#Fernando Guallar
sweater-guys · 2 months
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Fernando Guallar
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Fernando Guallar via Instagram. Spanish actor.
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pedrohub · 2 years
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PEDRO PASCAL at the Thyssen-Bornemisza National Museum in Madrid, on @fernandoguallar’s story. (July 20, 2022)
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luckylulu82 · 2 years
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Pedro with fernando today.
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filmonizirani-filmo · 16 days
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Segunda muerte (2024) - Serija Godina: 2024- (juni) Žanr: Krimi / Drama / Triler Glavne uloge: Georgina Amorós, Fernando Guallar, Aria Bedmar, Veki Velilla, J https://filmonizirani.net/segunda-muerte-2024/
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afabstract · 2 months
Love, Divided - Pared con pared Review
Pianist Valentina moves to a new place and gets off on the wrong foot with her next-door neighbor David, who is extremely noisy. Can romance spark between the two? Read our review of "Pared con Pared."
⭐⭐ Rating: 2 out of 5. Follow us on Twitter | Instagram Valentina, a young pianist, moves into a new flat with a looming audition in three weeks, but finds herself unprepared for the horrific, frightening sounds emanating from her next-door neighbor David’s apartment, a game-maker who ironically hates noise. As the two clash over the disturbance, they gradually warm up to each other’s…
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movienized-com · 4 months
La Ternura (2023)
The TendernessJahr: 2023 (September) Genre: Comedy / Romantik Regie: Vicente Villanueva Hauptrollen: Emma Suarez, Gonzalo de Castro, Alexandra Jiménez, Fernando Guallar, Anna Moliner, Carlos Cuevas … Filmbeschreibung: ‘La Ternura’ (Zärtlichkeit) ist eine unterhaltsame romantische Komödie, die die Geschichte einer etwas magischen Königin und ihrer beiden Prinzessinnen erzählt, die mit der…
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"Reina Roja"
Con más de tres millones de ejemplares vendidos en todo el mundo, la saga literaria "Reina Roja" se ha transformado en un verdadero fenómeno internacional. Su historia promete seguir ganando adeptos en su salto al streaming a través de la nueva adaptación en serie de Prime Video, contando con Victoria Luengo y Hovik Keuchkerian en los papeles principales de Antonia Scott y Jon Gutiérrez. 
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La primera de las aventuras protagonizadas por Antonia Scott, la mujer más inteligente del planeta (su coeficiente intelectual es de 242), arranca con el brutal asesinato del hijo de una poderosa empresaria, seguida del secuestro de la hija del hombre más rico de España. Los dos casos están conectados.
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Para resolverlos, Mentor (Alex Brendemühl), el responsable de un programa secreto del gobierno, recurre a Scott, otra a su servicio y ahora recluida en un apartamento del barrio de Lavapiés afectada por una grave crisis personal. Para reclutarla, Mentor se servirá de Jon Gutiérrez (Hovik Keuchkerian), un policía vasco y temperamental con serios problemas laborales que no tendrá más remedio que aceptar el encargo de convencer a Scott si quiere que su situación mejore o al menos deje de empeorar.
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Scott es una mujer retraída, huraña y supuestamente perspicaz, con toda probabilidad afectada por algún trastorno del espectro autista.
Personajes como el de Antonia Scott atiborran la teleficción contemporánea (de Sheldon Cooper a Shaun Murphy) y ella no aporta ningún matiz diferencial a excepción de su maternidad, recurso utilitarista y difícil de justificar atendiendo a su conducta (es difícil ver a una madre en una mujer que no soporta el contacto físico, desposeída de habilidades sociales, reacia a cualquier tipo de interacción… Salvo que su trastorno haya sido causado por el trauma que la mantiene aislada del mundo, posterior a su maternidad, cosa poco creíble a tenor de cómo se nos la presenta durante la fase de reclutamiento inicial).
