#FF Marshmallow
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Watercolor Drawing from today.
I didn't like how certain parts turned out, then I messed them up by inking them so I censored them. Then I censored other things to make a theme lol.
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stargazeraldroth · 1 year
Food Fantasy fandom if you still exist, tell me your favorite Food Souls. For me it’s-
Milk, Black Tea, Pizza, Cassata, Cheese, Gingerbread, Rice, Candy Cane, Marshmallow, Hishi Mochi, Black Pudding, Stargazy Pie, Waffle, Salty Licorice, Donut, Baguette, Sachertorte, Fondant Cake, Laba Congee, Snowskin Mooncake, Vodka, and... I’ll throw Boston Lobster in for good measure
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jtl-fics · 10 months
Fluent Freshman - Part 36
The Smiths had been a happy family.
A happy couple and three happy healthy children. Their first born son 2 years into a blissful marriage, a second born son 4 years in and the third, a first born daughter 7 years in.
They spent most holidays with his Mother’s large rambunctious family but his grandma on his father’s side and her mother were always invited to any family event.
“The more the merrier.” He had heard more than one aunt or uncle say. “We know that Gavin is an only child, we don’t want to leave you alone.” They would say to his Gran. Cousins playing, laughing, rough housing, and screaming. Family friends with their own kids stopping in. The adults who could cook cranking food out happy to feed people.
The more the merrier is something FF believed with all his heart.
FF loved being an older brother.
He loved them from the moment he knew they existed. Had wanted to meet them instantly. Waiting to meet Jay and then Robin had been the longest time of his life. Meeting both of them were two of the happiest moments in FF’s entire life.
Robin had loved to reach up and pinch at his face.
Nose, ears, or even cheeks his little sister had loved to clamp her fingers around it. He used to talk when she’d do it on his nose, purposefully sounding more nasally as he talked to her as she giggled wildly. It was her favorite game in the entire world and FF had always been willing to play it with her.
Jay fell asleep against his shoulders without fail on every single car ride.
Slight weight, drool, and tiny hands that always wanted to hold his arm like a pillow. He was getting big had denied that he did that with pure horror every time FF would ask him if he was going to take a nap. Yet FF very rarely made it to a far off destination without a little bit of drool on an outfit. FF had never cared, trying not to laugh too hard with Robin as she giggled so that he wouldn’t dislodge Jay.
His gran would pinch his cheek and tell him how good he was.
A good older brother.
The happy couple wanted more kids. Wanted a bigger and bigger family. His mom wanted what she knew, his dad wanted what he never had, FF wanted more siblings.
He always felt like he had gotten his wish, but only in the worst way he could have.
His mom and dad were fighting. They were driving home from the supermarket; he vaguely remembers that. He doesn’t remember what started the fight but he remembers how Jay and Robin moved in close to him. She was pointing at him and FF doesn’t remember what she said but he remembers her hands reaching and then-
His face hurt, his ear hurt, he looked over and Jay was asleep just like he always was but he doesn’t look right. He looks and Robin is there reaching for him but she can’t reach him. “I’m scared.” She had said his name, pleading and terrified. Her face was bruised, cut, and she had a burn that looked painful.
He lied to her.
He didn’t know it at the time, but he did.
He reached out and he couldn’t touch her face, but he held her tiny hand in his own, looked her in the eyes, and lied.
“It’s going to be okay; I promise.”
Then he woke up and that hand wasn’t the one in his anymore. The world is muted but somehow his grandma’s red eyes and pale skin stand out to him. He asks what happened and she tells him.
Things don’t get better.
His mom swears his dad tried to kill them all that he swerved so they’d all die together. He can’t corroborate that story; he just remembers her hand reaching and-
How do you ask your mom if she tried to kill you?
She must see the question in his eyes regardless. Must figure that if he can’t feel anything, can’t cry, can’t emote, can’t go and lay between his sibling’s graves in the middle of the night then maybe he’ll never ask the question and she’ll never have to answer.
He learned to live not knowing and maybe his mom learned that he was a coward.
His mom’s family don’t treat him the same. He won’t denounce his father and they look at him with pity and Daniel whispers poison into his cousins’ ears until they act like he killed Robin and Jay personally.
He can’t react.
Can’t plead with his cousins to understand.
Daniel would spin it and FF would find himself on the meds again. So, he got good at pretending. He got good at faking. He got good at everything that was needed to pretend like he didn’t have a care.
Then Coach Wymack and Captain Dan Wilds were there.
He’d been getting better.
Now Daniel was here.
Nicky tucked him into bed and he tried to sleep. Even feigned it well enough for Nicky to leave and to get startled by the shouting that shortly followed.
Daniel was going to stay.
Daniel was going to try to be on the same team.
Daniel was smart, strong, and very athletic.
Daniel was going to be on the same team.
He hears when Abby and his Gran come back, and someone must have mentioned that Daniel was there to his Grandma because she comes in and tells him that it will be okay. He puts on a brave face for her, and she kisses his cheek.
He lays there in bed and stares at the ceiling feel flushed and hot with anxiety.
He gets up and walks to the fridge and finds himself frozen there.
“Smith,” Bee’s voice rings in his ears as he had tried to keep pushing everything down. “Smith, there is only so much you can bottle up and repress.” She reached out and held his hand comfortingly because touch always made him feel like he was on earth.
