#Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals
geekynerfherder · 1 year
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Showcasing art from some of my favourite artists, and those that have attracted my attention, in the field of visual arts, including vintage; pulp; pop culture; books and comics; concert posters; fantastical and imaginative realism; classical; contemporary; new contemporary; pop surrealism; conceptual and illustration.
The art of Mona Finden.
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roseillith · 2 years
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skytsunrose · 1 month
Collage of some of my top fave games 💙
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sundanceritz · 4 months
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Final Fantasy (1994)
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banished-away · 8 months
if i had a penny for every extremely long running fantasy series ive enjoyed that have a magical crystal tower causing problems, id have two pennies, which isnt much but its weird it happened twice
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piggysauceart · 2 years
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Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals is one of my top 3 OVAs
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The constant wanderer of the rift telling first-hand stories to Linaly how her ancestor Bartz saved the two worlds with his fellow warriors of light.
Hm, it seems like he missed a detail about a certain warlock fusing with the void...
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superthatguy62 · 5 months
Person who watched Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals in 1998 playing Final Fantasy V in 1999: "Gettin' a lot of 'Legend of the Crystals' vibes from this."
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g4zdtechtv · 7 months
THE PILE PRESENTS: AOTS! - Hamster Goes Ham On A HAM Radio | 4/15/05
Sweet Office Jesus!
DONATE AND KEEP 4GTV ON THE AIR - http://bit.ly/4GTVDonate | http://streamelements.com/grupstra0/tip
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Round 1 group 14
Legend of the Crystals (note: yes the chocobo is naked - the character who summoned it always summons them featherless, to their dismay)
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World of Final Fantasy
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imlilyyfromff13 · 5 months
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"The crystal age is just a legend from before the world was born. And it ended, before you were born."
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roseillith · 2 years
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silent-stories · 3 months
Out of the castle
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(Eddie Munson x F!reader) fantasy au
It's dangerous to leave the castle without any protection, without guards. This is what you had been told your whole life and yet, until that moment it was the only way you had found to have fun, relax and spend some time alone, without anyone telling you to walk with your head held higher, how to eat or what to say.
You had the opportunity to feel the grass under your feet, the sun's rays on your face and the wind in your hair, smell the scent of flowers and spices, meet new people or walk through the town market without everyone staring at you or worse, bowing.
You had never understood that stupid gesture that made you feel extremely embarrassed every time. You lived in a castle doing almost nothing every day and you were born with the privilege of getting to learn how to read and write while the common people worked hard to feed their families, sometimes giving up their daily meal for the sake of their children, and they were the ones who bowed when they saw you?
They deserved much more respect than you and your family.
However, your parents didn't seem to understand it.
You didn't know how far you had gone from the castle that morning, but that had never worried you since its towers were visible in every part of the the city, and perhaps the kingdom, from how tall they were.
The narrow path you had walked, wound through the trees and the leaves formed a green roof over your head, filtering the sun's rays. The ground was soft beneath your feet, covered in moss and some dry leaves.
You thought that if your mother found your muddy boots hidden in the closet again, she would kill you and the kingdom would be left without heirs.
The clearing you had reached was surrounded by many tall oaks and a lake, calm and serene, stretched out in front of you. The crystal clear water reflected the blue of the sky.
The frogs croaked undisturbed and some birds, hidden among the branches, were singing.
It seemed like one of those fairytale places that you only read about in books and you wondered if there were sometimes fairies there. You didn't know if they really existed or not but you had read so many legends about creatures like them, that you had started to believe them.
The "crazy" old man who preached outside the bakery a few days earlier was sure to talk to them every night.
“I thought I was the only one who knew about this place.” A voice coming from behind you almost made you fall into the lake. Luckily it didn't happen: you can't teach a princess to swim.
Turning around, you looked at the young man in front of you for a moment. He was wearing a beige shirt (buttoned the wrong way), dark pants with a seam on one knee, and a brown belt around his waist. He didn't seem to have any bad intentions and looked at you with only slight curiosity painted on his face. His curly hair was messy and his brown eyes were still staring at you.
"Since we're both here, I guess you were wrong." You finally spoke.
He softly chuckled under his breath. “How did you find this place?”
“I was just…exploring.”
"Mm." He looked at you like he thought you were lying. “Well, I often come here to fish, so as long as you don't steal my fish, you are allowed to stay.” He added with a smirk.
“Allowed” You repeated to yourself, chuckling. You almost wanted to say that that place was technically yours, considering that one day you would be queen, but you didn't.
"Wait a minute," he said, his eyes widening, "we've seen each other before."
"Oh, I don't think so." You were quick to deny. "I don't leave my house much, I like... reading and painting."
You closed your eyes for a moment, sighing. They were the richest activities anyone could mention, dammit.
"But we did!" He exclaimed as a smile formed on his face, dimples on his cheeks, "You gave me a gold coin a month ago."
He was definitely prettier than any man your father wanted you to marry.
You shrugged. "I don't remember."
So he was the boy singing sat on the sidewalk that everyone was ignoring that evening.
"That's impossible! I was playing my lute outside a shop and you left a fucking gold coin in my hat! My uncle and I got three meals a day for a week thanks to that, and I even bought new boots! I never had the chance to thank you because a moment later you were already gone and I always wondered how the hell you managed to have such a coin and why the hell you decided to give it to me but now-" his babbling suddenly stopped.
