#Filip Telford x OFC
~Whiskey Lullaby~
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~Chapter 11~
Image credit: Myself @badwolf-in-the-impala​. None of the images are mine, only the editing.
Previous Chapters:  ((Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10))
Rating: Mature/18+
Warnings: Alcohol and drug use/abuse, violence, suggested physical/sexual abuse, kidnapping, sexual content, angst...So much angst.
Chapter warnings: Language, smoking, someone gets punched in the face and a whole lotta feels.
Word count: 4,264
A/N: I’m a shitty person when it comes to posting, I’m sorry...I also forget this chapter even existed. Oops. x_x Also huge shoutout to @jacksonroseroth​ who helped in the making of this chapter and always comes to my recue when I get stuck writing! ^-^
Once they were sure Tawni had left the room, Tig gave Teagan one last hug before jetting off, having gotten a text to meet the guys in the chapel. Teagan bit back her tears, having enough with crying for the day as she sat down in the chair beside Chibs’ bed. The steady beeping of the EKG machine drummed in her head as she sat there in silence. He wasn’t out of the woods, but he wasn’t dead. Her only regret was he hadn’t woken up yet so he could talk to her. Teagan just wanted to hear his voice right now, more than anything.
“God...I’ve really fucked it up this time.” She gave a bitter laugh as she shook her head, leaning her elbows forward onto the edge of the bed as she cradled her head in her hands. “I feel like this is all my fault, and the two people I trust and care about most? Well, Tawni hates me; And you?” 
Teagan let out a long sigh as she ran a hand through her dark hair, looking up to study a very unconscious Chibs. His head bandaged and face scraped in places from where he hit the ground during the explosion. He looked so broken and helpless lying in a hospital bed compared to his usual tough exterior that everyone saw. 
“Well -- You almost died.” She finally whispered, catching a stray tear with the back of her sleeve. “Shit, you still could. Please don’t.” Teagan choked out a sob as she took his hand gently, her voice going soft as she spoke to him. The fact that he likely couldn’t hear her briefly crossed her mind as she chewed her lower lip anxiously, but she continued anyway. 
 “There’s so much I need to tell you still...Things I should’ve told you already, probably, if I wasn’t so shit at talking about my feelings.” Teagan admitted guiltily. “Things I’m scared to admit because I’ve been here before, and I fucking swore to myself; I fucking swore! That I wouldn’t go down this road again. But alas, here I am. God I’m an idiot.” 
Things fell silent again for a little while, the steady beeping of the EKG machine being the only noise to fill the room once more. Teagan not knowing how to continue on, not that it mattered anyway. Chibs was unconscious and he would likely remain that way for quite a while. But the bigger question that had been weighing heavily on her mind -- Especially following her blow up with Tawni -- was not so much her own feelings, but his. It wasn’t something she had really even considered bringing up yet, what with everything that had been going on. But now? Now she wondered.
Just what exactly was it that he saw he saw in her? I mean sure, it wasn’t like things were really that serious between them, but they were serious enough that he cared for her well being. Her safety even. He cared enough to help her put herself back together every time she fell apart, even though he barely knew anything about her. Save for the story that had been pieced together all those years ago when she left Charming. The story that everyone knew so well. The story, that was only half truth.
Teagan could feel the tears beginning to prick behind her eyes again, forcing herself to draw in a few deep breaths as she tightened her grip on Chibs’ hand, trying her best to ground her emotions again. But her voice still faltered as she spoke aloud the question she wasn’t certain would ever be answered.
“What is it exactly that you see in me?” Tegan whispered. Her brows pulled tightly together in confusion as she ran a thumb carefully across his scared cheek and down his jawline before allowing her hand to fall away. Before Teagan could say anything else, the door swung open, making her jump. She quickly pulled her hand away and wiped her face as she stood. “Sorry, Doc. I just wanted to-”
As Teagan turned, expecting Tara to be standing in the doorway, she, instead, came face to face with an older, darker skinned woman with black hair that had begun to salt and pepper, holding onto the bag slung over her shoulder with a hip popped, hand propped on it, with a posh and annoyed look on her face.
“Oh. Um, sorry. I thought you were--Who are you?” Teagan asked, slightly confused. She’d never seen this woman around the clubhouse before and Chibs never mentioned any woman that even came close to what she looked like.
“I think the question here would be who the hell are you?” She asked, a thick Irish accent coming through. Teagan’s eyes shrunk back.
Oh, God, not another one. Teagan thought. She’d never met Tawni’s mother and she hoped to God this wasn’t her. Granted Tawni was as pale as the day was long, but stranger things have happened. Taken aback by the woman, Teagan blinked and cleared her throat before she said, “Um, I’m-I’m Teagan?”
The woman pursed her lips and gave a soft ‘Mhm’ as she rounded the bed and set her bag down. Tossing her dark mane over her shoulder, she turned back to Teagan and said, “And would ye mind tellin’ me why yeh’re so broken and upset over m’husband’s accident? And why you were touchin’ him like that?”
It took everything Teagan had to not let her mouth drop open in shock and start yelling. Chibs never once mentioned he had a wife. Not when he held her that first night, not when she spent multiple nights in his bed. He didn't even bother to tell her when they were mere articles of clothing away from doing the do.
‘Alright…That puts a new spin on shit.’ Teagan thought, not trusting herself enough to say anything out loud just yet. Teagan opened her mouth to explain, but the woman cut her off with a wave of her hand and said, “No. Don’t tell me. I don’ need ta’hear any lies out’o a Crow Eaters mouth.”
“Excuse me?!” Teagan shrieked. That one label sent her over the edge. She did her share of whoring around when she was younger, but goddamnit! She was the sister of one of the members! She was as far from a Crow Eater as you could get without being an Old Lady! “Listen, who the hell do you think you are?! You don’t know me!”
“Oh, sure, please!” The woman shouted back. “I know Filip has his fun wit’ you American girls. But never once has one o’them shown their face when I’m around!”
Teagan was about to channel Tawni and reach across Chibs’ bed for a right hook to her face, when a nurse hurried in through the open door.
“What is going on? ICU is for immediate family only!” She said. Teagan opened her mouth to lie and say she was family, but the Irish woman beat her to it with, “I’m his wife.”
The nurse gave her a sweet smile and nodded before turning to Teagan and saying, “Miss Trager, you need to leave. Dr. Knowles is looking for you anyway.”
Teagan huffed at the nurse, shooting daggers at the woman before turning on her heel and marching out of the room.
Gemma had lost track of Teagan after reprimanding Jax and just prayed that Teagan didn't end up running back into Tawni. She really didn't need to deal with an angry Irish girl and a Trager, at least not at the same time. The last thing they needed was an all out brawl between a couple of hot headed biker chicks on hospital grounds. But after checking around with a few of the guys, she confirmed that Tawni had indeed gone back to the Clubhouse. And judging from the commotion coming from down the hall nearest Chibs’ room, Gemma could only guess that’s where Teagan had ended up.
“Shit.” Gemma muttered under her breath as she quickened her pace as she moved towards whatever in the hell was going on; Stepping back just in time as Teagan blew around the corner and passed her, Tara hot on her heels trying her best to stop her.
“I’m serious, Teagan, you really need to stay overnight for observation! You have a concussion for Christ sake, just let me help!” Tara tried to reason.
“I don’t fucking need anymore help!” Teagan stopped so suddenly that Tara almost smacked right into her. Taking a quick step back with a wide eyed expression as Teagan rounded on her like a viper about to strike its prey. 
“Hey! Knock it the hell off!” Gemma managed to butt in between the two, putting a hand to Teagan’s chest as she pushed her back. “This isn’t the goddamn WWE. Now why don’t you calm down and tell me what the hell is going on?” 
“He has a fuckin’ wife!” Teagan all but screeched before storming off down the hall towards the exit to the stairs. ‘Explains a lot.’ Gemma thought to herself, pinching the bridge of her nose as she turned to face Tara. “I got it from here, Doc.”
“Good luck.” Tara called after her as Gemma took off after Teagan, catching her on the stairs.
“Wanna slow down before I have a fucking heart attack?” Gemma shouted as she struggled to catch up in hopes of talking Teagan out of whatever in the hell she was about to do.
“Fuck off, Gem!” Teagan shouted back as she hit the last flight of stairs and made her break for the door. Gemma caught her by the arm just as she was stepping outside. “Seriously, Gem, I don’t want to fucking hear it.”
