#Famous movie scripts pdf
luxebanana · 2 years
Famous movie scripts pdf
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And it’s a damn good one.ġ man, any ethnicity. Paul has a reason why he was caught with the frog in the blender. But can he prove it?ġ man, any ethnicity. Premiered at The Manhattan Project, 2015. Let the pierogies fly.Ģ Women, African-American. Her sister Cherisse is here to shut that down. Laquanda desperately wants in on Polish holiday Dyngus Day. “Coble has the most astonishingly accurate – and wicked – eye and ear on society and it’s foibles of any current writer” “Wildly funny and poetic.” - Akron Beacon Journal “Enormously entertaining and insightful” - Cleveland Jewish News “This inspiring and often mind-altering show takes the audience on a journey of soul-searching and ‘site-seeing’, and the surprising result is a sense of warmth and safety rather than one of cold and continual defeat” - Sun Press “Giddily invigorating and hilarious” – Scene Magazine “Delicious, entertaining… Writ larger, this is a play about how we as people get along in the crucible in which we find ourselves: Home.” - Cleveland Plain Dealer The pieces can be performed separately or as one full-length play. Each play is set in an iconic area (“the hospital”,”the graveyard”, “the nightclub” etc.), so that dialogue can be changed to fit any city as needed. Premiered at Contemporary American Theatre Company, 2002.Ī collection of ten 10-minute plays following a day in the life of a major city – in this case, Cleveland, OH. What could go wrong?ġ man, 1 woman, 2-3 extras. “Very funny… a suitable refuge from home life” - Columbus DispatchĪ couple. Premiered at Contemporary American Theatre Company, 2004. Two haggard businessmen stumble into their hotel room after a disastrous meeting, only to discover they’re in the middle of a televised hostage crisis.Ģ men. “Smart, funny shows that channel the neurotic anxiety of a culture crumbling onto its own ideals and convert it into humor and laughs” - NYTheatre McBuffer are happy to sell you theatre memorabilia from the gift shop… or at least Sammy is. Performed at the New York Fringe Festival, 2005. Premiered at Actors Theatre of Louisville Humana Festival 2005. “Truly moving without being saccharine… a beautiful exploration of what we all need at the end of the journey” - Scene MagazineīE ASTOUNDED by the Amazing Krispinsky in his ULTIMATE FEAT OF DAREDEVILTRY as he heroically, death-defyingly, mind-numbingly attempts his GREATEST ACT OF ESCAPE EVER! But can even he wriggle free… from… HIS OWN LIFE? Premiered at Great Lakes Theatre Festival, 2005. A song by Duke Ellington reveals a new opportunity.Ģ women. “In the whimsical, wry ‘Haunted’, Coble has created some long-needed theater ghosts, but to name them would undercut the surprise” - Columbus DispatchĪ woman stops in to see her almost comatose mother in a nursing home. Premiered at Contemporary American Theatre Company, 2006. “Coble neatly reverses gender roles in this light and tasty play” - Cleveland Plain DealerĪn actress prepares to step onstage in a tiny role, only to be visited by four very unfriendly theatrical spectres…ġ woman, 4 actors of either sex.
“‘Writing in the style of true farce, Coble penned a hysterically funny script, full of overblown characters, each one with a secret to hide, which are revealed through slips of the tongue and acting double-takes” - Cool Cleveland Premiered at Dobama Theatre, 2009 Samuel French Off Off Broadway Short Play Festival, 2009. “You’ll shoot your eye out” takes on a whole new meaning….Ĭivilization will be undone by the seven most frightening words in the English language: “Human Resources needs to talk to you.”Ģ men, 2 women. “A CHRISTMAS STORY” (ADAPTED BY QUENTIN TARANTINO)Ī 10 minute stunningly violent, profane, and verbose retelling of everyone’s favorite pink-bunny-clad boy. Premiered at Cleveland Public Theatre’s “Station Hope”, 2017. Two people set out to have a truly deep personal discussion about race… if they can ever get through the pre-talk about talking about race.Ģ actors (male or female), one black one white.
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max--phillips · 8 months
Indiana just launched a “snitch line” for people to report schools for teaching about LGBTQ issues, Black history, and other topics.
On Monday, the AG, Todd Rokita, launched this “Eyes on Eduction” portal where students, parents, and teachers alike can report… “objectionable curricula, policies, or programs affecting children.” While they hide behind the suggestion that this is to stop “political ideology - either left or right” from being forced on kids, we all know that this is really a tip line for parents to complain that someone told their kid gay people exist or slavery was a real thing that happened to Black people.
I’m not going to lie, despite this being from the office of the attorney general, I don’t think this is much more than a wall of shame functionally. The AG’s office looks at submissions, takes the credible ones, and publishes them on the portal for anyone to see. The PDFs of the so-called evidence also include names of teachers.
Anyway, unsurprisingly, people have been flooding the portal with junk submissions, as pointed out by the wonderful Erin Reed (@/ErinInTheMorn on Twitter) in her article on the portal:
A report that Godzilla was witnessed with a trans flag
Indiana Jones slapping a Nazi
A report of a famous picture of Trump next to Rudy Giuliani in drag
Multiple reports citing the Bible for teenage pregnancy
A confession purporting to be from Breaking Bad character Walter White
The script for the Bee Movie (classic)
The script to Oppenheimer
The script for Eurotrip, with a note not to tell Scotty
Young Sheldon saying “Bazinga”
So ALL OF THAT IS TO SAY. Here's another link to the portal. Whatever you do, don't add to the list above and flood the portal, making it nearly impossible for the poor AG's office to sort through all the submissions and find credible submissions! That would be sooo uncalled for.
Anyway, side note for you: if you're thinking to yourself, "damn, Todd Rokita, that name sounds awfully familiar," you may be thinking of the time in 2022 he said he was going to investigate Dr. Caitlin Bernard for providing an abortion procedure to a 10 year old girl who had fled Ohio to receive care because Ohio's abortion ban did not provide an exception for minor children who became pregnant as a result of rape. Ultimately, Indiana state courts found him to have violated the law and engaged in attorney misconduct due to his public statements on the situation. Yet, he is still AG. This guy has sucked as long as I can remember. He was Secretary of State of Indiana from 2002-2010, then he was a member of the US House of Representatives from Indiana's 4th district (which my hometown is unfortunately a part of) from 2011-2019, and has now been AG since 2021. For perspective, I was born in 1997--the year he joined the Secretary of State's office as general counsel, then later became deputy secretary of state. He's been doing his damndest to ruin this state as long as I've been alive.
