#Fay Canyon Trail
nocternalrandomness · 6 months
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Fay Canyon Trail - Sedona, Arizona
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thorsenmark · 1 year
Heading Out to Explore Coconino National Forest
Heading Out to Explore Coconino National Forest by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A setting looking to the northeast while taking in views across eroded formations, cliff walls and peaks present along the Fay Canyon Trail in Coconino National Forest.
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flippantsmeagol · 1 day
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The Fay Canyon Arch in Sedona, Az. Look on the right about a half mile in because it is not marked, but there is a well-worn trail up with this bit of a scramble at the end.
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Spot the hikers. Sedona tip, follow the faint trail to the right once you get there. It leads to the top and a great view.
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mutant-distraction · 8 months
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Michael Read
Fay Canyon (Fay-Luther trail system).
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morticrow · 2 years
Mating Dance (NSFW)
Yautja/Human Reader(F) : Smutty smut, blood, breeding, mating(obv), minor injuries, voyerism
!Read at your own discretion! (Maybe pass if descriptions of falling make you frow up or smthn )
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Blood thrums in your ears as adrenalin pushes through your throbbing veins. Sweat turns dirt into caked on mud, dripping into and stinging your eyes. The sound of pursuing footsteps are impending and only a few yards back, but a quick shortcut through brambles and overgrowth would throw anything off your trail. As you dive into the brush , thorns and branches reach out and grab at your nakedness, unforgiving and angry, slicing skin with deep red gashes. Yet you do not falter. This was the only opportunity to give him what he deserved.
‘Almost there. Almost there’
Your tired feet slam painfully against the ground. There was something oddly freeing about being unleashed upon the forest. Traveling as fast as ones legs and lungs would allow. A vast contrast to the tight corridors of the Clan Ship, and the tread-mill that you trained on.
You burst through the last of the foliage, Being immediately greeted by an opening in the tree line, as well as a pair of red moons, apparent even in the brightness of midday.
Ah! There!
Just down hill, the river! Tucked tightly down in the valley, the beginnings of a box canyon.
The finish line was close.
Your lungs ache as your hands claw at the air in front of you, as if it would help drag you forward.
The river bank came up fast, a slurred swear falls from your lips as you jump towards the waters edge, tension grips your heart as you throw yourself towards the finish line.
A hand, a claw. Sharp against the back of your neck. Then the sharp jerk of all forward momentum being tugged back and up. Up and then back down onto the earth below, expelling every ounce of air from your poor lunges with a whimper, rocks jabbing into your front, a sharp gasp inevitably causing mouth fulls of dirt.
Through ringing ears you hear your name in a garbled accent, followed by soft praises in broken English. The familiar musk of wood and smoke filling your senses. Memories of cozy campfires and a deep, rumbling purr bring you down from the adrenalin, pulse still throbbing loudly.
A long, wet tongue snaps you out of your complacency. Licking at bleeding wounds, drinking you in with desperate groans, slowly inching his way down. Both hands come to your hips, clawed fingers dig into flesh and cause fresh blood to trickle down your thighs. You swear sharply, grasping at his rough hands as you are yanked up by the hips, still face down in the dirt. The cold air kisses at your throbbing core before a long tongue licks a slow and deliberate line up your dripping sex. Pausing to dip into your opening , dragging against inner walls. A shudder courses through your body as you grind back against the intrusion, bringing forth a feral snarl from your assailant.
He thinks he has won already. Perfect.
Pushing through the protest, limbs screaming, you shoot out of his grasp. Your sudden emptiness almost as painful as the open cuts. His roar is defining, vibrating the ground as hundreds of panicked, alien birds shoot up from the trees, blanketing over the sunlight and twin red moons.
Fresh water greets your ankles, a victory. But you wouldn’t settle. he had to catch you first.
You dive in head first to the middle of the stream, letting yourself be washed down the current. The water was clear beneath the rapids, making dodging protruding rocks much easier. A grace from whatever god resided over this part of the galaxy. Your pursuer calls out to you, his voice full of something you’ve never heard from him before. Panic.
