#Fascination Sri Lanka
srilankareisen · 11 months
Sri Lanka Rundreisen | Fascination Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka's Cultural Treasures and Highlands!
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Sri Lanka Rundreisen offer diverse adventures in a compact island. Explore ancient temples, pristine beaches, lush jungles, and vibrant culture on these enriching journeys.
Visit Srilanka-Reisen today and experience the beauty and culture of island tours!
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scotianostra · 7 months
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Edinburgh Castle's dog cemetery.
Looking down to the wee graveyard last week.
Hidden within the grounds of Edinburgh Castle, a dedicated dog cemetery may be the landmark's strangest feature.
There are a huge number of fascinating historical stories hidden within the walls of Edinburgh Castle, but perhaps none so curious and touching as the tale behind the castle’s dog cemetery.
The small green space is thought to have originally been the site of a medieval tower, but since 1840 it has been the final resting place for regimental mascots or honoured dogs belonging to high-ranking soldiers.
The cemetery is referenced in this verse from the Scottish Bard, Robert Burns:
”Berkin dugs here lie at rest ”The yappin worst, obedient best ”Sodgers pets and mascots tae ”Still the guard the castle to this day.
One of only two like it in Scotland, the unique graveyard is home to more than 20 headstones.
Sadly, several of the inscriptions have worn away over the last century or so, probably thanks to Edinburgh’s signature chilly, wet and windy weather.
Of the engravings still visible, the oldest dates back to 1881 - a dedication to Jess, band pet of the Black Watch 42nd Royal Highlanders.
The newest headstone in the cemetery belongs to Winkle, the “dear and faithful friend of Lady Gow and the Governor”, who died in 1980.
Other faithful pups laid to rest here include Yum Yum, Tim and Dobbler, who travelled as far as China, Sri Lanka and South Africa with the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders.
These days, visitors to the castle cannot enter the cemetery, but it can be viewed from above, like I did.
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herpsandbirds · 6 months
hiiiiiii ✌🏻 ur blog brings me so much joy and fascination!! im particularly fond of the legless lizards right now. did the legs come first? or was it the lizards? and when did they break up?
thanks for sharing ur love with the world! 💖
thank you so much booboo.
i also love legless lizards. snakes and all (other) groups of legless lizards evolved from lizards that had 4 legs. there are different groups of legless lizards that evolved from legged lizards at different times throughout the evolutionary history of lizards. you can even see some lizards that are not quite legless but have tiny functionless legs.
Herps and Birds (and More) (Posts tagged legless lizard) (tumblr.com)
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Snake Skink (Nessia sp.), family Scincidae, this genus is endemic to Sri Lanka
Most of the snake skinks (genus Nessia) have 4 tiny limbs, but one species has only 2 hind limbs.
photograph by arturtomaszek.com
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Slow Worm (Anguis fragilis), mother with babies, family Anguidae, England, UK
Legless Lizard.
photograph by Laurie Campbell
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Cape Legless Skink (Acontias meleagris), family Scincidae, Western Cape, South Africa
Legless lizard.
Photograph by Tyrone Ping
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Children born when Autumn leaves are rustling in the September breeze, a Sapphire on her brow should bind. It will cure diseases of the mind.
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We're in September and its time to celebrate this month's birthstone, the sapphire. Hailing from the same mineral family as rubies, sapphires, with their rich blue color, have long been a favorite with royalty around the world. Most recently, England's Princess Diana was famous for hers. Did you know that sapphires come in more than just blue however? Sapphires come in almost every color from orange to green to brown to even a clear, colorless kind. In Sri Lanka there's a beautiful pink-orange version of the stone they call the 'lotus flower' - padparadsch. Particolored sapphires are stones with two different colors in them. Found predominately in Australia, these rare colored stones have yet to be recreated in labs, making them true natural wonders. Even when you have a blue sapphire the color choices don't stop there. The blue can range from a light cornflower blue to a deep almost violet color.
But wait! There's more!
Some very rare sapphires reflect the light back in the form of a six point star, something known as asterism. The Star of Adam is one of the world's largest gemstone, a massive star sapphire larger than a chicken egg. The Black Star of Queensland is an almost black star sapphire once worn by Cher. And the famous Star of Bombay sapphire had the British name a gin after it, Bombay Sapphire.
Now that labs can manufacture sapphires, clear sapphires are most often produced and used as the 'glass' for windows that need to be highly scratch and heat resistant and are often used in high pressure or vacuum chambers. There have even been attempts to use them in iPhone screens. Sapphires are popular with lasers as well, since they can be minutely attuned to a wide spectrum range of visible and invisible light.
As mentioned previously though, sapphires have fascinated humans long before science found a use for them. Colored blue, the stone is often associated with the sky and leaving the more mundane layers of this earth behind. The ancient Greeks and Romans thought that wearing the stone would turn aside the ill will and envy of others. In Medieval Europe, sapphires were thought to call in the blessings of Heaven and were often worn by clergy in the Roman Catholic Church. In some Hindu beliefs, the sapphire was only meant for some people, bringing bad luck to others. To find which you were, you slept with the stone under your pillow for three nights. If your dreams were good, the sapphire would bring you enlightenment, protection and luck. If your dreams were bad, the stone would only bring you sorrow and better to be rid of it.
There is a legend that the Ten Commandments were written on sapphires.
Sapphires are supposed to be able to ward off the evil eye.
Lastly, sapphires are supposed to be medicinally healthy for the eyes, to ward against melancholy and to protect against mental illness. Mary, Queen of Scots, wore a sapphire necklace she could rub against her eyes to relieve the strain on them.
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quietlyimplode · 1 year
Black Widow Fest - Day Five
Wild Geese (cruelty is easy)
Warnings: death of widows, implied (not graphic) torture, Natasha in the Red Room.
Word Count: 2154
Pairing: Black Widows, Widows, Natasha-centric (Clint/Nat implied)
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Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile the world goes on. - Mary Oliver. Wild Geese.
Head warnings. This is not a happy fic, words in their essence are something that can be so benign but can have ripple effects. Words said in grief, anger, pain, can have lasting impacts in ways we don’t know. Be careful with your words, you’ll never know how they may ricochet. Take care friends. <3
Cruelty is easy. You’re not special for choosing it.
Chains around her wrists, toes barely touching the floor, the woman spits at the Widow.
“Why do you hold your secrets, when you could so easily just tell me? Where is your husband?”
Blood on her chin, still the woman snarls.
Like a rabid dog, she drools and snaps when the Widow comes close.
“You’re going to die here anyway, why not make your last hours easier?”
The woman, dehydrated, delirious, laughs.
“Cruelty is easy. You’re not special for choosing it.”
It give the widow pause.
The woman laughs again.
“You’re not special at all. Just a cog in the machine. Doing someone else’s bidding. How does it feel to be the puppet?”
She sighs, spits, and leans heavily on the chains.
“So kill me, because I don’t know what you want to hear. My husband is nowhere. He’s everywhere. He’s in Malta, Dubrovnik. He’s in the Maldives, in Sri Lanka or…”
The gun shot to her head silences her and the body falls heavily against the chains, it’s weight now dead as there’s steady blood flow from the the wound.
Natasha watches the older widow as she instructs the anatomy class.
Blood flow, large veins, nerves. It’s fascinating the way that the human body works. Out of all the things that Natasha learns, she finds this the most interesting.
The Red Room teaches them these things for the use of information extraction, for field medicine and to show them that they are not immortal.
Even though they think that they are.
They’re drilled daily, and it becomes Natasha’s favourite.
The older widow seems to see it, her love of learning and how she absorbs the information.
After class, she asks the Widow to teach her about cranial nerves, how they can bring pain. How it can impact on thinking.
The widow pauses and takes Natasha’s hand.
Touch is always a strange sensation.
She craves it and strays away from it.
This time, the touch is insistent.
The words are said urgently, whispered as though a secret in shame.
“Cruelty is easy, Natasha. You are not special for choosing it. Kindness, grace and patience, sometimes those are things that matter more in the moment.”
Abruptly, she lets her hand go, and stands.
“We will learn more on the cranial nerves over the next week.”
She hands Natasha a book.
“Read this. And write me a essay on how you would provide the field medicine in case study, 600 words by tomorrow.”
The book is heavy, but it’s the words that were spoken in secret that run in repetition in Natasha’s head.
‘Cruelty is easy.”
She wonders if it’s a challenge, if she’s suppose to learn to extract information in other ways. Through words rather than pain.
She walks out of the room, wondering just how that would work.
Georgia stares at Natasha.
“So what, like the whores of Odessa, you want to go in me what? Ask them for the information?”
Natasha feels the fear flow through her.
