#Even though I get a ton of posts from accounts I'd prefer not to see when I tag with this I'm being responsible so
r0bee · 2 years
Guess who managed to turn their headphones off with the fiddly little button whilst the joints in their hands were completely locked up
Not to flex but it was meeeee
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thequeenshunter · 3 months
. I See You ~ Arrow Afar .
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(ooc introduction under the cut! but do mind that person behind this account is a minor)
Hello Monsieurs, Madams, and Trickers alike.  Le Chasseur D'Armour is making an Entrance onto the scene! My Name, is Rook Hunt. Though I'm sure if you've found me you've heard it before. Its Merveilleux to be able to Meet each of you, but before we interact I must set some ground rules.
Pour Moi, you can use any pronouns you like! Even xeno or neo pronouns. I personally don’t quite care what gender you view me as, and I dont particularly have a preference when it comes to romance either, after all all people hold beauty! But I am asexual!
Now, as a Vice-Housewarden, i have to keep at least a touch of dignity. so these rules are in place to make sure no one becomes uncomfortable or things get out of control. 1. No Nsfw Interactions Although this character is 18, the person running this account is not and asexual. so, not exactly comfortable with that type of stuff! i do not mind in roleplay flirting but that said, if you do plan on such i'd prefer if the person behind the account is also a minor. 2. Homophobia, Racism, Ableism, and the like won't be tolerated If this account receives any asks regarding or containing content or speech against minorities, the ask will be deleted as soon as i get it and if the person who sent it decided to not ask anonymously, they will be blocked from all of my accounts.
Although i (the person behind the account) am a minor, if you are too i dont mind shipping or romantic stuff in rp. so here are a list of my personal favorites
Honestly im a multishipper so i dont mind most ships with rook aslong as they're not with the first years
honestly I saw some other blogs do this and I thought it would be fun to have some of my own
🏹ArrowAfar💘 ~ Conversations with ocs 🦚ISeeYou❤️ ~ Conversations with in game characters ♟WellYouSee✨ ~ Answering Asks 🦉HuntersThoughts🏹 ~ Thoughts of my own/Text Posts 🧸PlushHunt💘 ~ Ive become a plush 🥜WoobleHunt💘 ~ Description N/A 🎁Surprise!🎉 ~ Posts saying happy holidays, or celebrating something
More tags may be added!
Au Revior!
Très bien! You’ve made it to the end of my little introduction, feel free to send in asks, now have a pleasent day Tricksters!
Now it’s time for the OOC stuff!
I go by the names ghost, rook, omi, and vino! My main account is @omi-the-zombi, I also run @pomefiorestudent-a, and uhhh.. well I use he/hunt pronouns, I tend to not do too well with tones trough text so tone tags are a huge help! Rook is literally my favorite character, I kin him a ton, he was my first cosplay, and the first character I bought merch of outside of Pokémon Ofc.
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daily-french-words · 8 months
Daily French words!
Hi! I'm a French college student, and I study English literature and civilisation. I'm starting this page because I have a shit ton of extra French vocabulary to learn for exams, and it's a lot more fun to learn them through a tumblr page rather than just reading a piece of paper for hours!!!! All credits for the ideas for the first 160 main posts of this page goes to both of my French teachers this year, they're the ones who gathered up the lists- I obviously can't name them because I'd rather not dox myself (or them), but thanks!
Form :
(French word) : (French definition)
(example of the word's use in a French sentence)
(how common the word is out of ten, 1 being so uncommon people will look at you weird if you use it and 10 being common knowledge people will go "duh" at. please note this section will be the most subjective of the bunch and is purely based off my impression- the factors, such as social circle, time and place make it too difficult to have a more objective knowledge of how common said word is.)
(a possible translation in English) : (a definition in English because I like definitions)
(extra notes and precisions for context use, potential irregularities if it's a verb, other possible definitions, similarities, faux amis (see frequently used terms lower) or etymology because I'm a nerd)
Schedule :
Each week, ten words will come out : one each Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and two each Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday!
Posts will be uploaded around midday CEST, so between 11am and 2pm, depending how I schedule them/at what time I eat.
Extra requested words can be uploaded anytime from 6am CEST to 2am CEST (the next day).
