#Fic: Eddie's UNO Reverse
ladydorian05 · 3 months
Fuck it weekend because this is a whole fic
I started writing this fic before the episode aired. This was inpired by this post.
I don't know what this is, but it's the first thing I've written in a while so, hope you like whatever this is.
Big shout out to @made-ofmemories for beta reading and helping me write some parts of this.
Also, special thanks to @wikiangela @daffi-990 @thewolvesof1998 @hippolotamus @your-catfish-friend @theotherbuckley @exhuastedpigeon @wildlife4life @pirrusstuff @neverevan @giddyupbuck @bidisasterbuckdiaz @jesuisici33 for still tagging me in the weekly wip games even if I haven't been that active in a while (also, consider this your no pressure tag❤)❤❤ (and I'm sorry if I'm missing people I lost the list of people that used to tag me) I hope This will be my come back to writing.
Eddie's UNO Reverse
“You know, he’s different, not only because he’d be the first man I’d try to date in, let’s just say a while. Spending time with him feels good. Like-” Eddie pauses, purses his lips the way he does when he’s thinking about something and then he says it. “Like he sees me.”
And just how the fuck is Buck supposed to take that? Here’s Eddie, literally contemplating a future with a man he just met, a complete stranger, and saying all of this to Buck’s face!? He’s really going to consider a stranger over the person who has known him for years, to the person who can basically read his mind with just a look! To the man who actually sees him because he’s known him for the better part of half a decade and now that he can be honest to himself, the man who’s been helping him raise the most amazing kid in the world!?
He hasn’t been hyping himself up to ask Eddie out on a date for weeks just for a stranger to come waltzing in and steal his partner right in front of him. Not again.
Or the one where Eddie speaks with Buck about Tommy the same way Buck talked about Natalia. And Buck doesn't take it well.
Word count: 3k something
Tags: Jealousy, Eddie's pettyness backfires (in the best way possible), getting together. It gets a bit spicy.
“I didn't expect to get along with Tommy so well, he's been nice.” Eddie comments as he lets his duffle bag drop to the floor next to the door.
“Yeah, he seems like a cool guy.” Buck follows him inside, he leaves his own bag next to Eddie’s and makes his way to the open space that makes up the kitchen area of his loft. He watches as Eddie opens the fridge and grabs two beers.
They just came back from the basketball court, they invited Tommy to hang out with them once things settled down after the cruise rescue. They all promised to make an effort to hang out more, and apparently Hen and Chim’s old teammate made a good impression on Eddie.
”We made plans to go to next week’s baseball game, said he had an extra ticket.” Eddie passes him his beer, their fingers brushing.
“Really?” Buck takes a long sip of his beer, hoping that he sounded normal and not upset. It was his idea to invite Tommy to their regular basketball hang out in the first place. He wanted him to feel included, to let him know that they appreciated that he placed his career on the line to help them get to Bobby and Athena. And well, even if he’s no longer with the 118 he should still be considered a friend, family. He just never considered that he’d be the one feeling left out.
He might not be a big baseball fan but they could have asked even if just to not be rude.
“You know, I might just try something with him,” Eddie says, far too casual. Buck chokes on his beer, thumping his fist against his chest twice before he regains his composure. “It’s been almost a month since Marisol and I broke up, so might as well.”
“What?” Buck croaks, carbonation from the beer still burning at the back of his throat.
“I mean, we have a lot in common. He says he’s good with kids, has been in the army, he’s a widower like me, he likes sports, has a good sense of humor, since he was a firefighter and now a rescue pilot he most definitely won’t have a problem with my crazy work schedule. Plus he’s nice as we previously stated and he’s not bad looking.”
“I guess.” The fact that Eddie is considering dating a man doesn’t come out of nowhere, they’ve had more than one conversation on their interests and on Eddie’s part on how he’s never felt like he could act upon those feelings or even mention that he’s interested in men before. The wonders of going to therapy.
Still, this is the first time he ever mentioned wanting to go on a date with a guy. With Tommy. He’d say yes, of course he would. Who wouldn't say yes to Eddie!
“You know, he’s different, not only because he’d be the first man I’d try to date in, let’s just say a while. Spending time with him feels good. Like-” Eddie pauses, purses his lips the way he does when he’s thinking about something and then he says it. “Like he sees me.”
