bullet-prooflove · 2 months
Home: Angel Reyes x Reader (feat: Felipe Reyes)
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Tagging: @witches-unruly-heart @keyweegirlie @trhett21 @annetje @infinity-mars @danzer8705 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @thatonesexycancerian @weiwei0210 @anime-weeb-4-life @harperdoodle @cheyrenee @fanfic-n-tabulous @deliriousfangirl61 @daydreaming-belle @est1887 @thanossexual @creativitybeware @librarian1002 @mortal--soul @buddinglinguist @wnbweasley @spookyboogyuniverse @skyesthebomb @spaghettificationandpretzels @joyfulfxckery @nu1freakshow @thebaileybugle @legally-a-bastard @bonsaijoons @justreblogginfics
Companion piece to:
Secret - You keep a secret from Angel.
Traditions - You and Angel make your own traditions this Christmas
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Felipe knows you’re pregnant.
You’ve tried to hide it over the past few weeks, the morning sickness, the exhaustion but Felipe sees it. He remembers Marisol being the same way when she was carrying both Angel and EZ. Reyes babies are not easy on their mothers.
It’s the shift in Angel’s behaviour that tipped him off. His oldest son had always been attentive towards you but it’s different this time. His palm comes to rest on your belly more often than not, when he looks at you with moon eyes, like you’re giving him the entire world.
Felipe understands why you haven’t told him, you’re still trying to come to terms with it yourself. Your life has changed since the shooting. Before, you were fiercely independent, juggling everything on your own to the point of it being detrimental. During your recovery you’d been forced to make changes, to rely on the people around you. You’d learned that there was no shame in asking for help, and you’d leaned into it because the truth was, you needed it.
You’d been hoping to get back on your feet, immerse yourself back in the business however now you were pregnant and that meant bigger concessions because you couldn’t be around the buds you farmed. That’s the other thing that tipped him off, you suddenly stopped going to the farm. Instead, you spent your days cleaning up his backyard, developing it into a place where Valeria would be able to play when she finally got her legs under her.
He tries to do little things to help with your morning sickness, he stocks the cupboards with ginger tea and crackers, he takes Valeria off your hands in the morning, allowing you to rest a little longer.
“You’re going to have a brother or sister soon.” You overhear him telling the baby as he feeds her in the kitchen. “Mama just needs to get through her first trimester and then she’ll be as right as rain.”
“It’s a boy.” You tell him as you step into the room. You root around in your handbag for a second before withdrawing the sonogram to show him. “We got the ultrasound yesterday.”
Felipe takes it from your hand, studying it intently. His thumb chases over the shape of the tiny jellybean, the edges of his mouth tipping up into a smile.
“It’s going to be a busy house.” He remarks as your hand smooths over Valeria’s dark hair before you place a kiss on her forehead.
“Are you still ok with that?” You ask him, your palm coming to rest upon your abdomen. “We can look for another place if its too much, the sale on Angel’s house is going through this week.”
“You’re about to have two kids under three, you’re gonna need all the help that you can get.” Felipe tells you in that low, grumble of his as he places the sonogram on the fridge, pinning it in place with a magnetic. “Besides, this is my grandkids home, your home and it always will be.”
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Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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it8bit · 8 months
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Zelda Tribute
Art by Felipe Reyes || IG
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sourceblog · 1 year
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MAYANS M.C. (2018 - Present) 3x05 - 4x07
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mysoulisasunflower · 1 year
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+ Bonus with KJ
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Papa Filipe
Mayans MC | 1.3 "Búho/Muwan"
Mayans MC | 1.7 "Gato/Mis"
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cloveroctobers · 1 year
black mascara — EZ REYES
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A|N: in honor of the season 5 trailer, I had to write a little something. This one will actually be small since I don’t have too much to go off of in writing this but I can’t lie and say I’m not a little fired up! So get comfy.
GIF BELONGS to: @dailymayans
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“See that crave for power…that’s seeping through your pores is exactly what’s gonna get you killed, Ezekiel.”
“…if that happens to be the case, I hope they know their prayers well because I’ll still be here from beyond the grave.”
She did not know this person that she sat face to face with. She didn’t even know what that statement means. Majority of the time Hadiza kept out of The Mayans business, despite the fact that her older brother Franky interacted with them from time to time. She knew Ezekiel way before he decided to join the club and although she’s seen the Mayans around town, she didn’t have much of a opinion when the man first brought the idea to the table a week before his release.
Now she wished she would have.
Back then she trusted that Ez knew what he was doing.
This Ezekiel was not the man she used to know.
Hadiza had a feeling this would happen, that as soon as Ezekiel got into the president’s chair, a whole new level of danger would be unleashed. She saw the shift in Ezekiel throughout his time in the charter happen gradually, that her worries started to keep her up at night. The lack of sleep even proposed her to talk to Felipe about it, who simply listened and still had faith in his baby boy until Gabby came around.
Which was kinda foul the longer she thought about it. Was her word really not good enough when she’s been around? She’ll have to take that up with Felipe at a later time, respectfully.
She’s known Ezekiel since high school…it’s been years since they stepped into their adulthood. However a good portion of Ezekiel’s youth was ripped away from him the night his mother died.
Yes people change…but not like this.
Hadiza was beginning to think that a piece of Ezekiel died with his mother that day but what could she say about him now? So much has happened since then and He wasn’t the same—sure it was foolish to think that he would be completely healed from that tragedy but the light in his pretty honey eyes, did not reflect what was beyond them or what was on the outside.
“So that’s it then,” she raised her shoulders, “you’re gonna waste your life away for reckless shit? You’re better than this Ezekiel.”
“What do you exactly expect me to do? This is the duty that I’ve strived for. And you’re looking at me as if we didn’t know it would always end up being this way. I know you didn’t think this shit was rainbows and daisies, you’re much smarter than gabby in that sense.” Ezekiel bit, yanking a cigarette from his pocket.
Hadiza shook her head, “speaking ill of the dead…somebody that you killed and claimed to love like she was just nothing to you. I’m not feeling this. Or you.”
“There’s the door, fucking use it,” Ezekiel flared his nostrils as he pointed at the exit, “you’re the one who came here trying to preach to me what I’ve already heard. And what I’ve told myself before back when I was weak. What? you thought shit was gonna change because it’s coming from you? I’ve got to be smarter than that, especially when it comes to the club and nothing you can say to me right now…matters.”
“Then what does, motherfucker?!” She was on her feet now, “greed? Selfishness? No wait. I got it, your ego.”
The man lifted his shoulders, not needing to say anything more or seemed to be the least bit phased by the irritation that was showing in his long-time friend’s frame.
“Going after the sons—
“I don’t want to hear it.” Ez glared, “I’ve seen enough wars to not fear a damn thing. Don’t you ever question: Where does fear get you, diza? Look in the mirror. Everybody pays a price with the cards they’ve been dealt.”
The woman chewed down on her bottom lip in annoyance, “and just how much are you willing to lose?”
“That’s something I’ve got to reflect on in my own time…but you’re here.” Ezekiel kept his eyes trained on the woman, puffing on his cigarette.
Before Hadiza could lose the courage she said, “Fuck your subliminal and fuck you.”
“We’ve already done that, remember? With Sofia watching in the background. I think the message then was very clear and something you should thank me for.”
That was so low and disrespectful, considering that Hadiza had a moment and went to someone who she thought cared about her well-being. At that time she just received the news that her fiancé wanted to break off the engagement after cheating on her with a co-worker and the first person she went to was Ezekiel. He was the first person she thought about and felt complete with—a mistake on her end, sure but she wasn’t expecting him to have company other than Sally.
The smirk that was on his lips was smacked right off by her hand. However that did not stop Ez from yanking on her wrist and getting into her face.
Anyone was fair game at this point.
This she knew deep down.
He could end it all, right here in this trailer.
What made her any different?
Did he even love her anymore? Or was she just another ploy in the way Ezekiel floated around life now? Hadiza was not part of the club so why was she becoming collateral damage?
“You don’t get to come here and think our friendship and reminiscing about the old times, or guilt trip me about Gabby, would stop me or save me from myself. That’s not your job, never was amor. Sorry I couldn’t live in your fantasy of being a good ol’ friend to you anymore. But that’s life, so either continue standing by and keep your mouth shut or take a walk and don’t look back.” Ezekiel gritted into her face and that hurt more than him squeezing her wrist.
The black ink dripped down her brown cheeks as she hissed, “you’re done to me.”
And this she hoped she meant. She couldn’t stick around and she knew Ezekiel was pushing her to do so but ultimately it was her choice. Her eyes stung from the makeup as she clenched them closed, fighting away the memories of their teenage years: watching Ezekiel love Emily, having intense debates over literature in class and outside of, him being there for her first heartbreak and attempting to get angel to drive him to the asshole who broke her heart house to egg it and piss on their front doorstep, to Marisol Reyes encouraging her to keep loving her son the best way that she knew how…
“Good,” Ezekiel breathed into her face, shoving her fist back down her by her sides.
