#Kinda like autism creature I guess
thepaintedsable · 1 year
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I have created a creature and I believe the world should be aware.
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He is great. His only concerns are big stepp and the crisis that is his horribly legged existence. Two extra non-legg doodles below line
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I am breaching into cursed artwork territory and I think it’s great. I mean, it’s horrible I don’t have any ideas or motivation for the comic I’ve been trying to brainstorm for three years, but it’s great in the sense that this is all emotions.
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8ball-wizard · 2 years
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sonknuxadow · 2 years
what is my art doing on know your meme HELP ME !!!!!
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waokevale · 11 months
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Guess who's back at it with rottmnt (May I come back in? 👉👈)
I kinda lost interest for a while, but recently I've got back into it and man I missed drawing these guys...
I thought about finally putting in my AU from August last year, where Mikey basically ask Drax to help him fully activate his powers so that he could protect his older brothers, but instead, he accidentally wrecks the ritual and loses all his powers (temporarily, but he doesn't know that)
So Drax is trying to help him, but Mikey's frantic because he doesn't want the rest of his family to know he attempted this.
Therefore he runs off to the hidden city, to find a way to bring back his powers (The library is his last resort since he's kinda forever banned ✌️)
And then stuff happens (...) Dunno if you'd actually want me to continue this au, if not I'll just stop with this post, but if you do, I'll happily share more info. 👍
But in the meantime he gets into more trouble and ends up in the deepest part of the hidden city, where many dangerous creatures reside....Also there's Leatherhead (He is very much needed in the series and I hope if they continue the series, he'll appear and be Mikey's friend as was meant to be)
[I hope you like this design for him.]
Also did I mention I thought about potential antagonists being certain creatures , who suck out all magic out of you and are lethally dangerous to yokai? Yeah that's in it too. Autism brain was strong.
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sciderman · 6 months
I swear I have read your big post regarding Peter Parker's neurodivergence and why it is best to avoid labelling him, but he definitely has a weird brain
Can't find it and feel kinda sad about it cuz I deeply related to it
i know exactly which post you're talking about and i can't find it either! i've raked through my archive, and it's just - nowhere to be seen. i think tumblr eated it (it happens.)
really, tumblr's search functionality is so so useless, i don't know what to tell you. there are plenty of keywords i can search to find it that post, but the search functionality actually just does not work!
undiagnosed audhd-addled peter parker, my darling, my light, my life, my everything.
i think peter parker's such an interesting creature to write, because a lot of people will point to a certain behaviour about him and say "this is an autistic thing, right?" but a lot of those behaviours are actually, in my head, tied to certain traumas in peter's life too.
people say "oh, the food thing, peter's a picky eater because he's autistic" and yes, absolutely. but also it's tied to his trauma with his parents.
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peter gets overstimulated, and yes, it's an autism thing, but also he was bitten by a radioactive spider and his senses are dialled to 11.
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it's a similar case i've found for myself, too – where a lot of friends i have kind of diagnose me because i have autistic traits, but actually - i'm hesitant to claim the label or pursue diagnosis because, actually, i know where these certain behaviours come from, and they come from certain traumas. there are events i can pinpoint in my life and say "yep. that's where this behaviour comes from."
so - i think there's a lot of overlap between trauma and autistic traits. the brain is very complex! i think the reason for that overlap is maybe as simple as the fact that people with autism and people with trauma are both doing the same thing - developing behaviours to protect themselves or soothe themselves. so - i think it's nice to be able to see a character like peter parker, who may or may not be autistic, but recognise behaviours in him and see yourself in him.
people who go undiagnosed for whatever reason - people who are really good at masking - so good, in fact, that they have no idea they might be on the spectrum - everyone and anyone at all can look at peter parker and recognise themselves. because i think we discredit the thought that every single brain does the same thing! develops certain behaviours in order to survive. every brain has that same software - we've just all been faced with different hardships that we need to overcome, and that's were all the differences come in.
autism is a spectrum, i guess - everyone falls into it to some degree. and i think events in your life probably push you along on it. but i don't know, i didn't study brain science. probably what i'm saying is very stupid and uninformed. of course there's brain chemistry involved. but i know people in my life living with autism and certain events in their life have exacerbated certain behaviours or made coping with it a lot more difficult. so maybe trauma is a catalyst.
#a lot of my traits have been exacerbated lately and i remember it was much easier for me before#and some of my friends have said “oh it's because you've been masking too long and now you're facing autistic burnout.”#and that made sense to me i think.#but then i found out about the stress thing. me overproducing stress hormone. and that's a very physical thing.#and that explains why i've been overstimulated more than usual lately. and why everything feels like too much.#and i wonder how many of these traits of mine are going to subside once i have lamar removed#and it makes me wonder a lot of things. and it's so weird how much your brain is tied to your biology.#i wonder how much i'll change. i wonder how i'll feel. i wonder if i'll still feel like me. i wonder how much me is me right now.#and how much of me is being altered by weird freaky hormones. who am i?? who will i be??#i'm almost looking at this as like. a superhero origin story of some sort. like this is my spider-bite moment. maybe.#will i be different? will i cope with things differently?? now that my body isn't fighting something anymore??#maybe i'll be normal. i don't know. i don't know.#i don't know what it'll mean for me.#but all of these things mean i relate to peter parker in a certain kind of way#i don't think you have to be diagnosed with autism to recognise and empathise with those traits i think#i think everyone can see themselves in peter. and i think that's the benefit of having characters that aren't diagnosed.#because there's so much overlap in the human experience. and certain feelings aren't exclusive to just one group of people.#peter has such a rich identity actually. it's an autistic thing. it's a queer thing. it's a jewish thing. it's a trauma thing.#there are so many overlapping parts of peter's identity that inform who he is and how he behaves and it's never just one thing.#it's a product of all of his things.#just like me! just like everyone.#so me? i guess i can be a million things. you can explain what i am in a million different ways.#a hundred different psychologists can all come up with different ways to explain why i be the way i be.#i don't think it's something that can be simplified.#sorry wow. i'm really going off here in the tags.#i hope people don't think i'm stupid. i don't know brain science. i'm just philosophising as usual.#sci speaks
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crumchycow · 4 months
a get to know you better meme
thanks for the tag @thestrangeillusion
do you make your bed?
Nope never, if something doesn't need to be tidied it will not be tidied, have left a bucket in the middle of my room for 9 months because of this.
what's your favourite number?
Don't have one
what is your job?
Currently just a student I kinda need to get a job but studying and working is a lot for me and acquiring a job is annoying and hard so uethggghhhh
If you could go back to school would you?