“And what is it exactly you think I’m gonna say?” Gemma shot back, hands flying to her hips as she gave Teagan an irritated and disapproving look. 
“I don’t fucking know!?” Teagan yelled as she fished around in her pockets angrily for her pack of smokes, struggling to light one as her hands trembled from all the emotions coursing through her. So angry at this point she could hardly see straight. “I told you so? You’re a fucking idiot? Stay away and stop getting involved with the fucking Club members?!” 
Teagan gave a brief pause as she took a long drag off of her cigarette, running a hand aggressively through her dark hair as she exhaled. “Jesus, fuck; Why didn’t you tell me he had a fucking wife?!” She rounded on Gemma, who stood still as a statue, waiting for her moment to interject. 
“Maybe ‘cause it ain’t my place, for starters.” Gemma snapped. “And before you go jumping on that fuckin’ high horse of yours, maybe take a step back and think? It’s not like he fuckin’ knows shit about your own past, aside from the bullshit story everyone else knows. So why would he feel obligated to tell you anything about his? Especially when you two aren’t even exclusive. I mean Jesus, Teag, have you two even talked about your feelings?”
“No…” Teagan admitted reluctantly, taking another drag off the cigarette burning between her fingers as she turned her back. Gemma had a point, even if Teagan didn’t want to admit it. But that didn’t change the fact she felt lied to. Betrayed even. Even if Chibs was never hers to begin with, it didn’t change the fact that he had kept this very important bit of information from her. 
“Then why should it matter?” Gemma stated. “His business is his business, nobody else’s!”
“He’s fuckin’ married, Gem!” Teagan shouted as she whirled around, seething again. “I don’t give two fucking shits why, or what his reasonings for not telling me are, that’s not something you just keep from the person you’re getting involved with!”
 “Jesus Christ…” Gemma gave a frustrated sigh as she closed her eyes, drawing in a deep breath as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “Teage--”
“NO, Gemma, I’m done. I’m.Fucking.Done.” Teagan cut her off before taking one last drag, flicking the cigarette butt to the sidewalk as she began looking around for a way back to the Clubhouse. Panic setting in as she realized everyone had gone home except for Gemma. 
“Look, Sweetheart, I know you’re upset, and don’t get me wrong, you have every right to be--But this ain’t the time.”
“Seriously, just save it! OK?” Teagan snapped, closing her eyes as she rubbed at her temples. A sudden wave of dizziness hitting her out of nowhere.
“You need to calm down…Let’s just go back inside for a bit till you cool off.” Gemma stated firmly as she moved to take Teagan by the arm and lead her back inside. Gritting her teeth as Teagan pushed her way.
“I’m fine...Gem…” Teagan shot back as she pulled away, reaching a hand out to steady herself against the pillar in front of her as the edges of her vision started to blur. But by then, it was already too late. Her hand missed the pillar entirely and her vision quickly went black as she fell to the ground, Gemma managing to grab her before her head hit the concrete.
“Shit…” Gemma muttered as she laid Teagan carefully on the sidewalk before rushing back inside the hospital to grab a nurse.
The slow and steady beeping filled her ears as Teagan came to, finally hooked up to monitors and IVs. She let out a soft groan as the EKG beeps began to pound against her skull. Before she could have any other reaction, from the corner, almost making her jump and fall out of bed, she heard Gemma say, “Oh, good. You’re not dead.”
“Jesus Fuck, Gemma!” Teagan shouted, the EKG beeping wildly for a moment or two before the steady pace continued. Teagan sighed and tried to move but found it rather painful with needles sticking out of her arms. She sighed and shifted, trying to get a better look at her surroundings. “Why am I still here?”
Gemma slapped down the magazine in her hand and crossed her legs. “Because you almost took a fuckin’ cement nap if I hadn’t caught you, Teagan Marie.” She said. Teagan let out another groan.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Gemma! Not the middle name shit! I got that enough growing up!” She said. Gemma uncrossed her legs and stood, stalking over to her bed.
“I don’t give a shit what you got growing up, missy.” Gemma said. “You’ve done enough damage, you don’t need any more in your life. You don’t want me to treat you like you did growing up? Then fuckin’ grow up!”
Gemma walked away from the bed and grabbed her purse from the table next to her chair and made for the door. With her emotions running high, probably from the drugs Tara put her on, Teagan fought her tears, though they came through as she said, “Wait...Gem. Please don’t leave me alone…”
Gemma stopped and turned to her. Teagan couldn’t stop the tears seeping from the corners of her eyes as she struggled not to completely break down and sob. Gemma sighed and set her bag back down, going back over to her and taking her hand.
“Teagan...This is serious shit we’re in right now. And if you’re gonna stick around, you’ll be involved. Do you really think it’s a good idea to get involved with Chibs? Let alone any member right now?” Gemma asked, lowering her voice to a softer tone. Teagan sighed, looking away from Gemma, angry with herself for crying again.
“I don’t know, Gem. It-It’s different this time. With Chibs.” She said. “He doesn’t treat me like I’m a no good degenerate like everyone else does.”
“Oh, baby.” Gemma said with a soft chuckle. “That’s not true; Jax doesn’t. Tawni never did. Clay doesn’t. I don't.”
Teagan gave her a look that made Gemma smirk and add, “Alright...Not all the time. But still, Teagan, I mean…”
“Gemma.” Teagan took a breath and said, “I think I might be in love with him.”
Gemma blinked, shocked, and said, “Are-Are you serious? Jesus, Teage, you’ve known him for like, a month.”
Teagan rolled her eyes and sighed. “Fuck. Gemma. I’m trying to be fucking happy for once in my life! Genuinely happy! And he’s fucking married!” Teagan said.
“Honey. That’s never stopped him before. Jimmy O’Phelan stole Fiona from Chibs before he exiled him from Ireland. Sure he still loves her, but...Well, he has needs too. He’s had relationships in the past. It doesn’t bother him. Why should it bother you?” Gemma asked.
“Maybe because I don’t want to be called a fucking Crow Eater by that bitch again?” Teagan hissed, her anger getting the better of her and making the EKG go off again. Gemma sighed and said, “Alright, honey, you need to calm down. If you want the Doc to clear you to leave, you’ve gotta get that anger under control.”
Teagan sighed and nodded, closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Good God, did she want to get out of this fucking hospital. She cleared her throat and said, “Um, is-is he awake?”
“Teagan…” Gemma sighed.
“Gem, I just want to make sure he’s okay. Tell him I’m sorry.” She said.
“For what?” Gemma asked. Teagan opened her mouth to respond, but stopped when she realized she wasn’t quite sure.
“I-I-” Gemma stopped her and said, “Look. Before you do anything, I want you cleared by the doc. Make sure everything is working right up there. You’ve taken a few punches already and we don’t need you passing out on us again.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Alright. But can we make it quick? I want to fucking shower too.” Teagan said. Gemma chuckled and gave Teagan a kiss on her cheek before she left the room to flag down Tara.
After a lengthy talk about making sure she was monitored for the next few days, Tara finally cleared her to leave. Teagan couldn’t change fast enough. Gemma had run back to the clubhouse and packed her a small bag of new clothes. Once she changed and the papers were signed, Gemma walked Teagan up to Chibs’ floor and stopped her.
“Just give me a minute, Teagan, okay?” Gemma said, sitting the girl down in a nearby chair before sidestepping to the door. With her hand on the door knob, she stopped when she saw Fiona sitting in the chair, reading a magazine.
‘Oh, shit.’ She thought as she slowly opened the door and walked in. Fiona glanced up as the door opened as surprised to see Gemma as Gemma was to see her. With a sigh and uncrossing her legs, Fiona put down her magazine and stood. Gemma went to the counter to set down her bag as she said, “You’re a long way from home, sweetheart.”
“Yes. I am.” Fiona said, rather matter of factly. Gemma braced a hand on the counter, the other on her hip and asked, plainly, “Why?”
“I was worried about him.” Fiona said, almost a hint of offence in her voice. Gemma looked unconvinced as she said, “Could’ve sent flowers.”
Fiona’s face was full of annoyance at this point, uphased at how much Gemma hadn’t changed over the years. With an equal annoyance in her voice, she said, “Just needed to see him, Gemma.”
Gemma glanced at Chibs, making sure he wasn’t awake and listening as she crossed in front of Fiona and said, “We are in a shit storm here. The last thing we need is you turning him inside out.”
