#Ductile Girl
anti-socialexperiment · 3 months
the silly symbols for my TPTM ocs <3 (song series by @weevildoing) feel free to predict what each girl is about if you wanna :]
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each one separately (+ which girl they are undercut)
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astralnymphh · 11 months
ellie nude hcs yes please. don’t forget to mention them abs and muscles 😩
ellie nude hcs
⋆' aestras footnotes x.
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⋆' a/n; decided to write them. right then and there. lmk your ideas below!! enjoy!! MDNI.
⋆' ellie, who sleeps half-nude, always ravages her hoodies in the process of taking them off. gets that excited to feel your skin through and through, big spooning you in bed with her perky nipples grazing the grooves of your back. I think most of the time, her boxers will remain untouched when you're just sleeping. but, feeling horny? now they're chucked to some lifeless corner of the room, and the sticky plush of her pussy is dragging against your butt, one leg hooked over your thighs. humping like a dog, as usual. "hahh– fuck, couldn't wait– mmh, can'i touch you?"
⋆' with her toned abdomen, built from the patrol routes that had her climbing, hauling and lifting, she's fucking eye candy. indirectly flaunting her beautiful abs when you straddle her. you always feel the creases and grooves of her robust muscles contracting and tightening whenever you're feeling her up, gulping firmly and staring you down with those emerald eyes. always has to fondle you back, hands reaching instinctively to your hips, giggling into a kiss.
⋆' a girl who loves having her scars caressed by the pad of your thumbs. kiss them, and she's holding you close, pleating her boxers down to her ankles while keeping steady contact, hot breath choppy in her invigorated state. in particular, the scar on her thigh. brush your lips over it, and she'll nearly start riding your face right away.
⋆' the freckles most viable of seeing them that dot her face, trickle down and strike her skin like a cinnamon constellation. shoulders are the next most freckled area of her body. that's why you love kissing her there, she's gone so sensitive for those nibbles, whimpering little "mmhs–" and "babe, fuck–" when you latch there. her pussy is angrily throbbing at that point.
⋆' happy trail. that's it. never shaves it. perfectly horizontal and framed by a beautifully mild v-line down her hips. thank aphrodite this girl wears low rise to show that auburn trail off.
⋆' speaking of hair, yeah, she's unshaved. pretty little bush under those jeans. spokes out on the top leading to her happy trail. a duller auburn, maybe? she doesn't care enough to get rid of it, it's just hair. just bobby pin it to the back if you got work to do!! (blatant referencing) short length pussy prbly. thats so random but that's what my foresight tells me 🥱 who would even go into details like that? outie.
⋆' has the nicest back to ever grace your eyes. toned to just the right amount, celestial looking in golden light, finely broad shoulders, and always needs a massage. predictably tense. more the type to sit criss-cross with you behind, molding your fingertips into the ductile muscles of her neck, laxing her head back with an "ohhhh, fuck." enlongated groan and husky toned as ever as the tension releases with every grip. don't forget the coral red scratches you marked, scraping up her shoulder blades when she hits that g–spot like lightwork.
⋆' i think she opts out of wearing a bra a lot. so, with that idea grounded, perky nipples. sososooo sensitive. which is bad, cause she hates wearing bras, so any loose clothing has to be worn with a tank underneath. won't admit it, but loves when you suckle on the light pink buds. can't you just imagine, scissoring, you on top, ticklish mouth latched to her nipple, digging your hips into hers, and she's all mouth gaping, limbs twitching at every tongue flick, nearly tearing up when you tug it, blowing pushy air through puffed rosy cheeks, callighraphizing her nails indent into your scalp, pussy getting glossy as hell and pounding her hips back up in quick paced rolls, the delicious tightening of her clit numbing up every cell in her body. the next morning, her chest and legs would ache, reminiscence of last nights actions notched in her bones. also her tits would be so pretty. small, but cute. nipples hardening and poking through the fabric when you touch her. ♡
⋆' as much as ellie loves your ass, getting hers nudged and groped when she's pounding her hips into in missionary stuns her reason more than it should, skin pounding harder together, clenching up at your touch, eyelids faltering shut and mouth clumsily flobbing over curses and praises. "fufufufuhckk, purr–fect puss– mhh, s'good baby I can– shit– uhhuh, hold.. on–!" i wanna eat her ass btw. dc if looks small or flat. have you seen the curve of her back during the nighttime farm scene? argue with the clicker idk.
⋆' knees are probably roughed up from how much she's on top, chafing on the cotton fabric, abrasions and discoloration. doesn't help when she's kneeling for you either though 🤣.
⋆' calloused hands. of course. a touch so soft can feel a bit tough and bumpy, but, they probably feel soo good on your clit. added texture when she palms you with three fingers in deep. and the way her taut fingers peel your legs open, gripping the callouses deep into the plush fat of your thigh, letting go and flattening her palm on the inside of them to keep you open. so hot. probably can't even feel them when she slaps your ass though.
⋆' her tattoo.. bro.. gets so aroused watching her tatted arm flex and twine when she fingers you. she's hovering above you, bicep tucked close to her chest, extending towards your cunt and dipping three fingers in those slobbed folds and thumbing your clit. she drones little whimpers and splits her lips only to mock your variably louder moans, "'oohh, ellie', yeah? that' good? who's fingers in you right now? mhm– ellie's fuckin' fingers."
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wanghedi · 1 year
I dont want to work i especially dont want to work at this company why am i even interviewing i was reading someones review on glassdoor and they said in their interview they were asked "whats the reinforcement difference between ductile and non ductile frames" like girl i could not asnwer that i dont fucking KNOWWWWi dont remember!!!!! Do u think they will take who cares as an answer
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avatarcompanion · 2 months
I feel like it's become fashion to just call whatever dude people ship some female character with "malewife", as if he's validated as a love interest only through being emasculated.
It's even applied to characters such as Mako... Mako is possibly the most traditionally masculine character the franchise has produced... and he always lean really masculine in his relationships (romantic and otherwise).
Sure, there's a very brief period of time when he was dating Korra where he was doing the waiting-at-home-for-my-girl thing... and the point is, that didn't work. He could not be that person, he desires a high level of leadership that he expresses with quite straightforward authority, as well as being a protector in his relationships. That's a large part of the reason he clashed with Korra so much (and even arguably, Asami). He wasn't a "malewife", and whenever he was approaching that role, he obviously didn't really feel comfortable with it, being with women such as Korra and even Asami at some points, hence 'I needed to figure out who I was without a lady in my life" - Not A Malewife.
Thing is, "masculinity" can be unhealthy and overly dominating. Even Mako has demonstrated some unhealthy behaviors in relationships, as has other characters - obviously his relationships to Korra and Asami fell apart due to that. If we are being honest, tough, it was also due to his ductile side - that is, his issues with honesty, responsibility and boundaries as a teenager, was a significant part of what lead those relationships to tear down. Those were due to a lack of "healthy strong masculinityTM". That is to say, Mako's more ductile side is his "growing points", not really something to idolize as if it validates him as a love interest.
Most importantly, Mako did not feel fulfilled or happy simply serving his love intersts. He did not want to be a male wife! (another thing I don't like about this malewife expression so much is it carries some degrading undertones towards actually female wives, rather than uplifting and expanding that concept...)
However, masculinity can also be perfectly healthy, and interpreted as a concept of service in and of itself. A man doesn't have to be emasculated to be seen as in service of and worshipping the person he loves, it's actually an expression of healthy masculinity. Mako, even at or maybe especially at his best, is a fierce protector and provider for those he loves and loyal to the core, willing to sacrifice himself to any length necessary, always trying to improve himself for others.
Ain't nothing wrong with softer, more feminine guys either, that's NOT what I'm saying, it's just that... not all men are feminine... let's at least call it only when it's actually the case...