Um will I continue studying? Maybe....
can you parallel park?
a job you had that would surprise people?
None? Probably the most interesting way I have earned money is the only commission I've ever had, which was my mum commissioning me for her work (kindergarten) because they needed 30 little icon drawings that each kid has at like their bag hook and on their stuff to identify them, she didn't like the person who used to do it because they were weird about it for some reason and the designs were kinda cluttered and ugly so my mum was like my child can draw? Yes! and this way I can be really fussy and specific with it.
(dw she paid me quite well)
do you think aliens are real?
In the sense of any life existing outside of earth? yes 100% would be weird if there isn't. In the sense of complex or intelligent life? probably. In the sense of there are human equivalent creatures that have achieved space travel and are equally or more technologically advanced than us, unlikely but possible. Just thinking about how much time life has existed without humans and how long humans have existed before any ideas of space exploration and the very specific technologies and discoveries that were necessary for space exploration I wouldn't be surprised if we are the only ones. Also just like how incredibly difficult space travel beyond our solar system is I think it's unlikely we will truly know or make contact.
can you drive a manual car?
No :) do not care to learn. fuck cars and driving is boring i only learn to drive because its kinda necessary where i live :( get me good public transport government please
what's your guilty pleasure?
im guilty about alot things like drinking milk, eating too much sugar, spending too much money, doing literally anything i will find a way to feel guilty about it but thats just my general state of being since i was a child and i mostly ignore it or work around it.
I guess in the more traditional sense of things i like that are embarrassing and i wouldnt want people to know, it would be reading fucked up smut. Particularly my fondness for incest ships? Don't know why I suspect it is the codependency. but yeah umm...
Not yet but I wanna get a spider (not decided which) on my back soon.
favourite colour?
favourite type of music?
Um I mostly listen to kpop because uh autism? idk, but I genuinely like a lot of music. Some of my favourite music is like objectively awful and difficult to listen to, I think I often like music that is complex and has lots of things.
Some of my favourite artists trying to include multiple genres I like:
Stray Kids
F.T. island
Jeff Satur
Chopin (I'm learning one of his preludes atm it's v pretty)
GHOST (vocaloid producer)
also gregorian chants slap (not christian, vocal harmonies just make me feral)
do you like puzzles?
Yes! I just recently was like y'know what I haven't done in years but suddenly really need to do:
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But also just generally like I LOVE maths and figuring out things and patterns and stuff so fun.
any phobias?
favourite childhood sport?
Um not that into sport, I guess I wanted to play netball when I was like 8 (but that might've just been because that's the thing you do) but I missed the trial periods 2 years in a row but kinda glad I didn't I know multiple people with permanent injuries from playing netball as a kid/teen and my joints are not the most functional in the first place. Do still enjoy playing casually every now and then.
do you talk to yourself?
Yes my favourite hobby, I have the best conversations with myself, will stay up for hours just talking to myself. Also great for preparing for real conversations. I love it when a topic I fully thought about and talked to myself comes up in conversation and it's like fuck yeah gonna ace this one.
what movie(s) do you adore?
Hmmm not the biggest fan of movie as a story format but uh have seen how to train your dragon at least 20 times and I need to watch it again sometime soon, been craving that animal/human enemies to deep emotional connection best buds.
coffee or tea?
Love coffee, but over half of my daily water consumption is through tea (usually multiple kinds)
Would be less alive without tea also its just like so diverse, green tea!black tea! rooibos! masala chai! rosehip! liquorice! peppermint..... camomile! and so much more with sugar! with milk! with honey! or lemon! hot! cold! literally my favourite, shoutout to whoever invented plant in water. Also soup different kind of plant in water but still absolutely banging humans peaked at plant in water best things invented.
and caffeine doesn't affect me like at all? so i only drink these things for taste.
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
Idk the first but I know at some stage I wanted to be an author or a marine biologist (why is this so common who put it in our heads? Actually maybe David Attenborough....) probably the first was an animal or something
egh its rambly and may not make sense but whatever, also revealing any information about myself on the internet scares me even though literally nobody could do anything with this information like guys pls dont dox me through knowing my mum is a kindergarten teacher
tagging @gaylittlepieceofsh1t @mousydentist @mr-bazongos @wildelydawn @thestarscanalwayslookatus @fiddlepickdouglas @ae-azile and any one who wants to, no pressure tho <333
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sonyaii · 4 months
My Ocs- that i forgot to tell their personalities and etc-
Amrin - as short for Rin
Her Personalities are, outgoing, playful, persistence, and reckless, when it comes for trouble [sometimes, Crimson had to keep looking for her, or Flora does, or both, she is still some troublemaker for sure,] and supportive towards her close mutuals/friends/family.
She loves absolutely anything on insects, bugs, and also as nuts, and some berries, she is addicted to all food that she could eat for her own beak!
Likes to annoy/tease Crimson, at all most time, rare times, when Crimson was not busy nor other than that, all at circumstances. And adores Flora's shyness and kind, she is kinda in love with Flora, who knows, maybe she is lesbian for girls, or smth??
Her Family are kind of strict, yet fun to chat with her family, more than you count, she is was not alone, when her twin sister was around, til, passed away of illness when hatchling.. [Amrin was devastated all right, when she doesn't wanna talk about it, at now.]
Likes Snakes, all of them, even were one of them were dangerous, and venom on their blood, Amrin is the only one, who can protect from them the snakes! She is not afraid of them ever since, don't you worry!
Also as Pigs, they were also fun to play with, even though they were can be dumb dumb, sometimes, they are genius of sort things, Amrin were appreciated by them.
ADHD supremacy!! [also me like:]
goes craziness!
Electrokinesis = Electricity.
Flora - as short for Flo
Her Personalities are, simple to guess, as such as introvert, shy, and smart, and cautious, when it comes to dangers. [she is tried, taking to repair the will]
She Loves Pellets, Seeds, Nuts, and especially vegetables, and kiwk fruit!!
Likes to reads, and help anyone, especially, able to afford the therapy activity, she is cheapest one, and kindest one. Yeh, you can do it now or later.
Her family, were extremely ones, than the strict, if you know what i mean, only her grandma comforts her through at difficult times. Even it was low effort adds on that parts, Flora still loves her Grandmama at all her costs of possibilities.
Likes flowers, and take care of her own, one day, she shall become as gardener as well!
Likes Dragons, Danger creatures [if they don't exist.] she is not afraid one of them, as if, [Fluttershy energy hehe,]
Her strong strength, all of her course were willing to take any big furnitures, she will, don't worry. And attacks towards the enemies at all wills.
