en-la-casademiamor · 2 years
garden flowers for my father
the sweetest spontaneity of whatever occurs between two, one fine day naturally transcends and
it often, casually turns the page to a tragic book you have been engrossed with.
it is here you are rudely awakened: there is no end.
possibility of bridges vanish and there is no one or nothing to lead you to safe harbors.
typically, most of us are quite unprepared for how brightly the sun can bear itself upon an empty page.
an empty page is afterall, blatant, not bashful, it throbs with ache; the light thumbs at the sheerness of fresh blood on old wounds.
what comes next when I, myself have found myself here [?]  well, I’ve thought:
where can I purchase silver halide salt [?]  I’d like to coat the confused heart with it, that it may positively reveal to itself, what the true numerous facets of love look like.
I often first spot my father staring back in this stage of development, and it has reminded me of every possible emotional marina that could or would never afford me the opportunity to dock.
I recall how desperately I’ve sought to claim or clutch to my father,
repeating this pattern with other men; deriding myself when I failed [myself].
how sad.   terribly sad.
sadder, trust me, to never seal a cycle within myself, to never tend to my inner child with: love, grace, and compassion.
on this valentine’s day, in the year, 2023, I come to revisit the founding circle of  love, situated beneath all the others; I come to place my garden flowers wherever the circle experienced disconnectivity, violence or perversion.
I then spring forth, from the beginning of all things; where a lifetime ago, my father’s soul had been interred; where he was then encouraged to walk his life, hollow, as a tin mold of a man.
he was only ever a deprived boy caged behind bones: aging and yet, never aging. grasping for tenderness, discovering he held pointed knives to himself. blindly swinging, injuring and depriving me of his love.
with my palms joined together, I greet you father. I greet the past between us; your dead, your grief who held absolute dominion between your fearful heart and my wide open one.
I do not chase you in the graves of others.
I do not dare go down long corridors, hoping I might meet you one day, if I only run faster.
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sherloch7 · 1 year
Eerie fog over the marina and Inner Harbor tonight. 
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Posted January 13, 2013
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mollydsails · 1 year
July 1 - Hard to believe July is here! I sure hope July brings better weather than what we experienced in June. Today Molly D left Edgartown and headed to Vineyard Haven.
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First stop - free water dock to fill the water tank.
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So long Edgartown!
Molly D arrived in Vineyard Haven shortly after 11:00. Many of the moorings were empty. We contacted Vineyard Haven Launch (G&B) for a mooring assignment. We got a primo mooring close to the shore. Short dinghy ride around the breakwater and to the dinghy dock. We had lunch at the Black Dog Tavern. The restaurant was very busy, we weren’t starving, so it was ok that it took a half hour after ordering to get our meals. And the kitchen screwed up both orders. David wanted lettuce only with his cheeseburger and instead got tomato and onion. I specifically stated more than once NO PICKLE for either of our meals. David didn’t get a pickle and I had to immediately spear the pickle on my plate and put it on the table. Didn’t want the pickle juice to pollute any of my meal! Despite the kitchen’s mistakes, the meals were really good.
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Black Dog store
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A “push me-pull you” ferry
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View to the Black Dog marina
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View of the inner harbor
I got to stop in my two favorite stores, LaRoux at Home and Rainy Day. Bought a couple of items in each shop. The extent of my vacation shopping spree. The mooring field is now nearly full. Some brave souls have jumped into the water for a harbor swim. Not me. Not August yet. Molly D will be in Vineyard Haven through tomorrow. Newport is on the schedule for Monday.
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longaccessories · 2 years
Maryland blue crab season
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Whether you prefer fine dining or a casual atmosphere, be sure to order up some Maryland blue crab from the menu on your next visit. Other good choices for Maryland crab include: Phillips, a landmark right in the heart of the Inner Harbor tourist scene the Rusty Scupper, in the Inner Harbor Marina with sweeping views of the harbor and the Corner Bistro and Wine Bar, for a cozy neighborhood vibe in the Ridgely's Delight historic district. Enjoy fresh seafood and an orange crush cocktail on their waterfront deck for the ultimate in Baltimore dining. Nick’s Fish House not only chefs up some delicious crab cakes, but also boasts the best steamed hard shells in town. Located in Lexington Market, their award-winning lump crab cakes are the size of softballs! Place your order at the counter, then stand and eat at one of the long communal tables for this unique culinary experience. Faidley’s Seafood is a Baltimore institution. The summer months are the prime season for crabs in Maryland, so be sure to stop by Box Hill or order our world-famous crab cakes online at least once this season Continue reading to learn a few. We have a few favorites close to the inn that we're happy to recommend. While Box Hill serves fresh crab cakes all year round, many crabbing experts state that April 1st is the official beginning of the blue crab season. The crab cake is ubiquitous here in Baltimore, and every restaurant claims to have the best recipe. The further you get into the summer, the better and better it gets, says Mills. Crabs hibernate over the winter, building up a fat reserve known to Marylanders as "mustard." Plus, their habitat as bottom-feeders results in their sweet, distinctive flavor. Crabbing season on the Chesapeake lasts from April to December. Turns out that these features are thanks to their upbringing in the brackish waters of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. What makes Maryland blue crabs so special is their delicate texture and buttery taste. Blue crabs, with their bright blue claws, are best enjoyed in season and thankfully that's a good portion of the year! Chesapeake crabbing season begins April 1 and runs through December 15, although the biggest, heaviest crabs are typically harvested during the fall months (September to mid-November). You can't visit Baltimore without trying blue crab – Maryland's state crustacean and a Chesapeake Bay delicacy.
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mommydearestella · 3 years
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Nazi Torture Tactics being used in the Campaign of Terrorism directed at me for 5 years and 9 months including GASSING.  This is usually carried out by someone walking past me with a backpack and I would notice it about 45 seconds later.  Sometimes something is  hidden in a nearby garbage can or a potted plant and there is a small narrow stream of gas coming out of it.  There were times that it made me very tired for 3-4 hours and other times made me feel very sick.
They have also used SLEEP DEPRIVATION many times including last night, NOISE TORTURE, bombarding a person with spoken dialogue to hog their attention over an extended period of time usually delivered thru hidden speakers nearby or in a/c vent in car including while they are driving which is very distracting and dangerous to that driver and others on the road near him.  In addition, they will use PSYCHOLOGICAL TORTURE usually with a musical background and at a low volume and at some point pick up the pace to try to incite anxiety, infuriate.
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sulkieseas · 4 years
Vitamin Sea || Solo
Timing: Current
Location: The Docks
Summary: Yura arrives in White Crest.
Content: Inner musings and first impressions. A dash of instinctual dread.
The day was awash in grays, pale yellows and faded lavenders.
Yura had read descriptions of days like this; how the sea turned a deep emerald green, storm-tossed and murky. To her, it frothed and swayed in gentle shades of purples. Atlantic white-sided dolphins played in the wake, as she had cruised at an easy ten knots. The land in the distance to her left had appeared veiled in smokey yellows, with dashes of marigold, and splashed with squally blues of all shades.
The sea had been fairly choppy, the day blustery and overcast. Seagulls struggled in the shifting winds, and more of them appeared the closer she'd come to her destination. Her ship had lifted and dipped with the swells, cutting a swath through the waves. The engine had been a steady rumble beneath her feet, like a great, growling beast. This was her favorite sort of weather, the air heavy with sea mist and a bite of chill.
So why had she felt so…disquiet?
The ocean roared in her ears, and it had even drowned out the persistant cries of the seabirds. She’d sat back in her captains chair, earthen eyes sharp, trained on the various instruments set into the lightly dinged wood of her dashboard, and every now and then flickered up and scanned the horizon. She'd lifted her right knee, right arm curled around it and her tattooed thumb had stroked the fabric of her olive toned hiking pants absentmindedly. Her left elbow perched itself on the armrest, and the white of her nail had rested carefully between two sharp points of her front teeth. Not chewed, just bitten to keep her jaw from clenching too hard.
Very rarely had this feeling ever reared within her.
She remembered feeling it distinctly at age four, when she had begun to lose her hearing. Again at age nine, when a pod of Orca had terrorized the tiny, seaside community. A primordial sort of unease. The hair at the back of her neck had prickled the closer she'd gotten to White Crest, goose bumps had risen on her skin, and for the first time in a long time her palms had felt slightly damp. She hadn't understood why she'd felt it; why it had hummed within her like a nest of unsettled hornets. Yura had never been one to ignore her instincts, so she had nearly reached for the SATphone to call her University to reject the work. To turn around and never return to this place.
Yura was also incredibly stubborn. She would have been lying if she'd said she had no interest in finding out the cause. Not to mention if whatever had been the root of this anxiety, could potentially do great harm to the oceanic environment. Here or otherwise. That would've been unnacceptable; the mere thought of it had made her jaw tic. The sharpened tips of her canines had met within the keratin at the tightening of muscles. She'd moved her hand back, and frowned at the pinpoint little hole in her thumbnail. Instead, she'd sought the amulet around her neck that glamored her teeth. Her inked thumb had smoothed over the carved ridges in the whale bone, shaped to vaguely resemble a seal, as she searched for comfort.