Also, his birthday is Friday (February 9th) according to his wikipedia page. Definitely don't give him any birthday presents by way of the submission portal, okay? Good talk
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bananayoo · 2 years
Sample movie scripts pdf
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It’s also constantly updated, providing scripts to current movies such as Interstellar and Foxcatcher. Simply Scripts has a wide, diverse library that also includes plays and non-English screenplays. A great benefit of Script-O-Rama is that it holds several drafts of certain movies, an invaluable resource for those who want to see how a Hollywood film evolves in the writing process. The titular Drew has been sharing scripts with curious readers and writers for almost two decades now, and has a vast library from which to choose from.
One useful feature of Go Into the Story is its bank of downloadable movie scripts. Go Into the Story is the official blog for The Blacklist, the screenwriting community famous for its annual top ten list of unproduced scripts. IMSDB is just as useful for those looking for screenplays of all kinds and genres. IMDB has proven a valuable resource for researching movie crews, casts, and trivia. IMSDB – Internet Movie Screenplay Database Start clicking and start reading today-if not for your own sake, at least do it for your brain’s.
Here, then, are ten websites that allow you to download professional movie scripts. Even if you know exactly what you’re seeing, your brain is actively learning and your subconscious is absorbing more and stronger information with every script you read.īy reading screenplay after screenplay, you will get a sense of how you can write your own. Finally, while proper screenwriting adheres to a very rigid format, it’s extremely useful to see how various writers work within those rules and even use them to their advantage. It’s also vital for aspiring screenwriters to see the difference between how scenes play out on the page and how they play out on the screen. Reading screenplays provides an added benefit-allowing you and your brain to see proper formatting in action. Reading in general is important, whether it’s novels, comics, or the backs of cereal boxes-even if you’re not paying attention, your brain is remembering hundreds if not thousands of subtle connections between language and storytelling. If you want to write movie screenplays, you need to read movie screenplays – it’s just as essential as batting practice for professional baseball players.
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I just remembered having this stashed somewhere in my library... It’s a movie dossier for Swing Kids (1993), featuring info about the cast, the production, and some nice colour photos. It’s pretty nice :)
Thought I’d share and leave a link to the pdf scan if anyone’s curious, but since the text is in French, I’ll leave a translation for the parts related to the production under the cut hoping that my knowledge of French is still enough after decades of not speaking it. I’ll leave out the historical background and the cultural information as you can probably read that online whenever you want :)
You can find the pdf here
From the rebellion to the participation
Jonathan Marc Feldman (screenwriter):
«Can a youth rebellion lead to an authentic revolt? This is the question I asked myself when learning about the existence of this protest movement, which was born under the nazi regime, and which was called The Swing Kids. These young people appeared to me as the symbol of the strength of the human spirit: if a revolt was able to express itself in such an oppressive context, are not all hopes allowed?»
Jonathan Marc Feldman’s script evokes the friendship between two seventeen-year-old adolescents, Peter Muller and Thomas Berger, both firmly determined not to enlist in the Hitler Youth. When circumstances beyond their control eventually force them to join the “JH”, the two boys claim they will resist their hold: they will be “JH” by day and “Swing Kids” by night. But is it possible to belong to a totalitarian movement without submitting to it with body and soul?
Robert Sean Leonard (Peter Muller):
«SWING KIDS begins in 1939, before the invasion of Czechoslovakia and Poland. Peter, like many young people, does not have a sharp political conscience, although he guesses what is happening in the country. He is divided between the swing, which allows him to “have a blast”, and the pride of serving his homeland by submitting. These two temptations are equally powerful, and it is only after discovering the true nature of nazism that Peter will make the right choice.»
Christian Bale (Thomas Berger):
«SWING KIDS is also, and above all, a movie about friendship. Peter and Thomas make divergent choices that will gradually distance them from each other. Thomas does not resist the seduction of the Hitler Youth, he lets the Party’s ideology corrupt him and becomes a cog of the nazi machine. But in the end, the friendship that ties him to Peter will win.»
The origins of the project
After discovering the existence of the Swing Kids in an obscure historical review, Jonathan Marc Feldman undertook in-depth personal research and collected solid documentation about this movement. Passionate about the subject, he quickly communicated his enthusiasm to producers Mark Gordon and John Bard Manulis, who dedicated four years to the development of the script. «It was clear that it could have given rise to a great movie» Gordon points out, «it was a rare opportunity to make a historical movie that speaks to today’s young people» adds Manulis, who personally funded the development of the script. «The Swing Kids looked for their identity in music and dance, just like the following generations, and it was fascinating to observe the contrast between the social oppression they were experiencing and the - incredibly free - form of expression they had adopted».
Jonathan Marc Feldman:
«The young Germans were attracted by the swing because it represented a new, wild, radically original sound. The swing of the years 38-39 possessed a violence that we can clearly perceive in the famous “Sing, Sing, Sing” by Benny Goodman. Moreover, this music was strictly forbidden, for its Jewish and black origin. The mere fact of listening to it was a political challenge.
These young people were fervent anglophiles, who walked with an umbrella at any season, wore Anthony Eden hats, puffy trousers, Scottish coats. They dressed with great elegance and let their hair grow like Hollywood cowboys. Rejected and despised by the good Germanic society, they were the hippies and the punks of their generation».
To make SWING KIDS, Mark Gordon and John Bard Manulis chose Thomas Carter, prestigious television director, winner of several Emmies, who here signs his first movie.
Thomas Carter:
«I immediately liked the SWING KIDS script. It illuminates a reality that few people know. It is both the painting of a generation and the story of a teenager faced with a painful choice that will make him a man».
John Bard Manulis:
«Thomas Carter is very interested in history and how it repeats itself. He captured all the dimensions of the subject, its nuances, its emotional substrate, and staged it brilliantly».
Mark Gordon Carter, co-producer Harry Benn and chief decorator Allan Cameron visited five countries in ten days before picking Czechoslovakia. The movie was filmed in Prague and in the Barrandos Studios.
Allan Cameron (chief decorator):
«The centre of Prague, which dates back to the Middle Ages, is of great beauty. There are still cobbled streets, beautiful buildings spared from the bombings, remarkable textures and colors. Another advantage: the architectural diversity of the Old Town makes it possible to recreate almost any city in Central Europe».
The main sets of the movie were built at Barrandov Studios, which are among the largest in Europe. Founded in 1931, they offer technical means and financial conditions that seduce international producers: in parallel with the filming of SWING KIDS, Lucasfilm produced the series “Young Indiana Jones” and BBC produced a new version of “The Trial”.
Other big sets were built at Barrandov, and about sixty interiors and exteriors were made with the help of a small British team surrounded by many local technicians. An old 18th century riding school served as the setting for the scene of the Hitler Youth gathering; a residence in the embassy district became the apartment of Thomas’s rich parents; the Prague Library was converted into the SS headquarters and a vast theatre room was redecorated from the top to the bottom for the spectacular sequences of the Bismarck Café.
In parallel with the location hunting, Carter and his producers started the casting operations by selecting Robert Sean Leonard, one of the protagonists of DEAD POETS SOCIETY, for the role of Peter.
