#Event management Houston
angelbabyyys-world · 6 months
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gosavvy-biz · 2 years
Go Savvy is one of the best event planning companies in Houston. Let our event planner in Houston handle the stress of planning a corporate or private event.
Know more: Promotional Events Houston
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fredwkong · 1 year
Virgo Season: Blaine
Blaine just wanted this long nightmare of a conference over. There were still events on the schedule, but there were only a few of Pastor Blanco’s adherents left at the Astra Hotel. The incident in the conference hall had confirmed for the few remaining normal people that ordinary men were being transformed into depraved freaks.
Blaine had known for over a week now. That was why he hadn’t been attending any events. He had watched his friend, Spencer, become infected by whatever force was changing the men in the Astra.
Blaine and Spencer had been evangelists in Houston their whole lives, managers of adjoining branches in the movement. Friends since childhood, it had just made sense that they came to a conference as important as Pastor Blanco’s together and had rooms next to each other. They shared meals and compared notes on the proceedings after the events. It was a joke between them that Blaine and Spencer were closer to each other than either of them were to their wives.
The difference between them was that Spencer was much more aggressive about evangelising. From the instant that the freaks had first appeared in the Astra Hotel, Blaine had known they were beyond help, not worth the time and effort to save. But Spencer had doggedly persisted, striking up conversations with the youngest, most impressionable-looking queers whenever he could. It had seemed harmless, so Blaine hadn’t said anything.
But one morning, Spencer walked out of his room in leather pants. He had just said they were “comfortable,” but the Spencer Blaine knew would never have worn something like that. And he’d had what looked like a tattoo peeking out from his shirtsleeves.
That night, Spencer had begged off their usual debrief of the day’s events. Blaine had noticed he’d seemed uncomfortable during a bunch of the presentations, but didn’t want to ask about it. Instead, still in those tight leather pants, Spencer had strutted out of Blaine’s hotel room and gotten in the elevator, headed God knows where.
The next morning, an unrecognisable leatherman had stepped out of Spencer’s room, and Blaine had just known, with cold certainty, that this man had been Spencer before.
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Since then, Blaine had barely left his room. He had tried to move up his flight, even considered driving back to Houston, but he couldn’t bring himself to commit. What if he could still do something to save Spencer? Blaine had never put much stock in exorcisms or purification rituals, but something dark and supernatural was clearly happening here.
Surfing the internet, Blaine had stumbled on some kind of strange ritual meant to purify someone who had lost themselves to false worship. After days of little sleep and intense anxiety, Blaine was willing to try anything.
Just as he collected the items he would need and began to steel himself to leave his room and knock on Spencer’s door, a note was pushed under Blaine’s door. He went and picked it up.
Miss u man. Can we talk? —Spence
Spencer—Spence—answered his door at Blaine’s first knock. It was midafternoon, and he seemed to be dressed down, compared to when Blaine had last seen him. Loose button-up shirt open to his toned belly, sleeves rolled up to show intricate forearm tattoos, looser leather pants. Blaine found himself cataloguing Spence as he followed the man into his hotel room. He had something of Spencer’s gait, his height and age, but Spence took up space. He was all angles and sex appeal, unlike Spencer, who women had always described as safe and cuddly. Unlike Blaine, for whom the compliment had always been that he was “conscientious.”
“What’s up?” said Spence in a deeper, louder voice than Blaine was used to, sitting down on the bed and spreading his legs. “I feel like it’s been ages since I saw you. Did getting a few days off from the convention help?”
It was now or never. Blaine flung a handful of salt in Spence’s face, opened his Bible to the marked passage, and started to read aloud. His hand shook so much that half the salt poured down his own clothes.
Spence looked down at himself, brushing salt grains off his shirt. “What the hell, dude? Is this, like, some roleplay thing?” He suddenly smirked. “Ooh, like an uptight evangelist getting seduced by a hot, hedonistic leatherman? That sounds pretty hot.”
Blaine tried to tune Spence out and keep reading. It was hard. Spence laid himself out on his mattress, as if he was bound spreadeagle. He seemed to know exactly how to pose himself to show off his thick, hairy chest through the gap in his shirt. He grinned up as Blaine kept reading.
“Father,” Spence said, “are you sure you wanna preach to me? I got a sermon you might like, too.” He thrust his hips a bit, showing off a thick bulge.
Why was Blaine’s mouth watering? He refocussed on reading. He knew these words off by heart, they were automatic. He’d missed Spence so much this last week. Instead of trying to exorcise him, he wanted to give the shorter man a hug. He wanted to let his hands run down Spence’s body, to that tight ass in his leather pants. Give that bulge a squeeze, maybe a lick…
It was so warm in this room. Still reading from his Bible, Blaine efficiently stripped off his dress shirt. He and Spence had seen each other like this back when they were roommates in college. Anyway, Spence seemed to appreciate the view, biting his lip as Blaine bared his body. It was normal, just a step in the process. Soon, Blaine would have Spence back to normal.
“Damn, Father, when’d you get those tattoos?” Spence asked. “Looking more like a Daddy than a Father.”
Confused, Blaine glanced away from the page, still speaking the words aloud. His arms holding up the Bible looked unfamiliar. Muscular, coated in hair, and covered in tattoos. As Blaine began to speak the next verse, he watched the transformation push further up his biceps. They rounded out with thick muscle, a layer of fine black hair, and an interlacing network of tattoos.
Spence was looking at Blaine like he wanted to eat him alive. Why was Blaine the one changing? Why was he still reading? Blaine tried to stop, but the words continued to flow. Horrified, he flung the Bible away, but still continued to recite the verses from memory.
The tattoos and muscle continued to spread, filling out Blaine’s shoulders as thick hair grew in his armpits, spreading a virile, masculine scent as Blaine sweat in the heat. His chest and belly bulked up with muscle and fat. His reciting voice deepened as the change rushed up his neck and over his head. His face became more masculine as piercings appeared in his brows, his hair receded, and wide gauges appeared in his ears.
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His pants felt so tight. Blaine found himself unbuttoning his jeans and shoving them down his growing legs, watching in horror as the tattoos followed the muscles and hair right down to his ankles. Hadn’t he been wearing underwear before? Why was he commando? Why was his thick cock getting hard?
Blaine rested a hand at the base of his cock as he kept on reciting. He wanted to run right out of the Astra Hotel, but found his feet rooted to the spot. He couldn’t even control his face enough to cry or grimace, just continued to blankly recite the Bible at Spence.
Spence flipped around on the bed, presenting his leather-clad ass to Blaine as he watched the transformation over his shoulder. “Yes, Daddy,” he said, giving his ass a slap to try and encourage Blaine. “No need for an annoying church controlling you when all you gotta worship is this ass.”
Had Blaine somehow turned his ritual on himself? He couldn’t help but agree with Spence that the church could be pretty controlling, plus Spence did have a pretty nice ass. Blaine found himself drooling at the sight. It wasn’t that weird. He and Spence had been so close all their lives, and Spence had always been such a showoff sex fiend. It was what had gotten Blaine out from under the thumb of the church back in college…
Something about that thought didn’t feel right, but it all seemed correct in Blaine’s memories. Being Spence’s roommate had unlocked thoughts and feelings for Blaine that he’d never known he had. His sexual life, spiritual independence, their shared love for leather, it had all come from college.
Blaine ground out the next verse, shifting his footing as he started to stroke his big cock at the sight of Spence’s hot ass presented just for him. He was almost done the recitation. Why had he decided to roleplay this again? He’d just wanted a break from the kink conference, and a chance to have his husband of twenty years all to himself.
Finally, Blaine finished reciting the Bible verses. All that time spent memorising the Bible back in his misspent youth definitely helped this kind of roleplay. Fully “corrupted” by Spence, transformed into Daddy instead of Father, Blaine threw himself onto the bed and yanked Spence’s pants down with a single motion of his strong, tattooed arms. Spence moaned as Blaine dove into his ass, eating him out with the passion of a demon.
After they’d both cum all over the sheets, Blaine and Spence lay next to each other. “You ready to head back down, babe?” Spence asked. “I think Dan’s hosting a dom/sub workshop in the conference hall.”
“That sounds fuckin’ awesome,” Blaine slurred, half asleep. “Go find our caps.”
His husband always had the best ideas. He loved Spence so much.
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Click here to see all of Virgo Season.
If you feel inspired, write a story set at the Astra Hotel and post it @ me to join in. Help me celebrate my birthday by turning more conference attendees into geared up gay kinksters.
