#Fabio Simpson
maythray · 2 years
play undertale 2! we have!
- the simpsons
- miku (but watch out)
- fabio the dummy :)
- so many awful women. just like. neverending barrage of the worst women ever. its incredible. play the game just for them. you meet the first one within the first few minutes of the game. its wonderful. this post was just made because i just wanted to talk about the awful women in undertale 2. look at some of them actually.
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- whatever this is..................
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ARCA. SIRACUSA - Associazione Rinascimento Culturale Archimedeo
Euro Med Festival - 2024 Tonino Accolla
Nona edizione del Premio Tonino Accolla. Siracusa/Noto 29 – 30 giugno e 1 luglio 2024.
Per questa nuova edizione del primo e unico contest live per allievi doppiatori provenienti dalle scuole di doppiaggio italiane e straniere, saranno Piazza Minerva a Siracusa nel centro storico di Ortigia e Palazzo Nicolaci a Noto - dove si svolgerà il workshop, primo Forum Internazionale Intelligenza artificiale per abbattere le barriere degli audiolesi e ipovedenti nel Cinema e nel Doppiaggio - ad accogliere pubblico e partecipanti in tre serate articolate fra spettacolo, competizione e approfondimenti. Il workshop è organizzato dall’associazione ARCA e dal Centro Studi Economia Internazionale ai Fondi Europei.
Il Premio, come sempre, è intitolato a Tonino Accolla, celebre doppiatore e direttore di doppiaggio (da Titanic a Braveheart, per citarne qualcuno), nato a Siracusa il 6 aprile del 1949 e scomparso a Roma nel 2013, voce italiana, tra altri, di Eddie Murphy e Homer Simpson, Mickey Rourke e Kenneth Branagh.
Questa rinnovata edizione del festival vuole sensibilizzare, attraverso il linguaggio universale del Cinema e del Doppiaggio, le nuove generazioni sulle tematiche al centro del dibattito istituzionale europeo, come l’ambiente e l’inclusione sociale.
La manifestazione è patrocinata dal Comune di Siracusa, con il sostegno e la collaborazione del sindaco di Noto, Corrado Figura, del sindaco di Siracusa Francesco Italia e dell’assessore alla Cultura e Turismo, Fabio Granata.
“Si conferma anche per questa edizione la presenza del Gruppo Irem – sottolinea Stefania Altavilla, direttrice artistica e presidente di ARCA – a sostegno della cultura, della formazione dei giovani e dell’agire nel sociale. Un particolare ringraziamento va al suo amministratore delegato, Giovanni Musso”.
La conduzione dello spettacolo quest’anno sarà affidata a Maurizio Merluzzo – attore, doppiatore e youtuber – e a Vanessa Galipoli, artista ed imprenditrice, conduttrice televisiva. Fra gli ospiti, Emanuela Rossi – Premio Tonino Accolla e Premio Eccellenza 2018 e voce di Cate Blanchet, Nicole Kidman – direttrice di doppiaggio e dialoghista; Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico, scrittore, curatore e critico d’arte contemporanea; Rodolfo Bianchi, attore, doppiatore, insignito tra altri del premio per la migliore direzione di doppiaggio per The Departed il bene e il male, Shutter Island, The Wolf of Wall Street e The Hateful Eight; sul palco si alterneranno fra interviste e performances doppiatori pluripremiati come Flavio Aquilone,
Valentina Favazza, Erica Necci e Yuri Bedini, quest’ultimo direttore di doppiaggio e con Tonino Accolla assistente al doppiaggio di numerosi film. Sul palco il musicista Antonino Martorana che insieme all’ artista Marilena Vita creeranno una sinestesia (fenomeno sensoriale/percettivo, esperienza plurisensoriale) di suoni e immagini. Il 30 giugno sarà fra gli ospiti Walter Ricci, musicista e crooner che ha duettato con artisti del calibro di Michel Bublè, Mario Biondi, Dianne Reeves.
La manifestazione, che cresce di anno in anno confermandosi tra gli eventi più prestigiosi a Siracusa, ideata da Stefania Altavilla – direttrice artistica, presidente dell’associazione ARCA, project manager e art director del Festival – e da Giuseppe Mandalari, nasce nel 2014 con la collaborazione iniziale e il supporto tecnico di Ambi Picture e Fonoroma e ha lo scopo di promuovere e valorizzare l’arte del doppiaggio. Sono coinvolte le scuole di doppiaggio italiane e le società di Produzione come la CD Cine Dubbing. Collabora al progetto e partecipa all’organizzazione Lorenzo Accolla, attore, doppiatore, direttore di doppiaggio. Dagli ultimi anni l’organizzazione si avvale anche della collaborazione di Carola Mandalari, come responsabile di produzione.
Come nelle ultime edizioni, il Premio Tonino Accolla si svolgerà in chiave ancora più dinamica rispetto al passato: si alterneranno momenti di spettacolo a momenti musicali, mantenendo alto il momento del Contest-live, vero appeal del Festival, durante il quale sei allievi (tre uomini e tre donne), dopo una preselezione avvenuta a Roma sotto la direzione di Lorenzo Accolla – con la collaborazione della CD Cine Dubbing - si confronteranno nell’esecuzione di doppiaggi live individuali e di coppia articolati su più prove.
La giuria tecnica quest’anno vedrà la partecipazione, così come nelle passate edizioni, di alcuni tra i migliori doppiatori e direttori del doppiaggio italiano. Alla giuria tecnica verrà affiancata una giuria di giornalisti e critici cinematografici, che conferirà il Premio Stampa.
E quest’anno, l’associazione ARCA – da un’idea di Stefania Altavilla e del critico d’arte Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico – istituisce il Premio Promozione Cinema dedicato ad Adriano Pintaldi, scomparso nel 2023. Pintaldi è stato per più di cinquant’anni tra le figure più rappresentative del mondo della comunicazione e della promozione cinematografica. Questa nona edizione del Premio Tonino Accolla terrà dunque a battesimo il Premio Promozione Cinema con un tribute ad Adriano Pintaldi, e per realizzare questo intento saranno coinvolte personalità autorevoli del cinema e della cultura fra i quali il regista Pupi Avati, Laura Delli Colli e l'attrice Antonella Salvucci. Il Premio Promozione Cinema, la cui prima edizione è prevista per l’anno prossimo nel contesto della decima edizione del Premio Tonino Accolla, “vuole valorizzare -
spiegano Altavilla e Di Giandomenico - figure del mondo delle istituzioni, delle professioni e dell’industria cinematografica e televisiva italiana ed estera, che si siano particolarmente distinte nella promozione di film, documentari e cortometraggi”.