Thomas Carter:
«Robert is an outstanding actor, both for his gifts and for his modesty and availability. We couldn’t have made a better choice. I personally consider him one of the best actors I’ve ever worked with».
To prepare for the role of Peter, which required his daily presence on the set during the ten weeks of filming, Leonard began by reading several studies about Nazi Germany. «But soon I understood that my character had no knowledge of how the Third Reich operated. So I focused my research on the swing, by listening to countless recordings of the great artists of this era. This dance rediscovers the madness of the Twenties and anticipates the promiscuity of the Sixties. Very physical, it entails a huge expenditure of energy and demands great vitality».
For the role of Thomas Berger, the producers hired Christian Bale, revelation of EMPIRE OF THE SUN, and for that of Arvid, Frank Whaley, one of the main performers of Oliver Stone’s THE DOORS. Barbara Hershey (crowned in Cannes for SHY PEOPLE and A WORLD APART) was chosen to play Frau Muller, Peter’s mother.
The other performers were selected with special care, in Austria, The Netherlands, Wales and the United States. «The casting was hard and required a lot of work» concludes Thomas Carter, «I am particularly pleased with it, as it has allowed us to rediscover the emotional atmosphere of the time».
The swing
Robert Sean Leonard and Christian Bale devoted many hours to learning swing, under the guide of New York choreographer Otis Sallid, to whom we owe the dance sequences of MALCOLM X. Sallid recruited a group of Czech, English, American and French dancers, that he initiated with his assistants to the provocative rhythms of swing, jitterbug and lindy hop, and to the “degenerate” music of Benny Goodman, Count Basie and Django Reinhardt, censored by the Reich for reasons of “racial impurity”.
Jonathan Marc Feldman:
«We picked the most attractive compositions for a contemporary ear and those that the Swing Kids actually listened to, that I was able to find. Among the latter are forgotten numbers such as “Harlem”, which was very popular at the time. By working with Robert Kraft at the re-recordings, we attempted to capture the extraordinary power, vitality of this music. In its beginnings, the swing did not resemble any other form of music. Later, it became more civilized and disciplined, but in the late Thirties it was deeply subversive, captivating. Young people gave themselves to it completely, forgetting about everything else...»
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Hi, I was looking for a story based on the book/movie Safe Haven or something of sorts... When one of them run away and ends up in a little town and it's all beautiful... I found one name Spoke too soon at S&C but it wasn't available :(
The first fic is based on “Safe Haven”; the others have a similar sort of theme. - HKVoyage
Spoke Too Soon by blaineandersonsbooty [PDF only]
Kurt Hummel needs to get away from the horrible experiences that life has dealt him, so he hops on a Coach bus and rides it until he gets somewhere he feels his past won’t follow him. That place is Southport, North Carolina, a small beach town along the coast. There, he meets Blaine Anderson and his daughter, Izzy, both of whom will try their hardest to make their way into Kurt’s heart, no matter how hard he tries to resist them.
The Lake House by inkinmyheartandonthepage
Tumblr Prompt: Kurt has lost everything but this house. His father died of cancer, never married Carol, he has lost his friends when things became rough. So he moved out of Lima and started living there. Blaine is a young artist/painter who loses his way one night and ends up in front of the house. Cue epic love story where Kurt becomes Blaine's muse. Rated T at the moment.
Between the Moon and New York City by jackabelle73
Kurt arrives in a small coastal town in North Carolina to join his dad and Carole for a few days of their vacation, but under duress. He can’t imagine that this sleepy southern town has anything to offer him…till a very attractive local goes jogging by on the beach.
A Very Hallmark Christmas by @coffeegleek
Semi-famous actor!Kurt and semi-famous actor!Blaine work the Hallmark Christmas Movie circuit in true B-actor form. Though they’ve worked on the same movies before, this time they land roles that could change their lives forever. Mostly happy fluff, but has some angst. This is Hallmark, so of course it has a happy ending. Many of my favorite tropes have been included: badboy!Kurt who really has a heart of gold and sweetness, famous!Kurt, famous!Blaine, actor!Kurt, actor!Blaine, soulmates, soulmarks, AU Glee, angst with a happy ending, and fluff. There’s also a heavy dose of cheesy Hallmark Christmas Movie writing in both the script and commercials. In true AU form, canon characters abound in various non-canon roles.
Originally this was my Klaine Advent 2018 fic that I brain froze on and knew was confusing because the first 2 chapters were stand-alone, random one shots before I got the idea in chapter 3 for a whole verse. So this is that Hallmark story verse only reworked to make it better and stand on its own. All of the Advent words are included in this fic.
Note: Part 1 of the A Very Hallmark Christmas series
Treading Water by xxxraquelita
Working at a place like Vogue, it was easy to get caught up in the day to day, not to mention the events and fashion on top of it all, which was part of the reason Kurt didn't realize he was getting overworked and near the verge of burning out – at least, not until he was ordered to take a vacation to keep just that from happening. It was difficult to argue when everything had been planned, and by the time he was on his way, the fact that his boss had booked a stay at a retreat didn't seem like any kind of overstepping, but more like a relief. A week away from the city, lost in the quiet – no, the silence – with nothing to do but relax, breathe, meditate, maybe partake in the yoga sessions he'd seen in the brochures provided to him, it was all so foreign compared to the fast paced busyness Kurt was used to dealing with. He had no expectations for the week other than maybe gaining some sense of zen – but by the time he left to head back to the city, he’d gotten much, much more than that.
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stormbear · 4 years
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Part of the Network’s “Countdown to Summer” Programming Event Shawn Christian also Stars
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STUDIO CITY, CA – May 7, 2019 — Emeraude Toubia (“Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments,” “Tattooed Love”), Tom Maden (“Scream: The TV Series,” “Famous in Love”) and Shawn Christian (“Ruby Herring Mysteries: Silent Witness,” “Days of Our Lives”) star in “Love in the Sun,” a new, original movie premiering Monday, May 27 (8 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Channel as part of the network’s “Countdown to Summer” programming event.
Alana (Toubia) is a young Chicago app developer, hoping to land funding for her latest project. When her perfect-on-paper boyfriend suddenly proposes, Alana accepts, though she can’t help but feel that something is missing in their relationship. Yearning to share the news of her engagement with her estranged dad, Micah (Christian), Alana takes a trip to her coastal Florida hometown. There, she learns that Micah, a local innkeeper, has been struggling to maintain his seaside lodge. As she reconnects with him and falls in love with the town, Alana happens upon her long-lost ex-boyfriend, Kai (Maden). When Micah’s inn is chosen to host a local festival, Alana and Kai wind up working side-by-side to prepare for the event. Before long, romantic feelings resurface. But when a lucrative business offer beckons her to return to the city — and her fiancé unexpectedly shows up in town — Alana finds herself at a crossroads, wondering which direction her life should take.