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Exo as husbands pls
Enjoy :)
Exo as husbands
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The proud husband
To put it simply, this man would do anything for you
If you need something, he will get it
If you’re hungry, he will cook
If you’re tired, he will be your mattress
The moment you became his wife, he sole purpose was you
Likes to talk about you to Exo-l's
As he is the leader of the group, you have become a older sibling type figure to the fans
Which he loves
Date nights together consist of old movies on the sofa with a bottle of red
Likes to sit and reminisce over your wedding photo's
He would just be an amazing husband
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The cute husband
He's just a squishy squish
He doesn't really act any different as a husband to when he was your boyfriend
He still teases you
Plus will do anything to put a smile on your face
He will happily do all the cleaning
Because according to him, you do it wrong
As we know, Xiumin likes to drink so I think dates would be a karaoke bar, with you both drunkenly screaming Whitney Houston's 'I will always love you' into a microphone/empty bottle
Always makes you breakfast in bed
You are literally his best friend and being with you is his favourite pastime
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The crazy husband
I wouldn't know whether to say Congrats or good luck
He is a tornado with a beautiful voice and handsome face
But still a tornado
He is also a clingy boy
So expect lots of cuddles/headlocks
Knows how to cheer you up when you're not feeling so great
Expect lots of butterfly kisses to the face
Loves to go long drives with you, just listening to music and talking about life
He's just your number one fan and will make sure you always have a smile on your face
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The protective husband
If you're going out with friends or at a work event, he will be your personal taxi driver
Always making sure you're ok
Also the type to tease you, in a loving way though
Likes to take you on spontaneous dates
He loves to stroke your hair whilst you sleep and looks lovingly at his wedding ring
It fills him with a sense of pride when he does
Loves how your lips feel against his skin
Can’t actually go a whole day without a kiss from you
Marriage with Chanyeol would be filled with loving moments
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The attentive husband
Actions speak louder than words
Kyungsoo's love language is his actions
He will always make sure you have eaten or that you are hydrated
At first it confused you, like you have managed to survive this long
Then the reality hits you, he’s trying to take care of you
Listens intently to whatever you have to say
Has had the same background on his phone for years and it’s from the day you met
Can’t stand to see you sad
It breaks him inside
Will provide advise whenever you need it
Though he doesn’t always say it, you’re everything to him
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The affectionate husband
He kisses you and holds you any chance he gets
He knew you were his before marriage
But now it’s like official and legal
So he has to show you every chance he can that he loves you
Expect to come home and find the lights dimmed and candles lit
The faint sound of your wedding song playing in the background
Kai would take your hand and pull you close to dance with you
Why am I giggling and kicking my feet rn
He likes to watch the stars with you
Whilst talking about your future
He will do anything to show you how real and unwavering his love is
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The Impulsive husband
You only have yourself to blame for this
You knew what you were getting into and you’re not getting any sympathy from me
You’re now married to someone who I can only imagine has a circus living inside his head
He’s always down to do something fun
Your dates consist of paint-balling and silent discos
Always knows how to cheer you up when you’re having a bad day
I can imagine him being quite a heated kisser
He doesn’t like to sleep alone so he wraps his entire body round you like an octopus
He’s like the worst nurse when you feel sick
But you appreciate the effort
I don’t know why but Sehun just gives me feral vibes
Like it wouldn’t shock me if he lived wild in the jungle like Tarzan
But being with you gives him the sense of home he’s always wanted
You are his world
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The doting husband
Be prepared to be treated like a queen
He has waited for the moment to call you his wife
Now that it’s official he can’t wait to be the husband he has always dreamed of being
Expect long talks into the night
He plans he whole future around you
You’re literally his one and only
Constantly sends pictures to the exo group chat of your travels as a married couple
Wants to show you off every chance he gets
Will sit and write songs about you
Every fibre of his being is you and your happiness
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caramara3 · 13 days
Just Friends...?: Imani Cove
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Playlist for fic
Name: Imani Cove
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Nicknames: Emmi, Mani, Emms
DOB: August 4, 1990
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Born: Houston, TX
Billed from: Houston, TX
Resides: Orlando, FL
Age: 32 (as of 2023)
Ethnicity: Afro-Caribbean (mother is Trinidadian; father's family is from New Orleans)
Height: 5 foot 5
Occupation: Professional Wrestler * actress *
Grandmother: Evangeline Whitley
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Grandfather: Charles Whitley Sr.
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Sister: Ariella
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WWE Women's World Champion (1 time, current; won at WrestleMania XL against Rhea Ripley)
NXT Women’s Championship (2 times)
WWE RAW Women’s Championship (5 times)
WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship (4 times)
WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship (4 times, inaugural) with Bayley (2), Naomi (1), and Rhea Ripley (1)
Women’s Royal Rumble Winner (2024)
Third WWE Women’s Triple Crown Champion
Third WWE Women’s Grand Slam Champion
NXT Year-End Award (1 time)
Match of the Year (2015) vs. Bayley at NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn
ESPY Awards:
Best WWE Moment (2021) - Imani Cove and Bianca Belair make history as the first Black Women to main-event WrestleMania
Bumpy Award (4 times)
Tag Team of the Half-Year (2020) – with Bayley
Best Match of the Half-Year
Best Match of the Half-Year (2021) – vs. Bianca Belair at WrestleMania 37
Best Match of the Half-Year (2023) - vs. Charlotte vs. Rhea Ripley at WrestleMania 39
Best Match of the Half-Year (2024) - vs Rhea Ripley at WrestleMania XL
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Little Facts about Imani:
Imani Cove is one of the 4 Horsewomen of the WWE alongside Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch, and Bayley.
Imani is a graduate of the Wild Samoans Training Center.
Right now Imani has over 13 tattoos and counting, 13 to symbolize her lucky number. And yes, a good amount of her tattoos were done on Friday the 13th.
When Imani was 13 and Ariella was 7, they went into the custody of their paternal grandparents.
Imani, though a social butterfly, tends to keep her private life extremely secretive, especially in regards to her childhood.
Imani has an extensive background in dance and gymnastics.
Imani has a bachelor's degree in Exercise Physiology and is registered as a licensed massage therapist. If she hadn't gone into wrestling, she wanted to become physical therapist for children.
Imani is an AKA.
During her early days in FCW and NXT Developmental, Imani played the part of Roman Reigns' manager. When he got called up to the main roster, Imani originally was meant to be called up but at the last minute was told she would be staying behind.
Imani's grandmother Evangeline was terrified learning her baby wanted to be a wrestler, but she agreed to let her train on one condition: that she went to college and get a degree just in case.
In early 2018, Imani suffered a torn ACL while competing against Charlotte Flair during a house show. Her injury forced her to relinquish her Smackdown Women's Championship at the time and miss both WrestleMania 34 & 35. She would make her in-ring return in 2020 at the Royal Rumble in her hometown Houston, TX and be in the final four of the Royal Rumble Match.
A few of Imani's major wrestling influences are Rey Mysterio, Chyna, Lita, The Wild Samoans, Batista, Trish Stratus, Eddie Guerrero, and Shawn Michaels.
Imani reps her hometown teams the Houston Texans and the Houston Astros.
She is very close friends with Rhea Ripley, Samantha Irvin, Zelina Vega, Naomi, Charlotte Flair, Bianca Belair, Bayley, Tamina, and Natalya.
Imani is fluent in three languages: Spanish, French, and German. She knows a little Japanese and is currently learning Italian.
She has an insane sweet tooth. She loves brownies, cakes, and ice cream, especially cookies-and-cream ice cream.
Imani's signature fragrance is a perfume she created at a local shop in New Orleans. It's a blend of vanilla, black orchid, and amber that she pairs with Eos Cashmere Vanilla lotion.
Imani grew up in an affluent musical family. Her grandmother was a jazz singer in New Orleans for 30 years and her grandfather played trumpet for her band (that's how they met).
Imani has three pets: an orange cat named Mushu, a black cat named Binx, and a Staffy named Moose.
The first thing she did with her first big paycheck was pay off her grandparents house in Houston and moved them to Tampa to be close to her.
Her favorite two matches of her career are the NXT Iron Woman Match against Bayley & main eventing WrestleMania 37 with Bianca Belair.
Her sister Ariella is 6 years younger than her. Ari is a woman in STEM and is currently studying in South Korea in a program for her masters in biomedical engineering.
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dagwolf · 2 years
Recent viral images of Southwest agents getting yelled at and crying have resurfaced a valuable lesson about the nature of our economic system that’s worth examining this holiday season: the deliberate, built-in ways corporate “customer service” is set up to not only shield those on the top of the ladder—executives, vice presidents, large shareholders—but pit low-wage workers against each other in an inherently antagonistic relationship marked by powerlessness and frustration. It’s a dynamic we discussed in “Episode 118: The Snitch Economy—How Rating Apps and Tipping Pit Working People Against Each Other,” of the Citations Needed podcast I co-host, but I feel ought to be expanded on in light of recent events. Watching video after video, reading tweet after tweet, describing frustrated stranded holiday travelers yelling at Southwest Airlines workers, and hearing, in turn, accounts of airline workers and airport staff breaking down crying, is a good opportunity to talk about how none of this is natural or inevitable. It is a choice, both in corporate policy and government regulation. 
There are three main ways capital pits workers against each other in the relationship we call “customer service”:
1. Snitch economy. As discussed in Citations Needed Ep. 118, we are provided with more and more apps, websites, and customer surveys to effectively do the job of managing for management—free of charge, of course. Under the auspices of “empowering” the consumer, we are told to spy on our low-wage servants and gauge the quality of their servitude with stars, tips, and reviews. Uber, DoorDash, Fiver, Grubhub—a new “gig economy” has emerged that not only misclassifies workers as freelancers to pay them less, but hands over the reins of management to the consumer directly. This necessarily increases the antagonism between working-class consumers and the workers they are snitching on. 
