#Except is just my personified brain goo
thepaintedsable · 1 year
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I have created a creature and I believe the world should be aware.
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He is great. His only concerns are big stepp and the crisis that is his horribly legged existence. Two extra non-legg doodles below line
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I am breaching into cursed artwork territory and I think it’s great. I mean, it’s horrible I don’t have any ideas or motivation for the comic I’ve been trying to brainstorm for three years, but it’s great in the sense that this is all emotions.
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Also also 001 - DS9 for the ask thing (because we all love garashir, but what's up with the rest of the show?)
I don't think anyone knows what's up with the rest of the show, not even the people who were on it. That show is chaos personified I swear (and that's why I love it)
Favorite character: Julian!! That man walked onto the screen, made an absolute fool of himself, and from then on out I knew he was my favourite and latched onto him like a barnacle. He is an agent of chaos and I love him for it, and I find him to be such a layered and detailed character even though you might not realise it at first. I think also think his character arc is really tragic, and as someone who flies to angst like a moth to a flame, that very much appeals to me. I could go on and on about him, but I don't want to make this post any longer than it no doubt will be. Also he's pretty <3
Least Favorite character: The Female Founder. She was pretty good in the last few episodes of season 7, but every time she turned up before that I just couldn't stand her. Her plots just felt so repetitive and dull, and she actively made me dislike Odo, which I cannot forgive because I love that goo man and she really brought out the worst in him. So yeah, not a fan of her
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Garashir, of course, but I've also become a slave to the Siskoshir brain rot lately. Kiradax is definitely up there too, and Jake/Ziyal is very cute. I also like Kira/Odo, but only when it was one-sided on Odo's part - I never really thought it made sense for Kira to reciprocate his feelings, so I didn't like it so much when she did, as sweet as they were together.
Character I find most attractive: Julian and Jadzia worked in unison to remind me that I am indeed attracted to men and women, they're both so PRETTY. Honourable mention to Ezri, because she's adorable and Mirror!Ezri is really something else
Character I would marry: Probably Jadzia, or maybe Sisko. They just seem like good marriage material
Character I would be best friends with: Honestly? Jake. He just seems like a cool guy to hang out with, and his relative lack of baggage appeals to me
a random thought: I reckon it would've been neat if Keevan had got to hang around a little longer. It'd be interesting to see how they'd handle having a rogue Vorta around the station.
An unpopular opinion: IDK if this is unpopular or not, but I really don't care for the Ferengi episodes. There are some exceptions, of course (Bar Association, The Magnificent Ferengi, and Little Green Men come to mind as Ferengi episodes I enjoy), but I really don't vibe with them otherwise. The misogyny just gets a bit too much for my tastes, which is saying a lot since I tend to be able to handle that sort of thing. So yeah, even though I know it's supposed to be a send-up of extreme sexism, I just don't really vibe with it.
My Canon OTP: I really like a lot of the canon couples, so I don't know if I can choose just one! Definitely a tie between Sisko/Kasidy, Jadzia/Worf, and Rom/Leeta
My Non-canon OTP: You see, if I'd received this ask a week or two ago, I probably would've said Garashir. But at the moment, I really am kind of obsessed with Siskoshir - I think it offers more of what I like in a ship in general. Still love Garashir of course, but Siskoshir has my heart at the moment
Most Badass Character: Oh my god there are so many! But Kasidy springs to mind first, so I'm gonna have to go with her. Oh, and Kira too - both of them are brilliant and badass and powerful and I love them so much
Most Epic Villain: Damar!! I know he turns good at the end, but I don't care he's still great. Words cannot describe how much I adored that man's character arc, I was literally cheering whenever he stood up against the Dominion. Pour one out for Damar, he was a real one
Pairing I am not a fan of: Jezri, but that kind of goes without saying. I think I don't like that ship because I love both Julian and Ezri as individuals, and seeing them just get smushed together because they were the only two left without partners at the end just felt like a disservice to both of them. I think if they'd got a focus episode or two together, and if they based their romance on more than just Julian's old crush on Jadzia, it could've worked. But in the end it just felt rushed and shoehorned in, so yeah, not a fan.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Julian in season 7, hands down. There was just SO MUCH wrong with how they wrote him in that season, from the rushed romance with Ezri to the way they handled Section 31. Ugh I have such a bone to pick with Extreme Measures - I firmly believe that episode would've been so much better if it was just Julian VS Sloan without the Miles buddy comedy element, and I think that would've done Julian's arc a lot more justice in terms of his loss of idealism. I've already discussed how I feel about Jezri, and don't even get me started on Chrysalis, or how cutting his relationship with Garak short damaged his character. But yeah - in season 1 it felt like they didn't know what to do with Julian in a fun way, but in season 7 they didn't know what to do with him in a not-fun way, and I think that's a shame.