And a man showing love, service, worship, dedication doesn't have to be done through being emasculated. It's much more interesting, in my view, to explore healthy expressions of masculinity and how a man can be dedicated to someone through love, if that's how he authentically shows up.
Sure, Mako has a thing for fashion and looking good, but other than that, let's be real with ourselves, is the guy really a malewife, or fem in any way? He's masc to the core...
Also I'm not a crusader for super straight Mako or something, as the currently only character I really like Mako ending up with is Wu (due to the framing of the last season and the comics, that's the relationship that makes most sense for me). Obviously Mako is quite masc in that relationship, too...
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mashamorevvna · 4 months
babe for the Reverse Unpopular Opinion meme: choose one of these topics:
1) contemporary romance novels
2) marvel movies
3) taylor swift
hello my beloved, i see you've decided to break my pretentious temperament with a rock. in the spirit of whimsy and love I'm gonna choose taylor swift.
i really fucked with her reputation era. it was very plastic and performative in a way I enjoyed, go girl assume a role in public performance, yes you are our generations jennifer from jennifer's body, go girl! also i did something bad from her reputation album is incredibly ductile and appropriate for so many of my awful, terrible, no good faves. and my friends have done quite a few video edits of my faves with that song so to me it's special. thank you taylor that song was 🔥🔥
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pep-the-artemis · 5 months
People think the power of the demon summoned in correlated with the complexity and quality of the pentagram but that is far from the case; any pentagram drawn with a request are treated in the same manner no matter the design.
The pentagram is first offered to the highest ranking demon (that of Lucifer of Hell itself) then if rejected is passed down to the next highest rank. The pentagram continues to descend until a demon decides to take up the offer, if you find yourself being entrusted with an impish field, I am sad to say you probably drew a pretty shitty pentagram.
The higher ranking demons have accountants of course to deal with the surplus, so don't expect your pentagram to meet the gaze of a ruler of Hell unless its something truly special.
Sometimes mistakes happen, like on one particular day when a pentagram arrived at the dining table of the most affluent rulers of Hell whom each ruled over one of the seven dominions.
This pentagram was special as it was drawn in crayon; the lines were shaky and the tips inconsistent. Its creator was a little girl who after getting carried away with a pair of scissors (which she should not have had access too) had ripped a tear in her favorite teddy bear. She was home alone so out of other options.
"What a wimpish little girl" cackled the first warlord.
"what silly petulance has befallen upon our gaze?" groaned the second.
"I must say Beelzebub, we must find and kill that shoddy accountant" mused the third.
"we should kill the girl!" suggested the forth.
"Belial, you imagination does not stretch beyond your nose, does it?" spat the fifth.
"that tear isn't even that big, such a useless little girl. I mean one could easily fix that with a needle and a strand of hair" noted the sixth.
"hair?! Don't be a baboon, hair will rot, use gold!" stammered the sevenths shocked.
"Kintsugi... nice. Personally I would use pyrite; maybe we could find joy in the parents false hope" mused the third.
"pyrite isn't ductile, you cannot make thread out of it!" spat the fifth.
"adorable, do you really think you know more of the art of sewing better than myself?" mused the third.
"yes! Actually I think I could fix that bear better than anyone in Hell!" spat the fifth.
The room fell silent as everyone looked around at each other then back at the pentagram with the broken stuffed bear. The tear really wasn't that big just a small clean gash straight along the heart.
Many days passed for the little girl, her teddy had gone missing and she was distraught (struggling to sleep without him) until one day a knock was heard at the door and there she was greeted by her little teddy bear; the cut had been neatly repaired by an array of seven different beautiful threads.
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firasilver · 1 year
Difference Between Sterling Silver And Imitation Jewellery
Jewellery always holds a special place in every girl's heart. Very few have ever said that they are not fond of jewellery. However, when it comes to precious jewellery like gold, diamond, platinum, and silver, it is very essential to know about the purity of the metal and the quality of the ornament. Sterling silver jewellery is one such precious piece of jewellery that is extremely in demand these days. Silver has been an integral part of Indian households for ages and we are always entranced by its sparkling finish.
What is Sterling Silver?
The composition and characteristics of silver are very similar to other metals like gold and copper which are extremely soft and ductile and malleable that require a very high polish. Gold in its purest form is very hard, on the contrary silver is not so hard in comparison to gold and requires a combination of other metals to make it hard and durable. Though silver is less valuable than gold, it has its value that can be passed on as heirloom pieces to the next generation.
So the question that is raised in everyone's mind is, 'What exactly is Sterling Silver? Is it even real Silver?’ The answer is a big ‘Yes’. Sterling Silver is the combination of 92.5% pure silver and 7.5% copper or zinc which is stamped as 92.5 or 925. This combination is perfect to carve beautiful jewellery that is durable and lasts a lifetime. Since 99.9 % silver is very soft and malleable and is a bit difficult to carve jewellery from it, this combination which is termed as 'Sterling Silver' is extremely in demand in the case of jewellery and is preferred by the majority.
Types of Sterling Silver Jewelleries
Both heavy-weight and lightweight silver jewellery can be made with sterling silver. Girls of today's generation mostly prefer lightweight trendy jewellery for regular wear, office wear, and casual events. Sterling Silver Jewelleries from Sylzi are extremely modern and beautiful, very lightweight, and very affordable. Though the copper present in sterling silver jewellery tends to tarnish in humid conditions it can always be prevented by taking proper care of the pieces by cleaning them properly after every use and keeping them in zip-lock bags to avoid moisture. This way the jewellery lasts a lifetime and won’t darken with normal uses.
Trendy modern sterling jewellery these days comes in a rhodium finish that has a high shine like white gold or platinum and it won't tarnish and the shine will remain intact even after regular use with proper care. Sterling Silver jewellery also comes in an oxidized finish that has a black tint. These are mainly used for traditional and Indo-Western designs and are preferred with Indian looks. They are made into both lightweight and heavyweight jewellery wherein the heavyweight pieces are a bit expensive. Moreover, the best part of Sterling Silver jewellery is that it is extremely versatile and long-lasting which is considered a precious asset that is passed on to the next generation.
Sterling Silver vs Imitation Jewellery
Imitation Jewellery or Fashion Jewellery these days is the talk of the town and are preferred by the young generations and college goers as a huge variety is available at a very less price.
The main difference between Sterling Silver jewellery and Imitation jewellery comes down to the base material with which the pieces are made. It is important to consider the material and the quality of the gemstones that are used in imitation jewellery. Sterling Silver Jewellery is authentic silver jewellery that comes with a certificate of authenticity that lasts a lifetime.
Sterling Silver is expensive as compared to imitation jewellery.
The base metal with which imitation jewellery is made is copper, brass, or aluminum which tends to bend or even discolor over time and are made with simulated stones whose shine tends to go off or even fall over the regular course of time. Imitation jewellery also comes in textiles or leather and even gold or silver coating that needs to be polished at significant intervals of time to keep the shine and look of the pieces intact. Hence the shelf life of imitation jewellery is not much as they are prone to crack or turn dark over usage of time.
Sterling silver jewellery can be fixed at any point in time however it is next to impossible to fix imitation jewellery if broken.
Imitation jewellery doesn't have resale value whereas sterling silver has resale value and is considered a valuable asset that is kept as an heirloom and passed onto generations. Imitation jewellery is much less expensive as they are made with inexpensive materials as compared to sterling silver jewellery.
Endless replicas are available in imitation that look extremely trendy yet not burning your pocket as they are available at a fraction of the price as compared to sterling silver ones. However, the biggest disadvantage of imitation jewellery is that no matter how beautiful they look it would wear off eventually and won't last a lifetime, unlike sterling silver jewellery. No matter how big a fashion jewellery brand can be, no one can give a certificate of authenticity or can vouch for its lasting for a lifetime.
