#dahyun x female reader
kimbappykidding · 10 months
Imagine having a huge crush on Dahyun and your world exploding when you get a job working with her
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When your company asked you to host an event you said yes. You wanted to do more to promote your group Mamamoo as you weren’t the most social member and never volunteered for anything. You had the full support of your members and your friend BTS' Jin would also be hosting. You and Moonbyul were born the same year as Jin and became friends through a group chat. You were a little shy and personalities like Jin and Moonbyul's brought you out of your shell. So having Jin around as a fellow host would really help and you heard the two of you would be partnered up too so were actually excited about it...and then a week before you heard plans had been changed and your new partner was Twice's Dahyun. "I can't do it!" you said "I can't be her partner I'll never be able to speak or get my words out properly!" you said and Jin tried to calm you down. You were outside dress rehearsals and refused to go in the room because you were freaking out having just heard the news. "Y/n it will be fine, you can do this and Dahyun will have no clue". "How can you be so sure?" you asked and Jin patted your shoulder "how would she know?" he asked you "come on Y/n the only people who know are me, Moonbyul and your members and none of us would tell her. Just act normal and you'll be fine. Plus today is just dress rehearsal so you probably won't even be near her so much". You took a breath "yeah that's true". Jin nodded "and if it gets that bad I'll ask the manager if we can be partners instead, okay?". "You'd really do that?" you asked and Jin nodded "of course! So just give today a try and we have that if we need it, okay?". "Okay" you said feeling better "you're a good friend". "I know" Jin said smiling giving you a hug "now let's do this". The reason you were freaking out was that you had a small (huge) crush on Dahyun. You found funny girls so attractive and once you saw her Eagle dance you were hooked. She was so confident and unapologetically herself. You admired her so much and so started trying to be friends with her. You got pretty close and were on the stage of nodding and saying hi to one another whenever you passed at events...and then you realised you actually wanted to date her and got scared. Romance made you nervous and the second you realised what your feelings were you took a step back because how on earth would Dahyun want someone like you? All your members and Jin told you they disagreed and thought Dahyun would be lucky to have you but you weren't convinced and you'd been avoiding her ever since. It had been pretty successful too and you'd kept it up for a year but that streak was coming to an end.
You and Jin were the last two to enter rehearsals and the session started promptly. The manager introduced you all and then asked you to get into your pairs. You shot Jin a panicked look but he patted your arm and whispered "you got this" before going to stand with his partner Chanyeol. You looked across the room and saw Dahyun watching you. She shot you a big smile when you looked over and waved. You waved back and made your way over to her. "Hi!" she cried when she saw you "I'm so pleased we're pairs! This is going to be so much fun!". You nodded trying to mimic her energy "yeah so much fun...as long as I remember all my lines". "You will! I'll help you" Dahyun insisted "we can even meet up separately if you want to practice or anything". You nodded "yeah maybe" when the scripts were passed around. "Okay so we're going to run through once with scripts, give feedback and then a few more times without scripts. Sound good?". Everyone nodded and you flicked through the booklet. You and Dahyun had 4 appearances but only two of them were proper segments. Your first one was with Jin and Chanyeol and with Jin standing on the other side of you, you got through that pretty easily. The director said you were good which was reassuring. "You clearly know your lines and have good diction so just try and have fun with it!" he told you. You nodded but saw Jin trying not to laugh and couldn't resist a smile. Then your next scene was a little later and you and Dahyun stood waiting. "Have you ever done something like this before?" she asked and you shook your head "no, honestly I'm not the most social or confident person so I've never really been in front of a crowd that wasn't our fans". "Really?" Dahyun asked "that's so surprising you seem so chill on stage". You blushed, pleased she thought that and finally returned the question "what about you?". She shrugged "I've been performing since I was little so yeah but nothing on this scale. It's a bit nerve-wracking isn't it?". You were relieved to hear her say that and nodded "yes! I'd love to be one of those people who never get nervous in front of people. Jin's like that" you said watching him charm all the managers with his segment and couldn't help smiling. "Yeah but then it'd be too easy" Dahyun joked "plus I think it's really impressive that you are still doing this even if you're not the most social. It's really brave". You smiled "thanks! Let's see how it works out" and Dahyun smiled "don't worry, we're in this together" and you looked down so she wouldn't see you blush. Then the time came for your first segment together and you had the lines memorised, until the part where Dahyun makes a joke and leans in close to you. You lost your train of thought the second you made close eye contact with her and had to be prompted by the director to continue. You decided not to look at Dahyun for the rest of the segment but afterwards, the director asked you to do it again but with more interaction! You felt like you were going to combust on the spot and every time you looked at Dahyun it took you a few seconds to get back in the swing of it. You felt like the director made you run your section forever and when he said you could stop you rushed into the crowd quickly. Dahyun found you a few seconds later "there you are, so I thought that went quite well". "Really?" you asked and she nodded "yeah! All we've got to work on is our chemistry but I mean of course! We're not going to be super close from day one". You nodded "yeah that's true" but inside was just praying she'd not see how much your hands were shaking, Your second segment run-through was better, mainly because there was less interaction with each other and then the final closing skit was fine. The director called for a quick break and Jin found you "so you're doing amazing!" he said and you rolled your eyes "we both know I choked on that segment". "Not at all!" he said "you were just a bit stiff but that's to be expected, that's why we're having this run-through. Plus you know all your lines and have a good memory so it can only get more natural". "Here's hoping!" you said.   The rest of rehearsal was pretty much the same. You were fine with your lines it was just your delivery that went out of the window whenever Dahyun looked at you. Jin drove you home afterwards and Moonbyul was waiting for you in the garden, pretending that she wasn't. She prodded a plant and then hurried over "so how did it go?". "I'll tell you, if you can tell me what that plant's called" you said and she paused "erm a succulent?". "You totally just guessed!" you said but Moonbyul just smiled "I got it right so pay up". So you and Jin sat in the garden and you sighed. "It wasn't good" you said and Jin shook his head "Y/n was a little nervous and keeps beating herself up about it" he told Moonbyul and then explained what happened. "That's not bad!" Moonbyul said when you told her about messing up with Dahyun and you shook your head "I forgot I was speaking to the Queen of lesbians and the most confident bisexual in the world" you said and Moonbyul and Jun bowed respectively, quite pleased with their titles. "But seriously Y/n it's not bad, as Jin said it's your first rehearsal! Nobody expected you to be completely charismatic and I bet so many pairs were the same". You shook your head but Jin interrupted "they were Y/n you were just so in your own head you thought you were the only awkward one". "I just hope Dahyun didn't notice or take it personally" you said and again both your friends shook their heads. "Please she's so nice and was all smiles when you left" Jin said and then he turned to Moonbyul "she even asked Y/n for her number". "Only so we can practice" you said and Moonbyul shot you a smirk making you sigh but you couldn't resist a small laugh and that made the others laugh too. The laughing alerted your members you were back and they all came to ask you how it went. After your talk with Jin and Moonbyul, your perspective changed a little and you shrugged "it was...okay I guess" which made everyone smile.   A few days later Dahyun herself texted you! She asked how you were and if you wanted to meet up to practice one evening this week. Your members all encouraged you to go and so you found yourself heading over to the Twice house to meet with your crush. Dahyun opened the door with her signature big smile and your first thought was she looked amazing even when she was just dressed casually! She was wearing white jogging bottoms and a brown top but looked so pretty and you wondered how someone looked this good when they weren't trying. Dahyun ushered you in with a hug "come in! It's so good to see you" she said and you wondered if she was always this happy and positive. "You too!" you said "I've got my script and I brought some snacks" you said holding up the bag of snacks you'd spent an hour choosing in the supermarket with Hwasa who was ready to strangle you by the end of it. "That's so sweet!" Dahyun cried "you're so wonderful" and she took your hand and led you into the house where some of her members were sat. "Hey everyone this is Y/n" she called and everyone turned to look at you. You were acutely aware of Dahyun's hand on your arm and everyone's eyes on you but managed a smile "hi everyone thanks for letting me come over". "Of course" Nayeon said "Dahyun said rehearsal went really well because you were so organised". You blushed "Oh I'm not sure about that". "Hadn't you already memorised all your lines?" Momo asked and you shrugged "mostly". "See that's the idea MC partner!" Sana said and Jihyo smiled "I know what do you even need to practice? I bet Dahyun just invited you here for fun" and several of the girls laughed so you joined in. "Okay well we're going to head into the living room and practice" Dahyun said grabbing some drinks from the fridge and pulling you away. "Your members are nice" you said and Dahyun smiled as a sigh escaped her "they're embarrassing but yes nice, right so should we get to it?". You practised all afternoon and it actually got easier to look at Dahyun's beautiful face! You still got a flutter in your stomach anytime she touched your arm but you weren't as disabilitated and could smile and say your line. It was actually getting easier with each try and by the time you broke for food, you were able to joke back a little with Dahyun! You couldn't believe it and were so excited to tell everyone. You and Dahyun rehearsed a few more times before the event finally arrived! Despite pretty much having your sections down you were nervous and just wanted to get tonight over with. You didn't even register what the stylists had given you to wear and just smiled as the girls complimented you. It was only when Dahyun gushed over you that you took in the compliments. "Wow you look beautiful!" you heard Dahyun say and turned around to see who she was speaking to. "Me?" you asked and she laughed "yes of course you, the gorgeous girl in the stunning dress". That made you go bright red and you stammered for a while before thanking her and returning the compliment. "You look beautiful of course but you always do" you said and then went pink again. Dahyun smiled "aww you're so sweet to say that, how are you feeling about tonight?". "Nervous" you admitted and Dahyun nodded "yeah me too". "Really?" you asked and when Dahyun looked you, you looked down "I just meant you always seem so confident and never seem to get nervous". Dahyun shook her head "I've got a good poker face" and you suddenly felt quite protective over her. You had friends who were good at blagging their way through things and acting like they were okay and hated how they never received any help. You'd always been unable to hide your emotions and got a lot of support...so you wanted to do that for someone else. You turned to Dahyun and gently linked arms "well it's like you said, we've got each other and we can get through this together. I'm here for you". Dahyun stared at you for a few seconds and you worried you should've asked before touching her and she was upset but then she smiled. "That's so sweet Y/n thank you" she said "I'm really glad I got to work with you on this" and you nodded "me too...I mean work with you! Not me of course!". Dahyun smiled and nodded "of course, ready to go kill it?" as the managers started gesturing to you both it was time to get ready. You nodded and with more confidence than you felt cried "let's do this!". The night passed in a blur of emotions. You felt everything from intense anxiety when your queue to go out on stage was called, to humour as you watched Jin do his bit, to pride as you closed the show with Dahyun when another duo couldn't be found. You actually couldn't believe you'd gotten through it and told Dahyun that as she hugged you, "I knew you could do it" she told you and you blinked "how? You clearly know me better than I know myself". She shrugged "we're always harder on ourselves but I've seen what you're capable of Y/n and you're a beautiful badass powerful woman!". "I couldn't have done it without you!" you told her "you were amazing Dahyun and I've always admired you. What I said earlier I wasn't being nice, I think you're incredible!". You were so caught up in the adrenaline of successfully finishing a show you were bolder than usual and you noticed Dahyun blush a little but didn't berate yourself for your words. "Wow to hear someone like you say that..." Dahyun said "I'm a little overwhelmed". You patted her arm "don't worry you don't have to say anything back" and Dahyun nodded when she was suddenly attacked. A swarm of girls descended on her and you jumped before realising it was Twice. You smiled as the girls all hugged and congratulated her and when Dahyun started chatting to them you backed up and went to find your own group. They all demanded you go out to celebrate and you agreed heading to the afterparty. "I saw you with Dahyun" Wheein smiled "was there something going on there?". You blushed "I confessed a little to her" you admitted and all four girls, who had clearly been eavesdropping, screamed. You told them to calm down but they hyped you up so much that when you did see Dahyun later you were expecting something to happen...but she seemed content with her friends and stayed away from you. As time passed, the buzz faded but still Dahyun hadn't said anything to you. You'd passed her earlier on the corridor too but she hadn't seen you apparently and didn’t make eye contact with you. So you were starting to think you'd done something wrong and Jin caught your expression "no that's the Y/n is overthinking stuff expression!" he said and you sighed and explained everything to him. Jin privately agreed that sounded odd but wasn't going to tell you that. "She's probably just stunned from tonight or tired but either way we don't know and sitting here stressing isn't going to do anything so that's not what we're going to do" Jin said and before you could ask what he meant he yanked you upwards. You protested all the way to the dancefloor but couldn't say no to Jin and soon found yourself dancing with Jin and then Exo as he pulled Chanyeol over. Jin supplied you with alcohol to keep you buzzed and after a while, you felt better again. Dahyun made your night but Jin saved it. You didn't hear from Dahyun after that night and it did hurt a little. While you hadn't confessed your feelings to her you had been more upfront with her than you ever thought possible so her silence was a slight blow. You tried not to think about Dahyun but it was hard, especially working in the same industry. You saw her or heard a Twice song at pretty much every Kpop event and finally came face to face with her a month later at the sporting event Isac.
You realised Dahyun would be at the event but still paused as you saw her. You'd told yourself you were over her now she'd unofficially rejected you but then you saw her smile and knew you still had feelings for her. Still, you told yourself to just keep moving forwards and with time your feelings for her would dim. So you kept to yourself and went about your business. You were quite athletic and managed to win a few races and the Moomoos were amazing cheering for you. You were just coming back from one of your races when a conductor asked you to wait before going across the track to sit down. You promised you'd wait and turned to watch the race when you heard a small commotion. You heard laughing and turned your head to see Dahyun standing up and facing away from the track. She was moving her arms around in weird shapes and you wondered what she was doing when you realised Dahyun was commanding the onces in the stands. Any direction she moved her arms in they followed with her light stick and she was loving it. You found her so cute and couldn't help but stare. Many other idols were also watching her and her members looked a mix of embarrassed and amused. You definitely found it funny and were smiling without even realising it. Then Dahyun suddenly turned and looked at you. You looked down embarrassed you'd been caught but when you looked back up Dahyun was still looking at you. She shot you a big smile and waved you over. You froze and asked "me?" and Dahyun laughed before nodding "of course!". Dahyun quickly took your arm and pulled you beside her "Come try it, it's so fun!" she said. Luckily moomoos were right next to onces so you copied Dahyun and the Moomoos copied you. It was actually quite fun! You could do anything and they'd copy you. You did some random movements you thought would be amusing and then started to do the opposite of Dahyun so the onces and moomoos were going in different directions. Dahyun noticed and started going faster so you had to speed up too. You didn't even have time to notice how cute she was! The two of you carried on competing, getting faster and faster until suddenly a starting gun went off and you both jumped. "The race has started" Sana explained and you and Dahyun both laughed because you'd forgotten there were even races. "I guess we should behave then" Dahyun said and she pulled you towards the seats, the Twice seats! You looked over at your members wondering if you could really just sit with Twice but nobody batted an eyelid as Dahyun pulled you to sit next to her.  "Thanks for Indulging me" Dahyun said and you smiled "thanks for inviting me. It was fun". Dahyun smiled back and then turned to watch the race. You were sat rather close together and you could feel her hair brush your arm anytime she turned. It made you indescribably happy for some reason and for a second you got the instinct to put your arm around her! You shook the thought from your head and moved away from her a little. You couldn't let your feelings make you do something reckless and had to be on your guard around Dahyun. Literally as you were thinking that, Dahyun suddenly turned to you with a smile. "so how have you been?" she asked "it's been way too long, it's a month this weekend since our partnership together" she said and you nodded surprised she remembered. "I've been good" you said and she smiled "I saw you winning all the races, how many medals do you have?" she asked looking at the array on your chest. "Only three" you said and Dahyun sighed "I don't even have one! I kept getting beaten". You paused "oh well you can have one of mine if you want?". Dahyun's face completely changed and she shook her head "oh no I wasn't fishing for one I promise". "No it's fine" you said getting the strong urge to make her happy like last time. Dahyun hesitated but when she saw you were serious she took the medal from you and smiled at you "you're so good to me". You blushed and struggled to speak "I just want you to be happy" and Dahyun beamed. "Well I always am around you" she said and she pulled you closer to her and linked arms. You were slightly taller and Dahyun hesitated to lean against you but you moved your head so she could lean against you and she actually leaned into you! Dahyun stayed nestled against you for 30 minutes until you all had to move. Even then you walked together and Dahyun kept looking at you with such a happy expression on her face. It made you wonder if the past month's worrying had all been for nothing and you wondered why Dahyun hadn't been in contact with you if she did like you. You didn't ask her though and when she queued up with Twice you waved to her and said goodbye. You went over to your members who had very wide smiles on their faces and completely missed that they were wearing the same expressions as Dahyun's members. After that, you didn't really see Dahyun and then the event ended. You didn't mind though. You were really happy with the interaction you had and were still glowing from Dahyun grabbing your arm. So you were slightly in a daze as you waited for your car but you heard giggling and then suddenly felt someone tug your hand "Hey Y/n, we're going to this restaurant downtown to celebrate Nayeon hosting" Dahyun said "it's really nice and we've booked the place out. Would you like to come? You can bring your members too!". You blinked at having her smiley beautiful face so close to yours but smiled back instinctively. "We'd love to!" you agreed and then looked at your members "sorry I just answered for us all".  Solar smiled "no you're right, we'd love to". Dahyun nodded to them and then looked at you "that's great, I'll text you the details and we'll see you there then". "You got it!" you replied and Dahyun squeezed your arm before moving away. When you arrive Twice were already there but they rushed to greet you. The girls were so friendly and you found yourself sitting next to Dahyun with Nayeon on your other side and Sana across from you. "So Y/n Dahyun tells us you're super hard working" Sana said "have you always just had amazing work ethic?". You paused "hmm not always. At school I used to get in trouble for not trying hard enough because I can be super efficient and hard-working but only for things or people I care about". For some reason Nayeon and Sana smiled widely when they heard that response and Dahyun coughed and changed the subject. "Did you know Sana got that scar from trying to grab meat too quickly?" Dahyun said and you looked from her to Sana and then to the scar. You smiled "I've done that too" and pointed to one on your forearm "but mine was pizza" and Sana grinned "great minds think alike...or act alike" she said "you know what I mean" and you nodded with a smile. "So Y/n do you have any pets?" Nayeon asked "Dahyun loves animals!". You nodded "I do too but I don't have any pets at the moment because I don't think it'd be fair to them. But I had a golden retriever growing up and I cuddle her every time I go home. She has the cutest puppy eyes, I can never say no to someone with cute eyes and I think it's because of her". Again Nayeon and Sana smiled and a thought occurred to you. "You've got a dog right? Ari?" you asked Dahyun and she smiled "yes how did you remember that?". "Because you told it me" you said confused why Dahyun thought you wouldn't remember and Sana made a high-pitched noise before Nayeon hit her. You thought she was choking and quickly passed her some water. "Are you okay?" you asked after she'd drank some and she nodded "yes thank you!". You turned back to Dahyun who was still smiling "so how is Ari?" you asked and Dahyun smiled "he's good, I've got some photos if you want to see them?". "Yes!" you said and leaned in to look at them. Once again missing the glances from pretty much everyone at the table. After you'd all eaten everyone started milling around drinking, dancing etc and it was nice. You chatted to Jhnyo and Tzuyu whom you hadn't really spoken to before and every time Dahyuun saw you she'd shoot you a big smile. Jihyo caught her doing it and laughed as you blushed. "She's so sweet" you said "I think she knows I'm not the most social person so she keeps shooting me reassuring smiles encouraging me" you explained. "Oh is that why she can't take her eyes off you?" Jihyo asked and Tzuyu smiled. You paused at Jihyo's tone and smiled "yeah at least I think that's why she's watching me...why do I have something on my face?". "No, you look beautiful Y/n" Tzuyu said and Jihyo nodded "exactly so we can't blame Dahyun for admitting you" and you went bright pink. Dahyun quickly realised if any of her members would be bold enough to confess for her it'd be Jihyo so she quickly nipped this conversation in the bud and managed to get you alone. As she walked away Jihyo mouthed "tell her" with thumbs up and Tzuyu nodded making Dahyun feel all fluttery because that was the signal that you liked her! Dahyun led you to an area outside where none of the girls were around and sighed. "Y/n I've got something to ask you and I hope you keep an open mind" Dahyun said and you nodded "okay. Whatever it is, I'm here for you". Dahyun smiled and nodded "okay well here goes...I like you". You immediately went bright pink and looked away which Dahyun hoped was a good sign. "I like you too" you said casually, trying to deflect the situation and Dahyun was tempted to pretend it was as friends but knew her members would kill her so soldiered on. "No Y/n I mean as more than friends, I have a crush on you" she said and your jaw dropped "what? Seriously?". Dahyun nodded "yeah and I thought I was so obvious!". "No you weren't" you said "I mean I'd hoped you'd liked me but I never thought you actually did" you said and Dahyuun smiled "so you return my feelings?". You nodded and Dahyun went to step closer when you froze. "Wait are you sure? What about all of last month when you ignored me? Did I do something wrong?". "No it's not that it's just...I thought you and Jin were together". "Jin from BTS?" you asked shocked and Dahyun laughed "yeah that one". "Why?" you asked and Dahyun shrugged "I guess just because you two seemed really close. You were together a lot in rehearsals, I saw you two come together and how he hugged you outside, and then you just seemed physically close as in you weren't scared to put an arm around one another or whisper and I guess I just misread the situation" Dahyun said "but you're not dating?". "God no!" you said before pausing "sorry that seems rude, Jin's lovely just I'm very gay and he's a guy". Dahyun smiled "yeah that makes sense" and you blushed at how pretty her smile was. "It's also a really big relief to hear you say that" she admitted "I thought there might be something between us but I got scared and then when I saw you dancing with Jin at the afterparty I thought you must be together. That's why I took a step back, I didn't want to get hurt but I didn't stop thinking about you". Once again you were stunned because your situations were so similar and you told Dahyun that. "No way!" she cried "wow we were just meant to be huh?" she asked. Hot Dahyun did make you feel weak at the knees but you remembered her comment about having a great poker face and reminded yourself she was all bark no bite. "I think we are" you said gently touching her waist and pulling her close "do you think it's finally time to kiss you?". Dahyun's confident mask faltered and her eyes widened as she nodded. This time she stammered before nodding "yes, please...I mean I don't mean please but you don't have to kiss me if you don't want to" she said flustered. "No I want to" you told her and showed her. After the kiss Dahyun rested against you, her arms wrapped around you. "I know I act really confident but that all melts away around you" she admitted "I can't act cool around you". You smiled "yes you can, you've been doing it the whole time! But I appreciate what you're saying, you give me a reason to be more confident...to defend you. Not that you need protecting or anything just I want to always be there for you". Dahyun went to speak and a weird noise came out of her mouth making her eyes widen in panic but you burst out laughing. This made Dahyun laugh too and you were soon in stitches. The girls came to investigate what was going on and found you clutching each other trying to stop laughing. "Dahyun is everything good?" Jeongyeon asked and Dahyun "everythings great" and took your hand. The room exploded at that and Dahyun buried her head in your shoulder giggling at the chaos she'd caused. "You're enjoying this aren't you?" you asked and she nodded "yeah a little bit, they've been telling me to ask you out for ages". You nodded "my members have been doing the same. I feel like we should get presents for finally doing it". "You're the only present I need" Dahyun said and you both laughed at her line. "Smooth" you said "can I expect more of this suave sophisticated flirting machine?" you asked and Dahyun nodded "oh yeah, you're stuck with me now" and you smiled "I can't think of anything better".