Favourite Friendship: Jadzia and Julian, the bi buddies in blue!! I know we all love Julian with Miles and Jadzia with Sisko, but I just adore how their friendship grew from that awkward crush type thing in season 1 to the amicable companionship of the later seasons. And I also just have a fondness for strong platonic relationships between male and female characters in fiction too, so there's that. Honourable mention to Jake and Nog
Character I most identify with: I always struggle with these types of questions because I don't really think about characters in that way, but if I had to pick someone I'd have to pick Jake purely because of our shared love of writing.
Character I wish I could be: uuuHHH I have no idea. Someone who doesn't get traumatised?? Is there anyone who doesn't get traumatised on this show???? Again, I just don't think about characters in that way, so I have no idea how to answer this question.
Thank you so much for the ask!! This was a lot of fun (and I apologise for writing you a whole ass essay whoops)
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cicici03 · 4 years
Conform or Change- Chapter 2
“Now Shy, I told you that you don’t have to help me cook. Now you go on somewhere!” Anna Mae cried out to Shy while pushing her out.
Ms. Anna Mae was the Munteanu’s house keeper. Just like Shy, she was from the south, Alabama to be extact. She moved up here with her son and his family because The Jim Crow Laws that incite violence and mobs against black people. Ms.Anna Mae didn’t take crap from nobody, black or white, and she defitnely didn’t like when you was in the kitchen.
Shy laughed at Ms. Anna Mae as she tried to get her out of the kitchen. However, Shy still standed at the counter cutting the collard greens. Ms. Anna Mae shooked her head and turn around back to the stove.
“ Now you must really want that boy to fire me now! You over there fixin them good collard greens.” Ms. Anna Mae said in her Southern accent. 
Shy smiled to herself as she kept cutting the collard greens. She look to see out of the window into the backyard. The kids were playing around in the mud with Elena.
“ Oh God!” Shy said in a quiet hush tone. She wasn’t upset about them playing, but she was upset about how Florian would react to their clothes. On Sunday afternoons, some of Florian close friends from the mafia come to eat lunch.
Shy quickly wipe her hands onto her apron. As she was bout to go out to the back door, Florian walked into the kitchen. Ms. Anna Mae could feel the room get cold as Florian walked in.
Shy turn all the way around to see Florian looking outside the window. He looks back to her and shook his head. 
Florian turn to the fridge to get him a brew. Shy turn back around to the collard greens and went back cooking.
“ Boy, why are you shaking your head at that girl?” Ms. Anna Mae looks towards Florian.
“ It’s nothing to worry your brain about Ms. Anna.” Florian lied as he took a big gulp of the brew.
Ms. Anna Mae looked at him like he had two heads on him.
“ Well, butter my damn biscuit! Now, I wouldn’t have ask that question if Ms. Shy wouldn’t cry right as you left this kitchen!” Ms. Anna Mae voice rose an octove as she looked at Shy.
Shy was quietly whimpering as she cut the greens.
“ Shy, baby, turn around.” Ms. Anna Mae said while Florian was looking on to. Shy quickly put down the knife and wipe her eyes. As she was doing that, Ms. Anna Mae look at Florian watching his wife.
