#Ff7 first soldier
pen-and-umbra · 4 months
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After some thought, it's probably best that SE gave Sephiroth a source of regret that influenced his future life. It is consistent with the events unfolding in Crisis Core and provides more insight into his state of mind following Genesis' desertion.
In Ever Crisis: First Soldier, Sephiroth was faced with a choice: either follow the request to kill someone or allow the people he had grown to care about to die. The decision resulted in a squabble with Glenn and a degree of estrangement. Later, EC Wutai segment shows that the event had left a lasting impact. Not only does Sephiroth appear to be more reluctant to resort to violence first thanks to Glenn, but he is implied to lament the fact that he couldn't save everyone (Rosen).
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This contrast is evident in the inner conflict of being praised as a 'hero' (a manufactured image) versus the reality of being one. Sephiroth resolves to embody a true hero, striving to uphold strength and 'save everyone,' avoiding the difficult decisions of choosing who lives or dies as well as the burden of killing or witnessing death under his command. Sephiroth failed to convince Rosen and failed to find another way that brought about no casualties. Even ten years later, he pushes himself to clear a path for cornered grunts, fueled by his insecurity over past failures.
This insecurity also connects nicely to the events of Crisis Core. Sephiroth pushed those missions on Zack because he had a history of failing to persuade someone (Rosen) to change their minds, and the prospect of reliving the same situation while confronted with someone he cared about was unthinkable. It demonstrates that Rosen's case affected Sephiroth, leaving a lasting impression on his actions and decisions.
Even further, the desire to save and prevent casualties is evident in FFVII Rebirth, when the ShinRA squad, led by Zack and Sephiroth, is flung into the mountain stream after the rope bridge collapses. Sephiroth successfully grabs younger Tifa, but is unable to reach another grunt in time. The camera stays on the scene for a while, focusing on his slightly haunted expression.
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Following the cut, Sephiroth spends hours looking for his washed-away squadmate. Allow it to sink. After two hours, the rest of the company was still recovering from a dip in a harsh stream, but he was up and about, scouting the cross-country area and going out of his way to find the missing rank-and-file. It's a testament to more than just physical endurance. It strikes a stark contrast to how the episode concluded in the original game, where Sephiroth chose not to search for the missing person, leaving them potentially stranded or deceased. In the remake, it was clear he disliked losing people.
And yet, despite the efforts, it just kept happening. He couldn't save Angeal, he couldn't sway Genesis. By the time he arrives at the Nibelheim reactor, his confidence in his ability to save the day must have plummeted.
It oddly echoes what Cloud goes through at the beginning of Advent Children. And, chillingly, an illusory Sephiroth in Sector 8 in the first part of the remake delivers a biting remark to Cloud:
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“You are too weak to save anyone. Not even yourself”.
Which sounds almost projection-like in the context of a broader compilation.
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chrollc · 7 months
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ryanthel0ser · 5 months
The Ever Crisis Team really made Sephiroth their favorite barbie doll
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yingxtkm · 6 months
Last request! Can we please see the “I’m not a cyborg” hug with Sephi and Glenn? 😭😭
YES! LOL I actually wanted to draw this when the scene was first released but I forgot about it, so thank you for requesting this ✨ Ending off this doodle request series with some emotional damage 😎
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ladyespera · 5 months
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You have to choose: whose lives are important to you?
In order to be a SOLDIER, you have to have dreams. And honor.
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altocat · 3 months
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(Square stop being s’damn mean)
Also I'm pretty sure getting a GIF of Adult!Seph petting the dog would break me.
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give-my-son-back · 6 months
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I screenshotted a picture of Sephiroth with his right earring on the Ever Crisis Steam version. It took many tries to snap a clear pic of where his earring was attached and also the full details of said earring. 💚💎
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certifiedsungod · 3 months
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AU for myself to cope where nothing bad happened they just live happily on some farm or something 🗣️🗣️🗣️
(the first two things with the 'I love you' aren't a ship it's supposed to be in a platonic way and I just like this song)
I can't draw backgrounds 🎉
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blocodibujo · 9 months
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First drawing of 2024!!
It's Lucia Lin from FF7 Ever Crisis and First Soldier.
Also, want to take this opportunity to once again thank everyone for their support, it means the world.
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pen-and-umbra · 4 months
Ever Crisis's intriguing development could have far-reaching consequences for the Remake's finale. With it, the circulating theory about Sephiroth assuming a new role just got a boost.
I had suspicions that Ever Crisis was being clever with its storytelling. This was the first scene that caught my attention.
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Glenn's team briefly touches upon how secrets as well as childhood memories end up in the Lifestream. The focus on Sephiroth's adolescence in the title makes this detail quite telling.
In later chapters, Sephiroth's cherished necklace, holding a picture of his mother, is also cast into the Lifestream. In a possibly related context, Lifestream Black indicates that OG Jenovaroth discarded his human memories, including those of childhood and friends, to retain independence in the Lifestream and prevent assimilation by the Planet. By discarding these additional memories and linking himself to Cloud, he furthered his agenda in Advent Children. These memories also make their way into the Lifestream.