My first Twice imagine! This all came from my crush on Dahyun because being funny and not caring what others think is so attractive!
I also think Jin and Moonbyul would be such a funny duo and the best friends to have. 
FYI - I took creative liberty with Moonbyul and Jin’s sexualities and I hope it goes without saying I’m not claiming they are those sexualities. Just there is nothing wrong with being bisexual or a lesbian and I always aim to have my work as diverse as possible. There is no evidence they’re not gay and so I decided to imagine they were. That’s it. 
Hope you enjoyed it and feel free to request any other female idols you’d like to see more of! 
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cceanvvaves · 9 months
rain; k.dh
(moved to isanggayfrog) warning: none
Y/N L/N sat at the windowsill, hugging her knees, the raindrops slipping down the glass reflected in her eyes. The fog obscured her vision, but she stared nonetheless. It was raining again today, and to sit and watch became a daily routine for Y/N as it had been raining for a week straight. She listened to the gentle pattering outside, the water falling onto the plants and giving them life. Rain, to her, was a magical thing. The way the water falls as if the clouds wept, the way people ignored it as some inconvenience. But she loved it, it made her cherish her time alone. Rain gave her solace.
She brought up a hand and traced a face on the windowpane. She wiped it off, breathed out hot air and drew a heart. It's been a while since it started raining. It's been a while since Dahyun, her girlfriend, went out to buy groceries.
Y/N waited patiently, unbothered by everything else, alone in her world of rain. She waited for the rainbow, to see the beautiful result of the melancholy rain.
The door creaked open quietly, revealing a feminine figure carrying a cloth bag. "Y/N," Kim Dahyun called, "I'm home. Are you hungry?"
The mentioned girl wordlessly turned her head toward the source of the sound, eyes brightening but face remaining stoic. Her legs slid down to the floor, and her bare feet padded towards her beloved.
Without speaking she wrapped her arms around the other girl's neck, pulling her closer to feel the warmth of her body on hers. "What did you do while I was gone?" the black-haired girl asked, running her hand through the slightly taller's hair.
The other simply shook her head, still not letting go.
Dahyun had found the brunette many years ago, hiding in the bathroom as pained tears flowed down her face. Since that day, she swore to herself, to Y/N, to the world, that she would protect the younger and make her happy.
It was hard at first; Y/N was very quiet and it took great effort to extract a response from her. But she endured it, she made sure she was always there, through every downs, every river of tears, every time the sky goes black.
"Can you play for me?"
Dahyun smiled. Those 5 words reminded her of the day Y/N approached her first, asking for a song. "Of course. Come," she said, gently pulling her to the piano.
The two sat side by side, and the pale-skinned girl placed her hands over the keys. Her fingers glided smoothly as if in a waltz, the beautiful melody entering both their ears as she played 'Reminiscent'. It was only a minute and a half long, but as the last note was played their moods were brighter.
And then...
"I love you," came the quiet words from Y/N's lips.
Dahyun stared in shock. She had never heard those three words from her, and now she spoke it. Slowly, her lips curved into a smile. "I love you, too. So, so much."
And they kissed, the only witness to their love was the last drops of rain.
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juyeonszn · 6 months
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PAIRING ji changmin x f!reader
GENRES smut ﹒angst ﹒fluff
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, best friends to lovers, numerous mentions of the female orgasm, ji changmin is a bit of a manwhore, mentions of alcohol, insane tension my b, intense making out x2, oral (m! and f! receiving), multiple orgasms, couch sex but missionary, unprotected sex (wrap before u fucking tap -_-), creampie, changmin is lowkey very whipped and very pussy drunk in this, also forewarning for every fic in this collab— there is lots of foreshadowing and references to the other fics since they all fall within the same timeline/universe!
SUMMARY you know, when you told your girl friends that you’d never finished before, you were expecting it to blow over like no big deal. what you weren’t expecting was for it to spiral into a whole other mess.
MORE i hope u jichang lovers are strapped in and ready for this… kinda went crazy with it 😭😭 um anyway?? first fic of the black out or back out collab?? crazy!! this fic actually ruined me. it used up all my brain power so if every other one sucks u can’t blame me!! it’s the law!! also, i’d like to take a moment to wish my boyz a very happy 6th anniversary <3 so so proud of all they’ve accomplished these past 6 years and i can’t wait to see what they do in the next 6. in this deobi shit 4L frfr 🙏🙏
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble @zzoguri @deoboyznet @cloverdaisies @vernyangel
TAGLIST @millksea
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“No fucking way.”
You blink at Soyeon. It wasn’t that hard to believe. In fact, it was pretty easy to believe. You set down the bowl of popcorn on your lap and nod slowly.
“Uh, yeah. Yes fucking way,” a nervous laugh escapes your lips. “I’ve had to fake it with every guy I’ve ever been with. I don’t know what it is. Maybe something’s wrong with me.”
Men were… incompetent at certain things. And apparently your pleasure was one of those. Every dude you’ve ever slept with failed to make you finish. It was at the point that you felt that you were the problem. It would be understandable if it had been a couple guys, but every single one? Your luck had to be complete ass.
The only reason the topic had been brought up was because Soyeon had mentioned something about her last fling during your movie night. She was talking about how that had been the best sex she's ever had and it spurred you into making your confession. The last guy you’d been with had probably been the worst.
“Never?” Jiwon’s jaw drops, elbows resting on her knees. “How are you still alive, girl? How do you get your fix?”
“My hand, my vibrator, my pillow sometimes,” you shrug, picking at a loose thread on your blanket. “I’ve learned to make do with my situation, I guess. If I can’t get it elsewhere, I’ll just do it myself, y’know?”
Your girl friends look at you with pouts on their lips, as if they were the ones experiencing your misfortunes. You hadn’t even expected it to be such a big deal. You’d thought this was a normal, common occurrence. Boys usually sucked at things when it came to girls. But they all took this as a personal hit, like you were a fallen soldier in battle.
Perhaps the female orgasm was far more important than you assumed it to be.
“Considering who your best friend is, you’d think you were getting good dick left and right,” Dahyun snorts into her glass of wine. “This is actually kinda insane.”
You guess she had a point, despite you both leading very different lives. Changmin, your best friend, was known as one of the many heartthrobs on campus. He was in a fraternity, played on the school’s baseball team, and he even played with other things. Namely the hearts of practically every other girl at your university.
You’d think it would bother you to be so close to a man who couldn’t give less of a fuck about those of the same sex as you. But for some reason, you couldn’t find it in you to care. It’s not like he was bragging about the bitches he bagged on a regular basis. Though you were his best friend, he understood boundaries. He knew what was appropriate to talk about with you and respected that.
Your friends laugh at her observation, but drop the conversation after that, resuming the movie you were watching. However, it’s not that easy for you.
You can’t stop wondering if something really *is wrong with you. Why was it that everyone and their mom was capable of finishing and you weren’t? It was more unlikely that every single man you’ve been with sexually was that mediocre. Were you really that unlucky?
It bothers you so much that you find yourself still thinking about it well into the following week.
With the start of the new semester, came the adjustment of new classes. Even though you were a Communications major, you made the grave mistake of taking Lifespan Growth and Development with Changmin for the extra credit. He was an Early Childhood Education major, so it was a requirement for him, but not for you. (Honestly, he only forced you to take it with him so you had at least one lecture together. He was afraid your friendship might start to fade if you didn’t see each other often.)
Imagine how horrified you felt when your professor began to talk about babies and their circadian rhythm, but the only thing in your head was the fact that you’d never orgasmed because of a man. You felt like you were going crazy at this point. Really, the thought should’ve been long forgotten by now. But you couldn’t help yourself from dwelling on it, especially after your friends made jokes at your expense.
As you’re walking out of the lecture hall side by side with Changmin, you keep your focus on the ground, your hearing going in and out. His voice is staticy, your brain only registering words here and there. You’re a little pissed off that this has become such an issue.
He notices your lack of response and stops walking, eyebrows furrowed. You pause in your tracks along with him. “Are you good? You’ve been spacing out all morning.”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you shake your head as if that would rid of these stupid thoughts. “I’m just a little tired, I guess. I haven’t been getting much sleep.”
“Well, you better fix that. We’re expecting this weekend’s party to be one of the bigger ones this semester. Juyeon’s passing those fliers around like it’s his job,” Changmin purses his lips with a snort, ruffling your hair. “I need my beer pong partner to be in tip-top shape.”
You scratch the back of your neck. Half of you was kind of hesitant to go to this weekend’s TBZ party considering that was where you met the dude who started this whole downward spiral. He made an offhand comment about seeing you again, but you were actually hoping that would never happen. And with your fortune, the probability of running into him was pretty high.
“You see…“ You begin, but Changmin interrupts you with a distressed groan before you can continue.
“Don’t tell me you’re thinking of flaking,” his arms fall to his sides as his head tips back dramatically. “Y/N, I really need you there. How else am I gonna smoke everyone? I need— I mean we need to keep our title.”
Sometimes you wish Ji Changmin took anything else as seriously as he takes beer pong. You suppose it came with being a fraternity brother or something. They all drank alcohol like it was fucking water. You’re still sort of surprised none of them (Sunwoo) has gotten alcohol poisoning yet.
“I’m just… trying to avoid someone. And they’ll probably be there.” You sigh, fiddling with your fingers. Your best friend gives you an unreadable look that flashes across his face only for a moment.
“Tell me who it is. I’ll make sure they’re not allowed in. I’d much rather have you there than some rando who’s bugging you.” He says, shoving his hands into the pockets of his cargo pants.
“That’s really unne—“
“Yo, Changmin! Aren’t you going with us to Cobie’s?”
You both turn towards the sudden intrusion, the voice belonging to Eric Sohn. He’s around 50 feet away from where you’re standing, joined by Kim Sunwoo and Ju Haknyeon. Changmin yells out his answer and spins back to you, an apologetic smile on his face. Somehow, you’re a little grateful for the interruption.
“We’ll finish this later, okay?” He nods at you, heading backwards in their direction. “You’re going, Y/N.”
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You really should’ve listened to your instincts when they told you to skip out on the party.
You’re well aware that every attendee was crucial for the TBZ boys and their stupid rivalry with the KAT girls. So maybe you understood why Changmin needed you there so badly, aside from the obvious beer pong thing. However, you were starting to regret showing up.
First of all, Ji Changmin was nowhere to be found. Second of all, Jeon Soyeon was hounding you all night about the secret you so idiotically shared with your gal pals.
She was dead set on finding you a solution. (Basically, she was scanning the crowd of partygoers for a suitable man to satisfy your overdue needs. And she was proving devastatingly unsuccessful.)
You were too anxious to drink, also. Your feet were bouncing from where you sat on the couch, and your fingers couldn’t stop fidgeting. The antsiness was getting annoying at this point and you were hoping your knight in shining armor (Ji Changmin) revealed himself soon. Lest he wanted to lose out on his beloved beer pong partner.
It appears that your years of honing in on your manifestation powers have finally come to fruition when you spot Younghoon and Juyeon hauling the beer pong table into the living room. Where one of those tables are stationed, you know you’re guaranteed to find your best friend. The shorter of the two gentle giants cups his hands around his mouth and announces the first round of tonight’s tournament.
You stand from your seat, grabbing the opportunity to break free of Soyeon’s efforts to pimp you out. You’re ready to confirm you and Changmin’s spot in the tournament, when you see that you’ve already been beaten to it. It takes absolutely everything in you not to let your jaw drop and your eyes to tear up.
Some girl who happens to be in your Lifespan Growth and Dev class (you think her name is Iseul) is draped over Changmin’s arm, signing them up for the first round. He doesn’t look like he wants to, but makes no effort to refuse her.
You don’t know why it irks you. It shouldn’t irk you.
You’ve never cared about who he spends his free time with in the past. It’s been so easy for you to let his behavior slide, brushing it under the rug like it was no biggie. But this time, you care a whole lot. You chalk it up to the fact that he was seemingly replacing you as his beer pong partner, even though that was the entire reason why he wanted you to come to the party.
Yeah. That’s why.
Your tongue darts out to wet your lips just as Hyunjae passes by, no doubtedly heading to the beer pong table. You catch the sleeve of his polo and force him to halt in his steps. You’re not even sure why the hell he’s wearing a polo in the first place, his outfit embodying the stereotypical frat boy perfectly. This looked nothing like his usual wardrobe.
“Oh, hey Y/N, what’s up?” He smiles that award-winning Hyunjae smile, the one that manages to charm every girl in the room every single time he pulls it out. He brings the brim of his red solo cup up to his lips and finishes whatever’s left in it with one swig. Maybe this was a bad idea.
“Do you wanna be my beer pong partner?” Okay, well now you’ve said it so there’s no going back.
His eyebrow shoots up in a mixture of shock and pleasant surprise. “Me? You’re not gonna ask Changmin?”
“He’s…” Your eyes flitter over to where he stands with Iseul(?), Hyunjae’s following. No. You’re okay. This isn’t getting to your head at all. Everything’s cool and peachy. “He’s too preoccupied.”
Hyunjae chooses not to say anything, instead nudging you over to the opposite end of the table. Changmin’s eyes widen when he sees the two of you, even having the audacity to look scandalized. God, maybe that was his biggest fault. He was so entitled.
So, it was just fine for him to bail on you in favor of some girl he didn’t even know, but the second you talk to one of his frat brothers, it’s off the table? What a fucking hypocrite. The whole ordeal was actually beginning to get on your nerves now. All you wanted to do was win this stupid beer pong game to show him that he’ll never find a partner as good as you.
Woah. Holy shit, Y/N. You need to dial it back a bit with the possessiveness. That was a lot, especially for you.
Juyeon narrows his eyes at you and then glances over to Changmin, the cogs turning in his head slowly. You’re not sure if that’s because he’s so used to seeing you both on the same side of the beer pong table, or because his vision was so shitty. Either way, it has you cowering behind Hyunjae a little as he dips the ping pong ball into the cup of water in the center.
“Okay, you know the rules. Let’s have a healthy, friendly game,” Younghoon says, tapping the table with a smile. “No playing dirty. I’m looking at you, Hyunjae.”
The brunette raises his hands in surrender, doing a quick bout of rock, paper, scissors with Changmin to determine which team went first. He wins with a quirk of his lips, sauntering back over to you. After rolling his neck around and popping his fingers, he tosses the ball right into Changmin and Iseul’s center cup.
You hate to admit it, but Hyunjae’s actually pretty good at this. You’ve never really paid attention to anyone else’s beer pong skills considering you’ve only ever played with Changmin as your partner. Who knows, maybe you’ll switch over permanently after this. At least, you might if he keeps up whatever it is that he’s doing.
Your best friend’s jaw tightens as he grabs the red solo cup, chugging what’s inside. He huffs and takes his turn, nearly missing with the way the ball circles around the rim. He sighs in relief at the same time you grimace. You still hadn’t had anything to drink all night and starting with fucking beer was probably the worst idea.
The game probably would’ve been a bit more competitive had Iseul been decent at beer pong, but she sucked. So Hyunjae and yourself always kept your lead by one cup or more. Karma is a dish best served cold, or however the saying goes. And karma certainly presented itself in the form of Ji Changmin’s first ever TBZ beer pong tournament loss.
Hyunjae high fives you with a cheesy grin, lacing your fingers together and shaking them around. He presses a kiss to your temple and guides you away from the table as Juyeon and Younghoon clear it for the second round. It wasn’t odd for any of the TBZ boys to show you affection since you were like a sister to most of them, but this felt… kind of weird. You can’t pinpoint exactly why, but it made you feel off.
“You’re my secret weapon,” he laughs, hands burying into the pockets of his khaki shorts. “I’m gonna steal you as my partner permanently.”
As much as you joked around in your head, the truth of the matter was that you could never actually replace Changmin. In spite of him acting like a complete dumbass tonight, he was still your best friend. Not even the biggest of fights would change that fact.
Before you can dismiss him, Changmin is stalking over to you with a slight scowl. His nostrils flare a bit as he asks, “Can we talk?”
You barely nod and then he’s fisting the material of your top at the small of your back, urging you away from the living room. Your feet keep tripping over themselves while you attempt to match his pace but he’s too determined to reach his destination in mind to even notice. No one even bats an eye as you get ushered to your demise.
You’re coaxed into a nearby bathroom without a word, your best friend standing in front of you with his arms crossed over his chest. Because you hadn’t seen him a majority of the night, you hadn’t gotten the chance to get a good look at him. He was wearing a long sleeve striped polo and some baggy jeans, which probably would look basic on anyone else. But this is Ji Changmin. Girls flocked after him for a reason.
“Why would you play with Hyunjae? You know the type of guy he is. Now he thinks he has a shot with you or something.” As soon as he opens his mouth, you remember the type of guy he is.
“What does it matter to you? You were too busy giggling with your flavor of the week. Of course I wasn’t gonna wait around for you.” You bite back, mirroring his stance.
“Flavor of the—?” His eyebrows scrunch together in confusion and then everything settles in. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” you laugh humorlessly. “Don’t act all hypocritical with me, Changmin. I can’t believe I even came to this fucking party for you when you didn’t even bother giving me the same energy. Best friend, my ass.”
A scoff brushes past your lips and you turn to exit the bathroom, but he grabs your wrist. His grip isn’t too harsh, but it’s tight enough to stop you from going anywhere. “Wait. Don’t leave.”
“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t.” Your eyes flick back and forth between his and the fingers wrapped around your forearm. And you know, you really should’ve predicted what would happen after that. The nature of your words were provocative in their own right, not to mention the tension brewing in the midst of your argument.
From one second to the next, Changmin’s mouth is on your own, your back pressed to the bathroom door. His hands are everywhere and nowhere all at once; digging into your sides, running through your hair, caressing your face. You feel insane. Your head feels empty, no coherent thoughts running through it as his lips move against yours.
They migrate along your jaw and down your neck, nipping and sucking wherever they feel fit. Everything is moving way too fast for you to comprehend what’s happening. His lips feel so good on your skin, you’re having trouble finding the strength in you to stop him. But you know you have to. This was your best friend, for god’s sake. And besides, you didn’t want to deal with the disappointment you’ve faced time and time again when it came to men. You couldn’t handle feeling that way toward him.
Your palm presses against his chest and you try your hardest to ignore the sensation of his heart thumping beneath it. Your eyes squeeze shut as you push him off of you gently. Not expecting the sudden disruption, he stumbles backwards slightly. He’s a little dazed, like he, too, has not a single thought in that brain of his.
“I can’t— we can’t—“ You’re breathless, heaving up and down as if you’d just ran a damn marathon. “I have to go.”
You don’t give Changmin any freedom to react, escaping the bathroom exasperated. There’s too much going through your mind to search for Soyeon, leaving the party as quickly as you can. The moment your foot steps out of the front door, it’s like you’re given some clarity. The fresh air feels cool on your warm skin while you take the walk back to your apartment, not in the mood to sit in a stuffy car with anyone else. You needed to think clearly and vulnerably, and someone being there would just hinder that.
But first, you had to figure out where to go from here.
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It’s been a couple days since the last TBZ party and you were still avoiding Ji Changmin like he was the plague.
You were definitely wishful thinking when you decided to just ignore things until you had class together. And even then, you were planning on pretending like nothing even happened. Fucking up your friendship with him was something you couldn’t stand emotionally. Or physically. It would be akin to the pain of having your heart ripped straight from your chest.
Meeting Changmin when you did was almost like a blessing in disguise. His attitude about life was exactly what you needed coming into university. You were shy and scared of your new surroundings. You had no friends, you were far from your family, and your imposter syndrome was through the roof. But then he swooped in and made everything better somehow. As much as it was a snooze fest, you’ll eternally be a little bit grateful for sharing that First Year Seminar class with him.
Deep down, a piece of you has always belonged to Changmin. From that first day of freshman year to now, you’ve always held him to a different standard than everyone else. You liked to believe it was because he was your best friend, the one person who sought you out even when it felt like no one ever would. And until very recently, you kept trying to convince yourself that was the case.
If you slept together that might be worse. What if he ended up like every other guy you’ve landed in bed with? What if he couldn’t satisfy you? It would make it even more strained. You didn’t want to end up like every other girl who’s vied for his heart and failed miserably. He wasn’t a relationship person.
Falling for him alone would complicate everything. If he didn’t feel the same, it would be weird between you and your friendship would never go back to normal. Yet as you lay here, body bundled in your comforter and drowning in one of the many sweatshirts he’s left over at your apartment, scrolling through his feed, you realize that there’s no return from this point. Now that you’ve contemplated the idea, you’re too far in.
You know, the universe had funny ways of rewarding you. (Or rather, punishing you.)
There’s a knock at your front door. You’re not entirely sure who it could be since you weren’t expecting anyone, but one glance through the peephole and it’s all over for you. You consider stepping away, running and cowering in your bedroom until he disappears so you can go back to dissimulating that your entire life wasn’t crumbling to your feet.
“Y/N, I know you’re in there. Open up, please, we need to talk.”
You curse under your breath but unlock the door anyway, maneuvering so he can come inside with ease. Changmin stares at you with an unreadable expression for a minute, vision raking over your figure. Maybe you’re imagining it, but it’s something similar to how men have looked at you before, like they were undressing you with their eyes. That’s when you remember that you were wearing his sweatshirt.
Without pants underneath…
The wind knocks out of him in an instant, something primal coming over him when his gaze lands on you in his clothing. He knows he shouldn’t think about you the way he does. He shouldn’t think of how pretty you are when your pen is caught in your teeth, attempting to make sense of whatever your professor was talking about. He shouldn’t think of the way your cheeks flush when you’ve had too much alcohol at one of the TBZ parties. He shouldn’t think of kissing you, or pressing up against you like a dog in heat. He shouldn’t be thinking of the kiss you shared Friday night.
You’re his best friend, the one person in the world who has ever understood him. The one who’s always glued to his side even when he may be in the wrong. Why would he ever want something different? How could he ask for more when he should be thankful for what he was already given?
“Why are you pushing me away? Why are you ignoring me?” Is what he finally asks after the silence has become unbearable.
“Changmin,” you swallow thickly, hesitative with what you say next. “Friends don’t kiss— we don’t kiss.”
He takes a step forward, and then another, and then another until he’s only arms’ length from you. “But, we could.”
You release a shuddery breath, reaching out to stop him from coming any closer. “P-Please. We can’t do this— I can’t do this.”
“Why not?” He pushes. He knows he’s tiptoeing the edge of something else. There’s a fine line between what you have now, and what he’s wanted for so long. It’s always been a matter of if you wanted that too. “Is it because you just don’t want to?”
