#Fairy Dragon Ancient
cg-cookierun · 8 months
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yeah this is the best your gonna get from me
(The new Legendary in Ovenbreak is Region Specific I guess)
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42wv · 1 year
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FFXIV x Yu-Gi-Oh! 5DS Signer Dragons (and bonus)
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cyberdragoninfinity · 10 months
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Courage and Power lead to a revolution for peace! Synchro Summon! Evolve! Life Stream Dragon!
So SO excited to get to share the full spread I did for @aygozineproduction 's Dragon's Den Zine! A celebration of medieval tapestries, my favorite 5D's duel, and one of my absolute favorite yugioh dragons ✨🌈
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sug4rst1ckzz · 3 months
Ancients, Elementals, and SugarTree Family! Whipped Cream, Blue Slushy, and Wind Archer are siblings forced to endure all the weirdo stuff that happens to the legendary cookie circle sadly /j. And Pitaya is Fire Spirit’s parent :3
I’ll redo the Ancients at some point I did them late on a college night while half-asleep 😭😭 ALSOOOO in this rewrite White Lily and Dark Enchantress are the SAME PERSON. I’m not doing that 2 separate people type-of-thing, she fell in that vat of Evil Dough™️ and came back devilish-looking in my eyes.
• 🦢 🌬️ 🩰 🪵 💧•
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crkstuffidk · 4 months
I was thinking about stuff, so here's the list of the strongest beings in CRK:
Witches: they created pretty much all the cookies, obviously their the strongest.
Sugar Swan: She's the embodiment of life, I think it explains its self.
Elemental Legendaries: This includes Wind Archer, Fire Spirit, Moonlight, Sea Fairy, Millennial Tree, and Timekeeper. They're cookies with the 5 of the main elements in their dough, it also explains itself.
The Beasts: Depending on how Lore ends up them and the Elementals might switch places, but they have the witches powers, so again explains itself.
Longan Dragon: The only dragon thats above the Ancients.
The 'first' cookies in Witches Castle: They may have the Witches powers in that game, but not as much as the beasts in my opinion.
Elder Faerie: technically his power is equal to the beasts but with how easily Shadowmilk seemed to kill him, I made him a bit below.
The Silver Knights: They are tasked with guarding the Silver tree, so they'd have to be pretty strong, and in my opinion stronger than the Ancients since the Silver Knight literally give up feeling most of their emotions for it.
Ancients: They're pretty strong, but only half as strong as the Beasts so that's why their below the Silver Knights.
The Other Dragons: As Hollyberry has shown with her defeating Pitaya like twice, the other dragons are a little weaker than the ancients.
The Other Legendaries: Obviously this means the non elemental Legendaries, although Frost Queen is an element, she's also originally a normal cookie, so she's with the others.
Super Epics: Clotted Cream is crazy for thinking that he had any level of authority compared to the Ancients.
And that's all I'm pretty sure, also I only added the Super Epics just to mention Clotted Cream stupidness with what he tried in Cookie Odyssey.
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evilios · 24 days
A prominent issue that comes out of people divorcing Greek mythology from its culture is the explanation given (if any) to different variations of myths concerned with the same narratives.
I think people sometimes forget that mythology (and religion) does not exist in a vacuum. There are myths written with allusions to specific rulers, hymns and divine-aimed odes composed that betray political layers to myth-making. Sometimes particular locations become focuses of religious thought not just because of their traditional value but also because it benefits the ruling power in the region to attract attention to that spot. Sometimes different variations of myths come from people living under different rulers and supporting different ideas.
Politics plays a role in myth-creation; if mythology is a powerful way of talking to the masses, it is a priori a focus of political attention. In the same way "modern" literature is a focus of political control as well.
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thestalkerbunny · 2 years
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Imagine coming over 2.3 Million years into the future only to find out those funny monkey mammal creatures you used to chase around for giggles selectively bred a dog to be 100% FIREPROOF.
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rwac96 · 2 months
Between Natsu and Shallot, I think Weiss might have type.
Weiss: *blushes* "Preposterous!"
Shallot: *looking over a math problem* "Dammit! Who understands this shit?!"