She stands straighter, hardens her face and nods.
“They’re going to invite us in graciously. They’re going to tell us everything we want to know and we’ll be done in less than 2 hours.”
She pauses.
“Unless you want to follow the mission parameter, take the man and his daughter and torture them both to see who breaks first.”
She knows Georgia is not smart enough to understand what she is going for. That she can show them that she can do things in a creative way.
She doesn’t like torture. It’s messy and gives her a feeling in her gut that doesn’t go away for days. The images replay in her mind.
But she can’t tell anyone that.
Georgia shrugs.
“Okay. But if we die for this Natalia, I’m going to kill your in the afterlife.”
Natasha bristles at the nickname and passes an easy smile.
“I’ll get the blame, just follow my lead, okay?”
Natasha stands, folds money in her hand and smiles.
The door knock is met with a crack of an opening and a girl, no older than twelve peeks around the corner.
“Hi hun, I’m Irina and this is Svetlana, we are here to see your mum, is she home?”
The girls eyes widen, and sadness fills them.
“Um. No, she’s not.”
Natasha knows well that the woman is dead.
“Oh, okay, can you leave a message for us?”
The door opens wider.
The girl more trusting now.
“My dadda’s home,” she starts, “I can get him, if you want?”
Natasha smiles, “oh sure, that would be great.”
The girl leaves them standing at the door and Georgia moves nervously from foot to foot.
“Are you sure about this, Natalia?”
Natasha reaches behind her and squeezes her hand in reassurance.
The bearded man appears, his face drawn and tired.
“Hello!” Natasha says brightly.
“Alina gave us this address when we last met up, she said to come visit if ever we were in Vladivostok.”
The man frowns.
“We went to school together.”
Natasha is betting hard that the man will remember his wife’s ramblings of her childhood friends, but not their faces.
“Oh,” he nods.
“Irina and Svetlana,” the girl says, helpfully, as though she knows.
“Oh,” the man says again.
“She’s dead.”
The words are heavy and the girl retreats behind her father as if the words won’t find her there.
Natasha schools her face into one of grief, like the woman wasn’t killed at the hands of the KGB in partnership of the Red Room.
“Oh,” she echos, “how? When?”
The man opens the door wider, and invites them in.
The follow the couple into the kitchen, where the girl starts to make some tea, taking the role that her mother must have left.
The man sits, offering chairs to the Widows as they’re offered tea.
“It is perhaps a long story,” he opens, looking to his daughter.
Natasha is quick.
“And I want no pain in reopening a wound.”
She pauses.
“She was my friend. She was kind and honest and dear to us.”
She sighs dramatically, and rests her head in her hands, Georgia taking the cue to offer comfort.
“Is there anything we can do?”
The girl sets down the tea, and they wrap their hands around it.
She looks small amongst the big table, and squeaks a response.
“What was my mother like when she was young?”
Natasha lies with the truth.
The words woven and soon the man is drunk.
The little girl tired and secrets spilled without his knowledge.
They help the girl put her father to bed, and she gratefully thanks them, offering them her meagre stash of lollies.
Natasha declines, but Georgia takes four, then closes the girl’s hand around the rest.
“Thank you,” the little girl says, spontaneously hugging them both.
They hug her back, and leave the way they came, no one worse for the meeting.
“That was more exhausting, Nat.”
Georgia tells her, getting into their car.
“But no bad dreams,” Natasha sighs, leaning back.
Georgia snorts.
“No, no bad dreams.”
The getaway is smooth and smell of sweets emanate.
“Do you think they’ll punish us for going off mission?”
Natasha shakes her head.
“Given the information we just gathered, and the relationships we made, no, I don’t think they will.”
“You tell them then.”
“Mm,” Natasha nods, non committal to the instruction.
Georgia hands over two hard lollies and Natasha takes them both, wrapping them and revelling in the sweetness.
“Cruelty is easy, we aren’t special for choosing it.”
Georgia doesn’t say anything but seems to ruminate on her words.
“Where’d you learn that?”
“Madam Simzar,” Natasha chooses to disclose.
Georgia smiles.
“I miss her.”
Natasha ducks her head, unable to keep the pain off her face.
“Me too.”
Natasha exits Fury’s office.
Making a bee line for the door, she brushes quickly past Clint and disappears.
Clearly not good news then.
He follows her to find her gone, disappeared in a matter of seconds.
He wonders where she could have gone, and walks quickly to the library hoping to catch a glimpse of her hair.
She’s not there, and she doesn’t appear to be anywhere. He swears under his breath before returning back to Fury’s office, hoping for some insight into what made her run.
He thought they might have been passed this, but, he supposes, Natasha’s go to self preservation will always be to hide her feelings, conceal her grief, hurt and sadness.
He feels that’s what this is, judging the way she wouldn’t even make eye contact as she brushed past.
“What happened?”
He’s not usually so abrupt with his boss, but he needs to know whether in this moment, Natasha needs help.
No time for pleasantries.
“A widow Natasha defected, overdosed.”
Fury’s words are flat.
The pictures he passes over shows the graphic image of a woman overdosed.
Clint feels sick.
The could be Natasha.
He knows at once where she’s gone, and leaves the room without another word.
The park is quiet.
Big dark clouds ruminate overhead, and he wraps his jacket around himself tighter against the cold.
The playground is dead, just as he assumed it would be, the children home and getting ready for night time routines.
He’s glad.
They used to come here and swing on the swings when Natasha needed to get away from herself. The rocking motion seemingly soothing.
Clint finds her exactly where he expects to.
The swing next to her inviting for him as he sits down and says nothing.
They stay in stasis, swinging slowly.
“Her name was Georgia.”
Natasha rests her head on the swing lengths, and swallows.
She wants to tell him about her, but the grief is too much. A tear slips out, and she hastily wipes it away.
“Cruelty to yourself is easy, Clint,” she says tiredly.
Clint looks at her, really looks and notices the slip of blood in her hand, clutching the small pairing knife.
“I’m not special for choosing it,” the words said in a whisper.
She hands him the knife, unwrapping her hand from around it.
“It’s harder to be kind.”
He pauses, the knife gone as soon as he touches it.
“I’ve heard you say it before.”
He didn’t feel how dangerous losing a widow might be for her. Certainly didn’t expect the knife.
He wants to know how safe she is, how she won’t be the dead girl, overdosed.
“Is it a reminder?”
She looks at him, shrugs, nods.
“Cruelty is easy,” she whispers.
Natasha pauses at the statement, aware she’s just repeating herself, the words though; they seem important.
The mission they went on, replaying in her mind, with Georgia smiling in the car.
“Georgia was a friend,” she looks to Clint. “One of a select few, and her passing feels personal.”
“She was a widow?”
Clint knows but asks anyway.
Natasha starts swinging, slow movements, dragging her feet on the ground.
“Was she…”
Clint doesn’t really know what he’s asking.
She finishes the thought anyway.
“Yes. No. Are any of us ever free of that place?”
Clint doesn’t know how to answer.
Natasha pauses.
“She wasn’t kind to herself.”
“She felt the need to be cruel.”
Clint starts swinging too, feeling the heaviness of the night pressing down. He wonders just how much and how close Natasha was to this girl when they were young.
“To herself?” he wonders.
She’s hastily wipes at her face again.
“But you aren’t.”
He says it as a statement and hopes that it’s true.
“Sometimes I am.”
Natasha pauses. Thinks.
“I beat myself up with my thoughts. But I’m better at recognising it. Stopping it when it comes.”
The introspection is not lost on Clint. It’s taken years for them both to realize when their thinking patterns have not been… optimal.
“She was not.”
He cringes at the past tense, the death fresh.
She drags her feet.
“She was not.”
Clint’s not really sure what to say. He wants to hug her but knows it’s not appropriate.
“I’m sorry she let you down,” he opts for, pushing back and forward on his toes.
Natasha shrugs, slowing her movements.
“She didn’t let me down, her actions have nothing to do with me.”
There’s a pause, as Clint is at a loss for words, not used to Natasha’s nonchalance at the death of her friend, or wonders if she’s just masking her grief.
“It’s a reminder,” she continues.
“I choose to be kind.”
She says it with a strength, even as her voice wobbles.
“Cruelty is easy, to others, to yourself.”
Clint nods, pushes off a little more heavily.
“Yeah. It is,” he agrees.
He slows with his feet and then repeats the process.
“You are kind, Natasha,” he tells her.
But it’s met with silence as night covers them in darkness.
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khaleesiofalicante · 9 days
random question (but i think you're bery smart and i would love your advice /opinion about this):
a lot of my friends are getting married and i am struggling a lot because i tried to wear dresses and i don't feel comfortable with them.
i think that it could help if i found the dresses interesting or fascinating. My ex is from Kolkata and she always shares with me all those beautiful saree and I ADORE THEM.