You’re not even sure how to respond to him. Of course you want this. It isn’t that you don’t want him. You’re more scared than anything. You’re scared of becoming just another victim of Ji Changmin’s charms, of giving into him and it leading to another let down. Your resistance is evident on your face, and you’re not all that taken aback when he sighs.
“I’ve wanted you since that first day of First Year Seminar, Y/N. No one has ever compared to you and no one ever will,” he confesses, a hand coming up to cup your cheek. “I sleep with random girls to get you off my mind, to forget that I’m pretty fucking in love with my best friend.”
Then it all clicks.
It’s like you’ve come to the biggest realization of your life, an epiphany striking you suddenly with the weight of a freight train. It all trickles into place, the reason why you’ve never enjoyed yourself during sex. The reason why you’ve never finished at the hands of any man you’ve been with intimately.
None of them were Ji Changmin. None of them were the best friend that your heart has belonged to since your freshman year.
You press your lips to his without any warning, nearly colliding into him with the force of your impatience. He reciprocates immediately, fingers tangling in your hair and holding you closer than physically possible. You tilt your head to deepen the kiss, tongue dragging along his lower lip. Years of repressed longing and pining find themselves surfacing in this one kiss.
Changmin’s hands travel to your waist, burrowing into the fabric of his sweatshirt as he yanks you toward the couch. He falls to a sitting position when the backs of his knees hit the edge, your knees resting on either side of his lap. You don’t break apart once, not even to gasp for air as he grinds you down onto him. Through the material of his cargos you can feel him. He’s just as throbbing as you are, your core pulsing with a need unlike any other.
His fingers reach for the hem of the sweatshirt and that’s when you pause him, your nerves getting the best of you. He frowns. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s just,” admitting this a second time isn’t easier. “I’ve never— nobody’s ever made me… you know…”
The corners of his lips curl up, thumbs rubbing the backs of your thighs. “You’ve never came before, baby?”
Your breathing stutters in your chest, the smugness of his voice sending shockwaves through your body. You should’ve fully expected him to be a master at pillowtalk, what with the whole Sex-God persona and all that jazz, but it still catches you off guard. You shake your head shyly, arms hooked around his neck. His mouth attaches to the spot behind your ear, sucking the skin tenderly.
“I’ll make sure you’re ruined for anyone else,” his voice is no louder than a whisper, but sounds deafening to the cotton stuffing the place where your brain should be. “I’ll make you feel so good, you won’t think twice about who you belong to.”
A small whine emits from your throat, hips gyrating themselves onto his crotch. He bucks up into you instinctively, keeping you still on his lap. The sheer possessiveness of his tone is driving you up the wall. That seemed to be something you had in common with each other. You’re lightheaded, too many layers of clothing blocking the space between you. Changmin connects your lips again, sliding his hands beneath the sweatshirt so his fingers can hook into the waistband of your panties.
He helps you out of them and your top, baring your entire body to him. The way his cock twitches makes him feel like a goddamn teenager. You paw at the zipper of his pants as he pulls off his t-shirt, tugging the cargos down his legs so you can kneel between them. If he thought he wasn’t going to last before, he’s certain of it now. He wraps your hair around his fist in a makeshift ponytail, watching you with hooded eyes as you kiss his tip.
“You look so gorgeous like this,” his voice is wavering, his composure drifting off.
That encourages you to take him into the wet heat of your mouth, tongue twirling around the tip. You run it along his slit, tasting the precum that had formed there. His head falls back onto the sofa cushions, jerking his hand back a bit and tugging your hair just enough for it to sting. You moan around his dick, the pain providing more pleasure than its intended purpose.
He bucks up into your mouth yet again, his length gliding down your throat. Not prepared for the intrusion, you gag, pulling off of his cock with a string of saliva bridging your lips to the tip. Tears prick at your eyes for a second, and then you’re going back in.
This time you manage to relax your throat, fitting more than you could prior. Changmin’s eyes are half lidded, not once daring to look anywhere that wasn’t you. The sight of you so eager to please, so desperate to reward him in spite of you being the one who’s never orgasmed before, was clouding his thinking.
The image of you on your knees, sucking him off like your life depended on it, would be burned into his brain for the rest of his life. (Not that he minded. You lived there practically rent free, anyways.)
Your attention stays on the tip of his cock, tongue repeatedly alternating with dragging under the head and the slit on top. He could die happily, actually, the fear that he may never have you in this way finally dissipating into thin air. Want could only take a man so far.
He doesn’t stay sentimental for very long, remembering that you were currently between his legs and the inner monologue could wait for later. Though, he makes the grave mistake of making direct eye contact with you and it’s game over after that point.
Changmin finishes with a groan, his cum painting your chest with milky white ropes. He cups both sides of your face, bringing you up to kiss you messily. He doesn’t care that he can taste himself in your mouth, nipping your bottom lip to pry it open. The two of you swap spots, with him now on the floor and you on the couch. He pushes up your knees, spreading them to gain access to your cunt, glistening with your slick.
He presses a soft kiss to your clit, glancing up at you through his lashes to gauge your reaction. He not only had a reputation to defend, but he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. He was going to be the first man to make you cum. But it wasn’t sufficient to just fuck you, he needed to do more than that. He needed to flood your senses and show you exactly what you’ve been missing out on.
His tongue circles around the sensitive bundle of nerves, his ring and middle fingers going counter-clockwise on your entrance. He can hear the laboring of your breathing, the sharp exhale through your nostrils when he experimentally slides one of them inside of you. He starts to pump it slowly, building up the pace until he adds the other finger, curling them.
You whine when Changmin’s lips envelope your clit, suckling like a man starved. His fingers south don’t halt their assault, the palm of his other hand flattening on your lower stomach. You reach down to card through his hair, clutching the strands for support. He groans against your pussy, the vibrations contributing to the knot growing tighter in your abdomen.
He switches his tongue and fingers a moment later, lapping at your hole and swiping at your clit in a close ovular pattern with his thumb. You’re dizzy, lids fluttering shut and back arching off the cushions in a weak attempt to minimize the space between you. Changmin pins down your hips with his forearm, continuing making out with your cunt.
He flips the stimulation once more, mouth on your clit and fingers buried deep inside of you in an instant. He keeps his eyes on you, focused on every scrunch of your face and slacking of your jaw. The sudden difference in sensations has a loud moan ripping from your vocal cords, that knot coming undone almost too quickly for it being your first time in this position. You feel his lips turn up in a smile, like he’s proud of himself for doing the impossible.
Changmin pulls back slightly, his fingers still working you down from your peak. When he thinks you’ve calmed, he’s up and kissing you, petting your hair gently. “You did so well for me, baby.”
“I’ve made myself cum so many times before, but never like that— holy shit, Changmin…” You’re a little stunned and he finds it cute, despite you both being in such a compromising situation.
“I need you to give me one more, is that okay?” He lays you on your back, hovering over you. “I wanna see your pretty face when you cum on my cock.”
You pull him down for another kiss, pecking the side of his neck with a hum. “Want you to fill me up, too.”
The groan that leaves him is guttural, his forehead falling onto your collarbone. Dreams really do come true. He hikes up one of your legs, lining himself up with you. He guides his cock into you and watches you for any moves of discomfort. A whimper bubbles past as he slips in, bottoming out smoothly. Half of you still couldn’t believe this was happening. No fucking way was Ji Changmin on top of you right now, dick compressed in your cunt to the hilt.
He holds your knee to your chest as he begins to thrust his hips, driving his cock deep from the get go. Each motion jostles you further up the sofa, but you’re too gone to care. Your eyes have started to roll to the back of your head and you already feel that pressure rising in the pit of your stomach.
At this rate, you’re not sure you’ll last very long. You’re still extremely sensitive from your first orgasm and Changmin’s plowing into you like he might never get the chance to do it again.
“You’re so— fuck— you’re so tight, baby… Squeezing me in like you don’t wanna let me go,” he rasps, trailing open mouthed kisses along your jaw and carrying them down your jugular.
You moan something about how deep he is, about how you can feel him everywhere. It’s too much. It’s not enough. And despite him giving you everything he has to offer, you crave more. You’re yearning for more.
Something in you snaps and you’re cradling his face in your hands. “Love you so much, Changmin. Wanna be with you forever.”
His eyes widen at your off-kilter confession, but he doesn’t cease once. If anything, his speed increases as he kisses you passionately, noses bumping but so far on the spectrum from the others. This one is more emotional, more meaningful. It’s not long before he’s spilling into you, moaning against your lips. You follow closely behind, your second orgasm cresting like a tidal wave.
You stay like that for a minute, both of you soaking it all in. Your chests meet in the middle with each breath you take.
Changmin pulls out of you carefully, laying so you can rest comfortably on top of him. A smile inches across his feature, like he was on the inside of a joke you weren’t. You raise an eyebrow at him.
“Nothing, it’s just,” he brushes some of your hair from your forehead to leave a smooch there. “I’ve been waiting for the right time to tell you how I felt for a while now. I just wanted to assure that you wouldn’t scream in my face and run the opposite direction. But you went ahead and beat me to it.”
“You meant what you said about the other girls?” You nibble at the skin of your cheek, nervous. “You slept with them to distract yourself from me? Even Iseul?”
He nods, albeit a little shamefully. “Not my proudest moment, I’ll say. I could’ve gone about it a million other ways. But yeah, I didn’t want to ruin what we had. I couldn’t stand the thought of losing you just because I couldn’t get my feelings in check.”
“You’re stupid,” you laugh, cuddling further into him. “It’s a good thing I’m kind of into that.”
“Kind of?” He quirks a brow at you. “I don’t know, you were saying something about loving me so much and wanting to be with me forever earlier…”
You smack his chest playfully. “Shut up. That was a moment of weakness or whatever.”
“It’s okay,” he smiles at you fondly, as if you were the reason that the sun shone so brightly. “I love you, too. And I wouldn’t mind being with you forever.”
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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saiidahyunie · 3 months
you get me
kim dahyun x f!reader || fluff
synopsis: dahyun was just looking forward to another normal day at school, only to be called over by you waiting for her at the street in front of her house.
warnings: highschool au! ; cursing ; mentions of food ; reader has a bad rep ; dahyun is top of the class student ; steamy makeout sesh ; unrequited dahmo ; some of degree of 2wice pairings ; some suggestive content (dahyun getting a lil horny) brainrotting fluff that's so sweet it will have you in intensive care ; not proofread ; anything else i left out
a/n: bowl :)
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she recognizes your voice immediately, though it’s muffled by the low whirr of your bmw roadster. she stops in place, and as she turns, you pull up next to her, your arm resting alongside the driver’s side door. her eyes meet yours, and dahyun’s heart pumps harder in her chest. 
“y/n. hey.” dahyun’s voice sounds breathless through her own ears. 
your hair is in a messy knot, and you’re wearing some old, ripped band tee that dahyun doesn’t even recognize. with your eyes on her, dahyun’s pulling at the sleeves of her cardigan, looking down and feeling disheveled, suddenly self-conscious of the off-white bustier dress and white sneakers she put on this morning. 
“need a ride?” you ask and nick your head towards the vacant passenger seat. 
“sure.” dahyun responds. she darts across the front of your car, the dress fluttering across the bottoms of her thighs. once she gets in and buckles herself into the seat, you take off down the road, the car zipping along as it hits the suburban speed limit. 
“it’s been a while since i last saw you. a few weeks no? whatcha been up to?” you start, eyes flicking over to her and back to the rear view mirror. 
“oh, um….just…stuff with school, that’s all. it has been busy lately these past few weeks.” dahyun answers, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear and casts a sideways glance over to you, catching the angle of your jaw. she looks away when she feels the squeeze in her chest again and decides that it’s safer to focus on the contouring ridges of her hands and fingers. 
“right…you’re probably busy with AP classes, being captain of the tennis team, and the extracurriculars that you’re knee deep in,” you respond, half teasing, half exasperated, your mouth pulled into a grin. 
a blush spreads across dahyun’s cheeks because it’s true that she’s busy with all those things, and she feels a bit embarrassed over how uncool it sounds coming from your mouth, and she’s not sure how you even know any of that about her in the first place. 
the last time that dahyun ever spoke to you was short, and it was just you at the front door of her house delivering something from your mom to hers. all of the interactions were brief because dahyun finds herself too nervous or embarrassed to keep up a conversation with you after the summer between freshman and somphomre when you’d gone away for basketball camp and came back with a huge growth spurt, toned all over, and riddled with rumors that you scored big with an older girl. 
dahyun doesn’t want to blame the distance between you and her entirely on your good looks, though. even before that same summer, the friendship between you two had been growing apart. since the start of high school, she was pulled away from the daily meetings with you and chaeyoung because she wanted to fit in and spend more time with her other female friends. 
you, on the other hand, kept getting into all kinds of trouble that she would hear about from others, but you’d switch to a different topic to avoid speaking about it whenever dahyun asked. 
the hours spent together daily turned into interspersed weekend meetings and quick greetings, eventually to small waves passing classes. you were probably in and out of relationships with other girls more than actual conversations with dahyun over the past two years. 
“sorry,” dahyun apologies, glancing at you and then back at her hands, still unsure of what else to say. she’s uncoformtably aware of her every nerve ending right now, the way your leather seats are sticking to the backs of her knees, the sound of her exhalations, and the strands of hair that she can’t keep out of her face. 
the car turns a corner as you let out a light chuckle at the sudden apology. “i’m just teasing you dubu, don’t worry.” 
“oh. sorry.” she inwardly cringes at the way her voice squeaks. she’s trying to get more words out of the mouth, but her brain can’t come up with any, and she’s trying to remember what in the world you and her used to talk about all way when you were kids. 
“well, my life has been great too, thanks for asking.” your tone is sarcastic, though still smiling. “don’t apologize again.” you add in, right as dahyun’s mouth starts to form another ‘S’ sound. she presses her lips together and peaks over at you again to see you already looking back at her. 
your eyes meet hers for one quiet moment. then an easy laughter breaks through the awkward space, and dahyun’s shaking her head, feeling silly and ridiculous for being so weird. 
when the laughs die down, dahyun feels herself smiling. “you don’t need to remind me how boring my life is, okay? what’s been going on with you?” she ask, but she already knows. 
you’ve started seeing some pretty sophomore girl from the year below after breaking up with your previous girlfriend last month. you still play basketball in the park across from the cul de sac regularly at night or on the weekends, but you hang out with jeongyeon and her little posse nearly every day after school. 
quite the troublemaker you were taking up vaping for the past few months, and when dahyun goes to the restroom during fourth period, she sees you standing behind the portables near the fences where the security guards doesn’t check, a small pod is in your mouth with same group of girls when she knows that you have a history class and not socializing time. 
“it’s been the same for me, nothing too significant to note really.” you reply, coming to a stop at an intersection, and you’re nearly there to the parking lot. dahyun hums in agreement as she watches the other students from their school cross the street. 
“i know that it’s prom season so uh…are you going this year?” you ask, eyes trained on the road as the light in front of them turns green. dahyun lets out a light giggle through her nose. 
“y/n, that’s two months away. and no one’s gonna ask me anyway, so i don’t really have a valid reason to go. weren’t you gonna ask…sullyoon?” dahyun wonders out lod, remembering the name of the sophomore girl. 
your head snaps over to her and your expression is rather surprising, “why do you think i’d ask sullyoon?” 
“um…” dahyun bites the inner portion of her lip, wondering if she accidentally exposed too much what she’s noticed and heard about you. your love life was a regular let alone a hot topic of gossip in all social circles throughout the school, but she’s never heard anything about it directly from you. “aren’t you guys, like, dating now?” 
“that’s what people are saying?” your brows scrunch together. you’re pulling into the parking lot, but it’s still about ten minutes before the first bell rings. “i’m not dating sullyoon. like, not at all. i’m not dating anyone right now, actually.” 
“i didn’t mean to assume. i just heard…” 
“she confessed to me last week, and i turned her down.” 
dahyun feels an uneasy feeling in her stomach, the slurry of guilt and cringe at the words she just spoke. another apology starts bubbling up out of her throat again when you say–
“people are stupid sometimes, but not you. i mean. don’t listen to what they say.” you sigh while shifting the gear into park, and dahyun nods, gathering her bag into her lap and reaching for the door handle. 
“thanks for the ride, y/n,” she replies softly. the door swings open, and just as she’s about to step out of the car, she hears you again.
“wait! dahyun…we should hang out more. i mean like, if you want of course. it’s been a while and i don’t want to sound off as weird, but yeah that’s all.” your hands are on the steering wheel, and your face is rather…open and inviting. 
“sure! yeah, okay. i’d like that actually.” dahyun smiles, nodding at you. “i’ll see you around then?” 
“i’ll text you!” you yell out after when she steps out and closes the car door. 
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it’s fourth period, and you text her. it comes off as a surprise, and dahyun half thought you were joking when you suggested hanging out with her again. you were just asking if she was free today, and she is, but she takes ten minutes just to breath before replying to you. 
why would you suddenly want to hang out now? what are they going to do? what’s there to talk about? should they invite chaeyoung? tzuyu? suzy?!
in the background of her thoughts, she can hear ms. jihyo’s spirited lecture in biology, but even the teacher’s enthusiasm can’t pull her out of her own head right now. 
you hadn’t mentioned chaeyoung this morning, and now when she thinks about it, she can’t remember the last time the three of them hung out together despite the fact that she sees chaeyoung in class everyday, so she replies. 
okay, should we invite chaeyoung? 
your response buzzes her phone instantly after her message. 
nah, she’s probably busy with mina 
confusion is struck through her. mina…myoui? the new transfer student from misamo academy? what could chaeyoung possibly be doing with her? dahyun shakes her head free of the disjointed idea and decides to ask you about it later. she tilts her head down to look under the desk to type out another response. 
so what do you wanna do later? 
meet me at my car after school. 
momo’s knee knocks into dahyun’s from under the table, and she looks up over to her, surprised. just as she looksup, ms. jihyo starts over to their side of the room. 
“miss kim, did you hear what i asked?” the teacher looks at her over the sea of heads sitting down. “can you define the three type of cell transportation for me?” 
“ah…” dahyun’s eyes go wide with the realization that she hadn’t been listening at all to today’s lecture. 
“simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and active transport, ms. jihyo,” momo responds in her place. 
ms. jihyo glances between momo and dahyun, both red in the face for different reasons. “very good, miss kim.” 
when the teacher continues on with the lecture, dahyun shoots a grateful look over to momo and mouths thank you, which she responds to by look away and rubbing the back of her neck. 
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at the end of the school day, dahyun stands next to the well waxed coating of your passenger door with her school binder wrapped tightly to her chest for no good reason other than to have something to do with her hands. her last class is near the exit, so she watches students spill from the main and side doors of the building. 
it’s just you, she repeats to herself. the same you she used to hold hands with on their walk to school in the first grade. the same you she used to stick band-aids on after you came back from crapped and bloody. the same you who played dress-up barbie with her before she had any other friends. the same you who’s lived down the street from her for over a decade. 
but finally, when she sees you push past the exit doors, backpack hung over one shoulder and tangled up in a group of people who seem much cooler and more popular than she is, she gulps down the memories of who you were before. 
she sees you notice her, and gives a simple wave of the hand, gripping your backpack before turning back to say goodbye to your friends. dahyun holds her binder tighter to her chest as she watches you. nothing about the girl 20 feet in front of her feels familiar, from your messy bun to the somewhat built frame that has everyone batting eyes at you in your direction. 
dahyun’s a little bit in her head staring at you for a little longer than she initially expected, but she couldn’t help herself about it so she keeps staring. 
you extract yourself from the group with fist bumps and handshakes. your smile is bright as you walk up to dahyun, pulling her into a full-bodied hug that she can only half reciprocate with the binder in her arms. the press of your torso was enough to intoxicate her, the warmth seeping through her skin. her face was also right at the crook of your neck, and you smell like the ocean and coconuts. 
when you pull away, dahyun notices you glance over your shoulder where the crowd of people are, but your shoulder also obscures her view of what exactly you’re looking at.
“ready to go?” you ask, stepping forward to open the door into the passenger seat. 
“yep.” she nods and gets in.
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you pull up at an ice cream shop about five minutes later, and dahyun can’t control the grin that breaks across her face. 
‘suga’s’ ice cream parlor? when was the last time we came here together? she says, reminiscing over the white and pistachio colored swirls and blue snowflakes that were pasted on the storefront window. 
the store was down a couple blocks from where they live, and it hasn’t changed at all in the years since your moms used to walk them down there together on a hot summer afternoon. 
you smile back at dahyun, the canines of your teeth catching on your lower lip, “like i said, we haven’t seen each other in a while.” 
the both of you make your way into the store and stand in front of the glass screen with all of the specialty ice cream flavors laid out in freezer tubs before them. 
“are you gonna try anything new? i already know what i’m getting.” you say, glancing down at her. standing side-by side with you reminds of how tall you were now. dahyun remembers when your head would barely reach the bottom of the glass, and you would have to tip-toe in order to gaze at the rainbow of ice cream flavors. 
“i think i’m just gonna get my usual,” dahyun replies as the worker in a blue apron walks over to them. 
“what can i get started for you guys?” the girl behind the counter asks. 
“i’ll have a double scoop of chocolate on a waffle cone, and she’ll get a single scoop of raspberry please and thank you.” you shoot the worker a smile as she nods while getting the orders ready, 
you pay for dahyun’s ice cream as well, deciding to sit at one of the tables outside to enjoy the warm, spring air. already licking your way down the dessert, you start biting the cone with your teeth, the chocolate dripping over your hands and bits of the solid parts still smeared a bit on your mouth.
dahyun giggles on to the spoon pressed to her tongue and grabs a napkin from the stack on the table and hands it to you. 
“how the heck do you still eat ice cream the same way at 7 and 17?” she asks, smiling, and you grab the napkin from her, crumpling it up in your fist. 
“it’s better if you eat it my way,” you respond, taking a couple more bites into your waffle cone. you eye the trash can next to you two, tossing the napkin while eating seamlessly. to be fair, you were the basketball team’s best shooter. 
you and dahyun sit there at the table, not speaking but eating quietly, letting the sun hit the concrete pathway into dark a bright tone. when finished with the ice cream, dahyun throws her trash in the can next to you away. when she came back to sit down across from you on the table, you had your arms folded across your chest with your face appearing pensive. 
“so dahyun, i’ve been meaning to ask,” you start of saying, tilting your head off to the side while dahyun looks at you with wide eyes, wondering what you were going to ask of her as she hums with a tug at the corner of her lip. 
“why aren’t we friends anymore?” you keep starting ahead as you say this. the question startles her as much as the stoic tone does, and then there’s the pang that shoots throughout dahyun’s body at the implication that you don’t categorize her as your friend. 
“what do you mean? of course we’re still friends, y/n.” she responds, though she’s unsure of the status either. 
“we’re not friends like we used to be.” 
dahyun takes a breath and tries to decide what you were expecting her to say. it’s true that you and her aren’t friends like before, but isn’t it obvious as to why you’re not? it’s different now. you’ve grown from being kids. there’s no time to run around on wacky adventures or watch tv in your living room together like they used to.
