msclaritea · 5 months
Daily News Recap from Natalie at Life After A Cult: Scientology Protests
This group has shown unequivocally how non-violent and non-performative protesting can be extremely effective. The Progressives are LYING through their teeth, in their defense of troublemakers on college campuses right now. The whole idea has been to radicalize kids here, just as was done in South America. Acting on Socialist Marxist principles (proverbially elite-funded, for decades) necessitates becoming a criminal. If none of the chaos agents are held accountable for their actions, the entire Leftist ecosystem will just keep getting more dangerous, virtually becoming the twin to Far Right and sticking Americans in the middle of their forever revolutions.
Get a clue. Don't fall for this bullshit. I want Israeli influence out of my country too. This isn't how you do it. They're just handing the Right more ammunition. The absolute fucking privilege.
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bakedbakermom · 11 months
Trick or Treat! 🍬🎃👻
Here's a little drabble for you that I dreamed up while stoned and missing home. tagging @today-in-fic @xffictober2023
The Stinking Rose (ao3)
They catch the killer gutting tourists along Fisherman’s Wharf, and he whisks her up the foggy hills to North Beach to celebrate. Scully looks up incredulously at the bright red building and its neon purple sign.
“Mulder, is this… a garlic-themed restaurant?”
“Just wanted to make sure Sheriff Fartwell wasn’t going to interrupt us.”
The menu, of course, features allium in every form in every dish, but on the corner of the back page she finds a little square of “vampire fare,” marked by a helpful and enthusiastic-looking figure with fangs and a black widow’s peak. 
“This is San Francisco; we should be more worried about Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise.”
“Let’s hope not, Scully. I’d like to think I stand a chance.”
She only blushes and fiddles with her wine glass.
“You know, Mulder, they say garlic breath is only a problem if the other person hasn’t eaten any.”
When the waiter appears, he orders the bagna calda for two.
Later, tipsy and stinking, they wander arm-in-arm. Her toe catches on the sidewalk and she looks down to find words scattered across the ground, embossed in brass. Magical they say, contradictions and smoulders and freedom. Above them, a flock of glowing books frozen in midflight, dripping a dozen languages. He stops with his feet between her body and dizzying, hers on dream and phantasmal. He loops an arm around her waist, swaying gently to the music floating from a nearby bodega, and presses his lips to hers.
She was right; he doesn’t even notice the garlic breath.
The Stinking Rose is a real restaurant on the border between North Beach and Chinatown, and they do indeed serve garlic in nearly everything - even the ice cream, which is made a few miles down the coast in Gilroy; the bagna calda is to die for and I have yet to be attacked by a vampire, hot or otherwise, after eating it. The words in the sidewalk and the flying books are a real art installation called the Language of Birds, which is just a few blocks away.
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madrigaljail · 2 years
Star(fish) Power
runs in a day late with sushi
I’ve got a Modern Celebrity AU I’ve been quietly obsessing over for a few months, and Sushi Day gave me an excuse to (haha) test the waters. So here you go:
One of Tía Pepa’s hits from the 90s blared out of a bodega’s open door. A bus with half a dozen versions of Camilo’s face plastered on the side rolled past. Isabela loomed from a billboard as the face of a famous fashion house’s new floral perfume. A series of posters of Dolores’ latest album cover lined a wall, and a designer store had a display featuring her mother’s image and new healthy lifestyle brand.
After walking this gauntlet Mirabel wedged herself into a seat at a small restaurant table, noticed someone at the next table reading a magazine which had Luisa on the cover. She knew that in the lengthy article inside her sister spoke about how she balanced both her athletic ambitions and mental health.
“We really are everywhere,” she murmured with a grin before picking up the menu. 
As if to prove her point, not a minute later she was joined by a man wearing sunglasses and a baseball hat emblazoned with the phrase Women Want Me, Fish Fear Me.
She stared at him. He peered over his shades at her, defiant. “What?”
“Tío, you’ve got to get a better out-in-public disguise.”
“I invested in all of these hats, I’m gonna wear ‘em,” Bruno replied with a wink. He did remove the cap and sunglasses, for which she was grateful, and set them on the convenient little shelf next to the table. “Sorry for offending your sense of style, Señorita Fashionista.”
Mirabel snorted. “I can live with it, I’ve got the rest of New York to look to for inspiration.” She watched as he placed his phone on the table, shook his head so his hair concealed his face at least a little, and started to look at the menu himself. Fine, she’d have to ask. “Sooo…how’d the audition go?”
Her uncle shrugged and propped his chin in his left hand, showing off the three stars tattooed between his thumb and forefinger. It immediately reminded her of the three hearts on her mother’s ankle, and three lightning bolts on the back of Pepa’s shoulder. 
“Eh, fine as far as these things go. I-”
Their server arrived and asked if they were ready to get started. He ordered mint iced tea while she went with lychee, then after a little haggling between them they requested gyoza and tataki for appetizers.
‘You want the part, right?” Mirabel pressed when it looked like Bruno was about to get lost in the selection of sashimi and various rolls. “I mean, you seemed pretty excited this morning.”
Bruno blinked up at her. “Well, yeah, it’s…it’s filming in Long Island City so I can sleep in my own bed at night, it’s got an actual set, no greenscreen, and I don’t have to wear those stupid motion capture ping pongs. And the character’s not selling guns, drugs, or people, which is always a nice change of pace.” He shrugged and glanced to the side. “Worst thing I can be accused of is taking a job away from a short, middle-aged white guy.”
She waited a beat, then two, then tilted her head. “Tom Cruise?”
That got a proper laugh, which got a few glances their way, which resulted in some double takes and failed subtle attempts at poining. Mirabel noticed her uncle tense and hoped the east coast chill held up…and it did, at least for now. People just grabbed their phones and started texting, but she kept an eye out for anyone trying to take a picture. Years of going out with her sisters and cousins had trained her for this.
Drinks and appetizers arrived, and they ordered an array of other dishes to share: seared salmon belly, blue fin, red snapper, amberjack, uni-
“Uni?” She wrinkled her nose. “Tío, that’s sea urchin.”
“Sea urchin roe,” Bruno replied and waggled his fingers at her. “It’s amazing, let’s have two of those.”
They finished off the order with a rainbow roll, and tsukemono to complement the meal, then tucked into the first course. Between bites they chatted about the family, and current events, and more than a few past events. Even weeks after coming to stay with him Mirabel still felt there was a lot to learn about Bruno, and she hoped to get to know him as much as she could before her college classes started later in the summer. 
She’d always known about him of course, everyone knew about him, and for most of her life he was the media’s “Bad Boy” Bruno, the Madrigal disappointment. The triplets were famous from birth and each became stars, but his trajectory - rising so high, so fast - was bound to meet an equal fall. Substance abuse, crime, scandalous behavior, those were the stories which Mirabel caught in the periphery. In recent years things had changed, and the quiet, funny, eccentric man she’d come to know was much closer to what her mother had to say about him than the lurid tales from the tabloids. 
The way he kept glancing at his phone was adorable, but she picked up on the anxiety behind it and reached out to tug the phone closer to her, shaking her head at his protest.
“Nope, we’re talking about this. What are you waiting for, a yes or a no?”
Bruno’s shoulders sagged and he let out a defeated sigh. “No. Maybe? We’ll be in touch? Good luck?” He waggled his fingers again, but it was much less enthusiastic. “It’s what I’m used to, or a yes with conditions, contract clauses…it’s not all open doors and valet service for me, kid.”
“It’s gonna be,” she said with a firm nod, all confidence. “So start getting used to the idea. You know, they’re saying this is the start of the Brunaissance.”
“The what?” He stared at her, baffled. “And who’s ‘they’?”
“People on Twitter, but I think one of the Fug Girls coined it. They really liked that outfit you wore on The Latest Show, by the way.” Based on his frown she knew he was about to get sidetracked by all of that, so she pressed on. “Anyway, people are finally realizing that you are super talented, and that even with everything you didn’t deserve to be treated like you have been, and that you should have another chance.”
Bruno shook his head and sat back to give their server space to set the next round of food down. “And they’re calling it…the bearnaise sauce?”
“The Brunaissance,” the server - a young man named Hovan who was absolutely going to report all of this to his Discord later - said with a little smile. “The Bruno renaissance. Enjoy your meal!”
Mirabel grinned as Bruno blinked in confusion, then plucked up a piece from the rainbow roll with her chopsticks. “See? It’s catching on, you’re going to need a full-time assistant. You know, while I’m out here-”
“Nuh uh!” he said as he layered a slice of pickled ginger atop a piece of blue fin. “Mira, you are here to go to school, be a normal young adult, learn how to use mass transit, try dating so I can practice being intimidating, get inspired for your first collection, and probably design your sisters’ Met Gala looks.”
“Wow. It’s like you can see the future,” Mirabel said dryly before moving another serving of sushi to her plate. “Ok, fine, but could you at least let me manage your social media? I’m on there all the time anyway and…you need help." 
His last post on anything was an off-center and out of focus selfie on Instagram five months ago. That was not going to cut it.
He chewed, swallowed, and shrugged. “Maybe. I’m asking your mother first, and if she says no-”
“I’ll do it anyway.” 
Bruno rolled his eyes, but he was smiling as well, so she counted that as a win. The smile went away when he looked at his silent phone again and sighed, chopsticks hovering indecisively over their meal. 
Mirabel came to a decision. “Ok, look, we're going to try something here. Mamá is always telling us we need to manifest what we want in the world, and I think you need to manifest getting this part.”
“Oh, God, she’s still- I mean, that's really sweet, kid, but this kind of stuff doesn’t really, y’know, work.”
“Not with that attitude it doesn't. C’mon, just a few positive affirmations…” She trailed off, made a snap decision, and picked up the uni. “If you do it, I’ll eat the sea urchin.”
Bruno’s eyes widened, and he hesitated only a moment before picking up the other piece. “Ok. Deal.”
“Great! Now, repeat after me: I am a good person.”
“I…am a good person.”
“I am talented.”
“I am talented.”
“I am worthy of what I desire!”
“...I am worthy of…of what I desire.”
“The Brunaissance is real!”
He cringed. She moved to put the uni down. He held up his hand.
“Ok, the, ugh, the Brunaissance is real.”
Mirabel beamed, delighted, and popped the uni into her mouth. It was rich, a bit briny, maybe not amazing but not at all as unpleasant as she was expecting, and Bruno’s happy, lopsided smile made up for any of its shortcomings. 
“See, that wasn’t so bad. Now we just need to get you to believe it when you say it.”
“Yeah, well, like everything else with me it’ll be a work in progress.”
As they were leaving, Bruno got a text from his agent saying the producers wanted him to come back and do a reading with the project’s lead. That evening his Instagram was updated with a picture of him grinning in his rooftop garden, wearing the recently-declared “lucky hat” and giving a thumbs up. The caption read “Welcome to the Brunaissance,” and within minutes it got likes from the other blue-checked Madrigals.
Mirabel decided it more than made up for her not getting any pictures of the sushi to post before they ate it.
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So, anything on the coding within the general aesthetic of cartoon design? The article on Aladdin mentioned how him and Jasmine had more eurocentric features but I'm sure there are far more examples with the Disney style.
Thank you for sending this in!
I am slightly confused about what you are asking. Is it about racial coding in Disney (which is too wide a topic)? About specific characters like Jasmine? About specific character types like heroines & villains? So do not hesitate to get back to me.
I stuck with the characters I was most familiar with.
In general, the heroes & heroines of color are more conventionally attractive with Eurocentric features whereas the rest of their communities, including the villain, are racialised through their appearance (darker skin tones, exaggerated features, facial hair etc) and accents. 
“It is painfully obvious that the protagonists – Jasmine, Aladdin, and the Genie – are not. Their features are decidedly white/ European. The others have large noses, sinister eyes, and violence on the mind. Aladdin and Jasmine have none of these. They are dark-haired Ken and Barbie”
Staninger, Christiane. “Chapter 5: Disney’s Magic Carpet Ride: Aladdin and Women in Islam.” The emperor’s old groove: decolonizing Disney’s MagicKingdom. Ed. Brenda Ayres. New York: Peter Lang Pub Incorporated, 2003. pp. 65-77.
Aladdin modeled after Tom Cruise and M.C Hammer: By sexualizing the Aladdin character and transferring the despicable qualities of the magician to the villain Jafar, the stage was set for a plot which offered something for everyone: a sexy hero with a love interest and a Machiavellian miscreant who combined the worst straits of two real-life Arabs: the Ayatollah Khomeini and Saddam Hussein 
Although Disney went so far as to tinge the skin tones of Aladdin and Jasmine with a lighter ocher, it deepened the shade of Jafar’s skin. Likewise, it distinguished between the “good” characters and the “bad” by giving the former American accents and the latter clipped British or vaguely foreign intonations.
All the bad guys have beards and large, bulbous noses, sinister eyes and heavy accents, and they’re wielding swords constantly. Aladdin doesn’t have a big nose; he has a small nose. He doesn’t have a beard or a turban. He doesn’t have an accent. What makes him nice is they’ve given him this American character. They’ve done everything but put him into a suit and a tie (Washington post, 10/01/93, Yousef Salem) 
Jafar, like Hussein, is mustachioed, dark skinned, turbaned and robed silhouette from the Khomeini and “the fictional villain is a devious plotter and untrustworthy ally who pretends loyalty to his benevolent master while scheming to seize his possessions. It was this personification of Hussein-the-betrayer that was beamed from satellite dishes around the world in 1990-91 
Macleod, Dianne Sachko. “Chapter 13: The Politics of Vision: Disney, Aladdin, and the Gulf War.” The emperor’s old groove: decolonizing Disney’s Magic Kingdom. Ed. Brenda Ayres. New York: Peter Lang Pub Incorporated, 2003. pp.179-192. 
The Arab woman is often represented as light-skinned and in various states of undress while men are dark-skinned and viciously violent in works such as The Death of Sardanapalus by Delacroix and The Turkish Bath by Ingres. 
Jafar is coded as “Arabic” with darker skin, a crooked nose and slimy mannerisms while Jasmine is more Americanized while still clearly remaining Agrabian (Booker 55). She has an American accent and yearns for true love and freedom from an oppressive regime while being disconnected from her faith: she is made palatable and relatable to Western audiences (Nadel 191). Jasmine belongs to and is disengaged from a land overrun by polygamy, harem girls and belly dancers.
Yours truly, The sexualization of women of color in WaltDisney’s Aladdin, Pocahontas and The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
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Another example is Pocahontas, who stands out from her community with her looks and sexualisation.
film’s supervising animator Glen Keane was told “to make [Pocahontas] the finest creature the human race has to offer” (Kim 24). 
All her features, including her arresting physique, are derived from Keane “concoct[ing] a heroine that John Smith, or any man, animated or otherwise, might love” (“The Making of Pocahontas”). Her body is an amalgamation of features cherry-picked from different ethnic groups to form the ultimate human being. Keane drew inspiration from “Irene Bedard, the American Indian actor who provides Pocahontas’s voice, American Indian consultant to the film Shirley “Little Dove” Custalow McGowan, Filipino model Dyna Taylor, black supermodel Naomi Campbell, and white supermodels Kate Moss and Christy Turlington” (Edgerton & Jackson 95). 
WDC’s Pocahontas was thus given high cheekbones, full lips, feline eyes, a sensuous gait and an erotic body. Her body did not go unnoticed: she was described as a “babe” ” by John Smith’s voice actor Mel Gibson (Sardar17), “lusciously sexual” (Rudnick 67) and an “animated Playboy playmate”(Sharkey 1). Pocahontas needed to be otherworldly to logically captivate the audience and John Smith. Her extreme beautification arguably counterbalances her ethnicity (Buscombe 35). The latter seems to be considered a visual drawback that has to be compensated with increased sex appeal.
Me, The sexualization of women of color in Walt Disney’s Aladdin, Pocahontas and The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
Pocahontas is “an anachronistic image composed of “aesthetically-pleasing” body parts drawn from American Indian, African American, Asian American, and Caucasian models”
Jeffrey Katzenberg charged Keane with creating a Pocahontas that would be “the finest creature the human race has to offer” (qtd. in Kim 23)”. Disney’s Pocahontas is not American Indian; she is a member of the more universal “human race.”Her long, angular facial structure, pert nose, almond-shaped eyes, and flowing waist-length hair – which constantly billows around her and is parted on one side with an artful supermodel flip – differentiate her from the other American Indian women in the film, who are pictured with larger eyes and noses, more rounded faces, their hair either in bangs or long and parted in the middle.
Indeed, in making what has been trumpeted as their first multiethnic heroine, Disney, as I will argue in the final section of this essay, collapses all non-white ethnicities onto her body in order to make her a spokesmodel for a reductive version of multiculturalism, one in which the visual marker of brownness stands in for cultural diversity.
Strikingly, in addition to screening footage of supermodels, Keane went to books on classical Western beauty so that he could “concoct a heroine that John Smith, or any man, animated or otherwise, might love” (qtd. in Making). This comment suggests, from the point of view of the Anglicized male gaze, that Pocahontas’s beauty must overcome her race – her status as a “savage,” as a racial Other.
Pocahontas’s first scene of its heroine is a highly eroticized one. As shematerializes through the mist of the waterfall, the film’s action halts as the camera gazes, simulating what Mary Louise Pratt has theorized as the imperialor pale male gaze. With her long black hair swirling behind her, her Indianprincess costume cut high in the thigh, hanging from one shoulder, and hervoluptuous figure, Pocahontas stands as a icon of Western standards ofexoticized female beauty. As Gertrude Custalow, a member of the Powhatan tribe, noted in a 1995 interview about the film, “The real Pocahontas was achild, not a voluptuous woman. And one thing’s for sure – she didn’t own anuplift bra” (qtd. in Tillotson C8). Her body signifies as a racialized sexualobject on the screen, a “brown-skinned Barbie doll,” a multiethnic, to use Mel Gibson’s term, “babe” (qtd. in Tillotson C8).
Edwards, Leigh H.“The United Colors of ‘Pocahontas’: Synthetic Miscegenation and Disney’sMulticulturalism.” Narrative, vol. 7, no. 2, 1999, pp. 147–168. JSTOR.
The film eroticizes and fetishizes Pocahontas. She is an exotic creature capable of jumping off three hundred foot waterfalls, of conjuring up magical winds thatgive humans the ability to fly, and of painting “will all the colors of the wind.” Disney constructs Pocahontas as a mystical, mist-shrouded object of desire for the heterosexual white colonizer Smith. The film endows her female body with the largest chest, the smallest feet and waist, the biggest almond-shaped eyes, and the longest hair of any character in the movie. Colonial narrative logic dictates that colonizers must protect women from barbaric men; thus, the discourse objectifies women in the name of genocide.
Buescher, Derek T., and Kent A. Ono. “Civilized colonialism: Pocahontas as neocolonial rhetoric.” Women’s Studies in Communication, vol.19, no. 2, 1996, pp.  127-153. 
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Esmeralda, where she is dark-skinned but again is exponentially more attractive than her community. 
