#Factions & Guilds
skyrim-forever · 1 year
What your fav Skyrim Faction says about you!
(This is just for fun!!! It's a joke <3 and this is based off of all joinable factions as listed on the ES wiki)
Thieves Guild: Be gay do crime? No, be bisexual do crime
College of Winterhold: FUCKIN NERD
Bard's College: This is your fav as a meme
Imperial Legion: While you're bringing back the glory of Rome you should also take out that stack of dirty dishes by your computer.
Stormcloaks: You're either the worst type of person or the best
Dark Brotherhood: You use dark humour to cover up the fact you deeply crave connection
The Companions: Team Jacob
Dawnguard: You have a holier than thou attitude
Volkihar Clan: Don't cut yourself on all that edge 😛
Blades: This is no one's favourite
Greybeards: You read once about the existence of professional hermits in the 19th Century and have longed for that life ever since
Coven of Namira: Enjoyers of Cannibal by Ke$ha
Nightingales: You probably think Nocturnal is hot and the armour is sick. You are not wrong
House Telvanni: You are one of the cool nerds 😎
Tribal Orcs: The chillest people you'll ever meet
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king-there0f · 4 months
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Little exploration I did for @baptizedbywitches guy Zaq! I love and appreciate him
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avaeeart · 14 hours
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reuploading my old art (from previous deleted blog commander-winterberry)
the ministry of supernatural investigation? the demon hunting division? yea full of weirdos (adonis and xifeng @norn-knot)
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honourablejester · 1 month
I’m idly reading through 5e’s Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica, mostly the section on the ten guilds, because I enjoy reading about factions. And at the end of each guild section, they have a little box with the standard guild opinions on each of the other guilds, and some of them are fantastically bitchy. Like. Exquisitely bitchy. Each of the guilds has other guilds that they view either as ‘somewhat useful but just not us’ and other guilds they view as legitimate, competent threats, and then they all seem to have a couple of guilds that they’re just bitchy about. It’s fantastic.
Some of my favourite comments:
On the Golgari: "Their underground structures break numerous building regulations, but at least they fulfill their duties as garbage collectors."
(At least you’re doing your job. Your filthy, horrible job).
On the Rakdos: "An absolute blight on Ravnica. They are clowns who know nothing of culture and exist only to torment the functioning members of society."
(No pretences here, just seething hatred and condescension).
On the Azorius: "Legalism. Arrogance. Hot air. The law in their hands is a bludgeon, and they use it to seize more power than they deserve."
(I just love ‘hot air!’. Arrogant douchebags who don’t do shit!)
On the Selesnya: "I almost envy the naiveté that leads them to retreat into their little communes and pretend they've built a just society."
(Wow, the condescension!)
On the Boros: "Not inherently dangerous. The true danger is that they'll drag down all we've worked for while chasing some romantic crusade. Continue to direct their righteous fury toward our strongest enemy—until the Boros threaten to become the strongest."
(Yes, yes, dear, just … go on a quest over there for me, would you?)
On the Izzet: "Even an overloaded, sizzled clock is still right twice a day. When Izzet experiments succeed, they can have unpredictable consequences for active missions. Their activities must be monitored at all times."
(Unfortunately, they don’t always blow up *just themselves*, and then we have to deal with it).
On the Izzet: "Perplexing. They are attracted to whatever flashes brightest and booms loudest. Their fascination with their toys will only hasten their own end."
(Idiots with ADHD who are distracted by the sparky boom booms).
On the Selesnya: "Their reverence for nature is the mark of immaturity and naiveté. They fear death, so they can't understand life. They can be dangerous when they fervently cling to their narrow-minded and inadequate view of life."
(Oof. Lots of people considering the Selesnya immature and naïve over here).
On the Rakdos: "The guild of fools. They waste their potential on acts of mockery while the real work of razing the city remains undone."
(Useless wastes of space who *could have been useful* if they put their minds to it).