He broke eye contact after awhile since she no longer had any words for him. He placed the cigarette back to his lips as he slouched back on the couch. Hadiza swiped the mascara from the bags underneath her eyes, deeply inhaling and battled with herself on what to do or say.
The words fell empty just like the relationship she once had with the man she called her best friend.
She sniffed as she snatched up her bag, making sure she had her keys before she took her exit. The door to the trailer opened on her way, revealing Sofia who easily picked up on the tension in the home. Her dark eyes shifted between the pair but Hadiza patiently waited for the wavy haired woman to get out of her way.
Ez pressed his elbows into his knees as he grunted, “What is it, Sofia?”
If Hadiza continued to be foolish she would have tried to believe that the tone of his voice was telling her something, besides him being an asshole. That perhaps he didn’t truly want their friendship to end but that’s the difference between the two, she didn’t have to be selfish.
“Um, you’ve some company. Bishop and Tranq are outside.” Sofia informed as she stepped into the trailer with Sally.
Ez quickly got to his feet, putting his cigarette out in a nearby ashtray and brushed his shoulder by Hadiza as he left the trailer. Sofia easily picked up on the woman taking a sharp breath at his actions but didn’t speak on it.
It didn’t take the most intelligent person to understand that something transpired between the two. Their relationship didn’t threaten what she had with EZ and in a way, Sofia actually thought it was beautiful. How their relationship didn’t appear to be transactional or circumstantial. How simply being next to each other was enough for them. Or it used to be. Yet Sofia wasn’t naïve to think that it would last with the new propositions EZ took on.
Sometimes that’s just the way life worked out and the sooner Hadiza figured that out…maybe she could protect her heart a bit better.
It was a little awkward as Hadiza had to collect herself, hand on the trailer’s door before she went outside. Sofia wasn’t one for words and she wasn’t sure anything she could say would provide comfort for Hadiza either. After what happened right here in this trailer, weeks ago, it’s not like the two had the chance to really talk about it.
They didn’t have to but it seemed like Hadiza always had a lot on her mind.
Thankfully for Sofia, Hadiza pushed the door open, not sparing her a glance, either placing herself on autopilot or trying her best to ignore her presence—it didn’t bother Sofia one way or another as Hadiza left the home.
“See you around then,” Sofia muttered, taking a seat on the couch, after the door clicked shut behind Hadiza.
Her long legs kicked up the dirt as she passed by the group of men on the side. She couldn’t get away from the place fast enough, feeling her heart being squeezed with each step she took.
“Hey,” Tranq started to call out to the woman but it was almost as if she heard nothing while she shoved herself into her car.
Bishop’s eyes were back on EZ as his eyes briefly burned into Hadiza’s retreating form. He just knew the Reyes brother fucked that up and it’s a shame because he was fond of the girl, despite her having a connection to a pig. Of course he never fully trusted her (by no fault of her own) but she was kind enough whenever she rarely showed up to club.
He kept it silent but he knew his body language did enough talking for him as EZ focused back on him.
“Tonight is the night, round everybody up.” Ez ordered, stalking off and daring a glance at Hadiza’s car and over his shoulder as he stood on the steps of his trailer, while she backed off the lot and sped away, eyes solely on what was in front of her and not what was left behind in the rear view.
Ez swallows down the small lump that wants to form in his throat but that wasn’t important right now. He had other things to tend to and Hadiza was no longer one of them.
Instead of running back, she ran to her mother’s arms who was less than thrilled to see her baby this upset over a man who she trusted to be good to her child.
Later Hadiza found herself in her mother’s hands again when she received the devastating but expected news from Angel Reyes on her door step. She broke down in the doorway right in front of him and she knew the eldest brother couldn’t handle that amount of heartache that he also shared, despite him placing a kiss to the top of her head and leaving her with one of EZ’s dog tags, he left her with the woman who gave her life to deal with the weight of the lost on his own.
Hadiza then sent a letter to Felipe a couple of days before she decided to take her life elsewhere, away from all that Santo Padre showed her. She wasn’t sure if there would even be a funeral or memorial but she had to get out while she can still stand.
Antigua was always a place Hadiza wanted to visit and now she can say that she lives here comfortably.
She left her mother on the front deck to get them a refill of her famous rum punch that was leftover from her mother’s house party yesterday night. Hadiza was humming to herself in solitude until she heard her mother screaming out to her from outside.
The woman did not hesitate to race around the house with a bat, ready to fight off any Osprey’s that decided to invade their property again. Hadiza held her breath as she yanked open the door, eyes wild as she searched for her mother on the deck.
“What is it, ma?” Hadiza exhaled, seeing her mother sitting up on one of the wicker chairs.
Her mother nudged her chin towards the front and Hadiza cautiously took a step towards the railing. A few of her fingertips rested on the banister as she leaned over a bit, looking over at the new found community they both settled into. It was quiet as usual, air warm, seaweed scented, and fresh.
She wasn’t sure what had spooked her mother until her eyes settled down by the cars parked along the curb. Her eyes moved to the left a bit and she had to rub at one of them to make sure her mind wasn’t playing tricks on her. It tended to do that the first couple of weeks she settled in the country. Lately she’s been okay. A figure stood by a identical golf cart (that they had in their driveway) that was parked right behind Hadiza’s car, fitted cap on their head as their hands held onto a mobile device.
Her throat went dry before she could even muster up and ask if she could help the person locate who they were searching for…because she knew it was him before those honey eyes looked up at her.
“Ezekiel.” She shuddered, feeling her mother get to her feet behind her, like the DJ Khalid meme, almost like she wasn’t still healing from the last Osprey attack two weeks ago.
Her mother also gripped onto the banister, “Oh hell no. I rebuke this demonic spirit, get away from here!”
And tossed the freshly watered plant at Ezekiel who side-stepped the assault.
“Hey, Mrs—it’s just me!”
“I know! Aren’t you supposed to be dead, you bastard?!” She yelled back.
Hadiza whispered at the woman, “Ma, please.”
The woman humphed, folding her arms as she waddled back to the chair, already aware how this would go.
Hadiza pointed the bat at Ezekiel, “wait right there.”
“Not if you’re gonna beat my ass.”
“I’ll think about it by time I get downstairs.”
Hadiza’s mother cackled at that, knowing she raised her baby with some sort of sense.
Hadiza couldn’t tell you how she felt but the brain fog was kicking in. She weeped over this man too many times just for him to be here in the flesh, like they all didn’t experience the hell he indulged in back in Santo Padre.
Her mother was right to think a demon was standing in front of their home. The anger Hadiza directed at EZ after receiving the news of his death was like no other emotion Hadiza’s had before but she found peace in Antigua.
She halted at the front door, noticing EZ fumbling with his fingers after the phone disappeared from his hold. Hadiza took her time going down the few front steps, crossing through the grass and down the slope to the gravel.
The man looked up at her approach, carefully reaching up to lift the cap from his head to mess around with the brim of the hat as Hadiza moved closer but almost not close enough.
His eyes immediately went to her head, noticing that the mountain of coarse hair that she had was long gone into a buzzed style now.
He smiled, “you finally did it huh? I know you’ve been eating ‘em up more than ever out here.”
And she couldn’t stand it, her eyes scanning the old yellowing of bruises and cuts on his face, puffing out a laugh at his compliment as she almost collapsed into his arms, bringing his body so tight to hers that he thought he would break her rib cage but he followed through with the same actions.
Her chin buried into his shoulder, one of his hands around the small of her back, and the other cradling the back of her head, he heard her sob against him and he couldn’t be more apologetic.
When they pulled apart, she held onto his face analyzing the marks on his skin before she inflicted her own attack on his lower half.
“Hey! Ow!” A good whack to the top of his head, made Ezekiel stop taking the hits as he gripped her wrists again.
Except this time was different, his touch was much more softer.
“I’m sorry okay. I’m sorry for filling your head up with doubts and making you believe that I didn’t give a shit about our friendship. When quite frankly—no pun intended, you’re the best got damn thing that’s been in my life.” His hands slipped into holding her hands into his own large ones.
And the way he was staring at Hadiza, let her know that this was the old Ezekiel she had missed. It was the spark in his eyes that made her feel safe, given what he got himself involved in.
He could see her mind spinning with questions, the corners of her eyes damp with tears.
“What did I say to you when we first became friends?”
“…’jalapeños on these nachos are missing and I make better ones than these whack ass ones you’re eating.’” Hadiza actually thought about this.
Which made a goofy grin appear on Ez’s face and he shook his head with a sigh, “yeah I think I did say that but after that? I said you’re stuck with me if you choose me. It would always be Kiel and Diza for life, remember?”
It was ironic that he wanted to think back when he basically was rude as hell to her about this in his trailer months ago. The bitterness was still in the pit of her stomach but the higher road wanted her to be happy that this man, her best friend, Ezekiel Lorenzo Reyes was very much still alive.
Hadiza wasn’t sure how the fuck he did it but here he was, wiping away her black mascara before holding her hands in his again.