"What?" You asked.
"No way." He murmured. "God, I'm so stupid!" He added, suddenly starting to bow.
That was always the worst part.
"I'm really so stupid. I don't know how I didn't notice before, I beg you to forgive me, I never meant to disrespect you and I'm deeply sorry for any-"
"No no no. Please stop. Don't." You grabbed his arm before he could bow.
He stopped mid-action, his knee almost about to meet the ground, and looked up at you, surprised.
"I'm serious, really. There's no need" You added, helping him up.
"But you're the princess." He murmured, confused.
"I know. But it's not that important, really."
It sounded funny, you had to admit that.
When he stood up and you realized you were still holding his arm, you let your hand fall to your side.
“So I won't have my head chopped off in public?”
You laughed.
"I'm serious!"
"I'm sorry. No, your head will be on your shoulders for a while longer."
"Okay, in that case." He grabbed your hand, bringing it to his lips for a kiss that barely touched your fingers. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Princess of Hawkins. My name is Edward, Eddie to my friends, at your service."
“Call me Y/N, please.” A smile was on your lips caused by his theatrical ways.
"Wow." He murmured then, looking at you.
"It's just... really weird. Seeing you here. Alone. Without twenty men ready to rip in two anyone who comes near you. Why aren't you...?" He raised an arm, pointing to the castle towers visible despite the tall trees. "I won't take 'I was exploring' for an answer."
"I ran away."
Eddie looked at you in surprise.
"I'll come back. I always come back. I have to. But sometimes I need time outside that castle. I can't spend my life locked inside those walls when there's a world to explore outside. So... I was really just exploring, actually."
"You have any idea how many people could like- kidnap you and return you to your family in exchange for chests full of gold? Assassins, pirates, hitmen..."
“Oh god, you sound like my family!”
He chuckled. "Sorry."
You never thought you'd find a friend outside the castle walls, someone you could talk to as if you weren't the heir to the throne and yet that morning, you spent it all talking to Eddie on the shore of the lake that only you seemed to know.
You realized that maybe Eddie could become your first friend ever.
You liked the way he laughed at your jokes and how he rolled his eyes, apologizing every time you scolded him when he called you “princess.”
"Do you know that your shirt is buttoned in the wrong way?"
"Princess, you live in a castle. You don't know the latest fashion trends."
You loved the way his brown eyes had so many shades of gold when they were hit by the sun's rays filtering through the leaves.
You liked the way he could weave fantasy with reality and confuse you, leading you to believe that the magic he claimed to be true actually existed.
"Of course fairies exist! They are small shiny beings and are only kind to those who are kind to them. A bit like all of us, isn't it?"
You liked his humor, sometimes you wondered if he did it on purpose or was he was just like that.
"What about dragons?"
"You telling me you've never seen a dragon?"
"You telling me you saw a fucking dragon?"
"Hey, you know that for a princess you talk a lot like the people who work at the port, sometimes?"
And after hours, when you realized that if you were gone too long, they would find out about your absence, you had to say goodbye to him.
"Do you... do you think I'll see you again?" You asked then.
"Hey, I told you. I come fishing here often. And you can find me sitting on some sidewalk playing my lute."
You laughed. "Of course. See you then."
"See you."
You laughed when he gave an awkward bow.
The moment you started to walk away, you remembered something.
"Hey, Eddie!" You called out to him, before pulling a gold coin out of a pocket in your dress and tossing it to him.
He caught it.
And like the time before, before he could thank you, you were already gone.
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pandorxxx · 2 years
In the ways that matter (pt 1)
Aonung (19) , neteyam (20) , lo’ak (19) x Ash Navi women, and an Ash Navi fem reader.
Warnings: heavy mentions of sex, teasing, kissing, grinding, cursing, bondage, kidnap.
🔞Minors, do not interact🔞
“Come on, keep up!” Lo’ak shouted at Neteyam and Aonung.
“Is there a reason you dragged us to the forest in the middle of the night?” Aonung asked, trailing behind lo’ak as he sped walked through the trees.
“I don’t even ask anymore, I just come to make sure he doesn’t get his skxawng ass into trouble.” Neteyam chuckled, shaking his head as he scanned the dark forest. Lo’ak turned to them in frustration.
“For the last time, I’m looking for the ash girls.” Lo’ak spoke, shifting his weight to one hip. Neteyam and Aonung looked at each other, and then back at lo’ak in confusion.
“What the hell are you talking about lo’ak?” Aonung asked, crossing his arms to his chest.
“Legend says that there’s a fire clan lead by women, beautiful women. I have to find them.” Lo’ak explained. There was awkward silence before Neteyam and Aonung bursted into laughter.
“Yeah,yeah, laugh all you want! But they’re real!” Lo’ak shouted, watching the two other boys laugh in his face.
“You dragged us out here for a FANTASY HUNT?” Neteyam laughed, holding his stomach as he playfully tapped Aonungs shoulder.
“I hope you know that they’re not real! A whole entire clan ran only by women? Impossible!” Aonung shouted, catching his breath from laughing hysterically.
