#Facebook Technical Support Number
usafphantom2 · 1 month
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There is nothing that amuses me more than a secret inside of a secret.
Here’s an article that I wrote that my friend Dario Leone owner of Aviation Geek Club shared about the YF 12 and the secret SR 71 tail number 951.
Most people when they think of the YF 12 think of it as an experimental airplane that never really flew, but that is wrong. It did fly for many years. The last flight was in 1979 when it was flown to the Air Force Museum near Dayton, Ohio you can find it next to the XB-70.
The so-called YF-12C was really the SR-71A 61-7951, modified with a bogus tail number 06937 belonging to an A-12.
Taken in 1975, the interesting photos in this post show NASA Blackbirds carrying the ” Cold wall” heat transfer pod on a pylon beneath the forward fuselage.
The Blackbirds portrayed in these photos are usually referred to as YF-12s, but actually one of them was an SR-71 as Linda Sheffield Miller (Col Richard (Butch) Sheffield’s daughter, Col. Sheffield was an SR-71 Reconnaissance Systems Officer), who runs Born into the Wild Blue Yonder Habubrats Facebook page, told to The Aviation Geek Club: ‘In case anybody asked the pictures with the two NASA Blackbirds the one on the top is a YF-12 but the one on the bottom is an SR-71!
‘Another interesting thing about those pictures is that NASA was not allowed to have an SR-71 but they did and they passed it off as a YF-12!
In fact, the “YF-12C” was a then-secret SR-71A (serial no. 64-17951, the second production SR-71A) given the NASA tail no. 60-6937. The reason for this bit of subterfuge lay in the fact that NASA while flying the YF-12A interceptor version of the aircraft, was not allowed to possess the strategic reconnaissance version for some time. The bogus tail number actually belonged to a Lockheed A-12 (serial no. 60-6937), but the existence of the A-12 remained classified until 1982. The tail number 06937 was selected because it followed the sequence of tail numbers assigned to the three existing YF-12A aircraft: 06934, 06935, and 06936. Isn’t that amazing?’
The Coldwell project, supported by Langley Research Center, consisted of a stainless steel tube equipped with thermocouples and pressure sensors. A special insulating coating covered the tube, which was chilled with liquid nitrogen.
Given that the US Air Force (USAF) needed technical assistance to get the latest reconnaissance version of the A-12 family, the SR-71A, fully operational, the service offered NASA the use of two YF-12A aircraft, 60-6935 and 60-6936.
Eventually, with 146 flights between Dec. 11, 1969, and Nov. 7, 1979, 935 became the workhorse of the program while the second YF-12A, 936, made 62 flights. Given that this aircraft was lost in a non-fatal crash on Jun. 24, 1971, it was replaced by the so-called YF-12C SR-71A 61-7951, modified with YF-12A inlets and engines and a bogus tail number 06937.
The SR-71 differed from the YF-12A in that the YF-12A had a round nose while the SR-71 had its chine carried forward to the nose of the airplane. The SR-71 was longer, nearly 8 feet longer as it had an extra fuel tank that the YF 12 didn’t have. There were other differences in internal and external configuration, but the two aircraft shared common inlet designs, structural concepts, and subsystems. Also of note the SR 71C is really a combination of a static display of the SR 71 for the front half and the back half is the crashed YF-12!
In my study of all the Blackbirds, I have found other secrets inside of secrets. Such as the test SR-71 plane the 955. Everyone was told often that this airplane never left the United States, but that is not true.
When it comes to reconnaissance airplanes and War, even if it was a Cold War, Rearranging the facts is fair.
There will always be mystery in the SR 71 program.
Don’t believe that all of the secrets have been told.
I know that is not true.
Linda Sheffield, Daughter of a Habu
@Habubrats71 via X
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loving-n0t-heyting · 2 months
would be curious to hear more about ur near-expulsion, if you're happy to share! no worries if not
I would never pass up an opportunity to indulge some self pity about my youth!
The long and short of it is tgat i was quite seriously mentally ill in hs—not ever psychotic, which is how a lot of ppl tend to read that, but very emotionally disturbed—and my school was veeeeeery bad at handling this.
Starting end of freshman year i was in a very emotionally abusive relationship, i could give and have in the past given more lurid details but at this point it feels kind of ridiculous to hold that extensive of a grudge against another pretty differently mentally ill 15yo. It came to an end start of junior year, where i told her i was self harming and asked her to tell the counselors about this. She agreed, and their response upon hearing about the relationship was to tell both of us, "Holy shit, you have to break up"
The breakup was a lot harder on me than it was on her, in large part bc i had very little of any remaining friend circle among the other students (see: emotional abuse) and my teachers that semester were for whatever reason less able to talk to me outside of class (i generally preferred adults to fellow kids whenever possible). This led to a situation where i was breaking down fairly dramatically now and then in school, which did not make the school administration very happy
They prolly would have expelled me immediately, had it not been for the fact i was by the numbers an especially promising student. You can read this in a sort of meritocratic way, that i was being rewarded for my intelligence and hard work. But i think the deeper explanation was more crass: as a private religious school with a strong reputation and high overhead, they relied heavily on alumni support to maintain themselves and thought i would be a future cash cow, and so were eager not to lose my future munificence (jokes on them lol). So instead of expelling me they... forcibly isolated me for the rest of the semester, msking me study from home away from all contact with other students. This was (surprise!) terrible for both my academic motivation and my wider mental health
Part of my overall deterioration was that i started posting a ton of mildly insane religious and rightwing shit in long essays on facebook. The importance of sexual repression was one major theme, but also stuff about the metaphysics of angels and Society, the need for a theocratic upheaval of existing democratic institutions, etc. (Also there was one about how the school shouldnt ban the proposed gsa? Which seemed very natural to me but prolly struck others as weird.) This contributed to two deleterious interactions with my school administration. First was a couplr of crazy letters i sent to the administration denouncing insufficient rigour in the theology curriculum and proposed changes in class scheduling to be implemented my senior year. Second was my tattling on a shithead the year above me who started responding to my bizarre essays with screeds about how i was the moral equivalent of a meth dealer, which was technically a violation of school rules leading to mild official rebuke. The school was not at all happy about the first one, and the second would eventually bite me once i returned
Oh, i almost forgot: part of the conditions on returning to school were that a shrink diagnose smth wrong with me thst medication could fix, said shrinks protestations that he couldnt find anything strsightforwardly treatable thru pills not withstanding. Thus began my almost decade long history of coercive administration of psychiatric medications, first fluoxetine and then (after that gave me scrupulosity spirals so severe and immobilising my parents had to call a priest to our home just to hear the worlds most banal confession) mirtazapine, which would regularly induce sleep too powerful to let me wake in time for school and caused me to launch into incoherent delirious fits if my parents tried to wake me for it. (This was not when i was introduced to antipsychotics, which began instead 2yrs later in college after a failed hanging.) So that was fun
I made it back go school the following semester, where i was unsurprisingly just as isolated and emotionally unwell given my lack of any social support and enforced separation from the only person among the students i had previouslybeen close with (my shitty ex). I was incredibly bored and unmotivated, and for the first time in my life started to get failing grades after i continually blew off homework and study
Then, one day, i happened upon a means of relieving my boredom. Sitting in the college admissions lounge i found the guy whod been an ass to me on fb hanging out with his gf, and approached him to start demanding an apology. Obviously he got pretty pissed and refused, so for the time being i left him. But from then on, any time i saw him in the halls vel sim, i would approach him to again request an apology, less out of any expectation he would experience a change of heart than bc it at least gave me smth to do
This reached its summit after a couple of months when, the day of parent teacher conferences, i was sitting in a nearby public library and saw him walking down the street with his gf. Ofc, i followed him and again started pestering him for an apology, to which he this time replied with threats of physical violence. This was apparently quickly reported to the administration as stalking, and my parents were informed of it later that afternoon. They were, unsurprisingly, pretty upset, but let me know later that the school (iiuc) had not yet decided to expel me, but had instead retained the services of a psychologist to determine whether i was suffice sane to be held responsible for my actions enough to expel me. This was the point at which i pulled the "You cant fire me!" with my parents help
It didnt turn out so bad in the end. I was able to start college early at a peculiar but much beloved liberal arts college in my city, where i had a very rewarding undergraduate education leading to a promising graduate school career for 5yrs before similar psychological deterioration (with a much more understanding set of teachers/administrators) forced me to temporarily withdraw, leading to my past 5yrs of faildaughter idleness
Eta: im prolly inordinately self critical about my theologico political juvenilia. It bears the unmistakable quality of in fact being juvenilia but so does, idk, the treatise of human nature. I havent looked at it in ages, i cannot speak much to its merits anymore, but like, if it werent for that stuff i prolly wouldnt have gotten as intellectually far as i did. Even if im still short of where i want to be
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giants-club · 1 year
In which Arilin says pointed things about open source, open data, and social media
N.B.: As I was writing this, an entirely different kerfluffle started about Meta, Facebook's parent company, working on their own ActivityPub-compatible microblogging service. While that may be a field of land mines topic worth writing about, it's a topic for a different day.