Turning, you lock eyes with him, your pursuer, your to-be lifemate, Bhu’ja, rushing to keep up with you as the current whisks you downstream. His face contorting with worry. The expression looks almost cute on a big bad Yautja like him, but giving him a heart attack would hardly be fair.
You shoot him a thumbs up and a toothy grin, letting him know that you had meant to jump into the water, and your hurtling at break neck pace down a river was, not only fun, but purposeful.
Your gesture did not ease the absolute horror that was apparent on his face. Instead he jabbed his finger forward, shouting something in his own language, too quick for your brain to translate. Instead, you turn back around, rolling your eyes. He was such a worry-wart sometimes.
Fear constricted your throat as you faced the reality before you. Blood drains from your face. You would have screamed if your heart hadn’t jumped into your throat, instead all you can do is gape like a fish.
It went down. It went down and the drop seemed to go off the end of the world.
Going against your training, you fight against the current, becoming a flailing mess of limbs and splashes. The shore seemed so far away, but desperation keeps you slowly inching. What a stupid fucking mistake. The current continues to to pull you towards its edge as you reach out for anything to ground yourself. Anything. A rock, a tree. You duck down beneath the water and try to preform a self arrest in the gravel below. Heels and fingers only succeeding in pulling up dirt and turning the once clear river into murky depths.
Everything seems to go in slow motion as you felt a rise and then slope. Your eyes screw shut as gravity gives way, stomach and heart flipping and joining in your throat. You finally scream. Sharp and piercing. It’s all you can do to help expel the terror, to distract yourself. Precious memories of your past rushing to the forefront of your mind.
A few moments of free fall pass before you felt Bhu’ja’s rough hands grab and pull you into him as you both plummet. He incases you to the best extent possible, squeezing you tight like life depended on it. And it did.
You tense, waiting for the unknown, but the impact came much sooner than expected. A horrifying relief. Bhu’ja breaks through with a heavy slap, then nothing but freezing, dark blue water. Bubbles erupt from your mouth, indicating that you were still screaming. With a harsh tug you were pulled to the waters surface, gasping for what little air you could breath in. You use the last bit of strength you could muster to claw your way back to safety.
Sweet ground. Sweet, sweet, safe ground.
You clambered out of the water and fell to the forest floor, caking your front in deep red, clay like mud. You take a moment to assess your body for any injuries or pain. There was an unrelenting ringing in your left ear. Tinnitus from the impact or a ruptured eardrum. Best case scenario, really.
Loud splashing came quickly from behind, followed by a clicking growl. You turn to face your mate, expecting some form of punishment or harsh scolding.
Instead, you find him crawling over top of you, his pupils small, black pinpricks in his orange eyes. Not unlike a hunting cat. His chiseled form stalks up until his face is level with yours. He lets out another growl, green blood leaks from a gash in his shoulder, sliding down his collar bone and dripping onto your chest, mixing with your own weeping cuts. The smell of his musk is stronger than ever before.
Oh. Oh.
You pale with realization.
Yautja mating was violent. Traditionally, the bloodier and near death experiences were not uncommon, if welcomed. The ultimate test of those fit enough to reproduce. Which meant, the Yautja currently hovering above you, chest heaving and drool dripping down his chin, was no longer the stoic partner you had come to love. But a raging, testosterone filled bull.
With a roar, Bhu’ja flips you over onto your stomach, claws holding you down in a vice grip. You were not getting away from him again. His unsheathed length rubs against your folds in unsteady thrusts, impartial to you whimpered cries.
In one sharp, fluid motion, Bhu’ja seats himself fully inside of you. Filling and stretching you to the absolute verge of breaking. Mind reeling. You call out, but the pitiful sound is overshadowed by yet another roar from your lover. He tenses and trembles as he fights to hold back, his effort falling in vain as your constricting warmth propels him into madness.
You claw desperately at the ground as he sinks himself deeper with every slapping thrust, trying to ground yourself to anything to catch your breath. Your tender breasts rub against the dirt with each feral thrust, soft buds hardening.
The forest fills with the sound of wet slapping that echoes off every tree, combining with the symphony of screaming moans and Bhu’ja’s steady grunting. Softer yet, and unmistakable, we’re the steady clinking of metal bands that adorned his tresses.
