evangelinesbible · 1 year
I’m writing this before I hit 3,000 followers. Which is getting close and I’m very thankful but I have to be honest with you all. I’m not happy with what I do on here or in life in general.
I would like to think that majority of you care specifically about me or what I have to say/create but it’s quite literally the opposite. Unless it’s astrology majority of you don’t really care. Which is completely fair. I understand you followed me for astrology but I just don’t think I’m interested in posting about it anymore. And I’m not very interested in the community anymore. I would like an audience and a community that cares more about me and the stuff I actually want to create. I don’t care how selfish that sounds, it’s what I want.
Anyone who’s been paying attention can see that my true passion belongs to the entertainment side of things. And it’s harder to build an audience when what you’re offering is yourself. I’ve enjoyed being faceless and under a fake- ish name but now I’m no longer that, which means a new chapter for me. I’ve had this account for almost a year now and I’m extremely unhappy in life. I used to come here to escape but it doesn’t work for me anymore. Posting feels more like a chore instead of what I used to enjoy. Especially when I know that some of you mostly only care about astrology stuff and not who’s making the post for you.
So yeah, I’m quitting this side of tumblr. I won’t be deleting this account but don’t expect anything new from me after My Astrological Beauty post once I hit 3,000. I’m not particularly happy to do this but I know I need to. It’s a distraction that’s lasted too long. I’m so unhappy, dissatisfied and on the verge of breakdowns everyday it’s not even funny anymore and it’s sad is that nobody could really tell. I have a lot to process and to plan but I know eliminating what doesn’t fulfill me anymore is a good start.
So sorry to those expecting more from me here but Evangelinesbible is no longer interested in this chapter in her life. It’s your choice if you want to stay on this chapter or move on with Sydney Mykah instead. But know I’ll never forget who was supporting me from the very beginning.💋
- ⚜️💫⚜️
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sunkissedchld · 4 months
𝐀𝐩𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
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observations are mostly based on charts shared in @d4rkpluto’s astrotumblr yearbook discord! thank you to the following people for sharing their charts:
@starsworldd @evangelinesbible @saturnianprincess @saintfool @modellemode @icanseethefuture333 @ibecookin
disclaimer: i interpret charts in whole sign
asteriod aphrodite is code 1388
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⟡ aries sun could make you relatively confindent in their looks; you could be very passionate and/or dominant in relationships or want to lead your partner in some way
✦  in the 3H could make you quick-witted or smart mouthed
⟡ aries saturn could cause you to be hyper independent therefore causing potential partners to feel unwanted
⟡ taurus moons could enjoy being spoiled/pampered while in relationships; acts of service and gift giving could be your love language
⟡ gemini venus could be attracted to those who are witty, educated/logical, and/or like to debate. you could also like people who are a little unserious and those with large friend groups
⟡ for gemini mars, arms/hands can be turn ons. you could be a friendly flirt; not necessarily open to making the first move; could enjoy a cat and mouse game or playing hard to get
⟡ gemini saturn could have issues with communication in relationships - being "too" open or not open enough and/or not taking your partner seriously during times where you need to
✦  in retrograde, you could think too much about your own or your partners actions in the relationship; you could talk yourself into a bad mood which could carry over into the relationship causing insecurities and/or jealousy
⟡ gemini risings could be seen as friendly, approachable, and smart upon first impression; people could be drawn to your eyes and smile; people could also enjoy hearing you speak
⟡ cancer saturns could possibly be manipulative in relationships (if underdeveloped); you could put more into relationships than you get out of them or not put in enough effort; you could be overly attatched to your partner
⟡ leo/aquarius risings/venuses could have the most unique styles fashion wise
✦ for leos, people could try to imitate your style. for aquariuses, you might have your own sub-genre or self-described sense of style that is unique to you
⟡ leo jupiters could gain fame, confidence, and/or attention from their relationships
✦ heavier emphasis or likelihood if you also have leo degrees
⟡ leo saturns could have issues with confidence and/or receiving attention while in a relationship; you could want too many affirmations or never accept them when they're given
⟡ leo venuses/mars could be attracted to those who are confident and/or famous or well-known; also possibly attracted to people who are creative and playful; a partner's back and/or hair could be a turn-on
⟡ virgo venuses/mars could be attracted to those who are healthy and/or biological displays of health; a partner's stomach or abs could be a turn on; you could prefer when sex is semi-planned and/or could be prone to overextending yourself during sex; you could prefer being a giver rather than a receiver
✦ conversely, i think taurus venuses/mars would be more receivers than givers
⟡ virgo suns could be seen as "traditional beauties"; you could also be drawn to traditional relationships/relationship dynamics
✦ these ideas of "tradition" would be based on where you are from/your societal norms; there is no one, unified "tradition"
⟡ libra risings could have facial features that are proportionate to your own face; possibly described as ingeniune/gamine type; skin could often be clear or seen as nice