A lighthouse had loomed out of the gloom, followed by jagged, sheer cliff faces. Other boats had come into view, idled on the waves. She had shifted to stand by now, and had stopped fidgeting to reduce her speed. The engines growl had turned into a steady, sleepy purr. The wharf area had been tightly packed, perhaps more than she had expected. In truth, she'd expected White Crest to be... smaller. What had lay before her was almost a city.
Her radio had buzzed to life with static, as the Port Authority hailed her. After she had explained her intentions, she'd been given the all-clear and escorted in by the harbor patrol. She'd killed her engines, and smoothly guided the Tiriarnaq into a position ideal for mooring before she had stepped out into the salty, brisk air that carried a myriad of scents. She had caught the expressions of the dock workers that had come to assist, and it had taken her a little bit to realize it had been because she had stepped outside in a ribbed white tanktop. No foulweather gear to be found and her hair had been a windblown mess. She had paid them no mind, effortless in the way she'd leapt from her boat to the wood, and secured her vessel's spring line to an angled dock cleat. No helping hand had been needed; she'd moored many boats since childhood.
She'd ducked back inside the cabin, gathered paperwork for her boat and her own personal information. She had run her checks to ensure that everything was off that needed to be, and that her skin was securely locked away in the wooden chest at the foot of her bed. She had been all set to go.
Except her inked fingers had hovered over the handle, and she had flexed them in contemplation.
Leave A little voice in her primal hindbrain had whispered. Leave, go now, right now--
She'd steadied herself with a deep breath before she pushed the door open and stepped back out into the bustling marina.  
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Sydney, Australia
Day 103 – Melbourne to Sydney
Hannah and I went to visit the Melbourne Zoo in the morning before my flight to Sydney that afternoon. As Hannah was working in marketing in their head office, she was able to get us in for free, and acted as my complimentary tour guide! Although I had already see a number of Australian animals in the wild, the zoo was a terrific place to see the rarer specifies - including a platypus!
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Melbourne Zoo Reunions with Hannah
Catching an Uber up to the Airport, I boarded my afternoon flight to Sydney – getting in just on time to celebrate New Years Eve! I arrived at my friend Emma’s home in Double Bay around 7pm – with just enough time to get ready before people began to arrive for their New Years party. I had a great time meeting all of Emma’s Australian friends, playing games, and celebrating the final hours of 2017. As the suburb of Double Bay is located on the south side of Sydney’s impressive harbour, we all left the party shortly before midnight to walk down the water, finding the perfect spot to catch Sydney’s world-famous NYE fireworks display.  The streets were packed with other people, the entire city coming together to celebrate! This will always be a memorable New Years Eve for me – the fireworks were more impressive than I could have possibly imagined, and the festive spirit in the city was absolutely contagious! We returned to the party after the ball dropped, continuing our party – in true Aussie style – into the wee hours of the morning!
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NYE in Sydney!
Day 104 - Sydney
After much revelry the night before, we were slow to get moving in the morning! After cleaning up from the party, we headed out to Bondi Beach with Emma, her boyfriend Ryan, and their friends Allie, Sarah, Rhys, Andrea and Damien. We tucked into a delicious brunch on the leafy courtyard of Bondi Hardware, before heading down to the beach to enjoy the sunshine. Walking along the boardwalk, it seemed as though all of Sydney had the same idea. Thousands of people were gathered along the sweeping white-sand beach, splashing in the waves and surfing offshore. It was a perfect, picturesque new years day!
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Bondi Beach
In the evening, we grabbed Thai food back in Double Bay and watched multiple episodes of Bondi Surf Rescue – the reality show featuring the famous lifeguards from Bondi Beach!
Day 105 - Sydney
Emma and I hopped on a small harbor ferry in the morning in Double Bay, heading into the CBD of Sydney. Nearing Circular Quay, the Sydney Harbour bridge and the white sails of the iconic Opera House were just as striking as I remembered. We spent the day enjoying the sunshine, walking around the Botanical Gardens and the Opera House, before sharing a pitcher of Aperol Spritz at the famous Opera Bar. Catching the ferry back to Double Bay, we joined Ryan and a group of friends for drinks and dinner at The Golden Sheaf, a picturesque music pub and garden bar near Emma’s apartment.
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Sydney Opera House
Day 106 – Sydney
As Emma returned to work, her friend Andrea – a fellow Canadian and UWO grad – met up with me to complete the Spit Bridge to Manly walk. A spectacular 10 km coastal walk weaving through the bays of Northern Sydney, we spent a terrific day walking along inner harbor beaches and through native bushland, taking in the panoramic ocean views, complete with countless white sailboats bobbing in the sheltered turquoise waters.
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Spit to Manly Hike
Arriving at Manly in the late afternoon, we wandered along the Manly Corso before grabbing a bite to eat and drink to share on the beach.  Manly had a terrific number of galleries with Aboriginal Art, where I was lucky to find a piece of art I loved! The complex symbology and icons depicted in the dot work of Aboriginal Art is truly fascinating, with the styles varying dramatically from region to region. The black and white piece of art I selected was representative of birthing circles, and the support that women provide to each other.
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Double Bay
In the early evening, we boarded the Manly Ferry to return to Sydney. This famous green and yellow ferry has been operating for over 100 years between Manly and Circular Quay, sailing for 30 minutes with spectacular harbor and ocean views.  We sat above deck, taking in the breathtaking scenery – a perfect, relaxing end to the day.
Day 107 – Sydney
Emma had to return to work this morning, so I headed out to complete another urban coastal hike, the famous Bondi to Coogee surfside walk. Winding around the clifftops south of Bondi Beach, I walked past the iconic Icebergs pool, and the surf breaks around Tamarama and Bronte. The cliffs along the walk were chiseled into intricate patterns by the powerful surf below. Rounding the bends along the trail into more sheltered coves, I came across several sandy beaches, packed with sun-seekers, beach towels and umbrellas. The natural beauty of the coastline was stunning, and I could easily see the appeal of living in this incredible city.
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Icebergs Pool
I reached the end of the trail at Coogee mid day, and enjoyed a patio drink at Coogee Pavillion before heading back into the city. My wonderful friend Emma had booked me in for a haircut that afternoon in Paddington – knowing that I was long overdue after months of backpacking! With my fresh chop – I headed out to meet her and Ryan at Charlie Parker’s, a speakeasy bar in Merivale, before tucking into dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant.
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Bondi to Coogee Hike
Day 108 – Sydney
I spent this day relaxing and working on trip planning for the next legs of my trip - in Byron Bay and New Zealand! I returned to Bondi Beach and holed up in a coffee shop for most of the day, taking a break to wander along the boardwalk and pop into seaside galleries and shops. Not a bad place to get some life-admin done!
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After Emma was off work, I met up with her near Circular Quay for a drink in the Rocks before we hopped on another harbor ferry over to Balmain, to meet my friend Nat, who had moved back to Sydney from Vancouver. We enjoyed a drink (or several…) at the Balmain Hotel, a quirky neighbourhood pub, and spent the evening catching up.
Day 109 – Sydney
My final day in Sydney did not disappoint! Emma and I shook off our mini hangovers with a morning yoga class in Bondi Beach, before gathering our bathing suits and beverages to head down to the Double Bay Marina. It was the birthday of Emma’s friend Nikki, and she had rented out a catamaran sailboat for the day. We spent the rest of the afternoon cruising along the shoreline of Sydney Harbour, swimming in the brilliant blue water, and enjoying drinks, music and good company in the sunshine. It was the perfect way to end my final day in Sydney.
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Sailing the Sydney Harbour
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jarienn972 · 6 years
The Right Place - Chapter Nineteen and Epilogue
For anyone who has been following this fic, you’ll know it was last updated in early October, 2018 and while my plans were to finish it at that time, it ended up being exactly one week before my mother passed away and I just couldn’t get myself into the right mindset to complete it.  Then, a couple of months ago, the @csmarchmadness idea came along to help give us writers a little boost of confidence to finish those nagging WIPs and I decided to go ahead and tackle this story. (I’m a little late getting it posted today, but technically, it is still 3/22 here in FL as I’m posting)
I’ve loved this concept from the beginning as it took Emma out of her magical comfort zone to solve a real world crime, working alongside law enforcement colleagues in Portland, Maine.  As I did with the opening chapters, I tacked the epilogue onto the end of this chapter to provide a fitting bookend.  
This is the last installment of a nearly 80K word fic so it has honestly been a beast to write, especially since it ended up taking far longer to complete than I’d planned.  You can read the entirety of this story on AO3 or FF.net or find the earlier chapters here: Prologue/Chap1  Chap2  Chap3  Chap4  Chap5  Chap6  Chap7  Chap8  Chap9  Chap10  Chap11  Chap12  Chap13  Chap14  Chap15  Chap16  Chap17  Chap18   I’m also tagging my cheerleader, @hookaroo who has been looking forward to the final chapter of this fic for a while now! (edited to add Tumblr link to Chap 18 after I realized it had never been posted on Tumblr.  Oops...)
Saturday Morning – Portland Harbor
The tempest of the overnight thunderstorms had given way to a breezy, warmer Saturday morning. Hazy sunlight filtered through the window coverings of the McCallen's guest room as Emma was awakened by the persistent blip of notifications popping up on her cell phone, all of them informing her of the incoming text messages from Regina. According to the texts, Ursula would be waiting for them at the same Harbor front park at 9am with some updated news regarding her offer to return the Jolly Roger to her berth in Storybrooke's marina. While Killian wasn't keen on anyone else taking the helm of his beloved ship, he'd conceded to the basic fact that at the present time, he lacked the physical stamina to sail her back home himself.