Teagan stayed out of view from the window on the door, ear pressed to it, listening. She didn't know what Gemma meant by ‘turning him inside out’, but she didn't need an interpreter for it, and booked it, swiping her bag from the chair and beelining for the elevator. Clearly, this Fiona woman had an effect on Chibs and, after all, she was his fucking wife. She didn't want to ruin Chibs’ relationship with her and had her mind made up, even before she hijacked Tig’s bike, parked with the others. She hotwired the Harley, strapped on Tig’s helmet and took off as the club came running back outside, ready to deal a beat down, but they were all caught off guard to see Teagan as the thief.
“Hey! Teagan-!” Tig called in disbelief. He sighed and turned to his crew, staring at them for a moment before he said, “Unbelievable.”
Teagan lit into the Clubhouse like the place was on fire. Ignoring Piney’s attempts to slow her down and tell him what the hell was going on as she passed by the bar and made her way down the hall to the dorms; Throwing the door to her room open. The sound of it slamming against the wall sending an echo loud enough down the hallway that it could’ve woke people up in the next County over. 
Grabbing her pack from the closet she quickly began to stuff in the essentials. Making sure to do so quickly as she knew at least a few of the guys would be on their way back and pulling in soon. Tig being among them, given she had just stolen his pride and joy. So the sooner she got out of there, the better. Besides, the last thing she wanted was anyone trying to stop her…
Her mind was made up...She was done. Charming had been her last chance at a safe haven, but now that had been shattered into a million pieces and all because she let her feelings get in the way. Just like she always did. Funny she had actually believed that things had actually turned in her favor for once, and that maybe she finally had a shot at real happiness despite the shitstorm that had been chasing her all her life. But she couldn’t have been more wrong.
“What in the fuck are you doing?” Tawni grumbled crankily from the doorway of Teagan’s room, still half asleep; Teagan turning and narrowing her gaze. 
“Leaving.” Teagan snapped as she tugged the zipper on her pack shut and threw it over her shoulder before stalking out of the room. Shoulder checking Tawni on the way out when she didn’t move.
“Seriously?!” Tawni huffed as she turned and started after Teagan. “You’re gonna be a bitch this fucking early?!”
“I’m done. Gone. Not fucking coming back. You should be fucking happy!” Teagan rounded on Tawni, causing her to take a step back as she stared at Teagan a little shocked as those few that remained in the Clubhouse fell silent. “Can’t fuck your Uncle if I’m not around anymore, right? Because as if things weren’t shitty enough -- To add insult to injury, my best fucking friend--Sorry ex best friend, just assumes, that I would go behind her back in such a way--”
“Fuckin’ save it Tawn, ‘cause I don’t give a shit anymore.” Teagan cut her off before she could even start. “And to think, I actually fucking cared...I mean genuinely fucking cared, for the first time in a long time...But he’s married, so crisis averted. ” She laughed bitterly, turning on her heel as she started for the door again.
“And you’re answer to it all is to run like a fucking coward? Just like you’ve always done?!” Tawni started after Teagan again, not ready to let her go so easily. But she stopped when Teagan dropped her bag abruptly, her fist suddenly connecting with Tawni’s jaw, sending her to the floor.  
“I thought you were my fucking friend.” Teagan’s voice was calm, showing in it the level of hurt she was feeling right now as she shook her head.
“C’mon, Kid, don’t do this.” Piney butted in as he got to his feet, holding his hands out as if he was trying to calm a wild animal as he approached her. Stopping when Teagan held out a hand to stop him, and picked up her bag.
“Save it.”
“What the fucking Christ, Teagan?!” Tig hollered as he came bursting through the doors of the Clubhouse, Jax and Opie close behind. 
“Don’t.” Teagan snapped coldly as she pushed past her brother and out the door; yanking her arm from Opie’s grasp when he tried to grab her.
“Come on, Rave...Don’t do it like this.” Opie pleaded with a sympathetic expression as he stared down at her as she pushed past him out the door. “At least tell us what’s going on?”
“She’s fuckin’ my Goddamn Uncle, is wha’s goin’ on!” Tawni shouted as she came flying out the door in the midst of all the chaos, hellbent on finishing what had just been started.
“You know…” Teagan gave another hollow sounding laugh, turning with tears in her eyes to face Tawni who stopped when she saw her twisted expression. “I actually wish I had gotten the chance.”
Without another word she turned, crossing the lot the rest of the way to her bike, securing her pack to the sissy bar before she climbed on and pulled on her helmet. The sound of the engine roaring to life drowning out Tig’s shouts as he came running across the Teller-Morrow lot after her; Falling just short  of reaching her as she pulled out of her space and hit the throttle. Leaving behind a sea of shocked and confused faces in her wake as she left it all behind.
Hellbent on never looking back.
Lemme know what you guys think! I promise things pick up soon and get more interesting lol And if you want to be added the taglist, or removed ((it’s been a long time, I’d understand if anyone's lost interest)) just let me know. I’m actually getting ahead on chapters, so hopefully I’ll be able to start posting a little more often.
TAGLIST: @jacksonroseroth​ @cole-winchester​ @stacie-marie-bloom​ @journeyrose​ @penny4yourthot​ @xbreezymeadowsx​ @miss-nori85​
11 notes · View notes
~Whiskey Lullaby~
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~Chapter 10~
Image Credit: Me. Pictures not mine obviously, but the collage is.
Rating: Mature/18+
Warnings: Alcohol and drug abuse, violence, suggested sexual/physical abuse, kidnapping, sexual content, angst.
Chapter Warnings: Angst, emotions....feelz. Nothing to major in this chapter.
A/N: Huge shout out to @jacksonroth for constantly kicking me in the ass to keep working on this story and lending a hand when I need a little extra help. You’re the best, Babe! Also, sorry it’s been a while since I’ve posted! More updates to come soon though!
“Hey! Whoa, whoa.” Gemma stopped Tawni as she stormed back into the lobby, tears streaming down her face. Gemma raised an eyebrow at her. “What’s goin’ on?”
“Nothin’, Gem.” Tawni lied, pushing Gemma’s hands away. Gemma was prepared to let it go, seeing as she was faced with her Uncle’s life in the balance; that is, until she saw Teagan walk back inside, a wicked bruise blossoming on her cheek.
“Nothin’, my ass, Telford.” Gemma stated firmly, hooking a hand around Tawni’s arm and pulling her back to stand in front of her as she stopped Teagan. “Now, what the fuck is goin’ on with you two?”
She looked between the two girls, though neither of them spoke up nor even looked at each other.
“You two had better start talkin’.” Gemma said, crossing her arms and popping a hip out to one side.
“I’ve nothing to say to her.” Tawni said, breezing past Gemma, who was left to hold Teagan back as she screamed after her, “Yeah?! Well, same to you, bitch!”
“Hey!” Gemma called over her, gripping her arm tight and pulling her down the hallway into an empty room. “I wanna know what exactly is going on with you two, and I want to know now. What changed, that you two went from being best friends to now hatin’ each other?”
“It’s nothing, Gem. We used to fight back in the day too.” Teagan said.
“Bullshit, not like this. You’ve never called her a bitch and meant it. That’s a term of endearment to us, hunny.” Gemma shot back. “I’m not going to ask you again, Teagan. Tell me what’s going on.”
“Gemma, nothing is going on!
“Yeah? And you’re a shit liar, Teagan.” Gemma said sternly as she pointed at a chair. “Sit.”
Teagan did so begrudgingly, letting out a sigh as she reached up to prod gently at her left cheek; wincing. Gemma rolled her eyes and yanked open on of the cabinets, pulling out an ice pack and breaking the middle bit before pressing it forcefully to Teagan’s cheek. Leaning back against the counter behind her, Gemma crossed her arms over her chest and waited impatiently for an explanation. Teagan finally fessing up when she realized Gemma wasn’t going anywhere.
“Tawni apparently witnessed my freakout...she thinks I’m sleeping with Chibs.” Teagan murmured softly, her gaze fixed to the floor and her brows furrowed tightly. Gemma leaned forward, opening her mouth as she was about to speak but paused, giving Teagan a confused look.
“Wait...you’re not sleeping together?” She questioned, watching in stunned silence as Teagan shook her head ‘no’. “You tell her that?” Gemma added, referring to Tawni as she nodded her head towards the closed door beside her.