Cohost's recent financial update revealing they are running on fumes can't help but bring to my mind what I wrote back in December:
[Cohost is] still a centralized platform, and that represents a single point of failure. If Cohost takes off, it's going to require a lot more money to run than they have right now, and it's hard to know if "Cohost Plus" will be enough to offset those costs.
I have a few friends who are Cohost partisans. While its "cram posts into 40% of the browser window width" aesthetic is claws on a chalkboard to me, it's easy to see why people like the service. They have the nice things from Twitter and Tumblr, but without the ads and the NSFW policies and the right-wing trolls and the Elons. They don't have the annoying things from Mastodon---the nerdy fiddliness around "instances" endemic to any such service, and the prickly, change-resistant and mansplainy culture endemic to Mastodon in particular. They even have a manifesto! (Who doesn't like a good manifesto?) Unfortunately, what they don't have is a business model---and unlike the vast majority of Mastodon instances, they need one.
To the degree I've become a social media partisan, it's for Mastodon, despite its cultural and technical difficulties. I'm not going to beat the federation drum again, though---not directly. Instead, I'd like to discuss "silos": services whose purpose is to share user-generated content, from tweets to photos to furry porn, but that largely lock that data in.
Let's pick two extremes that aren't social media: the blogging engine WordPress, and the furry story/image archive site Fur Affinity.
WordPress itself is open source. You can put up your own WordPress site or use any number of existing commercial hosts if you like.
WordPress has export and import tools: when you change WordPress hosts, you can bring everything with you.
WordPress has open APIs: you can use a variety of other tools to make and manage your posts, not just WordPress's website.
Fur Affinity is not open source. If FA goes away, there won't be another FA, unless they transfer the assets to someone else.
You can't move from another archive site to FA or move from FA to another archive site without doing everything manually. You can't even export lists of your social graph to try to rebuild it on another site.
FA has no API, so there's no easy way for anyone else to build third-party tools to work with it.*
Cohost is, unfortunately, on the FA side of the equation. It has no official, complete API, no data export function, no nothing. If it implodes, it's taking your data down with it.
Mastodon, for all of its faults, is open-source software built on an open protocol. Anyone with sufficient know-how and resources can spin up a Mastodon (or Mastodon-compatible) server, and if you as a user need to move to a different instance for any reason, you can. And I know there are a lot of my readers who don't dig Mastodon ready to point out all the asterisks there, the sharp edges, the failures in practice. But if you as a user need to move to a different Cohost instance for any reason, there is only one asterisk there and the asterisk is "sorry, you're fucked".
I've often said that I'm more interested in open data than open source, and that's largely true: since I write nearly everything in plain text with Markdown, my writing won't be trapped in a proprietary format if the people who make my closed-source editors go under or otherwise stop supporting them. But, I'm not convinced that a server for a user-generated content site doesn't ultimately need both data and source to be open. A generation ago, folks abandoning LiveJournal who wanted to keep using an LJ-like system could migrate to Dreamwidth nearly effortlessly. Dreamwidth was a fork of LJ's open-source server, and LJ had a well-documented API for posting, reading, importing, and exporting.
To be clear, I hope Cohost pulls out of their current jam. They seem to have genuinely good motivations. But even the best of intentions can't guarantee…well, anything. Small community-driven sites have moderation faceplants all the damn time. And sites that get big enough that they can no longer be run as a hobby will need revenue. If they don't have a plan to get that revenue, they're going to be in trouble; if they do have a plan, they face the danger of enshittification. Declaring your for-profit company to be proudly anti-capitalist is not, in the final analysis, a solution to this dilemma.
And yet. I can't help but read that aspirational "against all things Silicon Valley" manifesto, look at the closed source, closed data, super-siloed service they actually built in practice, and wonder just how those two things can be reconciled. At the end of the day, there's little more authentically Silicon Valley than lock-in.
*I know you're thinking "what about PostyBirb"; as far as I know, PostyBirb is basically brute-forcing it by "web scraping". This works, but it's highly fragile; a relatively small change on FA's front end, even a purely aesthetic one, might break things until PostyBirb can figure out how to brute-force the new design.
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pcttrailsidereader · 1 year
(Un)Popular Opinion: Thru-Hikers Stop Depending on Trail Angels
Mac is the author/curator of Halfway Anywhere a source for PCT hiking data that he updates yearly. His description of what he does is, “An exercise in investigating and subsequently facilitating access to some of the greatest adventures on Earth”. We have featured some of his data in the past and will continue to do so. The data is thorough and appears to have strong integrity. The following is a commentary he wrote recently. He makes some strong points. See where you stand with Mac and others in the PCT community.
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Two of my favorite Trail Angels, Rachel and Ian Newkirk.
By Mac 
The thru-hiker/trail angel relationship has been put under strain with the increasing popularity of thru-hiking. And it’s not just because thru-hikers are hitting the trail with zero money (but that’s not helping).
For this article, we’re going to define trail angels as being anyone who regularly makes themselves available to hikers or who self-identifies as a “trail angel”. No, this is not necessarily what a trail angel is, nor is it how we should interpret the term (for more on the ambiguity of trail angels, check out this post on trail pirates). However, for the sake of simplicity, in what follows, “trail angel” describes anyone offering assistance to hikers.
We’ve reached a point where many thru-hikers (or worse, thru-hiker parents/partners/relatives), instead of paying for lodging when weather rolls in or taking advantage of public transportation options (or hitchhiking) now immediately turn to Facebook groups, locals known to the trail community, or other social media channels to solicit help. Thru-hiking requires that you navigate challenging times both on and off the trail.
But how did we get here? To this point where thru-hikers have become embarrassingly dependent on trail angels? To this point where thru-hikers have come to rely so heavily on trail angels that many trail angels now (mistakenly) believe themselves to be a prerequisite to a hiker completing a thru-hike?