Autism, yeee!
Super Strength.
Her Personalities are, of course, for shy, is timid, and pretty intelligent for her taking-any-focus-on-studyings, like her mama bird, so ye, and also wrath[enormous eyebrows] taking from his papa bird, genes are tie, mixed.
As usual, what birds like, of course you knew, such as, insects, bugs, and, rare thing is coconut, very refresh on that one, yum yum, and veggies!
Drinks baby milk, she would handle it, but she tried, in her own sake, sorry for her, she just loves them, banana on it!
Hanging out with her Auntie Flora, Auntie Matilda, and Uncle Terence, and her cousins as well! [Red's friends too.] and loves her younger brother, Henry.
Pretty dummy and funny, i swore :D!
Cryokinesis = ice
His Personalities are, pleasant, and he is one good boy [as you thought he was..]
taking his own actions, as for own point in his view, he is gay, congrats for him! And he is love gay people, and his type is not important, right? Well kidding, in love with villains, taking any will of harm in himself, and tried to take it easy and honesty,
ahem back about his personalities, well, also intelligent as his older sister Agnes, taking any responsibilities, and reads books!
Also like, do have i repeat, the same thing over all above? Like insects, bugs, etc, and also as, smoothie, ohh smoothie, i forgot about that part! He is fall in love with strawberry smoothies! Like what? He is gay for that life? Don't ya think??
Hangs out with boys birds, boysss, and his also cousins! Oh, dear, anxiety, of course…
Speed and Telekinesis.
Cadell, Leah, and Lance,
The Triplets, as well as, hybrid of pig and bird, easy guess.
Their Personalities are just different! And act one of the triplets, as usual, repeats the entire talk!
for one of them, how could i not talk about them, the precious guys!
Cadell, is young, and yet, troublesome, feisty, and taking any prankster role, understanding one, Leah, is responsible, yet also prankster along his older twin brother, as middle twin sibling, clumsy, and witty one! And youngest, is Lance, pretty intelligent than his older twin siblings, as clever atleast, becoming soon, to be next ruler of Piggy Island, sadly, they would be apart from each other in the future, but- not that part, don't worry, his siblings will visit anytime as if important and for fun, communication course!
Loves Veggies, yummy yummy, sandwiches, and diet foods of course, it is important course.. as their mommy bird tried to take any insects, bugs for an appetite, nah, they won't.
Dummies Guys, also hanging out with the family addition, and also as cousin family, friends, again, repeated. TwT"
Cadell likes to reads any hero and prank, comedy comics, as well the others, specifically, Leah and Lance reads books, as tried to take any fun, to read comics as well!
Also, likes to play with balloons, bouncy balls, and any etc! Taking as an sports.
That's it, Cya! Pheww, it was long one.
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slowdripsunrise · 10 months
book review for into the drowning deep by mira grant!!! spoilers under the cut! just found out the author has a tumblr well if u find this pretty please dont look theres nothing bad in here its just not for you! reviews are for readers and you can get constructive criticism from a paid editor and not random readers doing this for free :)
ok i. literally just finished this and am writing it as i am staring at the finished checkmark on my computer lol wanted to get this out so i didnt forget. anyways ok so i super liked this book. love feels like a strong word bc i think im on too much adhd meds to really feel it like that but yeah i really really liked it.
OBViously the best part about this book were the mermaids. i came into it wanting mermaids and creepy shit in the ocean and science and thats what i got. they were creepy wnd fucked up and vicious and murderous amd beautiful and i loved them so much. especially that we got their pov! and how sometimes from their pov we would get little hints of answers about them before the scientists did. i liked that. loved the ocean imagery especially from dr toth was it heavy handed? maybe. idc i love the ocean.
this was also again. creepy as fuck not downright terrifying which surprised me bc im a huge wimp. but i was on the edge of my seat and anxious and nervous for a lot of the characters... which leads me to my next point i guess i dont really feel like i connected per say with all of the characters as much as others. like i feel connected for sure to olivia, especially when its her pov, the probable undiagnosed autism diagnosis goes crazy. and i really liked the wilsons, luis was nice, i liked dr toth. everyone else i didnt really care. which is fine i read this for cool mermaids !!
another thing i would kill for more of was the linguistics with hallie and lennox and the mermaid like i fucking LOVE that shit, and also what happened to said mermaid other than just a small bit at the end about it being bought by some rich guy. also would like to see more of the matriarch mermaid. i love the absolute ancient and archaic nature of creatures that are just fuckin so big, especially when it relates to the ocean. and also maybe i missed where her size was actually describe and im generally really bad at conceptualizing how big things are when just given like. measurements but i was picturing this thing as more colossal than anything else, which would tie into luis' research, right?? pretty sure that was his whole schtick and i wanted more of that... i do appreciate the mystery however. this book left me with questions, and not in a like this was filled with plot holes kinda way but more of a i need to know more this is probably how all those scientists felt kinda way. i like that i think. absolutely love how in these reviews im just spitballing ideas and seeing what sticks who knows tomorrow i probs wont agree with half the shit im saying but who cares. im working out my thought irl and this is what happens. on another note we had anchovies out for dinner and im not normally squeamish about them but. looking at them when reading this book did make me feel a bit weird so theres that. 4/5 stars had fun would recommend
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Tamers - Episode 8
Hmm this episode was just okay. There were some really nice animation moments, but it kinda felt like there was a lot of drawn out fluff. I still enjoyed myself, but I spaced out a couple times so I guess it didn't have me super gripped.
Impmon was a fun little asshole in this episode. It's funny how he doesn't ever really get the reactions he wants. Renamon just kinda ignored him and Guilmon is too innocent to realize he's being trolled. Love a goofy villain who's bad at being evil. (I'm sure he'll get something darker to do eventually tho)
Terriermon has such an interesting personality. You would think such a cute little guy would be nice and affectionate but instead he's very blunt and says whatever's on his mind without much care for other's feelings. The way he inappropriately reacts to things yet seems to have a sort of wisdom...neurodivergent digi? (he does kinda look like autism creature lol)
The fact that Guilmon has a hobby of burying and digging up his food makes me think of enrichment for a caged zoo animal...at least he can technically leave
This episode did a really good job of making big digimon actually big! Adventure struggled with that at times (Greymon's size in the movie vs. the anime for example). I feel like showing off the hugeness of digimon and making them feel intimidating is all about the angles/perspectives they're "shot" at. Devidramon and Growmon felt properly intimidating in this.
