smiles-ocs · 6 months
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Some more old characters. I drew these two a lot
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navyblueart · 1 year
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take a body, maybe your own, and dump it gently.
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dalekofchaos · 26 days
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Sad, but true
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majosullivan · 2 days
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Oh…oh no…oh motherFUCKERS
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muxas-world · 19 days
Formula 1 when fan ask for lest expesive thickest
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OKAY just to get this off my chest, it makes me so happy that both love interests are nice, good people in LiS: True Colours
Like, in the previous games it felt like you just can't win with the LI's. In LiS both Chloe and Warren suck, Chloe is a horrible person and toxic friend, and Warren is kind of just orbiting around you, creepily waiting for his chance when Max has given him hints before that she just wants to be friends.
In LiS 2, Sean is 16/17 while both LI's are supposedly over 18 so 🚩. Cassidy seems like a nice laid back person, but in order to romance Finn you literally need to put your 6 yo little brother in danger and it ends horribly for everyone involved. Tad homophobic gameplay innit.
Ngl in the past it felt a bit like the game is paving a way out for you instead of letting you explore the options. So the fact that in True Colours you can romance Steph or Ryan and it's still good and healthy for Alex is a major win in my eyes. Looks like the writers read their feedback and listened to the comments, and it really paid off. (not to say the game is perfect in any means, but a definite improvement on that front).
I honestly went into the game prepared to romance Steph and ended up being the biggest Ryan stan of all time. The man is just. so. goddamn. CUTE!!!! Steph still seems to be the popular choice, which I get because super cool musician D&D lesbian??? 👌👌👌👌👌 But i'm glad Ryan also gets appreciation from the fans because he's a great guy who treats Alex right, and his route is actually a bit more difficult and needs more attention from the player to make it happen.
I know the game came out ages ago but I'm having my midnight thoughts.
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actually i'm taking back what i said about liking Fizz. awkward lonely middle child swag is one thing, whatever the fuck That was is something else
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sunglassesmish · 2 months
half naked men, kay. HALF NAKED MEN. I'm honestly in shock, like is this really happening.....
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sheepfre9k · 1 year
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The end of this Episode in just one picture.
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fishyyboy · 2 months
I love that senshi has looked at this "young person" and decided to try and work on his negative spirit. He says, "You have emotional PROBLEMS I NEED to mentor you rn." It's so cute. He really just adopted everyone in the group.
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NXCRE and the Villains
Take Us Down to Dabbington City
by Natalie Orozco
We're sitting in an outdoor lounge area at The Broadway in Brooklyn, the band just wrapped up sound check and the anticipation is real. NYC based alternative band NXCRE and the Villains has been getting steady buzz since the release of their singles “Indigo” and “Usurper” earlier this year. Since then the band's nostalgic sound has been getting bigger, with their recent release “Dabbington City” it's clear they're just getting started. We were lucky enough to sit down with the band and discuss inspirations, their upcoming album Fean is War and more.
Can you share the name of your band and each member's respective roles within the group?
NXCRE: The Villains is a name that one of my boys named Mizzy coined for us back in the day. I was making a collective of dope people to collaborate with. At the time my boy Mizzy was just like, “Man, you’re all moving like the villains out here!” I’m just like, I like that! It's a whole group of people who we just rocked with. We just called ourselves The Villains. When I found my band, I just wanted to keep it The Villains and stick with that. In regard to the respective roles of each member, I'll let them say that one.
Loyalty: I'm Loyalty, better known as Shemari Fener. I play the drums and I basically help coordinate the song structure and give advice. I just practice, and yeah, that's it…
Jay Sambuco: My name is Jay Sambuco spelled J. A. Y. Last name Sambuco S.a.m.b.u.c.o. Similar to the liquor brand, it's an Italian coffee liquor. Or sambucas like cough syrup, you know what I'm saying. Anyways, I play guitar in the villains. I write riffs. I help with the arranging; I help come up with the stuff. The Villains, it's my life, I love it. It's what we do. And yeah, time for Coqui.
Coqui: Yo, what's good? I'm Coqui and I play bass in The Villains.