Emma would have preferred another hour of sleep since it this was far too early on a Saturday morning by her opinion, but since they did have the drive home ahead of them, she begrudgingly swung her feet over the side of the bed. It wasn't a particularly long trip, but she still needed to be wide awake and she didn't want to get back too late. After nearly a week away, she was certain there would be a mountain of backlogged work awaiting their return. She noticed that Killian had already vacated his side of the bed, waking up before his wife to wander into the kitchen where McCallen had left coffee brewing for them and a note stating that he had ventured out the station to finish his paperwork from yesterday's major breakthroughs in the case.
Killian seemed a tad more upbeat this morning and even seemed to handle the walk from the parking lot down to the waterfront better, only needing to pause once to catch his breath. The Sea Witch was already waiting for them, scouting out a quiet bench away from the multitude of park visitors who were enjoying the pleasant start to what was shaping up to be a beautiful day.
"You're late," Ursula grumbled in greeting. "I thought you seafaring types were known for better timing?"
"My seafaring timing is as precise as ever," Killian replied, voice tinged with a hint of offense. "However, you should be aware that in this realm there's a thing called traffic."
"We would have called to let you know we were running a little late if we'd had a way to contact you aside from a conch shell," Emma reminded the witch.
"Cell phones simply aren't the most reliable where I come from," Ursula countered with a grin that Emma wasn't sure was intended to be jovial or sinister. "Anyway, I've made all of the arrangements to transport your ship as promised. My niece will not be allowed to interfere with the vessel's passage."
"May I ask what arrangements you've made?" Killian queried. "Who did you find to sail her or is the transport to be more of a magical variety? I prefer not to have someone inexperienced at the helm."
"I managed to round up a few of your remaining crew, led by your former first mate, Mr. Smee. It'll primarily be for show though as once it reaches open waters, I can push your little boat along a bit easier…" Killian frowned at her use of the term little boat in reference to his ship, but held his tongue.
"So, my ship should be back in the harbor by the time we reach Storybrooke?" Killian chose to ask instead.
"Should be. Your crew is on their way here as we speak. I managed to find a fisherman who was willing to bring them down here to retrieve the Jolly Roger, although you may need to round up some of those gold doubloons you have stashed to pay the man for his service."
"How generous of you to offer up my funds as payment," he quipped sarcastically, although he was secretly grateful for all Ursula had done. She'd already rescued him from a watery grave so having her assistance in returning his beloved Jolly Roger to her home port was truly going above and beyond.
"I assume you have plenty of funds hidden, pirate," Ursula responded while flashing a broad grin. "Anyway, I need to get out of here before this park gets any busier so that I can supervise the return trip. See you in Storybrooke, Captain."
"Aye," Killian responded with a nod and a smile as the Sea Witch turned to depart, leaving him wondering exactly how much gold she'd promised his crew. But as she began to stroll towards the water's edge, Killian recalled one additional thing he wanted to ask her. "Ursula?" he called to her before she was out of earshot, grateful when she turned to face him again. "One last thing, if I may?"
"And that is?"
"Would you have my crew sail a pass through the inner channel? Not too close to the harbor, but around this side of the islands so that I might see her off?"
"I suppose I could do that," she replied as she took a few steps back towards the Joneses so she wouldn't have to shout. "I would have to uncloak the ship though."
"For a few minutes, revealing the vessel should be fine. This far from shore, she may appear as merely an illusion to anyone who may catch sight of her," he offered, eager to garner even a momentary glimpse of his ship nearly a week after he'd left her abandoned offshore.
"I'll see what I can do. You may want to hang around the harbor for a while though," the Sea Witch suggested.
"Any idea of approximately how long it'll take?" Emma questioned. "We do still have the drive back to Storybrooke ahead of us."
"Give me an hour," Ursula stated, not waiting for Killian to offer his thanks as she departed without another word.
As they watched the Sea Witch vanish behind a pier, Killian dropped his weary body onto the bench before he collapsed.
"Guess we have a little bit of time to kill before we hit the road then," Emma chuckled before noticing the forlorn cast to his gaze when he stared out over the bay. "I know you'd rather be sailing the Jolly Roger back home yourself…"
"It's alright, Swan," he said with a faint sigh of disappointment. "In my current condition, I'm well aware that I lack the necessary strength and stamina to properly man the helm. I'd much rather that she be safely returned to port, even if not by my hand." She could hear the disparaging tone of his voice and decided to think of something to distract him.
"Well, I really don't want to sit here on a cold, hard park bench for an hour while we wait for your ship to appear. Can we go grab a doughnut or something? And how do you intend to see the ship from across the bay anyway?"
"I believe you have a set of of spyglasses – I believe you call them binoculars? Aren't they somewhere in the vehicle?"
"Uh, yeah, there's a set of binoculars somewhere in the back seat."
"Then those should be sufficient," he replied. "I do have to agree with you though that sitting here for an hour is probably not the best option. I know we aren't far from the ferry terminal so perhaps we might pay a visit to the shopkeeper? I'd like to let her know personally that I'm alright if it isn't too far out of the way?"
"I'm pretty sure it's only a few blocks down the harbor from here. I think Ms. Scott would be very happy to see you. Think you can handle the walk or would you prefer we drive?"
"I'm feeling far better today, but I still believe it would be more prudent to drive."
"Okay, then let's get back up to the Bug and we'll go see if Ms. Scott has the shop back open."
Ten minutes later, after the short walk back to the parking lot and a four block drive through busy weekend harbor traffic headed for the marina and ferry terminal, Emma parked her little yellow Volkswagen beneath the old service station overhang. Although there were lights on inside Scott's Mart, the Closed sign still hung in the window, but Emma noticed that it was now accompanied by a notice that the shop would be reopening Monday morning. Emma exited the car and strolled up to the entrance door, rapping forcefully on the glass to garner the proprietor's attention while Killian ambled slowly behind her.
"We're not open yet!" a female voice shouted from inside.
"Ms. Scott, it's Sheriff Emma Jones. I was here with Deputy McCallen a few days ago…" They heard some rustling from beyond the door and something akin to metal scraping against tile before the smiling face of Jean Scott popped up from behind the register counter. The shopkeeper's face lit up even more when she caught sight of the man in the black leather jacket standing behind Emma.
"Sheriff! My apologies for being so curt. Come on in!" Jean immediately unlocked the door and yanked it open for her guests, a mix of elation and gratitude expressed through her welcoming grin. "You're always welcome around here. Sorry it's still such a mess but I'm trying hard to get things straightened up and ready to get back to business. I know I owe you both a huge thanks. I heard from the other police officer – not the one who was here with you but the other guy… His name escapes me now…"
"Sgt. Haviland?" Emma offered.
"Haviland, yeah that's his name! He called me to let me know I didn't have to worry about Donovan Donleavy coming after my property any longer. He said there's a warrant out for his arrest, as soon as they can locate the slimy son of a bitch."
"Yeah, unfortunately it looks like he might have been tipped off somehow and slipped away on his boat sometime last night after the Toliver brothers rolled on him for having hired them to intimidate you, not to mention the kidnapping and stabbing of my husband," Emma explained.
"Well, when they find him, I hope they lock him up and toss away that damned key!" Jean exclaimed before turning her head toward Killian with a softening demeanor. "And you – I'm so glad to get a chance to properly thank you. If I'd have had any idea what those bastards planned to do… I don't think there are enough words in the whole English language for me to express my thanks. You may have truly saved my life that morning and I'm still mortified to think that it nearly cost you yours. I knew Donleavy was scum, but I had no idea he'd actually stoop this low."
Emma though she detected a faint blush creeping across her husband's cheeks as Jean Scott thanked him, but he was trying hard not to let it show. "It was the right thing to do, Milady," Killian assured her. "Neither of us knew that their nefarious plans went so far beyond robbery. I certainly must have had some luck on my side that morning, but the important thing is that the guilty parties are being held accountable and won't be able to harm you any longer."
Jean's head lolled to the side as she caught Emma's attention with a cheeky grin. "Is he always like this?"
"Pretty much," Emma replied, sporting a broad smile of her own as she watched the tips of Killian's ears redden as he flushed with an uncharacteristic embarrassment.
"How do I find one like him?" Jean sighed. "I'd love to have my own little British knight in shining leather." Emma found her husband's blushing even more endearing as he tried to brush off the compliment, realizing it was part of why she loved this man so much. Sure, he could be a total ass sometimes, but when the sweet, old-fashioned, chivalrous side would surface, she'd fall head over heels in love all over again.
"I don't know if there's a clone of him out there somewhere, but if I find one, I'll send him your way," Emma laughed. "For now though, we've got to get going. Now that the case is solved, we're finally heading home."
"Well, please have a safe drive back to your hometown and remember that anytime you're here in Portland, please stop by. It'll be coffee on the house! In fact, if you'd like one for the road, I'm pretty sure the pot is still hot. I've gone through plenty myself while trying to get this place cleaned up but there's more than enough to share. Would you like some?"
"I would absolutely love some coffee," Emma replied graciously.