A small smile appeared on her lips as she peered down at their hands, lifting their conjoined hands up to place her lips right on the back of his hands. Ezekiel let out a breath he wasn’t aware that he was holding.
“For life.” She repeated, staring at him underneath her eyelashes.
He nodded his head, not breaking eye contact as she pulled the necklace from around her and placed it back on Ezekiel where it belonged. He glanced down at it, a new wave of emotions hitting him as he realized a piece of him was always with the one woman he deeply cared for.
“Let’s get inside.” Hadiza told him, as he leaned over to place a kiss to her full cheek.
She turned, her hand still resting in one of his hands as he reached for the fallen bat with the other, “think I might need this if I try to give your mom a hug.”
Hadiza laughed, “Baby steps, Kiel.”
“That’s fair.” He answers from behind her, letting her lead the way to her new home.
Perhaps now here in the Caribbean, they had the chance to create a better life, a better friendship together with no more black ink or blood spills blinding the way.
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Continue along with my anthology works that were written during the spring season here.
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cinemapix · 1 year
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MAYANS M.C. (2018 - 2023) Danny Pino as Miguel Galindo and Edward James Olmos as Felipe Reyes Season 5, Episode 3: Do You Hear The Rain
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burningtacozombie · 1 year
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Miguel Galindo in Mayans MC - 5x03 Do You Hear The Rain
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garbinge · 4 months
Only If I'm Lucky
Angel Reyes & EZ Reyes & Felipe Reyes & OC Lucrecia (Lucky) Fuentes Bishop Losa x OC Lucky
30 Day Fic Challenge
Word Count: 6.2k words A/N: My Lucky girl <3
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content.
Mayans Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @narcolini @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie (have been a bit inactive on tumblr so this might not be up to date, if you'd like to be added to my Mayans taglist please shoot me a message!)
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Angel started to tinker with the mechanism that cooled the butcher counter’s selection of cuts. It had been emptied out, all of the meat now living in the walk in cooler in the back. The noise followed by tinkering was a loud crack and then instant whooshing which was quickly drowned out by the yells of Angel as water from a broken pipe spit out into his face and all along the floor. 
“Fuck!” Angel was stepping up and wiping the water off his face and lifting his feet as if that was going to save his shoes from the puddle of water on the ground. Luckily the pipe only had a small amount of water in it, all of it now residing on the shop’s floor but the pipe itself was just dripping verse spilling out now. 
“I told you I ordered a new part for this.” Felipe grumpily approached as he took in the mess his eldest child left on the ground. 
“I was just tryna save you a few bucks, Pops.” Angel didn’t even bother looking at his father, he was more concerned with the gunk and water on his shirt and jeans. 
“Well now you’re costing me more, go to the market and pick up more towels, I don’t have any more here.” 
Angel nodded and started to make his way over the puddle and around the counter until he frowned and turned around. “I don’t think Fuentes Grocery has towels for sale, Pops.” 
Even though Felipe was turned around, his sigh could be heard crystal clear to Angel. 
“I meant to talk to Lisabeth, ask her to borrow some.” Some days the father of the Reyes family felt his children were still 10 years old despite them having moved out and having their own lives. 
Angel nodded and made his way out of the shop and walked a couple feet to the right where Fuentes Grocery was, it was the carniceria’s neighbor, only sitting two stores away from it. The Fuentes family, who owned the store became close friends with the Reyes family over the years. There were similar family dynamics at play. Single parent, two kids, one of them who tended to get into more trouble than the other. Years ago that would have been the way Felipe described Angel, but considering his younger son just got out of prison, he’d have to give that title to Ezekiel. Although, with Angel’s involvement with the local MC, he was tailing pretty close. 
“Lisa!” Angel called out as he entered the store, the bells on the door ringing as an additional signal someone was here, not that it was needed in addition to his voice. 
“This isn’t your fuckin’ clubhouse, Angel. You can’t just yell and expect attention.” A woman’s voice sped past him with a box of produce. 
“Sorry, Lucrecia.” Angel smirked knowing the use of the girl’s full name would bother her. 
“Only mom calls me that, Reyes.” She was placing the box on the closest counter before turning around to roll her eyes at him.   
“Speaking of your mom, I’m looking for her. She here?” Angel lifted his head to see if he could see the elder woman who he had called out to originally. 
“No, she went down to the municipal building, some shit about our permits.” The girl was wiping her hands on her apron that had her name tag pinned to it. “Lucky, General Manager.” 
“Permits? They’re still bugging her about that?” Angel frowned. 
“They’re always bugging us about something. Our permits, our labor works, our inventory. If it’s not one thing it’s the other. All a part of the county’s push to gentrify shit.” The frustration in Lucky’s voice was apparent. 
“Look, Bish, he knows the mayor, I could pull a few strings.” Angel’s voice was determined and hopeful. He knew the girl knew Bishop, but wasn’t sure if she was aware of his connections.
“I don’t need you rescuing me, Reyes.” 
“Not you, Fuentes.” Angel rolled his eyes. “But this place, it’s one of the last few latino grocery stores in the area, not to mention it’s got a lot of memories. 
It was true, between here and the carniceria there were tons of memories for them as young kids, teenagers. 
Angel broke his arm in aisle 5 when he was 12. Lucky was the one who pushed him, not without motive though. He was throwing lentils at her, trying to get them stuck in her hair. 
EZ would come over on inventory nights with Lucky and help her take stock so she could place product orders. 
The three kids constantly found themselves at the halfway point between the grocer and the carniceria after school pretty often. The Santo Padre Arcade. Most of the high scores on the machines inside had the initials LKY, ANG, or EZ. 
Lucky would bring over fresh spices and produce for Felipe every week so he could prepare marinades and dry rubs to sell, all courtesy of her mother, Lisa. He’d send her back with meat for the week. 
Every Wednesday night, they had dinner together, both families. The Fuentes would be lucky if the younger sibling would show. Tómas had a tendency to be caught up in his own mess, it started out as small petty issues. Stealing, fighting, acting out. But then as the group got older, he started doing more serious crimes. Drugs, robbery, battery and assault. It was expected, the Fuentes family came from a really dangerous town in Guatemala, once their father had been killed just from being in the wrong place at the wrong time, the matriarch of the family, Lisabeth, made the decision to take her two kids out of the country and somewhere she thought would be more safe. 
Angel tried his best to get Tómas to join the club, he figured it’d be a good place for him to feel welcome, feel that familial bond he was likely missing. But it never worked. He ended up getting arrested for arson and now resided in Stockton State County Corrections serving 15-20, with a chance of getting out on parole when the 10 mark hit. 
Overall, the memories were flowing between these two stores, between each member of the family. 
“Are they pushing you to sell?” Lucky’s voice got more serious now. It wasn’t a secret, with her mother’s old age, the store was becoming more and more of Lucky’s responsibility. She let her mom handle a lot of the business things, help her feel like she still had control, but to people like Angel and EZ, they could see Lucky was truly the one pulling strings and keeping the operation moving. 
“Nah, I know they’re ripping up half the strip but the mayor keeps them off the shop. Pop, well, what he doesn’t know won’t kill him.” Angel explained. 
It was obvious Lucky was considering it, with a new fine every month, people with suits coming even more frequently trying to push a check, it was getting exhausting, and hard to keep up with the other tasks to keep the grocery running. 
“Let me talk to Bishop.” Lucky spoke up, it was clear her mind was going a mile a minute trying to think of the best way to go about it. 
“You know you don’t gotta bother with all that, I can talk to him.” Angel moved forward and grabbed the box of produce knowing when he entered the girl was moving to restock the produce carts. 
Lucky grabbed the tape dispenser along with the price tags she had clearly written herself and followed behind Angel. “So I’ll come by tonight?” Lucky was completely ignoring Angel’s statement. She wanted to be the one to talk to Bishop. Lucky wasn’t a shy or timid girl, she was honestly pretty aggressive and mean only when she had to be, but it never came with hesitation. She had been pretty independent, when it came down to it she had lost both of the Fuentes men in her life and as her mom grew older, a lot of the responsibility fell on Lucrecia. She took it all with stride though, not one complaint about her responsibilities, only letting them slip when people would doubt her or treat her like she wasn’t capable. On the other hand though, that just meant that with the people she loved, she was fiercely loyal. Angel fit somewhere in that description, the whole Reyes family did, and despite the annoyance Lucky felt that she had to repeat herself again, about talking to Bishop herself, the love for the Reyes family trumped that. It also helped that Angel knew the girl well to understand her. 
“A’ight, come by the clubhouse at like 9, the group will be there, there’s a little party happening anyways, a few of the guys from Stockton had to make the trip down.” 
That made Lucrecia laugh to herself. “Even if they weren’t here, the lot of you would find something else to party for.” 
Angel smiled at that. “Ain’t wrong.” He had started to grab the tape and place the price cards in the proper places. A comfortable silence fell over the both of them for the next few minutes as they worked to label and price each box of produce that was recently set up. 