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How would you describe the evolution of your sound and what influences have played a significant role in shaping your musical style?
NXCRE: Through my journey as an artist, I've experimented heavily with all types of sounds, trying to find what truly resonates with me. I'm a big fan of music varying from all genres, so it was very easy for me to find inspiration from multiple sources. Whether it's Jeff Buckley, Chris Stapleton, Michael Jackson, Frank Ocean, the Weeknd, Drake – it doesn't matter where it's from as long as it's great music. I always find some joy and inspiration from the sounds. It allows me to really pursue forward with my motivations. When I founded the band and we continued on creating, it felt like an evolution to the sound that I was creating earlier on in my days. Now it's heavier, it's fuller, it just fits so well. The way that the songs have been resonating with the people, it's a testament to that.
Loyalty: Basically, I started playing drums at a church. I was really inspired by this drummer named Shariq Tucker. I was influenced by the gospel genre at first and then I grew a passion for rock music as well, so I started practicing that. Luckily enough, it was a blessing that we all became a band of Villains because we have a unique touch in the rock scene right now. It's a blessing.
Jay Sambuco: My biggest influence when it comes to my guitar playing and style, first and foremost, has to be my first real guitar teacher, Jason Hagen. He was my guy! He put me on to everything. My first OG guitar teacher taught me how to play some Led Zeppelin tunes, but Jason Hagen taught me literally everything. In terms of actual artists, I would say Zakk Wylde, Jason Becker, and then like bands I love – Deafheaven, Motley Crue, Ozzy Osborne, Metallica, Megadeth, all those bands. I'm really into the classics. That's what shaped me as the guitar player that I am right now. I've also been blessed enough to be able to study at Berklee (College of Music). That's been shaping my sound as well.
Coqui: I was influenced musically a lot by, I guess, like…
Jay Sambuco: Your high school teacher!
Coqui: Yeah! There was a high school teacher. I was too poor to go on this trip and he was supervising all the kids who were too poor to go on the trip. He showed me a bunch of bands like Sonic Youth, Minor Threat, Fugazi, Bad Brains and L7 and all sorts of grungy underground acts and alternative shit that I like clenched onto for dear hell. They have influenced me to this day.
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Would you like to mention any names?
Coqui: Mr. E, I don't remember his full last name. Mr. E, though, from MS 447. If you ever end up hearing this somewhere or another, hit me up, bro.
Can you share some insights into your songwriting process? How do you collaborate as a band? What themes or experiences inspire your lyrics?
NXCRE: First and foremost, everything starts in a studio. Whether it's a rehearsal studio, a recording studio, at the end of the day, it's a room where we all get together. We start laying down our ideas, our foundations, our influences, everything that shapes us into who we are today. After that, one of our major, major, major, major assets is our engineer, Steve Kay. Steve was the first ever engineer that I've ever recorded with, and he still records with me today. I trust that man with my life, That man understands my sound from ins and outs. I always call him the 40 to my Drake. He's been so, so impactful in my life. He's been there for us throughout this journey and helping us achieve the sound that we're creating right now. So, big shout outs to Steve, man. None of this is possible without him. Also shout out to Frank. I know Loyalty you have some stuff to say about Frank.
Loyalty: Yeah, shout out to Frank. He definitely helped me through recording the drums and giving me some tips and some fill ideas. He led me into the right direction [for] making some remarkable songs.
NXCRE: Frank, by the way, is our tracking drum engineer.
Jay Sambuco: The songwriting goes a lot like… either NXCRE or me would play a riff, or NXCRE will show a demo and then we'll build off of it and just expand. That's usually how it goes. One of us has something and we just build off of that. Then we get in the studio, Steve brushes it up, and we make it beautiful. Steve really is like butter to the bread… if that makes sense.
Coqui: We make lit shit for lit people who like to get lit, and that's it.
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Live performances are a significant aspect of a rock band's identity. How do you guys engage with the audience during shows? What do you believe sets your live performances apart from other bands within the scene that you're in, or scenes that you guys are looking to get into?