Every main daily post will be gathered under the "main" tag, extras will be gathered under the "extras" tag, and other random posts I may feel free to upload about the most random college life shit ever (even if probably really rare) will be gathered under the "baguette" tag.
Things to note :
These words are not common! This is vocab improvement. If you're looking for basic knowledge of French vocab or common phrases, you may have to look elsewhere.
I sadly only speak two languages, English and French, so this blog is only accessible to people speaking one or both of these. If you'd like to translate it to other languages (especially since the additional notes are all in English, and a lot of notes and translations vary), feel free to do so but please DM me about it before starting the blog, and of course credit me!
If you'd like to request a word, do so through the page's asks! That's mostly useful if you'd like extra context on the word, its etymology or its history, or if you feel like it could be a cool word to be featured on this page. Of course, these extra words may take time to appear and will be scattered quite a lot through time since they require extra time and research, and I may refuse some of them if I don't think they'd be a good fit on here. Requests made through DMs will not be taken into account. Please only make requests through the ask feature, and wait until the asks open again if they're closed while I sort through them.
At the moment, I have 160 words, so enough content for four months (see schedule above to see how I count them). I cannot guarantee this page will update with the same schedule or update at all once I run out, depending on whether I still like doing it by then or prefer to stop. If it does stop updating though, I will leave all the posts up because knowledge is knowledge, and I may pick it up once in a while if I ever get bored and want to have fun with it again or if the asks supply me enough to sustain the page.
Frequently used terms (that you probably know already but I want to make sure everything is clear):
n. : nom/noun
nf. : nom féminin/feminine noun
nm. : nom masculin/masculine noun
nn. : nom neutre/neutral noun (we probably won't encounter any, but just in case, I'm putting this here!)
v. : verbe/verb
adj. : adjectif/adjective
sy. : synonyme/synonym
ant. : antonyme/antonym
litt./lit. : littéralement/literally
faux ami : expression that refers to a word that resembles another one in the same or a different language but that differs largely in sense.
About sources:
For most definitions and translations, I use the online Larousse dictionary (https://www.larousse.fr/dictionnaires/francais/), the Wikitionnaire (https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/) and WordReference (https://www.wordreference.com/).
For etymology and word history, I use a mix between the Wikitionnaire and the Centre National de Ressources Textuelles et Lexicale (CNRTL)'s website (https://www.cnrtl.fr), along with paper versions of etymology dictionaries.
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poof346 · 2 years
Sonic Frontiers: Opening the Zones
Back on my Twitter account, I posted a Twitlonger review of Sonic Frontiers after beating it for the first time. Since I'm transitioning to posting my reviews here, I wanted a review of the game on this account but also didn't want to just copy and paste it. So, here's a different idea I came up with: reviewing the individual islands. I'll be evaluating the exploration, platforming, story content, minibosses and Titan battles. Spoilers will of course be expected. So, let's begin with the first, Kronos.
Being the beginning of the game, Kronos Island naturally serves an important function of teaching the player everything they need to know about the gameplay before opening up. You play Cyberspace levels for vault keys, solve a puzzle to open up the map, fight smallfry enemies and minibosses, and use skill points to unlock the Cyloop. Surprisingly, didn't find the tutorial annoying on my second go, it was over pretty quickly.
Once you're properly in the action, I'd say this is a pretty solid first island. The platforming in the open zone starts simple to get you comfortable with obtaining collectibles from the challenges, the starting minibosses are fun and manageable (yes, even Squid, I like it despite the memes). Amy's story is also enjoyable, demonstrating a more emotionally mature take on her character that wants to spread love to everyone. Honestly, the only disappointment at this point would be the Cyberspace levels, all of the layouts here are reused and don't feel as fun as their source games.
As the first Titan battle, BOY Giganto fits that role perfectly. This ain't your daddy's Super Sonic boss fight, the degree of spectacle present is way above what you'd see in previous titles. And while not demanding much from the player in terms of combat, I don't necessarily think it needs to be hard, it's very fun. Oh yeah, and it has THE BEST VOCAL TRACK IN ANY SONIC GAME, DON'T @ ME. Undefeatable is incredible, not just because I'm stunned they got Kellin Quinn from Sleeping with Sirens for a Sonic game, it kicks so much ass and sets a perfect mood for the fight.
