#Feel free to send suggestions in asks for other wallpapers (maybe I should make all of them?)
theroseyhues · 7 months
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Pomme Wallpaper <3
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pocketfulofrogers · 3 years
To Outlive the Devil
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Summary: A good save and a case practically solved leads to intelligence almost losing one of their own. Can you get out before it’s too late?
Notes: Canon violence, nothing worse than a typically dark episode. This is a past and present cut together story and it’s just shy of 4k. 
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Your bleary eyes open up to a cold and damp bedroom. An abandoned… apartment? The peeling wallpaper had given way to yellow stained drywall. From the small window on your left, it appeared as if you were several stories in the air, but there were no distinguishable landmarks that told you if you were even still in Chicago.
As you begin to come to your senses more, you feel the thick rope tied around your wrists and ankles. The rough material burns against you skin and you notice you already have sores.
How long have I been here?
Your memory is fuzzy and your head throbbed violently. It isn’t until you shift uncomfortably that you realize it’s a heavy metal chair you’re tied to.
Slowly your body begins to pick up on the danger your muddled brain had managed to identify and your pulse begins to quicken. As much as you try, your heartbeat continues to pound in your head as you try to twist your arms free.
The pain that responds is only a small price to pay for even the chance of freedom. Desperately, you continue to twist and pull until one of the knots manages to loosen up enough for you to squeeze your hand out. It’s just a short sprint to the front door in front of you.
You will your frozen fingers to work faster as you pinch and tear at each knot and then internally scream at your stiff muscles to carry you forward just a little bit more.
When your hand reaches the doorknob and it isn’t locked, relief floods your system. But when you’re able to wrench the door open, the person behind the door barely registers in your mind before everything goes black once again.
Jay leans against his fist on his desk and tries to keep his frustration at bay. They’d been at this for two days straight and had been on the case for the last three months. “That’s two bodies in as many weeks. Is no one else starting to think…”
“That maybe hunting Chicago’s very own Criminal Minds level serial killer couple is out of our depth?” You interrupt, tilting your head towards him. “Doubt it.”
In fact, over the last two weeks, it’s the only thing you could think about. A younger woman named Madison roped, at least you were hoping she wasn’t a willing participant, into a horrific and violent life by a man you had yet to learn the identity of. You’d spent many nights pacing your bedroom, ranting and theorizing to Jay when all he wanted was just a bit of sleep.
The further you dove into it, however, the less hopeful you became for a quick arrest.
Voight had about ripped your head off when you suggested passing the case to the FBI and got to hear the ‘this is our city’ speech once again. But the truth was you were running out of ideas, running out of leads to chase down the rabbit hole, and running out of time.
“I hate to say it, but Voight’s right.” Antonio almost looks pained, but he continues on before you can question him. “The first time these two surfaced five years ago, CPD went full force. They shut it all down, had every uniform pulling overtime, and tried to smoke them out. Instead, it scared them into hiding.”
“Five girls in three months, Dawson, they’re escalating.” You take a breath before looking him in the eyes. “I can’t keep notifying parents.” There’s a certain pang in your voice only those who have had to watch a parent’s life crumble around them can hear. Jay reaches out to squeeze your forearm for just a bit of comfort and you run your fingers over his.
It’s enough.
“Then we end this.” Voight’s eyeing you, sympathetic to where you’re coming from, but not willing to give up yet. “Let’s find these monsters and make them pay.”
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you nod and turn to Adam. “Ok, let’s go over everything together, see if we can find something we missed.”
“Since it’s all we have, let’s revisit the address on Madison’s unemployment file.” Jay suggests.
Adam looks confused. “The house was condemned last year, torn down in the spring.”
“I know, but what about the name on the house, did anyone look into it?”
“Figured it was a stolen identity.” Kevin pipes up. “Clara Knight, died in 2012 of a heart attack at 66. No other properties in her name.”
“Knight?” Mouse perks up and starts shifting through his files. “I found a few erased emails from a Robert Knight, but I couldn’t find any relation or connection.”
Adam is already typing ferociously. “Got a death certificate for a Robert Knight, 68, died a few months ago. Seems like the guy barely existed.”
“Any children?”
“A daughter.” His face is grim. “Murdered in 99, she was 16.”
The hairs on the back of your neck prickle. “Pull up a picture of her.” You don’t need to see it to confirm what you already feared, but still the image of her face churns your stomach. A beautiful blonde girl with the hope of the whole world in her smile. “He’s been at this a lot longer than anyone thought.”
“Any property still in his name?” Voight asks.
Anxiety rippling through your chest, it feels like an eternity before Mouse nods. “His nephew Isaac put his house in Roseland on a tax form.”
When you come to, the first thing you notice is that your restraints have been changed to zip ties and for a moment you’re concerned about your circulation. You’re worry is cut short by the cup of water on a table to your right, the plastic straw close enough for you to reach it.
The sudden realization of the searing pain in your throat and the cracked skin on your lips lets you know it’s probably been about two days. It’s the dryness of your tongue that overrides every single rational thought of concern that maybe the glass beside you isn’t safe to drink. But, fifteen minutes pass with no incident so whoever it is probably wants to keep you alive.
The thought sends ice down your back.
Alive for what?
“What do you want from me?” You scream into the empty apartment.
“We need a vacation after this.” Jay declares as he leans the seat of the car back a little. “Somewhere warm with water so I can look at you in a tiny bathing suit all day.”
You roll your eyes, but he doesn’t miss the small smile you give before bringing the binoculars up again. “We’ll see what we can do about that.”
“Hey lovebirds.” Adam calls over the radio from the car down the street from yours. “Have you seen anything yet or are you too busy staring into each other’s eyes again?”
It’s Jay’s turn to roll his eyes. “Didn’t you just take your third piss break?”
“Hydration is very important.” He defends.
“I told him to wear the diapers.” Alvin adds. Adam tries to defend himself, but you can barely hear him over Kevin’s laughter next to him.
Just then, out of the corner of your eye, you see the movement of a curtain, the flash of blonde hair, and the air shifts. Jay immediately catches the tense set of your shoulders and starts asking questions.
“They’ve got a girl up there.” You tell him through gritted teeth.
“Are you sure? I didn’t see anything.”
You nod and get out of the car despite the hushed protests from Jay as he follows you. To do what? You weren’t sure yet but you had felt so powerless these last few months that maybe you weren’t being the most rational right now.
The curtain moves again and, rather than getting caught, you quickly spin around and push Jay against the car before crashing your lips to his. Other than a noise of shock sounding from the back of his throat, he doesn’t miss a beat.
“North corner window.” You mumble against his lips and slide your hands up his chest, tilting your head to the side to give him a better angle.
When he pulls away, he brings his phone up and looks you in the eye. “We’ve got confirmation on the nephew Isaac, but he’s got another girl up there. If we bust in, he might get spooked and hurt her.”
It’s quiet longer than either of you would like.
“What should we do, boss?” Adam asks for you.
“Do you think you can get in quietly?” Voight asks.
Jay waits for your nod. “We’re on it. Going silent.”
Picking the lock was nothing. Sneaking around a house you know nothing about except for a quick glance at a blueprint from 2005 was the difficult part. Jay splits the two of you up, sending you upstairs while he clears the lower level. Circumstance didn’t allow you the option to argue with him that splitting up in a situation like this is the worst thing to do.
He was your partner and it was your job to always have his back, as difficult as he makes it, but he’s rounded a corner into the living room before you get the chance to cuff him to you.
Your breath catches in your throat when a step on the stairs creak, but you keep moving until you find a girl in the second room you clear. She’s blind folded with on leg tied to the bed. She tenses when you approach, but relaxes once you’ve gotten close enough to whisper who you are.
“Tracey.” She says he name with a whimper and your heart breaks as you cut the rope and take off her blindfold.
When she sees you’re really who you say you are, she throws herself into your arms and begins to cry. There’s nothing more you want to do than to sit here and comfort her, but your ears picks up on a man’s voice you don’t recognize.
“Ok, Tracey, I know you’re so scared, and I can’t imagine what you’ve been through, but I need you to be brave a little longer.” You pull back and look her in the eyes. “My partner and I came in here alone. I need you to tell me where the man and woman who took you are.”
She nods. “I don’t know where she went, she left a while ago. He’s here, downstairs I think, in his office.”
There’s a crash downstairs, the sound of broken glass and your blood runs cold. Immediately, you look for any other way out, but there’s nothing. No balcony, no window, nothing. Voight’s on the radio already, but you silence him.
“Stay directly behind me.” There’s a kind of urgency in your voice that puts her even more on edge.
Creeping down the stairs, you can hear Jay struggling in the kitchen, but it sounds like he’s holding his own.
“Bringing the girl out.” You whisper into your radio and glance back at Tracey. “As soon as we get down, I want you to run to the door. Do not stop. When you get across the street there are people who will help you.” She nods but she looks terrified. “I swear I won’t let him get anywhere near you.”
It’s the door opening that alerts Isaac that something else is going on. You round the corner with your gun drawn and the scene before you makes your knees weak.
Jay is bruised and cut up, struggling against the man behind him, the arm around his neck, the gun pointed at his head.
“She said you were cops, but I told her she was paranoid.” Isaac snarls.
“Madison? Is she here?” You ask, your voice as level as your gun trained on his head. Voight is yelling over the radio, but you tune him out. “I’d love to meet her.”
He snickers and smiles wickedly. “Even if she could be caught, neither of you will be alive long enough to see it.”
He only manages a twitch before you pull the trigger and land a shot right between his eyes.
Jay falls forward, breathing heavy and you rush towards him. “Jay’s hurt!” You call out when the door is broken down. Adam kicks the gun away from the obviously dead suspect and you let them handle the scene.
“Where does it hurt? Did you get hit? I told you it was stupid to split us up! How’s your breathing?” Your hands are frantically searching every inch of his body. He has to grab your hand and grip it tight in his to stop the assault of questions rapid firing from your lips.
He sits up with a groan and kisses your knuckles when he sees the panic on your face. “I’m okay. Because of you it’s just a few cuts and bruises.” He manages a smile and you almost cry right there.
Voight places a hand on your shoulder. “Tracey is on her way to Med. Medics said she’s going to be okay. We’ve got another bus on the way for you. Nice work you two.”
The creak from the front door opening pulls you from a daze and you wince at the sunlight flooding the room. A blonde woman stands before you with a duffle in her left hand and a gun in her right.
She tilts her head to the side. “You’re still alive. What a shame.”
You struggle to focus your eyes from the concussion you’re assuming she must’ve given you. “Maddison.” You croak out. “What are you doing?”
She drops the duffle next to you and grips your hair to pull your head back, pushing the barrel of the gun into your temple.
“I’m going to make you suffer.” She hisses and roughly lets you go. “I tried to warn him that you were watching us, but he wouldn’t listen.”
“Don’t say his name!” She screams and the sound cracks through your skull. “He told me to get some supplies, but when I cam back, I watched from the back window as you murdered him.”
You shake your head and try to reason with her. “Maddison, he was hurting people. He was going to kill my partner.”
“Partner.” She repeats sarcastically. “You mean Jay Halstead, your boyfriend of 3 years?” Maddison moves in front of you to revel in the fear that has filled your eyes and smiles sinisterly. “Yeah, I know who he is.”
You start quickly, the panic in your voice betraying the training you were struggling to hold onto. “If you want to kill me fine, do it. But don’t hurt him, Maddison. Please, he’s done nothing.”
She tsks as she opens the duffle and begins to pull out long metal pieces until finally, a long-barreled shot gun. “Why would I kill you when the alternative is so much better?”
You begin to struggle against the restraints as your mind starts to put together scenario after scenario of awful images. Maddison pays no mind to you begging and pleading to see reason. Instead, she pauses from building some contraption to walk over to you and jam a needle in your neck.
When you come too again, she’s sat casually in front of you. “I thought hitting you in the head again might actually kill you, and that’s not what I’m going for, so… you’re welcome.”
You glance around again and notice the barrel of the shotgun behind you just to the left of your shoulder. “Yeah, thanks.” You deadpan looking back at her. “What’s with the ‘Saw’ set up?”
She raises a brow. “Hold onto that strength while you can.” She points out the wires and hooks running along the floor and ceiling to trace it back to the door in front of you. “I used to be a STEM major. Did you know that?” She doesn’t stop long enough for you to respond. “Turns out I still remember a few things.”
You stare past her towards the door and then look quickly back to the gun, beginning to piece together her plan.
