#Fgo comic anthology
ooloongt3a · 1 year
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I did a really simple fan translation of one of the chapters from the FGO comic anthology manga so that fellow Arjuna enjoyers, like @hasarjunadoneanythingwrong can enjoy this cute lil bean enjoying life hehe.
NOTE: this is translated by Bilibili manhua from Japanese to Chinese, and I merely translated the Chinese version to English for non-profit purposes. All credits belong to Bilibili manhua and the original author of this chapter. Please go support the official ones if you can! If you want to read more chapters, feel free to DM me for the link to access these chapters in Chinese :3
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Day 392: Never forget that this is an actual image.
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stepswowdsen · 22 days
【KagePro】 KuroEne AU: Rambles 🖤💙
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The state of knowledge. An animal being who exists as someone closer to nature.
This post is mainly Kuroha and KuroEne centric, but I mentioned my other ships and faves from other series to draw parallels and point out similarities and differences.
A collection of KuroEne centric rambles:
Kuroha's state of knowledge
KuroEne AU: Ene confronts Kuroha, telling him he's not as infallible as he claims to be
Kuroha's existence as an animal being who exists as someone closer to nature
KuroEne is SUUUUCH an interesting and fascinating ship to think about and analyze. They give me immense brainrot
The nature of their complicated complex messy relationship due to their characters' context.
Kuroha's role as the big bad villain and main source of conflict and tension in KagePro's plot, Takane/Ene's relationships with Haruka and Konoha, HaruTaka and KonoEne's contexts, and how he possesses the vessel of someone that Takane/Ene has a unique special relationship with and uses the knowledge of their memories as an advantage for him.
The truly evil monster who wears the face of a former (lost) love (lover), and how their relationship is clearly infused with love, obsession, desire, passion, and attachment (for the both of them).
(Ene feels all of these things, as well as a mix of love and hatred and conflicting emotions.)
It all comes together to create a really fascinating dynamic.
I really need to start posting more of the meta/analysis ramble posts I have of my other faves. As well as my other ship AUs' dialogue scripts.
I have SOOO many dialogue scripts and ramble posts I haven't posted. I love all of my top 5 main ships dearly.
I've mainly been posting about KuroEne, just cuz I only have the KuroEne ones ready and prepared to post LMAO
Cuz again, these types of posts take time to format. I write them in my Notion docs and then cross-post them to my socials (Insta, Tumblr) and sometimes Twitter.
Twitter is terrible for long ramble posts, my style of posting, so I just post the screenshots
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Source: (X)
“An increase in knowledge burns up the ‘state of ignorance’ as sacrifice. Those who gain more wisdom are compensated for it by facing more pain and suffering. Even more so, for those who try to reach the gods’ wisdom. This is what it means ‘to know’”
Reminds me of when I was rereading the Ashiya Douman vs. Dioscuri Anthology comic by AU (@/delete_au), that has huge amounts of LimGuda (Douman/Ritsuka) crumbs.
AU’s art style is so intricately detailed and gorgeous. The perspectives, inking, and shading are so gorgeous. Huge art goals for me.
I have a lot more to say but I haven’t finished my commentary rambles on the whole thing yet, but just know that the characterization surplus (Douman meta analysis) and LimGuda crumbs in this anthology comic truly drive me crazy.
In the scene after Ritsuka calls on the Dioscuri, Douman tells Ritsuka that the one who gets closer to the stars and obtains more knowledge/wisdom, isolates themselves further and is “compensated by facing more pain and suffering” as a reference to Abe no Seimei, who is the fated nemesis/rival of Ashiya Douman, and how Douman had been worried about Seimei’s isolation.
Seimei hasn't been released as a playable character in FGO, nor does he have a design, but I'm waiting for it... Hopefully it happens one day cuz it sucks not knowing whether he'll ever be released or not.
AU (@/delete_au) has a massive brain since the scenes, visuals, story and dialogue of this Anthology Comic were decided by them. It’s also no surprise that this comic, which is a characterization surplus for Douman, has huge amounts of LimGuda (Douman/Ritsuka) and SeiDou (Seimei/Douman) food, considering Douman’s obsession with them (Seimei and Ritsuka)
Kuroha/Saeru: The embodiment of "Knowledge/Wisdom"
The major difference between Kuroha/Saeru and what was mentioned in AU’s Anthology Comic is that Kuroha/Saeru is VERY distanced from humanity.