La giuria sarà costituita da personalità del mondo della cultura, dell’arte e della comunicazione cinematografica e televisiva, coordinata da Marco Eugenio Di Giandomenico.
“Ad oggi, giunto alla sua nona edizione – dichiara Stefania Altavilla – il Premio Tonino Accolla ha raccontato attraverso pillole di doppiaggio, i volti di quelle voci che oggi recuperiamo alla memoria attraverso straordinarie interpretazioni di personaggi ai quali quelle voci hanno infuso quell’anima da oscar”.
Quest’anno, grazie anche alla collaborazione con il Centro Studi di Economia Internazionale ai Fondi Europei – presidente Santi Tomaselli, già presidente dell’Osservatorio Romano ai Fondi Europei - è stata definita la partnership con una delle 15 scuole di Cinema più importanti al mondo, la Toronto Film School, già partner degli Studios di Hollywood; e ancora la West University, GIS International e Betting on Italy. Partner tecnici, Red Tomato e Voci FM.
Questa nuova articolazione del progetto - che ha suggerito in una più ampia visione la denominazione di Euro Med Festival Tonino Accolla – ha trovato il pieno riconoscimento di alta valenza strategica dal Distretto Turistico del Sud-Est.
La vocazione internazionale di questa nuova edizione sarà confermata anche dall’intervento - durante il convegno del primo luglio a Noto, workshop sull’importanza dell’intelligenza artificiale per abbattere le barriere della disabilità sensoriale - del senatore Tony Loffreda, vice presidente del Gruppo Interparlamentare Canada/Italia e presidente Rete Parlamentare Canadese nella Banca Mondiale e del Fondo Monetario Internazionale.
La realizzazione dei Premi è affidata, per il Premio Tonino Accolla, al Maestro Scultore Pietro Marchese, all’ architetta designer Lara Grana per i premi allievi, e all’orafa designer Stefania Midolo, per la realizzazione dei premi d’eccellenza.
Ufficio Stampa. Marilena Toscano. N.Tess Odg 150949.
Tel. 338 3031853 - indirizzo email [email protected]
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crazy-so-na-sega · 9 months
Il paradosso di Simpson è la certezza di Burns.
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Come nel migliore dei gialli tutto è collegato, alla fine è stato il maggiordomo gay. Trascurando alcune variabili o dimenticandosi antefatti abbiamo sia il paradosso di Simpson ma anche la certezza di Burns.
Il lavoratore pigro analfabeta funzionale cade nel paradosso, l’oligarca finanziere invece vende certezza con la © maiuscola. Il consumatore finale è la domanda stupida mentre il capitale è l’offerta che non puoi rifiutare. La legge di Say o la legge di Lynch sono le opzioni.
Se stai dalla parte giusta puoi usare il termine paradosso avendo tutta la Ragione perché l’offerta crea la sua domanda, se stai dalla parte sbagliata il tuo paradosso diventa inevitabilmente gogna perché il linciaggio deve diventare generalizzazione specista e classista.
Alcune compagnie ferroviarie intuirono alla fine dell’800 che sarebbe stato importantissimo suggestionare ed influenzare la società per creare i presupposti migliori per i loro affari. Nulla di nuovo, il serpente fece propaganda sulla mela ben prima del Far West.
La mela non aveva effetti avversi, del resto il serpente sul bastone d’Esculapio è una garanzia anche in tempi recentissimi. Poi tra bufalo e locomotiva la differenza salta agli occhi, per questo quando il bufalo sei tu puoi benissimo scartare di lato ma devi cadere per forza. Ma decide non solo la sorte del bufalo, ma anche l’avvenire dei tuoi baffi e il tuo mestiere. La propaganda descritta meravigliosamente in una canzone. Decide non solo chi cade, ma anche coloro che devono cambiare e cosa debbano fare della loro esistenza. Aggiungendo un serpente e un paio d’ali il bastone medico deve cambiare in un caduceo dedicato ai commercianti e al tintinnar di moneta. Non dimenticare mai che il progresso tecnico è irreversibile, togliere dunque la vipera e le ali non è contemplato dalla dottrina.
Pensate a Marshall e al suo piano, leggete poi gli scritti economici dell’autore, solo così potrete toccare le pareti del labirinto. Metodi che si ripetono, anche per il PNRR dovrete pagare il fio, l’avvenire dei baffi e del mestiere è già scritto.
Cosa dovete cambiare lo vedete quotidianamente, la propaganda batte dove il dente è da levare, se non duole lo faranno dolere. È tutto talmente ovvio, la borghesia unilateralmente pensatrice di Clisterflix è ossessionata dal controllo, esattamente come tutte le borghesie. Loro non vedono i paradossi ma solo le certezze. I patriarchi delle scienze economiche, della psicologia, della finanza, della medicina hanno deciso per loro. Il pensiero è infibulato da Burns e soci, ma a pagarne le spese sarà sempre e solo Homer. Patriarchi annoiati da tutto, li divertono solo alcuni giochi di società proiettati su scala globale. Un giorno giocano a Monopoli con le vostre finanze, un altro a Risiko con le vostre vite.
Se non vedi i dadi sei una pedina, questa è la certezza del paradosso.
-Fabio Bulla
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“How Companies Can Take Advantage of Digital Marketing”
Alexia Brice
Sophomore 2nd Year
Tarleton State University
We can now connect with each other more quickly and effectively thanks to digital marketing. Additionally, the fact that it connects a company with its clients when they are online and works across various industries has made it crucial to many businesses. When customers are on Google, using social media marketing, email marketing, or both, it links businesses with their ideal clients. Digital marketing is necessary for every organization. It's important to comprehend the advantages of digital marketing for organizations, which include affordability, is there mobile access, whether it has flexibility, can an expansion be possible, have multimedia and interactivity, tracking, authority, influencer engagement and print enhancement. Consequently, we may now use digital marketing to obtain a wide range of products and necessities. But with so much potential, how can businesses utilize digital marketing? In this blog, we'll look at the several strategies businesses can use to take advantage of digital marketing opportunities while avoiding commonly occurring pitfalls. Prepare to plunge into the realm of digital marketing and discover what it takes to do it just right, from utilizing data to creating successful campaigns.