Asanuma-sensei's JP voice is very monotone. She kinda sounds dead inside. She also barely reacted to a giant goth dragon flying inches from her head lol. I'd be screaming and peeing my pants and she was just like "what was that...?"
It's hard for me to not read "Grow" as grow...I get that it's from "growl," but that romanization is confusing out of context...
Takato being sucky at strategizing with his cards felt relatable to me lol. I'm bad at strategy games...
Seeing Guilmon digivolve for the first time was exciting and I look forward to seeing more Growmon in the next episode. I'm not super bothered that his design didn't change much. It's just annoying that digivolution is so inconsistent and sometimes they look completely different and other times its more gradual. Also, wait...when he was born Takato's digivice had to scan the drawing of Guilmon but this time it just kinda happened. Hope we get an explanation for all this eventually...
Speaking of unexplained mysteries, Culumon randomly shows up right as Guilmon is digivolving and his head lights up. The timing was suspicious, but I have no idea what the connection is yet.
I don't really get why Renamon and Terriermon couldn't have helped Guilmon with his fight. Renamon was like "that's Guilmon's prey..." which sure, makes sense with Ruki and Renamon's style of battling for power, but what was holding Jian and Terriermon back exactly?
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wildernezz · 2 months
analysis for @someone-stole-my-sock :333
you are like. PEAK silly guy. you just give me so many silly vibes. like the kind of guy that you'd casually walk by at an airport or a grocery store or literally anywhere and the first thought is just "oh he seems silly and chill lolz." you just have very good vibes and i needed to say that first. :333333
despite looking like a silly average guy, you are definitely a lot more of an enigma than you give off. you are very aware of situations and social balances. definitely has the vibes of light yagami (looks like an average, just generally smart, guy but has. like a whole basement underneath the silly mind-house). you're also much MORE silly than you give off (and by "silly" i mean autism). there's just a lot more hidden underneath you than what's originally thought.
it seems like you've healed a lot from past traumas, and that's really nice to see. you probably still struggle with general everyday things though. your self-awareness makes it hard for you to truly express yourself to others. there's also probably still lingering fears from past issues that hold you back just a smidge. like maybe you felt pretty damn lonely growing up and you've gotten better at handling things but it's still there. i feel like you might have depression/loneliness bouts every now and then too. overall though, you're definitely doing a lot better than before. and that's something to be proud of.
i feel like you yap in your mind a lot. idk why but u just kinda give me that vibe.
you collect a lotta random trinkets. it's just in ur nature and that is dope as fuck, good for you. maybe you had a fascination with swiss knives or something. or like knife types. you give me that vibe specifically.
i feel like there's a part of you that just yearns to be out in the wild????? like you probably dip at random times to just. frolick in the fields if you're allowed. definitely getting huge "soldier poet king" vibes ykykykyk (speaking of which, my guess for you would be king. that's my gut guess but could be very off). you got "harpy hare" etched in your dna and that is dope as fuck.  you get it you weird freaky creature. (/compliment /pos)
uhhhhhh that's all i can think of but u are very silly. very dope. i had a shit ton of fun scrolling thru ur posts. veryvery funky. :3333
sorry that it isn't very in-depth and if it's super inaccurate (i swear im usually better at this JFNDHDJ). my brain has not been in the right headspace at all but i wanted to at least write something so ggrrrgrgrgrg here it is. hopefully at least some part of it is accurate yayayayayy :))
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Thoughts on all of the papas?
oh boy this is gonna get long.
primo. i love primo. he's such a random guy. he's so old. he's just here to do his job. also love that he made a song about elizabeth báthory. also i love that the paint on his mask was put on by tobias himself, i love how messy it looks. era 1 of ghost had a special feel to it that's unfortunately not well documented.
i refuse to believe that secondo doesn't have massive tits. it's real to me. also he looks like pitbull without his make-up. i also have a good collection of silly secondo images. look at this guy
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terzo is like a rogue fucking US military asset and a danger to public safety. i'm a boygirl terzo truther, he's my little he/she kitty. i love that he almost never wore her papal robes. what a little motherfucker, emphasis on little. did you know that he's canonically fucking 4'9.
copia my fucking beloved my little autism creature. tbh i miss back when he was just a cardinal, but i love that he's more confident now. his thighs are fucking massive i wanna bite his thighs. the amount of completely random stuff about him that tobias has made canon is so insane to me. his favourite drink is evaporated milk. he has sex with the lights on while wearing socks. he rides a tricycle. he humps furniture when he's drunk. love this guy, what a silly
i feel like with the suspicious amount of posts that i've made about nihil, you can already kind of guess how i feel about him. i think in many ways he's just a stupid bimbo, and i appreciate that in a man. i wish we knew more about his past. like which music video happened first, dance macabre or kiss the go-goat? believe it or not, a very large portion of ghost lore depends entirely on those two music videos and their chronological order. young nihil is kinda hot, not even gonna lie. old nihil too, i'm not a coward.
ok those are some of my thoughts on all the papas summarized !! lmk if you wanna hear more about a specific one
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rose-png · 3 months
★i feel like it makes sense that i make an introduction post so here it is!!!
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✮hi!! my name is rose!! i also go by skull or creature :-]!!
✮i use any pronouns idrc lol
✮i am an aroace spec queer thing i don't rlly know yet :-]
✮i am 17!! (my birthday is on January 22 lol)
✮im an artist!! i mostly draw fanart and all that stuff :-D!!
✮im diagnosed with adhd + autism ^_^ please be patient with me!
✮im mixed :-D✌🏽
✮im not super active here because it's mostly for fanart and i don't wanna flood my other socials with just fanart :-] ill try to post more slowly though
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✸if the text is bold its a hyperfixation or something i talk about a lot!! please interact if u like them to plzplzplzplzplz✸
☆ sockdotclips ocs (mostly patient hero if you could not tell idk i might like them idk just a guess!!)
☆ splatoon
☆ cats. just cats. any cats.
☆ gaming I guess im such a gamer guys hell yeah
☆Friday night funkin (to an extent not rlly)
☆space stuff i fw space so heavy
☆postal (i love postal dude i think hes neat)
☆tf2 (been trying to get into it more)
☆madoka magcia
(there's probably more so I'll edit it later when i can remember or if something changes LMFAO)
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⚠️warning!: my account my contain some gore and scary shit sometimes idk, please proceed with caution before following!!
do not interact if you do whatever below says idk just don't!!
●proshippers/comshippers or just anyone who takes such dark topics and makes it sexualized/romanticized.
