#Facebook fol
mosefowler3 · 2 years
Some Tips For Success Via Social Media Marketing
It seems practically everyone today has a social media presence. Why not take advantage of that fact and use social media as a marketing platform? Every day thousands more jump on the Twitter and Facebook bandwagon. Many businesses are following this trend and you should do it, too. Read the following tips and you can market your business through the social media websites. No matter what content you are adding, make sure it is easy for your readers to see. With headlines and titles that stand out, they can be powerful tools which draw in people and make them want to know who you are and eventually will lead them to your site. Tie all your social media pages together with links. Include links if you have a blog where your consumers can see you on Twitter, YouTube and also if they want to like you at Facebook. Add your blog address and Facebook link to your Twitter account. When you create links to your different social media profiles, you will increase the number of ways that potential clients can view your content. Don't go off half-cocked and start Facebooking and Twittering like mad until you have established a marketing plan. Determine the layout, how much time you'll spend, and how the profiles will be managed. Give yourself a timeline as you would with any other campaign. If you don't stray from your plan, you have a very good chance of making money with social media marketing. Gaining a large following on social networks necessitates more than just pushing your products. Put factual stories (or fictional tales) and include information that is actually relative to your niche of choice. You can run contests, post pictures and ask questions. Keep your followers interested and engaged. It is helpful to include product information that helps your readers imagine using your product or service in their own lives rather than a description of the product. If customers see themselves using your product, they will buy it. Consider writing a guest blog or allowing a popular blogger in your niche market to guest blog on your site. This can easily generate more traffic for bother you and the guest blogger. When you use guest blogging as a technique, make sure you also link back also to your site. Always, be willing to reciprocate for your own guest bloggers. The followers of the guest blogger will probably read this post and check out your site. If you want to make the most out of your social media marketing strategy, try including email marketing in your campaign. Make sure you have a link to your Twitter or Facebook account at the end of your email correspondence and ask recipients to post there. Social media marketing is also a great idea to provide an option for subscribing to your newsletter in any email correspondence. Add buttons to your social media profiles everywhere, as well as an RSS feed of your updates if you wish. Ensure that these buttons are on your blog, email, website and on your signature when you go to leave a comment. Also, don't forget to link all of your social media profiles together so that people can follow you on multiple sites. If you have a blog that you update regularly, you can actually set it up so that your posts are automatically tweeted on Twitter. You can also choose a couple of your favorite high-quality blogs to promote on your Twitter. Post links to these blogs when they are updated so that you can build relationships with the bloggers and provide your readers with interesting content. The exposure will be appreciated, and your followers can enjoy all of the great content that you give them. Always add tags to your Twitter posts. Hashtags help your subscribed users receive your updates in their feeds. Wisely select your tags, and search for groups your audience would want to subscribe to themselves. You have just learned a lot of different ways to get your business involved in social media marketing. Use the information contained in this article and devise your own strategies to create a social media page to which the masses will flock. Increasing your exposure by reaching out to millions of potential customers will have your sales booming in no time.
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zahrah23 · 1 year
8,074 Followers reached on this app 🥰🥳💃🏾Alhamdulillah 😊Thanks so much 😘 for your support 🤗
Don't be left out!
Join my community for more memes 😂
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dotfy · 2 years
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Dotfy Providing Digital Profile Solution.
Dotfy offers a digital profile management program, in which you create your own URL based digital profile, and send it to any person or company via a link or QR code. In this, you digitally represent your entire career experience and achievements. Which is very impactful for your profile, And at the same time an affiliate link will be created in your dashboard which you can send to your friends and earn money
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golfwatchcenter · 2 years
The Garmin Approach S62 is the most up to date top-end GPS golf watch from the expert organization. It follows on from the Garmin Approach S60, including more games following elements, screen size and battery duration in spite of keeping a close to indistinguishable structure factor. It's made the rundown of our best golf watches. The opposition from smartwatches like the Apple Watch 7 and the World Watch 4, which can be furnished with hitting the fairway applications, is assisting with pushing experts like Garmin to make do-everything watches designed explicitly for golf, similar to this S62.While this offers a great deal, honestly, you're not getting Google's Wear operating system or Apple's watches', meaning all the applications accessible on those stages will stay far off. Yet, what you really do get is a super-expert gadget that accomplishes more than golf following alone. With 20 hours battery duration in GPS mode, a 1.3-inch variety touchscreen show and more than 42,000 greens signed on your wrist, the Methodology S62 unexpectedly doesn't sound as costly as the sticker price would at first recommend. You additionally get Garmin's different games attaching smarts however to a greater degree toward that in the principal survey.
