#Eye Cosmetic Products Market
keepingeahalive · 11 months
Apple White Headcanons
Her full name is Princess Apple Atalanta Eve White. 
She used to be a chubby kid. Her mother would constantly point this out, even after Apple eventually grew out of her baby fat. 
Snow White would dye Apple’s hair black when she was little, but it never lasted. She eventually stopped before Apple’s hair had to be cut off, because it had become so damaged.
Raven was her first real crush. But she didn’t realize it until after a year, and Raven had already gotten together with Dexter at that point. 
Apple hates going to the beach. She’ll go with her friends as long as she’s 10 meters away from the water and in complete shade.
She was taught to sing opera. She purposefully sang worse in front of Raven in order to annoy her into poisoning her. 
She is trained in classical piano.
For a split second, Apple had thought Raven had woken her in Dragon Games. 
Apple keeps herself on a strict diet to maintain her figure. She has a constant fear of gaining weight and steps on the scale every morning to make sure she hasn’t. 
She met most of her friends at family galas. She was encouraged to make friends with as many fairytales as possible, but this was merely a method Snow intended to build political alliances. Apple was unaware of this and just wanted to make friends. 
Snow White owns a successful enchanted fashion line. She also has a line of plant-based cosmetics and beauty products. Her husband, King White, is responsible for creating the formulas and recipes for these products. Apple is often used to market and promote these products.
Snow White keeps her husband working constantly so she can raise Apple herself. King White lets this happen because he trusts Snow to raise their daughter right, but Apple misses having her dad in her life. The only time he’s allowed off-work is during a publicity event where he is “encouraged” to show off to the press.
Apple gets her genuine softness and love of chemistry from her dad. Her competitiveness and steadfast nature comes from her mom.
She didn’t find out who woke her until after the summer. 
Apple was definitely one of those people who didn’t think Dexter would be a good match for Raven. She made all kinds of excuses like “he’s not evil enough for her” or “He’s not charming enough for her”. In reality, she was super jealous and too much of a comphet to realize it.
She loves boy bands. Her favorite band is One Reflection, but she also loves The Hunted, Bookstreet Boys, and the Thronas Brothers.
She has a hidden adventurous spirit and penchant for helping people. Unlike Darling, she channels it passively and invests her time in philanthropy and community service.
As a child, she was sent to a woodland camp during the summer. There she had no servants to take care of her, so she had to learn to cook and clean for herself and her dwarf caretakers. 
Apple’s fear of water is so great that she is afraid to step into a bathtub. She takes showers. But if there is a chance of submersion, she won’t step foot in it.
She’s very sporty, but she participates in what she views as “princess games” such as croquet and Dragon Games. 
She hates pears.
Even though she hates them and thinks they hinder her from being the perfect princess, she wishes she could wear her glasses. She gets constant headaches and her eyes hurt from always squinting. She keeps telling herself to wait until she’s 50, when it’s “socially acceptable”. 
It took her a long time to get over Raven. Darling helped her through the process (partially because she knew what it was like) and the two became closer. This was before Apple found out Darling had woken her. 
After the Dragon Games, Apple put in a considerable effort to better herself. She knew that she was acting out of selfishness and cowardice, and she realized that her destiny was different than what she had been told. She decided to take hiatus from being Royal Student Council President and work on rebuilding trust with her friends. 
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mitigatedchaos · 6 months
Poll: Gender in Night City
There are a lot of gangs in Cyberpunk 2077. With some gangs, like the Valentinos, almost half of the gang members are women. In real life, any homicide is much more likely to have been committed by a man. What gives?
A) With the final achievement of gender equality, women are no longer pressured to conform to restrictive gender roles, freeing them up to pursue what they have always wanted most - murder.
B) Arasaka paid off environmental officials rather than install the €$3.2M scrubber system to remove industrial pseudoandrogens from the runoff of their production lines. The entire water supply of Night City is tainted with hormone disruptors and/or synthetic hormones.
C) Overuse of cosmetic cyberware, widely marketed to women, results in chronic low-grade cyberpsychosis. Due to sexism, cyberpsychosis is under-studied in women, especially because it's more likely to manifest in joining a boostergang than mowing down an entire busload of school children.
D) Almost everyone in Night City is using a hormone scheduler implant to alter their hormonal balance in order to get an advantage in the city's cutthroat competitive business environment. The effect is more pronounced on women, but society there leans masculine so this is broadly considered a good thing. This is causing subtle systemic social issues that no one can be bothered to deal with.
E) A strain of micro-organisms originally developed as part of a treatment protocol for transgender individuals got loose in the environment - 30 years ago. This is just how gender is now. Only old people remember otherwise, and everyone else just rolls their eyes whenever anyone over 45 starts complaining about it.
F) Presenting as the opposite sex in a social group provides a social advantage the more that said sex is in the minority in that field. XX and XY have become decoupled from appearance as every field in Night City approaches 50% presentation balance. Ripper docs are just that good.
G) Due to feminist lobbying, Night City laws dramatically reduce criminal sentencing for gender-equal organizations, all the way from street gangs to megacorps. Cross-gender employment is easy money in a city where easy money is hard to come by.
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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Archaeologists Find 2,000-year-old Makeup in Ancient Roman City of Aizanoi
Archaeologists discovered rare 2,000-year-old makeup and jewelry products during excavations at the ancient Roman city of Aizanoi in Türkiye’s Kütahya province, reports said Saturday.
The excavations, which have been carried out in collaboration with the Kütahya Governorate and Dumlupınar University, were conducted east of the Temple of Zeus, Professor Gökhan Coşkun, the head of the Archaeology Department at DU, told Anadolu Agency (AA).
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Noting that they reached 2,000-year-old shops at the marketplace in the ancient city during excavations, Coşkun said they found the remnants of a cosmetics and jewelry shop.
“We found out that the shop sold perfume, jewelry and makeup products,” he said, adding that they found many perfume bottles, pieces of jewelry and makeup.
“Women were always women,” the professor said, noting that they discovered blushes and eye shadows in the excavations.