Unlike my FGO faves, he lacks humanity and softer traits. He considers himself above humans (and also considers himself to be above human emotions and human sentimentality). But not entirely.
I thought about it since Kuroha/Saeru is the embodiment of “Knowledge/Wisdom” as a dark evil cunning and malicious entity in KagePro. Though I think what’s interesting is that a Kuroha ship AU actually gives him more of a semblance of humanity…
Cuz he would’ve learned and gained more human desires and sentiments and learned slightly softer tendencies. Though, compared to my other faves, canon-verse Kuroha/Saeru lacks humanity
KuroEne AU: Dialogue Script
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Anyways I had been thinking about this separate idea based on the concept of Ene wondering about the extent of Kuroha/Saeru's knowledge.
It's natural to be curious about that kind of thing. She hardly knows anything about him so she asks him about the kinds of things that he's seen and observed all this time.
I thought about it after seeing the FGO: Anthology comic at how acquiring more knowledge distances you from humanity and causes to further isolate yourself from others.
Kuroha's case is different since he lacks humanity and looks down on all things. He won't be affected by it the same way others would.
He wouldn't be compensated with facing more pain and suffering cuz he is above that (for the most part, not entirely), and THE root cause of other peoples' pain and suffering. But it's still interesting to think about...
KuroEne AU: Ene confronts Kuroha
The post is mainly about Kuroha/Saeru, but I decided to give context cuz I thought it was relevant, since my top FGO faves inspired me to make these rambles.
In my KuroEne AU, Kuroha/Saeru refers to his intimate encounters/trysts with Ene as “games.”
I actually DO think that Ene can manage to provoke him and get under his skin with her bratty provocations.
Kuroha would constantly flaunt his own knowledge of how he knows her and her desires intimately due to his confidence and ego, telling her that he’s been with the Enes of previous Routes before.
Ene, who’s constantly annoyed by her own feelings and has trouble facing more honest feelings, rationalizes their intimate encounters as not trysts, but just playing the game with him so she can defeat him.
Kuroha gets especially amused by this, since he’s aware of Ene’s tendency to avoid confronting how she really feels, and tells her that she can believe whatever she wants.
Kuroha would point out to her that “her own curiosity has led her here” irt the games they play (spending time with and being intimate with each other), and that, whether she realizes it or not, she’s searching for something from him (ie. the desire for warmth and companionship), beyond just “wanting to defeat him and win at the game”
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Source: Kagerou Daze Manga: Mary confronts Kuroha/Saeru
(Anyways, I put images to imagine his expressions, how he goes from his usual smug and composed demeanour to lowkey annoyed when Ene finally manages to rile him up and get under his skin.)
Ene probably bites back at him that the same applies to him as well. His own curiosity has led him here. He’s the one that started this in the first place. He chooses to play this game with her and is the one that initiates it every single time. He could end it if he wished. But he won’t.
Because no matter what, he's gonna hold onto the concept of “Eternity” that he created by causing the time loops. Because he wants to live forever and prioritizes his self-preservation above all else (as his main goal).
And in the context of a Kuroha ship AU, wants his S/O to be with him forever as his form of twisted selfish obsessive love (as his secondary goal).
Given what he’s told her about his experiences with the Enes of past Routes, Ene tells him that, at some point he got bored of killing everyone and wanted to try something new to keep things interesting.
Ene tells him to his face that he has a twisted disposition for building up relationships with people he plans to kill eventually. It’s even more cruel than just killing them.
Still unfazed, Kuroha nods and reaffirms her words that it was curiosity that led him here in the first place, and was what got him to approach her and come up with the idea of tinkering with human tech and indulging in human carnal pleasures.
At some point, Ene would have a realization about Kuroha/Saeru.
Kuroha relinquishes control in their bedroom intimacy and allows her to have these little victories just to appease her. He lets her win and grants the victories to her on purpose. He doesn’t mind letting her take the reigns in their bedroom intimacy because it just proves that she wants to continue doing this (playing the game) with him.