Overall, Kronos Island is pretty good! With how many games usually have a slow start, this one lays the foundation without showing their whole hand too early. But with that foundation established, we move into Ares.
Ares Island is a very natural follow-up from Kronos, upping the ante with platforming, exploration, and combat. The terrain is more varied too, with tons of rocky canyons, mountains and an oasis. Enemies have some more fun solutions as well, my favorites being the spring you stomp after letting it fling you and the flying saucer thing you chase with its light trail. However, I do think the parasol enemy should've been reworked, at least make it so the camera doesn't hard lock towards it automatically.
The Cyberspace levels are still fairly whatever here, but the real star of the show is Knuckles. His story is great, and more than makes up for how recent games had been portraying him by just...getting everything right. He decides to lead an army of Koco in preparing the desert for war, feeling a kinship from his tribe. But when he discovers like his own tribe, they had already been wiped out long ago, the loneliness of being the last echidna sets in again, and Sonic cheers him up in an earnest conversation, gaining the resolve to live for himself and not just the memories of his people. This is GOOD.
Keeping in the theme of quality on the rise, Wyvern is a little tougher and better than the Giganto fight in pretty much every way. Flying on rails, you can use Super Sonic's parry to deflect missiles back at it for another counter opportunity, giving a SICK specialized animation where he throws Wyvern into a mountain and crumbles the whole thing. In general, more is asked of you in terms of fighting skill and the spectacle is better. The battle theme is a banger too, though I do have my preference for Undefeatable.
Ares Island, as a whole, greatly capitalizes on the potential of this open zone style and is a blast to run through. Let's see if the next one keeps the streak with Chaos.
Chaos Island is where the main story starts gearing towards its climax, with Sonic showing signs of fatigue from his quest to save his friends. The aesthetic fits this well, being a volcanic archipelago with lava and more platforming. Some would say...too much of it. Specifically the 2D, the game doesn't make it quite clear which sections are mandatory for progression so the place can be confusing to navigate in a way I felt the previous two weren't. Combat is about on par with previous, introducing a cool new enemy, a metal bird you can hitch a ride on after stunning it.
While the gameplay hasn't taken as big of a leap forward there, the Cyberspace stages are...starting to look up? Still not a highlight, but they're becoming less annoying at least. Speaking of less annoying, HALLELUJA THEY DID IT, TAILS IS A CHARACTER AGAIN! This one is my favorite character story in the game, as Ian Flynn masterfully demonstrated his skills in recontextualizing previous material. Like many others, I was disappointed in how the newer games were seemingly stripping Tails of his heroic edge, magnetized at Sonic's side. The method of course correction is clever in how simple, yet effective it is: Tails is still a kid, so he's not ready to be fully independent. It's okay for him to need help sometimes. Very happy with this direction.
Since I saw a lot of people talk about it on Twitter, figure I'll say: the pinball minigame was not that bad, you guys are just impatient. Was it perfect? No, but I really didn't run into that many issues with it on both of my playthroughs. Anyway, Titan battle with Knight. Another good one! Features the game's most interesting use of Sonic's parry in the desperation phase, having to angle it to throw the dude's shield back at em, as well as having another cool cinematic counter (evidently based on the movie). Find Your Flame is also a sick battle theme, seeing the return of Tyler Smyth on vocals after Forces.
Chaos Island is still fun, but doesn't quite reach the heights of the last two areas in my opinion. The next one is...less traditional, and you'll see why, if you don't know already.
Rhea Island is probably the way it is due to time constraints, originally a chunk from Kronos Island SIGNIFICANTLY pulled back in scope to house 6 different towers as linear platforming challenges. Reaching the peak of each tower also delivers lore cutscenes about the Ancients, showing them as beings from another planet who brought the Chaos Emeralds to Earth after the Master Emerald pulled their ships in. Because of this structure, Rhea is over much faster than usual and doesn't have any exploration or bosses to speak of, so I'll mostly be rating the platforming.