And just how the fuck is Buck supposed to take that? Here’s Eddie, literally contemplating a future with a man he just met, a complete stranger, and saying all of this to Buck’s face!? He’s really going to consider a stranger over the person who has known him for years, to the person who can basically read his mind with just a look! To the man who actually sees him because he’s known him for the better part of half a decade and now that he can be honest to himself, the man who’s been helping him raise the most amazing kid in the world!?
He hasn’t been hyping himself up to ask Eddie out on a date for weeks just for a stranger to come waltzing in and steal his partner right in front of him. Not again.
“What do you mean he sees you?” Buck asks, placing his beer on the counter.
“You know, like he understands the struggles and sees beyond what I let people see.” Buck sees him shrug his shoulders as if what he just said is the most obvious thing in the world. “Well, any other person that's not close to me.”
”Eddie, you’re sounding crazy right now.” 
“What? Why?” Eddie asks. 
“Why? You’re really asking why?” He raises his eyebrows incredulously at his best friend.
“Yeah, you just agreed that he’s a nice guy.” Buck watches as Eddie also leaves his beer on the side and crosses his arms in front of him.
“But you just met him.”
“Yeah, but there's the fact that we almost died together in that hurricane and he also risked his job to help us rescue our friends, that says a lot about him. To me it says he’s loyal.”
“There were 3 other people on that chopper that almost died with you and that you’ve known for years.” Buck takes a few steps away from the counter and starts pacing as he speaks, he needs to move or else he’s going to, to… Okay he doesn’t know what he’ll do if he doesn’t move but he needs to just not stay still. “How can you say that someone who you’ve met twice and only really spoken with once ‘sees you’?”
Why does this whole situation feels familiar? It’s like a deja vu. Like Buck’s heard something similar before, like he's had this same conversation in the past but different.
And then it hits him.
He’s taken back to a couple of months ago, when they were standing at a graveyard.
‘There's something... different about her. I-I feel like she sees me. You know? Like she-she really sees me for who I am and what I've been through.’
He said the same thing about Natalia after just one coffee date. And Eddie, Eddie just listened to him, he let him speak and didn’t question his reasoning. However wrong it turned out to be.
And here he was, criticizing his choice to find happiness, ready to try and live his life without caring what anyone may think of him for dating another man.
All because he's jealous, because the man in question isn't him.
“Oh my god, oh my god, Eddie. I’m an idiot, I’m such a hypocritical idiot! I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
“Wait what? Buck-”
“No, no, I am. I said the exact same thing to you about Natalia months ago and you just listened to me and-and supported me.” He stood still for a moment once the realization hit him, but now he was back to pacing.
“You didn't question me like I was doing a moment ago. It doesn't matter that my relationship didn't go anywhere, because that's just me, forever cursed to fuck up and act on impulse. But it doesn't mean it'll be the same for you, if you say he sees you, he sees you, that's fine I believe you.” He knew he was doing that thing when he talks and gestures with his hands that most of his teachers used to find kind of annoying, but he just could never control it. Even less so now that he’s sure Eddie must think he’s a horrible friend for not being happy that he’s putting himself out there trying to find a romantic partner.
And he really is such a horrible friend, he should be putting his feelings aside and encouraging Eddie to look for happiness. He must do that, he’ll fix it, from this moment on he’ll be all in.
“I'll support you, even if it kills me inside I’ll deal with it. I’ll be your wingman. My jealousy is my problem. I want you to be happy even if it’s not with me, even if I stay your friend and nothing more for the rest of my life I’ll learn to deal with my feelings I swear, Eddie. And-”
“Evan!” The use of his name and the weight of Eddie’s hands on his shoulders stops him abruptly from continuing his pacing. “Hold on, I'm the one that should be apologizing.”
“No, why? I was the one being-” 
“Evan, I’m sorry. I- I said that on purpose to mess with you a little, I didn’t think it’d upset you this much. I’m so sorry, it was such a stupid and petty thing to say I just,” Eddie sighs, “You actually just voiced just about everything that went on in my head when you said that about Natalia, with the exception of you using nicer words than I would have, had I voiced my thoughts back then.”
“You- back when- what?” He feels Eddie’s hands leaving his shoulders, missing his touch for the few seconds it takes for them to move to his face.