It still aligns with what he wants. And so, he considers all the games they play, victories for him as well. He always wins, no matter the outcome.
She thought she had been reigning him in to an extent (putting this cat snake on a leash) by being more assertive and dominant, but the truth is that he only chooses to act tamer, and still fundamentally holds the power in their dynamic.
He dangles control (in intimacy) over her head and lets her have it, but can also take it back at any time, if he so pleases.
Ene gets frustrated when the realization dawns on her. Kuroha/Saeru can continue to remain so calm and confident and smug, because he fundamentally holds control and power over all others (irt his overwhelming advantage in strength and knowledge). So, his control and power aren’t ever actually being threatened.
But Ene really wants to get under his skin and wipe the smug look off his face and get a leg up on him, just this once. She wants to have a true victory over him, not just because he let her win. But she doesn’t want to do anything to Konoha (Haruka’s body).
Ene realizes that there IS something that she can use and get over him. So she decides to take her shot at him in the way she knows how to do best — bratty provocations.
Ene tells him that Kuroha/Saeru can only afford to act so high and mighty because he’s never actually being threatened.
Ene tells him that he’s not as infallible as he thinks he is. And that despite what he believes, he is not immune to, or above, human emotion, and human sentimentality.
Kuroha/Saeru recognizes that Ene is clearly trying to provoke him on purpose to try and make him lose his control and composure for once, even if just for a bit. He calmly raises an eyebrow and goes like, “Oh? Do tell. How so?”
If Ene is aware of his origins (maybe Kuroha/Saeru decided to open up about it and tell her on his own accord when she was curious and wanted to know more about him, before), then Ene tells him how he’s clearly not above human emotion when he witnessed the love Azami experienced with her family and spited the world and humanity for it.
And, for the first time, this manages to wipe the smirk off his face.
And imo, Ene biting back at him with this, WOULD manage to get under his skin.
FGO: Tunguska Sanctuary
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Source: (X)
In the Tunguska Sanctuary event, Koyanskaya, a Nature Spirit born as an incarnation of the thoughts and feelings of animals persecuted by mankind, tells Chaldea what makes humanity so incorrigible, what she finds so despicable and loathes about humanity, and all their virtues and vices.
Koyanskaya: Creatures who will expire in a few millenia despite gaining wonderful technologies and knowledge. Koyanskaya: Multiplying without caring for their brethren, without healing the earth— Koyanskaya: An ecosphere where the ignorant strong ultimately trample on the ignorant weak.
Chaldea's crew reacts to Koyanskaya's speech with disbelief. Nikitich criticizes Koyanskaya for “mocking the failures of others, just like a human would.”
The whole thing is fascinating. Koyanskaya's dialogues are all SO good.
Chaldea's confrontation with Koyanskaya (pre final boss battle): (19:00 - 30:00)
Koyanskaya's speech: (19:00 - 23:30)
KuroEne AU: Ene confronts Kuroha
Coming back to KuroEne, I think Ene can use this against him as well.
In the Mekakucity Records Booklet, Outer Science’s section describes Kuroha/Saeru as a “monster that overlooks everything — peoples’ lives, hearts, meetings, memories, deaths, and looks down on it all, and how “he started influencing peoples’ everyday lives merely to kill time.”
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He thinks he’s above everything, humanity, human emotion and human sentimentality. But in reality, he’s not. He’s still prone and susceptible to it.
With his actions, he’s just “mocking the failures of others, just like a human would.” Ene tells him he’s not the supreme being he thinks he is, but doing exactly what a human would.
In the context of a Kuroha ship AU, specifically KuroEne AU in this case, Kuroha’s selfish, twisted desire to continue the time loop tragedy out of self-preservation (as his main goal above all else), and then on a secondary level, being motivated by a twisted obsession to keep up the game with his partner for eternity, also creates a human-like irony/contradiction in him.
Ene goes like, “I told you before, didn’t I? How you started all of this in the first place.”
Ene comes back to her point of how he started doing all of this (playing the “game” and being intimate with her) out of curiosity.