So an idea struck me: what if I wore a saree? I love them and I would feel safe because they remind me of my ex whom i still love and adore to this day.
But...would it be right to do that? I feel like I would be disrespectful since I don't really know the traditions or the culture that well.
What do you think?
I can't speak for all south asians, but I don't think it's offensive at all.
For eg, I think it would be offensive if I, as a non-muslim, wore an abaya, because it's not a costume you can try on. But I did cover my head with a shawl when I went to the mosques in Pakistan. So, it's about knowing what is respectful and what is not.
There are certain clothes, accessories, and jewelry in our culture that are not okay for other people to wear because they have religious significance. But I don't think it's the same for a saree.
In Sri Lanka, we love it when other people (including those from different ethnicities) wear our cultural clothes.
There are different ways to wear sarees depending on your ethnicity.
For eg, how a tamil person wears it (traditionally):
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This is how a sinhalese person wears it traditionally
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you can see the difference near the waist, blouse, and pleats.
what we (and any culture) would consider offensive is when other cultures take ownership of your own and try to erase it. For eg, there was a whole thing on tiktok/insta recently where some white women were discovering desi dupattas (shawls) and calling them 'bohemian chic/scandinavian scarves) - which pissed people off (rightfully so).
I think it's totally fine for you to wear a saree as long you call it what it is :)
I hope you find some beautiful sarees to wear for the wedding. There are so many different styles and fabrics and designs. I'm sure you will find something that makes you feel comfortable <3
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culturecalypsosblog · 2 years
Ma Kali & Kali Mantra: Meaning, Significance, and Benefits 🪷🪬🧿
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Goddess Kali is the divine protector of the earth who is also known as Kalika in Hinduism. But due to the goddess' destructive power, Kali is also known as the Dark Mother. As per mythology, the word Kali comes from the Sanskrit word Kala, which means time. Goddess Kali, therefore, represents time, change, power, creation, preservation and destruction. The word Kali also means “the black one”, the feminine noun of the Sanskrit adjective Kala. As per spiritual texts, Goddess Kali is considered a fierce form of Durga/Parvati and the consort of Lord Shiva. Besides being a destructor of bad powers of the universe, Kali ma is also a great giver to those who do good deeds and worship her with utmost devotion. Hence pleasing Kali ma allows the native a lot of compassion and blessings.
As per mythology, Kali maa is the first of the 10 Mahavidyas or manifestations of the Great Goddess. She is usually portrayed in a form where she dances or stands on her consort God Shiva, who lies calm and prostrated beneath her. Kali Maa is worshipped throughout the country but majorly in the seas of Bengal, Assam, Kashmir, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala and Tamil Nadu, along with Nepal and Sri Lanka.
Over the centuries, the Goddess Kali has taken many forms to protect the Dharma and religion and destroy the one who commits sins. Astrologers say that Maa Kalika is the most awakened goddess in Hinduism and has walked the earth in four forms – Dakshina Kali, Shamshan Kali, Mother Kali and Mahakali. All these forms have served different purposes, right from Raksha Slaughter to the healing of the earth and its natives.
Kali Mantra
Story behind the destructive form of Maa Kali
There was a notorious asura named Daruk who had pleased Brahma and thus was rewarded a boon. The boon allowed the asura to cause grief to the Gods and Brahmins. If this wasn't enough, Daruk also started setting his kingdom in heaven. Seeing this, all the Gods reached out to Brahma and Vishnu, where they were told only a lady can kill the evil Daruk.
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Hearing this, all the Devtas donned a female form and went to fight Daaruk, only to get defeated by him. Post the failure, the Gods reached the Kailash mountain to share the ordeal with Lord Shiva. After listening to the Gods, Lord Shiva looked at Maa Parvati and said, "hey Kalyani I pray to destroy the evil Daruk and save the world." Listening to this, a part of Mother Parvati entered Lord Shiva.
That part of Bhagwati Mata entered the body of Lord Shiva and due to the poison in the throat of Shiva, Bhagwati Mata turned into a black Goddess. Lord Shiva felt that part inside of him and opened his third eye and appeared as Goddess Kali in a fierce form.
Just like Shiva, Maa Kali had a third eye and a lunar line. The throat had a sign of Karla poison, and she carries a trident. Seeing the fierce form of Mother Kali, Gods and Siddhas started fleeing. With the mere hum of Maa Kali, all the Asura army including Daruk was burnt to ashes. Yet, the fierceness of Kali wasn't over. The mother’s anger began to burn the whole world. To save the world from the wrath, Shiva took the form of a child and appeared in front of Kali.
When mother Kali saw that child Shirupi, she became fascinated by that form. She embraced Shiva and started feeding him with her breasts. Soon, Maa Kali became unconscious due to Shivji drinking the wrath of mother Kali. In order to bring the Goddess into consciousness, Shivji performed Shiva Tandava. When mother Kali came back to her senses, she saw Shiva dancing and joined him, due to which she was also called Yogini.
The two forms of Goddess Kali
In Hinduism, Goddess Kali is mainly portrayed and worshipped in two forms. The first is the four-armed form, and the second is the 10-armed form, which is also known as Mahakali. Both these forms have different meanings attached to them.
Four-armed form
The Indian art portrays the four-armed Kali in black or blue colour. The eyes of Kali are red in colour which depicts rage. Her hair is shown dishevelled, small fangs sometimes protrude out of her mouth and her tongue is lolling. The Goddess wears a skirt made of human arms and a garland which is made of human heads. The four-arm form of kali stands on the calm and prostate Shiva. All her four hands hold a different thing, mainly a sword, a Trishul (trident), a severed head, and a bowl or skull-cup (kapala) catching the blood of the severed head.
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In her left hands, Kali holds a sword and a human head. Here, the sword signifies divine knowledge, meanwhile the human head signifies the human ego, which must be slain by divine knowledge in order to attain moksha.
The right hands of Maa Kali holds the Abhaya (fearlessness) and Varada (blessing) mudras, which means her devotees will always be saved as she will guide them during and after life.
The Goddess also dons a garland consisting of human heads, variously enumerated at 108 or 51, which is why she is known as the mother of all the mantras in astrology.
The ten-armed form
The ten-armed form of Kali is her Maha Kali form. In her Maha Kali form, she is depicted as shining like a blue stone. Maha Kali has as many as ten faces, ten feet and three eyes for each head. All her ten hands carry various components, each of which represents the power of one of the Devas or Hindu Gods. This power is depicted in the form of the weapons that Maha Kali carries. The implication is that Mahakali is responsible for the powers that these deities possess and the implication is in line with the interpretation that Mahakali is identical to Brahman.
At times, people also tend to worship the “ek mukhi” or one-headed idol of Maha Kali displayed with ten arms, signifying the same concept.
The power tools of Kali are the Kundalini Shakti (the power of spiritual electricity); the Kriya Shakti, the power to creatively affect the universe; and Iccha Shakti, the power of will that personally compels our physical movements and actions, while in the universe it causes the galaxies to rush away from one another into the cosmic night. The chanting of various mantras helps the native have these energies for themselves.
How to chant the Kali mantras
Goddess Kali represents the colour black, and hence darkness appeals to her. This is how you should chant the Kaali Mantras.
Although Kaali Mantra can be chanted in the morning, hours after sunset are more feasible to recite these mantras.
It is best that you chant the Kaali Mantra on a new moon day (Amavasya). Wear the colour Red during the Maa Kali mantra recitation or Puja as Red is the colour that appeases the Goddess.
Also, if you plan to keep an idol or picture of Goddess Kali while reciting the mantra, you must make sure to keep it on a red cloth.
When reciting the Mantras, offer red flowers, fruits and sweets to Maa Kali. Always sit facing the East or North direction when reciting the Kali mantras.
As soon as you begin the recital, you will feel a certain vibration filling your being with strength and confidence.
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Any Kali mantra you pick up, it is advised that you chant the Kaali mantra for 40 days to gain all its benefits.
For better benefits, don't eat non-vegetarian food or avoid eating onion and garlic as well.
Important Kaali Mantra
1. Kali Beej Mantra
Kreem is the Ekakshari beej mantra associated with Goddess Kali. As such, the beej mantra doesn't have a specific meaning, but it represents the vibrations that aid the spiritual and mental state of the mind. Chanting the Kali beej mantra connects the native with the energies of Goddess Kali. These transformational energies help the native in fighting evil forces around and within him. It is said that chanting the Kali beej mantra with utmost devotion grants different things - right from devotional to material - to the native depending upon the quality of his or her mind.