“Yes.” She coos. “It’s exactly what you’re thinking. The first person that opens that door, if he happens to be the right height, will get a life ending shot to the face. And I’d like to ask you what the chances are that anyone other than your boyfriend will be the first through the door.”
For the first time you feel utterly defeated, hopeless. Madison watches closely, soaking in every moment of your anguish.
“Now you’ll know what it feels like.”
You phone buzzes for the fourth time in the last hour. “Yes?”
“He’s actually insufferable, where are you?” Will speaks quickly, his tone seeping in irritation.
You laugh. “April already sent me out to get him food because he was whining so much. I am in route with a burger and some other stuff from his favorite place. Should be there in 15.”
“Thank god.” He says quietly. “Would you give it a rest? She’s 15 out with enough food to hopefully put you in a coma so I don’t have to.” You laugh as Will continues to yell at his brother.
“I almost died! Where’s your compassion?” You hear Jay yell back and only laugh harder
“You have ONE bruised rib and a concussion. I’ve seen high school football players handle worse with less complaining!”
“If it’s not so bad, why won’t you let me leave?!”
“I’m stepping up the pace, be there soon.” You laugh and hang up.
The Chicago night was chilly, but something else causes the hairs on the back of your neck begin to prickle. You don’t stop walking, don’t even pause a single step. Instead, you glance in a shop window and catch the reflection of a woman, a flash of blonde, not too far behind you.
Casually, you switch the bag of food to your other hand, but before you’re able to grab your gun, there’s a pinch in your neck and everything goes black.
Jay had forced his way back to work sooner than anyone recommended. You’d been missing for 5 days. Disappeared with no trace other than your cell phone and a bag of cold diner food spilt on the sidewalk. If it were up to him, he would’ve been at his desk the moment 30 minutes hit and you weren’t there.
Alvin called two hours later telling him what they found and Adam and Antonio had to physically restrain him, Will almost sedated him. Voight promised him that they’d find you, and Jay knew they’d do everything they could, but he needed to be a part of the search.
“Did she have any enemies?” Alvin asks and he doesn’t flinch when Jay begins to laugh sarcastically.
“Any enemies? Do you hear yourself? She had tons. We all do. But let’s stop pretending like her being taken the day we closed that case isn’t connected.”
Alvin tries to sympathize with him. “We have to ask. You know the drill.”
He throws his hands up in exasperation. “Are you seriously going to treat this like any other missing person? It’s Y/N, Al! Y/N!”
“We know.” Voight says from his office door. “I made a few calls, Jay, we know where she is.” For a fraction of a second, Jay is frozen, but the thought of what you could be going through right now moves him. He’s grabbed his jacket and is in the car before anyone else has moved.
“I thought only the CIA had access to things like that.” Adam whispers lowly in the car into Kevin’s ear.
He shrugs. “Do think it’s out of the question that he’d break several constitutional laws to save any one of us?”
Adam sits back in his seat with pursed lips, nodding.
You struggle against the restraints long after Madison leaves you with only a gag in your mouth. The multiple cars pulling up and all the people shouting told you that you were running out of time. As of this very moment, you were locked into your fate of watching the man you loved die.
This was not an option.
The hard plastic digs into your ankles and wrists, your movements quickening with each door you hear them break down. You try to scream, to warn whoever was on this floor that there was a danger they couldn’t possibly see, but your muffled cries wouldn’t carry.
Tears soak the bandana shoved in in your mouth and you try to scream again.
No! Stop! It isn’t safe!
You hear Voight’s voice a few doors down and begin to try and rock the chair back and forth. It was considered heavy for a good day, and today was not that. Having not eaten or really moved in so long had left you weak and foggy. The adrenaline coursing through you veins only aiding a little in your efforts.
The sound of the front door breaking down sends a jolt of energy through you and you send yourself flying in front of the gun just as the bedroom door opens.
Jay raises his weapon at the sound before his brain can register what has happened. His wide eyes find yours just before you’ve hit the ground.
“Y/N!” He screams and rushes towards you. Frantic, shaky hands move quickly to remove the bandana and zip ties before applying pressure to your shoulder. “I need a medic!” He calls franticly over his shoulder, but when he turns back to you, he has to shut down the thought that you might not make it that long.
“You found me.” You try to say, but instead sputter blood onto your cheek.
“Oh, God.” He gasps. “You’re okay, you’re going to be fine.” But the more he says, the less you hear him.
“I love you.” You try to reach out to his face and graze his cheek, but your fingers won’t cooperate and only leave smudges of blood across his skin.
When your breathing starts to quicken and become more raged, he knows time is running out. So, in defiance of the orders and suggestions coming in through his ear piece, he lifts you up to cradle you to him and runs.
An annoying, incessant beeping is the only thing you can hear, but when you move to reach for it, a shooting pain stops you cold. You groan softly and pry your eyes open only to see both Will and Antonio hovering too close to your face.
Will starts to wave a flashlight in your eyes and you push him away. “When was the last time you guys brushed your teeth?”
Antonio chuckles softly and places his hand atop your head, his thumb brushing softly. “We got her.” He says quietly. “She couldn’t help herself. She stayed close to the scene to see the fallout and Kim caught her.”
Will nods his head towards Jay who was sleeping soundly in what you had to imagine was a very uncomfortable position. “We’ve been keeping an eye on him as well as you. Do you want me to wake him?”
You look back over at him and smile before turning back. “Better not. These are the last few moments of peace I’ll get for the next year at least. You would think someone would be a little more grateful towards you for saving their life, but I can already hear how mad he’s going to be.” Only a small part of you is joking.
“Well, I’ll get shot next time and we’ll see how you feel.” Jay’s sleep riddled voice carries from the corner, but he hasn’t opened his eyes yet. “I’ll give you an hour.” He adds before settling back in.
Now that’s the love of my life.
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darkroom-wildlife · 4 years
Picture Perfect | Leviathan x MC
Word count: 1781 words
Inspired by the card: The Flower of Sensation
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It was a wonderful day out in the Devildom so you and the other seven residents of the House of Lamentation decided it was best to spend the day soaking up the sun in the nearby forest. Beelzebub suggested that a picnic was in order so you and the brothers packed picnic essentials as well as things to keep yourselves occupied once there.
Finding a spot next to the lake, you laid out the picnic blanket and plopped yourself down onto it. The brothers made themselves comfortable in their own spots, while Beelzebub joined you on the blanket, happily munching on the snacks you’ve all brought.
As you felt the cool breeze blow, the feeling of contentment washed over you. You decided to lay down on the blanket and close your eyes. With your arms crossed under your head, you let out a happy sigh. Nothing could make this day any better.
And that’s when you heard a shriek.
Eyes shooting wide open, you quickly sit up and try to locate the source of the noise. You look behind you and see Asmodeus flailing his arms, a grin plastered on his face and a beautifully-decorated frame in one hand. At first you were amused, seeing Asmodeus so happy, but then you did a double take because how in the hell did none of you notice the considerably sizable frame he decided to bring along?
“Oh, I look absolutely amazing!” Asmodeus said, looking at his D.D.D. in Satan’s hand
“Take a few more for me would you, Satan dear.” He asks
Whether it be in awe or confusion, you decide to get up and walk towards the two brothers. The clicking sound from Asmodeus’ phone got louder and louder as you approached them. Asmodeus waved at you from behind Satan.
“MC!” shouted Asmodeus
“Oh, thank hell.” exclaimed Satan, “Finally, someone to take my place. I’ve been meaning to finish the book I brought.”
Now standing next to Satan, you give him a reassuring smile, “I’ll take it from here, Satan. You go read your book.” Before Satan could give his thanks, he was interrupted by Asmodeus.
“MCCCCCC! Come take a picture with me!” whined Asmodeus
“Maybe we should let Satan have his rest first, Asmo?”
“But MC, I need cute photos of us to post on Devilgram!” Darting your eyes around, you try to see if any of the other brothers weren’t occupied. To your dismay, all were quite busy doing one thing or another.
“A-asmo, maybe you and I could take a selfie? I could hold the phone for us or perhaps you could?”
“Oh, Darling, that’s brilliant! Come here, you~” Asmodeus says, as he motions for you to come to his side.
Taking the phone from Satan, you make your way behind the picture frame next to Avatar of Lust.
With your right hand holding onto the frame, and the other holding onto Asmo’s phone, you raise your left arm to capture the two of you. “Smile~”
click! You lower your arm to check on the photo. The golden gilded frame is barely in view, meaning the even more beautiful flowers in various species and colors were even less prominent. “I’m sorry, Asmo, perhaps you wanna try taking the selfie for us?” “I have an even better idea” cooed Asmodeus “Why don’t you go and ask Levi to take a picture for us!” You gulped. You only had the biggest crush on the purple-haired demon for the longest time.
Sensing your nervousness, Asmo chimes in, “Come on, it’ll be a good reason to talk to him. Besides, wouldn’t you just love to have the demon of your dreams look directly at you for an extended period of time?”
You hate that he was right. Leviathan’s nose was almost always buried in two things: anime or videogames. His nose could be buried in even better places, you think to yourself, a light blush spreading across your cheeks. “No, MC,” you scold yourself mentally, “let’s save the self-insert fanfiction for when we get back to our room, ok?”
You felt Asmodeus leave your side and you watched in dismay as he walked over to the Otaku demon. The latter was reading a manga, his eyes darting intensely back and forth between the pages. Asmodeus placed a hand on your dream boy’s shoulder, causing him to look up.
You couldn’t hear the words exchanged between the two but you saw Leviathan reluctantly get up, placing his manga in his pocket. As the strawberry-blond haired and purple-haired demons walked towards you, you couldn’t help but notice just how breathtaking the darker-haired demon looked. 
You barely saw Leviathan outside the confines of his room, so seeing him out in the sunlight was a pleasant surprise to you. The sun complimented his pale skin and a light blush tinged his face There was a shine to his hair, and his orange eyes looked absolutely beautiful in contrast to the blue sky and green trees.
“Got him, babe!” exclaimed Asmo as he made his way back to your side.
Leviathan was now in front of you with his hand extended. You look down at it and up back at his face. He’s almost as confused as you are right now. “Uhm, the D.D.D.?” he asks
“Oh right” you think to yourself. You extend your hand with the D.D.D. and you felt heat rise to your cheeks as your fingers brushed his open palm. If blushing was a contest, you and Levi would be battling it out for first place.
Raising the phone between his two hands, Levi clears his throat
“Ok, smile!”
You and the Avatar of Lust bring on your cutest smiles and poses.
“Is that enough?” Levi asks.
“Lemme see!” says Asmo, gesturing for his D.D.D.
As he looks at your pictures, a brilliant idea strikes you. Looking over to the gushing Asmo and then to the seemingly bored Levi, you pick up the courage to ask the older brother,
“H-hey, Levi. Can you take a photo with me?”
“. . . Ah, of course. Hand me your D.D.D.” he replies
You shake your head and let out a small laugh, “No, silly. I said with me, not of me.”
The purple-haired demon raised a hand behind his head in confusion.
“Wh-why would you want a picture with me though, MC?” he asks, a blush evident in his face, “I-it’s not like I look any different today.”
“Oh, but you do, Levi! You’re always cooped up in your dimly lit room!” you respond
Before Leviathan could protest further, Asmodeus grabbed his arm and dragged him to where he stood behind the picture frame just moments ago.
“Quit whining, Levi. Just give MC her picture and you could go back to reading your stupid manga!” Asmo whined
“H-hey! ☆I’m a demon☆who is secretly head over heels for the human exchange student☆but I’m unsure how to tell them☆because I’m too shy☆because I’m unaware that the human exchange student likes me too☆ is NOT a stupid manga! Its plot is riveti-“
“Ok ok I get it! Just shut up and smile, please!”
Levi lets out a sigh. His free hand puts up a peace sign and he cracks a small smile.
“Move a little closer, you two!”
You and Levi inch closer together.
You two are now shoulder to shoulder.
“C L O S E R” shouts Asmo, shooting you a wink
Leviathan shifts to have you slightly in front of him, making the distance between the two of you even smaller. You let out a nervous smile as you look at your D.D.D.
“Alright, smile!”
“Oh, antichrist, you two look awkward as hell. Tell you what, you put on a bunch of poses and I’ll keep taking pictures, ok?”
You nod and look at Levi, looking for some reassurance. He looks at you and gives you a nod and a smile, signaling that he’s ok with it.
that’s when it clicked - your D.D.D. as well as your neurons.