“Wait, why were you looking for my mom?” Lucky broke the silence with a frown, her body now leaning against the slanting produce stand as she stared up at Angel. 
“Fuck!” All of Angel’s thoughts came back to him as he scrambled to the back of the store. Lucky was close behind, not without a laugh and few comments about if his head wasn’t attached to his body. She followed him in the back inventory section, dodging palettes, making mental notes of all the other things she needed to get to this week, the list starting to scroll down which always made it difficult for her to breathe when she thought about it. To her surprise, they ended up at the custodial room as Angel quickly collected a couple of the folded towels that were stacked on the shelves. 
“Wanna tell me what’s going on?” Lucky asked but Angel was already moving back out to the store. So she simply grabbed two towels herself and followed him out the store. As they reached the door, she turned to the group of cashiers, two busy ringing people up but the other was price tagging a few items for the manager’s special shelf as she waited for her line to build. 
“Ana, can you keep an eye for the next few minutes? I’m popping over to Felipe’s really quickly.” 
The girl smiled, nodded, and waved her out, making it a lot easier on Lucky to go help Angel deal with, well, whatever was happening. 
“Hello?!” She called out to Angel who was multiple feet ahead of her now. Between the headstart and his long legs, she’d have to jog to catch up to him, which wasn’t happening. 
Finally, she approached the carniceria, Angel was already inside and as she opened the door she saw the puddle through the glass case. 
“Woah.” It was said breathy as she caught her breath. She might not have jogged to keep up with Angel, but she did pick her pace up. “You bullshit your time away knowing this was over here?” 
“Of course he did.” Felipe’s voice could be heard behind the girl as he re-entered his shop with a metal part in his hand. Even with the annoyance in his voice, it didn’t stop him from smiling and placing a kiss on the girl’s head. For all intents and purposes, Lucky was like a daughter to Felipe, he was probably the only man in the world who treated her delicately and that was because it was the only man in the world Lucrecia would let treat her that way. 
“Hola, Lucrecia.” He smiled before dropping his frown as he looked at the mess. 
“What happened?” She carefully stepped to throw the towels she had down on the ground to soak up any of the puddle possible before turning to Felipe for answers because she had tried and failed with Angel even before they got here. 
“My angel of a son was trying to save me money.” Felipe called out as he disappeared into the walk-in freezer. 
Lucrecia turned to give Angel a look and all he did was wave it off and moved to soak up more of the liquid. With an eye roll she got down to look at the bottom of the glass case. “Oh you just need to replace this.” Her voice was so shocked as she expected to see something worse based on the mess. 
Angel’s eyes closed as he fully accepted his defeat, knowing now that there were two of them against one, he wasn’t standing a chance. 
Felipe could be heard again as he walked back through the small hallway from the freezer to where the main part of the store was. “I told him.” He grunted as he placed the black crate filled with different odds and ends of meats on the bookshelf perpendicular to the glass case. 
“Do you have the part? I can fix this.” She turned her head to look at Felipe who was picking it out of his apron pocket. 
“That? That’s the part?” Angel stood there shocked as Lucky went to grab it. 
Lucky let out a laugh, knowing Angel was realizing how big he messed up and she immediately grabbed the wrench to move to the ground to install the new part while Angel stood there still dumbfounded, fully understanding the reality of the mess he made. 
As she twisted the washers around the pipe, the sound of Angel’s phone echoed and faded as he stepped over Lucky to go take the call outside. She let out another laugh, this is usually how it went. Lucky was always fixing Angel’s mess, she did it willingly, a lot of the time without Angel even realizing it. Ever since EZ went to prison, there was kind of this unspoken bond between the two. They both had siblings that went to prison, parents who were struggling to make it by, the eldest children of the family who were required to step up even if they weren’t asked. It created an unstated understanding between them. 
“Sorry, that was E, I gotta go. See you later tonight, Lucky.” Angel walked back into the shop to grab his kutte which was hanging on one of the counters, likely taken off when he was attempting to fix the cooler. 
“You weren’t doing anything anyways!” Lucky called out with her head half under the cooler still adjusting the part with the wrench so there was no chance of another leak. 
Felipe let out a laugh at her comment and waved his son out. 
Angel left with a head shake but no time to argue. 
“Thanks for your help.” Felipe walked over and sat on a crate to Lucky’s left. 
“Should have called me from the jump!” Lucky was still yelling since her voice was muffled by the cooler. 
Felipe laughed again, “You should know how it is with Angel. He does before he thinks.” 
Lucky pushed herself out from the cooler and smiled. She sat up so her elbows were resting on her knees and her back was leaning against the cooler. 
“Should work good as new now.” Her head pointed to the open slot of the cooler. 
“I can see it on your face.” Felipe said as he looked at her. “What’s going on?” 
Lucky knew it wasn’t worth brushing off what was on her mind. “Feel like we can’t catch a break. If it’s not our permits, it's our warehouses, the price jumps, I’m drowning.” 
“You’re doing too much.” Felipe spoke up, he wasn’t going to turn this into a pity party, it wasn’t what Lucky wanted and it definitely wasn’t what she needed. She needed facts, she needed advice.
“We’re doing the same?” Lucky spoke confused. 
“It was too much then when it was you and your mom working the same but it's definitely too much now that it’s mainly you.” He wasn’t looking at the girl as he spoke, his eyes were on the counter as he leaned over to grab a handful of something. As he turned back to see the look on her face, he laughed. “I’m old, not stupid.” Leaning over he held his hand out and Lucky met him halfway extending out her own hand. “Your mom’s getting up there, it's harder for her.” 
Lucky’s eyes dropped down to see the few pieces of chocolate fall into her hand and she grinned both at that and his comment. “Don’t tell her that.” 
“I wouldn’t dare.” Felipe chuckled. 
“You opened up that florist section a couple years ago. Is it bringing in cash?” He was asking so nicely but Lucky could tell he knew the answer to his question. 
“Same thing with the bakery.” Lucky took a deep breath. 
Felipe just nodded, waiting for a full response from the girl. 
“If we closed down the floral department and the bakery, downsized our selections, we’d be above water easily.” She thought back to the spreadsheets she spent so often looking at. There was the added piece of the permits and fines, but after tonight she’d hope that’d be settled. “But I don’t know if my mom would be on board for that, she worked hard to open up those departments.” 
“Let me chat with your mom, she’s coming for dinner tomorrow night anyways.” Felipe offered up with a soft smile. “She might just need some convincing that taking the backseat is what’s best.” 
“She’s going to call you out.” Lucky tried to bite back her smirk, as she finally dropped the pieces of chocolate in her mouth. She knew her mother so well that she’d push the cards back on Felipe. 
“And I’ll mention that my two children combined aren’t as involved as you.” There was humor in his voice but also truth behind that. Angel and EZ had the club, the shop was second to them. For Lucky, this was her life, her first priority. 
“Thanks.” She nodded before beginning to stand up. Dusting off her clothes and apron as she steaded herself standing. 
“I should be thanking you. I can open for the afternoon now.” He brought her in for a quick hug before walking the woman out of the shop. 
_______ Lucky was glad she set the alarm on her phone because otherwise she would have worked straight through the night. She was taking time to go through the paperwork and make rough estimates on the cuts. She kept reminding herself that it was better to cut the pieces of the business that were hemorrhaging money than cutting people. 
She ran her hands over her face and through her hair before taking a deep breath and getting up out of the office chair. She shut her laptop and leaned over the desk taking one last look at the stack of folders and papers scattered around before turning the desk lamp off. As she made her way back to the lockers the employees used, she hung her apron on the hook by the door. As the locker opened she looked in the mirror she had zip tied to the locker and couldn’t help but chuckle. The bags under her eyes were dark and her hair was falling out of its ponytail. She grabbed concealer from her makeup bag that lived in the top part of her locker and covered up her under eyes along with a couple other blemishes while also taking out her hair and letting the curls fall in their natural places. Her last thing before heading out was changing out of the dirtied t-shirt she wore all day that smelt like the floor of the butchers shop, iron, produce, and sweat all together. Taking the opportunity she re-applied deodorant and then sprayed the cheap fruit perfume on her full outfit before grabbing her phone so she could call a cab. 
It always made her laugh when she showed up to the clubhouse on party nights. She tended to stick out, not being a partier and more of a homebody whenever she got the chance. It showed in how she acted at these things. While others were drinking to obliteration, smoking, and fighting, she always was in the corner, nursing her beer and taking in the life around her. 
As she stood on the inside of the gate with her hands in the back pockets of her jeans and took in the party in front of her, she heard her name being called. Turning to see where it was coming from she saw the Reyes brothers. 
“Haven’t seen you at a club party in months, Luck.” Angel cheesed clearly a couple beers in already. 
“Don’t get used to it.” She gave him a hug and quickly grabbed the beer he just opened before he took a sip of it. 
“Gladly.” He huffed and took the steps to go grab another one from the bar inside leaving Lucky and EZ outside. 
“Been a minute, Lucky.” EZ hugged the girl. 
“Sure has. I didn’t want to bother you at your welcome home party, the neighbors were very excited.” 