“Okay, Buck. I need you to listen closely, I do like Tommy, he seems great and when I got invited to the baseball game I did consider trying to have something with him. That was before, before I learned that you were jealous, that maybe I could have a chance, because he’s no Evan Buckley.”
“But if- you were jealous back then, why didn’t you say anything?”
“Well, it had been a while since you told me you were Bi and I told you that I’m also into men even if I don’t really like labels. When our relationship stayed the same after that and when you started dating Natalia I just thought that maybe you didn’t feel the same way or weren’t into me like that. And so I- I invited Marisol on a date.”
“You’re kidding, right? Shit, Eddie. We’re both a pair of idiots.” Buck huffs in exasperation. “I tried to make it work with Natalia for the exact same reason.”
“Yeah, fuck.” They stare at each other for a moment, processing all that has been said in the last fifteen or so minutes, before bursting into laughter. “So, we could have been dating since last year?”
“Guess we’ve got a lot of lost time to make up for then.” Eddie smirks and Buck becomes very suddenly aware of just how close they are. One of Eddie’s hands has moved to cup the back of his neck, fingertips brushing against the soft hairs at the nape, the other has started to trail down Buck’s arm. All he’d have to do is tilt his head just a little bit.
Eddie beats him to it.
The kiss is chaste, barely more than the press of Eddie’s lips against his own before they pull away again. 
“Sorry, I just- and you-” Buck worries at his bottom lip, tasting the bitter malt of Eddie’s preferred beer brand that lingers there as his best friend fumbles with his words. “You have no idea for how long I've wanted to do that.”
“I can guess.” Buck whispers before capturing Eddie's lips again. in a deeper kiss. Having no more reasons to restrain himself he pours all of him into the kiss.
It's messy and kind of uncoordinated but so good. He's not sure  who deepens the kiss first or when it happens, but figuring out the details is not high on his list of priorities when Eddie is licking into his mouth like a man starved. It's messy and uncoordinated, teeth colliding when Buck tries to suck Eddie's bottom lip between his own with a little too much enthusiasm and Eddie returns it by smiling into it, but it's perfect. And Buck wants more. His hands wander, leaving their anchor on Eddie's waist in his mission to map out every dip and ridge of his body, keen to touch everywhere he can in a way he's never been able to before.
Buck leans down a bit until he can get his hands on the back of Eddie's thighs and lifts him up, his legs immediately going around his waist most likely on instinct, he takes a few steps until he reaches the counter behind Eddie and places him there.
“Oh shit.” Eddie pants, breaking the kiss. Buck takes the opportunity to lavish his neck with kisses.
“Buck.” He moans as Buck sucks on a spot just below Eddie's ear. “Hold on, Buck. We're going too fast.”
He stops immediately, he would never do anything or go further than what his partner would allow. Even back in his wilder years, he prided himself in always making sure his advances were wanted.
“Sorry, sorry. You're right. Too fast.” He takes a deep breath and lets his forehead rest on Eddie’s left shoulder as Eddie cards his right hand through his product free blonde curls. Eddie taps his back twice, it’s all the indication he needs to understand that Eddie wants to get down from the counter. Buck takes a step back to give him just enough space for that, not wanting to actually leave too much space between them. He really wants to stay as close to him as possible right now.
Once Eddie’s feet are back on the ground they stay still for a moment, their foreheads resting against each other.
“Just for the record,” Buck says, breaking the peaceful silence between them, “I love you. I’m in love with you.”
His words are rewarded with Eddie’s blinding smile, the big unrestrained one he’s only seen when they’re either alone or when they’re with Chris. That one smile that reaches his eyes and lights up his whole face. He loves that smile, he loves everything Eddie.
“Then, just for the record.” Eddie chuckles. “I love you too, Evan.” He can’t help but lean in and capture Eddie’s lips with his own again. His hands that were previously on Eddie’s hips, playing with his belt hoops, pull him by them so that they can be as close as humanly possible while still being clothed.
Eddie is sucking Buck’s tongue into his mouth and god damn it if they don’t stop right now he’ll have to take the longest cold shower known in history. The fact that he can actually feel Eddie’s hardness against his own doesn’t help at all.
“Slow.” He manages to break the kiss with a wet pop. “We agreed on going slow.” He knows he sounds wrecked and so out of breath and really, if they hadn't agreed to take their time he’d already be guiding Eddie towards the stairs to his bed.
They take a moment to get their breathing back to normal.