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El problema no radica tanto en las interpretaciones sino en el diseño mismo de los personajes, apenas barnizados con un par de singularidades para tratar de disimular su condición estereotípica. La homosexualidad de Jon Gutiérrez se antoja oportunista, quiere hacerse pasar como un gesto de normalidad, pero siempre que se exhibe es para sacarle ventaja (la seducción/chantaje al guardia de seguridad que encarna Fernando Guallar) y responde, una vez más, a tópicos manidos.
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En todo caso, Gutiérrez es un coprotagonista que se autoconsume a los dos episodios, devorado por el exceso de retórica que embadurna sus frases engoladas, oír réplicas ingeniosas durante hora y media resulta gracioso, pero durante 350 minutos termina siendo tan cargante
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Ezequiel (Nacho Fresneda), el villano (de opereta) aparecerá de la nada montado en un Porsche para intentar atropellar a nuestros desprevenidos héroes (desconocemos cómo sabía que se encontraban ahí en ese preciso instante, pero eso da pie a una persecución muy molona y permite que la trama avance, así que tampoco importa mucho…).
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Por cierto, después secuestrará a Antonia y la dejará intacta. La coartada argumental es que hay un plan maestro y aquí solo asistimos a la primera parte del juego
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Como operación comercial, Reina roja es un acierto y, a buen seguro, será un exitazo para Prime Video (no todos los días aparece una serie que cuenta con un público objetivo de más de 2,5 millones de lectores).
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Serie entretenida, a veces rara, los villanos no están a la altura, los chistes del poli terminan por aburrir ... yo la he visto del tirón
Es de esas series que has de ver dos veces porque si no estás muy atento a la primera visionada no vas a entender nada.
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bbbadaladas · 3 months
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Fernando Guallar as Vega
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Sendhil Ramamurthy as Dhalsim
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techwargr · 2 months
Love, Divided: Η Ισπανική Ρομαντική Κωμωδία που Σκαρφαλώνει στην Κορυφή του Netflix Ελλάδας!
New Post has been published on https://www.techwar.gr/796/love-divided-i-ispaniki-romantiki-komodia-pou-skarfalonei-stin-koryfi-tou-netflix-elladas/
Love, Divided: Η Ισπανική Ρομαντική Κωμωδία που Σκαρφαλώνει στην Κορυφή του Netflix Ελλάδας!
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Το Netflix ανανεώνει συνεχώς το περιεχόμενό του με νέες και παλιές ταινίες, γεγονός που φέρνει τακτικές αλλαγές στις λίστες δημοφιλίας. Αυτή τη στιγμή, στην κορυφή του ελληνικού Top 10 σκαρφαλώνει μια ολόφρεσκια ρομαντική κωμωδία ισπανικής παραγωγής, το “Love, Divided”.
Μια Ιστορία Αγάπης Ξεπερνάει τους Τοίχους
Το “Love, Divided” αφηγείται την ιστορία της Βαλεντίνας, μιας νεαρής πιανίστριας που ξεκινά μια νέα ζωή. Ο γείτονάς της, ο Νταβίντ, είναι ένας εφευρέτης που απεχθάνεται τον θόρυβο. Η ζωή τους έρχεται τα πάνω κάτω όταν ένας λεπτός τοίχος γίνεται ο μάρτυρας της απρόσμενης έλξης που νιώθουν ο ένας για τον άλλον.
Η Σκηνοθεσία και οι Πρωταγωνιστές
Σκηνοθέτης της ταινίας είναι η Patricia Font, ενώ στους πρωταγωνιστικούς ρόλους συναντάμε τους Aitana, Fernando Guallar, Natalia Rodríguez, Paco Tous, Adam Jezierski, Miguel Ángel Muñoz, Àlex Maruny, Maite Sandoval, Rocío Marín και Manu Imizcoz.
