#Fic: Jimjeran
metaborderlines · 6 months
I’ve just re-read “Lovers in a Dangerous Time,” multiply that “re” by three or four, have fallen in love again, with this version of Jamie and Claire and with the writing. Is the scene at the close of chapter 9 the most irresistible? The scene: Claire, married to control-freak Frank, is charmed by the two little girls who move in next door, and by their father, the widower with the finest parenting skills ever. And the most seductive voice, as he proves (here comes the scene) when he and Claire are drinking after finishing cleaning up after his open house, the guest gone, his daughters put to bed, the two of them sitting close on a sofa, well into a bottle of whisky. Imagine the Scots’ burr when Jamie says, “Dance wi’ me?”  
            Another salute, to fellow-commenter reader83, for her excellent choice of “best of” in fan fics. I couldn’t agree more about LIADT and “Conversations in the Dark,” want to say thank you for the nudge toward “Practice,” my current comfort-read (only 7 chapters in, I hope it will be comforting). I’d like to add another trio to “best of” in fanfics: “Saorsa,” @scapegrace74; “Jimjeran,” @betweensceneswriter; “The Stars Will Sing for Us” @fallofrain. 
I wish I could send the author of LIADT a bouquet as meaningful as the one Jamie chooses for Claire, made of whatever flowers signify, “Good writing!” 
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gotham-ruaidh · 5 years
I need a new fic that I can really get lost in. Something unique! I want a new take on J and C that will swallow me whole. Any suggestions?
Readers - please help anon out and add your own recommendations!
Dr. Beauchamp, Medicine Woman by @crossinginstyle
Jimjeran by @betweensceneswriter
Clair(e)voyance, Escape, Beauchamp Chronicles by @notevenjokingfic
For a Lost Daughter by @bonnie-wee-swordsman
Mac Ruaidh by @lenny9987
So Long As I’m With You by @claryclark
Renewed by @mybeautifuldecay
Loss by @missclairebelle
Constellations, Bean Sidhe, Scalpel and Needle by @kalendraashtar
Dawning in Dust by @diversemediums
Our Story by @westerhos
The Berserker by @suhailauniverse 
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thebrochtuarachs · 6 years
4, 8, 12 👾
bonI don’t know what 12 means. I meant 13. Good lord.
@missclairebelle, you always ask and send me questions. I appreciate it and you so much ❤ also, i didn’t understand what question 13 meant too, haha!
4. What a fic that changed the way the way you write? 
I’ve been reading fanfics for a long, long time even before I fell down the rabbit hole that is Outlander - but I would say that the writers in this fandom are just the best of the best in all the fandoms I am in. 
I always say I am in awe of other authors’ writing because I really am and do. I’ve written fanfic for other fandoms before just because I wanted to share my own one-shot and fluffs. However, it’s only here in the Outlander that I tried my hand in multi-fic and different themes because there are just too many great stories here and I wanted to see if I can contribute to it in any way, shape or form. (Hopefully, I am) 
And to answer the question, I do have a couple of fics that inspired me and changed the way I write: 
1. Modern Glasgow by @gotham-ruaidh2. Flood My Mornings by @bonnie-wee-swordsman3. Written in the Stones by @lenny99874. This is Us by @abbydebeaupreposts5. Jimjeran by @betweensceneswriter6. A Wild Night in Vegas by @takemeawaytocamelot7. Loss, Act I and II by @missclairebelle
I know this is lot to list (and I have many more faves and all) but these are the fics (and authors!) that inspired me, challenged me and changed the way I write because they are just so dang good and I am amazed by what they do and create (Hopefully, they know it cause I message them when I read their fics and just fangirl about how I loved their stories, haha!). 
These are the fics that I read on the constant and still feel all the feels, the fics that I take either when I’m hiking the mountains or up in the air, etc.
So, yeah. I hope I am writing better with all the inspiration I am getting but most of the time, I find myself on the other side of the threshold and I just fan and feel with the rest of the readers ❤
8. google docs, microsoft word or other?
If I am co-writing with someone or beta-ing a fic, I usually use google docs. If I am writing my fics, I use microsoft word. :)  
13. past tense or present tense? 
I tend to write in the past tense mostly but I think it’s both sometimes depending on the situation/story. I haven’t tried nor I think I have ever read a fic that is on full present tense - if there is, send me a link because I would love to read it! 