Let’s take a step back to see where things went wrong.Do any of these thru-hikers deserve special treatment? Maybe, but not because they’re thru-hiking. Also, dog?
Imagine a relatively unknown, long-distance hiking trail with a few hundred thru-hikers per year. Someone living near the trail picks up a hiker hitchhiking into town one day. They chat with the hiker, learn about the trail, decide this thru-hiking thing is neato, and invite the hiker to stay at their home. Whether or not they knew it, this person is now a trail angel (technically, they could be considered a trail angel as soon as they picked up the hiker).
A year passes. During our trail angel’s daily commute, they begin to see more hikers hitchhiking. They decide that in addition to picking up hikers, they’ll leave their phone number at the trailhead so that hikers can call for a ride as well. They soon find themselves making multiple trips per day to the trailhead.
The next year there are even more hikers on the trail and in addition to rides, hikers begin soliciting a place to stay from this trail angel – who now is somewhat well-known. Yes, they love helping hikers and being a part of a community, but the increasing number of hikers paired with growing demands soon overwhelm our trail angel.
To continue to be able to support hikers, they begin charging for rides and a place to stay. This now removes them from the category of “trail angel” in the truest sense of the word and puts them into a gray area of “off-the-books business operator”. But we won’t go any further down this rabbit hole here; we’re focused on the hikers.
Now, imagine this same thing happening up and down the entire trail. What begins as well-intentioned people wanting to help hikers turns into a tangled mess of altruism, profiteering, and people “just trying to cover costs”. Meanwhile, thru-hikers, after being repeatedly offered food, assistance, and/or help from strangers, come to expect it (which leads to its own issues). If you’re a thru-hiker, I have something to tell you that you may not like but that you need to hear. You’re not special and nobody owes you anything.
Thru-hiking is not easy. If you’re struggling, suffering, or otherwise not enjoying the entirety of your hike, chances are you’re doing something right. You’re going to get tired, you’re going to get rained on, you’re going to be cold, you’re going to get bit by insects, you’re going to have bad days; this is what you are signing up for when you begin a thru-hike.
Fortunately, for you, many people unfamiliar with the trail that you encounter will not immediately recognize this and instead of giving you a dose of reality, they’ll probably try to help you. Don’t misinterpret their ignorance; being a thru-hiker does not somehow make you more deserving of unsolicited kindness from strangers.
One of the things I strive to do for would-be thru-hikers – more than help with gear choices or logistics – is to temper expectations. Yes, thru-hiking is glorious, but with great glory (oftentimes) comes, as previously mentioned, great suffering.
Sometimes that means having to wait 6+ hours on the side of the road in the blistering desert sun trying to get a ride into town. Sometimes it means getting giardia, shitting your pants, and holing up in a hotel for a few days (remember to wash/sanitize your hands regularly and not reach into bags of food – especially other people’s bags). Sometimes it means having to watch happy families escape the rain at a trailhead in their dry and heated vehicles while you, wet and borderline hypothermic, hike another three hours and set up your shelter that’s still wet from last night.The best trail angels are oftentimes the ones who have never heard the term before.
“Oh no, an unexpected storm rolled in! I just came off the trail and myself, along with all my gear, is soaked. Do any trail angels have room to put up a hiker tonight?”
Cringeworthy, I know. Let’s unpack what’s wrong with the far-too-common occurrence.
Sure, some trail angels would happily help you out in this situation, but (justifiably) not all. The term trail angel is rooted in the above example of the passing motorist picking up our thru-hiker. This motorist, or trail angel, simply appeared when the hiker needed them. Now, I don’t believe in angels for the same reason I don’t believe in vampires or merfolk (RIP Aquaman), but I’m pretty sure that angels don’t serve at the beck and call of us humans.
Trail angels appear unsolicited – when you need them most. And sometimes they don’t appear and you’re just left to get your life together on your own. It’s the same with trail magic. You can’t ask for trail magic. If you approach a day hiker and ask them for a beer, even if they give you one, that’s not trail magic. That’s just you bumming a beer off someone.
So thru-hiker, do yourself a favor and stop begging for charity from strangers. If someone takes time out of their life to help improve the quality of your hike – whether that means offering you a much-needed beverage or a place to stay – be grateful, say thank you, and recognize that you are now in this person’s debt. You signed up for a thru-hike and the challenges that come with it, the world owes you nothing.
Don’t get me wrong, anonymous thru-hiker, you’re doing an impressive thing, but you’re also kinda on vacation. You got yourself into whatever mess you’re in; you need to get yourself out.
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whennnow · 1 year
The Good, The Bad, The Short Stays
February 13, 2019
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[Image ID: a flat photo of Regency-esque short stays made of unbleached muslin]
I started my Regency fashion journey back in the summer of 2017 and I… have not made it very far. All I have right now are a chemise that I can’t get over my shoulders (whoops!) and a set of nice looking short stays with some dark secrets. I’m disappointed with my progress - it’s hard not to be - but I’m trying my best to look at this as a learning experience. So, without further ado, let’s dig into my stays!
These are the designs and pattern pieces I started with. I drafted the pattern myself, which was a first for me, and the pattern turned out surprisingly well! The finished product even fits well!
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[Image ID: three mostly rectangular sewing pattern pieces labeled, from right to left, "front", "side", and "back"]
In the original designs, I had planned to have boning on either side of the center front lacing. I was forced to scrap that, as my chest just isn’t that wide. I also changed the number of gussets in each cup to four, instead of three, and made each gusset the same shape. They seem to work fine, but I’d be curious to see if shaping them would make much of a difference.
The gussets did not turn out well at all. I had never sewn gussets before, and didn’t bother doing any research before I jumped into them. I admit I still haven’t read up on gussets, but I suspect that part of the problem was that I had mis-measured the gussets and made the seam allowances too small, so when I folded in the seam allowances for the front panels and sewed them down, the gussets didn’t catch in some places. To remedy this, I hand sewed them using what could, on a technicality, be called a whip stitch, I think. The quality of my stitching isn’t very consistent, but it is very nice to run my fingers along in some places, and it serves to reinforce the seams there, which is probably a good thing.
The eyelets were also a first for me, and most of them turned out very nicely! There are 14 eyelets total, all hand-bound, with metal jump rings inside them for reinforcement. You can definitely tell which eyelets were my first if you look closely, but I’m very happy with how they turned out!
The body of the stays is just two layers of unbleached muslin. Something sturdier would have been better. The edges are bound in off-white bias tape, which seems to have worked well enough. The boning is heavy-duty zip ties, a carry-over from my cosplay days. The boning at both sides of the center front, where a busk should be, is actually just a wooden dowel. Doubling up the zip ties wasn’t giving me the support I needed for the bust (lift and separate!), so I had to find an alternative. Obviously, neither zip ties nor wooden dowels (or the jump rings in the eyelets) are ideal or washable, but they do, technically, get the job done.
Each cup has a drawstring at the top for adjustability. The shoulder straps tie to the front, also for adjustability. I ordered the cord I used for those and the front lacing from Wm Booth Draper. I had never heard of them before, but they seemed to be well-established and had lots of good reviews on their Facebook page, so I took the chance and was not let down!
To finish off, since this has gotten to be a lot longer than I meant it to, I’m not completely happy about how these turned out, but they fit and have been a very good learning opportunity for me, so I am content. I do plan on remaking them in the future, but that might be very far into the future, at this rate.
Stay warm, stay safe, stay dry.