“Love in the Sun” is a Sweet Tomato Films production. Steve Stabler, Cameron Larson and Ryan M. Murphy are executive producers. Elayne Schneiderman Schmidt serves as producer. Rich Newey directed from a script by Joie Botkin.
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How To Leverage Video To Market Your Business
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amipolaris · 3 years
Charlie chaplin biography pdf
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#Charlie chaplin biography pdf movie#
He acted in a music hall in 1894, standing in for his mother. was a fairly successful singer until he began drinking. After his parents separated, Charlie and his half-brother, Sidney, spent most of their childhood in orphanages, where they often went hungry and were beaten if they misbehaved. Chaplin had a rough childhood his mother, Hannah Hill Chaplin, a talented singer, actress, and piano player, spent most of her life in and out of mental hospitals. The "Tramp" was a man of good manners, who wore a coat, a pair of big trousers, shoes, mustache, and a black hat.Ĭharles Spencer Chaplin was born on Apin London, England, United Kingdom. The character that Charlie Chaplin played most was called "the Little Tramp". He started working when he was 5, and worked until he was 80. He acted, directed, scripted, and produced most of them.Ĭharlie Chaplin was a performer for almost 70 years.
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He was very famous in silent movies (where there was no talking or sound).
#Charlie chaplin biography pdf movie#
Sir Charles Spencer " Charlie" Chaplin KBE (16 April, 1889 – 25 December, 1977) was a British actor, comedian, movie maker, screenwriter, editor, musician, anarchist, and author. Paulette Goddard (m. 1936–1942) «start: ( 1936)–end+1: ( 1943)» " Marriage: Paulette Goddard to Charlie Chaplin" Location: (linkback: ) Mildred Harris (m. 1918–1920) «start: ( 1918)–end+1: ( 1921)» " Marriage: Mildred Harris to Charlie Chaplin" Location: (linkback: ) Actor, comedian, film director, film producer, screenwriter, editor, composer
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funkyfox350 · 3 years
Playtube Apk Ios
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iTube Downloader Since many years people used to save MP3 music files from YouTube videos through cache files. Later on, there was an app which is called as Play Tube APK which was the application in order to download for Android mobiles. Later on, Playtube has been renamed as iTube APK file for Android devices. Since iTube is one of the best application in order to download songs in music for sleep in your smartphone devices. If you are in search of an app that will help you to easily and it is available for all Android versions is iTube. By using a iTube APK you can easily install iTube music cache files on your smartphone.
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It is anything but difficult to download iTube APK records on your gadget which is completely free. The accompanying strategy will assist you how with downloading iTube APK record.
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iTube Youtube Downloader for Android & PC Download. iTube is one of the famous applications for Smartphones which allows the users to download any video from youtube for free.That means, in iTube app, you search for your favorite YouTube videos, the cache of YouTube video will be saved as the MP3 file. iTube is a free application available as .APK file and you can Install it on any device using the instructions on this post.iTube also helps you to arrange all your favourite YouTube videos in a playlist which lets you to watch those videos later. You can also bookmark single youtube videos to watch later. Nowadays, YouTube has become the huge source of Entertainment as well as information. If you would like to download an MP3 song on your Android device from a Video which means YouTube to Music/MP3, then iTube Cache App is the perfect choice for you.This App is available for almost all the operating systems, and here on this page you will get the direct download link of iTu
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rrfox236 · 3 years
Waves Ssl 4000 Plugin Bundle Torrent
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Jan 14, 2008 Waves SSL 4000 VST DX (PC) Developed under license from Solid State Logic, The Waves SSL 4000 Collection includes three. Meticulously modeled plug-ins based on the legendary SSL 4000 Series. SSL 4000 Series: the SSL E-Channel, the SSL G-Master. Buss Compressor, and the SSL G-Equalizer.
You never know what viruses you’ll get. Pirated software often contains malicious code which may.
SSL 4000 Collection by Waves is a Virtual Effect Audio Plugin for macOS and Windows. It functions as a VST Plugin, an Audio Units Plugin, a VST 3 Plugin, an RTAS Plugin and an AAX Plugin.
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Free Ssl 4000 Plugin
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Feb 18, 2019 Ssl 4000 Plugin Free Download; Buy Waves SSL 4000 Collection - Vintage Style Dynamics/EQ Plug-Ins Bundle (Native/SoundGrid, Download) featuring 4 Console Section Plug-Ins, Modeled on. FREE – download over 40 SSL presets from top artists. Developed under license from Solid State Logic, the SSL 4000 Collection includes four plugins.
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Waves SSL 4000 Collection
Developed under license from Solid State Logic, The SSL 4000 Collection includes four meticulously modeled plugins based on the legendary SSL 4000 Series: the SSL E-Channel, the SSL G-Master Buss Compressor, the SSL G-Equalizer and the all-new G-Channel. These plugins sound so close to the original consoles, even experts who work with SSL boards day in and day out can’t tell the difference.
Publisher: Waves
Home page:www.waves.com
Last updated: December 15th, 2011
Focus on Physics: Waves
Focus on Physics: Waves is a collection of simulated science experiments and interactive topics covering the Waves section of AS and A2 level Physics. The interactive models, animated sequences and simulated experiments are integrated with reference sections where theory is explained and relevant formulae are derived.
Publisher: Focus Educational Software
Home page:www.focuseducational.com
Last updated: October 8th, 2015
Waves API Collection
The API Collection features four precision processors based on renowned API modules: the 550A 3-Band Equalizer, the 550B 4-Band Equalizer, the 560 Graphic Equalizer, and the 2500 Stereo Compressor.Used by engineers worldwide on countless hit records, these modules deliver a sound like no other. And with the API Collection, Waves captures every nuance of their unique sonic signatures.
Publisher: Waves Audio Ltd.
Home page:www.waves.com
Last updated: January 19th, 2012
Waves Mercury Bundle
Waves is one of the world´s biggest developers and suppliers of software-based audio signal processing tools, and its Waves Mercury Bundle is a comprehensive collection that offers the incredible amount of over 90 processors and more than 250 plug-ins divided into different components.
Publisher: Waves Ltd.
Home page:www.waves.com
Last updated: February 14th, 2008
Dynamic C
Dynamic C is created for Rabbit 4000, 5000 and 6000-based products. This version of Dynamic C comes bundled with the following libraries: Security Module (AES + SSL); FAT File System; Library Encryption Executable, µC/OS-II Real-time Kernel; Point-to-Point Protocol; RabbitWeb; Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
Publisher: Digi International Inc.
Last updated: October 14th, 2016
This piece of software helps you download torrent files with an impressive speed. Available for both Mac and Windows operating systems. Besides downloading torrent files, this program also lets you watch movies while they are being downloaded and you have the possibility to organize all of your downloaded files into categories.