There was no need to be quiet here, in the secluded woods. There wasn’t the possibility of any eavesdropping young bloods. So, you yelled, you called , you screamed your pleasure out to not only your mate, but to the world, your throat raw with the exertion. Bhu’ja’s pace quickens to illicit more of your calls that cause his stomach to contract and his cock to throb.
“Bhu’ja.” You gasp. “Please.”
Begging. Begging for what? He seems to know exactly. His pace becomes more rhythmic, more calculated. He leans forward, wrapping an arm around your center and pulling you flush against his chest. Warm ,solid scales grinds against you as he leans back on his heels, never faltering as he fucks up into you, as if baring you for all to see.
“This female is Mine!” He snarls his proclamation to nothing, yet everything. His breath hot against your neck as he hovers above your shoulder, drooling onto your skin. “You belong to me, mate.” He declares to you, and only you.
Your stomach contracts as an all to familiar tension coils at the pit of your stomach. It was not often you came without an assisting hand to rub at your clit, to help coax you to the edge. Yet, the desperation- your body instinctively reacting to the need to mate.
You tense and constrict around the immense pressure of the ridged member hitting every bundle of nerves inside of you.
In the moment of your intense release, you babble helplessly. Your brain fogging over as you desperately hold onto your bliss, wanting to live here forever in pure ecstasy. You’re vaguely aware of confessing your love to your mate. A concept and word that had not translated well, so you’ve never actually said it. But now, In the throws of pleasure, “I love you.” Are the only three words you know.
A deep grumble was your only warning before sharp fangs and tusks latch onto the soft flesh in between your neck and shoulder. You flinch, and bare your neck to him. You regain enough composure to reach up and pull at his sensitive tresses, as is tradition when a mate is being marked. The bite would leave a purposeful scar. A brand. A message. You are his. Bhu’ja rumbles his praise, his mandibles still firmly planted in your shoulder.
“Good, Female.”
A growl catches in his throat and you feel him constrict behind you, muscles tensing a trembling. You squeeze at his tresses, rubbing the rubber like appendages with your thumb. His chattering urges you not to stop.
Your soft lips, gently, slowly brush against his neck, the spot just below his ear. Licking a wet stripe up his neck, you whisper your own encouragements. You want pups, you tell him. You want his pups. He would give you strong warriors. If it was even possible.
Bhu’ja doubles over, bending you with him as he uses your wet heat to milk him of everything he has. At his mercy, another orgasm builds and explodes from your core, followed by another stream of barely coherent pleading that would embarrass you later, but for now you absolutely begged him for pups.
Clarity sets over the both of you as the last bits of Bhu’ja’s seed spurts out from where you remain connected. He rubs gentle circles into your unmarked shoulders as he holds you to him, just a little longer. Enjoying the shared heat, you both gasp for oxygen, globs of spend dripping with heavy splats against the ground.
If there was ever a time to be interrupted, it was definitely not now. Yet, that didn’t stop the three high ranking Yautja’s who stepped into your field of vision. The one in the front had an almost bored expression, as if he was watching a court hearing, rather than one of the most intense fucks of your life.
“Clan Leader says our mating ritual has been accepted.” Your new life-mate translates from above you, his breath still unsteady. “We have passed, and the proper documents will be filed.”
Your groan, rubbing at your temple. “Yes, got it, thanks.”
“You did well.” He responds, pride swelling in his chest “Even for Yautja.”
“Mmn. I almost got us killed.”
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rpgsandbox · 4 years
Welcome to the Weird West of Deadlands, the original horror western roleplaying game!
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In this award-winning, best-selling setting, gunfighters, braves, hucksters, martial artists, shamans, mad scientists, the blessed, and more square off against far more than desperate bandits. An event called "The Reckoning" awakened an ancient evil, and you'd best hope the howls you hear on the High Plains are just a pack of ravenous wolves...
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"The Year is 1876, but the history is not our own..."
These words introduced Deadlands to the world back in 1996, spawning decades of amazing tales and memorable monsters. Now the granddaddy of Horror Western games is back with a brand new edition.
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          The cover that started it all, the original Deadlands, by Brom!