“Yeah, you’re right, we’ll go the pace we feel like going.” Buck gives him a questioning look at that. “Hey, I reconsidered and slow is for people that need to know each other, to figure out if they’ll work out. I’m completely sure we don’t really need all that time. We’ve been partners for years, we were just missing the kissing part and… the other stuff too.” Eddie says that last part at the same time as his hands trail down the panes of Buck’s back to land on his ass.
“We’re going to be so bad at slow.” Buck groans.
“I know.” Eddie snorts. “We did transition from enemies to friends in the span of one shift.”
“Alright, alright. Are you hungry?” Buck watches as Eddie gives him a once over and he already knows that whatever Eddie is about to say is going to make the situation going on in his pants worse.
“Starving,” the little shithead has the gall to smirk. “But I can go for a pizza or chinese.”
“Jesus, Eddie.” He pushes away from his laughing… boyfriend? Okay, mental reminder to talk about relationship labels later. “You’re killing me. Just for that, you’re stuck ordering our food, meanwhile I’m going to take a shower.”
He starts making his way up to his loft to grab comfortable clothes to change into after his shower.
“Leave some of that cold water for me, babe!” Eddie calls from the kitchen, his voice laced with mirth.
“Shut up! And that’s not how it works, that’s for hot water not cold! You can’t run out of cold water!” He knows he completely failed to sound annoyed, he’s just too happy to be anything but elated at the turn of events.
He confessed to Eddie, he told him that he loves him and Eddie said it back. He’ll be walking on cloud 9 for the rest of the month. Hell maybe even for the rest of his life.
After dinner and with Christopher spending the night at a friend’s house, Eddie decides to stay for the night and it’s only after they’re both tucked into bed that Buck remembers the catalyst of the night’s events. 
“Eddie?” He gets a noncommittal humm in response. “What about your date?” 
“What date?” This time Eddie does answer sounding so sleepy and confused.
“Your date with Tommy.” Did he forget? He gets that a lot of things just happened tonight but to completely forget what started it all?
“Oh yeah, about that, it was never really a date, I did say he invited me, but I never said it’d be just the two of us. Chim is coming too.”
What. Did. He. Just. Say.
It wasn’t a date!?
“Don’t you think you should have started with that!?” 
“Sorry, love. Think about it this way, if I had mentioned that Chim was also invited, we wouldn’t be here now. Who knows how many years it would have taken for us to finally get together.”
“Then why didn’t you guys invite me?” His bottom lip just out in what is definitely not a pout and the rough pad of Eddie's thumb traces over it.
“Buck you don’t like Baseball, you’d be fast asleep during the first inning.”
“Still, you could have asked.”
“Next time. I promise,” Eddie says, his hand has moved, no longer tracing the plump line of Buck's lower lip but now trailing a lazy line down one of Buck's arms under the covers. 
“Are you still going?”
“I plan to. It’s a free ticket after all.” Eddie shrugs one shoulder and Buck takes the momentary pause in Eddie's movement as an opportunity to lace their fingers together. “But before that, I plan on taking you out for dinner this weekend. Would you like that?”
“I’d love that.”
“Alright, then it’s a date.” The end of Eddie's sentence is slurred with sleep, his eyes already closed. 
Buck gives Eddie's hand a squeeze, their fingers still interlocked and watches the corner of Eddie's lip quirk up in the ghost of a smile before he lets his eyes slip closed, mind filled with thoughts of their date. Buck can’t wait.
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monsterrae1 · 6 months
If I’m getting 69 for the Spotify wrapped prompts, so are you 😎
Not to uno reverse card you but I actually already have a fic inspired by some of the vibes of this song 😂😂 so here it is:
Just between us (did the love affair maim you too?)
Mature | 16.4k
Evan met Eddie during the summer of 2012 while they were both drifting through their lives, finding a safe place in the other, until Eddie unexpectedly walked out of Evan's life, leaving him heartbroken and disbelieveing in love.
In 2018 Buck meets Eddie again, and as much as he tried not to, he falls in love with him again. Too bad Eddie moved on with his life. Or did he?
(Also known as the summer fling/Exes to lovers fic, Buck's version)
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tache-noire · 5 months
20 Questions for Writers
tagged by: @dilf-in-peril HI THANK YOU
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Pro wrestling, right now. AEW and probably ROH and WWE in the future.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I'm going from #2 onwards because #1 is a collection of stories that i have since re-uploaded separately, and the original collection is now hidden and inaccessible.