"As would I," Killian said with a smile.
"Hang on a sec…" Jean scurried down a partially stocked aisle to her coffee shop counter and disappeared behind it. She popped back up a few seconds later with two tall paper cups of steaming hot coffee. "Either of you take cream or sugar?"
"No thanks," Emma replied. "We both take it straight."
Jean made her way across the shop to hand over the coffee cups to her guests. "Here you go. Hope it's not too strong for you."
"I'm sure it will be fine," Killian replied as he accepted her offering. "This wasn't at all necessary, but thank you."
"Anytime," Jean insisted. "Any time at all. I won't keep you from your drive home but I really do appreciate you stopping by. I'm so glad to see that you're alright."
"Good luck with getting your business back on track," Emma said as she shook Jean's hand before departing. "Hopefully things will go better now that there isn't a greedy developer breathing down your neck."
"Oh, there will be another," Jean chuckled. "It never ends around here, but hey, I know I'm in the right place for now. I'll manage."
Emma and Killian said their farewells to Jean Scott and had just started their drive back to the park when Emma's phone started ringing. Seeing that it was McCallen calling, she gestured for Killian to answer and as he did, he pressed the speakerphone button so that they could both hear the conversation.
"Hey, McCallen," Emma answered. "Sorry we missed you this morning, but we locked up before we left."
"I'm the one who should be apologizing," McCallen's voice responded through the speaker. "I had to run into the station this morning to finish up paperwork relating to this case and I was worried I might miss you before you headed home."
"Well, you haven't missed us. We haven't left Portland yet," Emma informed their friend. "Killian wanted to see Jean Scott so she could see he was alright and now we're on our way to the harbor front park so that he can see his ship off. The crew sailing it back to Storybrooke for us offered to make a swing through the bay."
"Alright then, can you hang around the park for a few minutes? I've got some new information you'll want to hear, but I don't want to deliver it over the phone."
"Oh, don't worry, we'll be there for a while. We still have about half an hour to kill before the crew sets sail," Emma explained.
"Oh, good," McCallen replied. "I can be there in about twenty minutes. I'd really like a chance to see that ship too."
"You'll see just how magnificent she is," Killian said proudly.
"If you can see it at all," Emma countered. "The ship is going to be clear on the other side of the bay and I have no idea whether or not my binoculars will be strong enough… You two can figure that out though…"
"Okay," McCallen chuckled. "I'll see you in a few minutes."
The stroll down to the waterfront from the parking area took a little longer this time but Killian had insisted on heading to the furthest pier where they would have the least obstructed view of the bay. There was still one barrier island that partially obscured the horizon, but Killian was certain that they would be able to see enough of the channel to get a decent glimpse of the Jolly Roger. He was quite certain of the route his crew would take and that it would provide a brief window as the ship emerged from the far side of the landmass, before she headed out of the bay and into open ocean.
A visibly exhausted Killian dropped his fatigued body onto an unoccupied bench near the end of the pier as Emma's phone buzzed with a message from McCallen asking where he might find them. She typed back their location and half-expected to see the young deputy arrive in full uniform. She found herself a more than a little surprised to see him approaching dressed in casual attire after he spotted them and waved from the boardwalk.
As McCallen got closer, Emma thought about how this inexperienced deputy had become such a pillar of strength for her this week. He'd been so involved from the beginning, eager to help her out in any way he could and always trying to learn techniques to help himself grow as an investigator. McCallen still had a lot to learn and of course, had some physical obstacles to overcome, but Emma couldn't help to think about what Jean Scott had said about being in the right place and how it applied to the deputy as well. What had begun for him as a seemingly routine case to identify a John Doe had blossomed into a multi-jurisdictional investigation of a corrupt land developer. While McCallen's role in the Donleavy case may have been minor, the deputy's name was forever attached to the investigation and it would likely make a huge impact on his career.
"Hi!" the deputy greeted them once he was finally within earshot. "I haven't missed anything, have I?"
"Not at all," Killian assured their young friend as he lowered the binoculars. "I've not yet caught sight of her but it shouldn't be long now."
"Don't worry," Emma added. "You'll know the moment he sees it. It's all he's talked about all morning."
"So, this is kind of a big deal, huh?" McCallen asked with a crooked grin, almost as a tease.
"She's been a huge part of my life," Killian replied. "In fact, she was my life for a very long time, before I met Emma." He failed to notice the way McCallen glanced at Emma with a look that seemed to ask Is he kidding?
"I think that what Killian meant to say is that he spent many years working on that ship before we met. He puts a lot of effort into keeping it ship-shape. But yes – sometimes I swear he treats that ship like a person…"
"It's a good thing she's not able to hear you speak such blasphemy," Killian feigned offense as his wife laughed it off.
"See - I share my husband with a ship," Emma chuckled, shaking her head. "Anyway, I know you didn't come down here just to talk about Killian's ship. You said on the phone that you had some new information to share with us? Is it news about Donleavy?"
"Well, yes and no…" McCallen began as he took a seat on the bench next to Killian. "We got a call this morning from the RCMP…"
"RCMP?" Killian interrupted with a confused query as he didn't understand the reference.
"Royal Canadian Mounted Police," the deputy clarified. "Sorry, I should have been more specific."
"It's alright," Emma insisted. "We usually just refer to them as the Mounties." She'd explain the reference further for Killian when they were alone.
"Oh, okay," McCallen continued. "As I started to say earlier, we, well, technically Sgt. Haviland received a call from the Mounties this morning letting him know that Donleavy's boat was located. Appears that it ran aground along the coast of Nova Scotia and by all accounts, was pretty beat up. Unfortunately, they found no sign of Donleavy. Haviland forwarded me a copy of the report. Guess he thought you'd already be back home if he didn't get in touch with you yet."
"I haven't looked at my email all morning," Emma confessed. "If he sent something there, I probably won't read it until we do get home – especially if it isn't giving us any whereabouts of Donleavy himself. At least we have an idea of where he escaped to."
"I do recall saying that he wouldn't get very far by sea," Killian reminded them. "The seas would have been far too rough for his minuscule craft. Even a sailor as experienced as myself wouldn't have fared well in that storm."
"Yeah, Donleavy was probably thrown overboard somewhere between here and Canada, before his ship crashed onshore," Emma suggested.
"There's still a remote chance he survived so the Canadians are going to continue their search to see if he turns up. They weren't entirely convinced that he'd survived either, but they're not giving up the search yet."
"Serves him right, if I do say so myself," Killian said with an eyebrow raised playfully. He lifted the binoculars to his eyes to survey the bay once again, scanning the horizon for a glimpse of the Jolly Roger. He stood as he caught sight of a set of familiar masts and sails materializing from beyond the inner harbor islands. "Ah, there she is!" he exclaimed with a huge grin stretching across his lips. "Such a thing of beauty…"
"Alright – you know I'm dying to get a look at this ship I've been hearing about. I mean, you've got the rings, the tattoos, the skull and crossbones pendant – there's definitely some kind of pirate obsession there so should I be expecting a pirate ship too?" Killian gave him a slightly nervous smile and Emma was practically biting her tongue as they both began mentally scrambling for a plausible explanation for the fact that Killian did indeed have have a pirate ship, and a marvel of one at that.
"Of course," Killian said as he offered the binoculars to the deputy and pointed to a distant location across the bay. "If you look out there to the northeast, you'll see her riggings just beyond that island." McCallen raised the binoculars and pointed himself in the direction Killian had indicated, his jaw dropping the moment he spied the tall ship on the horizon. He didn't know a lot about classical ships - he wouldn't have known a schooner from a frigate or a galleon, but this vessel looked like it could have sailed straight out of any pirate movie he'd ever seen.
"Wow! That's really your ship? It's definitely not what I expected, but seriously – you can sail that all by yourself?" Killian had to chuckle at the deputy's excited rambling.
"Indeed, I can," Killian replied proudly.
"That is so cool!" McCallen gushed, unable to contain himself. "What did you name your ship?"
"The J-…" Killian started to reply Jolly Roger, but something made him stop and reconsider, responding with the vessel's original moniker instead. "Jewel of the Realm."
"That's a really great name," McCallen told him as he passed the binoculars back to his pirate friend. "How did you ever come to own a ship like that?"
"Killian repairs and restores these old ships to keep them seaworthy," Emma jumped in with the most logical explanation she could determine. "And if you haven't noticed, he's a bit obsessive about his job."
"History deserves to be preserved," Killian stated, going along with Emma's lead. "And what can I say – I immerse myself fully into my work."
"Well, by the looks of it, you're very skilled at what you do! How do you manage to find the time as a deputy?"
"Don't have as much time as I used to so sailing has become more of a hobby now, but if you're ever in Storybrooke, I'd be honored to give you the full tour and a run about the harbor."
"I just might take you up on that one day, but since I have a tendency to get seasick, just admiring her from the dock would probably be enough for me," the deputy admitted with an embarrassed chortle.
"Well, my friend, if you ever want to try for your sea legs, my offer shall stand," Killian laughed as he raised the binoculars one last time to see if the ship was still visible but it appeared as though Ursula had already reactivated the cloaking. "Appears as though she has sailed beyond our purview."
"Oh, sorry… I'm guessing you're hoping to get back home around the same time as the ship?" McCallen wondered, not wanting to impede their plans.