“What am I supposed to do with it?” he had asked, ashamed.
“Smith, you’ll have to process it. Feel what you repressed and then after you’ve felt it maybe you can let it go.” Bee had said.
He had avoided taking her advice so far, it hadn’t felt safe, and it had been too much, too scary.
Nicky’s face comes into his vision, “Smithy?” he asks and there is concern that FF hadn’t felt worthy of. “C’mon bud. Let’s get you under the covers.” His friend says.
They get to the guest room and FF crumbles. His face in Nicky’s shoulder and when Nicky asks if he can hold him while he sleeps FF nods and holds on as tight as he can. Nicky’s hand finds his back, “It’s okay Smithy, I’m right here. We won’t let that asshole mess with you. You’re safe.” Nicky had promised and-
and it’s enough.
He relaxes against Nicky and he feels safe.
So, he decides to process it.
“Dig in!” Abby said not bothering with grace. It was good. FF still missed his grandma’s cooking. It was nice to have this loud Thanksgiving like he used to get but there was something special about helping his grandma in the kitchen and the two of them sitting down to eat. He missed events with his mom’s family. Loud and boisterous and his Gran welcomed and loved by everyone there. It was special to have his time with his grandma, but he wishes it could be with his cousins and his siblings still.
It’s okay to be nostalgic.
He lets himself process it.
Captain Neil was up front and had started  to play some music. Nicky and Aaron were conked out before they had even reached the entrance to the interstate. They had also slumped onto FF with Aaron asleep on his shoulder as Nicky drooled into his hair. “You can just shove them off.” Andrew said. “It’s fine.” FF said and had reminisced about the last time he’d had something like this. How maybe Jay would be this big, would he be tall like Nicky or shorter like Aaron? Would Robin be big? Would she still want to squeeze his nose and ask him to talk?
It wasn’t a bad thought, just one that hurt to consider.
He lets himself process it.
Aaron looked at him with a twisted mouth for a while before he relented, “Fine they’re not that bad. It’s a big brother thing.” Aaron rolled his eyes. FF swallowed down some acid in his throat and had pushed the smiling eggs and bacon over to Aaron who smiled back at the breakfast and proceeded to eat it. A big brother thing. FF used to be one of those but, unlike Aaron, he hadn’t managed to protect his siblings. Aaron was a good big brother and FF only had the memory of being one.
It hurt and maybe it wasn’t just his great grandma he had reached out to when he had baked those brownies. They had always always been Jay’s favorite.
Two kids hadn’t moved as the rest of the world continued to. He watched as they clung to one another, and no one seemed to take notice of them. He didn’t understand how anyone could mess them with the bright orange children’s jerseys they had on. One sporting 01 – Josten and the other 10 – Josten on the backs. He had said something to Nicky and then he was squatted down in front of them. A big brother and a little sister with a burn. He’s glad to see them off safely. Glad they’re safe and that Millie is smiling at him like he hung the stars because he got her an autograph from Captain Neil. Glad to watch Brandon be lifted up by his father. He hopes they get home safe.
They didn’t even look that much like Jay and Robin but it had made him happy.
There were other moments, small moments that had hurt that he bottled up but those didn’t take much time to process though.
He finishes processing and lets himself come back to the present.
Something tastes good in his mouth.
“…put the knife away!!” he hears Nicky yelling and looks up to find that Nicky is hiding behind Matt Boyd in Abby’s backyard.
“Just tell me where my car is Nicholas!” Andrew says advancing on Nicky with a knife drawn.
“Can we not do this with me in the middle?” Matt pleads.
“He won’t stab you so you’re the safest thing to hide behind!” Nicky exclaims.
“Where. Is. My. Car?” Andrew hisses.
“Look, I’m just saying that until that asshole is off the campus….maybe it’s for the best that you don’t have access to your car?” Nicky asks pleadingly.
“What the fuck is he drinking?!” He turns as he hears Kevin nearby.
“Milkshake, it’s fine. Doesn’t Smiths deserve something that is not one of your dogshit smoothies?” Aaron asks and he’s standing between Kevin and FF. He sees one of Kevin’s smoothies in the starting striker’s hands.
“It’s not fine!” Kevin hisses. “I didn’t approve of it!” he flails one arm.
“Kevin,  you’re not actually his doctor.” Captain Neil says, “Andrew, maybe put the knife away before people call the cops on you?” Captain Neil asks pleadingly.
“I’ll put it away once Nicky tells me where he put my car.” Andrew demands.
“We just barely avoided you going to jail a couple weeks ago Andrew. I just don’t want you to do something that would result in you being there on vehicular manslaughter charges!” Nicky pled from behind Matt.
“I wouldn’t crash the Maserati just to kill him.” Andrew is facing towards them, and FF can see him roll his eyes.
“I think they’re more worried that you’ll just run him over if you see him dude.” Matt says.
FF realizes belatedly that he’s sucking on a straw to an empty milkshake only when a wrinkled hand takes it from him and puts a hot drink in his hands instead. He looks and sees his grandma smiling at him.
He looks down and-
Oh, hot chocolate. This is nice.
He takes a sip.
Oh, his grandma’s hot chocolate.
He watches as his Grandma makes her way towards where Andrew and Nicky were continuing to run around a resigned looking Matt.