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betweensceneswriter · 6 years
Countdown to Launch
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After months of revising and editing, Island Fever (Jimjeran Book 1) is now “under review” at Kindle self-publishing for the next 72 hours, and then I can purchase author copies and it will go live on the Amazon site.  It will also be available as a Kindle e-book download for $2.99. (The e-book version is free if you purchase the paperback version from Amazon.)
When it goes live, I’m not sure whether I should remove the fan fic version from Tumblr & AO3.  The edited version is so much better--more realistic, more detailed, more believable... But will people feel ‘cheated’ if they discover the online version?  I freely share the genesis of the project on my dedication page-- (hey, you guys are there!)  I’m not ashamed of where it began, though I admit I’d feel better if Diana Gabaldon didn’t hate fan fiction so much.  
I would never have written 120,000 words without having an audience... seriously...  ;)
Having never done this before, it’s a mystery to me!  :)  
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convivialcamera · 7 years
Hello, you have been identified as An Awesome Writer™! Congrats, you rock! So that all of your readers can shower you with some extra love today, please tell us your favorite five (or as many as you want) stories of yours and why you like them and then send this to another five fic authors you think deserve this title!
I only have one story, “The Time Before,” and you can read the first three parts on AO3 or on Tumblr starting here. It’s a fun, screwball-comedy style romp through London on the night Claire meets Frank (let me assure you, hijinks ensue).
So, in lieu of a larger library of my own work, let me tell you what I’m obsessively reading right now:
1. “Jimjeran” by @betweensceneswriter is fueling all of my “run away and join the Peace Corps” fantasies (it’s real bad, guys).
2. “Broken Crown” by @kalendraashtar is so great. Spies! I love Spies!
3. “Faith Restored” by @lenny9987 has been a roller coaster. I AM SO WORRIED ABOUT FAITH. SHE NEEDS HER MOTHER.
4. “The Last All-Clear” by @bonnie-wee-swordsman was absolutely enthralling. I was screaming at my computer screen the entire time. 
5. “Clair(e)voyance” by @notevenjokingrightnowfic makes my Fridays, when it’s being updated. I did not know I wanted Claire and Jamie to solve modern murders until this fic showed up. 
6. And, to be crass, between “A Good Lover” by @outlandergeekery and  the latest update to “Queen’s Gambit” by @abbydebeaupreposts all I want to read about is Jamie’s fingers up and around Claire’s vajayjay. HOT.
So, thank you @gotham-ruaidh for sending me this lovely message. :)
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hardblazesong · 4 years
I’ve fallen hard for the fan fics, especially “Downhill” and “One Summer” and “Jimjeran” and “Lovers in a Dangerous Time” Suppose they disappear from the Internet, I’d be bereft. Are these stories available on paper? Where can I find you outside Tumblr, missclairebell and BetweenScenes and wickedgoodbooks and HardBlazeSong?
You can find my one and only under Hardblazesong on AO3 or here @noir-nocturne and yes, it's been ages since I wrote on it, but someday I will get back to it.
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theshadylaine · 6 years
@whiskynottea tagged me, thank you! 
Rules: tag 9 people with excellent taste
Colour(s) I’m currently wearing
Blue and grey
Last band T-shirt I bought
OK this goes wayyyy back….Grateful Dead ;)
Last band I saw live
Phish. Fuck how old am I?????
Last song I listened to
Meant to Be. I’ve got a daughter, ya ken?
Lipstick or chapstick?
Chapstick over lip liner is my jam.
Last movie I watched
Whiskey Galore on STARZ. Worth it!!
Last 3 TV shows I watched
(apart from Outlander) 
Mr. Robot, Timeless, House Hunters International
Last 3 characters I identified with
I do identify with CEBRF, especially in terms of intellectual curiosity and the intensity of her career. But I REALLY identified with her as written in @betweensceneswriter ‘s story Jimjeran. At least the self I was as a young woman ready to fall in love. I’ve never been able to fully picture myself as Claire in Diana’s books, but I could totally see it in this story. Shortly after reading it I had my first Jaime dream which was awesome. HE HELD ME IN HIS ARMS!!! Maybe it will be the inspiration for my first fic???? Okay I’m droning on here…
Other characters—For my girlhood, I identify with Hermione Granger. Goody two-shoes and thought I was the smartest bitch in the room. (Disabused of that now!)  As an adult—that’s hard.  Maybe the unnamed narrator (a man) in The Celestine Prophecy.