The Disney film shows a sexually appealing Esmeralda as well, despite its family-friendly target audience. Others have noted the increased sexualization and exoticization of Disney heroines, particularly of ethnic female characters, and culmination with Esmeralda. Her dress in the Disney cartoon has been called “the epitome of the exotic/sexual” and suggestive of her ethnicity. Her flirty dancing concludes with spinning around a pole, a daring move for Disney and a most explicit sexual reprtation. The heroine is also a clear object of the male gaze (Frollo’s, Phoebus’, Quasimodo’s) as suggested by intentional shots and acting techniques.
Schneeweis, Adina. “The bohemian Gypsy, another body to sell: Deciphering Esmeralda in popular culture.” Heroines of Comic Books and Literature: Portrayals in popular culture. Eds. Maja Bajac-Carter, Norma Jones & Bob Batchelor. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014.
The costuming in The Hunchback of Notre Dame offers what may be the epitome of the exotic/sexual. Esmeralda, the gypsy dancer, is also attired in dresses that reflect a stereotype of her ethnic background. These costumes, like those of her two predecessors, bare her shoulders. Hers, however, also offers a plunging bust line that emphasizes the cleavage. Additionally, her dance costume is drawn with a skin-tight look that reveals the “cut” of her abdomen and her tiny waist.
Lacroix, Celeste. “Images of animated others: The orientalization of Disney’s cartoon heroines from The Little Mermaid to The Hunchback of Notre Dame.” Popular Communication 2.4 (2004). pp. 213-229.
WDC’s Esmeralda is modeled after the romantic Bohemian. She is the only Romani inhabited by beauty, grace and sex appeal as the rest of her community are caricatured as “lazy, belligerent, vulgar, unwashed, and criminal” (Oprea 15). All the other Romani characters, including women, are unattractive with beaky noses, beady eyes, and unkempt bodies.
Me, The sexualization of women of color in Walt Disney’s Aladdin, Pocahontas and The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
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tube-thoughts-blog · 7 years
tube thoughts vol. 2
zero stars - terrible, 1/2 a star - dull, 1 star - folly, 1 1/2 stars - lacking,   2 stars - fair, 2 1/2 stars - decent, 3 stars - terrific
zack snyder's 300: Rise of an Empire *Lady warrior commandeers the battle scenes and saves it from being a male meat fest like the first film.* 3 stars
rifftrax presents "Independence Day" *One way to make this movie more moronic would be if social media existed in its world at the time.* 3 stars with riffing 2 without
Cannon films "Ninja 3: The Domination" *Spunky shinobi, you must avenge me!* 3 stars
Septic Man *Municipal shit-storm* either zero stars for grossness or 3 stars for grossness and surrealness
"The Stuff" a Larry Cohen film starring Michael Moriarty *Ba-da-ba-ba-ba, I'm lovin' it.* 3 stars
Farscape premier episode *Awol from the ratcage.* 3 stars
Garth Marenghi's: Darkplace "The Creeping Moss from the Shores of Shoggoth" *Brocolli from space. I'd thought it had tasted odd.* 3 stars
Albert Pyun's "Omega Doom" starring Rutger Hauer *It's nice to know after we've killed ourselves off, through constant warfare, sentient robots will become gun nuts and start acting out cold war westerns.* 2 1/2 stars
Kenny vs. Spenny: "Who Can Sell More Bibles?" *The Devil is in the details.* 3 stars
Masters of Horror: Clive Barker's "Valerie on the Stairs" *Another bodice-ripper.* 2 stars
"I Spit On Your Grave" uncut 1978 either zero stars or 3 stars
"Beyond the Door" *Paranormal pregnancy with personality.* 3 stars
Twin Peaks: "The Condemned Woman" *Josie and the pine weasels* 2 1/2 stars
Lost and Found Video Night: Vol 7 -- 3 stars
Seinfeld: "The Frogger" *George's high score.* 3 stars
Kolchak, The Night Stalker: "Mr. R.I.N.G." *What's the difference between right and wrong? robot need to know.* 3 stars
Everything is Terrible "The Rise and Fall of God" *Homeschool is the answer.* 3 stars
Roger Corman presents Andrew Stevens' "Subliminal Seduction" featuring Sharknado's Ian Ziering and Critters' Dee Wallace Stone *CD-ROM Inception meets Tommy Wiseau's "The Room"  type inept erotic thriller.* 3 stars
David Cronenberg's "eXistenZ" *Jennifer Jason Leigh penetrates Jude Law's port hole in order to play an addictive and twisted version of The Sims.* 3 stars
rifftrax presents "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" *Butter scraped over too much bread.* 3 plus stars with riffing 3 stars without
"Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone" *Han Solo babysits a brat-pack ginger cutie, Ernie Hudson is Lando, and Michael Ironside is a Darth Humongous who believes that Earth Girls Are Easy.* 3 stars
"Riddick" *Robinson Crusoe machismo* 3 stars
Farscape: "I, E.T." *My name is Mud.* 3 stars
Dominion: pilot episode *Bright light city gonna set my soul on fire.* 2 1/2 stars
"Thor: Dark World" *Science lady Padme pines for Adam of Eternia so that she inadvertently stumbles into the evil fudge and awakens the 9th Doctor Keebler Who causes the realms to converge like ornaments on an imploding Christmas tree.* 3 stars
"Priest" *Paul Bettany's Obi-Wan character is disenchanted with his forced retirement  in a Catholic 1984 dystopia and his regret filled dreams lead to the wasteland where his  fallen knights of the old republic partner, a cowboy from hell Karl Urban, lurks about with his horde of bloodsucking bandits and xenomorph vampires. A decent cameo from Brad  Dourif as a snake oil salesman. This movie's biggest flaw is that it forgets  the classic genre work of Sergio Leone,  John Carpenter, and George Miller and instead mimmicks the cliche Matrix ripoff style hack work of Paul W.S. Anderson's Resident Evil flicks.* 2 stars
"Scanners 2: The New Order" *If you get inside me, go gently, and easy on the nosebleeds. This kind of telepathic power in the hands of a fascist P.D., no thankee.* 3 stars
Joe Bob's Christmas Special: Charles Band's "Pets" *Inhabits the same universe as other weird,  dumb kids' adventure comedies like 'Garbage Pail Kids', 'The Super Mario Bros Movie', 'Ernest Scared Stupid', and 'Problem Child 1 & 2'* 1 1/2 stars
Sami Rami & The Coen Bros present "Crimewave" aka "The XYZ Murders" *Reminiscent of the Three Stooges, classic Mel Brooks, 40s cartoons, humorous Tom Waits song tales, and the original SNL.* 3 stars
Udo Kier in "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Miss OSbourne'  --sexploitation-- *Show me where it hurts. Fill me with  hatred. My pleasure is seeing your dead body.* 3 stars
Masters of Horror: "Right to Die" *The crispy, vengeful ghost of Terry Shiavo.* 3 stars
William Lustig's "Vigilante" starring Robert Forster & Fred Williamson *Regular Joe nihilism* 3 stars
rifftrax presents Ridley Scott's "Alien" *H.R. Giger porn on the sattelite of love.* 3 plus stars with riffing 3 without
Josh Brolin is DC's "Jonah Hex" *Sometimes spooky, often dumb B-western that's sadly too gutless to show any blood n grit. Still it might fit into a marathon of 'The Quick and the Dead', 'Five Bloody Graves',  'Navajo Joe', and 'Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter.'*  2 stars
"Rhinestone Cowgirls" 1982 --xxx-- *Easy listenin' and screwin', plus plenty of other prickly  situations protruding in Cactus Corner.*  2 stars
Kolchak, The Night Stalker: "Primal Scream" *Unfrozen caveman mauler.* 3 stars
"Shogun Assassin" *Daddy day samurai* 3 stars
Monstervision with Joe Bob Briggs: Dino De Laurentiis presents "Orca" *starring Richard Harris as a salty sea-dog, Charlotte Rampling as a sensitive marine biologist, Bo Derek as a sexy shipmate and Shamu snack, plus the indian fella from 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' lending his wisdom by saying things like,  "The old ways no longer work. Now, even our gods dance to a new tune."*  2 1/2 stars
"Baron Blood" *Decent dubbing, giallo lite, moody nightscapes, cursed castle, creepy stalking.*  2 1/2 stars
Garth Marenghi's Darkplace: "Illuminatum & Illuminata" *Interviewer: Do you believe in the Horned One?  the actor Todd Rivers: You mean the Hoofed One? Interviewer: Yeah.*  3 stars
Beavis & Butthead: "Time Machine" *Butthead: 1832, that's like not now.  Beavis: Yeah, aren't we more than that?* 2 1/2 stars
Twin Peaks: "Wounds and Scars" *"A country habit. We are so very trusting."* 3 stars
Monstervision with Joe Bob Briggs:  Wes Craven's "The People Under the Stairs" *A ghetto version of Twin Peaks' "Black Lodge" where "Hills Have Eyes" type inbred freaks are trapped in the cellar and "Sometimes further in is the only way out." in a twisted Tom & Jerry style game of cat & mouse.* 3 stars
Masters of Horror: "We All Scream for Ice Cream" starring Lee Tergesen, William Forsythe, and the kid from Bad Santa and Eastbound & Down *The Good Humor Man returns from the land of the popsicles to scoop out and dish some cold and sticky revenge.* 3 stars
Gun Fu John Woo and Risky Bidness Tom Cruise present: "Mission Impossible 2" *We've got the cure, we made the disease. Dianetics incorporated.* 3 stars
Tim & Eric present: Bedtime Stories "Hole" *Spitting surreal absurdism sometimes sidetracks the sinister suburban satire.* 2 1/2 stars
MST3K presents: Charles Band's "Laserblast" *Moppy-haired stoner with a muscle-van gets to rain down the fire of the lizard alien gods on his stereotypical 70s burnout and redneck cop enemies in his one horse desert hometown.* 3 stars with riffing 2 without
Farscape: "Exodus from Genesis" *A hot time in the roach maternity ward in the outer reaches of the universe, tonight.* 3 stars
"Saga, Curse of the Shadow" aka "The Shadow Cabal" *Somewhere between Peter Jackson's LOTR and LARPers that run around yelling, "Lightning bolt, lightnight bolt, lightning bolt!"  2 1/2 stars
"Night of the Loving Dangerously" --xxx-- *With the allure of his ever-wanton ex-wife, Traci Lords, private dick, Peter North, is pulled into a web of blackmail involving his ex's new fiance- a perverted CEO  with everything to lose, Jamie Gillis,  his naughty daddy's girl daughter, and gay son's snooping photographer boyfriend.*  2 1/2 stars
Monstervision with Joe Bob Briggs: "Poltergeist" *Joe Bob maligns Spielberg's involvement with a Tobe Hooper horor flick, Heather O'Rourke gives me the sads, an 80s kids bedroom is full of nostalgic shit, the mom looks sexy even with a streak of grey hair, there's some kind of message about the sinister nature of suburban sprawl,  a sassy medium with a drawl steals the show, and Joe Bob ponders the difference between "Go into the light" & "Stay away from the light."* 3 stars
Lost & Found Video Night Vol. 5 *Hot diggity tallyho* 3 stars
"Purely Physical" 1982 --xxx-- *Schmaltzy motel fornicating where the lovers' lips refuse to move when the pillow talk gets filthy.*  2 1/2 stars
Kolchak, The Night Stalker: "The Trevi Collection" *Fashion victims. Some hilariously bad acting from a witch.* 3 stars
"Gallowwalkers" starring Wesley Snipes *Spaghetti vampire western. The kind of movie Blade 3 should have been.* 3 stars
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back & Return of the Jedi ---despecialized editions--- *Impressive. Most impressive* 3 stars
Monstervision with Joe Bob Briggs: 1954's U.S. version of "Godzilla"  & "Godzilla vs. Mothra" *Tokyo stompin' in a Texas trailer park.* 3 stars
"Manborg" 2011 *Will Ferrell's 'Westworld', Scott Pilgrim vs. Mega City 1, Napoleon Dynamite 2: Judgment Day, Tom Green's 'Total Recall', Jim Carrey's "Battlefield Earth', Sam Raimi's 'Mortal Kombat: Annihilation', Paul Verhoeven's 'Army of Darkness', Patrick Swazy, Jacki Chan, Jake Busey, and Cynthia Rothrock  in 'Revenge of the Sith'.*  3 stars
Masters of Horror: Stuart Gordon presents Edgar Alan Poe's "The Black Cat" *Pluto, the little devil.* 2 1/2 stars
rifftrax presents: "The Last Slumber Party" *More potty-mouthed and homophobic than a Wayans Bros. "Horror" "Comedy" "Movie"* 2 1/2 stars with riffing 1 1/2 without
The Outer Limits: George R.R. Martin's "Sandkings" starring Beau & Lloyd Bridges *Red menace* 3 stars
rifftrax presents: "Battlefield Earth" *L. Ron Hubbard's  The Passion of the Prometheus as acted out by the rat-brained man-animal, John Travolta.*  2 stars with riffing 1 star without
Monstervision with Joe Bob Briggs: Mel Brooks "Spaceballs" 3 stars
rifftrax presents "Fantasic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer" *Fate of world hangs in balance while obnoxious bantering, obnoxious celebrity  style wedding is overshadowing focus, obnoxious background extras actors mug for the camera and stare at the pop culture status heroes, obnoxious twirling mustache Dr. Doom villain moments, obnoxious studio thinking Galactus is a stupid concept and yet going through with having his threat to earth being the plot-- leaving us with a cloud of lame spacedust* 1 1/2 stars with riffing 1 star without
Troma presents: Lucio Fulci's "Rome 2072: The New Gladiators" *Televised brutality in a cyber-disco dystopia where the cities of the future are painfully obvious scale models covered in Christmas lights and dirtbikes along with karate chops are still considered pretty badass.* 2 1/2 stars
--- Game of Thrones: Season 3 episode 1
*The inept, pudgy comic relief gets to stumble around  in the snow avoiding ice zombies,
the dashing dwarf gets dissed by dear old dad,
the high class pimp positions himself near the daughter of the woman who always shunned his advances,
the would be future queen shows kindess to orphans and gets politely scolded for it,
a crow defects to the king beyond the wall,
a fiery zealot harshly deals with infidels,
a shiprecked war veteran brother puts himself back in harm's way to try to talk sense to his witch's pussy whipped brother,
the king of the north returns to his scorched hometown and imprisons his mum there,
a puppy eyed dragon mama sails with her seasick soldiers and goes shopping for baby slaughtering drone warriors while narrowly escaping creepy child with scorpion assassination attempt.*
3 stars
rifftrax' Mike Nelson riffs "Predator" *"Speak mono-Slavic-ally and carry a big stick."* 3 plus stars with riffing 3 without
George Lucas & Ron Howard present: "Willow" *In order to save a red-headed bastard baby, Frodo Skywalker  fellowships a force of ragtags including a Han Solo in Pocahontas drag, an indian in the cupboard Kevin Pollack,  and a wizard lady trapped by spell in the body of a wombat.*  3 stars
rifftrax presents: "Twilight: New Moon" *A frigid, psycho chick gets dumped by her prissy,  older, unhealthy obsession. she then begins having night terrors ruining  the sleep of her closet gay lumberjack dad. next, she begins leading a lovesick  puppydog around on a leash while getting wreckless on a mopad, attempting suicide  for attention and all before going on a sisterhood of traveling pants adventure to a pretentious Anne Rice version of faggy Europe. 1980s teens were awesome. 2000s teens are awful.*  2 stars with riffing 1 star without
---- monstervision with Joe Bob Briggs:
"Slaughter High" aka "April Fool's Day"
*These jokers aint' f-f-f-foolin'. They like their drugs, they like their sex, they like their cruel pranks on nerds.
Unlucky for them,  their 10th year class reunion takes place at the now abandoned old high school in the middle of nowhere on a rainy night.
It's the perfect setting for an old dark house horror mixed with Agatha Christie style revenge picture.
This is one of the best episodes of monstervision.
It features a classic 1980s slasher flick, it has the original mail girl, Joe Bob skewers the logic of the TNT censors, and he reads an awkward letter from a male admirer named Rufus.*
3 stars
"A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors" *Freddy flew over the cuckoos' nest* 3 stars
The Outer Limits: "Valerie 23" *Do androids sleep mode with electric wet dreams? 2 be or R2D2? See, I could think of some existential questions to ask my prototype sexbot over a romantic dinner, especially if she were the first sentient being of her kind, and had Hulk strength for no apparently necessary reason.* 2 1/2 stars
Jamie Gillis in "Midnight Heat" 1983 --xxx-- *Rare grime. A gem of a different time. Seedy NYC.* 3 stars
Masters of Horror: "The Washingtonians" *Patriotic blue hairs set their wooden teeth on edge about the disclosure of that rich colonial tradition of chomping on cherry tastin' child flesh.* 2 stars
Farscape: "Throne for a Loss" *Rigel, the royal pain in the rear.*  3 stars
"Hellraiser 2: Hellbound" uncut *The stigmata of Sigmund Freud, from the makers of 'Scratch it, sniff it, squeeze it, suck it,' now available at finer novelty shops.* 3 stars
Twin Peaks: "On the Wings of Love" *Hangover cures, hidden secret half-sister, hallelujah for the hard of hearing, hometown beauty pageant queen hitlist, and hoot owl hieroglypics.* 2 1/2 stars
Monstervision with Joe Bob Briggs:  Randy Quaid in "Parents" *A Norman Rockwell painting hanging on the wall behind the desk at the Bates Motel.* 3 stars
The Outer Limits: "Blood Brothers" *Twelve immortal monkeys* 2 1/2 stars
"Kill List" 2011 -- *This feels like it could be a Garth Ennis story. It has old mates drinking together and shooting the shite about life. It has acts of extreme violence almost to the point  of dark comedy. It has a bleak poignancy. There's also the occult undertones like a Hellblazer comic.* 3 stars
William Hurt in Ken Russell's "Altered States" *Waiting, in a fish-bowl, for Godot.* 3 stars
Kolchak, The Night Stalker: "Chopper" *Stunt motorcycle riding, sword slashing specter with separation anxiety.* 3 stars
Farscape: "Back, and Back, and Back to the Future" *"Psychic Spanish-fly," alien lady combat, genetically structured spy seductress, quantum singularity also known as a blackhole used as a soul saving secret weapon of mass destruction that is seriously in jeopardy of being stolen or accidentally set off."* 3 stars
"The Wind" starring Meg Foster, Wings Hauser, & Steve Railsback *Swept up in stormy solitude and story.* 3 stars
The Outer Limits: "The Second Soul" *Lending our dead bodies, like they were used cars, to alien parasites, leads to some serious moral implications. Feels like a 50s style sci fi message about the dangers of multiculturalism given a more progressive twist at the end.* 2 1/2 stars
"Virgin Witch" --sexploitation-- *Prissy Galore throws a feisty spell when a group of dysfunctional devil worshippers decide they really, really fancy her.* 2 1/2 stars
Van Damme / Raul Julia "Streetfighter" *"Who wants to go home, and who wants to go with ME?!" Self aware dumb fun.*  2 1/2 stars
rifftrax' Mike Nelson riffs "xXx" starring Vin Diesel, Samuel L. Jackson, & Asia Argento *Double Ohhh Seven sez, "Do the DEW, dude."* 3 stars with riffing 2 stars without
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nikwently-blog · 7 years
The Perfect Wife
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 “Thomas your uncle isn’t a psychopath,” Tom’s mother replied, pushing him aside to grab her suitcase.