Andrew is stopped as his Grandma hands him a cup of hot chocolate filled to the brim with marshmallows. He blinks at the offering but takes it stopping his hot pursuit of Nicky.
“Jesteś moim ulubieńcem” she says. (“You’re my favorite now.”)
Nicky makes a noise like he’s dying. “Aras!” he cries dramatically.
“Got something to say about the drink from his Gran?” Aaron asks.
“No…” Kevin says petulantly. “…but he should leave room. I formulated a new healthier smoothie that tastes good.” Kevin says holding up his smoothie.
“Doesn’t taste like ass is more accurate.” Matt says walking over now that Nicky was immobilized by his despair and Andrew was enjoying hot chocolate. “Sorry Smithster, we’re still working on getting it up to ‘tastes good’.” He says apologetically clapping FF on the shoulder.
“Fat chance of that with Kevin’s sensibilities with flavor.” Aaron says rolling his eyes. “More accurate to say lack of sensibility.” He adds after a second.
“Don’t be rude, you ran off without even warning me.” Matt points at Aaron.
"You ran off?!" Kevin demands.
FF can’t help it.
He laughs.
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muckyschmuck · 4 months
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stuff drawed during my waking up (which is ongoing
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keychainedd · 8 months
fat thing
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wolveswithblackpearls · 3 months
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Werewolf AU!Suho
A howl ripped through the air. The hair on the back of your neck stood up and your first instinct was to run. But that was a wolf’s howl, calling out to the moon. So, instead, you walked slowly towards the direction it came from, like an idiot. And you couldn’t even say that you lived a full life.  
Once again, a moodboard for the lovely @marshmallow-phd ! This time for part 5 of her “The Untamed”-series: “Charming Instruction”.
~Admin C
Original date of publishing: Feb 7th, 2019
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loungemermaid · 1 year
not to be a whiny little bitch on main but like, actually shocked and appalled that my disability disables me.
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lizard-dumbass · 1 year
I'm just gonna say it. pineapple on pizza is over-hated
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woahthisguy4721 · 2 years
Sometimes I think about the smore I'd make for bake off and I weep
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songmingisthighs · 2 years
[19.55] cat hybrid!san × reader
⇀ san. what is san ? san's a cat. but san's not just a cat. san's an adorable cat
⇁ @bobateastay you did this AGAIN FFS /lovingly
It had become a routine it seems. Every Sunday, you and San decided that it's a day to just relax, do nothing. But it's a pact that although you both are doing nothing, you're doing nothing together.
On this particular do-nothing-day, you found yourself on your bed with a book in your hand as the tv played a movie that you've watched approximately 12 times within the past year. San was not far from where you are. He was sat on his gaming station that's situated on the other side of your shared bed with his back against the tv.
Maybe 2 hours has passed since you started your book and the movie was nearing its ending. San has been playing some sort of game with another cat hybrid named Wooyoung, a dog hybrid named Yunho and a snow fox hybrid named Yeosang, all of whom he befriend a long time ago.
You closed your book and stretched your body like how San taught you to, as you quote, "Reach the maximum relaxation because who wants to function with an ass that falls asleep every 10 minutes?" Which you don't quite understand but you don't care since somehow, it works. On your stomach, you folded your legs under your body and reached forward with your arms, stretching your back until you feel your spine cracking away. After your back, you released your legs and just pushed like how San would. You pushed until your legs shook, making you grin at yourself at how good it felt. Once you're done, you flipped your body and land on your side, facing San who was so focused on his own game that he hadn't noticed you looking at him.
"Go! Go! Go! No- Wooyoung I swear- YOU SAID YOU'RE GOOD AT THIS!!!!" he roared into his mic, fingers tapping furiously at his gaming keyboard. You don't know which entranced you more, his fingers dancing on the keyboard or the colourful lights on the keyboard itself. "I should have teamed up with Yunho... LOOK AT YEOSANG CHILLING RIGHT THERE!! HE'S WORKING TOGETHER WITH YUNH- oh that's rich coming from someone who died after 2 minutes-"
San stopped his rant to Wooyoung when he noticed you staring at him. Confused (yet very happy that he got your attention), San smiled at you for a bit before refocusing on his game. When he smiled, his dimples popped out and his black cat ears twitched from the fluff of white hair. You couldn't help but squeal and completely melted.
As he focused back on his game, you crawled over to his side of the bed and sat by his side. You took a good look at him, seeing how he scrunch his eyebrows when he was focused on attacking, how he seemed to be such a pro at balancing between using one hand on the keyboard and the other on the mouse, how his beautiful pupils dart around the screen, following the direction of his mouse (which is ironic considering he's a cat), all the while navigating and coordinating with Wooyoung. There's a grace to him playing games, and there's an adorableness to him cussing at his teammate and bitching about said teammate to his other friends.
Noticing you were staring at him, San's eyes began darting back and forth from the screen to you. "Is there something on my face?" he asked as he moved his headphone away, opting to let it rest on his neck so he could still hear what was going on but also to hear you. He was wondering why you were staring at him like that. Like he's the fluffiest marshmallow.
You simply shrugged and instead of answering, you simply reach to scratch the base of his left ear. The stimulation from the scratch made him purr and his eyes began fluttering. For a split second, he forgot that he was playing as his fingers curled and hovered above his gaming station.