Publisher: MediaGet LLC
Home page:mediaget.com
Last updated: July 7th, 2014
SecureBlackbox is a comprehensive library that adds SFTP, FTPS, SSH, PGP, PDF, XML, SSL/TLS, HTTPS, PKI, ZIP, EDI, Cloud, SAML security support to your PHP scripts and web pages. This is PHP edition.
Publisher: EldoS Corporation
Home page:www.eldos.com
Last updated: December 22nd, 2015
SecureBlackbox for Java
SecureBlackbox for Java is a comprehensive class library that adds SFTP, FTPS, SSH, PGP, PDF, XML security, S/MIME, SSL/TLS, HTTPS, PKI, ZIP, EDI, Cloud, WebDAV, SAML, Office security support to your Java or Android application.
Publisher: EldoS Corporation
Home page:www.eldos.com
Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Waves Diamond Bundle
A comprehensive collection of audio processing tools, Diamond brings unparalleled signal processing power to your studio, for tracking, mixing, mastering, creative sound design, and audio restoration.
Publisher: Waves
Home page:www.waves.com
Last updated: August 2nd, 2010
µTorrent (uTorrent)
µTorrent is an easy-to-use BitTorrent download client for Windows OS. Download your files as quickly and efficiently as possible without slowing down your other online activities. uTorrent offers advanced settings such as automation, scripting, remote management and more.
Publisher: BitTorrent Inc
Home page:www.utorrent.com
Last updated: December 4th, 2020
Waves Musicians Bundle
What makes a hit sound so good? If it's on the Billboard charts, chances are it was tracked, mixed, and mastered using Waves. Musicians 1 is an outstanding collection containing several of our most coveted processors. Look at what you get: delay, chorus, phasing, flanging, compression, gating, limiting, double-tracking, level maximization, and more.
Publisher: Waves Audio Ltd.
Home page:www.waves.com
Last updated: March 5th, 2008
Waves Ssl 4000 Plugin Bundle Torrent Download
Deluge is a BitTorrent client that allows you to download various files. The program uses libtorrent, which is a BitTorrent implementation that focuses on efficiency and scalability. In order to use this tool you just need to add a torrent file and select the download location.
Publisher: Deluge Team
Home page:dev.deluge-torrent.org
Last updated: August 20th, 2020
Nik Collection
Nik Collection is a free set of plugins for compatible graphics applications such as Photoshop and others. It is made up by six tools:Analog Efex Pro, Silver Efex Pro, HDR Efex Pro, Dfine 2, Color Efex Pro, Viveza 2, and Sharpener 2. Each has its own adjustments and characteristics. Very useful for graphic designers and artists.
Publisher: Google
Home page:nikcollection.dxo.com
Last updated: December 3rd, 2020
Need For Waves
The game Need For Waves presents a breathtaking variety of cutter races. Take control of a super-high-speed cutter and finish first. Thirst for speed and danger makes the game more captivating. Join your counterparts from all over the world!
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Publisher: MyPlayCity.com
Home page:www.myplaycity.com
Last updated: May 26th, 2020
iVMS 4000
The iVMS-4000 is the client application specially developed for the embedded DVR/DVS. It is applicable to DVR, hybrid DVR, NVR, DVS, IP Camera, IP Dome, audio/video decoder, and iVMS-2000 client software as well. The iVMS-4000 client provides the Decoder Application and Module USB Joystick options in the Help menu for user to select decoder control and USB joystick control.
Publisher: Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
Last updated: August 6th, 2012
Torrent Stream
Torrent Stream is a media platform that allows distributed and decentralized multimedia data transfer. The program provides audio-visual online broadcast, without the need for maintenance of the park servers and expenditures for payment of the network traffic. The Torrent Stream package contains a TS Engine, a TS Player, a multimedia plug-in and Magic Player.
Publisher: Torrent Stream
Home page:torrentstream.org
Last updated: April 28th, 2013
Movie Torrent
Movie Torrent is a powerful and reliable application for searching, downloading and sharing any type of file you wish. It allows you to add multi-tracker information to the torrent and bears simultaneous downloads, download queue, selected downloads in torrent package, fast-resume, disk cache, speed limits, port mapping, proxy and IP-filter.
Publisher: GoodKatShare
Home page:www.goodkatshare.com
Last updated: July 2nd, 2018
Free Ssl 4000 Plugin
Torrent Search
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Search Torrents in more than 32 Top Torrent Search engines.
Publisher: Allen Smithy
Home page:www.torrent-search-bar.com
Last updated: March 16th, 2008
Waves Plugins Crack are rightly considered one of the best and they will instantly connect to your work project and be ready to use. Update your waves now.
Waves Plugins VST Crack has the best of the winning Waves GRAMMY® plugins. From essentials like reverb, compression, noise reduction and EQ to modeling analog devices, ambient and post-production tools, collections of artist signatures and more.
Completely finished fleet of A-Z virtual effects and instruments of the highest quality and with support for 64-bit systems! With faster scanning, loading and processing, the Waves v11 VST Crack opens new dimensions of power for plugins. Perhaps the most famous name in the world among manufacturers of professional sound effects. Mastering, mixing music, post production, audio recording restoration, dynamic processing, equalization, noise reduction, emulation of classic analog devices – all of this is available with the Complete Waves Collection. Waves Full Bundle Torrent are the choice of most recording studios. Waves VST Plugins Torrent are rightly considered one of the best and they will instantly connect to your work project and be ready to use. Update your waves now.
You may also like:RC-20 Retro Color Crack Free Download (Win-x64)
Waves Plugins Crack Free Download for Windows:
Newly designed interfaces with three skin choices: lightweight, dark and hereditary
Real-time frequency analyzers added to R-EQ and R-Channel plugins
A complete overhaul of the R-Channel user interface for more intuitive use of an additional strip plug-in
700+ new prints from leading artists
Waves Ssl 4000 Plugin Bundle Torrent Pirate Bay
What’s new in Waves VST Plugins v11 01.16.2020 Version?
New release — OVox Vocal ReSynthesis, now available as a single plugin as well as in the Inspire Virtual Instruments Collection.
New release – SuperRack v11.0.53.36
SuperRack SoundGrid v11.0.53.36: Various bug fixes
SoundGrid Driver updates:
SoundGrid ASIO / Core Audio Driver v11.0.53.35: Various bug fixes
Improved: All Waves instruments are now supported in Pro Tools 2019 under macOS Catalina 10.15.
Improved: Gain reduction report to host in MV2, MV360, Renaissance Channel, and Renaissance DeEsser.
Fixed: TRACT capture not being saved with the session after loading Full Reset preset.
Fixed: Waves Tune maqam scales with quarter-notes not always corrected to the expected pitch.
Fixed: Q10 text corruption.