NXCRE: Oh yeah, the live audience. The little fans up in the front. Let me tell you something about "Feans," My "Feans." Yes, indeed. When you come to the show, prepare to be a part of the show. You're not just there standing, twiddling your thumbs, looking at your phones. No. You're in the pits. You're in the entire moment. Just know that when it comes to a Villain show, you are equally as important to the show as we are performing. You are part of the performance. You are part of the overall theatrics of the whole night. I can't thank you all enough for coming along and supporting us as much as you have and giving us your energy. It really feeds us and allows us to do what we're able to do.
Jay Sambuco: The biggest thing with playing live is honestly just getting up on stage and realizing it's not that serious, you know? No one's going to realize if you make a little mistake. No one's going to realize if we play the song for an extra 10 seconds. At the end of the day, the crowd's going to love that extra 10 seconds, you know what I mean? Just go up on stage and just give it all. Play through whatever mistakes or mishaps happen, because with a live performance it's never going to be the same for each performance. Every single performance might have one little tweak. One little thing. Sometimes the mistakes, that's where the magic happens. Sometimes the mistakes, that's where beauty occurs. That's where we really find our true colors. Playing on stage, just playing live in a room, it's like this feeling where you're all taking a sip out of a milkshake together. I don't know how to describe it. It's like you're all connected with each other in a weird way. I don't know how to say it. You really have to be a musician to understand what I mean. It's like you're one with your boys.
Coqui: I feel like what differentiates us from your average band you'll catch is just there's an energy to being locked in and also just having fun. Like that combination of being able to take a set and not just focus on, "Oh, am I going to fuck up this part?" There's a huge part of it that's like, "How are you going to entertain your audience?" "How are you going to keep them engaged?" Individually, we all bring an energy that makes us thrive. We are able to engage audiences in that way. Also in large part, there's NXCRE's frontman-ship that is a very large thriving force to the way that audiences engage with us as well. Individually, you'll catch us always between sets and shit. We talk to everybody. We just be meeting heads. We love to meet people. We love anybody who enjoys our shit, anyone who doesn't enjoy our shit. We love to meet people. We love to make connections. I feel like that's what connects us to other people. We're not just going to play a set and be like, we're the shit, and not talk to you. We love to engage with our people, and that's some real shit. Jay has something else to say.
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Jay Sambuco: We're all about community, bringing people together. That's what really defines us. We want to bring New York together; we want to bring the USA together. We want to unite people because that's what is important and that's what's missing in society.
Loyalty: As a drummer, I like to play a part of the song. The song already sets the crowd in a certain mood that is unique because like NXCRE said, we like to engage the audience where they feel a part of the band. We want to grow a community like Jay said, so I think that's how we do it.
Each single and each EP or album you guys put out represents a chapter in a band's journey. Could you discuss the creative direction of your latest single and how it reflects the current state of the band?
NXCRE: I would say everything is evolving, whether it's the quality of the music videos or the quality of the records. You're watching a band evolve in real time. It's something special because usually you wake up and all of a sudden, this band is already the biggest thing in the world. But a lot of people are discovering us before we're there yet. It's something that you can really latch on to and feel connected to because, hey, you may come to the show and there's 100 people in a room, all connected to the same thing that you fell in love with. Definitely take this for what it is and enjoy every moment of it because this is moving fast. We're just going to keep it going. I would say right now we're definitely planning an album. “Dabbington City” was our third single off of Fean is War. Fean is War is the encompassing album. "Indigo" and "Usurper" have been singles from that. We're preparing to release the rest of the album very soon. I've been very big on having visualizers for each song, a music video to really encompass what the song represents, how it feels, the emotions that it gives off to people. So, you can see the growth and the evolution in real time, again, whether it's the visuals, you'll see a quality in the visuals that's like, "oh wow, now they got a bit more." It's special to see because you're watching a band grow in real time.