●if you disrespect any of sockdotclips boundaries (you know who you are), get off my page, i will not tolerate that behavior, i will block you, i don't care. go away.
●nsfw accounts (im a minor and it makes me pretty uncomfortable, if you don't post it yourself then i guess i don't really care but your on kinda thin ice)
●alfred playhouse fans (it depends actually if ur not a weirdo but ur on liek thin ice kinda)
●motherfuckers that get into "shipping wars" or whatever its annoying shut up!!
●gooners. just don't please ew.
●terfs or bigots of any kind.
●pro-genocide people.
(this will probably be updated here and there, but this will do for now)
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you can find me on these places ion know im mostly active on discord but i ain't giving that out willy nilly soo yeah!!
idk if these will all work so most of my socials are just a variant of "rose.png" or "flower.image" maybe even "sillylilcreature" go find it yourself idk lmfao
and my YouTube is basically completely dead i don't do anything on it so i don't feel the need to add it!! ill probably add more socials if i have any more i feel like adding
thanks for reading :-D!! 🌹🫵🔥🗣️
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sparkle on!! don't forget to smile or something idfk🗣️🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥⚠️
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void-botanist · 9 months
Okay I wanna ask you Blorbo wrapped questions back lmao. I'm also curious about who you thought was coolest, who you rotated in your head the most and who was most fun to write. But also, did you have anyone that was kinda driving you up a wall but then something clicked and you really figured out how to write them? If not, who's still driving you up a wall?
Kendrick! I think you saw that I got too excited and answered my own questions over here but who has been driving me up a wall is an excellent question, lol. There are a few who aren't actively driving me up a wall (what's up with Aza huh) but the people who I still haven't got a hold on are Declan, Horatio, and Sid.
I'm almost hesitant to say Declan because I don't think I have a hard time writing him but I also feel like I haven't fully keyed into the fact that he's an autism creature of a man (and also making it clear that the way the rest of the crew does things behind his back is not them infantilizing him because of it but more complicated than that. They do think he's fragile but that's because of how he's handled his grief). Also like. He literally trusts his crew with his life. But he is so so bad at talking to them and I haven't totally figured out how that all works out.
Oops this got long so here's a cut
Horatio got a character lift in this version. He's always been a sweetheart but that evolved out of him having A Sense Of Justice while also being generally pathetic and wet and soft. Now he has the Standing family deviousness that goes along with it and I don't know how to write that. Because also he looks completely different to Sid, who knows him very well and who he's open with, than he does to Avis, who hates him somewhat for the circumstances of his birth (she tries not to because it's not his fault) but extremely much for being sun-coded in the "cheerful" and "unavoidable and intense" ways. So like, what is he plotting (especially about getting Sorian and Avis back together) and how is he plotting it and how does this dovetail with the happy-go-lucky florist which is equally as much who he is?
Sid on the other hand is challenging in the sense that writing him feels fine. He's a real everyman if you will. Except I don't get his character and I think that's a major stumbling block for AOM as a whole. Yeah, on some level he has to be the sad traumatized guy but like. How does he handle his parents trying to run his life once he takes a massive step outside of their frame of reference? How does this work with Avis's story? (Can I successfully shove these two stories into one thing that is a whole? They have so many themes in common help) In his earliest iterations he was the devil-may-care I'm-doing-my-best guy who mildly tormented Horatio Sense Of Justice and I guess they've sort of flipped? Except Sid is always the Doing My Best guy.
Also when it comes to Anni and Zel, Anni is so easy to write with all the technical stuff and much more challenging with the romance stuff and I don't want it to be that way aaaaaaa
As for who did click, I think I'm getting there with Patience (even though I haven't worked on TFA in a while), Rodney worked better when I just let him be soft, working out Fay's whole divorce history helped make her easier to write (she's not pretending to be the good suburban mom. she just is sometimes and other times she sucks), the fact that Wylie hates himself cracked his whole character wide open, and lately I've realized that a critical part of post-divorce Sorian is that he's tired. He's tired of Avis needling him, always being there but never being there for him. He's not even sure he deserves for her to be. But he kinda wishes she would just leave and move on so he can too.
#'but your presence still lingers here and it won't leave me alone'#every iteration I get closer with Anni & Zel. I promise they have chemistry. I just don't feel confident in my ability to bring it out#which is probably the real problem. I think I'm gonna just write a ton of them outside of TFA until I get it#also when I start writing Binna again I think she's going to be kind of tough but we'll get there#original Old Canon Sid was a fucking trip (highly affectionate). I think he was dead? and trapped in the time stream?#so he could just go through time and dimensions however he pleased to annoy everybody equally#he and horatio had this unexplored 'menaces to lovers' potential#his methods were questionable but he really was trying to do the right thing. I wish I had written seven million more pages of him#I originally solved Sid vs. his parents with what was essentially a heist plot crafted to convince them he was a lost cause#which was delightful but. I don't think that's how I want to do things this time#it was great catharsis while I was really going through it tho#also throwback to when I mentally got through finals in the spring by just taking a break to write Vy x Wylie smut#thinking about Sorian and mentally going 'aw my baby' and laughing about who I have/would call my baby#anyone is fair game but I usually say it about Dez (cute) - Tirias (fun) - Mirilde (darling) - Sorian (sad) - Fabian (loser)#c: Sid#c: Declan#c: Horatio#c: Sorian#c: Fay#c: Wylie#c: Rodney#c: Patience#rose meta#rose brambles
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basuralindo · 1 year
For the character thing
Malleus, Floyd, Jamil
Ah, I see you want me to be writing for the rest of my life... (jk. thanks for the ask!)
I just finished answering this for Jamil in another ask over here:
As for the other twooooo
What I love about them: Autism creature fr. tbh I've had a long-standing crush on Maleficent, so I just about screamed when I saw him. But also he's so much more endearing than I expected? They really went "let's do tall dark and mysterious but we're gonna make him So Fucking Weird" and I appreciate that. Like all the fairies, I like that they didn't make him just, basically human but kinda fancy, they went all the way with making him very much a different species with different behaviors and culture and everything. I also love that he's the super powerful ancient being, but absolutely not wise. This dude is sheltered to the point of clueless. He has a beloved tamagotchi. He's just so very much a person, with flaws and quirks and issues and curiosity. I just love that they made him realistically overpowered, but not conventionally cool about it in the slightest.
What I hate about them: (prior to book 7, which I haven't read yet) Aside from being lonely and autistic, he hasn't been given much depth that I've seen. And I get that it's hard to show depth with a character who's major issue is being withdrawn and socially stunted, so like, I'm sure it's all in due time, but yeah. Basically he sparks joy, but I'm still left wanting more out of him as a character.