Fixed: Inability to edit IR1 gain envelop.
Fixed: Inability to edit Graphic SoundShifter time and pitch graphs.
Fixed: Wrong latency reports in Infected Mushroom Pusher and Sibilance.
Fixed: eMotion LV1 crashing when changing presets in the Abbey Road TG Mastering Chain inserted into CLA MixHub.
Fixed: Inability to access the built-in mic in the GTR3, GTR Solo and PRS Supermodels standalone applications running in macOS 10.14 and 10.15.
Fixed: Control value in Renaissance Channel not being updated when switching between the all-bands view and selected band view.
Year / Release Date: 01/16/2020
Version: 01.16.2020
Developer: Waves
Developer’s Site: https://www.waves.com/
Bit Capacity: 64bit
Tabletka: present R2R
System Requirements: Windows 10 x64 Intel Core i3 / i5 / i7 / Xeon / AMD Quad-Core Microsoft Visual C ++ 2005-2008-2010-2012-2013-2015-2017 Minimum: 1024×768 Internet connection
Installation Instructions:
Caution: All launches of installations, kijen, patchers are done on behalf of the administrator during any installation and activation. Nowhere and no folders from where where the installation will be carried out all the way, to the entire address, should not contain cyrillic signs (exceptions are system folders such as Users). Also, the computer name and account must be in Latin. You must be an administrator on the system . In the system for these plugins you must have Microsoft Visual C ++ 2005-2008-2010-2012-2013-2015-2017 installed. No need to create nesting dolls from 15 folders and download there. Due to long file / folder names there will be an error during installation. Download to the root of the disk. Delete previous version . Clear the system of all remaining folders and all entries in the registry.
(C: Program Files Common Files VST3 – WaveShell1-VST3 … C: Program Files VSTPlugins – WaveShell1-VST … C: Program Files (x86) Common Files VST3 – WaveShell1-VST3 … C: Program Files (x86) Common Files – WPAPI C: Program Files (x86) VstPlugins – WaveShell1-VST … C: Program Files (x86) – Waves, Waves Central C: Users NAME – .Waves Central C: Users NAME AppData Local – Waves Audio C: Users NAME AppData Roaming – Waves Audio C: Users Public – Waves Audio)
Install Install_Waves_Central.exe
Run it c: Program Files Waves Central Waves Central.exe
Click Offline Installer, then on Browse under the Install from an Offline installer line and select the DISTRIBUTION folder: Waves – 11 Complete v (VERSION NUMBER)
Select the desired plugins from the list except for any libraries (where there will be inscriptions opposite – SD or HD should be gray, not highlighted in blue) and in the right part of the window click on the Install button.
After the installation is complete, apply WavesLicenseEngine.bundle.exe
Recommended list of plugins to install:
Abbey Road Collection, Mercury, SSL 4000 Collection, DTS Neural ™ Surround Collection
Abbey road studio 3
and tools
Flow Motion.bundle
Bass slapper.bundle
Note: Tool libraries download separately. When choosing what to install, libraries are not selected unless you plan to use the tools. If you plan and want the libraries to be installed immediately with the plugins, then the downloaded Instrument Data folder with them must be placed in … Distribution Waves.10.Complete.vXXXX Waves Installers V10, and in this case they should be noted in Wave Central.
Download Waves Complete v11.0 Portable VST Plugin
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0 notes
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Part of the Network’s Top-Rated “Countdown to Christmas” Programming Event
STUDIO CITY, CA – September 20, 2018 – Brooke D’Orsay (“9JKL,” “Miss Christmas”), Daniel Lissing (“When Calls the Heart”) and Mary-Margaret Humes (“Dawson’s Creek,” “Grey’s Anatomy”) star in “Christmas in Love,” a new, original movie premiering Sunday, November 11, (8 p.m. ET/PT) on Hallmark Channel as part of the network’s #1-rated programming event, COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS. Hallmark Channel is historically the #1 television network in all of Q4.
Ellie Hartman (D’Orsay) is an aspiring crafter working in her small town’s bakery making famous Christmas Kringles. When the new, big-city CEO Nick Carlingson (Lissing) visits the bakery, he arrives filled with modernization ideas destined to lay off many employees. During his visit, Ellie is to teach Nick how to make a Kringle, and determined to show him it’s the people who make the business a success, not machines. Nick meets more of the employees and townspeople, visits the food bank and begins to see all the kindness that is shared, and he begins to soften – though not convinced automation isn’t better. Struggling with chasing her own entrepreneurial dreams, Ellie begins to fall for Nick but not before feeling betrayed when she inadvertently sees Nick’s laptop filled with automation plans. When Nick finally tells the employees his future ideas for the company, Ellie must decide if she should trust him, but more importantly, whether or not to take a leap of faith in making her own dreams come true.
“Christmas in Love” is from HP Christmas Jingle Productions Inc. in association with All Canadian Entertainment Inc. and Brad Krevoy Television. Brady Krevoy, Stephen White, Eric Jarboe, Susie Belzberg, Don McBrearty, Amanda Philips Atkins, Amy Krell, Linda Miller and Jimmy Townsend are executive producers. Michael Shepard, W. Michael Beard, James Moorhouse, Micheline Blais and Marc Dassas are supervising producers. Vince Balzano, Julia Currie and David Dibrina serve as associate producers. David Anselmo is producer. McBrearty directed from a script by Stephen Steward and Bob Saenz.
Formally called Christmas Recipe for Love.
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thomastair · 7 years
tag game
Tagged by: @catarinalosss
Name: Hetty Gender: Female Sign: Virgo with the new horoscope Libra with the old one Height: 5'8” Sexuality: Bi Favorite animal: Cats Dream trip: Japan or Greece and Rome Dream job: Movie script writer or a writer When and Why I made my blog: Late June and I wanted to blog about something I’m obsessed with soooo here I am 😉 Favourite music band: P!atd, Twenty One Pilots, Imagine Dragons, Fall Out Boy (I’m not emo okay) Tattoos: None (although I want some) Favorite emoji: 😭 Would you rather be exceedingly rich but unhappy, famous but somehow with little money, or happy and wealthy but in ill health? Famous with little money Do you have any piercings that are not in your ear lobes? No piercings anywhere even in my ear lobes What kind of exercise do you do/sports do you play? AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA Can you sing well enough that you wouldn’t be booed off a karaoke stage? hell no Can you cook any meal from scratch? Nope but I’ve burned water before Describe in 5 words the last person you had a serious crush on- my favorite character and url Android or iPhone? iPhone Ever broken a bone? Both pinky fingers doing stupid things What’s that one song you can listen to an embarrassing number of times in a row? The last of the real ones by fall out boy What is the last book you read that wasn’t TSC? IT by Stephen King (I have a free pdf version if anyone’s interested)
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doctorbethblog · 7 years
Kiscon 2017 Con Report by Doctor Beth 
KiScon is a Kirk/Spock 3 day convention held in America every 2 years.  
