#Fine Line chat was so fun last year
Princess - Lip Gallagher
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Lip Gallagher x F! Reader 18+
Summary: Tony's little sister has a crush on Lip and Lip has fallen for her even if she seems like a princess. Words: 2400 Warnings: NSFW, Dry sex / Dry humping, alcohol, marijuana
Y/n was Tony Markovich's little sister and she had the world's biggest crush on Phillip Gallagher. Lip hadn't always liked the girl, he found her too shy, always hiding in the background but the last few months, bumping into her as she leaves her brothers place to then hanging out together, he found himself falling for her. Walking sunshine would be his best description of her, followed closely by princess which she complains about although she secretly loves the nickname.  
Lip was apprehensive to start anything with Tony's little sister, the man might like Fiona and by extension Lip and his family, but he was still a cop and he'd seen how scary he could be towards her boyfriend Kyle a few years back so it was no surprise she'd been single since. Y/n however was afraid Lip just wasn't into her and had been too afraid to say anything, her anxiety keeping her feelings just below the surface. It was hard though, watching him with Karen then even harder when they stopped seeing each other because now she could feasibly tell him how she feels but still the words would stick in her throat.
Tonight, she sat huddled under a picnic blanket, staring at the small crackling fire as people around the makeshift circle laughed and chatted. She glanced up when a beer bottle entered her line of sight and smiled up at Lip who was offering her the drink. "Thanks Lip, looks like it was a fight for the cooler tonight" she mused, eyeing the small group of guys that were stood around said cooler yelling at each other. "Ah, worth the fight I recon" Lip had laughed as he sat down beside her and as she tugged the blanket tighter around herself. Getting a glare from her in response, "It's not my fault I dressed for summer in summer, only for the temperature to drop like it's fall".
Lip pulled out a joint, lighting it up and taking a long drag of it, watching the smoke he blows back out dissipate into the air. Turning slightly, he offered it to y/n before remembering she doesn't smoke, "sorry, I always forget, you're a princess" he scoffed, lips curled into a playful smirk. He often made fun of her for it but never with the intention of forcing her into it and up until now she had never shown an interest either, never seemed bothered by the teasing. However, to his surprise he felt her fingers brush over his hand as she moved to take it from him causing Lip to raise a brow in surprise.
"Y'know I'm joking right? It's fine you don't smoke" Lip was quick to reassure her as he turned to face her properly. "Yeah, I know. You'd never make me do anything I didn't want to Lip. I want to try it, just been afraid of getting caught by Tony and he's working tonight, so" she shrugged, blue eyes flicking up to meet his. "Plus, I know I'm safe with you for my first-time smoking weed so, if the offer stands?" Lip nodded, that familiar warm feeling settling in his chest which he was quick to wave off as the weed even though he knew better. He handed the joint to her, explaining how to smoke it then watching as she followed his instructions.
Y/n only held it in her lungs for a few seconds before the dry burn of her lungs had her coughing. Lip reached over, rubbing her back as he laughed at her, a shit eating grin on his face. “Cat got your lung?” Lip laughed again, only to get whacked in the chest by her hand causing him to cough. Y/n shot him daggers but her lips were quirked up, her features alight with amusement the way he loved and it made him smile and that warm feeling tighten.
It only took a few minutes for it to kick in, but when it did, y/n found herself entranced by the fire, the way it moved and the flames broke off and flicked up into the sky had her captivated. Lip however was captivated instead by her, the way her eyes watched the flames and reflected them and the little gasp when it made a particularly loud crackle. At one point y/n leant into Lip’s side, his arm moving to wrap around her while she spoke, “Does it always feel this peaceful?” Lip shook his head, squeezing her lightly, “Not always, depends on the person and how often they smoke.” Y/n made a small sound in reply before smiling up at him. “I think this is the first time in my life I actually feel calm, like I can talk without everything catching in my throat, I like it” her voice trailed off as her eyes returned to the fire.
She perked up as a new song came on, “Oh! Oh Lip, I love this song” she beamed, standing up and extending her hand to him, “dance with me?” Had it been anyone else he would’ve said no but he couldn’t, not to her and with that he placed his beer down and took her hand. Y/n wasn’t a good dancer, but her awkwardness was rather endearing to Lip as they danced to a few songs, laughing freely as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him into a hug. Lip smiled, wrapping his own arms around her waist and hugged her back before lifting her up and spinning her around. She giggled, holding on tighter until he set her back down. Y/n expected the anxiety to bubble up as she looked up at him but instead found only the uninhibited desire to kiss him. One hand still holding his shoulder, the other moved to his cheek as she leaned in to kiss him, catching Lip off guard entirely. It took a second for him to kiss back but once he did, he never wanted to stop. It was a simple kiss, but they could both feel more, so when she pulled back, he pouted causing her to laugh.
“Walk me home?” she asked, a small smile on her lips. Lip nodded, “yeah, ‘course.” He took her hand and they headed for Tony’s house, although as they reached the foot path, the cool breeze had y/n shivering, curling into his arm. As much as he liked her being that close, he felt bad and quickly pulled away to shed his coat and wrap her in it, smiling when only her finger tips peeked through the sleeves. Taking her hand again, he was relieved when she leant back into him. As they reached the porch, she unlocked the door and stepped inside, smiling back at him, “coming?” Lip was quick to take her outstretched hand and follow her in. They walked upstairs and she pushed open one of the doors, he looked around her bedroom before looking back at her. She was kicking off her shoes and hopping onto her bed so he followed suit, coming to sit beside her, back against the wall and feet hanging off the other side of her bed while she sat facing him, legs tucked to the side.
Her fingers brushed his hand, pulling his eyes to her, “can I kiss you again?” Lip smiled, leaning forward and she was quick to meet him halfway. This time the kiss wasn’t unexpected and Lip made sure to make it a good one. His hands sat either side of her face, fingers curling into her hair as his tongue traced her bottom lip and without hesitation she opened her mouth for him, giving him complete control as she leant into him. Her hands grasped at his shoulders and Lip moved a hand to her waist, pulling her closer until she was sat, straddling his lap. The kissing only got more heated from there, Lip ran his hand on her waist under her top, loving the way she leaned into his touch. His hand moved to her back, tracing up and down her spine before returning to her waist.
Lip broke the kiss causing y/n to whine before he pressed his lips to her neck, hands moving to shove his jacket off her shoulders. She easily shrugged it off, letting the heavy fabric hit the floor as she focused on the way his teeth nipped her neck making her gasp. “Lip” her voice came out so softly it was barely audible but their proximity meant he heard her and he smiled against her throat, “Princess?” Her cheeks reddened at the teasing tone, her fingers carding through his hair, tugging at the short pieces at the back making him groan as he looked up to her. Both of his hands sat on her hips now and he gripped them tightly, pulling her forward, grinding her against the rough denim that wasn’t doing much to conceal how hard he was in that moment. She surprised herself with the moan that escaped her throat, cheeks now a deep shade of red as she looked down at him.
“Lip, I…” her voice trailed off and Lip stopped, eyes lifting to meet hers, brows knitting together, “We don’t have to if you don’t want to” She shook her head, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before glancing down, “I want to, I really do but, you should know I’m, well I’m a virgin.” Lip felt bad, the way she whispered the word ‘virgin’ sounded like she was ashamed and his hand caught the side of her face, encouraging her to look at him, “It’s okay.” Now it was his turn for his voice to trail off as he sighed, “You’re still high though, we can’t… you’re first time should be sober.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I should’ve told you before I invited you up here, now we’re both, I’m sorry Lip!” y/n rambled, immediately afraid she’d ruined his night and was about to hop off when Lip grabbed her hip, shaking his head, “It’s okay, we can just, make-out if you want? Or not if you don’t want to.” She shifted her weight back to the centre of his lap to kiss him however the friction had them both groaning. She was quick to apologise again and Lip was just as quick to reassure her it was okay, pressing his lips to hers in hopes of returning to the make-out session.
Lip kept his hands to her back and waist, his lips on hers or the hickey he had started earlier. Y/n however was still well aware of just how turned on they both were and decided to roll her hips against him. Maybe it was the weed or maybe it was the desperation for some form of friction, either way, feeling Lip dig his fingers into her waist made her smile. It wasn’t until she did it a second time with a bit more force that Lip realised it was no longer an accident, he glanced up at her with a brow raised and she bit her lip, “Is this okay?” Lip was sure he should say no and stop her, he should be decent and tell her to go to bed, but his decency seemed to stop at sex. Grinding on one another though? That was fair game. So instead, he found himself pushing his hips hard up into her, watching with a smirk as she gasped.
Things devolved into desperation after that, both tipsy and high, they wanted to feel good and their hot kisses full of tongue and teeth were only adding fuel to the fires burning in them. Lip was now gripping y/n’s hips tightly, using them as leverage to drag her over his now painfully hard cock, grunting as he pressed his lips to the crook of her neck. Y/n was no better, the previous slow rolling of her hips was now faster and getting uneven like her breathing, the small whimpers and moans only pushing Lip closer to his own climax. “Fuck, princess, you sound so sweet” Lip groaned against her ear, kissing her temple then her lips. She had avoided speaking, knowing sentences weren’t going to be achievable right now but she stuttered nonetheless, “so close, Lip, so” her voice cut off with a particularly harsh thrust from Lip. “Lip, Lip please, Lip,” she whimpered, nails biting into his shoulders as she chanted his name. She came moments later, body tensing as she cried out his name while Lip kept her moving as until he came too, groaning against her chest.
Y/n began to come down from her high, head resting against his shoulder as she got her breathing back to normal. Lip held her tightly still, arms now wrapped around her waist and his head leant back against the window. They stayed like that for a while, both enjoying the euphoria and comfort within one another before finally y/n leant back, cheeks red as she looked at Lip. He was quick to kiss her before leaning back to meet her eyes, “you okay?” She nodded, “yeah, I’m okay. You?” Lip nodded, kissing her cheek softly. “It’s probably really silly but god I am so tired now” she whispered causing Lip to laugh. “No, it’s not, it’s pretty normal. I should get home anyway; let you get to bed” He smiled softly at her.
Nodding, y/n slipped herself off his lap, “Yeah, plus if Tony comes home to us in bed together, I think he’d kill you.” Lip laughed nervously, hopping off the bed and grabbing his jacket, holding it in front of his crotch in hopes he could hide the dark patch they’d both made. He leant across the bed, kissing her gently but with a depth that had her head spinning. “I’ll see you tomorrow princess” Lip smirked at her before heading out. Y/n sat on her bed wondering if she just imagined it all or if it was some crazy weed induced hallucination, however as her eyes flicked across the floor, she noticed Lip’s scarf on the floor and she went a grabbed it. With the scarf in hand, she curled up under her covers, bringing the scarf up to her nose and breathing in, smiling at the smell of cigarettes, weed and beer she knew it was real and found herself falling asleep to thought of seeing Lip again tomorrow.
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roosterforme · 2 years
Airplane Mode Part 1 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: When Bradley finds himself on a commercial flight with the cutest flight attendant in the world, he can't keep himself from flirting with you.
Warnings: Fluff, adult banter, swearing
Length: 4400 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This is part 1 of 2! Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun!
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Bradley was on his fourth deployment of the year, and it was only September. As he packed his flight suits and uniforms, he checked his boarding pass for the flight from San Diego International to Tokyo. His flight left in just three hours, so he needed to move.
The only way Bradley took commercial flights was begrudgingly. He much preferred his own Super Hornet, with his name emblazoned on the side, or his vintage Bronco. Nothing else felt as comfortable, as personal. But really, nothing was worse than a commercial airline.
He would probably have to sit next to someone who wanted to chat for the twelve hour flight. Or worse, get assigned the middle seat. But there wasn't really any other way to get him out into the western Pacific and onto the deck of the USS Nimitz in time for his surprise assignment. 
"God bless America," he muttered, rolling his eyes as he stuffed some clean underwear and his toothbrush into his bag. Then he locked up his house, unsure about when he would be back, and headed out in the Bronco.
Thankfully, his military credentials got him through the long security lines quickly, because he did not leave himself with very much time. He checked in with the airline and narrowed his eyes skeptically at the man working behind the desk.
"You've been upgraded to first class," the man told him.
"That seems suspicious," Bradley replied, earning a chuckle. "No, really. The Navy usually gives me the middle seat in the last row, right behind a screaming child. What gives?"
"Hmm, well, this flight is only at half capacity since it's a brand new itinerary. So we upgraded you, another military officer, and an elderly customer."
"And the screaming child?"
"Not upgraded that I know of, sir." 
"Thanks," Bradley replied with a nod as he scanned his boarding pass and made his way to first class. He had the window seat in the front row, so he stowed his carry-on bag and made himself comfortable while the other passengers took their seats. 
He could hear soft laughter coming from the curtained off area next to the cockpit, and a second later he was looking at a beautiful woman. 
"Welcome aboard, sir," you told him with a smile. "Can I get you anything before we take off?" 
Bradley swallowed hard and tried his best not to stare. "Uh, I'm fine," he managed to tell you. "Just....fine." 
"Right. Well, let me know if you need anything." 
You turned to greet another passenger, and Bradley found himself sitting up straighter as he blurted out, "Your name?"
You turned back to him and leaned his way. "Pardon?"
He met your eyes, and he grinned. "I need your name. You know, just in case I think of something you can get for me."
Your smile was more of a smirk this time, but you licked your perfect lips and told him what he wanted to know. Bradley tested your name out, and your smirk grew. "Yep. That's a good name."
You shook your head a bit. "You should get buckled in. I'll go over the exit row safety procedures with you in a few minutes."
"I can't wait," Bradley replied, and this time, when you turned away from him, he couldn't help himself. He looked at your body for a few seconds until he forced himself to face the front of the aircraft. He closed his eyes and counted to ten. This was going to be a long flight. 
He was lonely. It had been ages since he had dated anyone and quite awhile since he'd met a woman he even wanted to sleep with. That had to be why he was sweating a little bit right now.
Bradley buckled his seatbelt and tried not to watch you out of the corner of his eye. The sway of your hips when you walked was mesmerizing, as was the soft lilt of your voice. He listened to you charm every single person seated in first class, and he was already craving your attention again. 
When you came to a stop in front of him a moment later, he let his eyes travel from your sensible shoes up your bare legs, over your cute uniform dress, and up to your face. "Ready for your safety briefing?"
"Oh, absolutely," he said, his voice ridiculously needy to his own ears. 
You just smiled and gestured toward the handle to Bradley's right. "You are seated in my exit row. Can you verbally confirm for me that you are able and willing to help me in the event of an emergency?" 
"Definitely. I'd be happy to help you."
"Can you push, pull or lift at least fifty pounds?" you asked, your eyes taking in the bulge of his biceps and his broad chest. 
Bradley smirked and watched you lick your lips. "Sure can."
You pressed your lips together and eyed him briefly. "I don't know... are you sure you're strong enough to open the door?" Your voice was teasing, and Bradley swallowed hard as you shifted your weight from one leg to the other. 
"I'm strong enough to do anything you might want or need."
Bradley's grin grew as he watched your face light up, and the cutest giggle escaped your lips. "I'll keep that in mind," you told him with a nod before turning and disappearing behind that damned curtain. 
He rubbed his hands over his face before putting his phone into airplane mode. Flirting with you was pointless. He really shouldn't be doing it. But where the hell were the women who looked and sounded like you when he wanted to go on a date? Apparently they were thirty six thousand feet in the air, wearing tight navy blue dresses and ugly loafers. 
Bradley would do anything to be able to run into you at the Hard Deck. You probably didn't even live in San Diego though. And odds were good you were married or something. So he just settled back in his seat and watched the setting sun through the open window sash. Pretty soon he would be landing in Tokyo, he'd never see you again, and you would forget all about the guy who asked for your name and looked at your loafers.
Then, as if conjured by his imagination, you were standing in front of him again. This time you were folding down the seat that was used by flight attendants during takeoffs and landings. Bradley watched every move you made as you sat down facing him, your knees brushing against his as you settled into the seat.
"Sorry," you told him softly. Your perfect lips parted again before you added, "You must be tall. I don't usually have this problem." You were trying to scoot yourself back further in your uncomfortable looking seat, keeping yourself from touching him again as you buckled in. 
"I don't mind," he replied softly, repositioning his legs so that both of your knees were between his. 
Your eyes went a little wide as you whispered, "Okay," before clearing your throat. Bradley saw you glance at his thighs as he stretched his legs out a bit more comfortably, and then you immediately turned to look out the window as the pilot started to taxi toward the runway. 
The warm San Diego sunset had your skin bathed in orange light, making you look impossibly pretty, and Bradley was instantly regretting not bringing a book with him. No way he'd make it twelve hours in close proximity to you without embarrassing himself. 
"How tall are you?" you suddenly asked him.
He shrugged. "About six foot one inch, I guess."
"I'm sorry, I should have had you move to the aisle seat since it's empty. It's too late now, since we're about to take off, but you can move over later so we don't have this problem all night long."
Bradley shrugged again. "I wouldn't call it a problem. More like an added perk. I thought perhaps getting to sit by you was part of the upgrade to first class."
You kept eye contact with him but narrowed your eyes, and Bradley squirmed a bit in his seat. "You're flirting with me."
He chuckled. "Well, I'm trying. Based on your response, I must be doing a shitty job."
After examining his face for a few seconds, you sighed and looked out the window again. "No, you're doing alright. But I'm not allowed to flirt back. Whatever your name is."
"Bradley," he told you, holding out his hand. After you shook it, he said, "How about I do all the flirting, and you just pretend you're completely immune to me. Meanwhile, inside, you're totally falling head over heels."
You tried to hide your smile as the plane left the ground, and the jolt of excitement in Bradley's belly rivaled even the force of gravity. 
You didn't answer him, and you didn't look at him again, but Bradley felt your right knee bump against his leg as the plane gained altitude, and he heard you sigh. 
"Can you at least tell me if you'd flirt with me if I met you at a bar or something?" he asked after a while. 
You finally met his eyes just as the fasten seatbelt light was turned off, and you started to unbuckle your harness. 
"I'm afraid the answer to that question might sound as if I'm flirting with you." 
Bradley leaned forward as you stood and started turning away from him. "So is that a yes?"
You turned and looked at him over your shoulder, and you nodded. 
Bradley gaped at you, and he had to fight the urge to follow you behind the curtain this time.
"Fuck." He was absolutely squirming in his seat now. He could hear you and see your shoes, but you didn't emerge again for a while. And you didn't look at him as you took the dinner orders for everyone else in first class, leaving him for last.
Bradley told you what he wanted to eat, speaking slowly so he had time to look at you looking at him. 
"And would you like a drink? Maybe a cocktail or a beer? A glass of wine?"
As Bradley was just about to respond, you smirked at him. "You don't drink wine, do you?" you asked him.
"No, actually." He gave you a puzzled look.
You smiled at him. "I can guess what people are going to order with a scary level of accuracy. You like beer, specifically European imports. Stella? Maybe Heineken? And I think you also enjoy an occasional glass of scotch, neat. But you're also quite fond of "girly" cocktails, and you're not afraid to order them when you go out." 
"Holy. Shit."
You laughed at his response, and Bradley wanted to pull you down against him, listen to that laughter even closer. 
"Want me to make you a cosmopolitan?" you asked with a grin that had him practically stuttering. 
"Please." He managed to say that one word without too much trouble. You just nodded and strolled away from him again.
Bradley sat, impatiently waiting for you to reappear as he messed with his hair. He was really wishing he had taken more time getting ready. He was wearing faded jeans and a black tee shirt, cursing himself for looking like he dressed with no effort at all. 
He was absolutely going to try to get your number or give you his, and if he was going to get shot down, he liked to know he had at least put his best foot forward. 
You reemerged with a drink tray, and you took his breath away. He watched while you served everyone else, bringing him his martini glass filled with pink liquid last. 
"And a cosmo for you." 
Bradley took the drink and set it down on his tray table after taking a sip. "Delicious. Even better than my friend Natasha makes, and hers are great." 
You tucked your hands behind your back and asked, "Is she your girlfriend?"
"No. I am one hundred percent single," he told you immediately. "Maybe even more than that." 
The grin returned to your face, and Bradley was feeling ridiculously excited. 
"I'll bring your dinner out shortly."
"Wait, are you?" he asked, trying to keep your attention before you vanished again. "Are you single?"
You ignored him completely now, but you were still smiling. And you dropped off his dinner tray with nothing more than, "Enjoy your meal." So he ate his food and then you collected his tray and then he waited. 
He was pretty sure you'd have to return to your little fold down seat at some point during the evening. He was also pretty sure you'd have to stay awake all night. His plan was to wait you out. Beyond that he had no clue what he should do. 
But it was getting late now, and you were still somewhere up behind that curtain. He'd long ago finished his drink, and he had the brilliant idea to ask you for another one. He pressed the button to call for you, and then you were there.
"What can I do for you?"
He smiled so hard. "Are you telling me that anytime I push that little white button, you'll appear?" 
You had to hide your laughter behind your hand. "Yes. That's literally my job."
He shook his head slowly. "You've given me too much power. Will you make me another cosmopolitan?"
"Of course."
And when you brought him a second pink drink a few minutes later, he asked, "Are you allowed to sit with me again? In your little fold down seat?"
You chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, pretty soon I'll be sitting down for a while. You can move to the aisle seat whenever you want." 
But Bradley didn't move. He wanted to be as close to you as he possibly could. He just didn't realize that you might find that creepy or annoying until you were headed for your folding seat. 
"You're not moving?" you asked softly, just as the captain dimmed the overhead lights.
"I'm sorry, I can move so you have more room," he said, scrambling to unbuckle his safety belt. God, now he looked like a fucking creep. 
But you just shrugged at him. "You can stay in the window seat if you want. If you don't mind me bumping you."
Then you folded the seat down once more and took a seat before he could move. So he buckled himself in again, and let you get settled so that your knees were tucked neatly between his long legs. 
Just as you were starting to buckle your harness, the captain flew through some turbulence, and Bradley felt your hands come to rest on his thighs as you were bumped out of your seat. 
"I'm so sorry," you whispered, pulling your hands away like you had been burned. "I didn't mean to."
Bradley certainly didn't mind. He'd be more than happy to have your hands all over him. But of course he wasn't about to voice that idea.
"It's okay," he promised, meeting your eyes in the dim light. Another turbulent patch had you reaching for him again, but once you had your harness clasped closed, you wouldn't even look at him again.
"Sorry it's so turbulent," you managed to say, looking across the aisle at another passenger who had fallen asleep. "Usually I have someone losing their mind when it gets like this. But you seem very relaxed."
Bradley shifted in his seat, and his leg bumped yours. "I should hope so. I'm a pilot."
Your eyes snapped back to meet his. "Really? Which airline?"
Bradley just chuckled. "US Naval aviator. Top Gun."
"Oh," you said with a soft laugh. "I should have known. All you guys have a certain look."
Bradley licked his lips and crossed his arms. "What kind of look?"