Books I’m currently reading
I only have time in my life for fanfic at the moment. There’s too damn much.
It’s hard to tell who’s been tagged and who hasn’t. Give it a shot ladies  : )
 @betweensceneswriter @ladyviolethummingbird @muykonos @texassassenachBlock @suhailauniverse @owlish-peacock36 @lallybrochfraser @sorcha-jayne @chrismosstree
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metaborderlines · 2 years
Outlander Fan Fic 101
As anyone wandering over here knows, the Outlander plot provides a template for practically any corner of the world from which a fan fic author may write. Here’s an appreciation, fan fic authors. You do it all. 
 The writer (@minorities) of “Santa, Can You Hear Me?” appears to be a teacher at a school for the deaf in NZ. “In My Daughter’s Eyes” was written by someone who knows about how children with autism respond to horseback riding. “Power Jam”’s Claire skates in the roller derby as does @isthisclever. Writers who’ve learned how to rehab an old property have a field day (“Renewal,” “One Summer”). Sports? Skiing in “Downhill,” circus acrobatics in “Don’t Let Me Fall” (can’t wait to see how that ends, @scapegrace74-blog), polo in “Queen’s Gambit,” rugby in “Starting Over,” baseball in “Game Changer” Hey, who says Jamie can’t be rookie-of-the-year for the Mets? @thistlesandherbs revealed the politics of tenure wars in the business school where Claire teaches in “Conversations in the Dark.” 
I admit that I am probably not reading fan fic to learn about rehabbing old buildings or handling horses or treating dislocated shoulders as Claire the doctor/sometimes-nurse does over and over in scenes throbbing with pain and sexual tension when she meets Jamie who has fallen off his horse or a ladder or a rusty-edged boat (“Jimjeran,” well, in that one she sews up the cuts in his arse, but the trope is handy for any introduction of the eventual lovers). I am reading because, romance, sure, and also, “Oh look, here’s a way to deal with a pushy in-law [Jenny] or recover from a lover who was more in love with someone or something else [Frank wasn’t an alcoholic but, same lesson], or think about a parent’s responsibilities to a child [so many stories of Jamie meeting a lost child and vowing to care for him or her].
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South Sea Island Fic Request
Happy Friday, Outlander Fandom!
We have a request from @bazygirl :
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One fanfic certainly comes to mind with this specific setting...
Jimjeran by @betweenthescenes
Found here on Tumblr or here on AO3
This fic is a work in progress, so keep an eye out for new chapters!
Another story comes to mind when we think of tropical island settings...
Thy Life’s Assunder, Thine Heart’s Ardor by @diversemediums and @takemeawaytocamelot
First chapter of this story can be found here on Tumblr and here on AO3.
This story is also on-going, so be sure to check back for updates!
All of this crazy weather in Ireland & the UK has us craving sunny weather, beaches, and clear waters. How about you guys? What are some of your favorite Outlander fics with a tropical setting?
Happy reading!
xx The Librarians
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metaborderlines · 3 years
Diana Gabaldon, please don’t dismiss fan fic,
 ...it adds to the epic you created. Sometimes, a fan fic is able to fix your mistakes. Like the worst, letting Jamie stay silent while Jenny lights into Claire on her reappearance at Lallybroch after twenty years’ absence. @isthisclever, you fixed it in “Here and Gone.” Jamie stands up for Claire, tells Jenny to pipe down (gawd, this should happen more often: pipe down, Jenny).
In “Jimjeran,” @betweensceneswriter writes a scene that tells what we never knew we needed to know about Fronk. In the AU of Peace Corps volunteers on a Pacific Island, newlywed Jamie tells Claire, who is a bit apologetic about getting her period during their honeymoon, dinna fash, they don’t need to go all the way. Maybe you weren’t getting enough touching from your ex, Jamie says, so you believed that whenever he did touch you, you needed to offer yourself. Claire is stunned by the truth of his perception. Readers think, whew, got that out, Fronk.
