raxistaicho · 2 years
Edelgard fans don’t have to apologize for Adrestia
So something I saw but didn’t really comment on in yesterday’s post was Fewix’s (if anyone’s curious why I keep calling Emblemxeno that, it’s because his Reddit handle is just Felix’s name but spelled all cutesy and I think that’s kinda funny. The only reason I even know Emblemxeno and Fewix are the same person is because his reddit has links to his tumblr right on the front page) efforts to portray the Empire as the real sexists in Fodlan.
This is part of a trend of repurposing arguments from our side that I’ve seen out of Edelgard Critical. A really cute example of this is the Analyzer using the Byleth is a Bodhisattva in Crimson Flower argument (a Bodhisattva is a being that has achieved enlightenment but chooses to remain in the earthly realm to help others achieve enlightenment as well. It’s a refutation of the idiotic “Byleth loses nirvana in CF” claim) to say that ackshually, Byleth’s only REALLY a Bodhisattva in Azure Moon! You know, the route where Byleth embraces their divinity and becomes the archbishop.
Yeah, are you starting to see why my nickname for him is more an insult than anything else?
But I digress. Edelgard Critical is trying to steal our arguments because they haven’t had a cogent new one in about two years.
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Technically Mercie wasn’t thrown out but instead ran away, but that’s quibbling. Fewix actually neglected to mention Hanneman’s sister. Also the first point is amusing because Fire Emblem’s long had a trouble spot with not allowing women to inherit positions of authority on their own (even in recent times, with Hinoka being implied to be third in line for the Hoshidan throne behind her younger brother Takumi, and Camilla passing the throne of Nohr to her younger brother Leo) and yet it’s not our side that has to flee to series tradition when stating our case. And it’s not even true given whether or not Edelgard will inherit the Adrestian throne is never in question. Fewix seems to be blowing up the solitary case of Bernadetta to encompass all of the Empire (and Bernadetta does keep her house anyways, so...).
So yeah, you can certainly find some cases of Adrestia’s conduct being shitty in the past. And yet this isn’t the winning argument Fewix thinks it is because, unlike with Faerghus, excuses are never made for Adrestia’s past, the player is never asked to ignore their misdeeds, and Edelgard fixes their problems.
Dorothea’s mysterious father? Never treated as anything but a scumbag who kicked out her mother and condemned Dorothea to her miserable early life (and it’s real cute seeing Edelcrit suddenly becoming Dorothea stans when it suits them).
Bernadetta’s father? Treated as nothing more than a figure of scorn and contempt. He’s put under house arrest by Edelgard in Houses and given a gilded cage in Hopes that he spends almost three years occupying in a state of perpetual mortal terror. Hopes even doubles-down on this, by stating clearly that keeping Yuri from assassinating Bernie when they were younger was not an act of love and Bernie doesn’t forgive him because of it.
Baron Bartels? An unambiguous monster who abused Mercedes and her mother and created the Death Knight, leading to his unmourned death.
Petra’s treatment and the treatment of Brigid? An injustice Edelgard is working to correct, with Three Hopes going much further into detail on it.
See where I’m going with this? Every Adrestian crime is treated as a crime, every Adrestian abuser is treated as an abuser. Edelgard is working to correct the system that enabled these injustices. The Adrestia that did these things is not her Adrestia.
Now how about Faerghus?
The Faerghan Lords and soldiers that committed the genocide of the people of Duscur? Largely ignored in Three Houses, because Azure Moon is only interested in Duscur insofar as it can serve as window dressing for Dimitri’s personal tragedy, around which all of Faerghus and all of Azure Moon revolves. For fuck’s sake, in Three Houses you even help racist Faerghan jackboots suppress a justified Duscurian rebellion, and if you don’t join in on this crackdown you’re punished by losing Dedue.
The conquest of half of Sreng by Faeghus? What conquest? Three Houses doesn’t give a fuck (because it’s got jack all to do with Dimitri), and Three Hopes just makes Faerghus look even worse!
Matthias Gautier, who joined with King Lambert to beat around the people of Sreng until Macuil knocked the invaders back in their place, and then kept a Srengese prince prisoner for years and in modern times only disparagingly refers to him as an ungrateful “prisoner”? Treated as a troubled man and a bit of an dishonorable schemer, but still a good man at his core.
Dimitri never takes measures to correct the cultural norms that enable Faerghus’s worst behavior because they’re never treated as a problem to be corrected. That’s why Faerghus stans have to defend, ignore, or sidestep Faerghus’s misdeeds. The crimes the Adrestia of the past committed are indeed crimes that Edelgard is working to fix.