It's now 1884 in the official timeline. The Civil War ended in 1871 at the Battle of Washington, an epic conflagration of steam and steel. The Great Rail Wars are over as well, finishing not with a whimper but the bang of  Dr. Darius Hellstromme's ghostfire bombs at the gates of Lost Angels.
Even the Servitors, the Reckoners' chosen champions on Earth, have been defeated—at least for a while. Reverend Grimme vanished in a massive flood that destroyed his city, Raven's Last Sons were defeated by the Great Summoning, Stone was foiled in the barren expanse of Death Valley, and Dr. Hellstromme's latest scheme to open the gates of Hell proved fruitless.
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We told the tale of the Servitors in four Plot Point Campaigns, still available and ready to play with just a little tinkering for this edition on our website!
In response, the Reckoners have turned their blasphemous gaze back to the grassroots of evil. They've given life to dark desires and horrible abominations that live in the shadows of the isolated frontier, far away from the attention garnered by the overt plans of their Servitors.
The heroes of the Weird West join with the secretive Twilight Legion in the distant outposts, chaotic boomtowns, and lonely settlements of the West to fight evil and quell the fear that gives the Reckoners their power.
So gather your posse of heroes and hit the trail, from the frozen north to the arid deserts of the Southwest, from the industrial East to the fractured canyons of California's "Great Maze."
The Weird West awaits with adventure, mystery, and more monsters than you can shake a Peacemaker at.
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       Think these Mojave rattlers look nasty? You should see the rest of it!
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Deadlands is the long-awaited return to Pinnacle's oldest and most popular setting. First published in 1996, the original "Deadlands Classic" system won countless awards and its bold, bright orange books are still a striking and valuable addition to gaming shelves the world over.
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For those who want the whole experience, Deadlands has a rich and varied history to explore!
Deadlands has told some epic tales since it first burst onto the scene in 1996, but you don't need to be steeped in its storied past to join in the hootin' and hollerin'. If you're an old hand, we think you'll find it both familiar and refreshing.  If you're new to the world or setting, this is the perfect time to join the wagon train (and if you've lapsed, we forgive you for that, partner). We've recapped and summarized the monumental events of the last 24 years so you can catch up.
This new edition is the biggest revamp of the game's background and rules since the Reloaded edition from 2005. It's been revised, rewritten, and refocused by both Deadlands Line Editor Matthew Cutter and original creator Shane Hensley.
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All the rules have been updated and adapted to the latest version of the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition.
Arcane Backgrounds are tightened up. Those nasty Harrowed had the same overhaul we gave them in Lost Colony (including letting the Devil out!). There are new and streamlined rules for dueling. And of course a passel of new Edges, gear, infernal devices, and powers to blast the tarnation out of the creepy crawlies coming to do your party in.
For you Marshals (that's what we call our Game Masters), there's a comprehensive overview of the Weird West after the events of the Servitor Plot Point Campaigns, including new plots, perils, and intrigue for cowtowns, boomtowns, and old favorites like Lost Angels, Tombstone, Deadwood, Dodge, the City o’ Gloom, and a few new locales we might surprise you with! And of course this handsome tome also includes enough rascals, varmints, and critters to keep a posse busy 'til doomsday.
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This is more than just a rules update--it's a world update! And check out that gorgeous new graphic design by Karl Keesler, with art by some of the best in the business!
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Now that the tales of the Servitors have been told in their individual Plot Point Campaigns, Deadlands is returning to its roots with more local yarns of dread, terror, and violent action. The new edition and supplements to follow turn their baleful eyes from the world-shaking events of the Reckoning to isolated frontier towns or sinister machinations in the few larger settlements. The Twilight Legion must root out the evil that lurks in all-too-human souls, the lonesome hills nearby, or the dark woods at the edge of town.
To showcase the return to more personal tales of horror and adventure, we've created the Horror at Headstone Hill campaign set!
The campaign features a single county in Wyoming and the terrors that lurk in a booming mining town and environs. Your heroes roam about the map, interacting with the locals, solving mysteries, fighting abominations, and—with luck and a steady shootin' iron—eventually lower the "Fear Level." That's how you defeat the Reckoners' terrorforming, amigos, and Horror at Headstone Hill showcases it front and center.
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               The Horror at Headstone Hill Campaign Boxed Set!