The Kali Beej mantra is:
|| ॐ क्रीं काली ||
Om Krim Kali
Meaning- K stands for full knowledge,
R means she is auspicious,
I mean she bestows booms, and
M means that she gives freedom.
‘Salutation to the Supreme.’
Benefits of chanting the Kali Beej mantra
As per astrologers, the Kali beej mantra chanting protects one from all the evil forces.
Also, chanting the Kali beej mantra with full devotion fulfils all your desires and brings positivity to the environment you reside.
The mantra is also recited to uplift the confidence of the native.
Best time to recite the Kali beej mantra After sunset
Number of times to chant this mantra 108 daily for 40 days
Who can recite the Kali beej mantra? Anyone
Chant this mantra facing East or North direction
2. Kali Mantra
Although Goddess Kali looks frightening, she always tends to listen to her devotees' prayers as she is very fond of them. The prayers are better communicated to the Goddess if the devotee chants the Kali Mantra when praying to Goddess Kali. The Kali mantra mentioned below is said to heal the native of his worries and brings him closer to God. The Kali mantra is simple and transforms the devotee to Pure consciousness to help him make better decisions in life.
The Kali Mantra is:
|| ॐ क्रीं कालिकायै नमः ||
Om Kring Kalikaye Namah
Meaning- This mantra is a sound representation of the Mother.
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Benefits of chanting the Kali mantra
As mentioned above, the Kali mantra helps in transforming the devotee into pure consciousness, meaning the chanting helps in making his mind clutter-free.
The chanting of this Kali mantra rewards the native with utmost wisdom and knowledge.
The mantra relives one of all sorts of emotional pain. If you are having a hard time controlling your emotions, this mantra is very useful for you.
The mantra is said to bring the native unmatched courage.
Best time to recite the Kali mantra After sunset
Number of times to chant this mantra 108 daily for 40 days
Who can recite the Kali mantra? Anyone
Chant this mantra facing East or North direction
3. Maha Kali mantra
The Maha Kali mantra is not used much due to its purgative nature. However, the one who properly knows how to use the mantra can benefit from the unmatched courage and strength the mantra recitation promises to deliver. Maha Kali is the great divine form of Maa Kali and bestows the natives with the power to accept things around him and change accordingly. If you chant this mantra on a regular basis, you will end up feeling a thrust of positive vibrations around you, which will prompt you to make things happen for you.
The Maha Kali mantra is:
|| ॐ श्री महा कलिकायै नमः ||
Om Sri Maha Kalikayai Namah
Meaning - I bow my head to the Divine dark goddess Mother, Kali or I salute the Divine Mother, Kali.
Benefits of chanting the Maha Kali mantra
One must appease the Divine Mother by chanting this mantra in her honour in order to obtain her grace.
The Maha Kali mantra acts like a shield that saves anyone against the tough times ahead of him.
Reciting the Maha Kali mantra brings stability to the life, and helps the native better decide what is right and what is wrong for him.
Best time to recite the Maha Kali mantra After sunset
Number of times to chant this mantra 108 daily for 40 days
Who can recite the Maha Kali mantra? Anyone
Chant this mantra facing East or North direction
4. Kalika-Yei Mantra
Some problems in our life are just way too complex. The complexity is such that they keep us on our toes, barring us from enjoying and living life as it is meant to be. The Kalika-Yei mantra is for such problems. The mantra is especially useful for students and working professionals who constantly are under the stress of life, finding it hard to manage their personal and professional goals. The mantra also aids problems, doesn't matter how big.
The Kalika-Yei Mantra is:
|| ॐ कलिं कालिका-य़ेइ नमः ||
Om Klim Kalika-Yei Namaha
Meaning - Hail to the Goddess Kali, bless us with a conscious and insightful mind. Make us intelligent and wise.
Benefits of chanting the Kalika-Yei mantra
As mentioned above, the Kalika-Yei mantra is believed to bring relief from all kinds of problems, no matter how complex it is.
The mantra chanting is really useful for students and working professionals and helps them do better in life.
The mantra is protective of your life. It saves you from the danger of bad eye/buri nazar and hence keeps your progress intact.
Best time to recite the Kalika-Yei mantra After sunset
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Number of times to chant this mantra 108 daily for 40 days
Who can recite the Kalika-Yei mantra? Anyone
Chant this mantra facing East or North direction
5. Kali Gayatri Mantra
The Kali Gayatri mantra is one of the most useful mantras if you seek quick success in life. For the natives struggling at growing in their careers, the Kali Gayatri mantra comes to the rescue as its vibrations fill the native with positive energies. The mantra provides success, well-being and happiness to the native.
The Kali Gayatri mantra is:
|| ॐ महा काल्यै
छ विद्महे स्मसन वासिन्यै
छ धीमहि तन्नो काली प्रचोदयात ||
Om Maha Kalyai
Cha Vidmahe Smasana Vasinyai
Cha Dhimahi Tanno Kali Prachodayat
Meaning - Om Great Goddess Kali, the One and only one, who resides in the Ocean of Life and in the Cremation Grounds that dissolve the world. We focus our energies on you, may you grant us boons and blessings.
Benefits of chanting the Kali Gayatri mantra
As the native chants the kali Gayatri mantra, his mind becomes divinely transformed and passes from the gross state of worldly affairs into Kali’s subtle light of pure consciousness.
The Kali Gayatri mantra helps the native in accomplishing tasks successfully.
The mantra recitation is said to free the native from all fears of life to help him take the needed step.
Best time to recite the Kali Gayatri mantra After sunset
Number of times to chant this mantra 9 times daily for 40 days
Who can recite the Kali Gayatri mantra? Anyone
Chant this mantra facing East or North direction
6. Dakshina Kali Dhyan Mantra
Dhyan is a state of mind which helps you connect with the divine in numerous ways. Also called the Karpuradi Stotra, the regular chanting of the Dhyan mantra aids the native to connect with the energies of Maa Kali, which are fearfulness, courage, boldness, valour and more. However, to have the best of this mantra, the native needs to chant the Dakshina Kali Dhyan mantra regularly and with the correct pronunciation.
The Dakshina Kali Dhyan mantra is:
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|| ॐ ह्रीं ह्रीं ह्रुं ह्रुं क्रीं क्रीं क्रीं दक्षिणकालिके क्रीं क्रीं क्रीं ह्रुं ह्रुं ह्रीं ह्रीं ||
Om Hreem Hreem Hrum Hrum Kreem Kreem Kreem Dakshina Kalike Kreem Kreem Kreem Hrum Hrum Hreem Hreem
Meaning - Salutations to the Goddess who is the preserver of earth and saves the universe from all kinds of troubles.
Benefits of chanting Dakshina Kali Dhyan mantra
Recitation of this mantra releases you from the binding web of adult pretence.
Dakshina Kali Dhyan mantra energises you with positive energy so that you can achieve your goal no matter how tough.
The chanting of the Dakshina Kali Dhyan mantra brings peace, happiness, and satisfaction to the native.
Best time to recite the Dakshina Kali Dhyan mantra After sunset
Number of times to chant this mantra 9 times daily for 40 days
Who can recite the Dakshina Kali Dhyan mantra? Anyone
Chant this mantra facing East or North direction
7. Kali Chants
Apart from Kali mantras, there are also some Kali Chants a native can chant to seek the blessing of Goddess Kali.
The Dakshina Kali Dhyan mantra is:
ॐ काली, काली! ॐ काली, काली!
नमोस्तुते, नमोस्तुते, नमो!
नमोस्तुते, नमोस्तुते, नमो ||
Om Kali, Kali! Om Kali, Kali
Namostute, namostute, namo
Namostute, namostute, namo
आनंद मां आनंद मां कलि
आनंद मां आनंद मां कलि
आनंद मां आनंद मां कलि
ॐ काली माँ ||
Ananda Maa Ananda Maa Kali
Ananda Maa Ananda Maa Kali
Ananda Maa Ananda Maa Kali
Om Kali Maa
Overall benefits of Chanting the Kali mantras
The Kali mantras are one of the most powerful mantras in astrology and thus hold the capability to protect you from the hexes.
The Kali mantra chanting resonates with vibrations that calm you down and help you in attaining peace.
Reciting the Kali mantra awakens the inner consciousness of the person, and thus brings stability to his or her life.
Chanting the Kali mantra helps you maintain cordial and harmonious relations with your family and loved ones.
If you chant the Kali mantra regularly and with full devotion, the Goddess shall bring an end to all your sufferings.
Chanting the mantra on a regular basis safeguards the native from the disasters that may bestow upon his health, wealth and happiness.
The regular chanting of the Kali mantra gives you strength thereby making you more powerful than the problems you face.