“we just…don’t hang out as much. that’s all.” dahyun shrugs and tries to put on her most convincing smile to reassure you, but the turn of your gaze cuts right through her act. 
“i wanna hang out with you more.” you state, the tone coming as gentle, but it feels more of a command. dahyun thinks if you did want to start running around doing crazy shit or just stay inside all day then she would do that, too, because you wanted it. 
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the next few weeks pass by and those hangouts happen more and more often. at first, dahyun is unsure of how they’ll do it, if you wanted to get ice cream and stare at an empty parking lot with passing traffic for an hour then it’ll definitely make her feel awkward about it, every time. 
but it wasn’t like that. you tell dahyun that you’ll take her to school the next day and drop you off, and the day after that. with those rides, you and dahyun talk about anything; from classes, to the weather, even nothing. you send texts throughout the day to see what she’s up to or ask if she’s free after school. on most occasions, dahyun would have tennis practice or after school meetings, but on some of those days, you wait for her. 
in those off days that dahyun has from practice or meetings, you chill at the park together. dahyun reads some of her class notes and textbooks while you nap or look at the clouds in the sky rambling about how basketball practice was boring to some extent. either that or she would come over to your house and your mom would bake her favorite snickerdoodle cookies. dahyun would ask to watch scary movies together bcause despite how cute and sweet she seems on the outside, she’s actually a tough girl that apparently has no fear whatsoever. 
(you pretend to not be affected, but dahyun catches you gasping at the scares while she pretends to not notice.) 
throughout all of those days spent together, dahyun never mentions chaeyoung despite the little inkling of guilt she feels in her gut over excluding their old friend. she’s not sure why, but she knows that it would be different if chaeyoung was with them, and she becomes strangely possessive about the time she gets to be with you. 
you don’t actually see each other much during school because your schedule is different than dahyun’s, and there’s no circle of friends that overlap each other between the two of you, but in those moments between classes when they can catch a quick glimpse, you always give the same smile and trademark wave with a hand raised in the distance. 
it hadn’t been that long, but there were days where you tell dahyun that you’d be hanging out with your other friends instead, and she knows it shouldn’t gnaw at her insides so much knowing that you’ll be around that circle of friends that were clearly a bad influence on you. 
but it does, and on those days where you’re not with her, dahyun uses all of that mental energy to focus on her schoolwork she had written in her planner. once finished with everything she had planned in advance, she realizes that it was a mistake when there was nothing else to occupy her mind but you. 
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dahyun’s passing through the hallway to one of her last classes when you told her that you won’t be waiting for her after she hears her name bounce off the lockers. 
“y/n’s been hanging out with that one girl lately.” 
at the mention of you, dahyun slows her steps to get a better ear on the two girls’ conversion. she doesn’t know them personally, but they were probably from jeongyeon’s group that you usually hang out at school. 
“da-ha? dahun? dun? or whatever her name is right?” 
“yea. the other day, elozin told me that she saw them ice cream together at her work, and she paid for her.” one of the girls snorts and waves her hand like she’s brushing off what her friend just said. 
“it’s whatever. i bet she’s just the rebound like how y/n is with everyone else.” 
dahyun’s face heats up at the idea of you playing her like the other rumors she’s heard of you before. it was a sinking feeling in her heart and stomach, and she pushes past them to rush down the hall. even in the distance, their hushed voices are still reverberating in her ears. 
“shit, that was her. you think she heard us?” 
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dahyun’s backpack clunks on the floor, dropping into her seat. she can feel wetness swelling in her eyes, but she squints to keep the tears from falling. the chair next to her scrapes across the floor as tzuyu arrives at her seat, and dahyun turns away from her.” 
“eonnie! you would not believe the lunch i had today. my mom forgot that she put the bread in the fridge and it was stale. i could’ve sworn my teeth were cracking when i bit through my sandwich earlier.” 
dahyun hums a response, still turned away from her friend, pretending to shuffle through her backpack. when she blinks, a few drops land at the side of her feet, and she’s quick to wipe her eyes before straightening up in her eat. 
“there was something else i wanted to tell you, but i’m blanking out now…” tzuyu continues, scratching behind her ear. 
dahyun continues to avoid looking directly at tzuyu, knowing that she’d be instantly worried if she saw her crying. instead, she lets a few steadying breaths calm her while she focuses on writing her name over and over again. 
d a h y u n 
she scribbles over the stupid name on her notebook. da-ha? really?! she shakes her head at the unreal attempt to pronounce her name in her head. 
the late bell rings soon after, and all the other students find their seats, chatting amongst one another while the teacher is setting up to start class. dahyun looks up to see momo and chaeyoung sitting in the front row, and they turn back to give her and tzuyu a wave, which the pair returns. 
“hey, will you come to my track meet today after school?” tzuyu leans over and gives dahyun a pouty look. “momo and chaeyoung are coming to support me.” 
dahyun looks over and really smiles then, “of course i’ll go tzuyu. i wouldn't miss it.” 
tzuyu beams back at her, and the teacher starts calling for their attention. dahyun shakes her head, clearing her thoughts of anything that doesn’t have to do with mathematics or excitement for tzuyu’s track meet. 
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at the end of class, tzuyu waves goodbye to dahyun and rushes to the locker rooms to get changed and ready. she the approaches momo and chaeyoung, still sitting in their seats and chatting animdately about how to answer the challenge question the teacher posted for their homework as extra credit.
“dahyun!” chaeyoung exclaims when she sees her. “what did you get for the problem today?” 
she giggles and looks over to momo, who’s probably red in the face the way she’s covering her face with  fingers in a V for her eyes to get a better view after arguing with chaeyoung about whose answer is correct. 
“chae, you know i don’t do the challenge problems,” dahyun replies, and she gives her a soft look when she pouts back at her. “you guys are going to the track meet today, right?” can we go together?” 
they agree to go with her, and she waits for them to pack up their stuff. they all walk out of the building and out toward the field. the sun is beating down on them today, and it’s a reminder that their few weeks of the enjoyable spring is about to transition into summer and that the middle of the semester is transitioning to the end of the year when all the big events in the school calendar are coming up. 
“dahyun, are you going to prom this year?” momo asks. now it’s just over a month away, the entire student population is buzzing with conversations and whisper about the dance as well as who’s going to ask who. 
“i don’t think anyone’s gonna ask me, so probably not,” dahyun responds nonchalantly. 
momo and chaeyoung exchange a look, and she wonders vaguely whether momo and chaeyoung will be going to prom this year or if they’re planning on asking anyone. despite that, her and momo have half their classes together and are involved in all the same extracurricular activities; she's never seen her look too interested in other girls.
maybe momo and chaeyoung could take each other to prom. that would be cute, dahyun thinks. 
“you never know, dahyun. maybe someone will surprise you,” chaeyoung says, smiling, uncharacteristically picking on her. she laughs in response, shaking her head. 
mostly, dahyun doesn’t feel too bad about the prospect of not going to prom. she imagines that she’d be the type of girl who sits at the table watching all her friends dance like in the movies. and then at the end, her friends pull her to the dance floor, and she has a fun time, regardless of not having a date. but she still has next year for that scene to play out, anyway. 
dahyun isn’t also sure whether sana or tzuyu will be going this yea, though she can’t imagine that sana would be lacking in promposals. tzuyu might go just to eat, drink, and dance, always wanting to have fun. without her permission, her mind conjures up an image of you, hair slicked back and in a pretty dress or suit depending on your taste, placing a pretty flower corsage on some ridiculously gorgeous girl who isn’t her. 
the trio comes up onto the bleachers and file into a row somewhere in the middle. dahyun sits in between momo and chaeyoung, listening passively as the two girls talk back and forth about which runners they think will win awards or set new record times for their school. the meet is pretty small and not glamorous, just between their school, tdoong high, and misamo academy. the campuses are a short drive apart, so students from either school are filing into the light crowd while the runners are doing their warmups on the track. 
after walking all the way to the field in the afternoon heat, she can feel the start of sweat pooling under her arms, so she pulls off her sweater to reveal her cami underneath and lays it down on her lap and over her skirt. 
“how do you think mina’s gonna hold up against her old friends, chaeyoung?” momo asks with a smirk.
immediately, chaeyoung’s face heats up, and she presses her lips together, eyes directed toward a raven haired figure in the distance. “she’s been training really hard, so i’m sure she’ll be fine.” 
dahyun’s head tilts. she remembers back a few weeks ago when you mentioned that chaeyoung would be too busy with mina to spend time with them, but she had forgotten to ask for more details. 
“is there something going on between you and mina, chaeyoung?” dahyun chimes in. 
“huh? me and mina?” chaeyoung’s face flames up into a bright red, and dahyun wonders how much of it is from the heat of the sun. 
at her other side, she hears momo snicker. “oh, it’s nothing, dahyun. chaeyoung just ‘tutors’ mina every tuesday and wednesday after school,” she says, wagging his brows and making air quotations around the word ‘tutor’ as she does so. 
chaeyoung groans and covers her face in her hands, mumbling at momo to be quiet and mind her own business. dahyun smiles at how cute her friend’s acting, even if she can’t imagine how sweet, girl-band grunge chaeyoung would be with someone as quiet and alluring as myoui mina.
“you guys know that nayeon is competing in a sprint too?” dahyun asks momo, hoping to spare chaeyoung any more embarrassment. momo nods excitedly, pointing her finger over to where nayeon and tzuyu are standing, jumping up and down looking like they’re giving each other pep talks.
across the field, a whistle is blown to get everyone’s attention as the first event is about to start. at the same time, dahyun’s phone dings in her lap, ahd her heart skips a beat, hopeful. 
i see you. 
dahyun’s head whips around, searching the crowd for you face. when she spots you across the bleachers, you’re waving at her. her entire body vibrates as she puts up a hand to wave back at you. she sees you type something on your phone with your other hand and hers dings again.
come sit with me. 
dahyun’s sure that her face is as bright as chaeyoung’s a few minutes agaon when she reads your words and looks back at you. when she notices that you’re sitting in your usual group of friends, she sees the two girls from earlier back in the hallway with you too. she makes eye contact with you again and does an exaggerated motion of shaking her head.
i’m scared of your friends
she sees you get up, say a word to your group, and start in her direction. the girls look shocked as they watch you walking away. despite that the runners are lining up at the starting line now, most of the crowd’s eyes were on you, and dahyun can feel their gaze turn to her when they start to realize where you were headed. dahyun wants to shrink into herself and disappear. she wishes she had kept her sweater on because she has never felt more exposed than at this moment. 
“y/n! hey, are you sitting with us?” chaeyoung asks, her mouth widening into a smile as your figure forms before them.
“sup, yeah i am.” you and chaeyoung share a quick hug before she makes space between her and dahyun. her eyes go open as you sit down between them, and the bare skin of your arm grazes hers. 
then, your face goes blank as you lean over. 
for a moment, you and momo look hard at one another. dahyun doesn’t understand what they have against you and momo, but she thinks she might suffocate sitting in the middle. just in time, another whistle goes off, and she exhales when everyone turns to watch the relay race.
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over the course of a few hours, as they watch the different events and cheer on their friends, dahyun learns first that you had come to support jeongyeon and her friend miyeon who also hangs around with you on the weekends after basketball practice. you didn’t realize that dahyun had friends in track and field, so you didn’t invite her because you didn’t want her to come just to be bored. 
so you ask dahyun about nayeon and tzuyu, and chaeyoung cuts in to tell you about their two wacky friends and all of their funny antics. momo, for the most part, is quiet for the entire time, except for when tzuyu and nayeon are racing, and she stands to cheer them on. 
all of the events today were so close, and dahyun didn’t realize that some teenagers run on a circle would be so nerve racking. in the end, tzuyu’s relay team comes in first. mina sets a new record in the school, and nayeon places third in her own event. jeongyeon and miyeon compete against one another in the 300 hurdles, and miyeon beats out jeongyeon by a slim margin, leaving the crowd hysterical. 
while everyone was filling off of the bleachers, your hand rests gently on the curve of dahyun’s lower back to keep her from drifting too far from you into the crowd. 
“do you wanna come say hi to my friends before we leave?” you ask from behind, as you’re making your way off the bleachers. your minty breath makes the hairs on the back of her neck stand.
“um…are you sure?” dahyun turns up to try and read the expression on your face, but you’re already waving at a group of your friends from below, farther off into the parking lot. 
“don’t be scared, they’re nice.” you reassure, distracted and unaware of the anxiety scratching inside her. your hand presses into her back just slightly, urging her forward. 
you two reach the bottom of the stairs, and before parting ways, momo grasps dahyun’s arm. she can almost feel the glare from behind her, even if she doesn’t see it directly. 
“i want to talk to you about something tomorrow, okay?” she speaks in a low tone into her ear. dahyun notices that momo’s cheeks were red, and she nods. they agree to meet in the courtyard before tennis practice tomorrow after shool. 
when dahyun steps back over to where you were waiting, your amrs were crossed over your chest, face still starkly dark. and your eyes were firing daggers at momo’s retreating form. 
“still wanna say goodbye to your friends?” dahyun asks, pulling your attention back to her. your expression softens, and you lead her to where your group is, all sitting or standing around the open trunk of someone’s car with music blasting from it. they’re all joking around and laughing as you and her approach them, but they quiet down when they see dahyun join the group behind you. 
“y/n, where the fuck have you been?” jeongyeon’s tone is casual, despite the agressive language. she’s leaning on the back of the car all sweaty and tired looking, you just flash a smirk at her. 
“congrats on the race by the way,” you say giving her a brotherly dap, “if it were me though, i would’ve won that.” 
“yeah, yeah, fuck off, asshole.” 
“i’m actually about to head out, but i wanted to introduce you guys to my friend, dahyun.” you step aside to reveal her from behind. “dubu, this is jeongyeon, if you haven’t figured already. jihyo, sana, casey, and doona.”
dahyun looks up at everyone’s faces as you name the off, giving a small smile and awkward wave of her hand to each of them. she recognizes jihyo and sana as the girls in the hallway earlier and feels herself shrinking when their eyes appraise the entirety of her. 
“it’s nice to finally meet you, dahyun.” casey says, shooting her a welcoming smile. even though he was the one of two guys in the group, he was pretty tall and well built. his face is all sharp angles, but eyes and tone of voice are warming. next to him, eunwoo, a boy with a two-block haircut and fair cream skin, flashes another smile with a nod of agreement. 
“yeah, now we know who’s been stealing good ol’ prime time over here after school,” jeongyeon adds in with quirk of her lip. dahyun knows she meant it as a joke, but her eyes were half serious. 
“heh, sorry about that. it’s nice to finally meet you guys,” dahyun responds, looking down, her voice soft and shy in her own ears. 
sana steps forward to her, twirling a strand of dahyun’s hair.
“dahyun, love that name. and your hair. so pretty.” sana’s voice is saccharine sweet, and she smiles with her eyes too, but it looks a lot more sinister despite the happy appearance. 
dahyun inadvertently takes a step back from her, wrapping her arms around herself. the other girl, jihyo, breaks into a giggle and tugs her friend back to ease the tension in the air. 
“be nice, sana. she looks terrified of you.” 
“what? i was being nice.” sana shrugs then turns back to dahyun. “you are so pretty.” 
dahyun’s face suddenly flushes, and she mumbles out a quiet thanks. she looks back and forth from sana to jihyo. each of the two girls have similar features but the height difference is what breaks the two. both brunettes with sana having straight hair while jihyo’s was a little wavy. both also have well structured faces along with fair skin and pouty lips, eyes striking but with so much softness behind them. 
when she doesn’t know what else to say, dahyun turns to you with a pleading look. 
“alright, we’ll be taking our leave now. i’ll see you guys later,” you say, nodding your head at the group. as they turn to walk away,  jeongyeon yells after them.
“dahyun! come to the party this saturday. my place.” 
you look back at jeongyeon and then back at dahyun.
“maybe!” you call back, pulling dahyun away from them. 
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by the time you’re pulling out of the parking lot, it was getting late. the sun is nearly setting in the hroizion, and the world around you two is darkening into a blue tint. 
“that was really weird,” dahyun states, resting her head on the knuckles of her fist, elbow against the window. 
you blow a short laugh through the nose. “yeah, kind of. you don’t have to hang out with them again. i just thought it’d be weird if they didn’t know who you were.” 
she peeks over at you, eyes tracing over the angle of your jaw, the point of your nose, the way the loose strand of hair frames your achingly beautiful face. 
“why would it be weird if they didn’t know me?” dahyun asks, closing her eyes and singing to herself. 
“you know…’cause you’re my friend. and you said they scared you,” you reply with a title of your chin, keeping eyes trained on the road but what you’re saying is straightforward and obvious. 
“they still scare me.” 
“yeah, well, i tried. it’s not my fault you’re shy.” you tease and reach over to rattle her shoulder. dahyun opens her eyes then and lets out a giggle. whe you pull your hand away, she rethinks her choice of words. 
“i know i’m awkward. sorry.” she bites the inside of her cheek, feeling stupid at how anxious she is around people. 
“no need to apologize dubu, i find it cute that you’re like that.” you say, lips quirking up at the sides. you glance over her, and dahyun could put money on the fact that what you just said can make her face blow up with pink all over. luckily for you, it was working how dahyun’s cheeks were betraying her. 
the rest of the short drive back home, it’s a comfortable silence. when you pull into the driveway of her home, dahyun stalls getting out. it’s between eight to nice, and the only light left is the reflection of your headlights from her house’s garage door.
she nearly spent five hours with you today, and still, she doesn’t want to leave. she imagines getting out of the car into the cool air would sting as much as ripping off a bandaid and letting the wound bleed right through completely. 
dahyun looks at her skirt and plays with a loose thread at the end of the. she can feel your eyes on her, probably waiting for her to say something or leave, but she doesn’t think she can do one or the other for that matter.
“you know we’re here, right?” 
dahyun looks up to the sky at an angle, hiding her tugged smile, “i know.” 
she looks down and up at you again, eyes meeting. no matter how many times she sees you, the intensity of your jewel toned irises send a shock down her spine. her gaze flickers down to your lips, and she wonders for a split second what they would feel like against hers. 
her name is whispered with a plea as you lean forward, placing your hand on the back of her neck to pull their faces within mere inches of one another. she’s intoxicated by the blow of your cool breath on her lips. 
your eyes fall closed, and dahyun leans forward, kissing you. 
the feel of your mouth on dahyun’s is searing. your hand is at the back of her neck, hodling her firmly in place as your lips are moving against one another. this new feeling burns at dahyun’s insides until she’s left with a molten, aching center, yearning more and more of you. 
she presses her hands to your shoulders, pulling you closer. you’re nipping at her bottom lip with your teeth, lapping it over with your tongue to soothe the firm pressing, and dahyun can’t help but let out the whimper that escapes her mouth. her hands then slide down to your chest, crumpling up the fabric of your shirt—everything in her body is catching on fire of this wanting. 
the hint of anticipation licks at her skin, and she’s hoping that you’ll do something more, touching her, feeling her, to not stop at making her feel this way. instead, you pull away, and dahyun tries to fight down the whine from the loss of contact. your foreheads are resting against each other, and she’s drinking up the breath from your lips and into her face. you’re still holding the nape of her neck, and the other hand is clutching to hers, fist on chest, squeezing her hand ever so slightly. 
nothing happens for a minute, but in that little pocket of space where it’s just you two in the car, away from the world, the desire burning inside dahyun cools into a sudden rush of anxiety. she just kissed you. she just kissed you, and she liked it so much. 
did you like it? is this how you were in your other relationships? i don’t even think i’ve ever been kissed this way before…? 
dahyun then thinks back to what jihyo and sana said earlier today. “i bet she’s just the rebound like how y/n is with everyone else.” 
“dahyun…” you whisper again, before placing another chaste kiss on her lips and pulling away from her completely. she leans back into the cushion of your car seat and looks back down at the thread of her skirt that she was picking at before, feeling shy and embarrassed at her lack of experience. if a kiss could make her feel this way, then how would everything else she thought would happen really—
“hey, look at me.” 
she’s caught off guard by your words, and she’s unable to deny anything from her mind. “was that okay?” you ask, brows slightly crinkled with a worry, expression full of concern with what you two just did. 
dahyun nods slowly, then looks down again, now clutching her thigh. your hand freely swoops over to grab hers, and you pull it over back to you, clasping it with the other over your leg. “please, tell me what you’re thinking.” you say gently. 
“y/n…” dahyun hushes out, still trying to find the right words that can convey her emotions the best. “shy did you suddenly want to hang out with me again?” she asks, the doubt creeping through her face. 
“i–” you close your mouth before taking the lump in your throat downward. “i missed you. i just wanted us to be friends again.” 
“and that’s the only reason? you just wanted us to be friends?!” 
you take a moment to gather your thoughts, your eyes landing on dahyun’s face yet again, hers searching for any sigh of dishonesty and ambiguity. looking out the window into the coolness of the night, you let out a deep breath that rattles your teeth, lips finding the arches of her knuckles kissing them. “i wanted to be in your life again. i want to be whatever you want me to be.” 
dahyun looks at you, the uncertainty in her eyes while yours was carried with a vulnerability that she hasn’t seen from you in a very long time. her desire for more of you and the natural reflex of her to hide, to keep herself safe, a tumultuous war within her. 
you win, of course, because you’ve already let dahyun surrender herself to you at a point where it’s so badly needed. 
“do you want to come inside?” dahyun asks you, but really, she’s begging. a pause is in the air after she asks you, and the emotions are splayed across your face, but you settle on one and an answer behind it. 
“i don’t think i should,” you answer softly, breaking a smile, but it there was a tinge of pain under it—your hand still clasped with hers. 
“please.” she whispers, almost fooling herself that you didn’t hear the desperation in her voice. you look out the window away, scrunching your eyes closed before dipping your head down, pulling her hand close to you again for another kiss. 
“i really want to. i do, believe me.” you mumble, eyes trained on her as her small hand is nestled with your cheek. “i’ll see you tomorrow instead, okay?” 
your rejection stings, and dahyun looks away from you. she didn’t want to see your apologetic look that you’re giving her, the pouted face that she knows that you make whenever you two would argue over something. the immensity of her feelings for you hangs on her neck like it might strangle her, and it hurts to think that you don’t feel it too. regardless, she nods and pulls her hand away.
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once you said goodbye to her at the door and a skincare regimen later, dahyun lies in bed staring at the blinking light of the smoke detector in near complete darkness. it was way past her bedtime, and she should be asleep by now, but every time she closes her eyes, she pictures your lips on her, your hand holding the back of her neck in place. she pictures your twinkling eyes, so bright and filled with a universe within those irises, running over the bare skin of her shoulders. 
there’s a weight pulling at the center of her, full of something that belongs to you. she rubs her thighs together, trying to soothe the sensation that would definitely keep her up at night. it doesn’t help her case however, she can’t stop imagining what it would be like if you had come in earlier, next to her on the bed, if you were on top of her right now. her hand slithers down the waistband of her shorts, sliding it away soon after of the hope that would come true to her. 
“y/n…” she whispers into the darkness, and drifts off soon after that. 