Jay Sambuco: On some real talk, when it comes to the creative process and coming up with songs and stuff, there's no real process. We just kind of make it up as we go. Basically, I don't know how to say this, but it's like, we're all some young guys. We're still figuring out our lives. We have such a special opportunity to make something big. It's amazing that we've been able to find each other because we're all determined to do that. We all want to make it. We all want to be known. We all want to be seen; you know what I mean? It's about taking what we don't know, and then mixing it with what we do know. Just showing people what we can create with the knowledge that we have. Learning with the knowledge that we have, because you grow the most by focusing on your strengths, not by focusing on your weaknesses. If you focus too much on what you're bad at, then you're only going to think about what you're bad at. You're only going to be like, "Damn, I suck at algebra even though I keep practicing it. I still suck, but I'm really great at geometry." Like, you're great at geometry, bro! Keep focusing on geometry. You could be a geometry wizard. Do you know what I mean? It's about taking what you know and going at it. I've always loved rock and metal, so that's what I do on guitar. If I go to a jazz school, they try and teach me jazz. I'll learn some of it, but for the most part, I'm like, "Teach me some Led Zeppelin." Teach me some real shit that I could use because that's my strength. I'm really glad that I've been able to find people who work with my strength.
Coqui: I feel like with “Indigo” – that was that was the first single – that was sort of like let's test the waters real quick, let's see how this shit do, let's see like what we can do Very quickly there is an overwhelming response to the sound that we've manifested through those strengths that Jay has pointed out. We're bringing this vibe that's nostalgic but very new. It's just scratching two different itches at once. For me personally, I never played anything like it. I’ve played in countless bands before, fronted bands before. Initially it came as a bit of a curveball to be playing all metal. At this point with the release of "Dabbington City,” I feel like we're rounding out this sound. You get that really heavy grungy alternative metal sound with "Usurper." Then you get that nice smooth ballad metal vibe with "Indigo." Then with "Dabbington City" we're hitting you all with some classic fucking rock. Just some classic fucking rock. We're not ashamed of it because we're showing you all that we can take what it is that we do to all of our strengths. Not just utilize them to do one thing but to do anything that we want. The way that we make these things, it's not like we're incubating on some songs for fucking months. We're making these shits on the spot, basically. We're refining them. We're practicing them. Then we're hitting the studio and you're seeing this shit happen in real time. This shit is no bullshit, bro.
Loyalty: Weall basically decided to leverage our skills and take advantage of it and create a sound that's able to cut the market in a unique way. It's a blessing because we all have a passion for music, and we all want to inspire people. Nowadays, I feel like the rock scene is being neglected. It's a blessing that we have an opportunity to inspire other people, even musicians themselves, you know? If you work on your talent and you believe in your talent, if you just keep going, there's a way you can make miracles happen.
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I know we briefly mentioned an album is in the works. What are you guys looking to bring to the table on this album individually and as a band?
NXCRE: I think Fean is War is going to do great in it showcasing how extraordinary individual abilities can come together and create unique moments of art that encompass time. With this album, I just want to make sure that I'm able to speak as much of my truth as possible, as much as my reality, my feelings on this project without having to limit what I want to say due to different types of instrumentals. With "Usurper," "Indigo," "Dabbington City," these are all moments and lyrics for me that I truly feel. It's just more of that in a sense. I definitely want to make a statement. I'm also a big believer in competition. To be fair, I feel like if you're going to go into something you better go into it with the idea that you're going to be the best – or else like why go into it? I definitely want to make a statement with Fean is War. I want to show the world this sound that's being made right out of the backyards of New York, right in the cities and in the dumps and the slumps, whatever you want to call it. It's true to us. It's the best that we could give you at that time. As the next one comes out, we're going to go even harder.
Jay Sambuco: When it comes to Fean is War, me being the guitar player, I want to showcase my guitar playing, my musicianship and whatnot. Regardless of that, I think the main thing with this album is we're really just here to show people; we're just a band, we've met randomly, we're all basically four strangers, we all met in separate places and we were able to come together." Because nobody like walks into a room and says, “what up?” to the person next to them anymore, you know what I mean? That's something that's been lost in our society through social media and all this other crap. No one wants to just say, "what up?" to another. I was lucky enough to walk into a room with NXCRE who was like, "Yo, you play guitar? You should come jam with me and Loyalty." I really just want this album to show that you can make stuff happen with a random person that you just met. All it takes is just saying, "Hey, let's get in a room together and just hang out. We'll just see what happens." Because at the end of the day, we’re four different people from four totally different backgrounds, and we've been able to just come together and create something beautiful. So yeah, I think this album will be a statement to just show that, alright, no matter what, you can make anything happen.