“I won’t get another chance like this.” you thought to yourself.
As soon as you heard the next click, you dove straight for Levi’s face and planted a kiss on his cheek. As quickly as you’d gone in, you pulled away. Levi’s cheeks were as red as a Jersey Devil tomato and you could faintly hear Asmodeus cheering, the clicking of your D.D.D. going nonstop.
“Yesss! I caught that on camera! It’s super clear, too!” exclaimed Asmo, walking over to the two of you.
Showing you your D.D.D., you saw that he did indeed capture that spontaneous moment. You and Levi both look at it in wonder. It was so clear, your eyes closed as your lips make contact with his cheek, his cheeks in turn depicting a deep blush. It was beautiful. One could even say it was picture perfect. Hell, he definitely looked picture perfect. You raised your head to thank the strawberry-blond demon.
“Thank you so much, Asmo! I love you!!”
Letting go of the picture frame, you pull the demon in for a hug.
“Oh, I love you too, my darling MC!”
Your mind suddenly jumped back to Levi and your joy was quickly replaced with horror.
“Oh my god, L-Levi, I’m so sorry I-“ you began. You were interrupted by the shy demon.
“Oh, don’t worry about it. I-I kinda liked it.” he said, looking away.
You were nudged by Asmodeus and he mouthed that he’s going to leave the two of you alone before walking off.
“You did?”
“Y-yeah”, he said as he slowly walked over to you
“In fact. . . . I uh . . .” he gulps, “would it be ok if you. . . send me a copy?”
“Oh. O-of course!” you stutter.
Switching over to your contacts, you click on his name and the message option. You attach the file and hit send. Levi’s D.D.D. beeps in his pocket in response. He whips his device out and checks the message.
He smiles sheepishly as he stares at the photo.
“T-thanks, MC.”
“Anytime!” you reply
You two looked at each other awkwardly before Levi spoke.
“I uh . . . I’ll be over there if you need anything.” he said, pointing to the picnic blanket a few feet away, “Thanks for the picture.”
Before you could reply, Levi sneakily plants a kiss on your cheek and hurriedly walks away.
Just when you thought this day couldn’t get any better.
Unbeknownst to you, just a few feet away, Leviathan is changing his D.D.D. wallpaper to that photo of the two of you. ------------------- If you’ve made it this far, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read it! I’m honestly not a big fan of Leviathan but boy oh boy let me tell you, I love how good Levi looks in cards! This card in particular got me feeling some type of way the past week, so I hope writing this helps me feel better lol.
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dearosamu · 4 years
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SYPNOSIS: she, a dancer with personified problems all the while more that intrigues osamu dazai who came into her life amidst the chaos that is [name] [last name].
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"are you positively sure?"
"for the love of - jesus, dazai, yes!" [name] screeches exasperatedly at her phone. he's been constantly interrogating her of the decision of living with him. in which, she seems to no longer have any qualms of doing so. it was annoying having being spammed by various texts and missed calls first thing in the morning.
"listen, we'll meet you soon, alright? now stop bombarding my phone, you big dummy." dazai whines at her words, but she hung up before he could say another word. he was such a handful.
yumeno hurriedly rushes past down their old hallway, own luggage rolling behind him as he held marga on one hand. the female takes one last look around her small, old apartment, taking in the near empty space of what she previously called her home.
this house contained lots of memories. to struggles, to few happy moments she had with yumeno. to the mere memory of having lived here with yumeno's father.  even so, she probably won't miss it. the dull colors of the wallpaper feels unimaginative with life. it felt as if there was a somber air lingering around the place, recollection of old wounds somehow fresh in the mind.
things have taken a drastic turn once dazai and [name] have talked it out. on a much more deep and personal level. they've helped each other come in tune with their feelings more. they've settled on about it like adults. it was a good change, she thinks. at an ever so agonizing pace, she's begun to develop strong feelings for him. romantic feelings - as much as she tries to deny it.  still, upon learning they'd have a better home to live in, yumeno was ecstatic. it appears she wasn't the only one who felt an extensive amount of adoration for dazai. in yumeno's case, a possible father figure in place of the years he grew up without one.
ever the impatient of the two, dazai had convinced oda of lending her his chauffer to aid them with their luggage and transport - or in dazai's words, the operation of baby birds leaving the bird nest (quite silly and unnecessary, really). thankfully, oda had much obliged, seeing as how dazai really cared for the woman who now resides in his home.
dazai could be seen pacing back and forth beyond the gates of his. he was obviously tense yet very much impatient. yumeno ran into his arms as soon as the car was parked. a small but genuine smile curled up from the corners of [name]'s lips, the adorable sight in front of her sending a familiar feeling of warmth through her heart.
as yumeno departed from dazai, - who now speed-walked into his new house - [name] came up to him, greeting the male with a small kiss to the cheek. he takes her suitcase from her as he tries to not let it fluster him, choosing to wrap a free arm around her shoulders to lead her into their home.
"okay, so yumeno has his own room over there. you can choose any room that you'd like though." he plops the suitcase near the couch.
"does your room count too?" [name] giggles. dazai nearly choked on his own spit.
"i-if that's what you want, then sure."
the female once again cracks a wide grin, hunching over to muffle her chortles. "oh my god, stop-"
"stop what?"
"being such a baby. you're acting like a teenager with a crush," she snorts. dazai dismisses her comment, offering a lopsided smile.
"whatever helps you sleep at night, [name]."
"you can leave anything that involves affection with me instead. you don't have to force yourself to act different if you don't want to," she chuckles. "just be yourself around me."
"but i want to spoil you," dazai pouts. after countless times of being rejected from a while ago, he wanted to do more for her. he was deprived of love and want. he wants to be selfish with her, if that wasn't obvious enough.
"and you will get as many chances as you want. for real this time," she coughs as the brunette seemed to beam at her statement. he had a total switch for his little mood swings - something she personally found funny and stupid in a weird way. [name] moves to sit on the couch, nestling in comfortably in the spacey plush texture of the cushions.
dazai felt semi-giddy on the inside. she looked quite adorable sprawled out on the burgundy colored couch with a relaxed expression adorning her features. he wanted to give himself a pat on the back for thinking up and suggesting that she should live with him. not only was he going to be surrounded by the presence of two people he cared most about, he gets to see more of [name]. more of her vulnerable and soft side - the side he didn't think he'd be able to see.
and most of all, he'd be surrounded in more of her endearment.
yumeno came running back from his own room, a wide smile on his face as he rushed into dazai face first into the taller's abdomen. the former looks up to dazai, hands still having a tight grip on him as he hugged his legs. "thank you so much for my new room, osa-chan!"
"do you like it, q-chan?"
yumeno hums in approval. "mhm! i love it!" he released his hold on the brunette, diving face first into the arms of the woman situated on the couch. "hey, kaa-san, if we live together with osa-chan, does that make him my new dad?"
dazai stares at the child in [name]'s arms with wide eyes. the female sputters at yumeno's words, telling him to unpack his things back in his room. he giggles and wordlessly returns to his own room, leaving the two adults again in the living room.
"sorry if that bothered you. it's partially my fault yumeno let that slip," she scratched her cheek, avoiding his gaze.
dazai thinks nothing of it, silently chuckling to himself. "new dad, huh? it didn't exactly bother me. it's just surprising. i didn't really think of myself as a good father figure, much less have someone call me a dad."
"really? not even daddy?" she laughs as dazai's cheeks flushed with color, avoiding his hand that came up to flick her forehead. "kidding! don't flick my forehead - it gets so red and it's so annoying! - aH STOP!" she yelped as dazai lunges at her on the couch, wrestling with one another like children. nimble fingers tickle her sides, making her break into giggles as she pathetically slaps his arms to make him stop. after a while, he just laid on top of her, nuzzling in her comforting warmth, inhaling her sweet scent. this was nice, he thought. [name] gave up on her attempts of pushing him off, raising a hand to run her fingers through his soft, chocolate locks of hair.
it was a feeling like no other for him; to be able to dwell and mold into her body to his like there wasn't a problem in the world - to have his gaze fixated on her soul, painting a picturesque image of forever to capture her ever so captivating beauty. dazai's heart flutters with every fleeting moment. the serene silence comforting as he listens to her steady heartbeat. intimacy isn't just sex. intimacy is this. intimacy is her. to elicit the vulnerable-like state of him where he doesn't have his guard up for once is relaxing. it allows him to take a breather.
she allows him to let go of that facade he's kept up for so long.
"marry me," he mutters, voice muffled as his head was buried in soft material of clothing. her hand stills on his head, grip gentle as she breathes in slowly. she felt her heart beat faster. his words igniting a feeling of tenderness and bewilderment in the female. maybe even a bit of excitement.
"you want to what?"
"i want to marry you," dazai doesn't look up at her, still choosing to hide his face on her chest. it wasn't that he was anxious for her answer, he just didn't want her to see the expression he had. he felt a mixture of embarrassment and anxiety - maybe even a bit of hope. "let me marry you someday."
[name] was still silent. dazai stiffens against her, dreading on what her answer may be. was he going too fast? maybe he picked the wrong time to say it. fuck! he's such an idiot―
"you're asking me to marry you like this?" the sound of her giggle breaks him out of his idle thinking of doubt.
"do you not want me to?"
"i never said anything like that," she patted his arm as a way of saying to move, shifting into a sitting position. they both sat cross-legged on the couch, facing one another with stares of longing and apprehension. taking a hold of both of dazai's slender, calloused hands, rubbing circles on his knuckles as some way to calm his heart - more so like to calm her own.
"wanna know something?"
"what is it?"
"i love you, osamu." she leans in close to give him a small peck near the corner of his right eye, her soft, plump lips against smooth, vanilla-like skin. the pale complexion under the brunettes gaze blossoms with a tint of pink. silence surrounds them again, save for the rapid thumping of their hearts that ached in blissful pain against their chests. it felt like their hearts were about to explode from the sheer euphoria.
the female gives a firm nod of affirmation, smiling wide. "i really do and besides," she crawls over to his lap, now burying her face on the soft material of his clothes. he felt so warm. he felt like a safe-haven in spite of the loathsome state of the world. dazai takes a hold of one of hands, laying small kisses on her palms as she continued.
"you shouldn't be nervous. i'll be with you on every step of the way."
"i couldn't have asked for much more."
he wouldn't change this for anything less.
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swellwriting · 5 years
What do we do now? - Part Five
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Part Five- Full Moon
A/N: This part is really dramatic and angsty (but the ending leaves a lot of good expanding points for drabbles so feel free to send some drabble requests! p.l.e.a.s.e) ❤
Warnings: Descriptions of violence, blood and injuries.
Word Count: 4k   Series Masterlist
A week had passed. Remus had drunk the Wolfsbane each day and tonight when the full moon came out they would find out if it worked or not.
“So how should we do this?” Y/n asked as they laid on the hood of the car, enjoying a bit of the rare mid-November sun.
“Well, there are a few things to think about. The Wolfsbane tastes like it usually does, horrid, and I'm not trying to question your potion making skills but if it doesn't work we have to be prepared. I can't be sleeping in the car when I turn, I’ll get out too easy the windows are too breakable. We also need to put you somewhere safe, away from me just in case.”
“What if you need me?” She asked as she turned on her side moving to lean on her elbow and propping her head up with her palm. He looked at her, the way she didn't look at him as a beast, she wasn't scared, just worried.
“Your safety is more important than my needs.” He said, insistent. He brushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear and noted the way the sun was shining on her hair in an angelic sort of way.
It’s probably not good to idolize people, especially real people that you know. But Remus couldn't help but think of Y/n as an angel, a forgiving, caring and kind angel that he was lucky enough to have in his life. Even if it was a life filled with only friendship and fleeting touches. Even if he had to spend his whole life going no further than brushing her hair out of her face, his finger tracing the shape of her cheekbone as he did, at least he would be with her.
“Not true but I won’t argue with you. Since we have stayed here all week I think it will be okay if we get two cheap rooms in the basement of a wizards pub. We can be in separate rooms, I can use advanced locking spells and silencing spells to keep us hidden.” She explained calmly.
Remus had been worried all week, wondering how they would tackle the upcoming full moon, he voiced this concern to her the other day as they walked into town to get lunch but she said she wasn't worried, her mind was on food. Y/n was always thinking in the moment, something Remus continuously admired about her. Maybe that's what developed her problem-solving skills to what they are now, maybe she works best under pressure.
