#Everyday,pig organ soup
angelkoh-blog · 2 years
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starryseth · 1 year
It's been a minute since I posted something so here's some cute head cannons for my favorite DSMP boys <3
Okay so Jschlatt is 100000% a secret romance kinda guy. He loves the mystery and gets a thrill out of keeping a secret. He may seem like an open kinda person but when it comes to his s/o he likes to keep it private. That's probably why his fans and friends didn't know he had a partner until they got married
He used to be on a community baseball team and each game he would give you his hat to wear because he believed that you were his good luck charm. So when you were sick for the big game, he quit because he wouldn't have any luck and he would feel like the reason they lost.
He finds it adorable when he ends a late night stream and he crawls to the bedroom and finds you cuddled with Jambo.
He can't say no to you. Like at all. So when you ask to do his hair and makeup he agrees. He loved the way you looked so happy with your work and he wouldn't mind letting you do it again just to see you have a sense of accomplishment. Don't ask him about it though. He'll deny it.
Sapnap loveesssss to show you off. Like legit. In the group chat with the rest of the boys sap is constantly talking about you. They are tired of it
I believe he is a Pyro. Like anything and everything to do with fire and he's in so you constantly have to keep an eye on him. Granted he is very safe with fire but still. (Don't play with fire it's very dangerous)
He is actually very neat and organized. He has all of his and your clothes arranged in order of colors. In rainbow order of course. He also has the same hoodie in several different colors.
He gets frustrated easily so he is constantly doing things that he likes. One of those things is coloring. H loves to sit down with you and just be a kid again. You guys have a drawer in your room filled with kids coloring books and coloring supplies.
Karl loves when you play with his hair. Original I know. But it just makes him melt when you start to braid his hair or just testing new hair styles on him.
I believe that he loves being your Guinea pig for new recipes that you make if you like to cook. Anything you make for him is made from love. He genuinely almost cried when he was sick and he tried some of the soup you made and it tasted just like the soup his mom made him when he was younger
He lives to be around people. All day everyday it is energy but during the peaceful moments you guys go out and play mini golf or go to cafes to try new things. He loves your little adventures.
Karl adores playing games with you. His two loves in life are you and video games. He had you help him out with the tales of the SMP so it would be fun. It was actually inspired by a stupid convo you guys had over a dinner date.
Wilbur will absolutely sing you to sleep. Personally I have nightmares and I can certainly see him just being like "oh love, it's alright. Come here and just close your eyes." And he just hums and sings everything he lives about you while you fall back asleep
Every gig he doesn't with the band he has you in the front row or off to the side of the stage so when the band needs water, you can give it to them. Everyone loves you from the band and appreciates your company.
Tommy is like Wilburs younger brother. Everyone knows this. You are like the peace keeper between the two. They often squabble and when they do you grab one ear of each and make them apologize. They immediately do because they know if they don't they'll be put in the get along shirt.
Wilbur can be kinda insecure. He doesn't believe that he can be good enough for you so on those days you baby him. He taught you to play guitar so you sing to him. Even if you may not sound the best while singing, he enjoys the love that you both have.
During days when he's doing chuckle sandwich he makes non stop dad jokes. Like it's bad. It's like it's his ritual to get ready. Like take his little book of jokes away from him.
He is a giant goofball all the time. He loves making people laugh and enjoys seeing you smile along at his dumb attempt of making a new language called "slimenican"
When he was doing gen loss you thought his slime monster character was just an evil version of his Minecraft character and picked on him for it. He didn't understand what you meant until he saw the first episode and then it clicked.
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tsuraiwrites · 5 years
wishing I had money to travel
I miss japan bc my host sister contacted me and we talked about the new international school she’s founding, and damn the longing that slammed into me. my year studying in tokyo while living in saitama was a wild fucking ride. I was the second-worst japanese speaker out of 20 people in my program, and the gal with worse japanese than mine hadn’t studied the language at all. the nakama textbooks are trash, btw. my host mother and sister are thankfully fluent in english (and korean) but the rest of my family spoke only japanese. 
naturally, I scored low in the japanese assessment pre-school entry. my writing has always been far better than my reading, bc it was easier to study ahead for. I shit you not, in the 2 years I studied with my US sensei, she got us through fewer kanji characters than a japanese first grader would learn. 
it’s fine, my hostfam was freaking awesome; I got closest to my host mother and oldest sister (the one now starting a school), and we laugh together bc I used the word 父上 instead of ちち for my dad. my host sister told me i sounded like a samurai.
over all awesome shit: the prevalence of new experiences, how often I got to do things I’d never even thought of before. the winter is a lot gentler on my EDS-fibromyalgic body. honestly, for the innumerable ups and downs, it was an overall positive experience. thailand, on the other hand....
between study abroad and a fulbright, I’ve lived in thailand for a total of one year and four months. besides being about 30 baht to 1 us dollar, I could get a whole meal for 30 baht, and the food was amazing. I often had to beg older ladies to downgrade me from five chilies in my somtam to one, but I learned to like things I’d never would try before: fried morning glories, frog laab, bull-penis soup (you read that right), goat bbq, and a soup containing unnamed pig organs™.
downside: rural thailand, just over 100k people with intermingled farmland. 740 students divided over 18 classes a week, I have to have my own curriculum, and no one tells me over a third of them have learning disabilities and/or adhd until 3 months in. I live in a studio apartment where I can’t get into my kitchen without being eaten by mosquitoes bc thai people don’t believe in window screens. I make a few friends from my program but never feel quite like I belong there. there’s a slight creeping misery of being made to wear a skirt everyday, before I realized I was genderqueer on top of being upset by the sexism. my thai does improve, but not as much as I want it to bc I have no energy after teaching classes.  I am often invited out by coworkers at my school but especially one who is very misleading about what these outings will entail. among other things, this leads to me attending not one, but two funerals for people I’d never met. struggling with self-image issues bc it’s part of thai culture to comment a lot on appearance and weight. 
for all that, it was the same thing as japan where I always had more to learn. I loved talking to my students and learning about their lives. the thai approach to timekeeping is quite relaxed, which helped a lot with my anxiety about being late anywhere. I had the absolute time of my life for the internship month followed by a month of vacation in chiang mai, the old northern capital. I wrote articles and took photos for an english language magazine, assisting the thai-english translator in editing her translations. if I could do that kind of work for the rest of my life I would. 
damn but I want to retire there at least
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jjpmoans · 6 years
"Did someone spike your milk?" + Sehun x Jinyoung x OC
Theme : Siblings au
Word count : 903 words
A non-Valentine fic for Valentine's Day! For someone who doesn't have a boyfriend, I'm sure having Jinyoung and Sehun as brothers would surpass the lonely feels!
This is requested by my anon twins! Hope you see this and like it! Honestly I can never picture Sehun and Jinyoung as siblings because.....they are so different.
Happy Valentine's my followers and mutuals!
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"Mom, I'm home!" I announce loudly, closing the door behind me. Sizzling sound comes from the kitchen, signalling that my mother is there, cooking for lunch. I sneak into the kitchen with my bag still on me, following the smell of delicious food ready to be served.
Just as I enter the dining area, the front door opens again, loud voices fill the space.
"Oh you're here--"
"Mom! We are home!" both of them shout in unison.
"Sehun," he sighs exaggeratedly. "Will you ever learn to put your shoes nicely?" he huffs, lifting Sehun's shoes to the rack. Meanwhile, Sehun is already halfway to the kitchen, meeting me in the middle.
"What for? I have you, Jinyoung." he reaches to ruffles my hair. "Hi shorty" he turns, waiting for Jinyoung to join him. "I know you love me."
Jinyoung rolls his eyes at his words, jabbing him with his elbow. "You are only a few seconds older. That doesn't mean you can bully me."
Sehun laughs, following him into the kitchen while his hand pulls me to trail behind him.
"I'm your brother. Accept it." Jinyoung is already at mom's side, gesturing Sehun to come faster. As Sehun stands on the opposite side, both of them plaster a kiss on mom's forehead.
"Thank you, boys." smile appears on her face as she excellently flip the omelette in the pan. The kiss tradition started after dad passed away. Knowing that mom is lonely and has no male affection to receive anymore, Jinyoung announced that Sehun (after being strangled by Jinyoung) and himself will be giving kisses for mom everytime they are going out, coming home and also before she sleeps.
As weird as it sounds, it feels really warm to see mom smiles everytime Jinyoung reaches over to plant a kiss on her cheeks or forehead and when Sehun looks like he's being forced but silently enjoying to pour mom more love.
"Have a good day today, mom?" Jinyoung asks while he walks over to the dining table, joining me.
"Hi pig. Do you want a kiss too?" He ruffles my hair, unlike Sehun, Jinyoung kind of grab a handful of my hair, destroying it in the process and circling them into a clump. Quickly mutters a 'no', I push his face away as Jinyoung laughs at my annoyed face.
It's hard to have a twin as brothers. First off, they are boys and they are annoying. Second, they quarrel everyday over the simplest thing and have completely different personalities. Thirdly they just team up when it comes to tease me. I blows my bangs as Sehun reaches to fix my destroyed hair; which becomes worse when he tries.
"Urgh! Sehun! You are giving no help!"
"Is it my fault that your hair tangle in a very weird way?" he pulls one strand of tangled hair, almost accidentally rips my scalp.
"Damn Jinyoung. How do you even do this?" Sehun gives up, I turn to Jinyoung, demanding him to fix my hair.
"What do I do with you," he sighs tiredly as if he's not the one putting them in tangles, proceeding to untangle them. I growl in response which he shrugs it off by squeezing my cheeks with his unoccupied hand.
Out of them two, Jinyoung is gentler and more patient while Sehun is harsher and impatient. But when it comes to me, they just switched personalities. Jinyoung is meaner to me than Sehun who is nicer and baby me more than Jinyoung.
"Okay, quit fighting." Mom comes to put down the dishes. Jinyoung stands to his feet and bring over a pot of soup and utensils for us. I told you, Jinyoung is basically a second mom in this house when he is nice.
Keyword, 'when'.
Sehun groans, flapping his long limbs. With a biology book in his hand, he crashes his body flat on the floor. Jinyoung and me look up from our homework, watching Sehun stamped to the floor like a lizard.
"Jinyoung. I'm bored. Entertain me." he requests.
Jinyoung who is still staring at him, replies "Hi bored. I'm Jinyoung." Sehun stares at him, unamused and disgusted. Jinyoung on the other hand starts chortling and proud of his own joke.
I snort at his reply, cannot contain my laughter after listening to one line of his monotonous joke.
"Oh my god Jinyoung. That is a very bad joke." I hiccup. "How on earth you are my brother?"
"I had been thinking the same about you, if you want to know." Jinyoung replies nonchalantly. I am about to whack him on the head when Sehun whines.
"No no stop." Sehun waves his hand, trying to get the attention to him. "Jinyoung, please." He begs. Even though Sehun is older, Jinyoung is always the mature one.
Hence, this situation happens where Sehun is the one to beg and Jinyoung is the one who controls him.
He pushes his chemistry book away and turns to Sehun. "Okay what do you want."
Sehun roams his eyes to the ceiling, searching for some interesting ideas. He is bored, yes he is. But to make Jinyoung agree to his plead is something uncommon. Therefore he need to keep Jinyoung interested in his idea so that he can at least stall Jinyoung for about 30 minutes before he lose interest.
"Hmm." But at this rate, I'm sure it's just a matter of time before Jinyoung turns away and does his homework again.
"You are taking awfully long to answer. I'm giving you 10 more seconds or I'll decide it on my own." Jinyoung warns. A common trait that they share, Jinyoung and Sehun hate waiting.
"Aha!" Sehun jolts from his position, holding his arm high. Jinyoung on the other hand is surprised and jumps at his sudden shout.
"Fuck you scared me." Comes his swear.
Sehun turns to Jinyoung, eyes narrowing while his smile widens. "Give me fun facts."
"Huh?" He didn't mean fun facts like 'fun' facts right?
"What?" Jinyoung ask incredulously. "Sehun. Did someone spike your milk?" As ridiculous as it sounds, yes. Sehun drinks milk. Jinyoung drinks coffee. Weird isn't it when the eldest drinks milk while his twin prefers a black drink?
Sehun pouts when Jinyoung accuses, eyes drooping. When Jinyoung sees this, he immediately straightened up and crosses his leg.
He's ready to entertain Sehun.
Mind to tell you that Jinyoung's weakness is Sehun. You can ask him to choose anything vs Sehun, he is ready to drop everything for Sehun. It's twin or nothing.
"Okay okay. Stop pouting." He scoots closer to Sehun. "Okay fun fact."
Sehun immediately brightens up at his attention, his eyes lightens and his focus is solely on Jinyoung. Jinyoung on the other hand is searching his brain for fun facts. Because he read a lot, so he knows lots of facts but not all facts are considered fun.
"Okay so do you know--"
"No I don't," Jinyoung and Sehun whip their heads to me. Both of them narrows their eyes as I laugh at my own interruption. Somehow they look like babies who are ready to throw hands.
Jinyoung inhales and exhales slowly. "One more distraction.." he warns. "One teeny bit and I'll make sure your hairs are gone." Jinyoung loves my hair. He always feel the need to rip it off me and throw it anywhere.
I lift my pencil box and hold it like a gun. "You don't dare."
An eraser flies pass Jinyoung's ears and hits me on my forehead, making a loud and clear sound of a skull being knocked. Jinyoung's eyes widens. Head thrown back, I groan and immediately glare at the culprit.
There sit Sehun, grinning in triumph. His grins falters before he turns to Jinyoung immediately. "Fun facts?" He beams. A snort escapes from Jinyoung which he tries to stop but fail miserably.
"Let me give you one." My head steams in anger. I stand up and stride towards Sehun. "Every organ you have two of, you only need one of it to survive."
Sehun scream is already everywhere when I approaches him. Jinyoung on the other hand tries to stop me with his laughter bursting out loudly.
"So," Jinyoung catches me by my hand, straining me from going after Sehun. "Sehun." I grit my teeth. Jinyoung is already dying of laughter and attempting to hold me.
"I'm gonna rip at least one of your nostril." My own nostrils flares as I struggle in Jinyoung's hold. "Let go of me, Jinyoung!" Loud scream escapes Sehun when I lurch forward, he jumps for his dear life.
"Jinyoung!" Giving up, Jinyoung lets me go. He rolls on his back, clutching his stomach. In a blink of eye, I'm on my feet, running after Sehun's nose.