Since sterling silver is a bit more expensive than imitation jewellery, not everyone can afford it. However, brands like Sylzi offers you fine Sterling Silver Jewellery that are extremely fashionable yet won't be a burden on your pocket.
Sterling Silver jewellery is well suited for every age group and is considered a great option for gifting purposes for your friends and loved ones. They are the most appropriate accessory for every formal event, casual events as well as grand events like festivals and wedding functions. Sterling silver jewellery always holds a very special place in your heart and is also considered to be a great asset of investment that has a resale value. They are equally subtle yet beautiful for regular wear as well as extremely gorgeous for special events as well.
The above points would help you sort the differences between sterling silver jewellery and imitation jewellery and would help you to identify original sterling silver jewellery that would last a lifetime.
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anantradingpvtltd · 2 years
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] The Marble & More in Holographic/Radium Dome which reflects light to display a million different colours on the 360° Holo-Ring Mobile Holder with Changeable Logo. A one-of-a-kind masterpiece exclusively brought to you by Swap-n-Snap. Mood Enhancing, Therapeutic & Aesthetic. Our classy Princess collection also has many other designs for all the trendy girls out there. The metallic ring holder is available in 4 colours Gunmetal Black, Silver, Gold & Rose Gold that adorns any smartphone or mobile cover. It comes with a universal design that fits all smartphones, and is made of high-quality zinc alloy, which has good ductility and abrasion resistance that compliments your phone's look beautifully. The 3D Holo-Magnets are 1-inch beauties that can be changed on your 360° Holo-Ring at will. They can also be used as fridge or whiteboard magnets and come in many cool designs. These Holo-Magnets turn your device into a therapeutic gadget by turning it into a fidget spinner that can be used on any smooth, flat surface and the magnetic dome will not get any scratches. It also protects the rear camera lens from touching the surface and prevents foggy pictures. It is a handy selfie-taking tool that covers all awkward angles due to its 360° Rotation and 180° Horizontal movement which is very convenient to take difficult photographs and enables one-handed operation. A 3M finger grip that prevents the phone from accidental drops resulting in broken screens and other damage, and guarantees up to 4kgs hold power. It attaches the Holo-Ring to the back of the phone and doesn't leave any marks or residue when the ring is removed. The kickstand design serves as a perfect solution to place your smartphone on your office desk, kitchen counter, or nightstand when you are watching videos, listening to music, making a video call, or even playing games as a stand to prevent elbow and wrist soreness. Sleek design that makes the phone slide in and out of your pocket easily. Grip [ad_2]
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beyondshoping · 2 years
Women Super Thin Hight Elastic Bodysuit Sexy Nightclub Sex Party Bodysuits Backless Hollow Out Uniform temptation Jumpsuits
Women Super Thin Hight Elastic Bodysuit Sexy Nightclub Sex Party Bodysuits Backless Hollow Out Uniform temptation Jumpsuits
Features: High elasticity, high quality, high ductility Adapt to height: 150-175cm, adapt to height: 40-70kg  Wanna turn your husband on? Let’s try this, girl! window.adminAccountId=236939694;
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anti-socialexperiment · 4 months
Some TPTM ocs !! @weevildoing
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wormthing · 4 years
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[ID: Drawings of various characters from Soma. To the left of the first image is an uncoloured drawing of Simon’s ductile suit helmet, and below that an unfinished drawing of the full suit. Text that says “got bored of trying to do a detailed study so here is a simplified version” points to a coloured full-body drawing of Simon. Next to Simon is Maggot Girl, a pale woman with black hair and a simple black dress and shoes, whose face is bloodied and covered in maggots. Her hands are clasped in front of her, and she's smiling. Next to her is the Patchwork Man, two halves of different people joined by vein-like metallic wires. His orange clothes are torn and one of his lower legs is replace by a single metal bar, like a peg leg. While one of his arms is intact that other hangs low, connected to the rest of his body by wires.
The bottom image includes someone in the same ductile suit as Simon sitting awkwardly on the floor. There’s a Wau flower on their shoulder and black veins spreading out from it. The floor beneath them is skewed. Next to them is an unfinished drawing of a different suit design that has many metallic wires crossing all over it, and blue eye-windows. There’s a small flashlight attached to their shoulder. /End ID]
mama mia it’s the soma pile
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tailorvizsla · 4 years
[Disclaimer: I was absolutely fucking wasted when I wrote this. I’ve cleaned up all the typos I could find, but “Drunk Tailor’s Thots” and the meme stay. Enjoy.]
Title: cracks in his armor Pairing: Daddy x Reader, your tongue x his hammer (and other places), your back x his work table lmaoooo [Sadet (OC) x f!Reader] Word Count: too many (~3k ish?) Rating: absolute filth like NC-21 or something like I’d probably throw myself off a cliff if anyone saw this shit irl Warnings: no use of a condom because tailor is a hoe like that just pretend it’s okay, the ol’ in an out, you lick his hammer, stuff, plot what plot this is straight up porn, inappropriate use of a hammer, he is big meat mando we are hiding all 7+ inches of tiingilar-fed Mandalorian sausage in various holes, we’re climbing the Matterhorn and sliding all the way down to base camp coochie first, we are fucking Sadet like it’s the Dicklympics and we’re going for gold in every category Author’s Notes: just pure unadulterated thirst because who doesn’t want to get bent over and absolutely destroyed by a dude with nice shoulders and a huge dick also we’re licking his hammer BUT pretend it’s CLEAN I ain’t got time to write in him cleaning it off, it’s clean, I promise. 
[I feel like I need to apologize to @magsgotswags​ for what I’ve done to her boy, but...that would be a huge fucking lie and I am not a liar. That being said...I’ll hose him off, put his hammer through the autoclave, and make sure he eats a well-balanced meal before I send him back. 🤣]
📚 My Master List 📚
You’re not sure how this even started but here you are, bent forward over Sadet’s work table with your pants down around your thighs and his cock buried in you to the hilt. He’s got one hand wrapped around the back of your neck, pressing your cheek into the soft, buttery wood underneath you. The other hand holds your wrists behind your back as he fucks into you, his fingers like iron bands as they dig into the delicate bones in your wrists. 
Sadet isn’t big into emotions, but you know for a fact there are at least two things he loves in life – his craft and his big beautiful beskar hammer. Hazily, you wonder if it was the fact that you had cornered him to ask what his line of work entailed that caught his laser-like attention and got you into this situation. A sharp thrust forces a half-sob from your throat as his cock finds the end of you, as if he can sense your distraction from the lesson at hand. He has this thing where he likes to lecture you and test you on what you’ve retained later. It’s not fair – you both know it – but you’re whimpering so much right now you can’t even protest his treatment of you.
Even if you could, you wouldn’t. As emotionally constipated as he is, this is still the best cock you’ve had in your life and you’ve made some headway with getting him to open up a bit. You are not fucking this up. Licking your lips, you let your eyes drift shut as he continues his merciless pace, hips smacking wetly into your ass. You’re virtually helpless to do anything but take his cock. Just the way you like it.
“ – utilizes seven basic techniques [1],” he’s saying, and you feel him look down at you as he squeezes his fingers around your wrists. “Can you name four of them and tell me what each one accomplishes?”
You manage to uncross your eyes as you open them.
“D-drawing,” you gasp out. “Len-lengthens th-the metal.”
“You like length, don’t you,” he murmurs. “Continue.”
A whine pours out of your mouth as he changes his angle just a bit, pressing his cock right into that sweet spot, the one that has you squirming and throbbing.
“Mm-hmm,” he responds. “Bent, just like you right now, hmm?”
“…heat,” you manage to get out. “Allows it to b-bend. Ductile. Malleable.”