Even though he mocked Azami’s love for his family… At some point, in his desire to make the Routes more fun and interesting, he started indulging in carnal pleasures and craving the touch of a human (the very beings he claimed to both love and look down upon for their foolishness, etc.)
The one that started this game was him. The one that went through the efforts of tinkering with human tech, making the android body and improving upon it everytime with each rendition, was him. The one who approached her to propose the game with her, and even after this many times, still chooses to do this with her, is him.
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Source: Sidu's Playing Card Set (Kuroha Joker Playing Card)
(This is how I imagined his expressions. For the first time, his smug grin drops to a neutral expression, almost annoyed, even... She's clearly gotten under his skin.)
Ene then asks him, “When did you finally start becoming a little more human?”
When Ene’s done her speech, Kuroha’s expression finally drops to a silent (…)
Ene revels in her victory after seeing Kuroha’s momentary loss of composure.
She managed to get under his skin like she wanted. This is a true victory for her, and they both know it. She won this time, and not because he let her win.
Ene feels proud and triumphant for finally being able to strike a nerve in him and “winning” against him. She then gives him a cheeky grin like, “Finally wiped the smug look off your face!”
Kuroha/Saeru feels a tinge of annoyance.
Still, though, he doesn’t want to let her bask in the victory for too long, so he quickly recovers and regains his composure and usual smug demeanour, and scoffs at how ridiculous and absurd the notion of him becoming more human is.
He congratulates Ene for her victory and tells her that her predictable unpredictability has always kept things interesting between the two of them. He didn’t expect her to bring up his Master (Azami) as leverage against him in their verbal confrontation.
KuroEne AU: Dialogue Script
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KuroEne, IdaTatsu, and FGO Rambles
When I saw Feila's KuroEne x IdaTatsu crossover, I felt inspired to make some rambles for it:
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I went on a tangent when I added to this omfg. KuroEne and IdaTatsu rambles. Everytime I write about my meow meow mf faves, out comes an essay. I can't even stop the urge omfg
The ultimate crossover hehe
This is honestly really funny to think about
The thing is, is that all of my faves have this level of elegance and refinement and composure (except for Judar). Which is completely fine. It's not necessary to have but it's usually present in my faves
The difference between charas like Douman and Kuroha/Saeru, who are the most mature of my main faves (which makes sense since they’re ancient beings or at least originate/come from an ancient era) and Idate, is that, while Idate has adult-like mannerisms, he has a child-like sense of entitlement.
What makes Idate so dangerous is how quickly he can switch from cheerful to deadly, at the drop of a hat, basically. Idate has a level of refinement and composure in his usual mannerisms, like he tries to appear “dainty” and gentlemanly to Tatsumiya to impress her since she’s very soft.
But he’s less mature and refined/composed than Douman and Kuroha cuz he's like... dignified, but also a rough, "elegant delinquent," a mafia type, basically. Idate is playful and dangerous but with a childlike sense of entitlement. So Idate is more casual, less formal than the two of them .
Like Idate is so: "I want that!" (^-^)
Because he just purely goes off on instinct/emotion-based feelings. And how he just murders and eats people on a whim. He’s motivated by “interesting things,” and things that can challenge him.
Cuz Idate is basically an elegant “mafia esque” type delinquent
So it's just funny to think of Kuroha in Idate's role bullying other animals (or teasing in Ene's case)
It would also be interesting to
Especially since the WATGBS AU versions of Idate is even more cruel than the F*na-verse one.
Even more cruel, but actually well-written, unlike F*na LMAO.
100000x better written but it's not harder to write better than F*na
WATGBS AU Idate (written by me and friends) steals peoples' souls and drinks and drains people of their blood and eats them, to use them as a power source and add to his power by absorbing them as a form of dark energy, then throwing the rest of the souls to light up his space void hell-scape that’s lit up by the dead souls of all the people he’s ever eaten. He is extremely cruel.