Let's start by understanding digital marketing. Developing, managing, and carrying out a marketing strategy that makes use of digital technology in order to connect with and engage target audiences is known as digital marketing. The main goals of digital marketing are to increase customer loyalty, turn leads into sales, and draw in new clients. Companies must have a thorough awareness of their target audience, their needs, and what drives them in order to benefit from digital marketing. Subsequently, they must develop captivating content that will connect with their audience and promote conversions. Take Nike as an example; in their "Write the Future" football commercial from 2010, which featured star players from the era including Cristiano Ronaldo, Didier Drogba, Fabio Cannavaro, Wayne Rooney, Franck Ribéry, and Ronaldinho (along with cameos from Roger Federer, Kobe Bryant, and Homer Simpson), soccer was the most popular attraction. Tiger Woods, an American professional golfer who owns multiple golf records, appeared in the Nike Golf — Tiger Woods Ball-Juggling commercial from 1999. Nike had to spend the majority of their time online to comprehend and invest in what would make their items more attractive in order to reach their audience. Additionally, every business must invest in the most recent digital marketing techniques and platforms.
Let's explore how beneficial digital marketing may be for these enterprises in more detail. Digital marketing offers a quick and affordable approach to connect with your target audience. It enables you to communicate with clients and potential clients using a range of platforms, such as email, social media, search engines, and websites. Compared to traditional marketing strategies, digital marketing has several advantages, such as:
No. 1. Wider audience reach: it is simpler and quicker to connect with a sizable audience. Customers can be targeted based on their location, age, gender, hobbies, and other factors.
No 2. Greater engagement: Digital marketing strategies let you engage your target audience on a deep level. This implies that you can develop relationships with both existing and potential clients.
No. 3. More captivating material: Digital media offers an interactive platform for distributing content that is more captivating than conventional techniques like print or television advertising. By doing this, it may draw in the targeted demographic and communicate with them in a way that is pertinent to them.
No. 4. Larger ROI: Digital marketing tactics frequently outperform conventional ones in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, leading to a higher return on investment (ROI).
No. 5. Real-time results: With digital marketing, monitoring the outcomes in real time utilizing analytical software like Google Analytics. This enables you to more effectively attain the intended objectives by making the required adjustments to your campaigns based on the data gathered.
With these benefits of digital marketing for businesses, the cost of marketing is less of an issue, they have more access to the customers who rely on their technology (mostly phones) to do all of their online shopping, they have more ability to speak on topics related to their products or industry, an efficient opportunity to engage with influencers to earn their respect and get them to recommend their business, an opportunity to incorporate various forms of media into the marketing, and a way to track customers’ purchase journeys. The key to effective marketing has always been making connections with the target market at the appropriate time and place. The ideal place to meet consumers today is online. This generation uses their phones, laptops, iPads and other technology to search for items. Businesses all across the world are utilizing this fact. They are making use of efficient digital marketing techniques to increase the likelihood that their marketing initiatives will be seen by consumers, which will have a substantial positive impact on their bottom line.
The most popular types of digital marketing are listed below for your consideration:
No. 1. SEO-based content creation: is online content designed to rank in search engines (like Google). In order for the content to rank higher in search engine results pages, users must conduct keyword research, locate relevant keywords, and incorporate them into the writing.
No. 2. Search engine marketing: a type of online advertising that focuses on getting your website to show up in Google and other search engine results.
No. 3. Social paid ads: Users who conduct searches on search engines like Google and Bing are shown text and image advertising using this tactic.
No. 4. Video marketing: the use of video to advertise or promote your brand or product through digital platforms. This may appear as an advertisement on a website or landing page. Standard ads may play before, during, or after an internet video, a video posted on social media, on TV channels, or on streaming services.
No.6. Forum engagement: primarily for the audience to increase their knowledge and spread the brand's product through multimedia by posting photographs of them wearing or using it to millions of people.
No. 7. Social media marketing: a cost-effective strategy to connect with your target market. Boost consumer contact, advocacy, and brand and product recognition.
No. 8. Email marketing: enables the company to connect with potential customers and keep a hold of current ones by promoting return visits to a website. It is also a successful method of informing the customer about new products, specials, or exclusive offers the businesses are offering.
No. 9. Local search: When their target markets conduct online searches for products and services, appearing in the local results.
No. 10. Remarketing: displaying advertisements to website visitors or visitors to a particular web page, whether or not they took any specific action. It's a good technique to reach customers who have already expressed an interest in the company or brand.
No. 11. Influencer marketing: the practice of companies enlisting celebrities, well-known bloggers, or social media users to assist them advertise their goods or services. Companies enlisting celebrities, well-known bloggers, or social media users to assist them advertise their goods or services. These individuals frequently have sizable and/or active online followings. This is a smart move since these influencers can publicize your brand on their social media pages by, for instance, supporting an article you wrote for your blog or posting images and videos of how the items are used.
In conclusion, digital marketing is a successful strategy for businesses seeking to boost sales and reach their targeted audience. There are many ways to do this, such developing material that attracts your intended audience or using well-known social media outlets. To maintain a competitive advantage and establish a long-lasting presence online, it's critical for businesses to maintain pace with the constantly evolving terrain of digital marketing. Companies can employ digital marketing techniques to effectively advance toward accomplishing their objectives with careful preparation and implementation.