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nasib-sarwar · 1 year
What to Include in Your Facebook Ad Account Disabled Appeal
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If your Facebook ad account has been disabled, it can be frustrating and confusing. However, there are steps you can take to appeal the decision and potentially have your account reinstated. In this article, we'll provide a guide on what to include in your Facebook ad account disabled appeal to increase your chances of success.
Facebook ad account disabled appeal
Understand the reason for the account disablement. Before you start crafting your appeal, it's important to understand why your Facebook ad account was disabled in the first place. Facebook typically sends an email notification explaining the reason for the disablement, so be sure to review that carefully. Common reasons for disablement include violating Facebook's advertising policies, using inappropriate language or images in ads, or having a high number of ad disapprovals. Once you understand the reason, you can tailor your appeal to address it specifically. It's important to approach the appeal process with a clear and level-headed mindset. Don't immediately jump to blaming Facebook or getting defensive. Instead, take the time to review your ad account and identify any potential issues that may have led to the disablement. If you're unsure about the reason, reach out to Facebook's support team for clarification. Once you have a clear understanding of the issue, you can craft a well-written appeal that addresses the specific problem and outlines steps you'll take to prevent it from happening again in the future. Remember to be polite and professional in your communication with Facebook, as this can go a long way in resolving the issue.
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facebook ads account disabled Gather evidence to support your appeal. When appealing a disabled Facebook ad account, it's important to provide evidence to support your case. This can include screenshots of your ad campaigns, copies of any correspondence with Facebook, and any other relevant documentation. Be sure to clearly explain why you believe your account was disabled in error and provide any additional information that may be helpful in your appeal. The more evidence you can provide, the better your chances of success. In addition to providing evidence, it's also important to be respectful and professional in your appeal. Avoid making accusations or being confrontational, as this can harm your chances of having your account reinstated. Instead, focus on presenting a clear and concise case for why your account should be reactivated. Remember, Facebook wants to maintain a safe and positive user experience, so be sure to emphasize how your ads are in compliance with their policies and guidelines. With a well-prepared appeal and a positive attitude, you can increase your chances of having your Facebook ad account reinstated. Craft a clear and concise appeal letter. When appealing a disabled Facebook ad account, it's important to craft a clear and concise appeal letter that clearly explains why you believe your account was disabled in error. Be sure to include any relevant information that may be helpful in your appeal, such as screenshots of your ad campaigns, copies of any correspondence with Facebook, and any other relevant documentation. Keep your letter brief and to the point, and avoid using overly technical language or jargon. The goal is to make your case as clear and compelling as possible so that Facebook can quickly and easily understand why your account should be reinstated. In your appeal letter, be sure to address any specific reasons that Facebook gave for disabling your account. If you believe that there was a misunderstanding or mistake, provide evidence to support your claim. For example, if Facebook disabled your account for violating their advertising policies, but you believe that your ads were in compliance, provide specific examples of how your ads met Facebook's guidelines. Additionally, be sure to express your willingness to work with Facebook to resolve any issues and to comply with their policies moving forward. By crafting a clear and concise appeal letter, you can increase your chances of having your Facebook ad account reinstated. Provide a plan of action to prevent future policy violations. In addition to explaining why you believe your account was disabled in error, it's important to provide a plan of action to prevent future policy violations. This shows Facebook that you are taking responsibility for any mistakes that may have been made and are committed to following their policies moving forward. Your plan of action should be specific and actionable, outlining the steps you will take to ensure that your ads comply with Facebook's policies. This could include reviewing Facebook's advertising policies, seeking guidance from Facebook's support team, or working with a third-party ad agency to ensure compliance. By providing a clear plan of action, you increase your chances of having your ad account reinstated.   When appealing a disabled Facebook ad account, it's important to not only explain why you believe the account was disabled in error but also to provide a plan of action to prevent future policy violations. This plan should be specific and actionable, outlining the steps you will take to ensure compliance with Facebook's policies. For example, you could commit to reviewing Facebook's advertising policies regularly, seeking guidance from Facebook's support team when needed, or working with a third-party ad agency to ensure compliance. By showing Facebook that you are taking responsibility for any mistakes and are committed to following their policies moving forward, you increase your chances of having your ad account reinstated. Follow up with Facebook and be patient. After submitting your appeal, it's important to follow up with Facebook to check on the status of your account. However, it's also important to be patient and understand that the review process may take some time. Avoid submitting multiple appeals or contacting Facebook excessively, as this can actually harm your chances of having your account reinstated. Instead, wait for a response from Facebook and continue to focus on creating compliant ads for your business. Once you've submitted your appeal to Facebook, it's important to follow up with them to check on the status of your account. You can do this by logging into your Facebook Ads Manager and checking the status of your account. If your account is still disabled, you can reach out to Facebook's support team for an update. However, it's important to be patient during this process. Facebook's review process can take some time, and submitting multiple appeals or contacting Facebook excessively can actually harm your chances of having your account reinstated. Instead, focus on creating compliant ads for your business and wait for a response from Facebook. With a little patience and persistence, you can get your ad account back up and running.   Read the full article
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f1 · 2 years
Why Red Bulls Aston Martin F1 jibes are unfair
Aston Martin and Fernando Alonso’s starring role in the Bahrain Grand Prix was one of the most celebrated stories of the 2023 season opener. But nobody at Red Bull seemed able to comment on that performance without throwing in a barb or two. Imitation is the biggest form of flattery, was team principal Christian Horner’s verdict. Sergio Perez said it was nice to see three Red Bulls on the podium. While Helmut Marko talked of Red Bull’s former head of aero Dan Fallows, now Aston Martin technical director, and a number of other employees moving to the team and having a good memory. He later clarified that these comments were a joke, following that up by again pointing to the similarity of the Aston Martin. A joke they may have been, but as the saying goes ‘many a true word is said in jest’. But how true is it to call the Aston Martin AMR23 a Red Bull clone and ascribe its early 2023 success to that? 00:00 Red Bull 'jokes' 00:56 The Pink Mercedes 02:22 The Green Red Bull? 06:12 Ambitious Aston Martin Subscribe: http://the-race.com/youtube_subscribe Website: http://the-race.com/ Twitter: @wearetherace Instagram: @wearetherace Facebook: http://facebook.com/wearetherace Podcasts: http://the-race.com/podcasts Thanks for watching - please like, share and comment, please also hit subscribe to show your support so we'll keep doing what we're doing. https://www.the-race.com http://www.twitter.com/wearetherace #f1 #astonmartin #redbull #f12023 #formula1 #formulaone #f1news #maxverstappen #fernandoalonso #sergioperez #lancestroll #christianhorner #helmutmarko #grandprix #therace via THE RACE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaTxfj0BzL-MaCy-YUqPRoQ
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bttcboalkhali · 2 years
BTTC Admission
Admission is underway! Admission is underway! At Boalkhali Technical Training Center Admission is going on for computer short course. (A standard and modern technology training center)
Greetings and welcome from Boalkhali Technical Training Center! (Guided by an experienced trainer with 6 years practical experience of Polytechnic) In keeping with modern technology, training is imparted in a pleasant and safe environment.
At the end of the course, there is a good arrangement of government or private certificates for the trainees.
After training you can join any computer work.
After training, you can earn by yourself at home.
Special priority will be given in employment.