Idate knows that he's evil with inner, dormant, negative tendencies and "unpleasant" personality traits but he just wholly dismisses it out of a sense of apathy. He doesn't care about his victims. He sees them as "toys," "playthings," "sustenance" for him. It very much has this sense of “Yes? I did that? I’m evil! Don’t you see I’m evil?” (^-^)
I do think that the 7 Deadly Sins are split between Idate (and his older brother) Takama’s characters in the WATGBS AU, but I think the Deadly Sin that Idate represents most is "Greed," because his character is all about the pursuit of pleasure and desire for more. Tho he also has an apathy to other people and their suffering
Tatsumiya's role as "Messenger of the Dragon Palace" seems similar to a shrine maiden's duties, so I guess Ene in this AU is like a shrine maiden or princess consort.
Kuroha acting with Idate's carefree and laidback delinquent esque behaviour is sooo funny to think about.
Kuroha and Douman have similarities in terms of their basics, actually, but there's a huge difference in that canon-verse Kuroha lacks the tenderness and vulnerabilities that Douman's character has.
Also this is soooo funny to think about, cuz canon-verse Kuroha would not like cigarettes.
But Idate does, as an animal, cuz his character (at least in our WATGBS AU) is about his selfishness cruelty and general lack of care and apathy to other peoples' suffering and (metaphorically) drowning in momentary pleasures and chasing highs, because the pleasure is "not enough" for him. He needs something/someone more than that, someone who can connect and understand him, for once
And that's why finding Tatsu is a miracle for him. He and his older twin brother Takama never knew soft love before meeting their wives, only survival and death 💀 Idate doesn't care about others except for a select few that he loves (as his wife, Tatsu later becomes apart of his family)
Combined with the traumas from their backstories (that we made up for them in our AU), they just completely lacked proper childhoods and spent their entire lives just trying to survive.
Kagerou Daze Manga
In the KagePro manga, Kuroha/Saeru looks over the city from a rooftop and comments about the “muddy dirt stained (polluted) sky” and “humans spreading their greed wherever they go.”
He asks Konoha if he agrees with him (after overtaking/possessing his body and suppressing his consciousness). Since they're both Eye Ability snakes born from Azami, he calls him 兄弟 (Kyoudai, "Brother; mate; friend")
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(Kagerou Daze Manga: Ch. 62 - NO TITLE)
Kuroha: ...No wonder this world we made is so irksome.
Kuroha: This disgusting, glittering town...
Kuroha: This muddy, dirt-stained sky...
Kuroha: These people, spreading their greed wherever they go...
Kuroha: It's all so foolish...
Kuroha: ...And so lovely.
Kuroha: You agree, don't you...
Kuroha: ...My brother?
As someone who was there before the world was created, and observed the world from the very beginning and got to see it develop to the modern age, as a being who is close to Nature...
Like of course canon-verse Kuroha/Saeru would feel that way about pollution, as an animal (being who lived as apart of Nature, alongside Azami).
The KagePro manga art is weak and not dynamic imo but I appreciate that it exists since it gave us lots of interesting scenes, like Kuroha's backstory, and a bunch of cute little moments with the MekaDan.
An animal being who exists as someone closer to nature
Going on a tangent:
Kuroha seems to resent the world/mankind for changing the nature of his Master's wish, but claims to love humans (especially their foolishness).
Kuroha has a few base similarities with one of my FGO wives Koyanskaya (FGO), the "contradictory nature of loving while hating [humanity]" but the difference between them, is that he doesn't really hold as much of a vengeful grudge against humanity.
Kuroha wants to destroy the world to redo it all over again from the very beginning. But he's not really vengeful or serious about that hatred/grudge, as some of my FGO faves that want to destroy/exterminate humanity.
I got reminded of Koyanskaya specifically cuz like, as a Servant, she's a being who's a manifestation of a concept. She's a "Nature Spirit who's basically the incarnation of the thoughts and feelings of all animals who were persecuted by humanity," a being that "exists for revenge against humans" and "wishes for humanity's demise while loving them as beings apart of nature"
And even Koyanskaya is still "not as serious" (in her own words), about wanting to destroy humanity as others. She wants to witness humanity's destruction as entertainment, but wants to leave the actual extermination to someone else.
There's a line about Koyanskaya in the Tunguska Sanctuary event story in FGO (Koyanskaya's major story chapter focus) that's like "She wields the inventions and weapons of man better than man ever could" due to her Beast's Authority.