Therefor, criticizing Adrestia as a means to criticize Edelgard or defend Faerghus isn’t the strong argument the other side believes it is.
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taldigi · 2 years
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fewix sketches uwu
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non0n · 1 year
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dollietoon · 1 year
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Yor gai... aren't chu Fewix..? ¬ω¬
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iubworks · 1 year
who’s your favorite fe character and/or ship?if you have a reason, why?
F-Fewix 🥺🥺🥺 he’s so multifaceted, he has so much depth I adore him and I love that he’s actually really shy and sensitive under his thorns because he doesn’t want to get hurt due to past traumas. 🥺🥺 also I like boys with long hair LOL
And my favourite ships are Felix/Annette and Felix/Dorothea ❤️❤️
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Fódlan Freewrite #3: Squish
The door to the Blue Lions’ classroom kicked down, the students whipping around to face a despondent Dimitri, tears falling down his face as he cradled a comatose Ingrid.
“It’s heartburn,” croaked Dimitri as he laid her down, “too much Taco Ball. They say she doesn’t have long to live.”
Murmurs rippled through the concerned crowd of students as they circled their fallen classmate -- George Wilson’s Beautiful Moonlit Night from SpongeBob SquarePants played in the background, plucking the proverbial heartstrings of each and every Blue Lion.
“It can’t be!” yelled Ashe.
“Ingrid, this isn’t a joke!”, sobbed Sylvain, knowing full well she was never one for pranks.
“May the Goddess have mercy,” whispered Mercedes – motions for the Ten Commandments made across her chest.
Professor Byleth could only look down, her face grave and crestfallen with the knowledge that her Divine Pulse was simply no match for the Bacon Club Chalupa Combo: addictive, reverent, and spicy in how it bound the universal fabric together, much like the self-nude portraits Ignatz drew for Garreg Mach’s silent auctions.
“Is there a way?” pleaded Dimitri to the heavens. “Please, Goddess, IS THERE A WAY?!”
Helpless sobs accompanied the omnipresent strings, the somber knowledge that their favorite Pegasus Knight fell prey to processed meat marinating in them all. But just as they say: it’s only the darkest before dawn, for there was one student who bravely rose to the challenge.
“I’ll do it,” declared Felix, the triumphant trumpets of the Rocky theme playing as he made his way towards one Annette Fantine Dominic.
“Huh? Felix, what are yo-MEEP!”
And, just like that, Felix’s fingers dug right into those rosy, malleable cheeks – his firm fingers sinking into the pillowy flesh like a toddler steadily molding Play-Doh into incoherence. The more he dug in, the more did Ingrid’s body twitch to life – a miraculous phenomenon summoning a chorus of gasps. 
“My god,” whispered Dimitri, “he’s using those bulbous cheeks as a conduit to massage Ingrid’s heart. Keep at it, man!”
Trying hard now It's so hard now Trying hard now
As Felix pinched and Annette squeaked, Ingrid shook and convulsed like an exorcist victim – the litany of Eldritch speech escaping her lips pulsing with the very same cadence and tempo as the Communist Manifesto. Mercedes, an outspoken socialist, felt tears rolling down her cheeks as the ruling class evaporated before her very eyes.
“Yes,” muttered Dedue in awe, “it’s working.”
Getting strong now Won't be long now Getting strong now
“Fewix,” squeaked Annette, “I dwont undastand-”
“Annette, I love you,” spoke Felix with all the reverence in the world, “but this is the only way. It’s what Glenn would’ve wanted. Believe in him, Annette – him and Fred Savage.”
Tears spilled from Annette’s eyes. “I know, babe.”
Gonna fly now Flying high now Gonna fly, fly
Channeling all the love and adoration every time our hearts fluttered upon seeing Annette’s munchkin portrait on our television and Nintendo Switch screens, Felix kept on squeezing – his fingers intent on unlocking the secret sauce to reviving his childhood friend.
Gonna fly now
Flying high now
Gonna flyyyyyyyyy
Upon that last squeeze did Ingrid’s emerald eyes finally flash open, a “pah!” escaping her lips as she gasped for air. A chorus of cheers erupted throughout the room, Professor Byleth silently tossing out confetti in celebration.
“Thank the goddesses, Ingrid,” choked Dimitri as he held back his sobs, hugging Ingrid close.
She delicately raised a hand to Dimitri’s face – eyes full of hunger.