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dahyun gives you the usual goodbye as the bell rang for the first class of the day. the ride to school was more casual than she expected it to be, neither of you bringing up the kiss from the day before. she was lacking too much sleep to really hold a conversation with you, and you didn’t say much either, other than saying that you’d be waiting for her to finish tennis practice. 
it’s passing period, and dahyun is opening the combination of her locker when a pair of dainty hands come up behind her to cover her eyes, obscuring her vision.
“guess who?!” a chirpy voice calls from behind. dahyun laughs and turns back to see chuu, hands up and framing his face as if to present herself. “it’s your other best friend that you never talk to!” she exclaims cheekily. 
 “hi bestie.” dahyun replies, rolling her eyes. she and chuu had nearly been inseparable freshman year when chuu was new to the school and town, having moved to the suburban sides from the city. chuu was the one who taught dahyun the wonders of mascara and lip gloss, and in return, dahyun introduced her to tzuyu. the three of them used to slather face masks on each other and giggle about nonsense in sleepovers friday nights. 
it wasn’t until recently when dahyun had seen much of chuu. they didn’t have classes together this semester, and her friend had branched out more socially in the past couple years than dahyun was ever interested in. it didn’t help that chuu was also busy, except with the student board, tennis, and a few other clubs around school. 
still though, it was still a point to acknowledge their closeness when they did see one another. 
chuu grabs dahyun’s shoulder, pressing the locker door to mask their conversation away from the bustling hallway. “i heard from half the school that you’re having a little fun with y/n.” she accuses, her whisper breath hot on dahyun���s ear. 
dahyun snaps up, gasping. “huh!?!” a few heads turn to look at them, suspicious eyes from all directions. chuu glares at the people surrounding them, then pulls at dahyun’s sleeve to lead her down the hall where there was a vacant corner. 
“so? is it true? how is she?” chuu demands in a hush, her bright brown eyes twinkling with a hopeful answer. 
“do you really believe what you’re hearing around here?” dahyun responds, shaking her head. 
“oh, yeah? then why did you get out of y/n’s car this morning like you haven’t slept a single wink?” 
“well–” dahyun flushes, her imaginings of you from last night flashing through her head. “i just couldn’t sleep, and y/n lives two houses down from me, so we’ve been…carpooling.” she explains, the defense was reasonable, but it sounds not really convincing to her own ears.
“right, right. and that’s why she ditched her friends to sit with you at tzuyu’s track meet.” chuu retorts, and dahyun’s mouth falls open.
“how do you even know that? you weren’t even at the track!” 
“word travels fast, dub. especially with miss rubber band around here.” chuu says, her face is entirely too serious. 
miss rubber band!? at dahyun’s sudden choked expression, chuu continues. “you know. because how she’s bouncing around relationships.” she adds, matter-of-factly. 
“what the actual…no, well–i’ve heard but i don’t believe that to be true at all, chuu.” 
“sure, and it looks like it’ll be your turn, sooner or later?” chuu suggests, smirking up at her friend. dahyun’s entire body might shut down at this moment. the idea that half the school thinks she’s next in line for a potential rebound was a little overwhelming for her.
the first bell rings, saving her from any more embarrassment. 
“i’ll come find you, we’re not done with this conversation.” chuu says, her index finger pointing at dahyun’s face as she turns to walk away. 
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that entire day, dahyun’s head is spinning with words that people might be saying about you and her. was she being a ‘rebound' right now? did the kiss from last night even qualify as that? did someone see them yesterday? how closely have people been watching her interactions with you? if any of those are true to the case, what happens next? were you just gonna move onto the next girl to fall for you? does touching herself at the thought of you being on top of her also relevant to this issue? 
everywhere she turns in the halls, dahyun feels the pool of eyes on her, staring into her soul, listening to the words in her head. she imagines people murmuring her name at the sight of her just simply walking down. whenever someone would speak, she’s afraid she might hear her name from their mouths.
in an attempt to avoid any suspicion or speculation, she tries to sit in the back row for class today, focusing solely on taking notes. she hunches over with eyes downcast, hoping that if she doesn’t see anyone, then no one can see her. walking between classes, she avoids your pathing, not wanting anyone to see the intimacy of your waves at her. 
when it’s the last period of the day, dahyun’s mentally and emotionally exhausted. so when tzuyu walks in, panting, eyes wild, saying, 
“eonnie, i remembered what i was supposed to tell you yesterday.” 
she looks at her loving friend, sighing an exhausted breath. dahyun doesn’t think she has any remaining capacity for any more information. 
“can you tell me later? i’ve had enough of hearing today as it is.” 
“no. you need to know right now. like, i really, really need to tell you right now.” tzuyu implores, eyes flickering over to the door and then back to dahyun. 
“if this is about miss rubber band, then i already know.” dahyun replies, exasperated. she throws her head down on the dsk, laying against the crook of her elbow.
“miss who now?!” tzuyu throws a bewildered look but shakes the idea from her head, apparently having more important matters to discuss. “momo is going to ask you to prom. today.” 
dahyun perks up, the monolids now turned to double eyelids, and exclaims loudly, “what!?!?!?” 
for the second time today, her reaction elicited strange looks from the people around her.
“shhhhh!” tzuyu slaps her hand over dahyun’s mouth. “she’s gonna be here any second.” 
right on cue, momo and chaeyoung enter the room, looking like they’re engrossed in conversation. dahyun grabs tzyyu by the collar and pulls the girl against her face. 
“why would she do that?” she cries, quiet enough for only tzuyu to hear. her friend shoots her another look that says, really? 
“uh, maybe because she’s in love with you?” 
dahyun’s brows scrunch together, and she opens her mouth to respond, but before she can say anything, the late bell rings and everyone takes their seat. their trigonometry teacher starts the class and begins writing notes on the overhead. dahyun is about resign herself to focusing on the lession when tzuyu pokes her with the back of her pencil to get her attention. 
she looks up at her, and tzuyu is holding up her notebook with the words, what are you going to do?? scribbled onto the page. dahyun shakes her head and mouths, “i don’t know.” 
her eyes drift toward the front of the room to stare hard at the back of momo’s head, wondering what tzuyu meant when she said that she was in love with her. she probably feels bad that no one will ask her and doesn’t want her to feel excluded when the rest of their friends are at the dance. her heart squeezes a little in her chest. she’s the type of girl who’s kind enough to look out for her like that. 
but as always, her thoughts circle back to you. what would she think if she agreed to go to prom with momo? would you even care? she’s just the rebound like how y/n is with everyone else. dahyun frowns as the words echo in her mind again. you and her might have kissed yesterday, but that doesn’t mean you’re interested in her beyond anything physical. 
even then… if that was all you wanted from her, she thinks she would give you that much. 
her phone buzzes in her lap, and she looks at the screen to see your name pop up. 
are you mad at me? 
another buzz, just two seconds after. 
im sorry about yesterday
you probably regret that kiss. maybe you didn’t want to cross that line with dahyun after. you said that all you wanted was to be in her life again, and dahyun was the one who would get out of your car, who stared, starved, at your lips, who kissed you first. 
what are you sorry about? 
another buzz.
can we talk after class? 
i have to meet up with momo after class
see me first
it’ll be quick
the rest of the class goes on learning how to graph trig functions and explaining conditional identities while dahyun’s brain works overtime trying to connect the dots and solve her own convoluted problems. she doesn’t understand how she got into this mess in the first place, and she can’t seem to figure a way out of it.
one hour later, and her brain talks itself in circles. is momo really going to ask her to the dance? what would she say if she does? does she want to go to prom with momo? does she want to go at all? what do you want to talk to her about today? do you even know what other people are saying? should she apologize to you? should she apologize to momo? 
the questions swirl in dahyun’s mind until eventually, the school day is nearly up and the teacher gives them the last few minutes to talk amongst themselves. she sees momo turn back with a smile and give her a shy wave, which she returns, despite the chaos inside her. 
momo stands, putting on her backpack, then starts over to them. tzuyu gives dahyun a look before turning and smiling back at momo too. 
“hey, tzu.” momo says, looking at dahyun. tzuyu greets her back, but the words fall on deaf ears. “we’re still meeting before tennis practice today, right?”
dahyun nods slowly, wondering whether meeting her is still a good idea when she doesn’t know if she would want to go with her to prom. “yeah, um, actually i have to do something before, but i’ll meet you there.” 
she tries to smile, to hide her uncertainty, and momo smiles back, distracted. the final bell rings, and she waves at the two of them, mumbling, “see you in a bit, dahyun,” before walking out. she looks around the room in search of chaeyoung, but she seems to have left already, which is unlike her. 
dahyun and tzuyu leave the classroom together. she picks up her phone to text you asking where they should meet, but just as she enters the hallway, her nose bumps into a broad chest covered in a black t-shirt. dahyun jumps, startled, about to pull back and apologize to whoever she just ran into, but your hands come up to her sides and stabilizes her. 
when she loks up, your name falls out of her mouth in recognition. you smile down at her sweetly, and your lips form the shape of her bame. somehow, she feels both relief fill her chest and nervousness slosh around her ears at the sight of you. 
she turns to see tzuyu’s mouth gape open at the two of you. you wave a hello to her as dahyun waves a goodbye, and tzuyu continues on her way, probably deciding to interrogate dahyun on the juicy details later. 
you lead dahyun down through the crowd of people rushing to leave school, and just like every other time she’s been with you, she can feel the prying eyes leering over again. she doesn’t know if she could ever brush it off so easily, the way you seem to.
eventually, you arrive at a small, grassy plot at the back of the school where few people go, and dahyun lets out a breath when she finds there’s no one else there to eavesdrop on them. regardless, you and her stand behind a tree, using the trunk and sagging branches to shield yourselves just in case. 
she sees your frown and has to tamper down the urge to kiss at the wrinkles on your face, to soothe whatever was upsetting you. 
“i’m sorry for kissing you yesterday.” you start, looking away from her. it’s one of the few times dahyun has ever seen you blush.
“y/n, i—” 
“i really like you, dahyun. i like you so much. but i don’t want to force you into anything.” you interrupt her. dahyun’s eyes widen, and she can feel her own face heat up. she thinks she should say something, anything right now, but she doesn’t have the words. you grab hold of her hands and continue on.
“i asked to start hanging out with you again because i heard a while back that momo was planning on asking you to prom. and i realized how little i knew about what was going on in your life. and i…i couldn’t stand the idea of you going to prom with her.” you confess, looking down at your hands. the vulnerability in your face reminds her of the girl she’s known all her life. 
dahyun still can’t find the words, so instead, she tiptoes, reaching up to hold your face and presses her lips against yours. you let out a surprised noise before sinking into her, wrapping your arms around her waist to pull her closer to you. this time, the kiss feels more like a sigh, like relief. this time, dahyun has to be the one to pull back and look at you, her hands still holding your face. 
“do you really mean that? you really like me? you just don’t wanna…” dahyun hides herself in the crook of your neck, “...use me as a rebound?” she mumbles the lsat bit under her breath, feeling embarssed for asking at all. 
“i don’t just want to what?” you gape, seemingly offended by the words she used. “did you say use you as a rebound? where the fuck did you hear that, dahyun?” you pull back from her to look at her face, gripping her arms. anger flashes through your eyes.
dahyun’s eyes widen, lower lip quivering. jihyo and sana’s faces flash through her mind, but she swallows the memory. 
“chuu told me that people have been saying we’re getting toegher and…” dahyun whispers into your chest, unable to look at you. 
“ugh, fuck.” you groan out, wrapping your arms around her again, pulling her into you. “i don’t know what people’s obsession with walking about me is, but they’re really fucking stupid.” 
dahyun watches your jaw clench and unclench, like you’re trying to contain yourself. guilt squeezes in your gut. she presses a kiss to your shoulder, wanting to calm you. 
“i’m sorry. i know you already told me not to listen to the rumors, but i…” she trails off, unable to describe the insecurity that rattles through her. 
“no, i'm sorry. people can say whatever the fuck they want about me, but have nothing to do with it. i’m sorry for dragging you into this.” you sigh again and rest your chin on the top of her head, inhaling her scent like she’s an infant. 
“dahyun, do you like me?” you whisper, still holding her to you. “because i like you so much.” 
her heart is rattling in her chest, and she knows her feelings for you are more than she can say. but she responds to you how she thinks she should.
“i like you, y/n.” the words muffled in your chest. she hugs your abdomen tighter, scared and embarrassed. so you stand there, holding each other, and for a moment, the anxious voices in dahyun’s head quiet. in your arms, she’s safe. 
then, her phone chimes, and she remembers where she’s supposed to be. 
“oh god. it’s almost 3. i think momo is going to ask me to prom right now.” she says, covering her mouth with her hand, unsure of what to do.
“don’t go.” your voice is soft, but the intensity of your gaze on her is commanding. “tell her you’re busy.” 
you squeeze her waist, arms holding steadfast around her. dahyun leans her head down onto your chest and thinks that if she goes to see momo, she’ll have to be away from you, even for just a short time. the thought turns her entire body into protest. 
her phone chimes again, and she thinks about momo, and the kindness she’s always shown her, the kindness she would be showing her by asking. she thinks about how she’s arlady agreed to see her today, and the obligation nearly tears her from you. 
but then, you whisper, “please.” 
what can she do to appease you? 
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dahyun texts momo back, apologizing to her for not being able to make it, and then you and her run hand-in-hand to your car, giggling like two kids in love because they are. 
when you get into your car, her lips find yours again. they become a mashing of teeth, a tangle of limbs, the sliding of two tongues, a mixed songs of pants and moans. and when that isn’t anough, you ask dahyun if she wants to come over to your house because your parents had left for a weekend getaway this morning. dahyun can’t agree fast enough.
the entire tide back is about eight minutes long, but you’re gripping dahyun’s thigh, squeezing every so often, as to remind her of how much she wants you, as if she could forget (not ever). dahyun feels a burning sensation within her, the ache of a dense ball for you, squashing out any nervousness she might have. 
you glance back and forth with each other, not speaking, tension weighing too heavy for words. you’re past her house, and briefly, dahyun wonders if her parents are home. but the next second after, it’s at the driveway of your house, and you’re throwing the car into park, yanking the keys form the ignition slot. 
both of you try to walk casually to the front door, in case of any neighbors watching. dahyun’s become too aware of where her body is in relation to yours, following directly behind you, nearly stepping on the backs of your heels. 
once the door was unlocked, and it’s been countless times before, it still feels like the first time with the way the kitchen is empty of your mom, the way you lead her up the staris with an arm around her waist, the way you pull her through the door of your bedroom, slamming it shut, pushing her against it. 
your hot mouth is on dahyun’s neck, fingers pushing up against the fabric of her outfit, digging into her waist. it’s all too much for her as she’s flustered, whimpering quietly. 
there’s a shift of movement from your door to the bed when you’re sitting dahyun down, you give her another delicate kiss before kneeling in front of her, hodling one of her hands with your pair, looking up at her like she’s the goddess of your shrine. 
“dahyun,” you breathe out, almost like a prayer. “i’ll take it slow, i promise.” you kiss her knuckles, eyes squeezing shut as you do so. when you open them again, the expression is almost too severe. “just promise that you’ll stop me if something’s wrong or if there’s anything you don’t want to do.” 
she nods, but you shake your head unconvinced. “i need you to say it, dahyun.” 
“i promise. i’ll stop you if it’s too much.” even as she says the words, she knows that there isn’t much she wouldn’t be willing to do with you, for you. 
“okay, now where was i?” your voice was low enough to make her tremble. she reaches out to you ascending from your kneeling position, catching your lips with her, and she pulls you on top of her. 
just your weight bearing down on her is enough to make dahyun light headed with want again. you kiss her softly, slowly. your mouth is full of sweet, whispered affirmations, warming her skin with how much you like her, how beautiful she is, how she’s the only one for you as you trail around the shell of her ear, then her neck and shoulders. she might find comfort in the level of care you put into this moment if she weren’t so needy for more of you. 
she’s pulling you back to her mouth, deepening the kiss, and running her tongue over yours, sucking on your lower lip. her hands trace over the defined lines of your midsection, riding up your shirt, your breath hitching from the sudden coolness of her nails against your skin. 
“dahyun.” you look down at her face for a moment, and she’s looking back up at you with a whole-hearted trust and surrender. 
“y/n.” she quietly whines out, tugging at your shirt, hands grazing over where the top part of your hip meets the fabric of your cargo pants. “get rid of this.” 
you’re ripping the shirt off to show a white sports bra, throwing it over you like it was offensive. turning back to dahyun again, the distance zeroed in with a new purpose. 
the cylindrical line of her neck is where your lips are planted, sucking hard. you have one hand holding her cheek while the other is palming her breast through her bra. a moan through her lips to yours was the implication of approval with what you’re doing, and dahyun is loving it. 
dahyun’s arm slithers around your waist while you perch back up to kiss her again with both hands on her face, this time the contact is a lot more intimate than before, the both of you are taking your sweet time compared to the sudden urgency at the doorway of your room and even in your car. each lip lock filled with much more care and love behind it before you’re pulling away with eyes fluttering open. 
it’s all a mess, lips are parted, breaths are heavy, heart rates have been accelerated to over mach 10, but it was so worth it and the both of you knew that. you plop over to her left side on the bed while dahyun makes herself comfortable in a spooning position with your arm over her waist. a much deserved place for dahyun—one that was waiting for her all this time. 
“you’re so pretty.” you mumble softly, moving a wisp of dahyun’s hair away from her forehead before giving another light kiss to her cheek then resting your head against the nook of her shoulders. 
“i like this.” she whispers out, feeling your breath against her clavicle as the sudden wave of sleepiness takes over you two. 
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dahyun was the first one to wake up, and the first thing she notices is how safe and warm she feels. your arms are encircled around her completely, the comforter over you and her as well. 
there’s a light orange of light filtering through the blinds that shows it’s sundown, and the nap she took with you could be for an hour or more. she tries to move only to be restricted by your arms tightening around her. 
she twists herself around to look at your face, innocent and soft in sleep. on another day, in another life, dahyun might want to spend the entire day sleeping in your arms. but for right now, she presses her lips to your cheeks and chin. 
“y/n?” dahyun speaks lightly, shaking your shullder just slightly, trying to wake you up. your eyes flash open and you’re inhaling deeply with a hand over your face to scrub the tiredness away. 
“dub, how long have we been asleep?” you ask, voice husky, stirring something inside her.
“i think for an hour or so.” she replies, so you give her another chaste kiss, then untangling yourself from her body sitting up, putting your hands in your face again to get you awake. when you’re cracking your neck and rustling your hair, dahyun keeps her gaze locked onto you as you stare up at the ceiling before meeting her eyes again. 
“you okay?” you chuckle out, “why are you—” 
dahyun then catches you off by surprise when she sits herself on your lap, naturally placing your hands on her hips as dahyun embraces the high ground advantage. you lips are parted as her face is inches away from yours, studying your features. she notices the hit of your puffed lips from the earlier makeout sesh while you study the subtle marks you put on her neck—they weren’t noticeable, but it’s there. 
“hm?” you sound off with closed lips, “what’s the next move?” 
“shh.” dahyun orders and her hands shift your head upwards with the space between your mouths filled with your faces. this time it was your turn to be on the receiving end of this, groaning slightly at the newfound surge that dahyun was possessed by, her fingers getting tangled in your hair as your hands are under her shirt, feeling the small dip of her spine and her snatched waist. 
dahyun’s hair falls onto one side as her hand finds itself on you neck, her other arm wrapped around the back of it as you hum with delight with how she’s handling you like you did with her. she thought that she’d be nervous, but if it’s with you, then she could care less about how to make you feel. 
your hands lock themselves on the back of dahyun’s hips, pulling away to see the flushed chceks and wide pupils in all of it’s glory. 
“this is nice. god, why didn’t we do this before?” you ask breathlessly. 
“maybe because you’re an idiot.” dahyun responds, laughing lightly as she dips her head to meet yours. her fingers are fiddling with the roots on the back of your head, rubbing your neck as you give her a soft smile of approval. you pick up where you left off pouting your lips for another kiss when there’s a sudden vibration on the nightstand. 
it takes about two rings for dahyun to answer her mom on the other end of the phone. “hello?” 
“dahyun, where are you? it’s almost dinner.” her mom asks.
“i’m at y/n’s house right now, we were just…studying.” she answers, trying to keep herself composed when you come up behind her on the edge of the bed, kissing the hanging earlobe and area behind it. 
“oh, you’re with y/n? you could ask her to come along and have dinner with us!” 
“sure, i’ll be there in a bit.” dahyun replies, hanging up the phone after.
“studying, huh?” you say into her ear, teasing with a smile against it. 
dahyun looks over at you, face bright red while you have a shit faced grin stretched all over. if her mom knew what she was actually doing over her, she might never see the light outside of her house again. 
“you’re annoying!” she exclaims, falling back into the bed as you crack a snicker. after a second, you lay next to dahyun, resting your upper body on your elbow. you stare into dahyun’s eyes, and the single second stretches into another tender moment. 
dahyun is about to lean up to kiss you again when you shift your head up at the last second to touch your lips with the tip of her nose. 
“we should get going. i’m hungry anyway.” 
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you’re walking together in the fifty feet that it takes to get from your house to dahyun’s, unable to stand being even an inch apart from one another. when you two get to the door, you stall for just a second. 
“okay, just be chill about it. the last thing i want your mom to assume that we’re messing around.” 
dahyun nods. chill. should be simple anyway. you look at her, eyes soft, and pull her hand up to press a kiss to her knuckle before letting go. you open the door first and let dahyun in and the smell of jokbal fills the air. 
“dahyun? is that you?” her mom’s voice calls from the kitchen.
“yeah! i brought y/n with me!” she responds, as you take off your track jacket and shoes at the door before stepping more into the house. her mom pops her head out to see you two, and her face lights up at the sight of you before walking over. 
“y/n! oh my gosh it’s been so long!” dahyun’s mom pulls you in for a loving hug with a kiss to your cheek, pulling away and grasping your shoulders. “what have you been eating? you look so good and healthy.” 
you laugh, putting a hand over the back of your head. “thanks for inviting me over mama kim. you’re literally the best.” you say, smiling, and following her and dahyun into the kitchen. “is that–”
“yours and dahyun’s favorite!” and you're letting out a big whoop out your mouth shaped ‘o’ at the sight of the jokbal set at the dinner table. “you shouldn’t have. do you need any help?” 
“just get the plates and utensils. dahyun can you get the japchae behind me?” to which she nods at her mom before swiftly moving around the kitchen to get the dish. 
few minutes pass and the four of you including dahyun’s dad are all at the table digging in, chatting back and forth with the usual questions about school and how your parents are doing—all the fun stuff to share since it has been a while that you’ve seen dahyun’s parents. the conversation dulls over to all of the times where you would knock at the door for dahyun’s mom to greet you asking if dahyun’s in her room or if you can come inside. 
“did you forget when chaeyoung with the—”
“and when dahyun got all scared about–”
the whole table bursts out into laughter, and dahyun chuckles at the embarrassment she feels over her parents having to retell stories from their childhood in front of a much more coller and well matured version of you when dahyun feels like the same girl you’ve seen her as for most of your life. 