It wasn't until you heard Wooyoung yelling at him through the headphones on his neck that he snapped out and immediately moved to shoot at a character in the game that you assume is either Yunho or Yeosang. San's a good player, but that doesn't mean he can't be petty when he wants to be. There were instances where he shot his own teammate after they called him clingy for being distracted by you, all the while adorning an adorable pout that made you peck his nose.
Seeing him needed by his teammate, you decided that maybe you were a distraction to him. You had just lifted your hand off of him when he suddenly let out a childish whine of disapproval. "What are you doing!?" he complained as he snapped his head to you. From the headphone, you could hear Wooyoung retaliating, something along the lines of "Me??? What the fuck are YOU doing!?" because in mere seconds, San was hissing at him. "Not you, dumbass! I was talking to (y/n)!" he said as he pouted at you.
"Me?" You furrowed your eyebrows at him, "What did I do?" you asked, confused. San puffed his cheeks and simply grab the hand that you used to scratch him and plopped it on the top of his head. "Pat," he said simply. Which sounded more like a demand.
Realizing why he was pissy, you couldn't help but chuckle and comply. Rather than distracting him with the scratches he usually demands before sleep, you simply pat and rub the top of his head gently. You let your fingers card through his soft locks and even took time to take notice of how his ears would move around, sometimes due to sounds or even fluttering when he felt satisfied. The pout on San's face soon melted, replaced with a satisfied grin. Even his tail swished around happily, seemingly doing a little happy dance.
You like seeing San this happy. When you both first decided to move in together, you were unsure because your friends told you all sorts of horror stories about hybrids. How because they're part animals, they still have animal instincts in them and some won't even hesitate to hurt you for fun. The predator ones that is. But when you saw San and saw the first time he smiled at you, you know that you had nothing to worry about. Ten thousand suns won't even be able to match his brightness. Because he's your San, he's your San-shine. Your little big ball of fluff who often demands attention without wanting to say anything. Your pouty baby when you're so busy with work that you couldn't spare 10 minutes to give him his daily forehead kisses and nose nuzzles. Your adorable source of happiness who doesn't even have to do anything to get your absolute ultimate affection. Seriously, you might need help detaching yourself from San. His adorableness is a distraction which is a big issue for you. But honestly, you're not complaining.
After a while, your arm started to get tired from the constant petting but you don't wanna let San down, he looked so pleased.
"Sannie, my arm hurts," you groaned, slowly pulling your hand off.
Without missing a beat, his ears flopped down and his eyes turned into giant orbs, eyebrows drooping sadly, and bottom lip jutted out. "But... Warm..." he quivered sadly. You cooed and reached to cup his face, "Well, you're playing now and I can't hold out that long... Can we continue later before we sleep?" you negotiated.
But of course, he shook his head stubbornly.
Before you could make a move, he had already pushed his gaming chair back and pulled you into his lap. You yelped at his strength that you're pretty sure stemmed from his absolute determination to get what he wants. But you quickly adjusted your position, legs slipping under his armrests and chin comfortably resting on his shoulder.
Not even two seconds after you found your comfortable position, San grunted and he bumped the side of his head with you. You pulled back slightly as you were about to scold him, but he beat you to it. With his lips pursed like a duck and eyebrows furrowed, he mumbled, "Attention, now."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at San. But even after saying that, he tightened his hold on you and rested his own chin on your shoulder. You bit your bottom lip to prevent yourself from grinning to yourself even wider. It's bad enough that San already has an iron grip on you with his adorableness, you can't let his hot-and-cold side affect you too. Not that it hasn't, but you're simply bullshitting yourself.
Obliging his request demand, your hands soon found purchase around him. You had an arm wrapped around his neck, playing with the fabric of his hoodie as the other tangled itself with the hair on the back of his head. You let your fingers softly comb his hair as you hum a tune from a Studio Ghibli movie. San soon found himself melting under your touch, evident from the way his shoulders relaxed and his tail swishing way more calmly against your leg, making you giggle.
If only time could stop, you'd be happy being in this position forever.
"Dude, I can hear (y/n) humming. Are you guys in the chair together!?"
"Shut your jealous mouth up Wooyoung, go be useful."
taglist :
@rdiamond2727 @bobateastay @kodzukein @phenomenalgirl9 @skzatzloveismonsterous @memorymonster @forapollosol @dreamlesswonder86 @maddiebabyxoxo @imababywolf @do-you-actually-care @marievllr-abg @ilsedingsx @wasteitonserendipity @bbymatz @noonaishere @jo-hwaberry @honeyhwaaa @ateezourstars @yoonjunshi @yoongiigolden @camillelafaye @charreddonuts @jcngh0-hq @kpopnightingale @starryunho @atinct @cutie-wooyo @mirror-juliet @hyuckilstan @jayb17 @multihoe-net @kpoplover718 @imswitchbabemox @starryunho
@seonghwarizon @chloepurpy
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baby-xemnas · 3 days
*Law glaring at something that reminds him of Bepo, crying on the inside*
Luffy: “are you gonna eat your marshmallow?”
Law switches from a focused glare to 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 because Luffy interrupted his train of thought. Cant stand this mf dont barge into his headspace, hes thinking about his wife???? No he will not give you his marshmallow ffs
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landprince · 4 months
I put together a small KH fic rec after being asked to by at least one anon
some of these are rather old and dated (especially the ff ones) but idk they're fics I read and just stayed with me and I like them a lot so hopefully you guys do too
soriku centered
You're A Boy! (ff.net) RATED M "You're a boy!" Are Sora's first words to Riku when they meet at 10 years old. Riku moves in next door and they spend their childhoods together, learning, growing and loving.