EZ smiled his signature smile at that and dropped his face to the ground. “The abuelitas love a comeback story.”  
“That they do.” She laughed and pointed to his arms. “The biceps, too.” 
After the two of them let out a couple laughs, EZ decided he’d address the elephant in the room.
“Tómas, he’s doing good, we weren’t cellmates or anything but he was on the same cell block as me, same courtyard and lunch times, work detail, saw him a lot, he’s–” 
“I don’t really care about Tómas, EZ.” Her face hardened as she spoke to him, her arms now moving across her chest completely closing herself off to the conversation. “I don’t visit him for a reason.” EZ knew the reason, it was because he cut his family off the visitors list. It’s where he got the idea to do it with Emily. He downplayed it to Lucky but EZ got close with Tómas in prison, they weren’t best friends by any means but they talked more inside than they ever did outside. It was on the tip of his tongue, he was about to say that it’s hard in lockup that Tómas took her off the list for a reason she’d never understand unless it happened to her but he just nodded. 
“I’m happy you’re home, EZ.” She reached up and squeezed his arm.
“Yea, me too.” He rested his hand on hers and squeezed it back.
“I got business to discuss with your prez,” She shifted gears completely, her voice completely changing from the seriousness it was in before. 
“Fuentes Grocer GM never stops talking business.” 
“Or thinking about it.” She joked. “Do you know where Bishop is?” 
“Probably inside telling drunken war stories with the other viejos.” EZ’s grin was contagious to Lucky. 
Her eyes glanced down to the watch on her wrist and while it was completely plausible for that to be the case, she knew this early into the night Bishop would be sober and solemn, they likely had templo at 8, which is why Angel told her to come at 9. It was now 9:35, just like the business never slept for her, it was the same for the club president. 
The music got louder as the door opened, there were more people inside than outside and it overwhelmed the girl a bit. She took a couple steps inside and looked around searching for Bishop over every face in the crowd. That was when Taza’s eyes caught hers. His face softened and his lips curved into a light smile before he pointed to the templo sliding door which was partially open. That gave her all the permission she needed to walk over and stand at the entrance. She stood there silent for a minute, she felt like she was looking at a mirror as she saw him with papers scattered all over the table, his hand resting on his forehead as he thought through whatever was on his mind. As he let out a deep sigh his eyes looked up to see Lucrecia at the stained glass door. Despite being mid-sigh, his smile grew. 
“Aren’t I lucky?” He spoke up as he leaned back in the chair. The joke was one he always made when he saw her. She’d never admit that it made her unbelievably giddy. “Close the door.” 
She didn’t even bother to look behind her as she closed the door, her eyes stayed on Bishop’s as her hand reached behind her and slid the door closed. 
Lucky took her time to walk over to Bishop, letting her hand move lightly over the chairs that took up every foot between her and the man. Stopping at the vice president's chair where she took both of her hands and let them rest on the points of the backrest. 
“You look like me 30 minutes ago.” She nodded at the papers as her body swung to and from the chair as her hands still gripped on the backrest. 
“Busy night for us decision makers.” He was fully leaning back now, his arm casually draped along the arm rest as his body shifted to face the woman. 
“Always is.” 
“Rough day for you?” Bishop changed his demeanor a bit as he picked up on the girl’s tone. 
“Always is.” She repeated the same sentence but this time it was spoken with humor as he eyebrows raised. 
“Come here.” Bishop moved his head to the right but he was signaling for the girl to come closer to him. 
Instinctually she turned to the door to make sure she fully closed it and then moved to straddle the man in his chair. Her legs sliding through the open space of the arm rests, and her arms moving to rest right on top of his shoulders, her hands meeting behind his head intertwined. Bishop’s hands instinctually moved to hold her securely on his lap which just meant they were resting comfortable on her rear. Moments like these with Bishop helped her balance reality, made life feel light and goals feel tangible. She’d never admit that out loud though. Admitting it would mean anyone but them knew about their relationship. If it even could be called that. Since know one knew they didn’t really give it a label, although Bishop wasn’t really the type to ask someone to be his old lady, it was a role someone just fit into. Taza was the only one from the club that had any knowledge of Lucky and Bishop, no one else. 
Bishop leaned his head up and brought one of his hands to Lucky’s head and brought it down to meet his. Their foreheads rested on eachother’s for a moment and it was all Lucrecia needed to know despite their lack of ability to say it outloud, she was the same balance for him as he was to her. Their lips met for a quick second, just a brush against eachother’s until they met with full passion. Lucky couldn’t help but roll her hips on top of the man, squeeze her arms tightly around him in an attempt to get as close as possible to the man. Bishop’s hands got tangled up in her curls, then down the pink satin spaghetti strap that rested on her torso and then finally back down to her tight jeans. 
As they stopped to catch their breaths, Bishop reached back up and tucked her hair behind her ear and quickly rubbed his thumb on her cheek. As his hands retreated back down similarly to how they were just minutes before, but now with less feral eagerness and more of a caring touch, his ringed ringers grabbed the spaghetti strap that must’ve fallen down the girl’s arm during their passionate kiss and placed it back on her shoulder. He placed it back with the lightest touch, one that sent shivers down her spine before he gripped her legs again and secured her on his lap. 
“I know you didn’t come here just to see me, I’m not that lucky.” There was the joke again. It made her wish they were back at either of their normal stomping grounds, his place or hers where there was probably no free space they didn’t christen but she’d have no problem trying to find one. 
“Why wouldn’t I be here just to see you?” Her voice was meant to sound jokingly but it had been drenched with allure. 
“Because you only come to the clubhouse when I ask you to be here,” He had gotten her there, that was true, she rarely if ever did these random pop ins. “Since there was a party tonight, I knew specifically not to ask you.” His hands were now rubbing up and down her back sometimes bringing the fabric of her shirt up and he’d touch the bare skin, and sometimes it’d be the tickle of the satin fabric up and down her skin. 
“I’ve been known to party.” She argued, leaning over and leaving a couple kisses on his neck. 
“Oh, I know you can party.” It was a flirtatious line and Lucky knew exactly what he was talking about, down to envisioning it in her head. 
She moved her mouth over to his now and kissed him, it took a lot for her not to start grinding on his lap again as she moved in sync with the kiss but before getting too carried away again, she cupped his face as she pulled back and let her hands rest on his shoulders. 
“I do need something.” She closed her eyes, hating that she ruined the moment and hated even more that she had to ask a favor. 
“I know.” He smirked and it was something that if Lucrecia kept her eyes closed she would have missed. 
“What do you mean you know?” She was confused. 
“Angel gave me a heads up.” It was spoken so airy with no weight to it that from context clues alone it shouldn’t have angered Lucky the way it did. 
“Of course he did. I could kill him.” She let out an angered sigh. 
“Be my guest, you’d be doing me a favor.” Bishop joked. 
“Unfortunately I think his father would be rather mad at me if I did.” She squinted her eyes back at Bishop her way of addressing his sarcasm. But all he did was dish it right back with a raise of his eyebrows as if to say, ‘are you sure about that?’ 
“Alright, you got me there.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m not much of a murderer anyways.” 
“You’re right, I can handle it for you.” He teased. Bishop never realized the weight of jokes like that for Lucky, what they brought her back to, her father, her brother. The conflict in the fact that she hated her brother for pretty much the exact same thing that her best friends did, that the man she was with did. But it was different, at least that’s what she told herself every time the thought snuck into her head and she’d never let it sit there for longer than a minute and even that was 59 seconds too long. 
“What did big mouth tell you?” Lucky moved to cross her arms now to show her displeasure to Bishop. 
“Why don’t you tell me? It’ll sound better coming from you.” Bishop was working his charm on her and it worked. 
“I need something.” She repeated again, her way of working up the nerve to ask even though it was clear the man knew something already. 
He could have answered with another teasing comment but he opted to go the other way. “Whatever you need.” 
“I hear you know the mayor.” She spoke. 
Despite knowing a basis of what she was going to ask, It caught Bishop by surprise. The girl he was currently with asking about the one he was with previously. Angel had left out details and just mentioned that Lucky needed some help with business stuff at the grocery store. He thought he’d have to twist some arms at a warehouse, maybe rough up a supplier. 
“I don’t care about how you know her, Obispo.” It was like she could read his facial expressions like a book.  “I just need a favor. Angel told me you could do it, but I’m not stupid enough to rely on Angel’s facts.” This made Bishop laugh. “What’s the favor?” 
“We keep getting harassed about our permits, people keep coming by to try and push us to sell, for a very disrespectful price I might add.” She tilted her head in anger as she explained the situation. “Between the fines and then my mom going down to talk to the municipality, followed by me because she gets nowhere with them, I’m wasting so much money and time, which is money.” 
Bishop seemed kind of relieved that was what the favor was, if he knew sooner of the issues Fuentes Grocery was facing he would have mentioned it to the mayor sooner without Lucky even needing to ask. 
“Consider it done.” 