“say, what’s up with chaeyoung? it’s been a while since i’ve heard about her too.” dahyun’s mom asks. 
“well, she has a new girlfriend so she’s been busy with that and with school as well.” 
“good for her, i hope she’s treating her girlfriend well knowing her.” dahyun’s mom adds. 
“what about you, y/n? are you in a relationship right now?” her dad asks suggestively. 
dahyun lets a quick air out of her nose before tapping the table. “dad! don’t ask her that.” she says, upset at the sudden switch of people.
her dad laughs, putting up his hands in surrender. “sorry, didn’t know it was a sensitive subject.” 
“it’s just a little weird, that’s all.” 
you laugh awkwards to ease the energy, looking over at dahyun, “dahyun, it’s fine. to answer your question, i do like someone at the moment, so i’m hoping they feel the same way.” 
dahyun’s face heats up again, and she glances up to see her mom’s eyes darting back and forth between the two of them. 
“well, i hope that you get some good luck with that.” her dad responds with a sincere smile. 
at the end of the dinner, you and dahyun help clear the table, and her dad tells you two that he’s got it under control, so dahyun walks you out into the night to say goodbye. 
once the front door closes, you look at her from the steps with your hands in the pockets of your track jacket, smiling at dahyun over the hanging light. “good thing you were chill about it.” 
dahyun exhales sharply before pressing her face to a frown, earning another laugh from you as she taps your shoulder urging you to stop. soon after, you’re reaching out to caress the skin on her face with your thumb. 
“it’s okay. i think your dad is very supportive of me still.” you say, looking down at her when dahyun reaches the end of the small steps. 
the only light out now is the one bulb on the front porch, and dahyun feels an annoyancee at how you can still look so beautiful with the dim light and poor quality. then, that feeling settles in ehr gut as something more aching. she closes the distance between you, tilting her head up to kiss you. you smile against her lips, but after a few seconds, pulling away with hands on her arms. 
“your parents are literally inside past the door. do you really want me killed by them?” you whsiper, and dahyun sighs, disappointedly. 
“good night, y/n” 
“good night, dahyun.” you respond, letting go of her. “i’ll text you after basketball, okay?” 
dahyun nods before seeing your off, heading inside after. 
“honey, i know there’s something going on with you and y/n.” her momo says, standing with her arms crossed in dahyun’s bedroom door frame. 
“ma! no, there’s not!” dahyun groans out, hiding her face in her pillow. she hears her mom step over to her and sit down on the side of the bead. her mom places a gentle hand on her back.
“i’ve seen the way you look at her. i know something happened between you two.” her mom’s voice was deliberate, but she had a point. dahyun holds her breath, hoping that if she’s silent enough, her mom will take the hint and leave. 
“y/n is a good kid, we’ve known her for years, but i just want you to be careful okay?” dahyun sits up from her bed as her mom gives her another look with a smile. 
“you two kissed outside our house didn’t you?”
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cry4tzu · 30 days
Can you be my distraction?
Mina x female reader
Synopsis-let me forget him by you becoming my distraction
Warning-smut,mentioned of a man(smh)
A/n-i need more ideas
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“ she can’t just cry in her room and hide forever”dahyun said looking towards the hallway, where Mina room is at. “if I see that idiotic ugly rat of a man again I will kill him”
“ I know that we all hate that man but killing him isn’t the option. We can only try to help Mina move on from him.” Jihyo said looking at every one of her members.
“But how would we do it if she clearly doesn’t even want to leave her room , let alone eat.” Sana said.
As they huddled together, debating their options, a thought struck Jeongyeon. She glanced at Mina room , her eyes sparkling with determination. "I know just what to do," a mischievous smile spreading across her face. "We'll take her out tonight. We'll show her that there are plenty of other people out there who would die for a chance with her." The others exchanged skeptical looks, but eventually nodded in agreement. They would give it a try.
As they approached Mina room ,and slightly went in. "Hey, Mina, we thought you could use some fresh air. So we were wondering if you would like to go out for the night. It would get your mind off of jakson." Mina looked up, her eyes red and puffy, but she didn't protest. She allowed them to get her ready and lead her to the club.
As they led Mina through the bustling streets, weaving their way past crowds of people, their laughter filling the air. The sound of it seemed to reach Mina's ears as if its from a great distance, and yet she couldn't help but smile in spite of herself. Something about the sound of her friends' laughter was infectious, and before long, a tiny spark of joy began to flicker within her chest.
As they arrived at the club, the members ushered Mina inside, where the music was loud and the lights were bright. Drinks were already waiting for them at their table, and as they sat down, Jeongyeon leaned in close to Mina, her lips brushing against her ear. "Just try to have a good time tonight," her breath warm against Mina's skin. "You deserve it."
Mina nodded, feeling a little more hopeful as she took a sip of her drink. As she sat there, trying to forget about Jakson and enjoy herself, she couldn't help but glance around the club, taking in the sights and sounds. she noticed a group of women sitting at a nearby table, all laughing together. Something about the way they were laughing, so freely and without any restraint, caught Mina's attention. She found herself staring at them, wishing she could feel that way again.
As she watched, one of the woman in particular seemed to catch her eye. Mina couldn't help but feel a spark of interest when their gazes met across the crowded room. She smiled shyly, feeling a flutter in her chest.
"Who's that girl over there who's got Mina all distracted?" Nayeon asked, giggling. "Maybe she should be over there with them instead of moping over that Bigfoot of a man .”dahyun reply going along with the teasing.
Mina blushed, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and curiosity. “ oh come on guys, it’s not like that…” she was going to finish her sentence but a little tap on her shoulder, made her turn around and look at that person.
"Hi, I'm y/n," she said, extending her hand to Mina. "I couldn't help but notice you've been staring. So I thought to come over and say hi." Mina felt a spark of electricity course through her as their hands touched.
"I'm Mina." She managed to get out, her voice sounding a little shaky even to her ears. Jeongyeon and jihyo exchanged amused glances, clearly enjoying the unfolding scene. Y/N smiled reassuringly, their hand still resting on Mina's shoulder.
“ well, nice to meet you Mina”y/n responded with a heartwarming smile.
There was something about the way Y/N said her name that sent a shiver down Mina's spine. They were so confident, so sure of themselves. It was intoxicating. Mina found herself wanting to spend more time with her , to get to know her better.
As they continued to talk, the rest of the club faded away, becoming nothing more than a blur of colors and sounds in the background. The more Mina listened to Y/N, the more she realized how much she had in common with this stranger. They laughed at the same jokes, shared stories about their friends, and even had a few embarrassing moments they could bond over.
“ so you saying, that the reason why you are here is because of your ex boyfriend jakson cheated on you” Y/N said, her voice soft but firm. Mina nodded, feeling a lump forming in her throat. She couldn't believe how much she was opening up to this stranger, but there was something about Y/N that made her feel safe, like she could trust them with anything.
“Well then,he's an idiot," y/n said, her voice laced with sincerity, "to let someone like you slip through his fingers." Mina looked up at Y/N, surprise evident on her face. "I mean, you're beautiful, funny, and smart...why would he even cheat on you in the first place?" She shrugged, taking a sip of her drink.
“ if I was to ever dated you I would never let a beautiful woman like you go.” her cheeks flushing slightly. Mina felt her heart skip a beat. This was the most romantic thing anyone had ever said to her.
Before she could even respond,the music change . One of the girls started to play in the background. This is mina song. She couldn’t help but pull y/n to the dance floor before the girl even process what is happening. Y/n placed her hands on mina's hips and started to move her body with mina's. They danced together perfectly in sync.
The rest of the club seemed to fade away as Mina lost herself in the music and the feeling of Y/N's body against hers. Every touch sent a shiver down her spine, every movement seemed to be choreographed just for the two of them. She couldn’t help but feel so hot and bother by the way y/n touch her . Her touch felt so firm but gentle at the same time. The way her hands touches her body. She couldn’t take it.
She leaned in closer, their bodies flush against each other as their lips met in a passionate kiss. The kiss went from passionate to hunger in a few seconds. To the point Mina wanted more. No, she needed more.
Mina grab y/n hand. Basically dragging her out of the club. And into the taxi that was nearby . She told the taxi driver her house location. They didn't even bother to talk as they made out the whole way there. Once they finally arrived at her house. She lead Y/N to her room and slammed the door shut behind them. Where she slammed their lips together
"Mina..." Y/N panted, her breath coming in short gasps as she broke the kiss.
Mina let out a moan, her hands running through Y/N's hair, tangling in the soft strands. "I need you, Y/N," she whispered, her voice husky. "I need you so bad."
Without another word, she pushed Y/N onto the bed, their bodies tangled together. She felt Y/N's hands fumbling with her shirt, and then with her bra, finally freeing her breasts from their confinement. Mina arched her back, letting out a gasp as Y/N's warm mouth closed around her nipple. She could feel the wetness between her legs, the need growing stronger with each passing second.
Y/N moaned, her tongue dancing against Mina's sensitive skin, and then she sat up, pushing Mina's shirt off her shoulders. She tossed it aside and leaned down again, kissing Mina's neck, sucking gently before moving further down. Mina let out a low growl, her hips bucking off the bed.
As Y/N continued to kiss and nibble her way down Mina's body, she reached out to touch the other girl, tracing her fingers along the soft, smooth skin of her inner thigh. "Please, Y/N," she begged, her voice shaky. "I need you inside me."
Y/N smiled against Mina's thigh, her breath hot against her skin. She reached down, pushing Mina's dress and panties to the side, revealing her wetness. With a swift movement, she guided her fingers inside, feeling the tightness that surrounded her. Mina arched her back, her nails digging into Y/N's shoulders as she was consumed by the sensation.
"Fuck, Mina," Y/N breathed, her voice hoarse. "You're so hot and wet." thrusting her fingers deeper, feeling the heat of Mina's body against her hand. She could feel the muscles in Mina's thighs clench around her fingers, and it only made her want more. She leaned in, taking one of Mina's nipples into her mouth, sucking roughly as she continued to stroke her.
Mina cried out, arching her back off the bed. "Fuck , yes," she moaned. Her hips bucked upward, meeting Y/N's thrusts, desperate for more contact. "I need you to fuck me harder " she whispered, her voice shaking. The feeling of Y/N's fingers inside her, combined with the wet heat of her mouth on her breast, was driving her crazy. She could feel the familiar tightening in her stomach, the building pressure that told her she was close.
"you're so beautiful," Y/N breathed, gazing down at Mina's exposed body. She continued to thrust her fingers in and out of Mina's slick folds, feeling the smooth muscles grip around her. “My beautiful girl” She leaned in, kissing Mina's neck, sucking gently before moving lower to take a nipple into her mouth. She rolled the hard peak between her lips, teasing it with her tongue as she continued to stroke her.
Mina cried out, arching her back off the bed. "Yes, yes, that's it," moaning as her hips bucked upward, meeting Y/N's thrusts, desperate for more contact. She felt herself growing closer, the pressure building inside her.
Y/N looked up at Mina, their eyes meeting, and saw the desire and need in her gaze. She could feel Mina's muscles tensing around her fingers, and she knew she was close too. “Cum for me princess .” With one final thrust, she pushed her fingers deep inside, feeling the tight heat of Mina's body grip her as she came.
Mina cried out, her body shuddering as her own orgasm took hold. Her hips bucked upward, meeting the rhythm of Y/N's thrusts, and she arched her back off the bed, her nails digging into the sheets. As the sensation washed over her, she felt a deep, satisfying release that left her breathless and completely spent.
Y/N watched Mina's face contort in pleasure, her eyes squeezed shut and her lips parted in a silent scream. She could feel Mina's inner muscles clenching and releasing around her fingers, milking her climax. She slowed her movements, pulling her fingers out of Mina's body and kissing her softly.
Mina's breath came in ragged gasps as she tried to catch her bearings. Her body felt like it was still humming from the intensity of the orgasm, and she couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of contentment and closeness to Y/N. She reached up, running her fingers through Y/N's hair, feeling the soft strands against her skin.
Y/N smiled down at Mina, her eyes filled with love and desire. "Are you okay?" she whispered, tracing a finger along Mina's jawline. "Did I go too fast?"
Mina shook her head, her eyes still closed. "No, no, that was perfect," she gasped, her breath coming back to her in ragged gasps. "It was... more than I could have imagined." She opened her eyes, meeting Y/N's gaze once more. There was such tenderness in those eyes, such love and understanding. It made her heart swell.
Y/N smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest at Mina's words. She leaned down, kissing Mina's forehead, her cheek, her lips.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it," she whispered, her voice shaking slightly. "I've never felt this close to someone before." She rolled onto her side, facing Mina, and wrapped her arm around her waist, pulling her close. " even though we met a few hours ago. I want to be with you, Mina. I want us to be together."
Mina nestled into the crook of Y/N's arm, feeling the warmth of her body against hers. She sighed contentedly, her cheek resting on Y/N's shoulder. "I want that too," she said softly. "I want to be with you, Y/N."
Y/N felt a wave of relief wash over her. "Then it's settled," she murmured, kissing the top of Mina's head. "We'll figure everything out together. We'll make it work, no matter what."
They lay there in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's warmth and closeness. It felt so right to be here with Mina like this, their bodies entwined, their hearts connected. The air in the room seemed to hum with an electric energy that only they could feel.
Y/N traced gentle circles on Mina's back with her fingertips, feeling the softness of her skin beneath her touch. She wondered what the future might hold for them. They'd have to face some challenges, no doubt about that. But she had a feeling that as long as they were together, they could overcome anything.
She begins to feel her eyes getting heavier. The warmth of Mina's body and the rhythm of her breath lull her into a state of relaxation. As she drifts off to sleep, she was aware of Mina's hand moving up and down her back, soothing and comforting her. It's a gentle, almost hypnotic motion that sends a wave of contentment through her.
The sun is beginning to peek through the curtains. The sounds of clicking noises ( from taking pictures) can be heard from the room.
“Look how cute they are” chaeyoung said while showing the others the picture she just took of the new couple.
“Wait I can see Mina left boo..what the fuck Tzuyu why did you do that.” She said while rubbing her head that Tzuyu just hit.
“Stop being so inappropriate you snake”rolling her eyes as she walks away from sana. Smiling, sana follows Tzuyu “ oh come on you know you love me baby.” Which Tzuyu completely ignored her. Bitch this is not a satzu fic gtf
They all laughed at their friends antics before they decided to leave the room before the newly couple wakes up.
“They do know that their loud asses woke us up, right? We were having our moment here...” Mina groaned, burying her face into Y/N's neck as she mumbled her complaint. Y/N chuckled softly, kissing the top of Mina's head.
"It's fine, sweetheart. We've gotten enough rest. Let's go see what they're up to." She yawned, sitting up slowly and pulling the covers with her. Mina followed suit, stretching her arms above her head as she yawned as well.
As they emerged from the bedroom, they were greeted by the sight of their friends sitting in the living room, sipping coffee and chatting. The room was filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, making Y/N's stomach rumble. "Hey, you guys," she said, yawning again. "Care if we join you?"
"Of course!" Chaeyoung answered with a grin. "We were just about to head out, actually. We were just waiting for you two." She gestured to a tray on the coffee table, which held a plate of croissants and coffee . "Breakfast?"
"That would be lovely, thank you," Y/N said, sitting down next to Mina on the couch. "We could really use some coffee." As she spoke, she reached for one of the warm mugs and poured herself a cup, inhaling the rich aroma deeply.
"You two look so cute together," Chaeyoung commented with a smile, nudging Y/N playfully. "I'm so happy for you, Mina." She glanced at Mina, who was currently playing with a loose string on the couch cushion, her cheeks slightly pink.
"Thanks, Chaeyoung," Mina replied, her voice soft and shy. “But if you hurt her I will kill you” momo spoke up making everyone laugh. "I'm just kidding, guys . You two are perfect for each other."
The room grew quiet as everyone took a sip of their coffee, lost in their own thoughts. Y/N glanced over at Mina, admiring the way the morning light made her hair look like liquid gold. She reached out and took Mina's hand in hers, giving it a squeeze. Mina looked up, her eyes meeting Y/N's, and the warmth that spread through her chest was indescribable.
"Well, we should get going," Sana finally said, breaking the silence. "We have a photoshoot today, remember?" The others nodded in agreement, finishing the last of their breakfast.
As their friends began to gather their things, Y/N and Mina exchanged a knowing glance. They knew that they would see each other later that day, but the thought of being apart for even a few hours made their hearts ache just a little bit.
" I'll see you tonight, okay?" Y/N said, giving Mina's hand a squeeze.
"Mmhmm," Mina hummed, already feeling a little bit down. "I can't wait to be with you again." Her voice was soft and longing, making Y/N's heart ache.
The goodbyes were exchanged, hugs and promises to text later were exchanged, and eventually, the apartment was empty once more. Y/N took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of emotions swirling inside her chest. She missed Mina already, but she knew that they'd see each other later. With a determined smile, she made her way into the bedroom, ready to start the day.
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vex91 · 9 months
Twice - Toy
Pairing: Twice x Female Reader (Non Idol AU)
Fandom: Twice
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: Can I request g!p twice with sub poly reader
Summary: After being kicked out of your house by your landlord, your sister asks her friends to let you stay with them at their dorm. What you didn't expected was becoming their sex toy as a payment for staying.
Warning(s): Smut, 18+ content, G!P Twice, Degradation, Y/N basically sleeping with every Twice member
A/N: I hope that it came out alright and to your liking. Thanks for requesting <3
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3rd's POV
"Yeah, they said that it's fine for you to stay there until you find another place for yourself, Nayeon assured me about it hundreds times already"
Your sister's words resonated throughout your head as you stood in front of the big building. The paper with an address on it in your hand as you looked between it and the building nervously, confirming that you were indeed at the right place. Your sister assured you that her friends were fine with you staying for a while so you shouldn't be so nervous right? But on the other hand you've never met them so it's okay for you to be nervous, especially since you are going to be living with them for some time.
Sighing you knocked on the door waiting for a reply, on the other side you could hear multiple different whispers and the sound of footsteps coming up. Suddenly the door swung open and to your eyes came a woman that you recognize from the picture of her and your sister. Jihyo was her name if you remembered correctly "Hi, you must be Y/N right? Come in" She smiled at you as she took a step aside to let you in. You walked in with your luggage as you looked around the living room.
In front of you stood eight other women, all of them just as gorgeous as the one who let you in. You smiled awkwardly at them, feeling even more nervous because of all these eyes on you. You weren't expecting to be living with nine other people, you thought it's going to be three or four maybe. As if sensing your nerves, Jihyo stepped in "Okay guys come on, you'll only make her nervous with all this staring. Now my name is Jihyo, and this is Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu" Jihyo introduced each of the girls before looking back at you "You're the same age as our Tzuyu right? Then you will be sharing a room with her" Tzuyu came up to you to help you carry your stuff to her room.
"Such a shame, I would love to share a room with her" Jeongyeon slapped Sana's shoulder after she said that as you only blushed. Her eyes only made the comment even more suggestive. You quickly followed Tzuyu upstairs, still feeling their eyes following your every move. You tried brushing it off since you were someone they didn't knew yet but still, something in their eyes told you that they were up to some no good. Still they were your sister's friends so you had to trust her that she wouldn't put you in the house full of psychos.
"Ah fuck-" You cursed as Sana's cock pumped in and out of you. You gripped the table as she pushed you more and more into it with her every thrust. You weren't sure how you found yourself in this situation, a few minutes ago you were making a food for yourself when Sana came in and now you were pressed against the table with Sana's cock filling you up from behind you. You knew that you shouldn't do it with a girl you knew only 2 weeks but it felt too good and you didn't wanted her to stop.
"Does it turn you on? The thought of anyone coming in and seeing you being a whore for my cock?" She punctuated each word with deep thrusts causing you to come with a scream that was muffled by her hand. She continuing pumping in and out of you until she came deep inside you. Just then Dahyun came to the kitchen, seeing you two in such a position caused her own dick to harden. You gulped nervously while Sana only smirked "Oh such a good timing, want to join?" Honestly Dahyun didn't had to be told twice, her pants were already on the floor when Sana finished her question.
Sana pulled out of you and switched places with Dahyun who spitted on her cock to lubricate it before pushing it in you. You were still sensitive from Sana's one so you whined at the feeling. Still your hips pushed themselves more into her with every thrust. As Dahyun continued fucking you, you looked to the side to see Sana jerking herself off while watching you two. The smirk still on her face when she looked at how fucked out and desperate you were. She walked back to you and put her dick near your lips "Come on, I know you want it" She pushed her whole length in your mouth, grunting at how warm your mouth was.
They continue fucking you like this, Dahyun thrusting in your pussy and Sana in your mouth until they filled you full of their cum. They looked at the work they did with smiles before they left you there, all fucked out and tired.
Of course Sana couldn't keep her mouth shut for long and the news about what happened between you, her and Dahyun reached Jeongyeon, Chaeyoung and Mina. Of course they got curious about it because who wouldn't, especially when they were very interested in you already. That's why they decided that they wanted to have some fun with you too so they called you over to Jeongyeon's room. You went there because you thought that they wanted to talk about something but instead you found yourself gagging on Jeongyeon's cock while Mina and Chaeyoung fucked your holes.
Mina was busy with your pussy while Chaeyoung pumped in and out of your ass, both weren't too keen on going slow making you lose your mind especially since at the same time Jeongyeon was using your mouth as a living fleshlight made just to get herself off. They continued fucking you like this until they came but even then they just switched positions before resuming what they've started, not caring if you were tired or not and for some weird reason you liked the roughness of it all.
It's safe to say that you've spend a good few hours in that room with them before you walked out on wobbling legs.
Momo managed to get you along with Tzuyu in the bathroom. You were taking a shower when Momo suddenly barged in, not knowing that you were in there "Oh god, I'm sorry I didn't knew you were here" She tried to apologize and look away but you could see from how hard she got that she didn't wanted to look away "It's fine but you can come in if you want to" Honestly you would be lying if you said that you didn't wanted Momo to took you right there and then so how could you just let her leave after getting her hard?
To help her, you let her fuck you however she wanted so she decided to fuck you hard against the wall. Her dick thrusted deep inside you as she held you up and against the wall. Truthfully the fact that she showed how strong she was only made you more turned on for her. She continued pumping in and out of you and soon the door opened and Tzuyu walked in, freezing when she saw what was happening. Momo being too busy fucking you, didn't noticed her until she finally came in you.
When she finally noticed the youngest of them standing there, she smiled "Come here Tzuyu" Doing as she was told Tzuyu walked over slowly. Momo put you down and went behind you, letting Tzuyu take the front. Tzuyu looked at you for an approval and after getting it, she pushed herself into you, moaning at the feeling of your walls clenching around her. Just as she was slowly fucking you, Momo entered your ass from behind and held you up a little to give herself and Tzuyu better angle to thrust.
And just like before they continued fucking you until they tired you out but instead of leaving you, they helped you get cleaned up before helping you to bed.