Y/n slid off the hood of the car after squinting into the sun trying to determine what time of day it was. She grabbed the car keys and started the car, startling Remus who was still sat on the hood, he turned around, sliding onto his knees and looking at her through the windshield.
“Planning to run me over instead of having to deal with the Full Moon?” He yelled so she would hear him.
“No, but I was thinking that I could drive us there.” She smiled mischievously up at him, she honked the horn but he saw it coming so he didn't flinch, just playfully glared at her. She stared up at him as sweetly as she could until he admitted defeat and made his way into the passenger seat.
“Okay, you know how the car works yes?” He asked patiently, sitting on the bench type car seat directly beside her.
“Yes, I've been taking notes.”
“Then go ahead, follow the gravel road we took to get in here and you should be good.”
She was slow, scared of what it felt like to be in control of such a large object. When she reached the end of the gravel path she put her turn signal on and checked to see if the coast was clear. Remus just nodded at her approvingly.
She didn't slow down much before the turn though, and the muddy gravel beneath the wheels skidded just a bit scaring her enough to make her slam on the breaks.
Remus put his hand out to stop himself from hitting the dash of the car. Y/n took her hands off the wheel and smiled sheepishly at Remus, “That was fun, maybe you should drive the rest of the way.”
“Okay put the car in park,” he chuckled as she did so, then she climbed over him back to the passenger side of the car. It was good that no one else was on the road at this time, though it seemed pretty untraveled.
“Passenger side is much comfier anyways.”
“Sure, you just tell yourself that.” Remus teased and she playfully pushed him by his shoulder.
They found a small wizard pub that had a sign saying there were overnight rooms available. After bartering with the guy they managed to get two of the three rooms in the basement for a fair price. It was hard for them to convince the man why they needed two rooms. The man was so certain that they were a couple and they had to adamantly explain that no, they were not.
The two were standing in the hallway outside the two rooms, Remus was about to go into his room and Y/n would cast the two spells once he did. They found it hard to say goodbye. The concept of spending the night apart, given it was only a wall between them, was unnerving. The two had grown so dependant on each other, the grief was easier when they weren't alone, it was better together. They had slept in each other's arms for over a week and Y/n didn't ever want to sleep through a night in any other way.
“I should go now,” Remus suggested as he backed into the doorway.
“You have everything? Are you sure you are good?” Y/n asked for probably the third time in twenty minutes.
“I'm sure Mini, I'll be fine. Goodnight.” He smiled but his eyes were sad, scared.
“Goodnight,” she said as she started to close the door, wand in hand. She was overcome with worry, every bad scenario playing through her head. Her wrist twitched as it held the doorknob and she swiftly opened it again banging it on the wall as she ran into the room encasing him in a hug. This was their second hug since he told her he was a werewolf.
“You’ll be okay.” She whispered in his ear, reassuring them both. She quickly placed a light kiss on his cheek, her soft lips meeting the scar that ran from one side of his face to the other.
She turned and left as swiftly as she entered, closing the door and pressing her forehead against it. She took out her wand, pressed it against the doorknob and said the words clearly.
The next thing she did was not what she had promised to do.
Y/n was supposed to cast a silencing spell on Remus’ room, to ensure no one in the pub would hear him, and to ensure that she wouldn’t either.
But she was so concerned, she wanted to make sure that if she was locking him in the room she could hear him cry out if he needed her. So she lifted her wand, she cast the silencing spell on the entire basement instead. The third room looked unoccupied anyways. Then she walked into her room, she took the blanket off the bed and walked across the room sitting on the floor, leaning against the shared wall between them and waited.
An hour had passed, Y/n had fallen asleep but was awoken when her head slipped off her palm and met the wall with a thud. She groaned, her hand meeting the growing bump on her head. She looked around the room, unsure of how she got there for a moment.
The room was small, the wallpaper atrocious, and the carpet so dingy she regretted sitting on it. The blanket she used was exceptionally itchy and not to mention the worst shade of green she had ever seen making her shrug it off and stand up. She placed her palms against the wall and tried to listen for Remus since the full moon would have turned him by now.
Without Wolfsbane he would be a full werewolf, but with the right dosage of properly brewed Wolfsbane he would be a sleeping werewolf probably curled up on the floor. Y/n wasn't sure if he would be either of those or some degree of an in-between state.
Since it was silent she hoped the Wolfsbane had worked, until she heard a large bang followed by a pitchy groan. Her heart stopped beating for a moment as she collected herself. Did she really just hear that?
On the other side of the wall Remus had changed into a werewolf, for the first hour or so he slept but the strength of the potion had worn off, probably due to dated ingredients. He was still rather calm though, but the anger and the beast inside him stirred to come out. His eyes flashed open and his wolf self wrapped his arms around himself trying to suppress the urges to attack something, anything. Remus stood up, picked up a chair and threw it across the room, hitting the wall behind him, this was the noise Y/n had heard.
He fell to the floor again scratching at his own skin, blood filled his nails and he cried out in pain from his own unstoppable actions.
Y/n heard his cries, hot tears ran down her face as she fell to the floor beside the wall again. She cried and cried, feeling as though she had failed him, as though this was her fault. She cried until she surely thought she would run out of tears but there were plenty of tears for Remus.
This was the moment that she realized that she was in love with him.
She falls in love too easily, she falls in love with the strangers she meets every day, she falls in love with herself and she fell in love with Remus the first time she met him.
But this was different, it was as though she had now moved past the first level of love, this was real love. The kind where she almost felt his pain, she was desperate to help him and felt helpless about it, the overwhelming need to stop Remus from hurting himself. She wished the pain on herself instead, it was a self-sacrificing type of love, the kind where she’d die for him easily and so soon into their friendship or whatever it was between them.
She felt settling in her bones as she accepted her love for him, she felt her heartache. This love could be platonic, she would be okay with that, but she couldn’t push away the feeling of wanting, needing more with him.
When her eyes grew dry the tears came from her heart and up her throat, dry and pained yells for the person she had grown to love but couldn't help.
After a while, Remus scratched at the carpet instead, he scratched until he met concrete and then scratched and scratched until he passed out hours later.
Y/n hadn’t fallen asleep, she sat there dry heaving at the thought of her own failure. She ran to the bathroom, and threw up in the sink, she threw up until her stomach was as empty as she felt. This was causing her actual pain, it was literally making her sick.
All she wanted was go curl up beside Remus and get some sleep, she was so exhausted that lifting her body off the bathroom counter was more work than she anticipated. Her limbs were heavy and her feet felt as though they were tied to cinder blocks, she couldn't complain though because based off of Remus’ pained cries he was far worse.
Slowly she made her way to the small window that was ground level, tiptoeing to peer out of it and trying to see the sky, the moon was fading, and the sun was so dimly visible in the distance. She stood there, fingers clutching the window sill, toes aching from standing on them for so long. She waited until the exact moment the sun was visible and ran quickly to Remus’ room. She struggled to undo her own locking charm, her words mumbled between sobs.
When she finally got into the room Remus was on the floor, bloodied and bruised and unconscious. She grabbed her wand and struggled to use magic to lift him onto the bed, her mind a hazy fog from the emotional stress. She picked him up with her hands bringing him to the bed and then falling in beside him, she passed out almost instantly.
With the comfortable bed and the non-existent window in the room they could have slept in all day long, they needed it surely.
Sadly their deep sleep was interrupted by a banging fist on the door, they both awoke with dried tears on their cheeks.
Someone was yelling on the other side but it was muffled, Remus tried to get up but winced from the pain so Y/n got up instead and opened the door a crack effectively hiding Remus on the bed from the prying eyes of the angry-sounding stranger.
“What the fuck was going on in here all night, screaming and crying! Kept me up all hours of the night!”
“I'm deeply sorry Sir,” Y/n tried to apologize, a frown deep on her face and bags under her eyes.
“Don't Sir me!” He yelled and pushed the door, opening it wide and knocking Y/n to the floor, not knocking her unconscious but effectively knocking the wind out of her.
Remus sat up in the bed as the man made his way across the room.
“What the fuck is this? What is going on here you're all bloody, is this some fucked up torture shit!” He continued to yell which helped in no way with their pounding headaches.
“No.” Remus tried to explain but the guy quickly grabbed Remus’ arm making him cry out in pain. He looked at the markings, the potion bottle and tied things together rather quickly, he must have experience with this sort of stuff.
“You’re a fucking Werewolf aren't you!” He yelled and squeezed Remus’ bloody arm before letting go and pushing it away roughly. “You're keeping a fucking Werewolf in the same building as other wizards are you fucking mad!” He turned to Y/n who was still on the floor, she backed up against the wall as he got closer.
“It’s not her fault, we will be leaving shortly.” Remus tried to sound stern, tried to assert himself but failed, he sounded like a weak and injured puppy.
“Both of you are at fault, and both of you will be reported to the Ministry for such, I bet you are an unregistered Werewolf, they don't take kindly to that.” The man threatened and pointed his wand at Remus' throat.
Y/n was scared, she felt powerless. Unsure of what to do she used Accio to summon her wand but it was stuck in her room where she left it, she would have to resort to wandless magic, luckily that was her strong suit. Silently she got up and yelled the words clearly and imagined the spells as powerful as she could in her mind, she hexed him making him fall onto the floor, he screamed in pain. She had used a rather nasty one, the kind that would get you kicked out of Hogwarts.
“You just attacked another wizard! I know people in the Ministry, they can have you sent to prison for such crimes! I swear it!” He yelled as he lied on the floor looking small and weak in her protective rage filled eyes.
“Petrificus Totalus!” She yelled and the man's body became bound tightly freezing him in place, she picked up his wand and threw it across the room, the man went to yell but before he could she yelled again, “Silencio!”
The amount of wandless magic she was able to do was becoming limited. She ran around the room as Remus sat on the bed looking dumbfounded, she gathered their things, grabbed her wand from her room and stood in front of Remus.
“What do we do now?” Remus asked.
“We need to leave.”
“I agree,” he mumbled staring at the man on the floor.
“I had to do that.” She felt bad for attacking the man but he was going to attack them, attack Remus.
“I know, I'm not upset with you, I'm thankful.”
She smiled at his compliment and lifted her wand, making it less stressful on her mind to cast the next few spells. “Scourgify,” she said and twirled her wand effectively cleaning the whole basement of any trace of them. Then she grabbed Remus' hand helping him stand up and pointed her wand at the man, “He can't remember this at all, or he will report this to the Ministry, they will find us.” She explained and Remus just nodded.
“Obliviate.” She said and didn't wait another second before apparating into the car. The two of them fell into the back seat and Remus groaned from his tired and bloody limbs hitting the seat. “We have to get out of here, no one else can see us.”
“Well, what happens when someone finds that man tied up in the basement? Won't the bartender remember us?”
“The binds I used on him are charmed to disappear when I cast obliviate, he is just sitting on the floor of a room that's not his completely confused, but we still need to get out of here, back to the forest at least.”
“Okay, but it’s not safe for me to drive us there, and we can't leave the car here,” Remus explained looking rather upset because he felt so helpless.
“I'll drive, I can drive I'll just go slow.” She said but knew she would have to drive fast to get away from this place. She climbed into the front seat and put the keys in the car pulling out of the thankfully simple parking spot and going down the road.
“Slow down when you turn,” Remus commented and she smiled.
“Oh hush up, you backseat driver.”
Y/n chewed on her lip until it bled, though she hadn't noticed the coppery taste on her tongue, she was focused on the road. Remus helped as best as he could but he was close to passing out again from the pain. Y/n finally pulled into the forest, she forgot to slow down and skidded against the gravel again making her curse under her breath as she tried to control the car, she drove ever so slowly down the path until she found that familiar hidden space.
She practically jumped over the front seat, pulling the part down so he could lie down comfortably, then she ran to the trunk grabbing the few healing potions she managed to steal and grabbing her wand trying to remember the healing spells she learned at Hogwarts a few years ago.
After about an hour of doting over him she finally settled down, she pushed everything to the side and sat down on the back seat careful not to touch his injuries.
“You look awful,” he commented with a frown, he had been staring at her as she worked, the bags under her eyes, the redness in them, the bloody lip she had given herself.
“You don't look so good yourself.” She joked and forced a smile on her face.
“He heard me Y/n, if you cast the silencing spell how did he hear me, how did you end up in my bed with me.”