And that does remind me of Kuroha/Saeru. And how like... He wields both words (ie. weaponizing knowledge), and humanity's tools/inventions (ie. guns) as weapons.
Koyanskaya's entire concept and character is so peak imo. I find her incredibly interesting and compelling. One of my top fave FGO wives and femme characters easily.
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kyousukebei · 5 years
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lastencoregraphics · 3 years
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Mahou Tsukai no Yoru - Witch on the Holy Night will be released on PS4 & Nintendo Switch in 2022, now also fully voiced.
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Dead Apostle Noel and Aoko Aozaki will be added into Melty Blood: Type Lumina on January 13th.
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Type-Moon's Comiket 99 merchandise, including a Tsukihime fanbook, are now available for preorder online.
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Tsukihime: A Piece of Blue Glass Moon comic anthology has been released, and can be bought on Amazon.
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A fan group called Tsukihimates is working on the English translation of TsukiR, and has released a partial patch for Arcueid’s days 1-5. You are expected to have your own copy of the game, as this is only an English patch for the game.
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The cover arts for the third volume of The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II & the fifth volume of Fate/Strange Fake have been shared. The Case Files volume will release on January 28th with a price of 1650 yen & the Strange Fake volume will release on February 10th with a price of 1210 yen.
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Miyamoto Musashi (Saber) has been added to FGO Arcade
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The first chapter of the UBW manga is out, the second chapter is released on January 27th.
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FBates, who is retranslating the Fate/Stay Night VN, has released a translation patch for the prologue and the Fate route. You are required to use the Ultimate Edition which has a wider screen. Help for installing can be found on BL & reddit.
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teatitty · 4 years
FGO released an anthology comic/manga today and literally all I care about is this one screencap of CasCu using his magic to cook meat
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lovesetssail · 4 years
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the fgo comic anthologies provide me with the best content of my husband tbh
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amayaicons · 4 years
Requests CLOSED
so little different, the slot list is gonna be half the size this time. i am still dealing with a lotta stuff offline but i do have a bit more free time currently compared to the year thus far. 
slot list:
Darkness from the Konosuba
Chocolate from sugar sugar rune
Eugen from Granblue Fantasy 
linus from dungeon meshi 
Miku Hoshino from Stellar Witch LIP☆S
rules & guidelines tl;dr ver:
-i have the right to decline requests -i will not do series with heavy/graphic gore, insects or other related creatures, horror nor NSFW.  -no lewd-ish series this time around. -no web comics, aka nothing from tappytoon, webtoon, ect - please request off anon. requests are not answered publicly nor privately. any accepted requests will be listed on the slot list below edit:  -i am just noting that i forgot to put ‘no fate/fgo series characters’ this is because i am currently working on a HUGE project on the side since march that concerns almost all the main fate titles and a complete re-do of all the FGO anthology character icon packs. so if the character is already on the masterlist their icons should eventually have a new pack on here between now and early 2021.
This project will take a good few months. please be patient for them, specially the FGO related characters. i got a lot to grab and theres a lot of anthology volumes/titles.
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vyragosa · 5 years
Have you heard of Tazu Cinema? Its an FGO comic anthology by Ayamatazu centred around the Avengers and Rulers, with Dantes and Amakusa being cute alone and with each other.
there’s honestly so many anthologies series i always wanted to look up but got lost everytime but this one i might just get it myself
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switch · 6 years
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various Vlads from the FGO Comic Anthologies
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ooloongt3a · 1 year
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Finally got some spare time to translate another chapter of baby boy struggling socially. Come get your food @hasarjunadoneanythingwrong 😉
NOTE: this is translated by Bilibili manhua from Japanese to Chinese, and I merely translated the Chinese version to English for non-profit purposes. All credits belong to Bilibili manhua and the original author of this chapter. Please go support the official ones if you can! If you want to read more chapters, feel free to DM me for the link to access these chapters in Chinese :3
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Day 354: I've finally found that one (1) comic in one of the FGO anthologies where due to shenanigans, Siegfried ended up as Jalter's dragon (you'll have to scroll down VERY far, though).
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devolympian · 6 years
Weird ideas for Fate go but I just can't get them out of my head.