It's good stuff, mainly highlights how I don't think the game NEEDED Cyberspace levels, the original platforming ends up being more fun to me. Cause y'know, they can build the layouts with this Sonic's handling in mind. Once you clear the final tower, the blue boy becomes a cyber vegetable for like, a minute in what I consider the narrative's biggest missed opportunity. With how much the character stories were building up his friends doing their own thing, I thought playing as them would make a fun gimmick for the final island. But they join hands and enter Sonic's heart to bring him back to normal. Hopefully they're fun in the announced update.
Rhea doesn't exactly fit neatly with the other areas but I think I like it for what it is? A short gauntlet of self-contained platforming stages? For better or worse, I'm less conflicted on the final island, Ouranos.
Getting straight to the point, Ouranos Island is super underwhelming as a final area and feels like a gameplay stopgap after the team didn't want to end on Rhea. So they took ANOTHER part from Kronos Island for a more traditional open zone. It just feels stale in terms of content, with all the minibosses being hard mode recolors of previous ones, the environment and memory tokens being copied, and the difficulty being a noticeable step back from Chaos in terms of platforming.
Not really helped by the fact that nearly all the cutscenes are optional and seeking them out has the game spell out the lore from Rhea Island in case you didn't get it. Paradoxically, though, this was where I actually started liking the Cyberspace levels? They saved pretty much all the good layouts for this area, and I ended up looking forward to playing them for once. So maybe the idea could still work? I dunno, this island is a mixed bag. Eventually, I made my only visit to Big of this playthrough and splurged on collectibles because I was checked out.
Unfortunately, even the Titan battle, Supreme, is a big letdown. Weak spectacle, not very creative battle gimmick, and if you come in with a high attack stat, the dude drops like a fly. I'm Here is a great song but not a great boss theme if you get me? Like, I don't think it matches well and kinda wish Vandalize played here instead. The worst part is playing on Normal or Easy difficulty has the game skip what I consider the more satisfying final boss, The End. The gameplay changes to an Ikaruga-inspired shoot-em-up but I think it's more engaging, the music actually fits, and the monologue adds some menace.
I definitely see why this isn't a popular take. The hacking minigames at least try to prime you for the fight beforehand but it's still a massive departure from other boss fights. Also quite a bit more difficult than the Titans, I can see people less versed in the genre struggling a lot here. But me personally, I welcomed the challenge and enjoyed The End thematically. With the Ancients being hyped as this culture with great significance lost to time, it makes sense for the final threat to represent their metaphorical and literal death, having driven possibly hundreds or thousands of other civilizations into obscurity. Plus the boss theme is a nice mix of somber and triumphant, great stuff.
Ouranos, despite featuring a cool true final boss, is pretty weak as a finale and a sign that some parts of Frontiers still had to be rushed.
As a whole, I think the islands reach a good bar of quality and make a case for why Sonic should strive forward with this new direction for the series. Not all hits, but I've come to expect at least some imperfections when it comes to this blue bastard. If anything, I see it as worth celebrating that they got so much right on a first go, means they won't have to modify this formula too much in the next game and can focus on higher quality.
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hybrid-lion · 3 years
*lights cigarette and sips tea like Kermit the frog while wearing green*
File under: wyldling stuff
 "You do not want to sell me death sticks… You want to text me and have me do your dishes and sleep on the floor and make art with you.*
 ~Obi Wan
  So let's see…
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 I'm about 2 months in now to this foray, it's actually genuinely nice out today despite the cloud cover (I grew up in NE so I enjoy grayish days all the same); I live for both sunny days and can be happy in the rain, but prefer not sleeping in the elements considering what I'm working with (as romantic of an idea it seems).
  This is very much well known of me—
 Oof that hibiscus tea hits just right though..
 That hibiscus tea though..
 Let's see, was able to consolidate the backpack we're still rocking with the 60 ltr. bag and thanks to the organization and efforts of giving people that showed up for us at St. Paul's here  in the community I was able to get a couple things (A ground pad that I might not actually need ((  I might be able to give that to somebody and pay that forward, got a sleeping bag, etc), some utilities. You know how that goes.
 The past two months have been working with the land, cleaning up around town, reaffirming my lessons and send eof value of my self, holding people accountable and choosing where I place my time and energy.