2. Automation. Increasingly, even getting to the bottom rung employee to yell at is difficult. Under the thin pretense of Covid, increased labor power has exploded the use of automated technology that creates a frustrating maze to get a simple problem solved or task accomplished. Don’t go to the register, instead download the app and order. Scan the QR code, don’t wait on hold, go to our website and engage a series of automated prompts and maybe you can solve your problem. More and more consumers are being pushed away from humans onto automated systems we are told will “save us time,” but instead exist solely to save the corporation labor costs. So, by the time the average consumer does finally work their way to seeing a human, they are annoyed, frustrated, and angry at this faceless entity and more willing to take it out on someone making $13 an hour. 
One recent visit to Houston’s George H.W. Bush airport portended our obnoxious “automated” future. To cut down on unionized airport labor, all the restaurants use QR codes and require you to order food and drinks for yourself. Per usual, it’s sold as an exciting new technology that’s somehow good for consumers, but really the basic technology is 30 years old. It’s just a screen—the same ones restaurants have had for decades. The only thing that’s changed is the social conditioning of having you do all your own ordering and menu navigation. The waiter hasn’t been replaced by an iPad, they’ve been replaced by you. Invariably, it’s clunky and annoying and reduces the union jobs that airport construction is said to provide to justify soliciting public dollars. The only winner is a faceless corporation with a Delaware LLC and its shareholders living in a few counties in Connecticut and Texas.
Automation not only annoys and adds labor burdens to the customer, there is also evidence that it is a significant contributor to income inequality. A November 2022 study published in the journal Econometrica looked at the significantly widening income gap between lesser and more educated workers over the past 40 years. It found that ​​“automation accounts for more than half of that increase,” as summarized by MIT News. “This single one variable … explains 50 to 70 percent of the changes or variation between group inequality from 1980 to about 2016,” said MIT economist Daron Acemoglu, co-author of the study. Whether or not, under a different economic system, automation could be a force for good is a debate for another day. But what is clear is that, while both consumers and workers are harmed by this trend, there is a significant want of solidarity between them. 
3. Deliberate understaffing. This is a major culprit in this week’s Southwest Airlines meltdown. In parallel with the increased use of forced automation, cost-cutting corporations, facing increased labor power, are gutting staffing to its bare bones and hoping their corporate competitors doing the same will lead to a shift in consumer’s willingness to put up with substandard service and conditions, and overall bullshit. “We apologize for the wait,” the automated phone prompt tells us. Of course a machine cannot be contrite, so the effect is both surreal and grating: You’re not fucking sorry, you don’t exist. You're a recording. But now, who am I yelling at? 
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starjedi86 · 7 months
Change of plans
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Summary: Your plans changed before Valentine’s Day.
Pairing: Pre-outbreak!Joel Miller x female reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.4k
Authors Note: Happy Valentine’s Day!
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You were sitting on the couch, the soft glow of the screen illuminating your face as you talked with Joel over a video call. It had been a few days since he had left for a new job project in Houston, and you missed him more with each passing moment.
It was fortunate that with the help of technology, you were able to talk with him every night when he wasn’t working. That way, at least, you could see him and spend some time with him.
"So, how's work been?" you asked, a smile forming at the corners of your lips as you took a sip from your glass of red wine. It was Friday, so that meant you could relax and enjoy a cup of wine while talking with your boyfriend.
Joel leaned back in his chair, a tired yet content expression on his face. "It's been hectic," he admitted, running a hand through his soft brown hair that you loved so much. “It’s not easy with the weather, but I'm making progress. How about you, honey? How was your day?"
You sighed, thinking about the events of the day. “It was alright,” you replied, a hint of stress in your voice. “Work was hard as usual, but I managed to finish that project I told you about the other day.” You took another sip from your wine before looking back at the screen.
Joel's eyes lit up with interest. You knew he was feeling proud of you, just as always. “That's great to hear, baby! I knew you could do it.”
You smiled at his words, grateful for his support. "Thank you, love,” you replied, feeling warmth spread through your chest.
"I can’t wait until you’re back home with me. I miss you a lot.”
A smile spread across Joel’s face. “I miss you too,” he said, his eyes filled with love.
“And you know what else I miss? Your cooking. Nothing beats the taste of your homemade lasagna or that delicious blueberry pie you make.” Joel admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
You couldn’t help but chuckle as he mentioned his love for your cooking. “Well, I’ve been experimenting with some new recipes you may like,” you said, a playful glint in your eyes. “Maybe when you’re back, I can cook them from you, especially a new chocolate cake I learned to bake.”
Joel’s eyes widened, shining with excitement. The smile on his face couldn’t have been more evident “I’d love that. I can’t wait to be back home and taste everything you cook,” he said, his voice filled with anticipation.
A small smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you took another sip from your wine. “I can’t wait for you to be back home too,” you said, feeling a warmth in your chest. “By the way, when are you coming back? You said you’d be here tomorrow morning.”
Joel’s expression softened, a hint of hesitation appeared in his eyes. “About that…” he began, his voice trailing off for a moment before he continued. “There’s something I needed to talk to you about.”
Your heart skipped a beat at the change in his tone, a sense of unease settling in your stomach. “What is it?” you asked, trying to keep the worry away out of your voice. You placed your cup on the coffee table and sat up straight on the couch, feeling tense.
Joel took a deep breath, his gaze locking with yours through the screen. “I didn’t want to tell you this, honey, but I… I might be delayed,” he admitted, his words filled with regret. “There have been some unexpected complications with my work, and it looks like I might have to stay a bit longer.”
Disappointment washed over you at his words, a lump forming in your throat. You bit your lip to keep the tears away from your eyes. This was affecting you more than you thought, since it was the first time Joel and you had been apart for such a long time since the beginning of your relationship. “How… how much longer?” you asked as you managed to say those words too loud.
“I’m not sure,” Joel replied, frustration and sadness evident in his voice. “I don’t think I’m going to make it back for Valentine’s Day,” he continued. You could see that he was suffering, but at the same time, he was trying to be strong for you, knowing how important that date was to you. “I know we had plans, and I’m really sorry.” Joel said, this expression pained.
Disappointment washed over you as you processed what he had just said. This was supposed to be a perfect Valentine’s Day. It wasn’t the first one you both had as a couple, but you wanted it to be special. You’d already planned lots of surprises for him, but now it seemed like those plans were falling apart.
However, before you could respond, Joel's voice softened through the screen. “But I have a surprise for you, baby,” he said, excitement evident in his tone. "Go to the closet and look on the top shelf."
Confused yet intrigued, you made your way to the closet of the bedroom. Placing your phone on your desk, you used a chair to reach the top shelf of your closet. There, hidden among his old stuff, was a small delicate velvet box. With trembling hands, you carefully opened it to reveal a beautiful necklace with a pair of matching earrings, a reminder of Joel's love for you.
In that moment, tears ran down your cheeks as you held the box in your hands. You had told Joel thousands of times that it wasn’t necessary for him to give you things, however, he loved and spoiled you so much that he didn’t care. "You didn't have to do this, Joel," you whispered, your voice choked with emotion.
Joel's eyes softened as he looked at you through the screen. "I know," he replied, his voice filled with tenderness and love. "But I wanted to. When I saw it, I thought it was perfect for you.”
You smiled through your tears, touched by his words. You couldn’t love this man even more. "Thank you, baby. I love it.” you said softly, feeling a surge of warmth in your chest.
Before you could say anything else, Joel’s expression shifted slightly. “Hold on a moment,” he said, his brow furrowing in concentration. “I have one more surprise for you, but you’ll have to wait until I come back to find out what it is.”
Your heart skipped a beat at the mention of another surprise, curiosity piqued as you giggled. “Well, I can’t wait,” you said, excitement building up inside you.
Joel chuckled softly, the sound sending shivers down your spine. “I’m glad to hear that. I promise it’ll be worth the wait,” he said, a playful glint in his eyes. “Hmm, it looks like I’m getting a work call. I’ll call you back as soon as I can, okay, baby?”
With a blown kiss and a promise to call back soon, Joel ended the call, leaving you alone in front of your phone, the box still in your hands.
You gently took out the necklace and put it on, along with the earrings. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you couldn’t help but feel beautiful. The jewelry fit perfectly on you, Joel always had a good taste in choosing things for you.
You were lost in your thoughts as you admired the necklace in the mirror when a faint sound caught your attention—a knock on your apartment door. Frowning in confusion, you glanced at the clock. It was late, too late for visitors.
You made your way to the door, you heart pounding in your chest. When you arrived, you cautiously swung it open. There, standing on your doorstep, was Joel, a sheepish grin on his face as he held out a bouquet of flowers.
“Surprise," he said, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Turns out, I finished my work earlier than expected and I wanted to plan a little surprise for you.”
Tears of joy streamed down your face as you threw your arms around his neck, holding him tightly as if you were afraid he might disappear. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of his embrace, you knew that, after all, you were going to have a perfect Valentine’s Day—not because of the gifts, plans or surprises, but because he was finally home with you.