"Mom!!!!" Sehun runs out of our study room, straight to my mom's room.
His huge feet pound against the wood, creating loud echoes. "Come back here!" I shout, leaving a rolling Jinyoung in the room.
The whole house turns into a battlefield after our break out. Of course, our banter and fights won't fade until one of us lose our lungs from laughing, shouting or screaming too much.
After all, we only have each other. To fight, to love and to take care of.
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Stories that make our everyday language
Not more than two months ago we were introduced to Pechakucha. Microsoft Word’s dictionary underlines the word with red right now. It’s a Japanese word, a concept of quick presentations, sharing ideas in twenty slides and twenty seconds to each slide.
We at DY Works started with four Pechakuchas every Friday. We’d talk about movies that stayed with us, or the music that made us feel. We laughed on the clichés of kissing flowers or Shakti Kapoor that we miss in Bollywood today, and were dumbfounded with an image and sound experience that contrasted war photography and cuddly bunny pictures. It was only after a few weeks that I learnt the story from where Pechakucha originated – architects in Japan trying to crystalize their complex presentations into crisper and more understandable talks. The idea caught on and many cities, organizations host sessions with it. Pechakucha has now become an everyday word at DY Works.
Quite akin to how foreign words become a part of everyday language. English for instance, has borrowed from around the word over centuries. Philip Gooden, a British author has put it tastefully in his new book ‘May we borrow your language’, how English has stolen, snaffled, purloined, pilfered, appropriated and looted words from all across. While these very words, in essence, are thefts from Old English, Low German, Anglo Norman French, Old French, Late Latin and Hindustani. Languages evolve with trade, invasion and conquests, advancement in science – medicine and technology, ideological structure, beliefs and rituals – a way of life of a certain people from certain time and place.
Ketchup has its origins in Chinese – Cantonese dialect that meant tomato soup. And tamarind has traveled from India. Trade took imli to Persia who called it tamar-i-hind or the Indian Date from where it became Tamarind. Similarly Jaggery comes from Sanskrit sarkara taken by Portuguese as xagara or jagara and finally jaggery in English by the 16th century. Food is interesting fodder for linguists. The animal romping around on the street loses its English name to the imported one when prepared and served. With the Norman invasion of England in the 11th century, pig became pork on the table, cow – beef and lamb – mutton.
India has given shampoo to the world via the English. Through the Raj several words like juggernaut, nirvana, jungle, curry and bungalow were lifted off. Intriguing stories tell us why words originated from where they originated. Old English has doolally (or dolally tap) which meant insane or feeble minded. Lore has its origin from Deolali – a town in Maharashtra which served as a British military’s transit camp for troops to sail back to England. Soldiers would often fall ill to malaria (tap from the Sanskrit tapa for heat or fever). Doolally caught on as losing one’s mind due to illness and boredom. Haven’t you spot a happy brewed beer pub named Doolally across Mumbai?
Their two hundred years on Indian soil also gave to the British Army their long service medal’s name – Rooty Gong. It comes from the Bengali variation of roti – if someone survived a career on military rotis his endurance must be appreciated.
Language also takes roots in ideologies. Patriarchy’s offshoots are sexist words we use today. Hysteria means wildness or madness and its etymology is the Latin hystericus – of the womb. Not far away is lunacy (madness) or loony (silly). They come from lunar – of the moon. The moon cycle is entwined with the menstrual one. The monthly biology lends to the idea of menstruating women being mad – or lunacy as a word we’ve often used for madness. In the same breath is the word seminal (from the male fertility) that is readily used for anything that’s path-breaking or important. It equates ‘importance’ to the masculine pronoun ‘he’.
Rituals, customs and a daily way of life too have constructed our everyday language. Cats and dogs holed up in the thatched roofs of medieval English homes slipped off the straw when it rained, and so it rained cats and dogs. Or the (once in a) blue moon that shouts out for something that’s very infrequent is a mistaken name – blue slipped in for an Old English word belewe which means ‘to betray’ – Sighting of two full moons in a single month happens every two-three years, and this astrological occurrence meant an extra fasting during Lent, hence the betrayer moon.
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To let your hair down at the end of an exhausting day, one must look at the way hair was pinned up in Medieval Paris – French noblewomen would spend hours on elaborate hairdos for a brief outing. Picture Marie Antoinette. That’s letting your hair down! While, buttering up someone comes from Indian rituals. The Hindi phrase makkhan lagana comes from the ritual of offering (in some cultures throwing) balls of clarified butter to (at) Gods’ idols seeking favour.
What we do today is what we’ll speak tomorrow. We’re building our language every day and our everyday language is built of forgotten stories, obsolete lifestyles, latent connotations and sly gendered / political statements.
Published at DY Works
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topfygad · 5 years
Delight in Thanksgiving Feasts at These 8 Luxurious Motels With On-Web site Farms – Robb Report
You could remain at dwelling for Thanksgiving, slaving away about a hot oven and getting ready your dwelling for an onslaught of friends, or you could fly the coop and head to a plush hotel that will consider treatment of your every holiday break need—including planning a delicious feast. But though many lodges offer Thanksgiving dinners and deals, a number of certainly stand out when it will come to the cuisine, thanks to entry to their own on-site farms that develop every little thing from pumpkins to squash to potatoes some even elevate their very own cattle and poultry. So to indulge in a genuine farm-to-desk holiday feast, full with lavish accommodations, collect your crew and head to a single of these eight lavish farm motels in the U.S. that are web hosting connoisseur Thanksgiving spreads.
Timbers Kauai
Timbers Kauai  Picture: Courtesy of Timbers Kauai
Who states you can’t head to the seashore for Thanksgiving? Timbers Kauai is a 450-acre vacation resort neighborhood on the Hawaiian island of Kauai that presents both of those immediate ocean access and obtain to a massive farm entire of fresh food stuff. You and your household can sprawl out in a single of 47 villas with sights of the Pacific Ocean and the Hau’pu mountains, then love the beach front club, two swimming pools, a Jack Nicklaus golf class, and luxe spa. When it will come to food, the assets turns to the Farm at Hōkūala, its organic and natural 11-acre plot that grows greens, pineapples, fruit, and twelve common Hawaiian canoe vegetation like kalo, noni, and breadfruit—a extra tropical farm to be confident. Get pleasure from a Farm to Table Thanksgiving Meal at Hualani’s oceanfront cafe or in the comfort and ease of your personal villa. Possibly way, the menu will attract from ingredients from the farm, guaranteeing a contemporary and scrumptious food.
Fearrington Village
Fearrington Inn  Photograph: Courtesy of Fearrington Inn
Located on a former dairy farm in Pittsboro, North Carolina, Fearrington Village, a Relais & Château property, is dwelling to an inn, spa, and 3 dining establishments. The initial dairy barn, granary, farmhouse, and silo stay, whilst gardens expanding vegetables and herbs for the restaurants are sprinkled through the property, and Belted Galloway cows, hen, and Tennessee Fainting Goats graze in a pasture near the entrance. The great dining Fearrington Household Cafe, operate by James Beard Award semifinalist Colin Bedford, will serve a multi-course pre-take care of menu on Thanksgiving that will include things like  Southern essentials like collard greens, sweet potatoes, pork and chestnut stuffing, and a sorghum-glazed turkey, with considerably of the ingredients sourced on website or from nearby farms.
Lodge & Spa at Brush Creek Ranch
The Farm at Brush Creek  Picture: Courtesy of Brush Creek
A operating Wyoming ranch established on 30,000 acres, the Lodge & Spa at Brush Creek Ranch is an all-inclusive luxury ranch expertise. This summer season, the debuted the Farm at Brush Creek, which characteristics several greenhouses increasing goodies like tomatoes, kale and  carrots, as well as a distillery, a brewery, and the Medicine Bow Creamery. These ventures, along with the ranch’s sturdy cattle operation, offer the new good eating restaurant Cheyenne Club with pretty much all of its components. Ranch company can tour the farm and have interaction in 50 percent-day interactive experiences these as “Farmer for a Day” in the greenhouse, a butchery workshop, or a wine mixing seminar (there’s also an considerable cellar at the farm.) On Thanksgiving, friends can partake in holiday cooking classes, and get pleasure from unrestricted things to do including horseback riding, archery, fishing, taking pictures, and the Lil Wrangler software for small children. The holiday break feast at the Cheyenne Club will include a tumble harvest salad, roast turkey and stuffing, pan-seared Rocky Mountain trout, and gnocchi with acorn squash and wintertime greens. And, of class, there will be pie: apple, pumpkin and pecan.
The Inn at Minimal Washington
Inn at Minor Washington  Picture: Courtesy of Inn at Little Washington
Farm-to-table and three Michelin stars? Love the greatest of both of those worlds at the opulent Inn at Minor Washington in Washington, Virginia, exactly where the four system Thanksgiving menu  will showcase the seasonal bounty of generate from the Inn’s considerable back garden and neighboring farms. For just about every training course, friends will have the alternative to choose from a person of the Inn’s classic dishes, a vegetarian option, or the Inn’s Michelin star just take on a Thanksgiving traditional. The culinary crew, led by award-successful Chef Patrick O’Connell, will work carefully with the farm to approach in advance for what they foresee making use of on the slide, winter and holiday getaway menus. So for this season, you will locate O’Henry sweet potatoes, watermelon and daikon radishes, Hakurei turnips, kale and Swiss chard that will be braised with shelling beans, and carrots that will be stewed in cognac and orange. The subsequent day, delight in afternoon tea by the fireplace—if you’re not nonetheless total from supper.
The Lodge at Blue Sky
A savory dish at The Lodge at Blue  Image by Richard Schultz
A new luxurious outdoor-targeted resort just outside Park City, Utah, The Lodge at Blue Sky, Auberge Resorts Assortment, sits on a 3,500-acre ranch with 46 plush rooms, a wellness centre, a distillery, and a farm. If you are feeling sporty this getaway, on November 28th, sign up for the Saving Gracie’s Turkey Trot 3K and race by means of Blue Sky Ranch to the end line at Gracie’s Farm, where by you are going to be greeted by some barnyard close friends. Gracie’s Farm is the resort’s on-web-site 1.5-acre organic and natural farm that yields eggs, veggies, herbs, wildflowers, and honey, which are all applied at on-web-site restaurant Yuta. Immediately after the operate (or even if you really don’t participate—no judgment), feast on a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner at Yuta, where by the menu affected by Native American delicacies will places the sustainably-sourced, seasonal heirloom components to fantastic use.
Castle Scorching Springs
The greenhouse at Castle Scorching Springs  Photograph: Courtesy of Castle Incredibly hot Springs
Arizona’s initial-ever luxurious resort—Castle Scorching Springs—re-opened this month immediately after a significant renovation. Originally recognized in 1896, the legendary resort is identified for its thermal scorching springs, wellness concentration, and farm-to-desk ethos. The resort’s Harvest cafe embraces its moniker by creating daily rotating menus based mostly off the on-site farm’s yield. The a person-acre farm, which includes a greenhouse and citrus grove, grows much more than 150 varieties of fruits and vegetables—including additional than 30 versions of heirloom tomatoes. This Thanksgiving, the vacation resort will provide a multi-class dinner such as spiced carrot bisque with pomegranates, pickled garden chilies, and brown butter sage blue kale salad backyard garden squash ratatouille wooden-roasted guinea hen with sage butter herb-crusted turkey smoked above pecans and pumpkin and apple pies.
The Allison Inn & Spa
Al fresco dining at The Allison Inn & Spa  Photograph: Courtesy of The Allison Inn & Spa
Much less than hour outdoors Portland, in Oregon’s Willamette Valley wine country, lies The Allison Inn & Spa. Surrounded by picturesque vineyards, the upscale hotel is residence to just one of the very best spas in the area (book a vinotherapy remedy for the day after Thanksgiving—you’ll thank us later on), and the award-successful restaurant JORY, which is supplied by a 1.5-acre natural and organic chef’s back garden. Everything from saffron to kale to tomatoes are developed on the farm, which involves a significant greenhouse. Friends can wander via the yard on their own, or ask for a tour with the farmer. On Thanksgiving, tables will be laden with the clean bounty in the type of dishes like garden celeriac soup, turkey with apple-walnut stuffing and broccolini, whipped sweet potatoes, and white chocolate bread pudding with cranberry compote—with just about every most important class paired with a Willamette Valley wine.
Dining at Blackberry Farm  Photo: Courtesy of Blackberry Farm
It’s pretty much extremely hard to chat about farm inns in the U.S. with out mentioning Blackberry Farm in Walland, Tennessee, as this 4,200-acre vacation resort on the edge of the Smoky Mountains has become the regular bearer of farmhouse—and foodie–chic. The 62 rooms, two dining places, and wellness heart sit on a residence that also consists of rolling inexperienced hills dotted with grazing sheep and cows, spacious pens with pigs and turkeys, a brewery, and a wide swath of land devoted to an natural farm led by the inimitable farmer John Coykendall, who’s escalating almost everything from beans to bitter cherries. The week of Thanksgiving is packed with actions, such as a 5K Turkey Trot, football tailgating social gathering, spouse and children bingo night time, and holiday cocktail workshop. And of training course, dinner will be absolutely nothing quick of epic, no matter if it’s eaten at the acclaimed The Barn or the additional everyday Dogwood.