“Just like the heat of my hands makes your legs spread wide open,” he murmurs. “Bend apart like red hot steel. You feel like it on the inside, too.”
Squirming, you let out a pathetic little mewl as he slows his pace, letting you feel every inch as he draws out until his cock threatens to fall out of you entirely.
“Come on, two more,” he says. “You can do it, little one.”
You wrack your mind, trying to remember what he had been saying earlier. The wretched man stops moving entirely, letting you feel every little twitch of his cock inside you. At least now, the only thing distracting you is the heavy weight of his hands on your body.
“Welding,” you blurt out. “Welding.”
He resumes thrusting slowly, the pressure around your wrists lightening ever so slightly. You don’t need to be prompted to explain it to him.
“Welding…joins two metals,” you stutter. “The same, sometimes dif-different metals.”
“I like joining,” he says, punctuating his sentence with a thrust that forces a noise between a grunt and a scream from between your lips. “Look at us, two different types of metal here. I’d say you were copper. Soft…conductive. All it takes is one little spark and you glow for me. Takes a lot to shatter you…but I think I can make it happen.”
You bite down on your lower lip. He’s broken you before, brought you to the edge until you sobbed for him, begged him for release, promised him the world just to let you finish. He’s a generous lover but when he focuses on the task at hand – whether finishing beskar’gam at the Forge or while fucking you to the brink of tears – there’s very little that will redirect his attention from his work.
“One more,” he coaxes. “You can do it.”
Your brain sputters to a halt. No matter how hard you try, you can’t remember the rest of them.
“Can’t remember?” he asks softly, voice faintly mocking. “I’m disappointed you weren’t paying attention.”
He releases your wrists and pulls out, leaving you feeling empty. Effortlessly, he lifts you up, maneuvering you onto your back in the center of the table. Before you can react he grabs either side of the front of your pants and pulls, neatly ripping the fabric apart. Fuck, yet one more thing you’ll need to worry about later. Sadet lets out a dark noise of delight at the sight of your well-fucked cunt, glistening wet and swollen.
“Hands under you,” he orders, and you slide your hands under your lower back, pinning yourself into place. If you obey, there is a chance he will take mercy on you, let you come and forgive you for not paying attention to his lesson. As his fingers dig into your thighs, you know there isn’t a chance he is going to let you off that easy. It was futile to hope otherwise.
“Blacksmithing utilizes seven basic techniques,” he starts. “You got a few of them. Drawing, bending, welding. There’s punching, which is used to create a decorative pattern or to add a hole.”
His fingers trail up your thighs as he holds your legs wide apart.
“Speaking of adding holes…I haven’t fucked your ass yet, have I?” he murmurs. You’re not able to hide your grimace and Sadet laughs at you. “If you’re ever in the mood, I’ll happily wreck your ass the same way I wreck your cunt, little one…now where was I?”
He pauses deliberately, reaching up. The man yanks your shirt open, sending buttons flying in every direction. Your bra follows but you don’t dare protest – he’ll just offer to buy another one for you. There is something about literally ripping the kute off you that turns him into an animal.
“Ah, yes,” he says. “You weren’t paying attention during my lesson. How to punish you…”
You whine and squirm, knowing what’s coming next. With one hand, he places his hammer on the table, all smooth beskar from the head all the way down to the metal shaft. Sadet lifts it and aims the handle right into your cunt, sliding it in slowly. It’s thick and cold and he only uses it on you when you’ve really pissed him off. You deserve it though – he’s given this lecture at least a dozen times, you should know the seven steps. It’s your own fault at this point.
He keeps a tight grip around the shaft to keep it from sliding too far in and hurting you. He’s fond of making you cry but not that way – he doesn’t want to hurt you, he only wants you to cry from pleasure. When you finally relax down onto the surface of the table, he starts to rock it in and out slowly. When you reach up and squeeze his forearm with your fingers, he knows he can use a little more force, and you return your hand under your back.
“There’s upsetting, which thickens metal on one dimension through shortening on another,” he says. “Then there’s also upsetting, which is what your refusal to pay attention does to me.” He sighs exaggeratedly. “You’re a mess in armor, but...a tolerable mess.”
You whine, pussy clenching around the ice cold intrusion inside you, heart racing at the sight of the smooth dark visor floating out of reach above you.
“Can you remember the last one?” he asks, his voice almost taunting. “You can do it.”
“F…finish…finishing,” you pant out, and he tilts his helmet down at you in a Mandalorian smile.
“Good girl,” he rumbles at you. “I may let you finish, little one, if you keep being good for me.”
He turns his attention to his hammer, watching the beskar disappears inside you, only to reappear moments later, wet and drenched in your slick. He stays there until the metal is warm from your cunt before he pulls it out. Lifting the edge of his helmet up, he brings the metal to his lips and the tip of his tongue darts out, lapping up a bit of your mess. You shudder in response.
 “Warm, sweet. Soft. Tastes good,” he says. “Tastes like you.”
He gently places the hammer down onto your torso, the heavy head on your belly and the smooth metal shaft pointing toward your face. Without waiting you open your mouth and close your eyes, stretching your lips around the smooth metal handle. It’s a bit awkward like this, bobbing your head while you clean the long streaks of slick off the beskar, but he loves it in a way he can’t really explain. 
Once he’s satisfied, he pulls the shaft out of your mouth with a wet pop. Then he deftly turns it around, holding the head just above your lips. Locking eyes with the horizontal bar of his visor, you let your tongue dart out, tracing along the gleaming metal surface. His other hand tightens at your waist.
“I have something else for your mouth, if you’d like,” he murmurs.
You nod once at him, and he offers his hand, pulling you up into a sitting position. Sadet helps you down and you lower yourself onto your knees as you take in the sight of his marvelous cock: thick, long, uncut, and curving slightly up and to the left. Parting your lips, you bob your head, taking him a little further each time. He doesn’t move as you take him in until he brushes up against the back of your throat.
One hand rises to cup his balls – heavy and covered in a fine thatch of curling hair – while the other rests on his thigh to brace yourself. Peeking up at him from under your lashes, you let him sit in your mouth, tasting yourself and the faint bitterness of his cum. Sadet rolls his hips, giving you a few moments to settle in before setting a brisk pace. His fingers dig into your scalp as he tugs on your hair, guiding you on his length, not speaking a word as he simply watches his cock disappear into your mouth.
You sort of give up on controlling the pace then and go slack in his grip, yielding to him entirely. Your jaw starts to ache rapidly, but you keep your eyes on his visor, knowing that your glazed over eyes drive him wild. You can taste hints of bitterness as his precum spreads across your tongue, his pace growing faster and rougher as he chases completion inside your hot, wet mouth. His other hand curls around the back of your head and you know he is getting close to the edge.
“Wanna hear you gag,” he whispers, and you squeeze his thigh it’s okay you tell him with your hand.
Your jaw burns now but you don’t want to tap out, you don’t want to stop, not while he’s so close. Your cunt clenches around nothing, painfully empty after his cock and hammer, aching desperately for him to finish inside you and coat your insides with his seed. As he hits the back of your throat, you gag a bit, and he groans in response. Tears stream down your cheeks as he continues. You can hear the harsh pants from his modulator and thank the gods you think to yourself – you’re not sure how much more your mouth can take right now.
Sadet pulls his cock free and strokes himself to completion on your face. Thick ropey splatters of cum coat your skin and fill your mouth, spilling down onto your breasts as he groans, a growling noise from deep in his chest. He holds you there, his body hunched forward as he pulses the last few drops onto your chest.
With his index finger, he wipes up a bit of cum clinging to the head of his cock. He tilts your head back and wipes It onto your lower lip. You dart your tongue out to lick up the mess, listening as his breath hitches. When he lets go of your hair, you sink onto the ground, body aching and trembling from exhaustion. As goosebumps prickle across your arms, you realize you’re also trembling from how cool it is over here in this corner. He brushes his thumb against your cheek.