⟡ those with libra mars could see your partner's skin/hips/butt/lower back as turn ons and/or their partner touching those areas of your body could turn them on; you could be attracted to those who are charming and considerate; you could like it when you're "wined and dined" so to speak
⟡ scorpio suns could have an alluring/intense look; your eyes and/or sexual organs could could be seen as attractive; you could want intensity when it comes to romance and sex; you could be into "taboo" relationships; you could possibly be possessive or prone to jealousy in relationships
⟡ scorpio venuses could be attracted to those who are protective over them; major cravings for intamacy and closeness while in a relationship; "i want to be inside of you"
✦ in retrograde, achieving these wants in a relationship could soothe your personal emotions and repair your own emotional needs
⟡ scorpio jupiters could have their sex life increased while in a relationships; possibility of going through more transformations (especially intense ones) while in relationships; possibly being more secretive
⟡ scorpio risings could have an intense gaze; your beauty could be intimidating to some people, but you still manage to draw people in to being fascinated by you
⟡ capricorn chiron/liliths could detest being in "traditional" relationships or being expected to follow through with "traditional" relationship dynamics; could have a want for a little bit of instability
⟡ capricorn moons could value stability and successes in relationships; anniversaries and planned dates could bring you comfort
⟡ capricorn mars could be attracted to those who are older and/or more mature; people with strong bone structures/hair could be turn-ons; could also be attracted to people who are cautious and/or "traditional"
⟡ aquarius risings make you an eccentric beauty; smile and/or calves could be an attractive point; you could be ahead of fashion trends
⟡ aquarius chiron/liliths could worry about your relationships being seen as odd or "taboo"
⟡ those with sun conjunct mercury could entice people with your voice or way of speaking; you could be known as a sweet talker
⟡ those with a fifth house stellium could be very fertile
✦ having many trines to jupiter could also be an indicator
⟡ 12H junos could find that marriage transforms them (ie. in capricorn, you could go from being someone who is always wanting to go places or never wanting to settle down to maturing and finally doing so)
⟡ 8H jupiters could gain money from shared resources in relationships; could also have hyper active sex lives
⟡ 3H moons could have words of affirmation be your love language
⟡ those with their ascendant at 5º could have people who are very sexually attracted to you; you could always gain attention even if you don't always want or notice it
⟡ 6H moons could value acts of service as your love language
✦ even more so if it's also cancer moon
⟡ 11H jupiters could find your friend group grows when getting into relationships
⟡ 1H junos could find that marriage changes people's perception of you; you could also gain/lose weight while in relationships (ie. libra ascendants would likely gain weight; be seen as more playful and/or charming)
⟡ 5H junos could find marriage makes you more creative; children could be a focal point of the marriage; marriage could also cause you to be more intune with your inner child
⟡ 4H moons may find that emotional connections in relationships bring you comfort; touch could be your love language
⟡ 12H moons could long for being in long-term relationships; there could be a want for a "soulmate" or "other half"
⟡ 2H moons could have gift giving as your love language; doing daily routines with your partner could bring you comfort
⟡ 2H jupiters could see an increase in their personal money/possessions while in relationships
⟡ 9H jupiters could gain more knowledge while in relationships; you could also travel more or have more experiences with things or people who are foreign to you
⟡ 11H moons could value time spent together ; thinking about the future and bringing together friend/family groups could bring you comfort while in relationships
⟡ 8H saturn/liliths could have an aversion to sharing resources in relationships; having a "what's mine is mine" mentality
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ρꪖᥴ (ρ𝓲ᥴ𝘬 ꪖ ᥴꪖ𝘳ᦔ) 𝘳ꫀꪖᦔ𝓲ꪀᧁ
ꪗꪮꪊ𝘳 ꪶ𝓲ᠻꫀ ꪖ𝘴 ꪖ ᥴꫀꪶꫀ᥇𝘳𝓲𝓽ꪗ
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Description: choose the pile that you feel most drawn to. It helps if you close your eyes and let your eyes guide you.
Warning ⚠️ ‼️: This is a general reading meaning it may not fully resonate with you as their are many energies engaging in a pile
Let me know your opinions in the comments
(Shoutout to them for making me think about doing this: @bitdemonic @evangelinesbible @allmyloveandyours
ᥴꫝꪮꪮ𝘴ꫀ ꪖ ρ𝓲ꪶꫀ:
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ρ𝓲ꪶꫀ 1 (𝘴ɀꪖ, ᦔꪮ𝓳ꪖ ᥴꪖ𝓽)
ꫝꪮ᭙ ρꫀꪮρꪶꫀ ᭙𝓲ꪶꪶ ꪜ𝓲ꫀ᭙ ꪗꪮꪊ
People will view you as a very hard worker. You may also just show up on random things that isn’t in you element for example if you are a singer you’ll be seen in a movie or if your an actor/actress you’ll start a music career. By in your element I don’t mean your bad at what isn’t your element I just mean that you’ll be seen in places that wasn’t what you were known for. You like to try new things out, because of that people think you have a tendency to take on more than what you can handle and over exert yourself, however once you start something you finish it but it can lead to long breaks. They feel as though you are very creative in your way of thinking and honestly this is giving trend setter. You create your own path in what you want to deliver to the world. You don’t just stick to one genre, it goes all over the place, you have quite the duality and you fulfill each and every one. You are known for being quite the happy person, you don’t like to show what you would consider to be a weakness so people would see you as a very happy and excited about life however you also have that elegance to you where it doesn’t come off as ditzy. You give off a sexy vibe effortlessly.
