#Find hidden messages on facebook
syoddeye · 11 days
unedited 400 word ghost x reader thing. dark!
cw: abduction and captivity, noncon touching
ghost shares a "i found this hidden room while renovating" photo album to a forum.
the first post only has two pictures, one of a banged-up, dingy wooden panel leaning against a wall. another of an old steel door with an archaic-looking padlock. it goes viral overnight.
he ignores the hundreds of comments and direct messages pleading with him to update. he posts a week later, feigning surprise that folks are interested. he explains it took him a while to pop the lock and pry the door open, but he shares a second album.
the room beyond the hidden door is decently sized and all cement. no working lights, so he's set up a camping lantern on a folding chair he found inside. the pictures are...unsettling. a rusted bed frame with a thin, warped mattress discolored by something. a central floor drain ringed by what must be years of stains. a metal bucket. however, most commenters are horrified by the last picture, the one with the tally marks. a gloved finger cuts off the frame, but eagle-eyed viewers count at least three hundred.
people say he's unlucky, he's purchased a murder house. that someone was obviously kept there against their will. that it's probably haunted. the discourse spirals and explodes, with conspiracy theories flooding his inbox.
and ghost plays into their concern. he asks if the house can be purged or purified, and if he should contact the authorities. he posts about how he sunk a lot of money into the place so far and would hate to lose his home.
some are kind and dumb enough to offer their services. spiritualists. clairvoyants. a few religious types. he wades through their messages with a grin, shifting you on his lap as he reads them aloud. asks if it upsets you, how his stupid bait albums garnered more attention than the missing persons post your boyfriend made. when you don't answer, trying to keep your sniveling quiet, he checks on the facebook group for your case. no updates in ninety days and counting. looks like everyone's moved on. your man certainly has, judging by the new girl in his profile, so why don't you?
that night, he deletes the account from his phone. you stir in your sleep, face contorted with nightmares, little puffs of air wetting the silk covering your mouth. he watches, rapt. as if he'd ever let you sleep in a basement when you were made to warm his bed.
he traces your cheek with a finger. if any of the armchair sleuths somehow manage to track the location of that room, they'll find it long gone. buried under a decade of construction. but he's confident in how he's covered his tracks. after all, nobody's found you.
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sokosmic · 1 year
Astro Observations for
Leo Rising...
(Will add notes as I have time and think of more)
House placements based on Whole Signs
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🌤️ Heart-shaped faces/heads. Hair! Wide smiles. Fair skinned or come from a lineage of fair skinned people. Confident persona with big gestures. Leads with heart...wears heart on sleeves.
🌤️ They aren't self-centered or the attention seekers they may get painted. With a (Libra 3H) they're mindset and mode of communication is centered around building relationships. They desire fairness and harmony when connecting with others and often go out of their way to please people when making those connections.
🌤️ This often appears contradictory to the way they behave when actually in a relationship. With an (Aquarius 7H), they may behave aloof and distant. But that isn't necessarily the case. Aquarius here may cause the native to desire freedom from the constraints of a traditional relationship. These individuals may prefer relationships and partnerships that are unconventional and go against the norm...requiring changes that bring excitement.
🌤️ In their (Cancer 12H) there is a strong desire to nurture their spirituality and their connection to the collective. While it may not be evident based on their house of relationships (Aquarius 7H), this really does go hand-in-hand because Aquarians are humanitarians. (Cancer 12H) also indicates psychic abilities.
🌤️ Although it may come across cold, these folks work hard and give a lot. They are no strangers to hunkering down and getting sh¡t done (Capricorn 6H). There may also be knee, ankle, or general bone issues that arise from this placement.
🌤️ On the same note...having a (Virgo 2H) lends to a very meticulous way of acquiring their needs. These folks tend to be pretty business savvy and have a very admirable work ethic and way of obtaining money. These are the people at work who just seem to know how to organize and categorize things for efficiency.
🌤️ There may have been some sort of trauma experienced in the early home life (Scorpio 4H). Secrets and things hidden or swept under the rug is very likely in the family. May come from a lineage of women with psychic abilities or occult practices. Lots of intense and transformational experiences derive from this placement.
🌤️ Depending on placements in the natal chart, we typically see this show up in their (Leo 1H) as a fierce loyalty toward becoming their best selves. There is a natural expression of confidence, courage, and creativity that they exude. Just like the Sun, people can't help but to see them.
🌤️ We also see this come thru in their (Taurus 10H), where here there is a natural ability and expression of beauty and making things aesthetically pleasing. This is usually specific to their career and public image. Here we may find them work methodically in fields such as interior design, jewelry making/design, or a form of physical labor related to beauty or creating beautiful things, such as wood working, pottery, or glass making.
🌤️ Unless there are planets in the natal that restrict it, these beautiful people are incredibly social (Gemini 11H), and often find themselves with lots of friends and associates. They tend to be leaders among groups they are involved. These are also people who create groups or organizations that are geared toward sharing information...think Facebook and other social media platforms.
🌤️ And they enjoy it! Running those groups or being an admin or moderator is something they do as a hobby. This is rooted in that (Gemini 11H) where they really enjoy sharing all the knowledge they gather through their social connections, personal research and travels (Sagittarius 5H). And people love them because they are able to convey messages with their wit and charm. These folks are funny and flirty by nature.
🌤️ Having a (Pisces 8H) grants these individuals with great intuitive gifts. It is also makes these natives quite empathetic towards the dark, shadow aspects of others. They often possess a natural tendency towards healing themselves and others with spiritual practices that aren't widely accepted or recognized.
🌤️ But what society thinks is the least of these individuals' concern. Their overview of the world is filtered through the eyes of Self for these people (Aries 9H). Their philosophies are geared toward independent thinking, carving one's own path, fighting for what is fair and just, and championing for the underdogs (Aries 9H + Libra 3H).
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lanadelray-gurl · 8 months
''My heart is, and always will be, yours''
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Singer!Austin butler x Bandmate!fem!reader
Warning: Angst,fighting,cussing,hidden love,fluff,soft smut,p n v,fingering,biting,crying,falling in love(really a friends/enemies to lovers kind of thing)
Summary: you and Austin had started a band with a few other friends back in high school.You played bass and he play guitar,you both sang together. But what happens after you start to fall in love with him but his new found fame has gotten to his head?
You had always been interested in music,you grew up with it. Your mom played the piano and your father played the bass which he would go on to pass down to you,you didn’t have a club for music in your high school so you decided to make a post on your facebook(gosh you feel old looking back on this) you made a small post to your 20 friends on Facebook. It read;’Do you like music? Do you like making music? Can you play an instrument but simply can’t find anywhere to play? Well please send me a message if you’re interested in a music club after school at my house!’ You sounded desperate,,which was the case. See you always wanted to start a band,your dad did when he was your age and you decided fuck it why not! That’s when you met him. Him being Austin,at first you thought he was cute,he had nicely styled dirty blond hair,pretty blue eyes and he was tall. And did I mention he could sing AND play guitar. Yeah..he was perfect.
When you first talked or Austin he had messaged you on Facebook,you didn’t even know he went to your school! You barely paid attention to your surroundings in school,either writing stupid songs or drawing little things in your notebook. He told you he was very interested in your ‘club’ and even sent a video of him playing the acoustic guitar and singing an Elvis song! It was a bit old school but you sighed it,he told you he could pretty much play any song you wanted him to. He also added that he had a few friends who also went to your school who’d be interested. One being named Adam;he was your age and played drums. Then you had Johnny; he was a few years older and played rhythm guitar. It was perfect what could go wrong!
Apparently everything could go wrong—
Well not necessarily for the whole group,it seemed to just be you. It’s been a few years now,you and Austin had been posting your music (which was mostly covers of really popular songs) to any platform out there! And it gained a lot of traction,you both really enjoyed it,as time passed you guys went a recording studio,produced your own music,posted it and the next week you were approved by a big record label. You all of course said yes,you could see the vision,your name in lights. Well your bands name;Ecstasy (can you tell I got lazy) Your bands music was mostly sensual and meaningful. That’s how you saw it,but it started to look like all of the bands hard work was just a money grab for the rest of your band.
As the years went on you and Austin grew close,you were completely smitten by him. You tried to make all of his ideas for songs come true..even if they sucked. But he didn’t see you like that,you wrote the songs,play the bass and they get money. Which hurt you once you realized. As things progressed you noticed how at every show and on every tour he was with a girl or at least flirting with the girls in the crowd. If hurt you but you couldn’t say it,you had even thought about leaving the band or even going solo but you didn’t want to be selfish. You stayed quiet,Adam and Johnny took notice to your change in personality. Your once bubbly and excited personality had turned kind of dark and closed off,no one could tell what was wrong because you just kept to yourself if you weren’t making music. Sometimes you’d be pretty happy during rehearsals or before recording but somehow Austin brought your mood down.