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metaborderlines · 3 years
Fan Fic and Climate Change
Outlanderand the COP26 conference have a link thanks to @betweensceneswriter. “Jimjeran” imagines Jamie and Claire as Peace Corps volunteers on a Pacific Island which is threatened by rising seas. Not suitable for the climate conference but best of all, the story manages to convey the heat of newlywed passion without recycling familiar clinical details. Not that there’s anything wrong with clinical details. Who else loves this fic?
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metaborderlines · 3 years
Fan Fic, What Does It Mean to Write the Same Story Hundreds of Different Ways?
The ancient Greeks did it. Shakespeare and his sources did it. Even Jane Austen did it. Mr. Darcy, Mr. Knightley, Cousin Edmund—we know as soon as they appear that they’re going to marry Elizabeth, Emma, and Fanny.  Fan fic writers take the Outlanderstory hundreds of different ways, beginning with the triangle. Jamie, Claire, Frank. Fronk. Fan fic writers alwayssee his destructive qualities (why didn’t you, Ronald D. Moore?)
I’d love to hear favorites, and why. Mine range from “Jimjeran,” Peace Corps volunteers on a Pacific Island, nuanced insights into The Triangle when Fronk shows up on the Marshallese atoll to reclaim Claire, @BetweenScenes.  “Downhill” gave Willie to Claire, the result of one night without an exchange of contact info, and restored both of them to Jamie after five lost years and a memorable trip to see the puffins on an island in the Inner Hebrides. Indelible story, @wickedgoodbooks. 
Lately, “A Flutter of Wings” @ Arabellainthesky. Arabella earns her place up there. Like DG’s original, this Jamie talks in bed, only the 21stct version is much more graphic. 
Title of an unwritten essay about fan fic: “So Much More.” You think?  
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gotham-ruaidh · 5 years
Hi! I’m new to tumblr but a long time outlander fan. I was wondering what your fav fics are? I binge read all your fics and am dying for more!
Welcome, friend!
Here are just a few - by no means an exhaustive list. Readers, please add your own!
Escape and Clair(e)voyance by @notevenjokingfic
Constellations Series and Bean Sidhe by @kalendraashtar
Flood My Mornings and For A Lost Daughter by @bonnie-wee-swordsman
Loss and HRH by @missclairebelle
anything at all by @mybeautifuldecay but especially Mute, As Yet Unread, Port in the Storm
So Long As I’m With You by @claryclark
every single story by @lenny9987
The Midwife by @magnoliasinbloom
@thatsoccercoach‘s beautiful modern one-shot series
Vergangenheit (I hope I spelled that correctly!) by @phoenixflames12
Our Story by @westerhos
Jimjeran by @betweensceneswriter
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gotham-ruaidh · 5 years
What is your top 10 (or 5) list of heartwarming fics (or chapters of longer fics)? I am going to need some comfort fics and hot chocolate this afternoon.
Readers - please add your suggestions!
Flood My Mornings by @bonnie-wee-swordsman
So Long As I’m With You by @claryclark
Loving Jamie by JillianK (on AO3)
Come Hell or Helwater by @lenny9987 
Bean Sidhe by @kalendraashtar
Escape by @notevenjokingfic
Chain of Command by @mybeautifuldecay
Jimjeran by @betweensceneswriter
Shifted and Uitlander by @gotham-ruaidh (shameless self-promotion)
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The 7th of April is World Health Day and the Librarians at The Lallybroch Library have come up with a list of various health themed fics to read!
A Medical Emergency by marlosbooknook
It was just a regular busy day in the A&E for Dr. Claire Beauchamp, until a certain red headed Scot came in.
Birds of a Feather by Compactor
In April of 1940 a wounded soldier and an outsider, James Fraser, and a WWII nurse, Claire Randall, meet for the first time.
Doctor? by suspiciousteapot for @imagineclaireandjamie​
Imagine Jamie survived Culloden and went through the stones and wind up in the hospital where Claire is now a Doctor. Frank is not in the picture. :)
For the Love of a Solider by @writtenthroughtime​
Word Prompt from my Blog:  AU where Jamie and Claire are in the 1940s. Claire is a nurse and Jamie a Scottish solider. Both trying to fight their attraction but can’t help falling in love anyways.
In Name or in Blood by @lenny9987​
When Claire finds a sick infant abandoned in the woods, she rushes it back to the warmth and safety of Leoch. When her medical skills prove effective and the child’s life is no longer at risk, she finds she wants to keep and raise the baby with Jamie.