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benjamingarden · 7 years
Making The Switch To A Whole Food Plant-Based Lifestyle
This post contains affiliate links. Affiliate links come at no extra cost to you. These links allow me to share the products I authentically recommend (and use) and support Cobble Hill Farm by receiving a small commission. When I was 13 years old I declared myself a vegetarian over dinner one evening.  This news did not go over very well.  At the time we lived on a hobby farm in Washington State where we raised pigs and cows for meat and chickens for eggs.  I had come home the day before to see something that changed my world.  The bus dropped me off at the end of our quarter mile long driveway.  As I walked down the driveway, alone,  I could see a strange vehicle backed up to the barn.  I panicked.  I had no idea who it was, where I should go, or what I should do.  We lived in farm country which meant acres and acres of crops between houses. As I got closer I started to develop a game plan to sneak around my house so that I could (hopefully) enter without the person/people noticing I was home.  Just as I was coming around the corner on the driveway, a man walked to the back of the vehicle and swung the back right door out. And there it was. An animal carcass. And I knew it was one of my animals.  MY animals – the ones I was responsible for taking care of every single morning before school and every single afternoon after school.  MY animals – the ones my parents let me name.  MY animals – my friends, because I was an only child, that I would spend afternoons with, telling them my hopes and dreams that I couldn’t share with anyone else. I was absolutely devastated. My plan to discreetly enter my home was now gone by the wayside and I ran, full speed, to my house, grabbed my house key with my shaking hand, and flung open the door to call my mother at work.  This time, rather than the usual “I’m home” phone call, I was crying and screaming and downright angry.  Angry that I’d lost one or more animals in this manner, angry that the animals were my responsibility yet no one bothered to let me know the grand plan, and angry that I had no idea which animals were now gone, only to end up in that bland white freezer paper in the stand-alone freezer. So, that evening at dinner, still angry from the events of the day, I declared myself officially a vegetarian.  My mom and step-father chuckled, not understanding why I was so upset.  Not surprisingly, this upset me even more.  Their callous response to my devastation was certainly not making me feel any better about the situation.  My mother smiled and challenged me with “you can’t be vegetarian – you’ll eat meat, you like chicken”.  I responded by telling her she was wrong.  And then, in my 13 year old wisdom, I came up with what I thought was a legitimate statement that would put them in their place.  I stated “if Michael Jackson can be a vegetarian then so can I”.  And with that, I was a vegetarian for the next 13 years. The problem with having been a vegetarian was that I wasn’t a healthy vegetarian.  This means that, although I didn’t eat meat, I still ate junk – French fries, candy, chips, etc.  Although I’ve always loved vegetables, I didn’t eat a majority of my meals plant-based and I certainly did not eat a healthy amount of legumes and/or whole grains. And this is the problem with the terms “vegan” or “vegetarian”.  That although it may exclude animal products, it doesn’t concentrate a lifestyle based on plants and whole foods, leaving you with an unhealthy, albeit meat-free, lifestyle.
Switching To Plant-Based Whole Foods Lifestyle So why, after eating meat for 20 years have I now switched to a plant-based whole food lifestyle?  For health reasons. It all started with Netflix….. I’ve been told, since the age of 22, when I was first diagnosed with allergies that would result in severe sinusitis, that if I would just cut out all dairy products I would notice a significant difference in how I felt.  I thought it was absurd.  First, I’m not allergic to dairy.  Second, who can give up cheese?  Third, what would I put in my coffee if it wasn’t going to be milk or half and half? And so I’ve suffered with constant congestion and 2-4 severe sinus infections annually for the past 24 years.  I’m severely allergic to dust, cats, and some molds and mildews and test positive for a minor allergy to dogs.  As you know, I have a cat, 2 dogs, and many chickens whose litter is full of dust, molds and mildews……I certainly don’t help myself out at all.  Two years ago I’d about had it with sinus infections.  I just couldn’t catch a break.  Each time I would go on antibiotics to get rid of one, someone in my office would come down with a cold, and I’d immediately get another sinus infection.  The dairy thing kept playing in my head. Last year I ended up with 3 severe sinus infections in a row.  When I went to urgent care with the first one, I was told I had fairly high blood pressure.  I'd been told it was on the high end of normal at my last annual appointment, which was new since I’ve never ever had high blood pressure before.  On the second trip to urgent care, I still had high blood pressure which told me it wasn’t a fluke.  The third time, after hearing the news again, and being so sick I couldn’t even stand myself, I wanted to figure out what I could do to take control over my own health.  I’m sure the blood pressure is very much related to the amount of stress I endure from juggling everything, regardless, since I wanted to continue working outside the home as well as our own business and needed to figure out how I was going to holistically treat this. Sitting at home, head pounding, coughing constantly with a nose running like a faucet, I had nothing to do and nothing to watch.  So I watched Netflix.  I didn’t feel like watching a series or a movie so I watched documentaries.  I watched them on both Paleo lifestyles as well as plant-based whole food lifestyles.  And that’s when I decided that I would give up dairy (I never have had it again since that day) as well as meat.  Although I do eat chicken or fish from time-to-time, for the most part, I now only eat plants and whole foods.  Although I didn't salt my food often, I also stopped adding salt (although I still add a small amount when cooking).  And I feel great!!  My blood pressure dropped significantly and I’m no longer in danger of needing medication to decrease it.  I have more energy, feel more "awake"/clear-headed and no longer have the daily congestion.  All because of a dietary change. I opted for plant-based whole foods as opposed to paleo because I wasn’t convinced paleo was healthy.   It’s a personal choice that I believe was the right one for me. Switching my lifestyle wasn’t nearly as difficult as I thought it would be once I had a few ideas for meals.  My big hang-ups were:
what would I put in my coffee, and 
would I have to make 2 meals since J wouldn’t be switching? 
I have yet to be satisfied with any of the milk alternatives, as it relates to coffee, so I drink it mostly black with a splash of Betterhalf (unsweetened).  And yes, I am making 2 different meals since J told me he has no interest in changing to the same lifestyle.  Some of my main dishes I can serve him as a side dish, but others he has no interest in so I make 2 completely different meals. Eating out was a tad difficult since almost every single vegetarian option is loaded with cheese.  I tried eating a bit of cheese once and I could feel it in my sinuses immediately.  So I usually eat chicken or seafood when we go out if I can't find a better alternative.
coffee is a must!
What I Eat I’m a huge believer in Dr. Michael Greger’s advice in his book “How Not To Die”.  The book is quite voluminous as he speaks to many health conditions including what specific foods can harm as well as what can help.  His cookbook, also called “How Not To Die”, gives a much smaller synopsis of his actual book in addition to over 100 recipes.  One of the nice features of Dr. Greger’s books is that he has his list of recommended “daily dozen” which helps me with what I should be eating. Dr. Greger's daily dozen: • 3 servings of beans (I typically only do 1 or 2 at lunch and/or dinner) • 1 serving of berries (this I eat with breakfast) • 3 servings of other fruits (I eat fruit after every meal) • 1 serving of cruciferous vegetable (I incorporate cabbage, kale, broccoli or cauliflower in lunch or dinner) • 2 servings of greens (I eat at lunch and dinner – breakfast if I have a vegetable & bean breakfast burrito) • 2 servings of other vegetables (I eat at lunch and dinner) • 1 serving of flaxseeds (I eat with my breakfast) • 1 serving of nuts (I eat in my oatmeal for breakfast) • 1 serving of spices (turmeric every day) (I drink 1 cup of turmeric tea everyday) • 3 servings of whole grains (I eat oatmeal almost every morning for breakfast, have grains with a salad or soup for lunch, and a grain with dinner) • 5 servings of beverages (I drink hibiscus tea twice a day, turmeric tea once a day, usually a juice of greens and ginger once a day, and water) I realize this list looks overwhelming but remember “servings” are ¼ - ½ cup (depending on the item), so it really isn’t hard once you start to vet it all out.  Dr. Greger recommends going oil and sugar free as well.  So I’ve taken his outline and added my “occasional” items – chicken and seafood, olive or coconut oil, and (rarely) sugar (I try to use dates/date suger, coconut sugar, maple syrup or honey). My typical day: Breakfast – almost always oatmeal with berries, soaked raw nuts and flaxseed, and coffee (coffee is always) Snack – fruit + hibiscus tea Lunch – soup or salad incorporating beans, greens, other veggies and whole grains.  If I don’t eat greens with lunch, I usually drink a “greens” juice (no fruit juice because it spikes your blood sugar without the fiber – just greens, ginger, and a squirt of lemon) Snack – fruit + turmeric tea Dinner – comprised of beans or (wild caught) seafood or (free-range organic) chicken occasionally plus vegetables & whole grains Snack – fruit + hibiscus tea
The reality is - I feel better than I could have ever believed.  I didn't have any aches, pains, etc. but I believe that any internal inflammation I had is gone or at least significantly decreased leaving me feeling good.  Also, animal products give you a fullness beyond satisfactory fullness, in my opinion, and I no longer have that.  I would guess that these two factors are a big reason for my increased alertness and overall general health. What I Don't Eat:
I don't eat any grilled meat any longer.  There's just too much research pointing to the high levels of carcinogens carried in grilled meat.
I don't eat, in general, any "replacement" meat.  I am not a fan of non-sausage sausage, or non-chicken chicken (tofu or tempeh).  If I want tofu or tempeh I add it to the dish, but I don't make or purchase any of the mocked up replacements.
I try to stay away from anything not on the Real Food outline.
I try to avoid carrageenan.  And it's difficult......it seems to find it's way into nut milks and non-dairy creamers.  Although I suspect in a small (and infrequent) consumption it's ok, it worries me to consume it regularly.  You can read more about it on Wellness Mama.
I've heard from many of you that after 8 months or so of only plants, legumes & whole grains you no longer felt your best.  I believe eating a little bit of meat/seafood protein as well as a little of the oils (based on the real food factors) from time-to-time is what has helped me.  I did not eat any meat at all for the first 8 months and would feel a bit "off".  I'm not sure how to describe it.  Since I began eating meat/seafood at least twice a month (only a small portion each time) as well as cooking a little bit with oils again, I have gone back to feeling great.  I also found that eating meat twice in a week was a bit too much.  You've got to listen to your body.  It's all trial and error I guess....
How about you?  Have you made any significant changes to your lifestyle in the past year?  I'd love to hear what you've found works and doesn't work.
Making The Switch To A Whole Food Plant-Based Lifestyle was originally posted by My Favorite Chicken Blogs(benjamingardening)
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martysem87813-blog · 7 years
A Simple Thanksgiving Dinner Menu.
When you check out Sicily, hotels in the sensational coastal city from Taormina offer you the possibility to try these Michelin highly recommended dining buildings. Popular throughout all of Italy, limoncello is actually additionally commonly made in your home off saturating lemon peel in surface liquor until the oil is released, at that point sweetened along with straightforward syrup. Make your pan-fried pig chop supper baseding on the menu for tonight, organize your plate, as well as consume! The supper could be held in any place, whether a yard, a leased area or could be in form from a barbecue. New Yorkers consume additional frankfurters per head in comparison to anywhere else in the country perform the recipe must be respectable. When, active college and job evenings mean that moms and dads are commonly remaining clambering this is actually time to prepare supper. Dimebag- I only wish to possess him for supper offered I've looked up to him as one from the greats in guitar having fun. Right here, the flickering of the blaze showed preparations for a cosy dinner, with warmers cooking through and through just before the fire, and also crimson window curtains, prepared to be attracted to lock out cool and also night. Chances are actually, the supper you're keeping is actually visiting consume into someone's (or even every person's) free time. Casual table setup consists of supper plate and fork; mixed greens platter as well as fork; blade; spoon; water and also red wine glasses; and linens. Terdiri dari supper knife, dinner fork, water cup, tempat garam dan merica, asbak, serta vas bunga (Basica Cover) ditambah Soup Spoon B&B plate dan B&B knife. It consists of dinner platters, salad plate, support platter, teacup, dish and also bowls. Although the food items participates in a critical job in the results of the dinner celebration, that is also up to you to deliver the home entertainment. They're excellent for a supper party, great as X-mas gathering parlor game as well as suitable for a group from fun-loving grownups. I have no idea how it collaborates with cooking or even other planning (my home kitchen is actually not that stylish), however when frying, exactly what you require is actually an actually, really hot frying pan. It does certainly not have to be actually a duty anymore to cook romantic supper for your girlfriend. And after 20-minutes in the oven, this fiber as well as protein-rich one-dish wonder is ready making its dinner table debut. You could make a great tasting chick dinner making use of a can of cream from chicken soup and a cup of rice and also one cup from water along with 4 boneless hen boobs or regarding an extra pound of chicken tenders. Through this variety as well as at the price from $15 per person, she was able to possess an enjoyable wedding rehearsal supper along with an all natural, vegan menu for simply $525 (plus income tax and also gratuities). This short article is intended to address some of the questions neighboring the preparation of a wedding rehearsal supper as well as to give both with some necessary info to assist all of them prepare an effective wedding rehearsal supper. When asked for remark by Newsweek Friday, the White Home validated in an e-mail that it would certainly not be hosting an iftar dinner and also described Trump's earlier released statement at the start of gymmitolaf-sportblog.info Ramadan. If you could only possess one supper serviced and require to use this for everyday use as effectively as special occasions, porcelain is actually a terrific option specifically. The traditional enchanting cruise ship has a whole lot additional to that currently than shuffleboard as well as supper at the leader's desk. The other thing our company're heading to do, though, as aspect of the steps from service, our team will put a wine glass on the start-up when you stroll in at supper time.
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anavoliselenu · 7 years
Heart Of Stone Chapter 1
A tendril of curly brown hair came loose from my ponytail. I pushed the hair out of my eyes, wiped the sweat off of my brow, and stood to view the masterpiece before me. Well, it wasn’t really a masterpiece – it was a supermarket end cap. Plain and simple.
 “Excellent work, Selena!”
 I looked up to see my portly boss, Walter Roberts, walking towards me.
 “Thanks, Mr. Roberts,” I replied absently. I wiped the dust off of my hands with my apron and scrutinized the display that I had built.
 God, I hate planograms.
 “Oh, come now. Don’t look like that,” my boss said, taking note of the obvious irritation that was written all over my face. “I know that you don’t like to build displays that are just copied from a diagram.”
 “I don’t like the way the sides stick out into the aisle like this,” I complained, pointing to the outsides of the end cap. “The display is okay, considering the fact that it’s only a bunch of canned green beans and cream of mushroom soup. It’s the racking that bothers me. I think that this upside down pyramid design is a hazard.”
 “You know that if it were any other day, I would let you run away with your creativity. I just can’t allow it today,” Mr. Roberts said, vehemently shaking his head. Worry lines spread across his round face. “The potential investors will be here at one o’clock and everything must be perfect. I have to play this by the book, Selena. I’m sorry, but there’s too much at stake.”
 He placed a patient hand on my shoulder for reassurance and I couldn’t help but to soften my sour disposition. I really liked Mr. Roberts and I didn’t want to give him a hard time, especially considering all the stress he was under.
 It was no secret that Wally’s Grocery Store was in financial trouble. After the stock market hit bottom a few years back, most of the smaller grocers had to close their doors for good, leaving Duane Reade as the only real competitor. Wally’s had managed to stay afloat, but they would need a strong investor if they hoped to stay open much longer. If I wanted a job, I needed to stick to the planograms – at least for today.
 “I suppose you’re right,” I conceded.
 “That’s better!” he said after seeing my change in demeanor. He gave me a sharp pat on the shoulder. “I knew I could count on you, Selena. You’ll be a manager before you know it!”