“Umm hello? Do you two not believe in women empowerment?” Lo’ak asked with a raised eyebrow. Neteyam and Aonung endulge in another laugh, earning an eye roll from lo’ak.
“I love women as much as the next male, but running an entire clan? That’s a reach, bro.” Neteyam chuckled, walking towards lo’ak.
“Let’s pack it up and go ho-” neteyam was cut off by a melodic hum from afar. All of the boys ears flicked at the sound before turning to each other.
“What the hell was that?” Aonung asked slowly, looking all around him frantically.
“I have no idea.” neteyam whispered, scanning the forest around him. Neteyam turned to lo’ak to see him grinning sadistically. Neteyam shook his head before speaking.
“No! We are not following that sound.” Neteyam said sternly, pointing his finger at lo’ak. Lo’ak smacked neteyams hand before darting towards the sound.
“LO’AK GET BACK HERE!” Neteyam roared, running after his brother. Aonung shook his head, running after the two boys.
“LO’AK? LO’AAAKKK?!” Neteyam shouted through the still forest as he searched for his brother. Aonung finally caught up, looking around frantically.
“LO’AK LETS GO! THIS IS INSANE!” Aonung shouted, placing his hands on his hips. They looked around for a moment before spotting lo’ak. His back was turned to them, as he stood very still. Neteyam and Aonung ran towards him.
“Lo’ak, let’s go right n-“ neteyam was cut off by lo’ak pointing to the helpless figure 10 feet away from them. All of there jaws dropped in unison at the figure.
There she was, an ash Navi in the flesh. Her skin was a muted blue, as her glowing freckles danced in the moonlight. Her wavy hair was damp, as it’s flowed down her slender back. Her eyes were a dazzling green, glistening from her tears. Her stripe pattern was distinct, intricate. Unlike most Navi, her cloths were all black with gorgeous crystals woven into them. She was in distress, singing her song to get someone’s attention as tears fell down her face.
“What. The. Fuck?” Aonung whispered, still watching the girl from a distance. Lo’ak shook his head in awe, completely in a trance by her beauty.
“I-I told you…” Lo’ak spoke monotoned, watching the girls every move. Neteyam shook his head to snap out of his trance before glaring at lo’ak.
“we have got to go, right now!” Neteyam whispered angrily, pulling his brothers arm. Lo’ak slapped neteyams hand in frustration.
“Why? She needs help, bro!” Lo’ak whispered, pointing back at the girl. Neteyam shook his head, placing his hands on his hips.
“Well now that we know that they are real, I’ve heard that they’re dangerous. They like to lure silly hunters like YOU.” Neteyam strained as he tried to keep his voice down, hitting lo’ak over the head.
“Yeah, she looks completely fine. This could be a trap! Let’s get out of here.” Aonung nodded, turning to walk away. Lo’ak grabbed his arm, turning him back around.
“No, she’s crying! I’m going to help her.” He whispered, gesturing harshly. What they didn’t know was that she was listening to their conversation as she waited for the perfect moment to lure them in. Finally she takes her chance, rolling around the forest ground, moaning and whimpering in agony. The boys heads shot towards her quickly.
“I’m going!” Lo’ak shouted before walking out of the trees, walking over to her slowly. He bent down to her trembling body.
“H-Hi, do you need help miss?” Lo’ak asked nervously, meeting her hypnotic gaze. She grabbed his hand, placing it on her waist, trailing it around to her lower abdomen.
“I-it hurts. right here.” She whimpered, her soft voice echoing through his mind. He traced her entire body with his eyes intently, before meeting her gaze again.
“How can I help? T-tell me what you need.” He swallowed thickly, as his heart raced from his own arousal. She sat up swiftly, pinning him down to straddle his lap. Lo’aks eyes widened in fear, snapping his head towards Neteyam and Aonung in the trees.
She bent down to lo’aks ear, grazing it with her fangs. “Tell your friends to come out, or I’ll kill you right now.” She commanded seductively, kissing his jawline. His face contorted in fear, as he whimpered under her.
“HEY GUYSSS, I NEED ALITTLE HELP!” Lo’ak screamed towards the trees. Neteyam and Aonung face palmed, watching lo’ak struggle under the girl.
“Good luck, I’m leaving!” Aonung shouted, but before he could turn around, he felt a dainty hand running up his abs from behind, and another down to his loincloth, massaging him through it.
“Anddd where do you think you’re going, big boy?…” a girl whispered from behind him. His heart dropped as he watched the hands roam his body. Neteyams eyes went big, as he backed up slowly. He backed into a small figure. He felt 2 dainty hands wrap around his lower abdomen, trailing his entire body.
“Shit…” Neteyam whispered, trying to turn around, but the girl behind him pulled out her dagger, placing the point on his back.
“Woah, big boy! Don’t turn around, or I’ll kill you where you stand.” She whispered, licking his spine. He turned his head to the side, growling at the girl.
“What the fuck do you want? Huh?” He spat in frustration. She trailed down to his loincloth, gripping his cock through the material. He gasped loudly, biting his lip in anger.
“I think the more important question is why are you on our side of the forest?” The girl asked, nudging him with the point of the knife. He pursed his lips before putting his hands up in surrender.