Our Courses:
Office Management (3 months, 6 months)
Graphics Design (3 months, 6 months)
Hardware and Networking (3 months, 6 months)
Digital Marketing (3 months, 6 months)
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Web Development (3 months, 6 months)
Web Design (3 months, 6 months)
IT Support - Level-1 (Technician)
IT Support - Level-2 (Technician) 10s Computer Operations
Note: The number of seats is limited
Location: KS Tower, Dasher Dighir Par, Sarwatli, Boalkhali, Chittagong. Mobile: 01828-539177, 01885-226804
Facebook: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100084514982843
Page: www.facebook.com/BTTC.Boalkhali/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQR6UHcS7FIDQLBxWSNr5PQ
Computer accessories and electronics products are available here at affordable prices.
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wooask · 2 years
High-precision Real-time Offline Voice Translation App from WOOASK is Now Available Officially
Individuals who often go abroad or conduct business there frequently experience problems, particularly in communication. For instance, there are a number of places where they would need to translate but are unable to do so because of the weak network signal. However, no programmes on the market at the moment enable voice-to-voice translation, which makes communication and operation quite challenging. It is consequently extremely desirable to have a high-precision real-time offline voice translation tool.
After years of technical advancement, WOOASK, the top business in the world for intelligent voice translation technology research and development, has creatively introduced high-precision real-time offline voice dialogue translation services that users may use without a network.
In order to improve the translation experience, the Wooask App has included a function that instantly converts any standard Bluetooth headphones into translation earbuds. Each person wears an earpiece to facilitate simpler and more natural dialogue. The user's experience translating is much improved by this.
The Wooask App offers the following noteworthy benefits over competing products:
Core Highlights
1. Supports high-precision offline speech translation in real-time
High-precision real-time offline voice translation is available in eight different languages. Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, German, French, and Spanish are among them, and they all translate accurately and quickly.
2. Supports online translation, even for the most uncommon language
For quick and precise real-time online voice translation, 127 languages (71 languages, 56 accents) are available.
3. Transforms any regular Bluetooth earbuds into translation earphones
You can easily convert any Bluetooth earbuds to translation earphones by using the Wooask App after pairing them with your phone. The fact that each person translating wears an earpiece makes the procedure easier, the discussion more natural, and significantly improves the user's translation experience.
Product Features
Online translation
127 languages are supported for real-time online speech translation.
2. Offline translation
Real-time offline speech translation is supported in eight frequently used languages.
3. Chat translation
Remote real-time discussion chat translation eliminates the problem of distance.
4. Photo translation
42 languages are supported, making it easier to understand menus and street signs while using picture translation.
5. Translation earphone
By connecting your own Bluetooth earphone to the Wooask App, you can instantly convert it into a translation earphone.
6. Support connection with other smart hardware from WOOASK brand
The Wooask App was created by WOOASK, a market leader in intelligent speech translation products and solutions, and is based on voice translation and many other smart hardware products. Users all over the world adore and trust this app. WOOASK will keep increasing its R&D spending and roll out additional translation services, languages, and capacities to better meet the needs of people throughout the world.
To download, please search for “WOOASK” on Google Play or Apple Store. Remind to follow Wooask APP social media pages:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Wooask-APP-108580132009652;
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wooask88_66/;
Twitter: https://twitter.com/andylee8866.
And also joining the Wooask App's group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5463289033693978. For more relevant information, please visit the official website: www.wooask.com.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Pentagon lands some newer F-35 jets after an accident in Texas
F-35 jets with less than 40 hours of flight were grounded due to a problem with a tube that transfers high-pressure fuel in the F135 engine, discovered after the fall of the F-35B in Texas.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 12/28/22 - 19:55in Aeronautical Accidents, Military
The F-35B Lightning II showing the vertical lift fan at the Marine Corps Air Station in Beaufort on March 8, 2016 in Beaufort, South Carolina. (Photo: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images)
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The F-35 Joint Office (JPO) suspended a small number of new F-35 Joint Strike Fighters in response to the December 15 accident, in which a fighter during a hover flight forcibly landed a runway near the Lockheed Martin factory in Texas and the pilot had to eject.
In a statement on Tuesday, the JPO F-35 confirmed that it issued guidance as a result of the accident and that some high-risk F-35s are grounded, at least until January. The JPO, which said the orientation was dated Tuesday, refused to specify how many F-35s cannot fly.
“The F-35 Joint Program Office issued a Technical Time Compliance Guideline (TCTD) to restrict some aircraft, which were assessed as higher risk, from flight operations while the investigation into the accident on December 15 continues and until the procedures can be developed for the return to flight,” the JPO said. “The affected aircraft have been identified and the JPO will work with the U.S. military and international partners to ensure compliance with the TCTD.”
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The video of the dramatic F-35B accident earlier this month at the Fort Worth Naval Air Station, Texas, Joint Reserve Base and the successful ejection of its pilot on the ground quickly went viral on social media.
Lockheed Martin builds the vast majority of the F-35s at its Fort Worth facilities, and the company had not yet transferred this new F-35B to the U.S. government when the accident occurred. Pratt & Whitney manufactures the F135 propulsion systems that power all variants of the F-35.
The U.S. Air Force pilot, who was performing quality checks on the F-35B for the Defense Contracts Management Agency, can be seen hovering the fighter not far above the ground in the accident video. The fighter goes down, bounces to the ground and leans forward. The nose and right wing touch the ground, the fighter begins to spin and the pilot ejects.
The JPO did not say what caused the grounded F-35s to be considered at greater risk.
A source familiar with the program, who spoke on condition of anonymity because it was not authorized to discuss details of the incident, said that the initial evaluation of the investigation, which is being conducted by the Naval Air Systems Command with the support of the JPO, found that a problem in the propulsion system led to the fall of the F-35B on December 15, which has now led to a
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The source said that, in guidance to the services, the JPO said that a failure in a tube used to transfer high-pressure fuel into the F135 engine of the fighter led the office to update its safety risk assessments.
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The JPO also told the services that jets with less than 40 hours of flight are affected, this source said. The JPO refused to confirm this information.
Pratt & Whitney said in a statement that it could not comment on the December 15 accident because it involves an ongoing investigation.
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In its statement on Tuesday, the JPO said that the grounds were put into practice after a “preliminary risk assessment” and that it was taking measures that it hoped to allow the directive to be amended in January.
"The safety of flight crews is the main concern of the JPO," the statement concluded.
Although the JPO did not say exactly how many F-35s were grounded, it confirmed that the grounded jets include all three variants. Some of these grounded F-35s are American fighters.
On Sunday, the Israeli Air Force had grounded 11 of its F-35s due to the incident and that they would be checked for similar problems. Israel flies the F-35I, which is based on the F-35A.
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In a statement, Lockheed Martin said it continues to work with Navy officers in Fort Worth after the incident, and the company referred other questions about the groundings to the JPO.
Lockheed Martin said on its website that it has so far delivered more than 875 F-35 jets to the U.S. military and the partner nations of the program.
Source: Defense News
Tags: Aeronautical AccidentsMilitary AviationF-35 Lightning IILockheed Martin
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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anjalijayarajk · 5 days
Full Stack Developer’s Future Scope And Demand
There is little question that the next ten years will see even more interesting advancements in the full-stack development business, which has come a long way in the last few years. With the advancement of technology, the full-stack development sector will keep growing and spreading, offering people and companies fresh and creative solutions.
Reasons why the future of a full-stack developer is great
Reduced assets for an organization
Along with front-end and back-end programming, a full-stack developer is skilled in a variety of other domains. Along with web and DevOps development, full-stack developers can also play mean-stack roles. In all facets of technology and development, they must possess strong technical skills.