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bainofjustice · 5 months
Kitty's Notes On Episode 2 Of The Payday Web Series
It is really funny to me that they made a “previously on” part for a web show and to recap a episode that clocks in at 6 minutes 
It's funny that Dallas & Houston have time for a very small argument. Also helps set up the insane amount of tension the web show portrays them having
The editing/camrea is so choppy like this isn't a review but omg I had to write that down
Okay it looks like Wolf keeps zip ties on his belt, makes sense both for the game stuff of tying up civis and also is probably helpful for his mechines
Chains and Houston demask INSIDE A FUCKING VAULT post running out of ammo and while they do tell the civis present to not look this is just such a bad idea especially because the vault is basically surrounded by cops 
But also the bromance between Houston & Chains is real, like they're in a bad situation and they plan it out
Also it seems like Dallas and Wolf are the main movers of goods within this heist, I'm not sure they're the best picks but with the limits the gang had at the time I suppose they aren't the worst, it just feels like in general the plan doesn't cater to the real talents of the gang. Which tbh is probably because the web show is meant to be a ad, so they wanted more action which required mostly gun fights and they didn't do fight scenes in a intelligental way 
Also I just realized for some reason Chains is using a damn hand gun meanwhile it's Houston with a assault rifle, which really doesn't seem catered to their skills
I just remembered a little later after writing the above that Chains mentioned being out of ammo for his own assault rifle so not as bad as I thought, still wonder why they didn't switch at any point, like it worked out but yeah
One thing I do like about the action scenes is that the gang uses more than juet guns and use melee attacks as well
Houston is able to flat out flip a guy over and steal his gun, I feel pretty confident in saying Houston has probably taken some hand to hand combat lessons.
Also it appears that both Dallas and Wolf are using assault rifles which makes sense given their roles in the heist.
In better lighting it seems Wolf actually has a shotgun which is even better for him actually 
We see the escape driver when Dallas and Wolf are ambushed at the escape van, he appears to be at most middle age, white, brown hair, slightly fatter build and wears a black hoodie with a band or event tee-shirt under the hoodie, grabbing a pic to see if I can locate the shirt later.
We see several of Vlad's men during the ambush including who we later learn seems to be his right hand / personal bodyguard
Vlad's intro is so funny to me, like he holds the gang at gunpoint and stalls their escape and this actually manages to end with him getting the gang to work with him, like I am sure that Bain or Vlad carefully planned this part but it could have easily gone wrong if for example Wolf shoot someone without thinking it through, or if a officer managed to follow them to the van, especially since everyone unmasks!
Houston Vc: Do you know these guys?.    Dallas, who is being held at gunpoint vc: does it look like I know these guys?
1. Vlad decides to shout “Bain” while explaining he is a ally, 2. He calls Bain in this instance “Mr Bain” which I find to be a fun detail of characterization and also to how at the time the only people sorta comfortable enough around Bain to be confident when saying his name and such is the core members of the Payday gan
Ah and then Dallas has to go back uncover which requires faking a injury, which he lets Houston do the honors of punching him, only adding to the family feud they seem to have in the web series. Also this one punch is enough to knock Dallas to the ground.
Also funnily Dallas or should I say, “Nathen Steele” is the one to call in the first world bank heist
Bain vapes! We see him vape, we also hear him in game talk about smoking cigars, so either he does both or in my opinion more likely he lies about the details of his smoking habits even to the gang.
We can see that Bain wears a leather jacket with a design on the back & front when in his lair, the design most looks like fire to me but it's very dark, I would love to someday see some behind the scenes footage or something with the costume.
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lonestarbattleship · 11 months
Battleship Texas much closer to securing permanent home in Galveston
The first step is a ten-year lease with the port, coming in at $20,000 a month or more depending on the weather
By Chris Gray
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"This artist's rendering projects what the USS Texas could look like once it is safely housed along the heart of Galveston's waterfront. "
"Battleship Texas cleared an important hurdle in its quest for a permanent home this week. During its regular meeting on Tuesday, the Galveston Wharves board of trustees authorized the creation of a lease between the Port of Galveston and the Battleship Texas Foundation, which operates and maintains the historic warship.
'It’s a big step for us,' said Tony Gregory, the foundation’s president and CEO. 'We feel like it's a big win. It’s taken a while to convince the port that we should be where we're going to go, but in the end their leadership responded. We think we have a good agreement, and we're excited to move forward on it.'
The proposed lease would be for 10 years with two additional 10-year options, explained port director and CEO of Galveston Wharves Rodger Rees. Once it has been drafted and signed, which Rees said could happen at the board’s next meeting later this month, the foundation would pay the port $20,000 per month in rent; plus $1.2 million (another $20,000 a month) in case an extreme-weather event or other dire scenario forced the port managers to take drastic measures with the ship like towing her out to sea.
Now, 'there's some hoops they've got to jump through but not ours,' Rees said. 'What we did is try to help them with their permitting process by giving them a home.'
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The ship, which served with distinction in both World Wars, was towed from the San Jacinto Monument to a dry-dock facility in Galveston's harbor in August 2022.
Greg Eckmann Photography/Battleship Texas Foundation
According to Gregory, now that the foundation has struck a deal with the port, it can finalize its agreement with Landry’s, Inc. for the multibillion-dollar company founded by island native and Houston Rockets owner Tilman Fertitta to manage the ship’s day-to-day operations, effectively adding it to a portfolio that also includes Kemah Boardwalk and Pleasure Pier. The foundation plans to permanently berth the ship in the area around Piers 19 and 20, the most commercial area of the port and property already controlled by Landry’s.
'Landry’s is excited about the positive progress made to secure a permanent home for the Battleship Texas in Galveston,' said Landry's deputy general counsel Dash Kohlhausen in a statement. 'We look forward to continue working with the City, the Wharves Board, and the Battleship Texas Foundation to make this a reality for Galveston.'
The next step for the foundation, which towed the USS Texas to Galveston from its longstanding home at the San Jacinto Monument in August 2022, is to secure the necessary permits from the trio of agencies which share jurisdiction over the waterway: the U.S. Coast Guard; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; and Galveston Texas City Pilots, an association of ship captains whose boats escort larger vessels in and out of the port. It could take up to a year for those permits to be approved, Rees said.
Meanwhile, the ship, which served in both World Wars — notably off Omaha Beach during D-Day and as part of Operation Torch in North Africa — has been undergoing an estimated $60 million in dry-dock repairs since arriving at the Gulf Copper facility on Pelican Island. According to Gregory, those repairs are scheduled to be completed next summer. The foundation has already started a capital campaign to raise another $15 million for construction of its permanent housing, including the necessary mooring plus a ticket-sales building, public restrooms, and exhibit space.
Finally, hovering over all this is the not-insignificant question of whether the old battleship will sell enough tickets — about 283,000 a year, according to the foundation’s math — to offset the necessary maintenance, restoration, and marketing costs. On this count, at least, Gregory is confident she will.
'We feel like the reason our agreement with the port is such a big step is because we are in the best spot to attract the most tourists on the waterfront,' he said. 'We have two cruise terminals to our West, one cruise terminal to our East, with another being negotiated. We're near the restaurants, the Elissa, the bars; we’re near the Strand.
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It could take another $15 million to prepare the necessary facilities to house the ship along Piers 19 and 20, foundation CEO Tony Gregory said.
Battleship Texas Foundation
'It’s a little bit like the real estate agent said: ‘Location, location, location' Gregory added. 'It’s the best location in Galveston for being successful in attracting people to come onto the ship.'
For the foundation, which took over upkeep of the ship from Texas Parks and Wildlife in 2019, the end is now in sight. The extraordinary patience necessary to steward the Texas through this painstaking and expensive process finally seems to be yielding tangible results.
'I tell people all the time, if you get involved with the Battleship Texas, whether you're a vendor or a regulatory agency, it's a legacy project and you need to be a little more patient and a little more committed to get it done, because she's an old ship and she needs a lot of care,' Gregory said.
'So we're confident,' he added. 'Believe me, there's always regulatory obstacles, and we've overcome a lot of them in the past couple or years. We’re optimistic that we can address whatever else needs to be addressed.'"
Article from the Houston Chronicle: link
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888artpys · 3 months
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Chris Sturniolo x Photographer
summary: as you clock into work you notice who you’re working for. after being welcomed by the triplets team you notice they’re not around, but as you walk into your room you find chris sturniolo inside.
content warnings : none
the prologue for my :
→ smuttyseries
The Prologue:
The White Oak Music Hall was already buzzing with anticipation for the Sturniolo triplets' show. As the sun began to rise, I found myself double-checking my camera equipment, making sure everything was ready for the day's event. I had picked up this shift on a whim, not entirely sure what to expect, or why the pay was so much higher than the other shows. As I walked in I notice posters everywhere. Wow I’m working for the triplets tonight. I’ve seen them a couple times on my TikTok feed but I wasn’t a fan—just another 19-year-old working a job in my hometown of Houston.
I approach the venue welcomed by the triplets team, but no sign of the boys. I checked the setup quickly in the early morning light and made my way back to my area to get more supplies. I could see my door was slightly opened as I got closer. I feel slight rage since I always have fans “mistake” my room as a restroom when there’s a “DO NOT ENTER” sign above the doorknob.
“Hey!” I called out, stepping into the room “This is a restricted—” My words caught in my throat when I saw who it was. Christopher Sturniolo was sitting on the floor, his back against the wall, tears streaming down his face.
He looked up, startled, his bright blue eyes red and puffy. But let out a sigh of relief when he looked down and saw my equipment with my lanyard that wrote “Employee” around my neck.
"Oh my god, let me get out of here, I saw the sign outside the door I just- I’m sorry," as he stuttered and mumbled, trying to wipe away the evidence of his tears I stood there in shock.
"I didn’t mean to intrude. I just needed a quiet place" Chris states.
For a moment, I was frozen, my heart beating rapidly at the sight of him. "Um It's okay," I said softly, closing the door behind me. "Are you alright?"