He’d constantly bring a girl or two to everything the band went to. Didn’t matter if it was private or if it was just a casual hang out. It was to say the least embarrassing and you let it go on for years now. Why couldn’t you stick up for yourself?! God..it was pathetic. You just ignored it at this point,you were emotionally numbed at least that’s what you thought until your most recent show.
Your band was preparing for a show,you kept quiet the whole time. Austin noticed this,even thought it’s been going on for so long he finally noticed your change in personality. He grabbed your shoulder gently,you were grabbing your bass from its case you looked back at him and gently shrugged him off of your shoulder.
“Hey man what’s going on with you..?” He spoke with a bit of force. You looked back at him,you were wearing an amazing outfit,you were wearing a tight black dress with fishnets and combat boots and he took notice..when did you become so pretty? You had beautiful makeup but he could see your eye bags and just how tired you looked. You spoke,your once soft and sweet voice was now slightly rough and scratchy “nothing..just let’s get ready..” you walked towards the stage everything was ready for the show to start,Austin followed close behind you. Tonight was gonna be stressful..
You were nearing the end of the show,you played your heart out,so did the whole band. It was time for your biggest song. This is where you and Austin got really close and just made it seem like everything was sweet and beautiful but it was farm from it. As the song played you felt tears stinging your eyes.(listen to the song above now!!)
“Without shame..”
His voice was smooth and beautiful god why were you so in love with him? It hurt your very soul.
“Two outfits then to my name..”
It was almost time for you to join in,you didn’t know if you could do it. This song was about love but you knew he didn’t love you..and that was so painful.
“You’d end up in one when you’d stay..”
You felt your heart start to race,you walked towards the microphone,standing right next to him. His hands stringing the guitar skillfully. That both turned you on and made you sick. You wanted those hands around you but every other girl got what you wanted.
“We had no where to go..and every desire for going there..”
You began to sing with him,he glanced at you. Your voice was beautiful to him,and once the fans heard you sing they went crazy they loved your voice and something inside him suddenly felt connected to you. His heart began to race.
“I heard once..it’s the comforts that makes us feel numb” You both continued to sing together for the next few moments,your voice made him shiver and his made you wince from the pain from the heart break. “We’d go out with no way to get home..and we’d sleep on somebody’s floor..wake up feeling like a millionaire..” you both continued to sing your heart out,you both looked up and stared into each others eyes. You felt emotions take over you. Austin and the rest of the band could tell you were bubbling with emotion. About to burst whenever you were tipped over the edge and the intensity of the eye contact was what tipped you over. “Wish I’d known it was just our turn..(we just got by)..Being blamed for a world we had no power in..(but we tried)..” Johnny and Adam joined in for a few parts now,giving the song an angelic sound,but your voice seemed to over power them.
“You and I had nothing to show..(we didn’t know)..But the best of the world in the palm of our hands..(anything,darling)” You felt the tears fall down your cheeks,you were now staring to the floor trying not to let your emotions get the best do you,Austin noticed this. He felt a stinging in his heart why did he suddenly care so much..? “And,darling, I haven’t felt it since then..I don’t how the feeling ended..” Your voices cracked slightly,the crowd roared happily but your band knew it was a sign of you losing yourself to you emotions,Austin almost lost his breath. You had raw talent and hearing you putting your real emotions into this certain song made his chest almost cave.
“But I know being reckless and young..Is not how the damage gets done..” You continued to cry as you sang,it was heartbreaking to watch but the fans didn’t care they just wanted to hear you sing with Austin. But now that he kept thinking about you and your new persona he felt a connection of heartbreak with you but why? He maybe thought it was just heartbreaking to see you cry because he was perfectly fine..or at least that’s what he thought. “One time we would want for nothing..(one time we had it all,love).. We knew what our love was worth (when we had nothing)..” you looked up to the sky for a few seconds,your eyes locked with Austin’s once more. He was caught off guard for a moment,you noticed this and felt a since of pride but this.
“..Now we're always missing something (I miss when).. I miss when we did not need much..” Austin backed away from the microphone,he continued to play the guitar. You grabbed the microphone and stared to sing your solo part,you took a deep breath and closed your eyes tight as you put your heart into this part.
“Oh,if the car ran,the car was enough..If the sun shone on us,it’s a plus..and the tank was always filled up! Only enough for our getting there..” Tears streamed down your face as you kept your eyes closed tightly. You opened your eyes finally and looked around and watched as Austin came back to the microphone to end the song and then the show.
Finally once you finished that song you all waved to the fans and you rushed off stage,wiping your tears and sobbing as you put your bass back in its case. You wiped off your messed up makeup,Austin noticed this as he walked past you to get ready to leave on the bus back to the hotel you were all staying. You were all on the bus now,you sat far away from everyone,in the very front you were on your phone mindlessly scrolling socials. You felt eyes on you and you knew it was Austin,that made your heart squeeze itself.
Once you all arrived at the hotel all of you got onto the elevator,Austin was oddly close standing so close your shoulders pressed together. Once the elevator dinged you all went separate ways to your rooms..or at least that’s what you thought. You heard footsteps behind you,you walked towards your room and once you reached for the door you quickly turned around and saw Austin. “Hey..” he spoke breathlessly. You looked annoyed but mostly emotional he couldn’t read your expression. “Can I come in?..” you looked shocked by this,you quickly shook your head and tried to rush into your room “no Austin— No not just no,just fuck no—“ you scoffed and walked into your room and tried to slam the door but he stopped it and barged into your room. You turned to him and had tears streaming down your already redden and wet cheeks. “We’re talking..I don’t care how you feel (Y/N)..” he spoke with a bit of anger. Your eyes widened before you gave your speech,well that’s how would Austin described it.
“No! You don’t get to fucking decide when we talk..you don’t get to tell me how to feel! Now after what you did to me! Did you not see it?! Did you not see how I looked at you and hear how I spoke?! The way I made everything happen just for you?! I even put your shitty song lyrics in our song!” You screamed and continued to let the tears flow,using your hands to speak and put more emotions into it.
“Are you kidding me?! I’m trying to figure out why you’re so emotional and weird all of a sudden! I’m being nice to you! We’ve been friends for years and im showing I care. What are you going on ab—!” You scoffed and threw your hands up in the air before turning away just to look back at him and pointing a finger into his chest.
“I. Loved. You..ever since I met you I loved you. My heart was set on you and your stupid blue eyes and your perfect lips and perfect body..a-and and—“ you put your hands up into your hair and gripped onto it “you..you were just you and I fell in love with yo—“ you let your hands fall to your sides but before you could speak he grabbed the sides of your face and kissed you passionately but with a bit of aggression. It caught you off guard but you kissed back,you held onto his wrist gently as you both walked. You were walking backwards and he basically guided you to your room. He picked you up by the back of your thighs,her laid you down on the bed and continued to passionate kiss.
He pulled away from the kiss and lifted up your dress,pulling it off your beautiful body. Happy to see you were wearing no bra but a pretty pair of black lace panties,you crossed your arms over your breast and shuddered. You turned away from him and whimpered softly,Austin untied your combat boots and pulled them off your tired feet,he pulled off your socks and kiss up from your calves to your thighs. He pulled off his shirt and kicked off his shoes. He fell to his knees and kissed your inner thigh from the right to the left side,gently biting down on your soft skins. You felt your pussy clinch around nothing as the wetness from you core drenched the cotton.
You moaned gently and covered your mouth,you felt him hook his fingers underneath the band of your panties. He tugged them off,you lifted your hips up and bit your bottom lip a little too hard, you pierced the skin making you flinch. He looked up and smirked up at you knowing he made you crazy,he put your thighs over his shoulders. He started licking up your arousal,it was sweet. The best things he’s ever tasted,he sucked your clit and watched as you squirmed and pressed your hips down onto his face the best you could. He pulled away and rubbed two fingers against your wet core,getting them wet with your slick. With the two wet digits he fingered your drenched and aching pussy slowly,pumping his fingers gently while curling them up to hit that spongey spot that made you arch your back.