“We know that ancient Romans stored their eyeshadows and blushes in oyster shells and we found numerous oyster shells in the shops we were carrying out excavations in,” Coşkun said.
The professor said that archaeologists discovered makeup products of 10 different colors and different sorts of hair accessories and jewelry.
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Aizanoi, whose history dates back to 3,000 B.C., was the main settlement of the Aizanitis people living in ancient Phrygia. In the Hellenistic period, the region alternated between being subordinate to Pergamum and Bithynia but came under Roman rule in 133 B.C.
It has been said that Aizanoi’s magnificent buildings, starting with the construction of the Temple of Zeus, made the city famous.
Among the ruins stands the Temple of Zeus, which remains the best-preserved temple dedicated to Zeus in Anatolia, a theater with a capacity of 15,000 people and adjacent to it a stadium with a capacity of 13,500, two baths, the world’s first commercial stock market building, a columnaded street and five bridges, two of which still stand over Kocaçay creek.
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Is Skinimalism just a trend or is quality over quantity in skincare routines best for your skin?
As a board-certified cosmetic dermatologist, I explain:
What this beauty trend is
The benefits of skinimalism
Simplified skincare routines
The importance of customizing skincare to individual needs
Skinimalism in the current skincare market with multiple active ingredients
How to simplify your skincare routine
Key active ingredients for specific skin concerns
Advice on trying new skincare products: expect visible results within a week and more!
CHAPTERS 0:00 Intro 0:43 What is skinimalism? 1:30 Skinimalism from a Dermatologist's perspective 2:28 Active ingredients for your skincare routine 4:17 How MDAiRE uses Skinimalism (link) 4:59 Benefits of Skinimalism 6:55 How to simplify your skincare routine 8:30 Skincare actives for hyperpigmentation 9:22 Skincare actives for anti-aging 10:03 Skincare actives for under eye care 10:18 Skincare actives for acne prone skin 10:32 Skincare actives for dry skin
skinimalism #skincare #skincareroutine
Disclaimer: The videos on this Youtube channel are for informational purposes only and are not intended for medical advice or management. Information on this channel should not be used to treat, diagnose or manage medical and/or dermatologic conditions. Please consult with a physician or other medical professional regarding the diagnosis and management for any skin or health related issues.
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indignantlemur · 5 months
What are andorian cosmetics like? And what about skin care? Or even something like perfume?
Hey! Great question!
I spent some time thinking about this and I think, generally speaking, Andorian cosmetics/haircare/skincare/perfumes are largely similar to Terran cosmetics (with different formulations and colour ranges, of course) in terms of the basic types of items. Lipstick, shampoo, moisturizer - that sort of thing. The key differences are going to be in the formulation/ingredients and the colour ranges where cosmetics are concerned.
I also made a very rough chart of all the canon Andorians I can find with different degrees of cosmetics:
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The first row is Andorians with no cosmetics. The middle row shows small amounts of cosmetics. The bottom row shows the heaviest use of cosmetics I can find.
For cosmetics, that means eye/lip/cheek products are all common, though I add a caveat here in that it doesn't look like most Andorians use any kind of mascara to darken their eyelashes outside of Talas and Tarah. Everyone else, with the exception of Tysess (who has the excuse of not being animated in a hyper-realistic style) tends to have pale eyelashes - presumably uncoloured/tinted, but with the older images it's a nightmare trying to get a close up with the resolution I need to be sure. I included two pictures of Talas to show the contrast between the two looks, one of which shows her with darkened lips and eyeshadow, and one which shows more nude tones that make me think she's meant to appear to not be wearing any cosmetics. I find it interesting that the males depicted either have no cosmetics whatsoever or oodles. Part of that is because TOS-era cosmetics were done stage theatre-style, meaning overly dramatic to be seen well from a distance, and I try to take that into account with my headcanons.
(The use of purple and violet tones is probably meant to be a mirror of how Humans use red/pinks in a lot of our cosmetics, since Andorians are purported to flush a purpled-blue tone rather than a dark blue. )
Where my headcanons are concerned, Andorians are very fond of vivid colours in all aspects of their lives, so it makes sense that cosmetics would play into that somewhat. A number of the Andorians we've seen on screen have been members of either Starfleet or the Imperial Guard, or otherwise engaged in official business - not the sort of place you show up with neon orange eyeshadow and lime green lipstick. Military folks are expected to keep whatever they wear professional, muted, and otherwise unnoticeable. Civilians, by contrast, have a great deal more freedom in terms of the what and how much of their cosmetic choices. Both men and women utilize cosmetics freely on Andoria - or don't as their preferences dictate. On the whole, wild and vibrant colours are quite popular with civilians, though neon shades go in and out of fashion randomly as far as any outsider can tell. Now and then there's a 'natural' trend that runs through the populace, but it rarely lasts more than a year or two. Most Andorians consider 'natural' makeup very boring.
In terms of skincare (and these are purely my headcanons from this point onwards), the Andorian formulations would run in similar veins to what Humans have on the market, but the formulations would be very different. Andorian hair and skin is very similar to Human hair and skin, but it is not the same. Andorians have much less active sweat glands, for example, and their semi-osmotic circulatory system likely means that they absorb chemical through their skin a little more easily than Humans do.
As such, Andorian cosmetics and personal care items are all made with extremely 'clean' formulations. They don't tolerate harsh chemicals in their products, and some of the things that are in modern Emigre-era Terran cosmetics would likely cause adverse reactions - particularly the preservatives. Likewise, Andorian-formulated cosmetics might cause contact allergies in Humans, up to and including itching, redness, peeling skin, rashes, hives, even chemical burns.
For haircare, I had to consider the effects of being in a high humidity, high-salt environment on Andorian hair - which is tricky because Andorian hair has a different structure than Human hair does. It has a highly porous core surrounded by a thick outer shell. This unique structure helps retain heat in icy conditions, but makes it a nightmare for hair products to have any effect on. So, Andorian hair products are generally formulated to contain heavy, deep-penetrating oils and place a great deal of emphasis on moisture-retention and smoothness. Most Humans, excluding those with very dry and very curly hair, would find Andorian hair products far too heavy to use, and even then such products are liable to leave one's hair feeling uncomfortably heavy and oily.