Natsu: "Fill...Fill-Offs-Sa-Pee? Is that how it's pronounced?"
Blake: *blinks, deadpan* "You do, Weiss."
Weiss: "Oh, hush!"
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xmaveria · 1 year
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It has been a while though I feel the yugioh inspiration again let’s see if I finish all the dragons Starting again with the big realm guardian Ancient Fairy dragon!
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artzchao · 1 year
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This is how dragons will look at you while there's a face-up Field Spell on the field.
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nyupuun · 2 years
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Shoutouts to GIRLS
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monkieninja · 1 year
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Finally, I found the reason, why is Sea Fairy is got cursed.
This curse of the eclipse.
Currently, she's free, don't worry!
[Sherbet's Story]
She was an unfrozen on this scene and she's talked to Sherbet himself.
So that's means, the story with Sorbet and Peppermint is happening, after "A Mermaid's Tale" story, but also before the time, where is Sherbet visit Cotton (current days).
But.. how is Eclipse is cursed her?
The powers of Mermaids is actually connected to Almighty Sea herself. So that's mean, Sea Fairy on time of Eclipse become weaker..
But Eclipse is somehow cursed her and turned her into frozen statue.
I need to more watch about Tower of Frozen Waves story
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teapartypenguin · 3 months
Luna's deck sucks, here's how to fix it
So I've got a lot to say about Ruka/Luna and her role in the story, mostly how I think it could have been better. But I'll start with the first way that the writers fail Luna: her deck.
If you play the TCG, you may already know that Luna is one of the few main cast duelists that never got an archetype associated with her. By this point in the franchise, every character has their own archetype or two associated with them, yet Luna doesn't use any archetype specific cards (unless you count Kuribon). She has a loose fairy forest type theme that is a mix of plants, fairies, and beasts. This isn't too out of the ordinary for characters, Akiza also had no real archetype during the series (just a lot of plant/rose themed cards), but she and most others in that state got some sort of archetype retroactively made around their deck (in Akiza's case, the Rose Dragons). Luna has not received any support.
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Luna's ace monster is Ancient Fairy Dragon, who in the series, she had a strong connection to. And despite being the weakest attack wise of the Signer dragons, AFD's effect gave her the strongest counter against the Earthbound Gods in the first arc (which is why she had to get written out for most of it). In fact, this effect would be so strong that AFD would get banned irl for several years until the card got an errata. And possibly because of this, AFD is still the ONLY Signer dragon to never get an upgraded form.
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Now let's talk about Luna's duel against Professor Frank. This is Luna's first showing as a duelist especially after being hyped up as a former dueling prodigy. Even with the very loose deck, there is a bit of a strategy there. Luna use Ancient Forest to attempt to lock her opponent out of attacking, then uses life point gain and loss effects to slowly burn her opponent. Eventually the duel ends in a draw with Luna using Oberon's Prank in combo with Kuribon's LP gain effect. And that is the end of the ONLY solo duel Luna gets in the series.
Looking back on this duel after having finally played Yugioh, I had the sudden realization that Oberon's Prank was an anime only card with an awful effect made just so Luna could force a draw. Oberon's Prank is a trap card that makes it so that any LP gain effects used on your opponent are negated, and both players take damage equal to the LP that would have been gained. The closest equivalent to Oberon's Prank irl is Bad Reaction to Simochi, which only inflicts damage to the opponent. Simochi was also used by Luna in the World Championship games and is probably the intended way to use Kuribon's LP gain effect. So the only reason I can think for why they would write the duel in this way would be because they really wanted Luna to tie/lose. In a narrative sense, I get wanting to show that Luna is kind and would rather force a draw than let her opponent get eaten by a dragon. But also, she wasn't going to win the duel at that point, let her run Simochi and get a win. Or make it look like there was a choice in the matter.
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(IMO, if the dragon wants to eat the creepy psychologist, soup's on.)
So if I were to fix Luna's deck, the first thing is giving her a Naturia/Vernusylph deck.