He went back to licking and sucking your clit,he took you for granted and he was gonna make up for it. Your beautiful body and your sweet pussy was everything he was missing,all the girls meant nothing to him anymore. He realized he needed you,only you that all he could think of now. You started to feel a coil in your stomach tangle and begin to unwind and get close to snapping. Knowing you were about to cum you tried to push him away but he wouldn’t let you,he pressed your hips down and licked and sucked faster but still at a gentle pace. His fingers working and stretching you out. You rocked you hips wildly “Austin,Austin fuckfuckfuckfuck!—“ you moaned loudly and finally came into his fingers,he moaned against your clit. You gasped loudly and whimpered,he finally pulled away and pulled his fingers out slowly.
“I’m gonna make you feel so good honey..I’ve neglected you for so long baby..I’m so so sorry..”
He spoke softly,he stood up and took off his belt and unbuttoned and then unzipped his jeans before pulling them down along with his boxers. His cocked bounced up,your eyes widened. You’ve seen the outline of it before,you knew he was blessed but seeing it hard and up close made you shake. It was long and tick,leaking with pre-cum,you did this to him and you couldn’t believe it. You felt years well up in your eyes and he noticed,he gently kissed near your eyes and over your eyelids. “Don’t cry honey..I’m sorry baby I really am..” you finally cried tears of pure joy and laughed as you wrapped your arms around his neck “nonono don’t worry I-I’m just so happy like..I’ve dreamed about this..” you hiccuped as you felt him pick you up and lay on down long ways in the bed with him towering over you.
He sat up while sitting in his knees,he grabbed your calves and put them on other sides of his hips. He pulled you closer,the shaft of his cock laid against your sensitive clit. It made you moan softly,he stared into your eyes as he slowly rubbed your stomach and smiled happily. It was a genuine smile,something you’ve always wanted to see for so long. “I should’ve found out sooner baby..I could’ve made you feel so so so good sooner..” he whispered,he held the shaft of his cock and slowly pressed the tip into your tight cunt. “Oh fuck aus—“ you let your eyes roll back as you felt him press every inch into you,he filled you up so nicely. His eyes were glued onto his cock sliding into you,his mouth hung open.
He had finally bottomed out,he was pressed into you so nicely you felt him grazing over your cervix. This made you cry out,he leaned down holding your little body close to him,you once again wrapped your arms around him and scratched his tan skin,leaving angry red marks. You heard him groan loudly into your ear,her was fully pressed against your cervix now in this position you couldn’t handle this for long. He slowly pulled out making you whimper before he slowly pushed all the way back it. You let out a loud gasp and you let out a choked moan,he raised up slightly and stared down at you and he observed your fucked our face.
“God your pussy is sucking me I-in I could cum right now..fill you up nice and g-good..”
He whispered softly and started to thrust,it was slow but it had a bit of speed and power but not too much. He didn’t want to hurt you not ever or ever again,he knew he hurt you so many times before and he didn’t want to hurt you in such an intimate moment. You hid your face in his shoulder and bit down leaving a dark red and purple mark,he moaned loudly. Now his thrust gained more speed and strength,he thrusted into you like his life depended on it.
He growled softly into your ear,he kissed up your neck,he left dark marks along your soft neck and up your jaw. He groaned loudly now. You knew he was holding back you wanted all of him. “P-please Aus..please fuck me..pleasepleaseplease..I need your cock deep inside of me..” You moaned into his ear and he gladly took your invitation. He thrusted into you wildly and roughly,she growled and grunted loudly and he looked wild. You stared as his face contorted and twisted as he thrusted in and out of your sopping cunt,you cried out and rocked you hips against him as you felt you second orgasm approaching,you clinched and sloppily grind against his thrust you couldn’t take much more.
“Is my baby gonna cum?Hah..—Hm? My pretty girl wanna cum on my cock?Fuck..—Come on a baby be a good girl..let me feel you cum all over my cock..god you’re so fucking right..” He grunted loudly and stared into your tired half lidded eyes. You nodded you head quickly as you felt your climax getting closer. With one last strong thrust you came all over his cock,squeezing down on his cock making him shutter and he gave you one more thrust before feeling up your warm cunt with his hot cum. He groaned and slammed into you. He stared up at the ceiling before dropping his head and staring down at you.
He slowly pulled out,watching as his cum spilled out of you. He smirked and let out a breathless laugh before plopping next to you and pulling you close. He wrapped the blanket over the both of you,as you both cuddled he lazily dragged his hand down your stomach and to your puffy and sore pussy,he gently pressed his fingers into you. Gently pumping into you,trying to keep his cum inside of you. You whimpered softly and snuggled your face into his shoulder.
“I love you..” he whispered down into your ear as he closed his eyes and spoke sleepily,he was getting close to passing out.
“I love you too..I always will.” You spoke softly and closed your eyes. You both finally fell asleep,you slept in until the late afternoon that next day and it was the best sleep of your life.
Hii! I hope you guys enjoy this little one shot,I finished this before my other stories so I’m posting it! More coming soon..
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roopnavarro · 10 days
Spotting Misogyny in the Mad Max Fandom: A Handy Guide
What IS Misogyny
Pull up any Mad Max Facebook group, the comments section on the official Furiosa marketing posts, or the comments section on any Furiosa video on YouTube. You'll find whiners screeching things like "boohoo we can't even have Max in Mad Max BECAUSE OF WOKE." You'll see them blaming the movie's modest box office returns on the fact that the movie has an "ICKY GIRL PROTAGONIST WITH COOTIES." If you get really unlucky when seeing misogynistic content, you might even find some really gross dirty AI deepfake pics of ATJ or Charlize as Furiosa.
What is NOT Misogyny
An artist drew some characters that aren't Furiosa. AND/OR The fandom likes some male characters from Furiosa. If you feel the need to consider this misogyny, consider the following points: 1. Waffles vs. pancakes. If someone says "I love waffles!" it's absurd to read into that message and assume it carries the hidden meaning of "I hate pancakes!" If someone draws some male characters from "Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga," it's equally absurd to assume they're doing this as a malicious and misogynistic act against Furiosa. ALSO If you think "No Furiosa in this pic = misogyny," then do you think "No Big Jilly, Fang, or other POC character in fan art = racist"? I'm guessing no. Because that would be silly. And probably because you're just morally grandstanding and slinging bad-faith accusations as a way to justify your temper tantrum about not getting free content of your blorbo. ----- 2. Everyone making fan art for "Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga" is someone who saw the movie and was passionate about it, despite it being an under-marketed movie that didn't strike gold at the box office. Most of us didn't have any IRL friends that saw the movie. For those of us who followed the hype (or lack thereof) leading up to the film, there was a bunch of backlash from actual misogynists over the film just straight-up existing. (Like all those manbaby whiners on the gamergate grifter side of YouTube) . And it's not like the fandom is riding a cultural tidal wave — the people making fan art are genuinely expressing their love for the film and its universe. We're not farming internet points or drawing these "popular male characters" for some nefarious purpose. Some people just happen to attach to different characters. Does that bother you? Learn to blacklist tags. ----- 3. If you wanna go fight misogyny in the MM fandom, go over to Facebook and Reddit and get into an internet slapfight with one of the many middle-aged neckbeards screaming shit like "MAD MAX HAS GONE WOKE REEEEEEE." But nah, it's probably easier to send shitty anon asks to artists, isn't it? What do you think you're doing? Do you think you're owed an apology because someone made high-effort fan art, but without your blorbo? Do you think you're creating some kind of positive change in the world or the fandom by whinging anonymously in the ask box of an artist? ----- 4. There's plenty of content of Furiosa (the character.) Aside from there being, y'know, a whole damn movie dedicated to her, she was pretty much Tumblr's darling from 2015-2016, and remains a popular character for art and fic. Yay! That's great! Go feast on those! Every artist in this fandom is not obligated to feed you. We all have our fixations. And if you want that content so damn badly, make it yourself or pay someone to. ----- 4. Also, if you feel the need to go through someone's blog to see if they've reblogged enough Furiosa to pass your litmus test, you're being a weirdo. Stop it. Get some help. What are you, a cop? Do you think you can just pull random artists over and go through their reblogs to determine their "guilt" or "innocence," with regards to your accusations? It's as if you're a highway patrol officer checking out someone's history of traffic violations when determining whether to issue them a speeding ticket.
So there you have it. TL;DR, it's some deeply terminally online clown behavior to attach moral weight to how many ATJ gifs and Furiosa drawings someone has on their blogs. Quit slinging bad-faith assumptions at fellow members of the fandom.