 The folks who organize the cold weather shelter on South Main deserve all the praise, as well as the folx down at the Friendly Kitchen for coming in clutch with regular warm meals. I've dropped some weight out here that I was hoping to keep on walking around but am strong like a taxidermied pachyderm again.
 I've mostly been aiming to get out of the state shortly in the coming days and hit the road again which is my goal. I'm excited to extend myself to apply to different environmental jobs as well as bring my best to the table and good opportunities as they present themselves to me.
I genuinely believe people can choose to stop and take the time to start good processes. I'm aware of what I know and my journey and if you would, some of the ideations of that destiny and would believe others will seize their own alongside me, and choose to avoid standing in my way but with me as well in love and defiance of apathy or inaction, which is why I'm such a vocal proponent of my beliefs. 
 I'm practicing not having to be so vocal so that there is a more contingent balance right now and my energy and efforts are understandably valued as they are similar in weight and goals as other like minded folks.
I've been working out, practicing meditations and forms, and just getting back into the swing of things. My aims and aspirations are clear and I know that my intentions are good as ever.
 Where am I is I am currently posted over on one of my favorite benches; don't really know exactly what the day has but I'm looking forward to it—
  I have a heart song that I want to sing when I can sing it for folks without being pressured to do so.
  In my heart the possibilities I have in mind are made reality, and Im quite resolved in handling things as I am capable best and positively fof what the day could bring us jn our best interests and designs.
   I've reached out to a couple folks from my past life if you would.
   I am hoping and anticipating that somebody decides to hit me back, as that would be super helpful in not being out. I would ideally find a dry floor to crash on and pull my weight in turn like that Orphans song would echo the sentiment of.
  I'm going to be in the area for a little while and it'd be really reaffirming to catch up on some folks if they chose to and if they decided— 
I forgot I have Honey and Oat granola bars too.. I have snacks. 
This is great.
— as I was  if they decided to do so and it was in their best interest as well—  Genuinely just my best for mine and me these days and forward.
With my comprehension of oneness and many forms of practicality in reality I'll probably check in to different circles and with others when it's appropriate for me without inviting in tons of unneeded chaos in a negative fashion and moreso in Lightness.
Idk if anyone ever thinks of the lightness of chaos, or as I prefer to put it, 
  "I loathe constructive dis-order as I choose to see it…"
 Planned for a lot of adventures in the immediate future that I want to pan out mostly specifically pertaining to artwork as well as hopefully I have my eyes on the horizon, working with the land as well as maybe doing some tending and traveling.
 I would be way better off having somebody with me rather than just solo dolo, physically present.
 I got to feed the birds this morning which was super jovial and fun and I've been doing that frequently with meditations on giving and receiving and just for the sake of it.
I just I picture myself atm unwilling to play the proverbial hermit/ 
I actually still love people and socializing on my best days.
Going to be heading up either Northern New England or maybe down to the coastline.
 I would like to see the ocean again.
 I was thinking about that the other day which it occurs to me. 
Honestly even though I've spent time by the water  a lot it occurs to me that I never really like had like an avid passion for hanging out or like experiencing the ocean that much as a young adult or as a kid growing up it wasn't out of like fear it wasn't out of animosity…
(although sharks and things in the depths are very scary you know like stare into as the saying goes into the void the void stares)
 Back like there's probably things down there you wouldn't want to be poking.
 Same could be said for a lot of things but you know also you know when you go into something with the right mentality you have to bear in mind you know your mentality— like usually attracts like if you can bear that in mind. So again absolutely l o a t h e me some constructive dis order 🖤💜❤️💜
   Some of my life teachers or guides or a few out me into these and I in turn should fly over there when able and give them a big ol cup of hibiscus tea and mindful of how greatly I value their and my lessons and blessings in turn.
   So yeah we're excited to see what the Day brings might be breaking for camp I do have to like my cigarette again apparently even though I'm trying to quit and will be putting it shortly
You only know what you know and where the day is going to take you as you can plan to have and you always hit some small bumps on the road.
 I'm only expecting the best from myself and others these days which is really good applying my lessons as I see fit and not getting caught up on other people's interests from me and spending my time wisely.