Chris shook his head, his fluffy brown hair falling into his eyes. "Yeah, I think? I don’t know, not really.
As I hear his voice crack I try to think of something, anything to say, but can’t mouth anything.
“This tour... it's just so overwhelming. Being away from home, it’s harder than I thought."
I moved closer, sitting right in front of him crisscrossing, my heart pounding. He looked at me, his eyes wide with surprise.
As I offered a small smile I managed to finally say something, “I get it. Being on the road can be tough, especially when you're far from home. I mean I’ve never been away from home like this, but I know what it’s like to feel overwhelmed."
Chris sighed, leaning his head back against the wall. "I don’t know why I’m homesick, it’s just the beginning of the tour."
We sat there in silence for a while, the distant sounds of the venue preparations filling the room. I studied his face, noticing the way his eyelashes were still wet, sniffling every couple of seconds and his clear skin slightly flushed from crying. His expression was a mixture of sadness and relief, and it struck me how vulnerable he seemed, so different from the confident persona he projected online.
The intercom above interrupts our silence “Last call for backstage passes and wrist bands, please come pick them up at the box office, Last call, Last call.”
"Thanks," with a slight smile, his voice barely above a whisper. "I guess I just needed someone to talk to."
His smile was genuine, his expression softening as he relaxed in my presence. I realized then was a young man just trying to navigate his way through an overwhelming situation.
As he starts getting up I reach into my pocket and pull out the wristbands and extras he needs to pick up.
“Looking for these?” I say. “Here you can just have mine, I’ll go instead, you can stay in here, I’ll be back in a few.”
As I placed the wristbands and passes on the table next to the door he nodded, offering a faint smile. Looking down at my camera, “What even is your name camera girl?”
“Camera girl?”, I say as I giggle slightly. If that’s what you want to call me.
I turned around hesitantly, wondering if I should say something else, then shrugged with a small grin as I left the room.
As the day progressed, Chris and I kept running into each other. Between his rehearsals and my rounds, we found moments to talk. I learned about his brothers, their lives in Boston, and the pressure of living in the public eye. He listened as I shared bits about my life in Houston, my love for photography, and my dream of becoming a writer.
There was a moment during one of our conversations when he looked at me, really looked at me.
As we sit in front of my vanity fixing up our hair in our own worlds Chris takes out his airpods and glances at me. This catches my attention, so I take both airpods out my ear waiting for him to say something.
“You kind of have hair like my mom, it’s pretty, well also I mean you’re really pretty.”
His blue eyes held mine, and I felt an undeniable connection.
I paused and felt my face get bright red.
“Thank you, you’re pretty too, I like your eyes.”
Just before the show, Chris found me again. "Hey, I’ve been thinking," he said, his eyes bright with a new idea. "Would you like to join us on tour? We could use a designated photographer, and it would be great to have a friend around."
My heart skipped a beat. "Really? Are you sure?"
He nodded, smiling warmly. "Yeah. We need someone who can capture the real moments, not just the staged ones. And besides, it would be nice to have you with us."
I smiled back, feeling a warmth spread through me. "I’d love to."
As the Sturniolos took the stage that night, I was there, camera in hand, capturing every moment. The cheers of the fans, the energy of the triplets, and the connection we had formed—it all felt like a new beginning.
For Chris and me, that day in Houston was the start of something special. And as we hit the road together, we knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, we’d face them together, one photo at a time.
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Events In The Hjstory And The Life Of Elvis Presley Today On The 25th Febuary In 1970.
The Houston Airport Press Conference. 1970
Elvis Presley was asked why he was performing in Houston, to which he replied 'I sort of started out in Texas in and around Houston' and that he had played nearly everywhere in the area. Elvis Presley also said 'I've wanted to get back into live appearances to get the inspiration of live audiences, but I'll tell you, that Dome has me scared'.
Elvis Presley said he still plans on making more movies 'But a little better than the ones before'. He went on to say 'I can't watch my movies on television because I'm too critical. I think King Creole was the best of my movies'.When asked how his act differed from the old days, Elvis Presley replied 'I still do pretty much like I feel up there on stage, the sound has changed and overall, I think, for the better'. It was noted by a reporter that The Jordanaires were not accompanying him as backup voices. Elvis Presley said 'I can't get them out of Nashville. They're making too much money and won't go on the road'. Then the Colonel Parker The Fat Controller The Manager propelled several of the rodeo directors into the lights with Elvis Presley and said 'For the kinda money you're paying us, you're entitled to get into the picture'.This brought a close to the news conference.
(This Press Conference has always been wrongly dated as being from February 27 1970, but no Press Conference was held on that date.)
Photo By Houston Press Taken Here Of Elvis Presley
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angelbabyyys-world · 6 months
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For the Drabble event would you be willing to do the first I love you? I love your writing.
                    As We Grow 
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Summary: About how Austin and his best girl said those magical three letter words to one another. Plus the origin of their famous catch phrase.
Contents: MAXIMUM FLUFF. Mentions of past trauma. Gooey feelings. Sleepy Magnus. Crying. Awesome Austin (per usual)
A/N: Hi Beautiful Humans! How are you all? Ugh I missed you! Alas, I’ve been trapped in the claws of college. BUT, since I’m on break and writing up a storm I will try and get out as much as I can while I’m off, and also write some things I can put on auto fill when things get crazy.
I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday. To the Anon who suggested this sorry about the wait babe. AND to any one else who requested something I’m working on it babes. BARE WITH ME.
Any who please enjoy the fic!
P.S Everyone feel free to PLEASE comment and reblog. Also send me letters with ideas and prompts. Love hearing from you all! Much Love! *hugs*
You were sitting on your couch writing in your black leather planner, in it was your to-do list of all the mundane things that needed to be done in the upcoming week.
It had proven to be quite effective and useful in helping you to manage the events and such that went on in your semi-chaotic life.
And as old as you felt admitting that you had a planner in the first place, you felt even more old due to your current choice of outfit and music.
Sitting in your large house pink house dress with matching pink house slippers. Your hair was wrapped up in a silk headscarf and clear kitten framed glasses adorned your face.
In the background, the R & B station on Spotify played Saving all my love from the Whitney Houston album, while the scent of lavender and eucalyptus essential oils filled the air.
It was Sunday which meant self-care and a little bit of life management. Today you'd woken up and gotten brunch with Phoebe, Alex, Alana, and Beatrice. After you and a eager Magnus went to the Totem to go and browse, which you ended up buying a book for yourself and bought two books for Austin. Then you treated yourself to a nice hot shower and a full head to toe skin care routine.
 And now you were where you were.
Earlier in the day Austin had texted you to let you know that he probably wasn't going to be able to come over to watch re-runs of Grey's Anatomy while eating take out Thai-food like the two of you had originally planned. And even though you were disappointed a bit.
You understood.
Every since the two of you had started dating about three months ago, you understood that there were some days and times that you unfortunately may not hear from Austin due to him immersing himself into his work and preparation for Elvis. It's something he'd been upfront about in the beginning of your relationship, about how the process of him doing this role wouldn't exactly mean it would be a cakewalk for you guys. But within being a creative yourself mixed with the rather intense feelings you felt for Austin, you decided that you'd be in this for the long haul as long as you could be.
In the middle of Wednesday's list you heard the buzzer ring.
Frowning in confusion you got up, being followed by the patters of your scary purple onesie dressed guard dog, Magnus.
You weren't expecting anyone.
Going to the intercom you pressed the button speaking, " Yes? "
" Delivery for the most beautiful girl in the world." The voice familiar voice hummed through the box. The bright smile that invaded your face was wide and the involuntary skips that your heart did paired well with the warmth that filled you body.
Deciding to be a tease you replied, " I'm sorry but I think you have the wrong place. Have you tried apartment 3A. The young lady that lives there is quite beautiful and very stylish so it seems." You joked referring to your downstairs neighbor, Gladys Reed, who was a older lady that you'd befriended after a creepy encounter with another neighbor of yours. She was sweet and always looked out for you. She also always complimented you and Austin whenever she seen the two of you.
And you know what they say about an elder approving of a couple. 
It's good luck.
" Well. As beautiful as she is and as nice as that vintage Chanel may look, between me and you I think I you got her beat, baby. All seven days a week and twenty four hours in the day." He chuckled back, " Now let me up so I can see that beautiful face."
Giggling to yourself in glee, a short, " Okay." Squeaked out,  hitting the button that allowed Austin in.
It was only a matter of seconds before the knock on the door came and you ripped it open practically launching yourself into Austin's arms who was quick to sit down whatever was in his hands and happily catch you, securing his hands under your ass to hold you up. You both spoke quick little hi and hellos before you sealed your lips on his.
A fat wet kiss was placed on his lips followed by the depth he poured into it and the move to push the two of you up against a nearby wall, while he let his tongue nudged at the bottom of your lip until you let him in. Tiny moans could now be heard from you that resulted in the grip he had to your ass tightening.
With the door still wide open you could feel things heating up in many different places. Only the small thunderous barks and incessant feeling of paws hitting yours and Austin's legs pulled the two of you away.
Separating you smiled down at Magnus along with Austin who greeted him, cheeks red with embarrassment, " Hey Mags. Sorry man didn't see you there. What's up." He offered slowly setting you back down. Earning a enthused bark of a response, Austin laughed before turning his attention back to you.