   “Why can’t I just stay home alone?” Thomas whined, his mother giving him an evil glare.
   “We’ve already discussed this too many times Tom.”
   “Please mom, I promise I’ll behave myself!”
   “No way! We’re not getting into this again, especially after what happened last time!”
   “The party was a one time thing! Come on mom!”
   “No Thomas, that’s enough. Now come on it time to get going.”
   Thomas was being forced to stay with his Uncle Sherman for the weekend while his parents went away to celebrate their anniversary on a cruise line somewhere along the east coast. Sherman was the closest relative, living only an hour away from Thomas’s house. Due to Tom’s many episodes in the past, his mother was forcing him to stay with his uncle to ensure nothing would happen to their house while away.
   They rode off at around noon-time. Thomas doze off staring out the car window; he really didn’t want to stay with his uncle. None the less, they arrived at Sherman’s house within an hour’s time. Sherman lived alone in a rather large house that could’ve been mistaken as a mansion if it were any bigger. Tom’s parents bid him goodbye, and left him alone in front of the massive house. Thomas slowly made his way up onto the front porch and approached the door which was pieced together using beautiful stained glass. Thomas hesitated to knock, not wanting to possibly damage the glass he instead struck the doorbell. After a minute of waiting no one appeared to be coming to open it. Thomas tried to see into the house, but he could barely make out anything with the windows blurring his perception.
   Tom was about to head off down the road, when the door burst open abruptly, and out stepped a thin, toned, and slick-haired younger man probably in his early 30s.
   “Hey Tommy!” Sherman shouted, making his way down the porch to give Tom an awkward hug. “How have you been doing?”
   “Umm… good?” Tom hesitated to reply.
   “Good to hear! Sorry about taking so long to get down, I was in the bathroom finishing up cleaning. This huge house gets pretty dusty from time to time.”
   “Well anyways I guess I’ll go ahead and show you around!”
   Sherman lead Tom upstairs to the guest room where he would be sleeping, and lead him around the house to show him where things were. Sherman seemed to take pride in showing off his house to Tom who despised the fact he was there at all. After finishing their tour, Sherman lead Tom downstairs to the kitchen.
   “Feel free to help yourself to anything you want kiddo!” Sherman exclaimed, opening the cabinets to reveal a cornucopia of boxes, bags, and jars of snacks, pastries, and whatever else you could’ve imagined. “Sorry that I can’t have anyone prepare you anything. Sadly, my maid Reese has had to go take care of some family affairs, and won’t be back for a while.”
   “Are you the only one taking care of the house then?” Tom replied, trying to stay invested in the conversation.”
   “Yes, but it’s a pain considering I have to attend to work for most of the day. I’ve been trying to find a replacement, but no one has turned up for the ad, and I was considering paying a decent amount as well.”
   “How much?”
   “Probably around $25 an hour.”
   Thomas’s eyes widened, $25 per hour?! That was a steal, especially considering all you had to do was dust up the house since no one else was around to make any sort of mess.
   “Hey,” Thomas perked up, “Perhaps I can help you out.”
   “Really Tommy my boy!” Sherman eyes glistened.
   “Yeah, what the heck. Might as well make some money while I’m here.”
   “Haha! This is great! Thanks a ton Tommy!”
   Sherman grasped Thomas by his hand, and frantically shook it.
   “You’re a life saver my boy!” Sherman said, leading Tom out into the parlor. “Ok, so all you have to do is go around and do the usual chores such as doing the laundry, cleaning dishes, sweeping, and you get the idea. Feel free to take your time. All I ask is that you get it done by the end of the day. You can go ahead and use Reese’s cleaning supplies which can be found upstairs in her room, in her closet.”
   “Sounds good,” Tom said.
   “Great! Ok, I need to run off to a meeting, so I’ll be back a little bit later. Feel free to make yourself at home! And help yourself to anything you like! Thanks again!”
   Sherman slammed the door shut behind him. The slamming echoed throughout the house, which enhanced the feeling of its largeness and emptiness. Tom gazed around, and figured he’d get started cleaning considering he didn’t have much else to do. He went upstairs into Reese’s room and found what appeared to be her closet. He tried to open it, but the door wouldn’t budge. Thomas yanked on it hard a few good times, and it eventually popped open with a ton of cleaning supplies falling over on top of him.
   After bringing himself back up off the floor, Thomas began to dig through the pile of supplies. He pulled out some yellow rubber gloves, a pink wash cloth, some hair bands, some high heel boots, a lacy black bra, some panties, incredibly short shorts, and a checkered crop top. It looked like Reese had mixed up her clothes with the supplies. Tom went back into the pile one more time, and pulled out some more cleaning supplies as well as something else. He held up a glass flask in his hand that appeared to still be halfway full of liquor. Thomas was tempted by this, he had never gotten a chance to taste any sort of alcohol before. Then he remembered his Uncle’s words that echoed inside his head: “And help yourself to anything you like!” Thomas got a devious grin on his face. Well his Uncle did say he could help himself to whatever he liked.
   Thomas popped the cork off the top of the flask, and gurgled down a few sips of the liquor. It was incredibly strong tasting, and stung Tom’s throat a little before he got used to it. It was sweet yet tangy, and held a heavy aftertaste of that sweetness. Tom fell in love with the liquor and continued to guzzle down more and more non-stop. Tom bumped the flask on the bottom a couple of times to get those few last drops before he rested the bottle of the floor. He could feel himself growing dizzy as his vision began to blur in and out. Tom could hear himself giggling, as he stood up and stumbled across the floor picking up the yellow gloves and pink cloth. He stumbled out into the hallway, and made his downstairs into the kitchen. Upon reaching the kitchen Tom stopped in his tracks and bent over as vomit burst out of his mouth all over the floor.
   “Whoopsy daisy,” Tom mumbled to himself, as he walked over to the sink to soak the wash cloth.
   He struggled to hold himself up while dampening the cloth, and ended up falling into the sink getting his shirt completely soaked. Tom turned off the water, and yanked off his shirt. Now what was he going to do? Tom figured he’d just suck it up and clean the puke off the floor as he was. He could take a shower afterwards anyways.
   Thomas flopped over onto the floor awkwardly positioning himself on his arms and legs. He took the cloth and slowly began to wipe back and forth trying to clean as much of the puke as he could.
   As Thomas did this he couldn’t help but feel his weight beginning to shift, or at least he thought it was. He shook it off a moment later though, it was probably just from the liquor. However, this was not the case as Tom hadn’t noticed he’d shrunk down a foot in size. His arms and legs were beginning to shorten as well, and was followed by the shrinkage of his hands and feet. Being too drunk to notice though, Thomas just continued to wipe away at the floor.
   You would think that he would’ve picked up on the changes as his hair grew out flowing down to his shoulders, but even this didn’t catch Tom’s attention. He appeared to be in somewhat of a trance as he cleaned the floor. Changes continued to manifest all over Tom’s body as he continued to wipe down the floor. Soft snaps and cracks popped off up and down Tom’s body starting with his face. Tom squinted trying to ignore the pain, once again he convinced himself it was just the alcohol tricking him. However, this was evidently not the case, as many of his facial features had shrunk down. With a cute nose, plump tender lips, a smooth jawline, rosy cheeks, and two beautiful round eyes, Tom had the face of a beautiful trophy wife that gave off a gaze shouting “bimbo”!
   Not only did his face completely alter, but his long hair had appeared to magically lift itself up, tying itself into a big gold bow. This was the least of Tom’s worries, while he was still trapped in his cleaning trance. His body’s entire framework had begun to drastically shift as well. Tom’s body wiggled back and forth as major snaps went off like a firecracker. His shoulders rounded off with his back-snapping inwards forcing him to awkwardly push his butt out into the air. Tom’s stomach snapped inwards as well, as his entire body fluctuated. All his muscle seemed to magically vanish from his body while new fat pushed Tom’s upper chest and hips out giving him a slender figure eight figure. His pants and boxers were barely hanging on as he swung his hips back and forth as he continued to clean.
   Once again Tom’s body shrunk even more, but instead it was only his torso that shrunk down. His legs on the other hand had stretched out a few more inches making them incredibly long and thin. Tom’s pants and boxes fell around his knees, now leaving himself exposed on the kitchen floor.
   What was next? Well that irritating body hair had to go, and so it did. All of it appeared to evaporate from Tom’s body without any rhyme or reason. Even tom’s stubble had vanished as well leaving him with beautifully smooth skin. Not only this, but it began to glow as it turned from a pale tone to a vibrant peachy tone.
   “What the fuck?” Tom yelled, finally snapping out of his trance.
               He immediately stopped wiping the floor, and stood up straight with his dick flopping back and forth. He looked down at his horrendously misshapen body, and began to panic. He had no idea what had happened, and what to do. It was too late at this point for him to do anything though. As he continued to scream in hysteria his voice only began to grow higher and higher in pitch until he was left a sweet and tender southern accent.
               “What in tarnation? Tom spoke, grasping his neck. “What in the hay is going on here?”
               Tom wrapped his delicate hands around his smooth waist, as he felt something begin to stir up in his thighs and hips.
               “Oh, sweet mama…” Tom cooed, as he felt his thighs begin to push out.
               Tom’s thighs swelled up like water balloons, as they jiggled outward. This only continued up to Tom’s hips pushed out even further, Tom quickly grasped his bottom as he felt it bubble out. It was soft as a pillow. Tom’s attention was quickly brought back up to his chest as he realized his nipples were enlarging. He poked one with his little slender fingers and shuddered at how sensitive they were.
               Tom immediately grabbed his chest a moment later when he felt it begin to push out. He tried to hold it back, but the pressure built up too much for him to hold back. Two breasts shot out of his chest, causing Tom to fall backwards onto his bottom. Tom’s eyes widened feeling the final change begin to occur.
               He watched himself in disbelief as his manhood began to slowly shrivel up and curl into his body. For a moment his groin was bare, but she shrieked a moment later when she felt her inwards begin to move around forcing her to stretch her body around as well. Suddenly her groin ripped open forming into a moist pussy that oozed with sexual juices.
               Tom breathed heavily in and out for a few minutes before she could come to terms with her new body. She stood up and studied her new figure. She walked over into the bathroom looking up and down her sexy body in awe.
               “Damn, I got some sweet little bunnies, don’t I?” Tom said, squeezing her two little breasts.
               She began to moan as she encircled her nipples with her fingers. Tom snapped out of it though, she needed to find a way to get back to her normal self. She tried to think about what to she could do, and then she remembered the liquor. Tom booked it upstairs into Reese’s room, and grabbed the flask, but there was nothing left in it. She panicked, and began to dig through the large pile of cleaning supplies to find anything she could use, but all was loss.
               Tom fell onto her knees and sniffled. She didn’t want this, why did this happen? How did this happen? She pondered how she would go on. What would her parents think? What would– SLAM! The front door came flying open. Tom nearly shrieked, but kept her cool. She quickly got up, and scrambled around the room for a place to hide. There weren’t any good hiding spots though.
               “Tommy?” Sherman yelled, from downstairs.
               Tom panicked, there was no way she could let Sherman see her like this. And to top it all off if he found out about the liquor she’d be in deeper trouble. Her parents were incredibly strict about drinking, and even one sip could’ve led to them disowning Tom. She ran around the room, but then spotted something interesting. It was a picture of Reese on the side of the bed with her friends, but looking closer Tom realized she looked exactly like her. That liquor had turned Tom into Reese!
               Tom didn’t know how to coop with this, but she had to think fast as she heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Tom then had a brainstorm. She ran over and picked up Reese’s clothes. She slipped on the panties, bra, shorts, crop top, and boots. If she could pretend to be Reese for long enough she could get out of the house, and find some other way to change back on her own to avoid any trouble with her family.
               The door came flying open and Sherman stepped inside staring down Tom.
               “Reese?” Sherman said. “I thought you had to head out to your father’s funeral?”
               “Umm,” Tom stuttered, trying to think, “Well you see… I umm… forgot my… err…”
               “Is there something you aren’t telling me Reese?”
               “Umm… ugh… fine. I just wanted to… come back home… it was too much for me?”
               “Reese, are you feeling ok?”
               “Well umm…. wait, yeah I’m not feeling well… that’s why I came home!”
               “I see, well I assume you’ll be heading home soon?”
               “Yes, I need to be on my way. So, I’ll just be going.”
               Tom sped across the room about to make her way out into the hallway when Sherman replied.
               “Wait, how about you just stay here!” Sherman exclaimed. “I mean I really wouldn’t want you to be alone while your father just passed away. You should really stay Reese. Besides I believe it’s been a while since we last enjoyed each other’s company.”
               “Umm… well I really need to go,” Tom stuttered, but Sherman grabbed her and dragged her back into the room.
               “No, I won’t let you Reese! I insist you stay here with me tonight. I can’t help but feel awful leaving you alone at a time like this. It’s too awful to think about you being alone.”
               “Please no.”
               Sherman had clearly already made up his mind as he decided he would make soup for the both as he left the room and made his way down to the kitchen. Tom needed to get out of there and fast. She ran for the door, but was stopped by it slamming her in the face as Sherman came back in knocking Tom onto the floor.
               “Oh dear!” Sherman said, dropping a blanket rushing to help Tom onto Reese’s bed. “You really must sit down Reese.”
               “No…” Tom muttered, but she was too weak to move.
               “There, there Reese,” Sherman said, patting Tom on the head with her body propped up against his while sitting on the bed. “It’s been a while since we last got to sit down together alone and just talk.”
               “Ugh… I just…”
               “No, please Reese rest your head.”
               Tom let her hand down trying to hold herself up, but it fell right on Sherman’s crotch where she could feel Sherman’s dick. Not realizing what it was she squeezed it softly. Tom could feel blood rush to her head as she grew drowsy due to the door hitting her. It was almost like she was getting drunk again. She could hear muttering, but couldn’t make out what Sherman was saying. She muttered herself without thinking about what she was saying. Suddenly she felt herself fall over onto the bed.
               Tom looked up to see Sherman stripping himself of his clothing revealing his rather tight and muscly body. She tried to move, but to no avail. Besides Sherman looked kind of sexy. Tom’s mind grew ever woozier until she was unable to think at all. All she saw was a sexy man in front of her. She rubbed her head sitting up where Sherman grasped her crop top and unbuttoned it to reveal her lacy bra which nicely cupped her little breasts.
               “Love me Reese!” Sherman exclaimed.
               “Mmm… Yes!” Tom replied, completely out of it.
               Tom undid her bra to reveal her breasts, as Sherman lunged at her. Both brought their lips together beginning to make-out passionately on the bed. Tom could feel herself grow wet down below as they smacked their mouths together. Sherman gently stroked Tom’s breasts which only added onto the immense pleasure she was experiencing. She couldn’t hold it in any longer as she felt a burst of juices flood into her panties. Sherman picked up on this yanking down Tom’s shorts and panties to reveal her juicy sticky pussy which was wide open ready to be taken advantage of.
               “Fill me,” Tom mumbled, in erotic raunchy tone.
               She instinctively grabbed Sherman’s cock which she brought down to her pussy, and gave Sherman a wink. Sherman took pride in ramming his cock up into Tom, as Tom began to shriek of pleasure. Each time Sherman pumped his cock inside Tom, Tom felt an explosion of pleasure shock her entire body as she let out a long moan.
               Sweat and cum flew around the couple as they continued to make passionate love throughout the night, until they both eventually passed out. Tom woke up fearing Sherman move around her in the morning.
               “Rise and shine, sleeping beauty,” Sherman teased, caressing Tom’s slit.
               Tom couldn’t recall where she was and who she was, all she could remember is that she loved Sherman, and… oh yeah! She was his beloved trophy wife Reese!
               “Hey baby,” Reese said, pulling Sherman down for a long-wet kiss. “Mmm… you’re too good to me baby.”
               “Well you’re all worth it doll.”
               “How about you take a shower, and I’ll go get you some breakfast once I’m finished cleaning up in here big boy.”
               “Sounds good my little bunny-boo.”
               Sherman left the room leaving Reese alone to herself. She smiled looking down at herself which was covered in loads of cum. She bent over using her flexibility to her advantage as she began to lick cum off from her stomach, and then her thighs.
               Reese had quite a bit of cleaning up to do.
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scotsmithies-blog · 7 years
One of the most Practical Christmas time Dinner Ideas Through Zuhair Sharif.
Manner models depend upon their slim numbers for their income, so this's necessary that they always appear really good. Make sure you have all the newspaper items, offering items, cutlery, office chairs, and also various other products accessible that you will need for dinner. The supper menu has a large choice from mixed greens, appetizers as well as soups as well as a variety from grilled foods consisting of prime rib, New York striploin, Filet Mignon, T-bone meats. This told her a little the well-liked TV series The Outstanding Race" apart from that corrected in her metropolitan area and also possessed other factors that created this ideal for a business group property activity. Great guys" took threats and also made super human initiatives to cross the oceans, build the railways and link the world with each other by transatlantic as well as coax cables. Wedding party may additionally be actually held on ritualistic dinner cruise lines at special prices. Supper featured either skinless chicken, fish, or even pork, vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, eco-friendly and also reddish peppers, as well as carrots were frequent choices), and rice or even a small salad. Make one - or even all - of these food and the individuals you are actually supplying this Super Dish will definitely be over delighted. Having all these equipments will for certain certainly not vouch that you would certainly end up being the most ideal chicken seeker in the world, however they may assist evolve your opportunities from having a chicken supper when you go property for the time. Once again, there is actually certainly not a considerable amount of it and I wouldn't suggest this for just about anything more than a dinner for two (unless you anticipate buying greater than one package). That is actually feasible that your additional earnings could drive you into a much higher mixed tax brace and also you could actually take home a lot less funds. You may take pleasure in delightful supper and some remarkable entertainment while you move along the Creek or Harbour. He called me this evening from 931-266-8772, claimed his label was actually Mike and he was just one of 6 workers working business referred to as 'The Miracle Galley', a pirate themed supper and program.
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We'll offer you a direct line to whatever that Hertfordshire must offer over the holiday season, plus offer our attendees the odds in order to get a couple of cycles of golf in before Christmas time supper. However the craze from routine meals is only unequalled for the fully fledged dinner or even lunch. Yet Zhu supposedly doesn't prefer the bird to go to throw away and organizes to provide this for dinner once it expands a bit greater. For as soon as, make your lady think additional unique by offering a stunning bouquet from reddish roses on a dinner date. You can surely feature this pattern the method I do Master Tom beginning in Oct, then take it down and use this for http://zdrowie-z-edyta.pl/ Thanksgiving holiday Supper. As a result one can well envision just how pocket friendly the meals is actually. Although this is a meager area to keep the solutions are actually amazing as well as meals is great tasting. Make use of Super Mario Bros andquot; Give thanks to Youandquot; details to make the job quick and easy.