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Naturia is a Synchro and Fusion focused deck that is composed of Earth attribute monsters with the goal of controlling the opponent's movements. A couple of the Naturia cards would have already been made by the time of 5Ds. Naturia works for Luna for a couple reasons; the control style is a good contrast to Leo's combo focused deck, they're a bunch of cute critters that fit the fairy forest theme Luna was going for, and the archetype's story itself is also related to the Naturia protecting their home forest (as Luna does for the card spirit world).
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Their boss monster is also named Leo and I just think that's funny.
Maybe the writers did consider Naturia and decided against it for whatever reasons (didn't want another majority plant player after Akiza, knew Luna would be too much of a menace with Naturia Beast, wanted to save the cards for the Duel Terminal arcade game, etc.).
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Supporting the deck further would be the Vernusylph archetype, which are a small archetype of Earth fairy monsters that offer support to other Earth monsters. They're a relatively new archetype so some effects may be a little strong for 5Ds era (especially Vera). But they fit into Naturia well and would have really solidified the fairy forest theme. Also them being Earth support in general means that they can support Powertool Dragon and many of Leo's Morphtronics in tag duels (also a couple of Team 5Ds use Earth monsters so it would make Luna fit well into a lot of tag duels). And despite being a Light attribute, AFD fits into the deck.
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And another monster I think would fit would be Circle of the Fairies (also a relatively new card). This one throws off the Earth attribute focus a bit, but offers support for plants and insect types. Also more burn and LP gain effects for Luna. And it and the other Circular monsters keep up the fae theme being based around fairy circles.
That's my opinion on what Luna should play. It's not too late for Luna to get an associated archetype, there's a couple of characters who get different archetypes in later games, like Tea playing Witchcrafter in Duel Links and Blair getting Lightsworn in Tag Force. Or Ishizu who's deck retrains created one of the most powerful decks in history. AFD is also long overdue for an upgrade/support after being off the banlist for a couple years now. And so Konami should make Luna's deck absolutely broken as an apology.
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trident-dragion · 10 months
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elvenarcanum · 8 days
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inkblackorchid · 1 year
I just watched episode 30, and there’s this whole sequence in there where the signer dragons take down the Earthbound Immortals thousands of years ago, right? And during that sequence, we see Ancient Fairy Dragon get captured by Earthbound Immortal Uru’s webs, in order to set up why it takes Ruka so long to get her signer dragon. So you know what, I’m gonna throw a headcanon out here.
So we know from much later, when Roman/Rudger dies, that the Crimson Dragon is completely fine with replacing dead signers when necessary, which is why Crow becomes one, and that it’s also fine with creating new signers, which is how Rua becomes one way later. So who’s to say it’s not also fine with replacing signer dragons when necessary? Because the thing is—I like Crow, I’m fond of his character and everything, but his becoming a signer and acquiring an extra dragon is a bit heavy-handed, to say the least. I’m fine with the Crimson Dragon elevating someone else to a signer after Roman/Rudger’s death, but Black-Winged Dragon had zero setup. So with episode 30 and Ancient Fairy Dragon essentially being stolen by the dark signers in the past fresh in mind, I’m just gonna go ahead and presume that for the time when Ancient Fairy Dragon was lost to darkness or however you want to call it, the Crimson Dragon replaced it with Black-Winged Dragon in order to still have a full five signer dragons. Because nobody ever claimed that specific signer marks correspond to specific dragons, anyway. Plus, that way, the sequence from thousands of years ago where Life Stream Dragon is present, but Black-Winged Dragon is not, makes more sense. This was before Ancient Fairy Dragon was captured, therefore not necessitating Black-Winged Dragon’s presence yet. Then Ancient Fairy gets captured and Black-Winged Dragon is promoted to signer dragon, until we get to the present, where the whole thing is a jumbled mess because Ancient Fairy Dragon is still captured, but gets freed by Ruka, Life Stream Dragon is for an inexplicable reason stuck as Power Tool Dragon, and Black-Winged Dragon is locked inside Crow’s runner until the Crimson Dragon suddenly decides, wait, no, we’re actually gonna need the full squad for this mess.
I know I’m basically just running circles to explain what was probably an oversight/mistake by the writers irl, but I like it when things make sense.
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