“We will leave. Do you hear me? WE WILL GO!” Neteyam shouted, nodding at Aonung who was practically being jerked off from the girl behind him. Aonung nodded frantically, looking at Neteyam.
“Y-Yeah, we’ll leave, just let us go! Damn!” Aonung shouted angrily. The girl behind him chuckled, pulling her dagger out to hold it to his back.
“Your body is telling me that you wanna stay, big boy.” She spoke seductively, kissing his back. Ao’nung unintentionally melted into her touch, relaxing in her arms.
“She’s just trying to get what she wants! Don’t fall for it!” Neteyam shouted at Aonung who was completely charmed by the girl behind him. Aonung quickly snapped out of it, standing up tall as he cleared his throat.
“Either let us go, or speed this shit up!” He growled, turning his head to the side.
“Walk.” The girl behind Neteyam spoke, nudging the knife towards his back. Aonung and Neteyam walked towards lo’ak as the girls held the daggers, threatening to kill them.
The girl straddling lo’ak sat up on him, looking towards her sisters. She smiled, eyeing Neteyam and Aonung up and down.
“Ohhh we got some good ones tonight.” She bit her lip, looking back at a frightening lo’ak under her.
“X’yiera! Why are you on-top of him? We have to wait until we get them back to mother, remember?” The girl behind aonung spoke sternly. X’yiera snapped her head at her sister, and then where her hand was placed on aonung.
“Ke’ti, Your hand is inside of his loincloth. Follow your own advice.” X’yiera hissed, tilting her head at ke’ti.
“We have to get them back, quickly. Mother is waiting.” The younger sister spoke behind Neteyam. X’yiera glared at her younger sister.
“Oh come on, Ziwi! let’s just have alittle fun with them first.” X’yiera smiled, leaning down to lo’ak, kissing his quivering lips. Ziwi shook her head, hissing at her older sister.
“No! Mother is going to kill us!” Ziwi shouted, darting over to x’yiera to push her off of lo’ak. Neteyam finally got a glimpse of his captor, and she was beautiful.
Her hair hung down her back in Dutch braids. She had on an identical outfit to her oldest sister, but hers was alittle more revealing. Her body was slim, and her frame was small.
“Baby sister! Don’t test me!” X’yiera growled, standing to her feet in a defensive manner. Ziwi hissed at her, taking her fighting stance. Ke’ti came from behind Aonung to stand in between her sisters.
“Come on, we do not have time for this!” She hissed, looking between the both of them. Aonung watched ke’ti closely, as she was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen.
Her hair was in a long curly ponytail that flowed down her back. Two pieces of loose hair hung infront of her hypnotic green eyes. Her cloths were black as well, revealing her curvy shape.
As they fought, lo’ak scooted his way back to Neteyam and Aonung, watching the girls as they argued over what to do with the prisoners.
“Maybe if we back away slowly, they won’t notice!” Lo’ak strained, standing to his feet slowly.
“Oh noooo, I thought you wanted to help her, remember?” Neteyam shouted sarcastically, pointing to X’yiera.
“In my defense, she was crying.” Lo’ak muttered looking between aonung and Neteyam. Neteyam growled, getting in lo’aks face.
“I fucking TOLD YOU NOT TO RUN AFTER THE SOUND, and what do you do? Nooowww, we have to worry about these crazy BITCHES that clearly want to kill us!” Neteyam roared, gesturing angrily. Aonung butted in, raising his hand hesitantly.
“Uhh, I think they wanna do alittle more than kill us.” Aonung spoke, looking back at the girls, as they were still arguing and hissing loudly.
“She fucking started it!” X’yiera shouted, walking over to ziwi before ke’ti stopped her.
“That doesn’t matter now! We have to take the prisoners to mother before she kills us! We don’t need a repeat of last time.” Ke’ti explained through gritted teeth. X’yiera glared at ziwi before yanking herself out of ke’ti’s grasp.
“Shall we?” Ziwi asked sarcastically, walking over to the boys who were still arguing amongst themselves. She grabbed the rope that was tied around her bow as she crept towards Neteyam’s back. He was so busy arguing that he didn’t have enough time to fight ziwi off as she quickly tied his arms behind his back. X’yiera and ke’ti followed her lead, tying their prisoners up quickly.
“Come onnnn! You tricked me! I thought you were hurt!” Lo’ak whined, as X’yiera held his waist, walking him forward.
“Yeah, yeah. That’s what they’ve all said. Keep walking.” X’yiera sighed, rolling her eyes as she guided him through the forest from behind.
“Why are you doing this?” Neteyam grunted as ziwi’s small hands snaked around his waist from behind, walking him through the forest.
“We need you, that’s why.” She spoke softly, kissing his spine. Neteyam clenched his jaw as he tried his best not to fall into her trance.
“In what way?” His eyebrow raised, snaking his head to the side to get a better look at ziwi. She swiftly moved to the front of him, pulling him through the forest by the band of his loincloth.
“In the ways that matter.” She chuckled, eyeing him up and down. Neteyam hissed at her as his face balled up with anger.
“You’re insane.” He muttered through gritted teeth. “And you’re hot. We’d be perfect for each other.” She grinned seductively before turning around, still guiding him by his loincloth.
“Where are you taking us?” Aonung asked in a concerned tone as he watched the forest change around him with every step.