“Yeah. Guessing she didn’t buy it.” Teagan replied sarcastically as she gestured to the rapidly darkening bruise on her cheek.
“Well, give her some time to cool off. I’ll talk to her..” Gemma sighed as she reached for the door. “But in the meantime, let’s go find Tara...make sure little miss ‘Mayweather’ out there didn’t do anymore damage to that head of yours.”
“Jesus, how hard did she hit you?” Tara questioned as she examined Teagan’s cheek closely before pulling the pen light from her pocket and performing the same tests she had done earlier, returning it to her pocket once she was satisfied, and retrieved a fresh ice pack.
“Hard enough that I’m pretty positive whatever was left of my soul got ejected from my body.” Teagan sneered as Tara pressed the ice pack back to her cheek, carefully.
“Yeah, well, you can worry about finding that later.” Gemma stated as she gestured to Jax who was approaching them from down the hall. “Looks like we got more important matters at the moment.”
“Hey, Doctor said they just wheeled Chibs out of recovery and into a room finally--” Jax paused as he looked down at Teagan, noting the visible bruise that peaked out from behind the ice pack. “The hell happened to you?” 
“Tawni’s fist.” Both Gemma and Tara replied in unison as the three of them stared down at Teagan, causing her to sink lower into her chair, silently wishing she was invisible right about now.
“Oh.” Jax replied casually, not seeming surprised in the least. “She figure out you’re bangin’ her Uncle?”
“We’re not sleeping together! Jesus Christ, what it is with you people?!” Teagan snapped as she got to her feet and stormed off down the hall, Tara chasing her down. Jax flinched as Gemma’s hand connected with the back of his head. Hard.
“The hell did I do?!”
“Not really a good time.” Gemma huffed before taking off down the hall herself. Jax sighed and shook his head as he caught the familiar glimpse of salt and peppered curly hair step out of the elevator.
“Oh, shit.” Jax muttered before taking off after his mother.
Tawni sat by Chibs’ bed as he still remained unconscious, a bandage wrapped around his head. She wiped the tears from her eyes as she sat in silence, her lips lifting in a small smile as she inhaled the scent that clung to the hoodie she was wearing. When the door opened, Tawni sighed and turned, ready to tell off Gemma, but stopped at stared at the curly haired woman that walked in.
“Fi.” Tawni breathed. It took her a minute for the flashbacks and memories from her early childhood in Ireland to fade before she hopped to her feet and glanced around out the door before she shut it once more and locked it. “Fi, what are you doing here? Jimmy-”
“Jimmy doesn’ know I’m here. Not yet at least.” Fiona said, going to Tawni and cupping her face. She gave a small smile and added, “Ye look more and more like y’er Ma every time I see you.”
Tawni smiled and gave a soft giggle. “Everyone here says I’m all Chibs’. They’re sure the whole niece thing is a cover up.” She said. Fiona chuckled and kissed her cheek.
“Ah. Well. Y’er Ma was his sister after all.” Both women let out a chuckle as they took their seats. “How is he?”
“Stable, they said.” Tawni replied with a sigh. She chewed her lip as her anxiety spiked with the thought of Teagan possibly making her way over and they’d both be stuck in a rather awkward situation. Before Fiona could say anything else, Tawni made her decision and stood. “Um, I’ll give you a minute. Uh, Tara Knowles is one of the doctors here. She’s Jax’s old lady. She might be in to check up on him.”
“Alrigh’, love. Thanks.” Fiona said with a smile, scooting a little closer to the bed and taking his hand. Tawni left quickly and rounded the corner a little too fast when she ran into Gemma.
“Jesus!” Tawni jumped and sighed, rubbing her fingers over her forehead. “Gemma, you need a goddamn bell around your neck.”
“Yeah? And you need some boxing gloves, apparently.” Gemma said, giving her a look. Tawni’s face dropped and she narrowed her eyes at Gemma.
“It’s an internal matter. I can handle it.” Tawni said, almost mimicking the lines she’d heard for years when she moved to Charming. Tawni started down the hall, moving past Gemma, but Gemma wasn’t having any of it.
“Oh, yeah. You’re handling it real well. Did you even see the size of the bruise you left on Teagan’s face?” Gemma asked, matching Tawni’s quick pace as they maneuvered through the halls.
“She’ll be fine...The bitch…” Tawni muttered. Gemma closed her eyes and sighed, muttering to herself about having to deal with this a second time, then grabbed Tawni’s arm, hauling her into the chapel that was, thankfully, empty.
“Alright. I’ve had just about enough of this bullshit, Tawn.” Gemma said. Tawni stared at the cross above the altar and had a split second desire to punch out Gemma as well, but she decided against it and turned her back on the cross, crossing her arms as she faced Mama Gemma. “They aren’t sleeping together, Tawni.”
Tawni snorted and rolled her eyes. “Oh, fer fuck’s sake...Gemma, if ye’re goin’ ta stick up for tha’ harlot, I don’ wanna hear it!” Tawni shouted, her accent slipping out along with her anger. “ ‘N I’m surprised y’er keepin’ up with her lies!”
“They aren’t lies, sweetheart. And I’m the last person who would lie to you, you know that.” Gemma said, a little offended at the insinuation. Tawni glowered at her for a moment before turning away from her.
“If ye heard it from Teagan, they’re lies. I saw how she flipped out an’ punched Tig when-” Tawni cleared her throat and blinked a few times before she continued, “When the van blew up. She wouldn’ be tha’ upset if she wasn’ involved with him.”
Gemma sighed and slowly stepped closer to her, the hollow sound of her heels filling the silence. She took Tawni’s shoulders and turned her around.
“Tawn. I thought the same thing. But she didn't seem like she was lying.” Gemma said in a soft voice, trying to calm the wild Irish girl down. She gave a small chuckle and said, “Not as if she could lie, with the concussion and having been punched by her best friend.”
“Well...she deserved it.” Tawni said, pulling away from Gemma’s grasp. “If they aren’t sleepin’ together, there’s somethin’ goin’ on. I know Teagan. She wouldn’ get involved with a member again.”
Gemma shook her head, not entirely ready to start down that path with her, at least not right now.
 “Tawni, let me find Jax or someone to take you home, okay? I’ll call you if we hear anything more about Chibs.” She said. Tawni didn't want to leave her uncle, but with Fiona here with Teagan, that was trouble enough. There was no telling whether or not Jimmy really didn't know if she was here or not, and that was the one thing Chibs made her promise when they moved; Stay away from Jimmy O’Phelan.
“Juice brought me. I think he’s still here. I can catch a ride home with him.” Tawni said, letting the barest tone of defeat into her voice; accent falling away. Gemma smiled and pulled her into a brief hug and kissed her cheek.
“Go on, baby. I’ll check in on you later.” Gemma said. Tawni nodded and sighed, turning to the crucifix and marking herself with the cross before she walked out. Gemma shook her head, staring up at the cross and said, “We’re about to have the Boondock trilogy in this bitch.”
Gemma stared at the cross for a moment longer before going to the altar and lighting two of the candles before walking out.
Teagan had found an empty waiting room on the next floor and curled up in one of the chairs, waving off any nurse or doctor who tried to ask if she was okay. She didn't even realize she had fallen asleep, until a rough shake of her shoulder woke her. Teagan groaned and shoved the hand away, opening her eyes to tell off the umpteenth nurse/doctor, when she saw it was Tig. She was still just as pissed and irritated, but she didn't have the strength to fight with him this time.
“Leave me alone, Alex.” Teagan hissed. Tig simply rolled his eyes; Teagan only ever used his real name when she was mad at him and his full name when she was absolutely irate.
“I heard about what happened with you and Tawn. I can’t make sure my baby sister is okay?” Tig asked, sitting down in the chair next to her.
“I’m not a baby, Tig. So fuck off.” Teagan snapped. “Besides, since when did you decide to actually start acting like my brother, instead of my fucking parole officer?”
“Look, Teage, I know I haven’t exactly been the most supportive of your decisions recently...” Tig stated. “And I most definitely haven’t been the best brother since you got back into town.”
“No fucking shit.” Teagan muttered, rolling her eyes before scrubbing a hand over her face, wincing as it connected with the bruise on her cheek.
“I’m tryin’ to apologize here, Rave.” Tig frowned as he watched his sister closely. “And you know well as I do, that’s not something I do.”