Love is Blind (ff.net) RATED M The boy saw colours in the sound of a crackling fireplace, tasted feelings in cupcakes and marshmallows. Sora made Riku think that maybe he was actually the blind one, and not Sora.
Gravity (ff.net) RATED T When Sora's parents sign him up for a summer climbing camp, he's less than enthusiastic. But with some interesting new friends, and a handsome, infuritating boy to deal with, this week could be more interesting than he thought
victory tastes sweeter when i'm with you (curovogel on ao3) RATED T It’s a victory lap. That’s all it is.
Celestial Bodies (ao3) RATED E ASTRONAUT AU!
Sora is an enthusiastic environmental scientist, while Riku is a reserved engineer. Both are stationed on the International Space Station, orbiting the Earth in close quarters for the next six months.
How will they adjust to a life free from the weight of gravity and Earthly expectations?
namixi centered
Sugar and Spice (ao3) RATED G "Sugar and spice, and everything nice, that's what little girls are made of..."
Except Naminé is a vampire who lives in Halloween Town. She's not supposed to be sweet and gentle, but she is. It's just the nature of her personality. So she lives with other misfits and outcasts, and longs for things she cannot have.
And makes a new friend, purely by chance.
Dancing With Your Silhouette (ao3) RATED G Sometimes, Naminé thought she was too lonely. She was halfway in love with a statue simply because she wanted someone to listen to her and she poured her soul into making the sculpture of the girl absolutely perfect. She didn't expect her to come to life, didn't expect her world to be turned upside, didn't expect to fall in love with someone who had once been carved out of marble.
Xion had a way of making the complicated things simple.
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taejusunju · 11 months
Autumn leaves 🍂
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Woonhak x fem!reader genre: fluff, angst word count: 2.39k admin: 🧃
note: Hii okie ik this is pretty long but bare with me, I haven’t written something in a while and this is my first official ff also feel free to leave any feedback. I do know the angst is a lot, had to make it sad you know. Either way I hope you enjoyed it and thank you for reading. 🤍🧸
Summer was coming to an end, the chilly breeze and colourful leaves falling had already indicated autumn slowly weaving its way. For others it may seem like an ordinary day and nothing special, but autumn was my favourite season. The not so cold and not so hot weather, the colourful leaves falling from trees, this was the time to relish in the colours, wear cozy sweaters and sit by cozy fires, roasting marshmallows while singing your favourite songs, the time for the closeness of others to keep out of the chill of the morning and the dark-eyed darkness of the night.
This time everything would be different, autumn wouldn’t be the same as it had been all the past years for me. The person whom I had shared the beautiful memories of enjoying this season wasn’t going to be with me.
Every autumn my family and I, would go to our cottage on the far side of town for 3 weeks during fall break. I had made many friends and we would have so much fun together. Sometimes I would visit them during spring break too. Till 3 years ago, I had met my best friend woonhak. Me and my friends had visited a new coffee shop opened near us, and that was when I had spotted a cute barista, who later on became my friend and then best friend. Woonhak had always kept in touch with me even when I came back to my hometown. But till last autumn, when he had suddenly started to change and become more colder, and just different. I wasn’t sure what had happened but he wasn’t the same Woonhak who I was bestfriends with. From hours of facetime calls to not a single text message, me and him had completely drifted.
Time sure does fly fast, its fall break of my junior year and me and family are on our way to our cottage. I had texted all my friends, most of them are reaching today and we are excited to finally see each other again. I was wearing my favourite knitted brown sweater that I got gifted on my 14th birthday by woonhak with grey sweatpants and my busted converse. It made me a little upset thinking about how I won’t be able to hangout with him like I used too this break.
Lost in my thoughts, while listening to music and looking outside the window admiring the red and orange leaves scattered across the roads and in the air, the chilly breeze hits my face like ice, sending chills down my spine. We were about to reach the cottage. I could smell the faint scent of firewood and home baked sweets in the air. It felt like I was finally home. When we finally arrived, I ran out the car and straight to the lake down the street. I could hear my parents yelling from behind, telling me to come help with the bags, but I had to go to the lake. Just like I had assumed my friends were already there. Taesan and eunchae were the first to arrive and they came to the lake first. I had missed them so much I ran up to them and hugged them tightly. After a bit we saw jaehyun, sungho, nat and woonhak, coming down the hill. What was he doing here? I forgot for a second that just because he’s not close with me anymore doesn’t mean he’s not close with the others after all he was jaehyuns bestfriend. They all came and we started hugging eachother, it had been a year since we last saw eachother. Woonhak was still distant with me. Besides a mere exchange of hi we said nothing to eachother, I could tell the others had sensed the awkward tension between us.
After chatting for a bit and catching up with eachother we all decided to call it a day and head back home. Everyone lived near the village, besides me and woonhak cause he lived a little further down the street from me. I was walking behind him. I so badly wanted to go up and talk with him but I didn’t know how. I feared he would just ignore me and not say anything back but I couldn’t stand the silence anymore. So I got a little closer and started walking near him, he didn’t even move a bit to look at me, like I’m not there. “Hi”, I said hoping he would notice me and talk, I was surprised when he said “Hi” back but in a cold tone. “It’s been a while since we have talked” I said nervously looking at him. He just nodded back in silence this time moving his head towards me for a mere second of eye contact before he looked back ahead. I wish it could’ve lasted longer, I haven’t seen him in so long or talked to him. I missed him.