“To my mother, she will decide your fate.” Ke’ti spoke, guiding aonung by his wrists. His eyes widened, Turning his neck to get a look at her.
“Our fate? What did we do? We didn’t know that we wandered onto your side of the forest.” Aonung explained frantically, still watching his surroundings.
“Tis not about that. Do not worry.” Ke’ti spoke softly, reaching around to rub his stomach.
“Are you going to kill us?” Aonung asked, snaking his head around to see the small figure guiding him. Ke’ti rolled her eyes, sighing loudly.
“You talk too much. I’ve already told you not to worry.” Ke’ti chuckled grabbing his biceps.
“Girlssss! We’re home!” X’yiera sung loudly, meeting the entrance of their clan’s common area. The forest was dark, with glowing red vines hanging from the trees all around. The women came out of their huts hesitantly, analyzing the new prisoners.
“Goddamn, so all of you are just drop dead gorgeous?” Lo’ak asked in awe as he watched the women study him intently. X’yiera rolled her eyes as she pushed him to the ground.
“Jeez, I gave you a compliment! Ever heard of it?” Lo’ak grunted, mustering enough strength to sit up. X’yiera kneeled down to lo’ak, lifting his chin with one finger.
“You’re so much hotter when you’re not talking.” She whispered, pecking his lips. Lo’ak leaned in for more, but X’yiera stood swiftly. Ziwi and Ke’ti pushed Neteyam and Aonung down next to lo’ak. The women instantly swarmed around the boys, grabbing and touching every part of their bodies.
“ENOUGH!” A wise voice echoed through the forest, making the women stop in their tracks, backing away from the boys slowly. They were met with a beautiful older women, walking through the crowd of hungry Navi straight to them. She stopped infront of the boys, peering down at them with her piercing green eyes.
“And what do we have here?” She asked, scanning each boy individually.
“We found them in the forest, mother!” ziwi spoke softly, taking her place next to her mother as she glared down at the Boys.
“No! You tricked us! I thought your daughter was hurt.” Lo’ak growled, wiggling to get out of the rope, as he looked up at the older woman.
“Thats kinda the POINT, SKXAWNG!!!” X’yiera hissed, peering down at an angry lo’ak. Neteyam sighed, looking up at the older woman.
“We did not know that we wandered into your part of the forest. If you let us go, we will not come back, please.” Neteyam pleaded nodding his head frantically with a nervous smile. The older woman and her daughters laughed down at Neteyam, as they watched him beg for his life.
“You do not get it, do you?” The older women glared at all three boys before bending down to them.
“Our clan is female dominated. We are the hunters, and warriors. There are few males here, and they are only good for gathering our food and tending to our children. We need stronger men, such as yourselves , to populate our clan.” She gestured, grinning sadistically.
“aaannnd that’s where we come in?” Aonung asked, still confused as he looked around at the women.
“Now you’re getting it.” The older women nodded, smiling at Aonung.
“What if we don’t want to help populate your clan? Huh? What you’re doing is sick!” Neteyam shouted angrily, peering at the girls before glaring at the older women in-front of him.
“Ohhhh, feisty! My girls are going to have a ball with you.” She chuckled, eyeing him up and down.
“So our punishment is sex with these beautiful ladies?” Lo’ak asked with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. The older woman chuckled at him, nodding her head.
“precisely. But my girls have a habit of getting…aggressive.” The older lady spoke, standing to her feet again.
“You could’ve started with that! Untie me, I’m ready!” Lo’ak shouted in excitement, trying to stand to his feet, but failing miserably.
“You really disturb me, lo’ak. Do you know that? Why THE FUCK would you be ok with fathering an entire clan that you’re not even apart of?!” Neteyam shouted at lo’ak, scooting closer to him.
“Can we leave afterwards?” Aonung asked the older woman. She caressed her chin with her thumb and pointer as she thought about Aonung’s question.
“We can talk about that after you’ve done your job.” The woman smiled before turning to the crowd of hungry Navi.
“Ladies! These fine young warriors shall be punished by giving us the gift of life. You all may feast!” The older woman announced, and the women swarmed around them immediately, tugging at their loincloths, and kissing their necks.
“HEY, STOP!” Neteyam shouted, trying to dodge the women, but failing horribly. Somehow, ziwi got to the front of the crowd, pinning him down by his shoulders as she rolled her hips into his. Another girl was attacking his neck, as another girl kissed his legs.
“Wait! There’s enough of me to go around. SINGLE FILE LINE!” Lo’ak shouted, as he watched many girls kissing his entire body.
“Girls, can’t we talk this out?” Aonung chuckled nervously, as he watched one girl begin to rip his loincloth off. The other girls were feeling all over his entire body.
For a moment, the chances of them getting out of this were slim to none, until a beautiful path lit up for them in an instant.
“WAIT!” You shouted, walking towards the middle of the crowd. The women instantly came to a hault, as they knew exactly who you were. Your mother and sisters snapped their heads towards you. X’yiera, ziwi, and Keti roll their eyes at you as your mother smiled.
“Y/n! My sweet daughter! What is the matter?” The older women spoke, signaling for you to come over. You walked over to your mother, hissing at your sisters on the way.