Ανερχόμενη Δημοφιλία και Κριτικές
Παρά το γεγονός ότι κυκλοφόρησε μόλις πριν από λίγες ημέρες, το “Love, Divided” έχει καταφέρει να κερδίσει την αγάπη του ελληνικού κοινού, σκαρφαλώνοντας στην κορυφή του Top 10 του Netflix. Οι πρώτες κριτικές που κυκλοφορούν μιλούν για μια αστεία και ρομαντική ταινία με ωραίες ερμηνείες, ιδανική για χαλάρωση και ξεγνοιασιά.
Βρείτε το “Love, Divided” στο Netflix
Εάν ψάχνετε για μια ελαφριά και διασκεδαστική ταινία για να περάσετε ευχάριστα το βράδυ σας, το “Love, Divided” αποτελεί μια εξαιρετική επιλογή. Μπορείτε να το βρείτε στην πλατφόρμα του Netflix, στην κατηγορία “Ρομαντικές Κω��ωδίες”.
Άλλες ταινίες που πάνε καλά αυτόν τον καιρό στο Netflix:
What Jennifer Did
Woody Woodpecker Goes to Camp
The Tearsmith
Bullet Train
The Wages of Fear
Bleed for This
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sweater-guys · 2 months
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Fernando Guallar
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Fernando Guallar via Instagram. Spanish actor
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movienation · 2 months
Netflixable? Neighbors consider "Love, Divided" by a shared load-bearing wall
“Love, Divided” is a pleasant-enough love-without-first-sight rom-com about two quarelling neighbors who find a connection through a shared wall, one that’s entirely too thin to get the sound muffling job done. He, played by Fernando Guallar, is borderline agoraphobic, a tinkerer/game-builder who hasn’t left his apartment in three years. Something set David off, and he’s been obsessing over��
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filmonizirani-filmo · 2 months
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Pared con pared (2024) - Godina: 2024 (april) / Tras la pared / Love, Divided Žanr: Komedija / Romansa Režija: Patricia Font Glavne uloge: Aitana, Fernando G https://filmonizirani.net/pared-con-pared-2024/
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healthiffy · 5 months
Reina Roja: Release Date, Cast, Trailer, Plot, where to watch?
The highly anticipated Amazon Prime Video series, Reina Roja, is set to make its debut in the coming months. With a star-studded cast, gripping plotline, and stunning visuals, this Spanish-language thriller has generated a lot of excitement among fans. In this blog post, we will provide all the essential details about Reina Roja, including its release date, cast members, trailer, and where to watch. Whether you are a fan of suspenseful dramas or simply looking for your next binge-worthy show, this article has got you covered. So, let’s dive in and uncover everything you need to know about Reina Roja. With its emphasis on suspense and drama, Reina Roja promises to be a must-watch for fans of the genre. In this section, we will take a closer look at the overall concept of the series, giving you a taste of what to expect. From its intriguing storyline to its breathtaking visuals, this series is sure to leave a lasting impact on viewers. Stay tuned as we delve further into the details of this highly anticipated series.
Reina Roja Release Date?
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Reina Roja is a thrilling Spanish-language series that is set to captivate viewers with its gripping plotline and talented cast. The show is scheduled to be released on Amazon Prime Video in the near future, offering audiences a riveting viewing experience. Fans of suspenseful Spanish-language television series are eagerly awaiting the release of ‘this series‘ on Amazon Prime Video. While an exact release date has been announced, the series is set to be released on February 29, 2024.
Reina Roja Cast?
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The cast of ‘Reina Roja’ includes a talented ensemble of actors who are sure to bring the gripping storyline to life. Leading the cast is the renowned actress Vicky Luengo, known for her captivating performances in previous works. Joining her are a group of talented actors Hovik Keuchkerian, Àlex Brendemühl, Nacho Fresneda, Urko Olazabal, Andrea Trepat, Celia Freijeiro, Eduardo Noriega, Emma Suárez, Fernando Guallar, Pere Brasó, Vicenta Ndongo, each bringing their unique skills and charisma to the table. With such a promising lineup of actors and a compelling plot, ‘Reina Roja’ is shaping up to be an exciting addition to Amazon Prime Video extensive library of captivating TV shows. Stay tuned for more updates on the release date and exciting developments surrounding this highly anticipated series.