It was starting to really irritate me and making me upset, I hate to admit it but I did have feelings for woonhak and before I could confess them last year he had just stopped talking. Getting annoyed I stood in front of him blocking his way, he looked at me with a confused look. "What are you doing?” He said. “The same thing you’re doing, blocking your way like you blocked me out of your life” I said, I wasn’t gonna hold back now I have had enough of it. "Why have you been ignoring me? Did I do something? If I did, why don’t you just tell me instead of leaving me in the dark, was all those years of friendship worth nothing to you, that you just threw it away like it was trash?" I said to him now a bit more louder and colder. He just looked at me with a blank face, "you did nothing wrong, it was me." He said. “So what? That’s it? You have nothing else to tell me? Seriously woonhak what is wrong with you.” I said while starting to tear up, I was too frustrated I just couldn’t hold back my emotions. As I started to cry, I noticed my face being lifted up, it was him. "Please stop crying, i didnt mean to hurt you." He said now looking worried, this was the first time in a while I had seen any sort of emotion on his face. "I just..had to but I didn’t mean to hurt you” he said. “How could you not hurt me, we were bestfriends woonhak” I said. “Oh. yea best friends..I’m sorry" he said now looking down at his shoes. "It’s getting late you should head back home" he said. "Fine” you said, you were upset and frustrated and continued to walk back home alone.
The rest of the evening I spent unpacking my bags and spending time with my family. I didn’t wanna think about what had happened earlier. Everyone was texting in the groupchat making plans on what to do tomorrow together but thinking about how woonhak would be there was already making me upset. Ever since woonhak and me stopped talking, jaehyun and I had became really close friends. I had asked him many times why woonhak had been acting the way he is, but it was only me who felt that way, jaehyun said he seemed fine and maybe he just didn’t wanna be friends with me anymore, but why?.
Its now 11:40pm and I can’t sleep. I decided to go to the park near me, I remember me and woonhak used to hangout a lot during last fall here together. He liked playing basketball and I would watch him or sometimes play with him. As I got to the park I sat down on the swing, listening to the sound of leaves rusting against the ground as the wind blows them. The quite sound of the night, the water of the lake moving and the crickets sound. I was gently swinging when I heard someone sit on the swing beside me, "Can’t sleep?" He asked. I looked up to see woonhak, "I don’t want to talk to you". For a bit we stayed in silence swinging before either of us said a word. "I’m sorry" he said looking at me. I didn’t feel like talking to him, it’s not going to fix anything since he doesn’t want to. "Why are you sorry, it’s not like you care” I said. "I do care, a lot more then you think” he said. What did he mean by that, "If you cared, you wouldn’t have just cut me off like that, do you know how hurt I was" I replied. "I know and I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have left everything like that but I didn’t know what to do at the time” he said. “God why are you so stubborn woonhak, can’t you just tell me what’s wrong if you aren’t I’m just gonna go” I said getting frustrated. I was about to get up and walk away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to hug him. "Can’t we just stay like this for a while, I’ll tell you everything” he said, my heart was beating so fast I hoped he wouldn’t notice it. "I missed you so much, you don’t understand” he said, I missed him a lot too.
We stayed hugging for a few minutes before we both pulled back. We sat down at the bench near us, hopefully he would tell me everything and why he was so distant with me. "So tell me now, don’t leave a detail out okay?” I said, “okay…I didn’t want to distant from you y/n…we were so close….I-I just didn’t know what to do. Jaehyun had liked you since we all had first met and he wanted me to help him pursue you.” I was at lost of words, jaehyun liked me? But he had never told me anything. “I didn’t wanna help him pursue you, but I also didn’t want to tell him that cause he’s been my closest friend since childhood. So the best thing I did was cut you off and tell him we weren’t close anymore and I couldn’t help him. I truly am sorry for hurting you y/n it wasn’t my intention” he said. “Why did you not want jaehyun to pursue me?” I asked, why was he so against it. “It’s cause.. I just you know” he said, “you know what woonhak, say it” I was tired of him going around the bush. “It’s cause I like you, I like you a lot y/n and this wasn’t how I planned on telling you but you keep on insisting. I never knew if you felt the same and after jaehyun liking you I thought you would like him too and I never wanted to ruin our close friendship.” He said dropping the bomb on me, I was silently shocked, I didn’t know what to say to him. He liked me too? Did he not know I liked him too. "Oh” was all I could say. “It’s fine if you don’t feel the same, especially after becoming distant you probably lost any sort of feelings for me anyways” he said looking kinda upset now. “NO no, I’m sorry it’s not that it was alot to take in, but no I do like you woonhak, I always have since I first saw you at the coffee shop. I wanted to tell you last fall but you had already cut me off” I said to him, it felt so good finally telling him the feelings I had bottled inside me for years.