By the look on Bishop’s face, it made Lucky let out a breathy laugh which made Bishop frown but the slight smirk on his face was growing. “What’s funny?” 
“How something weighing so heavy on me is such an easy task for you.” 
“I wouldn’t say it’s easy.” Bishop knew these business propositions down at the mayor's office were well above his pay grade, there was a line and he knew where he wasn’t able to cross it. But this, considering how close it was to the carniceria which he had already put on the mayor’s radar, this wouldn’t be close to the line. Now, Vicki’s, that was a different story and another problem for another day. “It’s just doable.” 
“Thank you.” She softened her face and hugged the man. The power in her embrace was something Bishop could feel, he knew the importance of taking care of the store for the girl and this clearly had been a dark cloud looming over her for a while. 
“Can I help you with your stuff?” She turned to look at the paperwork, not taking any time to really soak any of the info in without the president’s permission. 
“Mapping our route up to Stockton. We’re working on expanding.” 
It was two sentences but it was all Lucky needed. She knew there was issue with a couple clubs on their normal routes so a lot of the major highways would be off-limits, along with some of the back roads. The girl turned more to look at the map where Bishop had penciled through a couple routes and written down the issues as to why they weren’t travelable. 
After she studied the map she picked up the pencil, she was leaning in not the most comfortable position and started to draw a route. “It’ll be 3 hours longer, but you’ll pass by some of the national parks, it’ll make for a nice drive.” Bishop was in awe that he didn’t think of it, he was stuck in here making the list of the ride through calls he was going to have to make in order to secure protection, looking at the route Lucrecia mapped out it cut his list in half, and it was just a courtesy call, not protection. 
“And if you need, I could loan you one of the grocery trucks to take something more direct for some of the guys to get there quicker.” 
A full approached solution. It made Bishop chuckle and kiss the girl one more time.  
“You wanna hang out, I was about to come out with the group anyways.” Bishop spoke as Lucky got up off his lap and they both started piling the maps and notes together on the table. 
“Wish I could but I got a million things to do back at the store, you wanna pick me up later, though? Take me home? Understand if you gotta be here, though, entertain the boys from Stockton.” 
“I’ll pick you up later. Never liked that you’d walk home that late.” 
“I’m a woman not incapable, Obispo.” 
“I meant I never liked it for the town, one person gives you the wrong look and you’ll send them to the hospital, I’m just looking out for Santo Padre, baby.” 
With an eye roll she walked up the couple stairs of templo and turned her head one last time to get a look at him standing at the head of the table. “See you later, Obispo.” 
He smirked knowing he was going to let out the same joke as earlier, one saved just for her that he’d never be able to say to anyone else. 
“Only if I’m lucky.” 
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zaenight · 1 year
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MAMA DIDN'T RAISE NO BITCHES // Ez reyes : Nestor octeva CHAPTER 1
Patiently waiting for ep 1 and 2 of mayans s5 😗
"Uncle Tig we'll be fine , you said Marcus set us up with a house , stop whining." Jess said , Jessie Trager , the youngest niece of Tig , told the man who was spouting out profanities.
"He's right to worry , what if the sons and mayans go to war and they try to kill us for being related to him." Sage , her older sister stated.
"Thats not helping! , and your the one who wanted to move!" Jess exclaimed jumping up and down.
"Just stating the facts." Sage said .
"The lass is right , yer sure ya can't move somewhere close by." Chibs said , he became the president after Jax teller passed , he also happened to be Jessie's godfather.
"Alvarez said they needed a Docter that they could trust , Moving to santo Padre could make the bond stronger." Happy lowman stated , The tacoma killer was the godfather of Sage , who like him , was an expert of torture.
"I like torturing more than I like healing , but we get a house already set up and everything , It would be a shame to waste this oppurtunity , Plus Chucky's there , we'll know someone." Sage stated as Jess made a noise of disgust.
"Still can't belive you lost the card game and had to give up
Chucky." Jess said to Chibs.
"We'll be a call away Little girl , just calll if we need to kill some Mayans." Happy stated as Sage got into their packed car , Jess hugged the three men , hopping in.
"Where's the fun in that when you could do it yourself." Sage said winking  as Jess started rambling about getting this show on the road.
The two arrived at a house , it Reminded the girls of Piney's cabin , which they stayed at frequently , No other houses around , but not too far from town , it was perfect.
"Marcus , Thank you for this." Sage told the man she and her sister have known since they were children , The mayans and sons had their ups and downs , not only that but Sage had dated his son Esai , who would've proposed to her , until his death , she still has the ring on a chain around her neck , It was found by Diana , his mother ,and the first wife of marcus alvarez , who gave it to the then seventeen year old, no one has seen her sense the death of esai.
"No need for that niñita , welcome to Santo padre , if you two need anything , call." He said as they thanked him.
"Angel where's your Prospect?" Obispo Losa , also known as Bishop , president of the mayans charter , asked
the man.
"He went too see our old man." Angel Reyes said , his little brother had some years shaved off his sentence , and is now prospecting for the club.
"Need him on this run , and Marcus wants him to show the trager girls around." Bishop said to him.
"Protection? , and the Bone lady and that little manipulator are here?" Angel said , you may be asking why he called Jess a manipulater , simply because she'll act dumb then end up beating you at your own game.
"Yes those two , Sage will be our go too doctor , Think he's ready?" Bishop questioned.
"Yeah." Angel said.
"Good." The shorter man said as he and Hank walked away.
It went wrong fast , they got shot up , Sage and Jess drove to the rescue , Miguel was Pissed as he greeted the two.
Sage rushed over to Creeper , Greeting the men , Jess knew a bit of medical stuff thanks to her , so she helped with Riz,Ez and Sage locked eyes before she focused on creeper.
"So who was it ?" Miguel questioned the men , Creeper winced as Sage took a bullet out , cleaning the wound.
"Don't know , they were pros." Bishop said as Galindo looked through a book of fabrics.
"Well At least we didn't lose 2.4 million in product to a bunch of amateurs." Miguel stated.
"They ambushed us sir , came out of nowhere." Creeper said as Sage made a makeshift sling out of fabric , Riz had somewhat recover , Its the best she could do without proper equipment , he'll have to go to another doctor untill she can get her hands on Stuff.
"You'll need time to heal , no going out and about for awhile." Sage stated to creeper , as Jess started twirling around in circles until she sat down.
"We change route... , vehicle...,time and day, every run is different , So... they came out of somewhere , and someone gave them the details." Miguel stated getting up.
"No one in my club." Bishop stated as Creeper winced.
"Implying im the one foolish enough , to employ a traitor ? , hmmm." Miguel said , no one noticed the two girls , angel , and coco , glance at eachother.
"The guy holding Gilly was dark skinned , Ink on his arm , it looked like uh... tribal letters , B-T-T." Ez said , as a prospect , a new one , speaking out of turn without being asked was a big no no.
Sage loved it , she was gonna enjoy every second of it.
"He remembers shit , had guns at our heads , who knows what the hell he saw." Angel sajd turning back around.
"The Prospect." Miguel said as Jess got up looking through fabrics.
"B-T-T , base town tribe , samoan gang out of san Bernardino." Bishop said thinking.
"Didn't some of them do time for killing Haji ?" He asked.
"Fallujah , Rival company crazy as fuck." Coco said.
After discussing who it was that shot them up , Miguel wanted the shot caller , and they were gonna get him what he wants , threataning to kill a mayan if the shot called isn't at his church pew by tommorow , but the girls did realize he glanced towards them for a bit.
Yeah so much for not being on his radar.
But anyways Bishop had punched Ez for speaking out of turn.
"You don't speak unless we tell you too , I don't give a shit what you remember , Educate your prospect." Bishop told him before turning to angel.
Sage clapped slightly gaining their attention , Before helping Ez up , checking his face.
They walked away with taza telling them to Bring creeper to the doctor that usually takes care of them , honestly why is she here , he also stated that El Padrino's on his way.
They're lucky she's being paid , Jess was skipping around creeper , who laughed at the girl , who seemed to brighten things up.
"Padrino , Godfather." Ez translated as Angel got him up from the chair Sage sat him down on.
"Alvarez , The reason me and Jess came here." Sage stated , As Jess ran ahead of them spouting nonsense,into the tunnels they went.
"Right there , Careful!" Sage exclaimed , as She helped the older male docter prepare stuff.
"Hiciste un buen trabajo, quizás tenga que contratarte." The doctor said to Sage as Jess sat down.
(you did a good job , I might have to hire you)
"gracias señor, hice lo mejor que pude con lo que tenía a mano, y podría aceptar esa oferta." Sage replied perfectly.
(thank you sir , I did my best with what was on hand , and I might take you up on that offer.)
And then they got to work , with Jess asking when the fuck she learned spanish.