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The Arabian Nights Supper Program is actually a truly unforgettable adventure for anybody that views it. No one wants to presume the invite includes a food only to discover supper will definitely be Doritos and soft drink. If an individual delivers to spend, that's alright, yet or else, outlined the price of your meal, plus some additional for the suggestion. Your dinner day will certainly enjoy the atmosphere of these 6 impressive bistros, besides the food that exists. The logic responsible for this is actually to prevent upsetting sensitive/bad chefs by thinking that their food will certainly certainly not be good enough without added seasoning or even condiments.
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Quibi Is Coming. Here Are the Famous People Making Shows for It.
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Quibi, set to launch on April 6, stands for “quick bites,” which refers to the service’s plan to offer short segments (10 minutes or less) designed for small screens (your phone).But little else about this short-form venture is bite-size. In its first year, the company’s partners (the chairman Jeffrey Katzenberg and the C.E.O. Meg Whitman) are spending more than a billion dollars on content acquisition alone. That’s partly because everyone in Hollywood seems to be doing a Quibi show, including heavy-hitters like Steven Spielberg, Guillermo del Toro, Kevin Hart and Jennifer Lopez.The company has been rolling out promotional announcements and previews all over — including on Twitter, in industry trade publications, at the Sundance Film Festival, and on a screen during a keynote presentation at CES in Las Vegas last month.On Friday, Quibi released its launch lineup, a total of 50 shows that includes Liam Hemsworth’s “Most Dangerous Game,” Queen Latifah’s “When the Streetlights Go On” and Chrissy Teigen’s “Chrissy’s Court.”But this is just a fraction of what Quibi says it will release in its first year. During that time, it plans to put out about 8,500 “quick bites of content” and around 175 new shows — 35 of these shows are “movies in chapters”; 120 are unscripted reality shows or documentaries; and the rest are news and lifestyle pieces, or what they call “daily essentials.”Will all of these shows actually end up happening? Will any of them be any good? Will anyone pony up $4.99 a month (or $7.99 without ads) to watch Quibi?Nobody knows! But at least Quibi has an impressive list of boldface names to tout to investors and potential viewers. Here’s who we know about for now, in alphabetical order. (Others involved in Quibi shows are denoted in bold.)Alexandre Aja: The director is developing a live-action adaptation of the horror manga “Tomie.”Stephen and Robbie Amell: The two actors (and cousins) are doing a spinoff of “Code 8,” their crowdsourced sci-fi thriller about oppressed super-people. The original film’s director, Jeff Chan, will be the showrunner.Eric Andre: He’s expanding his Adult Swim talk show sketch, “Rapper Warrior Ninja,” in which rappers must overcome weird obstacles while freestyling.Will Arnett: Arnett is a Quibi triple-threat. He’s hosting a show called “Memory Hole,” which examines so-called underdiscussed subjects (such as Canada); and he’ll be producing the animated series “Your Daily Horoscope” and a daily late-show recapper, “Late Night This Morning.”Ayo & Teo: The duo behind the viral dance challenge “Rolex” will be hosting “The Sauce,” a cross-country dance-competition series. (Usher is judging and executive producing.)Tyra Banks: She’s starring in and executive producing a docuseries called “Beauty,” which examines standards of beauty around the world and the ways in which they’ve developed.Chancelor “Chance the Rapper” Bennett: He’s taking over Ashton Kutcher’s role in yet another “Punk’d” revival, which will continue to be devoted to pranking unsuspecting celebs.Jason Blum: The Blumhouse impresario executive produced “Wolves and Villagers,” a “Fatal Attraction”-like story starring Naomi Watts.Joel Kim Booster: He’s co-hosting (with Keke Palmer) the rebooted “Singled Out,” which has been redesigned for all genders and sexual orientations across 20 episodes. He’s also writing and co-producing the Fire Island rom-com “Trip.”Guy Branum: The comedian is resurrecting the 2003 rom-com “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.” (He’s presumably not the guy they’ll be losing.)Scooter Braun: The manager of Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande is all over Quibi. He’s producing “&Music,” a music docuseries about behind-the-scenes music people like choreographers, video directors and stage designers. He’s also producing and judging an untitled music competition series, executive producing a celebrity tattoo docuseries and executive producing his client Demi Lovato’s talk show, “Pillow Talk with Demi Lovato.”Titus Burgess: The actor and singer is hosting a deconstructed cooking competition called “Dishmantled,” in which a mystery dish is cannon-blasted into the faces of chefs who must identify and recreate it. (Seriously.) Wolfgang Puck, Jane Krakowski and Rachel Dratch are among the judges for this strange ritual.Bill Burr: The comedian is writing, directing, producing and starring in “Immoral Compass,” a show based on Tyler Falbo’s digital shorts about moral dilemmas.Kay Cannon: The “Pitch Perfect” screenwriter is producing an adaptation of the book “Dead Spots,” which is about a supernatural crime-scene cleaner.Kiari “Offset” Cephus: The Migos member is taking celebrities for a ride with “Skrrt with Offset.” Guests include Cardi B, Dapper Dan, Jay Leno, T-Pain and more.Andy Cohen: After writing the books “The Andy Cohen Diaries” and “Superficial: More Adventures from the Andy Cohen Diaries,” the talk show host is writing and executive producing the six-episode animated series “The Andy Cohen Diaries.”James Corden: His Fulwell 73 company is producing the mind-reading show “Gone Mental with Lior,” featuring the Israeli mentalist Lior Suchard, who regularly stuns on Corden’s late-night show. Unsurprisingly, Corden will also be a guest, as will Ben Stiller, Zooey Deschanel, Kate Hudson and more.Darren Criss: He’s the co-creator, songwriter and star of the 10-episode musical comedy “Royalties.” Amy Heckerling is directing all 10 episodes.Tom Cruise: Quibi is developing a series called “Les Grossman,” about Cruise’s immortal “Tropic Thunder” character. While the service hasn’t confirmed Cruise’s involvement yet, do you think they could do it without him, playaaa? “Thunder” vets Ben Stiller and Justin Theroux were announced to be taking part at CES.Steph Curry: He’s executing producing a docuseries about a basketball team in Newark called “Benedict Men.”Cara Delevingne: The model and actress is hosting and executive producing a practical joke series — working title “Pranks” — in which she’s assisted by a squad of female accomplices.Guillermo del Toro: First Quibi announced that the Oscar-winning director was creating a modern vampire film — working title “Aftermath.” Then Quibi said that it was about zombies. Either way, it’s about the undead, del Toro’s specialty.Laura Dern: She’ll be doing the pouring in Nick Hornby’s bartender series “Just One Drink,” which he’s writing and executive producing. Dern is also executive producing.Adam Devine: This comedian is angling for a Darwin Award with “Bad Ideas with Adam Devine,” an adventure/travel show in which he puts himself and some famous companions in precarious positions (like wearing yummy chum in piranha-infested waters).Zac Efron: He reportedly nearly killed himself making “Killing Zac Efron” — requiring a medevac to a hospital in Australia after living off the grid in Papua New Guinea for this adventure/survival series.Idris Elba: He’s facing off against the rally car driver Ken Block in “Elba vs. Block,” an eight-episode series featuring stunt challenges like the Flaming Obstacle Course and the Wall of Death.Peter and Bobby Farrelly: The sibling directors are helming a suicide comedy called “The Now,” starring Dave Franco, Bill Murray, Daryl Hannah and O’Shea Jackson, Jr.Jon Favreau: His company Golem Creations is executive producing “Micro Mayhem,” a series devoted to stop-motion animated toy car chases, along with Seth Green’s company, Stoopid Buddy Stoodios.Dexter Fletcher: The “Rocketman” director’s involvement with an unspecified film was announced at CES.Will Forte: He’s co-starring with Kaitlin Olson as home renovators who luck into a cartel stash house in “Flipped,” one of the first shows available on launch.Ron Funches: The comedian is hosting a game show called “Nice One!,” in which comedians like Chris Hardwick try to toast, not roast, each other.Evan Funke: The celebrity chef is pursuing his obsession in “Shape of Pasta.” (Take a peek at about 18 minutes into this.)Antoine Fuqua: He’s executive producing the $15 million drama “#Freerayshawn,” starring Stephan James as a framed Iraq vet and Laurence Fishburne as a hostage negotiator.Seth Grahame-Smith: The author of “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” is executive-producing “The Last American Vampire,” focusing on a vamp-F.B.I. team-up.Catherine Hardwicke: She’s directing and executive-producing the 14-episode sci-fi thriller “Don’t Look Deeper,” starring Don Cheadle and Emily Mortimer.Mary Harron: The “American Psycho” director is helming “The Expecting,” a horror film about a disturbing pregnancy starring AnnaSophia Robb.Kevin Hart: He’s producing, writing and starring in “Die Hart,” playing a would-be action hero version of himself who takes classes from John Travolta’s action-school coach. (It’s an expansion of the opening scene of his film “Kevin Hart: What Now?”)Liam Hemsworth: The “Hunger Games” star is the hunted prey “Most Dangerous Game,” a retelling of a classic short story with Christoph Waltz playing the mastermind in one of Quibi’s first shows to launch. May the odds be ever in his favor.Michael Hirst: The “Vikings” creator is developing the historical drama “Charlemagne.”Boyd Holbrook: He’s playing a man wrongfully accused of terrorism (and pursued by a detective, Kiefer Sutherland) in a reboot of “The Fugitive.”Rosie Huntington-Whiteley: The model and actress is hosting and executive producing a show about beauty icons with the working title “The Go See.”Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson: He’s executive producing an animated adaptation of the graphic novel “Trill League,” about a team of black superheroes.O’Shea “Ice Cube” Jackson: His involvement with an untitled heist series was announced at CES.LeBron James: He’s producing a docuseries about his Ohio school called “I Promise.”Kendall and Kris Jenner: The model and her mother, Kris, are executive producing a parody series about the impersonator “Kirby Jenner,” who pretends to be Kendall’s fraternal twin on Instagram. (A Twinstagrammer?) Ryan Seacrest is also executive producing.Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson: He’s executive producing a Hawaii-set comedy called “Last Resort,” along with Paul Feig.Joe Jonas: He’s expanding his Instagram travelogue of the cities explored on tour with “Cup of Joe,” along with guests such as Tina Fey and Jack Black.Rashida Jones: The writer-actress and her writing partner Will McCormack are executive producing a flower design series called “Centerpiece,” in which such guests as Ava DuVernay and Maya Rudolph create floral centerpieces with host Maurice Harris of Bloom & Plume.Anna Kendrick: She’s executive producing and starring in the comedy “Dummy,” playing a woman who becomes buddies with her boyfriend’s sex doll. (Get a glimpse of it here.)Liza Koshy: The “Liza on Demand” star is hosting a moving-floor-based dance competition called “Floored.”Kevin Kwan: The “Crazy Rich Asians” author is examining elite brands’ familial dynasties with “Empires of Luxury.”Queen Latifah: She’s starring as a police detective investigating a double murder in “When the Streetlights Go On,” one of the first shows available at launch. Chosen Jacobs and Mark Duplass co-star.Thomas Lennon: Another Quibi M.V.P., he’s starring in and writing both the “Reno 911!” revival and the Napa Valley comedy “Winos.” Wendi McLendon-Covey is also producing and co-starring in “Reno 911!”Doug Liman: The director-producer is adapting a Steven Gould story for “Crazy Talented,” in which psych ward patients discover their mental issues are actually superpowers. His 30 Ninjas company is also producing “Don’t Look Deeper.”Jennifer Lopez: She’s executive producing and participating in “Thanks a Million,” a pay-it-forward-style show that will feature guests such as Nick Jonas, Yara Shahidi, Gabriel Iglesias, Kristen Bell, Tracy Morgan, Karlie Kloss and Aaron Rodgers, who pay back people who’ve helped them out along the way.Demi Lovato: Her talk show, “Pillow Talk With Demi Lovato,” will explore body positivity, gender identity, social media, activism and more.Miles “Lil Yachty” McCollum: The rapper is starring in “Public Figures,” a comedy inspired by events of his youth.Jed Mercurio: The “Bodyguard” creator is developing a sci-fi thriller, “Transmissions,” about a scientist who’s receiving signals from deep space.Cam Newton: The Carolina Panthers quarterback is executive producing and participating in the sports series “Iron Sharpens Iron,” pairing athletes from completely different sports to train together. (For example, Newton with Atlanta Hawks point guard Trae Young, U.S. Women’s National Team captain Carli Lloyd with U.F.C. champion Amanda Nunes.)Trevor Noah: The “Daily Show” host is executive producing and starring in a comedic travelogue about his interactions on tour — the working title is “Canceled.”Will Packer: He’s executive producing a Donald Sterling documentary called “Blackballed.”Jim Parsons: He’s executive producing the comedy “The Monarchy Is Going To S***.”Travis Pastrana: The motor sports star is hosting the Nitro Circus stunt show “Life-Size Toys.”James Patterson: The author is an executive producer on the adaptation of his book “Toys.”Paula Pell: She’s the co-creator and star of the comedy “Mapleworth Murders,” about a mystery writer who just so happens to have homicides committed in her vicinity on a disturbingly regular basis. Her “Saturday Night Live” colleagues (such as Fred Armisen, Maya Rudolph, Tim Meadows and Tina Fey) pop by as characters to be accused — or killed. Lorne Michaels and Seth Meyers are executive producing.Sam Raimi: He’s executive producing the horror anthology “50 States of Fright,” exploring folklore and urban legends from around the country, starring Karen Allen, Rachel Brosnahan, Asa Butterfield, Rory Culkin, Taissa Farmiga, Travis Fimmel, Ron Livingston, Elizabeth Reaser, Christina Ricci and Ming-Na Wen.Megan Rapinoe: The soccer star is hosting a docuseries about young athletes called “Prodigy.”Ryan Reynolds: His involvement with an unspecified animation project was announced at CES.Nicole Richie: She’s executive producing and starring in the comedy “Nikki Fre$h” as her rapper alter ego. Her husband Joel Madden’s music company is overseeing the music.Adam Rippon: The Olympic figure skater is hosting “This Day in Useless Celebrity History.”Kathleen Robertson: The actress is writing and executing producing the remake of 1995’s “Swimming with Sharks” starring Kiernan Shipka and Diane Kruger.Michelle Rodriguez: Her involvement with a show called “Ten Ton Chum” was announced at CES.Justin Roiland: The “Rick & Morty” co-creator makes “Gloop World,” a clay animation show where two blobs are roommates, with Seth Green’s Stoopid Buddy Stoodios.Anthony and Joe Russo: Inspired by the Reed Tucker’s book “Slugfest: Inside the Epic, 50-Year Battle Between Marvel and DC,” the “Avengers” directors and brothers are exploring comic book rivalries on “Slugfest.” Pow!Andy Samberg: He’s hosting and executive producing a single-bite cooking competition called “Biggest Little Cook-Off.” (In other words, quick bites. Get it?) He also appears on “Mapleworth Murders.”Ridley Scott: He’s executive producing the gaming thriller/horror “CURS_R,” about a computer survival game that tricks players into playing for their lives.Steven Soderbergh: He’s executive producing the thriller “Wireless,” about a crash survivor (played by Tye Sheridan) trying to communicate on his smartphone. (Get a glimpse at about 27 minutes into this.)Steven Spielberg: He’s creating a horror series — working title “After Dark” — that will unlock on phones only after the sun has set in the viewer’s location.Veena Sud: “The Killing” showrunner is the creator, writer and director of the ride-share thriller “The Stranger,” starring Dane DeHaan as a sociopath terrorizing his driver Maika Monroe.Jimmy Tatro: He’s the co-creator and star of “Junior High,” an expansion of his YouTube series, and a co-star on “The Now.”Chrissy Teigen: She’s the judge presiding over small claims cases in “Chrissy’s Court,” where she rules on real-life cases. Teigen’s mother Vilailuck acts as bailiff in the 10-episode series.Sophie Turner: She’s starring as a suicidal plane crash survivor who has to find a will to live in an adaptation of Alex Morel’s “Survive,” one of the first shows available at launch. Corey Hawkins co-stars.Gabrielle Union: She’s executive producing “Black Coffee,” a comedy about a former basketball star who opens up a coffee shop.James Veitch: The comedian known for his spam email Ted Talks hosts the “Q-Talks” comedy special, co-starring Regina Hall, Lisa Kudrow, Niecy Nash and Kristen Schaal.Sasha Velour: This “RuPaul’s Drag Race” champ is hosting and executive producing an eight-episode drag revue called “NightGowns.”Mark Wahlberg: He’s executive producing “Run This City,” a docuseries about Jasiel Correia II, the former mayor of Fall River, Mass., who during his term was charged with fraud, bribery and extortion.Lena Waithe: She’s exploring sneaker culture in the docuseries “You Ain’t Got These,” with guests Carmelo Anthony, Billie Jean King, Hasan Minhaj, Questlove, Nas, Mike Epps and more.Alexander Wang: The fashion designer sets his talk show, “Potty Talk,” in the bathroom.Allen Strickland Williams: He’s the creator of the comedy “Unmatched,” about people who refuse to settle down.Reese Witherspoon: The actress-producer — who is married to Quibi’s head of content acquisition and talent, Jim Toth — is hosting “Fierce Queens,” a docuseries about female animals who lead their packs or pods (hyenas, humpback whales) as well as the femme fatales who dine on their mates (fireflies). Toth, beware!WWE wrestlers: Wrestlers — Sasha Banks, Brie Bella, Nikki Bella, Alexa Bliss, Sonya Deville, Charlotte Flair, Nia Jax, Becky Lynch and Natalya — team up with young women to help them become stronger in “Fight Like a Girl.” Read the full article
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topfygad · 5 years
15 Unmissable Experiences for your New Zealand Bucket List
The next put up was sponsored by WeXchange.
A New Zealand Bucket Listing
You might need just lately seen a swathe of bucket checklist posts right here on Aussie on the Highway.
My China bucket checklist, South Korea bucket checklist, and Australia bucket checklist (along with my 1,000 merchandise bucket checklist) are among the many hottest posts on the location they usually’re additionally a few of my favorite posts to write down.
Whereas I’d like to sometime sit down and write an Final New Zealand Bucket Listing, for now, I assumed I’d spotlight fifteen superb experiences in New Zealand that I feel ought to be added to any New Zealand itinerary.
Picture courtesy of Christopher Chan.
Hike Franz Josef Glacier
Palms down the most effective experiences I’ve had in all of my travels, standing atop Franz Josef Glacier in 2010 was an completely surreal expertise.
Whereas it’s removed from the one place on earth the place you’ll be able to hike on these slow-moving mountains of ice, New Zealand’s Franz Josef Glacier has the excellence of being one in all solely two glaciers on earth the place you’ll be able to expertise it in a temperate local weather.