 And with that, he was off to harass the employees in the next department.
 I laughed to myself as I cleaned up my work area. Mr. Roberts was always cracking comments about promoting me, even though he was fully aware that I would never take a management job here.
 I enjoyed working at Wally’s for the most part. My coworkers were great and I got along well with my boss. I had given careful consideration to the numerous management offers that Mr. Roberts had presented to me over the past few months. However, a manager position at Wally’s just wasn’t for me. And it certainly wasn’t going to pay my bills. My college graduation six months ago didn’t just mark the beginning of a new future; it was a reminder that my student loan bills would be coming due any day now. Unfortunately, my salary at Wally’s wouldn’t even begin to put a dent in them.
 While the job had suited me well during my college years, it was starting to become monotonous. Build a display, take it down. Build another, take it down – the same repetitive duties, day in and day out. I longed to utilize my degree in marketing, wanting my passion for sales to make an impact in the world of advertising. It wanted a real job – one that gave me satisfaction. And one that gave me a fatter paycheck. I couldn’t continue to accept my stepfather’s support, but the job opportunities in New York had been slim to none. When the stock market took a tank, it didn’t only affect grocery stores. It impacted the entire world of business.
 I sighed to myself as I made my way back to the break room to gather my belongings. It didn’t do me any good to dwell on the fact that jobs were scarce. I just needed to keep looking. But not today. I hadn’t had an afternoon free in what seemed like ages, and I was looking forward to some quiet time. It was a beautiful day, unusually warm for the beginning of October, and I wanted to take advantage of the early shift. An afternoon in Central Park, reading a book amidst the changing foliage, was just what I needed to unwind.
 Thoughts of sunshine and autumn leaves played in my mind as I stepped up to my locker and began spinning the combination lock.
 “Hey, Selena!” said an all too familiar voice.
 I glanced up and caught the eye of Jim McNamara. I groaned inwardly as I tossed the contents of my locker into my oversized purse.
 “Hi, Jim,” I greeted with forced politeness. I knew what was bound to come next and a knot of dread formed in my stomach. Jim was forever asking me out and I didn’t want to deal with his wounded puppy dog eyes when I turned him down – again. I was tired from a long shift and I just wanted to get out of there. I prayed that perhaps it would be my lucky day and he’d leave me alone for once.
 “Do you have any plans for tonight? How about joining me for a bite to eat?” he asked, always the tireless optimistic.
 So predictable.
 Apparently, lady luck wasn’t going to cooperate with me.
 Maybe if I don’t answer him, he’ll take the hint.
 I turned back to my locker, pretending not to hear his invitation for dinner.
 “So, what do you say? Dinner at the new taco joint down the street?” he eagerly asked, failing to acknowledge the fact that I had been ignoring the invite.
 I should know Jim better by now.
 “Actually, I already have plans. I’m sorry,” I apologized half-heartedly, pushing my locker door closed.
 A part of me felt guilty for thinking of Jim as nothing but a nuisance. He was a nice guy, decent looking with sandy blond hair and that boy-next-door sort of face. Jim and I worked together at Wally’s over the past three years, and I think he asked me out everyday of the last two. He might have been a good catch if I had any interest in dating. Unfortunately, Jim never understood any of the subtle clues that I threw his way and I didn’t have the heart to be outright nasty to him. I’m usually really good at avoiding him, so I cursed myself for not hearing him come into the break room in the first place.
 “Oh, come on, Selena! You’re always busy,” he complained. When I turned to look at him, there it was – the sad puppy face. I had to force back the urge to roll my eyes.
 Be nice.
 “Another time maybe,” I said, trying to wiggle my way out of the corner I was backed into. And I was, quite literally, backed into a corner. With a wall at my back, a row of lockers to my left, and a table to my right, I was essentially trapped. Jim stood in front of me, making a perfect box, blocking the way out of the break room.
 “I’ll tell you what – how about you pick the date and the time? I promise to make it worth your while,” he said with a wink.
 “I’ll check my calendar and let you know,” I lied.
 I was suddenly reminded of a cartoon that I saw as a kid, the one with the dog that had an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. The angel was lecturing me and shaking her finger in disapproval.
 You shouldn’t lead him on, Selena. Why don’t you just agree to have dinner with the nice boy?
 I ignored the angel, slipped my way past Jim, and walked hastily towards the break room door. I knew I should have been straight with Jim a long time ago. Any other guy would have received a blunt, if not rude, refusal on their first attempt at asking me out, deterring any thoughts of asking me again. Jim just made it so hard – he was almost too nice of a guy.
 “Check your schedule and I’ll catch up with you tomorrow,” Jim cheerily called out to me.
 I was sure that he would, too.
 Guilt gnawed at my conscience. Perhaps I was handling the situation with Jim entirely wrong, but in my heart I knew it was for the best. He didn’t know about my past, and it was better that he didn’t. The last thing I wanted was his pity.
 Jim deserves a nice girl, not someone bitter like me.
 “I’ll catch you later, Jim.”
 I threw a dismissive wave over my shoulder and hurried out of the break room towards the front entrance of Wally’s. I needed to get away quickly before he could pressure me any further.
 As soon as I stepped out onto the streets of New York, I took a deep breath. The smell of hot dog vendors and car exhaust permeated the air, while the noise of the passing traffic and people filled my ears. A siren from a police car sounded shrilly in the distance, adding to the constant rush of the city’s organized chaos.
 I stretched out my arms and shoulders, muscles stiff and sore from lugging canned vegetables all day. Fatigue began to set in as I walked away from Wally’s. Working the early shift was great because I got to enjoy the afternoons. However, the early shift also meant a four in the morning wake up call. My body screamed for caffeine. A stop at Café La Biga was definitely needed, especially if I wanted to stay awake long enough to enjoy the heat wave that the city was experiencing so late in the year. I took my iPod from my purse, plugged the little ear buds into my ears, and began the short walk up 57th Street to my favorite coffee shop.
 There was some minor construction up ahead on the sidewalk and I had to move off the curb to avoid it. A few men in neon orange hard hats nodded appreciatively my way, then followed up with obnoxious wolf whistles. They reminded me of a news article that I once read about the staggering number of times the average woman gets harassed when walking through the city.
 I scowled at the men and resisted the urge to throw them an obscene hand gesture.
 I quickly sidestepped the construction, turned up the volume of my iPod and hummed along to a song by Tokyo Police Club. It was an upbeat tune that added a little spring to my step, quickly warding off the irritation that I felt over the city workers.
 Feeling more relaxed, I began to do what I always do when I walked the streets of New York – I took in the sights around me. Since moving here over four years ago, I had yet to tire of the constant changes and the little surprises that my city held in store for me each and every day. The sounds, the smells, and the energy could not compare to anyplace else.
 While it’s mere size may have been intimidating to me initially, I had quickly grown accustomed to the busy hustle and bustle, and adapted accordingly. New York was its own living being. It had its own pulse, a different beat than the rest of the world, and I loved living here more than I ever imagined possible.
 I smelled the aroma of espresso and fresh pastries before I even rounded the corner onto 8th Avenue. Café La Biga was opened thirty-five years ago by an Italian couple, Maria and Angelo Gianfranco. The café was small, with a simple interior that the owners said was modeled after the original Café La Biga in Rome, Italy. Angelo frequently boasted that the café was the only place in New York where you could get a true Italian espresso. Whether that was true or not, I didn’t know. That was not why I had become a regular of the cozy little coffee shop. I came because La Biga was an experience in itself.
 I opened the door to the café and heard the familiar sound of espresso beans being ground. Every one of the little two person tables were occupied, the local chatter almost drowning out the voice of Dean Martin that was playing over the speakers. Angelo was whistling behind the counter, tamping espresso grounds into a portafilter. He stopped to give me a huge smile when he saw me walk up.
 “Selena! Ciao, bella! Where have you been? We have not seen you in a long time!”
 “It’s only been two days, Angelo!” I laughed lightheartedly.
 “Two days is too long to go without seeing your beautiful face,” he joked in broken English. Angelo began to prepare my favorite drink without my asking – a cappuccino with two packets of raw sugar. The aging Italian had the memory of an elephant.
 “I’m sorry. I’ve been busy with work and sending out résumés to different advertising companies. Plus, I worked the early shift yesterday and today. Unfortunately, you’re not open at four in the morning,” I pointed out with a regretful shrug of my shoulders. “Besides, don’t feel too bad about not seeing me. I haven’t seen my roommate in three days, and she lives with me!”
 “You young people are always so busy – you never sit still!” he chided.
 “Speaking of which, can you put my cap in a to-go cup? I have a date with a book in Central Park,” I added with a grin.
 “Bravo, bravo! It makes me happy to hear that you are going out to enjoy this wonderful sunshine. You need to relax and enjoy life more often, bella. If I were a few years younger, I would show you how the Italians enjoy living,” he said with a devilish wink and handed me my drink.
 As if on cue, Maria came out of the backroom.
 “Ah, stop it you old fool! Leave the poor girl alone. She doesn’t want to be bothered with you!” Angelo’s wife quipped. Maria’s eyes crinkled in the corners as she smiled at me. I walked over to the register and waited as she cashed me out.
 “How are you, honey? You look thin. You are working all the time,” she scolded. “You need something to eat, yes?”
 “I’m fine, Maria. No thank you,” I graciously declined.
 I sighed as she packaged up pastries for me anyways.
 I mentally calculated the calories going into the bag. My hips didn’t like the resulting sum. I was left with little choice but to pay for the cappuccino and the pastries that I didn’t need. As sweet as Maria was, she never understood the word ‘no’.
 I said my goodbyes to Maria and Angelo and left the café. My conversation with the shop owners reminded me that I had to call Allyson, my roommate. I missed her. Our schedules had been so opposite lately and I hadn’t talked to my friend in days. It was a short walk to Central Park and I decided to give her a call along the way.
 I reached into my purse for my cell phone, but had trouble locating it. After fishing around for a few minutes, I knew it wasn’t there.
 In my mad dash to avoid Jim, I must have left it in my locker at Wally’s. Frustrated over the time I would be wasting, I turned around and headed back.
 When I finally reached the front doors of Wally’s, I hesitated before going in. I really didn’t want to risk another run-in with Jim. On impulse, I yanked the ponytail out of my hair and shook out my curly mop.
 Head down and face hidden. Maybe he won’t see me.
 I knew it was a long shot, so I superstitiously crossed my fingers before hurrying inside.
 By some small miracle I managed to get to my locker, retrieve my phone, and leave the break room without being seen. As I was walking down aisle nine, I mentally congratulated myself for a successful stealth mission, even though I was still mildly aggravated that my plans had been delayed.
 Hopefully, it’s not too late for the park.
 I glanced down at my phone to check the time and saw that I had a missed call from Allyson. Trying to remember what my friend had planned for that night, I began typing her a quick text to ask her –
 Pain pierced through my skull in a ferocious blast and stars dotted my vision. I grabbed my head with two hands in an attempt to stop the clanging sound of metal reverberating through my eardrums. After a moment or two, I managed to regain some sense of focus and found myself staring directly at the metal racking of an end cap – the same end cap that I had so carefully built that morning.
 “Damn planogram!” I cursed.
 My right eye was killing me and I could already feel it beginning to swell. I looked down at my shirt. Not only did I smack my head, but also my cappuccino had dumped all over the front of me. As my gaze traveled downward towards the floor, I saw that my cell phone laid face down in a puddle of milk and espresso. I groaned.
 Please don’t let the screen be cracked!
 I repeated the silent plea over and over again as I bent over to pick it up. But sure enough, the screen was shattered.
 “Son of a bitch!” I swore out loud, looking at the spider web cracks on the glass.
 Feeling more than just a little bit foolish, I looked around to make sure that no one had seen my klutzy mishap.
 Heat began to spread up my neck to my face in embarrassment when I saw Mr. Roberts, Jim McNamara, and a man in suit standing about half way down the aisle. They were all staring at me in shock over what had transpired.
 Fantastic – I have an audience.
 Then I did a double take.
 The third man was not just another ordinary guy in a suit. This man was attractive – very attractive. He was young too, probably not a day over thirty. He had an arresting face, perfectly chiseled with a square jaw line. He was taller than the other two men, standing over six feet. He looked absolutely magnificent in his dark gray sport coat, white shirt and solid black tie. His hair was wavy and almost black in color. It was cut longer, but not too long, with the dark ends just touching his collar.
 Holy hell! No man should be allowed to look that good in suit!
 The sleeping devil on my shoulder woke up to take look. I suddenly had a vision of running my hands through those silky dark waves, across the broad span of his shoulders…
 “Oh, my! Are you okay?” Mr. Roberts’ voice broke me from my reverie. The three men started walking in my direction. Mr. Roberts, alarmed over what happened, was running his hands over his thinning gray hair.
 I caught the gaze of the man in the suit as he strode towards me with air of confident grace. His look was intense, intimidating almost, yet lines of concern spread across his flawlessly sculpted features. Speechless and embarrassed by my clumsiness, I took a step back.
 Big mistake.
 I slipped on the spilled drink and went down – hard. Now my head and my ass hurt. I was mortified beyond all belief. I wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there forever.
 This cannot possibly be happening. The hottest guy on the planet. Me sitting in a puddle of cappuccino. Un. Fucking. Believable.
 I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and I looked up. The suited man was gazing down at me with the most incredible pair of blue eyes that I had ever seen. They were the color of cobalt blue, reserved and calculating as he regarded me. I didn’t think it was possible for eyes to be so vibrant. For a moment, I presumed he wore colored contacts. However, as I continued to stare, the depths of his eyes were endless and seemed to swallow me whole. The intensity of them sent a shiver up my spine and raised the hairs on the back of my neck.
 He’s definitely not wearing contacts.
 Somewhere in the distance, I heard Mr. Roberts speaking again. “Did you hear me? I asked if you were okay? This is Mr. Stone. He’s trying to help you up.”
 “Mr. Stone?” I asked, half in a daze. I couldn’t tear my focus away from those astonishing deep blues.
 “That’s correct. And you might be?”
 Stone’s voice was smooth and confident as he lowered himself to a crouching position next to me. Running his hand down the side of my arm, he rested it near my elbow. I felt my pulse quicken at his sudden closeness and from the heat that surged off of him in a palpable wave. He was just so there, radiating with power, eyes level with mine.