Florian seem like it was nothing wrong with his wife. Now if ge made Shy cry a few years ago, he be comforting her.Ms. Anna Mae knew them since the twins was two years old. She seen them when they were happy and they use to make her yelled at them when they need to go to a bedroom.
Now, Ms. Anna Mae saw two broken spirits that don’t know what to do no more.
As Shy turn around, she looked at the floor. Florian turn to Ms. Anna Mae and then turn back and walked out the kitchen.
“ Now, Shy, I know you shy. However, you need to take up for yourself honey!” Ms. Anna Mae looked at Shy.
Shy all of sudden just broke down crying.
Ms. Anna Mae rushed over to her and went to hugging her. To Shy, Ms. Anna Mae was the mother she never had. 
“ I know. I know.” Ms. Anna Mae held her as she cried along with her. Even though, Ms. Anna Mae didn’t know exactly that was bothering Shy.
 She did know that when somebody was hurting.
As they stood their for a moment, they was interrupted by the kids running in with Elena. The kids ran through the kitchen and into the living room. Elena saw the tear-filled eye of Shy.
“ Shy what’s wrong!” Elena run over to Shy.
Shy shooked her head, and just turn back around to cutting the greens. Shy wasn’t mad at Elena, but she didn’t like when there was so much attention on her.
Elena look at Ms. Anna Mae.
Ms. Anna Mae walked over to the stove while pushing Elena over there too.
Ms. Anna Mae said in hush tone what happen.
Elena really wanted to slap her cousin. She didn’t only want to slap him, but herself too. She should’ve told the kids to stop playing and shouldn’t have even join them.
“ Should I tell him that it was my fought?” Elena asked Ms.Anna Mae.
“ He is still going to say it is my fault.” Shy spoke quietly, but loudly enough for Elena and Ms. Anna Mae to hear.
As Elena was about to say something,the door bell interrupted her.
Everybody knew, that the semi quiet house was about to interrupt into chaos. Elena went to the door and open it to see many of the mafia members, their significant others, and kids.
Soon the house was in chaos.
As everybody mingle, Shy stayed in the kitchen as per usual. Shy really didn’t talk to any of the wives.They were all genuinely nice to her.Even though, the wives range in many different race and nationalities, Shy just could never talked to them.
Shy had extreme social anxiety and with sheltering herself as a child. She made her social anxiety even worst.
As Shy kept cooking, the door bell rang again. As the door open, the room erupted in cheers.
Shy wondering whom could it be.
She finish stirring the pot of Cabbege Rolls for Mr. Alexundru that loves his home country food. With that, she tooked the apron off and headed to the living room. 
Everbody was around the person that walked in. Soon as Shy could see the person, she grin from ear to ear.
“ Now where is my Shy!” the ringing voice yelled. 
Everbody started to seprate and Shy eyes land on her.
“ Marilyn!” Shy ran to hug her sister.
“Majorie!” Marilyn said while hugging her sister even tighter.
At the tender age of 23, Marilyn have been everywhere. From, Milan, Paris, Barcelona, England. Marilyn is an NYU graduated and have been working and organzing for The Black Femnist Movement since then. 
As the sisters kept hugging, a small voice spoked up.
“ Aunt Mar, did you bring presents?” Florian Jr asked with his siblings behind him.
Marilyn smiled, “ Of course I do! I actually got presents for everyone!”
Marilyn open the suitcase by her feet and let everyone at them.
Shy and Marilyn walked back to the kitchen where Elena, Ms. Anna Mae, and David was at.
“ Well, look a here. I didn’t know they let sleazy night walkers back into the U.S!”Ms. Anna Mae sassed at Marilyn.
“ Well, I don’t know why Shy still have a country pumpkin of a hag still working for her!” Marilyn devilishly smiled.
Shy popped Marilyn on the head.
“ What, she started with me first!” Marilyn shouted back at Shy.
Marilyn walked over to Elena and gave her a hug. Just not any old hug, but a hug that lasted for a minute.
Even though David and Ms. Anna Mae was finishing the food. Shy looked at the two.
She knew that hug just wasn’t a friendly hug, but a hug that meant more.