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The chanting of the Maa Kali mantra helps in making your life more radiant. You shall feel the positive vibes if you chant these mantras on a regular basis.
The mantras aid the native's financial position and help in removing all debts.
In terms of love life too, reciting the Kali mantra can help in resolving issues surrounding your love life and can help you in achieving success all the way.
It provides success, happiness, progress, and well-being.
The chanting of the mantra, and the vibrations that release from it, help in uplifting your health.
The Kali mantras ward away the bad eye and any evil that attempts to stop your growth in life.
The Mantras help you to find a good match for matrimonial purposes. Chanting of Kali Mantra ensures any delay in marriage is resolved.
The chanting of Goddess Kali Mantra brings stability to life. You can decide what is good for your life. You always end up with good decisions.
I hope you enjoyed this blog more to follow shortly,
Culture Calypso’s Blog 🪷🪬🧿
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I drove 30 minutes each way today to go and see Ponniyin Selvan 2 at the theater closest to me that was still showing it. So this is the sequel to a movie that I didn’t even know about until last Saturday but I’m now OBSESSED (so if you’re a fan and I just friended you that’s why!)
The long drive was soooo worth it though I’m a little ticked off that the manager of the theater was so late to open things up that we missed the first ten minutes of the film (but I know I’ll watch both films again when Amazon gets PS2 in late June so no violence was done ;))
Short version: well worth seeing in the theater and I’m really glad I got the chance. I loved the movie, and couldn’t believe how fast it moved for an-almost 3 hour film. The characters and plot were as engrossing as in the first film and I’m glad I was mostly unspoiled except by history (spoilers below) because there were moments of intense suspense. I’m sad that it’s not a trilogy because I really wanted to spend even MORE TIME in this world with these people.
Longer version (with SPOILERS):
1. I knew Aditha Karikalan would die at some point because he never became a Chola king. And it was probably for the best that he didn’t rule the Cholas lands because I think he would not have made a good king, being so ruled by his passions. At least a few courses in anger management would have helped probably. But … Vikram was really stunning in the role of a man who loathes himself for what he’s become and is dying of guilt and shame long before he actually dies. Just ... I need to watch both movies again and see how his character develops from the flashbacks to the bitter husk of a man he is.
I still can’t figure out one thing, which is why he agreed to basically give up the kingdom for Madhurantakan without taking account the interests of his brother Arunmozhi Varman, whom he very demonstrably cared for deeply. (He was destroyed by the thought that his younger brother had drowned, and the only time we've seen present Aditya happy what when Nambi told him that Arunmozhi was alive.) Was it just because he already knew he was either going to convince Nandini to run away with him or more likely let her kill him and other people would be sorting out that mess anyway? Another reason that he wouldn’t have made a good king - running off with another dude's wife - but which made him such a fascinating and complex character and I keep thinking about how both Nandini and Aditha were destroyed by his family's actions. *sob* (Although, Arunmozhi also gave up a crown twice - the one the monks offered him in Sri Lanka and the one his father gave him at the end - so maybe giving up kingdoms just runs in the family. I'm #TeamQueenKundavai TBQH :P)
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2. That brings me to Nandini. I felt like she really did love Aditha Karikalan but she also did love power and being a Queen (because of the theater malfunction I only got to see the very end of the flashbacks of young Aditha and young Nandini at the beginning of the movie so I may have a clearer understanding that this is not what she's about once I see that.) Aditha says "lies!" when she says she wants power, and riches, and a throne, but I think it's not *entirely* lies? She was powerless when the Cholas deported her, and powerless to stop Aditha from killing the man she thought of as a father (who actually WAS her father), so I can certainly understand why part of her longed for the power to protect herself from heartbreak and destitution and why that part of her was willing to use her beauty to manipulate men (like Parthibendran, more on him later.) Her vengeance and hatred hollowed out her character just as much as guilt and anger did to Aditha, but she doesn't murder Vanthiyadevan (OMG HOW DO YOU SPELL THAT?) when she has the chance even though she knows he's going to do everything to spoil her plans. So there's still something in her that isn't completely spoiled, and I ended up just feeling incredibly awful for her (and even more awful for her mother!)
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She is so damn beautiful! (One slight thing that I WISH they had done was give the young woman who played young Nandini (wonderfully) some hazel contact lenses so I'd wouldn't mentally have to color her eyes :P)
3. Next we come to Vandiyadevan, who was just ... perfect? I loved him. He was like an ancient Tamil D'Artagnan (and that would make Aditha Karikalan Athos and Nandini Milady, I guess? And Nambi is Porthos and Kundavai is Aramis, the clever one.) Anyway, he was great, smart, quick-thinking, a great warrior, but also not at all dumb. I really liked him and enjoyed all of his scenes. And I found out from history that the historical character did get to marry Kundavai so YAY! He was just a nice bright spirit without a ton of angst.
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4. And now we come to the titular character, Ponniyin Selvan (Ponni's son) himself, Arunmozhi Varman, who eventually becomes Rajaraja Chola. I had never even heard of Jayam Ravi (sorry, this is I think the first Tamil movie I've watched since I was a kid) but he was ABSOLUTELY PERFECT as the young "King of Kings." I think this might have been the most difficult role in the film to pull off, simply because Rajaraja Cholas is so famous and so beloved STILL, a thousand years after his death. It's very rare that I would love the unequivocally good guys in a historical epic or fantasy movie/series but there is something about this character played by this actor that is just extremely charismatic. To start with, he's tall and handsome so that helps. But there's another quality that no one else in this film has, which that he radiates inner calm.
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It's not that he doesn't have strong emotions that he shows on his face, because yes absolutely he does, and it's not that he doesn't have much do action-wise because he does, especially in P-S2.
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But in the midst of this frenetic action and these tortured characters, Arulmozhi Varman has this quality of stillness at his core. No wonder the Buddhist monks like him so much that that they will put themselves between him and assassins' daggers. (Also did I mention the tall and handsome part?)
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Plus, he has that classic "worthy to be a king" thing going because he does not want the throne and that's what makes him worthy. First of all, he refuses the throne of Lanka when he's offered it by the Buddhist monks there, and then, after he's won the battle and broken the rebellion and secured the safety of his family's kingdom, he gives up THAT crown too. WE - the audience - know that Uttama Chola will ultimately die (I think peacefully?) and Arulmozhi will become Rajaraja Chola but HE doesn't know that, and none of the other people, his friends and family, know that either. Like, I'm kind of in awe of the actual historical figure too. The character could have died so many times in these two films, and the historical person, who was a warrior king, could also have died long before he took the throne, so he was FOR REAL making a huge sacrifice. And I think he did it so there would be no divisions that the Cholas' enemies could take advantage of, as there had been for Nandini and the Pandyas to exploit when Maduranthakan decided that yes, he did want to be king and that it wasn’t fair that his brother’s oldest son would be king instead of him. No one living at the end of the film knows that Aditha essentially killed himself, but everyone knows that the plotters were using Maduranthakan as a puppet. (The crown was kind of funny looking so I'm actually glad my boo didn't put it on at the end :P) (Also more on Maduranthakan later.)
Also, how cool is it that in the battle at the end, Arunmozhi comes riding out of the smoke while the Chola anthem plays, just as his brother did in the first scene of the first movie. I love that parallel (and the differences are important too, because Aditha was engaging in a conquest of a neighboring kingdom and Arunmozhi is defending the Chola kingdom.)
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Anyway, Ponniyan Selvan lived to become the great Rajaraja Chola, whose reign saw one of the highest points of Indian art (the extraordinary Chola bronzes) and the construction of the great South Indian temple of Brihadeswara in Thanjavur.
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The carvings are amazing (look closely at this elephant which is doing something that happens in PS2 :D)
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OK, moving on ... though I don't want to ...
5. Kundavai, the third royal sibling, who I also love to BITS. She didn't have as much to do in this film, I thought, and maybe it's because there was more focus on Nandini in this one, but she remained smart and sensible and I love the face-off with her uncle when he brings the Shiva-yogis to make his mother (Kundavai's grandmother) apologize for not putting him on the throne. Kundavai forces him and his rather intimidating crowd of followers to back off with a lot of hard stares (Paddington would be so proud.) And then she has the lovely little scene with Vandiyadevan (I'm still so sorry I don't know how to make this work) and and another gorgeous scene with her brothers at the Buddhist monastery (which, I love the scene but I hate that it’s the ONLY one). I love her, and I think she should have become the queen and my only consolation is that IRL she got to basically shape two great kings of the Chola dynasty, Rajaraja AND his son Rajendra. (And Rajaraja named his daughter after her so he obviously appreciated her a LOT.) Anyway, I love her and would love a series about her (IF ANYONE IS LISTENING.)
