#FGO Camelot movie
elstreem · 1 year
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Finally finished this screenshot redraw I planned to do around mid-December last year!
I just love this scene so much - the second movie has amazing battles, flashy and dramatic, but this little scene here, when Fujimaru tells Bedivere there always has been meaning in what he does, because he did it for someone else's sake, just gets to me. The color transition was especially beautiful, from cold, pale light as Bedivere confesses his fears, and then the rosy light from the sun as it comes over the horizon and Bedivere just looks so soft and reassured as sunlight dawns on him.
I can still improve on the color myself, but I really like how it turned out as it is. Oh, and I grabbed that screenshot off this trailer, which I watched an unhealthy amount of times before I finally got to watch the part 2 movie on Bilibili lol.
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kcciny · 1 year
“I love Gawain”
Please tell me which version cause no way this is the same person
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ariszed · 1 year
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Nasuverse Knights of the Round + Lancer!Artoria done while I was catching up on some fgo animes
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anxiously-awaiting · 1 year
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entered a brain state abt them sorry
(notes under cut<3)
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dingostrash · 5 months
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He's so babygirl in the after credits scene btw
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babyloniastreasure · 8 months
that one part in paladin:agateram where gawain pushes an entire ruin off of his shoulders like it was nothing makes me want to misbehave
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Get yourself a man who will walk for 1500 years to right a wrong
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saeraas · 2 years
nitocris is one of the best fate characters to ever... she is cute, she has very meaningful development, is able to make a friend and in turn her development as well (Scheherazade) and also didn’t change her lore where she went for revenge against her brothers’ murderers by inviting them to a banquet in a chamber she built and drowning them alive
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konzern · 2 years
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Tristan always tends to look great and is one of my favorite in this set of stands.
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sintreaties · 1 year
Hey, have u watched fate heaven's feel movie? And which fate series have u watched so far?
I watched the movie trilogy, Fate Zero, Fate Stay/Night, the Unlimited Works series, the Illya spin-offs and Apochrypha.
Apochrypha was the one that I liked the most because of Mordred and Jeanne D’Arc (and Astolpho, though it feels weird to admit it).
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hoodiedoodles · 11 months
There's a depressing irony in how Saber is the poster child of Fate and debatably Type-Moon as a whole but doesn't actually get to be "a person" outside of FSN
In something like FGO she's the "perfect king" as idealized by her original KOTR. She's beautiful. She's elegant. She bears the Holy Sword. She saved the world. She is the once and future king, the pinnacle of ideals and dreams. The first Servant and the center of it all in a metaphysical way.
But Fate Stay/Night has a whole ass route dedicated to how that perfect idealism is an impossibility. Even if its beautiful, even if it's elegant, even if it's worth fighting for, it lead Saber to rip out her human heart for the sake of others. Her idealism destroyed her and those she loved. While it may have been necessary for her to do, that doesnt make it less tragic.
Meanwhile in FGO and external content, that tragic idealism is instead romanticized. She's the poster child; we keep getting beautiful animations of her like the 8th Memorial Movie featuring her and Camelot in brilliant, gilded gold. Meanwhile she's robbed of her humanity and agency to be that icon for the franchise.
I mean it's necessary since Everyone Loves Saber but tbh if I had to pick a character to be the Perfect Franchise Representative it wouldn't be the character who's primary flaw is said perfection.
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shuttershocky · 8 months
Listen, when it comes to Fate/Stay Night specifically, the reason why people keep telling you to read the visual novel is not because they think anime is a worse medium, it's because the adaptations don't really capture the thing.
If you are an FGO reader, think back on how the Camelot singularity movies actually felt like vs reading Camelot.
Why do people say to read the Shimousa manga? Because that one's actually good and does the original VN story justice. (I'd argue it's even better than reading the original Shimousa chapter in FGO, as the prose was just kinda okay, but the art of the manga takes the horror fantasy potential of the original and turns it up)
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ariszed · 1 year
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elstreem · 2 months
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Ever since I noticed that Wandering;Agateram does its damndest best to show that Bedivere slowly puts his trust in Fujimaru, I just couldn't get rid of this image in my brain lol.