The Deadlands: Horror at Headstone Hill Boxed Set contains an introductory booklet on the region for the players with notes from Tombstone Epitaph reporter Lacy O'Malley and the Twilight Legion, a Marshal's guide detailing all the locations on the map and a full sandbox-oriented Plot Point Campaign, a poster-sized map of the county, and a selection of player handouts to drive this incredible tale of six-guns and sorcery to its bloodstained conclusion!
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Something happened at Devil's Tower recently. Something terrible. A being called the Cackler raised a powerful sorceress of legend, Morgan Le Fay, sending ripples through the many worlds of Deadlands. From the Dark Ages to the far future planet of Banshee in Lost Colony, the "Morgana Effect" has caused subtle changes from the world we knew before.
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The Cackler and his unholy posse ride the range in this world-changing graphic novel by Shane Lacy Hensley!
The Morgana Effect is a big story that ripples (quietly for now) through all the settings of Deadlands—including the upcoming Deadlands: Dark Ages, the Weird West, Noir, Hell on Earth, and already released Lost Colony. It's also a story-based reason to change the rules and some parts of the setting we've been hankerin' to adjust for a while. You can read more about the latter here, but we think even those of you who have been with us since '96 will welcome the changes once you take 'er for a test ride.
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Over the years we've seen some amazing gaming setups, but collecting and painting a comprehensive collection of cowpokes and critters can be both time consuming and expensive. That's where the Deadlands Pawns come in.
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The Deadlands Pawns Boxed Set contains over 100 Deadlands characters and critters printed on thick punchboard!
We've created a selection of heroes, villains, and monsters in thick punchboard (the sturdy stuff board game tokens are made from) to represent some of the most common and iconic encounters in the Weird West. These figures are even die-cut to the contour of the character image to make each pose as dynamic and striking as possible.
The Deadlands Pawns Boxed Set contains 8 sheets of thick punchboard, containing over 100 pawns to bring the Weird West alive on your tabletop. If the set does well, we will expand the line to include additional Deadlands sets and pawn sets for our other lines.
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The core book for Deadlands: The Weird West is a 192-page hardcover book, in our usual "graphic novel" size, and glorious, bloody, full-color throughout. That amazing cover is by Aaron Riley, a fan favorite of the entire Savage Worlds line!
The Deadlands the Weird West Core Boxed Set includes a copy of the hardcover rules as well as a brand new poster map of the Weird West by the phenomenal Cheyenne Wright, a set of 25 Bennies, a set of custom-colored dice and Wild Die, and a Game Master's screen and introductory adventure, Double Down at Sundown, by Rob Wieland!
Want to see the new screen? Here it is, partner! The tri-fold screen is our usual landscape format with gorgeous art on one side and all the charts and tables the Marshal needs on the other!
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The new GM Screen for Deadlands: the Weird West! Click here to view Federico Musetti's gorgeous art as a larger image.
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Kickstarter campaign ends: Wed, May 13 2020 6:00 AM BST
Website: [Pinnacle Entertainment] [facebook] [twitter] [instagram]
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twosecondstreet · 7 years
Arizona is known for some incredible hiking. Not being much of a hiker, I tend to shy away from larger challenges, such as mountains, in favor of the more beaten path. During a beautiful spring day, I was lucky enough to drive through Sedona to a path known as the Fey Canyon Trail to take a quick trip through a small canyon.
The trail itself is very easy and manageable: I saw families, older hikers, and young children plugging along the trail from start to finish. It should be said that the trail is not a loop, but rather, you have to backtrack once you reach the end of the trail. Along the way you can spy the elusive Fey Canyon Arch, a natural stone arch hidden in the stones along the trail.
For any novice hiker, this trail can be done in about an hour and you won’t have to worry about scaling any walls or falling from any precipitous heights. If you’re in the Sedona area, feel free to give it a go! You won’t be disappointed.
Fey Canyon Trail Arizona is known for some incredible hiking. Not being much of a hiker, I tend to shy away from larger challenges, such as mountains, in favor of the more beaten path.