Saber lilly has a crush on EMIYA: I don't know why but just the thought of it is adorable to me. It'd be like one of those school kid crushes where like a student develops a massive crush on their teacher and it's super obvious, even though the student doesn't think it's obvious, and the teacher is put in a position where they don't want to hurt the kids feelings but they're just not interested; because, you know, it's their student, and a child, and eww. I've actually seen a few fan comics with this exact set up so, yeah, I think it'd be a cute/funny thing to see either in fgo or an anthology manga.
Sigurd, Arjuna, Angra Mannu, and Jean alter have a D&D gaming session every Saturday: I can not be the only one who thinks that this would be awesome. Sigurd's the dungeon master, Jalter is a chaotic neutral warrior, Arjuna is a lawful evil Palladian, and Angra is like a true neutral rogue. Sigurd would try to set up a more heroic story, but that would go out the window as soon as one of the others role the dice. He wouldn't like it, but wouldn't complain because he strikes me as the type of guy who needs friends.
Perseus isn't as big a jerk as Shinji and him and Ana have a brother sisster type relationship: This one is mostly just me, but Perseus is probably my favorite Greek hero for the simple reason being that he isn't a total ass. In prototype he was a bit of a jerk after his masters death but I'm hopping that his personality is closer to how he was when he was Ayakas class mate. An overly emotional but friendly dork, who gets really into what he's doing. Him and lancer Medusa having a sibling relationship is just cute to me. And, it'd be kinda funny to see Rider and Gorgons reaction to it.
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stepswowdsen · 4 months
【FGO】 Beautiful Carnivore, The All-Ridiculing 💚🐈‍⬛
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And here's the other batch of colour tests I did
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Ashiya Douman doodle 💚 🐈‍⬛
OG + playing around with gradient maps (18 total)
The 1st one is the OG!
I'm just testing rough colours for now so it's super messy and not refined yet
I already loved the colours of the OG that I chose but the other are so cool to see. The way low opacity gradient maps shift the colours in subtle ways WHOAA
If you're curious, check out the Ashiya Douman vs. Dioscuri anthology comic here! Popular FGO fan-artist and official artist AU (@delete_au) has such gorgeous art~
I've been obsessed with Ashiya Douman, the evil clown cat since December 2020. Didn't even take me a week to be obsessed. It took 5 days. Sen's Limbo December Descent 🙌
LimGuda is my comfort HC NBLNB ship 💚🧡 They've been one of my top fave ships since December 2020. The spice of a gay evil clown demon who hates humanity, with a karmic relationship of love/hate with the human they're in love with, is unparalleled.
I can’t get over how much I adore Douman. They’re simply the best. This chaos clown is a forever fave of mine~ I love how in-depth and nuanced this hot evil jester onmyouji is. The emotional nuance and complexity of this chara…
The amount of detail that went into Douman's character and design is insane to me… Hasendow AKA Showichi Furumi (Douman's character artist/illustrator) has such a huge brain 🤯
My LimGuda collection is my pride and joy 🤭 When Douman first released on FGO NA in November 2022, this was my Douman pentagram setup. Douman merch summoning circle catalyst! We did summon an evil demon into my Chaldea~ Welcome home! You are now reunited with your WIFE 🫶
The clean up's gonna be hell with how detailed Douman's design is, but I love working with their colours! I wanna draw LimGuda in matching green and red Áo tấc so bad!!! Matching couple clothes~ 💘💞
Douman loves them with curses… LIKE A CAT TIPPING OVER VASES CUZ THEY WANT TO BE PAID ATTENTION TO. The whole “Limbo gets defeated/is overwhelmed by the power of feelies and their S/O’s Candid Sincerity" trope I love to see in their ship works that I wanna draw eventually btw… I wanna draw them lots!!!