“I know.” Teagan sighed softly, her gaze fixed on her hands as she fidgeted with the ring on her middle right finger. “You don’t have too, Tig...really. I get it.” She sighed. “I haven’t exactly spent my time making good life choices.”
“While I’m not goin’ to disagree with you…” Tig trailed off for a moment. “Not all your choices have been terrible lately...well, one of them at least.” He smirked a little, chuckling, as Teagan rolled her eyes at him dramatically.
“You’re an adult, Teagan. I can’t exactly tell you what you can and can’t do anymore...not that you ever listened to me anyway. But, after today...after the explosion.” Tig shook his head at the memory. “Look, what I’m tryin’ to say is after what happened, I know you’re not just fuckin’ around with this whole ‘Chibs’ situation.” Tig sighed. “And if being with him makes you happy, or a better person, or whatever in the hell relationships are supposed to do; then I’ll try and back off...maybe even be a little more supportive.”
“Jesus Christ, how hard did I fucking punch you?” Teagan snorted in disbelief as she waited for him to start laughing or admit he was just fucking with her; but he simply stayed silent. Blue eyes fixed to hers patiently as he waited for some kind of response.
“Teage?” Tig questioned carefully after about a solid minute of silence between them had passed. Not entirely sure how to react as he watched his little sister dissolve into tears, burying her face in her hands as she let out a quiet sob. 
“Shit…” He muttered under his breath as he stood, kneeling in front of Teagan as he pulled her into a tight hug. Tig sat there with her for a while, letting his little sister cry. He hadn’t seen her like this since they were kids and he was ready to do anything to help her this time. Finally, Teagan pulled away from him, sniffling, as she wiped her face.
“I-I think I’m gonna go check on Chibs.” She said, clearing her throat. “I haven’t seen him yet...I want to make sure he’s okay.”
“Yeah, babe. Don’t worry.” Tig said, helping her stand. “But we should make sure Rocky Jr. isn’t around. No need to go TKO over him.” Teagan rolled her eyes, but let the comment go. She nodded and Tig walked with her as they went to the elevator to find Chibs’ room.
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If you would like to be tagged in future chapters, just shoot me a message and let me know! Also, my Masterlist will be updated this week and Chapter 11 should be posted Wednesday. Trying to get myself on a Schedule for posting...so we shall see how that goes XD
TAGLIST: @jacksonroth @cole-winchester @stacie-marie-bloom @journeyrose @penny4yourthot @rosepetalsandfandoms
18 notes · View notes
~Whiskey Lullaby~
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~Chapter 8~
||Previous Chapter ||
Image Credit: Me. Pictures not mine obviously, but the collage is.
Rating: Mature/18+
Warnings: Alcohol and drug abuse, violence, suggested sexual/physical abuse, kidnapping, sexual content, angst.
Chapter Warnings: None
A/N: Sorry it’s been a while since I updated last! I’ve had an insane case of writers block that has been kicking my ass. Anywho, I hope you enjoy! There’s a new character, Tawni, introduced in this chapter, portrayed by the lovely @jacksonroth, who actually came up with the idea of a cross over between her own SOA fic and this one! So hop on over and check out ‘This Charming Life’ and show her some love!
Music blared from the speakers of the stereo she set up outside in the storage unit. Teagan moving outside to work on the Chevelle some more after finishing up the last of her stress cleaning endeavor, having taken it upon herself after the guys left to spend the rest of the morning elbows deep in reorganizing the entire bar and kitchen areas, using it as a way to distract herself from the anxiety that still loomed at the back of her mind.
Until Gemma came back in from the office at least, taken aback at first by how much Teagan had managed to accomplish in just a few short hours. “You need a better hobby, Sweetheart.” She had stated sarcastically as she poured herself some more coffee.
“C’mon now, out with you.” She shooed Teagan out the back the door. “Delivery guy just dropped off a shit load of parts for your car. Go do something more productive, that doesn’t end in me having to explain to Clay why the Clubhouse got redecorated!”
And now here she sat, unboxing and organizing parts in the order they needed to be used. Knowing she couldn’t get much done work wise without having a second pair of hands, and with everyone gone for the day she was burnt on actually accomplishing anything. As she stood, beginning to organize all her parts, dragging one of the tool boxes over, she jumped as the storage door rattled as it was slid up and opened.
“For fuck’s sake, Gemma! I’m fine in here! You didn't want me in the clubhouse, you didn't want me cleaning...what else is there to-” As Teagan ranted at ‘Gemma’ she ground the heels of her palms into her eyes as she turned. When she finally lowered her hands, the black spots soon fading, she stopped short, staring at the dark, curly haired woman smirking at her, green eyes burning in excitement.
“Last I checked,” She started, waltzing into the room, stepping over the scattered car parts. “I only looked like Gemma?”
“Holy fuck. Tawni! What the hell are you doing here?!” Teagan cried, making her way over to her and wrapping her arms around her neck, both women squealing in delight as they hugged.
“Well, I just got back from my trip.” Tawni said as she let go of her friend. “I was up in Washington for a while, checking on a few friends. I was going to come down with Kozik, but shit got tied up.” Tawni gave a shrug as she spoke, shoving her hands into her back pocket. Teagan chuckled and shook her head, stepping back to lean against the car with a sigh.
“Well, shit. It’s still good to see you.” Teagan sighed. Tawni smiled and nodded in return.
“Yeah, you too. When did you blow back into town?” Tawni asked, looking around at all the parts, picking up a few to inspect them. Teagan smirked and swiped the part from her hands, setting it aside with a snide smirk, making Tawni giggle.
“Is that supposed to be funny?” She teased. Tawni smirked, realizing what she meant.
“Hey, honey. If the boot fits?” She teased back as Teagan chuckled and shook her head.
“It’s a long fucking story.” Teagan stated, gesturing to her still healing face. “One that I’m fairly certain calls for a drink...or a bottle. That’s up to you.” She smirked.
Tawni gave a low whistle and stepped closer, touching her face gingerly. “Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Who the fuck did ye piss off, Teage?” Tawni asked, a subtle hint of her accent coming through.
“Some of Darby’s dipshit crew members...Bradley to be exact.” Teagan replied with a small sneer at the memory that was still fresh in her mind.
“Bradley. Tha’ fuckin’ snake. Hasn’ he gotten ‘imself killed yet?!” Tawni cried with a sneer of her own before she went to Teagan and slid her arms around her neck, pressing her cheek to hers. “‘M’sorry, babe. Wish I was here when it happened, I would have kicked his arse.”
Teagan chuckled in response and shooed Tawni away, making her giggle. “It’s cool...he’ll get what’s comin’ to him sooner or later.” She replied with a sly smirk. “You said hi to Gem yet?”
Tawni giggled and shook her head. “No. I saw your ‘Quinn’ girl parked out front where the other bikes usually are, and I had to come see you first.” Tawni giggled with a small smirk. “Besides, I see Gemma all the time. I’m nothing new.”
“Well, it’ll be a goddamn miracle she doesn’t call out the entire Charming Police force when she sees us walk in together.” Teagan gave a small laugh as she wrapped an arm around Tawni’s shoulder and tugged her forward towards the Clubhouse. Tawni laughed as well, sliding her arm around Teagan’s waist.
“Oh, please. We were not that bad...it was a few bitch fights, that’s all.” Tawni said. Her lips twisted up in a smirk as she added, “Besides, we were still friends after it.”
“True…except for that one time I hotwired the Principles car and we spent two days in Juvie. You didn’t speak to me for like a week.” Teagan mused with a thoughtful and mischievous grin. “But memory lane aside, it’s a shame I busted ass all morning cleaning the bar…’cause that shit’s about to get wrecked!”
Tawni tossed back her head and laughed, Teagan giggling as the two women walked and talked their way to the clubhouse. Gemma looked up at the sound and went to the door of the office, leaning against it, smirk on her face as she shook her head.
“Oh. Shit.” Gemma muttered.
It was late, around 2am, when the guys finally rolled back into the lot at Teller-Morrow, finding it extremely unusual when they noticed the loud music bumping from the Clubhouse the second they cut the engines of their bikes. A round of questioning glances making its way through the group.
“What in the hell is going on here?” Clay muttered in a disgruntled tone as they made their way to the door, pausing briefly just outside at the sounds of the loud drunken laughter that could be heard from inside over the music that was blaring. Clay turning to fix Tig with a glare, hand on the door waiting to open it.