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offfbyh3art · 6 years
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Reality in motion. #sedona #arizona #hiking #throwbackthursday (at Fay Canyon Trail) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsdU4DGH9d8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dqs1zwubmlzt
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hikeofthemonth · 2 years
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May 2022 Mangum Dental Hike-of-the-Month Long Canyon, Sedona Arizona
Distance: 7.5 miles
Difficulty: Easy side of Moderate due to length and terrain near the end
Elevation Gain: 823 feet
Parking: Park on the side of the road near the trailhead.  This area can be crowded during peak season. There are no restrooms, water, or parking lot.  
Directions: From the “Y” intersection in Sedona (the junction of 89A and 179), drive just over 3 miles west on Hwy 89A towards West Sedona.  Turn right onto Dry Creek Road for 2 miles then stay straight as the road changes to Boynton Pass Road for an additional mile.  Turn right at the stop sign onto Long Canyon Road.  In a half-mile look for parking off the side of the road.  The trail starts on the north side of the road.
Long Canyon Trail is for the hiker who enjoys the journey more than the destination.  There are three canyon trails that extend northward from West Sedona like crooked fingers from a witch's hand.  Fay Canyon is the shortest on the west and highlighted in the September 2017 Hike-of-the-Month.  Boynton Canyon is the middle and the most picturesque and crowded.  It was our June 2019 Hike-of-the-Month.  Long Canyon is the longest and the most eastward.  There are no bikes allowed on these hikes, but horses are permitted.  The Long Canyon Trail is crowded near the beginning, but many hikers are headed to the Birthing Cave, which is a worthy detour within the first 1/2 mile and adds about a mile to the overall experience. There were relatively few hikers on the Long Canyon Trail.
This hike is a metaphor for life, after all its begins near the Birthing Cave. The trail begins wide, unchallenging, flat, however, there are trails going everywhere.  It was difficult at times to determine which trail to take.  Some even seemed tempting diversion off the main trail.  The paths seem endless.  After the Birthing Cave, the trail was still simple and straightforward.  The trail travels northward with a marvelous view of Maroon Mountain then turns slightly northwest.  As the trail enters the Red Rock Secret Mountain Wilderness it narrows and after a few miles the walls of the canyon close in and it feels like a canyon hike. Like life, later in the hike, there aren’t as many alternate routes.  The trail also becomes more physically difficult with more rocks and obstacles. The scenery changes to a cypress forest, then oaks and large alligator junipers, and finally pines and firs. Then the trail just ends.  There is no turnaround, no grand vista, just the end of the trail in the middle of a wash.  That is the end to the metaphor, I will leave it to the hiker to find a way to explain the trip back to the trailhead.    
Mangum Dental is a private practice dental office in Prescott, Arizona.  We have built our practice on the premise of mutual trust and confidence.  We strive to be “earning your trust with a smile”
Fay Canyon Hike, Hike-of-the-Month September 2017
Boynton Canyon Hike, Hike-of-the-Month, June 2019
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jpiekos · 6 years
Looking Back on the Fay Canyon Trail - Sedona, Arizona
Looking Back on the Fay Canyon Trail - Sedona, Arizona by John Piekos Via Flickr: Looking Back on the Fay Canyon Trail - Sedona, Arizona -- At the end of the hike, climb the headwall several hundred feet and look back the way you came for this spectacular view.
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rideraddict · 6 years
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#perfectmatch: 6 friends, 1 @volkswagen Amarok with @evocinstagram Tailgate and @dolomitipaganellabike 🤩 P A R A D I S E!! @canyon Sender was Rock on flow trails 😎🤘 Thank you @volkswagen_seat_monza @4guimp and @ionactionsports 😍🔝 My babies @_mywalden @mirko.marasco.thesindaco @jack_boschi @jey_bormolini @christiancortiakatheworker 💖 #rideraddict #rideraround #rad #paganellabikepark #lombardamotori#amarok #volkswagen #mycanyon#canyonbikes#canyonsender #sender#bikepark #gopro #bikeporn #rockshox #bike #dhbike #downhill #downhillrider #foxdh #endurobike #downhillmtb #mtbporn #instamtb #dhmtb #mtblife #biking#ad (presso Fai della Paganella)
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thorsenmark · 4 months
What a Wonderful Way to Experience a Sunday in Coconino National Forest by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: A setting looking to the northwest while hiking and taking in views over nearby evergreens and then to eroded formations in the high ground present. This is along the Fay Canyon Trail in Coconino National Forest.