Favorite Moment/Quote: His lab coat vignette. Every moment if that. I love that he's pledged a grand favor to Deuce because he knew how to use a screwdriver.
What I would like to see more focus on: ydxrudut this fucking thing ate my answer and now I've lost steam sorry. I wanna see more focus on interpersonal relationships, more interaction with characters treating him more like a peer. And I wanna see more of his internal thoughts and reasoning (I'm sure we're learning more about him actively in book 7, but again, I haven't read it yet...)
What I would like to see less focus on: I think my biggest issue is that there's not enough focus on him in general. I guess I wanna see less of him being mysterious and estranged while everyone avoids him out of fear. Let this man socialize!!
Favorite pairing with: I don't insert myself much into games like this, so I haven't given the MC any real personality at all? But I really like the setup for him and the MC anyway. Aside from that, my bf has been convincing me to appreciate Malleus/Leona, and I like the idea of Malleus/Idia.
Favorite friendship: Can't not mention Great Uncle Lilia, Grandpappy To All, but that's more mentorship than friendship I guess. At least he talks to him without fear or reverence. I haven't seen much of anyone else really going out of their way to interact with him except Cater, which would be cute. I love the idea of Deuce befriending him just cause he's a ballsy enough mf to face him in a fight on principle, and now that Malleus has pledged peace between their houses, maybe they can have a mutual respect friendship. I love Deuce tbh.
NOTP: Malleus/anyone from diasomnia. Just, one watched him grow up, and he watched the other two grow up. Not my thing.
Favorite headcanon: .....I don't think I have any for him, I'm sorry.
What I love about them: Everything. I love this fucked up noodle of a man. He's cute, he's awful, he's hot, he's funny, he's a menace. He's the one who's hand I took at the start of the game. I have a lot more thoughts on him, but they're hard to articulate. I appreciate the mental illness, I like that it negatively impacts him as well as others, I love that he's very much intelligent and capable but it's clearly nerfed by his mental health. I like that he does actually look out for people at times, like at camp with the mushroom, or trying to protect and advise Epel during beanfest. Also? Also??? He's the fucking, eel on the right from little mermaid. They spun this dude off a fucked up looking eel. Not a talking eel. Just a fucking eel. That's one of my favorite things about him btw, absolute power move. Also morays have been one of my favorite animals since early childhood. Speaking of eels, I'm so so so so so glad they made mermaids monstrous in this story!!! I've been sick to death of sweet pretty mermaids for YEARS, I cannot describe how much I've been craving monster mermaids! And not only that, they gave the eels actual eel traits! I love this stringy motherfucker! (also he reminds me of both the guy who taught me to laugh, and this very tall juggalo who was best friends with a guy I dated in highschool and it brings back fond chaotic memories)
What I hate about them: I... don't.... There's so many terrible things about him but tbh everything that's not endearing makes me laugh. Character of All Time.
Favorite Moment/Quote: Well, I have a bit of a shipping fixation involving this man, so I'm never gonna be over the beanfest moment of telling Jamil that he's the best part of the event before proceeding to hunt him for sport. I also loved pretty much everything in the camp event. Floyd brings me joy every time he's on screen lbr.
What I would like to see more focus on: I want to see more emotional depth, like thoughts and hobbies and less manic moments around the people he actually cares about. I wanna delve into every possible facet of this guy.
What I would like to see less focus on: Make him less Random XD. They've shown that he DOES have reasoning and pattern to his seemingly chaotic behavior, I want more exploration of that somehow.
Favorite pairing with: Jamiiiiiilllll. Also Azul. If I had to depart from my ot4, I guess it'd be Idia? And that is exclusively for the joy of terrorizing Idia.
Favorite friendship: I really like his friendship with Vil, I enjoy seeing him interact with people who won't be intimidated into taking any of his shit. And, of course, I love the dynamic between him and Jade.
NOTP: Riddle does not spark joy.
Favorite headcanon: I choose to believe he has bipolarII, I can't remember what else is headcanon vs actual canon rip
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hoboyherewego · 2 years
Twst questions made by @seajellyx
Im answering in a separate post cause it was becoming a very long thread and it hurts my small brain
@ryuuryuuhoney thx for the @ !
(By the way, honey= miel in french )
Would you be a mer, a beastman, a fae, or a human?
I would be a human cause I’m a basic bitch
Would you be at rsa or nrc?
Realistically, RSA since Im a goody two-shoes. Maybe NRC my way of association, like Kalim and Silver.
What dorm would you belong to?
Diasomnia for the vibe. Its calm, it’s dark. Im a lil creature of the night. Also, they’re very loyal to eachother.
Maybe Octavinelle because sea creatures are my jam and I would just pass my free time looking at the aquarium. Also, I would actually try to represent the spirit of benevolence and would do it better than the entirety of the dorm.
What character(s) would you be best friends with?
Grim cause cat.
Na for real, I guess Jade cause we can gush about our special interests together. I can also keep up with his bullshit.
Maybe Idia but like; best friends that talk absolute shit to eachother.
What character(s) would you hate?
Hate is a strong word so none. Most characters would probably just piss me off at first lmao. I don’t like it when people only work for their own agenda. (RIP the whole school)
What character(s) would you date?
Huuuuum the whole octatrio polyam im so thirsty for them fish boys they are so cute and beautiful im down bad plz floyd squeeze me i crave physical touch
Trey would be a very nice boyfriend, have you seen his arms? :) so much potential
What would floyd's nickname be for you?
Shrimpy fits very well since I’m extra smol irl. Also my hands kinda just * limp wrist* all the time so they look like lil claws.
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and rook's?
As a native french speaker, I would call his bullshit french out before he can find one.
What twst character(s) are you most like?(personality-wise)
I guess the closest would be Idia, but not really. I have the internal ADHD of Floyd, some weird obsessions like Jade (autism), the crippling anxiety of Idia and the positive aura of Kalim.
Which subject(s) do you think you would excel at?
Anything that has to do with science, im a fucking nerd. I would be so excited for the potionology class since I’ve played so many alchemist games as a child. Its literally a dream of mine to make potions. Also, anything with art.
What club would you join?
The Mountain lover club 100%. Ive spent so many summers as a child hiking I love it. I would probably go hang out with the pop music club from time to time tho.
How do you think you would survive in twisted wonderland/what would your life be like in general?
Tbh I have no sense of self preservation so I would need a lot of luck ( which I don’t have). I would probably die 🤷 ✨
[optional!] What would your unique magic be?