" Well I guess you really are trying to compete with Miss Gladys. Huh, baby." He commented as his eyes raked you up and down.
Truth be told he thought you looked quite good. Like someone's fine wife...or mother. The last half of his thought made his chest flutter, because if things kept going the way they were he could see all those things down the line for you two.
Instantly beginning to feel self conscious you quickly offered to go and change into something more age appropriate and appealing. But your efforts were halted, " Uh uh, no. You seem cozy and comfortable, babe. Which makes me feel comfortable and cozy. You look good." He reassured leaning down to peck your lips before smirking, " Sexy even. Besides, long time ago I used to have a thing for older woman, so this might be doing it for me a little bit." He wiggled his eyebrows at your causing the two of you to begin a laughing.
Cheeks heating up you had to remember the spark of curiosity you had when he came in, so you asked, " So, Mr. Delivery man what'd you bring me? "
Looking at you he motioned with his head to follow his gaze to the wall by door and down. And when you looked you seen the pretty medium sized plant in a brown pot with a nicely tied pink ribbon around it sitting on the floor.
Your face scrunched in thoughts and nerves, " Babe, what is this? You know that I don't have a green thumb. At all." You reminded.
And it was true, every plant you'd gotten over you lifetime had always ended up the same way. Dead.
Even the Cacti you'd tried to take care of had found themselves being welcomed into the glory place where all the rest of your plants rested, otherwise known as the trash.
         Like you literally watered a cactus like once...maybe twice a month. So it astonishing to you how you managed to keep a puppy alive ... and not a plant.
" This..", Austin went over and scooped up the plant in hands bringing it over to you, " is our love fern." He stated holding it out.
Taking it cautiously, you bafflingly looked between the nice sized plant and Austin sheepishly smiling," Our..love...fern." You parroted looking at the amused face Austin held.
He nodded, " Yeah, baby. It's our love fern. I got it because you said you wanted one last week when we were watching that Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson movie."  He reminded you of the little comment you'd made when the two of you had been snuggled up watching How to lose a guy in ten days.
Then light bulb went off in your head and your eyes widen in playful disbelief,     " BABE! I WAS JOKING! You didn't have to actually go out and bring a poor plant back here to practically sentence to death." " You gawked at him laughing.
" We'll I'm not. There are two reasons why I bought this lovely thing . First, because although I know that you, my love. Are no Mother Nature, I have a pretty good track record of being able to keep plants alive. And I figured that if you have it here at your place, then I'll have a absolute reason and responsibility to come and see you and Magnus at least twice a week. Plus I'll teach you how to care for it when I'm not here, honey." He explained glancing over to the puppy who was enjoying himself on the couch happily lounging on your abandoned blanket.
When your eyes met his again you noticed how serious his face had turned. They captured yours in trance making sure there was no where else for you to look, " And the second and most important reason I bought the plant is because.." He started, using a hand to grab both of yours. He secured them ontop of his own hands that rested on the pot. You unconsciously squeezed them making sure that you had a firm clutch as the two of you held up the pot together.
" I also bought this plant because, I love you. I love you Y/N L/N. So much. That's something I've been wanting to tell you since I met you three months ago. And as this plant will surely grow everyday...so will the love that you and I have for each other. " He paused, " That's if you feel the same way of course." His eyes looked hopeful and pleading at the same time. Like his whole entire being was resting on what'd you say next.
And unbeknownst to you....it kinda did.
By now the waterline in your eyes was threatening to spill and this overwhelming mixture of joy and fear overtook your body all at once. Joyful that the man that you did in-fact love, loved you too. But fearful that while, yes, he did love you, for how long?  How long would he love and enjoy you before he decided that he was done and ready to leave like so many other people in your life had.
 Pulling you out of your thoughts Austin had moved to take the plant out of both  your hands and set it down on the floor next to you. Moving in closer he held your face in his hands gently lifting your head positioned to the floor, up to look at him.
As soon as your eyes locked the tears started flowing and you couldn't hold it anymore, " I love you too Austin. I-I really do." You almost whispered, the worry on his face seemed to only half melt when he seen that you weren't done with your proclamation, " But I'm scared. " You confessed.
His voice was soft in concern, " Scared of what, baby?"
His attentive tone made you feel even worst and you began crying a bit harder causing him to coo pulling you into his chest, resting his chin lightly on your head while soothingly rubbing your back. " You're okay, mama. You're alright. Just Breathe." He affirmed helping you along.
It seemed like the two of you stayed like that, forever in the moment.
Him basking in the feeling of you against him, and you relishing in the music that was the beat of his heart. You had slowed your breathing down to match it. 
It wasn't until you had pulled it together and found the strength to just be honest and say what you needed to say, " I'm afraid that you'll love me for as long as you want and then leave me once you get however and whatever you need. Or find somebody new. I'm not saying that you would do something like that, Austin. But you're not the first person to say those three words to me, and then utter the other two. Good bye."
Sighing, he hated hearing that this was even a doubt in your mind. Not because he was offended or he thought you didn't trust him, but because it made him upset that people in your past hadn't had the courage or god given common sense to take care and cherish you, like he planned to.
So in comfort he posed his own question, " What if you decided to do the same thing? If you find some other guys that could fulfill your needs of cuddles, tacos, and bookkeeping? Huh? What would happen then?" He asked.
Without hesitation you went, " Austin I would never, ever, EVER. Leave you for someone else you know that." You sniffled.
Tenderly pulling you closer he responded, " And just how you would never, I would never. I know that others haven't treated you the way they should have. But baby I am here to stay as long as you want me. And if that just so happens to be forever. Then dammit,  you better believe I'll love you forever and always. " He stopped chuckling a bit, " Hell, I might just follow you into the beyond, baby. And love on you there."
His comments laugh. He made you feel so at peace and loved. You felt warm inside and outside of your body.
Pulling away you went to look at his face which his instinctively reached out and wiped some stray tears off of your face,  offering a somber smile, " Well okay then. Let's do it. I'll love you Austin Butler. Forever, always and beyond." You affirmed smiling.
Nodding in excitement he said, " And I too will love you Y/N Y/L/N. Forever, Always and Beyond. No matter what." He concluded swooping you in for a kiss that tasted salty by the mixture of your tears and some of his. The two of you had kissed plenty of times now, but with each kiss still came that gooey feeling. And you never wanted to let it go anywhere.
Minutes whirled by you two being wrapped in each other before Austin was picking up the plant to try and help you find the best place for it.
Deciding that it'd thrive best in your bedroom window where it was in line of direct sunlight and your eyesight. You now lied snuggled up with Austin's arms securely wrapped around your body while he big spooned, and felt the little movements Magnus made in his sleep from his position at the foot of your bed.
Together the two of you watched the sun say it's goodnight and moon say hello when Austin made a comment in your ear, " Now, baby. No matter what happens. You have absolutely got to remember to help keep our love fern alive. I mean it, now. Don’t let our love fern die." He warned kissing the shell of your ear.
Just then a corny reference to the movie popped in your head and you couldn't resist, " But, honey. What if it decides it wants to go to sleep? " You teased.
Chuckling along he responded with a, " Absolutely not."
              * Reference from Movie :) * 
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randomvarious · 11 months
Michael Jackson 30th Anniversary Celebration (Live in New York, NY) 2001 Pop / R&B / Soul / Adult Contemporary
Been posting about the Queen of Pop over the past few days, but now it's come time for some posts about the King of Pop too. And today we have an incredible, star-studded concert from 2001 that celebrated the inimitable career of the single greatest entertainer that the world has ever known, Michael Jackson, with this commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the release of his debut single as a solo artist.
But first, some crazy background about this legendary show: originally, it had been planned as just a one-night-only affair, and was set to take place on September 7, 2001, at Madison Square Garden; but demand had become so high, that just a couple days beforehand, a second date of September 10, 2001 was added as well. And the day after that second show, Michael was actually scheduled to go to the World Trade Center for a meeting, in order to return a watch that he had used, as well as a necklace that his best friend Elizabeth Taylor had worn for the occasions too. But thankfully, for his own sake, he overslept 😳.
Now, when I said that this was a star-studded event, I *really* meant it, because you'd be hard-pressed to find a concert lineup that's ever matched the magnitude of this one. In addition to a solo set from Michael himself, and another one with his brothers from the Jackson 5—who hadn't performed together in, like, two decades—there were also electrifying performances from a total who's who of the pop, soul, and R&B industries as a whole, from both past and present: Usher, Mýa, and Whitney Houston; Billy Gilman; Shaggy and Rikrok; Monica, Tamia, Mýa, Deborah Cox, and Rah Digga; Marc Anthony; Destiny's Child; Liza Minnelli; James Ingram and Gloria Estefan; 98 Degrees, Usher, and Luther Vandross; *NSYNC; and Slash. Either they covered one of Michael's songs, sang their own hits, or performed alongside him during his sets. 
And it's a very good thing that an agreement had been reached to set up two dates for the event too, because when it came time to assemble a TV broadcast, the best performances (and crowd reactions!) from each night could just be plucked and spliced together to form one whole, magnificent show for a national or international audience. Plus, according to some folks, Michael didn't seem to be fully there on the first night either, which people who claim to have been in the know chalk up to drug use, but he dismissed as only a lack of rehearsal and his own self-consciousness. Either way, on that original September 7th date, Michael didn't bring back his patented Moonwalk for very long, but on September 10th, during his performance of "Billie Jean," he managed to fully dazzle with his repertoire of slinky, physics-defying dance moves like he was back at the famed Motown 25th anniversary show where he had originally unveiled the Moonwalk in the first place. And naturally, that 9/10 performance of the song was the one that was chosen to be included in this amazing recording here!