She frowned and looked at her hands which were covered in his drying blood, “I'm sorry.” She muttered before letting the tears trickle down her face in defeat.
He instantly regretted it, he never wanted to have to see her cry, break down in front of him.
“All of this.” She shrugged and gestured dramatically with her hands around the space, “It’s all my fault, I messed up the Wolfsbane, I messed up the silencing spell and didn't listen to you and this all happened because of me.”
“Hey, calm down. If it wasn’t for me this wouldn't have been your problem at all. Please don't blame yourself, what matters is that we are okay.”
“You’re not! I heard you all night long, crying in pain and hurting yourself and I just sat there and did nothing, I cried and cried and made myself sick over it.”
Remus frowned as he reached up and wiped the tears from her cheeks, he pulled her down to fall beside him in the small seat. “Shh.” He cooed and repeated it until her laboured breaths became softer, calmer. He ran his fingers over a bit of exposed skin, affectionate gentle touches so she would understand that he wasn’t mad at her.
“The Wolfsbane didn't work, the ingredients were probably expired and that's not your fault, I wouldn't have had any of it if I were still on my own. You tried to help me Y/n and regardless of whether or not it worked the fact that you tried and cared already means so much to me. Knowing I made you cry, twice now, and that it made you sick? That breaks my heart even more.” He admitted and she turned her face hiding it under his arm, her eyelashes tickling his shirtless chest.
“We need a better way of handling this.” She whispered, her voice heavy and tired. The sunshine was warm and bright but if she hid her face just right it didn't bother her.
“For now we just heal and focus on sleeping,” Remus suggested, sounding so much like Y/n at that moment. She nodded against his skin and then fell asleep, Remus was close behind her since she did a pretty good job patching him up and healing him.
Travelling with Remus was a lot of late night drives, asking him to drive as slow as possible, no rush or anywhere to be quickly and taking time just enjoying the slight breeze the changing scenery and never being in one place for long.
It was going to grocery stores when they were at their emptiest and spending hours roaming the aisles, it was gas stations that were open 24/7, but not going until 3 am and mixing all the slushie flavours together.
It was always parking and watching the sunset. It was waking up by the sunshine. It was taking pictures of nothing. It reminded Y/n of what youth was like with her muggle friends during the summer when she had no money but all the time in the world and had to fill it with such boring things.
Making jokes and fun out of nothing. It was holding his hand and squeezing his fingers between hers. It was being entangled in the backseat of the car reading comic books out of order. It was thrift stores and charity shops because they could never afford anything else. It was Y/n sitting on the hood of the car and Remus sitting on the trunk throwing gummy bears into each other's mouths.
Its was climbing trees and purposely stepping in muddy puddles. It was making crowns out of leaves and flowers. It was this innocent exploring love that the two of them had never experienced before.
But it was also pain, sadness and having both their hearts as open wounds. They missed their friends, Y/n constantly ached to be with Harry. Not that Remus wasn't enough but she couldn't stand how happy she felt sometimes like she shouldn't be allowed to experience these things without them.
The realization that she was only living this way because they were gone hit hard, her and Remus might have never gotten closer if it hadn't been forced by their leaving of their old life.
Whatever happened these memories would last forever for both of them. Memories of Y/n sitting in his lap and applying the boldest of eyeshadow looks. Collecting every cassette they could get their hands on and jamming to ABBA and singing at the top of her lungs. Sneaking into the drive-in and sitting by a tree and then spending the rest of the night blabbering on about Star Wars.
It was perfect but limited and soon enough it would have to come to an end because no one can run away forever.
Part 6
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kirachama · 7 years
decoded (707 x reader, part III)
rating: 13+ (hacker au, later chapters will have spoilers for 707 route and secret ends)
notes: look guys it didn’t take me nine months this time! i actually wanted to have this chapter done about a week ago, but i’ve been feeling a little under the weather as of lately... thanks goes to my beloved kamu for beta-thing this. the chapter is a tad shorter than chapters one and two but please enjoy! 
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 |
You heave a relieved sigh when the familiar sight of your laptop wallpaper meets your eyes. It’s been a few days since you had gotten that virus from trying to hack 707. Since your laptop was essentially useless, you had to make do with the computers in the campus lab until you were able to get home and rescue your precious laptop. It’d been a literal hell. Those ancient artifacts couldn’t hold a candle to your baby.
Lovingly, you stroke your laptop’s screen, “It’s so good to have you back....”
The first thing you do is check the Hackers Chasing Hackers chat server. Even though you had access from your phone, you hadn’t really checked it since your laptop went down. There hasn’t been much activity since then either. It seems a good deal of the other hackers are still struggling to rid themselves of the virus that 707 gave them. You probably would have been one of them if you hadn’t been hellbent on getting your laptop back. Those school computers… Just thinking about them again sends a shiver down your spine. Damn that 707!  if it weren’t for him and his stupid virus you would have been spared from such… such torture. If you could, you’d hack him yourself just to give him a taste of his own medicine.
You stop for a moment. If you could hack him yourself…
Slowly, you glance at your two computers, playing with the idea of hacking 707. Theoretically speaking, you do have the basic skill set needed to exact your revenge. The only thing stopping you is… You shake your head to rid yourself of the thought. You? Hack 707? By yourself? Are you crazy? There is no way… no way at all. If Hackers Chasing Hackers can’t do it as a group, then what in the world makes you think that you can do it on your own?
It’s a worthwhile goal, but one you’re not sure you can actually accomplish in the near future. 707 just seems like he’s on a whole different level. You let out a sigh before slapping your cheeks. It’s not good to let yourself get discouraged.
“I will become as good as him,” you mutter to yourself. “I will… I will…!”
You give yourself a couple more encouraging cheek slaps before returning to your computer. While you were preoccupied, you’d received a message from Minji.
meenmeen: hey me: yo meenmeen: ur comp’s fixed now??? me: yeah. meenmeen: woahhh. I’m still working at it. me: do you want help? meenmeen: nah, it’s good practice 4 me. meenmeen: i think i almost got it anyway.
Minji has a good point. Despite the frustration you’d gotten from 707’s virus, it was still a good way to hone your skills. You couldn’t really describe the intense feeling of relief and accomplishment you’d gotten from finally ridding yourself of it, and you didn’t want to take that away from Minji. The messenger dings again and you look back to the screen.
meenmeen: bet u had fun tho. meenmeen: i know how much u love 707’s stuff.
You feel yourself flush red. Admittedly, she is right, though you wouldn’t exactly call what you had ‘fun.’ You’ve only had a few chances to hack 707’s systems, but each time you’re in awe of how intricately built they are. There’s no doubt in your mind that he must slave over his work, spending hours upon hours perfecting each system. You can’t help but appreciate how much effort he must put in, and maybe that’s why you like hacking him.
me: u don’t? meenmeen: hell no. it’s so complicated meenmeen: that guy is a total sadist. me: but that’s the fun of it. meenmeen: ur crazy. the perfect maso for 707.
Sputtering, you stare at Minji’s words on the screen.
me: WHAT?! meenmeen: bet that’s why u cracked it so fast. me: no it’s cuz my school’s computers suck meenmeen: o okay if u say so.
There’s no doubt in your mind that Minji’s teasing you. For a while, she’s been convinced that you have a little crush on 707. It might be true, but you can’t really say when you’ve never met the guy. What you do  know for sure is that you admire his skills and you mildly enjoy trying to hack his systems, despite any frustration they might cause.. Maybe she is right about the masochist thing.
meenmeen: so once i’m done wanna go again? me: … me: are you crazy? why??? meenmeen: oh come on, i know u want to.
You’re not going to tell her that the thought had crossed your mind. She would definitely lord that over you.
me: it’s not gonna work. meenmeen: but u’ll have fun~ me: i’d rather not go through a week of hell again. meenmeen: no guarantee he’ll give us a virus. me: ugh….
She has a point. There were some instances when Hackers Chasing Hackers would attempt to hack 707, but they’d just get forced out. You figured during those times 707 was just too preoccupied to retaliate.
meenmeen: come on… plz???? meenmeen: i’ll buy u a pizza. me: ...ugh, fine. me: but if i get a virus again ur coming here to get rid of it. and you gotta let me use one of your spare laptops for school. meenmeen: o7
You groan as you lean back in your chair. Ideally, Minji would take another week or two to rid herself of 707’s virus, but if she thinks she’s almost done… It’ll take her at least a few more hours and at most a day. You swivel in the chair back and forth wondering what to do while you wait. Since your laptop had been out, you couldn’t play any of your computer games, so you’d actually been a good student and finished all your readings and homework.
“Guess I’ll play some LOLOL… It has been a while…” you mumble to yourself as you open the program on your laptop. As soon as you log on, you get a message from Yoosung inviting to you to play a few co-op matches with him. It’s a good way to pass the time while you wait on Minji, so you agree. Every match you guys play is won with relative ease. Even though you don’t play that often, you’re a pretty decent player, but Yoosung is in a completely different league and he’s just the second best player on the server. It makes you wonder how good the top person is. When you have a free second in between matches you, look to see the name of the number one player on the server and find it’s someone called Awesome Hacker. Automatically, you think of 707, but there’s no way, right?
Midway through a match, you get a message from Minji. That’s probably her telling you that she’s done. You glance at the clock. It took her about two hours. Wait. Have you really been playing LOLOL that long? You take a quick second to tell Yoosung that this is your last match. If you wait for the match to be over, you might not get a chance to tell him before he throws you in queue for another match. Once you guys win, you tell him that you’ve got stuff to do and that you might be back on later. Naturally, his response is that he’ll probably be on. You exit out of the game and respond to Minji’s message, telling her that you guys should talk over voice chat.
A moment later, you get a pop up alerting you that she’s calling. You click the option for sound only and the window pops up, showing Minji practically shoving her face up in the camera.
“Oh, boo, no camera?” she pouts.
You didn’t really think there was a need to turn the camera since you’re just going to be discussing stuff. Minji continues to whine for a good minute before you reluctantly turn on the webcam. “Happy now?”
She beams at you. “You betcha! Now spill the beans. I know that you’ve probably got some idea in that little head of yours on how to hack into 707’s system.”
“Ideas, maybe, I can’t guarantee that they’ll work.”
“They’re probably better than Code GAGA’s plans,” Minji spins in her chair. “Now spill.”
You lean back, crossing your arms as you think. All of your hacking attempts so far have been the large scale operations that you’ve done as a member of Hackers Chasing Hackers. If it’s just you and Minji then there’s no way you could possibly use the same approach, unless you recruited more people. Of course, the only hackers you really know are other Hackers Chasing Hackers members, and recruiting them would probably result in some problems. You don’t think Code GAGA would take very well to you organizing something like that since he’s the group’s leader. “We’d… have to be sneaky. Chip at the framework bit by bit to lay in the groundwork to over take his system.”
Minji thinks about your suggestion for a minute before nodding her head in agreement. “That sounds like a good plan… how long do you think it would take?”
“With just the two of us?” You pause for a moment to calculate. “Uh… if everything went flawlessly, at least a couple weeks?”
“A few weeks!?”
“Yup, and that’s assuming the system is as big as I think it is.”
“And if it’s bigger?”
“Uh… maybe a few months.”
Minji lets out an exaggerated groan and flops over on her desk. Clearly, when she was asking for your ideas, she had been expecting something different.
“I never said my ideas were quick…” you explain. “But with the two of us, that would be the most efficient way. We don’t have the skill or the manpower to even an attempt a head-on assault.”
“I knooooow.”
“Should we just give up then?”
The young woman shoots up and smushes her face against the camera, “Hell no! I’m gonna make that 707 pay! Don’t you want ‘em to suffer for making you use those sorry excuses for computers?”
“Well, yeah, but...”
Minji slams her fist on her desk, causing the entire screen to shake. She glares at you through the camera, clearly displeased with your lack of enthusiasm. “Come on! This is 707 we’re talking about! And I know you wanna get as good as that freak with his convoluted codes, so come on, let’s do this! You know you’re not gonna get any better just sitting there. If anyone can do it, it’s you!”
Once Minji’s done with her little tirade, she lets out a huff. You can only stare at your screen in awe. It feels awfully strange for her to give you this kind of pep talk. When you first met, Minji told you that her becoming a hacker was just a byproduct of her computer skills. She’d only really joined Hackers Chasing Hackers because the prospect of being a ‘hacker’ seemed like fun to her. “Minji… do you maybe… really want to hack 707… You said you want revenge for the virus, but is it maybe… more than just that?”