The boys were in awe at your beauty. The women in the clan were all beautiful, but you were almost hypnotic. The boys scanned your gorgeous body as you strutted over to the older woman.
“Damn.” Aonung spat, licking his lips.
“I know right? I want her.” Lo’ak whispered, staring at your full hips as they swayed side to side.
“She is…” neteyam muttered before being interrupted by the older woman.
“Beautiful. She’s beautiful!” Your mother spoke, hugging you tightly.
“What is bothering you, my sweet child?” Your mother asked, looking into your troubled eyes.
“Mother, we cannot do this. We have too many woman. These boys cannot handle all of them. Let me keep them.” You explained, glaring at them, eyes full of lust.
“If you let her keep them for herself, I’m just going to believe that she’s your favorite daughter.” X’yiera spat, walking over to you with her arms crossed. You hissed at your older sister, before grinning sadistically.
“She’s being selfish mother! I wanted him!” Ziwi whined, pointing at Neteyam. Ke’ti shook her head, walking over to mother.
“She does this all the time mother! You can’t let her get away with this!” Ke’ti shook her head, glaring at you before hissing.
“Silence, my children!” Mother shouted before thinking about your request. She smiled at you, nodding her head.
“It is settled. Y/n will take them!” Mother announced, earring hisses from her 3 other daughters.
“On ONE condition.” Mother interrupted, holding her finger up to shush her angry daughters. You shot your head at your mother, giving her a confused look.
“you let your sisters get their fair share. It’s only right that they get a taste. They brought them here.” Mother glared, pointing down at you. You sighed loudly, before looking at your sisters.
“Fine, mother.” You snarled, turning back to the boys. Your sisters stood next to you, glaring at the boys with pure lust.
“4 against 3? How is this gonna work?” Lo’ak asked, looking up at the girls. You bent down to his level, eyeing him up and down.
“We’ll figure it out, don’t worry.” You chuckled, before scanning the other boys beside him.
“This is wrong. Just let us go!” Neteyam spat, watching your every move.
“Yeah, you can’t just have your way with us. This is insane!” Aonung shouted, face contorting in disappointment.
You smiled sadistically before standing to your feet, backing up next to your sisters.
“Well I guess we’re insane then…”
This took me WAYYY too long to finish. I like it a lot though. This was a request by anon 🐚, and I appreciate this person for giving me this INCREDIBLE ASS IDEA WTF??? as always, I love y’all, and I’ll talk to y’all soon❤️🫶🏽!!
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jadedxhearts · 7 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧'𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫
Your crew abandons you on an island, one that's said to have the demon of a once-legendary pirate inhabiting it. Though you never expected for the demon to desire pleasure, above all else...
Warnings: smut, demon! Law, fem reader, not proof-read.
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Shivering from the breeze on the island, you frowned as you trudged on to find a spot for shelter. Your crew had laughed when you’d directed them to the island, claiming that the tales of the demon who resided on the island were childish fantasy stories. As their captain, you’d rolled your eyes and gone to the island anyway. But now- you were starting to regret that decision. 
The second you’d stepped foot onto the island, the wind seemed to change, an odd low humming sound whistling through the air. Your now ex-crew, being freaked out and panicked by the odd phenomena, threw your small amount of personal belongings off the ship, claiming you were now “cursed” and “would bring bad spirits back” if you got onto the ship again. And without another thought of you, their captain’s safety, they took off with your ship, leaving you on the lone island. 
With your items in a small pack, you continued walking, eyes scanning your surrounding area to look for anything of use. Food, a fresh water source, shelter, anything. Seeing nothing, you grumbled out curses, bad-mouthing your ex-crew to any unseen animals or spirits around. 
Finally, just as it started to rain, you came across a cave. It was an interesting cave; crystals in varying shades of blue and gold all along the top of the opening in the mountain. Deciding this was as good as you’d get for now, you dove into the cavern, escaping the worst of the weather.
Starting a fire wouldn’t be too difficult, you determined, seeing some branches and dried leaves that had blown into the cave who knows who long ago. You had some flint in your back, thankfully, so it seemed you had some luck. 
When you’d finally gotten the small fire going, you drank a small amount of water, not wanting to waste what you had. Then, you sat, alone, looking at the various crystal formations in the cave, thinking they looked incredibly pretty as they shimmered from the light of your fire. 
Then that low hum picked up again, and you were suddenly horribly aware of how alone you really were. 
“Who do you think you are, venturing into my domain, mortal?” A deep voice echoed throughout the cavern, scaring you.
Eyes widening, you flew up to your feet, head spinning in all directions, looking for whoever had just spoken to you. But there was nobody. At least, physically, there wasn’t. 
“I- my crew abandoned me here,” you managed to say, voice uneven. Your fear was evident. Not good.
“Did they now? How come?” The voice questioned.
“I… wanted to investigate the tales of this island,” you replied. “The legend of an ex-warlord, one of the most fearsome pirates, part of a no-longer existing group named ‘The Worst Generation’… his spirit is said to reside here,” you explained, then realizing something as you spoke. “That… must be you?”
There was a low chuckle, and it sent goosebumps over your skin. It was oddly delightful to hear.
“I was once a pirate named Trafalgar Law, that is true,” he told you, and you could almost hear the smirk in his tone, “but now I am nothing more than a demon. Tell me, mortal, why did you seek me?”