I've gushed on and on about how heartwarming it is and all that, but on the other hand it's kind of hilarious how much Bedivere and Fujimaru entered "methinks I'll die for this stranger I met" mode. And it gets way funnier when I think about how the anime adaptations probably picked Gudao/Fujimaru so they can push heteromantic MashGuda, but for the FGO Camelot movies it ended up also making Bedi and Gudao close lol. Heck, I ended up making more ship content for BediGudao as a consequence.
All that being said, this is all for fun. I love BediGuda and it makes me happy seeing all their interactions in the movies, but I do understand if people prefer to see them as friends/allies. I am aroace myself and I know media doesn't have to revolve around romantic ships - and that's what I like about Bedi and Fujimaru's interactions, even Bedi's Valentine scene, that his affection is ambiguous whether it's romantic or platonic, but it's clear they respect and care for each other a great deal.
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derekscorner · 2 months
Fated Rantings: Mordred pt2
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I have just finished the two Camelot films and my post about them but one part I found too big to leave within it was my thoughts on Mordred.
I made a post on her already way back when I started my Fate journey but I couldn't help but want to add more after seeing these movies and playing through FGO's Camelot Singularity.
That said, for this, you will need some context from the first post so I'll link my part one of Mordred here:
Mordred Part One
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Victim of Projection
To reiterate a portion of what I stated in Part One, I think Mordred is a highly complex individual. Her entire backstory is a tad convoluted as well.
I believe that some of this gets lost among fan discussion due to how people project onto her.
People see clips of her threatening to gut her master in Apocrypha because he called her a woman and jump on the trans wagon. And before you rage quit the post, I am not saying that there's no truth to that.
My issue is that her reasons are more complex than just her gender and that seems lost due to surface level understanding. She's also not that way due to surface level "daddy issues" either.
Her issues are far deeper due to her unnatural birth.
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By "unnatural" I refer to her magical origins.
At the time, Artoria needed an heir but as a woman couldn't make one with her wife. To fix that Merlin used magecraft to temporarily erm...."alter" Artoria's body.
Morgan learned of this and essentially used her magic to charm Artoria and conceive Mordred.
This was Fate's way of working around Mordreds origins in mythology since Mordred is often cited as Arthur's bastard born of Morgans deceit and incest with their sibling.
Thanks to the magic of both Merlin and Morgan and the sheer level of spite that was the motivation for their birth Mordred was born a humunculous.
Which also meant that they would not only grow far faster than a normal human but live a much shorter life. Even if Mordred wasn't fated/cursed to die on battlefield of Camlann they would've died early anyway.
Mordred was doomed from the start and they know this. They also have a clear dislike for Morgan in other Fate stories for their upbringing.
Then there was Artoria's rejection of Mordred. Mordred perceived it as due to hate for Morgan or due to their gender but Artoria just did not believe they could be king.
Artoria rejected Mordred entirely without even sparing their "petty" emotions like hatred.
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The damage on Mordred's spirit and beliefs is far more layered than just gender alone. That's what makes them endlessly appealing and tragic.
But I've already covered the deeper topic in the first post. What caught my eye about Mordred in the Camelot movies and FGO singularity was how Mordred rectified that as a knight of the Lion King.
The summoned knights have their full backstories in-tact. Mordred has all of that baggage seen in Apocrypha but is choosing to serve the king anyway.
And mind you, Mordred isn't treated well in the Camelot Singularity. The film didn't go over it as much as I'd have hoped but Mordred is choosing to be loyal to their father despite being banned from the city itself.
Despite Lancelot himself being there, Mordred is the one treated the worse of the knights present.
The more fucked up part of this info is that King Arthur is the one who decided that. The way she describes Mordred's treatment in the mobile game is cold, akin to the use and abandonment of a tool.