The glacier actually involves a halt a brief hike from a steamy part of forest – an unbreaking wave of stable ice that defies expectation.
Whereas it’s not to doable to hike up onto the glacier from the bottom as I did in 2010, heli-hikes nonetheless assist you to expertise the fun of standing atop of a fading drive of nature.
Franz Josef village itself is a beautiful, however distant location. Be sure you deliver some money, as I didn’t spot any ATMs after I was there.
Curious? Learn extra about my expertise climbing Franz Josef Glacier.
Picture courtesy of Bernard Spragg.
Cruise on Milford Sound
Generally described because the Eighth Surprise of the World (however what isn’t?), Milford Sound is without doubt one of the most surreal and delightful landscapes you’ll ever come throughout in your travels.
Technically not a sound (it’s a fjord), this portion of the Fjordlands Nationwide Park is all deep, darkish waters, towering cliffs, and dew-bejeweled crops.
The expertise of cruising Milford Sound is one in all utter serenity, with playful seals and inquisitive dolphins doing little to detract from the general air of quiet reverence that blankets the area.
It’s a really outstanding expertise.
Picture courtesy of NZ Division of Conservation.
Kayak in Abel Tasman Nationwide Park
One which I wasn’t lucky sufficient to sort out myself in 2010, kayaking by way of picturesque Abel Tasman Nationwide Park is one expertise I’m dying to examine off my New Zealand bucket checklist.
Whether or not it’s a cruisy half-day tour or a a number of day exploration, the expertise of taking your time with one in all New Zealand’s most stunning parks is one each traveler ought to hunt down.
For me, the five-day tour seems like one of the simplest ways to see all of it with out feeling rushed. One for my subsequent journey!
Picture courtesy of Touring Otter.
Go bungee leaping or canyon swinging in Queenstown
Stunning Queenstown received my coronary heart after I visited in 2010, however I wasn’t fortunate sufficient to incorporate any of the acute sports activities for which the mountain city is known.
Whereas bungee leaping is an iconic New Zealand exercise, the canyon swing is one thing extra my velocity. There’s simply one thing counter-intuitive about going in the direction of the earth head first. Name me loopy.
Whereas bungee leaping and different adrenaline inducing pursuits can be found internationally, you’ll discover few safer (or extra stunning) spots than New Zealand.
Picture courtesy of Bernard Spragg (once more!)
Fall in love with Christchurch
It’s laborious to place a finger on what it’s that makes Christchurch such a stupendous metropolis.
Town’s resilience within the face of a number of disastrous earthquakes is clearly an enormous a part of its attraction, however there’s simply an aura in regards to the city that makes it really feel instantly like a house away from residence.
It’s a inexperienced, breezy metropolis with a relaxed vibe that simply begs you to place up your ft and loosen up for a number of days. There’s a purpose Christchurch is one in all my favorite cities.
Picture courtesy of Ben.
Witness the Aurora Australis
The Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) are clearly extra well-known, however the Southern Lights aren’t any much less spectacular.
Seen from each southern Australia and southern New Zealand, there ae a nuber of notable locations to view the Southern Lights in New Zealand.
It’s not likely one thing you’ll be able to plan your journey round, however when you’ve obtained the time, why not arrange camp someplace within the south and see what you’ll be able to see?
Picture courtesy of Chris Gin.
Eat and cycle the Tasman Nice Style Path in Nelson
Nelson featured on my 10-day New Zealand itinerary, however it was only a stopover between Franz Josef Glacier and flying to Rotorua the next morning.
Even so, I’ve fond recollections of attending the Nelson Carols by Candlelight and taking part in Section 10 into the wee hours with one other backpacking couple.
In researching for this put up I got here throughout the Nice Style Path, a scrumptious (pun supposed) mixture of biking, scrumptious meals, breweries, and vineyards.
The 174km loop might sound a bit formidable to some, however I like the concept of getting out and stretching my legs (and my abdomen) in such a stunning nook of the world.
Picture courtesy of Wired for Lego.
Blackwater Rafting at Waitomo
One other spotlight of my 2010 journey, seeing Waitomo’s well-known glow worms whereas additionally having fun with the fun of some pitch black tubing was a thrill I cherish to today.
Waitomo is known for its caves stuffed with glittering glow worms, however blackwater rafting in Waitomo combines the expertise with the fun of navigating pitch black caves and tunnels stuffed with icy water and precarious drops.
It’s a totally exhilarating expertise!
Picture courtesy of Tom Corridor.
Go to Hobbiton
Nerd that I’m, I grew up studying JRR Tolkien’s seminal work of fiction.
My teen years and early twenties have been spent obsessing over Peter Jackson’s devoted translation of the e-book to the large display screen.
Because of this, paying a go to to quaint Hobbiton on New Zealand’s North Island is one thing I used to be gutted to overlook out on doing in 2010.
If seeing this tiny nook of The Shire isn’t sufficient for you, there are total Lord of the Rings excursions that take you to different iconic filming places reminiscent of Weathertop, Edoras, and even Mount Doom.
Picture courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
Attend an All Blacks recreation
Whether or not or not you’re a fan of the fifteen a facet recreation is irrelevant – there are few extra iconic New Zealand experiences that witnessing the haka earlier than the All Blacks inevitably dismantle whichever unlucky crew has paid them a go to.
Rugby is a faith in New Zealand, and the nationwide crew are one of many powerhouses of the game.
Attending a recreation, even when you don’t actually perceive it, is an expertise in cultural immersion that I like to recommend in any nation I go to.
Picture courtesy of almassengale.
Trek in Fjordlands Nationwide Park
The Fjordlands Nationwide Park is residence to greater than ‘simply’ the completely transfixing Milford Sound, with a community of breathtaking mountain climbing trails crisscrossing your complete park.
Whether or not you go for a guided tour otherwise you need to sort out the wilderness your self on a multi-day hike, Fjordlands presents up unbelievable landscapes with a wholesome serving of ice chilly rain and wind.
It’s positively not for the faint of coronary heart!
Picture courtesy of Anuradha Dissanyake.
Discover Auckland
Whereas not the nation’s capital, Auckland is New Zealand’s largest metropolis and a logical beginning and/or ending level when visiting the Land of the Lengthy White Cloud.
Town itself is residence to numerous sights together with the Auckland Museum and the jaw-dropping Sky Tower, however it’s as a base from which to discover close by sights such because the Bay of Islands, Waitomo (see above), or taking a cruise out on the Tasman Sea.
Picture courtesy of Prayitno
Skydive the Bay of Islands
Talking of the Bay of Islands, it is without doubt one of the most wanted skydive locations within the southern hemisphere.
What higher approach to soak up the spectacular chain of islands than from 16,000 ft?
If throwing your self out of a airplane isn’t your cup of tea, the Bay of Islands is a subtropical slice of paradise good for seaside escapes, scuba diving, whale-watching, kayaking, tenting, and way more.
It’s one other one I’m dying to examine off my to-do checklist.
Picture courtesy of Sarah Stewart.
Expertise a Maori hangi
Maori tradition is a captivating a part of New Zealand’s cultural tapestry, and getting a style of that (pun supposed) at a Maori hangi is a implausible technique to sate each your curiousity and your urge for food.
A hangi is a conventional BBQ during which heated rocks are buried alongside meals in a pit oven. Dishes embrace hen, fish, root greens, cabbage, and quite a lot of different flavours.
There are a variety of locations round New Zealand to attend a hangi or a Maori cultural village, so why not add it to your personal bucket checklist?
Go zorbing in Rotorua
If tumbling down a hill inside a big hamster ball isn’t your concept of an excellent time, I don’t assume I need to know you.
Whereas the immediately recognisable inflatable ball can now be discovered everywhere in the world, the unique Zorb is native to New Zealand and is at its finest in Rotorua.
Open 12 months spherical, Zorbing New Zealand lets guests expertise both a moist or dry Zorb journey, and is a superb half day exercise within the geothermally lively nook of the nation.
 Touring to New Zealand
New Zealand is without doubt one of the most secure and most accessible international locations on the planet.
It’s a frighteningly simple nation to navigate that boasts a bit of of the whole lot, English is the lingua franca, and it’s a developed nation in each respect.
With that being mentioned, listed here are a number of useful tricks to be sure you’re prepared.
Don’t neglect to purchase NZ {dollars} forward of your journey, as you could not have entry to bank card or ATM services in every single place you go. Rural areas of the nation are very a lot off the overwhelmed monitor, so it pays to have some money readily available.
Should you’re ticking off any of the above adrenaline fueled actions, there’s at all times the prospect that catastrophe might strike. Don’t be like me after I broke my arm in Indonesia! Purchase journey insurance coverage!
3. E-book your lodging
When you definitely can wing it and simply breeze into city with no hostel lined up, it at all times pays to plan forward in a vacationer haven like New Zealand.
Whether or not it’s hostels or B&Bs or upscale inns, my desire is Reserving.com as a result of free cancellation choice. It’s at all times good to maintain issues versatile till you’re able to hit the highway, proper?
Critically. They’re manna from heaven.
Simply getting began
I’ve barely scratched the floor of what New Zealand has to supply.
Whereas the nation is likely to be small, it’s one of the geographically numerous and interesting nations I’ve had the pleasure of visiting.
I’ll be compiling a 50 merchandise Final New Zealand bucket checklist in time, so I’d love your suggestions to assist me populate it!
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source http://cheaprtravels.com/15-unmissable-experiences-for-your-new-zealand-bucket-list-2/
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
World Cup 2019: New Zealand's street to semi-finals
http://tinyurl.com/y2t5xjzg New Zealand are all set to grow to be the primary group to play their eighth semi-final match in World Cup historical past after they take the sector in opposition to India on the Outdated Trafford cricket floor in Manchester on Tuesday. New Zealand have been some of the constant groups within the event’s historical past however their file within the semi-finals is just not one thing they’d be very pleased with. Out of the seven semi-finals they’ve featured in up to now, New Zealand have misplaced six and received simply as soon as, in 2015 after they reached the ultimate however misplaced Australia within the summit conflict. It’s this file which Kane Williamson’s aspect shall be trying to enhance upon though they’re heading into the last-four conflict on the again of three successive defeats. New Zealand began off sturdy successful six matches on the trot however their marketing campaign suffered within the second-half of the league stage as they misplaced in opposition to Pakistan, Australia and England however nonetheless handle to scrape by means of to the semis due to their superior web run charge over Pakistan. Each groups had been tied on 11 factors however the Kiwis had a NRR of 0.175 whereas Pakistan had a NRR of -0.43. However even with a group that isn’t in the very best of kinds, New Zealand have the power to bounce again and even stun India within the upcoming blockbuster conflict on Tuesday. Off to coaching we go says @JimmyNeesh v Semi-final LIVE Tuesday on @skysportnz + @radiosportnz 10:30am (UKT) | 9:30pm (NZT) #BACKTHEBLACKCAPS #CWC19 pic.twitter.com/9rXVNyzXuU BLACKCAPS (@BLACKCAPS) July 8, 2019 Earlier than the much-awaited conflict, let’s check out how New Zealand reached the semi-finals on this World Cup. NEW ZEALAND vs SRI LANKA New Zealand made a robust assertion proper firstly of their marketing campaign as they thrashed Sri Lanka by 10 wickets of their opening match in Cardiff on June 1. Led by Lockie Ferguson and Matt Henry’s three-wicket hauls every, the Blackcaps bowled Sri Lanka out for a paltry rating of 136 in 29.2 overs. Openers Martin Guptill (73 not out) and Colin Munro (58 not out) then made mild work of the run chase and overhauled the goal in simply 16.1 overs NEW ZEALAND vs BANGLADESH The very subsequent recreation they performed was one the place they had been pushed to the very edge however New Zealand managed to prevail in the long run and beat Bangladesh by 2 wickets in an exhilarating match at The Oval on June 5. Put into bat, Bangladesh rode on Shakib Al Hasan’s 64 and middle-order contributions from Mohammad Mithun (26) and Mohammad Saifuddin (29) to succeed in 244. Matt Henry starred with four wickets whereas Trent Boult picked up 2. New Zealand in reply had been cruising of their run chase at 160 for two when the collapse occurred for them due to a double-wicket over from Mehidy Hasan as he eliminated Kane Williamson (40) and Tom Latham (0) inside 5 deliveries. Ross Taylor’s dismissal for 82 despatched down shivers down their backbone earlier than James Neesham (25), Colin de Grandhomme (15) and Mitchell Santner (17 not out) performed helpful knocks to take the group over the end line in 47.1 overs. Is it going to be a sea of blue on Tuesday? @RossLTaylor expects so! BUT he hopes some NZ flags shall be flying in help too… v Semi-final LIVE Tuesday on @skysportnz + @radiosportnz 10:30am (UKT) | 9:30pm (NZT) #BACKTHEBLACKCAPS #CWC19 pic.twitter.com/aMcJsHUd9B BLACKCAPS (@BLACKCAPS) July 8, 2019 NEW ZEALAND vs AFGHANISTAN The match in opposition to Afghanistan proved to be a cakewalk for Kane Williamson’s group as they received by 7 wickets at Taunton on June eight to register their third successive victory. A five-wicket haul from James Neesham and 4 wickets from Lockie Ferguson noticed New Zealand bowl Afghanistan out for 172 in 41.1 overs. In reply the Kiwis bought to the goal in 32.1 overs with captain Williamson remaining unbeaten on 79 whereas Ross Taylor made 48. NEW ZEALAND vs INDIA India and New Zealand had been the one two unbeaten groups within the competitors earlier than their face-off in Nottingham on June 13 however no play was potential and the match needed to be deserted on account of rain with out a ball being bowled. Each groups dropped factors for the primary time of their marketing campaign, sharing some extent every because of the washout. NEW ZEALAND vs SOUTH AFRICA Kane Williamson’s six underneath strain within the penultimate over proved to be the telling blow as New Zealand defeated South Africa by four wickets and 9 balls to spare to all however knock the Proteas out of the semis race. Lockie Ferguson as soon as once more starred with the ball with Three wickets as New Zealand restricted South Africa to 241 for six within the 49-overs-a-side match. Which @BCCI bowler is @RossLTaylor speaking about right here on the @cricketworldcup?! See should you can guess earlier than he mentions him! v Semi-final LIVE Tuesday on @skysportnz + @radiosportnz 10:30am (UKT) | 9:30pm (NZT) #BACKTHEBLACKCAPS #CWC19 pic.twitter.com/OwBBpLfpGP BLACKCAPS (@BLACKCAPS) July 8, 2019 In reply, the Kiwis bought off to a horror begin as Colin Munro departed within the third over. The center-order failed to fireside as properly and it was solely Kane Williamson’s knock which saved the group within the chase all all through. He first stitched a 60-run stand with opener Martin Guptill (35) earlier than including 57 with Neesham (23) for the fifth wicket. Then got here Colin de Grandhomme, who performed a beautiful cameo of 60 off 47 balls hitting 5 boundaries and two sixes to ease the strain off his captain. The duo added 97 runs for the sixth wicket and took the group shut earlier than the chase turned tense as de Grandhomme departed. However Williamson stayed calm underneath strain and took his group over the end line within the 49th over, ending the match with a six and a 4 to stay unbeaten on 106. NEW ZEALAND vs WEST INDIES The sport between New Zealand and West Indies has most likely been the match of the event up to now which lastly ended with the Kiwis successful by simply 5 runs to stay unbeaten within the competitors. Williamson as soon as once more continued his good kind with the bat and struck 148 off 154 balls after the openers didn’t open their accounts. The captain’s 160-run partnership for the Third-wicket with Ross Taylor (69) noticed the group attain 291 for eight in 50 overs. Sheldon Cottrell picked up four wickets for the Windies whereas Carlos Brathwaite bought two. #BackTheBlackcaps | #TeamIndia pic.twitter.com/JukKZro9In Cricket World Cup (@cricketworldcup) July 7, 2019 A measured 87 off 84 balls from Chris Gayle and Shimron Hetmyer’s 54 had the Windies cruising at one stage. However the chase fell aside for them as soon as the 122-run partnership for the third wicket got here to an finish. Trent Boult (four for 30) and Lockie Ferguson (Three for 59) ran by means of the Windies middle-order earlier than Carlos Brathwaite staged an outstanding battle again as he batted with the tail-enders to take his group inside touching distance. Brathwaite stitched a 47-run stand for the eighth wicket, 34 for the ninth and 41 for the 10th wicket and made 101 earlier than failing to clear the ropes in opposition to a James Neesham supply which led to his dismissal. West Indies fell wanting the goal by simply 5 runs and Brathwaite was down on his knees. NEW ZEALAND vs PAKISTAN New Zealand’s downfall began with the sport in opposition to Pakistan which they misplaced by 6 wickets in Birmingham on June 22. James Neesham and Colin de Grandhomme’s 132-run partnership for the sixth wicket helped New Zealand attain a below-par 237 for six after Shaheen Shah Afridi’s deadly bowling efficiency. Pakistan then rode on an outstanding 101 not out from Babar Azam and 68 off 76 from Haris Sohail to cross the end line with 5 balls to spare and inflict the primary loss on New Zealand. NEW ZEALAND vs AUSTRALIA The trans-Tasman rivalry was renewed on the Lord’s on June 29 however similar to the 2015 World Cup closing, Australia fully outclassed New Zealand in a one-sided contest and received by 86 runs to grow to be the primary group to succeed in the semi-finals. Trent Boult’s hat-trick helped New Zealand prohibit Australia to 243 for 9 regardless of excellent knocks from Usman Khawaja (88) and Alex Carey (71). New Zealand in reply, had been fully blown away by the tempo and swing of Mitchell Starc and Jason Behrendorff as the 2 left-arm quick bowlers shared 7 wickets between themselves. Starc completed with 5 for 26 whereas Behrendorff bought 2 as Australia bowled out the opposition for 157 in 43.four overs. NEW ZEALAND vs ENGLAND The hosts as soon as once more dished out an entire group efficiency after beating India within the earlier recreation and hammered New Zealand by 119 runs to succeed in the semi-finals on July 3.Batting first, England posted 305 for eight on the board with Jonny Bairstow scoring 106 whereas Jason Roy (60) and Eoin Morgan (42) additionally made helpful contributions. Mark Wooden, Jofra Archer, Chris Woakes and Liam Plunkett then rattled the Kiwis with tempo and bounce as England bowled New Zealand out for 186. Wooden bought Three wickets whereas Woakes, Archer, Plunkett, Adil Rashid and Ben Stokes chipped in with a wicket every. After this defeat, New Zealand needed to depend on the results of Pakistan’s closing league match in opposition to Bangladesh to make it to the last-four. Pakistan needed to defeat Bangladesh by atleast 311 runs to topple New Zealand from the fourth place within the desk. Pakistan received by 94 runs to complete their marketing campaign stage on 11 factors with New Zealand however their inferior web run charge noticed Kane Williamson’s aspect sneak into the semi-finals. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)}; if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '605311446619075'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); fbq('track', 'ViewContent'); Source link
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7newx1 · 6 years