Speaking of I do need to go to my old house over alcohol and procure some things I have that planned out with a peace officer and I'm just not going to be letting that situation weigh me down. 
 I'm not going to be associating with my prior abusers from my birth family that can't show up for love.
  I'm literally going for some tools and CM and perhaps my yoga mat, which would be more it'd be easier to carry them to the sleeping mat and it'll be able to use it for yoga.
Stretching in the morning, which has again become very very important to me being out and about all the time and just thinking about it now it's like I want to work on my hamstrings but I'm not going to do that atm.
 I'm still going to be procuring microphone when I have the resources available, more mobile gear than anything but still quality gear so I can get the podcast going in the meantime we're just doing logs and poetry and writing and patching and selling and things that make me happy little enjoy enjoyable pastimes like journaling.
 I've been trying to get back to people as well have met some real ones out here that I would take with me if I was precisely able to, specifically some of the older guys from the shelter and kitchen, a couple of the sisters around my age, a few of my bunkmates and some other seasoned folks who seem like good souls, again focusing on tending to reality of my situation and minding my own.
 Very much back to myself as capable as I've grown,  when I'm able to despite the obstacles that have been conquered as well as the obstacles that have been accomplished and already overcome. 
One door closes, another door opens and there's a time and place to address these kinds of things. Sargeant comes to my house like don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things like— luckily I'm wearing antiperspirant.
  Clean as a whistle over here surprisingly enough even though I can't remember the last time I showered.
 Which is hilarious even though yesterday was Saturday and I should have.
  I should have showered then,
  but I've just been  mobile and like give myself punk baths here and there like the sink bath. Anybody who's ever been at like at like a camp or a conference knows very much about the same bath or a punk bath if you would whatever you want to call it without being too to non PC. 
 Going now I'm going to hit back a couple folks see if anybody will let me stash my pack with them for a little bit while I go over to my prior abusers house just so I don't have like a 60 l plus bag on my back all the way over there and yeah just expecting the best for myself in the immediate future and hopefully people will come along for the ride it'll be super fun lots of good s*** be wild wild times.
    If y'all like my prior content or want to see more of my future content you can just get at me digitally most accessible for me right now when I have my phone charged until I can procure some more gear.
  You  can always contact me if you have to light if you want to like WebEx or zoom/ video chat as well as long as it's appropriate timing and I'd let you know but yeah you know if anybody wants to reach out to me feel free you know you again it would be nice to re–meet some folks. 
you can look at supporting me or helping me get through this tumultuous time and then I turn I can always of course give back to the community to pull my own weight if you would both literally and proverbial as well as see fit you know what would work best for those involved in the meantime I'm probably just going to eat some granola bars and figure out where to put this backpack because it is lofty the luggage is lofty but manageable and I'm keeping it I also really want to go pick up my echeveria from the house I don't know if I can but something's telling me just carry the echeveria around with me even though it's like not exactly it's not exactly portable right now but how like how perfect would it be if I just have my echeveria like on my head or like on the in the back of my pack like like I don't know like I remember I remember being out in SF and seeing folks with like their cats or like their dogs and their rats just hanging out with them on their shoulder and I'm like I'll just take my complex houseplants with me.
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   I can effectively do for myself today looks like the sun's coming out peeking out from behind the clouds a little bit and even if it doesn't it's still out there somewhere which is super lovely and yeah other than that many blessings and you know make your day serve you to your utmost potential as only you yourself would know.
You want to get at me or if you want to support my at the time even like the smallest bean of grain–
 You can hit the cow like button
 you can toss a coin to your shifty cat friend 
or you can hit me up on ko-fi so I can then turn by you a coffee however they pronounce that.
 I know the value of my content and I'm going to be putting that on lock or at least some of the more special personal things for folks who want to subscribe to that kind of stuff that'll be done.
  IG is still going to be getting regular updates along with my personal snap when I'm able to and in the position too and other than that yeah all y'all have a beautiful beautiful week ahead of you.
@hybrid_lion on IG
Also if I was meandering through and stopped to say hai and catch up I might be kind of ragged but clean up nice
Working on this one as well...
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