Part 1 of ep 1 perro/oc
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grande-caps · 1 year
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Mayans M.C 5.10 - "Slow to Bleed Fair Son "
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
The Half Way Point Part Four: Grow Strong - Angel Reyes x Reader (Feat Felipe Reyes) - Final Part
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Tagging: @proceduralpassion @crazy4chickennuggets @callsignartemis @kmc1989 @witches-unruly-heart @keyweegirlie @infinity-mars @danzer8705 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @appreciatelove @the-wandering-lunatic @weiwei0210 @anime-weeb-4-life @multifandomloversworld @harperdoodle @est1887 @prettyinpunk85 @thanossexual @briefpersonenemy @creativitybeware @librarian1002 @mortal--soul @buddinglinguist @spookyboogyuniverse @spaghettificationandpretzels @nu1freakshow @thebaileybugle @legally-a-bastard @oureternalbond  @bonsaijoons @sclitvdes
The Half Way Point:
Part One: Pink Roses - Felipe doesn't like you.
Part Two: Blessing - Felipe gets to know you a little better.
Part Three: A Safe Space - Felipe helps with some repairs.
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The two of them have been watching you for ten minutes through the kitchen window and you still show no signs of coming indoors. Instead, you’re at the front of Felipe’s house digging out the borders alongside the rose bush because you’ve arrived with compost and a determination to do something about Felipe's shitty soil.
“When I invited you over for dinner this is not what I had in mind.” He tells Angel as he sips from his beer bottle.
“It’s her thing.” Angel states, rubbing his palm over the back of his neck. “She fucking loves getting her hands in the dirt.”
Felipe knows what you’re doing. He fixed your bench, oiled your gate, and then weatherproofed them both, and now you’re repaying the debt. He wonders if this is how it’s always going to be between the two of you and then realises that he’s started to think of you in the long term.
“You gonna marry her?”
“Eventually.” Angel tells him, his gaze never leaving you as you dump a fuck ton of compost into the earth. “We’re three months in. She’s going to think I’m nuts if I propose now.”
“I think she’s a little nuts anyway.” Felipe remarks turning his attention back to the oven. He slips on a pair of yellow oven mittens that Marisol used to use, before pulling out the oven tray with the jacket potatoes. “Go get her in before the neighbours think I’m too frail to attend to my own front yard.”
Angel complies with the request and Felipe watches the conversation through the window. When you tip your head back and laugh, he knows Angel’s told you what he said. He finds the corners of his mouth turning up as he heats the pan for the steak, he’s been marinading all afternoon.
He knows what love looks like and he knows that Angel is head over heels for you. It's the first time he's seen his son actually happy. He thinks you feel the same way, you’re tender with your affection, stripping off your gardening gloves and slipping them into your back pocket, before your fingers trail along the line of his jaw guiding his mouth to yours. It's almost too intimate to watch.
Felipe turns his attention back to the stove as you come through the door, heading straight towards the sink to wash your hands.
“It's too late Felipe,” You tell him as you turn on the tap. “One of your neighbours has ready asked me if I’m your new gardener.”
“That makes a refreshing change.” He remarks and Angel can't help but laugh at the sentiment as he pulls out a chair for you.
It's surprising how normal eating with other people feels to Felipe, despite the fact it's been a couple of years. The conversation flows easily, switching from the work that Angel's been doing at the community centre to other programs they have. He gets the sense that Angel is hedging around something when he shares a meaningful look with you.
“What?” Felipe says setting his knife and fork down in the centre of this plate.
“Are you sure you want to do it tonight?” Angel asks quietly tilting his head towards the urn on the sideboard.
Felipe sighs before leaning forward, his elbows coming to rest upon the table.
“I think it's time, don't you?”
Angel meets his father’s gaze, his lips pursing together before he nods his agreement. It’s been over six years since his mother died, it’s time for her to rest.
“Do you want to wait for EZ?” You ask him, pushing your empty plate away from you. “It's starting to get dark out, if we’re going to do it tonight, it should probably be soon.”
“We'll give him a few more minutes.” Felipe says looking up at the clock.
“We can always do it by candlelight.” Angel says, looking pointedly at the cupboard under the sink. “There's always a few in the disaster kit.”
It's half an hour later that you find yourself on your knees in front of Marisol's rose bush, digging out a small hole in the soil alongside the roots. Each of the Reyes men are stood behind you, EZ and Angel holding a candle to illuminate the darkness, while Felipe cradles Marisol’s urn to his chest.
“You're sure about this?” You ask them again as you set the trowel down in the grass beside you.
“Mom would have loved it.” EZ says reassuringly, his hand coming to rest on his father’s back for the briefest moments. “Something new growing from her ashes.”
You look to Felipe before kneels down beside you and removes the lid from the urn. You watch as he tips his late wife's remains into the soil. You use your trowel to cover up the hole before you pat it down flat. Felipe places his palm upon the earth, his thumb smoothing over the dirt as he whispers into the night.
“Grow strong my love.”
Love Angel? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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bombshellbre95 · 1 year
I need Miguel to stop being so fucking stubborn and get to know Felipe. And that scene where he saw the pic of Felipe, Angel, and EZ at the beach and added his baby pic to it gave me some kind of hope. I also need Felipe to sit Angel and EZ down and tell them the truth.
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youare-mysonshine · 1 year
okay so i have not watched mayans mc in a while (i didn’t watch season 4 or 5) but i know that the series finale just dropped and i just wanna know
did miguel, ez, and angel ever find out that they’re brothers? i’ve read spoilers, idc about spoilers, but i don’t think i’ve ever read anything about them finding out felipe is miguel’s dad🤨 someone tell me lmao
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mysoulisasunflower · 1 year
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Teasing is loving !
Mayans MC | 1.3 "Búho/Muwan"
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cloveroctobers · 2 years
DECEMBER DRABBLE — 2. Angel Reyes 🌨️
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A/N: gif belongs to [user: @pedropcl] now it seems like it’s next to impossible to find decent gifs through the gif search up here especially when it comes to this man. S/o to google this time around! Anyways here I am writing for another angel but the main angel? That I usually write for lol. For once it’s nothing too serious—well kinda…and might actually fit into the drabble category. Let’s pat myself on the back…maybe. I write my AN’s before I actually write the content 😬
S/N: decided to add Dante Torres from Chicago PD into the mix because I have a crush on Benjamin levy Aguilar and loved him in that Netflix series with Veronica mars (she’ll always be Veronica mars sorry y’all lol) and there’s no content on him. He’s only mentioned in this so don’t attack me too much if you read this and I’m new to the Chicago PD series and his character which is why I didn’t write any scenes specifically with him.
Prompt: #24. “Lift me up so I can put the star on the tree.” + #16. “We can’t put this photo in our Christmas card.”
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Angel didn’t like what he was seeing when he pulled up to his house that weekend. He didn’t want to jump to conclusions but he recognized the car that passed him by before he parked his bike next to your car in the driveway. He wasn’t late so he didn’t know why someone else was pulling up to his house uninvited.
And he had something to say about it.
“Yo!” Angel called into the house as he dropped his keys into the dish by the front door.
He stepped into the living room to see you swaying in front of the Christmas tree, joint attached to your full lips. Angel almost got distracted by the way your ass filled out those gym pants but he was on a mission. Then he picked up on the music full of Afro-Beats, which meant you were in a good mood and something inside of him provoked him to disrupt that.
Angel licked his bottom lip, getting one last look before he lightly touched your upper back to get your attention. And what did he do that for? You slightly jumped and spun to aim a high kick at your attacker, who you didnt recognize as Angel at the start.
Thankfully he dodged your long leg and called out to you, “whoa! Aye, querida. Relax! It’s just me.”
“Angel?! What are you doing sneaking up on me like that?” You muttered around the joint as you exhaled.
Angel sucked his teeth, “I called out to you as soon as walked in the door.”
“I’m having a jam session right now, you know I don’t hear nothing when I’m dancing.” You wiggled your hips and held out the joint to the man who plucked it from your hands.
He took a hit and deeply exhaled as you carried on, spinning around him while he lightly shook his head.
It was time to get down to business.
“Whatchu do all day? Have anybody over?”
“Mmm nope. Spent the day doing a wash and go, listening to music, and putting the tree up. Now I get to relax.” You told your boyfriend while you continued dancing.
Angel called out to alexa to stop the music, shutting it off much to your annoyance. You held your hands out silently asking what he did that for and awaited a response from the party crasher.
“I saw a car on my way coming in. The same car that pulled up to the club once before…you know anything about that?”
Why would you? Your poked your head out in confusion and rolled your hands, “just spit it out already Angel, you’re getting on my nerves trying to play the accusing game.”
“Are you cheating on me with that egghead oink oink motherfucker? D’Angelo?”
A laugh couldn’t help but to burst out at Angel’s description but the look on his face was anything but humor.
“You mean Dante?” You asked, turning back to the couch in search of the remote.
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Angel waved his hand around, still holding onto your joint, “whatever his name is. Are you sleeping with him?”
“I don’t cheat on people I claim to love. I don’t move like that and you know it so stop insulting me.” A heated stare went his way and Angel felt himself having to take a deep breath.