Minji’s face turns red and she looks away from the screen. “I mean… who doesn’t…? Isn’t 707 the ultimate challenge?”
“I guess so…” you agree slowly with a smug grin.
A moment passes before she hesitantly turns to look back at you. “...argh, fine, okay! I really want to hack 707 but I can’t do it alone! Please help me!”
You grin, “...Fine. Let’s do this. But don’t forget, you owe me a pizza.”
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ongsniel · 7 years
[requested] the more i pick at you (the more perfect you are)
AUTHOR: ongniels (ali) FANDOM: WANNA ONE/Produce 101 RATING: PG-13 PAIRING: Kang Daniel/Ong Seongwoo WORD COUNT: 2,4k WARNING: cursing SUMMARY: Do you want to get some ramen?”
Daniel spits out the water he had just been drinking and stares at Seongwoo incredulously. The older boy looks at him with the most serious expression, sounding as if he really means it – as if he means everything that phrase entails.
“Do you want to get some ramen?”
Daniel spits out the water he had just been drinking and stares at Seongwoo incredulously. The older boy looks at him with the most serious expression, sounding as if he really means it – as if he means everything that phrase entails.
“I’m sorry, come again?” Daniel manages to stutter out.
“Do you want to get some ramen?” Seongwoo repeats, accentuating every word as he opens his mouth ridiculously wide, believing it will make the other boy understand better.
“It’s like eleven in the morning, where do you want to get ramen at this hour?” Daniel whispers.
Seongwoo looks at him with the most exasperated facial expression he can muster, as if Daniel is some kind of stupid kid who doesn’t understand the adult world – and hey, that kind of offends him because of course he knows what Seongwoo means, he just isn’t sure if Seongwoo really means it.
“Not right now, you idiot,” the older boy finally replies. “Tonight. Let’s get some actual ramen. Not the chemically enhanced one.”
He sighs, he isn’t too sure if it’s in relief or disappointment though, when it finally dawns on him that Seongwoo is truly, really just talking about normal ramen. Now that he thinks about it, though, he is kind of confused as to where they are even going to get ramen when they are supposed to stay at the training center until Monday.
“And where do you plan on eating ramen? I’m pretty sure the staff doesn’t take requests when it comes to dinner,” Daniel asks, scooting closer to Seongwoo, who is sitting on the floor next to him.
“Well, obviously we’re going to sneak out after practice,” the older boy replies like it’s the most obvious thing on earth. “There’s a good restaurant not too far from here.”
Daniel’s eyes open wide.
Out of instinct, he looks around to see if anyone is listening in on Seongwoo’s master plan – as expected, there is no one. The rest of the Produce contestants are intensely practicing their choreographies for the next evaluation stage, doing exactly what the both of them should be doing at the moment.
“Don’t look so guilty already, we haven’t done anything yet,” Seongwoo laughs, his hand coming up to rest on Daniel’s shoulder. “Samuel told me about a loophole around the fence area on the other side of the dorm. He sneaked out to meet his mother there last week, says none of the staff ever checks the place out so he went and met up with her again yesterday. What do you say? You don’t have to come if you don’t want to though. I don’t want to force you; I can ask another person-”
“Don’t ask anybody else,” Daniel interrupts him. “I’ll come.”
Now it’s Seongwoo’s turn to look perplexed at the younger boy. He catches himself quickly though and throws himself into Daniel’s arms like the little kid he is. Daniel just embraces him back, telling him to be quiet if he doesn’t want to be found out even before they actually try to sneak out.
Daniel, also, easily ignores how his heartbeat quickens and his stomach tightens pleasantly at the skinship with Seongwoo.
“I knew this wasn’t a good idea, Jesus, why did I ever agree to do this?” Daniel mutters to himself as he walks behind Seongwoo. “If I’m kicked out of the show because of you, I’m going to kill you in a very creative and painful way.”
Seongwoo tries to muffle his laugh with his hands while he looks back at the younger boy.
“Yes, yes, I’m sure you, Kang Daniel, Mr. I-am-afraid-of-killing-even-a-small-bug, will kill me in a slow and painful way,” the older boy agrees with a smirk.
Daniel narrows his eyes at him and hits him playfully, making Seongwoo hiss in pain.
“Where is that loophole anyway?” Daniel asks, anxiously looking around to see if any of the staff is nearby. “I thought it was near the dorms.”
“Just follow me, we are almost there,” Seongwoo sighs, rolling his eyes.
Instead of what Daniel had expected, which was for Seongwoo to start walking again without saying another word, the older boy holds out his right hand for him to hold.
He stares at it for at least ten seconds before he actually takes a hold of it.
Although Daniel has held Seongwoo’s hands a lot of times, mostly when he was nervous or needed some support, this time it feels so utterly different because his heart is thundering in his chest at the simple contact and his whole body seems to be focusing on the way the browned haired boy’s finger is softly caressing the back of his hand.
“See? It was really easy, wasn’t it?”
Daniel nods, smiling at Seongwoo before he starts to take in their surroundings, loving the way he can feel the breeze on his skin. Even though he has seen the buildings in front of him a thousand of times, they look more beautiful to him now that he is free.
“Let’s get some ramen, yeah?” Seongwoo suggests, pulling Daniel along as he starts to run.
“What are you doing you weirdo?” Daniel inquires but doesn’t stop. He likes the way Seongwoo seems so carefree while running in front of him, his hand tightly holding onto Daniel’s. “We’ve got enough time! We don’t have to hurry!”
“Yeah, but where is the fun in walking?” Seongwoo looks back at him with a grin as the words leave his mouth.
When they arrive at the restaurant, the both of them sit down on the steps of the entrance to catch their breath.  They are panting and Daniel knows he is sweating a damn lot but he can’t help to burst out laughing when Seongwoo and he look directly at each other.
The older boy grins toothily, his eyes sparkling.
“Wow, the ramen is really, really good! I’m so glad we came, the food at the dorms is shit compared to this,” Daniel exclaims in between bites.
Seongwoo doesn’t even respond, too focused on his own food.
They gulf down their meal in less than five minutes, only a bit of vegetables left in each of their plates. Seongwoo says that the both of them are living unhealthy lives because they aren’t eating properly; Daniel tells him that they get enough exercise to make up for it.
That leads to them to them talking about the weirdest of things – the invention of spoons, the way the staff seems to be absolutely whipped for Jung Sewoon, how Minhyun had almost knocked himself unconscious while waking up and hitting his head on the upper bunk, what Pokémon they would be, etc., etc.
As Daniel watches Seongwoo wheeze while laughing, his eyes closing and his cute laugh lines appearing, he notices that this is the best time he has had in a long time.
“Oh?” a girl suddenly gasps next to them.
Seongwoo and he turn to look at her in surprise. She is covering her mouth with her hand and staring at the older boy with narrowed eyes.
“Aren’t you Ong Seongwoo? From Produce 101?” she asks excitedly, leaving her family behind on the table she was sitting and walking towards them.
Daniel feels kind of proud that Seongwoo is being recognized by someone.
“Y-Yeah,” Seongwoo stutters, a faint blush on his face.
“I have been voting for you since before the show even started!” She tells him happily, unlocking her phone to show him that he is her wallpaper too. Seongwoo grins at him before he turns back to listen to the girl. “Could you maybe give me an autograph?”
Although he hesitates for a moment, Seongwoo agrees with a smile. He tells the girl to please keep their meeting a secret since they are supposed to be at the dorms right now and it could get them in trouble.
When Seongwoo finishes signing a piece of paper, the girl turns towards Daniel.
“You’re Kang Daniel, right? Can I get your autograph too?” she asks shyly, handing him another piece of paper.
“I’m so happy you recognized me, too!” he says contently and signs the paper. “Please keep supporting us!”
As soon as the girl is back to her table, bragging to her family about the autographs, Seongwoo looks at him and wiggles his eyebrows excitedly.
“We’re celebrities now!”
Daniel just shakes his head as he laughs.
“I don’t want to go back yet,” Seongwoo whines when they arrive back at the fence.
On the way back, the brown haired boy had complained about how cold it suddenly had gotten and had plastered himself to Daniel’s side, his face almost buried in the crook of Daniel’s neck, Seongwoo’s cold nose sending shivers down Daniel’s spine, while Daniel’s arm was wrapped around his shoulders.
Daniel doesn’t want to let go and go back to the dorms either.
“Same,” he sighs, squeezing Seongwoo’s arm. “I wish we could stay out a little bit longer, I had a really fun time today.”
When Daniel looks down at Seongwoo, the other is peering at him from under his eyelashes, it makes his heartbeat quicken and his breathe get stuck in his throat. They are so close that if Daniel were to lean forward even just a millimeter, their lips would collide with one another.
Daniel shakes his head, trying to forget all the suggestive images that keep swirling in his head.
Seongwoo doesn’t seem to take notice of Daniel’s action and just almost lazily separates himself from Daniel, a shiver running through his body because of the cold. He slips through the hole in the fence and waits for the younger boy to do the same afterwards.
Then they quietly walk towards the dorm, Daniel clinging onto Seongwoo’s shoulders while watching out for staff members or other trainees.
Thankfully, they run into no one and safely make it to right in front of their room without anyone noticing, the older boy laughing about how nervous he felt all the way there. Daniel agrees wholeheartedly. He even shows the older boy his trembling hands.
“But it was worth it, wasn’t it?” Daniel asks, happily. “This night really felt like a dream, it felt really nice not to be followed by cameras or staff members for once.”
“Yeah, I agree… I’m glad you had fun during our first date,” Seongwoo says and wait – what?
“First date?” Daniel blurts out, eyes wide as he stares at the older boy in surprise. “This was a date?”
Now it’s Seongwoo’s turn to look surprised. He is staring at Daniel questioningly, one of his eyebrows rising as he licks his lips and cocks his head like a dog would.
“Obviously?” he replies. “What did you think ‘do you want to get some ramen’ meant? Everybody knows it’s a way to subtly ask someone out, normally into their houses and to do something else, I know, but like, I couldn’t think of a better way to ask you out on a date, so… Ugh, this is embarrassing! I thought you knew and got all excited for nothing…”
Seongwoo rubs his hands over his face tiredly before he cups his own cheeks. Daniel thinks he looks cute like that, pouting and blush creeping on his face.
Daniel can’t help but laugh, feeling a sort of giddiness running through his body.
“Don’t laugh at me, that makes this even more humiliating,” Seongwoo frowns at him, one of his legs softly kicking Daniel’s shin. “And it makes my heart do all kinds of weird things.”
That… makes Daniel’s own heart do some crazy stuff – it almost feels like it’s doing a summersault.
“Anyway, since I already feel like I am going to die thanks to,” the older boy wildly gestures around, pointing at Daniel and then at himself. “I’m just going to go into this room and maybe spend the whole night thinking about this totally embarrassing moment.”
He goes to the door, muttering something under his breath and is about to touch the door handle when Daniel’s brain finally reboots and kicks into action.
His hand automatically reaches up to take a hold of Seongwoo’s wrist. The brown haired boy stops in his tracks, head turning to look back at Daniel with bewilderment. Daniel doesn’t let that faze him and tugs at the wrist lightly.
“Listen,” he begins, his tongue nervously swiping over his lips. “I might not have known this was a date but that doesn’t change the fact that I like you.”
Seongwoo seems to immediately calm down after hearing his words, a small smile forming on his face as he keeps looking at Daniel.
“So you like me too?” the older boy asks.
Daniel notices that he has never heard Seongwoo speak like this, a mix between happiness and insecurity, like he wants to believe Daniel but is not quite sure that he can.
“Yeah,” Daniel grins, once again tugging at Seongwoo’s wrist to get the boy to turn around fully. “Yeah, I really, really do.”
“Good lord, thank you so much, I feel so relieved right now, Jesus –“Seongwoo starts but is interrupted by chapped lips softly pressing against his own, Daniel’s hand cupping his cheeks.
Since Seongwoo is taken aback by the suddenness of the kiss, it takes him a few seconds to relax into it. But when he does, it’s amazing. The older boy’s hands grab Daniel’s lower back and pull his body closer to Seongwoo’s, his hands then easily slipping under Daniel’s shirt and caressing the younger’s skin.
They end up against the wall, Seongwoo pressed against it as Daniel kisses his neck, lips trailing down the wide expanse of skin until he finds a spot he likes to leave a love bite.