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flippantsmeagol · 1 year
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10/2/2023. Thunder Mountain in the distance from the entrance to Fay Canyon, Sedona, Az. The trail lies down in the trees. Like most of these box canyons in Sedona, if you hike above the tree line you will be rewarded with great views. Follow along and see.
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jimmyyduttonil · 4 years
Family Letter Sedona Trip 1.8.21-1.11.21
Dear B2B Loved Ones,
This weekend we had the pleasure of introducing the great outdoors of Sedona to two of our new guys. On Friday, we woke up early so we could eat and clean up before our end of week review getting us prepared for a fun time camping. After group, we got the brief for our trip, packed the coolers, made the house squeaky clean, and were off on another adventure. After a short drive from Flagstaff to Sedona, we arrived at Fay Canyon for a short hike along the dry creek bed with some scrambling up the beautiful red rocks. After our hike was over, we went to settle in at our campsite, make dinner, throw cards, and played some spike-ball. As usual, we ran a night time Alcoholics Anonymous meeting then went to bed to get some much-needed rest so we can summit the peak at Bear Mountain the next day.
Saturday morning the boys woke up to a warm fire, coffee, and some breakfast. We made some sandwiches, packed granola bars, and filled up enough water to stay hydrated for the big hike. As we approached the Bear Mountain trailhead it looked easy from the naked eye, however, as we made headway up the trail it started becoming more steep and difficult. After talking to other experienced hikers on the trail we found out that Bear Mountain has three false peaks, so every time we thought that we made it to the top there would be another peak to climb over, each false peak had breathtaking views as we kept getting higher and higher. It was a spectacular view from the very top where we could see miles upon miles overlooking all of the Sedona red rocks. Once we were at the top we wrote in our journals and had some relaxation time while eating our lunches with a view. We then made our way down the mountain and headed back to camp so we could cook tacos, tacos, tacos! They were absolutely amazing. After our dinner we ended our night with one of the guys telling his story for an A.A. meeting then went to sleep.
On Sunday, we went had more of a chill and relaxing hike along Oak Creek in Sedona. There at Oak Creek, the boys went for a quick dip then shared what we had written in our journals from the previous day. It was a meaningful and productive creekside chat in the beautiful Sedona wilderness. Once we had left the creek, we all got a nice ice cream treat from McDonald’s. The boys were blown away by the sweetness and creaminess. Following our McDonald’s extravaganza, your favorite boys went to a Buddhist Stupa. The Stupa had a tranquil and serene atmosphere. We got to learn and appreciate aspects of Eastern and Native American culture and spirituality. Next, we went back to our campsite before it got too dark and started up dinner and talked around the campfire. Then we had an A.A. meeting, followed by multiple games of cards going on at the same time, and finally with more campfire chats.
By Monday morning, the boys were getting ready to head back to their home and their long-awaited Hunter couch. First thing in the morning, we made sure to pack all of our gear and do a thorough trash sweep before we had our community meeting, reviewing our weekend trip. Then we finally headed out of Sedona and towards our great home of Flagstaff. This brings us up to the current moment where we are winding down from our trip, cleaning up our gear, and ready to start our weekly intentions group.
You, the family, are in our thoughts and prayers. We wait eagerly until the next time we can see all of you and hope that you are reading this in good health and spirits!