The two let go and stare at each other for a minute, before Marilyn saw out of the corner of her eye to see her sister staring.
“ Well, where is that no good husband of yours?” Marilyn scoffed out her lips while walking over to Shy.
Shy, whom was fixing Mr.Alexundru plate, looked at her sister with pleading eyes.
“ What, he is no good!” Marilyn said in a matter to fact voice. 
“ Little girl, stay out of them folks business. You need to find you a man of your own instead of opening up your legs so wide!” Ms. Anna Mae spoke up.
“ You need get like David here!”, Ms.Anna Mae tap David on the shoulder, “ Be a virgin!”
Elena, Marilyn, and Shy snickered under their breath.
Of course Ms. Anna Mae thought David was a virgin. He was of course, to women, however men was another thing.
“ Well thank you Ms. Anna Mae for putting my business out there!” David stuttered with embarrassment.
“ Of course honey!” Ms.Anna Mae smile while walking with a dish to the dining room.
All the girls start laughing at Ms. Anna Mae.
As they all calm down, Marilyn spoke.
“ Shy, I got you some good news!” Marilyn smiled. 
As she was bout to come out with it, Ms.Anna Mae yelled, “ It is time to eat everyone!”
“ Oh tell me later Marilyn! I got to get the kids to wash their hands!” Shy quickly washed her hands in the sink.
“ Can you also get all the men from out of Florian’s office!” Shy left the kitchen to get the kids.
Marilyn rolled her eyes as she realize that she was going to see the man that made her blood boil. 
Florian and Marilyn use to be cool with each other, but as Marilyn went to school and started to learn more about female empowerment. She realize that Florian was a man with a big ego. 
Along side, that he blame her sister for something that happen two years ago. However, how Marilyn saw it, it was his fault.
As Marilyn got to the door, she just listen for a bit of the conversation.
In the room, Florian and many of the younger men in the mafia talk about their wives and lives. While the older men spilt up from them and talk about their youth.
“ Florian, how are you and the Mrs. I heard that Anna Marie came to the church!” Oscar said with his thick Puerto-Rican accent. Everybody quiet down when they heard what Oscar said.
“ Nothing happen.” Florian said in a cold tone.
“ Well Mr. Bossman, that is not what I heard,” Oscar went on, “ I heard that Anna Marie was basically saying all of the out of the box things. With that, you let her say them things!” Oscar finish up.
Florian glared at Oscar.
“ Damn Boss, the downstairs not that good anymore?” Brian spoked to Florian.
Florian was listening, but was in his own thoughts about Anna Marie. He was thinking about her in way that would not be pleasing.
“ You see it is true! You having an affair with Anna Marie!” Oscar said in a shocked voice.
Everybody look at Florian.
He didn’t say anything.
“ We haven’t done nothing, but whenever I am on top of Shy, I think about her!” Florian confirmed anybody suspicion of his relations to Anna Marie.
Everybody was quiet.
When Marilyn heard that, she was anger personified. She wanted to  go in there and choke Florian.
Marilyn still with anger, put on her award winning smiled and barge in. All the men glance and saw her.
“ Oh Mamcita, you look more beautiful than ever!” Oscar glided over to Marilyn. All the men, except Florian, looked at her with goo goo eyes. 
“ If you are not single, I will tell your wives that y’all are looking at me crazy. With that, the food is ready!” Marilyn said with a nonchalant tone. 
All the men walked towards the dining room table. With that, Florian was the last one to leave.
Marilyn looked at him up and down. She knew something was wrong with her sister when she first came in, but Shy would always brush under the rug. 
Marilyn knew she needed to say something.
With that, the wheels was turning as she headed to the dining room
4 hours later...
Everybody was having a good time mingling and eating. The kids were outside playing in the back yard with some of the elders of the mafia watching them. 
Then all the adults were sitting at the table. Florian and Shy sat at the ends of the table, with everyone else in the middle.
Marilyn thought this was a perfect time to tell everyone her good news.
She stood up and tap her class to get everyone attention. She looks around, seeing everyone smiling but Florian.