“Thank the goddesses for prime rib, indeed,” said Ingrid as she leaned down towards his neck, her Chupacabra teeth ready for another meal.
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felixblankspace · 2 years
Chinchilla Fewix
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My fursona '?? Maybe (?
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mex-sickos · 1 year
Humu humu, your silly little oomfie is awake on a patch morning you know what that means :pausechamp: ANALYSIS TIME
Let’s go down the list based on what order I’m gonna do them
Shimanto: kinda thought she was a little bad at first but it was because I forgor about plygun (once again plymmie fixes everything for me) she’s a aa specialist so I’m not *that* in love with her kit (especially since no torp preload with a skill that wants you to load your torps twice before getting it off) but she’ll be a star in w13 at least (three years too late :chernoupset: but hither thither)
Kearsarge: “where is my brother sasuke?” “I air strike I salvo I airstrike I salvo I airstrike I sa-” she’s absolutely everything I wanted out of a DR bbv, she slots a real fuckign plane, she synergizes immaculately between the two with planes increasing shell damage and shells increasing plane damage, speaking of synergy she loves yorktwon I think my new anti-light is gonna be Kear/NJ/Yorkie
Felix- I bet you’re all surprised to see fewix here instead of Hindy, well it’s for good reason- long time oomfies will know that I’m a big fan of dds, especially gun dds, from a gameplay perspective and wooo buddy Felix goes OFF, s2 gives 18% eva *and* damage reduc, shields every 10 seconds that give 8% eva RATE when broken, on a skill that also fucking gives luigis slow torp skill and 15% extra cruiser damage, and this isn’t even my favorite fucking skill because s1 gives her increase crit rate AND damage (10 and 20% respectively), gives her a skill to make her want to use her CL gun instead with 10% extra efficiency and a 10 second cool down on the REAL star of the show, a barrage that makes her do 15% more to the enemy, kit wise this ship is the most excited I’ve been to test for a while (for dds at least), even if she’s bad it’ll be a lot of fun finding out where she lies
Hindy- CAs are tricky because for a while now there’s been this stigma, save ancho there hasn’t been a CA that’s really been better then the average CB in a while, their guns are only moderately faster and deal less damage, they’re less tanky and they don’t have nearly as much utility even if they do have damage or tank (all of the ones you’d even consider using are the ones that have good utility like adalberts damage sponge or baltis avi buff) but holy shit does hindy perform and then some, let me put this in a language you can understand- mgm+2 ca gun/torp mount (no one give a shit)/*ca gun/aa gun flex slot*, we are fucking COOKING - her first skill gives 15% fp, 5% more damage and SHIELD PEN if you dual wield (she has some buffs for using an aa gun but I don’t really give a fuck about those) and her second skill gives her a barrage that gives a debuff that makes her fire a special weapon (the skill is vague so we don’t know much but possible 4th gun?!?!?!?) this girl is everything I could possibly want out of a DR CA and it feels so nice knowing they haven’t forgor them in favor of large cruisers
Flan- I’m really not a huge fan of her, my feelings about her faction aside they kinda did her fuckign nasty, a skill that gives a) a 20 second barrage (whatever) b) whenever this ship fires its gun for the first time (it says second but she has a preload), she marks an enemy that takes 12% more damage FROM HER till she drops below 60%, the amount of unpacking this would take could fill a library so I’m gonna be succinct and say it’s fucking dogshit but here’s the real fucking kicker, her second skill increases her eva and fp (nice) and gives her a 15% heal that increases her secondary guns range and efficiency by a substantial amount, meaning that she’s only really good for bosses that don’t have a lot of pregame or fucking pvp, and bossing is pretty fucking competitive
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sillywhumpcreature · 1 year
walten files whump fic sneak peek
tw for broken bones
Seemed like another, normal performance, didn't it? Squeakers was having the time of her life. She and a group of young girls who were playing with her were dancing to a magical girl themed playlist being played on a cheap speaker, throwing heart and star shaped confetti all over her room, messing with her plastic props, playing dress up with some cheap kids makeup and magical girl costumes, basically having an amazing time. That's when.. squeakers got an alert. Bzzt. Felix has been hurt.