With regards to perfumes, I feel like Andorians would actually be really enthusiastic about perfumery. The natural materials found on Andoria would be rather different than what Humans might be used to, of course, as the planet is not exactly known for hosting a vast array of flowering plants. Many early perfumes were made using distillations of fungi, extracts of the few deeply coveted flowering plants available, fruits, and an array of animal-derived musks which ran the gamut from heavy and indolic (I mean this in the perfumer's sense of the word, not the other way; that is, having a waxy, pungent, and/or buttery quality) to light and almost sweet. Very rarely, materials would be harvested from the sea as well - though these were exorbitantly priced due to the danger presented to the harvesters.
Perfumes on Andoria are solid, rather than alcohol- or oil-based, largely out of necessity due to the freezing temperatures. In earlier iterations, rendered and purified animal fats were used as the bases for these solid perfumes. Over time, animal fats were replaced with soft waxes and refined fruit butters, though purists maintain that perfumes made with rendered animal fats have a more complex scent profile. The average perfume-wearer can't tell the difference, of course.
Much like with cosmetics and skincare, there is a risk of adverse reactions to Andorian perfumes when worn by aliens, though many modern perfumes are made with replicated or chemically-identical, lab-created materials that lack the potential irritants (usually trace amounts of naturally occurring chemicals) that naturally sourced ingredients would carry. It's very much a your-mileage-may-vary sort of thing.
In terms of formulation, classic Andorian perfumes used four sets (or chords) of notes. For comparison, many classic perfumes in European history were structed with three chords: the top/head (fleeting and quickly-fading notes; the first impression), the middle/heart (the theme; lingering top notes meeting new ones; the buffer between head and base), and the base (the longest lasting chord; the foundation upon which all other notes rest; rich, heavy, and long-lasting). Andorians include a fourth chord, often something incredibly subtle and difficult to parse from the rest of the notes but which imparts a notable characteristic to the overall scent. Modern Andorian perfumes generally keep to this structure, but now and then a perfumer goes rogue and makes something absolutely unhinged. They're either lauded as revolutionaries, or laughed out of the room when it comes time to present their final product.
There isn't an overall scent profile that Andorian perfumes fall into. They can range from sweet florals to heavily spiced to brightly green and darkly musky - and everything in between. On the whole, the biggest difference between Andorian and Terran perfumes is that Andorian perfumes do tend to be milder, having a much lower sillage (or smaller 'aura') than Terran perfumes usually have. This is partly due to their solid bases, but also a deliberate choice as well.
I think that about covers it! Feel free to reach out with any further questions if I've missed something!
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frogsfraud · 11 months
So you lot are going to hear about a bit of biology with tieflings because why not alongside other species
So tieflings are a pretty common species that generally live in warmer climates, south of the country mainly, it's rare to find large settlements of tieflings in northern areas, there might be a family or 2 in a village in the mountains but not a lot. Tieflings have short lifespans compared to elves and there's a big market for different products and such to give them a longer lifespan if they have a partner or someone they would want to live as long as (an enemy, best friend, pet ect)
Tieflings have a different type of puberty to most species, during puberty tieflings start to grow their horns as they evolved to grow that way to minimise damage when giving birth. There are 2 horn types, bone horns and keratin horns. Bone horns grow up out of the scalp, and they are as the name suggests made out of bone. They can either be white or black naturally. Keratin horns are a bit more fragile than bone horns and are much less painful than bone horns when they start to develop. Bone horns break skin when they grow and are much more painful than keratin horns
There are certain deformaties that can happen, such as the horn growing out of the eyesocket and such.
Tieflings in military families have scales, as an extra layer of defence, that are never human skin colours.
Certain Tieflings have wings, wings are a defender thing that were developed to protect against acid burns, they're rare and pretty much useless and are normally removed through cosmetic surgery
Tiefling men on average are around 7'2" tall and tiefling women are normally around 6'11" to 7' tall
Tieflings have their own set of beauty standards; curly horns are seen as more desirable, scars on men are seen as more attractive, wings are considered extremely ugly like can ruin a person who is attractive by every other standard, scales on men, know what take picrews of general beauty standards (hair and eye colour is up to personal taste):
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Sarin, our resident tiefling character, isn't generally attractive by tiefling beauty standards but is attractive by high elf beauty standards.
High elves have ridiculously long lifespans, and live in mountainous areas they're generally found up north.
High elves hair turn silver as they age, like not grey but silver and they tend to not show signs of physical ageing until they reach a certain age and are considered seniors
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^^ old high elf hair (pics from Pinterest)
Wood elves physically look a lot like high elves but the differences become much more apparent as they age, specifically that wood elf hair turns green as they age
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^^ ageing wood elf hair (from Pinterest)
Their skin can change colour as they age, it changes to a colour similar to the bark of trees they grew up around (they tend to live in forests in the west)
Young wood elves greatly benefit from growing up around nature and getting to bond with forests; it can help boost their immune systems, help reduce acne, helps with hormone levels and generally makes puberty much more manageable for everyone
Wood elves tend to have tougher skin and makes it so the majority of wood elves have never experienced a papercut or bee sting
Mushroom infections are very common amongst wood elves and most people are trained on how to deal with the infections
A fun thing with our pal Aion is that they're related to a tiefling and has a bit of something resembling horns and it has greatly benefited him with his height
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Everything You Need to Know About Shark Tank India and Its Judges
If you’re a fan of entrepreneurship, innovation, and exciting business deals, you’ve probably heard of Shark Tank India. The show has taken India by storm, giving budding entrepreneurs a platform to present their business ideas in front of successful investors, also known as "sharks." It’s the perfect mix of business education, entertainment, and inspiration. In this blog, we’ll take a deep dive into what Shark Tank India is all about, the role of the shark tank india judges list, and how this show has inspired millions across the country.
What is Shark Tank India?
Shark Tank India is the Indian version of the popular American reality TV show Shark Tank, where entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to a panel of investors in the hopes of securing investments. The show gives these entrepreneurs a chance to present their startups and ideas to well-established businesspeople, who can either invest their own money in the businesses or pass on the opportunity.