Valentine's Daycan be an intimidating event for new couples. Whether you've only been on two or three dates, or have been together for a few months, you're probably still getting to know each other's tastes.  Knowing what to buy for a new love interest can be tough. You've possibly not yet met their friends, so don't have them to fall back on for ideas. And the pressure's on not to be completely outdone by your potential other half.  One option could be to head to a pop-up Valentine's market, such as the one taking place in London's Covent Garden, which will be filled with gifts from the likes of Tom Ford, Miller Harris and Godiva.  Otherwise, take inspiration from our collection of some ideal gift ideas for a new man in your life. Food and drink 1. Bonnie Sauce Co. hot sauce selection gift set £18.95, Not on the High Street Chilli sauce has never been as popular in Britain as it is today. Where once households might just have a bottle of Tabasco, now you can't open a kitchen cupboard without a globe-trotting array of exotic sources: habanero, chipotle, peri-peri, Sriracha - they're all in there.  With chillies having their moment in the sun, this set of artisan sauces is sure to bring some heat to your fledgling relationship.  The set, from The Bonnie Sauce Co, comes with a Fiery Scotch Bonnet, a Smoky Chipotle, a Mango and Habanero and a Jalapeño and Lime - there's sure to be one for any (romantic) meal. 2. Craft beer case £33.50, Amazon The craft beer craze shows no signs of slowing down, and this case, with 10 different beers, would make a fabulous Valentine's present for a beer-loving boyfriend. Included are several top craft beers from some of the best breweries - Goose Island IPA, Camden Hells, Thornbridge Wild Raven, Brewdog Punk IPA and much more. 3. Le Creuset cast iron heart casserole dish  £160, John Lewis For boyfriends who love to cook, this Le Creuset pot will add a romantic touch to the kitchen. It'll also be a subtle hint for your new partner to cook for you more.  Le Creuset cookware isn't cheap, but each piece comes with a lifetime guarantee, so if you're thinking ahead, when you finally move in together you'll be able to use this premium dish as much as you like.  4. The Collection Prosecco & chocolates gift set £20, Marks & Spencer If you're having a romantic Valentine's evening in, this chocolate and Prosecco set is ideal. It's an indulgent match, with Casa D'Amello Prosecco and a collection of the finest chocolates. 5. Personalised Marmite £11.99, Prezzybox.com Credit: prezzybox.com Valentine's Day isn't for everyone. You either love it or you hate it. So what better gift than a jar of spread that divides opinion? Show that you can spread the love and be witty at the same time. (It's also suitable for vegetarians).  Restaurants and experiences 1. Two nights for the price of one hotel break - deluxe selection £139, Buy a Gift  There's nothing better to spark a new romance than a weekend getaway at a beautiful location.  This voucher gets you two nights' accommodation and breakfast with your new love at one of 35 possible locations across the country.  2. Thames jazz cruise with three course dinner and bubbles  £130, Buy a Gift  This is a perfect romantic evening for a music-loving couple. A cruise down the Thames, a glass of bubbly, smooth jazz playing in the background, and a top three-course meal. Love will definitely be in the air.  3. Sexy Fish Valentine's Day menu  £120pp, Sexy Fish Credit: Sexy Fish If you want a special dinner date in a more lively environment, head to Sexy Fish in Mayfair, London, where a special Valentine's Day tasting menu is available between February 9th and February 14th. Sexy Fish is an Asian-inspired restaurant and bar, and the menu features delights like scallops and caviar, a sushi platter and a special Valentine dessert. While it looks pricey, you'll get a lot of very good food. The room will be suitably decorated with red heart balloons, and any guest who chooses the special menu will receive a glass of Perrier Jouet.  To book, visit www.sexyfish.com. 4. Aqua Sana Time Together spa day for two £115pp, Aqua Sana Credit: Aqua Sana Everyone needs a relaxing spa treatment to get through the long winter, and even better if you can share it with your new love. This voucher gives you access to a day at one of five Aqua Sana spas. Aside from access to the spa, you'll get bespoke facials and a back, neck and shoulder massage; refreshments on arrival; lunch at the cafe bar and more.  Grooming products 1. Davidoff Coolwater Mild £14.22, Amazon Davidoff Coolwater is a classic, having been launched in 1988. It's a light, fresh scent, with hints of sandalwood, lavender, jasmine and mint.  Popular and not too expensive, it's ideal for a new boyfriend. 2. Clinique For Men essentials kit  £30, Feel Unique Men love to be pampered, too, and this set from Clinique features four products to keep your new man's skin smooth and young-looking. Included are a face scrub, face wash, moisturiser and anti-ageing eye cream. 3. Cornerstone razor blades and beauty products £14 for six razors, Cornerstone Cornerstone is a premium razor brand offering a tailored subscription service. Its German-engineered blades have been praised by pretty much everyone who has used them.  If you're not quite sure what your new boyfriend's shaving patterns are, why not opt for a one-off purchase? Choose a set of razor blades, or grooming products such as face wash, face scrub, shaving gel and post-shave balm. Tech and gadgets 1. Timex Fairfield contactless brown leather watch £159, H Samuel The Fairfield Contactless is a brand-new offering from Timex. The 'contactless' refers to the ability to make contactless payments. Unlike many of the new watches with technical capabilities, the Timex Fairfield maintains a classic, classy design.  2. Bose SoundLink waterproof portable Bluetooth speaker £99.95, John Lewis The Bose SoundLink is a remarkable speaker for its size. It can fit in the palm of your hand, but its sound can easily fill a room. It's ideal for long Netflix sessions, replacing tinny laptop noise with a fuller sound.  What's more, it's waterproof, so you can also take long, romantic bubble baths accompanied by your favourite music. 3. 'Central Perk' ceramic coffee mug £9.18, Amazon Both Friends and plastic have been big news this month. So if your boyfriend is a Friends-loving coffee fan (who would like to cut down on his use of disposable cups), this present is ideal.  The portable, ceramic mug references the famous cafe around which the TV show revolved (how did they manage to bag the best table every time?).  Looking to find your special someone? Visit Telegraph Dating at dating.telegraph.co.uk View latest offers from Buyagift​ Black Friday products
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wineanddinosaur · 6 years
The Las Vegas Restaurant With a 3,000-Bottle List and Acrobatic ‘Wine Angel’
Whenever Hannah McBride is asked to hunt down a bottle of wine, she has to decipher a six-digit string of numbers. It’s part of what she does every night during her shifts at Aureole, a restaurant inside Mandalay Bay, just off the Las Vegas Strip. Get the numbers. Find the wine. Dive and somersault her way back down to the bar.
One of two “wine angels” employed by the restaurant, McBride spends the night rising and descending inside a four-story wine tower that can hold up to 10,000 bottles.
If the first digit is a “1,” then that means the bottle is hiding somewhere inside the tower, and not one of the restaurant’s other rooms that house bottles of Pinot and older vintages.
In that case, McBride straps in, remote in hand. The climate-controlled tower feels a little cool, since it’s kept at cellar temperature, around 55 degrees. McBride focuses on the numbers as she moves around the wine racks made of sandblasted Plexiglas. The second digit tells her what side of the four-sided tower it’s on. Based on the third digit, she’ll adjust her position up or down to the correct level. The last three numbers identify the correct bin, and then voila! Wine is produced.
You, of course, don’t see any of that going through her head. While she’s using the numbers to track down bottles, what you see is Hannah smiling and making eye contact with guests. She extends her limbs and performs graceful spins and splits like some sort of slow-motion, wine-toting aerial acrobat. It reminds you a little of that famous cable-drop scene in “Mission Impossible” involving Tom Cruise.
“The main requirement,” McBride says about her job, “is that you’re not scared of heights.”
Before she delivers the correct bottle to the sommelier, who presents the selection to the table, McBride unhinges the harness, leaves the tower, and rejoins the staff on the ground. Sometimes, she joins the sommelier at the table so she can say hello and chat with guests, who naturally have tons of questions for her once she’s back on terra firma. Guests greet her warmly. They ask for selfies. McBride, who’s been doing this since January 2018, obliges them all.
“I love talking to people. I’ll be up in the tower and notice tables that are just, like, in awe and taking pictures. And so when I get down, I know I’ll need to go over there,” McBride says, noting that guests “come from all over, which is cool. I’m all about hospitality. I love making this a great experience for people.”
“The main requirement,” McBride says about her job, “is that you’re not scared of heights.”
A trained gymnast, McBride says that background gives her the flexibility she needs for the aerial arts component of her work at Aureole. Of course, that’s just one part of her job.
Being a wine angel means you are part sommelier, part showman. After all, when you’re fetching wine from a 42-foot-tall tower with a frame made of stainless steel and fitted with laminated glass — well, like it or not, the spotlight is on you. It’s showtime.
McBride estimates it takes her about 10 seconds, once she’s strapped into the harness, to raise herself from ground level to the apex of the tower. Inside, she’s got access to an intercom, plus a holster that she slides the bottles into once she’s found them and is ready to come down.
The wine tower cost $1.2 million to build and was conceived by hospitality designer Adam Tihany, who actually took his inspiration from that “Mission Impossible” scene.
Aureole’s wine list has some 3,000 selections, all of which is overseen by Mandalay Bay’s director of wine, Harley Carbery. He creates a rotating, by-the-glass list of four dozen wines that features two recommended pairings for each of the 24 dishes on the restaurant’s menu, and a wine table situated next to the host stand displays the rundown of each night’s offerings.
“Aureole’s wine tower is one of the most iconic wine towers in the world,” Carbery says. He often sees guests “stop what they’re doing just to take a picture of the wine angels fetching bottles in the tower. It definitely has to be one of the most photographed locations in Vegas.”
“It’s funny,” McBride says. “The stairs into the restaurant kind of circle around the tower, and people sometimes have no idea. So they’re walking and then all of a sudden see me hanging there and just do a double-take. And they’re like, what? It’s not something you see every day.”
Las Vegas launched its “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” slogan way back in 2003, and industry analysts consider it “one of the more famous taglines in modern tourism.” Wine angels exist in other bars around the world, but there is something unmistakably Las Vegas-esque about their tower, McBride and Carbery say. The things that happen in Vegas are bigger, flashier, and more of a spectacle than almost anywhere else around.
There are a lot of restaurants in Las Vegas, and even more performers. But there’s only one Hannah McBride.
The post The Las Vegas Restaurant With a 3,000-Bottle List and Acrobatic ‘Wine Angel’ appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/las-vegas-wine-angel/
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easytravelpw-blog · 6 years
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Full text write on https://easy-travel.pw/about-the-ship-the-silversea-silver-muse/trip-planning/
About the Ship: the Silversea Silver Muse
01 of 07
Silversea Cruises
Silversea Cruises launched the 596-guest Silver Muse in April 2017, and the luxury ship has eight passenger decks and many features that past Silversea guests and new cruise travelers will love. First, the almost-all inclusive ship has 411 crew members, so the service is outstanding. Every spacious stateroom is a suite and has a designated butler and all the amenities expected from this luxury line. The ship's eight dining venues include 28 varieties of culinary delights, so multiple selections are available at every meal. In addition, the indoor and outdoor common areas are fashionable and relaxing, with interesting decor and artwork. Finally, the Silver Muse sails worldwide itineraries to fascinating destinations where its guests can interact and hear about different cultures, make life-long memories, and learn more about the world around them ​while staying in the ship's luxury environment.
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02 of 07
Standard Suites on the Silver Muse
Silversea Cruises
All 286 suites on the Silver Muse have butler service; twin or queen-sized bed configuration; bed-side USB ports for charging electronic devices; a refrigerator and bar setup stocked with guest preferences; premium bath amenities; fine bed linens and down duvet covers; a choice of pillow types; bathrobes and slippers; personalized stationery; binoculars; umbrella; daily newspaper; large flat screen television with interactive media library; twice daily suite service; and at least one hour complimentary WiFi internet access each day per guest. 
Veranda Suites
Of the 286 suites onboard, the Silver Muse has 230 suites classified as Classic Veranda, Superior Veranda, or Deluxe Veranda.  The three types of veranda suites are identical in size, configuration, and amenities, but the price differs based on location. Each veranda suite has 387 square feet, including a 64 square foot veranda. Veranda Suites are located on decks 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Travelers will appreciate the spacious walk-in closet, marble bath with separate tub and shower, sitting area, two television systems, and the butler and room service. Each Veranda Suite guest receives one-hour of free Wi-Fi service each day. 
Six Veranda Suites connect to the Royal or Grand Suites, making them two-bedroom accommodations for families.
Vista Suites
The Silver Muse has six Vista Suites on deck 4. Three of the suites are wheelchair accessible. These 240-square foot suites have a large window and sitting area but do not have a veranda. They have a shower with a seat, but no bathtub. The rest of the amenities are the same as seen in other suite categories.
Panorama Suites
The Silver Muse has six Panorama Suites on deck 9. These suites measure 334 square feet but have a large picture window instead of a veranda. Since two of the Panorama Suites connect to a Silver Suite and the other four of the Panorama Suites connect to an Owner's Suite, families can book both suites for a two-bedroom accommodation. 
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03 of 07
Large Suites on the Silver Muse
Silversea Cruises
In addition to the standard suites, the Silver Muse has four different categories of larger suites. Each provides all the amenities found in the standard suites, but also include large sitting area with a dining table and chairs, separate bedroom with dressing table, large walk-in closet, bathroom with double sinks, separate tub and shower, powder room, espresso machine, two 55-inch television systems (smaller suites have 42-inch), and Bose Sound Touch 30 with Bluetooth connectivity. All of these larger suites also include unlimited WiFi. 
Silver Suites
The 34 Silver Suites on decks 9, 10, and 11 are a favorite of many Silversea guests since they provide a luxurious apartment-like space, but are not as costly as the other three large suite categories. A one-bedroom Silver Suite measures a spacious 786-square-feet and expands to 1119-square-feet when families combine it with an adjoining Panorama Suite. 
The layout of the Silver Suites is similar to that found on the Silver Spirit.
Royal Suites
The two Royal Suites on the Silver Muse are found forward on deck 7. These suites measure 1130-square-feet but expand to 1528-square-feet when combined with an adjoining Veranda Suite. The forward views from these suites are spectacular, and the large living room/dining room and private veranda provide exceptional space for entertaining new or old friends and family.  The authentic Italian furnishings reflect the Silversea heritage.
Grand Suites
The four Grand Suites on the Silver Muse are found forward on deck 8 and 9. Like the Royal Suites, this category has the same amazing forward sea views as those seen from the navigation bridge. The Grand Suites are similar in configuration to the Royal Suites, but are larger, measuring 1475-1572 square feet or 1873-1970 square feet when combined with an adjoining Veranda Suite. The two verandas that wrap around the outside of these suites are about 500 square feet and huge.
The Grand Suites have all the amenities of the Royal Suites but feature a king-sized bed that can be made up as two twin beds rather than a queen-sized.  In addition, guests staying in the Grand Suites can enjoy a complimentary dinner at La Dame.
Owner's Suites
The four Owner's Suites on the Silver Muse are located in a prime location—mid-ship on deck 9 near the Panorama Lounge, spiral staircase, and aft elevators. The one-bedroom Owner's Suites range in size from 1281-1389 square feet with a 129-square-foot balcony or can be combined with an adjoining Panorama Suite, which adds an additional 334 square feet.
Like the Grand Suites, these feature a king-sized bed and the finest in Italian ambiance and furnishings. 
Continue to 4 of 7 below.
04 of 07
Traditional Dining on the Silver Muse
Silversea Cruises
The Silver Muse has eight different dining venues. Three of these—Atlantide, Indochine, and Spaccanapoli—are complimentary and have open seating for dinner. Three others—La Terrazza, Silver Note, and Hot Rocks Grill—are complimentary, with reservations necessary. The other two restaurants—La Dame and Kaiseki—require reservations and carry an extra surcharge. 
Silversea ships have complimentary drinks all day and night, with about 60 different complimentary wines available on each cruise. About 500 bottles of wine, 500 bottles of beer, and 80 bottles of champagne are consumed each day on the Silver Muse. In addition, 800 cans of soda, 100 Spirits, and 1100 cups of coffee are served. The bartenders quickly learn each guest's preferences, and they offer interesting cocktails and martinis in addition to the standard beer, wine, and mixed drinks. 
In addition to the eight restaurants onboard, the Art Cafe on deck 8 aft serves complimentary light snacks and specialty coffees/teas from 6:30 a.m. until 9 p.m. each day. People gather to eat a late (or early) breakfast and work the daily Sudoku, crossword puzzle, or trivia questions. They also gather for afternoon tea, sandwiches, scones, and snacks. The seating is very comfortable, with space indoors and out.
Guests can also order complimentary 24-hour room service from the menu in their suites. 
Let's take a look at the complimentary restaurants in more detail.
Atlantide is the largest dining venue on the Silver Muse. Located aft on deck 4, its cuisine and variety of tastes is similar to The Restaurant on other Silversea ships. Seafood and steaks are the most popular items, but Atlantide has a huge menu, so it's fun to sample the variety of appetizers, main courses, and desserts by dining at Atlantide on different nights. 
Atlantide also features complimentary breakfast and lunch ordered from a menu. 
Indochine is the Silver Muse's Asian restaurant, with dishes from India, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, and China on the dinner menu. It is located next to Atlantide on deck 4 aft. Appetizers like beef tataki, Saku tuna, and foie gras with Asian spices will make your mouth water. The soups and noodle bowls (pho and tom yum goong) are delightful; the lobster, crab legs, and red snapper feature tasty flavors; and the short ribs, Osso Bucco, beef, and chicken complete the main menu. Dessert lovers will enjoy the rice pudding and other delicacies.
La Terrazza
Cruise travelers expect an Italian-owned luxury cruise line to have a memorable Italian restaurant, and La Terrazza on the Silver Muse continues as the cruise line's hallmark Italian dining experience. Like the other venues, La Terrazza has a large menu, and the appetizers, plates of pasta, main courses and desserts are all delicious. Many guests start with antipasti like a salad or carpaccio, followed by one of the homemade pasta or soups, and then finish with a beef, veal, or fish dish. Of course, one has to save room for tiramisu or gelato!
La Terrazza has indoor and outdoor dining and is open as a buffet for breakfast and lunch.
The Grill (Hot Rocks)
The Grill is located outdoors by the swimming pool on deck 10 and is open for casual lunch and dinner. Lunch includes hamburgers, hot dogs, sandwiches, salads, and a daily special. Since The Grill stays open longer for lunch, it's a perfect choice for those looking for a late bite after a shore excursion or free time ashore. 
Dinner at The Grill is a favorite of many who love their steak cooked “just right”. Since the steaks, seafood, and vegetables are served on a hot rock, guests cook their own, so it should come out perfectly. A selection of side dishes and sauces accompany the grilled food. The steaks are yummy, but the salmon and prawns are also fun to cook. Veggie lovers have a selection of vegetables to choose from, and many foodies agree they taste so much better grilled than steamed.