Reina Roja Trailer?
Unfortunately, the official trailer for this series has not been released yet. Intrigue is building as fans eagerly anticipate the release of ‘this series on Amazon Prime Video. While we patiently wait for the official release date of trailer, a sneak peek into the Teaser and plot of the series has left viewers buzzing with excitement. The recently released Teaser of ‘this series offers a glimpse into the intense and suspenseful world that awaits us. With its high production value and gripping scenes, the trailer tantalizes us with hints of the thrilling story that lies ahead. From the stylish visuals to the chilling music, everything about the trailer screams tension and mystery.
Reina Roja Plot?
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As for the plot, ‘Reina Roja’ promises to take audiences on a thrilling ride filled with twists and turns. Set in a small coastal town, the series follows the gripping story of a charismatic and enigmatic woman who arrives at the town’s luxurious hotel. Soon, dark secrets begin to unravel, leaving the town’s residents questioning their own sanity and safety. With an intriguing plot and a trailer that leaves us craving for more, ‘this series is shaping up to be a captivating addition to Amazon Prime’s lineup. To catch all the suspense and unravel the mysteries, keep a close eye on the release date and make sure to watch this highly anticipated series.
Reina Roja where to watch?
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For all the fans eagerly awaiting the release of ‘this series, the question on everyone’s mind is — where can we watch this highly anticipated series? ‘Reina Roja’ will be available exclusively on Amazon Prime Video. This streaming platform has become a go-to for many viewers, offering a wide range of exciting and original content. With a subscription to Amazon Prime Video, not only will you have access to ‘Reina Roja’, but also to a plethora of other captivating Tv shows and movies. If you’re not already a member, signing up for Amazon Prime is quick and easy. Simply visit the Amazon Prime website, follow the instructions to create an account, and choose the subscription plan that best suits your needs. Once subscribed, you’ll have the convenience of watching ‘this series‘ and other engaging content, anytime and anywhere, on your chosen device. So, mark your calendars and get ready to immerse yourself in the world of ‘Reina Roja’ on Amazon Prime Video. Stay tuned for the official release date and make sure to have a subscription before the thrilling series airs. Happy watching!
In conclusion, the much-awaited series, ‘Reina Roja’, is set to arrive exclusively on Amazon Prime Video. With its wide selection of original and captivating content, Amazon Prime Video has become a popular streaming platform for viewers. By subscribing to Amazon Prime Video, not only will you gain access to this series, but you’ll also have the convenience of watching other engaging Tv shows and movies. Signing up for Amazon Prime Video is a quick and easy process. Simply visit the Amazon Prime Video website, create an account, and choose the subscription plan that suits you best. Once subscribed, you can enjoy this series and other exciting content anytime, anywhere, on any device. Get ready to immerse yourself in the world of ‘Reina Roja’ on Amazon Prime Video. Don’t forget to mark your calendars, stay tuned for the official release date, and ensure you have a subscription before the series airs. Happy watching!
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movienized-com · 2 months
Reina Roja
Reina Roja (Serie 2024) #EduardoNoriega #HovikKeuchkerian #VickyLuengo #EmmaSuárez #FernandoGuallar #AlexBrendemühl Mehr auf:
Serie Jahr: 2024- (Februar) Genre: Thriller Hauptrollen: Eduardo Noriega, Hovik Keuchkerian, Vicky Luengo, Emma Suárez, Fernando Guallar, Alex Brendemühl, Andrea Trepat, Nacho Fresneda, Celia Freijeiro, Vicenta N’Dongo, Urko Olazabal, Pere Brasó … Serienbeschreibung: Antonia Scott (Vicky Luengo) ist mit einem IQ von 242 offiziell der klügste Mensch der Welt. Ihr Genie kommt auf ungewöhnliche…
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