If I had magic, I would like to have something with healing (That would prevent me from dying lmao). Maybe some plant stuff.
There we go (me👇)
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
After the first half of the first season (? i am using a totally definitely legal sight that does each episode as 11 minutes and I'm on what it says is episode 38, if one actual episode is two of those 11 minute ones then I'm guessing I'm around episode 19?)
Raph is so cool Love him, like he's big and spiky and probably the softest in terms of open outwardly affection towards the group (he does the most group hugs I'm pretty sure? if not HEADCANNON that when they were little and any of them had a bad dream Raph got everyone into a little turtle pile and they could hug it out and feel safe)
Leo!!!!! I AM GETTING SOME OF THE GENDER VIBES!! So far his character feels the least dove into? Like Donnie has episodes where his character is a focus and so does Mikey and Raph to an extent but so far Leo feels more like part of a duo rather than fully solidifying his own persona (to me and I'm no where near done the show SO that most likely changes!) BUT ALSO that feels like it adds to his character in terms of I think he's the second oldest?
(I thought Donnie was the second oldest but hmmm if they're more like twins than the rest of the brothers then it kinda feels like they both tried to be the protective second oldest sibling and the second youngest at the same time and rapidly switch between each other, but like clash heads if both try to fill that role at the same time? MIGHT be head canon stuff at this point, but I need to watch more to find out. Leo DEF has something going on, like please Mx. can you reveal your hidden secret self that isn't based entirely on how we see you interact with others? like who do you think you are Leo...)
Mikey! What a fun guy, he's like. The same vibes as that "I'm just a little man, just a little man and it's my birthday. You wouldn't hurt a little birthday boy would you? on his very big special birthday day? I'm such a little guy why hurt me?". Head empty no thoughts, he's got the DVD screen saver (corner bouncer) playing on loop and probs the THX loud effect. I hope he gets more time to shine because he kinda feels like he swaps between being just for comedy and someone that wants to prove themself(which would then help them feel better about themself and improve their own self worth and stuff)
DONNIE!! MY GUY DONNIE!! HOW DID THEY MAKE A CHARACTER SO BITABLE. MY MAN IS AUTISM. HE IS MY AUTISM CREATURE. <- I thought his design was cool at first and then I saw him exist
Donnie is so character though like sorry to the rest of the turtles but Donnie is going to be my new blorbo, new little skrunkle that I'll probably project onto. He has all the issues and none of them. He has that "no one understands how my mind works and I must study other's and the world just to be partially accepted" vibes WHILE ALSO having "the world will adapt to me. If not through understanding, then my force" sorta vibes and ? the range! He's dynamic, he's wild, he probably orders the exact same thing at one specific restaurant if he's ordering for one.
APRIL!! YO SHE IS GREAT! I love how we learn more about her slowly like she's a character living her own life that happens to appear in this show, like I'd fully expect her to have a show on her own and her here is cross overs (compliment). So happy to see where they go next with her, I am like a cheer leader she can do no wrong. She could plan to kill me and I'd give her a thumbs up and say that she should believe in herself and her ability to cultivate her own life. SAD that the people at her school aren't nice, but I feel like that adds to the whole "oh the outsider must be lying about who they are if they act like someone else when not in school/[insert environment] vibes/story lines some things get into. Like we fully understand why she acts like that and get a more objective perspective of everything. She makes me feral in the sense that I want her to have the world (she also reminds me of my younger sister xD)
I also am so thrilled to see that NOT all or most of the main human cast is white. Like that's a huge think that sucks with western animation and honestly the first episode having the white guy be the first experiment and overall kinda dumb was so cathartic. Like yeah, ANYWAYS we don't need to get into my personal issues xD
All of the turtle brothers have obvious/noticeable behaviours impacted/caused/influenced by trauma and GROWLING SHAKING SCREAMING!!!1
Raph being alone omg. Splinter was probably an even worse father then and maybe not even a mutant yet??? And either Raph found the red thing and that's why splinter called him red or splinter grabbed the first thing and just colour coded him. The balll is probably his first friend and the fact that the football is vaguely turtle shell shape is giving me emotions.
Leo I feel like he always needs to prove himself because maybe he didn't have a lot of chances to be alone? He's the second oldest so idk how long there would've been between him and Donnie joining but I fully feel like when Raph realized he had a brother he tagged along with him everywhere and probably tried looking out for him more because he might've been (as a younger child) like "why is he smaller, is he okay? will he get hurt?". Leo my man are you okay you seem like you just compartmentalized everything :(
Mikey I think needed more attention and Splinter did very little so a lot of his earlier development would have been focused on getting all that important attention from his (not by that much) older brothers who ALSO were in that situation. He's got the vibes of someone that in years time (maybe few maybe a LOT of years) he'll be like "heyyy wait a minute do I use humor to cope with everything and heyyy are these things maybe not just fun little quirks?" <- neglected younger sibling vibes where he had to fight for attention where he never had time to ever figure out who he was outside of the four brother unit
DONNIE!! HE HAS SO MANY ISSUES!! Okay but the fact that he's low empathy is NOT one of them I will fight people on that. He is great and pretty relatable as someone who struggles with displaying emotions and voice inflections (I try, but when I first learned to speak I didn't realize you had to move your mouth into shapes a lot (I thought they were exaggerating just so I'd understand) so I'd be like 5 and doing ventriloquism instead of speaking properly.) <- this is one of the things I'm adding to my head canons for him. It's why he exaggerates a lot of his hand-when-speaking actions (and body movements) and apologizes for not having the right tone. Just quirky neurodivergent things :3 )
okay okay but seriously Donnie both somehow manages to be the clearest with how their childhood/life conditions negatively impacted him and also the least affected. I think it's compounded by even if he was human and not a mutant turtle, he still wouldn't be able to fit into the mould of a "normal" human, so as a mutant turtle he sticks out even more. Might've been something he struggled with until later because rn in the series it seems like he's embraced that a lot more, although still struggles. I could go on, but he fits my brain's vibes for "projection mode engaged" so yeah, babygirl
Donnie has autism and Mikey has adhd no questions asked. Raph is on the neurodivergent spectrum but in a less defined way (DEFINITELY HAS SEPARATION ANXIETY!!) and Leo is the token neurotypical that adopted neurodivergent behaviours and mindsets because that's what he grew up around. So he gets the same outsider feel of being different while coincidentally having his difference be that his brain is ""more normal"" <- heavy quotation marks.
uhhh final thoughts because I could ramble for days.. Splinter so far sucks I think that there's something really weird in the vibes of him purposefully raising all the turtle brothers in a way where the only times they got much validation/even just acknowledgement was through them obsessively watching all the films he was in. Like idk something about the vibes of him not telling them at ALL that that is him but heavily encouraging them to act out his movies in front of him gives off something weird.