"Yeah, that's sort of the plan," Emma stated as she glanced at her watch. "We definitely should get on the road soon, but Aaron, we really want to thank you for everything – for your help with the investigation into what happened to Killian... for opening your home to us. You've done so much more than you ever needed to."
McCallen's cheeks flushed as he tried to figure out how to respond to her gratitude. "Honestly, not many people have put as much faith in me as you did. I'm grateful to you for including me when you could have brushed me off in favor of letting Sgt. Haviland take over. I'm glad you didn't."
"You've got the instinct," Emma assured him. "You're going to be a great investigator."
"I guess we'll have to see how far a man with an artificial foot can get," McCallen said sullenly.
"As far as a man with an artificial hand can get," Killian insisted. "And that's as far as you desire."
Saturday Afternoon – Storybrooke
It hadn't taken Killian more than a few seconds after they'd exited the interstate before the gloved, wooden hand was discarded to the back seat in favor of his preferred attachment. Captain Hook was back and on his way home. By the time they passed the Welcome to Storybrooke sign at the edge of town, he was certain he could already smell the marine air again and began to imagine the sound of crisp sails flapping in the wind.
They finally parked in front of the Sheriff station nearly two hours after they'd left the Portland harbor and Emma was eager to find some lunch to appease her growling stomach. Maybe as anxious for food as her husband was to get to the harbor.
"Are you really sure you don't want me to heal you?" she asked as they climbed out of the Bug.
"For the last time, Love, I'll be fine. Aside from a few aches and pains – and a bit of general tiredness, I'm honestly alright. I assure you, if I change my mind, I promise, I will let you know."
"Okay, okay… I'm gonna call the family and see if they want to meet over at Granny's for lunch. I'm sure they'll all be looking forward to seeing you."
"Sounds good, but allow me a few minutes first?" he implored.
"I know – you're heading down to the harbor. Want me to drive you over?"
Killian smiled and shook his head with a subtle No. "I think I'd like to walk."
"Alright. If you aren't back in thirty minutes, I'll come looking for you."
The quarter-mile stroll from the Sheriff station to the dock was normally a brisk, five-minute walk for him, but today, it took a few minutes longer and he was clutching his chest tightly as he reached the gangplank. He pressed on with stubborn determination, pushing himself up the ramp and onto the deck of his ship. Reaching the helm, he leaned his aching body into the wheel to catch his breath, fully aware that he was not alone.
"Returned, safe and sound, as promised," he heard Ursula's voice call out from below the quarterdeck.
"Aye, thank you for your assistance. I do appreciate all you've done for me."
"You are one lucky pirate. Although I suggest you try to stay away from sharp, pointy objects for a while. One of these days, your luck will run out…"
"I'll be sure to keep that in mind," Killian said with a half-hearted chuckle. "Am I also to thank you for last night's events?"
"Afraid I've no idea what you mean," Ursula replied with a feigned innocence.
"Of course not," he grinned, lifting a knowing eyebrow at the Sea Witch. "Pardon my error, Love. Guess I should make my way over to Granny's pretty soon. Emma will send out a search party if I don't make it back. Why don't you join us?"
"As pleasant as an afternoon eating greasy diner food with the Charming family sounds, I'm afraid I'll have to pass. But as for you, I'm serious – watch your back, pirate. One of these days, you'll find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time and there won't be anybody around to save you."
He opened his mouth to reply, but she was already gone, leaving the words caught in the back of his throat. As much as he wanted to argue, Ursula was right. He belonged at Emma's side and that was honestly the only place he wanted to be.
Early Saturday morning – off the coast of Nova Scotia
It was late in the season for such a powerful Nor'easter and perhaps it was a foolhardy decision to be venturing out in such horrific weather but Donovan Donleavy preferred to take his chances upon the stormy seas rather than face the tempest that would be brewing at home if he hadn't run. He'd slipped out of the marina under cover of darkness before the authorities had descended. His sport fishing boat wasn't really designed for these conditions so he'd tried to remain as close to the coast as he could, but the howling winds and torrential rain kept blowing his battered craft further out to sea.
He was only a few miles off of the Canadian coast, estimating his position to be somewhere near the Province of Nova Scotia, but he was beginning to doubt he'd be able to reach a safe harbor. Rain lashed at the deck, making visibility near impossible as the ten to twelve foot swells pummeled the tiny boat. Donleavy clung to the wheel as long as he could until a towering, fifteen foot swell sent the vessel listing hard to starboard and it never recovered, capsizing in the cold waters of the North Atlantic.
He bobbed to the surface, struggling to keep his head above the waves as his arms flailed in futile attempt to grasp for anything that would keep him afloat. After a few minutes, he found his muscles tiring rapidly and he knew he wouldn't be able to tread water much longer. Of course, he still believed that drowning was far more dignified than the humiliation of watching his empire fall apart.
He was gradually giving in to the reality of a watery death when he felt something brush against his leg. Probably just a fish or a piece of debris from his boat he thought – until the offending object slithered its way up body and wrapped around his torso. While moments ago he'd conceded himself to drowning, suddenly Donleavy was in a panic as he recognized that he was being enveloped by a giant tentacle. He struggled only for a few moments, trying futilely to free himself as the tentacle constricted tighter - just before yanking him forcefully beneath the unforgiving waves.
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paddleboards4-blog · 5 years
Chesapeake - Tips For a new Boat Charter
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sup Chesapeake will be one of the hottest destinations in the Combined States. A lot connected with canals and streams on its way from several states cross through this estuary. The idea also introduces a complete eco-system composed of vegetación and fauna. There are usually also quite a few species associated with that inhabit the actual water and the tributaries. Embarking in Chesapeake Bay is an effective activity to explore the particular area with your holiday.
Typically the best time to take a look at Annapolis will be by May to be able to September. On this time, there are generally many motorboats and luxury yachts that you can come across sailing in Chesapeake Clean. The entire dock is usually also stuffed with numerous wedding band concerts, which you'll want to catch within the harbor as well as inside the seawall of typically the Transatlántico Academy. On Saturday days, you can furthermore watch boats of all of shapes competing for the good treasure. Better nevertheless, take a stroll with the loved one in often the Spa Creek Bridge. In the event that the main heart isn't going to interest you, you could go on to Havre fuente Style. It's a cultural metropolis, loaded with cultural in addition to ecological destinations such seeing that the Concord Point Light source, a very old light source household. You can likewise visit the Havre dom Grace Decoy Museum, Havre de Grace Maritime Public, or Skipjack Martha Lewis. The Tydings Park is often a nice place to get a food or regarding walking when it comes to the Balade.
One of the common Chesapeake Bay tributaries is definitely the Sassafras River. The item is located near to the Delmarva Peninsula. It extends intended for more than 30 a long way. That body of waters is humming with any lot of activity. Everyday, you can see some sort of yacht, sailboat, cruiser regarding all kinds. They usually are docked in any involving the four marinas this surround the area. Reef fishing is a good pastime to do below. In the event not, you can head out swimming performed of the actual beaches close to at the river or tubing into your creeks. Another boating haven is Still Pond, in close proximity to throughout Kent Nation, Maryland. You will discover not consequently much people here, to help you to surely enjoy some data security. You can then just do it to the Commune to get some meal or for you to obtain fishing supplies as well as devices. The good matter about Still Pond is always that you'll never run available of creeks. You include Worton, Turner, and also Rear creeks. Punctuate your personal vacation in the "tributaries% on Rock Hall. It's a new incredibly beautiful public shore crafted from white sands along with neat water. It's in addition the most great put to have a great perspective of the clean. You can also project into the Waterman's Adult ed. There are various exhibits related to help fishing in addition to crabbing the following. You may also ipod dock your yacht at Destination Harbor Marina.
In the particular end, embarking in Chesapeake Bay are never complete not having going through typically the Fairlee Creek or with Baltimore Inner Harbor. Often the connect is just full connected with life via various interesting attractions. You can always check often the Maryland Science Heart, Ft McHenry, Baltimore Historic Memorial, and the World Business Center.
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The Fascination of Water Sports and Recreational Activities
          Imagine a hot summer day with the sun beating down on you and your friends with its glaze and a water body just ahead. You get various ideas to enjoy your stay near the water body and make the most out of the time with them. The water body could be a sea, river, lagoon, or backwater, but there are multiple ways to make the most out of water sports.
          With the pandemic playing a spoilsport on every aspect of our lives, sports and recreational activities are no exception. It has been a while since we stepped out and had a moment to savor with our friends and social circle. Water sports and activities offer exciting ways of recreation and refreshments that are truly enjoyable. In addition, water activities provide great physical benefits that help us stay healthy and cheerful.
The occurrence of chronic health issues and ailments subside
          Our lifestyle choices give us the flexibility to address several priorities in our life. On the flip side, it also makes us susceptible to many chronic diseases. Chronic diseases are mostly unnoticeable before their chronic nature settles within our bodies. A few lifestyle modifications can work wonders in getting rid of chronic diseases.
An excellent way of minimizing the risk of chronic diseases is by taking up water sports. Water sports help invigorate the whole body due to activities promoting calorie-burning naturally. Your metabolism gets a massive boost that helps develop good dietary habits and fortifies immunity.