In addition to a fine Italian restaurant like La Terrazza, it's appropriate for an Italian cruise ship to have an excellent pizzeria, and the Silver Muse has Spaccanapoli, a casual eatery outdoors on deck 11 overlooking the pool. The large selection of pizza toppings will make it difficult to decide, but guests can always go back for a snack, lunch, or dinner since the restaurant is open from 11 am to 11 pm each day.  The thin crust, crispy pizza tastes just like those you find in Naples. In addition, Spaccanapoli serves a selection of about a dozen gelati, frozen yogurts, and sorbets. These treats can be ordered at the table or take-away.
Silver Note
Located next to La Terraza on deck 7, Silver Note is the cruise ship's supper club, with small plates and tapas on the menu. The dinner experience includes a jazz and blues singer and the sometimes even a little dancing. 
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Alternative Dining on the Silver Muse
Silversea Cruises
Two specialty restaurants on the Silver Muse have an extra surcharge and require a reservation. These intimate venues offer a memorable meal and exquisite presentation. They are perfect for celebrating a special event like a birthday or anniversary. Both of these venues are tiny, so reservations should be booked before boarding if you want to dine on a select date.
La Dame by Relais & Châteaux
La Dame is the specialty French restaurant on the Silver Muse and has a bespoke dinner menu developed by top chefs from the Relais & Châteaux team. As expected, the menu is filled with rich French food featuring interesting sauces and combinations. 
Kaiseki is the Japanese restaurant on the Silver Muse. Guests can enjoy complimentary sushi at the sushi bar for lunch, and dinner features a teppanyaki grill and sushi. The dinner menu is expansive and memorable.
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Silver Muse Interior Common Areas
Silversea Cruises
The interior common areas of the Silver Muse are elegant and subdued, with splashes of bright color in the artwork and accessories. The soft grays and beiges give the cruise ship a quiet, restful ambiance, perfect for a luxury cruise ship. 
Lounges and Bars
The Silver Muse has ten lounges spread around the ship. The Panorama Lounge and Arts Cafe deliver great indoor and outdoor seating and aft sea views. Dolce Vita is the main lounge and occupies a large space on deck 5. It has a bar, comfortable seating, and is the home of the Shore Excursion, Future Cruise Planning, and Reception Desks. Panorama and Dolce Vita usually feature live music before and after dinner.
Tor's Observation Library and Lounge is forward on deck 11 and provides the same great views as the navigation bridge directly below it. This lounge is usually quiet and is a good place to read and watch the scenery. Tor's is named for Torstein Hagen, the founder, chairman, and CEO of Viking Cruises. Mr. Hagen is a good friend of Manfredi Lefebvre d'Ovidio, the Executive Chairman of Silversea Cruises. Mr. Hagen named the Italian steakhouse restaurant on the Viking Cruises' ocean ships Manfredi's because of the counsel Mr. Lefebvre had provided during the construction and launch of Viking's ocean ships. To reciprocate and celebrate their friendship, Mr. Lefebvre named the observation library “Tor's”. 
The Venetian Lounge is the main show lounge on the Silver Muse. It has a cabaret feel and features nightly performances by the Silversea singers and dancers or guest performers who come onto the ship for a few days. The Venetian Lounge is also used for lectures on a variety of topics including destinations, history, or the arts, and the lounge has a wide screen for showing movies.
Connoisseur's Corner is the ship's smoking lounge, with fine cigars, cognac, and rich leather sofas and furnishings. It is located next to the Arts Cafe, aft on deck 8.
The Zagara Spa, Beauty Salon, Barber Shop, and Fitness Center
The spa, beauty, and fitness facilities on the Silver Muse are located on deck 6 aft. Like many cruise ship spas, the Zagara Spa is operated by Steiner Leisure and offers many different types of facials, massages, and other wellness activities. The spa has nine treatment rooms, floor-to-ceiling windows, an acupuncture suite, relaxation area, and a dedicated outdoor whirlpool. 
The beauty salon and barber shop offer a full range of haircuts, styles, and colors. In addition, men can get a shave and a haircut, and the nail technician offers several different types of manicures and pedicures.
The fitness center has many different types of exercise equipment. It almost makes exercise fun when you have nice sea views! Personal trainers are available for one-on-one training sessions in the gym, and exercise classes are held each day in the fitness center. 
The Boutique Shops
The boutique shops sell a variety of clothing, jewelry, watches, and essential toiletries in the onboard shops. The ship also has an Italian cobbler from Preludio of Capri who will make custom sandals for the guests. Many guests often ask what was the most expensive item ever sold in the onboard boutiques. According to Silversea, it was a $190,000 Hubert diamond bracelet. Swiss watches are also a popular purchase on the Silver Muse.
The Casino
The Casino on deck 7 of the Silver Muse is small but has slot machines, poker, roulette, and blackjack games.  Silversea reports that the “average” gambler on their ships spends about $50-$100 per day. 
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Silver Muse Outdoor Decks
Silversea Cruises
This small ship also has spacious outdoor deck areas. Even travelers on luxury cruises expect plenty of lounges, chairs, and outdoor deck space for sunning or relaxing. You won't find an aqua park or water slides since this ship is quieter and more adult-oriented (although it does have a children's room and outdoor play area on deck 9). 
The swimming pool and two whirlpools are located mid-ship on deck 10.  A third, out-of-the-way whirlpool is found aft on deck 10. Very comfortable lounge chairs are found outdoors throughout the ship, especially on decks 8-11 aft, as are padded chairs perfect for reading or socializing. The pool and bar staff circulate the outdoor area, offering cold towels or icy drinks. The ship has a dedicated walking/jogging track on deck 11 aft, and a partial promenade encircles part of deck 5. 
Overall, this new cruise ship is a great addition to the Silversea fleet and the luxury cruise market. The ship sails to all seven continents and many guests combine multiple segments for an extended superb cruise experience since each segment is different. The Silver Muse is beautiful inside and out and ready to carry Silversea guests to destinations all over the world in the years to come. Just as importantly, the staff is exceptional and ready to provide the high level of service that guests expect from Silversea Cruises.
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marketerarena-blog · 6 years
Beer Pong, River Boats, and Barbecue: The 4-day Weekend in Bangkok
There are certain cities around the world that evoke a sense of place before you even set foot in them. Paris is the city of light (or love, depending on who you ask) and Venice’s canals and legendary piazzas have long inspired lovers and the literati over the years. Bangkok however is not one of those cities. With a population of around 12 million, Bangkok’s frenetic energy can be overwhelming to the most seasoned of travelers.
    While the Thai capital is difficult to define in any exacting terms or catchphrases, it’s a place that is and always will be in the words of the late Anthony Bourdain, “a city that is never boring,” an ideal that travelers have fully embraced over the years. With no shortage of things to do, from one of the city’s best BBQ joints and beer pong bars to an early morning canal ride along the Chao Phraya river, here’s where to spend the ultimate long weekend in Bangkok.
The World's Fittest Vacation: Phuket, Thailand
Where to Stay 
Bangkok’s reputation for being a late-night party destination juxtaposed with its glittering temples and centuries-old palaces have long attracted traveler’s eager to partake in a piece of the action. And while there’s no shortage of accommodations ranging from über luxe to budget-friendly, here’s a look at some of the city’s best haunts.
City View Morning Twilight of Ratchadamri Road Views over the Royal Bangkok Sports Club hongsiri Kittikamhaeng / Getty Images
  For Business or Pleasure
The Waldorf Astoria Bangkok, which opened this summer, perfectly embodies Bangkok’s spirit by blending modernity and tradition. It’s set along Ratchadamri Boulevard in the heart of Bangkok’s fashionable shopping district with direct access to the Bangkok Transit SkyTrain (BTS). The property boasts six bars and restaurants, as well as a beautiful rooftop pool, destination spa, and plenty of conference rooms and meeting spaces. This is the perfect spot for business jetsetter’s looking for a luxurious oasis right in the heart of downtown.
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For Groups, Dining, and Partying
There’s no hotel more synonymous with Bangkok than Lebua at State Tower. Hovering 65-stories above the city, the property’s renowned golden dome made its worldwide debut back in 2011 in The Hangover II. Today, Lebua is home to some of the city’s most notable drinking and dining outposts including the outstanding two-Michelin-starred Mezzaluna, as well as the world’s highest open air champagne bar and whiskey lounge. The hotel, an all-suites property each with its own balcony, is perfect for large groups, friends, and foodies eager to get out and explore the city by day and imbibe with trendy Thai’s, expats, and tourists by night.
How to Get Around Bangkok
Accessible by tuk tuk, Grab (Thailand’s version of Uber), and SkyTrain (BTS), Bangkok has never been easier to navigate. Wherever you go, be prepared to sit in traffic during peak business hours Monday-Friday.
What to Do in Bangkok
Museums & Markets
Jim Thompson’s House
A traditional teak-and-Thai-style home turned museum, Jim Thompson’s House is filled with priceless antiques, pottery, and curiosities. (Fun fact: Jim Thompson, founder of the eponymous silk company, is credited with reviving the dying local silk trade in Thailand.) After touring the house, stop by the Jim Thompson Silk Shop to pick up some beautiful (albeit pricey) handwoven garments and souvenirs for sale.
The Most Epic Outdoor Adventures in Southeast Asia
Patpong Night Market
Set in the heart of Silom near one of Bangkok’s designated red light districts, Patpong Night Market has become one of the city’s best places to pick up everything from knock-off Louis Vuitton to t-shirts, handicrafts to street food.
Siam Square
Set in one of the city’s most fashionable neighborhoods, Siam Square is where young, fashion-forward Thais and tourists come to find the latest trends.
Pratunam Market
Put your haggling skills to use at Pratunam market, one of the largest open-air clothes, shoes, and street food markets in town.
The world’s largest Chinatown and one of the oldest neighborhood’s in Bangkok, Chinatown was first inhabited by Chinese traders in 1782. Today, a walk along the narrow alleys and back alleys of Chinatown feels like stepping back in time and witnessing a bit of Bangkok’s past and present collide.
Chinatown Yaowarat Thanapol Marattana / Getty Images
Nang Loeng Market
One of the oldest markets in Bangkok (if not all of SE Asia). Foodies head to Nang Loeng for the variety of local Thai, Chinese, and SE Asian-inspired dishes.
Pak Klong Talat (Flower Market)
Easily Bangkok’s most colorful, if not most fragrant market, Pat Klong Talat is an effervescent collection of stalls selling flowers and fresh produce. Open 24 hours a day, this is a great place to see the rich variety of locally grown Thai produce while wandering through the maze of stalls.
Temples & Palaces
With an estimated 2,000 wats (temples) in Bangkok alone, here are a few of the best places to wat-hop around town. It’s important to note when touring any religious site in Thailand that covering your shoulders and legs (below the knees) is mandatory. While some wats will have clothing available for purchase, it’s always best to be prepared.
The Marble Temple Pakin Songmor / Getty Images
Grand Palace Complex
Wat Phra Kaeo or the Grand Palace complex is easily Bangkok’s most visited attraction. Home to Emerald Buddha and the former royal residence, you could spend hours exploring the grounds here. Just be sure to get here early to beat the crowds.
Wat Pho
One of the oldest wats in Bangkok, Wat Pho is home to Bangkok’s famous reclining Buddha, measuring in at 150 feet long.
Wat Saket
Wat Saket or Golden Mount is a beautiful Buddhist Temple that sits on top of the Golden Mountain (Phu Khao Thong) inside the Wat Saket complex. As the name suggests, you’ll need to climb some 300 steps to get to the top, so don’t forget your walking shoes.
Wat Arun
Accessible by river boat, Wat Arun is named after the Indian god of dawn, and is ornately covered in pieces of Chinese porcelain and beautiful mosaics.
Iconic Wat Arun bangkok seng chye teo / Getty Images
Canal Tour – Hop on a long tail boat and head down the Chao Phraya river along Bangkok’s back channels and canals. It’s one of the best ways to see how local Bangkokian’s live today. There are several tour operators available, however it’s highly recommended to go early in the morning to beat the heat (and the bugs).
Muay Thai Fight – Rajadamnern Boxing Stadium was the first Muay Thai stadium built in Thailand—back in 1945—and is one of the best places to see the world’s best championship fighters in action. (Lumpinee and Rajadamnern are the two other major stadiums.). If you’re interested in taking your boxing game to the next level, check out one of the city’s many Muay Thai gyms and studios around the city.
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Baan Krua – Bangkok’s ‘Textile District’ dates back to the end of the 18th century. Baan Krua—a canal-side neighborhood known for its historical silk-weaving traditions—was established by Cham Muslims who emigrated from Cambodia and Vietnam. The community flourished in the mid-20th century with the silk trade boom and today the Baan Krua community continues to operate several family-run silk factories that are involved in every step of production, from dying to weaving, using old wooden looms.
Lumphini Park – Considered Bangkok’s version of “Central Park,” Lumphini Park is the city’s largest public green space. It’s a great place to take a stroll or ride a bike. If you’re in the neighborhood, don’t miss a chance to watch locals perform Tai Chi every morning around sunrise.
Bangkok, Lumphini park at morning Sylvain Sonnet / Getty Images
  Where to Eat and Drink in Bangkok
Boasting a wide-range of international cuisines, Bangkok is easily one of the world’s best eating cities. From the world’s only Michelin starred street cart to a trip to the top of The Hangover Hotel for some fine dining, these are the spots you don’t want to miss on your next trip to Bangkok.
Mezzaluna: Set on the 65th floor at Tower Club at Lebua, Mezzaluna is a two-Michelin-starred restaurant that combines French and Japanese cuisine. This is easily Bangkok’s fanciest, most romantic date-night digs.
Supanniga Dinner Cruise: This 40-seat dinner cruise along the Chao Phraya River features a six-course tasting dinner of authentic Thai cuisine.
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Err Bangkok: Run by husband and wife team Bo and Dylan, this local Thai spot is known for their passion fruit cocktails and traditional Thai dishes all served up in a casual setting. If you’re looking for something a bit more upscale, the couple also owns Bo Lan (a hybrid of both owner’s names), which is consistently rated one of the best upscale Thai spots in town.
The Never Ending Summer: Set on the campus of The Jam Factory—formerly abandoned warehouses in Bangkok’s creative district—The Never Ending Summer is one of the city’s most exciting spots to try modern Thai cuisine in a convivial atmosphere.
Issaya Siamese Club: Set in a luscious garden, this elegantly restored 100-year-old villa is a romantic Thai restaurant.
Issaya Siamese Club Courtesy of Issaya Siamese Club
  Jay Fai: This tiny street-side haunt may not look like much, but step inside Jay Fai and you’ll be met with what’s considered the city’s best wok fried crab omelet and tom yum soup in town. Diners beware though, word is out about this Michelin starred street food spot, so get ready to queue up and wait.
Gaggan: One of Asia’s hottest restaurants at the moment, Gaggan has been rated one of the top 50 restaurants in the world for the last four years in a row—and for good reason. Set in a colonial-style, double-story timber, the menu is a mix of “progressive Indian” dishes that’s a journey of the senses from start to finish.
Paste Bangkok: Set in the city’s fashionable Gaysorn Village shopping complex, chef Bee Satongun is serving up some of Bangkok’s most authentic yet modern Thai fare in an upscale setting.
Smokin Pug: Bangkok’s barbecue scene has come a long way over the years, and it doesn’t get much better than Smokin’ Pug. Set along Langsuan Road, adjacent to Bangkok’s Lumphini Park, this is one of the city’s go-to spots for baby back ribs, pulled pork, and brisket.
Somtum Der: This Michelin-rated restaurant’s specialties include Som Tam (spicy Papaya Salad) as well as an epic tasting platter.
Suppaniya Eating Room: Afternoon tea is a must at this charming riverside locale, as is the home cooked pad Thai, Isan steak and Tom Yum Goong—a traditional hot and sour soup simmered and served to spicy perfection.
Eathai: Thailand’s version of Eataly, Eathai offers a variety of local street food vendors and restaurants on the ground floor of a Central Embassy shopping mall.
Silom Village: Set in the Silom Village complex, featuring nightly performances, this Thai dinner theater has been a BKK mainstay for years.
Yaowarat Street (Chinatown): Bangkok’s Chinatown, known locally as Yaowarat, is an absolute must for foodies and intrepid eaters alike. There’s a steady mix of culinary influences; get the dim sum, Peking duck, and freshly grilled seafood.
3 Trips You Need to Take in Your 20’s
Bangkok has a reputation for being an all-night party town. From mega clubs and cabaret to a stroll down Khao San Road, these are a few standout spots for adrenaline seekers and party-goers alike.
Beer Belly: Tonglor Soi (street) is BKK’s unofficial party spot featuring two of the city’s best beer bars. The first is Beer Belly, which has jenga, beer pong and more than 20 beers on tap. Around the corner you’ll find Atomic Bangkok—a giant beer pong bar that hosts nightly tournaments and casual table games.
Teens of Thailand: Set along Soi Nana in Chinatown, TOT is a cozy gin-based cocktail bar serving good drinks and fresh beats to Thai hipsters and expats alike. Hot tip: If you want to keep the party going late-night, head directly next door to 23 Bar & Gallery where a local DJ spins some classic hits and Leos and Changs are $2 all night long.
Tep Bar: Another hidden gem set along Soi Nana, this local speakeasy can be tough to find if you don’t look closely. Once inside, you’ll be transported to a bygone era for their decadent tapas-style bites and selection of Thai-infused herbal liqueurs, rums, and whiskey drinks.
Maggie Choo’s: Set on Silom Road and inspired by 1950’s Shanghai nights, Maggie Choo’s is Bangkok’s perennially popular party spot offering swanky drinks and décor.
Alfresco 64: Alfresco 64 is the highest outdoor whisky bar in the world offering connoisseurs and jetsetters the ultimate whisky drinking experience up on the 64th floor of the Tower Club at Lebua.
Khao San Road: Backpackers have been flocking to Bangkok’s Khao San Road for years in search of cheap drinks and cheaper thrills. If you really want to see the street in action, make sure you head here late at night when street vendors and bars are in full swing.
Calypso Cabaret: Calypso is a Vegas-style Cabaret show featuring an eclectic mix of beautifully adorned lady boys singing everything from Elvis and En Vogue to Hava Nagila.
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Day Trips from Bangkok
Hua Hin
Considered to be Bangkok’s version of the Hamptons, Hua Hin is a chic beach resort town featuring dozens of trendy restaurants and beachside hotels, including Baba Beach Club (the Bangkokian version of Surf Lodge.) Accessible by car or train, it can take around three hours (depending on traffic) to get here, so plan accordingly. There are no shortage of beautiful places to stop along the way, including Tham Khao Luang, a Buddhist temple and cave with friendly wat monkeys just waiting to be fed.
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itsworn · 6 years
Modern-Day Sleeper 1973 Chevrolet Camaro Adds Sizzle to Your Commute
By today’s standards, a second-generation Camaro with subtle paint and a lowered stance can easily blend into traffic given its sleeper-esque vibe, allowing it move amongst the normal flow without raising an eyebrow. Being a sleeper doesn’t always have to equate to a sedan packing a built V-8 with a shot of nitrous, lack of flash, and dog dish hubcaps as it did in years past. Using today’s cutting-edge technology, a clean-looking muscle car can possess Ferrari-hunting skills ready to take on the competition in a moment’s notice. Imagine the complete surprise of a supercar owner getting dusted by a car that in their opinion doesn’t have the proper look or lineage … priceless!