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businessbadger · 9 months
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i decided i needed to doodle all the little facts i've gotten from people on here and facebook friends, and thus i have created this spreadsheet
hatched from an egg (not pictured; lesbian moms who found him)
doesn't understand any english
will not - under any circumstances - wear shoes
loves peanut butter!!
"collects" (read: steals) shiny and pretty objects
sleeps in a hammock filled with soft things he found
can't read your fortune with tarot cards, but finds the pictures pretty
probably could read your fortune with tea leaves but he tends to eat them instead
definitely a completely normal guinea pig. completely.
has a habit of changing colors of things when he sneezes
no thoughts, head empty
Some not pictured facts:
leaves a purplish dust behind him like moths
likes to add trinkets to his clothes
lost and far from home
can pretend to be human
from some secret hidden semi-modern fae realm
feel free to message me or comment ideas!
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thelarriefics · 2 years
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OLDER LARRY FIC REC: Below you’ll find fics where Harry and/or Louis are older than their current ages. 
📖 When All Is Said And Done by @chloehl10 (76k)
Louis and Harry were married, but things fell apart, ending in divorce, broken hearts and separate lives. Years later, their paths cross once more, and time together forces old feelings to resurface. But is it too little, too late?
📖 to know I'm gonna be alright by @leedsau (61k)
That’s where the two of them were driving too now.
An ode to being in love, and finding happiness.
📖 In Four Colours by @ireallysawanangel (59k)
Or, the older larry AU featuring sun, sand, and the French countryside with a sprinkling of divorced Harry and silver fox Louis.
📖 A Sweeter Place by @halohamilton (50k)
Harry doesn't think he has it in him to find love again, at least, not until he meets a man at his support group that just might change his mind.
📖 Unraveled by @allwaswell16 (18k)
Harry Styles, recently retired UK Secret Intelligence Service agent, had not yet had time to become accustomed to civilian life when he was tapped by MI5 for a high profile assignment. They had reason to believe that Prime Minister Louis Tomlinson might be in danger, and they’d like Harry to act as his personal protection.
Whilst Harry was prepared to protect the PM with his life, he wasn’t prepared for Louis’ secrets. As Harry helped investigate the attempts on Louis’ life, he found a tangled web of political rivals, possible terrorist attacks, and family secrets as well as an undeniable attraction to the man he has vowed to protect.
📖 Just the Start by @littleroverlouis (9k)
Louis is a fifty-two year old divorcé who has fallen into rut. He never anticipated a forced day of self care, and a chance meeting with a charming salon owner would shake him out of his comfort zone.
📖 But When We Kiss... by @indiaalphawhiskey (8k)
Or, while Harry and Louis adore the chase, they find they adore each other much, much more.
📖 There Goes My Life by @mizzhydes (7k)
Or, the one where Harry is single, a Member of Parliament, gets knocked up and has to deal with navigating motherhood in his forties. And Louis? Well, his life is about to change forever as well. This is a tale about colleagues with benefits and the consequences that can come with that.
📖 'Sup by @mediawhorefics (6k)
Gemma really wants her little brother to sign up for a dating app and get back in the game after a messy divorce. Harry thinks he’s way too old to swipe. They compromise to devastatingly embarrassing results.
Meanwhile, all Louis wants is to finish the play he’s been commissioned to write, but one of the regulars at his local coffee shop keeps distracting him.
ft. older larry, pushy gemma, harry being a disaster gay and silver fox louis.
📖 We're Getting Better With Time by @haztobegood (5k)
Hello Harry, this may seem out of the blue, and even weirder if you don’t remember me. We hung out for a few weeks back in the summer of 82. A picture of you showed up on my facebook tonight, I think because we have a few mutual friends on here. I know we haven’t spoken in forty years, but I thought I’d just shoot you a message. I hope you’re doing well. L
Or, the one where Louis is single, Harry is recently divorced, and they reconnect on Facebook forty years after they first met.
📖 You Drive Me Wild by @jacaranda-bloom (5k)
Most people would think that keeping a tube of lube hidden behind the driver’s side visor of their car is foolish and completely unnecessary, but then most people don’t have to chauffeur Louis Tomlinson around for a living.
OR the one where Harry has a brilliant idea to while away the time as he waits around for his boss but fate decides to rain on his parade... or maybe it’s the universe answering his prayers.
📖 Congratulations, Mr. President by @onesweetworld18 (2k)
Louis holds his first meeting as PTA President at the Boo Hoo Breakfast on the first day of school. Harry is a supportive husband, and Niall is supportive, as always.
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greatcheshire · 2 years
How would you rank your vids based on how much you like them?
Ah yes!! I can answer this one
The Many Adaptations of Berserk: I feel like it has to be this one as my fav. There’s parts of the video I wish I could redo (mainly the audio), but to put out such labor of love and have it receive such a positive response back, it’s so fulfilling. From people telling me it got them into Berserk to survivors messaging me to tell me how much the video meant to them. It’s a sense of pride and accomplishment that I never thought I’d ever feel with my art.
Spider-Man Musical: This, for me, feels like the prime example of what I want my channel to be: exploring relatively obscure things in a way that shows how strange they are while also taking it seriously and really examining them. As someone who has been fascinated with this musical for over a decade, finally finding a way to make an essay about it and letting people know about things like the spider fucking and the shoe song.
Dollar Store Game Show: I wish I could redo the audio here. God I wish I could redo the audio here. That being said, I’ve always seen this as the hidden gem of my channel, and whenever I talk to other creators, chances are this is the video of mine they bring up. The Facebook conspiracy “In Motion” part might be my favorite editing gag I’ve ever done
Demo Reel: I would’ve ranked this much lower if I hadn’t rewatched it a few weeks ago for the new Demo Reel vid. Despite some first time video mistakes that I would happily fix if I could, I think the script here is really solid and could have been way worse. I get why people like this one so much. I probably would’ve been really into this video if I wasn’t the one who made it. I still can’t believe I actually got away with the Evangelion intro gag.
Kitchen Nightmares: I started outlining this video back in my college days. I rewatched it about a month ago and my main note is that it feels like a video anyone could’ve made on Kitchen Nightmares, for better or for worse, and lacks a lot of the… personal energy I like to include in these things? But I still think it’s pretty solid. I also meant to include an entire segment on Nathan For You and just… forgot to lmao oops
The Return of Demo Reel: This one is still so new that I haven’t fully processed my feelings on it. This is probably the meanest video I’ve done so far lol I wasn’t sure how much the two halves would connect together, especially since it’s the only video I’ve done so far that isn’t broken up into segments but is rather scripted as one long thing. The stinger is my second favorite stinger I’ve ever done for the channel. I’m so glad that landed for people as I almost cut it entirely lol
The Cinemassacre Backlash: It feels weird to rank this one so low. I still am proud of the result, but I also think it has the same issue as Kitchen Nightmares where it’s like oh, anyone could’ve made that. I did like getting to interject my perspective into the discourse as someone who co-writes and makes online content and I have gotten a lot of praise for this one by my peers which has been nice. Having it blow up so much was wild and has definitely been a career benefit, even if I’m unsure if I’ll ever do a video like this again
Harley and Ivy: I don’t know why but I can’t help but feel like I could’ve made this one better. I’m not sure how, but it just feels like it exists to me. I actually didn’t even remember that I did the whole thing with the Be Gay, Do Crime scale until I saw it referenced on my TV Tropes page
Lost Film About Internet Memes: This one is fine but it sits in a lower place in my head for a lot of reasons. First being that a lot of personal life stuff surrounding the release and aftermath of the video. Second being my hatred of the original thumbnail and the belief that it tanked that video in a way it’s only now recovering from, which affected future business dealings and negotiations and algorithm stuff. Then the fact that this is the only time I’ve regretted going soft in one of my videos. I originally put more stuff in the script about how I believed the guy who made it was a grifter who seems to do a lot of scams but I changed it to make it more subtext and less of a personal attack and then in the aftermath of the vid it turns out, oops, this guy had a history of screwing people over and grifting and jumped into cryptocurrency because of course he did. I don’t think I’d ever revisit this subject, but if I had a time machine, I would’ve had way more testimonials in the vid from former PopMalt people.
Existential Horror Of Making Content About Content: The nicest thing I can say about this one is that it was the first time I ever made a thumbnail myself and I’m actually pleased with how it turned out, all things considered. Otherwise I can’t see myself ever watching this again
I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m too harsh on my own work lol I just have a unique relationship to it, I think. I’m generally proud of my videos, even if I do have issues with them as their creator.