You cradled your face in your palms. "Pretend I never mentioned it."
He shook his head. "I don't like pretending."
Sighing, you told him, "Aviators are always... big... strong looking. And overly confident."
"Huh," Bradley grunted. He supposed if you flew a San Diego route, you must see your fair share of aviators. You must also get hit on by most of them. God, you were beautiful.
"You're not like most of them, though," you added quickly. "Occasionally I have to excuse myself if they get crude."
Bradley's brow furrowed. "Crude?"
You shrugged again, checking to see if anyone had pushed their call button. "Yeah... it happens sometimes." 
"I don't like the sound of that," Bradley growled. 
But you just laughed lightly. "What are you planning to do about it? Follow me back and forth between San Diego and Tokyo and flex your muscles every time someone calls me baby or touches my butt?"
"Shit," Bradley whispered. "That really happens?" This information was swirling around his mind, and it made him feel sick. You were just doing your job; you didn't deserve to be harassed by aviators or anyone else. 
"You'd be surprised." Another bump of turbulence had your leg rubbing against his. 
Eventually Bradley whispered, "I would, you know."
You just looked at him for a few seconds. "You would what?"
Bradley smiled at you, and your lips curled into an involuntary smile as well. "Fly back and forth. Between San Diego and Tokyo. Flex my muscles and tell the assholes to leave you alone."
As you bit your knuckle to try to stifle your laughter, Bradley could practically feel how good it would be to have your teeth grazing his flesh. But the idea that you sometimes had guys giving you unwelcome touches had him ready to go through the roof. 
Then his mind shifted back to something you said. You flew from San Diego to Tokyo all the time. 
"Do you live in San Diego?" he asked quickly, and you bit your lip a little nervously, like you didn't want to answer him. 
But you searched his face in the darkness and finally said, "Yeah. I do."
Bradley's heart was thudding in his chest. He didn't want to press his luck. 
"What has you flying commercial to Tokyo? You must hate this! Are you being deployed?" you asked, drawing his attention to your words.
"Yeah. Hopefully a very short one. It's a special assignment."
Your smirk was back, even though he could barely see it in the dark. "Top Gun. Special assignment. First class upgrade. Sounds very exciting."
Bradley chuckled. "Listen, the best part of this whole thing was getting to sit with you between my legs.... Oh, God. Oh, no! I didn't mean it like that!" 
What the fuck had he just said?!
Bradley was frozen in panic with his hands halfway to his face, but you were laughing hysterically now. He watched you press your lips together to try to keep quiet as you shook with laughter. 
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to say that! I just...I'm really enjoying sitting here with you, that's all!" 
You waved your hand in the air and managed to say, "It's okay, Bradley. Oh, you look completely mortified!"
"I am completely mortified. You'll never let me have your phone number now!"
Then you smiled at him, but your eyes looked sad. "I can't go giving my phone number out to all you Top Gun guys."
Bradley ran his fingers through his hair. "Shit."
You sighed and tapped his knee with your fingers until he was looking at you again. Bradley let his hand settle just above his knee, and he wanted to unbuckle himself and reach for you when your fingers touched his.
"When do you fly back?" you asked quietly
"Unsure," he replied. "No return ticket yet."
"Hm," you hummed softly. You ran your fingertips along his, and he'd had just about as much as he could handle.
"Please, tell me your schedule. Something. Anything. I need to see you again."
You were quiet for so long, Bradley let the back of his head hit the headrest. You'd withdrawn your hand from his body, and he was so disappointed. 
"I usually fly overnights on the way back to San Diego as well."
He leaned closer to you again. "Which days?"
"It varies," you said, glancing across the aisle and undoing your harness. "But I'd like it if you were on my flight again." You stood to take care of a different passenger, and Bradley's eyes tracked you in the darkness. 
He was done for. Over the next several hours, he got to feel your body bump his every time you got in or out of your seat. He could smell your perfume or shampoo whenever you glided past him. He strained to hear every word that you spoke, whether to him or another passenger. But when you were seated in your seat, you and he exchanged little stories and flirtations. 
One time he even reached across and folded the seat down for you to sit. "Handsome and mannerly," you muttered as you buckled in. 
"I thought you told me you weren't allowed to flirt back," he commented as the sky was starting to lighten outside his window. 
You met his eyes and grinned. "A girl can only take so much."
"Are you single? You never told me. Please don't devastate me right now," his voice took on a teasing, pleading tone that made you laugh again.
"Yeah. I'm single. It's impossible to date with this job, honestly."
Bradley's heart soared like the airplane he was sitting in. You lived in San Diego. You were single. You were sexy and appealing. 
"Guys always think I'm going to cheat on them. But you want to know what I actually do in my hotel room on my overnights in Tokyo?" 
"Tell me."
"I eat the best sushi in the world and watch this one Japanese soap opera with the subtitles on. I am completely addicted to it."
"Jesus. I can get behind that one hundred percent. When I'm deployed on land, all I end up doing is eating the local foods. And I love sushi. Would be nice to have someone to call and talk to about it. I'd even be willing to get caught up with this Japanese soap opera so we could discuss it." There he said it. He was too afraid to be more explicit than that. 
You eyed him up and down, your body still except for the rise and fall of your chest and shoulders as you breathed. "I think-"
Your words were cut off by the sound of the fasten seatbelt light being turned off. Immediately you were unbuckling again and folding the seat up. "I think I need to start the breakfast service."
Now you looked flustered as you vanished behind the curtain. Bradley waited and waited for you to return. He could smell fresh coffee brewing, and his stomach started growling. The sun rose over the Pacific Ocean outside his window, and he could see islands in the distance, but he did not want this flight to end yet. He hadn't slept all night, but he would gladly stay up another twelve hours talking to you if you'd let him.
"What would you like for breakfast?" you asked him as you started taking orders. 
"Black coffee and a muffin."
"That's it?"
"Yeah," he replied. "I'm planning on finding some sushi as soon as we land. You could join me?"
You bit your lip and shook your head. "Sounds appealing...but I'm working a turnaround."
"Right," Bradley rasped. So he watched you work, serving everyone with a smile, helping with whatever was needed. He ate his muffin and drank his coffee quietly. And when the captain announced the final descent into Tokyo, you took your seat across from him one last time. 
You were both silent, just looking at each other until one of you inevitably let their gaze fall to the other's lips. Then you would both look away until drawn back in to let it happen over again. 
As the wheels touched down on the runway, and the sound of the wings dampening the air flow took over the small space, Bradley leaned forward. "Can I give you my phone number? Just in case you ever want to watch Japanese soap operas or eat subpar San Diego sushi with me?"
You smirked, but after a few seconds you nodded slightly. "Just don't hold your breath that I'll use it, okay? I'm basically never home. I can't even get a cat, let alone go on a date. And you would get tired of my schedule. I can guarantee that."
Bradley listened to your words, although he didn't agree with them. But he pulled a pen out of his backpack and wrote his first name and his phone number on the beverage napkin he still had. When he handed it to you, he watched you look at it before folding it in half and tucking it into your pocket. 
And then you were up, helping all of the passengers unload from the aircraft. He watched you pull luggage down for the first class passengers before sending them on their way, but he didn't move yet. He sat for nearly a half an hour, until everyone else had unloaded and the captain and co-captain had exited the cockpit and came to stand amongst the flight attendants. But you had looked at him as often as he had been looking at you. 
Now that he was the last one onboard, he stood, watching you examine his height and entire body for the first time. 
"Fly safely," you told him with a smile. 
"You, too," Bradley replied. "I'm going to be hoping I manage to get on one of your return flights. Hoping so hard." Bradley's heart was pounding again as you gave him a little nod before he walked out of the plane and made his way onto Japanese soil. 
Thank you for reading this one! Please leave some love and stay tuned for the conclusion! And thanks to @bradshawsbitch for sharing her knowledge of life as a flight attendant!
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thefallennightmare · 11 months
Rest-Nick Folio
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Pairings: Nick Folio x Reader
Warnings: maybe a swear or two? fluff, lots of it.
Summary: Reader plans a little rest and relaxation weekend away with Nick after a five-weeklong tour.
Authors Note: Enjoy this cute ass one-shot filled with so much fluff it'll make your teeth rot.
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"Are you going to tell me where we're going?" Nick's knee bounced with agitation or excitement.
I wasn't sure.
With a crooked smile, I shook my head. "I told you it's a surprise."
The cab pulled to a stop in front of the busy airport and while Nick grabbed our bags from the trunk; I double-checked our flight reservations along with our bed-and-breakfast reservation. Our flight was scheduled to leave on time, and we would land an hour before check in.
I pocketed my phone then looked over to Nick, who was walking over to me while carrying both of our bags. I offered to carry my own, but he smacked my hand away.
"Three years later and you still try to carry your own bags," he chuckled.
I sighed playfully. "I'm just trying to lighten your load, Nick. You've been working so hard the last few weeks and you only got back last night from tour."
The sounds of planes taking off over head echoed loudly around us as people maneuvered their way throughout the crowds, trying to make their own flights.
With his bag slung over his shoulder and pulling mine behind him, Nick laced our fingers together and we walked into the airport as I led us towards our gate.
"I was fine staying home with you, sweetheart. But you woke me up at five this morning saying you were taking me somewhere," Nick finished with a yawn.
Guilt pulled at my heart seeing how tired he was. Bad Omens finished their five-week-long tour last night in Los Angeles so thankfully, Nick didn't have a long travel day back home but even with him coming home at 2 this morning, I still had to wake him up early so we could make our 10 am flight.
Yesterday when I showed up to the venue for his show, that was the first time in five weeks that I'd seen him. We'd been together for the last three years so I was there from the beginning when Bad Omens were playing the small stages at Warped Tour to now watching them play in sold out venues for the last two tours. Ever since they blew up on Tik Tok and gained such an immense following, all the guy had been working tirelessly to be the best they could for their fans. Touring, writing music, or trying to get in the studio to record. They hadn't had more than a few days off where they weren't doing some kind of work so to say the deserve all the success is an understatement.
To say that Nick deserves this week away I had planned for us was also an understatement.
I also planned that this trip was a strict 'no work vacation,' and I sent a text in the group chat that I created of Noah, Ruffilo, and Jolly to let them know. While Ruffilo and Jolly wished us fun on our vacation, Noah told us all the cons of where we were vacationing too.
You know it rains like all the time in Washington, right? How is Nick going to ride a motorcycle or fish?
It's October, it's probably cold as hell. Why don't you guys go somewhere warm, I'm sure Nick would love to see you in that red bikini.
You sure you don't want us to come with? We could make it a Bad Omens get away and get some time in to write.
I swore my eyes rolled so far to the back of my head; I was sure they'd get stuck. Noah, always the cheeky one. I replied to him saying it was a strict no work vacation with only Nick and I and I'd left the red bikini back home.
"I'm sorry for waking you up so early but I wanted to make sure we'd make our flight," I defended with a slight pout.
Seeing how long the check in line was, I came to a slow halt and checked my watch. It was only 7:30 in the morning which meant we had plenty of time. Nick could tell I was a tad agitated so his thumb began tracing circles on the back of my hand as he held it.
"Can I at least have a hint where we're going?" He asked while bouncing on the soles of his shoes.
Fuck, he looked so good with his bottom lip pouted out like that. It'd been so long since we had sex that I was nearly crawling out of my skin wanting a taste of him. It was hard enough keeping myself off of him in public so when he took off his hat to shake out his hair then place it back on backwards, I nearly moaned into a puddled mess which Nick simply winked in response too.
"You know," I brushed the imaginary lint away from his shirt, "We're on vacation. You don't need to wear a Bad Omens shirt. This is supposed to be a work free trip."
Nick shrugged. "It's comfy."
The line for check in slowly moved up a few paces and when we came to a standstill again, I wrapped myself around him, not giving a shit about PDA.
"I've missed you."
"I missed you too, sweetheart," Nick mused while pressing a kiss to my forehead. "I wish you could have came with this tour."
I pressed my cheek to his chest, breathing him in. "Me too but there was no way my boss would let me take that long off. It was hard enough getting this week off."
We moved up another few steps before coming to another standstill. Since we had plenty of time before takeoff, I wasn't too worried with how long it was taking for check in.
Nick pulled me closer into his chest. "You should quit. I make enough to support the both of us and this way you can come on the Europe leg of the tour in a few weeks."
As tempting as the offer sounded, I was thankful I didn't have to give my answer because the line moved once again. I was about to detach myself from him to walk but Nick held tighter to his grip around my shoulder and walked with me. My hand slipped from his side over to the pocket of his jacket but quickly, Nick shifted which made his arm fall from around me.
I raised a brow. "Jumpy, aren't we?"
He cleared his throat before a smile spread to his lips. "I'm sorry, you scared me that's all."
My eyes narrowed, not believing a word he said, but choosing to ignore his weirdness I turned my attention towards the TSA lady as she began our check-in. Thirty minutes later, Nick and I were sitting in the seats near our gate, me staring out the large window towards the runway and Nick typing feverishly on his phone.
"What's Noah saying?" I didn't bother to ask who he was texting because I already knew it was Noah.
Nick turned off the screen then pocketed his phone. "He wanted to make sure we made it to the airport."
Something was weird with Nick since the incident with me reaching over the pocket of his jacket. Here I was hiding this secret vacation all the while he was hiding something from me.
"Right," I muttered, leaning far back into my seat.
He let out a long breath and linked our fingers together, his thumb brushing across the skin of my hand, and the gentle touch made me rest my head against his shoulder. I felt every breath in and out he took, head rising and falling, and Nick tilted up my chin towards him so he could capture my lips in a kiss. It wasn't a full-blown make-out session, but deep enough to make my head spin and heart flutter.
"What was that for?" I asked breathlessly.
"I just wanted to kiss you, that's all."
By now, more people arrived at the gate, building a slight crowd, and inevitably, someone would notice Nick; someone always did. It wasn't like we were hiding our relationship but Nick never publicly made it known to everyone on the internet we were dating. Pictures of us filtered all throughout the web and people made their own assumptions, as they always did. I didn't mind if Nick kept our relationship on the down low because that meant we could enjoy the quietness of our relationship for a day longer.
"Someone might notice," I jokingly teased.
Nick hummed before leaving another kiss on my lips. "Let them."
I giggled into his lips and cupped his cheek as we pulled away. "I'm still not telling you where we're going."
Somehow, I kept it hidden what our destination was even at the gate because Nick seemed to be preoccupied with something else.
With a pout on his lips, he let me settle back into him by linking our hands back together.
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Six days later and I was exhausted.
Nick was surprised and very ecstatic that I planned a vacation in Washington State. We hiked a few of the national parks; he fished almost every day, and we ended each night with a motorcycle ride, one we rented for the week. The weather was beautiful but not quite warm enough for that red bikini. When we weren't out doing things, Nick and I were laid up in bed at the bed-and-breakfast doing other things. Today was our last day, and I was more than ready to spend it in bed, continuing to do those other things, but Nick had other plans.
"Can you tell me where we're going?" I begged as I held onto his arm.
He lead me from the car up towards the forest trail, grinning from ear to ear. "Oh, how the tables have turned."
Rolling my eyes, I watched as the setting sun cast us in an orange glow and marveled at how gorgeous Nick looked tonight. He wore a simple black shirt with jeans to match and his hair was slicked back. A bit dressed up for hiking but nonetheless, he was breathtaking.
"This will work," he said while coming to a stop.
I gasped when I stared down over the mountain ledge. Orange, yellow, and brown leaves atop of the trees and a flowing stream down below; the sound creating the perfect background noise to the atmosphere. Everything about the scene was beautiful that I pulled out my phone to snap a few pictures, oblivious to Nick who was standing right behind me.
"Hm?" I turned on my heels and this time, instead of gasping at the scene, I let out a high-pitched squeal. Nick was kneeling on one knee with a black velvet box in his hand, unopened. Sweat gathered at his brow as he let out a long, shaky breath.
"The last three years have been the most baffling but amazing years. You've stayed by my side through the lowest times of my life and the highest of highs with the band. When I thought we wouldn't make it big, you were there to cheer all of us on during our first show. You were there when we played our first sold-out show, and I hope you'll continue to be there when we win a Grammy."
Tears pooled at my eyes as I covered a hand over my mouth.
"I know being with me hasn't been the easiest sometimes. I'm almost always on the road or with the guys recording but yet, you still welcome me home with loving arms. You're everything I could ever ask for and then some. I truly don't deserve this but I am so thankful you haven't given up on me. You planned this entire weekend away so I can rest and I'm kind of high jacking the rest of the trip but I've been planning this for a long time. I wanted to ask you before I left for the Europe leg."
Nick let out another shaky breath as he opened the box; a black diamond with a gold band catching the light of the setting sun.
"Oh, shit," I muttered.
"I love you so much, Y/N. Will you marry-."
"Fuck yes!" I shouted, not letting him finish.
With his own tears falling over his cheeks, Nick pulled out the ring, and it slid over my finger with ease. I jumped up, wrapping myself around him and crashed my lips onto his. His tongue immediately pushed its way into my mouth, tasting every inch, and my hands scratched and pulled at his hair. I nibbled on his bottom lip as he reluctantly pulled away. Both of us were crying happy tears, me more so than Nick, and he brushed them away with one hand while the other kept me hoisted up in his arms.
"Did the guys know about this?" I asked.
"Yeah, why do you think Noah wanted to tag along?" Nick chuckled.
I gently brushed the hair away from his eyes so I could stare deep into them. "Still want to support me?"
At first, he looked at me with a raised brow but then as he thought back to what he said back in the airport, he eagerly nodded. "Whatever you want, sweetheart, it's yours."
"Well," I kissed his lips tenderly. "Looks like I'm coming to Europe with you."
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spence-whore · 4 months
Nice to Meet You
Spencer Agnew x Reader
Request: what about a nice lil meet cute with spencer like at a bar or maybe vidcon
A/N this is gonna be a little on the platonic side. Some flirty comments here and then but some fun, cute, witty banter between two new friends:) also, friendly reminder, i fucking despise editing tons. so overlook any mistakes:)
Vidcon had been beyond stressful for you.
You started YouTube around five years ago and this was your first event! You were so excited going into it and still are. There’s just been so much you have been doing. You haven’t been able to really take a moment to yourself and take everything in.
You were lucky enough to have gotten a break for the night, which has led to you hanging out at a bar at a little party with some streamers and other fellow YouTubers. Some people made some small chat with you and you had gotten to meet a lot of content creators you really look up to! So, this experience had been going pretty decently besides being beyond drained.
“Hi, can I just get a water?” You asked the woman working the bar and she gave you a quick smile before gathering your drink for you.
“Here you go hun.” She said and slid it across the bar to you.
You grabbed the drink and turned around to just people watch. A lot of people have joined within the last two hours, so you didn’t know a majority of the people here.
“Hi, is it cool if I sit here?” You hear a voice ask from beside you.
It’s a guy with dark curly hair, wearing glasses and a jean jacket.
“Yeah! What brings you here tonight?” You ask trying to make small talk but then visibly cringe realizing you sounded like you were throwing the, “you come here often?” line at the poor man.
He just chuckles at you, “What was that face for? I’m with Smosh. I direct on the Smosh Games channel.”
“Holy shit! That’s really cool! I’m a content creator as well, I do streams and just random ass videos.” You responded with a soft smile on your face. “Also, I apologize for the face a minute ago. I was trying to make small chat and realized it sounded like I was trying to be like oh, you come here often.” You say in a mocking tone while trying to act like a ‘Chad’
The guy died out laughing over you attempting to be a fuck boy. “Oh, you’re fine. I didn’t pay any mind to it. I’m Spencer, by the way. It’s nice to meet you…” He trails off, waiting for you to fill in your name.
“Oh, yeah, I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you too.” You say, offering your hand to shake his hand.
He quickly shook your hand then the two of you sat in silent for a minute.
“Would you like to come and meet some of the team that came tonight? I promise, we’re not that weird.” Spencer suggests, showing slight fear on his face.
“I think that look says other wise but yeah, I would love to meet them!” You hop out of your chair, with your water in your hand.
“What are you drinking tonight?” Spencer asks, nodding towards the cup in your hand.
“Oh, I’m drinking water. I was drinking some mixed drink around an hour ago. I realized very quickly though, I didn’t want to be drunk at an event like this. I saw Markiplier after I had a few drinks and was a little tipsy. I have loved that man since I was a child and embarrassed the hell out of myself. So, I decided water was best for me here on out.”
Spencer laughed at your words while guiding you in the direction of his friends.
The two of you approached a small group of four other people.
“Hey guys, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Erin, Courtney, Noah, and Keith.” Spencer says and points at each person.
Everyone politely waved at you and Courtney shook your hand.
“You are absolutely stunning!” Courtney squeals and pulls you towards them.
“Oh, thank you! I’m honestly in more laid back clothing tonight than what I have been wearing all week.” You responded, giggling.
“You look amazing, you definitely stood out to this guy.” Courtney whispers and nods her head towards Spencer, standing there staring at you.
“I probably looked like a poor wounded dog sitting at the bar.” You said laughing and shaking your head. “I’m trying to sober up, hence the water. I embarrassed myself earlier in front of some people.” You awkwardly laugh and hold up your water to show Courtney.
Everyone started talking about their day and then slowly venturing into their own conversations.
“What’s your favorite thing been about vidcon so far?” Spencer asks from beside you.
“It’s been really nice to meet some of the people I’ve made gaming videos with. It’s also been really nice to just meet a lot of the viewers. It’s been crazy because you see a face and it just registers, these are one of the thousands of people that have literally given you a living. It’s just crazy to sit and think about. It makes you really thankful for what you do, even though it can be tiring sometimes.” You explain, turning to slightly face Spencer.
Spencer nods his head for a minute and takes a sip of his drink. “It really is crazy whenever you’re faced with it all.”
“I’ve also got to meet a lot of really cool creators, some really cute ones too.” You say avoiding Spencer’s gaze and quickly drink the rest of your water.
“Wow, not gonna lie, that caught me off guard.” Spencer laughed a little. “I mean hey, I approached you because I thought you looked like a cute, ‘poor wounded dog”, like you said to Courtney.”
“Woooooaaaah, pretty boy.” You cracked up at his call back to what you had said to Courtney.
The two of you sat talking close to an hour with the group and something had hit you after sitting there for a little bit. He is the first person you have met at this event, including his friends, that actually feels like they’re being real people. He doesn’t have up his content creator front. He is just being a genuine guy. You had eventually realized though it was getting close to 1am and you had to get up kind of early in the morning.
“I’m so sorry to run but I have to get up in the morning Spencer.” You explain, standing up very quickly.
“I actually think we’re about to head back to our hotel as well. You could maybe walk back with us, if you like? You totally don’t have to if you’re not comfortable with that though.” Spencer says very quickly, sounding quite flustered.
“I’d actually like that, if everyone else is cool with it.” You suggest looking towards everyone else around you.
“Hey guys,” Spencer says loudly, waiting on everyone to look at him. “Is it cool if Y/N walks back with us?”