ꪗꪮꪊ𝘳 ᠻꪖꪀ𝘴
Okay let me tell you, your fans are VERY passionate about you and will go to war for you at any given moment because a lot of them are going to be younger. Your most influential fans are teens to young adults. They do get confused on the genre changes and all the other projects that you do however they are standing 10 rows down for you. Your fans are hilarious and are the type to make memes out of you so be prepared. Your fans have big pride in you and they probably have your face as their profile picture. They are DEVOTED on another level. Your fans are also very confident in themselves so it makes me think that you act as a bada$$ in shows or make bada$$ music. Don’t be surprised to see edits of yourself.
ꪑꪖꪶꫀ ᧁꪖɀꫀ ꪮ𝘳 ᠻꫀꪑꪖꪶꫀ ᧁꪖɀꫀ?
Male Gaze is very prominent here and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. You just exert the physical appearance that men/masculine people love. Your male fans are very funny and witty.
ᦔꪖ𝓽𝓲ꪀᧁ ꪶ𝓲ᠻꫀ
Let’s just say you are going to be VERY popular in terms of the dating life. I see that people overseas even find you very attractive. You’ll get lots of dating offers from rich people, athletes, other musicians etc you have lots of options to choose from. You’ll be very happy and content within your dating life and if your significant other messes up you can just go straight to the next. I’m seeing that you’ll probably be quite famous for going on to the next because it won’t be private considering your popularity. You’ll attract all genders. Just know that rich people will always try to look for an opportunity to make you theirs.
᭙ꫝꪖ𝓽 ꪗꪮꪊ ᭙ꪮꪊꪶᦔ ᥇ꫀ ᥴꪖꪀᥴꫀꪶꪶꫀᦔ ᠻꪮ𝘳
Remember when I said you guys would like to explore different things? Yeah… you may unknowingly do a project that has some horrible undertones to it that you may have not even knew about. Like working with/being friends with someone problematic or acting in something that would be considered problematic and things to that nature but I don’t feel like it would completely end your career.
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ρ𝓲ꪶꫀ 2 (ᧁ𝓲𝘳ꪶ 𝘳ꪖ𝓲𝘴𝓲ꪀᧁ ᠻ𝓲ꪀᧁꫀ𝘳)
ꫝꪮ᭙ ρꫀꪮρꪶꫀ ᭙𝓲ꪶꪶ ꪜ𝓲ꫀ᭙ ꪗꪮꪊ
I don’t know why this is giving me politician vibes but I feel they would view you as someone who speaks on their views like everyone and their mom will know how you feel about certain views you’ll be very vocal about it. (If you are a woman you may be the oldest girl in your family idk just kind of got that feeling to it) they feel as though you have a concept and you like to stick to it, it’s not that you don’t have duality you just prefer to stick to what you KNOW will be a success. You also give out a lot of content so your fans will be spoiled with pictures and videos of you. They view you as very creative and imaginative I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if you had your own sound and genre. You know what your fans want and you articulate that into your music/acting or any type of celebrity you want to be. You give off big sister/brother energy tbh just very reliable and people come to you with their problems. (You may have Pisces in your chart or a Neptune based chart) you only like when people see you succeed so a lot of the time your fans never see you in a bad light because you only give out positive energy. Very hardworking as well.
ꪗꪮꪊ𝘳 ᠻꪖꪀ𝘴
Your fans are… questionably intense they do not play about you whatsoever this is giving very much die hard fans however I’m getting that your fans have a reputation for saying and doing toxic stuff so your fans do give you a bad reputation in a sense. HUGE fan base however i feel like your art really touches the soul for most of these people. It’s giving heavy Aries energy and Leo actually just fire signs in general. Your fans are very independent people and you may preach individuality in your artistry. There is a good side to your fan base however is that they really can make change happen it’s honestly giving BTS Army and their popularity that is what is reminds me of. They are very territorial of you. Also a lot of your fans may be physically blessed look wise.
ꪑꪖꪶꫀ ᧁꪖɀꫀ ꪮ𝘳 ᠻꫀꪑꪖꪶꫀ ᧁꪖɀꫀ?
Both. You have the great ability to attract both gazes with your individuality and that is an extremely great attribute to have in the entertainment industry. You probably thought you would be the male gaze however your fan base is just strong and powerful and the power it has also consist of feminine power.
ᦔꪖ𝓽𝓲ꪀᧁ ꪶ𝓲ᠻꫀ
Emotionally unavailable is what this is giving. I don’t think you’ll be too wrapped up in the dating scene I feel like your artistry is much more important to you than dating or risking what you have. It’s not that you won’t have any options in fact you’ll have PLENTY but I feel like your just not interested in them because you have you walls up in terms of dating idk if you have been hurt in the past or you really just don’t care about relationships but yeah you want be wrapped up in the dating scene you’ll be the type to marry a fan and call it a day. I doubt you’ll have any relationships within the industry.