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
The estranged husband of Shakeira Rucker, a Winter Springs woman reported missing earlier this month, will face a murder charge after she was found dead Saturday inside a storage unit in Apopka, which is registered to him.
The warrant for first-degree murder for Cory Hill, 51, was announced by the Orange County Sheriff’s Office on Wednesday morning, three days after Sheriff John Mina spoke to reporters about finding Rucker, 37, inside a self-storage facility on Wiggins Road. Hill was already facing several attempted-murder charges after shooting at a woman with whom deputies said he was having an affair.
“Detectives will continue building the case in order to bring Shakeira Rucker’s family the justice they seek,” an agency spokesperson said in an unsigned statement.
Deputies were called to the storage facility Saturday after reports of a foul odor. When they opened a unit registered to Hill, they found Rucker, who had been shot several times and hidden haphazardly behind two tires. According to an affidavit released Wednesday, investigators believe there was “no evidence to suggest the victim was shot somewhere outside of the storage unit and then moved into the storage unit.”
Video surveillance, deputies added, appeared to show Hill driving into the facility with Rucker in the passenger seat. He allegedly left less than 20 minutes later alone. Hill later told Rucker’s family he hadn’t seen her since 6:30 a.m. on Nov. 12. About 15 minutes before, on the same day, Rucker messaged her family, saying she was on her way home, according to investigators. Her family said she was last seen the night before.
Hours later, Hill showed up at the home of an ex-lover and fired several gunshots at her and her family. According to deputies, Rucker and the other woman found out Hill was having an affair and was deceiving them both. That incident was also captured on video, deputies said.
Hill was later arrested by Mount Dora police and is in the Orange County Jail without bond.
“We want to extend our deepest condolences to Shakeira’s family,” Mina said Sunday. “My heart breaks. Last night our detectives did notify Shakeira’s family that we had found her and now they can start the painful process of grieving her loss.”
Rucker’s family on Sunday thanked the community for paying attention to Rucker’s disappearance and expressed “our deepest gratitude for the thoughtful and sincere condolences. Your kind words and support have provided comfort and solace during this incredibly challenging time.”
On Facebook, Rucker’s brother Clarence Thornton said he was close with his sister and loved her.
“Where do I start, me and my sister…we used to talk and text on the phone four days out of the week so I knew everything,” Thornton wrote. “Never would I have ever thought I’ll be writing this so soon, she was only 37, and that’s what hurts the most.”
A GoFundMe page was created by Shakeira Rucker’s sister to support her four surviving children. The $50,000 goal, Dedra Rucker said, is “strictly for the kids’ future.” Nearly $30,000 has been raised so far.
“She was a loving mother to four beautiful children and a victim of senseless violence,” Dedra Rucker wrote. “… Thank you for standing with us during this heartbreaking time.”
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banbuvssummerhome · 7 months
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On the internet, there exists multiple levels depending on the depravity and exclusivity of certain cites, services and content. The surface web, the dark web, and the deep web. The surface web is the level you’re on right now, with things like Google, Yahoo, Facebook, etc. 
The deep web is stuff that’s below the surface, stuff that’s hidden from the public eye like government cites. 
And the dark web is what it says on the tin. From counterfeit items, luxury drugs to the most depraved content one can find from child sexual abuse to cannibalism to hitmen. Or luxury pickles. It’s a mixed bag.
Today we have a game that’s been rumored to originate from such a place, Lostboy.EXE. Look, it’s cliche, but we gotta start off with the classics.
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I’m sure I don’t need to introduce 4chan, it’s the edgy and lawless image board that birthed Anonymous as well as several iconic memes, the posterchild of online degeneracy. But on August 22nd, 2012, someone would unintentionally drop what I can only describe as a bomb onto the message board. An anonymous user would upload a Mediafire link to a game they’d made for the /v/ and /x/ boards, intriguing the other anons. It was some innocent fun, all things considered. 
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The game consisted of a single empty maze with several images of babies and religious imagery pertaining to demonic entities, you know, the usual for horror indie games. It doesn’t take a lot to unsettle someone. Just imply crimes against children and you got a free ticket to WTF-land. But otherwise it was a pretty boring game, so people in the board complained as per usual.
Imagine this: you’re the average 4chan user who just downloaded a shit game full of creepy ass imagery yet no gameplay. Just full of weird images of infants and satanic shit, you feel that you’ve seen either an edgy kid’s attempt at a game or something you shouldn’t have seen. Maybe if you played for longer you would’ve seen something truly fucked ala Sad Satan. You go to the message board where you found the link and try to figure out what the fuck you just walked into.
And then you see your full name, address, and phone number posted in that very thread. 
You see, what many users didn’t realize at first glance was that there were not one, but two links to the game, one of which being a fake malware version of the game that gave the second uploader remote access to the computers of whoever was unlucky enough to fall for the dupe. This way the anon who made the dupe was able to get their personal information and leak it into the /v/ and /x/ threads on the game. People got paranoid after this was found out–who knew what the hacker did with their computers, they could’ve taken pictures through their webcams or worse, filled their computers with illegal child sexual abuse material. Because 4chan is fucked like that. It wasn’t like the site was unfamiliar with csam being leaked onto their site, but some people weren’t as degenerate and didn’t want to be arrested for what was essentially a 2/10 indie horror. Admins would later delete the threads and put up a warning for users to not download any content found on 4chan.
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It wouldn’t be until 2023 that the alleged creator of the original safe version of Lostboy.EXE was even discovered, a Twitter user by the name of rob_is_an_idiot, who was interviewed by the French Youtuber known as Feldup. Unfortunately we do not know what the fuck was said in the interview as we are not French and refuse to learn French. But we will link to the interview, of course.
Alongside this, Rob would make a Twitter post about the subject:
“I made lostboy.exe back in 2012 and shared it with 4chan's /v/ board, it was a gamemaker 7 tutorial reskinned. There was never any other version. The "virus lostboy.exe" was just a RAT virus, not the game. They simply renamed their exe to lostboy.exe.”
While the original link still exists, I highly discourage downloading the game unless you’ve got a good antivirus or lawyer. We don’t wanna accidentally distribute “cheese pizza” or viruses here, but if you wanna seek out Lostboy.EXE that’s your prerogative, not ours. But yeah, that’s the story of Lostboy.EXE as it stands–a simple game made for shits and giggles turned into a backdoor for malicious activity and an internet urban legend that until now has been left unsolved. The moral of the story? Don’t download shit from 4chan.
Developer Interview: « lostboy.exe » le JEU PERDU de 4chan - Findings HS
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rjalker · 1 year
Yeah how about we boycott iNaturalist?
" https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/lgbtqia-and-inaturalist/23565/373
Hi nonbinary-naturalist,
It’s Tony, I’m writing on behalf of the iNaturalist Community Circle.
While we can’t know the extent of your pain, we understand you are angry and hurt. You feel you’ve been misgendered by people expressing unwillingness to use your pronouns, and you find our response to be inadequate.
You’ve made a lot of good points in these threads and we think the community is better for having considered them. Thank you for that, and your many other constructive contributions to iNaturalist.
However, your multiple posts attacking other members of our community, including our volunteer moderators, violates the guidelines that require us to criticize ideas and not people, and they’re dominating conversations where everyone should feel welcome to contribute. We’ve hidden two of your posts because they’re direct attacks against other participants and do not contribute to productive discussions.
Please take some time away from the discussion. If your actions continue to violate the guidelines, or reiterate points you’ve made multiple times, we will temporarily suspend you from the Forum for a week.
Me telling people they're being bigoted is apparently "attacking" them but someone purposefully repeatedly misgendering me is totally appropriate and not hate speech at all!
Read this shit for yourself:
Send the parent company a message on Facebook here:
Share your feedback with the parent company through google: "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdoaW33mQfJgl9pEIo9aUoDQ-nKFVYvvcXM0pbOBNvkt5PAog/viewform"
And here's hte parent company's About Us section about diversity and inclusion:
If you have an iNaturalist account you can comment on the forums directly.
They literally just said that if we don't want to be misgendered we can just leave.
Archived link because I know they're gonna delete my response liek they're deleting all the posts that criticize them.
Edit: You know what at this point pelase just make an iNAturalist account with a throwaway email so you can comment directly in the forums. Before I didn't want people making account just for this because I thought it'd be disrespectful but this shit's gone too far. These fucking transmisics are way too fucking comfortable doing this shit. They don't get politeness anymore.