Brooks, Ashley. “What Is Digital Marketing? A Beginner's Guide to Modern Marketing”, Rasmussen University, 11 November 2020. https://www.rasmussen.edu/degrees/business/blog/what-is-digital-marketing/
Federal Trade Commission. “Advertising and Marketing on the Internet: Rules of the Road”, Federal Trade Commission, accessed on January 2023. https://www.ftc.gov/business-guidance/resources/advertising-marketing-internet-rules-road
Hammell, Drew. “The Best Nike Ads: 13 of the Most Influential of All Time”, Highsnobiety, 2020. https://www.highsnobiety.com/p/best-nike-ads/
Simplilearn. “Top 9 Advantages of Digital Marketing in 2023”, Simplilearn, 5 January 2023. https://www.simplilearn.com/digital-marketing-benefits-article
The Hoth. “Marketing Solutions Made For You”, The Hoth, accessed on January 2023. https://www.thehoth.com/solutions/
Yale School of Management. “Digital Marketing: A Strategic Perspective Online Program”, Yale School of Management, Accessed on January 2023. https://som.yale.edu/executive-education/for-individuals/leadership/digital-marketing
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eugenerolton · 3 years
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ilvoloflightcrew · 4 years
BOIN ~ The Journey, the Reveal and the Whisper! by Susan
BOIN ~ The Journey, the Reveal and the Whisper! by Susan
The Journey…. Are you enjoying the Journey? The week began with the little Chick pilot. He just stole my heart! He is adorable!  You know he was with us from the beginning of the journey. I wanted to call him “Wrong Way Charlie” because in our introduction to BOIN he was going in the opposite direction from everyone else. But, as you can see, he finally caught up with us. Ignazio’s counterpart…
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rabbittstewcomics · 2 years
Episode 347
July 2022 DC solicits Comic Reviews:
Flashpoint Beyond 0 by Geoff Johns, Eduardo Risso, Trish Mulvihill
Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country 1 by James Tynion IV, Lisandro Estherren, Patricio Delpeche, Yanick Paquette, Nathan Fairbairn
Elektra 100 by Declan Shalvey, Ann Nocenti, Paulo Siqueira, Ty Templeton, Sid Kotian, Stafano Raffaele, Edgar Delgado
What If Miles Morales 2 by John Ridley, Farid Karami, Chris Sotomayor
X-Men '92: House of XCII 1 by Steve Foxe, Salva Espin, Israel Silva
A Town Called Terror 1 by Steve Niles, Szymon Kudranski
Image! 30th Anniversary Anthology 1 by Geoff Johns, Andrea Mutti, Declan Shalvey, Clayton Cowles, Wyatt Kennedy, Luana Vecchio, Wes Craig, Jason Wordie, Skottie Young, Nate Piekos, Mirka Andolfo, Chiara De Francia, Fabio Amelia, Brenden Fletcher, Erica Henderson, Kyle Higgins, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Walter Baiamonte, Katia Ranalli, Becca Carey, Patrick Kindlon, Maurizio Rosenzweig, Jim Campbell, Dean Haspiel
Reckless: Ghost in You GN by Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips, Jacob Phillips
Dark Horse
Break Out 1 by Zack Kaplan, Wilton Santos, Jason Wordie
Kaiju Score: Steal From the Gods 1 by James Patrick, Rem Broo
Midnight Rose 1 by Jim Starlin, Nikkol Jelenic, DC Alonso
Wrong Earth: Fame and Fortune 1 by Mark Russell, Michael Montenat, Andy Troy
Fun with Little Archie and Friends 1 by Shannon Watters, Jamie Lee Rotante, Agnes Garbowska, Adrian Ropp, Erin Hunting, Matt Herms
Immortal Red Sonja 1 by Dan Abnett, Alessandro Miracolo
Love and War by Andrew Wheeler, Killian Ng
Vanity 1 by Jurii Kirnev, Natalia Tsarevnikova
Dark Beach 1 by Michael Ruiz-Unger, Sebastian Piriz
Chef's Kiss by Jarrett Melendez, Danica Brine, Hank Hones, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Thunderous by M.L. Smoker, Natalie Peeterse
Chivalry by Neil Gaiman, Colleen Doran
Additional Reviews: Moon Knight ep3, Picard 2:7, Amphibia, Owl House, Doctor Who
News: Nimona adaptation from Netflix, Percy Jackson cast, All-Out Avengers creative team, new official Marvel tabletop game, Casper reboot on Peacock, Flash movie prequel delayed/canceled, Millie Bobby Brown's new movie, Round Robin round 3, X-Terminators, Alysia as Batgirl, Kevin Conroy story in Pride anthology, Matt Kindt launches new Dark Horse imprint, Jody Houser writes Ms. Marvel team-up anthology, DC diversity, Star Wars Visions gets a second season, Dreamer coming to DCU in Superman 13 co-written by Nicole Maines, Frank Langella fired from House of Usher, new Simpsons short featuring Billie Eilish, Archie NFT, IDW announces new series, DC delays Danger Street, Susan Sarandon replaces Sharon Stone in Blue Beetle, rumors about another DC overhaul, Grant Morrison announces first novel, Dead Boy Detectives coming to HBO Max, Venom coming to Thor, Wonder Twins casting, new Harley series by Tee Franklin, Connor Hawke is going to be ACE
Trailers: Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank, Stranger Things s4, Thor: Love and Thunder
Comics Countdown:
Reckless: The Ghost in You GN by Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips, Jacob Phillips
Chef's Kiss by Jarrett Melendez, Danica Brine, Hank Hones, Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Nocterra 9 by Scott Snyder, Tony Daniel, Marcelo Maiolo
Superman: Son of Kal-El 10 by Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey, Federico Blee
Sandman Universe: Nightmare Country 1 by James Tynion IV, Lisandro Estherren, Patricio Delpeche, Yanick Paquette, Nathan Fairbairn
Batman '89 5 by Sam Hamm, Joe Quinones, Leonardo Ito
Flashpoint Beyond 0 by Geoff Johns, Eduardo Risso, Trish Mulvihill
Seven Secrets 16 by Tom Taylor, Daniele Di Nicuolo
Batgirls 5 by Becky Cloonan, Michael Conrad, Jorge Corona, Sarah Stern
Farmhand 16 by Rob Guillory, Jean-Francois Beaulieu
Check out this episode!
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a-tarassia · 3 years
They’re comin’ outta goddam walls!
Abbiamo fatto un quiz sui Simpson con le risposte multiple che non si sono fatti nemmeno leggere talmente erano preparati, una domanda sbagliata su trenta. Ho proposto loro un dolce indiano molto flaky e molto dolce che ha suscitato odio e amore, ma ho paura non lo finiremo mai, forse lo riproponiamo domenica col vin brulè. Ci siamo seduti che era già tardi e abbiamo messo su il film, ma fermati! Lo sai che il due non esiste? Cioè Fabio mi ha detto che esiste, ma non è quello ufficiale, non ricordo bene, ma in definitiva non hanno potuto usare il nome per questione di diritti. Ma cosa stai dicendo? Te lo giuro! Alien 2 c’è, ma non è quello ufficiale, quello di Scott si chiama Aliens. Non è Scott è Cameron, e il terzo lo ha fatto Fincher, son tutti registi diversi. Uaaa ficata! Ha ragione lei comunque, Aliens 2 è un film fatto da Ciro Ippolito. Che cazzo dici? Sì, c’è scritto su wikipedia, Ciro Ippolito, è italiano, in Italia in quel periodo ste cacate le facevano, il film è una ciofeca, ma hanno usato il 2 e quindi il sequel ufficiale si chiama Aliens. Ma il terzo lo hanno chiamato Alien 3. No, è Alien alla terza. Ah sì è vero! E poi il quarto si chiama Alien Resurrection. Vabbè facessero pace col cervello dai. Oh Pan, poi la scrivi una canzone su sta cosa? Sì! Ho capito raga’ adesso iniziamo sennò non lo finiamo più. Ok. No No ferma! Cosa c’è ancora? Ma finito Alien poi ci spariamo tutto Terminator? Assolutamente.