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timelord2024 · 1 year
Again, trying super hard to promote this since I don’t have or want twitter or instagram or Facebook and whatever. Please help me spread the word about this project!!
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mary-tudor · 26 days
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François I received a book in the presence of his mother, Louise de Savoy, and sister, Marguerite d’Angoulême.
Date: 1503.
Source: National Library of France
Description taken from here:*
“Master of Philippe de Gueldre, "Antoine Vérard presents his book to François d'Angouleme, in the presence of Louise de Savoie and Marguerite d'Angoulême, in Octavien de Saint-Gelais, Le Séjour d'honneur, Paris, Antoine Vérart
BnF, Rare Book Reserve, Venom 2239, fol. 1st
In 1506, after his engagement to Claude de France, daughter of Louis XII, François d’Angouleme is summoned to court as heir to the throne. It is no doubt on this occasion that the Parisian bookwire Antoine Vérard is preparing for him a personalized copy of his edition of the Séjour d'Honneur, allegory describing the court of Charles VIII. In the light of dedication, the young prince receives the volume of Vérard's hands, under the gaze of his mother, Louise de Savoie, and a young girl who is undoubtedly his sister, Marguerite.”
*facebook group entitled “enluminures Europe—VIe -XVIe s.”
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kushitworld · 7 months
Designing Success: Unveiling the SEO Benefits For Interior Design Businesses
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In the digital age, when people are looking for the perfect interior design solutions, they turn to the internet. For interior design businesses, having a strong online presence is essential, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the key to unlocking success. In this article, we will explore how harnessing the power of SEO can benefit interior design businesses and help them reach new heights.
1. Enhanced Visibility
The primary objective of SEO is to increase the visibility of your interior design business in search engine results. By optimizing your website and content, you can significantly improve your chances of appearing on the first page of search engine results when potential clients search for services like “interior design in [your location].” Increased visibility leads to more exposure to your target audience, which, in turn, can result in increased inquiries and bookings.
2. Targeted Traffic
SEO allows you to attract highly targeted traffic. Instead of reaching a broad and generic audience, you can focus your efforts on specific keywords and phrases related to interior design. This means optimizing your content for keywords such as “residential interior design,” “office interior design,” or “luxury interior design.” By aligning your content with these keywords, you attract visitors actively seeking the design services you offer, increasing the likelihood of converting them into clients.
3. Showcase Your Portfolio
Your website serves as a digital portfolio for your interior design business. It’s where potential clients get their first glimpse of your work. By optimizing your website with clear and detailed information about your design projects, you provide a comprehensive showcase for visitors. Include high-quality images and descriptions of your work, highlighting your expertise and style. This visual transparency helps build trust and encourages potential clients to reach out.
4. Client Testimonials and Reviews
Client testimonials and reviews play a significant role in the decision-making process of potential clients. Encourage your satisfied clients to leave reviews on platforms like Google, Houzz, or Yelp, and prominently display them on your website. Positive reviews not only boost your credibility but also enhance your SEO. Search engines value user-generated content, and highly-rated businesses tend to rank better in search results.
5. Local SEO for Increased Visibility
Local SEO is particularly crucial for interior design businesses, as clients often seek designers in their local area. To enhance your local SEO, ensure that your business is listed on Google My Business and other local directories. Consistency in your business’s NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) information across these platforms is vital for local search engine rankings. This will help your interior design business appear in local search results, attracting clients in your vicinity.
6. High-Quality Content
Creating valuable and relevant content is essential for SEO success. Regularly publish blog posts and articles on your website related to interior design trends, tips, case studies, or before-and-after transformations. This content not only engages your audience but also provides opportunities to incorporate relevant keywords, further boosting your website’s SEO.
7. Mobile Optimization
With the rise of mobile device usage, a mobile-responsive website is a must. Search engines like Google prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their rankings. A responsive design ensures that your website looks and functions seamlessly on various devices, improving the user experience and enhancing your SEO.
8. Social Media Integration
While not a direct SEO factor, a strong presence on social media platforms can indirectly impact your online visibility. Share your design projects, blog posts, and design tips on platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. Encourage your followers to engage with your content. Social signals such as likes, shares, and comments can positively influence your website’s SEO.
9. Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation
SEO is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and adaptation. Tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console provide valuable insights into your website’s performance. Keep an eye on your rankings, the keywords that drive traffic, and the pages that are the most popular. Make adjustments to your SEO strategy based on the data you collect to stay competitive in the dynamic world of digital marketing.
In conclusion, SEO is a powerful tool for interior design businesses to design their success online. It enhances your online visibility, attracts targeted traffic, and establishes your expertise in the field. By optimizing your website, creating high-quality content, and engaging with potential clients on social media, you can leverage SEO to grow your interior design business and stand out in a competitive market. Remember that SEO is an ongoing effort, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends is essential for maintaining your competitive edge in the ever-evolving world of digital marketing
Source: https://kushitworld.com/2023/10/31/designing-success-unveiling-the-seo-benefits-for-interior-design-businesses/
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pghjunk · 1 day
How to Get Cash for Junk Cars: What to Know
Owning a junk car can be a hassle. These vehicles take up space, often become an eyesore, and can even be an environmental hazard. Fortunately, there are ways to turn this problem into profit. This guide will provide you with detailed steps and important considerations on how to get cash for your junk car.
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1. Understanding the Value of Your Junk Car
The first step in selling your junk car is understanding its value. Junk cars can still have considerable worth, depending on several factors:
Make and Model: Certain brands and models have parts that are in higher demand.
Condition: The state of the car, including whether it runs, its mileage, and the condition of its parts, significantly impacts its value.
Age: Older cars may have less value due to parts scarcity or degradation.
Location: Scrap prices can vary by region, and proximity to junkyards or scrap yards can affect offers.
2. Documentation and Preparation
Before you can sell your junk car, you need to ensure you have the proper documentation and have prepared the vehicle for sale.
Title: The car’s title is crucial. It proves ownership and is required by most junk car buyers.
Condition Assessment: Make an honest assessment of your car’s condition. Note any missing parts, damages, or issues.
Clean the Car: Remove all personal belongings and any trash from the car. While this doesn’t increase its value, it is a common courtesy.
Remove Valuable Parts: If possible, remove any valuable parts that could be sold separately, such as the battery, tires, or stereo system.
3. Research and Get Quotes
One of the most critical steps in getting cash for your junk car is researching potential buyers and obtaining quotes. Here’s how:
Local Junkyards and Scrap Yards: Contact local junkyards and scrap yards to get an idea of what they will pay. Prices can vary, so it’s worth calling several places.
Online Buyers: There are many online services and companies that buy junk cars. Websites like Junk Car Medics and Peddle offer online quotes based on your car’s information.
Private Buyers: Sometimes, private buyers might be interested in your car for parts or a project. Listing your car on platforms like Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace can yield private buyer offers.
4. Avoiding Scams
Unfortunately, the junk car market has its fair share of scams. To avoid being cheated, keep the following tips in mind:
Verify Buyer Legitimacy: Ensure the buyer is legitimate. Check reviews and ratings if available.
Avoid Upfront Fees: Reputable buyers won’t ask for upfront fees.
Payment Method: Be cautious about payment methods. Cash or a certified check is preferred.
5. Environmental Considerations
Selling your junk car to a reputable buyer is not only profitable but also environmentally responsible. Many parts of a junk car can be recycled, reducing environmental waste. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), recycling a car can save the equivalent of 85 million barrels of oil annually. Proper recycling includes:
Fluids: Ensure that hazardous fluids like oil, coolant, and brake fluid are disposed of correctly.
Battery: Car batteries are recyclable but need to be handled properly due to their lead content.
Metals: Steel and aluminum from the car body can be recycled, reducing the need for new metal production.
6. Legal Requirements and Transfer of Ownership
Once you’ve agreed on a price with a buyer, the next step involves legal formalities:
Transfer of Title: Sign over the title to the new owner. This step is crucial for relieving yourself of any future liabilities related to the vehicle.
Bill of Sale: Provide a bill of sale that includes the date of sale, the buyer’s and seller’s names, and the vehicle’s details. This document serves as proof of the transaction.
Cancel Insurance: Don’t forget to cancel your car insurance after the sale is completed.
7. Top Tips for Maximizing Your Cash Return
To get the most cash for your junk car, consider the following tips:
Timing: Metal prices fluctuate, so timing your sale when scrap metal prices are high can yield better returns.
Compare Offers: Don’t settle for the first offer. Compare multiple quotes to ensure you get the best price.
Negotiate: Don’t be afraid to negotiate with buyers. Some may offer more if they know there’s competition.