“Stay there,” he says quietly and you nod. 
You’re not sure you’d be able to move even if you wanted to right now. As Sadet goes to the hook on the wall, you use the remains of your shirt to wipe the mess of your face. He takes down his luxuriously soft fur cape. Instead of wrapping it around you, he spreads it onto the ground next to the Forge and returns to your side. As you get to your feet, he wraps a calloused hand around your elbow and helps you up, guiding you over to his cape. Along the way, you shed the remains of your top and bra.
Sadet joins you on the cape, taking his helmet off last, and setting it down on the floor next to you. Dry heat pours out of the exchange vents, sending another prickle across your skin as he settles between your thighs. His eyes drift shut and you know he’s stopping to enjoy the heat. During the summer, he always pauses when taking that first step outdoors, taking just a moment to tilt his face toward the sun to bask in the harsh light. He opens his eyes and you smile up at him, squeezing your knees around his hips as he settles across your body. 
He guides himself inside, pushing in with short, gentle thrusts, sliding in until your bodies meet. Meeting your eyes, he starts a slow, deep pace, hitting every single one of the needy spots inside you that scream for friction. As you trail your hands up his arms and shoulders, fingers cataloguing the knots in his muscles, you sigh with pleasure. You luxuriate in the deliciously soft fur underneath you and the sweat-slick glide of his body above yours, his weight heavy and comforting at the same time. He takes it slow, trying to be considerate of you, considering everything he’s done to you in the past half-hour. 
Digging your nails into his back, you feel the thick corded muscle jumping under your fingers, sighing with pleasure. You can’t hold back your inhalation when his lips – soft and slightly chapped – meet your collar bone as he kisses you for the first time. He starts to pull away but you wrap your arms around his neck, pleading with him silently to keep going. And he does, pressing one light kiss to your shoulder after another, trailing his way to your neck. When he bites down, you moan wantonly, cunt and legs tightening around him. Your reaction seems to encourage him and he keeps going, each kiss sending a dizzying arc of pure lightning shooting through your entire body.
By the time he makes it to your jaw, you’re shaking, on the verge of coming, your head swimming dizzyingly from the sheer pleasure of his lips against your skin. His next kiss lands right next to your lips and you desperately want to turn your head to meet his lips but you know it’s not his thing so you let him decide what happens next. He hovers for just a moment as you watch him with half-closed eyes, your pupils surely blown wide open from arousal, and he leans in, his breath fanning across your cheeks. 
That’s enough to send you right over the edge and as your back arches, Sadet kisses you on the lips, swallowing your cry of pleasure. He thrusts a few more times, tongue tracing the seam of your lips before you remember to kiss him back. Your hand curls around the back of his head and pulls him in close as you deepen it, mouths open and his tongue hesitant against yours. He thrusts shallowly a few times before drawing to a halt, his lips never leaving yours as he continues the kiss.
He draws back after several more toe-curling kisses and you unlace your legs from around his waist, dropping your feet onto his calves. When he hisses and jerks forward, thrusting his half-hard cock into you, you give him an apologetic grin and remove your feet to the cape underneath your entwined bodies. When the two of you have regained your faculties, he pulls out, and sits back on his heels as you rest your hands on your belly.
He tilts his head slightly as he offers his hand. Once again, he pulls you up. You take in your ruined garments with a wry look on your face.
“I’m going to have to go back to my room in your clothes again,” you quip at him.
“Who said anything about you leaving?” he asks.
Your mouth drops open in a little ‘o’ of surprise, your eyes jumping up to meet his. After all this how can he still want more? He laughs at you as he picks up his helmet and hammer.
“I haven’t gotten to test your knowledge of different fuel sources yet,” he explains. “We have all night, sweet girl. There’s plenty of time for me to breed you.”
With that he marches you toward his sumptuous bedroom.
[1] Traditional blacksmithing has seven basic techniques used, but can be divided into four rough categories: forging, welding, heat-treating, and finishing.
Tailor: would 100% let Sadet smash
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Figure 1: Meme showing the subject’s thoughts on Sadet the Armorer from the Samaki Tribe. The strong language in this image – “In conclusion, I’m a slut for Sadet” –  indicates the subject is willing and able to permit Smashing to occur.
Maggie: Yes
Kata: Yes
Izzy: Yes
To come to an accurate conclusion, the experiment would need a bigger sample size. However, based on preliminary results, it can be concluded that Sadet is 100% Smashable.
The “You Enabled This” Tag List:
@hdlynn​ @magsgotswags​ @thecautiousengineer​ @maybege​ @nelba​
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rose-wine-selfships · 4 years
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Kanji: 栗主帝納 阿美礼
Romaji: Kurisutiina Abira
Also known as: Counselor-san (Atsushi)
The ADAs Sweetheart (general)
The Golden Siren (BEAST Novel)
Personal information
Birthday: August 9 (Leo)
Age: 21 (first appearance)
25 (currently)
Gender: Demi-female
Height: 157 cm
Weight: 73 kg
Blood Type: AB
Likes: Drawing, music, cooking, belly dancing, helping others
Dislikes: Insects, her past, lying, her loved ones fighting,
Professional Information
Status: Alive
Ability: Corazón de Oro/Heart of Gold
Occupation: Counselor
House worker (formerly)
Affiliation: Armed Detective Agency
The Guild (formerly)
Manga Debut: Chapter 5
Anime Debut: Episode 2
Christina has fair skin, long curly dark brown hair, and a short height with a voluptuous build. She wears dark red half moon glasses to cover her freckles upon her nose as well as her eyes. She wears a minimal amount of makeup given she has a fair portion of natural beauty, so she feels no need to hide her best features. She wears pink eyeshadow, mascara and eyeliner, and a dark pink lipstick. Her outfit mainly consists of a beige sweater with an pink undershirt, short white gloves, and purple knee length skirt. She wears a pink scarf, ruby stud earrings, a pink headband with a flower on top, and light pink kitten heels with bows and puffy lace on the back.
When she partially uses her ability, her arms transfigure to shiny gold limbs sharpened into two long spiky blades. In full transformation, she has a golden android appearance, dark golden eyes, a cold metal body, and molten lava-like hair that’s extremely hot to the touch.
Kind, cheerful, and one of the most sociable people in the Armed Detective Agency, Christina is happy to welcome people from different backgrounds and adventure with it. Though she is affable and sweet, she can at times, be a little overdramatic and sensitive over things that shouldn’t really matter. She can also be aggressive and stubborn when people push her patience beyond her limit. However, her heart is always in the right place. Born with a literal heart of gold, it always helps her give her best advice and charity to people who need it the most. Hence why she is nicknamed,”The ADA’s Sweetheart”.
She also has self doubt, anxiety, and has a tendency to be too blunt at times. When people do call her out on it, Christina always does her best to try and improve her flaws. She’s very open to constructive criticism and requires it for her job. She is very expressive and open with her emotions, however, she is extremely private when it comes to her past. She will refuse to open up because she is so ashamed of it. Despite her warm personality, she can become easily shy in certain situations.
She gets easily flustered and awkward when forced to lie, gets genuinely complimented, or has a crush on someone. Also, as much as she loves people, she will get mildly claustrophobic around dense crowds and gets panic attacks in the middle of it. Her anxiety is usually triggered from heated arguments, small enclosed spaces, or extreme trauma. She loves anything related to the arts, cooking, music, and cats.
Ability: Corazón de Oro/ Heart of Gold
Christina’s ability allows her shapeshift into various precious metals, mainly gold, making various armor and weapon constructs out of her own body. Her full metal body can also absorb and reflect weaponized blows and conduct electricity under extreme weather conditions, such as violent thunderstorms.