Se non lo avete visto vi consiglio un capolavoro, si chiama: Aliens.
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brandnulife · 4 years
Celebrities Who Had Covid-19
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Cam Newton
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John Taylor of Duran Duran
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Marcus Smart
Marianne Faithfull
Masoumeh Edtekar
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Nadine Dorries
Natalie Horler, lead singer of Cascada
Nga Nguyen
Nick Cordero - deceased
Nicki Minaj
Novak Djokovic
Olga Kurylenko
Oscar De La Hoya
Patrick McEnroe
Pere Aragones
Peter Thomas (Real Housewives of Atlanta)
Placido Domingo
Prince Albert II
Prince William
Quim Torra
Rachel Matthews
Rand Paul
Ray Benson
Richard Schiff and Shelia Kelley
Robert Pattinson 
Roy Horn - deceased
Rudy Giuliani  
Russell Westbrook
Sadie Robertson (Duck Dynasty)
Sam Asghari
Sean Payton
Sekou Smith - deceased
Sergio Garcia
Seth Curry
Sevyn Streeter
Shanna Moakler (Hollywood Exes)
Shannon Beador (Real Housewives of Orange County)
Shemar Moore
Sheree Whitfield (Real Housewives of Atlanta)
Slim Thug
Sincere Show
Sophie Trudeau
Stephen Amell
Steve Doocy
Sturgill Simpson
Tiffany Haddish
Thomas Doherty
Todd Chrisley
Tom Dempsey
Tommy “Tiny” Lester Jr. - deceased
Tony Shalhoub
Trey Songz
Tyler Hubbard
Usain Bolt
Vachik Mangassarian - deceased
Vanessa Williams (Ugly Betty)
Vivica A. Fox 
Von Miller
Wendy Williams
Whitney and Zach Bates (Bringing Up Bates)
Wiz Khalifa
Zoey Duetch (The Politician)
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Rossano Brazzi.
- Fatal Frames (1996)
- Russicum - I giorni del diavolo (1988) .... Marini
- La collina del diavolo (1988) .... Mr. Panama
- Final Justice (1985) .... Don Lamanna
7, Hyden Park: la casa maledetta (1985) .... Dr. Sernich
- Ciudad del crimen (1984) .... Carmine
- Pabellones lejanos .... El Rana de Bhithor (3 episodios, 1984)
- Primera parte: Return to India
- Segunda parte: The Journey to Bhithor
- Tercera parte: Wally and Anjuli
- La voce (1982)
- Il paramedico (1982)
- Anche i ladri hanno un santo (1981)
- Omen III: The Final Conflict (El final de Damien, 1981) .... DeCarlo
- Champagne... e fagioli (1980) (no acreditado) .... Narrador
- Io e Caterina (1980) .... Arthur
- Mr. Too Little (1978) .... Zabo The Great
Caribia (1978)
- Il tempo degli assassini (1975) .... Padre Eugenio
- Gli angeli dalle mani bendate (1975)
Il cav. Costante Nicosia demoniaco, ovvero: Dracula in Brianza (1975) .... Dr. Paluzzi
- Giro girotondo... con il sesso è bello il mondo (1975)
- Detrás de esa puerta (1975) .... Embajador Lara
- Terror! Il castello delle donne maledette (1974) .... Conde Frankenstein
- Mister Kingstreet's War (1973)
- El gran vals (1972) .... Alemán
- Racconti proibiti... di niente vestiti (1972) .... Lorenzo del Cambio
- Il giorno del giudizio (1971) .... Comisario
- Morir por amar (1971)
- Vivi ragazza vivi! (1971)
- Trittico (1971) .... Andrea, el cirujano
- Intimità proibite di una giovane sposa (1970) .... Adolfo Rogano
- Los libertinos (1970) .... Barón de Coyne
- Vita segreta di una diciottenne (1969)
- Un trabajo en Italia (1969) .... Beckerman
- Al este de Java (1969) .... Giovanni
- Salvare la faccia (1969) .... Brigoli
- El gran robo (1968) .... Ross Simpson
- El rey de África (1968) .... Dr. Hamilton
- Il diario segreto di una minorenne (1968)
- The Bobo (1967) .... Carlos Matabosch
- Siete veces mujer (1967) .... Giorgio - episodio Amateur Night
- Per amore... per magia... (1967) .... El narrador.
- Gli altri, gli altri e noi (1967)
- Il Natale che quasi non fu (1966) .... Phineas T. Prune
- La ragazza del bersagliere (1966) .... Fernando
- Un amore (1965) .... Antonio Dorigo
- Escándalo en Villa Fiorita (1965) .... Lorenzo
La ragazza in prestito (1964) .... Mario
- La intriga (1964) .... Conde Paolo Barbarelli
- Pão de Açúcar (1964)
- Las cuatro verdades (1962) .... Leo
Die Rote (1962) .... Fabio
- Rome Adventure (1962) .... Roberto Orlandi
- Luz en la ciudad (1962) .... Signor Naccarelli
- Austerlitz (1960) .... Lucien Bonaparte
- La batalla de Siracusa (1960) .... Archimede
- Count Your Blessings (1959) .... Charles Edouard de Valhubert
- A Certain Smile (1958) .... Luc Ferrand
- South Pacific (1958) .... Emile De Becque
- Arenas de muerte (1957) .... Paul Bonnard
- Interludio de amor (1957) .... Tonio Fischer
- The Story of Esther Costello (1957) .... Carlo Landi
- No se case en Montecarlo (1956) .... Bertrand
- Summertime (1955) .... Renato de Rossi
- Gli ultimi cinque minuti (1955) .... Dino Moriani
- Faccia da mascalzone (1955)
- Il conte Aquila (1955)
- Angela (1954) .... Nino
- La condesa descalza (1954) .... Conde Vincenzo Torlato-Favrini
- La contessa di Castiglione (1954) .... Conde de Cavour
- La chair et le diable (1954) .... Giuseppe Guardini
- Creemos en el amor (1954) .... Georgio Bianchi
- La barriera della legge (1954) .... Teniente Mario Grandi
- Carne de horca (1953) .... Juan Pablo de Osuna
- La prigioniera della torre di fuoco (1953) .... Cesare Borgia
- C'era una volta Angelo Musco (1953) .... El relator
- L'ingiusta condanna (1952) .... Carlo Rocchi
- Il boia di Lilla (1952) .... Athos
- La donna che inventò l'amore (1952) .... Conte Grilli
- La leggenda di Genoveffa (1952) .... Sigfrido
- El hijo de Lagardere (1952) .... Philippe de Lagardere
- Eran trecento (1952)
- Hechizo trágico (1951) .... Pietro
- La corona negra (1951) .... Andrés
- La venganza de Águila Negra (1951) .... Vladimir Dubrovskij
- Romanzo d'amore (1950) .... Enrico Toselli
- Gli inesorabili (1950) .... Saro Costa
- Vulcano (1950) .... Donato
- Mujercitas (1949) .... Profesor Bhaer
- I contrabbandieri del mare (1948)
- El diablo blanco (1947) .... Príncipe Mdwani
- Il corriere del re (1947) .... Julien Sorel
- Il passatore (1947) .... Stefano Pelloni
- Furia (1947) .... Antonio
- La monaca di Monza (1947)
- Eleonora Duse (1947) .... Arrigo Boito.