8. Benefits of Selling a Junk Car
Selling your junk car offers several benefits:
Space: Free up valuable space in your garage or driveway.
Environmental Impact: Contribute to environmental sustainability through recycling.
Financial Gain: Earn money from a car that was otherwise a liability.
9. Case Study: Success Story
One success story involves a family from Ohio who had an old, non-running vehicle taking up space in their garage. After researching and obtaining multiple quotes, they sold the car to a local junkyard for $600. They used the cash to help fund a family vacation and enjoyed the extra garage space.
10. Conclusion
Selling a junk car might seem daunting at first, but with the right information and preparation, it can be a straightforward and rewarding process. Understanding the value of your car, preparing it properly, and finding the right buyer are key steps in ensuring you get the best cash return. Additionally, by selling your junk car to a reputable buyer, you’re also contributing to environmental sustainability.
If you’re ready to turn that old vehicle into cash, start by assessing its condition, gathering your documentation, and researching potential buyers. With a bit of effort, you can transform your junk car from a problem into a profit.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): Recycling and Reuse
Junk Car Medics: Get a Quote
PGH Junk Car: Sell Your Car
Selling your junk car can be an easy and profitable experience when done right. Follow these steps, and you’ll be on your way to cashing in on that old clunker.
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Hedgehog, fol. 97r - Historia Plantarum, Lombardy ca. 1395-1400
Grassi, Giovannino de', approximately 1340-1398 Illuminator.
Grassi, Salomone de', active 1399-1400 Illuminator.
295 folios : parchment ; 433 x 285 mm
Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense, Ms. 459
Entire manuscript here (593 images) -
Links to other copies -
Title: On Plants.
Other Title: Historia Plantarum
Summary -
Historia Plantarum (On plants) is a natural science encyclopedia, in which animals, plants, and minerals are illustrated and described for their medicinal properties, in keeping with the medieval tradition of the tacuina medievali (medieval health handbooks), and from which the codex derives its most common name, Tacuinum sanitatis. The work was first compiled as Taqwim al-Sihhah (The maintenance of health) by the 11th-century Baghdad physician Ibn Buṭlān, and chief among his Greek sources was Dioscorides, a physician in the first century. The court in Sicily commissioned a Latin translation in the mid-13th century. The work is divided into sections ordered alphabetically, each of which is decorated with precious architectural motifs that intersect like branches stippled with gold. The text is illustrated with splendid miniatures that were executed in the Northern Italian Lombard style predominantly used by Giovannino and Salomone de' Grassi. The illustrations show animals, plants, minerals, and utensils, painted in watercolors or simply drawn, located at the top of the manuscript pages. The first entry of each alphabetic section is adorned with a decorative first letter that usually includes in its center figures of learned men or physicians. These are represented in half-length figures, framed with ornamental friezes and architectural motifs as well as figures of animals and humans. The initial letters of each chapter are illuminated in gold on a blue background; plain initial letters and paragraph signs are painted in red and blue. Many pages are decorated with phytomorphic and zoomorphic motifs. The codex was created at the Visconti court in Milan for King Wenceslas IV, who was born into the House of Luxembourg, ruled Bohemia from 1378 until his death in 1419, was king of Germany 1376--1400, and was emperor-elect (but not emperor) of the Holy Roman Empire. Duke Giangaleazzo Visconti gave it to Wenceslas circa 1396--97. On folio 1r, on a mosaic blue background, a rather large portrait depicts Wenceslas among the six electors of the Holy Roman Empire, surrounded by the three theological and the four cardinal virtues. At the center of the bottom margin on the same page, an illumination of the coat of arms of King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary (reigned 1458--90) is superimposed on the original coat of arms of the House of Luxembourg. Corvinus inherited the codex and added it to his library in Buda, which became known as the Bibliotheca Corviniana, and had his own workshop of miniaturists insert his coat of arms. Of the original binding, executed in the workshop of Buda's scriptorium at the end of the 15th century, only a few traces remain. When the Corvinus herbal was acquired by the Bibliotheca Casanatense is not known. There is no catalog of the original collection of manuscripts that belonged to Cardinal Girolamo Casanate. However, the total absence of a history of the Tacuinum from the death of Casanate in 1700 until 1744, the year in which it first appeared in the index of Casantense manuscripts compiled by the Dominican fathers, could indicate that it came from the cardinal's collection.
From Public Domain Photos and Images Facebook group.