“I, uh…” you trailed off, not really sure, “I just… I like investigating these things. Wanted to see what was true and what was myth.”
The demon hummed, suddenly materializing before you. He wasn’t what you expected, honestly. He resembled a human, but his skin was now dark blue-ish in color, though you could barely make out black hair and regular human features on his body. He seemed to have tattoos that traveled up his form like flames, bleeding into an aura of pure darkness that surrounded him. And most of all, this demon had piercing gold eyes that seemingly glowed.
Gasping, you reflexively took a few steps back, startled by the sudden physical being in front of you. 
“Didn’t anybody tell you what really happens in my domain?” He then asked, and you could see him smirking. 
Feeling butterflies erupt in your stomach, you shook your head, voice evading you.
“When I was still a mortal being, I had a devil fruit that allowed me to cut up bodies without actually harming them,” he explained, eerily. “But here? They get chopped up and are left to die.”
Your eyes widened more, and you continued to back up, until you were met with the wall of the cavern against your back, giving you no more space to flee. 
“I… I’m sorry,” you shivered, a more urgent fear and sudden, icy chill running through you, “I meant no harm, honestly… I… I’ll do anything, please!”
“Please what?” He growled, icy finger grazing under your chin. 
“Spare me!” You cried, “I’ll stay here… doing whatever it is you can’t in an immortal form, i-in your service!”
He hummed, licking his lips. “There’s one thing that I haven’t had since being a mortal…”
“W-which is?” You stammered, hoping it wasn’t some sick desire that would result in your death.
“The pleasure of having a pretty girl like you in my… company,” he purred.
“The warmth of a woman’s flesh, sinfully close to me,” he clarified, closing in on you. “Only foolish, greedy men looking for my nonexistent treasures have come to this island for the last couple centuries.”
Suddenly, there were cold, ghostly hands roaming your body, running up and down your arms, gliding over your waist. Leaning into the touch, you let your head fall limp against the wall behind you, mouth agape as icy fingers tugged at your clothing. Allowing the demon once known as Law to forcefully pull your clothing off, you relaxed your body, aiding him in removing the barriers between his immortal form and your soft, warm flesh.
Now bare, you whined as the demon ran his hands over your breasts, squeezing them and rolling his thumbs over your hardened nipples. 
“Such a needy thing, aren’t you?” He teased, frosty breath landing on your ear, running down to your exposed neck. You were suddenly glad he wasn’t the type of demon with sharp teeth, as the thought of him sucking out your blood and killing you crossed your mind.
Pulling your body away from the cavern wall, the demon carried you closer to the fire, and your heart fluttered as you thought, perhaps he was trying to keep you warm? Whether it was out of kindness or because he craved to feel warm skin, you were grateful to be less cold now.
Laying you against the cool floor, the spirit grabbed your wrists, almost clawing at them as he raised them above your head, a sudden unseeable force holding them down as his hand left them, joining his other in feeling up your thighs, massaging the flesh between ghostly fingers.
“Such a pretty mortal,” he hummed, forcing your legs apart. “To think you’ll be all mine… for eternity…”
One hand slid over your cunt, feeling around your folds until his fingers pressed against your clit, the tip of one rubbing against the little bud, making your pussy begin to drip with need.
Moaning, you strained against the invisible force holding you down, your hips being the only thing that you could move up. Grinding against the demon’s hand, you cried and begged for more. 
“Please, demon,” you whined, head shaking against the ground, “take me, make me your whore for the rest of time!”
Chuckling, the demon’s breath tickled over your neck, and he bit down, licking the skin between his teeth. “As you wish, mortal.”
You weren’t sure when it’d appeared, but there was suddenly a hardened length prodding at your cunt, the demon using one hand to hold his cock, the other pulling your folds open, making your tight hole visible to him. 
The head of the length pushed into you, and you let out a gasped moan at the intrusion. Squirming, your fingernails dug into your palms, not realizing how big this demon was compared to you until now.
He continued to shove himself inside, burying his cock into your pussy, stretching you wide open. His hands grabbed at your hips, clawing into your skin and surely leaving marks, as he lifted them off the ground and pulled you flush against where his abdomen would be. Pulling back, the demon then slammed into you, rocking your entire body, extracting a pleasured-scream from your lips.
“Cry for me, mortal,” he demanded, licking your lips. “Nobody can hear you. Nobody will save you from your life as my little toy.”
Letting out the loudest moans and cries you’d ever made, the demon chuckled deeply and continued fucking into you, claiming your body as his. You clenched around him, body hot and alive under his powerful, ghostly form. He was incredibly big, reaching so far into your cunt that you could almost swear his tip was kissing your cervix, pounding into your womb.
“L-Law!” You sobbed the demon’s name, which seemed to have a powerful effect on him. Growling wildly, almost like a rabid animal, the demon’s fingers dug deeper into your skin, and he bit down on your neck, teeth bruising the skin as his tongue sucked red spots into it, marking you as his. His hips slammed into yours with such force that your whole body swayed with the thrusts. He was so strong, holding so much power over you. As your velvety walls clamped down on him, orgasm beginning, you thought he was close to killing you with how rough he fucked into you. And gods, did it feel good.