᭙ꫝꪖ𝓽 ꪗꪮꪊ ᭙ꪮꪊꪶᦔ ᥇ꫀ ᥴꪖꪀᥴꫀꪶꪶꫀᦔ ᠻꪮ𝘳
Your fans lmao. Like I said your fans are pretty ruthless like they might have a reputation of doxing people. You would probably have to control them or find a way to sub stain them because they will be your downfall if not. Every fan group has its bad eggs but your bad eggs are 60% of the fan base.
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ρ𝓲ꪶꫀ 3 (𝘴ꫝꪖᦔꪮ᭙ ᭙ꪮꪑꪖꪀ)
ꫝꪮ᭙ ρꫀꪮρꪶꫀ ᭙𝓲ꪶꪶ ꪜ𝓲ꫀ᭙ ꪗꪮꪊ
They view you as very introverted or just keep to yourself. You don’t really let other people in and you move in silence really well like you might randomly drop an album or something you’re included in on a random Tuesday afternoon with no pre warning. You’re perceived as more dark not in a bad way but like in a you might literally like to wear dark clothing or like to wear black. Your style in artistry may be on the more unique side. You probably won’t be very active on social media just very secretive. People view you as someone who can take a lot of shit. They actually believe you went through some hard stuff and tbh you might have. They feel as though you have a lot of disappointments within your artistry like you may like something one day and may not the other day kind of indecisive. They feel as though you are underrated and under appreciated. Your artistry is truly like no other and people don’t understand why you are not getting the attention you deserve.
ꪗꪮꪊ𝘳 ᠻꪖꪀ𝘴
I don’t feel like your fan base will be that big and tbh that can be a good thing especially when that entails paparazzi and stalkers. Although small it will be mighty. Your fans are very passionate about getting you and your art more recognition. They may reply or watch your art constantly to make you more money. They are very consistent but you may need to work on making your fans happy because they may feel like at times you don’t appreciate them because you don’t post regularly or you may forget that you are famous and just kind of neglect them so be careful with that. Unlike you these people are happy I feel like your fan base mostly consist of people who have that “I can fix them” mentality.
ꪑꪖꪶꫀ ᧁꪖɀꫀ ꪜ𝘴 ᠻꫀꪑꪖꪶꫀ ᧁꪖɀꫀ?
Both however the female gaze is a little more prominent here. About 30% male and 60% female gaze. There is something about you that entices feminine audiences. You may have a lot of people in the LGBT+ community or you yourself may be of the community but regardless both will be there.
ᦔꪖ𝓽𝓲ꪀᧁ ꪶ𝓲ᠻꫀ
Your dating life won’t be open to the public you keep that very private. However what’s interesting is I feel as though you might get into a relationship with another artist from the industry. You’ll just keep it very private and hidden and nobody will know about it. There is very few people that you are willing to open yourself up to and I feel as though it probably won’t go public until marriage. Very private can’t get much info.
᭙ꫝꪖ𝓽 ꪗꪮꪊ ᭙ꪮꪊꪶᦔ ᥇ꫀ ᥴꪖꪀᥴꫀꪶꪶꫀᦔ ᠻꪮ𝘳
Pissing people off within the industry. I feel like you don’t really like “fake” people and the industry is filled with them so you may have to resting bitch face and people won’t like it because they will feel as though you are disrespectful when in reality you just aren’t gonna fake smile for anyone if you don’t feel happy your not going to smile.
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ρ𝓲ꪶꫀ 4 (ꪀꫀᥴ𝘬ꪶ𝓲ꪀꫀ)
ꫝꪮ᭙ ρꫀꪮρꪶꫀ ᭙𝓲ꪶꪶ ꪜ𝓲ꫀ᭙ ꪗꪮꪊ
People view you as someone who had a bad past however you fixed yourself and your mentality. By bad past I mean like things relating to trauma so you may be open to telling your past or people just have that belief of you. Like to could concur anything if you tried. Very multi-talented. You don’t like sticking with one thing you like to experiment like pile 1 however unlike pile 1 you guys like to dabble in things but you will never go out of your comfort zone. You’re not impulsive and you always have a plan. You like things to go accordingly and you may have Virgo placements in your chart. They view you as someone who is very self aware and you know your limits and what you are good at. They feel your very empathic and considerate. You will always try to do your best to make life enjoyable for the next person. You will definitely spoil your fans with content. There will always be something new about you to watch. You also may think quick to responses which make you witty. However be careful not to seem too “fake” just be real and be you I feel like you want to known as perfect. You make people feel safe and protected especially your fans. It’s giving MOTHER.
