#Sri Lanka Culture
srilankareisen · 8 months
Sri Lanka Rundreisen | Fascination Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka's Cultural Treasures and Highlands!
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Sri Lanka Rundreisen offer diverse adventures in a compact island. Explore ancient temples, pristine beaches, lush jungles, and vibrant culture on these enriching journeys.
Visit Srilanka-Reisen today and experience the beauty and culture of island tours!
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folkfashion · 4 months
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Yaktovil dancer, Sri Lanka, by Chris Roe
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hussyknee · 3 months
Whenever Brits are like "tea is our national drink, our culture, our personality, our mental health" I think of our hill country blanketed in a patchwork quilt of human suffering and ongoing violent colonialism and want to smash all their tea cups. Your genocidal leaf juice is nothing to be proud of. The present day tea pluckers are the descendants of the Indians you enslaved and they still live in unthinkable poverty in the line houses you built to house them like cattle. The families whose farmlands you robbed have been starving for generations. Every sip of your leaf juice is soaked in blood and you drink it like vampires.
Tea will never belong to you. It's our legacy of grief, and your shame.
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Drink your tea and shut the fuck up.
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m-4399 · 2 months
Pt.2 of the collection of Sri Lankan stamps
(These stamps were issued during the colonial era of Sri Lanka. Correct me if I am wrong)
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munchee-academic · 2 years
Helpful study/ productivity tips from your friendly neighborhood dark academic
These are just the tricks that have personally helped me and if you haven’t tried it before give it a whirl 👍🏽
Download and play ‘library ambiance’ sounds in the background as you work.
The most productive I’ve ever been was in my university library and since I won’t have access to it anymore after graduating, why not recreate it at home? This is especially good if lo-fi study music is too distracting for you. Background sounds like papers rustling, writing, keyboard typing always gets me in the zone.
Download the Google Drive and Google Docs apps and do your work on your phone.
I’ve found the familiarity of my phone’s keyboard makes me focus more and type faster. It’s really helped me get work done when I’m just not in the mood to sit at my study desk.
Write like garbage in your first draft.
When you just can’t get yourself to type that first sentence; write like you’re trying to get your point across in the most garbage way possible. It immediately makes your task way less threatening when you see the funny shit you’ve written and it gives you something to work on. I’ve always found this easier than trying to write perfectly on the first try.
Do anything but look at a screen during your study breaks.
Study breaks are supposed to make you feel refreshed and break the monotonous cycle of staring at your laptop screen. When I used to let my breaks be more screen time (i.e. checking social medias) I always got back to work feeling even more tired and drained because my mind didn’t consider it a break or a change in pace. Now my breaks usually consists of making myself a snack, having internal monologues with myself, doing kpop/ tiktok dances, and annoying my partner.
Read backwards.
If you’re having a hard time concentrating as you read paragraphs of information; try reading the last paragraph first, and then working your way up till you get to the first paragraph. This usually breaks the monotonous forward rhythm of reading and your mind wakes up at the idea of doing a task differently.
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swimmingwithfish · 2 years
Okay you do not understand how seen butterfly soup made me feel as a Tamilan. We get barely any representation in Western media, and a lot of kollywood/bollywood dubs cast light-skinned actors to play characters (also there isn’t much stuff about teenagers in kollywood). But then there’s butterfly soup, a video game no less, and it has one of their main character as a Tamilan. And she speaks tamil and she looks like me and sure, we may not be the exact same person but god does she make me feel so represented and so valid and so deserving of it. We need more representation of South Asians - and not just Indians who speak Hindi. I’m talking about those from Sri Lanka and Gujarat and Karnataka and Kerela and Tamil Nadu. I’m talking about all those South Asians who have to cling onto representation of North Indians when their South Indian culture is so very different. I’m talking about the people who don’t actually understand the Punjabi or Hindi spoken in the TV show or movie even though their South Asain. I’m talking about the people who have only ever eaten pani puri like twice in their life. I’m talking about the people who haven’t watched Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham but have seen Bahubali in it’s original language of Telegu. I love and will always respect and be grateful and proud of South Asian representation but it’s time to start branching out. It’s time to look at all the different cultures and regions and people of South Asia, and not just say “Oh we’ve put in a character that’s speaks Hindi, South Asian representation done.” It’s the 21st century and South Asians are tired of being generalised and not getting the representation they deserve. I shouldn’t have to cling onto a video game to feel seen. I shouldn’t have to dig and search to find something that shows South Asians exist in Western Spaces. It should be there, waiting for me.
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paramedicabroad · 1 month
Rangiri Dambulla Cave Temple
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Nestled amidst the rolling hills of Sri Lanka's central plains lies a treasure trove of ancient spirituality and artistic marvels - the Rangiri Dambulla Cave Temple. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this sacred sanctuary beckons travelers from far and wide to immerse themselves in its rich history and serene beauty.
Steeped in legend and lore, the Rangiri Dambulla Cave Temple has been a place of worship and pilgrimage for over two millennia. Carved into the rocky outcrops towering over the surrounding landscape, the temple complex comprises a series of five caverns adorned with intricate murals and majestic statues of the Buddha, offering visitors a glimpse into the spiritual heart of Sri Lanka.
As you step into the cool, dimly lit chambers of the cave temple, you'll be greeted by a breathtaking display of ancient artistry. Vibrant frescoes depicting scenes from the life of the Buddha adorn the walls, their colors still vibrant after centuries. Towering statues of the Buddha in various poses, carved from solid rock, exude an aura of peace and tranquility, inviting contemplation and reflection.