Also like Splinter calls them by colours which he probably colour coded them all just to tell them apart (maybe why they always wear the masks? Because that's the only way they felt external validation of their lives and existence that wasn't just through the four of them??)
He might've did red first because we see him wear a lot of red, and blue is the stereotypical opposite of red so it makes sense to choose that second. Red vs Blue stereotype, etc etc. Maybe why Leo is competitive too? Because he felt his first experiences were being compared to Raph?
It's interesting that Donnie got purple because that's a mix of red and blue, so maybe Splinter wanted to give them some sort of cohesive theme at that point? Like a sliding scale of colours? Maybe it started because Raph and Leo both gave Donnie some purple, idk tho.
Purple is heavily used to either represent (evil) tech or just Donnie and Donnie has the most attachment to the colour so there's definitely something going on there.
Maybe Splinter didn't even realize there was a third turtle kid until Raph and Leo found a way to get Splinter to recognize there was a difference at all (maybe why Donnie in particular strives so much for acknowledgement by Splinter? Because his earliest life was defined by being mistaken for other people?
Mikey being Orange feels like Splinter gave up and didn't want to go with yellow (the more obvious choice as it's a primary colour, kinda surprised Donnie didn't get assigned yellow) and maybe did the same thing with Raph where he just took some spare material (he wears a lot of gold and orange in hems and whatnot) and just plopped that on Mikey.
Kinda shows how Mikey is separated by the rest by being born the youngest, they might've had some sort of living routine set up before he was there and he didn't have much say in how it adapted? Like Leo and Raph are opposites or could've been intended as opposites by Splinter, and with Donnie being so close to the same age as Leo (but his soft shell making him more prone to injury and therefore requiring both Raph's and Leo's protection) he fit into the middle but still closer to Leo (<- Donnie thought of himself as the middle child between them three for sure, but both Leo and Raph think of him as the youngest out of the three).
Mikey being orange shows that's he's kinda excluded from the twins thing that Leo and Donnie have, and might be closer to Raph because of that. After all Mikey and Raph are the only ones with masks on the warm side of the colour wheel (also adding that Mikey is a combination of red and yellow, with yellow not symbolizing anything so maybe that's adding to Mikey's vibes of being an outsider/different/unique?
He's loud in all the different ways that Donnie is (which was probably worse earlier than it is now currently in the show) and struggles with focusing his attention and thoughts where Donnie struggles with the opposite. Both Leo and Donnie saw themselves as middle siblings and treat may tried to treat Mikey similar to how they treated each other (in terms of "this is how I know how to interact with younger siblings and you are younger so this is right, right?" sorta way)
Raph would've had the experience of having two fairly different younger siblings, so he adapted more easily to the personal needs of Mikey as a younger brother? Like he unlocked his emotional intelligence earlier and could recognize (possibly comparing their behaviour to Leo?) that both Donnie and Mikey are different (more obviously neurodivergent, both probably would've been special needs kids).
Plus Donnie would be struggling more with his low empathy, perhaps not recognizing it at all and being constantly confused about others, further pushing him into the younger sibling role for both Raph and Leo because they might see that as him "struggling with something basic" (heavy quotation marks)?
Which would make Mikey (who is a fairly emotions driven person) and Donnie have difficulties communicating/Donnie having difficulties being a decent older brother. And Leo being worried and distracted by Donnie having a soft shell and maybe falling into the trap of "hey Mikey's shell is hard like Raph's and Mine so he's probably going to be okay, not like this bozo over here".
FINAL NOTE: I keep thinking about how Donnie might have first gotten into science by testing which materials could help make him less "weak" (cover up the soft shell) and how his soft-shell-only years could have been defined as him being the "official most fragile" brother. And how finding a way to mimic a hard shell would be what he needed to officially be more equal to the rest of the brothers, and how he might've fallen in love with science then but it's intrinsically tied to his self worth and need to prove that he can pull his own weight/be helpful enough to stick around and be treated as an equal. And how his science experiments might have been what got him some of Splinter's earliest acknowledgements and AAAAA
Like maybe before he was "the purple one" he was "the soft shelled one" or "the weakest one" or (more extreme) the "defective turtle" (because turtles are known for having hard shells, so why didn't he?). And how he leans into the purple so much is because he's trying to erase that feeling of being defined as not a name or not even a colour, but by how "weak" he was, and his intelligence could be some level of survival mechanism to not be stuck in a loop of negativity towards himself and be an equal in an already extremely small world where his existence itself is "a crime against nature" so to speak.
He will be loud about being the purple one because he'd even give up being the smart one because he would much rather be defined as even a singular colour than just "the defective one". That's why he'll make bad(?) choices if it's got something to do with the colour purple, because unlike the rest he wasn't even dignified a colour when he was young and feels like he has to fight for it or earn it, to some level.
<- I am so normal about him I swear I swear I'm not biting him like a dog and rapidly shaking him like a chew toy. I am so normal about him your honour
A LOT of this is based on where I am in the show now and my educated guesses on what I know about the characters and what I've watched and YEAH I could be completely wrong about their early lives maybe they like, all fell out of a tube one by one and the "big time difference" between their ages is like, minutes vs seconds lol. Maybe it's entirely head canons maybe I've done analysis. BUT YEAH ANYWAYS THOSE ARE MY THOUGHTS THANSK FOR READING IF YOU DO GET THIS FAR, I AM SO FERAL ABOUT THIS SHOW AND I AM BLAMING YOU (compliment, positive, cheering in the distance)
IM Always happy to make someone feral about my favorite Media.
There’s wayyy to much here to really respond to but I basically agree with most of the stuff you’ve said. (and the only stuff you've got wrong you only got wrong cause you havent finished the show lol)
The thing about the colors is that Red, Blue, Orange, and Purple are already the TMNT colors and there’s no way you could get away with changing them in a new reboot without people getting mad, I think hhahfadsf. THAT BEING SAID I think your analysis of their colors is still very fitting and cool and interesting, even if the out-of-universe reason they are that way is cuz that’s how they’ve always been.
NO SPOILERS but later on Donnie has an ep that basically confirms his tech and self worth are connected and idk if you know this, but Donnie and Mikey canoncially have autism/adhd. 
I LOVEEED reading ur thoughts on the characters and their minds and im SO GLAD you like it ahsdfasdf
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