Some of the programming languages that full-stack developers must learn are Python, Javascript, MongoDB, React.js, and Node. Most full-stack developers will have bright futures because of these characteristics. To reduce the number of resources they need to hire (unless there is an extreme necessity), employers seek out developers with a variety of skill sets and traits. Full-stack developers are therefore great candidates for careers due to their extensive experience.
Quality of web applications
The development of web apps proceeds without much confusion or delay due to the minimal team size. In a team, a full-stack developer can oversee a project from start to completion. A small team also reduces confusion and mayhem because there is very little intervention in the work of the full-stack developer. Additionally, a better product is produced when there is less turmoil.
Full-stack developers are adept in swiftly adjusting to any scenario that may occur within a team, such as substituting a team member, adjusting to evolving product needs, applying a wealth of expertise to design a product, etc. They know how to stay flexible and agile in the face of unforeseen situations during the production phase.
Top-notch companies hire them
Full-stack developers are in high demand from businesses like Facebook, Google, and Microsoft. These developers are frequently employed by other well-known firms like IBM, Cognizant, Infosys, and so on.
Freelance opportunities
Full-stack developers have no shortage of employment options, as more and more companies depend on developers to help them quickly adapt to the digital world. In terms of freelance work, they also come out ahead. Numerous businesses employ independent full-stack engineers under contract or without one at all. The compensation varies according to your level of experience and expertise as a developer. When looking for freelancing work, websites such as freelancer.com are excellent starting points. Another excellent strategy to find freelance employment is to network with the teams and firms you have previously worked for.
Future Scope of Full-Stack Developers
A LinkedIn report claims that since 2015, the need for full-stack developers has grown by 35% annually. According to different US Bureau of Labor Statistics research, by 2024, there will be over 853,000 jobs available for these professions, up from 135,000 in the current year.
For businesses looking to succeed in the technology industry, a full-stack developer is a priceless asset. The demand for full-stack developers is expected to grow in the future due to the quick advancements in software and technology. Ensure the effectiveness of your learning routes and career as a full-stack developer. We will give you support to become a full-stack developer. Futura Labs will provide you with all the skills you need to become a full-stack developer. Contact us to make your career bright.
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viact1 · 7 days
How Gen AI Safety Chatbot Help Manufacture Industry
Gen AI Safety Chatbot is a new technology and the future of the modern world, where it will play an important role in every type of industry. Today, it is used to provide conversational customer service, automate tasks, and many more sectors. Therefore, the role of this technology in the construction and manufacturing sector shows positive results that will be discussed in this article.
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As you know, the construction and manufacturing sector has several employees who cover the responsibility of ground duty as well as the technical field. In large companies, if an accident occurs and the safety team is unavailable, it can lead to delays in response. Therefore, using an AI Safety Chatbot can help forecast or anticipate the disaster so we can make appropriate decisions to resolve the issue before it becomes worse. In this blog, you will understand what Gen AI Safety Chatbot is and how viAct helps various industries and its best services.
What is Gen AI Safety Chatbot?
The Gen AI Safety Chatbot is a smart digital assistant that uses advanced technology to help manage safety in various industries. From automating tasks to providing real-time support, it is becoming an essential tool in many sectors. In manufacturing, where numerous employees are working around the clock, ensuring safety is critical. The chatbot’s role is to be an ever-present helper, ready to spot potential issues and provide timely solutions.
Improve the standard for ensuring the safety of workers.
Manufacturing is surrounded by heavy machinery and high-pressure environments, where safety is of utmost importance. The Gen AI Safety Chatbot helps set up constant monitoring in the work environment. It screens real-time data in the search for potential hazards before they become serious problems. This proactive approach to workers' safety will reduce the threat of accidents and injuries at work.
Cost-Saving Solution
Accidents and safety violations are very costly for manufacturing companies. They can cause very expensive downtime, create legal problems, and result in higher insurance premiums. By deploying the Gen AI Safety Chatbot, manufacturers benefit on a number of fronts. The chatbot aids in the prevention of accidents by early identification of hazards, thereby reducing the requirement for expensive emergency repairs and associated legal actions. It helps optimise resource utilisation to reduce operational costs.
Smoothen Emergency Situations
Gen AI Safety Chatbot has been engineered to respond quickly in the event of threats. This instant alert with guidance could enable workers and managers to make decisions on time. The malfunctioning of machinery or a sudden safety hazard-the real-time response by the chatbot will enable the management of the situation effectively so as to reduce the impact of emergencies.
Enhances Customer Safety
Manufacturing companies are often hosts to sensitive information and processes that need tight security. Gen AI Safety Chatbot has ensured that high standards of security are kept through constant observation of the systems for unusual activities. The features ensure protection against leaks or misappropriation of sensitive data and deal with resultant security breaches. This added layer of security brings about a level of trust towards the clients and partners by assuring them of the protection of their information and interests.
It is very valuable because of the improvement of standards concerning safety, costs saved, optimization of emergency responses, and the guarantee of customers' security. With technology in development, these chatbots will be more and more important within the manufacturing process in the years to come since companies will also manage to create much safer and more efficient workplaces.
Stay in touch with us to learn more about how viAct makes use of the Compliance Management Software.
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How to Make Money from Your Music Videos Using Deliver My Tune’s Services
In today's music industry, video content has become a significant revenue stream for artists. With the increasing consumption of visual media across platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, musicians are discovering new ways to monetize their creative efforts beyond just streaming audio. However, the process of video monetization can often seem complex, especially for independent artists. This is where services like Deliver My Tune come into play. They simplify the monetization process and ensure that artists can maximize their earnings from video content. This article explores how artists can leverage Deliver My Tune’s services to make money from their music videos.
Understanding Video Monetization
Video monetization refers to the process of earning revenue from the content you create and upload on platforms that support this feature. The most well-known platform for video monetization is YouTube, where creators can generate income from ads displayed on or around their videos. However, monetization opportunities also exist on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, where creators can earn through ads, fan contributions, and even partnerships with brands.
For musicians, video monetization is not limited to traditional music videos. It can also include behind-the-scenes content, lyric videos, live performances, and other forms of visual media. As long as the video meets platform-specific requirements and policies, it can generate revenue.
Deliver My Tune’s Role in Video Monetization
Deliver My Tune simplifies the video monetization process for artists. Many musicians struggle with the technical aspects of setting up monetization across different platforms, understanding their policies, and maximizing their earning potential. Deliver My Tune steps in to help with these complexities.
1. Setting Up Monetization on YouTube
YouTube remains the most prominent platform for video monetization. With over two billion monthly active users, it offers artists a vast audience. However, setting up monetization on YouTube requires creators to meet specific eligibility criteria. For instance, an artist must have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours over the past 12 months to apply for the YouTube Partner Program (YPP), which is necessary for earning from ads.
Deliver My Tune assists artists in navigating these requirements, helping them understand what they need to do to qualify for monetization. For those already eligible, Deliver My Tune ensures that their YouTube channels are properly set up for ad revenue, providing guidance on optimizing content to increase views and engagement. They also help with channel management, copyright protection, and understanding the platform’s policies.
2. Monetizing on Facebook and Instagram
In addition to YouTube, Facebook and Instagram also offer monetization opportunities for video content. Facebook’s in-stream ads and Instagram’s IGTV ads allow creators to earn revenue based on the number of views and engagement their videos receive. However, the criteria for monetization on these platforms can be tricky to navigate.