Coqui: So this album... I'm telling you... I'm telling YOU!...
Jay Sambuco: Is dedicated to the haters!
Coqui: ... It's dedicated to everybody. The haters. The lovers. Whoever you may be. It doesn’t matter. We're just going to come together. We're going to make music. We're going to drop that shit. It doesn't really matter what happens because we're having fun, a good time, a grand old time. We just hope you enjoy it. Personally, what I'm trying to bring to the table is doing anything I do the best that I can do. That's the only way that I will do what it is that we do together. Yeah, I don't know, maybe a Teezo Touchdown feature? Or Jaleel, hit us up, our DMs are open. Let me know. Let NXCRE know. Let anybody know. All our lines are open.
Right? Everybody's down for that.
NXCRE: I'm just a fan! I'm just a fan!
Loyalty: Basically dedication and inspiration, that's the principles that I set for myself towards the band. Now for the album, the same thing, inspiration, dedication, showing that our passion can reach through people through music. If you work hard enough, it will project a message to other people that says this kid looks like he's really serious, I could work with this person and stuff like that. I hope that makes sense towards the album that you guys are going to listen to soon. I hope you guys enjoy it.
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: November 30, 2023.
Photos by Thomas Gracia © 2023. All rights reserved.
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herochan · 2 years
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Aqua Teen Hunger Force DC Comics Trinity Parody
Art by Stephen Feane || IG
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dalekofchaos · 1 month
My pitch that has Max and Chloe saving Rachel
My pitch for Rachel's story
Kate and Victoria after The Storm. Here it would be about recovery, healing and reconnecting. We would find out Kate made it out in time before the storm. I think Kate and her family would move to Seattle and we’d have a chance for Kate and Victoria to reconnect. It would be about reconnecting, forgiveness and working through their shared trauma. Bonus points. Chasemarsh happens!
Life Is Strange:After The Storm. The game opens with how Jefferson nearly kills Victoria, but is saved by David. The game is about Victoria's struggle with returning to everyday life after her traumatic experiences with Jefferson and surviving Arcadia Bay's destruction. She goes to therapy and tries to live and manage her family's gallery. One day her life changes forever. Someone she thought dead comes back into her life. Kate Marsh. Kate and her sisters left her family's rigid religious household and moved to Seattle to live free. It's about reconnecting and recovering from their shared trauma, finding peace with what happened between them, becoming friends and finding love with each other.
Warren's story. It opens on the ending where Max sacrificed Chloe. Warren is in the chemistry class and the gunshot goes off. Everyone is freaked out and when Nathan is arrested and Chloe Price's body is hauled out. Max is still in the bathroom. Warren goes to comfort her and tells him he is here for her. Then the funeral happens. But we hear everyone's reactions to Chloe and Rachel's deaths.
It would be about Warren helping Max through the worst period in her life and helping Max live again. Warren would be Max’s angel to a same degree as to what Rachel was to Chloe. Warren would be there for Max in her mourning and grieving period and helped her move on from Chloe’s death. It could end with Warren and Max going Ape
Throughout the game Warren is there to help Max through the darkest period through her life and help Max through her grieving. We'd also get to learn about Warren as a character, why he loves science, sci-fi and has obscure interests(My pitch is Warren is the male Matilda, was neglected as a child, so he chose books and science as his passion and sci-fi and it made him feel whole.) and show why Warren loves Max.
Warren basically becomes to Max as what Rachel was for Chloe. As Kate put it "even angels need angels Max" It could end with Warren bringing Max out of her depression and helping Max live again.