This convention focuses exclusively on the Kirk and Spock relationship with topics ranging from hurt comfort to sex.  It was a very smoothly run convention put on by Rhaegal and Amanda.  It included a welcome party, a dinner, a vid show, an art auction, a dealer’s room and many panels.  There was even a room where they provided food and drinks so you didn’t have to eat at the hotel.  Rhaegal and Amanda went to great lengths to create a fun convention.  
I brought some vintage K/S zines to sell from my Mom’s collection and sold quite a few to fellow attendees.  Some of the zines were very rare and people seemed to enjoy them.  I also sold copies of the 2016 K/S zine Devotion and my gen Star Trek Beyond novel “Well That’s Just Typical” (it was even gen and some copies sold).  I also brought my collection of early Star Trek fanzines, letterzines, photos, scripts, etc. to show what early fandom was like. Many people stopped just to look at the collection.
The panels.  I only went to a few panels, but I will talk about 3 of them.  The first is the hurt comfort panel.  It was very interesting talking about something I write about privately out in the open and many people attempted to answer the question why they like to write hurt comfort and it was really interesting to hear other’s points of view.  
I am going to mention attendees only by their initials, in order to protect their identity, but if you see yourself in this report, and you don’t mind my changing it, let me know and I will include your name.
D.B. and K.R. ran a panel about fanzines and their current status. The conceived of the idea of a new type of K/S zine. It will be sort of an online zine with options for downloading pdfs or having print copies made. They talked about having an interactive website with links to author’s pages, arts and much more. I wish them all the luck and hope they get lot of contributions.
One of the best parts about attending conventions are the people you meet especially if you meet the people who helped shape K/S fandom. K.F. is one of the greats and is a very nice person. She was one of the first media vidders and shared her original vid made in the 1970s with the con of a slideshows from unused Star Trek footage and set to music. It was hilarious and very well received. She is also one of the creators of the famous skit “The Dancing Cocks”, or “The Dancing Penises” and had many stories to tell, but the funniest was transporting the actual props slung over their shoulders because the boxes they were bringing them in would not fit into the taxi. Imagine checking into the hotel carrying a tan and green cock.
D.B. (a different one from above) was also a fanfic writer who I talked with at the con. She wrote many fanfiction stories which I have read and it was great just to talk about writing and fanfiction history in general. Just imagine meeting one of your favorite writers in person. Now if only I could meet Connie Faddis.
The Vid show was spectacular. They had 5 entries and by far the best one was “The Private Life of Vulcans” (now available on youtube). It was almost worth going just for that.
Rhaegal (who is also a scientist) gave two talks “Science and Star Trek” and “Science and the Movies”. She uses footage and scenes to discuss problems with the science portrayed in the shows in a very humorous way. (It doesn’t hurt that she also has an English accent).
One of the topics that came up was that the fandom is so fractured now because the internet is so big that it’s hard to connect with people. Livejournal is gone, Tumblr is difficult to use for fanfiction or discussions, AO3 and FF.net and just about posting stories and there is so much … uhmmm… material, that it is difficult to dig through it to find the good stuff. It’s also hard to make meaningful connections and have discussions on any platform. Thus, Slack was born. Slack is a new online platform for discussions, posting, chats and more. One of the attendees Z. started it and I joined. Many others have joined and discussions have already ensued.
Overall this was the best conventions/meetings I have ever been to. I would like to give special thanks to Rhaegal and Amanda for their hard work, dedication and creativity.
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phocifor · 3 years
[PDF] Download Love Scenes  BY Bridget Morrissey
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Acting like she's in love with her handsome nightmare of a co-star--in a movie directed and produced by her complicated Hollywood royalty family--is Sloane's job. But what happens when the lines between script and reality get blurred? Out-of-work actress Sloane Ford is in desperate need of something to do after losing her steady TV gig. When her famous family ropes her into working as a producer on their World War II-era romance, they neglect to mention that the film will be headlined by Joseph Donovan, her least favorite former co-star of all time. The roguish actor made her life a living hell the last time they worked together, using his movie star good looks and Irish charm to cover for his erratic professional behavior. On their new film set, he promises he's different now, but Sloane is far from convinced.As filming gets underway, it becomes clear that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. When the lead actress is abruptly fired, Sloane agrees to step in and take over
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technato · 6 years
Elektro the Moto-Man Had the Biggest Brain at the 1939 World’s Fair
This voice-controlled robot could walk, talk, and smoke, and it captivated crowds
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Photo: Bettmann/Getty Images
“Ladies and gentlemen, I’ll be very glad to tell my story. I am a smart fellow as I have a very fine brain of 48 electrical relays.” This is how Elektro the robot introduced itself to crowds at the 1939 New York World’s Fair. Standing 2.1 meters tall and weighing 118 kilograms, Elektro performed 26 different tricks, including walking, talking, counting, and singing. It had a vocabulary of approximately 700 words, although its responses were all prerecorded and played back from 33⅓-rpm records. One of Elektro’s pet lines was, “My brain is bigger than yours.” At 25 kg, it certainly was.
Elektro was one of a family of robots that evolved out of Westinghouse’s switchgear business. By the early 1920s, the company had succeeded in developing fully automatic electrical substations, and its engineers were looking for ways to improve them. One operator requested a way to call the substation system remotely and initiate a change in the normal operating routine. Thus was born Televox, a set of control units that started Westinghouse down the path to developing robots.
Roy J. Wensley designed Televox to change switches in a substation in response to sounds it detected. One half of the Televox unit sat on the desk of a dispatcher at a central power station and the other at the substation. The Televox at the central station used tuning-fork oscillators to create different frequencies, which formed a code that the receiving Televox could interpret. The operator would send the code to the substation over an existing phone line. The receiver unit had to raise the telephone receiver, process the incoming codes, and then respond with the appropriate action, such as opening or closing a particular switch.
Wensley saw plenty of potential uses for the device in the public utility field. He asked the advertising department to help with publicity but was turned down. He did, however, have enough in his discretionary project budget to build a portable demonstration model of the Televox. A 1928 advertisement promoted the Televox as “a new instrument which is to become the servant of the future.” But Wensley had the intuition of a salesman and knew his box of relays and wires wouldn’t appeal to nontechnical audiences, and so he decided to dress it up a bit.
On 21 February 1928, Herbert Televox made its debut at the Level Club in New York City. This “robot” was simply a crude humanoid form (head, articulated arms, and legs) made out of wallboard with the Televox control unit forming the body. Herbert Televox’s great trick: unveiling a portrait of George Washington in honor of Washington’s Birthday. Giving a name, face, and personality to a control unit turned out to be a stroke of genius, capturing the popular imagination for the possibilities of robotics.