 He repeated his question a second time, again asking me my name. All I could think of was the hand that was firmly present on my arm, warming my skin through the sleeve of my thin cotton shirt. His touch sparked an electric shock, igniting a presence in me that I hadn’t known existed. Butterflies twirled and danced in my stomach. I shook my head to collect my bearings and gave myself a quick reprimand.
 Um, hello? He’s asking you a question! Get a grip - he’s just a guy in a suit for crying out loud!
 “I’m K-K-Selena,” I finally stammered out. I sounded like an idiot, I was sure of it. I fidgeted with my hands and licked my lips, my mouth suddenly feeling as dry as the Sahara Desert. A dangerous look flashed in Stone’s eyes. It happened so fast that I couldn’t be sure if it was only my imagination.
 “Selena? Is that short for something else?” He sounded displeased.
 Is there something wrong with my name?
 When I didn’t answer immediately, Jim responded for me. “It’s short for Selena. Selena Cole.”
 It was hard to miss the expression of irritation on Stone’s face as he slowly turned his head to look at Jim.
 “Why, thank you Mr. McNamara for speaking on Miss Cole’s behalf. However, I would have preferred to hear it from Miss Cole herself,” he said curtly.
 “Well, Miss Cole appears to have lost her voice,” Jim retorted back, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
 “Jim!” Mr. Roberts hissed.
 Stone simply ignored both Jim and Mr. Roberts and turned back to me. He stood gracefully and held out his hand.
 “Please, allow me to help you up,” he offered.
 I didn’t know if I could stand, and not because of the fall I took. I was completely mesmerized by this man. It was as if he had me under a spell, and I didn’t trust my shaky legs.
 I took hold of his outstretched hand and carefully moved to stand up. His grip was strong and firm as he pulled me to my feet. He reached his free arm around me, securing it against my lower back, in an attempt to balance me. His hold was steadfast, pinning me against his side, eyes never once wavering from mine. My cheeks flushed crimson, and those striking blues darkened. I felt my heart rate accelerate even faster as I returned his gaze. He was so close to me. I couldn’t stop myself from breathing in his scent – a heady combination of sex and sin.
 “I’m sure she could have gotten up on her own you know,” Jim said irritably, reminding me of the humiliating predicament I was in. I blinked, my clouded vision clearing.
 Ugh! Go away Jim!
 I wanted to grab one of the canned goods off the nearest shelf and throw it at Jim’s skull.
 Much to my disappointment, Stone slowly removed his arm from around my waist, took a step back and released my hand. Once he was sure that I was steady on my feet, he broke his gaze from mine and turned his head toward Jim. I could no longer see the look on Stone’s face, but it must have intimidating. Jim seemed to visibly cower and took a few steps back.
 Mr. Roberts, having noticed the tension that was on the verge of boiling over, made a loud show of clearing his throat and was quick to dismiss Jim to do some other task in the dairy department.
 “But, Mr. Roberts, I was supposed to –,” Jim started in protest.
 “Jim, please go help Melanie. Now. She’s alone in the department today and I’m sure she could use a hand unloading the truck that just arrived,” Mr. Robert ordered Jim sternly.
 Jim looked in my direction, his face creased in a scowl, and stomped away. I couldn’t care less about what Jim was supposed to do. I was still thunderstruck, having uttered no more than four words since setting my eyes on the daunting Mr. Stone. Normally I was a chatterbox, but I was so taken by the man in front of me, I had been stunned into silence. I forced myself to do a reality check.
 Pull yourself together already!
 I looked at the two remaining men. Mr. Roberts had a worried expression on his plump face. Stone, on the other hand, wore a look of amusement. I followed the direction of his stare and realized that he had been looking down at my espresso stained work shirt, wet and plastered to my torso.
 Once again, I began to feel an embarrassing flush creep up my neck.
 So what? I fell. Big deal. Accidents happen. Sure, I’m a stuttering idiot too, but that isn’t my fault either. Nobody should be allowed to be as savagely gorgeous as he is. My reaction is just natural. I’m sure every woman he meets wants to jump his bones.
 Jump his bones? Did I really just think that?
 It was time to leave – and fast. I couldn’t think straight. I didn’t understand how this man was able to unnerve me so. I couldn’t even talk, let alone form a coherent thought. I only knew that I was mortified and could no longer endure his penetrating stare.
 I began to slowly back away, using caution so that I didn’t slip again on the wet floor. Mr. Roberts was rambling on about terrible planograms and schematics that needed to be changed. Stone continued to watch me a moment longer before turning his attention back to Mr. Roberts. I took advantage of the distraction to make my escape, but not before chancing one more glance at the hypnotizing Mr. Stone.
 He was looking at me again, a bad-boy smile curling up the edges of his lips. He held up his hand to silence Mr. Roberts.
 “Have a good day, Miss Cole. I’ll be seeing you soon.”
 He said it like it was a promise.
 And then the realization struck me – he was the investor.
     I watched her walk away. Actually, run away would have been a more accurate description. I smiled to myself, intrigued by the very embarrassed, yet delectable, Miss Cole. Her pouty mouth, round chocolate colored eyes, and ready blush made my dick twitch.
 “I’m so sorry about that Mr. Stone. Selena and I were just discussing how that display needed to be changed. It just goes to show how much our vendors know about merchandising,” the round man in front of me said with a nervous laugh.
 “Yes, indeed,” I murmured absently, my eyes still following the captivating young woman as she continued her way to the front doors of the supermarket chain. “Walter, tell me about that woman. I assume she’s an employee?”
 “Oh, yes. Selena has worked here for years. Great eye for merchandising, that one does,” Walter Roberts observed, following my gaze. “I hate the thought of losing her.”
 “Is she going somewhere?”
 “Hopefully not, but I’m sure it won’t be long before she lands herself a fancy marketing job,” Roberts said regretfully.
 “Marketing, you say?” I asked, turning my attention back to the storeowner.
 “Yes, I believe that was her major,” he answered cautiously.
 Roberts narrowed his eyes at me suspiciously.
 Hmm…protective of her, are we?
 I glanced back again, only to barely catch a last glimpse of her tight jean clad ass, as the front doors closed behind her. I wished that I had more time to converse with her, but between her fall and that annoying store clerk, there had been little opportunity for talking before she took off.
 That clerk…what was his name? Jim something or another?
 I absently wondered if he was her boyfriend, and was surprised to find that the possibility bothered me. I hoped that he wasn’t.
 Walter Roberts cleared his throat annoyingly, as if he were trying to remind me of the business at hand. It was no matter. I knew a smart investment when I saw it. There was no need to dawdle in the store any longer. After all, time was money. And while I had plenty of the latter, I was now pressed for time. If I stayed much longer, I wouldn’t be able to catch up with Selena Cole.
 “I’ll have my lawyers draw up a proposal, one that I think you will find satisfactory. We can discuss things further at a later date,” I shrugged off.
 “Well, er...,” Roberts faltered. “Mr. Stone, don’t you want to see the rest of the store? Or perhaps some of our other locations?”
 “No, I believe I’ve seen enough here to make a decision. I’ll be in touch,” I dismissed.
 I left Walter Roberts gaping after me, as I made my way to the front entrance. Pulling my cell out of my jacket pocket, I hit the number one on speed dial.
 “Hale, did you see which way that brunette went?” I asked into the phone.
 “Which brunette, sir? There must have been a hundred that walked by in the past thirty minutes,” my security detail told me.
 I pushed through the turnstile front doors of the grocery store, and glanced back and forth down the street. There was no sign of her.
 Damn it!
 “Ah, forget it, Hale. I’m finished here. Bring the car around.”
 I’ll catch up with you eventually, Miss Cole.
0 notes
topfygad · 5 years
Delight in Thanksgiving Feasts at These 8 Luxurious Motels With On-Web site Farms – Robb Report
You could remain at dwelling for Thanksgiving, slaving away about a hot oven and getting ready your dwelling for an onslaught of friends, or you could fly the coop and head to a plush hotel that will consider treatment of your every holiday break need—including planning a delicious feast. But though many lodges offer Thanksgiving dinners and deals, a number of certainly stand out when it will come to the cuisine, thanks to entry to their own on-site farms that develop every little thing from pumpkins to squash to potatoes some even elevate their very own cattle and poultry. So to indulge in a genuine farm-to-desk holiday feast, full with lavish accommodations, collect your crew and head to a single of these eight lavish farm motels in the U.S. that are web hosting connoisseur Thanksgiving spreads.
Timbers Kauai
Timbers Kauai  Picture: Courtesy of Timbers Kauai
Who states you can’t head to the seashore for Thanksgiving? Timbers Kauai is a 450-acre vacation resort neighborhood on the Hawaiian island of Kauai that presents both of those immediate ocean access and obtain to a massive farm entire of fresh food stuff. You and your household can sprawl out in a single of 47 villas with sights of the Pacific Ocean and the Hau’pu mountains, then love the beach front club, two swimming pools, a Jack Nicklaus golf class, and luxe spa. When it will come to food, the assets turns to the Farm at Hōkūala, its organic and natural 11-acre plot that grows greens, pineapples, fruit, and twelve common Hawaiian canoe vegetation like kalo, noni, and breadfruit—a extra tropical farm to be confident. Get pleasure from a Farm to Table Thanksgiving Meal at Hualani’s oceanfront cafe or in the comfort and ease of your personal villa. Possibly way, the menu will attract from ingredients from the farm, guaranteeing a contemporary and scrumptious food.
Fearrington Village
Fearrington Inn  Photograph: Courtesy of Fearrington Inn
Located on a former dairy farm in Pittsboro, North Carolina, Fearrington Village, a Relais & Château property, is dwelling to an inn, spa, and 3 dining establishments. The initial dairy barn, granary, farmhouse, and silo stay, whilst gardens expanding vegetables and herbs for the restaurants are sprinkled through the property, and Belted Galloway cows, hen, and Tennessee Fainting Goats graze in a pasture near the entrance. The great dining Fearrington Household Cafe, operate by James Beard Award semifinalist Colin Bedford, will serve a multi-course pre-take care of menu on Thanksgiving that will include things like  Southern essentials like collard greens, sweet potatoes, pork and chestnut stuffing, and a sorghum-glazed turkey, with considerably of the ingredients sourced on website or from nearby farms.
Lodge & Spa at Brush Creek Ranch
The Farm at Brush Creek  Picture: Courtesy of Brush Creek
A operating Wyoming ranch established on 30,000 acres, the Lodge & Spa at Brush Creek Ranch is an all-inclusive luxury ranch expertise. This summer season, the debuted the Farm at Brush Creek, which characteristics several greenhouses increasing goodies like tomatoes, kale and  carrots, as well as a distillery, a brewery, and the Medicine Bow Creamery. These ventures, along with the ranch’s sturdy cattle operation, offer the new good eating restaurant Cheyenne Club with pretty much all of its components. Ranch company can tour the farm and have interaction in 50 percent-day interactive experiences these as “Farmer for a Day” in the greenhouse, a butchery workshop, or a wine mixing seminar (there’s also an considerable cellar at the farm.) On Thanksgiving, friends can partake in holiday cooking classes, and get pleasure from unrestricted things to do including horseback riding, archery, fishing, taking pictures, and the Lil Wrangler software for small children. The holiday break feast at the Cheyenne Club will include a tumble harvest salad, roast turkey and stuffing, pan-seared Rocky Mountain trout, and gnocchi with acorn squash and wintertime greens. And, of class, there will be pie: apple, pumpkin and pecan.
The Inn at Minimal Washington
Inn at Minor Washington  Picture: Courtesy of Inn at Little Washington
Farm-to-table and three Michelin stars? Love the greatest of both of those worlds at the opulent Inn at Minor Washington in Washington, Virginia, exactly where the four system Thanksgiving menu  will showcase the seasonal bounty of generate from the Inn’s considerable back garden and neighboring farms. For just about every training course, friends will have the alternative to choose from a person of the Inn’s classic dishes, a vegetarian option, or the Inn’s Michelin star just take on a Thanksgiving traditional. The culinary crew, led by award-successful Chef Patrick O’Connell, will work carefully with the farm to approach in advance for what they foresee making use of on the slide, winter and holiday getaway menus. So for this season, you will locate O’Henry sweet potatoes, watermelon and daikon radishes, Hakurei turnips, kale and Swiss chard that will be braised with shelling beans, and carrots that will be stewed in cognac and orange. The subsequent day, delight in afternoon tea by the fireplace—if you’re not nonetheless total from supper.
The Lodge at Blue Sky
A savory dish at The Lodge at Blue  Image by Richard Schultz
A new luxurious outdoor-targeted resort just outside Park City, Utah, The Lodge at Blue Sky, Auberge Resorts Assortment, sits on a 3,500-acre ranch with 46 plush rooms, a wellness centre, a distillery, and a farm. If you are feeling sporty this getaway, on November 28th, sign up for the Saving Gracie’s Turkey Trot 3K and race by means of Blue Sky Ranch to the end line at Gracie’s Farm, where by you are going to be greeted by some barnyard close friends. Gracie’s Farm is the resort’s on-web-site 1.5-acre organic and natural farm that yields eggs, veggies, herbs, wildflowers, and honey, which are all applied at on-web-site restaurant Yuta. Immediately after the operate (or even if you really don’t participate—no judgment), feast on a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner at Yuta, where by the menu affected by Native American delicacies will places the sustainably-sourced, seasonal heirloom components to fantastic use.
Castle Scorching Springs
The greenhouse at Castle Scorching Springs  Photograph: Courtesy of Castle Incredibly hot Springs
Arizona’s initial-ever luxurious resort—Castle Scorching Springs—re-opened this month immediately after a significant renovation. Originally recognized in 1896, the legendary resort is identified for its thermal scorching springs, wellness concentration, and farm-to-desk ethos. The resort’s Harvest cafe embraces its moniker by creating daily rotating menus based mostly off the on-site farm’s yield. The a person-acre farm, which includes a greenhouse and citrus grove, grows much more than 150 varieties of fruits and vegetables—including additional than 30 versions of heirloom tomatoes. This Thanksgiving, the vacation resort will provide a multi-class dinner such as spiced carrot bisque with pomegranates, pickled garden chilies, and brown butter sage blue kale salad backyard garden squash ratatouille wooden-roasted guinea hen with sage butter herb-crusted turkey smoked above pecans and pumpkin and apple pies.