On the Selesnya: "The Selesnya would coddle a wolf, teach it to fetch sticks, and call it a dog. We prefer to starve the wolf, let it hunt for its food, and make it a stronger wolf."
(Literally none of the other nature-based guilds have anything nice to say about the Selesnya, it’s amazing).
On the Boros: "All too often when we're on the verge of setting off a little explosion or a spell that tears a hole in reality, the Boros show up to spoil the fun."
(Just general spoilsports! It was only going to be a *small* explosion! Lighten up!)
On the Rakdos: "Steer clear of these senseless riot-fiends. Their enthusiasm is best appreciated from a distance."
(Just … leave them alone over there and don’t bother with them).
On the Golgari: "Admirably resourceful and elegant, but tragically unhygienic. The swarmers may persist, as long as they don't try to force their aesthetic sensibilities on us."
(… ‘tragically unhygienic’. Wow. Lots of the guilds do condescension, but the Orzhov are *good* at it).
On the Gruul: "They know nothing of order and dignity, and therefore they serve little purpose as an organization."
(Again, just utterly useless. Just don’t bother).
On the Dimir: "They crave secrets, but there's nothing they can get by eavesdropping that we won't freely scream at the top of our lungs. They lurk in the shadows trying to look mysterious, practically inviting our mischief."
(Aw, sweetie, would you like a trench coat so you can play spy some more? They’re just so condescending here).
On the Izzet: "Every performance benefits from prop masters and pyrotechnicians. They can be useful backstage, but they lack the charisma for the spotlight."
(Oof. Nice toys, darling, but you mustn’t let yourself be *seen*, you know.)
On the Golgari: "They wallow in filth and rot, too preoccupied with death to appreciate the bliss of life's connections."
(The Golgari just get generally shat on, both figuratively and entirely literally, by basically everyone. They have a dirty job! That doesn’t mean they’re worthless!)
On the Gruul: "They are a desperate echo of what they should be, reaching blindly toward something greater. Such a waste. And a smelly, unreasonable, destructive one at that."
(Amusingly, the Selesnya, despite being a nature guild, just don’t seem to like dirty things. I love that with the Gruul, they start out all philosophical, and then just devolve at the end into ‘and they’re smelly and I don’t like them’).
On the Azorius: "An absurd and inelegant construct, forever trapped in a maze of their own making. They would outlaw evolution if they could. And if any of them truly seek utopia, the rest are far too busy shuffling papers to notice. Avoid their attention at all costs."
(‘Far too busy shuffling papers to notice’. Oof.)
On the Izzet: "The Izzet have spent ten thousand years mimicking the appearance of research, producing more pyrotechnics than progress. Surely that is a performance to rival the Rakdos."
(… Ouch. The Simic are *bitchy*. Shots fired in science-land over here!)
It is just fabulous. The amount of seething contempt and condescension and generalised disdain in these sections is amazing and so much fun.
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littledragondork · 11 months
The companions questline is so funny
I show up, get paid to beat up some guy on the street, go into one (1) dungeon for them and next thing I know I am promoted to one of their top guys and am turned into a werewolf
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lorstandian · 1 year
actual world of warcraft things ive undergone;
broke a bone while playing it
have guild meet up where the officer proposed to the gm's wife infront of him. gm sold the guild and quit wow within the same week and never came back.
have a guildmate get kidnapped by another guildmate and the guild master who was a cop chased them both down and helped the arrest
be in a guild so long ago that was so deranged about roleplaying as the third faction some websites wrote articles about it
grew up around some people that when i got older they told me people fucking hated me. brother i was TWELVE.
beefed with someone over time-lost proto drake to where for months we'd flag ourselves for pvp and have a full out brawl with our friends in storm peaks. on a pve server.
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oblivions-dawn · 2 years
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bingus35 · 1 year
Sulong Bepo hype aside…… bruh.
I expected Law to lose. And comparing to what happened to Kid pirates, this is pretty tame. But still, this chapter is so damn sad.