Of course he knew that. That was his own insecurities and previous actions getting in the way. He knew you were solid and would never, you already warned him if that’s something he did or even thought about when it came to your relationship then it was automatically a wrap. You had such power about you, like it seemed like nothing could hurt you, like you were invincible and it was incredible to watch. Angel didn’t want to be the one to fuck with that, not purposely.
And he really did care for you, which is why he didn’t want to believe that you could cheat on him. However he knew that you could just get up and leave whenever you wanted and that thought alone scared him. He never felt that way more than once before.
You didn’t need him and he knew that. Yet you still showed him love in a way that he wasn’t used to. You were patient but firm, which is why you weren’t raising your voice at his foolish accusations.
“I—I’m sorry but he was here right? I’m not completely bugging, I know that much.”
Plopping down on the edge of the couch you waved the remote around as you briefly thought about it, “…yeah he was. He stopped by for a minute, he didn’t come in out of respect for me.”
Angel huffed, “respect for you? What about me? He don’t pay no bills around here, he should be asking my permission to be anywhere near you.”
Sighing you said, “he doesn’t need your ‘permission’ to be around me. He’s my friend and been my friend since we were teens. Also you don’t know if he was here because of whatever case he’s working on and before you get paranoid it has nothing to do with you or the club. I would let you know that. Do you see me on your dick about the bartenders you used to mess around with? Now no. So stop your bitching and lift me up so I can put the star on the tree.”
Angel took a long drag from the joint at your words. He didn’t know who you thought you were talking to but he liked it.
“Why don’t you call the egghead back over here and he could do the work,” Angel mocked, “you already put the tree up without me.”
“You told me it was fine! Every time we planned to do it during the weekend you got called into the club. I asked you not once but thrice so don’t start, angel.” You scowled, getting to your feet and pulling your gym pants further up your waist.
Sighing Angel leaned over you, placing the joint into the dish to hold for him. He stood in front of you who peered up at him with raised brows. His hands massaged the sides of your neck before trailing up to rest against your cheeks, his hands were always rough but cool thanks to the rings that decorated his fingers.
“Love you lots you know,” he started, making you roll your eyes, “no for real, listen I do. It’s just that im fully aware I got the full package here and I don’t want nobody getting in between that. Especially no fed that your friends with…I dunno what it is with you and my fucken brother being friends with the opps.”
You sent a jab to the man’s abdomen who winced as you said, “don’t talk about franky like that, you know that’s family.”
“Oh shit, I keep forgetting.”
“Yeah, I don’t see why after everything he’s done.”
Angel made a chirping movement with his hand and stepped back before you could fight him some more, “don’t expect me to be friendly with egghead Da Vinci either.”
“I don’t think he wants to be your friend anyways.” You answered, making Angel furrow his brows as he began removing his vest.
He tossed it on the couch as he exasperates, “why? What his ass say? I’ll fuck him up.”
Laughing to yourself you shook your head, not instigating anything further. You knew Dante scooped Angel out because he cared about your well-being and didn’t think the man was good enough for you. It was always like that when you started dating but Dante also knew you would do whatever you felt like doing no matter what someone had to say.
You always had a mind of your own.
Yet Dante Torres was diligent and rebellious and and that didn’t change when it came to you, his best friend.
Dante also knew the boundaries he had to respect out of the sake your relationship but that didn’t mean he had to like Angel Reyes. At the end of the day he had a job to do and when he was ready he could take down the whole club if he really wanted to. However he was leaving to Chicago for a couple of weeks and he just knew something would go down without him even prying.
“And then you’ll be in jail for assaulting a cop and that’s a hard charge to get out of.” You let out a low-whistle, remembering a family member who took that route in his early twenties and just got out at the age of thirty-four last year.
Angel scoffed but said nothing more not wanting to waste anymore breath on some guy that didn’t matter to him. Instead he searched the empty box for the crown that was your star for the tree and held it in between his teeth. While he did that you decided to turn the music back on, just in time for Angel to grip you by the waist to face him. He then pulled you around to be in front of him, you glancing back at him in question as he motioned for you.
“You know what to do, spread ‘em.”
“Ask nicely.”
Angel gave you a look making you laugh as you got into a jumping Jack pose without the jumping. Angel fixed the crown back between his lips before he crouched down in between your legs. Once his neck was in between your legs, he kept a tight grip on your legs before he lifted you up into the air.
“So this is what it’s like being seven feet tall?” You asked as Angel carried you over to the tree.
Reaching downwards you gently took the crown from his mouth and reached upwards. Angel’s hands tightened on your upper thighs as he leaned towards the tree more, eyeing as you slipped the crown right on top of the very decorative tree.
“Tree looks nice as fuck, Querida. How long it take you?” Angel used one hand to touch one the rose gold ribbons you had wrapped in it.
“Thank you, baby.” You beamed, knuckles now pressed into your hips as you admired your work, “I actually started on Friday, getting everything from the basement, mom came over on Saturday then she pissed me off trying to dictate how it should look as if she didn’t decorate her tree and my sister’s tree already. And I just finished today. It’s perfect.”
Angel chuckled to himself. He knew how your mom could be, she was a interior decorator herself so it only made since that she wanted to take over the whole process. Now angel was really kicking himself from missing out on this, you lost your cool whenever it came to your mom despite the love you had for her. Yet your mother is very stubborn and sensitive wrapped into one. He tried to question how your dad handled a woman like her but he knew your dad wasn’t rocking with him like that.
“Ah it is.” Angel began to crouch, making you grip for something as he began to do some squats.
“This what we doing?”
“I missed the entire weekend to work out, let me have this. Count for me?” Angel encouraged while you held on tighter.
The man slowly took working out seriously through persuasion of you. Also working as a phlebotomist encouraged you to take not only your health but others around you seriously. You always found health class and physiology interesting so it was no surprise to your family and friends that you got into this field.
And so you did, getting to fifty before Angel decided to call it quits.
“You did great,” you mentioned as Angel took the time to focus on slowing his breathing.
Once he did, he lowered you down to the ground with a nice slap to your ass of course.
“Thanks for being my weight and letting me in between those thighs.”
“Oh, shut up.” You playfully shoved the man, who laughed yanking you to his slightly sweaty frame to pepper your face with kisses.
Later…Angel sat at the kitchen table, eating the Sunday dinner you prepared while your eyes went over a series of photos on your laptop.
“Angel, what is this?”
Angel stopped chewing the lamb and peered over at you, “what?”
“Why did you move these into the possible Christmas card options?” You spun the laptop around to face the dark haired man who smirked at the image.
Angel continued eating, “What’s wrong with it?”
“Angel…” you exhaled and rested your fingertips against your forehead, “Our reenactment of Janet Jackson’s rolling stone cover and her ex husband with your hands on my breasts and you in a Santa hat is not appropriate to send to my granny or my parents. We can’t put this photo in our Christmas card.”
Angel shrugged his shoulders, “why not, it’s art? It’s Christmas, it’s supposed to be happy.”
“Would you like me sending this to pop?” You quizzed.
Angel pretended to think about it, “he wouldn’t keep it anyways and would probably call me up to yell at me about it. I’d love to see the look on his face though. We look sexy, what’s the problem?”
“These were for our eyes only. For fun.”
“Which is what Christmas is all about.”
“I thought it was about celebrating the birth of Jesus?”
“Fuck if I know, I was raised catholic.”
Your eyes instantly went to Angel’s who met your stare. He laughed to himself, “I know how that sounds, be quiet.”
Grabbing the computer back you shook your head at the unbelievable man. Scrunching up your nose, you lifted your glasses further up the bridge of your nose as you clicked onto the next set of photos.
Angel licked his fingers, finishing off his food before he patted his belly. “Here’s an idea, why don’t you send that one to your old homeboy? Maybe he’ll get the message to stop coming around when I’m not here.”
“I’m not doing that to feed your ego.” You easily responded, eyes trained on your screen.
Angel got up from the table to place his items into the sink. He actually took the time to wash them to place into the rack. Once finished he walked over to you, leaning over to see what other photos you were looking at. You took a good thirty photos together so there had to be something in there that was satisfactory in your eyes.
He didn’t really care to be honest, “Whatever you pick will be cute as shit that your granny will keep pushing for us to give her a great-grand baby.”
Almost gagging you shuddered at the thought. Being pregnant terrified you, sure babies were cute and everything but the whole process of carrying and actually giving birth did not sound like a 10/10. You’ve watched enough horror stories and heard enough horror stories to know that’s not exactly what you wanted right now. Or ever? Of course that could always change but the full discussion of children with Angel made you uneasy.
He already had a son and previously lost a son, which didn’t sit right with you, however it was none of your business. Although, you didn’t exactly enjoy the idea of possibly raising a child with a man that was hardly there…but that was not a conversation that you wanted to have tonight.
If Angel picked up on this, he chose not to say anything about it when you know he could have. Instead he just placed a kiss on your temple, his beard briefly scratching at your skin before he left your side, saying he was off to take a shower and leave you alone with your final decisions.
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Continue along with my anthology December prompts here.
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idorkish · 2 years
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Omg omg omg!!!!!!!!
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