The Allison Inn & Spa
Al fresco dining at The Allison Inn & Spa  Photograph: Courtesy of The Allison Inn & Spa
Much less than hour outdoors Portland, in Oregon’s Willamette Valley wine country, lies The Allison Inn & Spa. Surrounded by picturesque vineyards, the upscale hotel is residence to just one of the very best spas in the area (book a vinotherapy remedy for the day after Thanksgiving—you’ll thank us later on), and the award-successful restaurant JORY, which is supplied by a 1.5-acre natural and organic chef’s back garden. Everything from saffron to kale to tomatoes are developed on the farm, which involves a significant greenhouse. Friends can wander via the yard on their own, or ask for a tour with the farmer. On Thanksgiving, tables will be laden with the clean bounty in the type of dishes like garden celeriac soup, turkey with apple-walnut stuffing and broccolini, whipped sweet potatoes, and white chocolate bread pudding with cranberry compote—with just about every most important class paired with a Willamette Valley wine.
Dining at Blackberry Farm  Photo: Courtesy of Blackberry Farm
It’s pretty much extremely hard to chat about farm inns in the U.S. with out mentioning Blackberry Farm in Walland, Tennessee, as this 4,200-acre vacation resort on the edge of the Smoky Mountains has become the regular bearer of farmhouse—and foodie–chic. The 62 rooms, two dining places, and wellness heart sit on a residence that also consists of rolling inexperienced hills dotted with grazing sheep and cows, spacious pens with pigs and turkeys, a brewery, and a wide swath of land devoted to an natural farm led by the inimitable farmer John Coykendall, who’s escalating almost everything from beans to bitter cherries. The week of Thanksgiving is packed with actions, such as a 5K Turkey Trot, football tailgating social gathering, spouse and children bingo night time, and holiday cocktail workshop. And of training course, dinner will be absolutely nothing quick of epic, no matter if it’s eaten at the acclaimed The Barn or the additional everyday Dogwood.
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from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2MY53Qd via IFTTT
0 notes
topfygad · 5 years
Delight in Thanksgiving Feasts at These 8 Luxurious Motels With On-Web site Farms – Robb Report
You could remain at dwelling for Thanksgiving, slaving away about a hot oven and getting ready your dwelling for an onslaught of friends, or you could fly the coop and head to a plush hotel that will consider treatment of your every holiday break need—including planning a delicious feast. But though many lodges offer Thanksgiving dinners and deals, a number of certainly stand out when it will come to the cuisine, thanks to entry to their own on-site farms that develop every little thing from pumpkins to squash to potatoes some even elevate their very own cattle and poultry. So to indulge in a genuine farm-to-desk holiday feast, full with lavish accommodations, collect your crew and head to a single of these eight lavish farm motels in the U.S. that are web hosting connoisseur Thanksgiving spreads.
Timbers Kauai
Timbers Kauai  Picture: Courtesy of Timbers Kauai
Who states you can’t head to the seashore for Thanksgiving? Timbers Kauai is a 450-acre vacation resort neighborhood on the Hawaiian island of Kauai that presents both of those immediate ocean access and obtain to a massive farm entire of fresh food stuff. You and your household can sprawl out in a single of 47 villas with sights of the Pacific Ocean and the Hau’pu mountains, then love the beach front club, two swimming pools, a Jack Nicklaus golf class, and luxe spa. When it will come to food, the assets turns to the Farm at Hōkūala, its organic and natural 11-acre plot that grows greens, pineapples, fruit, and twelve common Hawaiian canoe vegetation like kalo, noni, and breadfruit—a extra tropical farm to be confident. Get pleasure from a Farm to Table Thanksgiving Meal at Hualani’s oceanfront cafe or in the comfort and ease of your personal villa. Possibly way, the menu will attract from ingredients from the farm, guaranteeing a contemporary and scrumptious food.
Fearrington Village
Fearrington Inn  Photograph: Courtesy of Fearrington Inn
Located on a former dairy farm in Pittsboro, North Carolina, Fearrington Village, a Relais & Château property, is dwelling to an inn, spa, and 3 dining establishments. The initial dairy barn, granary, farmhouse, and silo stay, whilst gardens expanding vegetables and herbs for the restaurants are sprinkled through the property, and Belted Galloway cows, hen, and Tennessee Fainting Goats graze in a pasture near the entrance. The great dining Fearrington Household Cafe, operate by James Beard Award semifinalist Colin Bedford, will serve a multi-course pre-take care of menu on Thanksgiving that will include things like  Southern essentials like collard greens, sweet potatoes, pork and chestnut stuffing, and a sorghum-glazed turkey, with considerably of the ingredients sourced on website or from nearby farms.
Lodge & Spa at Brush Creek Ranch
The Farm at Brush Creek  Picture: Courtesy of Brush Creek
A operating Wyoming ranch established on 30,000 acres, the Lodge & Spa at Brush Creek Ranch is an all-inclusive luxury ranch expertise. This summer season, the debuted the Farm at Brush Creek, which characteristics several greenhouses increasing goodies like tomatoes, kale and  carrots, as well as a distillery, a brewery, and the Medicine Bow Creamery. These ventures, along with the ranch’s sturdy cattle operation, offer the new good eating restaurant Cheyenne Club with pretty much all of its components. Ranch company can tour the farm and have interaction in 50 percent-day interactive experiences these as “Farmer for a Day” in the greenhouse, a butchery workshop, or a wine mixing seminar (there’s also an considerable cellar at the farm.) On Thanksgiving, friends can partake in holiday cooking classes, and get pleasure from unrestricted things to do including horseback riding, archery, fishing, taking pictures, and the Lil Wrangler software for small children. The holiday break feast at the Cheyenne Club will include a tumble harvest salad, roast turkey and stuffing, pan-seared Rocky Mountain trout, and gnocchi with acorn squash and wintertime greens. And, of class, there will be pie: apple, pumpkin and pecan.
The Inn at Minimal Washington
Inn at Minor Washington  Picture: Courtesy of Inn at Little Washington
Farm-to-table and three Michelin stars? Love the greatest of both of those worlds at the opulent Inn at Minor Washington in Washington, Virginia, exactly where the four system Thanksgiving menu  will showcase the seasonal bounty of generate from the Inn’s considerable back garden and neighboring farms. For just about every training course, friends will have the alternative to choose from a person of the Inn’s classic dishes, a vegetarian option, or the Inn’s Michelin star just take on a Thanksgiving traditional. The culinary crew, led by award-successful Chef Patrick O’Connell, will work carefully with the farm to approach in advance for what they foresee making use of on the slide, winter and holiday getaway menus. So for this season, you will locate O’Henry sweet potatoes, watermelon and daikon radishes, Hakurei turnips, kale and Swiss chard that will be braised with shelling beans, and carrots that will be stewed in cognac and orange. The subsequent day, delight in afternoon tea by the fireplace—if you’re not nonetheless total from supper.
The Lodge at Blue Sky
A savory dish at The Lodge at Blue  Image by Richard Schultz
A new luxurious outdoor-targeted resort just outside Park City, Utah, The Lodge at Blue Sky, Auberge Resorts Assortment, sits on a 3,500-acre ranch with 46 plush rooms, a wellness centre, a distillery, and a farm. If you are feeling sporty this getaway, on November 28th, sign up for the Saving Gracie’s Turkey Trot 3K and race by means of Blue Sky Ranch to the end line at Gracie’s Farm, where by you are going to be greeted by some barnyard close friends. Gracie’s Farm is the resort’s on-web-site 1.5-acre organic and natural farm that yields eggs, veggies, herbs, wildflowers, and honey, which are all applied at on-web-site restaurant Yuta. Immediately after the operate (or even if you really don’t participate—no judgment), feast on a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner at Yuta, where by the menu affected by Native American delicacies will places the sustainably-sourced, seasonal heirloom components to fantastic use.
Castle Scorching Springs
The greenhouse at Castle Scorching Springs  Photograph: Courtesy of Castle Incredibly hot Springs
Arizona’s initial-ever luxurious resort—Castle Scorching Springs—re-opened this month immediately after a significant renovation. Originally recognized in 1896, the legendary resort is identified for its thermal scorching springs, wellness concentration, and farm-to-desk ethos. The resort’s Harvest cafe embraces its moniker by creating daily rotating menus based mostly off the on-site farm’s yield. The a person-acre farm, which includes a greenhouse and citrus grove, grows much more than 150 varieties of fruits and vegetables—including additional than 30 versions of heirloom tomatoes. This Thanksgiving, the vacation resort will provide a multi-class dinner such as spiced carrot bisque with pomegranates, pickled garden chilies, and brown butter sage blue kale salad backyard garden squash ratatouille wooden-roasted guinea hen with sage butter herb-crusted turkey smoked above pecans and pumpkin and apple pies.
The Allison Inn & Spa
Al fresco dining at The Allison Inn & Spa  Photograph: Courtesy of The Allison Inn & Spa
Much less than hour outdoors Portland, in Oregon’s Willamette Valley wine country, lies The Allison Inn & Spa. Surrounded by picturesque vineyards, the upscale hotel is residence to just one of the very best spas in the area (book a vinotherapy remedy for the day after Thanksgiving—you’ll thank us later on), and the award-successful restaurant JORY, which is supplied by a 1.5-acre natural and organic chef’s back garden. Everything from saffron to kale to tomatoes are developed on the farm, which involves a significant greenhouse. Friends can wander via the yard on their own, or ask for a tour with the farmer. On Thanksgiving, tables will be laden with the clean bounty in the type of dishes like garden celeriac soup, turkey with apple-walnut stuffing and broccolini, whipped sweet potatoes, and white chocolate bread pudding with cranberry compote—with just about every most important class paired with a Willamette Valley wine.
Dining at Blackberry Farm  Photo: Courtesy of Blackberry Farm
It’s pretty much extremely hard to chat about farm inns in the U.S. with out mentioning Blackberry Farm in Walland, Tennessee, as this 4,200-acre vacation resort on the edge of the Smoky Mountains has become the regular bearer of farmhouse—and foodie–chic. The 62 rooms, two dining places, and wellness heart sit on a residence that also consists of rolling inexperienced hills dotted with grazing sheep and cows, spacious pens with pigs and turkeys, a brewery, and a wide swath of land devoted to an natural farm led by the inimitable farmer John Coykendall, who’s escalating almost everything from beans to bitter cherries. The week of Thanksgiving is packed with actions, such as a 5K Turkey Trot, football tailgating social gathering, spouse and children bingo night time, and holiday cocktail workshop. And of training course, dinner will be absolutely nothing quick of epic, no matter if it’s eaten at the acclaimed The Barn or the additional everyday Dogwood.