For Tom Tomlinson, of Bowling Green, Kentucky, the challenge was to create a multilayered muscle car embracing the classic lines of a revered factory design with amazing capabilities once you peel back its skin to reveal the ultimate in modern suspension dynamics and engine development. The fusion would create a car with unparalleled performance and dependability, able to cruise local streets as well as take on the autocross and road courses during track days.
As President and CEO of Holley Performance Products, Tom’s automotive background dates back to growing up in the early ’60s when the advent of muscle cars was taking over the streets. Reading an endless stream of magazines like Hot Rod, Car Craft, Super Chevy, and Rod & Custom for the tech articles and features fueled his automotive skills and knowledge of the performance aftermarket.
While many memorable cars and projects have passed through his garage over the years, there are a few that left a long-lasting impression, especially the jet-black ’69 Chevy Caprice he discovered on a used car lot right after graduating from high school. The car sported hideaway headlights, Corvette Rally wheels, and 427ci badges on the fenders and immediately garnering his attention. Lifting the hood revealed the big-block was still in place, making it a true sleeper, packing the ultimate surprise.
As the years passed, he would religiously follow all of the legendary first-gen Camaro builds by Mark Stielow, cataloging all the information he could in hopes that the knowledge would eventually work its way into the future build of a second-gen Camaro for himself. Finally ready, he started his quest and eventually located a suitable base to start with on eBay. The car was a relatively clean, stock ’73 Camaro LT/RS that had lived most of its life in California, featuring a 350ci V-8 linked to a four-speed.
A deal was made and the car changed hands, along with some interesting history discovered after its arrival. It seems Phil Schilling, then Managing Editor of Cycle magazine, originally owned the Camaro. With help from then Tech Editor Patrick Bedard at Car & Driver magazine, the car was ordered as an LT/RS knowing it would be one of the last small-bumper Camaros to roll off the assembly line. The car was later featured on the cover of Classic Auto Restorer magazine, highlighting Phil’s 19 years of ownership and the potential future value as a collector car; now that’s pretty cool. With the title of the car now in hand, Tom embarked on a 5-year journey to inject the Stielow formula into it while working with many of the industry’s top performance leaders. The plan was to create a modern-day sleeper, the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing with substantial tires on the pavement, big brakes, memorable handling, and over 700 hp on tap.
Being totally hands-on throughout the project, Tom—assisted by his son Chad—began with the disassembly of the car. They cataloged all of the parts throughout the process in preparation for it being delivered to Kyle Tucker and his team at Detroit Speed (DSE) to take on the suspension dynamics. Starting out back to deliver the power to the street, DSE first prepared the car for a massive rubber infusion by installing their 18-gauge mini-tubs. They followed up to achieve elite handling by preparing it for an upgrade to DSE’s QUADRALink rear suspension. The system features their exclusive four-link geometry design with Swivel-Link, high durometer rubber bushings, DSE/JRi double-adjustable coilover reservoir shocks, 1 1/4-inch antisway bar, Panhard bar, and subframe connectors. A DSE 9-inch Ford housing features a Strange Engineering aluminum centersection with Truetrac spinning 3.73:1 gears built to Tom’s width specs. It packs a Stielow punch, incorporating axle ends using Corvette C6 hubs and custom axles that function as a full-floater utilizing Corvette C6 calipers and e-brake components.
DSE then moved to the front by first adding their bolt-in factory replacement subframe with exclusive hydroformed framerails and stamped crossmembers. The cutting-edge DSE frontend components include their tubular upper and lower control arms deftly matched to forged spindles along with DSE/JRi double-adjustable coilover reservoir shocks, splined sway bar, and Torrington bearings.
With a car designed to handle plenty of ferocity, you’d better be able to control its stopping power. Tom incorporated a Corvette ZR1 power master flawlessly matched to a Bosch Motorsports ABS system pushing fluid through stainless lines to Brembo/C6 Corvette six-piston front and four-piston rear calipers with matching slotted rotors anchored at each corner. A DSE “Detroit-Tuned” power rack-and-pinion links it all to the street with a set of breathtaking Forgeline GA3 three-piece forged aluminum wheels in satin black centers with polished lips sized 18×10 front and 18×12 rear. For plenty of performance to deliver the goods, BFGoodrich g-Force Rival S rubber sized 275/35R18 front and 335/30R18 rear gets the job done.
If you’re going to make a statement, you’d better do your homework when it comes time to upping the ante in the engine bay. Tom contacted Brian Thomson of Brighton, Michigan, to work his magic on a 7.0L LS7, bringing it to a whole new level. First, he massaged the 427ci displacement to 442 ci, increasing the stroke from 4.000 to 4.125, via a Callies DragonSlayer crank linked to Oliver forged I-beam rods wearing Teflon-skirted Diamond forged pistons to up the compression to 12:1. A set of ported LSX-LS7 aluminum heads make plenty of power and a Comp Cams hydraulic roller stick adds just the right bump. Up top, a factory LS7 intake and throttle body combined with LS9 fuel injection gets fed from a pair of Cadillac CTS-V fuel pumps to complete the package to generate a rock-solid 706 hp on the dyno.
More notable components include a C&R Racing Denso 48mm core aluminum radiator with integrated cooling for the engine oil and power steering, Holley tall cast-aluminum valve covers, and custom air cleaner housing by Sled Alley. It all sparks to life through Chevrolet Performance coils and sensors driven by a Holley Dominator ECU. Spent gasses dump through a set of custom-designed and fabricated 304 stainless steel Hooker BlackHeart headers and 3-inch exhaust with X-pipe by Doug Marino, Senior Exhaust Engineer at Holley (these headers and exhaust are now available from Holley). The goods push rearward through a TREMEC T-56 Magnum six-speed trans assembled by D&D packing a Centerforce DYAD clutch disc. It’s supported by a custom-designed and fabricated trans crossmember by Tom, who also engineered the hydraulic clutch pedal geometry and pedal in CAD, with the final link to a driveshaft by Dynotech.
From DSE, the car was then brought to Matt Gurjack at Sled Alley Hot Rods in Detroit to have the team get busy adding endless details to the build, starting with the flawless execution of the engine bay. Working with Tom, they reworked the original radiator top plate to accommodate the C&R radiator, retained the factory RS diagonal bracing, stripped and replated all the hardware in a factory zinc coating, and completed all the plumbing. Tom, having seen plenty of Pro Touring second-gens that had worn through their inner fenders due to extreme use decided to avoid that situation by crafting his own custom bucks to form new ones. To take on the job, he first removed the front springs to compress the suspension, allowing adequate clearance for its full articulation and lock-to-lock steering range. The panel forming was then handed over to his son Blake who built hammer forms and shapes to craft the new inner fenders from steel, making them look factory perfect.
The Sled Alley team then stripped the car clean and began the restoration process by metal finishing the body and setting all the gaps to perfection. Per Matt, the second-gen body was the “cleanest and most original factory sheetmetal he had ever worked with” requiring no damage repairs, only the deletion of a few of the factory insignias (four of the original nine) to get the desired look. In deciding on a color, Tom wanted to achieve a subtle look with a hint of elegance, so he decided on a coating of late-model Porsche Platinum Silver Metallic. To lay down the vibe he enlisted the skills of Paul and Joe VanNus and team at Dutchboys Hot Rods of Kalamazoo, Michigan, to complete the bodywork, make everything razor sharp, and spray the PPG Envirobase basecoat and Glamour clearcoat, bringing it all to life.
Inside the car is all business, starting with the factory dash updated with a custom gauge panel by Holley Design Engineer Greg Whittle and meticulously painted by Holley Engineering Technician Luke Embry to cradle a bevy of Holley EFI gauges to monitor the vitals. A MOMO steering wheel keeps it all on course while Vintage Air cools the cabin and shifts move through a Hurst stick. Sled Alley continued on by adding Recaro racing seats and Schroth Racing harnesses, updated door panels, carpet, and fully custom wiring that was completely hand strung. Cool bits include a custom radio delete panel and custom-fitted panels by Sled Alley and wrapped interior panels by SPC Interiors along with a DSE rollcage and custom trans hump by Blake.
This is truly a car that will stand the test of time with its tradition intact combined with cutting-edge performance in a package that embraces the best union of looks, handling, acceleration, and braking. We know that Tom will exercise it on both the street and track, and to us that’s the best of both worlds!
The post Modern-Day Sleeper 1973 Chevrolet Camaro Adds Sizzle to Your Commute appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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topfygad · 5 years
15 Unmissable Experiences for your New Zealand Bucket List
The next put up was sponsored by WeXchange.
A New Zealand Bucket Listing
You might need just lately seen a swathe of bucket checklist posts right here on Aussie on the Highway.
My China bucket checklist, South Korea bucket checklist, and Australia bucket checklist (along with my 1,000 merchandise bucket checklist) are among the many hottest posts on the location they usually’re additionally a few of my favorite posts to write down.
Whereas I’d like to sometime sit down and write an Final New Zealand Bucket Listing, for now, I assumed I’d spotlight fifteen superb experiences in New Zealand that I feel ought to be added to any New Zealand itinerary.
Picture courtesy of Christopher Chan.
Hike Franz Josef Glacier
Palms down the most effective experiences I’ve had in all of my travels, standing atop Franz Josef Glacier in 2010 was an completely surreal expertise.
Whereas it’s removed from the one place on earth the place you’ll be able to hike on these slow-moving mountains of ice, New Zealand’s Franz Josef Glacier has the excellence of being one in all solely two glaciers on earth the place you’ll be able to expertise it in a temperate local weather.
The glacier actually involves a halt a brief hike from a steamy part of forest – an unbreaking wave of stable ice that defies expectation.
Whereas it’s not to doable to hike up onto the glacier from the bottom as I did in 2010, heli-hikes nonetheless assist you to expertise the fun of standing atop of a fading drive of nature.
Franz Josef village itself is a beautiful, however distant location. Be sure you deliver some money, as I didn’t spot any ATMs after I was there.
Curious? Learn extra about my expertise climbing Franz Josef Glacier.
Picture courtesy of Bernard Spragg.
Cruise on Milford Sound
Generally described because the Eighth Surprise of the World (however what isn’t?), Milford Sound is without doubt one of the most surreal and delightful landscapes you’ll ever come throughout in your travels.
Technically not a sound (it’s a fjord), this portion of the Fjordlands Nationwide Park is all deep, darkish waters, towering cliffs, and dew-bejeweled crops.
The expertise of cruising Milford Sound is one in all utter serenity, with playful seals and inquisitive dolphins doing little to detract from the general air of quiet reverence that blankets the area.
It’s a really outstanding expertise.
Picture courtesy of NZ Division of Conservation.
Kayak in Abel Tasman Nationwide Park
One which I wasn’t lucky sufficient to sort out myself in 2010, kayaking by way of picturesque Abel Tasman Nationwide Park is one expertise I’m dying to examine off my New Zealand bucket checklist.
Whether or not it’s a cruisy half-day tour or a a number of day exploration, the expertise of taking your time with one in all New Zealand’s most stunning parks is one each traveler ought to hunt down.
For me, the five-day tour seems like one of the simplest ways to see all of it with out feeling rushed. One for my subsequent journey!
Picture courtesy of Touring Otter.
Go bungee leaping or canyon swinging in Queenstown
Stunning Queenstown received my coronary heart after I visited in 2010, however I wasn’t fortunate sufficient to incorporate any of the acute sports activities for which the mountain city is known.
Whereas bungee leaping is an iconic New Zealand exercise, the canyon swing is one thing extra my velocity. There’s simply one thing counter-intuitive about going in the direction of the earth head first. Name me loopy.
Whereas bungee leaping and different adrenaline inducing pursuits can be found internationally, you’ll discover few safer (or extra stunning) spots than New Zealand.
Picture courtesy of Bernard Spragg (once more!)
Fall in love with Christchurch
It’s laborious to place a finger on what it’s that makes Christchurch such a stupendous metropolis.
Town’s resilience within the face of a number of disastrous earthquakes is clearly an enormous a part of its attraction, however there’s simply an aura in regards to the city that makes it really feel instantly like a house away from residence.
It’s a inexperienced, breezy metropolis with a relaxed vibe that simply begs you to place up your ft and loosen up for a number of days. There’s a purpose Christchurch is one in all my favorite cities.
Picture courtesy of Ben.
Witness the Aurora Australis
The Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) are clearly extra well-known, however the Southern Lights aren’t any much less spectacular.
Seen from each southern Australia and southern New Zealand, there ae a nuber of notable locations to view the Southern Lights in New Zealand.
It’s not likely one thing you’ll be able to plan your journey round, however when you’ve obtained the time, why not arrange camp someplace within the south and see what you’ll be able to see?
Picture courtesy of Chris Gin.
Eat and cycle the Tasman Nice Style Path in Nelson
Nelson featured on my 10-day New Zealand itinerary, however it was only a stopover between Franz Josef Glacier and flying to Rotorua the next morning.
Even so, I’ve fond recollections of attending the Nelson Carols by Candlelight and taking part in Section 10 into the wee hours with one other backpacking couple.
In researching for this put up I got here throughout the Nice Style Path, a scrumptious (pun supposed) mixture of biking, scrumptious meals, breweries, and vineyards.
The 174km loop might sound a bit formidable to some, however I like the concept of getting out and stretching my legs (and my abdomen) in such a stunning nook of the world.
Picture courtesy of Wired for Lego.
Blackwater Rafting at Waitomo
One other spotlight of my 2010 journey, seeing Waitomo’s well-known glow worms whereas additionally having fun with the fun of some pitch black tubing was a thrill I cherish to today.
Waitomo is known for its caves stuffed with glittering glow worms, however blackwater rafting in Waitomo combines the expertise with the fun of navigating pitch black caves and tunnels stuffed with icy water and precarious drops.
It’s a totally exhilarating expertise!
Picture courtesy of Tom Corridor.
Go to Hobbiton
Nerd that I’m, I grew up studying JRR Tolkien’s seminal work of fiction.
My teen years and early twenties have been spent obsessing over Peter Jackson’s devoted translation of the e-book to the large display screen.
Because of this, paying a go to to quaint Hobbiton on New Zealand’s North Island is one thing I used to be gutted to overlook out on doing in 2010.
If seeing this tiny nook of The Shire isn’t sufficient for you, there are total Lord of the Rings excursions that take you to different iconic filming places reminiscent of Weathertop, Edoras, and even Mount Doom.
Picture courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
Attend an All Blacks recreation
Whether or not or not you’re a fan of the fifteen a facet recreation is irrelevant – there are few extra iconic New Zealand experiences that witnessing the haka earlier than the All Blacks inevitably dismantle whichever unlucky crew has paid them a go to.
Rugby is a faith in New Zealand, and the nationwide crew are one of many powerhouses of the game.
Attending a recreation, even when you don’t actually perceive it, is an expertise in cultural immersion that I like to recommend in any nation I go to.
Picture courtesy of almassengale.
Trek in Fjordlands Nationwide Park
The Fjordlands Nationwide Park is residence to greater than ‘simply’ the completely transfixing Milford Sound, with a community of breathtaking mountain climbing trails crisscrossing your complete park.
Whether or not you go for a guided tour otherwise you need to sort out the wilderness your self on a multi-day hike, Fjordlands presents up unbelievable landscapes with a wholesome serving of ice chilly rain and wind.
It’s positively not for the faint of coronary heart!
Picture courtesy of Anuradha Dissanyake.
Discover Auckland
Whereas not the nation’s capital, Auckland is New Zealand’s largest metropolis and a logical beginning and/or ending level when visiting the Land of the Lengthy White Cloud.
Town itself is residence to numerous sights together with the Auckland Museum and the jaw-dropping Sky Tower, however it’s as a base from which to discover close by sights such because the Bay of Islands, Waitomo (see above), or taking a cruise out on the Tasman Sea.
Picture courtesy of Prayitno
Skydive the Bay of Islands
Talking of the Bay of Islands, it is without doubt one of the most wanted skydive locations within the southern hemisphere.
What higher approach to soak up the spectacular chain of islands than from 16,000 ft?
If throwing your self out of a airplane isn’t your cup of tea, the Bay of Islands is a subtropical slice of paradise good for seaside escapes, scuba diving, whale-watching, kayaking, tenting, and way more.
It’s one other one I’m dying to examine off my to-do checklist.
Picture courtesy of Sarah Stewart.
Expertise a Maori hangi
Maori tradition is a captivating a part of New Zealand’s cultural tapestry, and getting a style of that (pun supposed) at a Maori hangi is a implausible technique to sate each your curiousity and your urge for food.
A hangi is a conventional BBQ during which heated rocks are buried alongside meals in a pit oven. Dishes embrace hen, fish, root greens, cabbage, and quite a lot of different flavours.
There are a variety of locations round New Zealand to attend a hangi or a Maori cultural village, so why not add it to your personal bucket checklist?
Go zorbing in Rotorua
If tumbling down a hill inside a big hamster ball isn’t your concept of an excellent time, I don’t assume I need to know you.
Whereas the immediately recognisable inflatable ball can now be discovered everywhere in the world, the unique Zorb is native to New Zealand and is at its finest in Rotorua.
Open 12 months spherical, Zorbing New Zealand lets guests expertise both a moist or dry Zorb journey, and is a superb half day exercise within the geothermally lively nook of the nation.
 Touring to New Zealand
New Zealand is without doubt one of the most secure and most accessible international locations on the planet.
It’s a frighteningly simple nation to navigate that boasts a bit of of the whole lot, English is the lingua franca, and it’s a developed nation in each respect.
With that being mentioned, listed here are a number of useful tricks to be sure you’re prepared.
Don’t neglect to purchase NZ {dollars} forward of your journey, as you could not have entry to bank card or ATM services in every single place you go. Rural areas of the nation are very a lot off the overwhelmed monitor, so it pays to have some money readily available.
Should you’re ticking off any of the above adrenaline fueled actions, there’s at all times the prospect that catastrophe might strike. Don’t be like me after I broke my arm in Indonesia! Purchase journey insurance coverage!
3. E-book your lodging
When you definitely can wing it and simply breeze into city with no hostel lined up, it at all times pays to plan forward in a vacationer haven like New Zealand.
Whether or not it’s hostels or B&Bs or upscale inns, my desire is Reserving.com as a result of free cancellation choice. It’s at all times good to maintain issues versatile till you’re able to hit the highway, proper?
Critically. They’re manna from heaven.
Simply getting began
I’ve barely scratched the floor of what New Zealand has to supply.
Whereas the nation is likely to be small, it’s one of the geographically numerous and interesting nations I’ve had the pleasure of visiting.
I’ll be compiling a 50 merchandise Final New Zealand bucket checklist in time, so I’d love your suggestions to assist me populate it!
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