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cyberexo · 1 year
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FAR, FAR AWAY | Kim Minseok x Fem Reader
"his eyes sparkled as though god had taken a constellation of stars and placed them within his beautiful orbs"
you can also find this fan-fiction on wattpad under the username @mrkswrld
word count: 567
・゚☆ 13
Kyungsoo had been working through the note you had left every now and then, trying to decipher any hidden messages, assuring Minseok to continue with work as per usual while he tried to find any loopholes you must've left behind. Even though you willingly left the city, you were still underage at the time and no one's seen you since, in Kyungsoos' book you were a missing persons case he was willing to put the work in to find.
Minseok on the other hand, had been cooped up with work, and trying to get back into contact with old friends from highschool, slyly sneaking your name into conversations, but you weren't really quite the social butterfly so he got nothing useful to see where you were at now.
Today was one of those days, quickly fishing out his phone on his break to see who else he could get in contact with, he knew from the get go that anyone from highschool was hopeless, but it wouldn't hurt to try, maybe you trusted at least one person to tell them your whereabouts or plans that consisted of you disappearing into thin air. His fingers swiftly swiped through the many unnecessary applications he had on his phone, finally finding the one he wanted, facebook.
Opening the app, immediately going to his notifications to see who or what he might've missed, eyes slowly scanning through the suggestions and many names on his friend request list, he felt his heart drop for what could've been the millionth time this month, taking a double take to make sure his eyes and mind weren't playing tricks.
"Y/N.." he read out, staring at his phone intently, for a moment he couldn't move.
Could it be?
Clicking on the profile he was met with nothing but a name, no last name, nothing about where you went to school or anything about a job or relationship status. The profile was deserted, not a spec of evidence to assure him of who it could be. Maybe it was just another chic called Y/N, Minseok tried to shake off the eerie coincidence. But he knew better, you wanted nothing to do with your past life, you didn't want anyone to find you or know a shred of anything about you and where you were now, and now he's come across your profile, in HIS requests.
Either it was an accident, or you were looking for him too.
Minseok wasted no time, taking a screenshot of your request and profile and sending it over to Kyungsoo, letting him know of the bizarre coincidence and reason to believe it was possibly you, of course his friend didn't reply immediately, and Minseok wasn't all that buddy buddy with his colleagues so he had no other choice but to keep his chaotic state together.
Frantically, he picked up his phone to accept your request, knowing it would pay you back a notification that he did, unconsciously the tip of his finger pressing on the little message icon, opening up the blank private space where he'd be able to directly contact you.
He stared at his keyboard, there was a 50/50 chance in his mind that you were Y/N so he couldn't be forward, after what felt like forever, he decided on a simple question.
Hey! is this Y/N from highschool?
delivered 16:45
chapter 14
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z3ncat · 1 year
I appear to have been banned from showing up as a reblog or from having my replies shown on any of the @featured / @postitforward posts.
You can see my comment on a reblog here:
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And yet here is what the notes show:
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There were NO replies on this post until I replied with a link to the article I quoted in my reblog. And INSTANTLY the "some replies may have been hidden, blocked, or removed" message appeared. My reply didn't show up for even a second.
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This is the SECOND one of the Koko posts I've reblogged only to find my additions, and even my name in the reblog list, hidden.
My previous comment was the same link to the article mentioned above. I thought it failed to show in the notes because @staff had decided to block any reblog with that link, which is why I just quoted the headline the second time. I deleted the reblog of the first post without thinking to screenshit it.
I don't doubt this is because I, on a previous Koko featured post (see below) linked to the same article and said that this partnership between tumblr and Koko is not one that should exist and is definitely not one that has the well-being of tumblr's users in mind given the HORRIFICALLY UNETHICAL and HORRIFICALLY DANGEROUS way Kokobot works.
Looking at the notes on that post, I don't show up there, either - and neither do the people my activity says reblogged from me, or the other comments I saw when I checked the notes after adding my comment that also criticized Koko. (Comments criticizing the fact that the concept of "love languages" was created by an evangelical homophobic abuse apologist are also not showing up in the notes.)
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Sounds like a good theme for a ladies night out. 
Exhausted and overwhelmed, Gretchen Miller felt the frustration of the past three years rise up within her. On a whim the 54-year-old from Sydney posted a message to her local community Facebook group. “Does anyone else feel like screaming?” she asked.
The responses poured in. “I want to scream because of climate change and economic inequality,” one woman wrote. “Because of real estate agents and landlords,” said another. “My fiancé decided he didn’t love me anymore,” read one reply. Miller said she received more than 100 messages in the first hour.
From that callout, the Shout Sisters group was formed. A month later they met for the first time at an inner city park to bellow their frustrations into the Australian night.
In recent months, women-only “scream groups” like Miller’s have cropped up all over the world. Frustration, pandemic exhaustion and the pressures of life are common reasons women say they take part. Most are drawn to the idea of unleashing their anger without inhibition. It’s a freedom participants say is hard to find in a world that can be uncomfortable with women’s rage. 
“Women want to scream,” Miller explains. “There are plenty of spaces for men to yell [but] we don’t often get to raise our voices [and] when we do we’re met with disapproval.”
‘Wild and fun’
On Wednesday evening in Sydney, women begin to emerge – one by one – through the trees, ambling along the footpath until they reach the agreed meeting point.
A few nervous exchanges set the scene. A handful of joggers brush past as a college football team slowly disbands for the night.
“After the week of hell I’ve had I need a good scream!” Maryanne Lia, 45, a self-described “screamstress” and mother of four, jokes to the dozen strangers gathered in the park. A chorus of chuckles and smiles nod back in agreement.
A countdown sets the scream in motion. “Three. Two. One!” Twelve unbridled voices pierce the quiet of the night, roar around the hills and then disappear into the passing traffic below. They scream again. Grasping their knees, some shaking their hair, in a circle and some howling at the moon.
“I feel like a little bit of magic just happened,” Miller says as the group lies back on the grass, staring at the stars. Lia agrees. “It’s the freedom to do something wild and fun … to let it all go in a mighty roar.”
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One of the first groups to attract attention was in the US, in Boston, during the Covid pandemic lockdowns in 2021. Sarah Harmon, a therapist, yoga teacher and mother of two, sparked a nationwide call to action when she and a group of 20 women turned up to their local football field in Charlestown to scream into the crisp evening air.
“It felt good to be able to be out of control,” one participant said of the event. Another said: “It’s the closest I have come to finding a coven.”
In Asia, kindred rebellions are taking place. Deepika, 27, has mobilised a small but dogged taskforce of women across New Delhi who want to feel safe in a city grappling with a plague of violence against women and girls.
“There is a theme in India of keeping women silent,” she explains. “This is my small way of saying ‘no, we are here, we have something to say and you’re going to hear it’.”
Deepika says the group helps challenge the idea that women’s anger should remain hidden. “Why is anger seen as such a dangerous emotion in women?” she asks. “We have things to be angry about but if we express it we’re seen as crazy or hysterical or out of control.”
Her scream group has nearly 150 members and many gather in locations across India’s capital. “It’s therapeutic. It’s a sort of collective self-care,” Deepika says.
‘No judgment … no shame’
Dr Miriam Yates, an organisational psychologist and research fellow at the Institute for Social Science Research at the University of Queensland, says that anger and rage can be seen as undesirable or even unnatural for women.
“We expect that women are kind, caring, warm and cooperative. Anger or indeed, rage, is inconsistent with these expectations,” she explains.
Back in Sydney, Lia shares similar sentiments about what it means to be female and furious in a world that has largely placed limits on women’s anger.
“There’s an actual proper rage and women don’t get to express it. Where can you release that? Where can you scream?
“You can’t scream at your boss, you can’t scream at your children. I’ll scream in the car but where else can you do it?” Lia asks.
Earlier this year and a week into one of China’s strictest Covid lockdowns so far, a video of Shanghai residents living inside a densely packed apartment building screaming in unison from their balconies went viral online.
One woman said screaming helped ease the frustration of being locked indoors. Her neighbours joined the chorus after hearing her shrieks through their apartment walls.
Women have experienced additional stresses with work, family and social demands over the past few years, Dr Yates adds.
Screaming groups may provide “the opportunity to express that rage in a supported environment” without the negative consequences, she says.
Seizing upon a similar idea, Scottish-born Julie Scott runs Screech on the Beach from the Hague. It’s a morning ritual that starts in darkness and ends with a moment of meditation on the sand. “I walk back through the dunes and I feel lighter,” she explains.
For Scott, “there is no judgment, there is no shame” in screaming into the sea. “For a brief moment our inhibitions are forgotten, we are together and everything is possible … it’s also a hell of a lot of fun.”