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Wander through the labyrinthine corridors of the cave temple, each chamber revealing new wonders to behold. Marvel at the intricately carved pillars and ceilings, adorned with geometric patterns and mythical creatures. Ascend to the highest cavern, known as the Maharaja Viharaya, where you'll find the largest and most impressive statues of the Buddha, including a towering 14-meter reclining Buddha that is sure to leave you in awe.
Beyond its artistic and architectural splendor, the Rangiri Dambulla Cave Temple holds profound cultural significance for the people of Sri Lanka. It has served as a place of refuge during times of conflict and a beacon of hope and inspiration for countless generations. Today, it continues to be a place of worship and pilgrimage, drawing devotees and travelers alike to its hallowed halls.
As custodians of this cultural treasure, the people of Sri Lanka are committed to preserving the Rangiri Dambulla Cave Temple for future generations. Conservation efforts are underway to safeguard the site's ancient art and architecture, ensuring that its spiritual and historical legacy endures for centuries to come.
Step into the timeless realm of the Rangiri Dambulla Cave Temple and experience the serenity and splendor of this UNESCO World Heritage Site for yourself. Whether you seek spiritual enlightenment, artistic inspiration, or simply a moment of quiet contemplation, you'll find it amidst the ancient caverns and sacred halls of this remarkable place.🇱🇰🏛️🕉️
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unravelingwires · 8 months
When you eradicate cancer, you have to take out healthy cells too. Chemotherapy consists of murdering cells in your body, taking advantage of the fact that cancer cells are more vulnerable while not actually stopping normal cells from being vulnerable. If you think about it, even the actual cancer cells are a part of you. They are your cells mutated, not some invading outside force. Smoking, radiation, and air pollution can all encourage mutations, but it’s your DNA that ultimately poses the problem.
The swastika started out a Hindu symbol. It’s still exceptionally common in India, where it was used religiously for centuries before the Nazis took it. Between that and Indian political parties using the hammer and sickle, I have practice scrutinizing the background of family photos to make sure nothing questionable has slipped in.
I’m the kind of person who stopped using the okay symbol when it became an alt-right dog whistle; I’m not saying anyone has a right to reclaim the swastika. I just think a lot about the fact that it was ours, first.
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divinum-pacis · 2 years
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Moses Akash De Silva prepares food inside a community kitchen at a church in Colombo. [Adnan Abidi/Reuters]
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pleiadianlight · 2 years
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southasiavoyage · 21 hours
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Sri Lanka Vacation Holiday Tour Visit & Explore South Asia Culture, Heritage and Art ! Login: https://www.southasiavoyage.com
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languagexs · 1 month
Exploring the Tamil Communities of Sri Lanka: Sri Lankan Tamils and Indian Tamils
Sri Lanka’s Tamil Community: A Rich Tapestry Woven Through Centuries Summary: Sri Lanka’s vibrant tapestry is intricately woven with the threads of diverse cultures, languages, and traditions. The Tamil community, whose story is an engrossing tale of resilience, identity, and a search for belonging, is at the center of this elaborate artwork. This article explores the many histories that have…
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folkfashion · 2 years
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Sinhalese dancers, Sri Lanka, by U.S. Department of State
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hussyknee · 11 months
Speaking as a Sri Lankan whose country saw a general strike for the first time in forty years during the historic anti-government protests last year, I am so very excited for USAmericans to experience one for themselves. On one hand, it signals that the economic conditions are so dire that the majority of workers now have more to lose by going to work than not. That working conditions are impacting even the upper middle class. On the other hand– every. Single. Workers'. Union. In the. Damn. Country. The entire place a ghost town in a once-in-a-lifetime show of solidarity against the elite. You cannot imagine the exhilaration. You cannot imagine the show of power, the way the government and their crony capitalists and the fuckwits used to standing on people's necks piss their pants in fear. I think every country should see a general strike at least once every generation. It's not sustainable, but it doesn't have to be; it's to signal to the bosses that beyond this line is when the lid blows off this pressure cooker.
This means that shit is going to get damn ugly for weeks and months until the run up. It's going to primarily be a war of propaganda, because the bigger and more diverse the movement, the more cracks there will be between you to exploit. You're gonna have to get chill about a lot of things very quickly. You gotta get used to standing next to and holding the line with people you wouldn't want to spit on if they were on fire at any other time, with your eyes only on the prize. You're going to have to learn to support all kinds of problematic people without valorizing or demonizing them. Coalition building is political action at its most pragmatic and utilitarian; you don't need to share a moral page or be best buddies with people when pooling your resources against a common enemy. Idealogues don't win battles, coalitions do.
As for the success of our general strike, the President and his government rejected the unions' demands and refused to step down. Two weeks later, fifty houses of the government MPs all over the country burned down in one night, and a mob breeched the Prime Minister's mansions and set it on fire*. The PM resigned the next day, and the government was dissolved.
But that's a completely unrelated anecdote. 💅🏽
*Edit: it wasn't unions or any organized body that committed the arsons. It was widespread, spontaneous citizen reaction to a brutal attack on our largest peaceful protest site. Organized protest prevents this kind of escalation. The point is that when these attempts are not recognised, physical violence will be the inevitable outcome. As Martin Luther King said: "Riots are the language of the unheard".
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m-4399 · 2 months
- A collection of Sri Lankan postal stamps :)
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munchee-academic · 2 years
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“If you wanted to hurt me where it mattered, you should have poisoned my tea.”
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