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Awww! I just want to draw little hearts and flowers around this GIF. I wish we got more of them being adorable and hot together.
6. Everyone else (sorry this is getting super long), including some questions I have.
a. Vanathi: I know I saw some scenes of her and Arulmozhi in one of the song videos hat got cut in the actual film and I just would have liked to know more of her relationship with Kundavai and with Kundavai's brother. They were lovely together, but it just felt like there was a lot of missing stuff. I liked what I saw of her especially the adorable dance in PS1. And she was also related to ... someone? Because she called him "mama" (uncle?) and he seemed to be the commander of Aditha's forces, but then there was another dude at Kadambur who was a relative of the Cholas and the treasurer guy who was married to Nandini but they were not the same person and I thought one of them was Vanathi's uncle. NEEDS MORE BACKSTORY.
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b. Poonguzhali (AGAIN I AM SURE I SPELLED THIS WRONG): I REALLY need more backstory on this. When did she meet Ponniyan Selvan? Why did he call her Samudra Kumari? Why did she risk her life for him (I mean, besides being in love with him which checks out because everyone else is :P) and what was the deal with her and the flower man at the temple? I just feel like a lot of stuff was missing that would have helped me understand better what was happening. (Also she was an amazing sailor to have gotten through that storm.)
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c. Parthibendran Pallava and his lightning-fast enmity to Vandiyadevan and then his baseless accusation that Arunmozhi Varman had sent Vandiyadevan to murder Aditha Karikalan. I mean, did he even meet either of them? Why did he think Arunmozhi wanted his brother dead? Was it all just from meeting Nandini THAT ONE TIME because bro, you need a slap if that's the case?
d. Madhurantakan - I was screaming at him (in my head) to realize that there would be no coup without bloodshed, GOD OF COURSE SOME OR ALL OF HIS BROTHER'S KIDS AND HIS BROTHER WOULD DIE. And the other kings wanted a puppet on the throne, not a warrior like Aditha or someone as popular as Arunmozhi (also a brave warrior). But finally Madhurantakan learned his lesson before he fully betrayed his kingdom and family and people. However, the bit about how he was administrating the kingdom for 25 years dropped in at the end was a bit sudden and I would have liked to know Arunmozhi’s thought process, even if it was just “hey I just want to go have adventures with Vandiyadevan because it’s super fun.” I would have also liked some evidence of said administration because they kept playing up his devotion to Shiva and not much else (though he clearly had the Shaivite warrior-mendicant vote SOWN UP! But I'm also confused because some - but not all - of those dudes appeared to be Secret Pandya Assassins, like the lady who attacked the Buddhist monastery and forced Arunmozhi to come out and show himself to the people and by people I mean assassins.) So I don't know ... Anyway, glad Madhurantakan came to his senses and did not side with the other kings against his family. While his reward for only being partially a traitor seemed disproportionate, on the other hand, I thought Arulmozhi was also smart to say that his sword and Vandiyadevan's would be backing up Uncle M so no one got any ideas and probably Kundavai would also be advising Uncle M about good administration. :D (It was kind of funny that Arulmozhi had to get the crowd to cheer for his uncle because they were all like *do not want**we want YOU, young victorious prince* but it’s a sign of his charisma that he got them to accept his uncle as king.)
e. The Pandya assassins were a bit reminiscent of Wile E. Coyote tbqh. All their plans kept not working out in spectacular ways. Is there some reason why no one tipped an arrow with poison or put poison in a cup of wine for Aditha who liked his wine or put poison on their swords so even if they nicked Arunmozhi they'd end up killing them? Do you sense a theme here? Was there some reason why the revenge had to involve actual beheading or it didn't count? Honestly, without Nandini they would have failed even more spectacularly. Also, after Nandini killed herself, what happened to the little Pandya boy king - Nandini's half-brother who swore vengeance? (FYI, I read somewhere - wish I could remember where - that Rajaraja Chola hunted down the assassins of his brother even as far as Indonesia.)
f. I was a little confused by all the uncles and grandparents and so on, like the white-haired general was the grandfather of the three Chola siblings, I assume their mother's father?
g. I would have liked some of the storylines more fleshed out (especially Mandakini's because that was very sudden and if she came and gave birth to Nandini in the Chola lands, how did Sundara Chola not know about this and I guess she spent time hanging out so she could save Arunmozhi when he fell in the water at home and abroad? Why did she care for him so much? Because he was like his father? That seems pretty generous. Anyway ...) If there is a director's cut that is five hours long for each film, PLEASE BRING IT ON. I would love to see it.
In conclusion - I LOVED both movies. This feels like a very special and great achievement, and I hope its success leads to more really good directors delving into South Indian history, like that of the Vijaynagara Empire (which is the subject of Salman Rushdie's latest novel which I haven't read yet.)
ETA: THE MUSIC. I loved it. I've been listening to some of it on a constant loop.
I'm now off to read the books and explore the filmography of Vikram, Trisha, Karthi and Jayam Ravi (if there are any films that are really awesome or really awful please let me know in the comments.) I have been meaning to get into South Indian cinema more and this was a great starting point.
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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I discovered tourmaline in Bangkok about 10 years ago, it used to be fairly cheap and funky, amazing colours attracting passers by in Silom. It is indeed an astonishing creation of nature.
"Tourmaline is a fascinating gemstone that is known for its wide range of colours and unique properties. It is a crystalline mineral composed of complex borosilicate compounds and belongs to the cyclosilicate mineral group. Tourmaline is cherished for its beauty and versatility.
One of the most remarkable aspects of tourmaline is its incredible colour range. It can be found in almost every color of the rainbow, including green, blue, red, pink, yellow, brown, black, and even colorless varieties. Some tourmalines even exhibit multiple colors within a single crystal, referred to as “bi-color” or “watermelon” tourmalines. This extensive color palette makes tourmaline a popular choice among gem enthusiasts and jewelry designers.
Tourmaline derives its name from the Sinhalese word “turmali,” which means “mixed colors.” This name aptly reflects the gem’s diverse range of hues. The gemstone has been known to various cultures for centuries, but it gained popularity in Europe during the 18th century when it was imported from Sri Lanka.
Apart from its captivating colors, tourmaline exhibits interesting optical properties. Many tourmaline crystals have a property called pleochroism, meaning they can display different colors when viewed from different angles. This optical phenomenon adds to the gemstone’s allure and makes each piece unique.
Read further here - lots more information about properties, places of origin, names etc https://geologyscience.com/minerals/tourmaline/...
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jessread-s · 7 months
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Thanks to @fiercereadsya for providing me with an e-ARC in exchange for an honest review
Faizal’s latest page-turner is the perfect blend of vampires, heists, and tea with a hint of romance!
“A Tempest of Tea” follows Arthie Casimir, a criminal mastermind who runs a tearoom by day and a bloodhouse that caters to the local vampires by night. When her establishment is threatened, she’s forced strike a deal with an unlikely adversary in order to save it.
Admittedly, the slow pacing at the start threw me off, but once Faizal set the scene, the action and suspense surrounding Arthie and her crew of misfits infiltrating the vampire underworld captivated me. Faizal’s writing is immersive and she cleverly conceals all that Arthie has up her sleeves until the very last second, which allows for many jaw-dropping moments.
I was most drawn to reading from Arthie’s pov. As the mastermind of the operation, it was fascinating to see her scheme and navigate through the tangled web of heists spanning across the books. I also appreciate how her character represents the anger and pain that stems from colonialism. Before dominating the streets of White Roaring, Arthie lived in a country much like Sri Lanka that was invaded by Ettenia (a fantastical version of 1920s England). Many of the choices that she makes are intentional in exposing the dangers and repercussions of conquest.
It was also exciting to read from the povs of two members of Arthie’s crew! Their perspectives offer insight into each person’s role in the heist and their motivations for being involved.
Cross-posted to: Instagram | Amazon | Goodreads | StoryGraph
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thewoodbinewitch · 10 months
I'm thinkin bout old people again, and how working in an assisted living/ dementia home opened my eyes to so much going on in aging. How their disabilities aren't being met in a place meant to meet disabilities. How the workers are overworked so they're napping behind the desk rather than spending time with their residents. How their drive to do fulfilling things persists despite the system treating them uniformly. How one activity person is definitely not enough.
The deaf woman didn't have tv captions or an aide she just sat and colored and was communicated to via whiteboard. She was a musician who raised a large family of musicians. When we made cupcakes she had an expert hand since she raised her seven brothers and sisters in addition to her seven kids. She used to sneak out to dance with boys when she was young.