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Cardiovascular Diseases and Diabetes Stay at Bay
People with diabetes and cardiovascular ailments need a lot of lifestyle modifications to keep their health from deteriorating. Little bursts of physical activities combined with some basic water activities like swimming and muscle-flexing can help reduce stress levels. It can help your heart health and keep your sugar levels at their normalcy.
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Arthritic Ailments Gain Natural Reprieve
Arthritis is one of the medical conditions that can limit your mobility and interest to travel around on foot. It induces painful inflammations to the affected joints most affected by it. Water sports can help soothe the affected joints without aggravating the existing arthritic conditions. Snorkeling and swimming are a few exercises that medical experts recommend as a part of hydrotherapy that can help alleviate arthritis.
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Bone Mineral Density Gets a Boost
Bone mineral density is vital for optimal bone health and longevity. Low bone mineral density is on the rise for middle-aged and older people. Regular cardio and working out on a treadmill might not suit more senior people and post-menopausal women. Paddling, canoeing, and water biking are a few water sports suitable for improving bone mineral density.
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Mental Health Improvement
          The importance of mental health is on the rise, and the discussions around methods to promote good mental health are plenty. The serenity around water activities can help you relax and sync with your inner peace and keep anxiety at bay. The environment around water can help nullify worrisome attitudes and infuse a lease of relief.
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Water sports and activities can you in recreation and get your mind off of things. Parasailing, jetski, flyboarding, kayaking, speed boating, etc., are a few water sports that let you enjoy to the fullest.
Sea Life Dubai offers a plethora of water activities and adventure sports in Dubai that are truly enticing and enthralling. The environment they provide with their water sports appeals to all age groups. Their presence near Marina harbor makes them an excellent choice for water sports and adventures.
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anniekoh · 6 years
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Three recent books on working and post-industrial waterfronts.
Port Cities and Global Legacies: Urban Identity, Waterfront Work, and Radicalism Alice Mah (2014)
“In this compelling study of three port cities, Mah attempts to trace the global legacy of dockworkers’ trade union movements. … this is a thought-provoking study. … for the reader who wants a snapshot of current conditions in these three port cities, this book is good place to start.” (Colin Davis, International Journal of Maritime History, Vol. 27 (4), November, 2015)
"What becomes of once-preeminent world harbors when a new global age relegates them to the minor leagues of seaports? In this rich and imaginative joining of Liverpool, Marseille, and New Orleans, two mere shadows of their former glories, a third a troubled giant, Alice Mah ranges across waterfront developments, museum projects, crime stories, and traditions of radical action to capture their quest for a return to greatness amidst the need to confront a conflicted past and a dubious future." - Michael B. Miller, Professor of History, University of Miami, USA
[H-NET review] 
Preserving South Street Seaport : The Dream and Reality of New York Urban Renewal District James M. Lindgren (2014)
Text below from the excellent review by Theodore Karamanski in the Journal of Urban History
In its youth, with its naively ambitious creators at its helm, South Street accomplished great things. The smelly old waterfront came alive with a million annual visitors attracted to folk con- certs and the innovative Sidewalk History Project that epitomized the ideal of that era, “a museum without walls.” Membership surged to 25,000 making it the city’s largest historical institution. The Pioneer Marine School taught wayward inner-city youth maritime job skills that led to real employment at East Coast marinas. They took the lead in the New York’s Bicentennial celebration by organizing Operation Sail ’76, a stunning parade of 228 sailing ships.
The new South Street Seaport of the 1980s was characterized by the development of a water- front shopping mall by the James Rouse Company and the gradually atrophy of activities related to maritime history or crafts. The mall was supposed to fund history but instead it pushed it to the margins while failing to meet any of the grandiose economic benefits promised by the developers. In the 1990s, the seaport board tacked back to heritage with new exhibits and the restoration of historic structures, but its attempts to be both a real estate manager and cultural organization never harmonized.
Wobblies on the Waterfront: Interracial Unionism in Progressive-Era Philadelphia Peter Cole (2013)
For almost a decade during the 1910s and 1920s, the Philadelphia waterfront was home to the most durable interracial, multiethnic union seen in the United States prior to the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) era. In a period when most unions, like many institutions, excluded blacks or segregated them, the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) was ideologically committed to racial equality. More than any other IWW affiliate, however, Local 8 worked to become a progressive, interracial union. For much of its time, the union majority was African American, always with a cadre of black leaders, which included Ben Fletcher. Local 8 also claimed immigrants from Eastern Europe, as well as many Irish Americans, who had a notorious reputation for racism.
In Wobblies on the Waterfront, Peter Cole outlines the factors that were instrumental in Local 8's success, both ideological (the IWW's commitment to working-class solidarity) and pragmatic (racial divisions helped solidify employer dominance). He also shows how race was central not only to the rise but also to the decline of Local 8, as increasing racial tensions were manipulated by employers and federal agents bent on the union's destruction.
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harrisonanss · 4 years
Avenue south residence floor plan
I love L.A.! I love what the city represents - both in terms of challenges and opportunities, and what it has to offer. The sun always seems to shine brighter in L.A. (or maybe my enthusiasm for it makes it appear that way). The days are longer and the nights are adventurous. There's electricity in the air. Anxiety, ambitions and aspirations cover the city like a thin layer of smog. It's palpable: you can reach out and touch it.
As intoxicating as it may sound, L.A. is not for everyone.
If you are contemplating a move to L.A. to pursue career opportunities, goals, or dreams, this article will provide you with helpful planning insights that can make your move easier and more successful.
1. SET REALISTIC GOALS BEFORE YOU MOVE: What are you hoping to accomplish by moving to L.A.? Have you accurately assessed whether your hometown can provide you with similar resources that can facilitate your success? What benefits and advantages will you gain by relocating to L.A.? How will this geographical change improve the likelihood of you reaching your goals?
Be aware of the fact that Los Angeles is the largest city in California and the second largest in the United States. There are (as of this 2009 writing) 4,065,585 people living in the city of Los Angeles and 10,393,185 in Los Angeles County. That's a lot of people. Avenue south residence price list  Inevitably, any field (especially the entertainment industry) that you are attempting to succeed in will have increased competition. Be prepared for tougher and possibly longer job searches.
When it comes to setting realistic goals for your move to L.A. the bottom line is this: The need to be in L.A. (dictated by inherent benefits such as proximity to resources, industry players, greater opportunities, or lifestyle choice) should outweigh the desire. Being in L.A. as a fashion statement can be costly. Carefully analyze your motivations and prospects before changing your zip codes.
2. RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH!: Get to know as much as you can about the neighborhoods and districts that you are considering moving to. This includes their surrounding areas. Pay particular attention to your access to freeways, and proximity to arenas and other venues which may cause getting to, and parking near your new home more difficult. Jokes about the air quality in L.A. are not without merit. Neither is the high preponderance of gangs and gang related activities. Researching the areas that you may live, work, and play in can significantly reduce your chances of being in the wrong place, at the wrong time. The following is a very brief overview of L.A. neighborhoods that you may want to consider in relocating:
Santa Monica - Santa Monica is Los Angeles' premier beach community. It's known for its festive ocean pier, stylish oceanfront hotels, and artsy atmosphere. Its attraction is the Third Street Promenade, a pedestrian-only outdoor mall lined with dozens of shops and restaurants.
Malibu - 27 miles of wide beaches, beachfront cliffs, sparsely populated hills, and relative remoteness from the inner city make it popular with rich recluses such as Cher and Mel Gibson. With plenty of green space and dramatic rocky outcroppings, Malibu's rural beauty is unsurpassed in L.A., and surfers flock to "the 'Bu" for great, if crowded, waves.
Venice Beach - Venice Beach is best known for its Ocean Front Walk, a nonstop Mardi Gras of thong-wearing skaters, fortune-tellers, street musicians, and poseurs of all ages, colors, types, and sizes.
Marina del Rey - Just south of Venice, Marina del Rey is a somewhat quieter, more upscale waterside community best known for its man-made small-craft harbor, the largest of its kind in the world. Fittingly, it offers a wide variety of public boating opportunities, including fishing trips, harbor tours, dinner cruises, and private sailing charters.
Manhattan, Hermosa & Redondo beaches - These are laid-back, mainly residential neighborhoods with modest homes (except for oceanfront real estate), mild weather, and residents happy to have fled the L.A. hubbub. There are excellent beaches for volleyball, surfing, and tanning here, but when it comes to cultural activities, pickings can be slim. The restaurant scene, while limited, has been improving steadily, and some great new bars and clubs have opened near their respective piers.
West Hollywood - This is the intersection of Santa Monica and La Cienega boulevards. Nestled between Beverly Hills and Hollywood, this politically independent - and blissfully fast food free - town is home to some of the area's best restaurants, clubs, shops, and art galleries. WeHo, as it's come to be known, is also the center of L.A.'s gay community. Encompassing about 2 square miles, it's a pedestrian-friendly place with plenty of metered parking. Highlights include the 1 1/2 miles of Sunset Boulevard known as Sunset Strip, the chic Sunset Plaza retail strip, and the liveliest stretch of Santa Monica Boulevard.
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mommydearestella · 3 years
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maritimecyprus · 4 years
(http://www.MaritimeCyprus.com) Plastic plays a large role in our lives, from everyday products we purchase at the grocery store to the materials that build our cities. However, plastic often ends up in the ocean, largely impacting marine ecosystems.
