Pop wanted them to have a small family gathering) and she looks at him in the eye(s) and says "dad, are you sure you don't feel anything else for Angel?", and Proto is just "why are you asking me that???". Cue to Catnap staring at him like
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And then Prototype realizes it's not very normal kind of platonic two months later when Angel, as per usual, is called by a scammer. And, as per house protocol, all the toys immediately go to the living room as Angel says "hold up, can you talk to my husband for a moment?" and gives Prototype the phone and tells him to do his thing and annoy the scammer. And Prototype feels weirdly a tiny bit too happy about pretending to be someone else's husband.
At this point the other toys are eyeing the two of them and going "no way..." as the two IDIOTS show them that yeah, yeah, they're witnessing the second romcom of the house, after Catnap and Dogday's telenovela-level worthy levels of drama. Some of them, like Kickin and Dogday himself, think it's no big deal, just two people being friendly, that's all, and then some time later Prototype accidentally sleeps over Angel's room during a thunderstorm (Angel is afraid he'll get struck by lightning so he stays in the main house for safety), and Angel, a genius Made In Brazil, decides to sleep in their room anyways because why not, Proto is just giving free teddybear vibes.
Proto wakes up and just accepts his fate (he's happy with that). Angel is half-asleep and very content with the setup.
... Anyways. Next day goes by, surprise surprise, the family's cuddle pile for movie night now has Prototype added to it, and it's not because Angel sleeps better when he's around. Nope.
Poppy and Catnap are considering start doing some bets to see how long it'll take their parents to realize It's Not Normal Platonic Anymore(TM) at this point, and are unimpressed when Prototype goes to them, sighs, and agrees that Poppy indeed was right. Meanwhile Angel has NO IDEA what to do because it's Prototype/Elliot, no way they have a chance, they'll just end up ruining their little weird family structure, and Dogday and Mommy Long Legs calm them down.
Bobby Bearhug and Craftycorn are working with the other toys to see if they can make Angel realize they need to do something, because Prototype is NOT going to do ANYTHING because his therapy is going strong but his communication issues are stronger. Hoppy and Picky know all about it and try to make Prototype do something about it, while Kickin and Bubba are Dissapointed But Not Surprised at the Situationship going on. "Guess Dogday and Catnap aren't the only ones with communication issues...", they agree, not realizing they also have communication issues. Mommy Long Legs is losing her fucking mind because HOW can one household have SO MANY IDIOTS RUNNING AROUND AND WHY ARE HER ADOPTIVE PARENTS LIKE THAT. AAAAAA. It's good drama tho.
Poppy tasks herself with keeping tabs on what's happening between her two parents. Catnap is watching in the background like "stop being so dramatic over this, Pop, they're working adults, they sure can talk". He may or may have not be gathering information to share with the old ladies at the church he goes to, because those girls LOVE Angel and are all curious as to how their relationship with the kids' "second parent" going. Catnap never tells them much asides from "my mother is, once again, terrible at communication, but has been doing well", but even he starts getting a bit impatient at one point.
Prototype and Angel's big telenovela-level worthy of romance drama lasts a few months, mostly because they both need lots of time with themselves in order to figure out what to do, and also mostly because at some point Angel is pretty content with just being Prototype's non queerplatonic/romantic partner. They're just going with the flow, initial anxiety being left behind and all of that.
Also Angel is a really big freaking dumbass, because Prototype's way of affection is through pampering, and he has been pampering Angel for MONTHS at this point and our human just didn't notice it's not platonic pampering. Prototype gets them more than one flower bouquet and Angel is just "oh this will be very nice for the house, Bobby and Long Legs love red roses!", and he keeps giving them the bouquets because it makes Angel happy, thus making him happy.
No, Elliot doesn't realize Angel is also stupid. He just tries to flirt like it's the 1930s while Angel is flirting like "haha what if we were married. Just kidding! Unless...?"
I think Angel doesn't exactly confess to Prototype in a traditional way. One night they're both chilling at either the hut or Angel's room after a long day and Angel gathers the courage to ask him what they even are. "You're the children's Parent, and I am Elliot Ludwig". Angel reworks their question to be "I don't think we're just platonic friends anymore".
"Do you want to be more?", Prototype asks, hopeful. Angel pauses, then agrees. "Then we can be more". After some talk they settle on either queerplatonic or romantic - I don't know which one would work best, but I think they aren't just platonic or just romantic. Angel and Prototype understand and respect each other a lot, and their relationship, for me, can't be defined with a simple "it's romance" definition. They're just them, and that's what matters.