“Why the hell you lookin’ at me?” Tig stated defensively.
“Maybe because she’s your Sister.” Clay ground out between clenched teeth, not in the mood to deal with whatever nonsense was happening on the other side of the door.
“Jesus…” Tig muttered under his breath as he stepped forward, Clay opening the door and gesturing for him to enter first as he stepped aside. Tig groaned outwardly at the scene that lay out before him as he stepped inside, shaking his head, the rest of the guys entering cautiously behind him.
“TIGGY!” The two women exclaimed -- Teagan with a little less enthusiasm -- from where they sat on the bar. Tawni climbing over the top of Teagan, using her as a foothold as she climbed down upon spotting her Uncle; Chibs. Hugging Tig briefly before nearly tackling the Scotsman that stood directly behind him.
“Jesus...are you high?” Tig questioned as he approached his Sister who was now struggling to climb down off the bar, watching as she slipped, landing on the floor with an audible ‘THUD’.
“Teagan…” She corrected drunkenly as he reached down and pulled her up, steadying her as she swayed a little. “And as a fuckin’ kite.”
“The hell you guys doin’ havin’ a party without us, anyway?” Jax inquired with a curious grin as he propped a elbow against the bar, plucking one of the half smoked blunts from an ashtray and relighting it to take a hit.
“T-Think of it as a loooong awaited reunion of BFF’s.” Tawni chimed in drunkenly before dissolving into a fit of uncontrollable giggles that Teagan soon became a part of. Tig turning to share a scathing look with Chibs.
“Aye, well, as lovely as tha’ is; party’s over. Time for bed Lassies.” Chibs stated as he ushered Tawni forward towards the hallway, ignoring both her and Teagan’s protesting, which was eventually silenced by a stern look from Clay.
“Fiiiiiiiiiiiine.” They both whined in unison.
“You two can continue your little ‘celebration’ some other time.” Clay stated flatly as he headed for the door of the Chapel. “But in the meantime, party’s over.”
“Looks like you two had quite a night.” Gemma stated sarcastically as she entered the Clubhouse to find both Teagan and Tawni, trash bags in hand, cleaning up their mess from the night before. Both girls groaning in disapproval at the intrusion of sunlight that the open door was providing as Gemma purposely held it open for longer than necessary.
“Don’t remind me…” Teagan all but gagged as she covered her mouth with the back of her hand, pausing her cleaning efforts for a moment as she struggled not to be sick. “I can still taste the tequila.”
“So I suppose a round o’whiskies is ou’ of the question this mornin’, then?” Chibs chimed in sarcastically as he rounded the corner of the hallway and entered the room, leaning up against the bar with an amused grin as he watched them.
“Why you gotta be like that?” Tawni whined as she turned to glare at her Uncle. His grin widening as he glanced behind her to find Teagan, staring him down what he assumed was supposed to be a menacing look, but her disheveled appearance only made it all the more amusing. Chibs coughing into his hand to cover up a laugh as she rolled her eyes and went back to cleaning up empty beer bottles as Tawni turned around to do the same.
“Well, as entertaining as this is,” Gemma mused as she passed through the room to the kitchen, no doubt heading for a cup of coffee. “I’ve got work to do. Which reminds me, there’s a couple of rigs need picking up in town, when you get the chance. I have the paperwork in the office.” She added, stopping in front a Chibs for a moment, giving him her own look before continuing on to the kitchen.
“Aye.” Chibs sighed as he pushed away from the bar and started towards the door. “Ye lassies try not to have too much fun now, ye hear.” He teased, ducking to avoid the stray boot that was aimed at his head by his Niece as she started shouting -- what Teagan only assumed to be expletives -- at him in Gaelic. Chibs’ laughter echoing through the Clubhouse, even after the door had swung shut behind him as he headed for the shop.
“I need a shower...and about eight more hours of sleep.” Tawni mumbled as she retrieved her boot, tugging it back on before returning to finish clearing off the bar, Teagan wiping it down behind her as they finished cleaning up in mutual silence for the sake of the roaring headaches that plagued them both from the previous nights events. Teagan finally taking a seat and resting her forehead against the coolness of the bar top when Gemma hollered at her from the kitchen.
“For the love of God...just put me out of my misery already.” Teagan groaned as she slid off of the barstool to see what Gem needed.
“As fun as that sounds, I feel like a shower is of greater priority at the moment.” Tawni gave a smirk as she patted Teagan on the back quickly before taking off down the hall to her room.
“Bitch!” Teagan yelled after her as she started for the kitchen, giving a small smirk of her own a Tawni yelled back,
Gemma was standing at the counter, piece of paper in hand, when Teagan rounded the corner. Grabbing herself a cup of coffee before leaning against the counter with an expectant look as she sipped at the contents of her mug. “You yelled?”
“Engine for your car finally came in.” Gemma stated matter of factly as she slid the piece of paper across the counter, Teagan picking it up to inspect the phone number that had been written on it, along with what time and where she could pick it up from. “I’m sure Ope would let you borrow his truck since Chibs won’t be back with the Tow-Truck for a while.
Teagan gave a nod and tucked the piece of paper into the back pocket of her jeans as she straightened and grabbed her coffee, taking a sip before she said, “Is Ope here yet?”
Gemma nodded with a sigh. “He should be. I think he’s heading out with Chibs. You might be able to catch him.” She said. Teagan gave a soft groan, not really wanting to have to chase the man down, but she would for the sake of her car. Teagan set her coffee down on the counter before rushing out, catching the tow truck just as it passed.
“Hey!” Teagan shouted, waving her hands to get their attention as she came up to the passenger window, Opie stopping the truck and rolling the window down. “Hey, Opie, can I borrow your truck? My engine came in and I want to go pick it up.”
“For the Chevelle? Shit, already?” Opie asked, throwing the truck in park as he dug through his pockets for his keys. Teagan lit up despite her headache, if only briefly, excited to get things going with her car.
“Well, I’ve been here for a few weeks already. I ordered it when I found out Tig kept the damn thing.” She shrugged in response, reaching in and swiping the keys from Opie’s outstretched hand. Opie chuckled and nodded.
“Just don’t fuck it up my truck?” Opie asked.
“Aye, are ye still drunk?” Chibs teased. Teagan narrowed her eyes at him, smirking as she gave a small shake of her head, pocketing the keys.
“No.” She scoffed playfully. “I’m hungover, not drunk. There’s a difference, Scotty.”
Chibs snickered as Opie put the truck back in drive, waiting for Teagan to step away. “Well, we’ll just have to see abou’ tha’ when I get back, won’ we?” He teased, his voice low so only Teagan could hear. Her lips pricked up as she fought the goofy grin that threatened to spread across her face.
“Don’t you two have work to do?” She teased back, stepping away before turning and going back to the clubhouse. Opie chuckled and shook his head as he drove off.
“Dude. Really? You’re gonna mess around with Raven? You do remember her, right?” Opie asked as they drove down the street. Chibs sighed and nodded.
“Aye. After’ las’ nigh’, seein’ her wit’ Tawni. I forgot how close they were before.” Chibs stated.
“And that still doesn’t change your mind? Or the fact that she’s Tig’s little sister?” Opie asked. Chibs scoffed, brushing the comment off.
“Och, i’s jus a bit’o fun. Nothin’ serious.” Chibs said, earning a snicker from Opie as he rolled his eyes..
Back in the clubhouse, Teagan still needed a little more of a pick me up, spiking her coffee with just a touch of whiskey, the thought of tequila making the back of her throat closing up in attempt to stop the threat of potentially throwing up. Tawni’s laughter perked her up a bit as she turned to see her walking down the hall with Juice. Teagan smirked and turned on the barstool, watching the pair, as she was still invisible to them for the time being.
“Come on, Tawn. You used to be as bad as the rest of us...you really don’t fight anymore?” Juice teased, grabbing a fistful of her side, making her squeak, laugh and jump as she turned to him, trying to pry his fingers away. She bit her lip as Juice moved his hands, Tawni’s hands around his wrists, pulling her closer as he moved his arms behind his back. Her laughter died off, slowly, as they got a little closer.
Teagan desperately wanted to witness this historical event, something that would make her ‘affair’ with Chibs pale in comparison to his precious niece flirting with a member, but she was still a decent enough friend that she cleared her throat, making her presence known and making the pair jump and move away from each other, both of them afraid it was Chibs. But Tawni sighed when she saw it was just Teagan.