“ Well, I have some good news for myself and my sister,” Marilyn smiled, “ Well I got a job as a professor for Women Studies at NYU!” Marilyn screamed with joy.
Everybody cheer, excepted for Florian.
“ With that, that means I am staying back in the New York full time!” Marilyn scream once again with joy.
Marilyn looked at her sister and could see the happiness beam off her.
“ I also said that I had a surprise for my sister.” Marilyn smiled to Shy. Marilyn took the big envelope off her seat and hand it to her.
All the wives knew what it was, and they all ran over to surround her.
Shy looked at her sister with Marilyn giving her a nodded.
She read whom it was from:
New York University Admissions
Shy open it and took out the paper.
“ Marjorie Munteanu, we will like to officially accepted you into the The Betterment Program!” Shy yelled out with excitement.
She ran over to her sister and hug her tightly.
“ Plus, it’s free since I work there!” Marilyn yelled out.
Even though, Marilyn wanted to travel more . Whenever reading letters from her sister, she felt so much sadness behind them.
Marilyn might be the youngest sister, but she is the big sister in some sense.
So when, one of her friends recommend her for the professor tenure. Marilyn thought about Shy and how much this could help her.
Shy is always doing for others, but not doing something for herself.
As the women where celebrating, all the men looked at Florian. 
Florian was furious.
“No.” Florian snapped while slamming his hand on the table.
Everything turn very quiet in the dining room, and even outside where the kids were due to the door being open.
One of the elders close the door knowing it was about to be bad.
Marilyn looked at Florian.
“ Well she is! It’s not like you paying for it!”Marilyn exclaimed while looking at Florian.
“ She is not going.” Florian assured while looking at Shy. Florian went back eating his pasta.
“ It’s fine. We can talk about it later.” Shy stuttered out.
Florian looked back up and said, “ There is nothing else that needs to be talk about, and that is final.”
“Shy you really going to let him talk to you like that. For bloody hell Shy, this your chance to leave him!” Marilyn yelped out. When Marilyn realized what she said, she regret it. 
All you could hear was Florian’s fork drop on the plate. 
Shy didn’t dare look up.
Florian was shocked by hearing that. 
Shy wouldn’t do that.
Florian looked at Shy and knew that Marilyn was telling the truth. Shy always start scratching her left arm whenever she was nervous. 
Everybody look at Florian, and they never seen him shock like how he was.
“ Shy, get her out this house.” Florian voice tremble with anger.
“ No I am not going to get out of this house. Cause if you remember, Shy holds 80 percent ownership of this house. Plus I wouldn’t dare leave my sister with you like this. You don’t love her! You think about that slut, Anna-Marie, whenever you are on top of my sister!” Marilyn scream with tears coming down her eyes.
All the men looked at Marilyn.
“ Yeah, I heard everyone and what they had to say! So please don’t test me!” Marilyn blurted out.
As everything has been thrown out there, Mr. Alexundru, whom was sitting by Shy, looked at her.
Shy was heart-broken.
She knew that things were bad, but not this bad.
Shy was holding in the tears, but she couldn’t hold them anymore.
She left the dining room, and went quickly up the stairs. Florian followed right behind her.
As Marilyn was trying to go and follow them, Ms. Anna Mae held her back.
“ You already done cause WWII to happen. We are not ready for a Hirshomia!” Ms. Anna Mae whispered with much authority.
Everybody just sat there to listen, what was going on upstairs.
All they heard was a slam of a door.
Florian walked back downstairs and left the house.
Nobody didn’t know what to do.
“ Well I guess that means we are not going to eat cake.” Oscar looked around. 
Marilyn smacked upside the head and went back to drinking her wine.
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How do we feel about that chapter?
What is Florian blaming Shy for that may be his fault after all?
How do you like Marilyn?
Marilyn and Elena?
Ms.Anna Mae?
Y’all there are to many questions and I need answers!
Taglist: @19jammmy @twistedcharismaaa @designerwriterchic @queen-zelieonna @amethyst09 @champagnesugamama @natashacoco @cocobutterqwueen @bvssmob
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