Suddenly, an odd warmth erupted in you, filling your cunt with the hot, liquidy substance that spilled from the demon’s cock. You weren’t even aware that demons could cum, but here was one, stuffing you with his seed. And it was apparently a lot, from the way more and more continued to spill into you. 
Tears slid down your cheeks, though you were certainly in no pain. You felt such euphoria, a rush of intense pleasure that had you feeling drunk, wanting even more. Mind feeling cloudy with thoughts of other ways the demon could fuck you, somewhere in the back of your head you realized there must’ve been some sort of aphrodisiac in the demon’s cum. Truly, he meant it when he’d said you’d be nothing but his whore forever. You’d forever be addicted to his touch, forever desperately needing more as the effects of his seed coursed through your veins. 
And you’d happily accepted it, drool spilling from your lips as a small smile formed on them. This was the best possible outcome to being abandoned on an island. Bound to a demon, as his dutiful mortal lover, for eternity.
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Hey there, girlies (gender neutral)! Welcome to the ✨fuck around and find out✨ tournament, where we find out who’s the cutest badass! Submissions will be open for a week! (until 09/11 @ 12 EST)
✨The rules:✨
“Cute but can kick your ass” characters of all genders are accepted. Just no one from overly problematic sources. Vtubers and MCYT are not allowed.
One character per submission. You can submit multiple times, but only submit a character once! Please don’t spam.
No limit on characters from the same source.
Please be nice! Propaganda and feedback is allowed, but do not attack myself or others. You will be blocked.
This blog is rated M. Warning for potentially upsetting media. Let me know if you need anything tagged.
This bracket is for fun! Don’t take anything too seriously please. :3
✨Submit Here✨
Inspired by: @autistic-anime-girls-bracket @autisticgirliesbracket @girlygirltournament @pinkhairswagtourney@victimsofyaoipoll @morally-grey-girlbosses @best-kirby-character-tournament @controversial-blorbo-bracket @least-sexy-man-competition @most-datable-datable-bracket @leastdatablebracket @canonmisogynyvictimstournament @bi4bibracket @magical-mascot-smackdown @precureshowdown @precure-alphabet-showdown @mommy-daddy-issues-poll @uquiztournament @personasongshowdown @precuremusictournament @foundfamilyadoptionagency @ultimateanthropoll @ultimate-good-dog @ultimatepinkboy @magical-boy-bracket @guys-with-good-vibes-tournament @multicolorhairswagtournament @siblingtournament @tragicsibsshowdown @actually-insane-blorbo-bracket @favoritepokemontournament @favoritecapcomcharacterbracket @look-how-they-massacred-them (there’s more but i’m blanking lol)
Characters who are already entered:
all the Mew Mews (Tokyo Mew Mew)
all 4 Cures (Hirogaru Sky Precure, Fresh Precure, Mahoutsukai Precure)
Abigail (Stardew Valley)
Aerith Gainsborough, Tifa Lockhart & Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII)
Alice Liddel (American McGee’s Alice)
Alphonse & Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Alucard (Castlevania)
Alyssa Hamilton (Clock Tower 3)
Baby Bonnie Hood (Darkstalkers)
Bibi the cat (IRL)
the DDLC girlies (Doki Doki Literature Club)
the Elsens (OFF)
Princess Fiona (Shrek)
Fiona Belli & Hewie (Haunting Ground)
Garnet & Spinel (Steven Universe)
Guillermo de la Cruz (What We Do in the Shadows)
Hana Nono/Cure Yell (Hugtto! Precure)
Haruka Haruno/Cure Flora (Go! Princess Precure)
Heather Mason (Silent Hill 3)
Isabelle (Animal Crossing/Super Smash Bros.)
Jeanette Voerman (Vampire: the Masquerade — Bloodlines)
Juliet Starling (Lollipop Chainsaw)
Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil 4)
Link (The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker)
Lisa Garland (Silent Hill)
Love Momozono/Cure Peach (Fresh Precure)
Kagome Higurashi (Inuyasha)
Kanji Tatsumi (Persona 4)
Kotone Shiomi & Shinjiro Aragaki (Persona 3 Portable)
Madotsuki (Yume Nikki)
Mami Tomoe (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Marina (Splatoon 2)
Mega Lopunny (Pokemon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire)
Mimikyu (Pokemon Sun & Moon)
Noelle Holiday (Deltarune)
Opal (Pokemon Sword & Shield)
Panty & Stocking Anarchy (Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt)
Penny (Pokemon Scarlet & Violet)
Princess Peach (Super Mario/Super Smash Bros.)
Pyro (Team Fortress 2)
Rabbit of Caerbannog (Monty Python and the Holy Grail)
Prince Sidon (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild & Tears of the Kingdom)
Sora & Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)
Spyro the Dragon
Terry Hintz & Buddy (Lisa the Painful)
Top Speed (Magical Girl Raising Project)
Toriel, Asgore and Asriel Dreemur (Undertale)
Usagi Tsukino & Minako Aino (Sailor Moon)
Whitney & Miltank (Pokemon Gold, Silver & Crystal)
Wirt & Greg (Over the Garden Wall)
Zoey, Rochelle & Ellis (Left 4 Dead series)
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