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katchappslondon · 6 months
Capital Hair Restoration 10 Harley St London W1G 9PF, United Kingdom 2080882393
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diarioelpepazo · 7 months
Paula asegura que se aburriría en la cama con Emilio. "He pensado que la tenías pequeña" Paula durante su cita con Emilio en 'First Dates'CUATRO REDACCIÓN TIRAMILLAS Emilio y Paula se han encontrado en 'First Dates', el programa que emite diariamente Cuatro. El 'dating show' presentado por Carlos Sobera ha tenido este lunes, 13 de noviembre, un final un tanto inesperado. Esta joven pareja, de apenas 20 y 19 años, han terminado tirándose 'los trastos a la cabeza' después de una cita en la que el feeling brilló por su ausencia. La cena se torció cuando empezaron a hablar de baloncesto. A ella simplemente no le interesaba nada... y él era un apasionado. De hecho, el deporte forma parte de su día a día y por eso hablaba de ello con pasión. Emilio iba al programa a encontrar el amor, y quiso que su cita notase el amor que sentía por el baloncesto. Pero a Paula eso le aburría. La joven se mostró como una mujer muy natural y directa. Y le gustó físicamente Emilio. De hecho, incluso llegó a decir que "creo que se lía bien". Porque ella aseguró que tenía un don: saber cómo era un hombre en la cama sólo con verlo una vez. Así que, aunque le parecía guapo, consideró que "creo que me aburriría con él en la cama". Paula quiere hablar con Emilio de sexo, pero él se corta Así que ella quiso entrar directamente en el terreno sexual, aunque él se mostró un poco vergonzoso. Dijo que prefería que esos temas se quedasen en la intimidad, pero ella le forzó un poco más para que hablase. "Tú eres de ponerla a cuatro patas y ya está", aseguró ella, convencida de su pensamiento. El joven se quedó cortado por la forma en la que él lo dijo, pero ella siguió insistiendo. Tanto, que incluso él terminó diciendo que claro que había cosas que le excitaban, pero que "no soy de ponerme a lo Indiana Jones". Así que eso le dio el contenido suficiente a ella para sacar ciertas conclusiones: "Me ha tocado un gay". Cuando la cena terminó, ambos fueron a la sala de la decisión fina. Y ella incluso le dijo que "he pensado que la tenías pequeña". Algo que dejó al chico descolocado y sin palabras en un primer momento. Desde luego, no había surgido la chispa entre ellos, al menos no la del amor... Tenían diferentes conceptos del programa, explicó Emilio, porque él "venía a buscar el amor, y que te importe más el tamaño de mi pene... Es que a mí me da igual como foll*, se puede mejorar foll****. Pero abrirme con una persona que no me atrae, quizás me cuesta más, sobre todo cuando sólo has intentado hablar de sexo, parece que has venido aquí a fol*** en lugar de encontrar el amor, que es de lo que va el programa", le confesó él mirándola directamente, y todavía indignado por las formas de su cita. "¿Quieres una segunda cita con Emilio?", le preguntaron a Paula. Pero ella directamente lo tenía clarísimo: "No, es que ni siquiera me acordaba de su nombre", espetó con una media sonrisa. Y él, evidentemente, también declinó la oferta, aunque sí se acordaba de cómo se llamaba. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Marca
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akihaisrael · 8 months
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serious2020 · 8 months
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dotfy · 2 years
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#dotfy  Providing  Solutions for your Profiling and Building #digital #portfolio  for your #Corporate or Interview needs
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golfwatchcenter · 2 years
The Garmin Approach S62 is the most up to date top-end GPS golf watch from the expert organization. It follows on from the Garmin Approach S60, including more games following elements, screen size and battery duration in spite of keeping a close to indistinguishable structure factor. It's made the rundown of our best golf watches. The opposition from smartwatches like the Apple Watch 7 and the World Watch 4, which can be furnished with hitting the fairway applications, is assisting with pushing experts like Garmin to make do-everything watches designed explicitly for golf, similar to this S62.While this offers a great deal, honestly, you're not getting Google's Wear operating system or Apple's watches', meaning all the applications accessible on those stages will stay far off. Yet, what you really do get is a super-expert gadget that accomplishes more than golf following alone. With 20 hours battery duration in GPS mode, a 1.3-inch variety touchscreen show and more than 42,000 greens signed on your wrist, the Methodology S62 unexpectedly doesn't sound as costly as the sticker price would at first recommend. You additionally get Garmin's different games attaching smarts however to a greater degree toward that in the principal survey.
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sedaptogel · 9 months
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