“See? Even ask Teagan.” Juice said, diverting the moment as they approached the bar. “You can’t tell me you believe her, that she doesn’t fight anymore.”
Teagan shrugged.  “Well, I haven’t exactly been around lately, but...I believe her.”
Juice sighed and shook his head as Tawni went behind the bar, pulling out a beer and opening it before she handed it to him.
“I told you. You don’t see me as often anymore. I’m fucking mature, thank you.” Tawni giggled in reply as Teagan swung back around to the bar and leaned over her coffee cup with a soft groan. Tawni looked over her best friend and giggled. “Hey, I’m gonna hit the store. Gonna get some things to make my Nan’s hangover stew. Wanna come?”
Teagan shook her head and sat up, saying, “Nah. I have to go pick up my engine from the shop.”
Tawni gave a small pout, but shrugged it off and wiped down the bar, double checking everything before she left. The deviousness of Teagan’s mind began working as she sat back and added, “But, um...Juicy, why don’t you accompany her? I do still remember our dear, sweet, little Tawni likes company when she shops.”
“It’s called impulse control, and I’ve gotten a better hold on it, thank you...Bitch…” Tawni stated with a giggle. Teagan snickered and shrugged, going back to her coffee. Tawni glanced at Juice and said, “But I would like the company...especially being hungover.”
Juice smirked and set his beer down, leaning a little closer. “Yeah. Sure. I don’t have much to do today. I can come.” He said. Tawni bit her lip and smiled with a nod.
“Cool. I’ll go grab my stuff and meet you out front?” She said. Juice nodded and watched her as she walked off, letting out a heavy sigh as he smirked and bit his lower lip. Once she was out of sight, Juice chuckled and turned back to talk to Teagan, but stopped and jumped when he saw the fierce look she had fixed him with. He glanced around before he said, “What did I do?”
“Nothing...yet. Just make sure you’re well aware, that not only will Chibs kill you if he finds you with her, but I will break your face and cut off your balls if you ever hurt her…” Teagan threatened, making Juice’s eyes grow wide. “Don’t forget who I am, Juice.”
“No. Nope. No. Never. I-I promise.” Juice stumbled.
Teagan glared at him for a moment longer, then smirked and chirped, happily, “Good. Then have fun! Oh, and, if I were you, I’d make the first move? Tawni really wants to make good on her promise to Chibs about not messing around with members, but if you initiate, she won’t see it as her breaking the promise.”
Teagan giggled and wiggled her fingers at him as she left the clubhouse, with a little sing-song, “Have fun!”
Let me know if you would like to be added to the taglist!
TAGLIST: @jacksonroth @stacie-marie-bloom @journeyrose @penny4yourthot @cole-winchester @coco-cruzzz @spnhollis
34 notes · View notes
~Whiskey Lullaby~
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~Chapter 1~
|| Next Chapter ||
Image credit: Myself
Pairings: Filip ‘Chibs’ Telford X OFC
Rating: NSFW-18+
Warnings: Alcohol and drug abuse, violence, suggested sexual/physical abuse, kidnapping, sexual content, angst.
A/N: Sooooo, Son’s of Anarchy is my latest obsession ((just started Season 3)) and of course, who doesn’t love them self some Scotsman?! Chibs is one of my favorite characters, and there’s so little fanfic of him I felt the need to contribute...I mean come on, that accent? **Swoon** Anywho, I hope you guys enjoy this! Let me know what you think, and if you would like to be added to the TAGLIST for future chapters and updates, let me know!
Feedback is always much appreciated!
|| Masterlist ||
Her old Harley Softtail rumbled to stop just short of the town line into Charming. That welcome sign taunting her as she stared for quite sometime, one foot planted firmly on the pavement as her bike idled deeply beneath her. Six years, it had been since she last saw her home, her friends, her family...god how she’d missed them. Though deep down, she worried that her Homecoming wouldn’t be as well received as she hoped it would be.
“It’s now or never...” She muttered under her breath before speeding off into town. Many heads turned as she rode through the streets of Charming, ignoring the looks and whispers she got as people started to recognize the raven haired woman that speed past them on her way to her final destination.
She was never supposed to come back here; not after what happened all those years ago. But it was her last hope, a safe zone, one that she hoped would still house her in her time of need. Knowing without the family to back her, that she was a good as dead.
Pulling into the lot of Teller-Morrow Automotive Repair she cut the engine of her bike, but made no attempt at climbing off just yet as she watched the garage carefully for the man she was looking for, and hoping to avoid, all at the same time. Her Brother...
Finally deciding she couldn’t avoid the task at hand any longer, she sighed, climbing off her Harley she hung her helmet off the handlebar as she started walking across the parking lot. Several people paused in what they were doing to stare as she approached, but what she didn’t expect was the voice that hollered at from outside the open office door.
“Teagan Trager! What in God’s name are you doing back in Charming; and why the hell didn’t you call me?!” She turned, giving the older woman a warm smile as she approached to embrace her warmly.
“Hey Gemm.” She greeted softly, hugging the woman back tightly, though it was cut short as the commotion caught the attention of several others that were nearby.
“Holy shit, Raven!” She was suddenly picked up and crushed into hug, wincing slightly as the action caused her side to ache something fierce, but she did her best to hide her discomfort as she was set back down.
“Hi-ya, Blondie.” She greeted Jax before turning to face her next attacker, who despite his size, was surprisingly gentle as he leaned down to embrace her.
“Why didn’t you tell us you were comin’?” Opie asked as he released her, exchanging a concerned glance with Gemma and Jax. Teagan shrugged, digging around in the pocket of her leather jacket for her lighter. Sparking it to light the cigarette that hung from her lips before snapping it shut.
“Figured it was best not to tell anyone...” Exhaling she looked down at the ground, kicking at a rock with the toe of her boot as she avoided the concerned gazes she was now receiving.
“Tig doesn’t know?” Gemma questioned, watching as the younger woman shook her head. Running a stressed hand through her dark mess of hair as she took another drag off her smoke.
“Is uh, is he here?” Teagan asked curiously.
“No...he’s on his way back from a Repo job outside of town.” Gemma replied. “Won’t be back for a few more hours.”
“Good.” She dropped her cigarette butt on the ground, snubbing it out with the toe of her boot as she looked up, lifting her glasses to reveal the black eye and scrape they had been concealing. Gemma gasped and reached forward, grasping her chin gently as she inspected the injury, brown eyes suddenly fraught with worry.
“’Cause I need to speak with Clay.”
“Christ, I need a fuckin’ beer.” Tig gave a frustrated sigh as he slammed the door to the tow truck closed behind him, rubbing at his newly bruised cheek. The repo job had not gone as planned, the woman they encountered not overly enthusiastic that her brand new Camaro was being repossessed and she wound up taking her frustrations out on him; while Chibs sat back and enjoyed the show.
“I’d say.” The Scotsman snorted as he patted the dark haired man on the back, trying to contain his laughter. “Never in ma’h life ‘ave I seen such’a large woman run tha’ fast!”
“That bitch could’a been a linebacker.” Tig snapped as they approached the club house, shoving Chibs slightly. “She nearly broke my fuckin’ jaw!”
“Aye,” Chibs chuckled. “But it was fuckin’ hilarious’ta watch!”  
“You’re such an asshole, you know that?” Tig rolled his eyes as swung the door open, quickly making for the bar; ignoring the conversation they’d stepped in on. Chibs leaning up beside him, grabbing the beer Tig offered as he eyed the dark haired woman that was chatting up Gemma and some of the guys across the room.
“Mmm.” Chibs lifted his sunglasses as he took a swig of his beer, dark eyes scanning over the woman carefully. “If tha’s’no a fine piece’a crow eater arse, I don’ know wha’ is.”
Tig turned his gaze briefly, nodding in approval at the woman Chibs was ogling before returning to the cold bottle he’d been pressing against his cheek. Eyes suddenly widening as her laugh carried from across the room.
“Teagan?!” His voice was an octave too high, and touch more than panicked than it should have been as he turned sharply to look across the room at the Raven haired woman that was now staring back at him. Her vibrant green eyes boring into him as her smile faltered, quickly turning into a frown as she watched him approach.
“Tha’ his ex ole’lady?” Chibs questioned curiously as Opie joined him at the bar.
“Worse...” Opie chuckled as he readied himself for the show that was about to go down, Chibs giving him a confused look in return. “That’s his sister.”