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The show isn't just about securing investments; it’s also about learning. Viewers get to see how deals are negotiated, how investors think, and what makes a business worth investing in. Shark Tank India has quickly become a favorite among viewers who are interested in entrepreneurship, providing a rare behind-the-scenes look at how successful businesses are built.
Who Are the Shark Tank India Judges?
The Shark Tank India judges are a group of highly successful entrepreneurs and business leaders from different industries. These sharks bring their experience, knowledge, and capital to the table, looking for innovative ideas and promising business ventures. Let's take a look at some of the notable Shark Tank India judges who have appeared on the show:
Aman Gupta – Co-founder and CMO of boAt, a leading electronics brand, Aman Gupta has played a key role in making boAt one of the most popular brands for headphones and other electronic accessories in India. His business acumen and marketing skills are highly respected, and he has been a fan favorite on the show for his friendly and down-to-earth approach.
Anupam Mittal – Founder and CEO of People Group, Anupam Mittal is best known for his pioneering work with Shaadi.com, one of India’s largest matrimonial websites. His deep understanding of technology and marketing gives him a sharp eye for identifying promising startups in the tech space.
Ashneer Grover – Former Managing Director of BharatPe, Ashneer Grover is a well-known figure in the fintech space. He has a keen interest in tech-driven businesses and has been known to make quick, bold investment decisions on the show. His straightforward and no-nonsense attitude makes him one of the most intense judges on Shark Tank India.
Namita Thapar – Executive Director of Emcure Pharmaceuticals, Namita Thapar brings her vast experience in healthcare and pharmaceuticals to the panel. She is passionate about mentoring young entrepreneurs, especially those with ideas in the healthcare industry. Namita is also known for her calm demeanor and nurturing personality on the show.
Vineeta Singh – Co-founder and CEO of SUGAR Cosmetics, Vineeta Singh is a leading figure in India’s beauty industry. Under her leadership, SUGAR Cosmetics has grown into one of the fastest-growing beauty brands in the country. She is always on the lookout for startups that combine innovation with strong branding.
Peyush Bansal – Co-founder and CEO of Lenskart, Peyush Bansal has revolutionized the eyewear industry in India. His focus on tech-driven businesses and customer service makes him an insightful judge. Peyush is known for giving practical advice to entrepreneurs, helping them grow their businesses with a customer-first approach.
Ghazal Alagh – Co-founder of Mamaearth, Ghazal Alagh is an entrepreneur who has made a name for herself in the personal care space. Mamaearth is known for its natural, toxin-free products, and Ghazal’s passion for clean beauty shines through in her work as a judge. She often provides valuable insights to entrepreneurs in the beauty and wellness space.
How Shark Tank India Works
On Shark Tank India, entrepreneurs come onto the show with a specific business pitch. They present their business ideas, products, or services to the sharks, who then decide whether or not they want to invest. The entrepreneurs usually ask for a certain amount of money in exchange for equity in their company.
Once the pitch is presented, the sharks have the opportunity to ask questions, dig deeper into the business model, and assess the potential for growth. Based on the entrepreneur's answers, the sharks either make offers or decline to invest. Sometimes, multiple sharks show interest, leading to negotiations where the entrepreneur can choose the best offer.
The sharks bring more than just money to the table. They also offer mentorship, business connections, and strategic advice. Getting a deal on Shark Tank India can be a game-changer for startups, giving them the resources they need to grow their business quickly.
How Shark Tank India Inspires Entrepreneurs
One of the most significant impacts of Shark Tank India is the inspiration it provides to aspiring entrepreneurs. Watching the show, viewers get to see real people turning their ideas into successful businesses. The show encourages people to dream big and teaches them the importance of perseverance, creativity, and hard work.
The show has also helped break down the stigma around failure in business. Many entrepreneurs who don’t get a deal still receive valuable advice from the sharks, which helps them improve their business models and try again. It’s a great reminder that failure is just a stepping stone to success.
Shark Tank India Products
Many businesses that have appeared on Shark Tank India have gone on to achieve great success. From innovative tech products to eco-friendly solutions, these businesses have captured the imagination of both the sharks and the viewers. Shark Tank India Products has become a platform for promoting these entrepreneurial success stories.
For those interested in discovering products featured on the show, Shark Tank India Products offers a wide selection of innovative and unique items. Whether you’re looking for new gadgets, health products, or sustainable solutions, the businesses that have appeared on Shark Tank India are some of the most creative and forward-thinking in the market.
Shark Tank India has not only entertained millions of viewers but also played a crucial role in promoting entrepreneurship in India. With its panel of expert judges, the show provides invaluable lessons for anyone interested in business, innovation, and success. Whether you're a startup founder or simply someone with a love for great ideas, Shark Tank India is a must-watch.
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ask-crimson-weaver · 17 days
Give and Take
Just a few hours into the night, Melly was stirred awake as she felt Hannah began to toss and turn beside her. She was awake as well, shaking as she once again felt that hunger for blood start to creep into her mind.
Groggily, Melly pushed herself to sit upright in the bed.
"Come on," Melly said, gently putting a hand on Hannah's shoulder. "Go ahead and take some. You need it."
Hannah turned, arms wrapped around herself as her eyes met Melly's. She shook her head.
"No," she said shakily. "No, I... I'm taking too much from you, Mels. I can't. I just have to wait... until morning, at least. Strange will be here to help."
"You'll be starved by the morning, Han," Melly replied. "Just... take some to last until then, okay? We can figure something else out then."
Hannah turned her gaze away from Melly, reluctantly considering the options. She was reluctant to take from Melly again so soon, but her hunger nagged at her to take the opportunity. Melly, in turn, knew that giving up more blood would only make her feel more unwell, yet the urge to help Hannah-- partly her own, but partly a compulsion she felt pulling at her within her veins-- was enough for her to offer herself again without much question. Whatever magic was at work compelled them to give and to take. To maintain the bond.
A bond drawn from blood.
When Melly came to once more, everything seemed... foggy. While her head felt light, the rest of her body felt heavy, as if her blood itself was slowing her down, keeping her still. Her spider-sense felt distance, but she could still recognize the pitch from it that signified something dangerous was nearby. No... not just one.