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randomoranges · 2 years
i have not written anything in 45 yrs
i got this silly idea the other day
sometimes u just gotta write a silly
Notifications April 2023
 Edward settles in bed with a book he’s been looking forward to read, when he hears his phone go off somewhere around the living room. He must have forgotten to turn off the volume and the WIFI after watching a video on it, but he can’t really be bothered to get up to shut it. If anything, his phone will discharge and that’s a problem for Future Edward.
 He makes himself comfortable, happy for the blissful quiet of his house, when he hears his phone ping again. Clearly, it’s a coincidence, and he does his best to ignore it to concentrate on the gripping tale in his hands, however, the blasted device screams from the other room and Edward cannot ignore it anymore.
 Maybe, he thinks, as he gets out of his comfortable bed with a huff, slipping his feet inside his slippers, it’s an emergency and at this point it better be. Whoever this person is has successfully interrupted his down time and he will not stand for this. (Granted, he should have turned his device off as he normally does, but that’s a detail.)
 By the time Edward finds his phone – nestled between the couch pillows – practically hidden, there must have been half a dozen other pings and dings that had reverberated throughout his living room and when Edward finally unlocks the damned thing, it’s to find that someone’s liked a myriad of photos of him on Facebook. (Which reminds him, he needs to ask Calvin to stop a) taking candid shots of him and b) posting them on social and c) tagging him in them.)
 Edward nearly and almost chucks his phone across the room.
 To think he’d been bothered by that.
 And here he thought there’d been an emergency.
 This will teach him.
 He puts the volume off and is about to shut the thing completely, but then another notification comes in and his curiosity gets the best of him.
 Who the ever loving fuck is stalking his photos and why?
 He’s only partially surprised when he sees that all nineteen notifications have come from the same person; Étienne M. Maisonneuve.
 Annoyed, but mildly so, and now more intrigued, he fires off a quick text message as he walks back to his room.
 Message to Curly:
You know if you wanted my attention, you could have just called instead of sending your weird SOS
 He picks up his book, intent, really, to read it, but he finds himself picking up his phone again to see if Étienne will answer him or if he’s done with his little social experimentation.
 Message from: Curly
Édouard!!!! Hi :D
 Judging by the message, Étienne is not in distress but he might be up to no good. It is Friday night after all and that could mean a multitude of things.
 Message to Curly:
Hello yourself. I thought you were out tonight?
 Maybe it’s tomorrow night, but he’s pretty convinced Étienne had mentioned he was going out Friday night, last time they had spoken.
 Message from: Curly
I an ouyt and about!
 Edward grins at the corrections.
 Message to Curly:
How drunk are you lol?
 Message from: Curly
Might be a biiiiiittttttttttttt gone ahahahaha. Maye habe had a drinkly b4 going out with the gays.
**well theyre also gay HAHAHA.
 He kind of hates how he does actually crack a smile at the joke, but he schools his face in a neutral expression, even though he is aware that Étienne cannot see him.
 Message to Curly:
Then why are you going through old photos of me and liking them? Is the party that boring?
 Message from: Curly
Noooooo. Parties realy good.
**?? Idk what speilling is anywmore
Im having a smoke outside.
 Message to Curly:
And you decided to look up photos of me? Instead of socialising with everyone else?
 He doesn’t mean it as a reprimand. He just knows how Étienne works and how he’ll start a conversation with anyone within a foot of him.
 Message from: Curly
See. I Loïc and Daniel wanted to see photographic proof of you ecisting.. So I found a photo of you on FB bcs I emptied my phone like yesterday so it’s void of you now ;(  which I knoe is a travesty. But. So I went on FB and then showed them ur profile pic. And then I went out for a smoke and there was literally no one outside. So I returned to FB and started looking and then I found like a million of photos that I had never seen??????? So I had to like them. To show be supportive.
 Message to Curly:
 It’s not that Edward doesn’t believe him; he just finds the tale a little amusing. That and how completely gone Étienne’s sentence structure seems to be.
 Message from: Curly
Shhhhh. Ure like fcking hot okay???? Im not allowed to look at photos of my hot bf??????
 He forgets how much blunter Étienne becomes when he’s had a few drinks and who knows what else and so, the message takes him by surprise. He feels his face heat up and puts his phone down for a moment to compose himself.
 Message to Curly:
You can look all you want but those are old.
 They are. Some are from before they got together. Then again, it’s not like he can stop him from it anyways.
 Message from: Curly
I don’t care. I hadnt seen them b4. Plus I totally still look at older pics of u n me from way back. We were total killers anywahs hahah.. But u look happy in these. N cute. N lovelyyyy. Did calvin take them???? Msurprised u don’t look ready to murder him ahahahahahahha.
But tell him thank u for the photos hahahahahaah
If he took them lol
Or just thank u to the person who took the photos
Also I havent seen u in like 45 yrs so I have to look at pics to not forget what u look like :(
 He would have looked ready to murder Calvin if he would have been aware that Calvin was taking any of these. Yet, it seems as though Calvin has the uncanny knack of snapping a photo when he isn’t looking. And – they aren’t bad photos, really. However, he will need to have a chat with Calvin about this, or at the very least keep a better eye on what he gets tagged in. (In Calvin’s defence, the photos are all very tame; one of him out gardening from last summer, another from a recent walk when he’d stopped to look at a window display and such.)
 Message to Curly:
Your life truly is tragic.
 Message from: Curly
It is the tragicest. Édouaaaaard. When will I see u again????? :( :( :(
 Message to Curly:
Soon, hopefully. I miss you too <3
 Message from: Curly
Ok. Smoke finished and its cold outside. I will let u go back to ur old man routine <3
 Message to Curly:
Who says I’m not out having fun as well??
 He’s almost insulted that Étienne would assume that he’s not out and about, but then again, it’s not as if Étienne is wrong either. Plus, he can imagine Étienne’s stupid little pleased smile and he’s a sucker for it something fierce. Another good thing that they’re not currently occupying the same space, otherwise, Étienne would have seen through him. Then again, maybe not, if only for the fact that Étienne isn’t really sober at the moment. He could use that to his advantage.
 Message from: Curly
Pls. I know u. u have something tmrw nite. U like having one night of Calm TM.
 Message to Curly:
Maybe I’ve changed. New year new me and all.
 Message from: Curly
Hahahahahahahaha. Ure so funny Édouard. Hot and funny ;)
 Edward huffs. It’s not fair that even in his inebriated state, Étienne still manages to get the upper hand on him. He’ll have to concoct some revenge plan for a later date.
 Message to Curly:
You just like tormenting me.
 Message from: Curly
I do. It’s super fun. Ure super fun.
I know!
We should go out next time ure here!
Like before – but better!
Its not the same as before but its still fun. We can have fun!!!!
Go out!!!!!
Plus like last time and the one before or wtv was fcking lame bcs curfew and shit. Or just panini stuff.
Theres a few cool places ud like.
 Message to Curly:
I’ll leave the planning to you then.
 They don’t need to go out. He likes just spending time with Étienne, even if all they do is hangout in his backyard. But – he knows Étienne likes showing him the sights and taking him out and he doesn’t mind.
 He thinks about it for a moment – they really haven’t been out to a club since the fallout and the getting back together. He wonders what it would be like. For starters, the scene has changed tremendously. Then, there’s the fact that they’ve both changed over the past few decades – for the better, thankfully. He knows it’ll be different than it had been before, but he also knows (and hopes) that it’ll be fun. If anything, Étienne had always been good at that.
 Message from: Curly
Ok. Ok im going back in now
Yesssss.. Enjoy ur wtv. Ill call u next. I love you <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxx
 Message to Curly:
Looking forward to it. Be safe. Love you too. <3 xx
 He waits a moment longer, almost certain Étienne isn’t quite done, and he laughs loudly, when there’s one more notification that pops up on his phone. He shuts if off afterwards and finally picks up his book for good.
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whoviancumberbunny · 2 years
Part Four: Rhythm Of Life - Scanlan Fluff Fic
Part one: Tentative Love  
Part Two: Small Miracles
Part Three: Leave A Tender Moment Alone
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Sidenote Image for the Shorthalt house is from a small homes facebook page i follow
Scanlan is supposed to be playing this song
Rhythm Of Life
Scanlan Shorthalt and Other Vox Machina characters Created by Critical Role
 Lucy Collins-Shorthalt and the Shorthalt Children Created By Melissa C. Scraper @whoviancumberbunny
 It was hard to believe that they had been married almost ten years, but at this moment Lucy was standing in front of their, house that was created for them by Keylith, and inside a tree as her husband attempted to get their Daughter’s Lyre out of the Squirrel nest “Damn it, I don’t get how Elijah can put it in there without  these little dipsticks biting him.” The mother squirrel defending her babies suddenly jumped at his face he lost control of Scanlan’s hand and fell to the ground “Elijah! This is the third time this week you have taken your sister’s Lyre and hidden it.” He hit the ground stood up “I am alive.”