“The hell are you doing here?!” Tig demanded as he approached his sister, instantly regretting it as her left fist slammed into his nose, dropping him the floor as he clutched his face. “Alright...ok.” He held up a hand defensively.
“I deserved that...”
“You’re damn straight.” She replied, grabbing a fist full of his Kutte and hauled him to his feet. “Now stop your fuckin’ whining and give me a goddamn hug, Tiggy.” Tig stood and embraced his sister briefly, pulling her out to arms length after a minute and frowning when he saw her face.
“Jesus Christ, Teag. What the hell happened?”
“He’s out...and they dropped the restraining order.” She replied quietly, touching her hand to the scrap on her cheek gently with a frown. “I had to come back...I had no choice.” She added shaking her head, Tig holding up a hand to silence her.
“Clay know your here?” He questioned.
“I’ve already spoken with him.” Gemma spoke up, crossing her arms as she watched the two siblings, the tension in the air between so thick you could’ve cut it with a butter knife.
“And?” Tig asked.
“Well, he’s not exactly thrilled.” Gemma rolled her eyes. “But, he’s not gonna turn her away. Not now at least.” Tig nodded, rubbing at the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Guess that means your back then?” Tig sighed, running a frustrated hand through his already messy hair.
“Yeah...that means I’m back. I’ll not to be such an inconvenience.” Teagan snapped as she stepped forward again, her jaw set in a hard line as she clenched her fists.
“Enough, children!” Gemma stepped between them, pushing Teagan back with a warning glare. “Save your pissing match for after the party, alright?” The siblings nodded and muttered an agreed, ‘Yes ma’am.’
“Good, now go find Tara and tell her to fix your face.” She gestured to Tig before turning back to Teagan. “You have things that need to be brought over?”
“No...” Teagan replied, gazing at the floor. “My bikes the only thing I brought with me.
“Well, guess you and me are gonna have to fix that.” Gemma stated firmly as she looked over at the younger woman beside her. “But first and for most, we got a party to throw.”
Chibs shook his head with a small chuckled as he watched Tig’s sister go shot for shot on tequila with Bobby at the end of the bar, seemingly unaffected by the dangerous liquid that had already claimed one victim; Juice, who was face down on the bar. There was absolutely no denying this woman was a Trager through and through...it was like watching Tig, only she was better to look at.
Not that he should be thinking such things about his friends little sister, but it was hard not to. Her beauty was unmatched against any of the crow eaters that hung around the club house, not that he’d ever had much interest pursuing any of them. Most were nothing but trouble, simply looking to get into bed with biker just to be able to say that they had, and while Chibs didn’t deny their offers for sex; it wasn’t really his thing. Sex was sex, but he also enjoyed being able to have an intellectual conversation with a woman once in a blue moon.
But this Teagan lassie, was not only beautiful, she was also smart. Sharp minded and even sharper tongued, able to keep up with whatever perverted comments the guys could throw at her. Usually rounding back on them with something twice as vulgar, leaving several of the lads that didn’t know her stunned.
But even more stunning, was her voice.
“C’mon Rave, you gotta sing it for us...for old times sake!” Jax pleaded, swaying slightly as he slung his other arm around her shoulders; Tara tucked under the other, holding him up as he swayed drunkenly.
“Yeah Raven, we ain’t heard a good song sung in here in ages.” Opie added as he pulled up a bar stool beside Chibs.
“I take offence to that.” Bobby slurred drunkenly, throwing back another shot of tequila, frowning when Teagan refilled his shot glass again with a devilish grin.
“Not a chance in hell.” She chuckled lightly before knocking back her own shot. “Besides, I don’t even have my guitar anymore.”
“You mean that guitar?” Gemma questioned with a smile from Clay’s lap, pointing to the wall above them behind the couch. Teagan’s cheeks flamed red, hiding her face in her hands as the guys began to chant “Do it” over and over,  beating their fists against the bar as they egged her on.
“Alright, alight!” She threw her hands up in defeat finally. Snatching the old black Ibanz acoustic from the Prospect -- Half-Sack -- as he held it out to her, taking a moment to tune it before climbing onto the bar; cheeks still burning hot as Clay ordered the room to shut up.
“The usual?” She asked expectantly, receiving a collective nod from those who had heard her before and curious glances and whispers from those who hadn’t. Chibs watching intently as she began to pick the strings with ease, the tune to ‘House of the Rising Sun’ filling the club house softly.
“Nah bad.” He mused quietly as he sipped at the glass of Scotch in his hand, shooting Opie a glance as he chuckled deeply.
“Wait for it...”
Chibs gave him a questioning look, but as if on cue, her voice filled the room. The melody that left her lips was as smooth as velvet as it drifted through the clubhouse sending a chill straight through him as he leaned closer against the bar; awestruck.
“Jesus...” He breathed quietly, pulled in by the sultry voice that captivated the entire room. Hanging off the lyrics that flowed softly from her lips. He was hardly able to wipe the dumbfounded grin off his face when it was finally over, standing with the rest of the room as they applauded and whistled loudly.
“Still brings a tear to my eye!” Bobby slurred sarcastically as he wiped sarcastically at his face, Teagan rolled her eyes as she climbed off the bar.
“Oh come on, I’m not that good.” She laughed before downing another shot to settle her nerves, followed closely by another...and another.
“You’ve the voice of a bloody fuckin’ angel!”
Teagan nearly choked on a mouth full of Tequila as Chibs spoke up, mentally slapping himself for saying it at all as the room turned and eyed him curiously. “Well- I mean- er...it’s a, it’s a nice change, yeh know?” He gestured to Bobby who narrowed his drunken gaze, pointing an accusing finger at the Scotsman.
“You gotta problem with my singin?” He slurred.
“Yer fat Elvis fer Christs sake!” He joked. “Listenin’ tah tha’ is damn near a bloody Godsend in comparison to yer fat arse!” The room erupted into a fit of laughter. Bobby hurling the now empty tequila bottle at Chibs’ head, falling short as it clocked the bartender in the head.
“Aye, calm yer’self.” Chibs laughed, raising his hand defensively. “It’s jus’ a joke!”
“It’s ok Bobby, I think you sing beautifully.” Teagan chuckled as she patted him on the shoulder, trying to contain her drunken giggle fit the best she could.
“Kiss ass...” Bobby mumbled in reply.
The night wore on afterwards with many rounds of Jukebox Karaoke, courtesy of Teagan, Bobby, and the three bottles of Jose Cuervo they had demolished. Belting out everything from Queen and Def Leppard to Bon Jovi. Their shenanigans finally coming to an end when Teagan tackled the Prospect, half naked, off of the bar.  
“Al’righ there lassy, time fer bed.” Chibs chuckled as he wrapped her in a blanket before scooping her bridal style up. As the only halfway sober soul still left in the room, he felt obligated to make sure she made it to bed safely. Knowing that Tig would likely have his ass if anything happened to his sister; not that he was sober enough to notice.
“I don’t w-wanna.” She hiccuped drunkenly, hardly able to lift her head up as he carried her down the hall. “M’fine, r-really.”
“Darlin’ yer far from fine.” He replied, tightening his grip as she tried to squirm out of his grasp. “Yer brother would kick mah arse if I left ye ou’ there with those animals.”
“My brother can suck a dick...” She mumbled, eyes closed as she started to give into the booze induced daze that was slowly dragging her under.
“Aye...” Chibs agreed, stopping short as he glanced around the hall. “Shite.” He sighed, realizing she didn’t have a room yet, and not wanting to subject her to any unwanted visitors he decided to give her his room for the night. Balancing her carefully in his arms as he turned the handle, edging it open with the toe of his boot before stepping inside.
“Easy does it lovey.” He assured quietly as he sat her on the edge of the bed, settling her back on the pillows before removing her boots and tossing them aside. Pulling the blankets up to cover her before turning to leave, pausing when he felt her fingers close around his wrist, causing a sort of tingling sensation to travel up his arm as he stared down at it.
“Thaanks.” She slurred softly as he looked down at her with a soft grin, her hand going slack as it fell away from his as she allowed the alcohol to finally pull her under into unconsciousness.
“Aye...” He replied softly as he opened the door and shut off the lights. “Sleep well lass.”
House of the Rising Sun by Sandi Thom <------- This is the version I envisioned her singing in case anyone wants to have a listen.
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