She paused a second, looking around confused, before getting another alert. Bzzt. Then another. Bzzt. And another. Bzzt. She couldn't leave yet, the kids were still surrounding her and having a great time. Her ears slightly flopped, worried for her human. She forced a smile, her eyes darting around, waiting patiently for the kids to leave. Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt. She kept getting alerts, what was happening to Felix? Bzzt.. BzztBzzt.. BZZTBZZTBZZT.. She started getting rapid fire alerts. BZZTBZZTBZZTBZZTBZZT. "Uh oh..." She whispered as she slightly twitched from all the alerts in her system. Something's up with Felix. BZZTBZZTBZZTBZZT. Suddenly, something broke the chain of buzzes. But it was something much worse. A sickening CRACK. Squeakers gasped, turning around towards the backroom. Another horrific snapping sound. Then Felix SCREAMED. She rushed into the back room after hearing Felix's piercing shriek without thinking, panicked. "Fewix!!! fewix!! Are wu ok?! I heard wu scream and got all those alerts!" She yelled, answered by Jacks voice.
"Oh-OH! Uh, Yea, we're ok! Don't worry-" He called out in a different part of the room before he was cut off by Felix's sobbing, then a hard WHACK noise, and Felix's cry. BZZT. Squeakers jaw opened, her eyes widened, and she stepped back before instinctively racing towards the room she heard Jack's voice from. She paused just by the door and peeped in, stifling a gasp. Her Felix was tied to a chair, covered in bruises. His arm was bent the wrong way and his leg was horribly, horribly broken, to the point it looked like it was turned backwards. Her paws shook, as she slowly glitched into her second programmed mode. Defend. Her eyes faded from the anime-like, shiny blue to entirely red and black, narrowing them. Squeakers slammed the door open, startling jack, who had his hands wrapped around Felix's neck, trying to strangle him. "Oh, hello Squeakers, nice to see you huh!" Jack gasped, slightly backing up, as Squeakers tilted her head in rage, her snout twisting into an evil smile before she rushed towards him, grabbing Jack in a chokehold. Squeakers began beating down Jack, grabbing his long hair and slamming him against walls and floors. Jack screamed slightly, and squeakers shut him up by kicking him in the head.
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amummy · 2 years
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Fewix 😭
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raxistaicho · 2 years
I thought we were supposed to be the racist supporters?
From a reblog chain I came across on @hopeless-thespian​ ‘s tumblr just this evening (and yes, the reblog chain itself is incredibly old but hopeless thespian updated it just today and thus I noticed it in that manner):
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Fewix... Fewix. Why. What is wrong with you. “If you ignore the literal genocide, Faerghus isn’t so bad!”
Also you need to ignore their colonization of half of Sreng, but the Faerghus stans do tend to either ignore or downplay Faerghus’s shitty behavior. At least when they’re not saying Faerghus’s incredibly yikesy behavior isn’t actually good because it makes them interesting.
But wait! There’s more!
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So if I were to give Gascon the benefit of the doubt I’d assume he means they won’t be important narratively (which isn’t even really all that true itself given how incredibly important what happened in Duscur was to Dimitri, Dedue, and Felix), but the implied Freudian Slip caused by his careless wording is pretty incredible.
Also nice try to conflate what Adrestia did to Brigid with what Faerghus did to Duscur and Sreng. Yes, the people of Brigid were dealt a shitty hand being caught between two powers much stronger than them and having to endure both Adrestia and Dagda throwing their weight around against the tiny island nation, but at least least the people of Brigid still get to live on their island (unlike the Srengese) and weren’t systematically massacred (like the people of Duscur).
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unavernales · 1 year
-- i know everyones waiting for me to add fewix as an fc but i'm nothing but insufferable
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sharkface-daydreams · 2 years
ty Ruby for sending me fewix for blorbingo 💜👉👈
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no bingo for bastard rat man, so sad. imo the fandom is the right amount of mean and possibly could be meaner i mean if you wanted to.... hehe :3c
he's a fancy bitch and i love that for him. I'd absolutely let him pull the wool over my eyes for a night of fun, but oh my God is he just. garbage. i want to put him in a blender. i want to let him think he's got me fooled that we're involved and that I'm fully under his sway then break his nose and throw him and his fancy clothes out on the street in the middle of a shouting match to humiliate the shit out of him.
but mostly i just want to do this
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edit: i didn't look at it right, he gets ONE bingo. special little brat princess gets exactly one and he's gonna pitch a fit about it
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fromthegrave69420 · 27 days
sorry for my miku binge ily fewix
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fairymint · 1 year
meow meow :3 fewix
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"I'm sorry, do you want something from me?" He barely sounds even the least bit sorry. Just a little too sleepy to be playful with a 'stranger'. But he's being polite.
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broiamjustalilguy · 1 year
i love when ppl call me fewix like hi yes that's me omg howdy
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