The 80 year old lady from Sri Lanka didn't think she was going to live this long. She wanted to go home to die. She felt trapped in this prison and would act out to get visits from her family. She loved playing word games and Bingo and always helped clean up after each activity. She walked around like a teacher, hands behind her back, observing the people. She liked to take her food, which she hated to eat, and try to feed the squirrels. Her favorite song was que sera sera. There's nothing like a room of people with dementia all singing que sera sera.
The British ballet teacher always wanted to go out and was best friends with the deaf lady. The Vietnamese pharmacist insisted on wearing every hat she could find and had a gallery wall of her own art. The residential school survivor loved to kiss her puppy toy and would have him sit in other people's laps when they were sad. The 100 year old Black woman would tell me about her church and tell me the ladies who dressed her every morning needed Jesus. The divorcee who loved puffins would pray with me to end the suffering of her family who obviously were suffering which is why they never visited.
The disabled-all-her-life clown was so proud of her husband's awards at Disney and gave me insider performance secrets. She always wished me luck on theatre. So did the veteran lighting designer who did the lights for all the exhibits at the local science and industry museum for 40 years. He's mentioned in my design textbook.
These are people I knew. Some of them I saw die. And it makes you think about how we will one day, chance willing, grow old, become disabled, and die. We gotta be prepared for it because the system itself sucks. Half these quirks were things to be solved because there's only so much chaos a facility can handle and because the system penalizes "problem" behavior
TLDR old people are important to get to know because they're fascinating and wonderful and also terrifying because one day that will be you and you've got to prepare for it
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Explore Sri Lanka In just 12 Days
In just 12 days, set off on an incredible tour through the rich cultural legacy and varied landscapes of Sri Lanka. This itinerary has everything, from the lively fishing village of Negombo to the recognizable Sigiriya Rock Fortress, and from the tranquil Giritale to the fascinating Dambulla Caves. Explore Nuwara Eliya's lush woods and bird-watching paths, trek the picturesque Manigala Trail and Knuckles Mountain, and take in the unspoiled splendor of Ritigala Sanctuary. Discover the holy Adam's Peak, stroll through quaint towns, and see the Galle Fort and Lighthouse. Don't pass up this short journey that perfectly encapsulates Sri Lanka!
Visit HI DMC Sri Lanka to know more about Sri Lanka toursim.
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raspberrysmoon · 3 months
GRGRHRGRG INDIA!!!! i .am a geography nerd so i find india actually kind of fascinating geography-wise because its a SUBCONTINENT! snd sri lanka too. but its the indian subcontinent and i think thats so neat
i knwo for a fact it has like. four major languages and then a million smaller languages? theyre all sort of similar and can be sort of cross-translated but not very well and i think theres one thats really separate. dont quote me on that. is one of them hindu. or. another ends with u. uhm fuck i used to know these
the flag..... is? warm toned? red or orange? what the fuck does the flag of india look like. is. no i stand by my warm tone guess but otherwise i dont know :( <- back a few minutes later it has a symbol i think. what is that symbol? no idea. but i know its there
its also a pretty warm country if i remember correctly. cuz its like equator adjacent. warm or hot tropical climate i think
ok more geography bcs thats what im really good at. asian country, connected directly to sri lanka(?) and possibly bhutan? and two others but i cant remember exactly what they are. near the equator, on level with the vietnam/cambodia/laos peninsula as well as the saudi arabia peninsula. below afganistan and that little group of countries. might actually be connected to afgnaistan. i havent quizzed on asia in a few months so my map is fuzzy
every movie ever is lying about what 99% of it looks like i think
thats all i got 😭 ill fact check in a rb
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yellowsapphirestone · 10 months
Facts Of Yellow Sapphire Gemstone
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Yellow sapphire, also known as Pukhraj, is a radiant gemstone that has captivated human fascination for centuries. It belongs to the corundum family and is renowned for its mesmerizing yellow hues. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the facts, care tips, and effects of yellow sapphire.
Facts of Yellow Sapphire:
1. Composition and color: Yellow sapphire (Pukhraj gemstone) is a variety of corundum, the same mineral that forms rubies. Its vibrant yellow color is attributed to the presence of iron and titanium impurities. The intensity of the yellow can vary, ranging from pale yellow to deep golden hues.
2. Origin: Major deposits of Yellow Sapphire can be found in countries like Sri Lanka, India, Australia, and Thailand the origin of the gemstone can impact its quality and value. The best Yellow Sapphire comes from Sri Lanka.
3.  Astrological Significance: Yellow sapphire holds a special place in Vedic astrology. It is associated with the planet Jupiter, symbolizing wisdom, prosperity, and fortune. Wearing a yellow sapphire is believed to bring financial success and enhance one’s spiritual journey.
4. Durability: Yellow sapphire is very durable having a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale next to the diamond which makes it best suited for everyday wear. This makes it an idle choice for various types of jewelry, including rings, earrings, and pendants.
5. Cut and Clarity: The cut of a yellow sapphire is crucial in bringing out its brilliance and color. Clarity is also essential, and gemstones with fewer inclusions are considered more valuable. Before buying yellow sapphire choose the gemstone with less inclusion and without any flaws like black spots or red spots. More the clarity more the results.
Faceting and shape: The cut of a yellow sapphire refers to how well the gemstone has been shaped and faceted. The goal is to maximize the stone’s brilliance and enhance its natural color. The most common cut for yellow sapphires is the oval cut.
Proportions: The proportions of the gemstone, including the arrangement and size of its facets, impact its ability to reflect and refract light. A well-cut yellow sapphire will display a pleasing balance of brightness and fire.
Inclusions: Clarity in gemstones refers to the presence of internal flaws or inclusions. Inclusions are natural imperfections that can affect the gemstone’s transparency and overall appearance. Inclusions in yellow sapphires can include tiny crystals, gas bubbles, or other minerals.
6. Healing Properties: Yellow sapphire is a gemstone that is not only cherished for its aesthetic beauty but also valued for its believed healing properties in various alternative healing practices.
Stress Relief: Yellow sapphire has calm energies that can help to release stress and anxiety. By wearing this gemstone, it promotes a sense of equality and emotional well-being.
Enhanced Creativity: Yellow sapphire is associated with the planet Jupiter which is linked to creativity and inspiration. Yellow sapphire is believed to stimulate the creative side of individuals, encouraging them to express themselves more freely.
Enhanced Focus and Concentration: The gemstone is said to improve mental clarity and concentration. It is believed to enhance intellectual abilities and support individuals in making informed decisions.
Spiritual Growth: Yellow sapphire is considered a spiritually uplifting stone. It is believed to aid in the development of higher consciousness, connecting the wearer with their spiritual self and promoting spiritual growth.
Protection from Negative Energies: Yellow sapphire is said to act as a protective shield against negative energies. It is believed to create a barrier that prevents negative influences from affecting the wearer.
How to Take Care of Yellow Sapphire
Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Yellow sapphire should be protected from harsh chemicals that can damage its surface. Remove your jewelry before using cleaning agents or engaging in activities that involve exposure to chemicals.
Regular Cleaning: Clean your yellow sapphire jewelry regularly using a soft brush, mild soap, and warm water. This helps remove accumulated dirt and oils, preserving the gemstone’s luster.
Professional Cleaning and Inspection: Periodically, take your yellow sapphire jewelry to a professional jeweler for cleaning and inspection. They can identify and address any issues such as loose settings or scratches.
Effects of Yellow Sapphire
1. Astrological Benefits: Yellow sapphire ( Pukhraj ) holds a significant place in Vedic astrology and is associated with the planet  Jupiter also known as Guru. According to Vedic astrology, the yellow sapphire gemstone is believed to have numerous astrological benefits when worn by individuals as per their birth charts.
Jupiter Blessings: Yellow sapphire is associated with the planet Jupiter. Wearing yellow sapphire attracts the positive energies of Jupiter.
Financial Prosperity: Yellow Sapphire Gemstone brings wealth, prosperity, and financial opportunities to the wearer. It is often recommended for individuals seeking success in business or financial stability.
2. Mental and emotional Effects: 
Wisdom and Clarity: Yellow sapphire enhances wisdom, clarity of thought, and decision-making abilities. It is often recommended for individuals seeking intellectual growth.
Positive Energy: Wearing Yellow Sapphire promotes positive thinking and reduces feelings of anxiety and stress. It brings joy and happiness to the wearer.
3. Spiritual and Religious Growth:
Spiritual Growth: Yellow sapphire is associated with spiritual growth and is often used in meditation practices. It enhances spiritual consciousness and awareness.
Protection: In some cultures, yellow sapphire is considered a protective talisman that guards against negative energies and psychic attacks.
4. Improvement in Relationships:
Marital Bliss: The gemstone is believed to strengthen marital relationships and bring harmony and understanding between couples.