ꪗꪮꪊ𝘳 ᠻꪖꪀ𝘴
Your fans will feel very connected and personal to you. It’s giving mother and child relationship like they take your advice with the most consideration out of everyone. Your fans are not a mess you have very coordinated fans like the type to organize a concert or organize a meet and greet for you. I feel like your fans will be majority of adults because there is a sense of maturity here and appreciation unlike any of the piles they really admire you but you need to be careful not to let this go to far because I’m seeing that it may go too far with a very small percentage they may try to imitate you. But for the most part your fans represent a part of you and you will NOT let them embarrass you. Neutral level of fame not too big and not too small.
ꪑꪖꪶꫀ ᧁꪖɀꫀ ꪜ𝘴 ᠻꫀꪑꪖꪶꫀ ᧁꪖɀꫀ?
You manage to not only capture both gazes but other gazes as well, literally everybody. Well not literally but your fan base is very diverse. A bit more on the male gaze about 55% while female is 45% very close nonetheless. You’re very physically attractive and your personality is very likable. You have the ability to adapt well to each personality.
ᦔꪖ𝓽𝓲ꪀᧁ ꪶ𝓲ᠻꫀ
Let’s just say there is never a dull moment in your romantic life that’s for sure. You will have many powerful suitors millionaires, Athletes, singers, just people who have lots of influence you catch their eyes. I’m seeing you’ll mostly date within the industry and you’ll probably go through consistent breakups as you want to find “the one” but you will find them eventually. They will be an artist like you or in that field.
᭙ꫝꪖ𝓽 ꪗꪮꪊ ᭙ꪮꪊꪶᦔ ᥇ꫀ ᥴꪖꪀᥴꫀꪶꪶꫀᦔ ᠻꪮ𝘳
You would probably cause drama due to relationships. Like you may have broken up with someone powerful and dated another powerful person and now they have beef and etc. just drama out of love and you’ll somehow get involved in the mix.
Thank you for reading let me know what you think in the comments, follow for more 💜
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There is just something about Vesta (4) & Hestia (46) prominent people in astrology (a theory)
By : Brielledoesastrology (tumblr)
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⚠️before this post start i just wanted to say that all of this is a theory, so i could be wrong. These are just observations from what i've seen when i do famous people charts and i saw some repeating patterns about it. And not gonna lie this is probably one of the most confusing posts I've ever made cuz I still have no answer to this too, that's why i hope other people have answers about this too.⚠️
asteroid Vesta code number : 4
asteroid Hestia code number : 46
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- Marie Antoinette has hestia conjunct her moon in aquarious in the 5th house
- Audrey Hepburn has vesta conjunct her mercury at taurus - gemini
- Madonna has hestia conjunct her midheaven in gemini
- Henry Cavil has hestia conjunct his venus and northnode in gemini
- Cillian Murphy has vesta conjunct his venus and mercury
- Marilyn Monroe has hestia conjunct her midheaven in taurus
- Pamela Anderson hestia conjunct her mercury in cancer and mercury also her chart ruler
Other people that i can't include in the pictures because tumblr didn't let me too 😭 :
- Eminem has hestia conjunct his sun in libra
- Cardi b has hestia conjunct her sun in libra
Some repeating patterns i saw :
- most of these people are considered as "sex symbols"
- some of them are authentic about what they do in their career
- some of them are like not afraid to be extremely honest or blunt
- not gonna lie most of these people are really extremely physically gorgeous
- some of them had really pleasant voices (ex : marilyn, audrey, cillian)
Is it me only or other people notice some repeating patterns too or does anyone have any answer to this?
Tagging some people too (it's ok if u don't have time to answer, it's not a must to answer this) : @zeldasnotes @d4rkpluto @a-d-nox @astrosky33 @notanastrologer @littledigest @evangelinesbible
Update ( i forgot to add abt the mythology of vesta/hestia too) :
Vesta, in Roman religion, goddess of the hearth, identified with the Greek Hestia. The lack of an easy source of fire in the early Roman community placed a special premium on the ever-burning hearth fire, both publicly and privately maintained; thus, from the earliest times Vesta was assured of a prominent place in both family and state worship. Her worship was observed in every household along with that of the Penates and the Lares, and her image was sometimes encountered in the household shrine.
Hestia, in Greek religion, goddess of the hearth, daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and one of the 12 Olympian deities. When the gods Apollo and Poseidon became suitors for her hand she swore to remain a maiden forever, whereupon Zeus, the king of the gods, bestowed upon her the honour of presiding over all sacrifices. She was worshipped chiefly as goddess of the family hearth; but, as the city union was only the family union on a large scale, she had also, at least in some states, a public cult at the civic hearth in the prytaneion, or town hall. Hestia was closely connected with Zeus, god of the family in its external relation of hospitality and its internal unity. She was also associated with Hermes, the two representing domestic life on the one hand, and business and outdoor life on the other. In later philosophy Hestia became the hearth goddess of the universe.
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d4rkpluto · 1 year
ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘᴏꜱᴛ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴛᴡᴏ
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♇ i've been meaning to make this post the moment i reached 8,000+ and i have but im already more than halfway on my ride to 9,000+ and i wanted to make this post to thank the people who have been here since day one or the people who have been the most consistent!