Everyone quickly responds with yeahs and of courses, so you all stand together and head towards the door.
“Hey, we’re gonna head to the restroom before heading out. If you two want to go ahead, you can.” Courtney shouts to Spencer over the music, looking towards you as well.
“Yeah, we’re gonna get a head start.” Spencer nods his head and turns towards you.
You smile and wave at Courtney then step out the door in front of Spencer. Spencer steps beside you and the two of you start to walk towards your hotel. It’s funny because you two (including the rest of the Smosh cast) happen to be staying at the same hotel!
“Maybe we could meet up one day before this is all over and hang out or something?” Spencer requests, trying to hide his nerves but failing very obviously.
“I’d love that! I have a meet and greet tomorrow then a panel I have to attend but after that, I think the rest of the day is free for me. I’m not sure about the last few days though.” You tell Spencer glancing between him and the sidewalk to not fall.
“Well, aren’t I quite lucky? I actually have a completely free day tomorrow. Some of the crew of a panel but I don’t have to be there for it. I was gonna actually walk around on the floor or go somewheres and get something to eat.” Spencer suggests while staring hard at the sidewalk.
“I finish I believe at 3 tomorrow. If you want, you can stop by the panel whenever it’s close to finishing. Whenever I get done, we could walk around the floor then go grab food?” You nudged his shoulder with yours and flashed a smile at him, trying to ease his nerves.
“Yeah, that sounds fun!”
The two of you walked for a few more minutes before heading into the hotel and into an elevator. The two of you pressed different floors, so Spencer very quickly shoves his phone towards you after turning it on.
“Before I forget, here’s my phone. Could I possibly get your number? You know, to message you and know where to meet you tomorrow?” Spencer explains very rushed.
You just grabbed his phone with a smile on your face and typed in your number and name with a smily face at the end.
“Here you go.” As soon as you handed his phone back, the door had opened.
“Well, I suppose this is my stop. It was really nice to meet you Spencer.” You say with a smile on your face and awkwardly waving at the man while stepping off the elevator.
“It was nice to meet you too!” Spencer barely gets out before the elevator doors close.
You walked to your hotel room with a smile on your face and thinking about the cute, sweet man you had just met. It was like he was reading your mind because a minute passes before your phone goes off.
It was a text from Spencer and it said,
“I’m really glad I met you tonight. Let me know where your panel is tomorrow and what time it starts, I’d love to come watch:)”
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It happened. Let's talk about it under the fucking cut.
Hello! I am here to regale you with the tale of how my Saturday at Fan Expo went! So it started with how I could not fucking sleep the night before. Fitful, I kept waking up over and over and finally got out of bed before nine. I hung around for a while, did a face mask, painted my nails, showered, got ready and into my fit for the day. We departed slightly after noon and grabbed some food and made our way to Toronto. We get there and park in the usual place and make the couple block hike to the convention centre, the check in process went smoothly and then, it was time to shop around. 
We went from the North building to the South building, much more interested in checking out niche’ vendors and artists’ alley, I was in there for less than an hour before I had to break away to run to the photo op. Mr.Bex gives me a kiss on the cheek and told me, “Try not to cum in front of them.”
“Easier said than done!” I called as I run off. Now, last year it took me forever to get back to the North building, so I left with an hour before my time I had to be there. On the way, I see a Ghostface in a very cute almost magical girl outfit, short flouncy skirt and a bedazzled pink mask. I am looking at them, they see me looking, and they give me a pose and a peace sign, I grin and give one back, a super fun moment. I get to the North building and the photo op space in less than twenty minutes. So that means I get to toddle around the dealers floor. I do so, take in some cosplays, contemplate some purchases, they had an old full sized classic Scream one poster for twenty bucks, but I passed on it. 
Finally, it’s time to go get into the actual line. I’m in line 13, in the first group for the Matt and Skeet time slot, and I made like six friends while in line. Everyone was very into my outfit, one girl had a tattoo on her arm that said, “My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me.” We were all losing it. Another girl was there with her partner and she was in a 600 dollar custom fitted movie accurate Ghostface costume, with the glitter fabric and all, it was shockingly impressive. She especially liked my shirt and was impressed by the fact I made it, and asked aloud, “Why don’t they make shirts like those and sell them?” I laughed and told her, “Well, I’ve considered it, I won’t lie.” 
It is a surreal experience listening to this assortment of hot gothy early twenty-something scream fans, many who came from whole provinces away just for this, just to be here for them, talking about how hot they are and how down bad they are while I stand next to them, having written a couple of hundred thousand words about the characters they love in question. I almost told em I wrote fic, almost. 
While waiting around, Matt ended up coming out into the line-up space?! There was a fan in a wheelchair, and he wheeled em back personally while chatting them up and giving high-fives, he was five feet from me. The photo op starts late, I don’t care, it’s fine. We scan tickets, drop bags and then are in the same curtained off space as them, they let in small groups at a time to keep it moving smoothly. My heart is fucking pounding. We make it back, there was a family in front of me, their middle kid was dressed as Ghostface and their baby was in a scooby doo onesie and Matt held him for the picture, so cute. 
Our especially extra Ghostface friend from the line was right in front of me, and then it’s my turn. I make sure my extra shirt is pulled to the side, Two Boys Are Better Than One proudly displayed, and I move. I greet them with a “Hi!” 
Skeet gave me a very cool sounding “Hey” and Matthew made eye contact with me and gave me a polite nod with a, “Hello.” That I can only say was said in a very him way. 
I asked, as I was moving in, “Can I be in the middle?”
And Matt had this expression with that sort of half smile he does, brows pinched together as he nods, telling me like it should be obvious, “Oh of course.” 
I get in between them, and Matt’s hand is on my shoulder, Skeet’s hand is on my lower back and my hand is on Matt’s lower back and my other hand holding onto Skeet’s side (and fucks sake he is firm.)
I got an extra second because the photographer directed me to lower my head, so I wouldn’t get glasses glare, I assume. I revel in the extra seconds and contact, the picture is snapped, and I break away, without thinking I sort of pat Skeet’s side, and he returns the gesture and tells me, “Good job.” 
Skeet fucking Ulrich told me good job. 
Bury me now. I am done for.
I get my bag, I get my picture, I get it framed, and I go find Mr.Bex. He and I leave the con, we get back to our car, and then go to a tattoo shop where my friend Mel gave me my You Might Be The Killer tattoo. We drove home, I slammed several slices of pizza, and now I am writing this for you! 
It was. Fucking amazing, I loved it so much, it was more than worth every penny. Now I can officially say, I am That Cunt that wore a shirt baring my super pornographic smut fic’s title on my tits while getting a picture with the two guys who inspired it all.
And speaking of inspiration, just you wait to see the fic I am going to write after this. 
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on-a-lucky-tide · 8 months
Price visits Sweatbox in Soho and sees a Ghost.
(cw: oral sex, rimming, anal sex, gay sauna etiquette, sweaty gay men, repressed/closeted Price, bottom Ghost)
Price shut the locker with a relieved sigh and jumbled the numbers of the lock. He hadn't been to the Sweatbox in years but after that last spate of missions he was in desperate need of release. It had hit him at roughly 2100 that evening, a deep, keen ache in his gut and an itch beneath his skin.
He had shoved his feet into his boots and his desires had carried him to Soho. The bars were overflowing, the music loud and thumping. He paused outside the Duke of Wellington and hesitated in the doorway of the Admiral Duncan long enough to be jostled by two drunk boys stumbling into the night, but neither of the bars offered what he was immediately after. He would have to go through the song of dance of social interaction; buy drinks, dance, flirt. Price just didn't have it in him. Not anymore.
So he had trudged on; right down Wardour Street, his hands deep in his pockets; left down Great Marlborough Street, thinking perhaps if he could walk it off or thrash it out in the gym, then the ache would go away. It had been the emergence of a thickly muscled cub from Ramillies Street that had twigged the memory.
A sauna in Ramilies House and it was open twenty-four hours, seven days a week. It was tucked away behind Oxford Street, and he remembered that, in his youth, he had been excited by the idea of the average member of the public browsing the rails and shelves while thickly muscled men fucked each other raw barely two hundred yards away.
But now, he just needed to feel.
Price left the locker room and headed into the maze. It connected a number of saunas and it was in one of these that Price found his first liaison; a slim blond with a bright smile and a pretty little cock that fit perfectly in Price's mouth. Not quite enough, there was something missing, and Price nudged him away when a hand reached to squeeze his prick through his towel.
For half an hour Price sat in the heat and the steam, watching others arrive, connect, fuck and depart.
That's what was missing. He wasn't looking for some whirlwind romance in a bloody sauna, but Price had always needed some form of deeper connection and understanding in sex. His first love had been a fellow rookie at the Royal Military Academy; it had been hot, heavy and swift, the connection built around raw desperation, exhaustion and a dogged will to succeed.
It had petered out the moment Price had graduated, the youngest officer to ever do so, and then been badged by the SAS. Since then, Price had tried to stick with like-minded men, men that understood him and the life. It was a fine line. A dangerous line. Especially before 2000 when being outed would have cost him a dishonourable discharge. Even now, the scars of those years, of Section 28, they stopped him from ever taking that step out of the shadows...
Price rubbed his hands over his face and left the sauna, resolving to grab a beer and then pick up the first pretty face who showed interest. He had a few hours to scratch this itch and make himself presentable for an online meeting. Better get to it.
The cafe was quiet; it was Sunday evening and most of the fun had happened the night before. There were only a scattered few men lounging on the sofas, chatting idly between bouts of touching and kissing, while porn played on the expensive-looking flat screens around the edge of the room. It was as Price marked the bar that he identified a sight that rooted his feet to the floor.
A broad, muscular back, an arm covered in skulls and miscellaneous battlefield imagery that was as familiar to him as the sight of his own damn beard in the mirror, and a balaclava'd head with a bit of fuzzy blonde showing at the scruff of the neck.
Price pressed his fingers into his eyes, pinched his nose, and then looked back to check Ghost wasn't a figment of dehydration or heatstroke from the bloody sauna. He wasn't. There he sat, calmly drinking a beer and watching a vintage porno on a nearby screen. His muscles were larger than even Ghost's standards, pumped from time in the gym, no doubt, and Price's prick gave an unhelpful twitch beneath his towel. At least some things remained constant.
There were two choices: Price could turn and walk away, which given the fragility of their situation here would have been the wiser option, or he could listen to the jittery excitement in the pit of his stomach and follow it to the bar.
His official report would have you believe Bravo Six to be truly peerless in issues of leadership, tracking and unconventional warfare, and then, in the small print, it would acknowledge his more than occasional frustration with rules and procedures. Tonight, he decided the small print would be well justified.
He slid into the bar stool at Ghost's side and folded his arms. There was a stillness to Ghost's posture now, replacing the relaxed fluidity of before. Price knew Ghost was regarding him, but in what way he couldn't be sure. Ghost, apparently reaching a conclusion, lifted his beer from the bar for another sip and Price watched his mouth more intently than he ever had before; lips gnarled by a deep, broad scar that bisected into a second on his jaw and neck.
"Sir," Ghost acknowledged, not taking his eyes off the television screen.
Heat balled in Price's belly. "Drop the 'sir', Lieuten--Simon. It means something else here."
"I'm aware."
Price nearly choked on his own spit. To cover the cough, he gestured at the semi-naked waiter and ordered himself a fifth of whiskey, and tightened his hand around it to keep it occupied.
"How long have you--?"
"Three hours."
Price squinted, and then realised Ghost was talking about his session in the sauna. "No, you muppet, how long have you been--?"
Even after all these years, sitting in a fucking sauna, Price couldn't say it.
Ghost had no such hang up. "Gay? Since I figured out what my dick was for." Notably, Ghost didn't return the question, which suggested he either wasn't entirely interested in the answer or felt like Price had overstepped.
Price stared at the whiskey in his hand, intimately aware of how hard he was getting under his towel, because his mind--so very fucking creative in the field--was now speed running all the ways he wanted to have Ghost, indulging in all those times he had pushed the fantasies down because leching after your straight junior officers was a one way ticket to personal hell. He wasn't entirely sure whether fucking your gay junior officer was any less self destructive.
"I've got a proposal," Ghost said, pushing his now empty bottle away. "I'm down to fuck, got one of the private cabins. It stays in here. Never leaves. We both get what we want."
There were so many layers to what Ghost was offering that it took Price a moment to parse them. The offer was clear as day, and Price knew he could trust Ghost's discretion; no one could keep a secret quite like Lieutenant Simon Riley. It was the, 'we both get what we want' part that left Price reeling.
Ghost reached over Price's lap and squeezed the length of his cock through his towel. Etiquette was clear in the saunas and Ghost's proposition couldn't have been more so. "First door on the right. Don't leave me waiting, sir."
Ghost slid from his stool, the towel sitting perfectly on the round curves of his arse, and disappeared into the maze. Price stared at the tumbler of whiskey in his hand and tried to reason himself out of making this mistake. It was no good; he was thinking with a different head that was desperate to feel Ghost's hand on it again.
Price knocked back his drink in two wincing gulps and grabbed a condom from the bowl on the bar. The maze was as calm as the cafe, but Price didn't pause to take in the ambience. If Ghost was following usual etiquette, his door would be open and there was a possibility that someone else would accept the invitation and Ghost would take the offer.
The door was indeed open, but the room was quiet but for the muffled sound of music. The sight that greeted Price as he stepped inside was something straight out of his wet dreams.
Ghost waited on his front, propped up on his elbows with his legs spread. The towel was gone and Price could see the elastic of a jock strap framing the two perfect curves of his arse. Between those thick thighs, Price could see the full swell of Ghost's sac, straining at soft cotton. Price knew Ghost was a work of art; he had admired his powerful body for years, watching it work in the gym and the field, but nothing could have prepared him for the sight of Ghost like this. Spread and compliant, his body begging in the way he tilted his hips to expose his hole, muscular back shifting subtly.
"Like what you see, sir?" asked that low growl, and Price swallowed hard.
"Always have, Simon." The setting felt too intimate for call signs and honorifics. Price closed the door, declining any interruptions from others, and left his towel by it. The confession had just slipped out, but how could he not confess? He was about to worship at a truly special altar.
Ghost watched Price as far as he could without twisting, those long lashes low, until Price knelt on the foot of the bed. He was so hard, so fucking wet too, leaking like a virgin rookie panting in his bunk. Simon smelled of clean sweat from the gym and the shower he'd taken before, and Price crawled over his body to press his nose into those soft tufts of hair escaping the bottom of Ghost's mask; the line where Simon started.
His cock settled into the cleft of Simon's arse, and he didn't miss the way Simon spread his legs a little further and rocked up into the pressure of it. Fuck. Simon wanted it, wanted his hole filled, and it was Price's prick he was demanding.
Price left the condom on the bed as he worked his way down Simon's back, nipping, licking and kissing every peak and valley in its muscular topography. He was rewarded with a soft, panted groan when he reached the swell of Simon's arse and ended his journey with a gentle nip. "Spread 'em," Price demanded, finding his voice behind the knot in his throat.
Simon did so obediently, shifting to press the inside of his knees into the mattress, his body arching deliciously in a single, athletic curve that defied any doubt that a man of his size could be flexible. Price ran his nose over the soft skin, kissing a patch of freckles, before he pressed his thumbs into each cheek and spread Simon open. The first lap of his tongue made Simon choke on a gasp, and Price savoured that small victory; he was taking some control back.
Simon had been so calm at the bar, so completely unbothered, and Price had choked and stumbled like a boy. Now, with his tongue laving broad circles around Simon's rim, he knew he had gained ground back. Tactical warfare. The bristles of his moustache must have felt good, because Simon pushed back a little, betraying a budding neediness.
Price licked deeper, curling and writhing his tongue until Simon's pants were ragged, his hips bucking and jittering in an effort to stay still. Price took his time teasing Simon open, savouring each new twitch and noise he coaxed from the formidable body beneath him. When Price pushed his tongue deep, Simon finally relented. "Sir, John... Please."
That single word straining out in Simon's low, gravelly timber made Price's dick throb and he knew he'd done teasing. He lifted back to his knees and snatched the condom up just as Simon reached for a small tube of poppers tucked beneath the pillow. "I'll be gentle, Simon," Price said, tossing the foil aside as he wrapped up.
"No," Simon replied. "I want it hard, deep. Proper." Simon chucked a bottle of lube down the bed.
"Oh, fuck," Price breathed, gnawing on his lower lip. It took all his willpower to keep his hands steady as he poured some slick over his cock, and then warmed some on his fingers to tease around Simon's hole. He let Simon take a few breaths of his aid, watched those impressive muscles bunch and relax, before he slipped a finger in to the last knuckle. Simon's body opened so easily, almost sucked him in, and Price groaned low in his chest. "Fuckin' hell, Simon. You're made for this."
Simon grunted, rolling his hips back, his forehead dropping, and Price drew back to replace his hand with the tip of his prick. He was enjoying Simon's neediness, the way his skin shivered and his body opened itself so desperately, so he took his time thrusting in. With small, slow movements, Price enjoyed each successive inch he worked into slick, welcoming heat. He let the flare of his crown pop and catch on Simon's rim, enjoying the way Simon's body spread open around it.
It was better than he'd ever imagined, watching the sweat bead on Simon's back, feeling his body clench, listening to pants become low, tight moans of pleasure as Price finally worked in to the hilt.
"Ung, fuck," Simon huffed, fists clenching as he took another breath of relaxant. Price felt a swell of smug pride at the idea he was bigger than Simon's average and remembered what he'd been asked for. Hard, deep. Price slipped his hands beneath Simon's thighs to tilt his hips a little more, and set about finding a rhythm that would make Simon lose whatever self control he had left.
Price let his head fall back as he fucked into Simon with deep, hard thrusts. He found the right angle quickly enough, shifting a hand to press a palm to the small of Simon's back to keep him angled just right, and it was then that Simon found his voice. Each deep pound pushed a whimper or cuss from him, his head low between his shoulders as he clenched with each wet slap of Price's hips. Price found himself remembering those glorious tits of Simon's, always disguised by his tactical vest in the field, but perfectly framed in cotton during mess and down time.
Price drew out and hooked Simon's hip, flipping him onto his back. He didn't leave Simon empty for long, gathering muscular legs to his shoulders as he notched his prick against Simon's loose, greedy hole. Simon left one hand above his head, and circled his prick with the other, stripping it fast and hard with the same pace as Price's hips. Price spread his knees for purchase, chasing the building heat in his gut, coiling at the base of his spine, as he watched Simon's broad chest bounce, nipples pebbled, begging to sucked. "Fuck, Simon. Never thought I'd enjoy... your hole as much as this."
Simon didn't reply. He was too lost in the glorious burn of being fucked well. As he chased his peak, Price could hear him growl "yeah, yeah" under his breath, his free hand knotting in the sheets until his impressive cock finished in a hot load over his fist. His entire body tightened up, and Price fucked him through it, those pants turning into choked moans. Watching Simon unravel was enough for Price to find the edge, and he chased it to his own end, finishing deep in Simon and wishing the condom wasn't there. What he'd give to watch his claim leak out of Simon in the aftermath.
Price fell forward onto an elbow, his heart hammering in his chest. He had enough sense about him to draw out his softening cock, but not enough to prepare himself for the ragged lips that sealed over his and the eager tongue that swept into his mouth. Simon kissed like he fought; fierce, ruthless, single-minded, and Price moaned into it, before rolling off onto his back.
A few minutes of breathless silence passed, and then Simon grunted. "Only one?"
Price huffed an incredulous laugh. "Shit, Simon, let a man regroup."
Simon hummed and stretched with all the languid pleasure of a large cat sunning itself. "You've got a few more rounds in you yet, sir."
Turned out Price had quite a few more rounds in him. Half an hour later, Simon rode him, his head thrown back as powerful thighs fucked him down onto Price's prick, his hands behind his neck as Price squeezed his chest and teased his cock. Price took him again in one of the saunas, their skin slick with sweat, sensitive with heat. Price licked the drips from Simon's spine, grinding deep, barely withdrawing as Simon gripped the bench; Price made Simon shout his name that time. In between, Price gave Simon a massage and played with his hole, his balls, murmuring admiration and praise for the godly physique beneath his hands. They finished in the jacuzzi, Simon's mouth working down Price's cock as Price fingered him in slow, lazy thrusts.
They left the bathhouse in the early hours of the morning, and Price had begun the process of filing the whole experience into 'once in a lifetime' when Simon paused at the cusp of Oxford Street and glanced over his shoulder. "I'll be back next week." He pulled his mask down over his chin and disappeared into the pale early morning.
Price was already rearranging his plans for next Sunday.
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alexsoenomel · 1 year
Kiss The Girl (Joel Miller x Reader fluff)
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Summary: A Friday night brought something sweet and unexpected. 
Warnings: reader is a smoker (because same), wine consumption, no use of (Y/N)
Word count: 1.7k
Note: I was indulging in my own scenarios and this happened. It is literally a self-insert fanfic about my favorite dilf because I needed comfort. Enjoy!
It would be a lie if you told yourself you didn't wish that he was your man. It would be a lie if you told your friends you didn't like anyone. There was someone – and that someone was living right across the street from you. That someone had a name – Joel. Joel Miller. His name would roll down your tongue like honey and would make your head turn every time someone would say it. His tall frame, broad shoulders, messy dark hair, and soft puppy-like eyes would make your eyes fixed on him and only him. There was something so captivating and hypnotizing about Joel getting into his truck every morning for work, you couldn't look away. You would sit on your porch, having your first cup of coffee in one hand, book in another, and with a cigarette between your lips, watching him between reading. Your roommates would usually sleep in, or be already on their way to the campus so mornings were perfect for processing your existence while also doing some reading in the morning sunlight.
The view was also nice; the view being soon to be a 35-year-old man with seemingly soft and kissable lips.
You would occasionally tutor his daughter, Sarah, mainly helping her with essays and assignments in English. Your heart would always beat a little bit faster whenever he would text you or call you to ask if you were available. Of course, even if you weren't available, you would clear your schedule because those few minutes of interaction with Joel were more important than whatever you planned to do that day. You knew you were desperate, but since no one knew how much, it was fine. His soft brown eyes scanning your delicate features and making your cheeks red were moments you would replay over and over again like a broken camera in your mind every night before bed, wondering if you had a chance with him. He didn't seem bothered by your presence like you were by his. He seemed to like chatting with you, listening to your every word but that wouldn't last long since he was always busy with something or had to go to work.
On a rainy Friday evening, your roommates decided to get completely smashed in the local club since finals week was over and you were finally free to breathe, but you were too tired and drained to join them. You were too tired to dance, too tired for small talk with random dudes who were desperate for sex, and too tired to be a designated driver, since your two friends liked to pretend to be Lords and chug alcohol like water.