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<3 Hugs x Kisses Your Boys[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row _builder_version="4.7.7" _module_preset="default" column_structure="1_2,1_2"][et_pb_column _builder_version="4.7.7" _module_preset="default" type="1_2"][et_pb_image src="https://back2basics-soberliving.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/IMG_1612.jpg" alt="Sedona Trip 01" title_text="Sedona Trip 01" _builder_version="4.7.7" _module_preset="default"][/et_pb_image][et_pb_image _builder_version="4.7.7" _module_preset="default" title_text="Sedona Trip 03" src="https://back2basics-soberliving.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/IMG_1627.jpg" hover_enabled="0" sticky_enabled="0"][/et_pb_image][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column _builder_version="4.7.7" _module_preset="default" type="1_2"][et_pb_image src="https://back2basics-soberliving.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/IMG_1622.jpg" alt="Sedona Trip 02" title_text="Sedona Trip 02" _builder_version="4.7.7" _module_preset="default"][/et_pb_image][et_pb_image _builder_version="4.7.7" _module_preset="default" alt="Sedona Trip 04" title_text="Sedona Trip 04" src="https://back2basics-soberliving.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/IMG_1629.jpg" hover_enabled="0" sticky_enabled="0"][/et_pb_image][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section] source https://back2basics-soberliving.com/family-letter-sedona-trip-1-8-21-1-11-21/
from Back2Basics Outdoor Adventure Recovery https://back2basicssoberliving.blogspot.com/2021/01/family-letter-sedona-trip-1821-11121.html
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offfbyh3art · 6 years
Rafales de neige. ❄️ #throwbackthursday #sedona #faycanyon #hiking #snow (at Fay Canyon Trail) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtT5ihNHmYT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11w0rllqwmqh9
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Family Letter Sedona Trip 1.8.21-1.11.21
Dear B2B Loved Ones,
This weekend we had the pleasure of introducing the great outdoors of Sedona to two of our new guys. On Friday, we woke up early so we could eat and clean up before our end of week review getting us prepared for a fun time camping. After group, we got the brief for our trip, packed the coolers, made the house squeaky clean, and were off on another adventure. After a short drive from Flagstaff to Sedona, we arrived at Fay Canyon for a short hike along the dry creek bed with some scrambling up the beautiful red rocks. After our hike was over, we went to settle in at our campsite, make dinner, throw cards, and played some spike-ball. As usual, we ran a night time Alcoholics Anonymous meeting then went to bed to get some much-needed rest so we can summit the peak at Bear Mountain the next day.
Saturday morning the boys woke up to a warm fire, coffee, and some breakfast. We made some sandwiches, packed granola bars, and filled up enough water to stay hydrated for the big hike. As we approached the Bear Mountain trailhead it looked easy from the naked eye, however, as we made headway up the trail it started becoming more steep and difficult. After talking to other experienced hikers on the trail we found out that Bear Mountain has three false peaks, so every time we thought that we made it to the top there would be another peak to climb over, each false peak had breathtaking views as we kept getting higher and higher. It was a spectacular view from the very top where we could see miles upon miles overlooking all of the Sedona red rocks. Once we were at the top we wrote in our journals and had some relaxation time while eating our lunches with a view. We then made our way down the mountain and headed back to camp so we could cook tacos, tacos, tacos! They were absolutely amazing. After our dinner we ended our night with one of the guys telling his story for an A.A. meeting then went to sleep.
On Sunday, we went had more of a chill and relaxing hike along Oak Creek in Sedona. There at Oak Creek, the boys went for a quick dip then shared what we had written in our journals from the previous day. It was a meaningful and productive creekside chat in the beautiful Sedona wilderness. Once we had left the creek, we all got a nice ice cream treat from McDonald’s. The boys were blown away by the sweetness and creaminess. Following our McDonald’s extravaganza, your favorite boys went to a Buddhist Stupa. The Stupa had a tranquil and serene atmosphere. We got to learn and appreciate aspects of Eastern and Native American culture and spirituality. Next, we went back to our campsite before it got too dark and started up dinner and talked around the campfire. Then we had an A.A. meeting, followed by multiple games of cards going on at the same time, and finally with more campfire chats.
By Monday morning, the boys were getting ready to head back to their home and their long-awaited Hunter couch. First thing in the morning, we made sure to pack all of our gear and do a thorough trash sweep before we had our community meeting, reviewing our weekend trip. Then we finally headed out of Sedona and towards our great home of Flagstaff. This brings us up to the current moment where we are winding down from our trip, cleaning up our gear, and ready to start our weekly intentions group.
You, the family, are in our thoughts and prayers. We wait eagerly until the next time we can see all of you and hope that you are reading this in good health and spirits!
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from Back2Basics Addiction Recovery for Drugs and Alcohol https://back2basics-soberliving.com/family-letter-sedona-trip-1-8-21-1-11-21/
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