♇ unfortunately, i cant @ everyone who's been here since day one or has been the most consistent so if you dont see yourself, dont fret and wonder if i havent see you, i probably forgot your username.
♇ names will be called out in chronological order + [do you think the name plutonic[s] is a good name to call the people who have been supporting you? i have no other idea for now].
⟶ @acmishere
⟶ @alizasastrodiary
⟶ @anushkawhatever
⟶ @ariesluvz
⟶ @ash07128
⟶ @astrologyartandcinema
⟶ @astrologanize
⟶ @auburnmoss
⟶ @ayypapiarmour
⟶ @azure-cherie
⟶ @blamemarsh
⟶ @bubbleinfuser1
⟶ @cactusion
⟶ @catscoffeeandkpop
⟶ @commeneige
⟶ @couerardent [even though she changes accounts all the time]
⟶ @deepmochi
⟶ @dark4ngel
⟶ @evangelinesbible
⟶ @femmoth
⟶ @fxiryheiize
⟶ @iams99
⟶ @ikigaicoeur
⟶ @improvingdaybydayy
⟶ @infipretty
⟶ @jadoremilfs
⟶ @jesterprince
⟶ @junswic
⟶ @kaza2001
⟶ @k2dom
⟶ @laistulip
⟶ @lavieenrosess
⟶ @leomoonastro
⟶ @luviesz
⟶ @moongoddess444
⟶ @m00n-child
⟶ @neptunianchild777
⟶ @pistoletrose
⟶ @pink1010
⟶ @rawizzie
⟶ @roughdarling
⟶ @rxd-iant
⟶ @spiritualitywithtally
⟶ @sunball
⟶ @viyarisemoon
⟶ @wyn8
⟶ @yourfavvasfrojunkie
⟶ @yurdreamgirlfriend
⟶ @111vicky
⟶ @4aems
paid chart readings here
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astroamorsworld · 2 years
how do you get into astrology? (books, websites blogs ect)
A lot of research online just because it’s easier to access and faster to access rather than books, but books are still helpful. I would go on TikTok and on YouTube. I would also go on here a lot and look at a lot of astrology accounts and I learnt a lot by doing that. Here’s a list of accounts on Tumblr I would recommend:
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gracefully33 · 10 months
Thank You!!
Honestly this is the most success I’ve ever experienced with social media. I have never gotten over 400 interactions on my posts and I’ve never grew this much on social media. Then I decided to look at my birth chart out of curiosity. I noticed I had my Virgo mercury at 29 degrees. Virgo represents being analytical and observing things. Mercury represents communication and types of communication styles. The 12H represents hidden things and more. My posts are all about observing and making astrology analysis. Also, I don’t show my identity on my page. I noticed that my Mercury conjuncts my Jupiter, mars, and sun which explains a lot. I started this account because I had a huge interest in astrology and because of @astrostell, @astrosky33, @evangelinesbible, @brielledoesastrology, and more. I am very grateful for the interactions and follwoes I have received THANK U!
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tania05 · 1 year
🪐My Solar Return Chart(2023)🪐
So I was looking at my SR chart (as one does) excited to see what it would bring…
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• Let’s get into it.(im not an expert and am using other tumblr posts and websites to help me dissect this chart which I will like at the end of the post guys.)
• So the first thing I see is my sun is in the 9th house. Makes sense because i’m starting college this year. So that was checked off. Then I look at my moon. Its in Sagittarius in the 3dd house which I found cool because My SUN is in GEMINI in the 9TH house OPPOSITE my MOON in SAGITTARIUS in the 3RD house. Two luminaries in opposite signs and houses and I know it makes sense because Gemini and Sagittarius are always gonna be opposite from each other but with my sun and moon and the houses…that’s awsome(i hope). I didn’t know what it meant so I searched it up. “Solar Return Sun opposition or square Solar Return Moon This influence could bring tension in your home which will disturb your tranquility during this period. Don't get too emotional about the problems you have, and try to analyze them more rationally. You could experience disagreements or tension in the relationship with your mother or other female relatives, and you may not always get your family's approval for what you do or say. You also could have some problems with your health because of your need for emotional balance. Watch out for nervous tension and eat a healthy diet. You could feel weaker and less effective than usual, and you may find yourself at odds with relatives who are difficult to get along with at this time. You could lose patience with people and if your work exposes you to the public, you should be careful to avoid unnecessary disagreements and misunderstandings, especially with women who won't tend to approve of your ideas. You will probably be dissatisfied with your daily routine and may even have the desire to change your residence. Already reading that, Im like
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•So I look at my Mercury and see it’s in Taurus Conjunct Uranus at the 0 orb. So im cool with it because natally, I have Mercury Square Uranus at 5° so im not really worried about the negative affects because I deal with it everyday but then I see it’s in the 8th house and also realize I have an 8th house stellium which is funny because last year’s SRC, I had an 8th house stellium and in my natal chart(if you use Placidus) I have an 8th house stellium too. Now I believe Merc-Uranus means that now the way I think will…not necessarily expand because I think that’s more of a Merc-Jupiter. I will be thinking in more unconventional ways in 8th house themes. Tbh, im mostly interested in the money aspect because in college, you need bank and seeing Jupiter in TAURUS in the 8th house is making me happy asf! Jupiter is also Conjunct my NN at 1 orb. NN represents what lessons I will learn this year.(side note, imma be referencing @evangelinesbible post a lot so maybe have it open on another tab.) I may learn about how to handle money this year and maybe even get an inheritance like (scholarships) and a lot about sex and intimacy which makes sense because im going to enter my 7th house profection year. With Jupiter Conj. NN, I may get a lot of scholarships and/or money and I may indulge in sex..a lot🧍🏾‍♀️ calm down kitty kat. My Part of Fortune Conj. Jupiter too🤑💵💸💸.