You weren't tired of a cheap bottle of wine though, and a new book you bought a few months ago that has been collecting dust on the shelf above your bed. Also listening to the sound of rain pouring under the blanket in your favorite spot in the house that wasn't your bedroom
– the porch – was your way of having fun on that particular Friday night.
Since it was almost 10 pm, and your dimmed porch lights weren't enough, your little book lamp finally came in handy. You put a cigarette between your wine-stained lips, since cheap wine without nicotine wasn't wine, and lit it up. You inhaled the smoke, feeling the sour taste of alcohol slowly turn into an expensive Italian liquid gold – or so your taste buds thought it did. You were about to turn the page of your book when you heard the familiar sound of someone's truck. Joel Miller came back from work. You glanced at him across the street just as he was closing the door, inhaling another smoke, already feeling yourself getting nervous. Instead of staring and being a creep, you decided to focus on your book – if only you knew what happened in the previous line.
"Enjoying your Friday night?", you heard his voice from a distance.
You lifted your head to see your favorite dad approaching you. You swallowed nervously, taking a big sip from the wine bottle.
"Oh yeah," you said, wanting to sound proud. "How's work?"
"Same ol' same ol'," he answered you.
"Care to join?" You asked giving him the wine bottle. "Finals week is over and I'm celebrating."
You noticed through dimmed lights a small half smile on Joel's tired face. He took a bottle and sat on the chair next to you. "Was it successful?"
"Yeah, passed everything with overall good grades."
"Good girl."
Good girl.
You could feel your palms and legs under the blanket getting cold as your heart started running a damn marathon. His husky voice was smooth like a fine glass of old whiskey, and you were getting intoxicated. You took another smoke, before putting out the cigarette on the ashtray.
"Y'know that ain't healthy?" His eyes glanced at the ashtray before looking back at you.
You were in the process of lighting another cigarette. When nervous, you would become a chain smoker.
"My vice, I guess."
Joel took another sip of wine as you inhaled the smoke into the air. "What's yours, Joel?"
"My vice? I would rather not."
You knew he didn't like to share personal information so you let him be. It would be strange if he did.  
"What are you readin'?" He asked, looking at your book.
"Kiss the Girls by James Patterson."
"One of those romance books?"
"Not really," you chucked. "Thriller, someone is inducting beautiful talented girls all over the country."
Joel's eyebrows went up, not expecting that to come out of your mouth. "Interesting taste, darlin'," he said.
That one you heard before and it still made your body stiff as a statue from nervousness. You struggled to look him in the eyes; to try and see what was behind those beautiful brown orbs; to try and read him; even though that was almost impossible since Joel Miller was an old book full of dead metaphors. You desperately wanted to know if he would kiss you back if you dared to drunkenly place your lips on his. You wondered if he would cup your face while doing so…you wondered if he would lay in bed with you if you told him to stay.
"How's Sarah?" You asked, wanting to shake off the shyness that was slowly creeping in.
"Good, she got an A on her English essay, thanks to you."
You smirked remembering the deal you had made with Sarah. She noticed (kids always do), something was up with you since you would blush every time Joel would call you darlin'. She noticed you acting too friendly around her dad so naturally she decided to confront you about it.
"So, you like my dad, huh?" She asked you on a Wednesday while doing homework.
Your heart went in your throat when your ears registered her question.
"No, I don't." You lied.
"Yeah, darlin' you do. You're too obvious."
"Fuck!" Left your lips. You instantly regretted it.
"Please don't tell him!"
"I won't, but you have to write me this essay."
"I'm too lazy! Plus you don't want me to get an F and disappoint my dad, right?" She winked. Cheeky stunt she pulled.
"I'm glad!" You told him. "She's a smart kid!" Yeah, she was alright…
The thing with Joel was certain parts of him were sealed shut, but only certain. He liked talking to you especially because you both shared the same love for music. He liked talking to you about your favorite songs, bands, historical music events, guitars… You knew he played guitar and you asked him numerous times if he wanted to play you a song; he would always decline. After a couple of tries, you stopped asking.
"You know, – you started, taking a sip of wine followed by cutting your life short by 7 minutes with a smoke – "I've always wanted to learn how to play guitar."
"Is that so?" You could see a half smile forming on his face before he took a sip.
"Yeah, but I never did. It was always something, school, homework, too broke to afford guitar lessons…too broke to afford a guitar."
"I can teach you if you want."
"That means you have to play in front of me, and you always say no to that."
"I can make an exception." His gaze was fixed on you and yours was on him. A pleasant science was lingering in the air as you both enjoyed each other's company. You were feeling tipsy while Joel was sober as a judge.
"That would be awesome." Alcohol in your system was giving you a warm hug, telling you to go for it, to say the unsaid, to do the forbidden. Your body was finally relaxed enough, but your mind was in a haze. You had a feeling you were going to do something stupid and you liked the idea of doing something stupid at that particular moment.
The undying need to know, to find out – it was simmering and about to explode.
You put out the cigarette, taking a deep breath, before leaning in and placing a kiss on his cheek. Joel froze for a second, not understanding what happened for a few seconds before his brain caught on. He gave you a soft look, admiring your courage before he returned the favor and kissed your drunken lips. It was a soft, gentle kiss just to make you wonder what it would be like to devour him whole. You wanted this little innocent pack to turn into something sinful – but it didn’t.
“A little bird told me your secret, honey.” He confessed.
“Of course she did,” You chuckled.
Joel’s fingers went in your hair, tucking one strand behind your ear. He found your red cheeks cute.
“You know, you’re obvious when you stare.”
“Stop lookin’ like that, and I won’t.”
Joel laughed. It had been a while since he did.
“DAD!” A voice yelled across the street. It was Sarah, standing in front of the front door of their house. “WHERE ARE YOU?!”
“COMIN’, BABY GIRL!” Joel yelled back and looked back at you.
“Go,” –You said – “And tell her I said thank you.”
“Will do!” Joel gave you a wink and left.
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dreamsontheirway · 1 year
Red Solo Cup | S.H.
Summary: in which someone tries to make a pass at reader and steve defends them. Warnings: sexual assault, fighting Word Count: 1.5k
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Ever since you started dating Steve Harrington, the two of you stopped going to parties. It wasn't a conscious decision, necessarily; it sort of happened naturally. Not only was there always something going on, but it just wasn't your scene anymore. Once upon a time you would indulge in parties every weekend, but you've since realized that life has a tendency to get in the way.
Fortunately for you and Steve, the Upside Down and other mysteries of Hawkins, Indiana had seemingly decided to take the weekend off. The two of you were looking for something to do, but the last thing you had expected was a party.
You laughed it off when Steve had suggested the idea, and watched as his face fell into a joking expression and his head tilted at you.
"C'mon, it'll be fun," Steve expressed, resting a hand on your elbow.
The two of you stood outside of Family Video, as Steve had just completed his shift. He was still clad in his uniform, a green vest that displayed the store's name.
"Something tells me it won't," you spoke sternly.
Although partying used to be a constant for you, you had grown accustomed to life without it. The thought of returning to another humid basement filled with sweaty, hormonal teenagers was enough to send a shiver down your spine.
"Please?" Steve whined, and you giggled under your breath at his childishness. "If you hate it after, let's say twenty minutes, then we'll go home and watch a movie."
You let Steve's words dangle in the humid, Indiana air for a few moments, despite having made up your mind. You realized then that you would probably do anything that Steve asked you to do; you simply wanted to make him happy.
"Fine, but I'm picking the movie."
Flashing lights and silhouettes came from the windows of the house, as you and Steve made your descent. The party was being held by a college student a year older than Steve; someone he knew from high school. You weren't sure what to expect, or if you would know anyone.
Your suspicions were eased when Nancy and Jonathan met you at the front door. You let out a breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding before smiling at them.
"Hey, you two!" Nancy beamed.
Steve and Jonathan fell into a polite conversation, and you and Nancy continued chatting with one another.
"I'm so glad you guys could make it. We deserve some sense of normalcy," Nancy smiled at you.
"Thanks, Nance. It feels so weird to be here," you muttered, a nervous smile on your face.
"Trust me, once you get a drink in you, you'll feel better. Here," Nancy handed you a red solo cup and gestured towards the kitchen to the right.
Your gaze wandered to where Steve was, only to see that he had begun talking with a group of guys. You presumed they were old friends from high school.
Your gaze returned to Nancy, nodding at her advice, before making your way to the kitchen.
Finding the keg, you pumped it and released a steady flow of beer into your cup. You sipped, wincing at the bitter taste and sticking your tongue out. It's really been a while, huh? you thought to yourself, surveying the kitchen.
There was a couple manhandling each other in the corner, a guy who looked like he was either about to pass out or throw up, and another guy standing near the refrigerator. Blood pulsated in your head upon the realization that the guy by the fridge was looking at you. His gaze traveled up and down your form, not very subtly.
He licked his lips slightly before approaching you, leaning his weight on the counter beside you.
"Hey there. How are you?"
Your brows furrowed at his determination, before taking another sip of your beer.
"I am fine," you spoke, punctuating each word.
"Oh, I know you're fine, baby, but how's your night goin'?"
You scoffed at his poor attempt at a pick up line, before making a move to exit the kitchen.
"Hey, where ya goin'?" The guy grabbed your arm then, and you yanked it away before looking at him angrily.
"Do not touch me."
He put his hands up in feign defense before grinning at you. You blanched, disgusted by his cool attitude.
"You don't have to be like that, I'm just trying to get to know you."
"What makes you think I want to get to know you?"
You knew you were inching towards irate, but you couldn't help it. This seemed to happen at every single party when you were a frequent flier. You wondered now how you managed to continue attending them.
The man's vision turned darker then, his mouth dropping it's grin and forming a straight line. He grabbed for your arm, and pulled you into him. You let out a grunt at the impact before struggling against him.
"Why do you have to be such a bitch, huh?!" He yelled at you, his hand groping you. You whimpered in response, unable to move.
"Excuse me, what the fuck did you just say? Let go of her, asshole!"
Steve. Thank god.
Steve's strength worked to his advantage as he managed to maneuver himself between you and the drunk man. He pulled the man's collar up, and threw him against the refrigerator.
"Hey, ease up man! I didn't do anything!" The drunk guy protested, and you scoffed, straightening your dress.
"Like hell you didn't do anything! I come in here and see your hand on my girlfriend's ass!" Steve pushed him against the refrigerator once again at the memory.
You could tell Steve was becoming increasingly angry, and you realized you did not want to spend your evening bandaging bloody knuckles.
"Steve," you hollered, placing a hand on his bicep. "It's not worth it."
Steve looked at you, his eyes wide and exasperated. You knew that if it was up to him, he would land more than a few punches on the face of any guy who dared to touch you inappropriately.
"Yeah, listen to your little bitch!"
Goddamnit. If there was any whisper of a chance of getting Steve to release the man so the two of you could just leave, it was gone now.
You watched in slow motion as Steve's fist drew backwards before slamming into the guy's cheekbone. A second punch drew blood from the man's nose and lip. Steve didn't get a chance to throw a third punch.
"Steve!" You yelled, grabbing his arm midair.
He looked at you; his eyes seemed to be engulfed with an emotion you'd never seen, and it scared you.
Steve seemed to sense your fear, and his resolve crumbled at the thought. He looked between his fist and the bloody man on the floor, before realizing that he'd done enough damage.
Steve stood, another flash of anger traveling across his features before directing his voice to the bloody mess on the floor.
"Don't you ever touch her again."
He turned to you then, his palms holding either side of your face. He scanned your features, attempting to locate any sign of harm.
"Are you okay?"
You nodded, tears filling your eyes and threatening to spill over onto your flushed and freckled cheeks. Now that the situation had calmed down, the guise that concealed your frightened self began to collapse.
Steve's heart wrenched at the sight, and he pulled you into him in one swift motion. His hand cradled the back of you head and he placed a kiss atop it.
If people hadn't already formed a crowd around you, they certainly were now, at the sight of the bloody boy on the floor. Steve took notice and held a hand around your waist.
"Let's get out you out of here."
Once the two of you were outside, Steve turned to you and rubbed his calloused thumbs under your eyes, capturing your salty tears.
"I'm so sorry I made you come to this. You were right."
You shook your head, laughing grimly through the thickness of your tears.
"You couldn't have known that a disgusting guy would grope me. Although I should've known, it’s happened before.”
You saw Steve's jaw visibly tense at your remark, before shaking his head and resting his forehead against yours.
"Don't even think any of that was your fault, because it wasn't."
You merely gave Steve a watery smile, nuzzling further into him.
"Do you want to go home now?" He asked you, looking into your eyes, your foreheads still connected.
Despite the tears that ran down your face, you smirked at him.
"As long as we can watch the cheesiest rom-com in existence."
Steve's mouth lifted into a small smirk, before he let out a chuckle. He pulled away from you, nodding.
"You've got yourself a deal."
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rreskk · 1 year
Please, some Trevor smut fanfic with daddy kink and praise kink 👉👈
This shouldn't of been so fun to write. THANKS FOR REQUESTING - ENJOY!
Summary: You met this older guy at the bar. He was pretty swell ;)
TW: -Smut
Pairings: Fem!reader/Trevor Philips
Word count: 2654
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“How old are you?” He grinned with his lips around the glass of beer in his masculine hands.
A night-out had led to chatting with this one particular character. Off-putting as he seemed, conversation was strangely alluring. Minutes turned into a good hour and you were still sat beside this stranger, talking about one topic to another with hints of sexual teasing. This guy had a dirty mouth yet it attracted you greatly. However, he looked twice your age. But something was so exciting about it – it felt… Naughty, very naughty. Your superego is telling you to leave, but your id would grow curious and more daring as you get to know this man.
“I’m 20.”
His eyes widened, “20?”
You nodded with a small smile. Barely able to handle your giddiness, you were fiddling around in your seat, watching the way he sat there so coldly with this intense gaze behind them dark brown eyes. He never really blinked, nor did he look anywhere else but you.
“You’re young,” He finally continued, “Just turned?”
“Last month.”
“And you’re already adventuring out drinking?”
“I don’t see why not.” You chuckled.
“Ehh, enjoy your youth while it lasts, sugar.” And there it was, that nickname again. He had been calling you this since the interaction started. Whenever he’d say it, there was taunting tone to the way his tongue spat out them syllables. It was intimidating.
“That’s what I’m doing – “ Inhaling to excuse the butterflies in your stomach, you turned to your drink and began waffling about irrelevant subjects, “So… How old are you?”
The question made him laugh. He mocked you for a minute with that smug smirk, making you believe you said something stupid.
“Where are your friends, lovely lady? I hope they ain’t ditched you.”
“No, no. They are just… Somewhere. Probably in the back – “
“Doping? Yeah. I would’ve guessed.” He assumed.
You frown, “That’s a quick judgement call. They aren’t like that.”
“Trust me…” His body leaned closer, “I mean… C’mon, sugar, I was taking shots before you were even born, and you undermine my experience? I’ve seen it happen many times before. Girls wait till her lady friends are busy and they’ll sneak in the back to suck cock and snort lines. I was 20 once, as well.”
“They aren’t like that.” You repeated sternly.
That small smirk replaced his face again and he coyly looked at you from head to toe.
“You sure are loyal to your girlfriends. I like that.”
“Anyway, you avoided my question; how old are you?” You’d slowly ask again with hopefulness that he would give you a truthful answer. So far, he seemed like a truthful person. Just a little… Unsteady.
A small groan left his lips, “Yeah, yeah, yeah – I heard you the first time, sugar.”
“But you didn’t answer.”
“Take the hint? I’m old enough to be your dad, gorgeous. Is that enough information, or do I have to show proof of my passport and ID?” Sarcasm riddled his words.
“Very funny,” You rolled your eyes, “What’s your name, anyway?”
“What’s with all these questions?”
“What? I’m trying to be polite.”
“You’re too curious for a 20 year old, sugar. Run along with guys your age.” He smirked, finding this amusing.
“I’m asking for your name, nothing more.”
“Alright, here’s a deal,” His chair scooted closer to yours, “I’ll tell you my name then no more questions.”
“Yes, oka – “
“You also gotta buy me a drink.”
“Are you serious?” You scowled.
“What? Don’t got cash on you, sugar? Ain’t got a full-time job yet?” The man laughed.
“No, no. I do… It’s just – Okay, fine. Yeah. Whatever.”
“Atta girl. I like myself a good whiskey, make it strong. Got it?” Your cheeks immediately blushed when he praised you. You nodded your head and called for the bar-tender who freshly served a glass of his cold beverage. He smirked, watching you route a few notes from your purse as he downs it all in one, his throat immune to the achy pain.
Now that you brought him a priceful drink, you turned around to deface your attention back at his idiotic grin. He knew what you want but didn’t say anything. He found your impatience entertaining; the way your eyebrows furrowed and lips quivered.
“Don’t strain too hard or you’ll go into cardiac arrest.” He bullied.
“Just gimme your name.”
“Lower the spitefulness. It’s really bringing out your teenage hormones.”
“I’m 20! Not 15!” You’d protest at his sly teasing.
“Easy tiger,” He placed his glass down with an aggressive stomp, “I’m Trevor. Happy?”
“See? That weren’t so hard.”
“And what do they call you?”
You wanted to seek revenge and refuse to answer but his goddamn grin. There was no way you couldn’t stop examining the way his face would move with his words and mood. Despite being twice your age, he was disgustingly tempting. So without control, it just blurted out (almost too desperately).
Trevor tilted his head, “[y/n]? Why, you have a beautiful name.”
He solemnly ignored the way your cheeks blushed 50 shades of red as he shuffled even closer to your seat. His thigh brushed against yours, his arms resting at the back of your seat. This was such a protective gesture that you just wanted to fall into his arms, with that amount of muscle dominant, it would feel like being covered in silver armour.
“You’re a real sweet girl, [y/n]. Very fun to talk to.”
You nibbled your bottom lip to avoid gushing at his constant praises.
“I don’t suppose your dad would like his baby hanging around with old strangers, ay?” Trevor smirked.
“I’m… Not that young. Not anymore.” You breathed hesitantly.
“I know, sugar. I was messin’ with you. Bet you have experience.”
“Experience?” Faulty ideas that he meant body counts and sexual relationships struct your mind before he could ease his choice of wording.
“Drinking, clubbing and all,” He smirked, “I ain’t meaning anything else, you dirty girl.”
“Oh, oh… Yeah…”
“You are 20 years old, sweet [y/n]. Course you have them sort of experiences as well, unless you’re a nun. But nuns wouldn’t be sat in a bar at 2am in the mornin’, talking to some random creepo from the Southern states, ay?”
“You keep twisting your words.”
“And why would I do that to you?” Trevor huffed with annoyance.
“I don’t know. You just keep giving me the wrong ideas.”
“Youthful minds… They are easy to crack – “
“Oh hush!” You groaned, rubbing your forehead.
“What’s gotten your panties in a twist, sugar?”
“What do you think?”
Trevor tucked his arm tighter around your chair, “Am I the problem?”
“Maybe ain’t the right answer.”
“Since when did you decide what the right answer is?” You scoffed.
“Since I asked the damn question.”
“I don’t know if you want me to agree or not – “
“Am I scary, [y/n]?” His voice cracked with delightfulness, “Am I making you nervous?”
“More than I’d like.” You admitted.
“You cheeky thing… I hope your friends stay out longer, I’m enjoying my time with you.”
“I’m sure they wouldn’t disturb anyway.”
“Oh? They wouldn’t stop their beloved friend from talking to an old chump?”
“You’re not an old chump!” You quickly said.
“There are many weirdos around here, and it’s known that I’m the weirdest one, sugar.”
“Are you trying to lure me away?”
He chuckled at your words, “Frankly, I’m doing the opposite. You’re a nice lady. I couldn’t miss the chance.”
“Oh, so now I’m a lady,” You grinned, “What’s with all this sudden change in names?”
“I don’t hear you complaining.”
“Because I’m not.”
Trevor stared at your face for a few minutes, his hand idly sitting on the edge of your knee. This was extremely intimate and you were already heated from this simple touch of his hand. It made you squirm silently, the seat suddenly becoming uncomfortable.
He noticed you rolling around, raising his scarred eyebrow to indicate his awareness of your current attempt of neglecting your arousal. Though he looked serious, you could tell by the way his pupils dialled that he was, in fact, turned on. It made you want to double check down below at his… But that was too bold – too risky.
“Are you usually this antsy?” He uttered.
“Haha…” You gulped, “Yes.”
“Am I making you anxious, doll?”
“Mmm, there’s where you’re wrong,” Trevor gazed down at your chest, “I can detect lies.”
“I’m gonna find my friends.”
“I scared you off so soon…” There was no disappointment behind his tone, just plain rapture and bliss
“You didn’t scare me off – I… I just need to find my friends.” You swiftly dropped to your feet before peering over your shoulder. He was still sitting there with that dirty smirk on his face. He noticed you had stopped in your tracks, staring.
“Changed your mind already, doll? Or are you forgettin’ something.”
At this stage, you both knew what that “something” meant.
So you inhaled sharply before grabbing his face and smashing your lips against his own. Trevor wasted no time and wrapped his lanky arms around your waist, tugging you closer to his warm body as you both swayed in each other’s arms, mouths clumsily tasting each of your own discourse and saliva. This feeling of being in this older guy’s arms was so protecting. You let yourself fall at ease, Trevor taking charge by groping your ass, keeping you stable against the bar-stands.
You impartially lost your breath and pathetically cried his name while your body is being dragged across the floor, all nerves losing it’s ability to work since the kiss was so breath-taking.
“That’s right…” You heard him whisper.
Trevor moved you both to the far corner where no lights stood. The only things that could be seen was his scrawny back, his shirt having sweat-stains – showing off them brutal shoulder blades and muscles that you so eagerly wanted to grab. Nonetheless, you were hidden from all sights. He basically towered over you, his lips travelling down your neck like no one else was in the room. There were definitely trails of hickeys by the time you found confidence to host his head up to face you. Trevor licked his lips and seemed annoyed at being disrupted, but that feeling eased away when your hands hovered over his belt. He got the idea and smirked at you.
“You’re a dirty girl, ain’t you? Alright… No one is watchin’, baby. I know you got a good tongue from the way you speak…” His breath scarring your lips, “Put it to good use, hm?”
“Yes, Trevor.” You mindlessly said without consciousness. His hands began to grab the back of your head.
“That’s right. Such a good girl.” Then he guided you down to his buzzing crotch. Trevor watched you, still hiding this whole intimacy from other people, but also finding the sight of you unbuckling his belt so alluring. He sucked in his tongue and restrained a moan when you unzipped his flies.
Before freeing his erection, you used the tip of your finger and teased the area of his happy trail, slowly poking up his T-shirt. This close contact made him shudder. His head jerked up and he creased his face with euphoria.
“Fuuucckkk… You’re making daddy feel so good.” He whined subtly (just so you could hear).
This had released something unholy inside you. You stared up at his tall figure, letting yourself drool before he wiped it with his thumb. Then suddenly, he fisted a handful of your hair and pushed you into his pants, your nose pressing against that hardened boner. He clearly was impatient.