So, such a wonderful time capsule of 2001 in this momentous concert that took place *quite literally* just before one of the most consequential events in world history. A pair of spectacular, unforgettable New York nights, followed by one horrific, unforgettable New York day. 
More fun videos here.
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coochiequeens · 3 months
Maybe now that the people with the money to buy babies are being scammed even IVF proponents will admit that there needs to be regulations in the Buy a Baby Business
Dominique Side, the owner of Surrogacy Escrow Account Management, poses in 2023 at Vegan Fashion Week in Los Angeles.
(Gilbert Flores / WWD via Getty Images)
By Matt Hamilton Staff Writer June 30, 2024 
They scrimped, and they saved. Some asked family and friends to pitch in. Others took out loans for tens of thousands of dollars.
Their goal was twofold: To raise the small fortune necessary to pay for a surrogate mother. And to realize a dream previously impossible — having a child of their own.
Hundreds of people across California, the U.S. and around the globe put their money, sometimes $50,000 or more, into the hands of a Texas-based escrow company so the funds could be held in trust and doled out to a surrogate for healthcare costs, insurance and compensation.
But this month, expectant parents and their surrogates learned the money they had set aside at Houston-based Surrogacy Escrow Account Management, or SEAM, is inaccessible and likely gone.
“We want answers,” said Chris Kettmann of Fair Oaks, Calif., a suburb of Sacramento. “Is there recourse to get the money back? If not, what can we do?”
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Chris Kettmann and his wife with their ultrasound in an undated photo. (Chris Kettmann)
Kettmann, 33, said he and his wife had about $45,000 in their escrow account, money owed to their surrogate mother, who is pregnant with their baby boy and due in October. “We don’t know enough to say what happened,” he said. “We just know there’s something crazy going on.”
Police in Houston have opened a wide-reaching investigation. Christina Garza, a spokeswoman for the FBI’s Houston field office, confirmed last week that the agency also is investigating SEAM. The FBI has developed a public portal for SEAM clients to report their account information and how much money they believe they are owed. Garza, however, cautioned that the inquiry was in its early stages and said, “We’re trying to compile as much information as possible.”
A married same-sex couple in Washington, D.C., says they are out $55,000. A Los Feliz couple said they demanded their $40,111 be returned and believe it is gone. Arielle Mitton, an L.A. native who recently moved to Bellingham, Wash., can recite the amount that she and her husband are missing down to the cent: $37,721.44.
“I assumed naively that an escrow account was a safe thing,” said Mitton, whose surrogate mother in Indiana is pregnant with their daughter and is due to deliver on Christmas Eve.
Mitton has joined hundreds of affected parents and surrogates in a private Facebook group that has become a forum for venting, grieving, exchanging information and trying to answer the overriding questions: What happened here? And where did all their money go?
Scrutiny has centered on the sole owner of SEAM, Dominique Side, who has told customers that she had once been a surrogate. The 44-year-old billed herself as an entrepreneur of multimillion dollar businesses in the Houston area, including a vegan grocery store, a nonprofit school, a vegan music studio, and the surrogacy escrow outfit. She walked the red carpet in L.A. for vegan fashion events and ran a concierge service for those seeking a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
“One common thread runs through all my businesses: each is based firmly on a foundation of compassion — for others, for myself and for the planet,” she told a Houston publication in 2022.
Side did not respond to calls or written questions. Emails to Side triggered an auto-response that doubled as a press statement. Citing the “active investigation by federal authorities,” Side wrote in the email, “Under the advice of counsel, I am not permitted to respond to any inquiries regarding the investigation.”
On Thursday, Side and SEAM were hit by a lawsuit from a merchant cash-advance lender, the third such lawsuit this year. Merchant cash advance lenders provide small businesses with quick infusions of money at high fees akin to interest rates of 50% to 100%.
A judge in Texas also froze all of the company’s accounts along with Side’s other businesses after a SEAM client, Marieke Slik, sued over her “vanished” $28,000.
Calling herself a “victim of a scam,” Slik alleged that Side and her company had lured her and others “into a fiduciary relationship in order to steal their escrow funds,” according to her lawsuit, which was filed in Texas. “The Defendants have left hundreds of surrogates throughout the country — who are pregnant with a child that does not belong to them — with no way to pay for necessary prenatal care.”
Sides’ actions, according to the lawsuit, “are nothing short of evil.”
Struggling parents
Many surrogacies often involve LGBTQ+ couples who want children, or older couples for whom childbearing is no longer a viable possibility.
For others, the road to surrogacy is one of heartbreak and tragedy.
The married woman in Los Feliz said she had had multiple miscarriages. She was recently pregnant but gave birth in the second trimester. The newborn died at Cedars-Sinai in his parents’ arms.
The couple turned to surrogacy after exhausting all other options. They selected a surrogate mother, completed the necessary contract — which often requires using an escrow firm — and put more than $40,000 into the account, a portion of the overall cost. But their embryo had yet to be transferred into the surrogate mother.
“Nothing is clear,” she said, explaining that she and her husband demanded their funds weeks ago. “Obviously that fell on deaf ears — we didn’t get our money back,” she said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because their extended family remains unaware of their attempt at using a surrogate.
“I’d love to carry this child,” she said, and “not spend any money on a surrogate. There’s a level of that, where you feel so terribly sad. You feel sad about the money, but you feel sad about the situation.”
‘Something really bad has happened’
For intended parents and surrogates, trouble emerged around late May, when surrogates did not receive their usual payments.
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Arielle Mitton gives surrogate mother Tena Doan’s belly a kiss. Doan is carrying Mitton’s baby.  (Arielle Mitton)
In early June, Tena Doan — a 42-year-old surrogate mother in Indiana — said she noticed her bank account balance was lower than expected and realized her monthly payment and allowance had not come through. Her surrogacy agency told her that banking issues at SEAM had delayed the arrival of the money.
“I said, ‘No problem, they’ll get it fixed,’” Doan recalled, figuring that banking issues happen. When she logged into SEAM’s portal, she saw that the money listed as due her was still there.
Then came a June 12 email from Side claiming that fraudulent charges had prompted Capitol One to freeze SEAM’s account.
“Some payments were able to go through before the accounts were frozen,” Side wrote in the email. She stated that new bank accounts were established and promised service would be restored.
Two days later, however, Side sent another email indicating that “all operations have been placed on hold” due to legal action.
Doan said that the email stopped her in her tracks.
“That’s when we were like, ‘Oh s—, this is not good. Something really bad has happened,’” Doan recalled. “From there, it’s been a whirlwind.”
Mitton — the mother of the child that Doan is carrying — was at home more than 2,000 miles west.
“The first few days, I barely slept, I was nauseous from all the emotional aspects and had vertigo,” Mitton remembered.
She contacted the FBI, Houston police, the Texas attorney general. Mitton even emailed the CEO of Capital One, questioning how the money could apparently vanish.
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Tena Doan, left, and Arielle Mitton. (Arielle Mitton)
Both Doan and Mitton joined the Facebook group and realized they were part of a club they never wanted membership in: those affected by SEAM’s financial collapse.
An informal poll among members suggested that about $10 million was unaccounted for. Parents and surrogates from across the country and around the world have traded information in the Facebook group about current police investigations and become sleuths themselves.
They’ve pored over Side’s various businesses — the Vgn Bae Music Studio, and Nikki Green, a luxury vegan fashion line. They’ve also mined her social media accounts.
A recent post on Side’s Instagram page VgnBaeDom, which has since been deleted, recounted her birthday week in June: Side said she flew to L.A., enjoyed a vegan dinner at the upscale Culver City vegan restaurant Shojin, dined at Crossroads Kitchen and Craig’s — both frequent celebrity hotspots — enjoyed a “full day of spa and cabana” at the Four Seasons, before doing fittings at Celine, the luxury French fashion house.
“The week this was going down was also her birthday week,” said Mitton, who recalled thinking, “She’s probably spending our escrow money there.”
Signs of financial difficulty SEAM was first registered in Texas in 2014. Testimonials from 2017 onward show glowing reviews, and one parent told The Times he had used SEAM for their first child without issue.
Lawsuits from cash advance lenders filed against SEAM and Side in New York this year indicate mounting financial trouble in recent months.
So-called merchant cash-advance lenders send sums of money to distressed businesses, often with a rapid turnaround, and, in exchange, a business lets the lender withdraw a portion of future receipts directly from the business’ bank account to pay off the debt. Cash-advance lenders often insist they aren’t lenders and that cash advances against future revenue aren’t technically loans — but New York’s former attorney general had lambasted the industry for predatory debt-collection practices.
In January, Side received an unspecified sum from Pearl Delta Funding and agreed to pay back $69,500. But she defaulted the next month, prompting the lender to sue her in New York in March. (Pearl Delta’s attorney did not respond to an email seeking comment.)
On May 6, Side secured $650,000 from Dynasty Capital and agreed to pay $975,000, or 150% of the amount borrowed, according to court records.