He can feel Seongwoo’s every breathe against his cheeks, he can hear Seongwoo’s every moan right in his ears, the boy whimpering every time  Daniel bites his skin softly only to then soothe  the pain with his tongue.
“Quit playing around and come back here,” Seongwoo breathes out, right hand guiding Daniel’s face back to his own.
As Seongwoo kisses him, Daniel feels the urge to have Seongwoo closer, nearer. So he does what every other person would do and lifts Seongwoo up, the other boy’s legs easily wrapping around his waist, a moan escaping both of their mouths at the friction of their bodies.
“How about,” Daniel starts to say in between of heated kisses. “We get some real ramen now?”
Daniel doesn’t need a verbal response because the way Seongwoo stares at him longingly before leaning in for another passionate kiss is answer enough.
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thejokersenigma · 7 years
Joker x Reader Deadly Voice Part 43
Hi guys, sorry it's been a while since I've managed to get a part out!
This one is quite a bit shorter than usual, but I have started the next part - I just though this bit would be better on its own!
I'll apologise now - this piece is probably REALLY bad because I've just felt very uninspired recently and I feel like I've lost my idea of the Joker at the moment (especially Jaredleto joker) - I think I might need to have a movie binge night to get back into character!
So the warning for this part is EXTREME FLUFF. I'm not kidding - this probably isn't everyone's cup of tea and I don't know why I made it so fluffy (maybe I just need a hug). I don't even know why I wrote this part. In my head it was better.
So if you want to skip this part I understand - I'll try to get back on track for the next part!
Enjoy anyway!
Thank you again for reading and all your support! Feel free to send request etc. to me - I don't mind which fandom - I need to branch out a bit! :D
“Where is she?!” The Joker demanded, advancing on the three men in front of him.
“Sir?” Asked one of them.
“The girl!” The Joker snarled furiously, launching at the henchman with his metal teeth bared, grabbing his shirt collar and shoving the barrel of his gun into the man’s throat.
It was 5am and he’d finally returned from his ‘little discussion’ with Jackson out at the docks about an overdue shipment. It had ended with 7 men dead and Jackson himself sporting a new set of scars as a little debt reminder.
But now the Joker needed sleep. He hadn’t slept for over 5 days and it was beginning to take its toll on him – not on his mental clarity, which remained its usual sharp-witted tangle of mess and noise – but physically he was exhausted, even now his legs ached and protested under his weight.
When he had entered the large house, he’d found all his men wary – more than usual – around him and excusing themselves from any room he entered. He didn’t bother to waste his energy on them now – they’d still be in there in the morning when he felt more refreshed – and he get his attention solely on his path to the bed at the top of the house.
When he had arrived at the door he had opened it quietly, knowing there was a chance the girl [Y/N] would be asleep and - though the idea of seeing that little scowl on her face once again sounded appealing - he wasn’t in the mood to really mess with her right now - he had plenty of time to do that later after all. The thought of this had made his lips twitch into his signature grin.
As he had opened the door, the dim light of the corridor had faintly lit the blackness, throwing shadows across the room, and providing just enough light to make out the outlines of objects. He had immediately headed to the bed but stopped dead when he found it empty. Pristine. As though no one had even touched it.
Where was the girl?
He searched the room, the only trace of [Y/N] being a pile of her clothes in his wardrobe.
How the men in front of him were blathering excuses, though the one beneath his grip remained silent and still, knowing his best option now was to not say anything.
The Joker wasn’t listening to their droning voices – he had too many of his own in his head to pay attention to theirs. He didn’t care what they had to say unless it provided him with new, useful information.
And it didn’t.
A gunshot went off and the Joker could feel the man under his hand tense and flinch at the sound.  But it wasn’t him that dropped to the floor. It was the man to his left. A clean bullet hole to the head.
The Joker looked past the man he held to the body now on the floor. He hadn’t planned to do that. The voices suggest some interesting things sometimes. He regarded the body in boredom – this wasn’t one of those times.
Silence filled the room, the remaining two henchmen too scared to say another word and too terrified to move a muscle in case the boss instinctively shot at them, the man held recoiling from the gun now on his shoulder.
“Frost.” The Joker growled - the tall, suited man already on route to the Joker’s side at the sound of the gunshot.
“We’re combing through the CCTV.” Frost informed him quickly, unfazed by the new stain gracing spreading on the floor.
“Search everywhere. Find her.” The Joker ordered through clenched teeth before he released the henchman in his grip and strode off past Frost into the dark hallway. “And clean that up.” He called back to the three remaining men.
There was a cold insane cackle from the clown before he disappeared into the shadows.
As much as sleep pulled at the Joker’s mind and body, he remained awake. He sat on the edge of the large queen-sized bed, his shirt handing completely open, his gun holsters hanging loosely from his shoulders and his hair messy from his own hands. He stared blindly into the dark at where the patterned wallpaper would be. But his mind was making’s its own pattern, its own maze to continue to get lost in.
The knock at the door was like a cannon through his mind’s chatter and the gun was instinctively pointed at the door as it opened to reveal Frost, his hands up in the air by his chest in a surrendering gesture – knowing his boss’s reflexes.
“Where is she?” The Joker growled lowly, forgetting about the loaded gun pointed at his head henchman.
Frost however, sensed the danger was over - even with the weapon still pointed directly at him -  and lowered his hands. “The 5th room.” He stated, knowing J didn’t want any more information than that.
The Joker was up and pushing past him before he’d finished.
 The Joker strode briskly down the dark corridors, his anger fuelling his weary muscles. He arrived at the one of the many identical doors that filled this side of the house and snarled at the men that surrounded the doorway. Most fled, but a few stayed behind for further orders, simply shrinking against the wall opposite.
The Joker stepped through the doorway, immediately noting a large chest of drawers pushed halfway into the room. Had she tried to block up the door? Clever, doll. He scowled, striding into the room, ready to wring her neck for her insolence.
But then he saw her lying on the bed.
She was curled onto her right side, some of her hair falling onto her face, the rest of it fanning out behind her. The rectangle of light from the hallway fell across her body and illuminated her face. It was the first time he had seen it looked soft. Whenever she saw him she was always frowning, worried or scowling. But now her face was smooth, no angry lines creasing her face. He had never seen her so peaceful. So relaxed. And she was in his clothes he realised, as his eyes travelled down her body.
It should anger him. It should make the voice flare to a deafening pitch until he did something reckless and murderous. But it didn’t.
If he didn’t know better it looked like they’d just slept together.
He liked her in them. It suited her. Looking like his.
Movement behind the Joker caused him to spin around, “Out.” He snapped harshly at Frost now in the doorway. Frost hesitated, worried what the Joker might do to the poor girl asleep on the bed, but the look in the Joker’s eyes was something you didn’t challenge and Frost soon backed down, retreating with the rest of his men.
The Joker moved back to the doorway and closed the door silently behind the men, plunging the room into darkness. It didn’t take long for his eyes to adjust to the new blackness and he turned back to Y/N.
Now was his chance.
Her vulnerable throat lay exposed to him ready for the strong grip of his hands to crush it or for the glint of his blade that he could feel heavy in his pocket.
His hand slipped to the knife, pulling it out and flipping it open as his mind urged him on. He perched on the edge of the bed and continued to watch her, her chest rising and falling with each deep breath.
It annoyed the him. Annoyed the voices.
He wanted to snuff it out. Stop the movement.
But his eyes continued to follow the rise and fall and he suddenly realised how quiet the room was. The insistent white noise was gone. Like following the rhythm had calmed his mind.
In the new silence, only the harsh breath through his lips could be heard, her own breath sweet and quiet. She looked soft delicate.
The Joker was lost in his mind’s new silence, only the voices now vying for his attention now. He brought the blade to her skin, running it along the outline of her exposed arm where the she had rolled up his shirt’s sleeve. He didn’t withdraw the blade as she shivered her sleep from the contact of the cold metal, leaving it lying against her skin until she lay still again.
When she relaxed once more he continued to trail the tip of the knife up her arm, watching it catch on the rucked-up fabric of the shirt sleeves, until he reached her throat, relishing the feel of her skin under the blade.
He could put pressure on it now if he wanted to. End it.
But instead he trailed the blade along her skin, admiring the goose bumps that rose on her skin under his touch.
He hadn’t realised how close he’d leant in towards her until he felt her breath brush against his cheek. It caught him off guard and he couldn’t help flinching slightly causing him to momentarily lose control of his hand and nick her skin with the point of the blade.
He withdrew the knife but couldn’t see the damage in the dark. He dismissed it. He’d barely touched you after all.
[Y/N]’s breath continued to float across his cheek and now he expected it was almost a nice feeling.  Like it blew away another voice from his mind. One in a whole crowd might not feel like much, but he could tell it was gone and it felt good to gain another small chunk of silence in his usually chaotic mind.
The Joker pulled back, repositioning himself on the bare mattress so that he lay alongside her on the other side of the bed - still careful not to touch her - his sleep deprived body sighing in relief at the feeling of rest. He closed his eyes - hardly at peace - but better than he had been for a long time.
Peace only found him when [Y/N] shifted in her sleep, turning so she faced him and curling into his side, an arm draped across his chest, and a small dreaming smile on her lips.
tags: @carouselcurls @viraldragonrider @6fish6 @theartistdetective @white-chocolate-mocha-fan
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sheminecrafts · 5 years
iOS 13 brings many much needed quality-of-life improvements
In developer lingo, quality-of-life updates are all about refining things that already work. Thanks to these incremental improvements, it should make the end user experience much more enjoyable. And with iOS 13, it feels like Apple’s main focus is on this concept.
Dark Mode is basically the only new flashy feature of iOS this year. But that’s not a bad thing. From my experience, all the tiny refinements across the board are really convincing. iOS 13 is a much more interesting release than iOS 12 for instance.
I’ve been playing with early beta versions of iOS 13, so here’s what you should be looking for.
Dark Mode is gorgeous
Dark Mode is here, and it looks great. It’s a system-wide trigger that completely transforms the look and feel of your iPhone — you have to play with it to really feel the difference. The easiest way to activate it is by opening the Control Center panel, long pressing on the brightness indicator and turning it on.
While you can trigger it manually, you can also select an automated mode in the settings. Right now, my phone becomes dark at night and lights up in the morning. iOS uses your current location to time the change with the sunset and sunrise.
Widgets, notifications and menus now use black or transparent black as much as possible. You can choose new Apple wallpapers that change when you turn on Dark Mode, or you can optionally dim your custom wallpapers at night.
Apple has updated all its apps to support Dark Mode, from Notes to Mail, Messages, Safari and more. And it works really well with those apps.
But the issue is that many third-party apps haven’t been updated for Dark Mode yet. So it’s a disappointing experience for now, but I’m sure many app developers will update their apps before the final release of iOS 13.
Many apps already support have a dark version that you can trigger in the app settings. But Apple really wants third-party developers to follow the system-wide option going forward. So those apps will have to be updated as well.
Low-level improvements
iOS still looks like iOS. But if you carefully pay attention to your first experience of iOS 13, you’ll notice two things. First, animations have been sped up — it feels like unlocking your phone, opening and closing an app or swiping on a notification are much faster. It’s hard to know if those actions have been optimized or if it’s just Apple hitting the fast-forward button.
Second, Face ID is better. It’s not a dramatic change, but your phone recognizes you a tiny bit faster than before. iPhone users will appreciate that they don’t have to buy a new phone for this free improvement.
The two other iOS 13 changes that you can experience in any app is that the keyboard now supports swipe-to-type and the share sheet has been updated. It is now separated in three areas: a top row with suggested contacts to send photos, links and more depending on your most important contacts.
Under that row of contacts, you get the usual row of app icons to open something in another app. If you scroll down, you access a long list of actions that vary from app to another.
Siri and the Shortcuts app have been improved and now work more closely together. In addition to a more natural Siri voice, Shortcuts is now installed by default with iOS, which is great news for automation and scripting on your phone.
And I was surprised to see all my voice-activated Siri Shortcuts in the Shortcuts widget. For instance, since iOS 12, I’ve been able to say “Hey Siri, I’m heading home with Citymapper” to launch Citymapper with directions to my home. There’s now a button in the Shortcuts app to trigger that Siri Shortcut.
More interestingly, you can now create automated triggers to launch a shortcut. For instance, you can create scenarios related to CarPlay, a location or even a cheap NFC tag. Here are some examples:
Launch a music playlist when I connect my phone to CarPlay or to my car using Bluetooth.
Dim my screen and turn on low power mode when I activate airplane mode.