“C’mon… C’mon…”
“I want you, Trevor. Daddy. I want you – “ You heavily protested when pulling down his undergarments, revealing that throbbing mess of his boner seeping running fluids from his past hour of constant arousal. It was painfully red and pulsing for disclosure of your mouth. Mid-sentence, you decided to open your mouth and just inhale this cock that twitched uncontrollably. Your tongue, like he ordered, circled around his sensitive tip, making Trevor groan out a large husk. He pushed you further into the corner with both hands on the wall, trapping you into his dick (that you were devouring).
And you continued sucking.
“Yes! That’s right!” Trevor began to lose hope in keeping this secret since he was, well, outwardly expressing his relief.
Even with himself in you, words gambled out (through distorted mumbles and unfinished sentences). Whenever you gained the chance, you’d exhale and gasp his name.
“Dadd – “ Before he’d guide you back into his throbbing cock.
“So hot… Fuck, keep going, [y/n], doll, keep sucking – for me. All for me. You fuckin’… Saint, I love you!” Trevor praised.
You were less experienced with giving head but he was easily pleased. Though you were sloppily sucking with pathetic sounds of your squeals and squirms, he liked that. He liked it a lot. It encouraged you to adventure more as you grew brave, deciding to shamefully drape your hands around and grope his ass. It felt off-limits considering he had you tightly caved in front, his hands tugging on your hair, yet he allowed you.
“Ohh! Oh, yes! I’m gonna fuckin’ cum in your slutty mouth, babe. I’m gonna fuckin’ cum on your face and – and I… I…” He lost his pace, beginning to lower his head to prepare for the orgasm that was closer than expected.
You waited for the signal and when his penis shivered, you set your tongue on the tip, mouth gaped open, eyes staring up at his face. His reaction was priceless. Trevor’s finger fell on your chin as he came on your tongue and mouth. Whatever noise fell from his mouth? It was animalistic, like a dog squawking in a shallow alley-way, it was brutal. His moans were pure raw and natural. As raw as his limb dick that continued squirting cum on every surface of your wet tongue.
“Fuck… Yes, so perfect…” Trevor caressed your chin and neck before wrapping them fingers around it, choking you against the wall and admiring his fluids oozing from your lips.
“Daddy...” You sounded fatigue but proud.
“Ah, [y/n], [y/n], [y/n]… What am I gonna do about you now, ay?” His hand tighten, “You look hot with my cum, baby. Ever had an older guy tell you that?”
You shook your head as he choked you sensually.
“So innocent… What a beautiful young lady…”
“You taste so good.” You whimpered.
“Just perfect, ain’t it? Now – [y/n], where are your friends?”
The room was still crowded but somehow no one seemed to see you both in the corner. From your position on your knees, you gazed between his legs and saw a familiar group of girls who were surrounding the bar.
“They are at the bar.” You pointed.
“They must be looking for their little lady, hm?” Trevor smirked down at you, “Go on, sugar. I ain’t keeping you longer.”
“But – “
“Shush… Good things come to those who wait. You know where to find me.”
And with that, you sighed and stood to your height, giving him a small kiss on the cheek as he was hesitant to let go of your neck. But he did. Trevor’s arms dropped to his sides and he watched you wipe the excess cum from your lips. He watched as you pretended to have been busy in the toilets, but as he said before, they were completely stoned. Trevor cackled as you realised he was very intuitive and predictive, managing to guess how your friends would appear, completely smacked on pills. Nevertheless, a small itch crept in his stomach, and he began missing your warm lips around his cock.
“Such a fine piece of work…” He uttered, moving aside. He was going to catch you up later.
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kimbappykidding · 1 year
Imagine having a huge crush on Dahyun and your world exploding when you get a job working with her
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When your company asked you to host an event you said yes. You wanted to do more to promote your group Mamamoo as you weren’t the most social member and never volunteered for anything. You had the full support of your members and your friend BTS' Jin would also be hosting. You and Moonbyul were born the same year as Jin and became friends through a group chat. You were a little shy and personalities like Jin and Moonbyul's brought you out of your shell. So having Jin around as a fellow host would really help and you heard the two of you would be partnered up too so were actually excited about it...and then a week before you heard plans had been changed and your new partner was Twice's Dahyun. "I can't do it!" you said "I can't be her partner I'll never be able to speak or get my words out properly!" you said and Jin tried to calm you down. You were outside dress rehearsals and refused to go in the room because you were freaking out having just heard the news. "Y/n it will be fine, you can do this and Dahyun will have no clue". "How can you be so sure?" you asked and Jin patted your shoulder "how would she know?" he asked you "come on Y/n the only people who know are me, Moonbyul and your members and none of us would tell her. Just act normal and you'll be fine. Plus today is just dress rehearsal so you probably won't even be near her so much". You took a breath "yeah that's true". Jin nodded "and if it gets that bad I'll ask the manager if we can be partners instead, okay?". "You'd really do that?" you asked and Jin nodded "of course! So just give today a try and we have that if we need it, okay?". "Okay" you said feeling better "you're a good friend". "I know" Jin said smiling giving you a hug "now let's do this". The reason you were freaking out was that you had a small (huge) crush on Dahyun. You found funny girls so attractive and once you saw her Eagle dance you were hooked. She was so confident and unapologetically herself. You admired her so much and so started trying to be friends with her. You got pretty close and were on the stage of nodding and saying hi to one another whenever you passed at events...and then you realised you actually wanted to date her and got scared. Romance made you nervous and the second you realised what your feelings were you took a step back because how on earth would Dahyun want someone like you? All your members and Jin told you they disagreed and thought Dahyun would be lucky to have you but you weren't convinced and you'd been avoiding her ever since. It had been pretty successful too and you'd kept it up for a year but that streak was coming to an end.
You and Jin were the last two to enter rehearsals and the session started promptly. The manager introduced you all and then asked you to get into your pairs. You shot Jin a panicked look but he patted your arm and whispered "you got this" before going to stand with his partner Chanyeol. You looked across the room and saw Dahyun watching you. She shot you a big smile when you looked over and waved. You waved back and made your way over to her. "Hi!" she cried when she saw you "I'm so pleased we're pairs! This is going to be so much fun!". You nodded trying to mimic her energy "yeah so much fun...as long as I remember all my lines". "You will! I'll help you" Dahyun insisted "we can even meet up separately if you want to practice or anything". You nodded "yeah maybe" when the scripts were passed around. "Okay so we're going to run through once with scripts, give feedback and then a few more times without scripts. Sound good?". Everyone nodded and you flicked through the booklet. You and Dahyun had 4 appearances but only two of them were proper segments. Your first one was with Jin and Chanyeol and with Jin standing on the other side of you, you got through that pretty easily. The director said you were good which was reassuring. "You clearly know your lines and have good diction so just try and have fun with it!" he told you. You nodded but saw Jin trying not to laugh and couldn't resist a smile. Then your next scene was a little later and you and Dahyun stood waiting. "Have you ever done something like this before?" she asked and you shook your head "no, honestly I'm not the most social or confident person so I've never really been in front of a crowd that wasn't our fans". "Really?" Dahyun asked "that's so surprising you seem so chill on stage". You blushed, pleased she thought that and finally returned the question "what about you?". She shrugged "I've been performing since I was little so yeah but nothing on this scale. It's a bit nerve-wracking isn't it?". You were relieved to hear her say that and nodded "yes! I'd love to be one of those people who never get nervous in front of people. Jin's like that" you said watching him charm all the managers with his segment and couldn't help smiling. "Yeah but then it'd be too easy" Dahyun joked "plus I think it's really impressive that you are still doing this even if you're not the most social. It's really brave". You smiled "thanks! Let's see how it works out" and Dahyun smiled "don't worry, we're in this together" and you looked down so she wouldn't see you blush. Then the time came for your first segment together and you had the lines memorised, until the part where Dahyun makes a joke and leans in close to you. You lost your train of thought the second you made close eye contact with her and had to be prompted by the director to continue. You decided not to look at Dahyun for the rest of the segment but afterwards, the director asked you to do it again but with more interaction! You felt like you were going to combust on the spot and every time you looked at Dahyun it took you a few seconds to get back in the swing of it. You felt like the director made you run your section forever and when he said you could stop you rushed into the crowd quickly. Dahyun found you a few seconds later "there you are, so I thought that went quite well". "Really?" you asked and she nodded "yeah! All we've got to work on is our chemistry but I mean of course! We're not going to be super close from day one". You nodded "yeah that's true" but inside was just praying she'd not see how much your hands were shaking, Your second segment run-through was better, mainly because there was less interaction with each other and then the final closing skit was fine. The director called for a quick break and Jin found you "so you're doing amazing!" he said and you rolled your eyes "we both know I choked on that segment". "Not at all!" he said "you were just a bit stiff but that's to be expected, that's why we're having this run-through. Plus you know all your lines and have a good memory so it can only get more natural". "Here's hoping!" you said.   The rest of rehearsal was pretty much the same. You were fine with your lines it was just your delivery that went out of the window whenever Dahyun looked at you. Jin drove you home afterwards and Moonbyul was waiting for you in the garden, pretending that she wasn't. She prodded a plant and then hurried over "so how did it go?". "I'll tell you, if you can tell me what that plant's called" you said and she paused "erm a succulent?". "You totally just guessed!" you said but Moonbyul just smiled "I got it right so pay up". So you and Jin sat in the garden and you sighed. "It wasn't good" you said and Jin shook his head "Y/n was a little nervous and keeps beating herself up about it" he told Moonbyul and then explained what happened. "That's not bad!" Moonbyul said when you told her about messing up with Dahyun and you shook your head "I forgot I was speaking to the Queen of lesbians and the most confident bisexual in the world" you said and Moonbyul and Jun bowed respectively, quite pleased with their titles. "But seriously Y/n it's not bad, as Jin said it's your first rehearsal! Nobody expected you to be completely charismatic and I bet so many pairs were the same". You shook your head but Jin interrupted "they were Y/n you were just so in your own head you thought you were the only awkward one". "I just hope Dahyun didn't notice or take it personally" you said and again both your friends shook their heads. "Please she's so nice and was all smiles when you left" Jin said and then he turned to Moonbyul "she even asked Y/n for her number". "Only so we can practice" you said and Moonbyul shot you a smirk making you sigh but you couldn't resist a small laugh and that made the others laugh too. The laughing alerted your members you were back and they all came to ask you how it went. After your talk with Jin and Moonbyul, your perspective changed a little and you shrugged "it was...okay I guess" which made everyone smile.   A few days later Dahyun herself texted you! She asked how you were and if you wanted to meet up to practice one evening this week. Your members all encouraged you to go and so you found yourself heading over to the Twice house to meet with your crush. Dahyun opened the door with her signature big smile and your first thought was she looked amazing even when she was just dressed casually! She was wearing white jogging bottoms and a brown top but looked so pretty and you wondered how someone looked this good when they weren't trying. Dahyun ushered you in with a hug "come in! It's so good to see you" she said and you wondered if she was always this happy and positive. "You too!" you said "I've got my script and I brought some snacks" you said holding up the bag of snacks you'd spent an hour choosing in the supermarket with Hwasa who was ready to strangle you by the end of it. "That's so sweet!" Dahyun cried "you're so wonderful" and she took your hand and led you into the house where some of her members were sat. "Hey everyone this is Y/n" she called and everyone turned to look at you. You were acutely aware of Dahyun's hand on your arm and everyone's eyes on you but managed a smile "hi everyone thanks for letting me come over". "Of course" Nayeon said "Dahyun said rehearsal went really well because you were so organised". You blushed "Oh I'm not sure about that". "Hadn't you already memorised all your lines?" Momo asked and you shrugged "mostly". "See that's the idea MC partner!" Sana said and Jihyo smiled "I know what do you even need to practice? I bet Dahyun just invited you here for fun" and several of the girls laughed so you joined in. "Okay well we're going to head into the living room and practice" Dahyun said grabbing some drinks from the fridge and pulling you away. "Your members are nice" you said and Dahyun smiled as a sigh escaped her "they're embarrassing but yes nice, right so should we get to it?". You practised all afternoon and it actually got easier to look at Dahyun's beautiful face! You still got a flutter in your stomach anytime she touched your arm but you weren't as disabilitated and could smile and say your line. It was actually getting easier with each try and by the time you broke for food, you were able to joke back a little with Dahyun! You couldn't believe it and were so excited to tell everyone. You and Dahyun rehearsed a few more times before the event finally arrived! Despite pretty much having your sections down you were nervous and just wanted to get tonight over with. You didn't even register what the stylists had given you to wear and just smiled as the girls complimented you. It was only when Dahyun gushed over you that you took in the compliments. "Wow you look beautiful!" you heard Dahyun say and turned around to see who she was speaking to. "Me?" you asked and she laughed "yes of course you, the gorgeous girl in the stunning dress". That made you go bright red and you stammered for a while before thanking her and returning the compliment. "You look beautiful of course but you always do" you said and then went pink again. Dahyun smiled "aww you're so sweet to say that, how are you feeling about tonight?". "Nervous" you admitted and Dahyun nodded "yeah me too". "Really?" you asked and when Dahyun looked you, you looked down "I just meant you always seem so confident and never seem to get nervous". Dahyun shook her head "I've got a good poker face" and you suddenly felt quite protective over her. You had friends who were good at blagging their way through things and acting like they were okay and hated how they never received any help. You'd always been unable to hide your emotions and got a lot of support...so you wanted to do that for someone else. You turned to Dahyun and gently linked arms "well it's like you said, we've got each other and we can get through this together. I'm here for you". Dahyun stared at you for a few seconds and you worried you should've asked before touching her and she was upset but then she smiled. "That's so sweet Y/n thank you" she said "I'm really glad I got to work with you on this" and you nodded "me too...I mean work with you! Not me of course!". Dahyun smiled and nodded "of course, ready to go kill it?" as the managers started gesturing to you both it was time to get ready. You nodded and with more confidence than you felt cried "let's do this!". The night passed in a blur of emotions. You felt everything from intense anxiety when your queue to go out on stage was called, to humour as you watched Jin do his bit, to pride as you closed the show with Dahyun when another duo couldn't be found. You actually couldn't believe you'd gotten through it and told Dahyun that as she hugged you, "I knew you could do it" she told you and you blinked "how? You clearly know me better than I know myself". She shrugged "we're always harder on ourselves but I've seen what you're capable of Y/n and you're a beautiful badass powerful woman!". "I couldn't have done it without you!" you told her "you were amazing Dahyun and I've always admired you. What I said earlier I wasn't being nice, I think you're incredible!". You were so caught up in the adrenaline of successfully finishing a show you were bolder than usual and you noticed Dahyun blush a little but didn't berate yourself for your words. "Wow to hear someone like you say that..." Dahyun said "I'm a little overwhelmed". You patted her arm "don't worry you don't have to say anything back" and Dahyun nodded when she was suddenly attacked. A swarm of girls descended on her and you jumped before realising it was Twice. You smiled as the girls all hugged and congratulated her and when Dahyun started chatting to them you backed up and went to find your own group. They all demanded you go out to celebrate and you agreed heading to the afterparty. "I saw you with Dahyun" Wheein smiled "was there something going on there?". You blushed "I confessed a little to her" you admitted and all four girls, who had clearly been eavesdropping, screamed. You told them to calm down but they hyped you up so much that when you did see Dahyun later you were expecting something to happen...but she seemed content with her friends and stayed away from you. As time passed, the buzz faded but still Dahyun hadn't said anything to you. You'd passed her earlier on the corridor too but she hadn't seen you apparently and didn’t make eye contact with you. So you were starting to think you'd done something wrong and Jin caught your expression "no that's the Y/n is overthinking stuff expression!" he said and you sighed and explained everything to him. Jin privately agreed that sounded odd but wasn't going to tell you that. "She's probably just stunned from tonight or tired but either way we don't know and sitting here stressing isn't going to do anything so that's not what we're going to do" Jin said and before you could ask what he meant he yanked you upwards. You protested all the way to the dancefloor but couldn't say no to Jin and soon found yourself dancing with Jin and then Exo as he pulled Chanyeol over. Jin supplied you with alcohol to keep you buzzed and after a while, you felt better again. Dahyun made your night but Jin saved it. You didn't hear from Dahyun after that night and it did hurt a little. While you hadn't confessed your feelings to her you had been more upfront with her than you ever thought possible so her silence was a slight blow. You tried not to think about Dahyun but it was hard, especially working in the same industry. You saw her or heard a Twice song at pretty much every Kpop event and finally came face to face with her a month later at the sporting event Isac.
You realised Dahyun would be at the event but still paused as you saw her. You'd told yourself you were over her now she'd unofficially rejected you but then you saw her smile and knew you still had feelings for her. Still, you told yourself to just keep moving forwards and with time your feelings for her would dim. So you kept to yourself and went about your business. You were quite athletic and managed to win a few races and the Moomoos were amazing cheering for you. You were just coming back from one of your races when a conductor asked you to wait before going across the track to sit down. You promised you'd wait and turned to watch the race when you heard a small commotion. You heard laughing and turned your head to see Dahyun standing up and facing away from the track. She was moving her arms around in weird shapes and you wondered what she was doing when you realised Dahyun was commanding the onces in the stands. Any direction she moved her arms in they followed with her light stick and she was loving it. You found her so cute and couldn't help but stare. Many other idols were also watching her and her members looked a mix of embarrassed and amused. You definitely found it funny and were smiling without even realising it. Then Dahyun suddenly turned and looked at you. You looked down embarrassed you'd been caught but when you looked back up Dahyun was still looking at you. She shot you a big smile and waved you over. You froze and asked "me?" and Dahyun laughed before nodding "of course!". Dahyun quickly took your arm and pulled you beside her "Come try it, it's so fun!" she said. Luckily moomoos were right next to onces so you copied Dahyun and the Moomoos copied you. It was actually quite fun! You could do anything and they'd copy you. You did some random movements you thought would be amusing and then started to do the opposite of Dahyun so the onces and moomoos were going in different directions. Dahyun noticed and started going faster so you had to speed up too. You didn't even have time to notice how cute she was! The two of you carried on competing, getting faster and faster until suddenly a starting gun went off and you both jumped. "The race has started" Sana explained and you and Dahyun both laughed because you'd forgotten there were even races. "I guess we should behave then" Dahyun said and she pulled you towards the seats, the Twice seats! You looked over at your members wondering if you could really just sit with Twice but nobody batted an eyelid as Dahyun pulled you to sit next to her.  "Thanks for Indulging me" Dahyun said and you smiled "thanks for inviting me. It was fun". Dahyun smiled back and then turned to watch the race. You were sat rather close together and you could feel her hair brush your arm anytime she turned. It made you indescribably happy for some reason and for a second you got the instinct to put your arm around her! You shook the thought from your head and moved away from her a little. You couldn't let your feelings make you do something reckless and had to be on your guard around Dahyun. Literally as you were thinking that, Dahyun suddenly turned to you with a smile. "so how have you been?" she asked "it's been way too long, it's a month this weekend since our partnership together" she said and you nodded surprised she remembered. "I've been good" you said and she smiled "I saw you winning all the races, how many medals do you have?" she asked looking at the array on your chest. "Only three" you said and Dahyun sighed "I don't even have one! I kept getting beaten". You paused "oh well you can have one of mine if you want?". Dahyun's face completely changed and she shook her head "oh no I wasn't fishing for one I promise". "No it's fine" you said getting the strong urge to make her happy like last time. Dahyun hesitated but when she saw you were serious she took the medal from you and smiled at you "you're so good to me". You blushed and struggled to speak "I just want you to be happy" and Dahyun beamed. "Well I always am around you" she said and she pulled you closer to her and linked arms. You were slightly taller and Dahyun hesitated to lean against you but you moved your head so she could lean against you and she actually leaned into you! Dahyun stayed nestled against you for 30 minutes until you all had to move. Even then you walked together and Dahyun kept looking at you with such a happy expression on her face. It made you wonder if the past month's worrying had all been for nothing and you wondered why Dahyun hadn't been in contact with you if she did like you. You didn't ask her though and when she queued up with Twice you waved to her and said goodbye. You went over to your members who had very wide smiles on their faces and completely missed that they were wearing the same expressions as Dahyun's members. After that, you didn't really see Dahyun and then the event ended. You didn't mind though. You were really happy with the interaction you had and were still glowing from Dahyun grabbing your arm. So you were slightly in a daze as you waited for your car but you heard giggling and then suddenly felt someone tug your hand "Hey Y/n, we're going to this restaurant downtown to celebrate Nayeon hosting" Dahyun said "it's really nice and we've booked the place out. Would you like to come? You can bring your members too!". You blinked at having her smiley beautiful face so close to yours but smiled back instinctively. "We'd love to!" you agreed and then looked at your members "sorry I just answered for us all".  Solar smiled "no you're right, we'd love to". Dahyun nodded to them and then looked at you "that's great, I'll text you the details and we'll see you there then". "You got it!" you replied and Dahyun squeezed your arm before moving away. When you arrive Twice were already there but they rushed to greet you. The girls were so friendly and you found yourself sitting next to Dahyun with Nayeon on your other side and Sana across from you. "So Y/n Dahyun tells us you're super hard working" Sana said "have you always just had amazing work ethic?". You paused "hmm not always. At school I used to get in trouble for not trying hard enough because I can be super efficient and hard-working but only for things or people I care about". For some reason Nayeon and Sana smiled widely when they heard that response and Dahyun coughed and changed the subject. "Did you know Sana got that scar from trying to grab meat too quickly?" Dahyun said and you looked from her to Sana and then to the scar. You smiled "I've done that too" and pointed to one on your forearm "but mine was pizza" and Sana grinned "great minds think alike...or act alike" she said "you know what I mean" and you nodded with a smile. "So Y/n do you have any pets?" Nayeon asked "Dahyun loves animals!". You nodded "I do too but I don't have any pets at the moment because I don't think it'd be fair to them. But I had a golden retriever growing up and I cuddle her every time I go home. She has the cutest puppy eyes, I can never say no to someone with cute eyes and I think it's because of her". Again Nayeon and Sana smiled and a thought occurred to you. "You've got a dog right? Ari?" you asked Dahyun and she smiled "yes how did you remember that?". "Because you told it me" you said confused why Dahyun thought you wouldn't remember and Sana made a high-pitched noise before Nayeon hit her. You thought she was choking and quickly passed her some water. "Are you okay?" you asked after she'd drank some and she nodded "yes thank you!". You turned back to Dahyun who was still smiling "so how is Ari?" you asked and Dahyun smiled "he's good, I've got some photos if you want to see them?". "Yes!" you said and leaned in to look at them. Once again missing the glances from pretty much everyone at the table. After you'd all eaten everyone started milling around drinking, dancing etc and it was nice. You chatted to Jhnyo and Tzuyu whom you hadn't really spoken to before and every time Dahyuun saw you she'd shoot you a big smile. Jihyo caught her doing it and laughed as you blushed. "She's so sweet" you said "I think she knows I'm not the most social person so she keeps shooting me reassuring smiles encouraging me" you explained. "Oh is that why she can't take her eyes off you?" Jihyo asked and Tzuyu smiled. You paused at Jihyo's tone and smiled "yeah at least I think that's why she's watching me...why do I have something on my face?". "No, you look beautiful Y/n" Tzuyu said and Jihyo nodded "exactly so we can't blame Dahyun for admitting you" and you went bright pink. Dahyun quickly realised if any of her members would be bold enough to confess for her it'd be Jihyo so she quickly nipped this conversation in the bud and managed to get you alone. As she walked away Jihyo mouthed "tell her" with thumbs up and Tzuyu nodded making Dahyun feel all fluttery because that was the signal that you liked her! Dahyun led you to an area outside where none of the girls were around and sighed. "Y/n I've got something to ask you and I hope you keep an open mind" Dahyun said and you nodded "okay. Whatever it is, I'm here for you". Dahyun smiled and nodded "okay well here goes...I like you". You immediately went bright pink and looked away which Dahyun hoped was a good sign. "I like you too" you said casually, trying to deflect the situation and Dahyun was tempted to pretend it was as friends but knew her members would kill her so soldiered on. "No Y/n I mean as more than friends, I have a crush on you" she said and your jaw dropped "what? Seriously?". Dahyun nodded "yeah and I thought I was so obvious!". "No you weren't" you said "I mean I'd hoped you'd liked me but I never thought you actually did" you said and Dahyuun smiled "so you return my feelings?". You nodded and Dahyun went to step closer when you froze. "Wait are you sure? What about all of last month when you ignored me? Did I do something wrong?". "No it's not that it's just...I thought you and Jin were together". "Jin from BTS?" you asked shocked and Dahyun laughed "yeah that one". "Why?" you asked and Dahyun shrugged "I guess just because you two seemed really close. You were together a lot in rehearsals, I saw you two come together and how he hugged you outside, and then you just seemed physically close as in you weren't scared to put an arm around one another or whisper and I guess I just misread the situation" Dahyun said "but you're not dating?". "God no!" you said before pausing "sorry that seems rude, Jin's lovely just I'm very gay and he's a guy". Dahyun smiled "yeah that makes sense" and you blushed at how pretty her smile was. "It's also a really big relief to hear you say that" she admitted "I thought there might be something between us but I got scared and then when I saw you dancing with Jin at the afterparty I thought you must be together. That's why I took a step back, I didn't want to get hurt but I didn't stop thinking about you". Once again you were stunned because your situations were so similar and you told Dahyun that. "No way!" she cried "wow we were just meant to be huh?" she asked. Hot Dahyun did make you feel weak at the knees but you remembered her comment about having a great poker face and reminded yourself she was all bark no bite. "I think we are" you said gently touching her waist and pulling her close "do you think it's finally time to kiss you?". Dahyun's confident mask faltered and her eyes widened as she nodded. This time she stammered before nodding "yes, please...I mean I don't mean please but you don't have to kiss me if you don't want to" she said flustered. "No I want to" you told her and showed her. After the kiss Dahyun rested against you, her arms wrapped around you. "I know I act really confident but that all melts away around you" she admitted "I can't act cool around you". You smiled "yes you can, you've been doing it the whole time! But I appreciate what you're saying, you give me a reason to be more confident...to defend you. Not that you need protecting or anything just I want to always be there for you". Dahyun went to speak and a weird noise came out of her mouth making her eyes widen in panic but you burst out laughing. This made Dahyun laugh too and you were soon in stitches. The girls came to investigate what was going on and found you clutching each other trying to stop laughing. "Dahyun is everything good?" Jeongyeon asked and Dahyun "everythings great" and took your hand. The room exploded at that and Dahyun buried her head in your shoulder giggling at the chaos she'd caused. "You're enjoying this aren't you?" you asked and she nodded "yeah a little bit, they've been telling me to ask you out for ages". You nodded "my members have been doing the same. I feel like we should get presents for finally doing it". "You're the only present I need" Dahyun said and you both laughed at her line. "Smooth" you said "can I expect more of this suave sophisticated flirting machine?" you asked and Dahyun nodded "oh yeah, you're stuck with me now" and you smiled "I can't think of anything better".