Águila negra (1946) .... Vladimir Dubrowskij
- Malìa (1946) .... Cola
- Paese senza pace (1946) .... Tita Nane
- La grande aurora (1946) .... Renzo Gamba
- La casa senza tempo (1945) .... Capitán Paolo Sivera
- La resa di Titì (1945)
- I dieci comandamenti (1945) .... (segmento "Non commettere atti impuri")
- Silenzio, si gira! (1943) .... Andrea Corsi
- Il treno crociato (1943) .... El teniente Alberto Lauri
- El hogar perdido (1943) .... Pablo
- Maria Malibran (1943) .... Carlo de Beriot
- I due Foscari (1942) .... Jacopo Foscari
- La gorgona (1942) .... Lamberto Finquinaldo
- Los que vivimos (1942) .... Leo Kovalenski
- ¡Adiós, Kira! (1942) .... Leo Kovalenski
- Una signora dell'ovest (1942) .... William/Manuel
- Piazza San Sepolcro (1942)
- È caduta una donna (1941) .... Roberto Frassi
- El rey se divierte (1941) .... El rey Francesco I
- Il Bravo di Venezia (1941) .... Guido Fuser, su hijo
- Tosca (1941) .... Mario Cavaradossi
- La fuerza bruta (1941) .... Fred
- Ritorno (1940) .... Michele Donato, alias Mac Dynar
- Kean (1940) .... Edmund Kean
- El puente de cristal (1940) .... El comandante Mario Marchi
- Processo e morte di Socrate (1939) .... Simmia
- Piccolo hotel (1939)
- Il destino in tasca (1938)
Actor (televisión)
- Mort d'un zombie (1993) (TV)
- Ruth Rendell Mysteries (1 episodio, 1990)
- * Put on by Cunning (1990) Episodio de TV .... Sir Manuel Carmargue
- A Fine Romance (1 episodio, 1989)
Pilot (1989) Episodio de TV .... Castello
- Le tiroir secret (1986) Miniserie
- We the Living (1986) .... Leo Kovalenski
- La vallée des peupliers (1986) Series de TV .... Umberto de Lorenzi
- Cristóbal Colón (1985) TV mini-series .... - Diego Ortiz De Vilhegas
- L'elemento D (1984) (TV)
- Hart y Hart .... Inspector Pastori (1 episodio, 1983)
- Straight Through the Hart (1983) Episodio de TV
- Vacaciones en el mar (2 episodios, 1982)
- Primera parte: Venetian Love Song/The Arrangement/Arrividerci, Gopher/The Gigolo (1982) Episodio de TV
- Segunda parte: Venetian Love Song/The - Arrangement/Arrividerci, Gopher/The Gigolo (1982)
- La isla de la fantasía .... Anton Jagger (1 episodio.
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Ennio Morricone (1928-2020)’s haunting opening theme to the 1972 Italian Giallo mystery, “What Have You Done to Solange?”
“Ennio Morricone, OMRI[1] (Italian: [ˈɛnnjo morriˈkoːne]; 10 November 1928 – 6 July 2020) was an Italian composer, orchestrator, conductor, and trumpet player who wrote music in a wide range of styles. Morricone composed over 400 scores for cinema and television, as well as over 100 classical works. His score to The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) is considered one of the most influential soundtracks in history[2] and was inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame.[3] His filmography includes over 70 award-winning films, all Sergio Leone's films since A Fistful of Dollars, all Giuseppe Tornatore's films since Cinema Paradiso, The Battle of Algiers, Dario Argento's Animal Trilogy, 1900, Exorcist II, Days of Heaven, several major films in French cinema, in particular the comedy trilogy La Cage aux Folles I, II, III and Le Professionnel, as well as The Thing, Once Upon A Time In America, The Mission, The Untouchables, Mission to Mars, Bugsy, Disclosure, In the Line of Fire, Bulworth, Ripley's Game and The Hateful Eight.[4]After playing the trumpet in jazz bands in the 1940s, he became a studio arranger for RCA Victor and in 1955 started ghost writing for film and theatre. Throughout his career, he composed music for artists such as Paul Anka, Mina, Milva, Zucchero and Andrea Bocelli. From 1960 to 1975, Morricone gained international fame for composing music for Westerns and—with an estimated 10 million copies sold—Once Upon a Time in the West is one of the best-selling scores worldwide.[5] From 1966 to 1980, he was a main member of Il Gruppo, one of the first experimental composers collectives, and in 1969 he co-founded Forum Music Village, a prestigious recording studio. From the 1970s, Morricone excelled in Hollywood, composing for prolific American directors such as Don Siegel, Mike Nichols, Brian De Palma, Barry Levinson, Oliver Stone, Warren Beatty, John Carpenter and Quentin Tarantino. In 1977, he composed the official theme for the 1978 FIFA World Cup. He continued to compose music for European productions, such as Marco Polo, La piovra, Nostromo, Fateless, Karol and En mai, fais ce qu'il te plait. Morricone's music has been reused in television series, including The Simpsons and The Sopranos, and in many films, including Inglourious Basterds and Django Unchained. He also scored seven Westerns for Sergio Corbucci, Duccio Tessari's Ringo duology and Sergio Sollima's The Big Gundown and Face to Face. Morricone worked extensively for other film genres with directors such as Bernardo Bertolucci, Mauro Bolognini, Giuliano Montaldo, Roland Joffé, Roman Polanski and Henri Verneuil. His acclaimed soundtrack for The Mission (1986)[6] was certified gold in the United States. The album Yo-Yo Ma Plays Ennio Morricone stayed 105 weeks on the Billboard Top Classical Albums.[7]Morricone's best-known compositions include "The Ecstasy of Gold", "Se Telefonando", "Man with a Harmonica", "Here's to You", the UK No. 2 single "Chi Mai", "Gabriel's Oboe" and "E Più Ti Penso". In 1971, he received a "Targa d'Oro" for worldwide sales of 22 million,[8] and by 2016 Morricone had sold over 70 million records worldwide.[9] In 2007, he received the Academy Honorary Award "for his magnificent and multifaceted contributions to the art of film music." He was nominated for a further six Oscars. In 2016, Morricone received his first competitive Academy Award for his score to Quentin Tarantino's film The Hateful Eight, at the time becoming the oldest person ever to win a competitive Oscar. His other achievements include three Grammy Awards, three Golden Globes, six BAFTAs, ten David di Donatello, eleven Nastro d'Argento, two European Film Awards, the Golden Lion Honorary Award and the Polar Music Prize in 2010. Morricone has influenced many artists from film scoring to other styles and genres, including Hans Zimmer,[10] Danger Mouse,[11] Dire Straits,[12] Muse,[13] Metallica,[14] and Radiohead.”