We both stood there looking at each other and smiling, after confessing to each other. I could see a smirk plastered on woonhak as face, “So you liked me for so long and didn’t care to tell me?" He said. "And you liked me and cut me off" I said back. "Heyyy I had my reasons to why” he whined, "okayy finee. oh..yea what do we do about jaehyun now?” I didn’t want him to ruin his friend ship with jaehyun cause of me. "I don’t know I guess I’ll have to talk to him and tell him about us” he replied. “Us?” I said grinning back obviously teasing him, “You know what I mean..like us liking each other” he said shyly, I could see his face becoming red. "It’s getting late, I’ll walk you back home” and I nodded back.
He walked back with me home, on the way we just chatted a bit catching up on old stuff. Here and there our hands would rub against each other and making us both get shy and look away from each other. After a bit we finally reached my house and it was time to say goodbye for the night, but I didn’t want to and I knew he didn’t want to either. "It’s getting late now you should head inside” he finally said. "Yeah you should head home too, goodnight woonhak" I said looking at him, admiring his face glowing under the street light. "Goodnight y/n, sleep well” he said. I wish we could stay like this for longer but it was getting late and he needed to get home. I started heading back inside and I saw he was still standing there smiling and waving at me, waiting for me to get home safely before he left. I waved back at him before I headed inside my house.
The next few days, me and my friends hanged out together and we did our usual activities that we did every fall. Woonhak and me had gotten closer again too. He would always text me in the morning, drop me off home, we always take our night scrolls at the park. As for our relationship, we wanted to take things slow and regain our friendship before anything else. As for jaehyun, him and woonhak had talked and he wasn’t upset, actually he had already known and moved on awhile ago and was now dating nat which definitely surprised us all cause no one knew about their secret relationship. So after all, my autumn break this year wouldn’t be bad as I thought it would be.
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euniveve · 6 months
Rate your moots?
let me be honest I'm rating all my moots a million/10 because they are all amazing and talented and amazing BUT i will give you some "describe the moot/appreciate the moot" content if you dont mind. also I'm sorry to all my moots in advance because I will tag you ANYHOW LETS MOVE TO IT
@ainescribe = my very very first follower and moot in my first and current blog- ABSOLUTE GOD at writing angst (known as the angst queen for a reason) amazing writing style (the poetic artistry hello?) very very nice and sweet, is my gateway to genshinblr <3333333
@meritamiau = this is my beta, i love my beta very much, THEY ARE A GODSEND FRFR also their writing hello??? love it, got that poetic artistry going on, check out their ao3 lucworld, it is awesome (i honestly cant believe this amazing writer is my beta, still blows my mind fr)
@yuellii = *chef's kiss* writing (you guys need to read it) veteran writer, super sweet and nice, VERY VERY PRETTY BLOG (shapes and colours entertain me), her writing is like a box of chocolate, there is one for everyone (she is an everyone kind of writer, i really recommend her blog if you are a beginner)
@rainswept = HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN THEIR BLOG? LAWD HAVE MERCY IT MAKE ME WANNA STARE AT IT FOR HOURS, they are THE lyney simp, multitalented, basically a prodigy, i wanna put them under a microscope and study them (affectionately)
@localplaguenurse = one of the reasons why i got into writing in the first place, first fic was inspired by his magnum opus (everyone who likes TPHD please thank the predecessor because LAWD ALMIGHTY IS AS GOLD AS THE GINGKO TREES ONE OF THE LEGENDARY ZHONGLI X READER MASTERPIECES OF ALL TIME), we don't talk a lot but is definitely an amazing dude (i can tell frfr), honestly if you are in ao3 go check him out he is an amazing writer fr
@silentmoths = on god write one of the best smut on this damn platform (minors don't interact with them I am watching you guys) ) their writing makes me say "ffs/pos *reads more*" yk what i mean? honestly she is an all-around cool dude and very nice too, one of my Star Rail friends, a cutie pie very nice person (i think i said that twice but that's okay)
@meimeimeirin = listen listen, if you want a zhongli fic/drabble/oneshot, this is the writer for you, it just LAWD HER BLOG IS THE ZHONGLI HEAVEN I'm telling you, i can just stare at her blog and be content with my zhongli cravings, she is THE zhongli writer fr, also one of the reasons i got into writing, particularly writing drabble &oneshots, anyhow check out her blog if you are a zhongli simp like me
@otomempress =(if you are a minor, don't interact with her) VERY NICE VERY CUTE VERY SWEET, ALSO DRAGON SIMP (like me) AND WRITE AMAZING WORKS (if you love wrio &neuvi you are eating good at their account fr) very fun person overall
@i23kazu/@yinyinggie = this cutie pie is also amazing at writing, VERY VERY NICE PERSON LIKE EXTREMELY NICE LIKE VERY SWEET i would like to bite them and they would probably taste like marshmallow sweet, owner of two beloved communities that are very well-known, very creative with their blog (remember tevyat airlines era anyone?)
@ansy-tea = if you like yandere... this is the writer for you. they write GOD LEVEL YANDERE FICS FR (that statue fic will forever haunt me/pos) also from their rbs i could tell they are a funny person
@ryuryuryuyurboat = VERY VERY NICE PERSON AND AN AMAZING WRITER TOO (tumblr please let them out of shadowban jail pls lawd)
@mhiieee, @dumbificat = i don't talk to them a lot HOWEVER i can tell that they are amazing writers and everytime they post a work I EAT IT UP GOOD frfr
@tanspostsblog = this is the og TPHD & TLRA fan, was their with me every step of the way, is there in every update, super supportive about everything LAWD IM GRATEFUL TO BE MOOTS WITH YOU TANS MUAH MUAH MUAH
notice how all my moots are amazing writers? yeah they are amazing writers, give them love everyone they deserve it muah muah muah
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sentinelpri · 2 years
A Cold Winter’s Night Spent In Your Arms
Wind howls outside the four walls of your apartment as you curl up in your king-sized bed, waiting for your husband to get home.