Cinna said “Douman just reminds me of that ‘cat reacts to separation anxiety by trying to maul their owner’ thing I saw one time” LMAO
Ashiya Douman vs. Dioscuri Anthology Comic by AU
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The Ashiya Douman vs. Dioscuri anthology comic has such beautiful art by AU (@/delete_au). Douman invited Ritsuka to fall into hell with them & now they're the one inviting him. Douman tells them that the two of them are "bound by unbreakable/inseparable fate." JAW DROP??? THIS IS GAY AS HELL 🏳️‍🌈 LIMGUDA IS REAL!!! 💚🧡
AU (@/delete_au) is a popular Fate/Grand Order (FGO or Fate/GO) fan artist that's been commissioned to draw official works for Fate (including official merch)
TYSM to Carli (@/carlikun) for translating it... I got stuck on some parts reading the JP version cuz of Douman's difficult, esoteric and archaic vocabulary... I got to clear things up reading the VN fan-TL, and it was interesting to see how it was translated in Viet, but yeah the EN fan-TL cleared up so many things for me.
They drew the Ashiya Douman vs. Dioscuri chapter in one of the FGO anthologies. LIMGUDA ALSO INTERACT IN IT, AND THERE'S TONS OF LIMGUDA FOOD HEHEHEHE... Their art is so gorgeous. They're one of my favourite FGO artists, their works are stunning.
Douman is gigantic. Ritsuka's 200 cm tall (~6"7) bf that loves them!!!
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joshnekuu · 6 years
I really want like a story or a comic or something with David going all out in battle and everyone just being kind of surprised because he doesn’t usually like to show off and I feel like Servants who don’t know much about him would tend to get the impression that he’s on the weaker side and not take him seriously, and his personality tends to encourage that sort of view
basically i would love to see like a comic about his interlude in one of those anthology manga because that’s a time where he shows off and goes up against some giants so like pls can i get a comic of that fgo
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kaibutsushidousha · 6 years
What type of gacha players would the V3 cast be?
Akamatsu plays rhythm games. She’s f2p because she cares more about the gameplay than about the characters.
Amami rarely loves a character, but when he does, he whales, gacha money is just cheap change for him. He drops games whenever he is stumped, no matter how much money he invested on it and he is that one guy who is always complaining about the geographical inaccuracies in Fate/Grand Order.
Iruma recklessly whales for the titty ladies, sometimes with more than she has, not only because she is just naturally that foolhardy when awake, but also because she only plays gacha games while she’s sleeping. Thankfully, she can invent stuff profitable enough to cover her debts.
Ouma is f2p but tells everyone online he is a whale and photoshops roll results and party formations with perfect Ultra Rare units.
Ki-bo’s fingers don’t have heat, so he can’t interact with smartphones. This is an intentional design choice by Dr. Iidabashi to avoid gacha addiction. Ki-bo’s inner voice is vocally salty about it whenever the subject comes to light.
Gonta is still not used to the smartphone and is prioritizing learning other things first.
Considering Saihara’s was seriously willing to pay Toujou’s absurd contract fee, you can bet he is willing to whale for all his waifus and husbandos. Saihara is nowhere near Amami level, but he is still rich enough for that.
Shirogane knows that if you have a gacha waifu, it’s better to use your money with merch, commissions, and most importantly cosplay materials instead of paying to roll them. 
Shinguuji is not a gacha player but he follows Fate/Grand Order and Onmyoudou for modern interpretations of ancient history and for how FGO’s plot is about praising humanity. He does like gacha as a concept because it calling to beautiful humans showing their true nature.
Chabashira got in debt over a Nico Yazawa UR, so her master made her sell her smartphone to cover for it and bought her an older phone.
Toujou only plays if she is hired to (someone did that in one of the anthology comics).
Harukawa doesn’t own a smartphone, only lots of cheap disposable phones she uses for one assassination each then destroys.
Hoshi is not a gacha players, unless nekoatsume is a gacha and I don’t know.
Momota’s gacha life can be summed in the up in the casino bonus scene from chapter 2.
Yumeno only plays magic-themed games like Fate/Grand Order, Fire Emblem Heroes and Magia Record. Onmyoudou is still on-hold until she decides if that’s magic enough or not. She whales because she needs to in order to have a strong FGO party while keeping only Caster Servants in her Chaldea. Due to this unique gameplay choices, she is stuck in the last Ozymandias fight since forever.
Angie very rarely whales, but if an Unit is divine enough, she can ask to her islander to finance her rolls.
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