Ass-Kisser (Max Caster/MJF sloppy rimming+fucking in a hallway)
A Day In The Life Of A Dog (Play-by-play of House Of Black's activities on a show day, centered around Brody)
Welcome To The Business (Christian Cage+Luchasaurus/Nick Wayne noncon)
Daddy's Boys (The Acclaimed celebrate a win by DP-ing Billy Gunn)
Give Me Your Violence (Eddie Kingston/Jon Moxley rough sex)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to reply to every one, even if it's just "thank you!" or "I'm glad you liked it!"
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
How It Begins. I wasn't PLANNING on exploring Luchasaurus' psyche, but it happened anyway.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
A Future With You is the sappiest thing i've ever written, by far. alpha4alpha husbands.....
8. Do you get hate on fics?
A looooooong time ago on a Dio Brando/Giorno Giovanna fic. I deleted it though.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
It's almost all i write. I tried to write actual plot once, but then i lost steam.
as for what kind i write, it's pure depraved kink, usually :) I have very few limits and they are eroding every day.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've never actually written one, but I have some ideas rattling around in my head about a Hannibal/Crimes Of The Future crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
A couple, yes. I don't remember which ones, though.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I really don't know. I love any combination of Samoa Joe, CM Punk, and MJF, and any combination of Christian Cage, Nick Wayne, and Luchasaurus. And I like Eddie Kingston/Jon Moxley.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'd really like to finish Tokeback Mountain someday, but for now it's labeled as discontinued. Evil Uno is surprisingly hard to write, and I'm eternally torn between including his shoot insecurities about his body and some mushy "noooo youre so sexy" shit, or keeping to kayfabe and having him be comfortable.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've gotten a couple comments mentioning characterization, so I guess I'm good at that. I think I write dialogue fairly well, too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Anything other than pure smut, i think. I have trouble putting breathing room between actions/scenes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Ehhhh. If it's gonna be entire sentences, I just don't do it. A couple words, maybe, but if a character's entire dialogue would have to be translated, I just keep it in english, italicize it, and leave a note that explains it. Like if I'm gonna write a fic about the Lucha Brothers and it's just them talking to each other, i'm going to write it in English, even though it should be assumed that they're speaking Spanish.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Silent Hill 2. You can still find my first fic on fanfiction.net if you really dig for it and somehow know it when you read it. My writing style changed drastically over the last 2 years though!
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I'm torn between a couple. Right at this moment I'm gonna say Reversal, because it was a weird sort of breakthrough where I didn't just write a kink I've never written before and was even a little uncomfortable with, but I took it almost as far as I possibly could, and I ended up loving it.
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dorisfuckinday · 2 years
I’m dealing with all these Eddie fics having Steve tags by putting Eddie tags in my Steve fics. Uno reverse card, bitches
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navybrat817 · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Reverse Uno card activated! 💙 Also wanted to say kudos for crushing it with your Eddie fics. I'm sure your readers are loving them.
Love and thanks! 💙
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flieslikeamoron · 1 year
day number ten. still no sign of any potential ability to regain control over my life. haunted and bedevilled by eddie waking up lost and scared because he doesn't know where he is, until he realizes 'Steve’s here. He can smell him' and calms right the fuck down. envisioned course of action: to weep, perchance to scream? maybe some more howling at the moon
LIKE HE'S JUST. HE'S SO FUCKING IN LOVE???? and don't worry, i'm just giving one particularly lethal random example, but rest assured a plethora of other moments from the whole the chapter are also bouncing around in my mind constantly inflicting mental damage. actually i think that that chapter conceptually (i love you induced mental breakdown that then gets uno reveresed!!!!!!), as a culmination to that whole fic, was tailor made specifically to Kill me personally. (so naturally i thought i should come scream at you derangedly like the world's most dramatic bitch and make it your problem instead, as the fanfic gods intended :p)
my eternal gratitude for all the agonies my liege, thank you <3
@squeeingfangirl I think I accidentally posted this privately instead of answering privately? Sorry, I still don't understand tumblr! But let me try again. Because you can ALWAYS yell at me about how much THEY ARE IN LOVE!!! That's like my favorite thing to talk about. I love that uno reversed image 😂 It's true. I felt like I had to break Eddie all the way down and make him realize there was no easy way out. But it's not about really BREAKING him, it's one of those things where you have to die a little to become the better version of you. And be the bravest boy. And let yourself be loved. I'm more interested in the bounce back up on the angst trampoline anyway. No need to spend more time at the bottom there!