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I should be happy Law and Bepo escaped, but man… Something about seeing the ships destroyed is just extremely upsetting to me. Pirates are by nature a bunch of misfits looking for a place to belong. Their ship is their home, their refuge, their place in this world. To destroy that… ugh :(
(Even his iconic hat is left behind. Seriously wtf Oda)
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And this part just breaks my heart. Bepo tearfully dragging Law away while begging him to live. Law begging Bepo to come back, despite having zero chance to win, because he can’t handle losing his family for the 3rd time. Ugly crying rn
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nyxi-pixie · 4 months
i know everyones waiting for skk to come back but i feel like them being in europe is very intentional, esp w how much of chuuyas story specifically has involved europeans and european organisations (verlaine and rimbaud, adam and shelley and europole, mentions of the ootc). the singularity stuff is sskks problem but fyodors not gonna keep his problems just in japan, and having perspectives Outside makes that seem more like a threat
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cardboard-crack · 2 years
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emberflame999 · 1 year
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Just some practice for things like hands, backgrounds, posing, etc.
Nyx in an alleyway, what will they do
Backgroundless version:
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potatoesandsunshine · 10 months
sorry everyone but to me the dark brotherhood is like a weird sitcom family you join midway through their third season. they've all already got established dynamics and relationships and my character is walking in to add a little extra drama to an already-moving plot. we don't even get to the friends stage before whatever climactic awful thing (usually me) happens to them
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king-there0f · 4 months
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Little bit of info on my GW:Factions gremlin
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blog-of-atlas · 15 days
Thinking about Guild Wars and noticed that compared to Prophecies GW2 doesn’t have nearly as much content. Like in Prophecies you can explore the entire map including the heart of maguuma and the crystal desert whereas gw2 only added them with HoT and PoF. Also the art style changed a lot. GW1 had a wholly different style and feel than GW2. And if I remember correctly the original was cheaper than Gw2. Wonder if that was intentional.
Now I don’t want to say one is better than two or anything. The rumours about Guild Wars 3 being in development got me thinking and I have a lot of fears regarding it. Personally I would like if they took Prophecies and combine it with the more modern UI of gw2 but keep the npc henchmen party and the powerful skills. And for the love of mox give me the elite platemail armor set!! Also I prefer the artstyle of gw1 more than the kinda naiv look of gw2.
What was your favourite Guild Wars game so far and what hopes do you have for gw3 ?
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I saw your tags on the canthan facepaint post and was wondering if you could share some of the kurzick/luxon history surrounding that! i am always so curious about the in-game character design but don't have a great grasp on a lot of the lore
Hello!! I'm delighted you asked, I'm always so excited to ramble about anything kurzick/luxon related
(Post in question)
DISCLAIMER: I have not finished Factions yet, nor have I gotten to either the Kurzicks or Luxons in the campaign, so there's bound to be something I've missed, as what knowledge I do have re: GW1 is from the wiki.
So! As far as I am aware (again, see disclaimer), there isn't any strict lore to the faintpaint/makeup that the Kurzicks and Luxons had back in the day, but it was extremely prevalent among the NPCs of both factions.
And while both factions were wiped out (and forcibly assimilated in the cases where they weren't simply killed for resisting) in the interim between GW1 and GW2, there's still remnants of them in present-day Cantha, both in the amount of descendants scattered throughout the Empire, as well as in the form of some cultural things, like the facepaint/makeup shown in @macomico's post
Here are some examples, using NPC models from GW1, that you can compare to the ones in GW2 -- there's a LOT that line up almost exactly!
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qqchurch · 2 months
Once Human falling into the same trap that New World did by having server capacity tied to the number of accounts and thereby eventually ending up with ghost towns when a significant chunk of the server population never logs in again (for many many reasons) and the few that stuck out are left twiddling thumbs for weeks with their maxed out levels and gear but barely anyone else to play with
if nothing changes then it'll probably meet the same fate with 5k or less active players spread out across dozens of servers 💀
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