Turn off my Philips Hue lights when I put my phone on an NFC sticker on my nightstand.
App improvements
All first-party apps have been improved in one way to another. Some changes are small, but a few apps have received a massive update.
Photos looks completely different with a new main tab. Instead of relatively boring looking grid of photos, you now get four sub-tabs that should help you navigate your photo library more efficiently.
‘Years’ lets you jump straight to a specific year. The ‘Months’ view is the most interesting one as iOS tries to sort your photos in smart albums based on dates and locations. When you open an event, you get the best photos of this event in the ‘Days’ tab. Some photos, such as duplicates are hidden by default.
And the last tab, ‘All Photos’ features the traditional never-ending grid of all your photos in your camera roll. Everything is still there. Live photos and videos now automatically play by default in some views. I’ve never been a fan of autoplaying videos but I guess that’s what people like.
The camera has been slightly improved, especially when it comes to Portrait mode with better segmentation of hair. And photo editing has been redesigned — it looks more like VSCO now.
Maps is getting a gradual update with better mapping data. But most people won’t see any change for a while. You can see real-time transit data, your flight status and share lists of places with friends though. It might not replace Citymapper, FlightLogger or Mapstr, but more contextual data is key when it comes to competing with Google Maps.
Talking about Google Maps, there’s a new Look Around feature that could have been called Apple Street View. I recommend trying the feature in San Francisco because it’s stunning. This isn’t just 360 photo shots — those are 3D representations of streets with foregrounds and backgrounds.
Messages is getting some much needed improvements. You can now choose a profile name and profile picture and share it with your contacts. I hate the default grey avatar, so it’s great to let people push a profile picture to other people.
If you have a Memoji-compatible device, you can now share Memoji stickers. If you’ve used Bitmoji in the past, this is Apple’s take on Bitmoji. And finally, search has been improved and is now actually useful. You can find an address or a specific message in no time.
Health has been redesigned but features more or less the same data. But it’s worth noting that Apple now lets you track, visualize and predict your menstrual cycle from the Health app.
iOS 13 has a big emphasis on privacy as well thanks to a new signup option called “Sign In with Apple”. I couldn’t try it as I couldn’t see the option in any app. But Sarah Perez already wrote a great explainer on the topic.
In a few words, this button will let you create an account for a service without inputing an email address and password, and without connecting with your Google or Facebook account. Apple keeps as little data as possible — it’s all about creating a unique identifier and storing that in your iCloud keychain.
Apple is adding more ways to control your personal information. If an app needs your location for something, you can now grant access to your location just once. The app will have to ask for your permission the next time. Similarly, iOS 13 can tell you when an app has been tracking your location in the background with a map of those data points.
But I didn’t realize iOS 13 also blocks Bluetooth scanning by default in all apps. Many apps scan for nearby Bluetooth accessories and compare that with a database of Bluetooth devices around the world. In other words, it’s a way to get your location even if you’re not sharing your location with this app.
You now get a standard permission popup for apps that actually need to scan for Bluetooth devices — Mobike uses Bluetooth to unlock bikes or Eve uses Bluetooth to interact with connected objects for instance. But the vast majority of apps have no reason to scan for Bluetooth devices. You can decline Bluetooth permission and use Bluetooth headphones normally.
Random tidbits
Let’s go through some tiny little updates:
App updates are smaller because iOS doesn’t download everything from their servers — only files that are relevant to your current device.
Files works with Samba file servers, and you can zip/unzip files.
Safari features a new site settings popup to request the desktop site, disable a content blocker or enable reader view. This is much cleaner than before.
Notes has a new gallery view.
Mail lets you customize font style, size and color. You can also indent text, create bulleted lists, etc.
Find My iPhone and Find My Friends have been merged in a new Find My app. It also theoretically can help you find misplaced devices using other Apple devices from other people around your device — everything is supposed to be end-to-end encrypted.
Things I couldn’t try
CarPlay has been redesigned for the first time in years. But I don’t own a car.
You can store security camera footage in iCloud if your camera is HomeKit-compatible. But I don’t own a security camera.
ARKit has been improved and can detect people in the real world.
You can install custom fonts from the App Store and manage them from the settings. You can then use those fonts in any app.
Lyrics in the Music app now scroll just like in a karaoke. I haven’t tried that.
The Reminders app has been redesigned but I wasn’t using the app before. It feels like a full-fledged task manager now. Maybe I should use it.
Overall, iOS 13 feels like a breath of fresh air. Everything works slightly better than it used to. None of the changes are outrageous or particularly surprising. But they all contribute to making iOS a more enjoyable platform.
from iraidajzsmmwtv https://tcrn.ch/2WZgKcb via IFTTT
0 notes
In developer lingo, quality-of-life updates are all about refining things that already work. Thanks to these incremental improvements, it should make the end user experience much more enjoyable. And with iOS 13, it feels like Apple’s main focus is on this concept.
Dark Mode is basically the only new flashy feature of iOS this year. But that’s not a bad thing. From my experience, all the tiny refinements across the board are really convincing. iOS 13 is a much more interesting release than iOS 12 for instance.
I’ve been playing with early beta versions of iOS 13, so here’s what you should be looking for.
Dark Mode is gorgeous
Dark Mode is here, and it looks great. It’s a system-wide trigger that completely transforms the look and feel of your iPhone — you have to play with it to really feel the difference. The easiest way to activate it is by opening the Control Center panel, long pressing on the brightness indicator and turning it on.
While you can trigger it manually, you can also select an automated mode in the settings. Right now, my phone becomes dark at night and lights up in the morning. iOS uses your current location to time the change with the sunset and sunrise.
Widgets, notifications and menus now use black or transparent black as much as possible. You can choose new Apple wallpapers that change when you turn on Dark Mode, or you can optionally dim your custom wallpapers at night.
Apple has updated all its apps to support Dark Mode, from Notes to Mail, Messages, Safari and more. And it works really well with those apps.
But the issue is that many third-party apps haven’t been updated for Dark Mode yet. So it’s a disappointing experience for now, but I’m sure many app developers will update their apps before the final release of iOS 13.
Many apps already support have a dark version that you can trigger in the app settings. But Apple really wants third-party developers to follow the system-wide option going forward. So those apps will have to be updated as well.
Low-level improvements
iOS still looks like iOS. But if you carefully pay attention to your first experience of iOS 13, you’ll notice two things. First, animations have been sped up — it feels like unlocking your phone, opening and closing an app or swiping on a notification are much faster. It’s hard to know if those actions have been optimized or if it’s just Apple hitting the fast-forward button.
Second, Face ID is better. It’s not a dramatic change, but your phone recognizes you a tiny bit faster than before. iPhone users will appreciate that they don’t have to buy a new phone for this free improvement.
The two other iOS 13 changes that you can experience in any app is that the keyboard now supports swipe-to-type and the share sheet has been updated. It is now separated in three areas: a top row with suggested contacts to send photos, links and more depending on your most important contacts.
Under that row of contacts, you get the usual row of app icons to open something in another app. If you scroll down, you access a long list of actions that vary from app to another.
Siri and the Shortcuts app have been improved and now work more closely together. In addition to a more natural Siri voice, Shortcuts is now installed by default with iOS, which is great news for automation and scripting on your phone.
And I was surprised to see all my voice-activated Siri Shortcuts in the Shortcuts widget. For instance, since iOS 12, I’ve been able to say “Hey Siri, I’m heading home with Citymapper” to launch Citymapper with directions to my home. There’s now a button in the Shortcuts app to trigger that Siri Shortcut.
More interestingly, you can now create automated triggers to launch a shortcut. For instance, you can create scenarios related to CarPlay, a location or even a cheap NFC tag. Here are some examples:
Launch a music playlist when I connect my phone to CarPlay or to my car using Bluetooth.
Dim my screen and turn on low power mode when I activate airplane mode.
Turn off my Philips Hue lights when I put my phone on an NFC sticker on my nightstand.
App improvements
All first-party apps have been improved in one way to another. Some changes are small, but a few apps have received a massive update.
Photos looks completely different with a new main tab. Instead of relatively boring looking grid of photos, you now get four sub-tabs that should help you navigate your photo library more efficiently.
‘Years’ lets you jump straight to a specific year. The ‘Months’ view is the most interesting one as iOS tries to sort your photos in smart albums based on dates and locations. When you open an event, you get the best photos of this event in the ‘Days’ tab. Some photos, such as duplicates are hidden by default.
And the last tab, ‘All Photos’ features the traditional never-ending grid of all your photos in your camera roll. Everything is still there. Live photos and videos now automatically play by default in some views. I’ve never been a fan of autoplaying videos but I guess that’s what people like.
The camera has been slightly improved, especially when it comes to Portrait mode with better segmentation of hair. And photo editing has been redesigned — it looks more like VSCO now.
Maps is getting a gradual update with better mapping data. But most people won’t see any change for a while. You can see real-time transit data, your flight status and share lists of places with friends though. It might not replace Citymapper, FlightLogger or Mapstr, but more contextual data is key when it comes to competing with Google Maps.
Talking about Google Maps, there’s a new Look Around feature that could have been called Apple Street View. I recommend trying the feature in San Francisco because it’s stunning. This isn’t just 360 photo shots — those are 3D representations of streets with foregrounds and backgrounds.
Messages is getting some much needed improvements. You can now choose a profile name and profile picture and share it with your contacts. I hate the default grey avatar, so it’s great to let people push a profile picture to other people.
If you have a Memoji-compatible device, you can now share Memoji stickers. If you’ve used Bitmoji in the past, this is Apple’s take on Bitmoji. And finally, search has been improved and is now actually useful. You can find an address or a specific message in no time.
Health has been redesigned but features more or less the same data. But it’s worth noting that Apple now lets you track, visualize and predict your menstrual cycle from the Health app.
iOS 13 has a big emphasis on privacy as well thanks to a new signup option called “Sign In with Apple”. I couldn’t try it as I couldn’t see the option in any app. But Sarah Perez already wrote a great explainer on the topic.
In a few words, this button will let you create an account for a service without inputing an email address and password, and without connecting with your Google or Facebook account. Apple keeps as little data as possible — it’s all about creating a unique identifier and storing that in your iCloud keychain.
Apple is adding more ways to control your personal information. If an app needs your location for something, you can now grant access to your location just once. The app will have to ask for your permission the next time. Similarly, iOS 13 can tell you when an app has been tracking your location in the background with a map of those data points.
But I didn’t realize iOS 13 also blocks Bluetooth scanning by default in all apps. Many apps scan for nearby Bluetooth accessories and compare that with a database of Bluetooth devices around the world. In other words, it’s a way to get your location even if you’re not sharing your location with this app.
You now get a standard permission popup for apps that actually need to scan for Bluetooth devices — Mobike uses Bluetooth to unlock bikes or Eve uses Bluetooth to interact with connected objects for instance. But the vast majority of apps have no reason to scan for Bluetooth devices. You can decline Bluetooth permission and use Bluetooth headphones normally.
Random tidbits
Let’s go through some tiny little updates:
App updates are smaller because iOS doesn’t download everything from their servers — only files that are relevant to your current device.
Files works with Samba file servers, and you can zip/unzip files.
Safari features a new site settings popup to request the desktop site, disable a content blocker or enable reader view. This is much cleaner than before.
Notes has a new gallery view.
Mail lets you customize font style, size and color. You can also indent text, create bulleted lists, etc.
Find My iPhone and Find My Friends have been merged in a new Find My app. It also theoretically can help you find misplaced devices using other Apple devices from other people around your device — everything is supposed to be end-to-end encrypted.
Things I couldn’t try
CarPlay has been redesigned for the first time in years. But I don’t own a car.
You can store security camera footage in iCloud if your camera is HomeKit-compatible. But I don’t own a security camera.
ARKit has been improved and can detect people in the real world.
You can install custom fonts from the App Store and manage them from the settings. You can then use those fonts in any app.
Lyrics in the Music app now scroll just like in a karaoke. I haven’t tried that.
The Reminders app has been redesigned but I wasn’t using the app before. It feels like a full-fledged task manager now. Maybe I should use it.
Overall, iOS 13 feels like a breath of fresh air. Everything works slightly better than it used to. None of the changes are outrageous or particularly surprising. But they all contribute to making iOS a more enjoyable platform.
from Mobile – TechCrunch https://tcrn.ch/2WZgKcb ORIGINAL CONTENT FROM: https://techcrunch.com/
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