Melly opened her eyes halfway-- about as much as she could manage under whatever hold she had been placed under-- and her head drifted to Hannah's side of the bed. Hannah was standing there, an entranced stillness hanging over her. Her eyes seemed... distant. Less bright, with a glossed-over stare that looked at Melly, but didn't see her. The woman beside Hannah, in contrast, seemed very focused, a smile crossing her face as she gave Hannah a pat on the shoulder. Melly could smell the stench of Clearlee products seeping off of her to fill the room.
"Wonderful!" the woman-- Mrs. Clearlee, it had to be-- congratulated Hannah. "I must say, Miss Alba, I haven't seen a Clearlee lady keep up a bond quite like this since... well, my own work I've done with the Clearlee cohort, I suppose. You and her, practically brimming with all that stored magic built by the bond... what better candidates to help roll out the latest Clearlee Cosmetics loyalty reward? For a trial run, at least-- have to do product testing before you put a product on the market."
Mrs. Clearlee turned, walking towards a corner of the room and beckoning Hannah to follow.
"Bring her with us-- won't you, Miss Alba?" Mrs. Clearlee called back, voice dripping with a cheery-sounding authority. "We'll be ready to start soon-- just need to check the book to make sure all is in order."
Melly heard and comprehended everything, yet her thoughts felt like they were being pulled through molasses as they waded through the mire in an attempt to push her to act. This was more than just a lack of blood making her dizzy; it was the blood magic itself that had come down to weigh on her body and mind.
Hannah reached over, her eyes keeping their glazed look ash she scooped Melly off the bed, one arm under her knees and another at her back, and turned to follow Mrs. Clearlee. The shadows in the corner of the room deepened into a blood-red darkness, and as Mrs. Clearlee led the way the trio passed through the veil effortlessly, leaving the bedroom empty behind them.
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cheemscakecat · 7 months
Detroit become Rebooted: PL600
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The PL600 line was one of the earliest android models sold to regular civilians. Cyberlife was looking to expand its market past medical assisting androids due to insurance red tape and the higher cost of androids with those care features.
In order save on production, the male and female androids were built with 80s and 90s style matte plastic and minimal internal mechanisms. The androids were ball jointed like art dolls, with tubes of blue blood stringing them together.
They were designed with removable hair cosmetics like Polly pockets or Mr potato head dolls, and themed around retro nostalgia. Inevitably, a rich couple purchased a male PL600 with the designation Daniel to babysit their young daughter.
The couple were casual about replacing older electronics in their home with no regard to repairability, deep cleaning or conservation. It was no surprise that they raised their daughter to have a similar disposable consumption mindset.
She liked Daniel, but other kids had newer models with cooler clothing accessories. And her parents never bothered to deep clean its removable exoskeleton over the years they owned the android. That nostalgic plastic did what it does best; discolor and gather grit and dust. Eventually, they decided to just dump Daniel at a Cyberlife store and pick up a new, fresh model for Emma.
She was in middle school, and had gotten a little tired of the male PL600’s 90s, 4-pack of crayon inspired colors. She had so many more android models and accessories to choose from to match her favorite color; pink. Unbeknownst to the family, the worn and outdated android found the Cyberlife online order they had placed.
TW: Fictional child hostage situation. Android death.
The RK800 police prototype was brought in to assist with a hostage situation in a high class apartment. It was the first time it had ever dealt with a defective android. And the first time a glitch had led to a civilian android killing a human. The father was dead, the mother was hysterical and outraged at the sight of another “metal monster”, and the little girl was precariously balanced on the ledge of the roof at gunpoint.
RK800 had dealt with human hostage situations, but not as the negotiator. Sometimes it was appropriate to shout instructions to criminals, but the prototype did not have experience with pacifying someone like this. The human Swat team was on edge and snapping at this Connor model to hurry up.
It gathered all the evidence it could, and used it to try to calm the android.
Daniel didn’t really want to shoot Emma, or throw her off a building. But he was trapped, and these humans thought so little of androids that he knew he needed her as insurance. Another android came out of the ruined home. It had one strange black eye and was less geometric than him. And the fancy replacement, too. It was customized with something like the police uniforms he saw when he shot the first few.
He hoped this was their last idea before they’d give up and let him leave. He might run out of battery at this rate.
This Conner guy started talking to him with information he shouldn’t have. He didn’t like how much this fancy stranger knew about him. There was something wrong with his voice. It sounded too much like the angry human police that tried to yell instructions at him. Did all new androids sound like this? Did the humans get tired of soft voices and obedience, too? They were sure shallow enough.
But then again, this stranger was another android. Maybe he could help. Daniel was pretty light, and the longer he stood on the ledge, the worse the chances of him falling off. And/or taking Emma with him. He didn’t want to stay there if he could get help. If he could just get this Connor to direct the humans away…
He let go of Emma, who ran a foot or two away and fell on the deck in relief. He looked at Connor and waited for his end of the deal. Funny, the police android didn’t have eyebrows.
And then the humans shot him in the torso, taking off a fat chunk and cracking his brittle shell. Then they shot him in the arm joint, which snapped the blue-blood tether in his arm. It detached with no tether, but he didn’t get the time to watch the gush of blue liquid or his hand falling to the street below. They shot him in the cheek, and the left side of his mouth mechanism broke. His jaw was left hanging on for dear life on his rubber lip.
Even with his outdated sensors, Daniel knew he was dying. He lost too much blue-blood. With the last of his energy, he called to the police’s little toy. Another stupid new plaything to be used and used until his fancy white skin and blue paint job got stained with blood and scratches. Until they found something shiny and new to replace him, until he knew what it felt like.
“You lied to me Connor. You lied to me-“
Alternate ending
Connor’s best effort wasn’t helping. Daniel was highly unstable, and got agitated enough to shoot at it. The bullet hit Connor in the middle of its forehead and the force popped the faceplates off. Guns were the reason why it had a divided upper faceplate, though this was a design flaw that needed to be remedied. A bullet from so far away should dent the faceplate and fall to the ground without hurting police, not send the outer shell flying off.