Weapon Constructs- Christina has the ability to change and create her limbs (arms and legs) into tools, objects, weapons, armor, and barriers of varying permanence. She can create any item she imagines and have it put to use immediately.
Currency generation- The ability to generate monetary currency of any kind. She can create any form of currency into existence, ranging from coins, metals, jewels, and notes from any country in the world. This easily makes her the richest ability user in the world, but it comes with a terrible price. It must come out of her body by cutting her veins open. For example, if Christina is to make a few bronze coins, she must make a small (uncomfortable) cut in her palm to generate those coins. If she is to generate a large sum of money, she must bleed it out profusely to make the amount before fainting of blood loss. Making her ability an almost,”Blood money” creation.
Gold Mimicry-She can transform her physical body entirely out of gold. Her full form is highly identical to her original form, aside from being naturally made out of gold; which it still contains her vital organs and can be somewhat vulnerable to attack. Her gold form is malleable, ductile, resistant to corrosion and most other chemical reactions.
Fire hair-Christina has the power to have hair with flaming/volcanic properties. She can control whether she wants her hair to move or not. It’s extremely hot to the touch (and can also be a useful place to roast marshmallows).
Electric Conductivity- She has the ability to conduct electricity. Her ability can conduct electricity through her body, created or not, making her completely immune to electric attacks, no matter the voltage. Christina can also discharge electricity through conductive media (metal, water, etc.).
Weaknesses: Wind and water.
While Christina can resist most forms of corrosion, her form can be extremely susceptible to these elements if left for too long. Her insides will rust and get metal poisoning if she’s left untreated for long periods of time.
Full golden form: Original image can be found here
She is the reason why Fitzgerald rose to power in The Guild. After finding out what Christina’s ability could do, he manipulated her into staying in the organization for years when she was at an extremely low point in her teenage years. Kidnapped against her will and having little contact with her family provided the perfect opportunity to drain her almost of her life essence in his pursuit of wealth. She escaped The Guild at age 19, and laid low for a while before applying for the Armed Detective Agency and worked there for 2 years.
She believes her greatest weakness is giving in to what people think of her and not really speaking up for her wants and needs.
Christina is a Chicana, and is of Mexican-American descent.
She was diagnosed as neurodivergent from an early age, having both Atypical Autism and Attention Deficit Disorder as a little girl.
When she is anxious she will play with her hands or toy with a nearby object to stim. It is a method people with autism use to calm themselves down.
In her early years Christina actually skipped a school grade because of her great intelligence and hard work ethic.
According to her, she is an incredible researcher, and absolutely loves looking up information for hours if she’s interested in the subject enough. In less than an hour, she can recite every single facet of a topic without hesitation.
Her motto is,”Whatever you go through, I’ll stand by you”.
Her ideal type is a shy and kind person.
Her favorite spot in Yokohama is the pier overlook. She loves to come there to relax and look at the sunset.
She enjoys tapping in to her inner feminine and sensual side by belly dancing.
She mainly spends her free time visiting Café Uzumaki and singing opera on open mic nights. Christina claims she is very proud of her strong soprano voice.
She is an avid fan of cats big and small. But her favorite cat is a tiger, and is quite fond of the Toyger cat breed because it looks like a mini tiger to her.
She is NOT a morning person, and will become almost “zombie-like” until she gets her coffee order ahead of time.
Thank you for looking at this!~🌹🍷✨
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purplepizzaandjam · 4 years
HD lace is a new lace material
HD lace is a new lace material that is much more light, soft and delicate and appears far more transparent than typical lace, which can melt into our skin far more completely custom hair extensions, which tends to make the hairline more invisible.Kbeth Hair Bought HD Swiss Lace from Switzerland then produced Hair closure. This lace is genuinely thin and delicate and this specific fabric frays at the end of the frontal or closure. Our lace front wigs and full lace wigs are produced of pure human hair. An HD lace frontal, also recognized as an HD illusion lace frontal and averages a measurement of 13 x four generally spans from ear to ear. Due to the extremely transparent lace utilized in the building of HD merchandise, clientele desiring exposed hairline styles (ponytails, slicked back looks, up dos and so forth.) can rock their look understanding their hair is the center of attention not their lace. For women who may possibly endure from a lack of edges or a receding hairline, lace frontals supply for a natural hairline where a single does not currently exist. As we can see in the image attached below, the HD lace (Swiss lace) is a lot more see-by way of than normal lace, which can much better melt into the scalp, and make the hairline appear much more organic and much less visible. 
Our wigs final up to two years with suitable care and upkeep. If you are new to lace frontals or closures or an specialist who has been doing it for years, you should take advantage of the perks an expert can bring to the table in generating a appear that is jaw-dropping or awe-inspiring. Let alone, the lace on the closure has excellent thinness and comparable color to your scalp. HD lace actually is Swiss lace, it really is thinner, so it really is not as robust as the Korean lace. The only disadvantage of the HD lace is so fine so customers ought to take care of it very carefully. As our HD frontals are transparent we suggest tinting the lace if necessary to your colour for a flawless finish. A lot like your standard lace closure and lace frontal, you want to take care of this hair. Our HD illusion lace frontal's are produced from the thinnest lace to let you to obtain the most seamless look. If you are a wearer of a lace front, you could be fond of HD lace front wigs (with 13×6 inch base, etc.). It is partly simply because this sort is see-via. 13x6 lace frontals offer you bigger parting space locations for a more organic and versatile illusion. Let alone, HD illusion lace frontal or so has a decent durability. HD lace is a type of thinner swiss lace. The very best human hair wigs mostly consist of four sorts, lace front wig , complete lace wig , 360 lace frontal wig, and U-Portion lace wig. 3. Arrival time: Usually free shipping order will be posted by DHL FedEx TNT and UPS, usually item will anive in two-five functioning days right after being posted. Please note the Transparent 360 Lace product is custom made which could cause order delays of up to four days.
You don't have to be concerned as a lot about achieving the excellent blend as with other lace front and closure products. HBK HD frontals are extremely thin and ought to be treated delicately to avert them from either ripping or making holes in the lace. For positive, the crucial concerns are, what is it?”, what tends to make it different?”, how about its wigs?”, what about its price”, and exactly where to buy this lace?”. Swiss lace is more frequently used for transparent lace extensions. On the basis of a professional sale group and factory, we offer higher good quality products and considerate service. For the cons, regular types do not give as good ventilation as HD laces. 6. The transparent base of the swiss lace can be bleached according to your skin tone to look seamless although you happen to be wearing it. Each the Brazilian transparent lace frontal wig and the HD lace human hair wig can develop an invisible and organic hairline. So the expense of an HD lace human hair wig is considerably higher than a transparent lace closure wig. Are you questioning which is far better HD full lace wigs , and so forth. This guarantees that the wig-wearer can have an exposed hairline, which looks quite all-natural and renders the lace along the hairline highly undetectable. We have obtainable various various texture and do custom orders are all-natural can be colored dyed or bleached and final extended up to lengthy time. Custom DD wigs will take something between 5-15 organization days to generate and dispatch. could use gel or spray styling goods to keep the hair style. HD lace frontal will be a very good remedy for all women's hairdo difficulty. A: hairs are one hundred% human virgin hair and all our organic colour hair can be dyed or bleached to #27,we do recommend getting a specialist opinion by an skilled a common rule it is easier to darken the hair than to lighter the hair. 