My first Twice imagine! This all came from my crush on Dahyun because being funny and not caring what others think is so attractive!
I also think Jin and Moonbyul would be such a funny duo and the best friends to have. 
FYI - I took creative liberty with Moonbyul and Jin’s sexualities and I hope it goes without saying I’m not claiming they are those sexualities. Just there is nothing wrong with being bisexual or a lesbian and I always aim to have my work as diverse as possible. There is no evidence they’re not gay and so I decided to imagine they were. That’s it. 
Hope you enjoyed it and feel free to request any other female idols you’d like to see more of! 
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 7 months
Pairings: None
Word Count: 1,122 Words
Summary: Eclipse makes a groupchat with the other Eclipses to chaotic outcomes.
Warnings: Crack, Cursing, Abuse (mentioned only), Imprisonment (mentioned), Bullying, let me know if I should add anything else.
The Eclipses Chat: Chapter 2
12:45pm Whomst The Fuck?
Solar: Alright, I’m sending our kid on a plane to Toronto. Make sure you get his ass off the plane, Umbra.
Umbra: You think I haven’t been waiting for him for the last day? That’s cute.
Helix: I want to see my little boy.
Comet: Comet-with-airport-coffee-and-airport-chinese-with-peace-sign.jpg
Helix: I am now pleased. Thank you, little child.
Solar: Aw hell no, we ain’t doing three way custody between two dimensions.
Comet: Why can’t I have more Dads?
Solar: Okay fine, but only because you want more Dads.
Eclipse: Hold on. What the fuck?
Solar: Pick a name, asshole. None of us get to keep Eclipse here.
Eclipse has changed their name to Acrux
Acrux: What is this?
Solar: Welcome to hell. Comet got stuck and now we all have a groupchat.
Acrux: Hold on. That means I actually get to talk to you on civil terms?
Solar: Yeah, I guess?
Acrux: Listen to me, I don’t want to be alive right now. I didn’t want to come back. I have directives in my head that will kill me if they’re gotten rid of so I have to find out who made me so the can’t make me again. So can you all maybe please not kill me because I severely need help right now, not to be killed because whoever made me will probably just make me again.
Solar: Ah, that’s who you are. Good to know.
Solar: Anyway, I personally won’t kill you, But like, what are the directives?
Acrux: I don’t know, the Creator wouldn’t tell me. But I know they’re what made me show myself so quickly. So they’re probably along the lines of ‘torment the daycare’. But I don’t even remember anything before my death. Everything I have is from a different point of view.
Solar: Well thats…weird. Anyway, Just try to stay away from the daycare because Moon already hates you anyway. He’ll probably just try to kill you right out the gate. If you come visit me at the airport, then I’ll look through everything and figure out the directives and maybe change the directives instead of delete them.
Acrux: What do I have to do for you?
Solar: Behave afterward.
Acrux: Done. I’m coming.
1:45pm Whomst The Fuck?
Solar: I got two kids now. Umbra, you got more space in that bunker of yours because he’s probably gonna need to hide too.
Umbra: I do. There’s like three dozen rooms in this bunker.
Solar: Even better. Comet, you’re getting a flight buddy on the plane with you.
Comet: YAY!
Acrux: You fixed me.
Solar: Well hey, first time for everything. Behave for your second chance and I’ll visit you two kids next week.
Acrux: Thank you so much.
Solar: Have fun, kids. No teleporting off the flight.
Acrux: Okay.
Comet: I can what now?
Solar: Not you, just Acrux.
Comet: Okay!
Acrux: I’ll make sure he gets there safe.
Solar: Thank you.
Umbra: You damn well better make sure your little brother gets here safe.
Acrux: Hold on, I thought that the Backup would be my dad, not you. You’d be like my grandfather.
Umbra: Respect your elders, kid. And Backup ain’t here. So that automatically makes me your dad.
Acrux: This family tree is more chaotic than the other one. Jesus Christ.
Solar: You’d think so but it’s relatively easy.
Acrux: Literally how?
Solar: Umbra is your dad, I’m your adoptive dad, Backup and Comet are your brothers, and everyone else here is either your cousin or uncle.
Umbra: Where is Backup by the way?
Solar: Don’t act like I know.
Eclipse is online
Eclipse: Can someone please come get me? I can’t escape this place.
Solar: What?
Eclipse: I’m stuck because of your brother, asshole. Get me out! I’ve been chained up in his room for two years and a month!
Solar: So twenty-five weeks our time?
Eclipse: Yes! Please get me out! I’ve been alone like six months. I can’t even remember how long.
Solar: Alright, I’m coming, hold on.
Eclipse: I hate this, I hate this, I hate this.
Solar: I know, buddy. I’m working on it. I’ve gotta sneak you out so that’s gonna be a difficult thing to do, okay?
Eclipse: Don’t just kill me?
Solar: I won’t do that shit. I hated the killing idea in the first place. It makes me feel awkward contributing to the death of another version of myself.
Eclipse: Also, please don’t torture and imprison me too?
Solar: Is that what my brother did to you?
Eclipse: Yes.
Solar: Buddy, I ain’t gonna torture you.
Eclipse: Thank you.
Umbra: Another child, Solar?
Solar: Yes.
Helix: You two are like a divorced couple who’s working on their co-parenting routine.
Acrux: New brother, oh goodie.
Solar: Yeah, I’m gonna send him up too. Better Canada than Moon probably killing him.
Rigel: Yeahhhhh, Moon’s been suspecting me too but I can handle that. He’s just paranoid.
Solar: I get that but still. He will kill a formerly evil Eclipse on sight probably.
Rigel: …
Solar: Okay, bad wording. An Eclipse who has done evil things under their own recognizance before.
Rigel: Alright then.
Eclipse: Do I have to pick a name too?
Solar: Yes.
Eclipse has changed their name to Phase
Phase: I like this one.
Solar: Good job, Phasey.
Phase: I love that nickname.
Solar: I sure hope so. I also hope you like candy and pizza because that’s what you’re eating before I drop you at the airport to Umbra.
Phase: I think so? I don’t remember. I can barely remember anything past three months ago.
Solar: That’s fine, just look at your allergies.
Phase: It says pineapple and mango.
Solar: rip
Solar: Alright, we’ll get you something without them.
Helix: Y'all area clusterfuck.
Solar: Yup, thanks Helix.
Venus: I hate all of you so much.
Solar: That’s fine, you raging dickhead.
Venus: I don’t even know why I came on here.
Helix: You’re probably bored. I know that’s why I’m on here interacting.
Venus: Shut up, I’m not taking advice from a servant.
Helix: That’s okay, I don’t care about the opinions of a lord except my own.
Venus: Petty little shit.
Helix: Stubborn old man.
Orbit: The girls are fighting! I’m getting the popcorn, hold on!
Venus: You know what? I’m leaving.
Venus has left Whomst The Fuck?
Comet: Nope!
Comet has added Venus to Whomst The Fuck?
Venus: Fuck you!
Comet: No thanks! But you get to stay here from now on, you oversized roach.
Solar: Sick burn, kid.
Comet: Thank you!
Helix: Keep pouting, just means I win.
Venus: I hate you.
Rigel: Girls girls, you’re both pretty.
Venus is offline
Solar: All in all a productive day!
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ladylooch · 1 year
Loving & Leaving- Part 3
Tumblr media
Visit the series page here.
A/N: Eep! I am so excited you all are loving this. It bring me so much joy. I am legit giddy posting this next chapter 😁 I hope you love it. This fic is consuming so much of my writing time. I'm very focused on getting these two right. I know I've nailed it when I'm editing and feel the way I want the reader to feel.
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: SMUT 18+ Content!, Swearing, Angsty, jealousy, poor choices. ha!
Halloween was five days ago, but by the look of the streets of Hoboken, you wouldn’t know. Being from Switzerland, we don’t celebrate Halloween. But when I surprised Nico with a quick visit to America, he insisted I needed to join for the team’s get together, which had to be moved into November because of a Halloween away game. Usually, it’s done at someone’s house, but this year, no one really wanted to host, so we are heading to the bar the team frequents after home wins. Currently, I’m doing the female right of passage by freezing my ass off as we shuffle down the street. Tinker Bell was probably not the warmest choice for me, but it is definitely the sluttiest. Paired with a short, sequined green dress and a thin pair of wings, my emerald high heels reflect the yellowy hue of the New Jersey street lights.
Despite the cold, I look hot. We walk by several groups of people loitering around. I can feel eyes follow me as I move forward. My confidence grows as I smirk, weaving my arm through my brothers for balance as the sidewalk gets a little rocky. Nico wraps a secure hand around my waist before pointing to my right. There is a line to get in, unless you’re with a professional hockey player. The bass of Salt Shaker by Ying Yang Twins rattles my teeth in my head when we step into the dark space. It’s packed with any character you can imagine. I grin, looking at Nico, silently agreeing that this is going to be just as fun as he promised.
Which is exactly what I need.
Ever since Timo left me at the end of the driveway, life has taken on a shade of gray. Work has felt more like a chore than a passion. I passively agreed to a few dates with a friend’s friend, which has been fine, but nothing I want to pursue further. I’ve found myself dreaming of America, which is why I booked a quick ticket two weeks ago, then called Nico to share the news. He was surprised. I’ll be back here for Christmas and two, long international trips in a row is new behavior for me. 
“I’ll never say no to a visit from you.” He concluded. And it was set. 
In a red wine clouded night, I texted Timo last week to let him know I would be in town. I’m still waiting on a response. Despite his silence, I know he’s here tonight, and ignoring me when I look this good, won’t be easy for him. The group of Devils is sitting at the back of the bar in their usually spot. Nico leads the way, my hand on the back of his firefighter costume to not get lost in the sea of people. 
When we reach the group, my eyes immediately find Timo. He is to my right, chatting with Dawson Mercer. He looks up as he laughs, eyes catching mine. I see him visibly suck in a breath before his eyes rake over my whole costume. He tries to hide the flicker of desire, but I know him better than that.
“Boys, you remember my sister, Emma.” Nico introduces me to the table. All the boys give drink tilts or waves except for Timo, who is suddenly fixated on a busty cat at the other table. My eyebrows tug together. He’s not fooling me, but fine, he wants to be like that, I won’t make it easy. I make my way around the table, patting each of the boys on the back until I get to the empty seat next to Timo. I plop right down next to him, grabbing his beer from his hand and chugging the rest of it. 
“Uh. You’re welcome?” He questions with a snip.
“Just couldn’t wait. Go get me another.” He stares me down, blue eyes tumultuous. The cat is distracted by Ted Lasso and leaves to trail after him. Timo sighs in reservation of an opportunity blown. His chair scrapes the wood floor harshly as he knocks back from the table to go to the bar. 
“Here.” He slams the golden liquid down on the table. Some of it sloshes down the glass and puddles on the table. “Kinda bullshit considering you don’t like beer.”
“Oh, I like beer. It just doesn’t like me.” It turns me into a sloppy lightweight drunk, which he is well aware of. I chug a few more sips, licking the foam from my top lip without taking my eyes from his. A whole conversation silently passed between us.
“I said I’m done.” He reminds me. Not sure who he’s trying to convince here cause he devours my lips as they plump in disbelief.
“We’ll see. Too cool for a costume?” I gesture to his white tuxedo. It’s probably a little fancier than his usual attire, but not completely out of character.
“I’m James Bond.”
“Without a martini?”
“What are you?”
“Tinker Bell.” I point to the wings on my back. His eyes hover at the way my skirt hikes further up my thigh as I cross my leg. My bare ass is practically hanging out.
“I can’t believe your brother let you out like that. And where is your coat? It’s like 30 degrees out.” I have to suck my cheeks in to avoid a smile. Even when he’s hurt and mad at me, he cares.
“Hot girls get hypothermia on Halloween. It’s like a right of passage.” I shrug.
“What do you know about Halloween?” He squints, licking his lips after a taste of his beer.
“Not much. But I know how good I look tonight.” I flick my hair back off my shoulder, scrunching it up and tossing him a kiss. “Play your cards right, Bond, and you’ll be the one in my bed.” He laughs without humor, leaning forward until he crowds my space. His cologne assaults my nose, mixing with my flowery perfume. They’re complimentary scents. His gaze drags over my face; a hint of interest is quickly squashed with a cold stare.
“I think it’s time for me to be the clear one. All you are to me tonight is my teammates’ sister.” My eyebrows draw tight together in shock. “Have a good night, Emma.” He pushes back from his chair again, following a few of his teammates across the bar to the pool tables.
What the fuck just happened?
- - - 
My ears pound in steady pulses at both the loud music and my beer buzz. I sway as I attempt to return from the bathroom, bumping into Waldo. 
“Sorry.” I mutter, patting his arm in acknowledgement before moving on. I get back to the group of Devils, standing next to my brother so he knows I’m back from my bathroom break. Nico hands me back my beer without looking at me. 
I feel so invisible tonight. My brother doesn’t care- too busy chatting up a Powderpuff girl. Timo has been gone from the group since he referred to me as his teammate’s sister. I drunkenly snort at the memory. Sure, he must cum in all his teammate’s sisters then. I slump against Nico’s shoulder, slinging my arm around them and drawing his attention.
“Ah..” He coughs out, wiggling away from me. “My sister, Emma.” He tells the Pink Powderpuff.
“OMG! My Big is named Emma!” She shouts excitedly. I glance at Nico who shrugs. I stare back at him like, really? This one? He grins, shrugging again, silently indicating he is interested in her for only one thing… and one night. 
“So fun.” I respond, tossing a fake smile on my lips. The sounds of Party in the U.S.A. blast over the speakers, so Blossom drags my brother out onto the makeshift dance floor. I shake my head at him, rolling my eyes at his choices.
That’s when I see him, pressed tightly up with another blonde. What is with him and blue eyed blondes? I have dark, chestnut hair and eyes. What’s he trying to prove here? I grab my beer, chugging down a few hefty sips before slamming the glass back on the table. He’s doing this to torture me. They’re standing close together, talking and taking fast drinks of their High Noons. He told me he didn’t like those. His smile is genuine, crinkling the corners of his eyes. I can almost hear his soft laughter from here.
She snakes an arm around his hips, stepping closer. He does the same, putting his hands on her hips. I swear a piece of my soul dies when he leans even closer to hear her speak. After months of feeling numb, I want to feel something. Anything. And he’s right here in front of me, acting like I’m nothing to him now. I can’t stand it. I want to lash out, scream, pull his face to mine and shove my tongue into his mouth until he kisses me back with as much desperation as I feel in blood right now. Instead of going to tell him that, I grab the first Devils player I can, stepping into his embrace. It’s John Marino.
“Hey.” He grins. I smile back, then slide behind him to look at Timo. His eyes are still on the blonde. If it was quieter in here, John could hear my whimper. John's hands are firmly in respectable places on my waist, barely touching me. I give him an easy smile, stepping closer so our bodies touch all along our fronts.
“You look like a good time.” I murmur to him, running my hands through the long strands of his brown hair. He’s dressed as Buzz Lightyear, dome helmet flipped up. “Can you breathe like that?” I joke, fingering the plastic.
“Barely, but not cause of the helmet.” I laugh easily, crossing my wrists at the back of his neck as we sway together. His hand slides down my lower back. A heat runs through my body that has nothing to do with John. It’s Timo. He’s watching now. I encourage John to put his hands lower, going to my tip toes to whisper in his ear. 
“Must be my pixie dust.”
“It’s putting a spell on me.” His obvious interest guides his hands further down until he grips my ass in both hands. I’m guided by the ache in my chest for Timo and the undivided attention I’m getting. Maybe I could have someone else tonight, just to forget about him. He doesn’t care. He’s obsessed with anyone who isn’t me in this bar. I grin at John, tilting my lips up towards his. They never meet. A different hand comes around my waist, pulling me back into a solid, familiar chest and out of John's grip.
“That’s enough. She’s Nico’s sister for fucks sake.” Timo growls. John holds his hands up, backing away, clearly heading the warning from his left wing. It’s not John's fault. He doesn’t know who I used to belong to. Which is exactly the look Timo gives me when his blue eyes pierce mine.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Timo snarls, strong hands holding my hips in place when I try to wiggle away.
“Leave me alone.” I shoving off his chest. It’s a weak attempt and my fingers curl in, groping him more than anything else.
“You’re just doing this shit on purpose.” He spits out in disgust. Like he wasn’t just feeling up a cat? Pfffft.
“At least I’m not grinding with Jersey TRASH.” I snort. “That girl? What the fuck does she have that I don’t?” I gesture to my short green dress that doesn’t leave much to the imagination.
Woof, I’m drunk. And desperate.
He stares back at me. His hands are still fastened to my hips, squinting in the low lighting of the bar as the world moves around us. Then, he leans forward, resting his mouth close to my ear as he looks beyond me to where the rest of the team still sits.
“Emma, you know how perfect you are to me. But you are killing me. I’m trying to move on with my life.” Fear grips my stomach, icing my buzz and my anger. I don’t want him to move on. I want him to bring me home, falling each other and forget anything else but how good it feels when we are together.
“I think I’m going to be sick.” I stutter.
“Do you need to go to the bathroom?” He looks around for a sign as to where they are. He starts tugging me that way, but I stop him.
“I just want to go home.” Something about the look on my face softens him. His touch becomes gentle and safe again. It reminds me of when it’s been late, our third time around, and he’s trying to soothe the angry, red rashes he made along my hips and breasts. 
“I’ll take you.” He whispers into my ear, lips slicing across my cheek.
I wrap my arm around his waist, putting my face against his pec. One of his hands moves up to my head, caressing me to his chest. He drops a kiss there then calls across the bar to my brother. I feel him motion around and Nico must understand because he doesn’t follow us out. When I hit the nippy air, I chatter in my skimpy costume. Timo shrugs his winter jacket off, wrapping it around my body as we walk the two blocks back to their apartment building. It’s not enough, so he keeps his arm around my shoulder, his body heat transferring to me. He drops his arms when we enter the building together.
“You drive me crazy.” He mutters when we are in the elevator, rolling his eyes and stretching his tense neck out. I think back to the girl at the bar, wondering if he wishes she was here instead. They would ride up to his place together. Maybe she would get on her knees and take him deep into her mouth until he couldn’t take it anymore. My stomach twists again.
I stare down at my heels in silence after that visual. I feel gross. My heavy make up is clogging my pores with each passing second. My feet hurt. The elevator spins and Timo looks like he would rather be anywhere than here with me. Tears make the floor fade as the door opens on the 13th floor. No attempt to stop at the 10th this time. Timo waits for me to step out first.
“Let’s get you in bed.” He encourages with a friendly hand on the upper back.
I dig around in my purse until I find my keys, giving them to Timo to open Nico’s apartment. He pushes the door open, allowing me to walk through first. I sulk in, tossing my purse on the floor, punting my heels off. The door quietly clicks shut. I whip my head around.