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source http://cheaprtravels.com/delight-in-thanksgiving-feasts-at-these-8-luxurious-motels-with-on-web-site-farms-robb-report/
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asegbolu · 7 years
1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCEISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY NAME: Carefully read the questions and choose the correct answer option A C We see with our __________ (a) nose (b) eyes (c) mouth Rainbow has _____________ colours (a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 5 The colour of leaf is ___________ (a) yellow (b) green (c) white We smell with our _______________ (a) eyes (b) nose (c) ears How many sense organs do we have? (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 4 How many opposite side does a rectangle have? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 CD case has a square shape (a) yes (b) no (c) may be A square has _______________ equal sides (a) four (b) three (c) five An object size is how big or _________ an object is (a) small (b) smaller (c) bigger A dog _____________ (a) bark (b) talk (c) mew We can use a ______________ to measure our weight (a) broom (b) bridge (c) scale A cow is _____________ than a mouse. (a) smaller (b) bigger (c) small The colour of your hair is _______________ (a) green (b) white (c) black A baby cries; A sheep ______________ (a) bark (b) mew (c) bleats The sense organ of taste is the _____________ (a) mouth (b) tongue (c) teeth We use our ___________ to make sound (a) palm (b) eyes (c) ears We taste food with our ______________ (a) eyes (b) tongues (c) hands The whole mouth including the tongue and teeth are used in eating (a) yes (b) no (c) may be The nose has _____________ holes called nostrils. (a) two (b) three (c) four Body cream has ___________ smell (a) terrible (b) bad (c) nice Section B Name five sense organs you know i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ___________________________ iv.)____________________________ v.) ____________________________ List four different types of colours i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ___________________________ iv.)____________________________ Write out the sounds that is made by each of the following animals Cow = _________________ Cock = ________________ Pig = __________________ Dog = _______________ Cat = ______________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: VERBAL REASONING NAME: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Complete in alphabetical order; three letters Examples: abc, def ghi QRS, TUV, WXY bcd, ___ ___ ___, hij GHI, ___ ___ ___, MNO opq, ___ ___ ___, uvw LMN, ___ ___ ___, RST KLM, ___ ___ ___, QRT Section B Complete with two letters Example: AB CD EF GH IJ MN OP QR ST UV FG HI JK LM _______ OP QR ST UV _______ KL MN OP QR _______ DE FG HI JK _______ QR ST UV WX _______ Section C Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Circle the vowels l m p o g e d n m f k d f I z h d v f o r y e w x Section D Circle the consonants B A L E Y P Q R I S U C D B G M H I J K X Y V O D ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS NAME: Write one hundred and twelve in figures (a) 1012 (b) 112 (c) 211 Write in words 440 (a) Four four four (b) Four forty (c) Four hundred and forty Circle the odd number 23, 32, 42, 52 (a) 23 (b) 32 (c) 42 Write 200 in words (a) Two (b) Two thousand (c) Two hundred Write in figures: seventy-four (a) 47 (b) 14 (c) 74 What is the place value of 9 in 190 (a) 190 (b) 90 (c) 100 Add 640 and 64 together (a) 704 (b) 1280 (c) 640 What fraction is not shaded (a) ¼ (b) ¾ (c) 4/4 Write in figures: one hundred and twenty three ________ (a) 1023 (b) 1230 (c) 123 3 hundreds 4 tens 6 units = ______________ (a) 436 (b) 346 (c) 643 70 + 8 = _____________ (a) 708 (b) 807 (c) 78 5, 10, 15, 20, _______________ (a) 20 (b) 25 (c) 30 19 ___________ 23, 25, 27 (a) 20 (b) 21 (c) 24 What fraction is shaded (a) 1/3 (b) 2/5 (c) 3/8 2, 4, 6, ______, 10 (a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 12 10, 20, 30, 40 ____________ (a) 50 (b) 60 (c) 40 33, 30, 27, 24 __________ (a) 25 (b) 23 (c) 21 What is ½ of 4 = _____________ (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 8 What is 1/3 of 12 = ___________ (a) 36 (b) 3 (c) 9 How many units are there in 10 (a) 10 (b) 9 (c) 8 Section B Edet has 12 blue balls, 13 green balls and 4 white balls. How many balls does he have altogether. Write out any five even numbers. _________, _________, _________, _________, __________ Re-arrange from the highest to the lowest. 25, 152, 96, 102, 207 _________, _________, _________, _________, __________ Circle the smaller number 110 101 ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME: Section A ________________ are the first teachers (a) brothers (b) mothers (c) government Parents provide books and school fees for the education of their children. (a) Yes (b) I dont know (c) No Grandma and Grandpa are members of my _______________ (a) school (b) family (c) street _____________ cooks for the family (a) teacher (b) mother (c) man My uncle is a _____________ to my father (a) brother (b) sister (c) aunt In the morning I ________________ the plates at home everyday. (a) wash (b) fight (c) dance We _____________ our parent when we take care of our young ones. (a) assist (b) abuse (c) destroy Nigeria is blessed with many types of food (a) Yes (b) No (c) Maybe Yam is a tuber (a) Maybe (b) Yes (c) No Amala is made from ___________ (a) stick (b) yam (c) okro Fruits and vegetable give us _____________ (a) vitamin (b) fever (c) stone Men cut their hair ___________ (a) low (b) high (c) big Pounded yam is made from _____________ (a) cotton (b) yam (c) tuwo It is only in Yoruba culture that people wear Aso oke (a) No (b) Yes Office dresses are _______________ (a) Iro and buba (b) Skirts and blouses We wear school uniform to _____________ (a) party (b) school (c) church We wear _____________ and ________________ to school (a) black shoe and white socks (b) red shoe and red sock Hair style make us look good (a) Yes (b) No (c) I dont know Eba is an energy given food (a) Yes (b) No Tuwo is made from ___________ (a) Maize (b) Soup Section B _____________ and _______________ are types of fruit. A simple family consists of father, mother and _________________ What do you say when mummy or daddy buys some material for your use at home __________________ _________________ is your best food. ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAME: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Yesterday, Ola slept at 8.30pm. He dreamt that he saw a masquerade. The masquerade ran after him. He ran to his father. Questions What time did Ola sleep? (a) 9:00am (b) 8:30pm (c) 7:00pm What did he see in his dream? (a) a man (b) his father (c) masquerade What did the masquerade do? (a) the masquerade stop him (b) the masquerade ran after him. (c) the masquerade slap him Who did Ola run to? (a) he ran to his mother (b) he ran to his uncle (c) he ran to his father Have you seen a masquerade? (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe Section B: Carefully read the following and choose the correct answer from option A C The plural of tooth is _____________ (a) tea (b) teeth (c) tooths The singular of men is _______________ (a) man (b) mans (c) men The plural of child is _______________ (a) childs (b) children (c) childed I have _____________ in my bag. (a) some (b) little (c) much I ate _____________ of bananas yesterday. (a) a lot (b) many (c) several Section C: Write countable or uncountable Air ____________________________________ Minute ____________________________________ Water ____________________________________ Biscuit ____________________________________ month ____________________________________ Section D: Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns I saw a cat in the drain. _____________ was wet and dirty Adamu and Yusuf are brother. ______________ stay near my house. Lara has gone home. _____________ went home by bus. He hurt _____________ when he fell on the road. She baked the cake _____________ without anyones help. ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: AGRIC SCIENCE NAME: Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answer from option A C Farm tools are use to work in the ____________ (a) farm (b) school (c) home Sickle is also part of farm tools. (a) yes (b) no (c) none of the above _____________ is used to gather up soils to make heaps or ridges. (a) rake (b) hoe (c) cutlass Its good to wash farm tools after use. (a) No (b) Yes (c) maybe We can keep fruits and other crops in ______________ (a) kegs (b) baskets (c) jugs Bee is useful because it makes __________________ (a) water (b) food (c) honey Praying mantis are useful insects (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe ______________ is useful because it kills other insects that destroy farm crops. (a) bee (b) praying mantis (c) termites ______________ destroy wood and furniture (a) termite (b) bee (c) ants _____________ eats leaves of plants (a) grasshopper (b) bee (c) locust ________________ damages maize cobs. (a) caterpillar (b) grasshopper (c) beetles ____________ makes holes in yam tubers. (a) beetle (b) termite (c) bee Dead leaves add more plant food to the _______________ (a) soil (b) stone (c) water Plants need food and air to grow ______________ (a) well (b) bad (c) all of the above The earthworm makes holes in the soil. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Plants grow on the soil. (a) no (b) yes (c) maybe The soil contains plant _____________ (a) food (b) clothes (c) soil Air enters the soil through the holes. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe Yams can stay in the barn for many months. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Grains can be stored in ______________ (a) silos (b) garage (c) toilet Section B Name three (3) simple farm tools i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ___________________________ Write two (2) useful insects you know. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ State the use of hoe. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME: Choose the correct answer from option A C ______________ helps us to keep active (a) exercise (b) work (c) talk Exercise is good for our ________________ (a) health (b) mouth (c) ears Swimming is also part of an exercise. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Dancing is an example of exercise. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe Exercise helps the body to keep fit and strong (a) true (b) false (c) all of the above _____________ is a period when the body is not working (a) rest (b) play (c) work It is important that you get plenty of rest and ___________ (a) eat (b) sleep (c) talk Rest and sleep help us to recover quickly from illness. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe Body building foods are known as ____________ (a) proteins (b) vitamins (c) fat and oil Carbohydrate gives us __________________ (a) energy (b) blood (c) vitamin Vitamins help to keep the skin smooth and healthy. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe A balance diet is also known as ______________ (a) simple diet (b) adequate diet (c) animal diet Balance diet make us to grow _______________ (a) slow (b) straight (c) well Food preservation is the method of treating and handling food. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Orange is an example of vitamin. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe The food we eat should be kept away from flies and ___________ (a) dust (b) fruits (c) eat Our hands should be wash with soap and ______________ (a) water (b) food (c) leaf Foods that are exposed to flies and dust can cause illness. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe We must go to bed early. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Exercise is good to burn out fats. (a) true (b) false (c) all of the above Section B: Name three examples of an exercise. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.)____________________________ Give two periods for rest and sleep. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ Write two places where to sleep. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ State three examples of protein. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ____________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: YORUBA NAME: Omo _______________ kii puro (a) eja (b) rere (d) osi Aisan n se baba ______________________ (a) tola (b) Aina (d) bose _______________________ ati mama re n lo sode (a) ojo (b) ade (d) wura ta lo sa aso re sita? (a) iya muhomo (b) iya suuru (d) iya ade Talo n ba ka awon aso naa ___________ (a) yomi (b) gbemi (d) tola Ojo ati mama re n lo si __________________ (a) ode (b) oja (d) ile Ijamba __________________ kan sele (a) keke (b) oja (d) moto _________________ ri isele naa (a) bunmi (b) kunle (d) aanu talo so wipe wo ma luu ti baba mi ra? (a) Alaba (b) tunde (d) yinka Fo ______________________ re bi o ba ji (a) bata (b) ile (d) eyin Omo rere kii puro __________________ (a) ta lo sobe (b) ta lo bee (d) ta lo fi jo Omo rere kii ____________________ (a) ka we (b) sise (d) jale Faweli ede Yoruba je __________________ (a) mewa (b) meje (d) marun Omo komo to n puro ________________ (a) omorere (b) omo ibi ni (d) omo olowo ni Kinni ojo fun aro ________________ (a) ounje (b) aso (d) owo Kinni wo fe fi maluu se? _______________ (a) ikomo (b) oku (d) isi le Ko alifabeti ede Yoruba ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDY NAME: An electronic machine that accepts data and change it into useful information is called _____________ (a) DVD (b) Computer (c) Mouse A single part of the computer cannot work on its own? (a) True (b) False A computer system has only one part (a) True (b) False Who instructs the computer on what to do (a) Robot (b) Man (c) Nobody The computer is an electronic machine (a) True (b) False The computer is faster and more reliable than man. (a) True (b) False Electronic device are machines that uses __________________ or battery. The two types of monitor are ___________ and _______________ (a) Black & White (b) Monochrome & Coloured (c) Red & Black ______________ shows us the work of the computer on a screen. (a) Television (b) Monitor (c) Radio The monitor can allow us to change to different stations. (a) True (b) False The monitor needs a keyboard to work (a) True (b) False Our monitor looks like a __________________ A monitor is _________________ in shape. (a) square (b) circle (c) rectangular The computer machine has ______________ parts (a) one (b) two (c) many The computer can think and reason on its own (a) True (b) False Section B Mention two parts of a computer i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ Mention three electronic device i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ____________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: SPELLING NAME: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE NAME: Choose the correct answer from option A C Prayer is the way we talk to God. (a) True (b) False (c) Maybe We cannot see God because He is a _______________ (a) Woman (b) boy (c) spirit He can do all things for us when we ask him in _______________ (a) prayer (b) class (c) reader ______________ hears us when we speak to him. (a) God (b) devil (c) satan _______________ is a son of God. (a) Judah (b) Jesus (c) Joseph Who came to save us from our sins. (a) Joshua (b) Jesus (c) Moses Jesus had how many disciples. (a) 10 (b) 8 (c) 12 Who brought Lazarus back to life? (a) Tunde (b) James (c) Jesus Jesus taught his disciples on how to _____________ (a) Pray (b) Sell (c) Fish Jesus wants us to pray always. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe God is _______________ (a) holy (b) not holy (c) unclean God loves us but hates the sins we commit. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe God answered Hannah and she gave birth to ______________ (a) Samuel (b) Jacob (c) Noah Jesus wants us to pray __________________ (a) sometimes (b) always (c) every afternoon Prayer has the power to make great things happen. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe Prayer bring us close to _________________ (a) evil (b) God (c) man Paul and Silas prayed that God should set them free from prison. (a) yes (b) no (c) none of the above Hannah was barren. She prayed to God for a son. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Hannah became pregnant (a) true (b) false (c) maybe God made us in his own ________________ (a) self (b) image (c) house Section B Who is God? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name 3 disciples of Jesus you know. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ___________________________ How do we talk with God? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who died on the cross? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION NAME: The name of our country is _________________ (a) Togo (b) Nigeria (c) Oyo The government build hospitals for us? (a) Yes (b) No Our rights are the things that we are expected to do for our country. (a) Yes (b) No Civic education is important for national development. (a) Yes (b) No We need peace in Nigeria (a) No (b) Yes Every school has its own rules which pupils must __________ (a) Disobey (b) obey Punctuality means coming early to ________________ (a) play (b) eat (c) school Neatness means appearing in a clean uniform ______________ (a) No (b) yes It is good to _____________others (a) abuse (b) respect (c) fight Kindness means showing ___________ to others (a) love (b) wickedness (c) power We must show love to _________________ (a) people (b) book (c) stick Civic education help people to know their _______________ (a) right (b) food (c) mouth People contribute their own part to make the country ________________ (a) worse (b) better (c) ugly Do you want Nigeria to grow (a) maybe (b) no (c) yes We must obey the _______________ of the country (a) laws (b) food (c) house ________________ is a good thing (a) stealing (b) fighting (c) cheating We must have good manners and show respect to others. (a) No (b) Yes It is good to ________________ your teacher. (a) abuse (b) fight Pupils must not play rough in school (a) Yes (b) No Pupils must not copy other pupils work during tests and examination. (a) No (b) Yes Section B Pupils must come ________________________ to school It is good to __________________________ our teachers and parents. Government build ___________________________ for the public We must show ___________________________ to people in trouble. ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: QUANTITATIVE REASONING NAME: Example 1: 532 533 534 535 Example II: 960 961 962 963 Write the missing numbers 343 345 211 213 880 115 900 Section B: Re-arrange in order (Smallest number first) Example: 642 531 982 723 842 __531__ __642__ __723__ __842__ __982__ 212 412 312 112 512 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 400 600 300 500 200 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 807 307 207 407 707 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 538 838 738 438 938 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 831 776 631 433 502 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Section C Write out the biggest number in the group Example: 641 736 902 621 __902__ 417 637 917 836 _________ 900 700 500 600 _________ 711 1000 800 300 _________ 292 492 692 392 _________ 731 626 815 512 _________ Section D: Example: 36 30 10 44 35 35 (18.) 