RK800 paused for a moment due to the unexpected design flaw, took note of it, then looked at PL600 again. The deviant blinked at him in simulated surprise and started rambling about fancy new toys. “How did that not work? They really want a toy that outlives them?” The girl squirmed uncomfortably, which had the unwanted effect of reminding it that it had a hostage.
Daniel laughed, it’s faulty code causing it to simulate human hysteria as Connor was alerted to what was about to happen. It bolted for the ledge as the deviant leaned back. Connor was just in time to grab the human girl, turn mid-fall, and throw her into the swimming pool for minimal injury.
The Swat captain paused after the poor little kid was pulled from the water and getting treated. He looked over the edge of the Skyscraper, thinking about what that police android just did. As much as that creepy thing put him on edge, he had to admit that its reaction time was just enough to save the day. Oh well, it wasn’t human. He had someone more important to focus on.
Cyberlife added a note to the list of goals for the RK900; fix upper faceplate design, pressure point flaw.
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freya-hudson · 3 months
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Find someone who grows flowers in the darkest parts of you.
Freya Sabine Hudson, 35, birthday 31st October 1988. Raised predominantly by her mother (Ruth) since the age of nine. Father (Jack) died in prison when she was eighteen - he got charged with murder when Freya was nine, this was also when her brother (Adam) of fifteen died in a hit and run in 1997.
Grew up next door to the Harrisons and so she instantly became friends with Gabrielle; moved through each term of education together. Went through high school with an eye for design, adored creating accessories and handmade cosmetics. Moved away to New York for college and studied a degree in design, when she was twenty she started to sell her creations of Etsy (bath bombs, soaps, candles, wax melts) under the name of Fae.
Mid-twenties she moved back to Tonopah officially to be closer to her mom and best friend (after a year of going back and forth), and started to study a business degree part time. Drifted from her hometown to Vegas for work, eventually gaining an interest for floristry.
Had a fling with a married man in her late twenties/early thirties, had no idea and so now has severe trust issues.
Eventually toyed with the idea of opening up her own shop in downtown Tonopah, and with First and Vine closing she took that leap in the market to open up her own florist called Fae's. Selling her cosmetics within the building also.
Sells pictures of her feet on the internet for extra cash.
Rarely consumes alcohol, if she does she's a lightweight.
Attends the market on a Sunday's with her own products.
Sports fan - loves tennis.
Halloween is her favourite season.
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edvinception · 3 months
Seeing how the second product has to rely heavily on Edmar (Edvin even helped promote intro), I predict OMR beauty will go bust in a couple of years when the YR fandom is practically dead and Edmar will no longer mean much to the wider audience. 5 years at most maybe
The whole point of the second product is the collab between Omar and Edvin. So yeah it relies on edmar but it's also the whole product.
I think if OMR beauty makes the right moves it has the chance of establishing itself on the market. It's tough in a saturated market but if they manage to release products that appeal to a wider audience, maybe something that's easier to blind buy I think it could work.
Some swedish influencers have been very sucessful. Hickup for instance. Caia cosmetic from Bianca Ingrosso is another (but Bianca is like a goddess for swedish tweens so that's something else)
I think they can succeed if they release something that opens the eyes of the general public. I would say that happened with Hickup. They started small but has been very successful.
The beauty industry is so saturated though and every other influencer has released a brand. Same with clothing.
It think they are very dedicated and passionate and I hope they succeed. But it's inevitable that the YR fans will move on and be less eager to buy every launch. But like I say it's not impossible to reach another market. I think that they need to release something else than perfume though. Especially when you can't smell it before buying.
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zot3-flopped · 1 year
Business Harry is so interesting to me: when you look back at teenage Harry, yes he had adoring teenage fans, but he also had the mums, and not necessarily in a creepy way. He was simply a lovely kid, cheeky, flirty, a bit daft sometimes. So when you look at his non-music business, it seems clear to me that the slice of the market he really reaches is those same women, now in their forties. The 1D fans got left behind a few years ago. I don’t think, music-wise, this is calculated: I don’t think there’s a world where Harry becomes for example a male Taylor Swift and harnesses the twenty-somethings’ doleful, cynical view of life. He was always an older soul anyway. I think those musical references, that forty/fifty year olds feel fondness for, are his, too, and always were.
Where it really seems that smart business is happening is with Pleasing. He gets trashed on hate blogs for Pleasing doing things like advertising, manufacturing products and selling them. Normal stuff. I regularly see it talked about as a flop business. The ex-GOOP guy is not coming on board with a flop business: that’s expansion they’re seeing, and not recognising. It’s expensive, and it absolutely is marketed to Harries. Because an important segment of the market that he has the eyes of is older women with money. It’s so obvious to me that his business people understand that! I wobbled a bit with my theory when the last drop (the cartoon characters) was released and then a friend in her fifties spent $320 immediately. They know better than I do, I realise! And it’s not only older women. He’s doing shows where he sees the same faces in the pit twenty times in a row. They’re buying Pleasing too. It’s not necessarily ’nice’ to think of people being sold to, some people see it as exploitation (which it isn’t) but in business there’s always the question ‘where are we leaving money on the table?’ And tbh I admire Pleasing for answering that question.
If you contrast that with Louis’ business venture, he’s just not operating anywhere near that level. He did have the same affection from older women initially but his real personality won out and since those early days he’s become Harry’s portrait in the attic, in a way. He’s chosen to be rude, sludgy, wreathed in smoke. Apart from a few deviants - who are still most interested in the cleaner, cheekier version of him from 12 years ago! - his audience is much younger and they don’t have cash to spend. ALL he had to do was curate his image a bit (as I’m sure Harry the pop star has also done but not such a big job for him) and lose the fake accent, hide the cigs. Not that he should be doing the same as Harry - nobody expects a cosmetics line from Louis - but a clothing and accessories company from even an Oasis cosplayer could have done pretty well! The nostalgia market is strong, Britpop had millions of female fans! As it is he’ll do ok for a bit but he’s lost his compelling edge years ago, his image is a nothingy sort of a mess, he seems to hate his job, which he’s bad at anyway: he’s just not smart. I know there’s an argument for not comparing the two but his so-called fans cannot stop doing it, so screw that. Even if we ignore the musical differences (lol) and just look at outside ventures, Harry is so far ahead of Louis it’s not even up for debate. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk, sorry it’s so long!