But anyway, THANK YOU so much for saying all these things. I felt the pressure writing this part because there are so many words invested and I've been writing this fic for a year now. So it makes me the absolute happiest that it was a proper culmination and that it got under your skin and bits of it stuck with you. Truly I was like... I need to make at least one person cry with this or I've failed. (But I cried writing it, so technically I still would have succeeded no matter what!)
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So my next fic idea is for if Buck adopted the baby from the Pilot episode. Like I just can’t get the thought out of my head because Buck was so FIERCELY PROTECTIVE in an instant and I can see him being like “I have to take care of her” despite everything Bobby told him about letting them go at the door. Like I’m imagining that he goes to the hospital to check on them both and he starts talking to the girl- apologizing for what he said and just listening to her for a while- and it clicks on his head that he wants to do it. And him and the girl work it out between them and it’s cute and then we get Buck scrambling like oh damn I have a KID now I have to figure that out. And yeah- it’ll be fun
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ladydorian05 · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you for tagging me @your-catfish-friend @made-ofmemories and I think @saybiwithme also tagged me, I'm not sure, I think I saw a notification... any ways, thank you for the tag!! :3
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Currently 9-1-1 and Stranger Things, more 9-1-1 than anything as of right now.
Top five fics by kudos:
Too busy being yours to fall for someone new (9-1-1)
Eddie's UNO Reverse (9-1-1)
When life tears you asunder, but you're not alone (Stranger Things)
Jonathan's girl (Stranger Things)
Kissing his Neck (The Mandalorian)
Do you respond to comments?
I do try to respond/answer every single one, but I do struggle on what else to say beside thank you for reading.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
To this day, this one: Eparavur takisit - Apologise (The mandalorian) I do have another angsty one, but I haven't post it... yet.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
So far, all but the one on the previous question have happy endings. If I have to pick... I'm really fond of this one A Christmas With You (We can be heroes (movie)) it's linked to a back then new friend so yeah.
Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully, nope.
Do you write smut?
Well... I try.
Craziest crossover:
The only crossover I've ever written is an unfinished fic that's a crossover of The witcher and Skyrim... one day I shall finish it. The idea behind it is to make it a chose your own adventure kind of fic. You'll get a different ending depending on your choices, won't be anything crazy, just about two, maybe three endings and nothing so complicated since I'm not that great of a writer to pull off something more elaborated.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of and if you ever find my stuff outside of Tumblr or AO3, report it, that's definitely not me.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so, no one has asked for permission. Maybe one day I'll translate some of my fics to spanish since it's my first language.
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Haha, yes! I've written more than one fic and have quite a few wips with the lovely @made-ofmemories I've had so much fun writing with her. I've loved so many of the stuff she's come up with. (We always end up with new wips whenever someone has and idea.)
All time favourite ship?
That'll be difficult, I have A LOT of ships and I just cycle through them. But right now, Buddie.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I may have more than one, they're old reader inserts that I'm not sure I'll finish since the flame for those characters is pretty low.
What are your writing strengths?
What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptive text, I can see the stuff happening in my head as if it's a movie but I struggle so much to turn what's happening there into words. Even more so make it sound beautiful.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
For my fics, if I know the languageand the character(s) have also used the language, hell yes, you'll see some phrases. And on that note the only other language I know is my first language which is Spanish, so yeah. Not comfortable using a translator or dictionary for any other language.
First fandom you wrote in?
Like ever? I don't know, I started writing in middle school. oh! i just remembered! It was for an anime, Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch... and it was, it was really bad.
Favourite fic you've written?
I haven't posted it yet guys so ._.
No pressure tags!
@wikiangela @wildlife4life @thewolvesof1998 @hippolotamus @bidisasterevankinard @eddiebabygirldiaz @loserdiaz @crowleywasagryffindor @theotherbuckley @jesuisici33 @missmagooglie @daffi-990 @pirrusstuff @giddyupbuck @neverevan @exhuastedpigeon Anyone who wants to do it!
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