 “I sent a message to Kiki to see if she could help us. Since she can talk to animals.” Lucy knelt down “Come here.”  She kisses him gently on the lips  “Elijah spends lot of time with his godparents they probably taught him now to be calm enough to not startle animals.”
 “Are you saying our son is a ranger?”
 “I am not saying he’s anything he’s just our son.  Oddly enough Quentin ended up being more astute and laid back than I expected.”  
 “are you saying our son is a nerd.” An hour later  
 Kiki “The Mother squirrel thought you were trying to steal her babies.”  She hands them Daphne’s Lyre
 “Thanks, Kiki.”  Lucy smiled “are you and Vax available to watch the kids. I know normally they stay with Vex and Percy. But just like my husband. Percy tends to get himself hurt trying to make his kids happy. This time he broke his leg.”  She grins at  Scanlan
 “I think we are.  But Vax gets so broody once in a while.”
 “There is full moon tomorrow night, kiki. Full moons are when the veil between us and world of the dead are weakest. Scanlan’s mother usually visits  on full moons.”
“What?” Scanlan says
 “Don’t you ever wonder why once in while you discover little things that make you think of your mom.  She leaves them for you to find.”  Everyone in vox had just gotten accustomed to the idea that Lucy tended to casually mentions spirits. But She and Scanlan both knew Daphne could see them as well.
 “It is hard to believe Daphne is almost 10, and the boys are six.”
 “Gods help us when Daphne is old enough to date. Scanlan is going to make sure she doesn’t spend time around horny bards.”
 “I was such a dick when I was younger.  We  need to assign some kind of shore to Eli as penance for hiding his sister’s stuff three times this week.”  
 “See you if you can find Quentin, he’s likely hiding somewhere reading.  it is his turn to water the garden.”
Gilmore walks “the most handsome of godfathers is here. I have finished daphne’s dress for the showcase next weekend.  it is simple and will do really well with her beret.”   He looks at Scanlan “I see my little godson is causing trouble again.” He hands lucy package
 Lucy “Just because we are business partners, Shaun, you just made me new outfit last week.” Just then Daphne, Quentin and Eli come running our and all pile on Gilmore
“Uncle Gilmore!” Eli yells  “Sorry I accidentally made you burn your book with the people kissing on the cover.”
 Lucy raises an eye brow “Were you reading a Romance novel last time you watched them?”
 The wizard blushes “Maybe!” ?” he says as he dusts himself off “I am looking forward to the music showcase this is the first time since the school opened three years ago that there has been an event there.”
 “I wanted to make sure there were plenty of BITs.” Scanlan said
“Bards in training.” Lucy says when Gilmore looks at Scanlan.
 Gilmore “Quentin, you are not getting your present until you water the garden like your mother wants you to.”  Quentin   runs off to water the garden “that boy is special.  I am not saying that because I am his Godfather.”
 All three of the Shorthalt children were special, it was just hard to place what Quentin’s skill set exactly was because he had always be the one who was intentionally walking several steps behind his brother and studying the terrain.
 “The other day when we were camping,  he managed to push Daphne out of the way before a branch would have hit her on the head and he jumped back just in time to keep it from hitting himself.”
 A few days later Annie visits Scanlan is playing a piano and he’s been writing this song that he has no idea where the melody came from “You are writing lyrics to the melody of the song my dad never finished. It is the melody we heard in the house that.”
 “Really, I have been waking up for months with this melody on my head. I just felt like it deserved words.”   He ads the name Quentin Charles Collins just above his on the parchment he’s been writing the music on “It is only right.”  He absent mindedly  played with the small silver compass that she had given him
She sits next to him “Play it from the beginning.  I want to hear it.”   She said as placed her hand on his thigh “I love you. I hope you never forget that.” as he played she started humming along , she looks up as half elf woman with blue eyes entered. “Genevieve, you  never told me you were coming for visit.” She ran over to hug her
 Genevieve hugs her “I thought I would surprise you. I wanted to be town for the music showcase I love seeing your daughter and husband playing.” On a family vacation they had tumbled upon the hometown of one of the mistresses of Quentin Collins.  When it would become apparent that Lucy wasn’t only one attracted to pointy eared people. “ she looks at her “You have only been married ten months and that husband of yours already got you pregnant.” She says smiling
 “I got tired of being in  the house he’s so paranoid something bad will happen to the both of us. While he is vasselheim on business I came here. I do apologize for my mother assuming you were the enemy when we first met  four years ago, sister.”  
 “No need the collins family always had a habit of breeding resentment.  Come on we were about to get something to eat.”
 “Looked more like you were about take him to his office to things under the desk.”  She said
 “we’ve never done things under the desk. In the water closet, on the fainting couch,  in the wardrobe.”
 Lucy “I am sure Gena doesn’t want to know every place we’ve ever, you know. in your office. Though it was kind of funny when you nearly fell out of the hey loft, In the stables, and your pants fell out the window.”
 :You know how to make me excited, Mrs Shorthalt.” Scanlan said winking as he put the scroll with the music on it, in his bag.  “thank you for being patient enough to stay with me.”
 “Scanlan, was I really the first to see that gentle part of you. Not just the obnoxious way you tended to act.” She said they had just developed compfrtable rhyth, to how they lived their lives eventhough Percy and Scanlan had founded the Whitestone Music academy and the library/ they mostly went on diplomatic traps. But Lucy and Scanlan always made time to be by themselves together
 “Yes. I…never thanked you for suggesting I teach here.”
 “Music is the pirest form of magic. Even if you weren’t a user of arcane magic you would still be magician.” She looks at him as get food in the school dining hall and sit down
 “You two are so cute/ Sometimes my husband treats me like someone who should never leave the house.”
 Annie places her hand on her sisters hand “Listen to me, little sister if that husband of yours every harms you tell me and I can send Vax and grog to deal with him.”  After All vax was still the champion of  her lady of ravens.  
 “He hasn’t done anything yet he doesn’t even act happy about the baby.”
 Scanlan slides under the table and goes over to Gena’s side “You are family and family comes first. If he doesn’t respect you should leave his ass and raise the baby on your own. That’s what my mother did when she found out she was pregnant with me.  We always have your back, Genevive.”
 Gena “Thank you both.” She says  as Scanlan goes back to the seat by lucy and she puts the desert on her tray on his
 Lucy “Now stop looking at me like a sad little puppy I got it for you because I know it is your favorite and you usually can’t see the deserts in the back row without using magic in the building.” She looks at her sister “believe it or not. Before I met my handsome, gnomeo here. I didn’t think I deserved love from anyone.”
 Gena “I will keep that in mind.” she had been thinking she was paranoid but she sensed her husband had only married her to have an heir
 When everyone meets up outside the Music Academy before the showcase “Vax’ildan, I have favor to ask.”   Lucy explains to him after everyone else goes in “I am not saying I want him dead. I want him followed to see if he is cheating on my sister.  I want her to be happy, and she isn’t happy with him.”
 Vax’ildan  looks at her “Okay I can just observe him for a while. Then you can decide how to deal with him later.”  He looked at her “Last time Kiki and I were watching Daphne, Eli and Quentin. Quentin was talking in his sleep.”
 Lucy “I think he’s a vessel for my brother’s soul he’s been acting different since he got sick during that thunderstorm six months ago. He Called me Lulu-Bell. And the children don’t even know about that.” she sighed “He will leave once he is able to tell me why he’s here.”
 To Be Continued
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
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lifpos · 2 years
A talk on Symbolism behind Hindu Gods
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Ever wondered why our gods look the way they do? Elephant headed, serpent wearing, having multiple hands, heads and carrying deadly weapons?Is there a deep symbolism behind them which we fail to understand?Are there hidden messages coded in their appearance?
Let’s find out in a talk with Archana Raghuram Founder of the Youtube channel, Temples, Books and Science on The Life Positive Show with Editor, Shivi Verma where we will shed light on "The Symbolism Behind Hindu Gods".
Date: 14th March, 2023
Time: 6pm to 7pm
Shivi Verma is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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