“What Have You Done to Solange? (Italian: Cosa avete fatto a Solange?) is a 1972 giallo film directed by Massimo Dallamano, and starring Fabio Testi, Karin Baal, Joachim Fuchsberger, Cristina Galbó, and Camille Keaton. The plot follows a series of violent murders occurring at a Catholic girls' school in England where a young student has gone missing.The film is a co-production between Italian production companies Italian International Films S.r.l., Clodio Cinematografica and West German company Rialto Film.”
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Head-canon: Warlords reacting to MC and Sasuke speaking Fannish
Requested by anon: Hello. Imagine all warlords being in a sleepover (like the event) and mc and sasuke are talking and are using a lot of meme and fandom references. What would the reaction of the warlords?
Rating: Bell Pepper (see masterlist for ratings description)
Behind the cut for a shit ton of images.
Oda Forces
Nobunaga pretends to follow a lot more of the conversation than he actually does, but he definitely wins points when he addresses MC as his ‘lucky charm’, and Sasuke automatically replies with “Magically delicious?” The blush on MC’s face brings out his most arrogant smirk.
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Hideyoshi is amused, confused, bemused, and offended, but he is slightly mollified after Sasuke explains who Greg is.
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Mitsunari is no more baffled by this conversation than he is by any other metaphors or colloquialisms. He thanks Sasuke sincerely for comparing him to  Drax, a great warrior. 
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Mitsuhide spends most of the conversation silent, making mental notes on references to investigate later. When MC prods him to stop hiding in the corner, he gives her his usual wicked smile, prompting Sasuke to comment on his ‘sudden, but inevitable betrayal.’ Mitsuhide raises an eyebrow at him. “Well, mine is an evil laugh.”
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Masamune really wants to get in on this meme-madness, and demands more information. His enthusiasm is overwhelming; MC and Sasuke toss back and forth options like ‘Most Interesting Warlord In The World’, ‘Overly Attached Warlord’, and ‘Masamune’s Kitchen Nightmares’. Eventually they settle on calling him Emeril, which leads to a long discussion about the types of spices available in the 21st century.
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Ieyasu grouses about you crazy people and your crazy future-talk. Talk about a buzzkill. Sasuke is too busy fan-girling over him to really bring his jargon to bear, but MC does end up having to explain who Grandpa Simpson is.
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Uesugi-Takeda Forces
Kenshin doesn’t know, doesn’t care, but is constantly scanning the conversation for keywords like ‘battle’ (Go Joe!), ‘war’ (never changes), and anything that indicates someone’s getting fresh with his MC (I’ll be in my bunk). He’d kill Sasuke at that point, but his ninja has already safely hidden Himezuri Ichimonji and replaced her with a sword hilt that has no blade, just a flag that unrolls to say ‘STAB’.
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Shingen doesn’t know, doesn’t care, but is really enjoying watching MC get into it with Sasuke. It’s rare that he gets to see her chatter like this without having to preview every sentence for era-appropriate vocabulary, and he loves seeing her so at ease. He does, at one point, have to lean over to Yukimura and ask who this ‘Fabio’ is, and whether or not that’s a compliment.
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Yukimura, as Sasuke’s BFF, has gotten pretty blase about Sasuke’s occasionally incomprehensible references. As MC and Sasuke banter, he even understands the joke every fourth sentence or so, and responds in kind.
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Kennyo’s grim and humourless tendencies aside, the monk is quick and clever, and very much approves of the concept of advice animals. He firmly agrees that they are smarter and better than people.
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Ranmaru is enchanted by tales of ceiling cat, basement cat, and the rest of the internet’s pantheon of ridiculous doges and advice animals.
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Motonari doesn’t understand a single word of it, but retaliates by using equally impenetrable maritime slang. Sasuke and MC look at each other, then simultaneously shout “I’M ON A BOAT!”
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eugenerolton · 3 years
Fuck, I found my old art...
By the way, I still have almost all the characters here!
Oh my God, what's wrong with their bodies🥲...
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elviraponelosfideos · 3 years
Hable más fuerte que tengo una toalla.
Hable más fuerte que tengo una toalla.
Superado el temita existencial que me aquejaba, sono tornato al mio essere mierdoso que tanto extrañaba (el fin de semana estuve usando mucho sarcasmo… lo anhelaba… Oh sarcasm… never leave me again, you are the only one I love). No, no voy a escribir nada de los simpsons, simplemente me gusta la frase y la pongo porque me place (volve Fabio, volve) Este último tiempo me estuve debatiendo entre…
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jodiwalker · 6 years
A 'Bachelorette' recap: You Crushed the Rose, Bro!
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Audiences often prefer The Bachelor franchise over The Bachelorette franchise because large groups of women tend to bring more complex social dynamics to the table; more external displays of emotion; and most importantly — more dramzzz.
Enter Becca's expectation-subverting boyfriends who, at any given time, are one stolen-hoodie away from a full emotional meltdown. And I love them for it. I hope Becca moves to Utah, gets an oil drum full of Klonopin, and marries every single one of them, so that I never have to live in a world where five men are not solemnly nodding their heads along to the sacred proverb: You never touch another man's property.