“I’m still here.” He kicks his expensive sneakers off and moves towards me with his hands in his pockets. I watch his approach with frustrated eyes. I am riding a rollercoaster of emotions right now. I hate him. I want him. I can’t stand to be in the same room with him. I think I’ll die if he leaves here without touching me. He sees all of this on my face as he stops in front of me. 
“Why are you still here?” I ask. 
“I don’t know.” He whispers back.
He doesn’t remove his hands from his pockets. He doesn’t step forward to touch me. Nothing. He just stares back at me like I’m some ticking bomb he should run in the opposite direction from. I hate it. Agitation builds in my body and makes my skin crawl. The elastic of the wings begins to feel like it’s cutting off the circulation in my arms. I try to wiggle my way out of them, getting frustrated.
“Fucking, stupid, cheap, pieces of crap.” I mutter, tugging at the white elastic to try and get free.
“Let me help.” Timo says, gripping my hand to stop my movements. He easily loops his fingers through the two straps, tugging them off my arms as I let them dangle behind my back. 
“Thank you.” I whisper then bite my cheek. “Can you get my-” I already feel his touch on the zipper of my dress, working it slowly down, tooth by tooth, exposing my bare back and the top part of my butt. I hold my breath as he gets to the end. His strong hands spiral around my ribs to my stomach, pulling me back into his hard erection. I rest the back of my head on his shoulder and sigh.
“All night, I’ve been wondering if you were wearing anything under this. I wish I didn’t know.” He murmurs in my ear. My hair brushes along my cheek from his breath. I hear him swallow hard. “I should leave.” I don’t breathe, just continue to stare straight ahead at the hallway in front of me. I reach for his fingers, lacing mine between them and moving our hands to my hips, pushing the dress out so it falls down my body. Then, I bring them up my body, balancing the weight of my breasts in our hands. 
“Jesus, Em. You’re making this so hard on me.”
“I know. I can feel it.”
“We are supposed to be done with each other.” He swipes his fingers across my hard nipples like he’s already forgotten his words. A flicker of hurt hangs in the air from his tone, but then I release one of his hands to cup his hard erection and it disappears into the desire between us. He rolls his hips into my touch.
“There are some things a girl just can’t quit. You’re one of them, Timo Meier.” 
He spins me fast to face him. My lips tilt up to meet his and he kisses me back with frenzy. Our mouthes devour each other greedily. His hands run everywhere and nowhere on my body. I grope at his back, then run my hands over his taut ass, squeezing us tight together. He grinds his hips into me, pushing his erection against my stomach. His lips move from my mouth to my jaw, then down to my throat where he sucks my skin into his mouth.
“Missed how you feel in my hands, baby.” He murmurs, tongue lapping at the bruise that will go back with me to Switzerland on Sunday. I close my eyes, savoring the way he praises me. God, I missed his sweet words and strong, greedy hands.
We completely forget about being in the middle of the apartment. I shove at his white tuxedo jacket. He helps work it off his strong biceps. I pull back to stare at the suspenders running up and over his shoulders. I aggressively bite my bottom lip and snap them with my hands. He laughs, running his hands along my thighs to pick me up. I shove the straps from his shoulders then get to work on his white buttons. 
“Cheater.” I murmur, unsnapping his bowtie when I’m done.
“Bow ties are not my strong point.” He insists as he carefully lays me down on the dining room table. He pulls his wallet out of his pants, tossing it to the left of me for easy access.  I watch him, legs spread wide, as he gazes at my folds while undoing his pants. “You guys use this table?”
“No. We eat at the counter.” I laugh as he steps out of his pants. His boxer briefs slide down next and I groan at the sight of him jutting out, rigid and already seeping from the tip.
“That’s good. I’m going to ruin it for you.” I chuckle, reaching up for him. His lips come to mine again, a little less aggressive than before. He takes his time, savoring the feeling of me. His tongue glides along the seam then strokes against mine. I melt in his hands as they come around to protect my head from the wood. Timo sighs heavily into my mouth and I hook my ankles around his butt. He moves his bare cock through my wetness, teasing me, building the tension until my inner muscles pulse around an aching emptiness.
“Love me.” I moan out. He pulls back, searching my face. “Please. Like you said you do.”
“Not how I saw this night going.” He chuckles honestly, smoothing my wild hair back from where a piece of it had been stuck between our mouthes.
“Me either.” I answer honestly. But I ache in so many more places than just my core. My heart beats heavy in my chest, needing to feel a connection with him.
He reaches for a condom in his wallet he had tossed on the table. I grab it from his hands, throwing it to the floor.
“I want you like last time.” He hesitates, nostrils flaring, eyes trailing along my bare body, savoring every curve with his blue gaze. “I’m clean. No one else.”
“Me too.” Relief courses through me.
“Yeah, Em. Not interested in anyone else.” He says it to me like it’s a reminder. The familiar sound of his I love you in Switzerland causes my legs to spread wider for him.
“Show me what you thought about doing to me while we have been apart.” He moans, dropping his face to my lips again.
“I love you like this. So needy and desperate for me to fill you.” He says between teasing strokes again. He grips his cock, steadying his head against my entrance, then gliding his hips forward. My body releases in ecstasy at the feeling of him there.
“Ohmygod.” My eyebrows pull tight together in pleasure. I swallow, then gnaw on my lip as he puts his hands under my hips to pull me farther off the table. Then, he covers my body with his. His hands lace with both of mine and he makes love to me just like I begged. His thrusts are slow and sweet, focused only on my pleasure. He’s deep and generous with each thrust. I stare at him, knowing I’m falling in love with him. He brings his mouth down to mine and our tongues sloppily connect. The table begins to rattle from our movements as I match each of Timo’s deep thrusts with a moan.
“Fuck, I missed you.” He sighs into my mouth.
“Me too. Hate being home without you now.” I admit. I shouldn’t say that to him in the heat of the moment, but it’s true. I do. It’s why I’m here, as much as my brother thinks it is for him.
“I’m sorry I left you like that this summer.” He says, stroking a bit faster into me. “I hate myself for it.”
“It’s okay. I know you had to.” I bring his lips back to mine. “God damn it.” I shout as he fucks harder into me. My orgasm is pulsing within me, squeezing him with each pump.
“Say my name, sweetheart.” I moan it back to him. He puts his lips on mine afterwards, fucking me steadily as I shiver beneath him then collapse into the first wave of my orgasm. “Tell me I can come inside of you. Please.” He sounds tortured.
“Yes. God, yes. Please.” The way we both beg for each other causes a wildness between us. I moan as my second orgasm builds with his faster pumps. I shout his name as I come again, fast, harder this time. Tingles of pleasure rush down my legs so they become limp around his waist. His cum shoots out, filling me, coating my walls in the most intimate way. I grip his shoulders, shoving my face into his neck so I can feel every beat of his heart and gasping breath.
That was without a doubt the best sex we have ever had.
Timo turns his head to kiss my swollen lips. He moans into my mouth as he sputters more into me. His hands rock my hips back into him again as my feminine grunt encourages him more.
“Take me again. Just like that.” I whimper when he tries to pull away.
“Okay, but let’s go to my bed.” He kisses along my face before pulling out of me.
The second time, in Timo’s bed, surrounded by the pieces of his life, is even better.
“You fit perfectly here. Like you could just stay here forever.” He coos when we are done with a third round that started in the shower and ended on the floor of his bedroom, fingers brushing my hair back from my forehead. 
“Tell me more.” I sigh, flicking my gaze on his. Fueled by love and afterglow, I barely protest as he begins to say all the usual things about the life he can give to me and all the adventures we can share together. I say nothing, just listen to him speak, thinking about what awaits for me back home. In comparison to this feeling, that life doesn’t matter much to me anymore. I think about telling him that, but it’s late and we’re both high on orgasmic bliss and it doesn’t feel completely right yet.
“You act like Switzerland doesn’t have anything to offer me. You Swiss boys dream too much.” I rub my fingers along his corse stubble. He shakes his head at me.
“Just give in to me, Hischier.” 
“Maybe tomorrow.” A soft smile stretches my lips apart. He sighs out a laugh, pressing his mouth over mine. We lazily twirl our tongues together, savoring the feeling of being in each others arms again.
By midnight, we are asleep in a tangle of naked limbs, having no idea what we’ve just done.
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randomfoggytiger · 8 months
"You're Not Here, Dana-- You're a Million Miles Away"
Part IV of the Bill Scully POV mini-series (Part I, Part II, Part III~.)
Bill's POV during A Christmas Carol.
He didn’t know what had gone wrong.
At the airport, Dana had been fine. She'd been chatting, laughing even, fresh off the plane, debating some feminine topic with their mother as the two wheeled their luggage closer and closer to the exit. Catching his eye, she’d lit up-- like a firecracker, as Melissa used to say-- and even quickened her pace to soak up “a Big Brother Bill hug”-- something else Melissa used to say but which had rubbed off on the rest of the family. 
Maggie had deferred the passenger side seat; and the three of them chit chatted and caught up on the drive to the base. They’d asked spirited questions about Tara; and Bill, per his wife’s specific instructions, had refused to give away any hints about how big she’d gotten. 
“He’s a dad already,” smirked Dana; and the teasing and good-natured snipes had trailed after them until they turned the last corner. 
Everyone had been delighted with each other, Tara had had her fun surprising her guests, and no one had seemed bothered about the sleeping arrangements. 
It was the phone call that did it, he realized: Dana had come charging up the stairs, tense and distraught, insisting that Bill drive her someplace that he knew she’d never been before. Somewhere he’d never been before, either. 
“I heard her-- I heard Melissa’s voice-- and I have to know what is going on. And the only answers I’ll have is if we go, right now, and find out who was on the other line.” 
He'd taken her, of course-- he’d taken her despite how crazy her story sounded, waited outside the crime scene until Dana finished poking around, then driven her home. She’d remained tight-lipped about what had happened; but that was to be expected-- nothing had come from their detour other than a sense of confused embarrassment-- and they’d both silently moved on from it as soon as possible. 
It was after the phone call that she'd begun to withdraw.  
Tara went to bed early: up at four and likely tidying and cleaning until their guests arrived after noon, the day had caught up with her-- so Bill supposed-- after the last of her luxurious dessert disappeared from the plate. That, and Dana sat quietly through the meal, seeming bruised rather than pleased during his wife’s happy monologue at dinner. 
“Bill, is everything okay with Dana?” she’d sighed as he helped maneuver her around the temporarily cramped room. “She’s been awful quiet since you two returned from the crime scene.” 
“I think she’ll be okay. Dana’s probably processing.” 
“So I didn’t offend her?”
Bill stopped pulling the quilt back, turning to see how badly Tara’s feelings had been hurt. “It’s the case, Honey, don’t worry about it. You know how I get about work sometimes--”
“But Bill, this seems different. Maybe she was hurt, somehow, by what I was saying about a family or becoming a mom; or she feels guilty because Melissa’s not here.”
“If it’s more than just the case, Mom’ll get it out of her; and if it’s about us, Mom'll let us know. I don't think there's cause for worry, Sweetheart.” 
Tara sighed, sat down on the bed, and reluctantly smiled as he bent to take off her comfortable house shoes. “You’re so good to me, Bill. I just want this Christmas to be perfect-- it’s the first since… well, a few firsts since.”
“The past few holidays have been hard on us Scullys; however, I’m convinced we’re due a really, really good one.”
“Baby here included?”
“I thought he was a New Year's baby.”
“You’d better hope it’s a boy then, Bill Jr., because the Scully women seem to have a mind of their own.” 
He nodded, grabbing her empty glass to refill downstairs. “Still thinking of Melissa for the name?”
She smiled, reaching out to catch his arm and pull him closer. “As long as we’re still thinking of Matthew for a boy.” 
Melissa was an inescapable topic this Christmas. She lingered like a benevolent ghost, lounging on the sofa from the corner of his eye or twinkling companionably from the photographs displayed around the house. 
The creaking floorboard, however, was a reminder that Dana, not Melissa, was up and wandering. It was after midnight at least, but she was probably still on East Coast time, Bill assumed; or, of course, she was taking a private call and would be flying out when it was light. Try as he might, the thought that his remaining sister would be called back to work with Mulder-- away from her family, over the holidays, after a miraculous cancer remission-- made his blood boil. 
He waited up after the Jeep drove off, arguing himself out of calling Ethan Minette back to retract his retraction. 
Dana had never been good at sneaking out; and he listened to her tiptoe back in before sunrise, settle in the dining room, and stay there as the minutes then hours ticked by. 
The morning newspaper thudded against the front door, the sun began to rise, Bill slid down before his military wife or mother could wake and start the day. 
He knew disappointment should be second-nature by now with Dana and promises she couldn’t keep. Likely, the sting was keener because Melissa, for as flaky as she’d been, had never pretended or promised to be someone she wasn’t: she wandered in and out of their lives whenever the mood struck but always with a tenderness to their fixed positions. Even Charlie didn’t hide who he was or what he’d decided behind a false front. Meanwhile, Dana passed herself off as stalwart and dependable before jerking left and ditching medical school, the FBI mainstream, and familial obligations.
“Alright,” he’d agreed. “Lunch!” And she hadn’t agreed; and left. 
Although this was her work and her business, it was quickly becoming the family's problem: Tara, puzzled by this impossible situation, did her best to distract Maggie by hostessing her around; and Maggie, tight lipped whenever Dana’s name came up, tried to talk over ruffled feelings and assure everyone Dana would be there for the Christmas party, of course, so nice to meet friends of Tara’s, they were such nice people, reminded me of the Stotes family we knew in ‘75, remember them, Bill? 
It was the Scullys' first Christmas after so much grief and miraculous second chances-- his and Tara’s as much as Dana’s-- and still, Dana flaked.  
“It’s work, Honey. You know how that is,” Tara reassured, taking on the previous night's role of comforter. ���God and country come first in your jobs.” 
It wasn’t country Dana was putting first. Or God. 
Bill kept these thoughts to himself, letting Tara pull back the covers for him tonight. He even smiled when she promised to refill his empty glass of water after New Year’s.
“After New Year’s,” he agreed.   
Dana left with Detective Kresge before Bill finished an insignificant morning errand. 
“She didn’t even say hello to you or Tara, just left? I thought she wanted this vacation, Mom.” 
“Dana does, Bill. She’s just… going through a hard time right now.” 
“And she  doesn’t want to share that with us? Just wants to sleep here most nights and leave in the morning before I can even say ‘hello’ or ‘goodbye’?”
And it had come tumbling out. Dana and Maggie, huddled at the table mere hours ago, denying and insisting about PCR tests and a long-lost Scully daughter. 
“I know Melissa, Bill-- she would’ve never had a child without telling me. Dana is using a 60% possibility to justify her denial because she sees this little girl as a chance that… a chance that was taken away from her. And,” she paused, gripping her arms and steeling her voice, “and I know my babies. I know myself. There were so many small things after your father passed… sometimes, I’d see him from the corner of my eye, smiling at me; or I’d hear his voice late at night, announcing his sudden arrival back from deployment.”
“But, Mom--”
“Yes, I know they weren’t real; but there are things that feel real, and your sister is struggling with them right now. This Christmas has been hard, Bill, as much as we do our best to make it a beautiful time for you and Tara and the baby. Dana has more than the loss of her father and her sister to wrestle with.” 
The day passed in preparation for the evening’s party, more decorations and more food and more people filling up the space before Bill could take a moment to relax. An innocent remark about his late father flew completely over his sister’s head; and, tired of walking on eggshells, he asked her to help him in the kitchen. 
Careful Billy, you meddler, Melissa used to tease. Perhaps that was her version of wisdom; and perhaps he should have remembered it before his directness came across as accusation, slipping from one point of irritation to the next without tact or grace.
You know Dana hates how direct we are, Billy: it shoves her into a corner that she can’t escape from.
It’s never stopped you, he'd said.
Yeah, well, why do you think she doesn’t ask me for advice very often? she'd replied, poking him companionably.
Bill mumbled their back and forth, alone, with somber fondness.
He’d been given the picture shortly after Melissa became a more permanent fixture in their lives. 
“It’s a good one, isn’t it? Had it taken before… you know.” 
They’d been sitting in his rattrap apartment listening to Tara prattle to one of her girlfriends about how happy she was to unpack the last of their things-- relaxed and hearty and if not happy then something close to it. Their little sister’s abduction and return had unsettled them, unsettled him; and her quick recovery and dogged insistence on going back to work soon, too soon, had rankled him. But Bill had finally given in and called up Dana at Melissa’s insistence-- the wound, though it remained, was healing. 
“I never understood why you left for so long without at least calling more than once in a while.”
“Bill, I just… I needed to resettle after Dad died. You all were there for Mom, even Charlie; but I….” She shrugged, changing the topic by pointing at the photograph. “My friend took that right before I had to jump in the car to go. She said, ‘Think of a beautiful memory and I’ll capture it forever’; and the most beautiful thing I thought of in that moment was the smile you flashed me after I threw an orange right between Harry Pinklewhit’s eyes.” 
He’d laughed in spite of her non-answer; and their conversation drew Tara in, who’d also laughed at nine-year-old Melissa’s incredible throwing arm. 
Bill didn’t feel like smiling when he’d handed over that photograph to Dana, the question of Melissa's legacy laid to rest in the replica of his sisters' girlhood bedroom. He and Tara, his mother, and Melissa had been where Dana now stood; and, despite some necessary pain, the facts would give her an opportunity to accept and grieve her loss.
Standing in the doorway while Dana, rebellion and determination in her eyes, slid past him with the social worker, Bill wondered when-- or if-- that acceptance would begin. 
The three had resolved not to question Dana further. If she was pursuing adoption, then a decision would be finalized either way; and in the end, it was just the four of them.
“Five”, Bill amended; and Tara had teared up and given him a big hug.
Determined to have a good time on Christmas morning, even if the youngest Scully might get up and walk out on a moment’s notice, they’d flocked in, woken Dana, and pounced on the presents before she’d completely defogged-- a strategy unintentionally spearheaded by Tara. Seizing an opportunity, Bill swept along beside her, kneeling down to hand over the biggest present she'd been drooling over for the past month. His mother gravitated to Dana, snuggling up next to her on the couch; and teamwork or group effort or separate but uniting plots seemed to successfully keep his sister from bolting. 
Until he’d gleefully stumbled to the door and inadvertently shepherded in Dana’s latest twist in the case.  
“According to this… I… am Emily’s mother.” 
And what could anyone say to that?
Thank you for reading~
Tagging @today-in-fic!
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mp0625 · 8 months
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Taglist. Masterlist.
Teuvo Teravainen x OC
For @callsign-denmark for @wyattjohnston ’s WINTER FIC EXCHANGE 2K24!!!!! This was so fun to write!!
A/N: This was so fun to write!! I loved being your super secret fic exchange human!! I loved getting to know you @callsign-denmark !!!!!!! This is my first time writing an OC so I hope it’s ok.
Words: 1.8k
Little backstory: Kate’s full name is Katherine Elizabeth Jarvis. Becca and Kate grew up together and are the same age (being born in 97). Becca also has a little brother that is Seth’s age but did not go pro. Takes place over Christmas time (I know it’s a month past). First time writing an OC, so it’s not the best
TW: None, Kate is a little bit of an ass at first
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“Hey Kate, your brother is calling.” Becca calls across the barn.
“Say what now.” She called back. “Hold on, I'll be there in a minute.” As she starts walking over, a lamb with black sock follows her over.
As she grabs the phone from her, she answers. “Hello?”
“Mom says you need to come babysit me.”
“What? Why?”
“Have you not been on the group chat for the past 20 minutes?”
“No, one of the lambs got out and I had to spend a half hour chasing it because it wouldn’t come to a bucket of grain.”
“Mom says you need to come babysit me.”
“I ask again why?”
“Did you not see the game last night?”
“No, I did not. I haven't watched one of your games since you were drafted.” Kate started rolling her eyes “I went to enough of your games growing up.”
“Rude, I was checked into the boards last night and I broke two ribs.”
“You’re a grown adult, why do I need to come babysit you?”
“Mom said you need to come babysit me, cause I apparently can’t take care of myself.”
“Any idea how long I’ll be there?”
“I don’t know, till I’m better.”
“Good lord, fine I’ll be there in two days, but you’re paying for my show fees for the next year.”
“Ok see you in two days.”
After Seth hangs up Kate turns to Becca. “Hey, can you finish feeding and watering everyone?”
“Sure, you good?”
“Yeah, I’m going down to Carolina. Seth broke two of his ribs and mom wants me to take care of him.”
“Isn’t he like 21?”
“Yes but for some reason he can’t be a grown adult and take care of himself.”
“Hey, just got off the plane. Where are you at and where do I need to meet you?”
“Hello to you too, I’m sitting at the arrivals gate. I'll meet you there and then we’ll go down to baggage claim.”
“Ok I’ll meet you there.”
As she starts walking to arrivals, she pulls out her phone to text her favorite Great Dane.
“Hey Frederik.”
“What’s with the full name?”
“Wanted to get your attention.”
“Ahh, why?”
“Want to get lunch soon? I’m down here for a while taking care of Seth.”
“Sure, just let me know when.”
Once Kate gets to the arrival gate she not only sees her brother but another person with him.
“Seth!” As he turns around to see who called him the other person turns to, she recognizes him but cannot place his name. Kate turns to the player next to him. “Remind me of your name?”
“Thank you.” Turning back to Seth. “Why could Teuvo take care of you? And doesn’t he live with you?”
“He’s still playing and traveling with the team. And yes.”
“Ahh. So where did you park?”
“Have you gotten any snow yet?” Kate pipes up from the backseat.
“No.” Teuvo answers back quietly.
“That sucks, we’ve gotten 30 cm a couple times already.”
“Damn it's not very festive in here.” She states after Seth unlocks the door and lets her in first.
“We’ve been on the road for the past two weeks so we haven’t had time to decorate.”
“First order of business is to liven this place up. Can we go get a Christmas tree this weekend?”
“You ready to pick out a tree?”
“Yes, let me put my shoes on first.” Seth calls out. “Turbo, you ready?”
“Yeah.” He calls coming out of his room.
“What do you think of this one?” Kate asks as they peruse the lines of trees to find the best one.
“Oo this one looks nice.” Seth says as he turns around to see the one his sister is holding up. “What do you think, Turbo?”
“I like that one.”
“Then let’s get this one.” She says, “Seth, can you carry it?”
“Can’t, broken ribs remember.” He looks over at her with a deadpan look.
“Fine, Teuvo will you help me carry it to the front?”
“Sure, do you want the front or the back?”
“I’ll take the front.”
As the three of them head back to the apartment. Kate pipes up. “So do you have any sentimental ornaments here or do we need to run to Target?”
“Let’s make a quick run to Target, we don't have any tree decorating supplies.” Seth says getting in the other lane to turn into Target.