Each year, 8 million metric tons of plastics are found in the ocean, on top of 150 million metric tons that are currently being circulated in the water. Even more shocking, our oceans are projected to have more plastic fragments than fish by 2050. This frightening amount of trash affects ocean life from seabirds to marine mammals. In fact, plastics have been found in more than 60 percent of all seabirds and in 100 percent of turtle species –– they mistake this trash for food and try to eat it, causing life-threatening problems.
How Long Does Trash Last in the Ocean?
Although plastic materials are very durable and efficient for manufacturers to produce, they’re causing a long-term problem for the oceans’ ecosystems. According to data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), this is how long it takes for man-made products to biodegrade in the ocean:
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While there’s much work being done to find environmentally-friendly substitutes for plastics, the problem isn’t going away any time soon. Fortunately, scientists and inventors are working to build smart solutions to the growing problem of ocean pollution. Below, we highlight six high-tech innovations scientists have come up with to help clean ocean pollution.
1. System 001
Boyan Slat, CEO of The Ocean Cleanup, has invented a prototype that aims to target the gyre at the heart of the North Pacific Ocean. Also known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, this gyre is a concentration of trash located between Hawaii and California that’s about three times the size of France. This is the first system to be trialed and utilized in this area of the ocean.
The innovative design is a U-shaped boom-and-skirt array that floats with the currents to collect and contain ocean plastic from the gyres. This 62-mile long floating net has a passive and slow-moving design, so marine life remains unharmed. Once the system is full, a vessel will remove the collected plastics, similar to a garbage truck. This prototype’s goal is to capture plastics before they biodegrade into even more harmful microplastics.
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2. Seabin V5
The Seabin V5 is an ocean cleanup technology from the Seabin Project, a startup founded by Australian surfers. The Seabin V5, made from recyclable materials, is essentially a floating trash can that is designed for marinas, ports, and other areas with calm water. This device operates like a floating vacuum — its rim lies under the surface and pumps water into a filter bag located inside the container.  The water is then pumped back into the harbor, leaving debris and litter trapped inside the container.
Costing only $3 per day to run, the Seabin V5 captures floating debris, including microplastics and fibers. Another component that makes the Seabin V5 stand out is its ability to absorb harmful oils from the water. The bin is equipped with pads that can absorb detergents and petroleum-based surface oils that are found in many marinas.
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3. WasteShark
On August 29, 2018, scientists at RanMarine Technology designed WasteShark, an aqua drone that aims to prevent and reduce marine pollution by eliminating debris before it enters the world’s oceans. Its design is inspired by the whale shark, a unique filter-feeding whale that consumes its food through a long, wide mouth.
Traversing the coast of the United Kingdom, WasteShark skims the surface of the water and hunts down floating debris via a pre-plotted GPS map or manual steering. This technology can last up to 16 hours and collect up to 400 pounds (200 liters) of trash in one trip. Additionally, WasteShark is able to send information on pH levels, salinity, dissolved oxygen, nitrate, and other water qualities back to a lab.
Furthering their efforts to protect the environment, the scientists have ensured that the WasteShark does not harm marine life and is visible to shipping traffic.
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4. Mr. Trash Wheel
Mr. Trash Wheel, also known as the Inner Harbor Water Wheel, is a sustainably powered trash interceptor cleaning up the harbor of Baltimore. Using a mix of hydro and solar power, Mr. Trash Wheel pulls hundreds of tons of trash out of the water each year before it reaches the Atlantic Ocean. So far, it’s prevented about 1.6 million pounds of debris from entering the ocean!
This technology, created by Clearwater Mills, LLC., is a water wheel that is placed at the end of a river or stream. Trash is funneled into the interceptor by the river’s currents. A conveyor belt powered by solar panels collects the trash and takes it up to a contained floating barge. The conveyor belt moves very slowly so that any wildlife near the machine isn’t harmed or trapped. Once the trash reaches this barge, it’s incinerated and converted into electricity.
Additionally, Mr. Trash Wheel can also capture any oil slicks that may travel down the river and is strong enough to withstand storms.
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Engineering students from the University of San Diego have partnered with Clear Blue Sea, a San Diego non-profit organization, to reduce garbage in the Pacific Gyre. FRED, which stands for Floating Robot for Eliminating Debris, is an ocean-traveling robot that runs on renewable energy to clean up harmful floating debris from marine environments such as bays, rivers, and oceans.
This prototype is currently in phase two of a four-phase project and is set to be completed in 2023. It’s designed with flaps in front of the machine that collects debris and transports it to a collection bin via conveyor belt. Solar panels help the machine run and it’s steered by remote control. This fascinating project aims to collect bigger plastics before they turn into microplastics.
FRED also comes equipped with sensors to keep marine life away during operation and the machine moves at a slow speed so animals can easily swim away.
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6. Magnetic Coils
According to a study by scientist Xiaoguang Duag, a possible solution to tackle the global plastic problem could be a new type of nanotechnology. Nano-tech is any technology that is smaller than half the width of a human hair. Duag and his team created tiny magnetic nano-coils that can be created to break down microplastics in the ocean through a chemical reaction.
These coil-shaped tubes are coated with nitrogen and a magnetic metal called manganese. This coating reacts to oxygen molecules which will, in turn, attack microplastics. Through this chemical reaction, the microplastics will turn into environmentally-friendly salt compounds, water, and carbon dioxide.
Although more testing needs to be done in order to implement these magnetic coils, it could be a big step towards solving the ocean plastic problem.
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For example, avoid cosmetics made from marine life or eliminate your use of plastic straws that end up in the ocean. The next time you go shopping, consider choosing sustainable seafood or cut it out of your diet altogether.
Although scientists are leading the way in tackling ocean pollution with these technologies, there are many simple ways you can help to keep the ocean clean. Some ways to do this include avoiding plastic products and ocean-harming products.
More ways you can help include demanding plastic-free alternatives in your communities and voting on ocean-related issues. Taking small steps like these can go a long way towards positively impacting marine life.
The next time you visit a beach destination, remember to be mindful of the ways you can help prevent ocean pollution. Always remove trash and leave the beach in better condition than how you found it.
Enjoy the below infographic: 
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    Infographic: 6 Wild Ways We’re Cleaning Ocean Trash (www.MaritimeCyprus.com) Plastic plays a large role in our lives, from everyday products we purchase at the grocery store to the materials that build our cities.
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the-blind-geisha · 7 years
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Inktober Day 18: Emmett Frye
Thanks for all of the love and support of my version of Emmett Frye. It means a lot to me~.>
Name: Emmett Frye
Age: 20 by the beginning of the Jack the Ripper DLC
Birthday: August 8th 1868
Sexuality: Straight
Birthplace: Whitechapel, London
Family: Father: Jacob Frye (active)
           Mother: Lindy J. Frye (active)
           Wife: Lily Ann Voss (active)
           Children: Marina Frye (daughter: deceased)
                       Damian Frye (son: deceased)
                       Lydia Frye (daughter: active)
                       Victoria Frye (daughter: active)
                       Essie Frye (daughter: active)
Known scars: There are a few scars on his stomach where Emmett was attacked during his first blooding.
Favorite weapon: Cane-sword.
Known quotes: “Well, that wasn’t very gentlemanly of you.”
“You should have seen the front—then the term ‘stallion’ would have been accurate.”
“Well met.”
“Now, see here!”
“Playing the violin soothes me, love. I could tamper with the strings all day and night and forget there is even a war going on. Is there something I should play for you, my dear?”
“I do not believe Templars are villains or fiends—some are just as righteous in their views as Assassins are and some can be just as evil and vile as some in our ranks have proven to be. To say they are murderous fiends is looking at the world in black and white, and I prefer my spectrum to be in shades of gray.”
Brief back story: Born out of wedlock, Emmett was mostly raised by his mother while his father did his best to be around and care for them both while tending to his Creed. Finding the Assassin life to be exciting, Emmett desired to take to the Creed at a young age, causing friction between his mother and father.
As problems began to arise with Jacob drinking, him having issues without his twin sister and with the instability of Jack the Lad, Emmett watched his family life further deteriorate as the two divorced when he was a young boy. Upon the problems occurring, Jacob began acting more like a mentor than a father figure to Emmett, and their relationship became strained and disjointed with Emmett viewing his father more as a brother and mentor than a father, though calling him ‘father’ respectfully.
Feeling responsible for their failed marriage, Emmett, often than not, hold’s their happiness above his own (more so his father’s than anything, as he hated Jacob was losing so much around him). With his mother constantly worried for him, Emmett tries his best to send letters to her on a weekly basis when able or frequents her home when he can. While he knows his mother is cross with Jacob and feels he is to blame for Emmett taking to the Assassin’s Creed, he still tries to remain civil and neutral between the two.
When his father began taking up training prostitutes in regards of the Creed later on in life, Emmett joined him and fell in love with the young Lily Ann Voss. When the threat of Jack the Ripper was on the rise, Emmett did everything he could to protect her, knowing that Jack would murder Lily Ann just as a means to get revenge on his ‘younger brother’ for always being the more beloved and ‘perfect’ of the two as Jack harbored resentment towards Emmett (though the feeling was slightly mutual in some regard as Emmett felt left in the shadows by his own father whenever Jacob would tend to Jack over Emmett in some cases.)