Of course after hearing about all of this Nayeon couldn't just let herself be the one who hasn't fucked you yet so she called you over to her room. After talking with you for a bit she started getting very touchy with you before she straightforwardly said that she wanted to fuck you, so she did. She pushed you into the bed as she fucked you against it, your moans muffled by the bed and back all covered in marks made by her.
"You like it huh? You like being our little sex toy? Honestly if you continue paying us like this then you can stay here forever, you would like that huh?" You could only wordlessly nod, the feeling of her cock hitting all the right spots deep inside you made you unable to make any coherent sentence. Your wall clenched around her as you reached your climax and came right along with her. Her warm cum filled you to the brim as you moaned at the feeling.
Before you could say anything Nayeon started moving her hips again, planning to breed you multiple times.
Lastly Jihyo, your sister best friend. Of course she also wasn't able to resist you and had to have you to herself alone in her room. She had you pinned against her bed as her cock moved inside you slowly, she made sure to savor the moment before she went crazy "Your sister would kill me if she found out about this" Her hips started moving faster at the thought of your sister finding out about her friends constantly fucking her precious little sister. Jihyo knew that she won't be happy but your pussy just felt too good.
"She told me to take good care of you so that's what I'm doing right?" She thrusted inside you faster and faster as you nodded at her words "F-Fuck yesss, sooo good fuc-" You managed to get out and Jihyo smiled. She sucked on your boobs as her moves started becoming more and more unsteady and soon she was cumming inside you. Still her hips couldn't stop moving and she continued this whole thing not caring if your sister was going to find out or not.
It was your decision to let yourself be their toy and you were okay with letting them use you like this since they let you live with them. Plus you liked the feeling of being used like this by them.
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knightyoomyoui · 6 months
Momo x M Reader - "Crazy Stupid Love"
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So this is one of my requests and probably the LONGEST one I had to grant because I just realized today that one of my readers made this request since November 2022, so I just want to say my huge apologies to you Dumbledore_1 for taking me too long to finally make this piece. This one-shot is a sequel to my Set 4 Momo x M Reader work titled "Somebody That I Used To Know" so if yall haven't read that one, better do so because you might not understand a little on what this story is about to tell and to give you guys a background from what happened to Momo and the reader's past, although I tackled the main point of this story clearly though. Lastly, I labeled this as only for male reader to feature because the first one also features only male reader, so it might be a weird for the female ones to read this. However, it's still up for my female readers there if you want to imagine yourself as a guy or for others to take place rather for this to aid your curiosities. Here's my Ko-fi account where you can drop your donations or ask for a commission. You can check it out on my Tumblr profile too!  Buy knightyoomyoui a Coffee. ko-fi.com/knightyoomyoui - Ko-fi ❤️ Where creators get support from fans through donations, memberships, shop sales and more! The original 'Buy Me a Coffee' Page. Enjoy reading and have a happy Christmas season, everyone!
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YN was shaken as the barrage of stomps and steps coming from the other passengers effectively woke him up. The bus had stopped moving, and he peeked from the window with squinted eyes. There he saw a very familiar view.
A smile crept up on his face, and he followed through the remaining people exiting the vehicle. Stepping out, he grabbed his bag and luggage before the bus left them there at the stop point.
YN started to walk while wandering his eyes around at the surroundings. It never changed, he thought. This is still one of the places where he could get use some time off away from every troubles he's having from the city.
And that being said, YN came here for one specific purpose. He wanted to stay in his province of Daegu for quite some time to help himself allow to recover from his heartbreak and improve his well-being for the better.
He has been disturbed day and night by what Momo revealed to him since their last talk, which was one month ago. It led him to the point where he needed to be delving deeply into reflection about the painful revelation she had brought to light. The next important person in his life to whom he has been closest, Dahyun, became aware of her cousin YN's odd conduct. She made one quick suggestion that she knew would assist her cousin, who is in a mess, knowing that he had recently ended a difficult and unpleasant relationship with Momo. She is a little upset at what her cousin did to her friend, but she still needs to show compassion and kindness for him because he is a loved one. She had always despised those who were internally disturbed by shattered hearts. She is thus making every effort to support Momo and YN during these challenging times. Aside from the fact that he genuinely misses their province, YN paid attention to what Dahyun advised her to do. He packed his belongings and traveled for hours to go to Daegu. His grandfather and other Dahyun's side relatives welcomed him when he got there. They greeted him with open arms upon his return, which undoubtedly helped YN feel at home. Then, after spending months there, he bought a house for himself, which his family allowed him to live in alone. During the months he had to stay apart from everything, he had the opportunity to experience living alone in the heart of such a vibrant and serene environment. even though at first he found it tough because he knew that being left alone is one of his worst fears.
Even so, he still tried to endure all the pain as he knew that he needed this for the sake of taking a rest for himself after what he'd gone through. There's been a saying that you will never heal from the pain if you never consider to give yourself a break.
Those created the thoughts that were unable for him to dodge all the memories that ties him back to his ex-girlfriend Momo. Because of her, it finally had him to slowly reprocess and understood everything wrong that thay had gone through in their relationship.
He had it discover pieces by pieces and he got some help coming from one of his interactions with some of the locals around his place, as he turned himself to be a volunteer to their town as a way to give himself things to distract him and make his time more valuable and less boring.
He walked back and got one for himself to begin eating with the locals, joining the elders, after serving some food to some of the kids seated at the table.
A notification beeped into his phone, causing it to open. He saw it for a second and turned it off, right before one of the elders asked him something.
"Who is that girl?"
He paused on directing his spoonful of food on his mouth as he heard the elder's question. He looked at him who has this curious look presented on him.
You opened the phone again and showed the rest your wallpaper that got seen, your own picture of Momo on the screen.
"Was that your partner?" His grandpa asked, tempting him to a frown on his lips.
He hesitated to answer for a while as he stared at Momo through the phone. Gulping his throat, he cleared his voice before speaking out his answer.
"She was mine."
All of them became quiet and his grandpa felt the sullen mood of his grandson. "Son, the world hasn't been very kind to both of you, hasn't it?"
He shook his head, denying the assumption. "I'm starting to think that it's not like that. It was only her, and i'm her world who didn't treated her well."
One of ahjumma (female elder) furrowed her eyebrows at his claim. "Did you do something wrong on her?"
"I did, ahjumma." He nodded his head, tightlipped at how guilty he was. "I broke her heart. I didn't mean to but I had to. I haven't got to explain it further."
"Was it that huge of an effect on her?" the first harabeoji (male elder) who asked him about Momo took the turn. He sipped on the soup and kept your head lowered.
"She erased my existence on her life, like she never met me." He smiled bitterly. His heart starts to get heavy, emotions were slowly rising up in his chest. "I guess she brought back the favor because I tried to get rid of her, to push her aside, to make her feel unwanted."
He received a slap on the shoulder by his own grandpa, earning a yelp of pain from him. "And how could you do that?! That's a wonderful girl you just had and you wasted it."
"Believe me, YN you've done a terrible mistake of inflicting heartbreak on that poor woman. Take me and your grandma as example. Even if we had many faults and fights in our relationship until she passed away, I never forgot her and I know so as she wherever she is right now.
And how did we do that? By making up to each other. Acknowledge what wrongful acts you have done. And I'm telling you, son; if you really loved that woman you won't let her be like that to you. Be sorry for everything that you did, understand?"
He nodded at his mixture of scolding and advice. "B-but, I'm afraid I might lure her away."
"She may not forget, but she may forgive you if you convincingly say everything from your heart."
The elders gasped and awwed when they saw a teardrop flowed out from his eye, he was so invested at the rant spoke by his grandpa that he didn't even noticed that his guilt urged his emotions to break loose.
"What's her name, son?"
"Hirai Momo." He noticed the slight amazement in his face. "She's Japanese."
"She's pretty, you got a foreign lover who surely looked up at you all the time not until you showed her the opposite." He expressed his dismay. "But I still feel sorry for you, son. Like what you said earlier, it seems like you got lost on the consequences of the stakes that was put upon you on your relationship with her."
"Do you still love her?"
He kept everything of his grandfather's advice in mind during the days that went by, including the last question that was posed to him and for which he is still unsure of the answer. He decided to give it some time for clarity even if there were some residual sentiments. He asked his cousin Dahyun, who is getting ready for their group schedule, a startling question during one of their video chats, even though Dahyun knew she would have it coming.
"Uhm... Dubu, is she there?"
"Yeah, but she went with Nayeon unnie on the cafeteria, why?"
"H- How is she doing, Dahyun-ah?" He questioned with a sorrowful tone.
Dahyun paused for a moment and just watched her cousin's misery displayed on the screen. She knew that until now he haven't gotten over her, but she didn't expected that he would spoke it out and make it known.
She knew YN to be very secretive of how he actually feels that's why she thought he would just rather do it through action, like what he did to Momo when he was loving her smoothly until the confusions took part.
But Dahyun isn't satisfied yet for that. She know that the two still haven't been getting along fine together and she hoped it'll come someday, and she believes that the only thing needed for that to happen is for her cousin to bravely show up and tell it all by himself to the woman he hurted the most.
"She's doing well, oppa. She's still laughing along with us... well we're trying to make her happy these days."
You nodded, relieved that Momo isn't suffering as much as you do today.
"But I don't know if it just because of us, because uhm... actually oppa- should I say it first to you?"
Dahyun's cautiousness grew an alarming tenseful feeling on him that is making him uncomfortable.
"Go ahead, i'll be fine." He said. Dahyun hoped the same. "Okay. Don't tell me you didn't let me be." Dahyun warned him one more time. "There's a guy who's courting Momo-unnie currently and based from how unnie is receiving his efforts, I think it's winning."
He heard enough and he became silent for a while. He knew it would be painful but he just let it sink in. He's the one who caused all of this to happen. It was all just a pure karma in return for him.
"Is that so?" He reacted bland. "That's great. I-I'm happy for the both of them in case... yeah." He smiled forcefully.
Dahyun clicked her tongue and sighed. "Oppa, you're hurting."
"As I should be."
The next days, his phase was on recollecting their memories together, in which he reminisce whenever he encounters something that Momo used to love before; he used to be in that place to witness it with his very own eyes.
Everywhere he goes, there's always one reason for him to remember her.
The kids he always entertain and taking care of. Momo loved children.
"Someday, if we will be lucky enough to get married. I want us to build a family with two kids! I hope we can have both a son and a daughter..."
The pig feet which was one of their foods for dinner. That is Momo's absolute favorite food she would be willing to die for.
"You should cook more jokbal, YN! This is so delicious!"
Their pictures together on his gallery that is almost full of her beautiful face. He opened one of the videos there which contains one of the clips they recorded during their anniversary.
He smiled as Momo kissed him on the lips and nuzzled her head on her neck. The next thing was soft and low, but her voice was always catchy for him to be able to hear it clearly.
This has to be the most anticipating turned devastating words you will ever remember from what she said.
Not only because this was like an oath for the goal to the next path he wanted to reach with her, but also because this will now end up instead in his  imagination to haunt him with his guilt and definitely hers to occur with her desires.
"To more anniversaries and hopefully, a wedding in the future with you, YN. I love you."
Lastly are the peaches in the farm where he helps some of the farmers there to harvest and the dogs from the neighborhood who randomly visits his house were the ones to sum up everything that ties him back to her.
And in his last days in the Daegu province, he has finally see and understand everything clearly.
Before he rode the bus, he looked back at his grandpa who guided him to the bus stop.
"Remember the question you asked me about, grandpa. If I still do... love her?"
"Have you found the answer?"
"I do." He smiled. "And I promise you that I will try to make her hear my apology to her once I return to Seoul."
"Great for you, then. I wish you good luck, son."
They hugged together before they parted ways, with YN focused on his way back to the destination where his objective lies ahead.
A month after his departure from the province, he is back at Seoul where he is now currently looking for a place to work with these days.
Dahyun notified him one day that they'll be celebrating Jihyo's successful solo debut and she wants to bring him there because the girls misses him.
Hesitant at first that he knew that out of nine of them, Momo is the only one who doesn't want to see her, but he instead accepted for the sake of seeing his friends and to celebrate her special day when Dahyun assured him that Momo isn't like that to him anymore.
YN and Dahyun arrived at the restaurant together. The girls saw them from the table and they all cheered, except for Momo who is sitting there in silent and avoiding his sight. He noticed it and felt a bit unease as he entertains the rest.
And there, the two ex-couple finally saw each other again after quite a long time. Awkward at first, they still managed to greet each other when YN tried to test his courage for his plan tonight. Thankfully, Momo greeted him back shyly.
They ordered, congratulated Jihyo again for her success, talked a lot about how they've been doing, and ate their respective delicious foods to savor the precious time they're having together as a group.
As they went to enjoy the night by doing some videoke and chugging beers, YN noticed that Momo went outside to freshen up.
"Dahyun." He called the woman sitting beside her, munching some pizza. "It's time. I'll be right back." He said as they gazed at Momo's back facing them through her stance at the railings of the balcony.
"Be careful, okay? Make it sentimental and don't force if she can't have it all too well."
"Got it."
Dahyun patted him on the back before he stood up and carefully opened the sliding doors. He silently stepped towards Momo's figure, breathing becoming heavy, heartbeat rising rapidly.
He let out one last sigh before he began to confront the woman he wanted to meet and talk after months of waiting, recovering, and changing.
She heard that familiar voice, she remembered what she told him almost a year ago, prompting her to try not to slip off on her character.
"Now you're just somebody that I used to know, YN."
Turning her body around, she finally has come to face to face with the man she tries to completely forget in her heart and mind.
"Yes?" She responded. It was cold and plain, and YN understand what he's putting himself into. He just had to let it go and proceed with his main intention for her.
"I know you don't want having me near you, but c-can I please just... please have a short moment with you?" He said. "It won't last long, I promise but if you don't want me... then, it's fine but I really wanted to say something very quick to you."
Momo was startled when YN called for him. From the way he acted, Momo is quite intrigued that this version of YN infront of her is now more cautious, kind and soft to her. This is almost like... a different person from the one he used to know-and endure- before.
Momo would be deceiving herself and she knows how awful it is to feel regretful to herself if she lets that, if she doesn't admit to herself that it actually made her convince and push her wants to atleast see or know something of himself in personal.
"Don't waste any more time. Go on." She granted him his request. Crossing her arms, she leaned on the railings and watched this poor, broken, and lonely man she used to hate seeing being like this.
"T-Thank you." He bowed a little and straightened his posture, breathing deeply before he proceed to let out everything he's been keeping to his chest. "I know I shouldn't be in here because I know you're still mad at me. I almost didn't attend but for the girls-"
"For the record, I'm not mad at you anymore." Momo seriously said. "I set it all aside, because like I said... I don't want nothing to do with you. You're a nobody to me now, but I'm just letting you for once as long as you prove what brought youself here with me and dare to come close with me after how we ended things together."
"I know about that, and that's why I'm just here to say one thing that I've never ever said to you.
I'm sorry."
Momo's eyes shut, biting her lip with her fist clenching after hearing that. "I'm sorry for everything. All I did was very wrong of me and I don't want you to force you to believe me but... I didn't intended to do that on you.
"I did love you from the first time I laid my eyes on you, to the time you gave back the same feelings as mine for you, and the beginning of our relationship together. I know I have been gotten cold to you as time passes but I want to clarify things that... it wasn't your fault at all, Momo. It was me."
Momo glared at him with a teary eyes. She hated it, but she had to recall all of the times she had to wonder every night why does this keep on happening and what did she do wrong that made him treat him with lack of affection. She wanted answers for a long time and gladly, the time has come for her to hear it straight away from the man responsible of putting her like that.
"I always wanted to be like you, on what you're doing for me and it's true. But I always look at myself lowly, thinking if what I'm doing rather wasn't enough for you." His voice began to crack, as his eyes became to get watery also from the immense emotions affecting him. "And instead of improving or sharing my worries to you, I chose rather to set you free from me. I did that, thinking it was for mercy but instead it looked like I wanted you to suffer more and it was so... so wrong for me to do so. I became so lost for that."
"I still love you up to this day, Momo."  With that, both synchronizably cried from that words that they used to say to each other as a vow but now, it turns out to be a forbidden phrase for them to exchange anymore.  "It's not that I didn't trust you it's just that... I was scared."
"My plead for you not to leave was true, I truly can't bear letting you go. But now, I think I believe that probably I deserve to be alone and unworthy of somebody's love to hold onto because what I did, I am willing to sacrifice my feelings for you, Momo."
"It hurts me so bad but I have to let you go now." He escaped a rough exhale before continuing. "I'm not going to plead for you to come back and ruin the happiness your getting with somebody else now. Again, I'm truly sorry again for rushing in our relationship, acting immature on times you needed my comfort and making you bring all the burden you never deserved to have to."
YN began to drop on his knees and positioned himself to kneel in front of Momo who was shocked at his action.
"YN! W-what are you doing, get up from there!" She dashed through him and lifted his body and in YN's disbelief, he made Momo envelope him into a longing and comforting embrace that belongs to one of the lovely things he wasted from an gracious woman like her.
They both sobbed in their own heartache and sympathized with their own struggles.
"I hate you for what you did to me YN but why!" Momo cried out. "Why did you kept it to yourself, huh?! Why did you let yourself struggling on your own?"
"You promised me that you'll try to be honest, but you didn't, and that made me think that being done with your fake love, I rather be going. You could've shared it all to me directly, I'm your girlfriend for god's sake, I could've helped you because I loved you!"
"I'm sorry.. I'm s-so sorry..."
Momo whined and screamed in a mixture of frustration, agony and disappointment for what their relationship had become and the complete clear revelations of how she got ended up suffocating and unpleased in his company.
"Get up." She helped him stand back to his wobbling weak legs again. "Finally you were now able to reflect yourself and tell to me that one words I just wanted to hear from you. I just wanted you to be accountable and say sorry to me.", Momo said, clarifying the last words she told to him back then.
"But now that you did and I've heard and seen enough your sincerity..." She grasped him in the shoulders and stared at him with a broken smile. "I forgive you, YN."
He nodded and cried again, finally getting the remorse and acceptance that he's been yearning and searching for months after realizing what he's done. "Thank you. I'm sorry again, Momo."
"That'll be your last, it's fine now." Momo warned him as he fixed his messy hair and wiped away his tears.
"I just have one more question to ask."
"What is it?"
"Have I... been a nice girlfriend to you?"
He stared at Momo's awaiting, curious and softened face. A teardrop flowed for one final time, to drain out every bit of pain he consumed.
He grabbed the back of her neck and gently pulled her close to land a tender kiss on her forehead. "You did more than enough for me, Momo. You're a great woman that I wasted the unconditional love you've been giving by being ungrateful and selfish, and I will forever bring that regret with me."
Momo timidly smiled for him and stepped away from his contact. Wanting to end this emotional moment between each other to avoid ruining the fun night, she came up something to talk with. "I know you have quite shared this with the girls earlier but I just wanted to know myself, how have you been doing these days?"
"I'm good, I'm still on my road to improve myself. I couldn't stand to let others see and continue to be the same guy that you used to encounter." He finally flashed the first bright smile for Momo away from their problems. Momo was proud and touched for his efforts and dedication that she implemented on him. "And you?"
"I'm happy. Even happier now that we've settled things peacefully."
"I've heard from Dahyun that there's this guy who's been seeing you these days, huh. How is he doing for you?"
Momo was taken back that he had to learn about that and mention it. "H-He's fine, but I want to make it clear to him that I don't want to be in a relationship yet." she shyly said.
"How about you? Will you be okay? Are you... gonna look for somebody to have an interest with?" Momo wondered.
"No, I don't think I will." He stated. "I'm not scared, I just want to be careful. I think it's better for me not to engage in this romance thing anymore, you know? I have learnt from my mistakes now." She understood and didn't spoke any further despite still having this pint of pity for the fallen man.
"And... why should I look for other, when you're still the one I choose?"
Momo stared at him, she blushed  and uncontrollably smiled in an embarassed way after hearing that glimpse of the charming YN that never disappeared from him.
She spreaded her arms wholesomely and looked at her with a smile.
"I know I've said that I wanted to disregard your existence but... I didn't want to be cruel now that I've heard your side and I'm sorry for that because I have to admit...
Although you broke my heart, I still couldn't deny the truth that you're one of the most important person I've met and the first man who helped me explore how love could led us into elsewhere.
You still made me happy, YN. I can't just have it easy to throw you out of my life so... should we be friends again?"
He listened to her patiently and it was overwhelming in the end. "I don't deserve this at all, but I'm highly grateful to take it, Momo. Let's start fresh again." He shook his head and smiled.
You accepted her hug one more time and both took time to indulge how great it must felt've again to their part that they don't have to try pretend, carry a hatred, and keep their unspoken troubles for theirselves.
They are now freed from their own personal chaos and has now created a clean slate of their closeness and connection to each other.
They returned back together where they are approached by the girls who've been watching their melancholic yet heartfelt moment they shared in which they paused their fun to express their happiness for their friends on burying the hatchet between each other.
Both learning that they are currently happy with their own lives and has finally washed away their conflict, they realized that somehow helped each other to realize that maybe having a crazy stupid love with somebody was never really required to be happy and contented in life.
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wintersbitterfly · 1 year
in her eyes | episode three
genre: fluff and angst
pairing: sana x female reader
scenario: highschool!au
content warnings: reader is a teen mom, slight harassment, gaslighting
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the table was silent as you and dae-jong continue to look at each other, except yours were just filled with anger at this point than fear from what you had felt earlier.
“do you mind if I talk to you,” he pauses as he looks at sana, mina, dahyun, and momo then back at you, “alone?”
“I have nothing to talk to you about.” you sternly say.
“oh, but I think you do.” he says with a chuckle. you roll your eyes with a frustrated sigh before feeling a hand on top of yours.
you look up seeing it’s sana with worried eyes. you give her a reassuring smile before turning back to dae-jong.
“fine,” you get up walking with him outside of the cafeteria so you can both have some privacy.
“what do you want?” you ask.
“when we’re you going to tell me you had our child?”
you nearly cut him off, “my child. she’s my child.”
“doesn’t work like that. I got you pregnant.” he says with a smirk that you really want to punch off his face.
“she doesn’t even know who you are. and I intend to keep it that way until she’s older, but I’m still sure as hell she’ll want nothing to do with you.” you explain with gritted teeth.
his expression changes from cocky to angry in the matter of a second.
“you can’t keep me from her, y/n. I have rights as her father.”
you scoff, then chuckle at how stupid he was.
“last time I checked, my name is the only one on the birth certificate, yours is not. so no, you have no rights to her whatsoever except for me. so, as my right to my daughter, you will not see her until I think it’s appropriate.” you explain making him even more angry.
“you think she won’t be asking about who her father is?”
“Oh wow! now you want to start using that title towards her after four fucking years! how fucking ridiculous. you’re ridiculous. you’re not fit to be a father, much less a good boyfriend. which is why I left in the first place.”
your anger was taking over at the thought of this man wanting to see your daughter. you would never let him step foot towards her. you didn’t care if he promised anything and everything to you, you didn’t feel safe with him anywhere near her.