Friendship: Some traditions suggest that wearing yellow sapphire can enhance friendships and social connections.
5. Career and Education:
Success in Education: Yellow sapphire is recommended for students, as it is believed to enhance concentration, focus, and intellectual capabilities.
Career Advancement: It is said to bring opportunities for career growth and success, especially in fields related to teaching, law, and finance.
It’s important to approach these claims with a balanced perspective, and individuals interested in using gemstones for their potential benefits should consult with qualified astrologers or experts.
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eco-lite · 1 year
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Hello and welcome to my unedited notes while reading volume 1 of Jeweler Richard:
“The Pink Sapphire of Justice”
* Nakata Seigi, king amongst unreliable narrators. Your attraction to Richard is very clear, my guy.
* Not Richard falling asleep on the train next to Seigi. You barely know this man! Couldn’t be me, but it really establishes Richard’s feelings about Seigi quite early on. Or he’s just a fucking weirdo. (It’s both.)
* Flowers mentioned by name at the mansion in Kobe—pansies (romantic love and platonic affection), pale pink roses (grace, joy, happiness), cherry tree (unclear if it’s blossoming; renewal, rebirth, new beginnings). Also mentioned—“some blue flowers whose name I didn’t know, red flowers with round petals, and some sort of white double flowers” (38).
* Padparadscha meaning—joy, vital energy, foresight.
* I love all the ways Tsujimura entwines fate/coincidence into the narrative. Seigi just happening to be in the right place at the right time to save Richard from the drunks, Richard just happening to already have connections to the Miyashita family, the padparadscha just happening to be mined in the same town that Richard’s grandmother grew up in. “‘It’s honestly fascinating—a stone mines in Sri Lanka and cut in Europe ultimately lands in faraway Japan. To borrow a turn of phrase from you, perhaps the universe is trying to tell us something’” (48). Simply ineffable. 😉
* Even just the first story establishes Seigi and Richard’s personalities and mannerisms so well, and establishes their relationship dynamic so quickly. This is what character writing should be!
“The Ruby of Truth”
* Hmmm fascinating difference in Seigi’s immediate sparkly cutesy crush on Tanimoto and his reluctant, suppressed attraction to Richard. He talks to Richard and Tanimoto about the same thing, yet Seigi is much more mentally open to the idea of loving Tanimoto. That’s heteronormativity for ya!
* Speaking of heteronormativity, holy shit! I forgot this was the story with the lesbian couple broken up by one of them wanting so desperately to be “normal” that she disappears from her partner’s life and tries to force herself to marry a man. Then tries to kill herself when she can’t bring herself to go through with it. The fucking subtly of the setup is absolutely brilliant. But Mami’s story is so heartbreaking. “‘Do any of your friends live with their same-sex partner? Probably not, right? I’m not even talking about discrimination or harassment but the constant exhaustion of knowing you’re not “normal.” It’s like trying to grow vegetables in the middle of the desert. I always wondered why I had to go through all this hardship that other people didn’t…’” (119). Ouchie.
* “‘…I find a world with a variety of diverse units of measurement much more comfortable, beautiful, and rich for it.’ Mami giggled, like she understood something” (122-123). THE GAYS HAVE FOUND EACH OTHER AND THEY ARE COMMUNICATING.
* “She was a pretty impressive person to be able to ignore that face of his” (123). Sweetie, that’s because she’s not attracted to men, and YOU ARE!
* Richard giving Mami the gemstone ID on the house: mlm/wlw solidarity.
* Seigi is a very good ally for not even having thought about the existence of gay people before. It’s almost like he can relate on some kind of deeper level that not even he can understand… 👀
* Richard is fucking insane for sending Seigi that text, holy shit. Like I certainly understand why he feels that way, but that was so unprofessional. I know it’s painful when somebody you have unrequited feelings for gets your hopes up (not to mention his issues around compliments about his appearance), but damn, keep that shit to yourself!
“The Amethyst of Protection”
* Seigi: “‘If I’m being honest, your face is so beautiful it’s not even human—I wouldn’t compare your beauty to nice weather but rather to diamond dust or an aurora.’” Also Seigi: “I didn’t think I’d really said anything that outlandish…” (150) FUCK OFF! Richard literally had to go punch a pillow after that.
* Wow, this is the power of heteronormativity! Everybody Seigi tells about Richard is like, oh so you’re attracted to your boss. And Seigi is like NO I just think he’s the most beautiful human being I’ve ever seen! 😤 Right…
* Seigi’s argument that love and beauty aren’t the same thing is interesting. I totally agree that you can love things because they’re beautiful and think things are beautiful because you love them. That’s exactly why love and beauty are so intertwined. For me, when I love someone, the more beautiful they are to me. I think that’s how Seigi thinks of Tanimoto. So does Seigi love Richard because he’s beautiful, then?
* “My feelings for Tanimoto were wholly unique. I couldn’t compare them to my feelings for anyone or anything else” (160). That’s fucking funny, since that’s exactly what the narrative is doing with your feelings for her.
“The Diamond of Memory”
* “‘… Maybe beautiful things can make us happiest when we can just innocently call them beautiful without having to think about numbers’” (208). Yes, Seigi, I think you’re going to find that applies to people as well. It’s fascinating how Seigi can say such philosophically astute things sometimes but never apply them to his own life.
* Ahh, mistaken as a couple. My favorite trope. Richard blushing and getting impatient—so cute. “‘Congradulations on the Shibuya ordinance’” (215) hehsjdkdls. God damn, the jewelry department scene is so infuriating but so delicious. Seigi’s innocent ignorance truly knows no bounds. “‘If you ever go back to that department again, make sure you tell them that the wedding’s off’” (218) RICHARD. 😭😭😭 And then Seigi thinks “It’d be nice to bump into Tanimoto somewhere on a day like this” (218) FUCK YOU!
* It’s not even that Seigi has a hard time recognizing social cues. He recognizes them and then straightforwardly blunders right on past. 🤦🏽‍♀️
* Not Seigi calling Tanimoto a “space case.” You have no room to talk, mister!
* Richard really got back at him, though. Well played…
“To Wish Upon a Rose Quartz”
* Seigi couldn’t possibly put his foot in his mouth any less. Fucking wild.
* I love this little scene, though. It’s nice to see them just chatting, and a bit more of Richard’s humor coming out. Great end to the volume!
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gayaniherath · 6 months
Sri Dalada Maligawa
The Dalada Maligawa is a really famous Buddhist temple in Kandy, Sri Lanka. It's also known as the Temple of the Tooth because it houses a sacred tooth relic of the Buddha. People from all over the world visit to pay their respects and experience the beautiful architecture and serene atmosphere.
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The history of Dalada Maligawa is quite fascinating. It was constructed in the 16th century by King Vimaladharmasuriya I. Throughout its existence, the temple has faced destruction and rebuilding due to various invasions and natural calamities. However, it has always been restored to its former glory. The temple holds immense cultural and religious significance as it houses the sacred tooth relic of the Buddha. It's truly a remarkable place with a rich history.
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Elephants in Dalada Maligawa, play a special role in the temple's history and cultural traditions. During the annual Esala Perahera festival, which is held to honor the sacred tooth relic, you can see beautifully adorned elephants parading through the streets of Kandy. It's a mesmerizing sight to behold. The elephants are considered sacred and are an important symbol of power and majesty in Sri Lankan culture.
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Almsgiving at Dalada Maligawa,is a beautiful and meaningful tradition. Devotees offer alms to the Buddhist monks as a way of showing respect and gratitude. This act of generosity is believed to bring blessings and merit. People gather early in the morning to offer food, flowers, and other necessities to the monks. It's a humbling and spiritual experience, witnessing the monks receiving these offerings.
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Kandy lake is also situated near by the Dalada Maligawa. It also known as Kiri Muhuda or the Sea of Milk, is a beautiful man-made lake located in the heart of Kandy, Sri Lanka. It was built in 1807 by King Sri Wickrama Rajasinghe as a part of the royal pleasure garden. The lake is surrounded by lush greenery and offers a serene atmosphere for leisurely walks and boat rides.
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At Dalada Maligawa, there are four Dewalas, or shrines, dedicated to different deities. The four Dewalas are Natha Devale, Vishnu Devale, Katharagama Devale, and Pattini Devale. Each Dewala has its own unique significance and is associated with specific rituals and ceremonies. Natha Devale is dedicated to the deity Natha, Vishnu Devale to Lord Vishnu, Katharagama Devale to the deity Katharagama, and Pattini Devale to the goddess Pattini. These Dewalas add to the spiritual and cultural richness of Dalada Maligawa.
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