It’s freezing cold. Through the glass window in the bedroom, your (e/c) eyes put together the sight of snow piling up on the roads of New Jersey. The frozen water droplets are colored like cotton and fall like feathers. The snow contrasts the pitch black sky in a way that makes you feel nostalgic for last winter; James took off to spend the holidays with you for once in his life, and the two of you went to his family’s cabin to stay for a week. You remember it being romantic and relieving from the chaos from your normal lives working at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital.
Finally, after what feels like forever, the front door unlocks. You know it’s James based on the sound of the light, gentle footsteps that come increasingly closer to the bedroom. Within the next minute, James walks into your shared bedroom and lays in bed next to you. The bed frame creaks with his added weight before he settles and wraps his arms around you from behind, his strong body like another warm blanket. You let out a sigh of relief. Having him close to you on nights like this feels like relief.
“Sorry I’m late, honey,” He apologizes with a kiss pressed into the back of your (h/l) (h/c) hair. “I ended up driving House back to his apartment, and by the time I finished dropping him off, the storm had gotten pretty bad…”
“It’s alright,” You calmly reassure the oncologist and wriggle around in his arms so you can face him. His chocolate brown eyes are tired and decorated with bags underneath them that are the most prominent they’ve been since you’ve known him. “Are you going to come to bed?”
“Sure, just give me a few. I’ve gotta go do a couple things in the kitchen,” Then, as fast as he came to the bedroom, he leaves. You sit up with the blankets wrapped around your shoulders and stare down at the bedsheets. Normally, the two of you would’ve gotten ff at the same time and gone home together, but he had a patient going downihill that he wanted to stay with in case anything happened. Low and behold, there just so happened to be a dire case that the diagnostics team had to handle as well, which stressed him out even more. Right now, it’s past midnight, nearly seven hours after his shift is supposed to end. When he comes back to the bedroom, he’s dressed in nothing but boxers and has a large mug in his hands. “Here.”
Wilson hands you the mug, which you hold with both hands. It’s perfectly warm hot chocolate topped with marshmallows and whipped cream. 
“Oh, thanks,” You murmur.
“It’s the least I can do for keeping you waiting up on me like this.”
“How was the rest of your shift?”
“Honestly? It sucked,” James sighs and takes a seat right next to you. You offer him your blankets, so he scoots so close that your shoulders are touching and readjusts them so they’re wrapped over both of your shoulders. Then, he pulls his knees to his chest and begins to talk. “House ran out of Vicodin and I was too busy with the patient on my floor dying to write him a script, so he was pretty pissed off at me- Cuddy was out sick, Chase and Cameron are doing their usual on and off again thing, so they were bickering all day, and Foreman is the only sane one there but you can just tell he’s seconds from falling apart and it is incredibly concerning.”
“You said all of that without pausing to breathe,” You chuckle and shoot him a worried glance as you sip on the hot chocolate. “You good?”
“The only thing that got me through it was the thought that I’d get to come home to you after it was all done with,” He admits.
“I’m sorry you had a rough shift,” You finish half of the chocolate, then hand the rest to James, who accepts it with a smile and a nod.
“No, no, it’s my fault for staying,” He insists, downs what’s left in the mug in his hands, then sets said mug on the nightstand.  “I was supposed to get off early for our dinner date today and-”
“Health and death don’t work on a schedule- they just can’t, and with your line of work, things are incredibly time sensitive. Your patient was knocking on death’s door and you were worried, and it seems like House’s team was going through a lot too- and that’s on top of the snowstorm,” You reassure James again, which makes his chocolate brown eyes widen. A look of surprise takes over them, which doesn’t shock you- the common debilitator of most of his marriage was how often he was gone with Greg or gone because of work, but you’ve both learned to compromise and make time for each other while still prioritizing both of your jobs. “You had no way of knowing today was going to be like that when you made the dinner reservations last week, and I was able to call and cancel them when you asked if I wouldn’t mind you staying late tonight, so we didn’t inconvenience any of the staff there either. It’s okay.”
“Thank you, sweetheart,” Wilson says with a sigh of relief and wraps an arm over your shoulder to pull you close. “You’re the best.”
“I try,” You chuckle and lean against his large, warm frame. 
“Didn’t you say you were cold?” Wilson questions and wraps his arms around your body so he can pull you into his lap. He rests his chin on your shoulder and circles his arms back around your frame from behind. “I could probably warm you up a bit if you’d like.”
“Oh, yeah? How do you intend on doing that?”
“I can show you,” He whispers with a kiss to the side of your neck.
“Go ahead,” You whisper back, and with that, he’s dragging you down to lay on the mattress with him and pushing his lips against yours.
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keychainedd · 8 months
Tumblr media
me and @silverdustiez because hes dying tomorrow of heart failure because of how many fucking burgers he eats :(
(not ship art, dont use as pfp)
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