•My Venus. My lovely, lovely Venus. It’s the same sign as my natal Venus and are both at a critical degree. Natally, it’s at the 1° and here, it’s at the 29°. It’s also in the 10th house Conj. MC at 2 orb. My MC is also at the 27°. 1st thing right off the bat, I can see that im going to get a LOT of attention this year🧍🏾‍♀️. Venus Conj. MC may mean that I may get a lot of admirers(romantically) in the work place the involve Cancer like traits(Healthcare, Chefs, nurturing type of jobs) which is on brand because I want to be an Occupational Therapist. It could also mean that I may REALLY love my job. Basically in the work place and with my reputation would be very good and favorable and people would see me as this cute, kind, cookie cutter type girly(Cancer MC and Venus). However, my Venus is at the 29°, so maybe the things I talked about earlier would be difficult for me. Because Venus is mostly known as the planet for love and romantic relationships. The relationships I have could be on full display to the public (MC at the 27°. 27° is a well known fame degree) which could be viewed in a negative light. I think it’s more romantically because I have a Libra Asc( a placement know for having good luck in love) and a lot of 8th house energy(sex, intimacy, ect), Chiron in the 7th house(partnerships, collaborations, ect) and ofc Venus in 10th house and conj MC. All emphasizes on relationships or at least partnerships. My love life is going to be 💩. Here I thought I would meet the loml in college cause I have a Cancer Venus in the 9th house natally. Love that for me😒
•My Mars is in Leo at 8° in the 11th house. This year, im full DIVA mode. “A diva is a female version of a hustla💃🏾” is my mantra and mindset this year. Like Mrs.Beyoncè(Mrs.Carter if ya naaaaaasty), Leo mars shows im driven and passionate about my dreams/goals, my manifestations, and my friends. Imma go HARD. HAH💪🏿. I may develop some INTENSE, POWERFUL, SHOW STOPPING, BOLD, confidence this year. My mars also sextiles my sun at 5 orb. Channeling that drive and energy wouldn’t be a problem. However, my Venus Squares my NN, giving me tension in my friendships so…pray for me. I may approach sex in a very extravagant way. Imma find a GIF that represents what I mean.
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(The Fire in the background is so fitting💀)
•I already talked about Jupiter so we’re moving to Saturn. Saturn is in Pisces in the 6th house. Saturn in the 6th house. Saturn is about “restrictions, maturity, and the dynamic with my father.” The 6th house represents health, routine, work habits and etc. I may become more discipline in those areas or may face some restrictions in those areas. With Saturn in Pisces, I believe I will face restrictions because Pisces does NOT work well in Saturn at all. I may struggle with my work, my health, and my routine. However, Saturn Sextiles Part of Fortune so some of that luck may help me and loosen that negative blow.
•Talked about Uranus so we move to Neptune. Neptune is in Pisces in the 6th house at the 27°. Neptune is at home in Pisces since it is its natural ruler. Tbh Neptune represents what Pisces is imo. It represents dreams, intuition, imagination, delusions, lies, etc. With it being in Pisces, that energy amplifies in the 6th house. I may sell myself this idea of getting everything together, having my routine, and health on point but not actually doing it. Well in my case, I probably will because Saturn is in the same place too. Neptune being in at the 27°(a success degree), not only will I have Saturn helping me with discipline and structure (hopefully), the 27° gives my Neptune success through communication. For example, I could tell somebody that I want to work out more and they encourage me/help me and could build a bond with them. “Walk it like I talk it” is the beat way for me to describe the relationship between Saturn, Neptune, and Neptune at the 27°.
•Pluto is in Aquarius in the 5th house at 0°. Pluto is all about transformation, rebirth, destruction. Like the Tower Card in tarot. Aquarius is about rebellion, thinking outside the box, independence, innovative. The 0° is another critical degree. It’s new, like a baby, It needs to gain experience and guess what? I barely have experience in the 5th house themes. I may step into it unconventionally or in an odd way and it may come off as…powerful?? Like I may take the lead in creative projects and maybe sex and the way I do it is seen as Unique or innovative. Pluto is the planet of extremes and with it opposite Mars, intense, out of this world passion + determined, unstoppable drive = 🧨💥💥💥💥💥💥💥. I will be a force to be reckoned with because this is insane. But, again, it ties into what I said during my Venus section. I forgot to add this but Cancer is a well known placement for the Arts. Maybe the create plays a big role but I truly feel that relationships and intimacy is the MAIN theme of this year. ESPECIALLY since Venus is my chart ruler.