If you would like to buy this new closure, you can click right here to get it. The lace is transparent and can help to create an superb and organic hairline. It is thinner, and entirely melts into the scalp which tends to make the lace look the very same as the scalp, and the hairline less visible due to the lighter and softer lake, the HD invisible lace frontal practically trigger no itchy or irritated really feel. Custom handmade wigs utilizing our HD lace frontals. Brazilian virgin hair Comb the hair from time to time. Right here is a picture showing the distinction in between the 13x6 transparent lace front wig and the 13x4 medium brown lace front wig. Come to Dsoarhair, we would like to be your reliable vendor to resolve all of your troubles with the transparent lace wig. Also, the HD is the most sheer or transparent lace of all the lace closures. Several of you may possibly not know what is HD lace frontal and exactly where to get it. For that reason, nowadays, Layla Hair is glad to share with you the general info about invisible HD lace frontal and exactly where you can get a single for yourself. HD lace is a royal lace material which employed to be called Swiss lace,and transparent lace is the regular lace with transparent color. HD lace frontal vendor,hd lace frontal vendors,hd lace frontals wholesale,hd lace frontal wig,hd illusion lace frontal,hd transparent lace,hd lace wigs wholesale,hd lace front wigs,hd illusion frontals. It is utilized for high-end frontals, closures, and wigs. Our HD film lace frontals and closures are slightly thinner than standard Swiss Lace. 1. The swiss lace is more natural than any other wig base that is available in the shops as properly as online. Transparent lace closures are comprised of really thin material and are also see-by way of.” This certain quality aids in assisting also to create a organic-hunting scalp and give the illusion that this hair is increasing from your follicles. Incorporated in the year 2005, (Punjab, India), we Single Donor Hair are a major Exporter, Trader and Supplier of a qualitative assortment of Human Hair, Curly Human Hair, Human Hair Weft, Machine Weft Hair, Virgin Hair, Indian Hair Weft, Remi Indian, Closures Hair (4x4 and 5x5 HD and swiss transparent lace),Frontal (13x4 and 13x6 Hd and swiss transparent lace) ,Full and fornt lace and so forth. In common, the prices of lace wigs have to do with their quality, usage, and durability. Nevertheless, I will go in much more depth as to why film lace hair extensions are the next big point in human hair accessories. HD lace is a royal lace material that utilised to be named Swiss lace, and which is invisible when applied to the scalp. If you are looking for organic-looking types in 2019, this will be the very best HD lace closures you need to try on.
Get into our HD Lace Frontals that will give you the most realistic hair lines with our ultra thin lace. But the transparent frontal lace wig belongs to the kind of Swiss lace, it is a kind of regular lace wig with transparent color lace. Our beginners wigs are created of one hundred% Remy Human hair (which means that the hair donor has had a chemical approach in the previous (ex. The lace is Very delicate so you can not pull or tug or constantly brush the hair on these HD Lace frontals. Frontal are accessible in lengths 16”, 18” or 22”and are a excellent size of 13”x4" Like all of our hair our closures are great for repeated. An HD lace closure, also identified as an HD illusion lace closure weave, they have distinct size:44,55,66 and 77. As for Hd transparent lace frontal, there are 134 and 136 transparent HD lace frontal. The Brazilian Body Wave Lace Frontal HD is soft, bouncy, and gorgeous. On a optimistic note, individuals cannot detect it, specially the transparent lace (the normal kind that is transparent in color) if you customize it correctly. Our one hundred% human hair wigs derive from the finest Mongolian hair and are developed by both machine and hand, as well as bleached and plucked at the hairline to make certain an extremely all-natural appear. We frequently advocate the transparent lace to girls with light skin tones, but lately we identified that the transparent color lace can melt into any skin tone right after we bleach the hair knots and glue down the hairline. This kind of transparent lace is created of Swiss lace or French lace, the transparent lace wig vendors normally use the Swiss lace more typically due to the fact the Swiss lace is softer and more ductile. These merchandise are highly admired due to their attributes such as organic look, lustrous shine, soft texture, tangle free and brilliant strand strength. Any chemicals or hair items that you use is out of our handle or any other person that locations it on the hair is out of our manage.
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Best Wood Router
A router is a hand device or energy device that routs (hollows out) an area in difficult material, together with wood or plastic. Routers are specifically utilized in woodworking, specifically cabinetry. Usually they are hand held or fastened, with the cutting come to be, in router tables.
The hand device form of router is the real shape. It is a specialized hand plane with a extensive base and a narrow blade that projects properly past its base plate (giving it the nickname antique girl's enamel). The electricity device form of router, with a spindle driven by way of an electric powered powered motor, is now the extra commonplace shape. The hand tool model is now regularly referred to as a router plane; for a few responsibilities, it although has some advantages over the electricity tool. Some employees preserve in mind the electrical router one of the maximum flexible woodworking energy equipment.[1] CNC wood routers put in force the advantages of Computer Numerical Control (CNC).  VIsit Here
Related to the router is a smaller, lighter version, designed specially for trimming laminates. It can be used for smaller popular routing artwork. For instance, with the ideal jig it can be used for recessing door hinges and recessing lock faceplates. Even rotary tools can be used as routers even as the right bits and add-ons (at the side of plastic router bases) are related.
Chip formation
Modern plunge router displaying dirt extraction tube Routing and milling are conceptually similar, and surrender mills may be utilized in routers, however routing wood isn't always like milling steel in terms of the mechanics. Chip formation is specific, so the maximum dependable tool geometry is one-of-a-kind. Routing is well applied to pretty susceptible and brittle materials, normally wooden. As the ones substances are inclined in small sections, routers can run at extremely immoderate speeds, so even a small router may also moreover reduce unexpectedly. Owing to inertia at the ones excessive speeds, the everyday timber cutting mechanism of Type I chips cannot take vicinity. The cutter facet angle is blunt, drawing near ninety°, and so a Type III chip bureaucracy, with waste fabric produced as first-rate dust. This dust is a breathing risk, even in benign materials. The forces closer to the cutter are light, so routers may be handheld.
When milling metals, the material is tremendously ductile, despite the fact that remaining sturdy even at a small scale. A Type II chip paperwork, and waste can be produced as non-forestall swarf. Cutter forces are high, so milling machines should be sturdy and rigid, commonly large systems of solid iron.
Intermediate substances, along side plastics and occasionally tender aluminium, can be reduce through way of both technique, although routing aluminium is usually more of an improvised expedient than a production process, and is noisy and hard on gear.
Makita laminate trimmer Routing is typically constrained to tender metals (aluminium and so on.) and rigid non-metals. Specially designed cutters are used for an expansion of styles, cuts, and edging. Both hand managed and system managed/aided routers are not unusual nowadays.
Workpiece geometry Routing is a shaping approach that produces finished edges and shapes. Some substances which might be tough to form with one-of-a-kind methods, which include fiber-glass, Kevlar, and graphite, can be fashioned and completed properly thru diverse routing strategies. Apart from finished edges and shaping, cutaways, holes, and capabilities also can be formed using routers.
The spindle router is positioned on the finer cease of the scale of labor completed by the usage of a moulding spindle. That is to say it can lessen grooves, facet moulding, and chamfer or radius the brink of a piece of timber. It is also feasible to apply it for cutting some joints. The form of cut that is created is decided by way of the scale and shape of the bit (cutter) held within the collet and the intensity via the depth adjustment of the best plate.
Variety of routers There are an expansion of router styles, a few are plunge, a few are D treated, some are double knob dealt with. Different manufacturers produce the routers for one-of-a-kind timber works, as Plunge Routers, Fixed Base Wood Routers, Combo Routers, Variable pace Routers, Laminate Trimmer, CNC Wood Routers.[citation needed] Nowadays, maximum higher exceptional routers have variable velocity controls and could have plunge bases that also may be locked in area so the router can also be used as a hard and fast base router.[citation needed] Some have a gentle-begin feature, which means that they build up velocity progressively. This function is specifically applicable for routers with a large cutter. Holding a 3 horse-strength router and turning it on without a gentle-start might be dangerous, due to the torque of the motor. Holding it with two palms is a ought to. For routers with a toggle kind on / off transfer it's far important to check to affirm the switch is within the off function, previous to plugging it in. For safety, large router cutters can generally only be utilized in a router that is installed in a router table, this makes the tool even greater versatile and stable.[citation needed]
The reason of multiple cope with preparations is relying at the bit, control is much less difficult with different configurations. For instance, when shaping the brink of a first-rate table top, many customers choose a D cope with, with variable pace, as it seems to permit better manage and burning the wood can be minimized.