Under the agreement, the lender was allowed to debit $12,500 per day from SEAM’s account until the full amount was paid back. On May 31, Dynasty Capital said in court papers, SEAM “breached the agreement” and either failed to put revenue into the business account or diverted it elsewhere, leaving Dynasty unable to recoup its money.
Dynasty Capital sued Side, SEAM and her various businesses on June 18. Dynasty’s lawyer declined to comment.
On May 29, Side obtained $100,000 from Arsenal Funding and agreed to allow Arsenal to deduct 1.25% of SEAM’s daily revenue from its business bank account until $149,000 was paid off.
Arsenal sued Side and SEAM last week after Side stopped making payments on June 21 and defaulted, according to the lawsuit filed in New York, which demands about $190,000 to cover the outstanding debt and fees.
To secure the loan from Arsenal, Side had to disclose her largest revenue sources. She listed three companies, all in Southern California: US Harvest Babies Surrogacy in the City of Industry; Mle & Mlang International Surrogacy in L.A.; and a Shady Grove Fertility office in Solana Beach.
But there is reason to doubt the accuracy of what Side told the lender. In a statement, Shady Grove said it had no financial relationship with Side or SEAM and did not refer patients to the company, explaining that “some patients may have independently engaged with SEAM.”
Further, the name that Side had listed as her contact has never been an employee of Shady Grove, according to a person familiar with the company’s operations. And the address she listed for Shady Grove is a small branch in the San Diego area that’s been open for only a few months; Shady Grove is headquartered in Maryland and has 49 locations nationwide.
Neither Harvest Babies or Mlan responded to requests for comment.
Side told Arsenal that she was the 100% owner of SEAM and projected an average monthly revenue of $2.78 million, according to a copy of the financial agreement that Arsenal included with its lawsuit.
Lori Hood, a Houston-based attorney who is representing Slik — the client who sued Side this month in Texas — said she was confounded by SEAM’s financial practices. She said the lawsuit from Dynasty Capital indicated that escrow money was used to secure the $650,000 cash payment.
“How do you put up escrow funds as collateral?” said Hood. “That’s my first indication that something’s desperately wrong. You don’t recognize escrow funds as revenue.”
Second, Hood said, SEAM’s tax records that she’s reviewed also showed revenue of “millions of dollars.”
“Did her company make millions of dollars, or is she putting into the tax returns that the escrow money was her revenue?” Hood asked.
To press their client’s lawsuit against SEAM, Hood and her law partner, Marianne Robak, petitioned a judge to freeze all of SEAM’s accounts at Capital One along with other accounts owned or controlled by Side.
“The evidence shows that SEAM’s escrow account with Capital One ... has no funds available,” notes the request for a restraining order to freeze all accounts. “SEAM is insolvent.”
In the filing, Hood also accused SEAM of diverting money into accounts in the name of Life Escrow LLC, a company registered last year to Side’s business partner, Anthony Hall, who is also a defendant in the suit filed by Slik.
Side’s “actions appear to be to avoid having to face the clients she defrauded. It appears she had absconded,” states the restraining order, which a Harris County, Texas, judge signed off on June 21.
Reached by phone on Thursday, Hall said he “had no connection with SEAM,” adding, “I wish I had answers.” Hall said he was a business partner of Side in the vegan music studio, Vgn Bae Studios, adding, “Everything was great until it wasn’t.”
Hall said he did not know if Side had an attorney and said that he was speaking only for himself.
“She’s not gonna respond,” he said of Side. “I’m defending myself. I don’t know what they have going on.”
Pregnancies don’t wait
For Hood and hundreds of surrogate mothers and parents, questions mount.
“I won’t cast blame on any of the parents. They did everything they were supposed to do,” Hood said.
Time is short, however, for ongoing pregnancies and those couples who hope to have a surrogate receive an embryo soon.
Kettmann, from the Sacramento area, said their surrogate mother is 22 weeks pregnant. Of the $57,000 they put into SEAM, he said, $45,000 is missing. The rest had already been distributed to the surrogate.
“It’s a scramble,” he said. He and his wife had some money saved for additional expenses, which they’ve used to cover the June payment that never arrived from SEAM. He’s now fundraising from family and friends.
“We told her we’ll do everything we can to keep her up to date on payments,” he said, “but [we’re] asking her to be patient.”
Mitton and her surrogate mother, Doan, have started collecting donations through GoFundMe and plan to extend the payment terms two years, rather than having all the money sent to Doan shortly after delivery.
“I’m growing a healthy baby girl for them,” Doan said, “and that’s all that matters.”
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The FBI on Thursday arrested a businessman at the center of the scandal that led to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s historic impeachment, a move that came amid new questions about the men’s dealings raised by financial records the Republican’s lawyers made public to try to clear him of bribery allegations.
Nate Paul, 36, was taken into custody by federal agents and booked into an Austin jail in the afternoon, according to Travis County Sheriff’s Office records. It was not immediately clear what charges led to his arrest, but the records showed he was being held on a federal detainer for a felony.
Paul’s arrest followed a yearslong federal investigation into the Austin real estate developer — a probe that Paxton involved his office in, setting off a chain of events that ultimately led to his impeachment last month.
Lawyers for Paul did not immediately respond to requests for comment. One of Paxton’s defense attorneys, Dan Cogdell, said he had no additional information on the arrest. The FBI declined to comment, and a spokesman for federal prosecutors in West Texas did not respond to inquiries.
FBI agents examining Paul’s troubled real estate empire searched his Austin offices and palatial home in 2019. The next year, eight of Paxton’s top deputies reported the attorney general to the FBI on allegations of bribery and abusing his office to help Paul, including by hiring an outside lawyer to examine the developer’s claims of wrongdoing by federal agents.
The allegations by Paxton’s staff prompted an FBI investigation, which remains ongoing, and are central to articles of impeachment overwhelmingly approved by the GOP-led state House of Representatives.
On Wednesday, Paxton’s defense team showed a packed room of journalists a bank statement that included a 2020 wire transfer purportedly showing him, and not a donor, paying more than $120,000 for a home renovation.
The wire transfer was dated Oct. 1, 2020 — the same day Paxton’s deputies signed a letter informing the head of human resources at the Texas attorney general’s office that they had reported Paxton to the FBI.
The $121,000 payment was to Cupertino Builders, whose manager was an associate of Paul, state corporation and court records show.
The company did not incorporate as a business in Texas until more than three weeks after the transaction took place. A company of the same name was formed in Delaware in April of that year, although public filings there do not make clear who is behind it.
Last year a court-appointed overseer for some of Paul’s companies wrote in a report that Cupertino Builders was used for “fraudulent transfers” from his business to Narsimha Raju Sagiraju, who was convicted of fraud in California in 2016. The report described Sagiraju as Paul’s “friend.”
Paul, who also employed a woman with whom Paxton acknowledged having an extramarital affair, has denied bribing Paxton. In a deposition, Paul described Sagiraju as an “independent contractor” and said he didn’t remember how they first met.
The timing of the payment — and the identity of who was paid for renovations at Paxton’s home in Austin — was not publicly known before his new legal team held a news conference Wednesday in which they put financial documents on a projector screen while criticizing the impeachment. They were first reported by The Wall Street Journal.
Tony Buzbee, a prominent Houston attorney who was hired by Paxton over the weekend and led the news conference, said by email Thursday that receipts “clearly demonstrate” Paxton paid for the repairs. He did not address questions about the timing of the payments or Cupertino Builders.
“Without any evidence the politicians leading this sham impeachment falsely accused General Paxton of not paying for the repairs to his home. That is a lie,” Buzbee said.
Since becoming just the third sitting official in Texas history to be impeached, Paxton has attacked the proceedings as politically motivated and rushed, saying he was never given the chance to rebut the accusations in the state House.
“We have the receipts,” Buzbee told reporters Wednesday as the documents flashed onscreen. “This is the type of evidence we tried to offer them once we found out this foolishness was going on.”
Paxton is temporarily suspended from office pending the outcome of a trial in the Texas Senate that is set to begin no later than Aug. 28. The jury will be the members of the 31-seat Senate; one of them, Paxton’s wife, Sen. Angela Paxton, has not said whether she will recuse herself.
The Paxtons purchased the Austin house in 2018. When it was remodeled two years later, Paxton’s former staff alleged in court documents, Paul “was involved in” the work.
Among the 20 articles of impeachment are accusations that Paxton used the power of his office to help Paul over unproven claims of an elaborate conspiracy to steal $200 million of the developer’s properties. The FBI searched Paul’s home in 2019, but he has not been charged and his attorneys have denied wrongdoing.
The city has no record of building permits from the time of the renovations. A different Austin contractor — not Cupertino Builders — received a federal grand jury subpoena in 2021 for records related to work on Paxton’s home that started in January 2020.
Cupertino Builders was formed in October 2020 and dissolved less than two years later, according to Texas corporation records. Its manager was Sagiraju, who said in a deposition for an unrelated case that he did “consulting” work for Paul’s business and had an email address with Paul’s company.
Sagiraju acknowledged that he served prison time for securities fraud and grand theft in California before moving to Austin, according to a transcript of the deposition. He said he was first introduced to Paul by a mutual friend before his prison term and they later did “a few projects” together.
A lawyer for Sagiraju did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Paxton was separately indicted on securities fraud charges in 2015, though he has yet to stand trial.
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