•My North Node is in Taurus in the 8th house at 3°. NN in Taurus, I may learn how to take care of my self, manage material things, and maybe learn how to express my sensuality because my NN is in the 8th house. House of Intimacy, Merging Sex, loans, inheritance, partner’s resources, etc. Mostly stuff about money and partners and probably communication because the 3° is ruled by Gemini. Maybe learning how to communicate better is another lesson and by the way my chart looks, those 3 lessons will be learnt……THOROUGHLY ☹️
•Vertex is in Gemini in the 9th house at 17°. Vertex is what’s fates this year……im fated to go to college, communicate, and maybe get popular for the wrong reasons🧍🏾‍♀️🔪.
•Chiron is about what might hurt us and how you heal. Chiron is in Aries, in the 7th house, at the 18°. Aries mostly focuses on self while the 7th house represents mostly with working with other people and the 18° and quote,”this degree actually symbolizes you’re doing so much service for others that you’re not making enough time for yourself.” Through-out this whole chart, im always dealing with other people to the point where it has become a wound. To heal myself, I gotta put me first ☝🏿.
•Nessus: I can’t find the post that talked about it so for rn, this is blank💀
This is my chart everyone. Hopefully my analysis was good and pray for me cause im gonna go through it this year
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rikastrology · 2 years
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mb for @evangelinesbible (d1 pbp ☉ anuradha ☽ magha ↑)
request a moodboard
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virgolife6 · 2 years
That fan asteroid post was so good! I would love my potential fans so much, they would be funny as hell!! I have sag 11th, fan asteroid in sag degree, standing in gemini 5th. Already the sag suns in my 11th in are so supportive. They turn anything I feel negative about myself into something good. 🫠 She isn't slower when doing things! She's meticulous and diligent. They are completely adorable and real too.
yesss girl that fan post was super good ! those are super good placements and ur fans would be lit af !! credit to the amazing @evangelinesbible for that post ! been enjoying her content for a whileeee
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msallurea · 8 days
okay omg thank you so much for helping i was desperate.
i've been into astrology for years too and it's so complicated but here's some sutff that helped me understand better :))
@zeldasnotes i looove her observations
@/v.josa on instagram or her youtube @/tripplepisces she has super cool observations and her videos help me understand so much she's on tiktok too
@vivmaek has a post for almost everything
@evangelinesbible I LOVE HER, her content is so helpful, she analyses her own charts in-depth and talks about it, i admire her a lot
i hope i helped u too xxx <33
Thank u so much for yhe sources 🎀
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eulasaurus · 2 years
My Big 6 & MC as Celebrities I love.
Idea by @evangelinesbible
Pictures on Pinterest
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Aquarius Ascendent - Audrey Hepburn
Sagittarius Sun- Alexa Demie
Cancer Moon- Taylor Swift
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Sagittarius Mercury - Nicki Minaj
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Scorpio Venus- Doja Cat
Scorpio Mars- Jennifer Aniston
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Scorpio Medium Coeli/ Midheaven- Megan Fox
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cursedbyastro · 2 years
𝗆𝗒 𝖻𝗂𝗀 𝗌𝗂𝗑 & 𝗆𝗂𝖽𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗏𝖾𝗇 (𝗆𝖼) 𝖺𝗌 𝖼𝖾𝗅𝖾𝖻𝗋𝗂𝗍𝗂𝖾𝗌 𝗂 𝗅𝗈𝗏𝖾
inspired by @evangelinesbible post, and i thought it would be fun
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capricorn sun — timotheé chalamet
leo moon — jeon jungkook
leo rising — alexa demie
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capricorn mercury — aaliyah haughton
scorpio venus — rubi rose
scorpio mars — devon aoki
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i couldn’t decide between the two because i'm indecisive so it’s both lol
taurus MC — margot robbie & norma jean baker aka marilyn monroe
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d4rkpluto · 1 year
you have to be given the prize of being the funniest astrotumblr page out here 😂
I’d like to thank all the people who support me, my fans, my haters, my haters and my haters and the people idk that try to throw shade at me id like to thank my friends @fantasticpartycashroad @cancerfairy @evangelinesbible @allmyloveandyours @blamemarsh @couerardent and I’d like to thank myself and myself again
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What character, people, historical figures, mythological figures and etc that just don't deserve for an asteroid to be named after them?? 🤔
Tagging some people : @a-d-nox @astrosky33 @evangelinesbible @d4rkpluto @zeldasnotes @littledigest @spiritualbarbiee
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d4rkpluto · 1 year
for the people that joined the astrotumblr classes, if i see an account join thats not in the list you'll be removed! i've been shadowbanned so i have to resort to this method...will delete after the people have joined
@verreden ? [names not coming up on tumblr so if its not corrected person will be replaced].
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