Previously, the relationship between these tidbits and EoC!Sephiroth was speculative.
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Players have observed stark contrast in Sephiroth at the Edge of Creation: his livelier expressions and defensive fighting style against Cloud, reminiscent of past battles with Angeal and Genesis in the VR simulator. Notably, the distinction in pronoun usage was emphasized: masculine 'ore' instead of Jenovaroth's gender-neutral 'watashi,' reflecting the symbiotic relationship between post-Nibelheim Sephiroth's body and Jenova cells that Jenovaroth fixes his lower body with. Drawing from these observations, some fans have theorized that EoC!Sephiroth showed a stronger connection to his human side. With Ever Crisis' latest chapter, that inference is no longer theoretical. Sephiroth at the Edge of Creation mysteriously possesses human memories.
Now, Edge of Creation can be thought of as a smaller-scale pocket dimension, akin to Destiny's Crossroads. Fascinatingly enough, its emergence is accompanied by colorful glow effects, not too unlike the effects of branching universes introduced in FFVII Rebirth.
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It appears to be stranded between two universes, as represented by the two separate nebulae in the backdrop. According to developers (courtesy to aitaikimochi translated Ultimania bits), one of them alludes to Sephiroth's winged appearance and was intended to evoke imagery of his menacing presence. I can only imagine it referred to his Safer Sephiroth form.
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The red one, on the other hand, displays some parallels to Jenova's monstrous appearance (courtesy to u/nzivvo pointing that out). Thus, EoC! Sephiroth is stuck between “Sephiroth's menacing presence” and “Jenova” figuratively.
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And yet, EoC!Sephiroth indicates a desire NOT to vanish/end [presumably as a result of worlds merging?]. As he does so, he glances at "Sephiroth's menacing presence" nebula
So who is EoC!Sephiroth? Various interpretations align with the newly introduced lore. It could be Sephiroth who regained his human senses sometime down the line — a singularity-like dimension appears to exist beyond time-space and is connected to all points in time, just like Destiny's Crossroads. It could be a fragment of his spirit—his human memories, hopes and dreams creating an 'alternate world' within the Lifestream. It could be Sephiroth from some other “world”—perhaps, a timeline where he never went insane and never took a dive at Nibelheim. At any rate, he seems to be trapped in that bubble dimension, which is also destined to disappear [become part of another world] one day, a fate he seemingly opposes. Interestingly, in Aerith's "dream world," it is revealed that she was hiding in one of the worlds that was purportedly "ending" or "embracing its fate [to be merged/vanish]”.
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Such circumstances share uncanny similarity to the ones EoC!Sephiroth is facing. Therefore, it's possible that EoC! Sephiroth isn't sealed/trapped by external force per se, but is concealing his presence. For what purpose? That remains to be seen. Peculiarly, FFVII Remake Ultimania provides different entries for Sephiroth we encounter at the end of Midgar’s highway and Sephiroth we talk to at the Edge of Creation.
Moving on. From a storytelling standpoint, it's deliberate that at the Edge of Creation he contemplates his journey to becoming who he is, what values he held and at what cost. His monologue about the cycle of hatred is particularly memorable.
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Not only does the scene emphasize his caution when it comes to violence that he ostensibly came to develop after being part of Glenn's team, but also his lack of enthusiasm for it. Notably, he offers the enemy soldiers to stand down, not resorting to combat from the get-go. The monologue further conveys the desire to end the cycle of hatred.
So maybe asking Cloud to lend him strength wasn't a ploy or a trick after all, if EoC!Sephiroth is a being entirely distinct from Jenovaroth, one that remembers that once upon a time he strove to end the cycle of hatred and vengeance.
👋 @pen-and-umbra
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thestrifeisrife · 2 years
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ryanthel0ser · 6 days
Hey so I was rewatching the trailer for the next First Soldier chapter and um
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what is on his back. it's not a camera flare and based on my knowledge of how light works I don't think it's lighting
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yingxtkm · 6 months
If you're still taking requests...since we know the Sephiroth-Rosen thing probably isn't going to end well, maybe a nice image of them being friends? They're reflections of each other after all.
Yes ofc! I’ve never drawn Rosen before (hehe I guess this doodle request series has given me a chance to go out of my comfort zone to draw characters other than the main cast) but I’m always down to draw some happy miniroth scenes ❤️
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ladyespera · 4 months
the real question is am I crazy or just lonely lmaooo
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altocat · 3 months
lets change things to something wholesome
What gives Sephiroth butterflies in his tummy 🥺
Staring at his mother's picture for the first time.
Glenn calling him a "good kid".
Lucia giving him headpats.
The first time Genesis gives him one of his signature saucy winks from across the room.
Murdering a village of screaming women and children.
A basket of kittens.
You know. Just wholesome Sephiroth things.
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give-my-son-back · 6 months
Yay! Finally! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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