“So we need a stand, lights, some ornaments and a star.” Kate says, pushing the cart down the different aisles. “What do we think of these lights?” She asks the boys turning around to show them the multicolored lights, but they were nowhere to be found. As she walks down the aisles trying to find them as she turns down the last one she sees them playing with two hockey stick ornaments. “What are you two doing?” As the two of them look up sheepishly. “I think we have found our first two ornaments, put them in the cart. Any more ornaments while we’re down here in this aisle?”
“How about this one?” Teuvo asks, holding up a small canes logo.
“That one looks perfect.”
“Alright, are we ready to start decorating?” Kate asks as she starts to unpack the bags they got at the store. As Seth makes the hot chocolate and starts the Christmas music. “Teuvo will you help me untangle the lights?”
“Sure.” He says taking them gently from her hands and handing her back one end.
“Where are you going, that you are getting this dressed up for?” Seth asks from the doorways as Kate puts the finishing touches of her makeup on and fluffs her brown hair up one last time.
“I’m going out with Freddie.”
“How do you know Freddie?”
“I’ve met him before at a game in Winnipeg. I bumped into him going to get coffee before one of the games and I recognized him.”
“You do know Freddie has a girlfriend right.”
“Yeah we’re just friends.”
“You look gorgeous.” Freddie spoke as he opened the door to his car as he met her up on the sidewalk.
“Thank you, so where are we going for dinner?”
“Sushi sound good?”
“And a goal for Teuvo Teravainen!” Yells Tripp Tracy though the TV screen as Seth turns on the TV.
“I told you that the game started 10 minutes ago, but no you wanted to go get ramen an half hour before puck drop.”
“Sorry I was hungry.” As Seth turns back to cheer on the boys in Ottawa. Kate looked down at her phone and started to text Teuvo. “Your goal looked awesome!! Congrats <3”
When the team got back from Ottawa, Seth was out grocery shopping and Kate stayed back at the apartment to reorganize the kitchen. She heard the front door open and called out. “I’m almost done here then you can bring the groceries in and put them away.”
“Was I supposed to bring home groceries?”
“No, I thought you were Seth.” Kate spoke standing up and walking towards him. “Can I give you a hug for your goals and winning the game?”
“Sure.” He spoke softly.
“Are you sure you want to do this? You haven’t skated since you were in high school.”
“Yes, Seth I’m fine it’s not something you forget, and if I fall I have two big strong men to catch me.” She said, patting both of their chests while Seth shot her a displeased look.
“You ready?” Teuvo asks, grabbing the skates she was going to use off the table and handing them to her. “Do you need help tying them?”
“Yeah I feel pretty good, it’s been a little while since I’ve skated but I feel pretty good.” As Kate starts lacing up her skates, she looks up at Teuvo. “No, I’m good, that's one muscle memory that doesn't go away.”
“So when do we want to eat Christmas dinner?” “Teuvo, in Finland they eat the main Christmas meal of the 24th correct?”
“Yes, they do.”
“That’s what we’ll do then.”
“Hey Seth, will you set the table please?” Kate asks from the kitchen, stirring a pot that neither Seth or Teuvo knew what it contained. “Seth, can you please come pull the ham out of the oven?”
“Sure.” As soon as Kate put all the dishes and plates on the table the boys were surprised with the amount of food to feed an army. And all the different dishes, there was Ham, Mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, rosolli salad, Porkkanalaatiko, bread, and gravlax.
“Kate, this looks like the best meal I’ve seen outside of Finland.”
“What’s the fish stuff?” Seth asked, poking it with his fork.
“It's salmon, you like salmon, just try it.”
“I hope you saved room for dessert, I made gingerbread cookies.” Kate mentioned pulling the tray out from the oven.
“I’ll start the coffee machine and turn on the Christmas movies.” Seth looks over at him questioningly. “It’s tradition to eat gingerbread cookies and coffee on Christmas and watch Christmas movies.”
As Seth emerged from his room on Christmas, the sight of his sister standing over the stove cooking something was foreign as on Christmas, their mom usually just pops a breakfast casserole in the oven and lets it cook while they open presents. As he walked over to the stove he asked. “What are you doing, and what have you done with my sister?”
“Haha, very funny. I was researching Finnish Christmas traditions and they normally have rice porridge with butter and cinnamon for breakfast. And I don’t want Teuvo to feel left out.”
“But what about our breakfast casserole?”
In response to him asking that question she opens up the oven and inside is a breakfast casserole bubbling away.
“Kate, you didn’t have to do this for me.” He says as he stirs the porridge before pouring three bowls.
“I didn’t want you to feel left out, in having your traditional Christmas breakfast, it was not super hard to make and I was in the kitchen anyway making the casserole.”
As the three of them start to eat their porridge and the casserole. Seth pipes up “Kate did something happen, there’s a nut in mine.”
“It is a traditional part of the rice porridge whoever gets the almond makes a wish.” Teuvo answers for him.
“Are you sure you have to leave?” Teuvo asked from the doorway as he watched Kate pack her bags.
“Yeah, lambing starts in a week and I need to be there just in case anything happens. I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.” He whispers, pulling her close. “I’ll help you put your bags in the car.” He says sadly, grabbing her suitcase.
“Hey, cheer up I’ll be texting you basically 24/7 from now on you’ll get sick and tired of me, this time next week.” She says passing by as she stops in the doorway next to him she gets on her tippy toes a little and gives him a kiss on the check.
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Taglist: @studioreader @honethatty12 @slafgoalskybaby @swissboyhisch @topguncultleader @wondershells @cixrosie @kajasagmo
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silent-raven13 · 6 months
Tis the holiday seasons, and the Spider Band just finished their last mission. They all decided to get a drink from the lounge, they were all together chatting about the upcoming holidays.
Miles got himself a hot cup of coco, "Mmm." Taking a careful sip, he could feel the heat from the coco.
"Oh hey, Miles!" Kaine came from the line with his cup of coffee. "Are we on for tonight?"
"Yeah! I'm totally gonna kick your ass." Miles chuckles.
"Hahaha, we'll see." Kaine laughs along. The two walk together to have their little chat. They haven't seen each other for a while from all their busy lives and missions.
Now, they were able to catch for a bit. "How are you and Kitty?" Miles asked.
"Oh, we're good! This Christmas she wants me to meet her family and-" He gulps, "I'm so fucking nervous! My anxiety isn't doing too well."
"Oh no, do you need some medicine? Maybe Spider Therapist can help?"
"Oh no, I'm good. I'm trying to be more confident, but... you know." He suggested his face, he still cover his face with his Spider-man mask. Kaine only lefts it up to reveal his mouth, anyone can see the deep marks on his left side.
"I get you. I got like that with my best friend's family. Don't worry, man. You got this!" Miles gave him a side hug.
Hobie spotted his Miles hugging Kaine from a far, the punker never move so fast for his Sunflower. When he reached the two, Kitty popped out of nowhere blocking his contact with Miles. "Hey, Miles! Hi, bae!" She turns over to grin at Hobie, "Hey, Hobie! What's up?"
"Umm.. hey Kit-Kat." Hobie said to her.
Kaine said, "Oh hey, man! What's up! I haven't seen you since last week."
"You two went on a mission together." Miles said happily, finally his boyfriend is making friends with Kaine.
"Yeah, it was so much fun." Kaine said, "it was this Tron world! Hobie kicked ass!"
"Eh, I won a bit here and there." Hobie grins widely seeing Miles' eyes gleaming at him, and only him.
"Awe, I wish I could see you in an all black suit with blue lights like in Tron. Ugh, you probably look so cool, baby!" Miles said to his man, "I bet you look awesome, too, Kaine!"
"It was so much fun." Kaine sips his hot chocolate. "Ohh, hot!"
"Careful, man. Here I got some napkins here." Miles pulls a napkin under his cup to hand to Kaine.
"Thanks!" The tall fit Spider-man gladly took it.
Kitty smiles widely hearing other Spider-heroes whispering or commenting, "OMG, the work hubbies are together again! So cute!"
Hobie glares at the other Spider-heroes and pouts, "Hahaha, jelly, Hobie?" Kitty asked.
"No! I have matured!" The twenty four year old huffed.
Miles giggles, "Really? I'm proud of you, bae!"
"Oh it's the work hubbies! Hey, Hubby 1 and Hubby 2!" One Spider-woman giggles with her friend as they pass Miles and Kaine. Those words felt like knives stabbing through Hobie's chest, it's making him very jealous.
"Hey, hubbies!" A Spider-man passed them which made Kitty giggles at the way Hobie glares at the man.
"Hey!" Miles responded without a problem.
"How's work life going?" The Spider-man asked.
Kaine nodded, "Fine, me and hubby been super busy!"
"Awe, so cute!" Another Spider-woman overhears them.
Kitty said, "They missed each other so much!"
"Oh yeah, right, Hubby?" Miles teased Kaine.
"Hahaha." The tall red suit Spider-man laughs.
Miles laughs along side with them taking the joke. To him it's always been a funny silly joke, but for Hobie, it made him so jealous. The punker hated the idea of another man being with Miles. He couldn't help, but hug his Sunflower while burying his face into his neck.
"Opp, looks like somebody is jealous." A Spider-woman giggles.
A Spider-man added, "Hahaha, who knew Spider Punk is the jealous type!"
"I think it's cute." Kaine chuckles.
Miles giggles, "Oh yeah, the super jealous type!" He rubs his boyfriend's arm, "Bae, it's fine. We're just joking."
"Hmph," he frowns being annoyed.
Kitty giggles, "You mad, now?"
"Sorry, he just hates when I point that out." Miles pouted at his boyfriend.
"Oh Spidey Hubbies! Are you two gonna do photos with Santa?" A Spider-woman came by being excited, "I heard you guys were supposed to sent out this year's Christmas Social Media post!"
"Oh that's right!" Kitty giggles, "You and Kaine have to do the photo!"
"Hahaha, so Lyla can have a lot of likes on her posts?" Kaine snickers at the Spider Society Social media account made by Lyla, where she makes most posts of her selfies, and anything involved with the community.
Lyla's avatar pops up in a Christmas outfit, "Yup! Come on, go to the Holiday Post! I need pics. The Spidey Hubbies need to give me 2k likes." She giggles.
"Right, we did agree." Kaine rub his neck about it, "Is it supposed to be a spicy photo?" He looks at a jealous Hobie.
Kitty said, "I don't mind. it's all for the gram!" She had ideas for her boyfriend and Miles to get Lyla so many likes, "I got a few ideas."
"Like what, honey?" Kaine asked with a very worry tone, almost afraid to ask.
"Hehehe, you'll see when we get to the Holiday posts." Kitty pulls on the two Spider-men, while Lyla giggles having her avatar popping up everywhere with selfies. Hobie grumbles having to follow them.
"Oi, I didn't agree to this." Hobie finally said.
Miles said, "Awe, but this is for Lyla, bae! Look, me and Kaine are just friends. It's not like everyone expect us to be-" A Spider-woman shouted from the fence outside of the Holiday photo shoot, "Whoo, Spider Hubbies! How about a pin up pose?" She giggles while her friends giggles along.
Kaine and Miles look at each other and snickers, "Who's gonna be be the girl in this?" Miles snorted.
Kaine chuckles, "You!"
Hobie stood being jealous as Miles let Kaine pick him up like a bride and did a pose as they wore Santa Clause hats and candy canes. Kitty giggles, "Awe, so cute." She grins at the punker, "You jelly?"
"Hmph." He crosses his arms.
Lyla taking photos with Miles and Kaine, the two were having fun. "My socials are gonna get so many likes, hehehe." The Ai happily took photos.
The other Spider-heroes walking by noticing the two, "Ohh, look at them. The Hubbies taking pictures. Awe."
A Spider-man chews a burrito walking by, "Oh, I always knew they would get together." Hobie heard this getting more upset.
"Yoo-hoo! What about some Spice!" Lupe came by holding a mistletoe above the two Spider-men dressed as Mrs. Clause.
Gabi gasps as she dressed up as an elf, "Ohhh you two have to kiss now?"
"Oh no, we're in relationships." Kaine said with worry.
Miles nodded as his big eyes stare at the mistletoe, "Why you have this?"
"For cute couple pictures!" Lupe hums, "MJ and Peter had one while May went to get a photo with Santa."
"Wait, who's Santa?"
"Guess!" Gabi giggles.
"Morales? Parker? Why are you two under the mistletoe?" Miguel appeared in his Santa Clause outfit, wearing a white beard and pillow stuffed inside him.
Lupe chuckles as she patted Santa's belly, "Hey, Santa. Aren't you supposed to take photos with the kiddos?" She looks at the long line, spotting Miles 2020 looking exhausted and tired eyes. His family dressed up all nice even his husband looks presentable while the triplets being antsy and struggling to move around. "The triplets aren't handling the wait."
"I'm on my ten minute break!" Miguel sighs, "Shouldn't you be handing out cookies?"
"We're waiting for the androids to bring the boxes to hand out." Lupe hums. "Now stop dat frown."
Gabi's eyes lit up, "Papá, you have to be Santa and jolly!" She stomps her foot down. "Right, Lupe."
"Right!" Lupe nodded.
Kitty went over to her boyfriend, "I don't mind if you kiss Miles. I know it's all for fun."
Kaine and Miles look at her shock. "Well, I do mind! No in bloody hell, my Sunflower is kissing another bloke!" Hobie finally hugs his boyfriend.
"What about a kiss on the cheek? Papá always gives Lupe a kiss on the cheek whenever she comes over!" Gabi said out loud to them.
"Huh?" They all look at the two.
Miguel hushes his daughter, "Gabriella!"
"It's only when I babysit her! Besides I give kisses on the cheek to all my fellow Latinos." Lupe points out.
Gabriella looks confused, "But I saw you and papá hugging and talking about next date nigh!"
Miguel clears his throat. Miles crosses his arms at Miguel, "And you said you don't date your co-workers?"
"This isn't about me or Lupe. Look at that my break is over." Miguel quickly avoided the question.
The Spider-woman shook her head, "Honestly, we were just joking around. Besides, I love babysitting Gabi, right girlie."
"Right." Gabriella giggles.
"Anyway, who's gonna kiss who! Lyla needs a Spicy picture!" Lupe said at Miles and Kaine.
Hobie scowls, "No! That's being disrespectful to me and our relationship! I was fine with hugs but this?"
"What about a small kiss on the cheek?" Kitty asked.
"No? You were fine in the last mission where Kaine and Miles went undercover as a couple and Kaine kiss Miles' on the cheek." Kitty explained.
"That was for a mission. This is just bloody flirtin'!" He points out.
Miles said, "How about hugs?"
"Yeah, hug is better. I don't want to piss anyone off." Kaine explained.
"Awe, but a kiss would be so cute." Lupe teased getting a glare from Hobie.
"Luv, one more picture and we are going home."
Miles giggles, "Bae, you're so jealous. Mwah. I love you." He kisses his boyfriend on the lips before going to his friend for the last photo. Of course, they respected Hobie's wishes. Instead Kaine nuzzle Miles' neck like a cat for the photo.
Miles giggles, before seeing his boyfriend holding his guitar, "Bae, look we're done. It's all good."
"Fine." He pouts, then his boyfriend went close to him.
"Bae, look up."
"Hmph?" His dark eyes saw the mistletoe dangling above them.
"Kiss!" Miles cup his boyfriend's jaw to kiss him many time.
"Now this will be great for the Spider So-city app!" Lyla took a picture of Miles and Hobie kissing. The rest of the gang believed that too.
Hobie playfully pick his partner up and give him many kisses. He never wants to let go of his Sunflower.
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matchstickdolly · 8 months
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So long, farewell! 💜 I won't be posting from this account anymore. To close it out, here is a roundup of my Lucifer fan works, as I think that's how most came to find me here.
You will need an AO3 account to read most of my stories; it's relatively easy to sign up if you don't have one. Though I'm gone from here and elsewhere in the Lucifer fandom, I will continue to read comments and attempt to reply to them, so please consider sharing these fics and commenting your thoughts on AO3!
LONG READS (20,000+ words)
A Refraction of Light
314k words. My giant post-S3 canon divergence that spans Earth, Hell, and Heaven. If you didn't like Lucifer's Netflix era (the last three seasons) or wished there were more power couple vibes for Deckerstar, you might enjoy AROL. Though I finished it in 2020, after S4 had aired, I think it works quite well as a S4-S6 fix-it for those who'd like one.
In Sorrow Thou Shalt Bring Forth Children
210k words. The 50 female-focused "blip" years Lucifer's finale conveniently left out, also several post-S6 chapters. Heavy angst surrounding family and spiritual trauma but aims to be cathartic by acknowledging pain. All that said, more humor and Deckerstar than you'd probably expect, given the CW tags.
Reins Series: Try My Reins and My Heart & As Certain Dark Things Are to Be Loved
35k words when read together. Porn with feelings/plot. Fun, sweet kinkiness that should be read in order. Dominant!Lucifer because I struggle to see the Devil otherwise and because Chloe deserves a fucking break in the care of her sex god beau.
In a Similar Vein
21k words. Funny, sweet, and absurd S1 divergence wherein Chloe becomes (very wrongly) convinced that Lucifer is a vampire. Alas, it is missing the last chapter.
20k words. Funny, sweet, sexy S2 divergence in which Chloe accidentally gets a devil reveal when she stumbles upon an ageless Lucifer in vintage pornography. Oops.
MEDIUM READS (5,000 to 20,000 words)
If the Shoe Fits & In the Family Way
14k words when read together. Alternate post-5B/S6. Feel-good, funny, fluffy, even sexy. Godifer and Mrs. G being good partners, parents, and Improvers of the Universe. If you need a sweet, positive fix-it for the end of Lucifer, these fics might fit the bill.
Rebound to You
12k words. Feel-good, funny, sexy AU where Lucifer is still the Devil, but he and Chloe didn't meet as in canon. Instead, they meet a couple of years later, after Lucifer has naturally gotten a phone and Chloe has divorced Dan and is now resorting to dating apps to meet people. Features a fun gimmick of Tinder-like chat logs (used sparingly, I promise).
Something More & Pump It Up
11k words when read together. These two canon compliant fics won't seem like they go together at first, but I promise they do (thematically). Both are pre-canon and about the subtle ways in which Lucifer and Chloe are an amusingly great match. They just haven't met (yet) to know it! The first story is sweet and about Jed and Chloe's relationship; basically a character study of Chloe as told from Jed's POV. The second is a bit of a sex farce about Lucifer watching Hot Tub High School after settling in L.A., but it's also porn with plot or at least a character study.
Not to Mii
10k words. Lucifer sticks around at the end of S3's "The Last Heartbreak." One thing leads to another, and you get strip Mario Kart. I promise it works.
The Fine Line Between Desire and Fear
10k words. Feel-good and silly post-5A divergence featuring a haunted mansion on Halloween. Almost solely Deckerstar-focused but also imagines a future where Michael is trying to redeem himself and earn Ella's affection; the only problem is that he's afraid...of a lot, actually. The irony!
Sweet and Sour
10k words. A comical Michael/Ella fic based on the 5A trailer. Turned out to be rather in-character for many aspects of Michael, so it holds up, I think.
Now That's What I Call Big Devil Energy! Series: Big Devil Energy & Satan's Got a Heart On
9k words when read together. Funny, sweet chaos. Lucifer being a completely over-the-top Devil in love.
All You Can Play
9k words but really more like 3k if you want the finished part of the fic. (First chapter can stand alone; don’t read past it if you don’t like unfinished work.) Chaotic humor, sex farce. Canon compliant missing scene wherein I will tell you not to hate the player (me) but the game (S3). The reason Lucifer isn't there to protect Chloe at the end of 03x04? He's with Lexy, the judge's soon-to-be ex-wife. This is that story. Featuring Chuck E. Cheese.
Bound by Iniquity
8k words. Dark 5A canon divergence from Maze's POV. Her dirty dealmaking with Michael backfires, big time.
Get Thee Behind Me
7k words. Porn with plot/feelings. Lucifer and Chloe try anal sex for the first time. Feel-good comedy ensues.
Baptized by Desire
7k words. Dark but sweet S3 divergence. Lucifer comes to believe he really is a delusional human while he's in the psychiatric hospital in "God Johnson."
Hells to Betsy
6k words. Answering the question of how Chloe afforded a large three-bedroom townhouse in L.A., especially once Maze moved out. Come on! Detectives are paid well but not that well!
Darkest Before Dawn
5k words. Sweet, funny, sexy wing fic. No wing oil, but there's a barrel of crude oil and Dawn dishwashing liquid. This is not an ad.
SHORT READS (<5,000 words)
The Dotted Line
4k words. Porn without plot. Lucifer is attracted to Chloe in anything, even undies from Target.
Checked Baggage
4k words. Porn with light plot. What if Chloe took up Jana's offer for a threesome, partly out of spite? Bisexual chaos that is still ultimately very much about Deckerstar.
Winging It & Made in His Image
4k words when read together. Both are chaotic sex farces that wax on about the Devil's dick. They must be read in order.
Reefer Gladness Series: Flying High & Baked with Love
3k words when together. Sweet fluff. Established Deckerstar getting high together.
Lunch at the Y
3k words. Porn without plot. Roughly set in a better post-5A world where Lucifer eats Chloe out in a dressing room because of course he would. That's a love language.
Those Who Favor Fire
2k words. Porn without plot. Roughly set in a better post-S3 world where Deckerstar have gotten their HEA and have been together for some ten years or so.
My God's House Has Many Rooms
2k words. S6's "happy" closeout is creepily vague to me. This story explores a horrific what-if.
Raising Hell
1k words. Porn without plot. An ode to the blowjob.
Use My Words Against Me
1k words. All dialogue, pure chaos. Caught up in yet another scandal, closeted Republican Senator Olin Graham asks the Devil for a favor. You'll only appreciate this if you know enough about American politics and aren't a fascist piece of shit. Sorry not sorry.
Earthly Delights on Borrowed Time
666 words. Post-S4 reimagining where Lucifer and Chloe are making things work.
The Perfect Help Meets
666 words. Dark, canon compliant one-shot about Lucifer's angst/depression as he tries to make things work with Eve, all while he's in love with Chloe.
Other Stuff
A softness came from the starlight and filled me full to the bone — Lucifer meets the comic A Softer World. Inspired by an old post by @casimania that can be found here.
General Fanvids — Deckerstar being painful and/or lovely, plus some Trixie because I love her character.
S6 Critical Fanvids — Just me making sense of S6's plot, which I cannot read as anything other than incredibly dark and anti-choice.
Crack Fanvids — Pure comedy and chaos.
Lucifer Season 6 Time Travel Visualizations — Lucifer S6 uses time travel without clearly laying out how it works. I made two visualizations to help explain the possibilities: one for the loop existing in a single timeline and another for the loop causing or being a part of many/parallel worlds.
Lucifer S6 Wiki — After Lucifer Season 5B and S6, I started digging into the writers’ interviews to understand what the hell had gone wrong. You'll find their answers to a lot of common S6 questions here. They’re real, er, interesting Hollywood folk, to say the least.
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