43 66 17.) 72 (19.) 1 1 91 20.) 11 21 & TECHNOLOGY NAME: Carefully read the questions and choose the correct answer option A C We see with our __________ (a) nose (b) eyes (c) mouth Rainbow has _____________ colours (a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 5 The colour of leaf is ___________ (a) yellow (b) green (c) white We smell with our _______________ (a) eyes (b) nose (c) ears How many sense organs do we have? (a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 4 How many opposite side does a rectangle have? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 CD case has a square shape (a) yes (b) no (c) may be A square has _______________ equal sides (a) four (b) three (c) five An object size is how big or _________ an object is (a) small (b) smaller (c) bigger A dog _____________ (a) bark (b) talk (c) mew We can use a ______________ to measure our weight (a) broom (b) bridge (c) scale A cow is _____________ than a mouse. (a) smaller (b) bigger (c) small The colour of your hair is _______________ (a) green (b) white (c) black A baby cries; A sheep ______________ (a) bark (b) mew (c) bleats The sense organ of taste is the _____________ (a) mouth (b) tongue (c) teeth We use our ___________ to make sound (a) palm (b) eyes (c) ears We taste food with our ______________ (a) eyes (b) tongues (c) hands The whole mouth including the tongue and teeth are used in eating (a) yes (b) no (c) may be The nose has _____________ holes called nostrils. (a) two (b) three (c) four Body cream has ___________ smell (a) terrible (b) bad (c) nice Section B Name five sense organs you know i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ___________________________ iv.)____________________________ v.) ____________________________ List four different types of colours i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ___________________________ iv.)____________________________ Write out the sounds that is made by each of the following animals Cow = _________________ Cock = ________________ Pig = __________________ Dog = _______________ Cat = ______________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: VERBAL REASONING NAME: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Complete in alphabetical order; three letters Examples: abc, def ghi QRS, TUV, WXY bcd, ___ ___ ___, hij GHI, ___ ___ ___, MNO opq, ___ ___ ___, uvw LMN, ___ ___ ___, RST KLM, ___ ___ ___, QRT Section B Complete with two letters Example: AB CD EF GH IJ MN OP QR ST UV FG HI JK LM _______ OP QR ST UV _______ KL MN OP QR _______ DE FG HI JK _______ QR ST UV WX _______ Section C Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Circle the vowels l m p o g e d n m f k d f I z h d v f o r y e w x Section D Circle the consonants B A L E Y P Q R I S U C D B G M H I J K X Y V O D ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS NAME: Write one hundred and twelve in figures (a) 1012 (b) 112 (c) 211 Write in words 440 (a) Four four four (b) Four forty (c) Four hundred and forty Circle the odd number 23, 32, 42, 52 (a) 23 (b) 32 (c) 42 Write 200 in words (a) Two (b) Two thousand (c) Two hundred Write in figures: seventy-four (a) 47 (b) 14 (c) 74 What is the place value of 9 in 190 (a) 190 (b) 90 (c) 100 Add 640 and 64 together (a) 704 (b) 1280 (c) 640 What fraction is not shaded (a) ¼ (b) ¾ (c) 4/4 Write in figures: one hundred and twenty three ________ (a) 1023 (b) 1230 (c) 123 3 hundreds 4 tens 6 units = ______________ (a) 436 (b) 346 (c) 643 70 + 8 = _____________ (a) 708 (b) 807 (c) 78 5, 10, 15, 20, _______________ (a) 20 (b) 25 (c) 30 19 ___________ 23, 25, 27 (a) 20 (b) 21 (c) 24 What fraction is shaded (a) 1/3 (b) 2/5 (c) 3/8 2, 4, 6, ______, 10 (a) 8 (b) 10 (c) 12 10, 20, 30, 40 ____________ (a) 50 (b) 60 (c) 40 33, 30, 27, 24 __________ (a) 25 (b) 23 (c) 21 What is ½ of 4 = _____________ (a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 8 What is 1/3 of 12 = ___________ (a) 36 (b) 3 (c) 9 How many units are there in 10 (a) 10 (b) 9 (c) 8 Section B Edet has 12 blue balls, 13 green balls and 4 white balls. How many balls does he have altogether. Write out any five even numbers. _________, _________, _________, _________, __________ Re-arrange from the highest to the lowest. 25, 152, 96, 102, 207 _________, _________, _________, _________, __________ Circle the smaller number 110 101 ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME: Section A ________________ are the first teachers (a) brothers (b) mothers (c) government Parents provide books and school fees for the education of their children. (a) Yes (b) I dont know (c) No Grandma and Grandpa are members of my _______________ (a) school (b) family (c) street _____________ cooks for the family (a) teacher (b) mother (c) man My uncle is a _____________ to my father (a) brother (b) sister (c) aunt In the morning I ________________ the plates at home everyday. (a) wash (b) fight (c) dance We _____________ our parent when we take care of our young ones. (a) assist (b) abuse (c) destroy Nigeria is blessed with many types of food (a) Yes (b) No (c) Maybe Yam is a tuber (a) Maybe (b) Yes (c) No Amala is made from ___________ (a) stick (b) yam (c) okro Fruits and vegetable give us _____________ (a) vitamin (b) fever (c) stone Men cut their hair ___________ (a) low (b) high (c) big Pounded yam is made from _____________ (a) cotton (b) yam (c) tuwo It is only in Yoruba culture that people wear Aso oke (a) No (b) Yes Office dresses are _______________ (a) Iro and buba (b) Skirts and blouses We wear school uniform to _____________ (a) party (b) school (c) church We wear _____________ and ________________ to school (a) black shoe and white socks (b) red shoe and red sock Hair style make us look good (a) Yes (b) No (c) I dont know Eba is an energy given food (a) Yes (b) No Tuwo is made from ___________ (a) Maize (b) Soup Section B _____________ and _______________ are types of fruit. A simple family consists of father, mother and _________________ What do you say when mummy or daddy buys some material for your use at home __________________ _________________ is your best food. ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAME: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. Yesterday, Ola slept at 8.30pm. He dreamt that he saw a masquerade. The masquerade ran after him. He ran to his father. Questions What time did Ola sleep? (a) 9:00am (b) 8:30pm (c) 7:00pm What did he see in his dream? (a) a man (b) his father (c) masquerade What did the masquerade do? (a) the masquerade stop him (b) the masquerade ran after him. (c) the masquerade slap him Who did Ola run to? (a) he ran to his mother (b) he ran to his uncle (c) he ran to his father Have you seen a masquerade? (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe Section B: Carefully read the following and choose the correct answer from option A C The plural of tooth is _____________ (a) tea (b) teeth (c) tooths The singular of men is _______________ (a) man (b) mans (c) men The plural of child is _______________ (a) childs (b) children (c) childed I have _____________ in my bag. (a) some (b) little (c) much I ate _____________ of bananas yesterday. (a) a lot (b) many (c) several Section C: Write countable or uncountable Air ____________________________________ Minute ____________________________________ Water ____________________________________ Biscuit ____________________________________ month ____________________________________ Section D: Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns I saw a cat in the drain. _____________ was wet and dirty Adamu and Yusuf are brother. ______________ stay near my house. Lara has gone home. _____________ went home by bus. He hurt _____________ when he fell on the road. She baked the cake _____________ without anyones help. ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: AGRIC SCIENCE NAME: Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answer from option A C Farm tools are use to work in the ____________ (a) farm (b) school (c) home Sickle is also part of farm tools. (a) yes (b) no (c) none of the above _____________ is used to gather up soils to make heaps or ridges. (a) rake (b) hoe (c) cutlass Its good to wash farm tools after use. (a) No (b) Yes (c) maybe We can keep fruits and other crops in ______________ (a) kegs (b) baskets (c) jugs Bee is useful because it makes __________________ (a) water (b) food (c) honey Praying mantis are useful insects (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe ______________ is useful because it kills other insects that destroy farm crops. (a) bee (b) praying mantis (c) termites ______________ destroy wood and furniture (a) termite (b) bee (c) ants _____________ eats leaves of plants (a) grasshopper (b) bee (c) locust ________________ damages maize cobs. (a) caterpillar (b) grasshopper (c) beetles ____________ makes holes in yam tubers. (a) beetle (b) termite (c) bee Dead leaves add more plant food to the _______________ (a) soil (b) stone (c) water Plants need food and air to grow ______________ (a) well (b) bad (c) all of the above The earthworm makes holes in the soil. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Plants grow on the soil. (a) no (b) yes (c) maybe The soil contains plant _____________ (a) food (b) clothes (c) soil Air enters the soil through the holes. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe Yams can stay in the barn for many months. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Grains can be stored in ______________ (a) silos (b) garage (c) toilet Section B Name three (3) simple farm tools i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ___________________________ Write two (2) useful insects you know. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ State the use of hoe. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS NAME: Choose the correct answer from option A C ______________ helps us to keep active (a) exercise (b) work (c) talk Exercise is good for our ________________ (a) health (b) mouth (c) ears Swimming is also part of an exercise. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Dancing is an example of exercise. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe Exercise helps the body to keep fit and strong (a) true (b) false (c) all of the above _____________ is a period when the body is not working (a) rest (b) play (c) work It is important that you get plenty of rest and ___________ (a) eat (b) sleep (c) talk Rest and sleep help us to recover quickly from illness. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe Body building foods are known as ____________ (a) proteins (b) vitamins (c) fat and oil Carbohydrate gives us __________________ (a) energy (b) blood (c) vitamin Vitamins help to keep the skin smooth and healthy. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe A balance diet is also known as ______________ (a) simple diet (b) adequate diet (c) animal diet Balance diet make us to grow _______________ (a) slow (b) straight (c) well Food preservation is the method of treating and handling food. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Orange is an example of vitamin. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe The food we eat should be kept away from flies and ___________ (a) dust (b) fruits (c) eat Our hands should be wash with soap and ______________ (a) water (b) food (c) leaf Foods that are exposed to flies and dust can cause illness. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe We must go to bed early. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Exercise is good to burn out fats. (a) true (b) false (c) all of the above Section B: Name three examples of an exercise. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.)____________________________ Give two periods for rest and sleep. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ Write two places where to sleep. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ State three examples of protein. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ____________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: YORUBA NAME: Omo _______________ kii puro (a) eja (b) rere (d) osi Aisan n se baba ______________________ (a) tola (b) Aina (d) bose _______________________ ati mama re n lo sode (a) ojo (b) ade (d) wura ta lo sa aso re sita? (a) iya muhomo (b) iya suuru (d) iya ade Talo n ba ka awon aso naa ___________ (a) yomi (b) gbemi (d) tola Ojo ati mama re n lo si __________________ (a) ode (b) oja (d) ile Ijamba __________________ kan sele (a) keke (b) oja (d) moto _________________ ri isele naa (a) bunmi (b) kunle (d) aanu talo so wipe wo ma luu ti baba mi ra? (a) Alaba (b) tunde (d) yinka Fo ______________________ re bi o ba ji (a) bata (b) ile (d) eyin Omo rere kii puro __________________ (a) ta lo sobe (b) ta lo bee (d) ta lo fi jo Omo rere kii ____________________ (a) ka we (b) sise (d) jale Faweli ede Yoruba je __________________ (a) mewa (b) meje (d) marun Omo komo to n puro ________________ (a) omorere (b) omo ibi ni (d) omo olowo ni Kinni ojo fun aro ________________ (a) ounje (b) aso (d) owo Kinni wo fe fi maluu se? _______________ (a) ikomo (b) oku (d) isi le Ko alifabeti ede Yoruba ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDY NAME: An electronic machine that accepts data and change it into useful information is called _____________ (a) DVD (b) Computer (c) Mouse A single part of the computer cannot work on its own? (a) True (b) False A computer system has only one part (a) True (b) False Who instructs the computer on what to do (a) Robot (b) Man (c) Nobody The computer is an electronic machine (a) True (b) False The computer is faster and more reliable than man. (a) True (b) False Electronic device are machines that uses __________________ or battery. The two types of monitor are ___________ and _______________ (a) Black & White (b) Monochrome & Coloured (c) Red & Black ______________ shows us the work of the computer on a screen. (a) Television (b) Monitor (c) Radio The monitor can allow us to change to different stations. (a) True (b) False The monitor needs a keyboard to work (a) True (b) False Our monitor looks like a __________________ A monitor is _________________ in shape. (a) square (b) circle (c) rectangular The computer machine has ______________ parts (a) one (b) two (c) many The computer can think and reason on its own (a) True (b) False Section B Mention two parts of a computer i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ Mention three electronic device i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ____________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: SPELLING NAME: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: BIBLE KNOWLEDGE NAME: Choose the correct answer from option A C Prayer is the way we talk to God. (a) True (b) False (c) Maybe We cannot see God because He is a _______________ (a) Woman (b) boy (c) spirit He can do all things for us when we ask him in _______________ (a) prayer (b) class (c) reader ______________ hears us when we speak to him. (a) God (b) devil (c) satan _______________ is a son of God. (a) Judah (b) Jesus (c) Joseph Who came to save us from our sins. (a) Joshua (b) Jesus (c) Moses Jesus had how many disciples. (a) 10 (b) 8 (c) 12 Who brought Lazarus back to life? (a) Tunde (b) James (c) Jesus Jesus taught his disciples on how to _____________ (a) Pray (b) Sell (c) Fish Jesus wants us to pray always. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe God is _______________ (a) holy (b) not holy (c) unclean God loves us but hates the sins we commit. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe God answered Hannah and she gave birth to ______________ (a) Samuel (b) Jacob (c) Noah Jesus wants us to pray __________________ (a) sometimes (b) always (c) every afternoon Prayer has the power to make great things happen. (a) yes (b) no (c) maybe Prayer bring us close to _________________ (a) evil (b) God (c) man Paul and Silas prayed that God should set them free from prison. (a) yes (b) no (c) none of the above Hannah was barren. She prayed to God for a son. (a) true (b) false (c) maybe Hannah became pregnant (a) true (b) false (c) maybe God made us in his own ________________ (a) self (b) image (c) house Section B Who is God? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name 3 disciples of Jesus you know. i.) ____________________________ ii.) ____________________________ iii.) ___________________________ How do we talk with God? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Who died on the cross? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION NAME: The name of our country is _________________ (a) Togo (b) Nigeria (c) Oyo The government build hospitals for us? (a) Yes (b) No Our rights are the things that we are expected to do for our country. (a) Yes (b) No Civic education is important for national development. (a) Yes (b) No We need peace in Nigeria (a) No (b) Yes Every school has its own rules which pupils must __________ (a) Disobey (b) obey Punctuality means coming early to ________________ (a) play (b) eat (c) school Neatness means appearing in a clean uniform ______________ (a) No (b) yes It is good to _____________others (a) abuse (b) respect (c) fight Kindness means showing ___________ to others (a) love (b) wickedness (c) power We must show love to _________________ (a) people (b) book (c) stick Civic education help people to know their _______________ (a) right (b) food (c) mouth People contribute their own part to make the country ________________ (a) worse (b) better (c) ugly Do you want Nigeria to grow (a) maybe (b) no (c) yes We must obey the _______________ of the country (a) laws (b) food (c) house ________________ is a good thing (a) stealing (b) fighting (c) cheating We must have good manners and show respect to others. (a) No (b) Yes It is good to ________________ your teacher. (a) abuse (b) fight Pupils must not play rough in school (a) Yes (b) No Pupils must not copy other pupils work during tests and examination. (a) No (b) Yes Section B Pupils must come ________________________ to school It is good to __________________________ our teachers and parents. Government build ___________________________ for the public We must show ___________________________ to people in trouble. ISLAND BUILDERS BAPTIST SCHOOL (NURSERY & PRIMARY) 1A, MOBOLAJI BANK-ANTHONY STREET, LAGOS 1ST TERM EXAMINATION 2011 CLASS: PRIMARY 2 SUBJECT: QUANTITATIVE REASONING NAME: Example 1: 532 533 534 535 Example II: 960 961 962 963 Write the missing numbers 343 345 211 213 880 115 900 Section B: Re-arrange in order (Smallest number first) Example: 642 531 982 723 842 __531__ __642__ __723__ __842__ __982__ 212 412 312 112 512 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 400 600 300 500 200 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 807 307 207 407 707 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 538 838 738 438 938 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 831 776 631 433 502 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Section C Write out the biggest number in the group Example: 641 736 902 621 __902__ 417 637 917 836 _________ 900 700 500 600 _________ 711 1000 800 300 _________ 292 492 692 392 _________ 731 626 815 512 _________ Section D: Example: 36 30 10 44 35 35 (18.) 43 66 17.) 72 (19.) 1 1 91 20.) 11 21 via Blogger http://ift.tt/2yzGggy
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