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Gift of Rampage
On top of banning Mordred from the city save for certain times or for meetings the Lion King also "gifted" Mordred with "rampage".
All of the knights were given a power or gift upon serving her but Mordred's in particular not only plays on Mordred's angry nature but harms them when used.
Artoria Lancer essentially cursed Mordred to harm themselves in servitude to the Holy City while banning them from it for most of the time.
It's particularly cold treatment from a divine spirit that's lost her humanity. If anything, Goddess Rhongomyniad, aka the Lion King, aka Artoria Lancer shows more hatred/emotion toward Mordred than the real King Arthur did.
Despite that Mordred serves to the point they throw their life away to battle Caster and stop Ozymandias' pyramid.
And I can't help but think about why.
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And upon seeing her final scene with Caster I think I can understand why. There's a sense of guilt in Mordred. I wouldn't say Mordred wants to atone like the other knights but she does say that they will die "as a knight" as she "should have".
Which rolls back to Mordred's complex feelings for their father. Mordred truly idolized Arthur and Morgan grew frustrated by this and it was only then that she told Mordred of their parentage hoping to spark conflict.
Sadly that ploy ultimately worked but after all the hatred and love and despite Mordred's own unsorted feelings in other Fate works they idolize their father, the king Arthur.
It is almost ironic as well because Artoria Lancer treats Mordred no better than Morgan did in life but given this second chance Mordred would rather die her knight than betray them again.
On some level that love is there and Mordred chose to adhere to it in the Camelot Singularity and its tragic to see. Even for Caster who ultimately takes Mordred down.
Hell, even Agravain feels some sense of pity for Mordred when he questions the Lion King as to why Mordred is banished from the city. Granted, he was seeing it from a wasted soldier example but he still had s semblance of care/respect there.
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I think that love also bled into her harsh words toward Bedivere. Mordred makes it clear they were never fond of him and I can't help but wonder if jealous is at the core of it.
Bedivere was Arthurs most loyal knight, a knight the king kept near at most times, a spot Mordred never had. They were never given the consideration and care Bedivere was despite being fare more powerful than him.
On top of that Bedivere was there for Arthur in her final moments while Mordred couldn't even get an iota of emotion from Arthur on the fields of Camlann.
Even in the Camelot Singularity where their roles should be reversed (in theory) they aren't. Mordred is treated like something to be used and left broken while Bedivere is walking around going on about seeing Arthur and fixing a mistake.
He also never argues with Mordred. He accepts their criticisms much to their anger. Mordred can't even get a rise out of Bedivere.
This is conjecture on my part of course, I have no way to prove it but it was something I wondered while watching the movie.
"What about Bedivere pisses her off so much?"
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Ultimately Mordred continues to be interesting but tragic just like her father. It's hard to not talk about them or what's running through their mind.
I hope we get Mordred in another Fate story one day. Something to give them focus like Apocrypha or one that has more exploration into their relationship with Arthur.
It was only in bits in the FGO game and some scenes in the movies but it's fascinating to see the knight you'd expect to rebel instantly to die for the cause despite the treatment.
I know this seems to end a bit quick but there's not much else I can think of to say given the first post. I just found Mordred's situation in the movies interesting, I want to know what drives them.
One day maybe we'll get that Mordred route.
For my other experiences with Fate go here: https://derekscorner.tumblr.com/tagged/fated-rantings
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oneknightstand-if · 3 months
How would the RO React to MC being revealed as Sir Agravain and MC uses the Noble Phantasm Iron Commandments from the FGO Camelot Singularity Movie where Agravain sets Camelot on fire before summoning a bunch of Shadow Knights of Camelot to do battle with Lancelot.
When MC uses its like a Marble Phantasm that manifests a burning and crumbling Camelot before summoning an endless army of Shadow Knights of Camelot to do battle.
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Merlin: (屮゚Д゚)屮 No, truly, what the &^%&^?!
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