Routers have many makes use of. With the help of the multitude of jigs and numerous bits, they're able to generating dovetails, mortises, and tenons, moldings of endless sorts, dados, rabbets/rebates, raised panel doorways and frames, reducing circles, and loads more.[citation needed]
Features of the present day spindle router
template manual bushing secured in the base around the router cutter The device usually includes a base housing a vertically installed ordinary electric motor with a collet on the give up of its shaft. The bit is peak-adjustable to allow protrusion thru an opening in a flat sole plate, normally via adjusting the motor-mounting peak (the mechanism of adjustment is widely numerous amongst manufacturers). Control of the router is derived from a deal with or knob on every issue of the tool, or thru the more currently evolved "D-cope with".
There are two wellknown types of router—plunge and glued. When using a plunge-base router, the best of the bottom is located on the face of the art work with the reducing bit raised above the artwork, then the motor is grew to come to be on and the cutter is reduced into the paintings. With a fixed-base router, the lessen depth is about in advance than the device is have become on. The sole plate is then each rested flat on the workpiece overhanging the edge just so the lowering bit isn't always contacting the paintings (after which getting into the artwork from the component as quickly because the motor is have become on), or the sole plate is positioned at an angle with the bit above the paintings and the bit is "rocked" over into the paintings as soon because the motor is grew to become on. In each case, the bit cuts its way in, however the plunge router does it in a greater sensitive way, even though the bit used want to be formed so it bores into the timber while reduced.
The baseplate (sole plate) is normally spherical (though this, too, varies with the resource of individual models) and can be used along with a fence attached to the bottom, which then braces the router towards the edge of the artwork, or thru a straight-element clamped across the work to achieve a at once reduce. Other manner of guiding the gadget encompass the template manual bushing secured inside the base around the router cutter, or router cutters with integrated manual bearings. Both of those run closer to a right away facet or original template. Without this, the various reaction of the wood against the torque of the tool makes it no longer viable to govern with the precision generally required.
Table mounted router
View under a router table displaying plunge router attached. A router can be established upside down in a router table or bench. The router's base plate is installation to the bottom of the table, with a hole allowing the bit to protrude above the desk pinnacle. This allows the paintings to be passed over the router, instead of passing the router over the paintings. This has blessings even as jogging with smaller objects and makes some router operations more secure to execute. A router desk can be equipped with a fence, fingerboards and other paintings-guiding accessories to make the operation more secure and further correct.
A easy router desk includes a inflexible pinnacle with the router bolted or screwed immediately to the lowest. More complex answers may be advanced to allow the router to be without difficulty eliminated from the desk in addition to facilitate adjusting the router's bit height using a boost mechanism; there's a sizable range of commercially to be had systems.
In this mode, the router can carry out obligations similar to a spindle moulder. For smaller, lighter jobs, the router used in this way can be extra convenient than the spindle moulder, with the venture of set up being without a doubt quicker. There is likewise a much wider range of bit profiles available for the router, no matter the fact that the size is constrained.
The router desk is normally orientated just so the router bit is vertical and the table over which the work is exceeded is horizontal. Variations on this encompass the horizontal router desk, in which the table stays horizontal but the router is set up vertically above the desk, in order that the router bit cuts from the aspect. This alternative is for side operations, which consist of panel raising and slot cutting.
Profiles made in timber with the aid of several common router bits.
Two typical router bits: (pinnacle) a ¼-inch shaft Roman Ogee with bearing, (backside) 1/4-inch shaft dovetail bit. Router bits are available hundreds of types to create either decorative results or joinery aids. Generally, they're categorized as both excessive-speed steel (HSS) or carbide-tipped, but a few recent innovations consisting of solid carbide bits offer even extra range for specialized duties.
Aside from the materials they're manufactured from, bits can be labeled as part bits or non-component bits, and whether or not or now not the bit is designed to be anti-kickback. Edge bits have a small wheel bearing to act as a fence against the work in making aspect moldings. These bearings may be changed via using using commercially to be had bearing kits. Changing the bearing, in effect, adjustments the diameter of the lowering place. This is particularly vital with rabbeting/rebating bits. Non-facet bits require using a fence, either on a router desk or attached to the work or router. Anti-kickback bits rent delivered non-reducing bit material across the circumference of the bit's shoulders which serves to restrict feed-rate. This reduces the threat that the workpiece is driven too deeply into the bit (that may result in first rate kickback from the reducing issue being unable to compensate).
Bits additionally range via way of the diameter in their shank, with ½ inch, 12mm, 10mm, ⅜ inch, 8mm and ¼ inch and 6mm shanks (ordered from thickest to thinnest) being the most commonplace. Half-inch bits cost greater however, being stiffer, are a whole lot less at risk of vibration (giving smoother cuts) and are much less probable to interrupt than the smaller sizes. Care need to be taken to ensure the bit shank and router collet sizes match exactly. Failure to do so can motive permanent damage to either or each and might lead to the damaging state of affairs of the bit popping out of the collet for the duration of operation. Many routers encompass removable collets for the well-known shank sizes (within the USA ½-in and ¼-in, in Great Britain ½-in, 8mm and ¼-in, and metric sizes in Europe—no matter the truth that within the United States the ⅜-in and 8mm sizes are regularly most effective available for extra value).
Many cutting-edge routers allow the speed of the bit's rotation to be various. A slower rotation lets in bits of big decreasing diameter for use efficaciously. Typical speeds variety from 8,000 to 30,000 rpm.
Router bits can be made to in shape nearly any possible profile. Custom router bits may be ordered. They are mainly useful for domestic restoration initiatives, in which manufacturing of the specific trim and molding has been discontinued.
Sometimes complementary bits are to be had in devices designed to facilitate the joinery used in body and panel production. One bit is designed to reduce the grove inside the rail and stile quantities at the same time as the other shape the edge of the panel to in form inside the grove.
CNC router
A CNC timber router is a pc controlled device to which the router or spindle mounts. The CNC Machine may be both a transferring gantry fashion, wherein the desk is constant and the router spindle movements over it, or consistent bridge design, in which the desk movements under the router spindle, or hand-held style, in which the operator movements the system to the location to be reduce and the device controls the superb adjustments. CAD/CAM software programming is used to model the component this is to be created in the computer after which create a device direction for the device to comply with to reduce out the part. The CNC moves alongside three axes (X-Y-Z). Most CNC routers have a 3 motor power machine the use of either servo or stepper automobiles. More advanced routers use a four motor gadget for added velocity and accuracy.
Similar tools A tool just like a router, however designed to maintain smaller reducing bits—thereby making it less difficult to deal with for small jobs—is a laminate trimmer.
A related device, referred to as a spindle moulder (UK) or shaper (North America), is used to maintain larger cutter heads and may be used for deeper or large-diameter cuts. Another related device is the pin router, a bigger static version of the hand electric powered powered router but typically with a far extra effective motor and exclusive abilities which includes automatic template copying.
Some profile cutters use a decreasing head reminiscent of a spindle router. These want to now not be stressed with profile cutters used for metallic plate which use a flame because the slicing technique.
We wish this may clear your visions approximately wood routers work, to buy the quality one please visit at: https://bestwoodrouter.Stay/
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westkisswigs · 4 years
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