Photo: Mansfield Memorial Museum
Robot Family: Herbert Televox [left] was Westinghouse’s first human-form robot. The more famous member of the Westinghouse robot family was Elektro; a copy is shown in the middle, while the original is on the right.
Enthusiastic reporters exaggerated Herbert’s skills, claiming it could manage an entire home by remote control. Wensley spent a great deal of effort correcting the record about Televox’s actual abilities. Nevertheless, the publicity spurred further research. The U.S. military, for instance, investigated using Televox to fire guns remotely. Rural airports that didn’t maintain staff around the clock considered using it to automatically light up runways when planes approached at night.
In 1929, Wensley was serendipitously assigned to coordinate the engineering and marketing of refrigerators. This led him to the Westinghouse Appliance Division, in Mansfield, Ohio, where he met several likeminded engineers. They soon rolled out Katrina van Televox, Rastus, and a few other robots. With each iteration, the engineers worked to refine the machines’ movement, sound, control, and skill set.
Elektro was their ultimate creation. Built by J.M. Barnett, Jack Weeks Sr., Harold Gorsuch, and other engineers at the Mansfield plant, the robot had a torso, arms, and legs made from aluminum sheeting. Its head and hands were cast aluminum. Other parts were pilfered from the factory—power cords from irons, coffee pots, and waffle makers, wheels from vacuum cleaners.
Elektro wowed audiences, first at the World’s Fair and then on tour across the country, and it hawked appliances for Westinghouse. But you’d be wrong to dismiss it as simply a publicity stunt. The engineers who developed Elektro were pioneers, attempting to turn science fiction into reality by developing a voice-activated robot.
Everybody Loves Robots
Gif: IEEE Spectrum
Robots continue to captivate crowds, but they have changed a lot since Elektro. Check out the latest, most advanced designs in our new Robots website.
An operator gave voice commands to Elektro through a microphone, but the robot didn’t actually understand the words. According to an article in the August 1939 issue of Radio-Craft magazine, the voice commands were carefully timed syllabic codes, which were turned into electrical pulses by a grid-glow tube [PDF]. The pulse opened a shutter in front of a lightbulb, sending a flash signal across the room to a photoelectric tube in the robot’s control unit, located offstage. This “electric eye” translated the signal into an electric current and transmitted it through telephone relays to start Elektro’s gears whirring.
According to C. Bruce Hardy, who toured with Elektro in 1942–43, all of the commands that started or ended a trick followed a 3-1-2 syllable pattern, with pauses between the phrasing. For example, “Will you come / down / front please?” would start Elektro moving forward. “You have come / far / enough” would make the robot stop. Operators could vary the wording as long as they kept to the pattern. “Tell us how / old / you are” and “Count your age / with / fingers” both could trigger the same trick. But operators stuck to an orchestrated script; they didn’t jump around in the program.
Although walking was one of Elektro’s trumpeted tricks, the robot didn’t really walk. Its left knee bent, with the right leg dragging behind, as it moved on wheels along a track in the stage.
Like the other Westinghouse humanoids, Elektro smoked cigarettes. An assistant would helpfully place a cigarette in a hole in the robot’s upper lip and light it. Elektro would take a few drags, exhaling the smoke in short puffs before the assistant extinguished it. After each performance, operators had to clean the tar out of the smoking mechanism’s tubing. Cigarette-smoking robots still exist today, but instead of casually lighting up, they puff away in laboratories to aid research on lung disease.
Photo: Bettmann/Getty Images
Robot’s Best Friend: Westinghouse introduced Sparko the dog as a companion for Elektro.
In 1941 a second hole was added to Elektro’s upper lip, but this one was for a more innocuous party trick. Elektro liked to challenge audience members to balloon-blowing competitions, seeing who could burst the balloon first. Equipped with an air hose and compressor, the robot almost always won.
Elektro’s dog, Sparko, was added to the World’s Fair show in 1940. Sparko could move forward and back, sit down, turn its head, wag its tail, and bark. Don Lee Hadley designed Sparko based on his own Scottish terrier, Bonnie. Westinghouse commissioned three dogs (the prototype plus a companion each for Elektro and another Westinghouse robot, Willie Vocalite), but none are known to survive today.
Recently, I created a biography page for Elektro on IMDb, where it now joins other robot movie stars like Alexa, Siri, and Robby the Robot. Elektro starred in The Middleton Family at the New York World’s Fair, a 1939 film produced by Westinghouse to help promote the company’s appliances.
It also appeared on the television show You Asked for It hosted by Art Baker in 1951, returning the following year as a finalist for the most popular episode of the previous year. And for several years after the World’s Fair and again after World War II, Elektro toured the country doing live performances, mostly in the housewares sections of department stores.
In 1958, a talent agent spotted the aging robot in a Westinghouse exhibit at Pacific Ocean Park, near Los Angeles, where it was playing second fiddle to a one-third-scale model of the nuclear-powered Nautilus submarine. That sighting earned Elektro a role as S.A.M. Thinko in 1960’s Sex Kittens Go to College. The Sequential Auxiliary Modulator blew a few fuses when confronted by the brilliant mind of Mamie van Doren’s Dr. Mathilda West, or possibly it was some of her other features. I suppose there’s humor in the blatant sexism of this B movie, if only the reality didn’t exist to this day in so many academic settings.
After its brief time in Hollywood, Elektro was packed into crates, sent back to its birthplace, and all but forgotten. The robot managed to survive the scrap heap and found a home at the Mansfield Memorial Museum, in Ohio, where it is now on permanent display. The museum’s director, Scott Schaut, has accumulated a tremendous archive of material related to the development of robotics at Westinghouse. He’s always on the lookout for more, although he says it saddens him to know how much history has already been destroyed. “Every day, historical artifacts are discarded or thrown in the trash without any regard to their significance to the community and the posterity of history,” Schaut writes in his book Robots of Westinghouse, 1924–Today, which reproduces numerous photos and promotional materials documenting Elektro’s history.
The book concludes with an intriguing scenario: What if Elektro had a female companion? Schaut knows of six sketches of women robots, created by Westinghouse’s robot team. They have some of Elektro’s features, such as the circular light in the chest, but they differ in hairstyle, facial expression, and bust and hip measurements. Plus, all of the lady robots are wearing dresses. Sadly, an Elektra never seems to have been built.
An abridged version of this article appears in the October 2018 print issue as “Elektro the Moto-Man.”
Part of a continuing series looking at photographs of historical artifacts that embrace the boundless potential of technology.
About the Author
Allison Marsh is an associate professor of history at the University of South Carolina and codirector of the university’s Ann Johnson Institute for Science, Technology & Society.
Elektro the Moto-Man Had the Biggest Brain at the 1939 World’s Fair syndicated from https://jiohowweb.blogspot.com
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