👏👏👏👏 Love this! Excellent point about the Goop guy. I'm not super keen on the latest Pleasing drop myself but I know plenty of people who are. My only gripe with Pleasing is that they appear to be pandering to Larries by posting fan pics of blue and green nails with Louis' stoner face on.
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famsedkamsz · 7 months
Japanese Skincare Market Boom: Affordable Quality Awaits Online
Japanese skin products provide natural ingredients. Learn about their great products and easy routines that make your skin happy. Discover the secrets of Japanese Beauty Products and a simple routine for your natural beauty. We'll also talk about the growing online market for Japanese skincare, where you can find affordable quality. Get ready to shine with the wonders of Japanese products.
In this article, we'll explore the wonders of Japanese skin maintenance, known for its high-quality products and simple routines. Discover the secrets behind Japanese Products and learn about a gentle skincare routine that brings out your natural beauty.
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Discover the Secrets of Japanese Skincare for a Flawless Complexion
Japanese products are renowned for their high quality, innovative ingredients, and elegant textures. They are designed to nourish, hydrate, and protect your skin while respecting its natural balance and pH level.
If you want to achieve the flawless complexion that Japanese women are famous for, you need to follow a simple but effective skincare routine. The basic steps are: double cleanse, tone, moisturize, and protect. These steps are the foundation of any skincare routine, and they can be customized to suit your skin type and concerns.
Double cleansing is the first and most important step, as it removes dirt, oil, makeup, and impurities from your skin. Japanese women swear by the double cleansing method, which involves using an oil-based cleanser followed by a water-based cleanser. 
Toning is the second step, and it helps to balance your skin's pH level, hydrate your skin, and prepare it for the next steps. Japanese toners are often called lotions, and they are much more than just water. 
By following these four steps, you can reveal your true beauty and embrace your natural glow.
Japanese Beauty Products: Benefits of the J-Beauty
Japanese maintenance skincare products are more than just cosmetics; they are a reflection of the Japanese culture and philosophy of beauty. J-Beauty, as it is popularly known, is all about enhancing your natural features, nourishing your skin, and achieving a flawless complexion. Whether you are looking for skincare, makeup, haircare, or body care, Japanese Beauty maintenance products have something for everyone.
Here are some of the reasons why you should try Japanese Beauty Products:
They use high-quality, natural, and innovative ingredients that are gentle and effective on your skin. Some of the common ingredients are green tea, rice, sake, collagen, and hyaluronic acid.
They have a simple but effective skincare routine that consists of four steps: cleanse, tone, moisturize, and protect. They also use additional steps such as exfoliating, masking, and using serums to target specific skin concerns.
They have a wide range of makeup products that are designed to create a natural, radiant, and fresh look. They focus on enhancing the eyes, lips, and cheeks and use subtle colors and textures.
Japanese Skin Care Products: How to Achieve Glowing Skin with J-Beauty
Japanese skin care products are famous for their high quality, natural ingredients, and gentle formulas. They are designed to nourish, hydrate, and protect your skin while respecting its natural balance and pH level. J-Beauty, as it is popularly known, is all about enhancing your natural beauty, preventing and treating skin problems, and achieving a glowing complexion.
If you want to try Japanese skin products, here are some tips on how to choose and use them:
Find out your skin type and concerns. Japanese skin products are often categorized by skin types, such as dry, oily, combination, sensitive, or normal. 
Follow the basic skincare routine. The basic skincare routine consists of four steps: cleanse, tone, moisturize, and protect. Cleansing removes dirt, oil, makeup, and impurities from your skin. 
Add more steps if needed. You can also add more steps to your skincare routine, such as exfoliating, masking, or using serums, to target specific skin issues or enhance your results. 
By following these tips, you can achieve glowing skin with Japanese skin products.
Why You Should Buy Japanese Skin Care Products Online?
Japanese maintenance products are some of the best in the world, but they can also be expensive and hard to find in local stores. That's why many people choose to buy Japanese skin care products online, where they can access a wider range of brands, products, and prices. 
The Japanese skin products market is projected to generate a revenue of US$22.31 billion in 2024, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.24% from 2024 to 2028. This shows that the demand for Japanese skin maintenance products is high and growing, both domestically and internationally.
Discover the magic of Japanese skincare, unveiling a pathway to radiant skin. From the simple yet effective routine to the diverse beauty products, Japanese beauty emphasizes natural ingredients and a culture of enhancing one's unique features. 
By following their steps and choosing reputable brands, you unlock the key to a flawless complexion. Take your skincare journey online, where a booming market offers accessibility to a variety of brands and products. 
Choose Yu-Be for a flawless complexion, emphasizing natural ingredients and enhancing your unique features. Take the first step towards glowing skin; contact us today!
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thecosmeticworld-1 · 8 months
"Glamour Galore: A Deep Dive into the World of Cosmetics"
The world of cosmetics is a fascinating blend of art and science, where colors, textures, and formulations come together to enhance and celebrate the diverse beauty found in each individual. From skincare basics to makeup masterpieces, the cosmetics industry plays a vital role in empowering people to express themselves and boost their confidence. In this comprehensive exploration, we'll delve into the multifaceted world of cosmetics and reveal the secrets behind the products gracing our beauty shelves.
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Cosmetics development
Cosmetics have a rich history dating back to ancient civilizations. From the ancient Egyptians' use of kohl for eye makeup to the elaborate beauty rituals of geishas in Japan, cosmetics have always had cultural significance. Fast forward to today, the cosmetics industry has witnessed a remarkable evolution, driven by technological advancements, changing beauty standards, and an increasing focus on health.