Jimjeran Book 1: I Choose You by BetweenScenes
Claire is a nurse in the Peace Corps, spending 18 months in the Marshall Islands.  Down the road, three Peace Corps volunteers–Jamie, Angus, and Rupert–are running the local elementary school.
Keeping Faith by @thatsoccercoach
When he’d come home from work that morning Claire had already been at the front door with her bags, a look of fear in her lovely eyes. He’d felt completely helpless as he’d taken in the sight. His delicate wife, one hand on her lower back, the other low on her belly sheltering their child.​
Laughter is the best medicine by @smoakingwaffles
Outlander Polaroid series: Building the house on the ridge
Let Us Not Talk Falsely Now by @gotham-ruaidh for @imagineclaireandjamie​
Imagine if Jamie was a wounded soldier and Claire a combat nurse who met in a field hospital during the Vietnam War.
New Life by Nikki_Herzog
Claire Beauchamp arrives to her new job as a nurse at the Scottish Helicopter Ambulance Service, where she meets helicopter pilot Jamie.
Nurse Randall by @kalendraashtar​
Claire was born to be a healer. But how did she find her calling, training as a nurse during WWII?
Primum Non Nocere by FaerieChild
Surgeon Claire Beauchamp understands the long established principle of the medical profession that first, one should do no harm. But what happens when a married Claire Beauchamp meets the free and single Jamie MacTavish?
The Doctor and The Captain by @kalendraashtar
Jamie and Claire meet in College.
The Dunbonnet’s Cave by Zoe1078
A response to a tumblr prompt: “What if Claire had a medical conference in Scotland, in her time, and couldn’t resist visiting Lallybroch. She then finds a stone or discovers the cave Jamie stayed in and sees something Jamie carved there.”
There’s Not a Word Yet for Old Friends Who’ve Just Met by fardareismai
Claire Beauchamp is looking for a roommate for her last year of medical school. Once she decides on a girl named Jamie, she’s in for several shocks.
Time is A Cold Wind by @mibasiamille​
After his car breaks down in the middle of the Scottish wilderness, escaped soldier Jamie Fraser stumbles upon the standing stones of Craigh Na Dun. Desperate to avoid capture, he touches the stones and wakes up 200 years in the past, staring up at the ceiling of Claire Beauchamp’s cabin with a bullet in his leg. As she helps him recover, he notices something familiar about this strange woman, living alone at the base of a fairy hill. Once he discovers the truth, he must decide whether to tell her and, alternatively, reveal to her the difficulties of his own plight.
Scalpel & Needle by @kalendraashtar
Jamie and Claire are surgeons working together but they can’t see eye to eye. However, a secret admirer has found a special place in her heart.
Spend Your Time by simply_sassenach 
Claire is a doctor in residence at a hospital in Inverness, Scotland. One night, a large, red headed patient comes in with a bruised rib after being in a bar fight. His name is Jamie Fraser. Something about Jamie draws Claire to him. She wants to be around him. However, she must decide whether she wants to be around him only as friends or something more.
If anyone else has some recommended reading specifically for World Health Day, please let us know!
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thebrochtuarachs · 6 years
Fan fic asks 3, 4 & 20!
#3: Do you remember the first Outlander (OL) fan fiction you ever read?
Yes! Faith Restored by @lenny9987​ is the first one I read. I remember it well because I messaged and thanked the wrong author first before I realised it then messaged her. It was super embarrassing but they were cool about it (cause they were friends too!) so it was all good! :)
#4: Which Outlander (OL) fan fiction you have re-read the most times?
Modern Glasgow by @gotham-ruaidh​Jimjeran Book 1&2 by @betweensceneswriter​Flood My Mornings by @bonnie-wee-swordsmanA Wild Night in Vegas by @takemeawaytocamelot​Collision Course by @lenny9987This is Us by @abbydebeaupreposts​Loving Jamie by JillianK
I probably missed some more but these are the current ones on my list. ;)
#20: All-time favorite thing about Outlander (OL) Fanfiction?
The writers and the endless creativity and originality of their stories. Droughtlander is one of the longest ever so to continue reading new stories, the updates to the old ones, and re-reading these fantastic stories are the best way to kill the time. I am inspired by these creatives on the daily and they are just amazing!! Thank you all for what you write. I greatly love and appreciate them all! 
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