Deliver My Tune simplifies this by offering a one-stop solution for multi-platform video monetization. Artists don’t need to worry about managing separate monetization processes for each platform—Deliver My Tune handles it all. They help musicians set up in-stream ads on Facebook, optimize content for Instagram’s monetization features, and provide insights on how to increase video views and engagement across both platforms.
3. Copyright Management and Content ID
One of the most significant challenges artists face in video monetization is managing their copyrights and ensuring that their content is protected. Platforms like YouTube use Content ID, a system that scans videos for copyrighted material and either blocks or monetizes the content based on the copyright holder’s preferences.
Deliver My Tune helps artists protect their content by ensuring that all their videos are properly registered with Content ID. This not only safeguards the artist’s work but also helps generate additional revenue. If a video containing the artist’s music is used without permission on another channel, Content ID can automatically monetize that video, sending the revenue back to the original artist.
4. Maximizing Earnings
Deliver My Tune goes beyond just setting up monetization—it helps artists maximize their earnings. They provide strategic insights into how artists can increase video views, retain viewers, and boost engagement, all of which are critical for earning more through ads. Additionally, Deliver My Tune ensures that artists’ videos are monetized in all possible regions, tapping into global revenue opportunities.
By offering tools and analytics, Deliver My Tune empowers artists to understand their audience better, create more engaging content, and optimize their monetization strategies. They also provide tips on best practices for video creation, such as using engaging thumbnails, creating eye-catching titles, and incorporating strong calls to action to keep viewers engaged.
Video monetization offers musicians a powerful way to generate additional revenue from their creative content, but it can be challenging to navigate the technical and strategic aspects of monetization. Deliver My Tune provides a comprehensive solution that helps artists not only set up monetization on platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram but also maximize their earnings through strategic insights and copyright protection.
For musicians looking to expand their income streams, leveraging Deliver My Tune’s video monetization services can be a game-changer. With their support, artists can focus on creating great content while ensuring that their work is earning them money across multiple platforms.
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my-music-1460 · 9 days
Maximizing Song Lifespan and Royalties: Why Video Formats Matter
As an independent artist, creating great music is only half the battle. The other half lies in getting your content out there in the most effective way possible. In today's digital world, video content plays a crucial role in showcasing your music. Whether it's a music video, a visualizer, or live performance footage, videos are often the first impression fans have of your music. This is why many artists ask, “Are there any specific formats or guidelines for video submission?” The answer is yes—and following these guidelines can make all the difference. Properly formatted video submissions directly influence how long your music remains live on streaming platforms and can significantly impact the royalties you earn. Platforms like YouTube, Spotify, and others have specific requirements for video submissions, and understanding these can be the key to your song’s longevity and revenue.
1. Understanding Video Formats for Different Platforms
One of the most common reasons artists' videos are rejected or removed from platforms is incorrect formatting. Every platform has its own set of guidelines that define acceptable video file types, aspect ratios, and resolutions. For instance:
YouTube: Prefers videos in MP4 format with H.264 video codec and AAC audio codec, ensuring smooth playback across devices. The preferred aspect ratio is 16:9, with HD resolution being optimal.
Spotify: Accepts MP4 videos for their Canvas feature but requires them to be in portrait format, with specific dimensions like 9:16 ratio and a maximum length of 8 seconds.
Apple Music: Typically requires high-quality ProRes video formats for music videos, which can be much larger in file size but offer greater visual fidelity.
Failing to meet these format requirements can result in your video not being uploaded, significantly reducing your chances of audience engagement and resulting in fewer royalties.
2. Why Correct Video Formatting Is Critical for Song Longevity
Ensuring that your video follows the correct submission guidelines is not just a matter of having your video approved by platforms. It also impacts how long your video stays live. Videos that don’t comply with the format standards are often flagged, resulting in them being taken down. For independent artists, this can be catastrophic since your song’s live time on a platform directly influences its discovery by new fans.
For example, if you release a new single on YouTube, the video needs to meet their technical specifications. If your video has a non-supported resolution or an incorrect aspect ratio, YouTube may reduce its visibility or, in extreme cases, remove it altogether. This significantly shortens the period in which people can view, share, and engage with your song, ultimately affecting its viral potential.
The longer your content stays live, the more exposure it gets, leading to higher audience engagement and, ultimately, increased streaming royalties. Keeping your video live for as long as possible maximizes the chances of your music being picked up by algorithms and recommended to new viewers, boosting your overall reach and streaming numbers.
3. The Direct Impact of Video Submission on Royalties
While many artists focus solely on streams for income, video royalties are a growing source of revenue that should not be ignored. Platforms like YouTube, Vimeo, and Facebook offer royalties based on video views, making it essential to optimize the format for higher visibility. The quality and compliance of your video with the platform’s format guidelines play a huge role in determining your visibility and, consequently, your earnings.
In the case of YouTube, videos with a high-quality format tend to retain viewers longer, which is a key factor in the platform's algorithm. Longer watch times mean more ads can be shown, translating to higher ad revenue and thus more royalties for you. Similarly, Spotify's Canvas feature, while only a few seconds long, enhances the user experience and can encourage listeners to stream your song repeatedly, boosting your royalty count.
By simply ensuring that you submit the video in the right format, you are not only preventing possible removals but also optimizing your video for maximum earnings. Poor formatting or non-compliance with video submission guidelines can result in lower engagement, fewer plays, and decreased royalty payments over time.
4. Technical Aspects of Video Formats: What Artists Need to Know
To make sure your video adheres to platform guidelines, artists need to be aware of several technical factors, including:
Resolution: Standard HD (1280x720) and Full HD (1920x1080) are widely accepted across platforms, but some may also support 4K (3840x2160).
Aspect Ratio: While 16:9 is standard for landscape videos, platforms like Instagram and TikTok require 9:16 for vertical videos.
File Size and Compression: Larger files can offer higher quality, but they may take longer to upload and could be subject to file size limits. Compressing your video while maintaining high visual fidelity is essential for a smooth submission process.
Frame Rate: Most platforms accept 24fps or 30fps, but it's essential to match your frame rate with the video’s intended style and platform preference.
These technical aspects can make or break your video’s submission, and by carefully tailoring each video to meet platform-specific guidelines, you can ensure a smooth upload process.
5. Video Quality and Audience Engagement: A Hidden Link to Royalties
When it comes to artist success, audience engagement is one of the most critical factors in determining revenue. Videos that adhere to submission guidelines are more likely to look professional and visually appealing. In turn, this helps maintain viewer interest, which can lead to higher watch times and better audience retention. The more engaged viewers are with your content, the more they interact, share, and consume it, driving up your streaming numbers and boosting royalties.
Moreover, engaging videos that comply with submission guidelines tend to perform better on search algorithms. For instance, on YouTube, high-quality videos that meet format standards are more likely to appear in search results and recommendations, which increases exposure and, subsequently, potential revenue.
Conclusion: For any artist wondering, “Are there any specific formats or guidelines for video submission?” the answer is a resounding yes. Submitting videos that adhere to platform-specific guidelines not only ensures that your content stays live for longer but also enhances its visibility, boosting your potential royalties. The technical aspects of video submission, such as format, resolution, and file size, all play critical roles in how well your video is received and how much revenue it generates. Taking the time to understand and comply with these guidelines can make the difference between a successful release and one that falls flat. By paying attention to these details, you not only optimize the song’s live time but also ensure that you maximize your earning potential as an independent artist.