Skin care: the foundation of beauty
The journey into the world of cosmetics usually begins with skincare. Healthy, radiant skin is the canvas on which makeup artists create their masterpieces. The blog will explore the importance of a solid skincare routine and look at key ingredients, such as antioxidants, hyaluronic acid, and retinol, that have revolutionized the way we care for our skin. Plus, we'll reveal the secrets to serums, moisturizers, and the growing trend of clean, sustainable beauty.
The science behind the formulas
Cosmetic formulations are an exact science and require a complex balance of ingredients to achieve the desired effects. Readers will learn about the chemistry behind their favorite products and understand how emulsions, suspensions, and preservatives work together in harmony. We will demystify common skincare and makeup ingredients, debunk myths, and empower consumers to make informed decisions based on their skin type and preferences.
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The art of makeup: beyond the depths of the skin
Makeup is an art form that allows people to express themselves creatively and try different looks. From the classic red lip to the glamorous world of eyeshadow, this section of the blog will delve into the transformative power of makeup. We'll discuss the role of makeup in self-expression, the impact of social media on beauty trends, and the rise of inclusive beauty brands that cater to diverse skin tones and identities.
The rise of clean and sustainable beauty
In recent years, there has been a notable shift towards clean, sustainable beauty. Consumers are increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their beauty products. This section will explore the environmentally friendly practices adopted by cosmetics brands, including cruelty-free testing, recyclable packaging, and the use of ethically sourced natural ingredients. We will also discuss the challenges and opportunities in creating products that prioritize beauty and sustainability.
Beauty technology: innovations shaping the future
The intersection of beauty and technology is producing groundbreaking innovations that are reshaping the cosmetics landscape. From augmented reality beauty apps to personalized skincare solutions, this blog will explore how technology is improving the consumer experience and revolutionizing product development. Readers will discover the latest trends in beauty technology and get a glimpse into the future of personal beauty.
Navigating the beauty aisle: a consumer guide
The wide range of cosmetics available on the market can be overwhelming for consumers. In this section, we'll provide practical tips on how to navigate the beauty aisle, understand product labels, and make informed decisions based on individual preferences and skin concerns. From deciphering ingredient lists to finding the right shades for different skin tones, readers will gain valuable information to improve their beauty routine.
The world of cosmetics is a dynamic tapestry woven with threads of creativity, science, and cultural influences. By concluding this exploration, readers will have gained a deeper appreciation for the artistry and innovation that define the cosmetics industry. Whether enhancing natural beauty or experimenting with daring looks, cosmetics remain a source
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meinya-fan · 2 years
Make-up Toxicity
I, like many people of my generation, love makeup. 
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Growing up during the late 2000′s and 2010′s cosmetic influencers played a very important role. To this day there are many young Gen Z’ers and Gen Alphas that are coming into contact with make-up content, and generally love cosmetics.
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Cosmetics are not just make up, “ A "cosmetic" is any substance used to clean, improve or change the complexion, skin, hair, nails or teeth. Cosmetics include beauty preparations (make-up, perfume, skin cream, nail polish) and grooming aids (soap, shampoo, shaving cream, deodorant).”
We don’t discuss enough how absolutely dangerous some of these products  are on the market.
I’m not just talking about your cheap dollar store make-up.
I am 100% talking about your super popular favorite eye-shadow palettes, your $60+ foundation, and your most loved mascara.
I am talking about your body wash, lotion, and even your aluminum free deodorant. Your toothpaste, your hair creams, and your gel nail polish that you cure with a uv lamp.
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These chemicals are being placed on parts of your body that are supremely delicate, and your body is processing (or not) all of the materials within those products.
I feel completely psychotic writing this all down, and I doubt anyone will stop to read. You probably already think I’m crazy.
But when it comes to cancer, we shouldn’t play around, and although cancer related deaths have gone down due to medical advances in treatment and pharmaceuticals, we still need to have a discussion on why it is rates of cancer are going up so rapidly in the under 50 category. 
I am not for banning every single chemical that has a minute chance of causing cancer or endocrine disruption, but I am for smarter and longer studies of the chemicals being placed in our daily cosmetics. 
A lot of these cosmetic companies are given the go ahead to release their products to the public, as long as they do not cause any dramatic allergic reactions, but we need to be practical and make sure that the FDA is doing their due diligence.
Most of us grew up eating frozen dinners out of plastic microwaved trays, we had Johnson & Johnson baby powder placed on our bodies daily, we wore/wear chemical filled deodorant, and still continue to bathe ourselves in very unnatural but nice smelling soaps.
And as for POC, like myself, we grew up from a young age getting relaxers done on our hair and keratin treatments.
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It is not logical or rational to say that one item in your regimen is going to cause terminal cancer, but a life long interaction with a multitude of products that can raise your chances... you need to ask yourself these questions: “What is this? Where did it come from? Why am I doing this? And is it worth it?” 
I can talk about a million different things that we need to change in this world, like what is our furniture made up of, and are you sure your home was built with materials that are safe for you to live in, what about your mattress? 
Are you cooking with plastic utensils, eating off of plastic plates, and cooking on a scratched up non-stick pan? Cause I know I am. I have. And I’m learning that much of the things that are natural to me, in this world, are not safe. Much of the food and products we consume on the daily are putting our families at risk.
So please do your due diligence and take care of yourself in a way that your government won’t. 
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scumtrout · 10 months
My biggest beef with beauty is that if you don't enjoy cosmetic products for the hell of it, then a lot of it seems like diminishing returns after a certain point. How beautiful do I need to be to make people care about me as a person? How beautiful do I need to be to be given better opportunities? How beautiful do I need to be to get free stuff? I want this plotted on a line graph, ideally with a market on it somewhere labelled 'YOU ARE HERE' by someone who has a good grasp of social norms and can make an objective assessment. I'm not spending more than 5 minutes doing my makeup every morning if I still have to face a cold, indifferent universe, you fucks.
Also the idea that 'beauty = better life' has always seemed far too simplistic. A large part of getting anything hinges on Being Seen, and that's usually about making eye contact, speaking confidently, knowing when to soften or harden your tone, and most importantly, being too goal-oriented to get swept up in social anxiety. For example, my social anxiety has always been horrendous... Until I want something to the point where the discomfort of not having that thing exceeds discomfort of the social anxiety.
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