... Also Angel can wear a ring now! Prototype as well. They tell the kids about their new Situationship and Poppy very happily says "I won our bet!" to Catnap. Everyone else is glad for their parents but also their real-life telenovela is no more..,....
Anyways, I think this post is getting too long, I may share hcs about how their relationship works later, if anyone is interested!
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camzverse · 5 months
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spider-van spider-van does whatever a spider-van can
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rosalie-starfall · 2 months
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Janeway and her Girls: B’Elanna
Star Trek: Voyager - Prototype
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anti-socialexperiment · 4 months
Some TPTM ocs !! @weevildoing
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50-year-old-baby · 4 months
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mirror mirror
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shadowofmoths · 4 days
Rules: Make a poll of your favorite female characters (no limits - as many or as little as you want) and see which your followers like the most! Tagged by @leonstamatis ty blink <33
tagging whoever wants to do it! do it and say i tagged u mwah <3
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skygodtraumabond · 1 year
<A video file is attached! Let me provide a transcript!>
<The video has been taken from just outside the ScamVan. A campfire crackles in the background as the camera films directly into a large foam fast food cup of ice. Reuben is slowly sinking into the cup as the ice melts around them. I'm still not sure why they choose to stay in that phone.
As the camera turns, Juno and Elodie can be seen sitting near the campfire. Juno seems to be staring into the fire with a faraway look in xer eyes, Elodie is sitting beside xem. She isn't touching xem, but she is keeping a very close and worried eye on xem. They occasionally exchange a few words drowned out by the crackling of the fire. Chatot sits beside the pit, occasionally tossing a twig in and watching it burn.
Then, finally, it pans over to the back of the ScamVan. Ray is sitting on the mattress in the back, holding Marny in their arms. Marny is swaddled in Ray's robe, facing away from the fire as Ray stares directly into it, their goggles on top of their head and revealing their own thousand-yard stare into the blaze. Even from this distance, Marny can be seen visibly shaking, and Ray is digging their fingers into her back despite their hand being bandaged and stiff. As the fire pops, she suddenly flinches and tucks closer to Ray's neck... Causing Ray to visibly wince. It's not a reaction they usually display.
They then reach into their pocket and, with a shaky hand, send out Snicker. The Morgrem immediately seems overwhelmed by the sheer energy of the situation, but snaps back into focus as Ray makes a hissing noise and points at the fire. Nodding in understanding, he hops out of the back of the ScamVan, walks over to the fire, and summons a large blob of water over it. He then drops it on the fire, instantly dousing it and splashing everything within a radius of the fire with ice-cold water, including himself. He freezes up with a quiet squeal, Chatot is bowled over completely and squawks, Elodie shrieks and recoils, and Juno is entirely unfazed. Jumping to her feet, Elodie shoots a glare at Ray.
Elodie: RAY! What the f—!?
Ray: Not. Tonight. She can't handle it. Just... Not tonight.
Everything falls quiet at Ray's plea, and Elodie sits back down with a sigh to rub Juno's back. Zooming in on Ray and Marny, they can be seen rubbing her back, pain wrinkling their face as they continue to stare at the smoldering pit. They can be seen whispering quiet words to Marny, but nothing can be heard. Marny's shaking seems to slow as Ray traces gentle patterns into her through the patchwork of the robe, and she pulls away slightly and tilts her head back to stare up at Ray.
... Her mouth is bloody. The base of their neck is bloody and ripped up. Though her eyes are mostly hidden, an orange glow can be seen through her hair as she wheezes and shakes. As Ray leans down to kiss her on the head, she snaps up and bites Ray's throat. A choked, strangled gasp is heard from Ray, but they don't panic. Instead, they slip their bandaged hand into the gap between their flesh and Marny's teeth, getting her to bite into their hand rather than their throat. The blood oozes from under the bandages, and their breath returns to a shaky rhythm.
As Marny settles back down, suckling the blood from Ray's hand, they whimper softly and allow her to tuck herself into their chest. Their throat now has a newly-forming bruise on it, and Elodie almost stands to help, but Ray simply shakes their head at the concern, allowing themself to hurt for the sake of Marny's recovery. Elodie can only frown, settling in close to Juno.
Elodie: ... I just stitched that hand up, too...
The video then ends.>
<... Well, I hope I did alright! :> because what the fuck!>
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thefigureresource · 2 months
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Caster Merlin (Prototype) [Fate/Grand Order Arcade] 1/7 scale from Alter coming December 2024.
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