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reviewtablets · 10 days
MEIZE Android 14 Tablet 10 Inch 2024
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MEIZE Android 14 Tablet 10 Inch 2024 Newest Octa-Core Tablet, Dual 4G Cellular Tablet with 128GB ROM+14(8+6)GB RAM/512GB Expandable, 13MP+8MP Camera Tablet with Bluetooth 5.0/GPS/5G WiFi/HD Display (Gray)
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2024 System Upgrade: This MEIZE D106 2024, the Newest 14.0 OS 10-inch Android tablet. A new system upgrade, providing the latest UI interface, uses a new high-performance Octa-Core processor, processing speed is remarkably improved, and the background operation is smooth without lag. Applications can be distributed and controlled on multiple screens, providing professional-level entertainment.
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Super Performance: This MEIZE 10-inch tablet comes with a big 128GB internal storage + fast 14GB RAM + 512GB additional expansion storage. Providing you with bigger storage space and running space, and supports your favorite APPs, Netflix, Facebook, TikTok, and Youtube. You can download your favorite movies and accommodate rich content. You can keep more popular games, videos or movies, and photos.
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4G Communication Upgrade: This 10.1-inch Phone tablet has a built-in 4G Cellular function, with a fast 5G WiFi module and Bluetooth 5.0 module. It has a more rapid transmission speed and a more stable connection. It can be modified to more complex scenes, such as offices, schools, bedrooms, hotels, coffee shops, and much more. The powerful receiving signal can always keep you in good communication status.
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Visual Design: This 4G Cellular tablet features the latest ultra-clear LCD screen, which reflects richer details. The big screen brightness is clear and reduces eye fatigue. Has a 13MP+8MP HD camera for clearer shooting quality and character capture, providing you with a better Visual experience. More Powerful Battery: This 10-inch Android tablet is equipped with the latest upgraded 8000mAh lithium polymer battery, with detailed energy control, which gives you longer standby time, and usage time. You can browse the web for up to 12 hours without interruption, play favorite videos for up to 10 hours, and play popular games for up to 8 hours. High-quality Battery life gives you with longer enjoyment time.
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Best Gift Tablet: This MEIZE portable 10-inch tablet is lightweight and exquisite, and can be easily carried when traveling. It is ideal for indoor work, study, travel, and entertainment. The Tablet is perfect for business people, students, housewives, and much more. It is also the best gift for your friends, parents, children, and colleagues. After Sales Service: MEIZE tablet PC professional team, focusing on customer service for more than ten years, adhering to the principle of customer first, with a professional experience team and excellent service. We will give you a free warranty of up to 1 year. If you receive any problem products, please Contact us anytime.
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4G Calls Enable Off-Site Communication Note: This Tablet does not come with a SIM Card, you need to prepare your own. The following frequency bands are required to use the 4G Calling function. 2G GSM Full Band WCDMA: B1B2B4B5B8 4G Full Frequency Band: B1B2B3B4B5B7B8B12B17B19B20B28ABB66B38B39B40B41 Nano SIM Card (Mini Card)
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Technical Details: Brand: MEIZE Series: D106 Item model number: D106 Operating System: ‎Android 14 Standing screen display size: ‎10.1 Inches Display: 10.1-inch HD Screen Screen Resolution: 1920 x 1200 pixels Max Screen Resolution: ‎1920 x 1200 Pixels
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Processor: T606 Octa-Core 1.6 GHz Graphics Coprocessor: ‎T606 Chipset Brand: ‎UNISOC Card Description: ‎Integrated RAM: 14(8+6) GB Internal Storage: 128 GB (Up to 512 GB)
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Wireless Type: ‎802.11n, 802.11b, 802.11g, Dual-Band 2.4G + 5G WiFi Tablet Cellular: Yes, 4G Calls Bluetooth: 5.0 GPS: Support USB 3.0 C Video Resolution: FHD 1080p
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Front Camera: 8 MP Rear Camera: 13 MP Stereo Dual Channel: Yes Color: Gray Rear Webcam Resolution: 13 MP Processor Brand: UNISOC Flash Memory Size: 128 GB (Up to 512 GB)
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1. Item Weight: ‎2.09 pounds 2. Item Dimensions LxWxH: 10 x 7 x 0.3 inches 1. Battery: ‎1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included) 2. Battery Capacity: 8000mAh Average Battery Life (in hours): 10 Hours Best Sellers Rank #9,023 in Electronics (See Top 100 in Electronics) #254 in Computer Tablets Date First Available on Amazon.com: March 18, 2024
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qocsuing · 13 days
IP2World: A Leading Provider of Residential IP Proxy Services
IP2World: A Leading Provider of Residential IP Proxy Services In the ever-evolving digital landscape, maintaining online privacy and security is more crucial than ever. Proxy servers have become indispensable tools for individuals and businesses alike, offering a range of benefits from anonymous browsing to data scraping. Among the myriad of proxy service providers, IP2World stands out as a leading provider of residential IP proxy services. This article explores the features, advantages, and applications of IP2World’s offerings, providing a comprehensive overview for potential users.To get more news about ip2world.com, you can visit ip2world.com official website.
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IP2World boasts an impressive pool of over 90 million residential IPs. This extensive network ensures that users can access a diverse range of IP addresses, enhancing their ability to bypass geo-restrictions and avoid detection by websites.
2. Global Coverage
With coverage in over 220 locations worldwide, IP2World provides users with the flexibility to choose IP addresses from specific countries, cities, or even ASNs (Autonomous System Numbers). This global reach is particularly beneficial for businesses that require localized data or need to test their services in different regions.
3. High Anonymity and Security
IP2World prioritizes user privacy and security. Their residential proxies offer high levels of anonymity, making it difficult for websites to detect and block them. Additionally, IP2World employs advanced security measures to protect user data and ensure a safe browsing experience.
4. Versatile Proxy Types
IP2World offers a variety of proxy types to suit different needs, including rotating residential proxies, static ISP proxies, and dedicated data center proxies. This versatility allows users to select the most appropriate proxy type for their specific use case.
5. User-Friendly Tools
IP2World provides several tools to enhance the user experience, such as the IP2 Proxy Manager. This software simplifies proxy configuration and management, making it accessible even for users with limited technical expertise.
Advantages of Using IP2World 1. Reliable Performance
IP2World’s proxies are known for their reliability and high uptime. This ensures that users can maintain continuous access to the internet without interruptions, which is crucial for tasks such as web scraping and automated testing
2. Cost-Effective Plans
IP2World offers a range of pricing plans to accommodate different budgets and requirements. From small-scale personal use to large-scale enterprise needs, users can find a plan that fits their specific needs. Additionally, IP2World frequently offers discounts and promotions, making their services even more affordable.
3. Excellent Customer Support
IP2World is renowned for its responsive and knowledgeable customer support team. Users can access support via live chat, email, and other channels, ensuring that any issues are promptly addressed1.
Applications of IP2World Proxies 1. Web Scraping
Businesses and researchers often use IP2World’s proxies for web scraping to gather data from various websites without getting blocked. The rotating residential proxies are particularly useful for this purpose, as they provide a constantly changing IP address, mimicking real user behavior.
2. SEO Monitoring
SEO professionals use IP2World’s proxies to monitor search engine rankings and analyze competitor strategies. The ability to choose IP addresses from different locations allows for accurate and comprehensive SEO analysis.
3. Social Media Management
Marketers and social media managers use IP2World’s proxies to manage multiple accounts and automate tasks on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. The high anonymity and security of these proxies help prevent account bans and ensure smooth operations.
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