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The 20 remaining men vying for Becca K's affections had no less than three tearful fits of the heart, two Right-Reasons-related conflicts, and one dramatic confession in season 14’s second episode on Monday night. They are — in a phrase — the most extra. Regarding the tears, Alex's were for a typical Bachelorette reason: he was released by Becca into the fresh Calabasas air after spending six days in a cloud of Old Spice deodorant working way beyond its pay grade, subsisting on deli meats and protein-shake-mimosas, and sleeping in a bunk bed as a full-grown 30 year old man. Indeed, the psychological torture that takes place in that mustard-colored stucco mansion will be studied in text books one day…
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But the other first-date breakdowns were a little more unique to the, uh, passion-driven ethos of Becca's season thus far: (a very sleepy-seeming) Wills was overcome with emotion thinking about how much he loves his mom and dad, and Lincoln…well, Lincoln's group-date-party-favor got broken by a meanie, Connor, who seems to have taken all the buttons off his shirt, melted them down into a pomade, and then swiped that button juice through his hair in order to achieve Marge-Simpson-like heights.
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Again, I reiterate that there is nothing wrong with these soft, tender-spirited men; their wild internalized mood swings, fits of emotion, flare for the dramatic, and memorabilia-triggered histrionics only serve to attract me to them more. After years of withheld emotions, over-confidence, and worshiping at the altar of Mark Cuban, these tentative, fragile little nuggets are a welcome and unexpected reprieve. Even this season's transcribed villain, Jordan, is perhaps the least threatening male to ever be on this show. You could run him off with a drug-store-brand conditioner, you could tie him up with a four-syllable word, and you could permanently confound him with nothing more than "what's black and white and red all over?" He is — and I do not say this lightly — harmless. (Except, of course, to himself. I suspect the man is at risk of drowning every time he takes a shower.)
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Even the most aesthetically macho brotestant among them, Leo — who looks like a combination of Fabio and a Victorian-era Strong Man — is, in fact, cattier than a Real Housewife of Beverly Hills, snootier than a Real Housewife of New York, and possesses a lace-front even more snatched than a Real Housewife of Atlanta. When the fellas disrobed at the first group date, I was shocked to see all the six-packs. Not because sensitive men cannot be smoke shows, but because this particular group of delicate bros seem like they spend so much time using their rhyming dictionaries to write Becca terrible poems, and gluing macaroni to picture frames to replace the ones they broke during temper tantrums, that I don't understand where they find the time to make their obliques look like packs of grass-fed sausage links.
Much more important than the simple thrill of watching these dudes work themselves into a emotional group-think tizzy though, is the fact that their flights of fancy make Becca seem all the more level-headed and self-assured by comparison. The woman is attacking the process of finding a husband on reality television with the focus and efficiency of someone trying to replace a subordinate before their own boss realizes that they don't actually have any responsibilities. Or as Bachelor Nation faves, Trista, Kaitlyn, Desiree, and Ashley I. will tell you: like Debby Ocean putting together a heist team to steal the Heart of the Ocean or whatever from the Met Ball #ad
[Ed. note: Wills is Rihanna and Leo is Helena Bonham Carter! And I'M SANDY BULLOCK!]
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When Lincoln tells Becca that she brings out the best in him, she asks him to elaborate on what he means by that — the woman is not interested in your platitudes. Lincoln helpfully explains: "I can be myself, and I think when I'm myself, which most people are, they are their best, and I genuinely believe that as long as you are who you are, which you always are, you would always get nothing but from the best from me." Oh, well then! Rest assured Becca, this man is definitely invested in you as a person, and not at all tied up in the fact that you're the Bachelorette and a human woman.
Funnily enough, despite Becca being surprisingly adept at navigating this minefield of dumb-dumbs, she cannot stop unnecessarily reiterating to us that we can trust her; that she would never mislead us; that she's not going to lie to us. She's! Not! Gonna! Lie! She's not gonna lie about these guys having good style. She's not gonna lie about being frustrated that there's so much drama. She's not gonna lie about being upset that Colton dated one of her former sister-girlfriends…
BECCA! It's okay! We trust you!
And listen, I’ve obviously said “I’m not gonna lie” a time or two in my life — am I not human? Do I not bleed? Do I not occasionally preface a statement with a gratuitous "honestly, or "literally," or "at the end of the day"? (Just kidding, I don’t say the last one, I'm not a Kardashian eating a $13 salad out of plastic bowl — I'm just me eating a $13 salad out of a plastic bowl!) But I fear that this newly found catchphrase of Becca’s represents something deeper than a mere filler phrase. I'm worried for our dear Becca, and not just because her underarms must be sequin-chafed to ribbons. But also because her constant vigilance for sniffing out dishonesty and insincerity in her potential husbands seems indicative of an internalized pressure to do this job so well, to not make any mistakes, to not completely biff this whole thing at someone else’s emotional expense, like Arie did to her…
Okay, that's enough armchair psychology for one dating game show — let's talk about trampoline dodgeball and what that mouf do!
**Read the rest of the Episode 2 recap at These Are the Best Things, and subscribe to the TATBT newsletter to get all of The Best Things straight to your inbox weekly!**
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tvguidancecounselor · 4 years
TV Guidance Counselor Episode 439: Nore Davis
  September 23-17, 1994
This week Ken welcomes fellow stand up comedian and creator of the first Quarantine Stand Up Comedy Album (that I know of) the great Nore Davis to the show.
Ken and Nore discuss the changing nature of time, the Apocalypse, New York, Manhattan, not getting TV Guide, Streets of Rage, Skates, roads not traveled, the pilot vortex, Fall Previews, Family Matters, Steve Harvey, Me and the Boys, why ABC was not ready for black people, Cosby, a pre-CW/pre-UPN world, the horror of Miracle Whip, Due South, My So-Called Life, shopping for other people, Homicide Life on the Street, how Fox was the Rent to Own network, Ghostbusters II, working actors, M.A.N.T.I.S., ER vs Chicago Hope, Prime Time PBS, the last days of In Living Color, Sega Channel, rich kids, Ralph Macchio, selling your soul, Bo Jackson, the Ivana Trump TV movie, Nutty Professor, Eddie Murphy, Susan Powter, Fabio's Healthy Bodies Magazine, talk shows, VR Troopers, Gargoyles, stand up, Full House, America's Funniest Home Videos, Bob Saget, Lois and Clark, Spice Girls, In the House, Thunder Alley, T.G.I.F., Urkel, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, watching the X-Files so you can get to The Simpsons, and horoscopes.
Check out this episode!
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