Epilogue shows that ultimately showing Max living her life and moving on. Show that Max still misses Chloe, but show her living her life. And just show Max living her best life with Warren, Kate, Brooke, Dana, Daniel, Stella and Alyssa. Even show montage of a friendship with Victoria. Show Max having a tea date with Kate. Show Max Goin Ape with Warren. Max doing photoshoots with Victoria and shopping dates with Victoria, Courtney and Taylor. Max doing group projects and games with Warren, Kate, Brooke, Stella, Alyssa, and Daniel. Max being Dana’s official photographer. And show Max and her friends graduating Blackwell and living their lives in Arcadia Bay. We just needed to see that despite losing Chloe, Max is okay and that while she will hold onto the memories of Chloe, she can live. The final scene is Max and Warren visiting the Lighthouse. The Blue Butterfly appears and it touches Max and as the Butterfly flies away, Max says "Goodbye Chloe as Warren holds onto Max and shares a kiss at the Lighthouse.”
for a more in depth look, see my Post-Arcadia Bay headcanons post.
For Nathan's story, I'd like an actual look into the Prescott family, show the Prescott mansion, show Nathan and Kristine's sibling dynamic and how Nathan slowly got under his father's thumb and hey even show nicer moments with Sean since Nathan was awarded "son of the year" so much that Nathan keeps it in his dorm and how what started as a good childhood, evolved into a toxic abusive family dynamic. Then we come to Samantha.
For story purposes we choose the Nathan and Samantha ending as canon, you get to be in a relationship and Nathan loosens up and we get to see a more bright and positive Nathan and it's the story of how this all burns down and how Nathan becomes who he became in LIS 1.
There are two ways we can play this.
Sean Prescott just buys off the Myers family and Samantha gets a scholorship to a wealthy college. With Kristine and Samantha leaving him, Nathan becomes vulnerable and malleable for Sean and Jefferson's abuse and manipulation.
Samantha is the first person to be killed
Sean would most likely see Sam as a distraction in the way of Nathan and the “Prescott family destiny” so he enlists the help of his old friend Mark Jefferson.  Either Sam leaves Arcadia Bay or she becomes one of Jefferson’s first victims in Arcadia Bay. Yes, I know she is not listed as missing. But Samantha could’ve been one of the sad cases of Jefferson not caring enough to memorialize Sam in the red binders. He could’ve viewed her as a disappointment. The worst part? Nathan would be so messed up mentally and emotionally, Jefferson would’ve seized upon the opportunity to gaslight Nathan into believing he killed Sam. Also, I’ve always had this feeling that Jefferson has been doing his thing longer than the events of the game. Been going on for years. In Seattle, LA, all around the country. It’s just now with his old friend funding the Dark Room, Jefferson has the perfect set up. The tragic thing is that no one cared enough to look for her. Sam did not have someone like Chloe who cared enough to put up missing person posters. Sean would do his best to gaslight his son into making him believe that Sam left him all alone which would be perfect for Sean. Her mother would care, but knowing Sean Prescott, he will probably bribe her to keep quiet. That’s the sad thing, we don’t know how many dark room victims who went missing and those victims might be people Jefferson did not deem worthy of being a part of his collection and Samantha could very well be unfortunate enough to be a victim to die and not be remembered. Not knowing what happened to the only person who treated him with real kindness or knowing that his father is right, leads Nathan on a downward spiral, which eventually shows a scene of Sean introducing Nathan to his dear old friend Mark Jefferson. “He will help guide you to greatness and your family destiny.” Guiding Nathan to the Dark Room and the character Nathan would become in Life Is Strange.
A post on what a more in depth look on what a Nathan centric game could look like
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majosullivan · 23 days
Oh you blatant fucking liars, I want to say that I expected better from you two, but after the ending of last episode, I’m disappointed but not at all surprised
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yunnd3 · 2 years
k im finally can show u this dude
idk about this .. maybe I'll finish this thing later ig
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tiktaaliker · 1 year
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im not a real doctor but i am a real worm
hiiii i have once again acquired A Guy from @jaypgartifacts !!!! the design actually goes REALLY nicely with fean, an old design i havent really used much before now. still working on both of their deals but i have Plans now hehehehe. i think im gonna be calling them Crux btw
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