When Jack was dealt with and peace returned to Whitechapel, Emmett married Lily Ann and the two had their first child within less than a year’s time. All children were trained in the means of the Creed (though Lydia resisted the idea at first), and sadly enough Marina and Damian met their end on the field, causing horrible, inner conflict with Emmett and his gray views on Templars and Assassins.
With his two children having fallen under his guidance, he left the other three children’s training to his father and aunt, worried to fail them in return. During this time, Emmett was usually sent on missions about the world with his wife but did everything in his power to keep in touch with his family and return to continue being a father to his three remaining children.
When Jacob warned Emmett that Lindy would probably die soon, Emmett returned from his time in Japan to be by her side till she passed away. Knowing that his father would pass away sometime after (as the two had reconciled and mended their marriage), Emmett remained beside his father till four years later when Jacob too passed away peacefully in his sleep. He had the two buried side by side and visits their graves on their birthdays and Christmas.
Personality: Emmett is very attentive and alert. He tries to watch people’s body language and mannerisms closely to understand if something is wrong since his own father would rarely speak of his troubles to the point Emmett had to read between the lines with him. This causes Emmett to pick up on things others miss.
He has a bit of a playful personality (no thanks to Jacob) where he will crack underlining crude jokes, even if the time is not the best for them. Because he was trained and even raised mostly around women (his mother and aunt) more than men, Emmett is a bit cleaner and careful of his appearance as well as clean about his and his father’s living spaces respectfully, though won’t be afraid to get dirty for fun or for a mission should it be called for him to.
Personal notes: Emmett wears and holds onto Jacob’s old top hat, as it is a reminder of how his father used to be: so sarcastic, witty, happy, and full of life back when Emmett was a small boy. Whenever he is nervous, idly thinking, or upset, he is often seen fondling with it as the feel of it against his fingers is a comfort and a distraction to better times.
- He prefers to fight with the cane-sword and a revolver though will use throwing knives, brass knuckles and the like if in a bad fix and needs other methods of fighting.
- Because of the drunken bouts Jacob would have, Emmett swore to never fall prey to alcohol for his problems; thus, he rarely drinks and prefers tea instead.
- He has a few scars on his lower abdomen where the first man he tried to assassinate got the upper hand on him when Emmett hesitated in his first blooding.
- He learned to cook from his mother and often tried to cook for his father, who was too stubborn to learn.
- Whenever he talks to his father, Jacob, he talks to him like a brother or a friend—not even caring how crude the conversations can get.
-It is possible Emmett knows about his father being bisexual, and if that is the case, he keeps it a heavy secret even from his mother and fellow family members as not even Lindy knows.
-Sometimes Emmett has a younger sister name Gabriella, but that depends on who is the mother as Gabriella belongs to Oreana in their alternate world. In The Fall series where he first appeared, he has a younger brother named Gabriel whom he adores and wishes nothing more but to have a better family life than he did.
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freeoftheground · 7 years
BULLETIN Public Tsunami Message Number 1 NWS National Tsunami Warning Center Palmer AK 1235 AM AKST Tue Jan 23 2018 ...A TSUNAMI WARNING IS NOW IN EFFECT... ...A TSUNAMI WATCH IS NOW IN EFFECT... Tsunami Warning in Effect for; * BRITISH COLUMBIA, The Juan de Fuca Strait coast, the outer west coast of Vancouver Island, the central coast and northeast Vancouver Island, and the north coast and Haida Gwaii * SOUTHEAST ALASKA, The inner and outer coast from The BC/Alaska Border to Cape Fairweather, Alaska (80 miles SE of Yakutat) * SOUTH ALASKA AND THE ALASKA PENINSULA, Pacific coasts from Cape Fairweather, Alaska (80 miles SE of Yakutat) to Unimak Pass, Alaska (80 miles NE of Unalaska) * ALEUTIAN ISLANDS, Unimak Pass, Alaska (80 miles NE of Unalaska) to Attu, Alaska including the Pribilof Islands Tsunami Watch in Effect for; * CALIFORNIA, The coast from The Cal./Mexico Border to The Oregon/Cal. Border including San Francisco Bay * OREGON, The coast from The Oregon/Cal. Border to The Oregon/Wash. Border including the Columbia River estuary coast * WASHINGTON, Outer coast from the Oregon/Washington border to Slip Point, Columbia River estuary coast, and the Juan de Fuca Strait coast PRELIMINARY EARTHQUAKE PARAMETERS --------------------------------- * The following parameters are based on a rapid preliminary assessment and changes may occur. * Magnitude 8.0 * Origin Time 0032 AKST Jan 23 2018 0132 PST Jan 23 2018 0932 UTC Jan 23 2018 * Coordinates 56.0 North 149.2 West * Depth 12 miles * Location 175 miles SE of Kodiak City, Alaska 365 miles S of Anchorage, Alaska FORECASTS OF TSUNAMI ACTIVITY ----------------------------- * Tsunami activity is forecasted to start at the following locations at the specified times. FORECAST START SITE OF TSUNAMI ---- ---------- * Alaska Kodiak 0145 AKST Jan 23 Seward 0155 AKST Jan 23 Elfin Cove 0155 AKST Jan 23 Sitka 0200 AKST Jan 23 Yakutat 0205 AKST Jan 23 Valdez 0215 AKST Jan 23 Sand Point 0220 AKST Jan 23 Cordova 0225 AKST Jan 23 Unalaska 0240 AKST Jan 23 Homer 0255 AKST Jan 23 Craig 0300 AKST Jan 23 Cold Bay 0300 AKST Jan 23 Adak 0305 AKST Jan 23 Shemya 0350 AKST Jan 23 Saint Paul 0400 AKST Jan 23 * British Columbia Langara 0210 AKST Jan 23 Tofino 0340 AKST Jan 23 * Washington Neah Bay 0455 PST Jan 23 Long Beach 0500 PST Jan 23 Moclips 0500 PST Jan 23 Westport 0510 PST Jan 23 Port Angeles 0530 PST Jan 23 Port Townsend 0555 PST Jan 23 * Oregon Port Orford 0505 PST Jan 23 Charleston 0510 PST Jan 23 Seaside 0510 PST Jan 23 Newport 0515 PST Jan 23 Brookings 0515 PST Jan 23 * California Crescent City 0520 PST Jan 23 Horse Mountain 0525 PST Jan 23 Fort Bragg 0525 PST Jan 23 Monterey 0555 PST Jan 23 San Francisco 0620 PST Jan 23 Port San Luis 0620 PST Jan 23 Santa Barbara 0635 PST Jan 23 Los Angeles Harb 0650 PST Jan 23 Newport Beach 0700 PST Jan 23 La Jolla 0705 PST Jan 23 Oceanside 0705 PST Jan 23 OBSERVATIONS OF TSUNAMI ACTIVITY -------------------------------- * No tsunami observations are available to report. RECOMMENDED ACTIONS ------------------- Actions to protect human life and property will vary within tsunami warning areas. If you are in a tsunami warning area; * Evacuate inland or to higher ground above and beyond designated tsunami hazard zones or move to an upper floor of a multi-story building depending on your situation. * Move out of the water, off the beach, and away from harbors, marinas, breakwaters, bays and inlets. * Be alert to and follow instructions from your local emergency officials because they may have more detailed or specific information for your location. * If you feel a strong earthquake or extended ground rolling take immediate protective actions such as moving inland and/or uphill preferably by foot. * Boat operators, * Where time and conditions permit, move your boat out to sea to a depth of at least 180 feet. * If at sea avoid entering shallow water, harbors, marinas, bays, and inlets to avoid floating and submerged debris and strong currents. * Do not go to the shore to observe the tsunami. * Do not return to the coast until local emergency officials indicate it is safe to do so. If you are in a tsunami watch area; * Prepare to take action and stay alert for further information. IMPACTS ------- Impacts will vary at different locations in the warning areas. If you are in a tsunami warning area; * A tsunami with damaging waves and powerful currents is possible. * Repeated coastal flooding is possible as waves arrive onshore, move inland, and drain back into the ocean. * Strong and unusual waves, currents and inland flooding can drown or injure people and weaken or destroy structures on land and in water. * Water filled with floating or submerged debris that can injure or kill people and weaken or destroy buildings and bridges is possible. * Strong and unusual currents and waves in harbors, marinas, bays, and inlets may be especially destructive. * Some impacts may continue for many hours to days after arrival of the first wave. * The first wave may not be the largest so later waves may be larger. * Each wave may last 5 to 45 minutes as a wave encroaches and recedes. * Coasts facing all directions are threatened because the waves can wrap around islands and headlands and into bays. * Strong shaking or rolling of the ground indicates an earthquake has occurred and a tsunami may be imminent. * A rapidly receding or receded shoreline, unusual waves and sounds, and strong currents are signs of a tsunami. * The tsunami may appear as water moving rapidly out to sea, a gentle rising tide like flood with no breaking wave, as a series of breaking waves, or a frothy wall of water. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND NEXT UPDATE -------------------------------------- * Refer to the internet site tsunami.gov for more information. * Pacific coastal residents outside California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Alaska should refer to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center messages at tsunami.gov. * This message will be updated within 30 minutes.
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