“like you’re so fit to be a mother? 14 and pregnant?”
“and? I’ve taken the responsibility of being a mother all on my own! and I did it all. you were fourteen and an immature asshole, and still are, so you can guarantee I wasn’t going to let someone like you help raise my daughter.”
you saw his fists balled up at his sides. but you weren’t scared of him, not right now at least. you were in a public school, and as one of the star athletes of the school, he could jeopardize his entire career.
without another word, you walked away from him back into the cafeteria where sana was rushing to the door where she saw you.
“are you okay? I was getting worried.” her eyes scan you.
“yes, I’m okay. I promise.”
sana nods slowly trying to convince herself before she leads you back over to the table you were sitting at before.
the three girls look at you with worried faces.
“are you alright? you seemed like you didn’t want to talk to him.” mina asks.
you nod, “yes, guys, don’t worry about me. I can handle myself.”
the girls nod as they continue on with conversations from before, but you didn’t notice how sana was glaring at dae-jong as he was walking back through the cafeteria, and he as well was glaring back at the girl.
“y/n? I hope it’s not too much of a bother, and you can most definitely say no but, could we possibly see pictures?” dahyun asks with curiosity written all over her face.
you were surprised to hear this, immediately knowing what she meant.
you’ve always kept your daughter private, besides people knowing she exists, you don’t allow much people to see her face unless it’s her daycare teachers, and family.
but you trust sana, so you feel you can trust these girls.
“yes, but not here, too many people.” you say in a slight whisper.
“off to the cherry tree it is!”
once you all made it to the infamous cherry blossom tree where it has history of many many years ago, you all sat down on the grass where you were shuffling around in your bag and pulling out a plethora of photos that were all held together by a rubber band.
you swear you’ll find a case for all these later.
once you took the rubber band off, you look up seeing three girls who are were sitting so eager to see.
you let the girls go through each photo excitedly.
“oh my god! she’s so cute and tiny!” mina squeals.
“her two front teeth!” dahyun smiles.
“she looks just like you,” momo compliments as she flips through photos.
“thank you,” you chuckle.
sana’s silence didn’t go unnoticed by you, in fact, it surprised you when you looked over at her beside you.
she was so infatuated with these older photos of you.
ones where you were holding your baby, even when you were pregnant with her, beside your aunt jihyo.
sana was taken back at how all these photos could practically tell your whole life story.
one photo that nearly brought her to tears was when you first held your daughter in the hospital bed. you held her so close, lips to her forehead, a heart warming smile on your face.
“are you okay, sana?” you ask the girl who snapped out from her gaze, looking at your with a chuckle, watery eyes.
“i’m okay. i just got caught up looking at this photo of you,” she confesses while she holds her head back to catch any tears that may fall.
you give her a small smile before looking at the other girls who were so caught up in laughter and adoring your pictures of your little girl.
it made you think about memories.
some that weren’t all too good, either.
one photo in particular you saw, and you just went into a daze.
“i’m not staying here anymore.” you state as you walk down the stairs of dae-jong’s house.
a furious dae-jong follows behind you, “oh really? you’re just gonna run away again? you always do this!”
“i’m not dealing with it anymore! all you and your parents ever do is gaslight and belittle me about how i would be as a parent when you aren’t showing the responsibility to even be one! and i’m sure as hell not letting my baby live here with you!”
“you are so dramatic. my parents and i know what’s best for you. considering that we took you in after your parents kicked you out, you should be fucking grateful we even did! but you’re just an ungrateful bitch!” he screams as you exit through the front door of his house.
you stop at the last step before turning around to him, “i get that you’re not ecstatic about this baby. hell, i’m not even with the fucking time being. but babies happen when you have sex, alright? you and i took part of that. so if you want to continue being like this, i will gladly raise this baby by myself, because that’s what a decent parent does.”
“y/n-ah? are you alright?” you hear dahyun softly ask.
you shake your head snapping from your thoughts before turning your head to dahyun.
“i’m okay,” you pause before grabbing the photo of you and daejong and ripping it apart in front of them.
“i should’ve gotten rid of this photo a long time ago.” you sigh staring at the ripped pieces of paper.
“so, what was it like?” sana asks you as you both walk your way down the street to your daughter’s daycare.
“what was what like?” you ask in confusion.
“being pregnant? and having her.” she asks once more.
you let out a soft chuckle remembering it all like it was yesterday.
“well, dae-jong was out of the question to begin with. so, i went to go stay with my aunt and she willingly took me in. i will just say, pregnancy is not all sunshine and rainbows. it’s an obvious for all women, but being a teenager and going through it is so terrible. even the epidural didn’t help much.” you ramble.
sana giggles listening to your life story, being very attentive. ever since she’s met you and your little girl, she’s been intrigued and interested in you since then.
“but, i’ll just say i’m thankful i had my aunt by my side. otherwise i don’t know where i would’ve gone.” you finish.
“that sounds like a lot to bare, y/n. it’s really strong of you. it’s what make you so interesting and intriguing.” she says making your eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
“o-oh.” you shyly smile.
sana smiles before looking up seeing you’re close to the daycare.
“am i allowed to see her again?” she asks with a grin.
you found your heart pounding before giving a nod, “sure.”
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smutoperator · 9 months
Rules, kinks and favorite idols/groups
I've had this blog for a while but finally I'm not busy enough to keep it active. So there are the rules:
Idols must be 18 or older (obviously).
Sex must always be consensual.
Besides rape, I also avoid stuff like scat, vomit and necrophilia.
I don't write G!P smuts. I allow for the use of strap-ons but not actual penises for idols that have vaginas.
I keep note on every request and will select a few if the story fits. All smuts will feature at least one female idol and a male reader.
My favorite fantasies are: anal (my #1), breeding, creampie, dirty talk dom/sub, facefucking, morning sex, poolside sex, public sex, rough sex, spanking and titfucking. As you can see, I'm on the rougher side of the spectrum and my smuts veer into the porny side but can do romantic stuff if asked to.
Now on to the idols.
I have idols spawning from 2nd to 4th generation as my biases, my all time top 10 is, ordered by their groups: AOA Seolhyun, Blackpink Jennie, Dreamcatcher Yoohyeon, Girl's Day Yura, f(x) Krystal, Ive Wonyoung, Iz*one/Soloist Eunbi, SNSD Yuri, Twice Jihyo and Twice Momo (and RV Seulgi but I don't write smuts about her for finding her too cute to lewd).
Here are the idols from each group, order alphabetically, I can write smuts of. Inside their groups, the idols are ordered by my personal preference.
4Minute: Hyuna
Aespa: Karina - Ningning - Winter - Giselle
After School: Nana - Kahi
Alice: Sohee
AOA: Seolhyun - Choa - Hyejeong - Jimin
Apink: Bomi - Hayoung - Eunji - Naeun - Chorong
Berry Good: Johyun
Blackpink: Jennie - Jisoo - Lisa - Rosé
Cherry Bullet: Jiwon
Cignature: Jeewon
CLC: Seungyeon - Yeeun
Dal Shabet: Subin
Dreamcatcher: Yoohyeon - Gahyeon - Handong - SuA - JiU
Exid: Hani - Junghwa
f(x) : Krystal - Victoria
Fromis 9: Saerom - Chaeyoung
Gidle: Soyeon - Shuhua - Minnie - Yuqi - Miyeon
Girl's Day: Yura - Hyeri
Gfriend: Eunha - SinB - Sowon - Yuju - Yerin - Umji
I.O.I: Somi - Doyeon - Sejeong - Jieqiong - Chungha - Mina
Itzy: Yeji - Chaeryeong - Yuna - Ryujin
Ive: Wonyoung - Gaeul - Yujin - Rei - Liz
Iz*one: Eunbi - Wonyoung - Chaewon - Minju - Hyewon - Yujin - Sakura - Yena - Chaeyeon
Kep1er: Xiaoting - Yujin - Hikaru - Chaehyun - Dayeon
Le Sserafim: Kazuha - Chaewon - Yunjin - Sakura
Loona: Heejin - Yeojin - Hyeju - Yves - Haseul - Jinsoul - Kim Lip
Lovelyz: Mijoo
Mamamoo: Solar - Hwasa
Miss A: Suzy - Fei
Momoland: Ahin - Nancy
Newjeans: Danielle - Minji - Hanni
Nine Muses: Kyungri
Nmixx: Sullyoon - Haewon
Oh My Girl: Arin - Yooa - Jiho - Yubin - Mimi - Hyojung - Seunghee
Rainbow: Jaekyung - Hyunyoung
Red Velvet: Joy - Yeri - Irene
Secret: Hyosung
SNSD: Yuri - Yoona - Taeyeon - Seohyun - Sunny - Jessica - Tiffany - Hyoyeon - Sooyoung
Sistar: Soyou - Hyolyn - Bora - Dasom
Stayc: Isa - J - Seeun - Yoon
T-Ara: Hyomin - Jiyeon
Twice: Momo - Jihyo - Sana - Mina - Tzuyu - Dahyun - Nayeon - Jeongyeon - Chaeyoung
Weeekly: Monday - Zoa - Jihan
WJSN: Bona - Cheng Xiao
Wonder Girls: Sunmi
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Forever And A Day (KTH x READER) series ♡ we have to be adults now (chapter 9)
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
wc- 6k
chapter warnings- theres kind of a time jump (not long) later in the chapter, swearing, mentions of sex, mentions of hookups, kaito, slight angst , mentions of an anxiety attack
a/n- hey guys, so sorry for delaying this for 2 weeks, my semester is ending first week of may and i'll be more free to write and post more often, I am gonna get a different job as well where I work mornings over the summer so my nights are free :D hope u guys enjoy, love ya!
The following week was.....odd.
Not in a bad way, nor perfect way, but it was just plain simplicity at home with Taehyung. You had sat him down and spoken to him monday when you returned from classes because your mind wouldn't let your rest.
Sure, you both had sex, but obviously you both could feel that it was different from the previous hookups you engaged in just months ago.
You both discussed the situation, and now that you knew you were being dumbasses and liked each other without realizing it, you decided to just take things one day at a time. You felt safe, and not rushed when it came to Taehyung, but you wanted to take your time with him and not run into a brand new relationship right after the Kaito situation, of course, he agreed as he said waiting for you was easy.
oh and speaking of the devil himself-
"you know he tried to get Chae to text me for him, about what happened"
you were sitting at the kitchen counter with taehyung as you indulged in breakfast on Wednesday morning
"wait what? like....to apologize? you didnt-"
"I didnt respond, and no- I dont know what he wanted or planned to say to me, but I wouldnt let him back in like that again...I think he knows we are done" you sigh, taking a bite of your toast.
Taehyung looked down at his plate and pushed the fork around, his food now gone cold as he had gotten distracted with whatever he was doing on his laptop while talking to you.
"hey." you walked over, gently brushing your fingers to behind his neck and grazing his skin softly, "what are you thinking about?" you asked quietly
"nothing" he smiled and gazed his eyes over your face, you had no makeup on, just waking up about a half an hour ago, yet you were still making his heart thump loudly against his chest.
you looked at him before leaning in to peck his lips, something he was more than happy to reciprocate. His eyes met yours as you pulled away, arms draping to your waist and pulling you closer to his seated lap, urging you to sit.
"wait so you said chae texted? you guys are talking...thats good" he mumbled, picking at his food as you sat on his lap and leaned into him, coffee mug warming your hands.
"hm...not really" you laughed to yourself, "she only texted in regards to kaito, otherwise neither her or dahyun has reached out" you pouted and he squeezed you gently, kissing your shoulder.
"I dont know what I did, like as if I urged him to fucking hit me" you scoffed, lost in thought. "I get that they are kaito's friends but they are also mine, and should see that I did nothing....dont really get the whole silent treatment thing"
"maybe its because I kicked his ass" taehyung mumbled, nibbling on some fruit you cut for him.
"maybe" you smiled, shaking your head and turning to look at him
"im sorry that they are being like that, i know you like to hang out with them and do girly stuff" he pouted at you, rubbing your leg softly.
You giggled quietly, cupping his face, "hmm, I can do girly stuff with you though, you'd let me paint your nails again, yeah?"
He scrunched his nose and raised his eyebrows, shrugging
"oh come on you love it" you teased kissing all over his face as he finally broke and laughed, "whatever"
"chae and I were supposed to get our nails done and go for lunch this week" you sighed and rested your head against his chest.
Taehyung wrapped you in his arms, humming, "we can do a spa night if you want..." he smiled and looked down at you
He giggled at you jumping up so quickly
"yeah, just dont do my make-"
"i am so doing your makeup, pretty boy" you squished his face and laughed before hugging him. "Thank you..." you whispered
"no need to thank me, i like spending time with you" he rubbed your back and closed his eyes. Maybe getting a spa treatment wasnt exactly his idea of a fun night, but he enjoyed seeing how your face lit up so fast at his words, and he would do anything to keep you like that after such a crazy past few weeks.
"You know, I hate everyone" you huffed, pulling back to look at him.
"why's that, princess?"
you blushed at the nickname, smiling before responding. "I mean, I just hate people here, everyones so....I dont even know....hoity-toity." you sighed and leaned against the counter. "you know how we were talking about Gwangju and how we miss everything...like our childhood homes and shit?"
He nodded, hand rubbing yours,
"I was thinking of how, next month is my birthday, right?"
"mmhm" he smiled
"And im going back to Gwangju to see my mom..."
"Do you wanna come? It'll only be a week and Ive already checked in with school and they are okay with it.....I was gonna take you know who but....I think my mom would love to see you more" you smirked
Taehyung smiled brightly and stood up, taking your hands in his, "I would love to, y/n" he kissed your forehead
"mhm, I think that exactly what we need, to get out of here for a while" he hummed, hugging you.
"I do too, but um-" you bit your lip and looked at him, "I was also thinking about going back for the summer as well...with you?"
Taehyung nodded and looked back at you, "summer....My trip is scheduled then too, perhaps I could push it back, I wanted to take you" he giggled nervously
"the paris trip? you were gonna take me?"
"obviously" he smiled and brushed your hair back, "but its okay, it can wait until end of summer"
"are...are you sure? I dont wanna-"
"im sure" he pecked your lips softly, "we will work it out later okay?"
"okay" you whispered, smiling at him, "thank you"
He swiped his thumb across your cheek and giggled, "now, you are gonna be late to class- go get ready!" he teased, jokingly hitting your butt as you turned on your heel to your room
You looked outside for Taehyungs car, he had texted and said he would pick you up from classes this afternoon so you could both grab a bite to eat.
You received a text from him saying he would be there in 5, so you sat on a nearby bench and watched groups of people leaving classes together, enjoying the fresh air and eachothers company.
You hated to admit it, but the whole situation with Dahyun and Chae not talking to you was seriously starting to make you upset, they were your best friends, and for them to take Kaitos side when they clearly saw what happened wasn't fair.
You- of course, still won, because at the end of the day you had Taehyung, and he wouldnt leave you like that over something so stupid and immature.....at least youd hope so.
You looked down in thought, legs lightly kicking back and forth as you waited for the boy
"oh...hey y/n"
you turned around to the familiar voice to see Annie
"oh, uh hey"
"have you spoken to Taehyung recently? well- of course you have, youre roomates! what I mean is, has he spoken about me at all? havent seen or talked to him since last week..." she mumbled, taking a seat besides you, making you shift away slightly.
You contemplated just telling her to f off, but decided to politely do it,
"uhh, well....he, and i, have been dealing with some shit, im not sure if you heard or not, or even saw, but both of us have kind of retracted ourselves away from our social lives for a bit" you chewed on your bottom lip, watching her fidget.
"can you tell him to text me back?" she glared at you intensely
"annie, i-"
Sighing, you nodded your head, "yeah i guess"
your answer seemed to cheer her up, she thanked you and hurried along, making you question what was so damn important about her text that needed urgent responses.
"Annie told me to tell you to text her back" you laughed, shoving noodles into your mouth as you looked back at taehyung, sitting across from you on our living room floor with a face mask on.
"did she now?"
"yeah....you should probably hop on that"
Taehyung opens his phone and goes to her contact, "i had her on mute, holy shit she sent like 50 texts"
you burst out laughing, "are you...fucking kidding me? i told you, she likes you...."
He shook his head and threw his phone on the couch "i am not responding"
"great. now shes gonna hound me in the halls like a sad puppy" you looked at him
He shrugged, "she didnt even text anything important, it was just about me applying for school next semester"
"oh....are you thinking about attending the same school as me?" you giggle softly, putting the food down to pay attention to him.
"kinda....I just....man, to be honest, no"
Your face fell in slight disappointment, of course you want him to pursue what makes him happy....but you also would have loved for him to be in school with you so you both could have that experience.
He noticed your expression, "sorry Y/N" he frowned, "I was just thinking a lot and....besides, our Paris trip was moved for August and thats when classes start, I wouldnt be here for it anyways-"
"you could defer your admission if you got in..." you began "not that im saying you have to apply, but if"
He nods "I know..."
Taehyung seemed slightly off, you wanted to press into it but also chose to respect whatever might have been making him feel this way-if its important he will come to you, right?
"look lets just enjoy our spa night...can i take off the mask now so I too can enjoy my noodles?" he pouted, making you giggle
"tae, you still have 2 minutes left, if you take it off now your skin will stay oily and never gain that last bit of hydration....but you do you!" You teased
"these noodles will make my skin oily anyways, its a double negative, the mask was useless...." he teases, taking the sheet mask off, and beginning to indulge in his dinner.
"your nails are cute though" You snicker, watching as he glared at you, his nails bright hot pink, undoubtably noticeable.
"you like it, dont lie..."
"i have a dentist appointment tomorrow and he is gonna see it and think-"
"you look fabulous!!!" you tease, getting up and walking over sot cup his face as he ate, "because you do"
"whatever" he blushed, looking away and at his food.
You both spent the next few hours eating snacks, laughing and enjoying eachothers company. It was late, for sure, as you put on a movie and silently laid next to taehyung on the couch, the rooms darkness surrounding you.
The movie is quite boring in all honesty, but neither one of you bring up that fact, no, you both are in your own minds way too much.
You sigh, noticing he isnt paying attention to the film either. "do you think chae or dahyun will ever talk to me again?"
Taehyung is slightly startled, looking down at you before speaking, "wh-why do you think they wont? and who cares if they never do....I thought we agreed everyone here sucks?" he rubbed your back
"i know but...I dont have many people in my life...and it just sucks...being alone in school"
He frowned, hugging you closer "hey, you have me, and like we talked about, you have everyone back home, too."
you half smile, playing with his hair, "I know...."
"and when we go to your moms for your birthday, you can see Jessica again, and Suvi...all your old friends..."
"I doubt they still live on that street, last thing I heard from suvi was that she was possibly getting married and going to live in America with her white boyfriend"
"sounds fun"
You laugh and nudge him, "dont know if its true though....and with Jessica, she is married and I doubt she will have time to hang out with some old high school classmate who pops up out of the blue"
He sighs loudly and shakes his head, "oh darling you worry so much"
"i cant help it"
"nothing is wrong....dont worry, even if shit hits the fan im gonna be right here, no matter what" he kissed your knuckles and looked at you, the movie now long forgotten.
You lay your head against his chest in a silent thank you, grateful you did have him to lean on metaphorically and literally.
It was a few silent moments filled with soft breathing and gentle touches before Taehyung spoke,
"you know I love you....right?"
You closed your eyes and took a breath, squeezing his hand in yours, "I know...." you looked up at him, "I love you too....ya big dork...."
About a month and a half later
It was coming down to the final weeks of the school semester, summer was approaching which meant it was your birthday.
Like you promised, you reluctantly packed everything into a tiny carry on bag and left for Gwangju with Taehyung to see your mother. Its not that you didnt want to go back home, its just you were stressed and nervous about everything, which isnt out of the ordinary for you at all.
"you probably arent feeling well because you are doing homework and reading on a plane...." he mutters from the seat next to you, pausing whatever movie he was watching when you began to mention feeling ill.
"Taehyung...its an airplane, not a car or train...Pretty sure you dont get motion sickness up here like that-"
"thats not true!" he took his headphones off, "why do you think these are here!" he pulled out the folded paper puke bag from his seat, waving it in your face just to prove a point.
"whatever" you rolled your eyes, putting your homework away after he scolded you.
"here..." he handed you crackers and water, telling you to nap and that you both would land in about an hour and a half.
After you both landed, you grabbed all of your suitcases and began to head outside of the airport for the Uber to take you to your moms house.
"think she will be happy to see me?" taehyung asked softly, biting into his croissant he bought
"of course she will, she loves you....its a surprise" you giggled, looking around for the pickup car.
"is that them?" you pointed to a car parked, confirming with your phone, "yeah it is, cmon"
He helped you place the bags into the trunk before stepping into the backseat with you, allowing the driver to transport you to your old home.
As the atmosphere around you turned darker and the houses looked familiar, your heart twisted at the sight.
sure, your neighborhood has always been poor and nothing special, but it was yours, and it would always remind you of home no matter how long its been.
Taehyung gently nudged you, "You okay, princess?"
You nod, "yeah...its just emotional being here again after so long"
"i know, i know" he squeezed your hand and helped you get out of the car, tipping the driver as you both got your luggage out.
"here it is...." He smiled, looking around as his mind got flooded with memories of younger him and you, running through this very yard. Things were so different back then.
To him- you were simply just the girl he grew up next to, went to school with, and hung out afterwards. If you would have told 11 year old Taehyung he would harbor such feelings for you now, he wouldn't believe it.
He looks at the house a few feet away from your moms...it was his house before his parents moved recently.
"crazy huh?" you rubbed his back before putting the bag over your shoulder, taking his hand
"yeah....it is..."
You both knocked, waiting to see the lovely face of your mom open the door.
"hello who- oh!...Oh!!" she smiled brightly at the sight of you both
"mom!" you hugged her frail body tightly, kissing her cheek as she stroked your hair.
"oh honey I missed you, happy birthday my sweet little one!"
You giggled, "thank you mama" you held her hands as her gaze peers behind you at Taehyung- she gasps
"Taehyung? is that you? it cant be, look how much youve grown!!"
He chuckled and gave her a hug, "Yes, it is I, in the flesh" he smirked and politely bowed.
"I thought you were bringing Kaito, no?"
she brought you all inside, allowing you to sit in the living room as she brought you both coffee.
"well thats a whole other story..." you smile softly and give her a knowing look
"oh, you didnt break up did you?"
she seemed upset- disappointed even.
"um...well not officially but.....basically" you frowned and shrugged, an apologetic gesture.
"oh no! thats too bad, im sorry honey...he seemed sweet"
taehyung had to stop himself from laughing at this, but he knew he wouldn't want to drag you down with him and end up confessing to the incident- so he bit the inside of his cheek and drank his coffee.
The conversations were typical, your mother asking about school and work, you told her you were thriving and enjoying uni as best as you could.
She seemed interested when you both told her about the art competition Taehyung had one a few weeks back
"Paris? thats amazing" she happily clapped her hands and looked at you both gracefully "good job, im sure your parents are proud"
"ha, sort of" he brushed his hair back with his hand as she brought up his mom and dad, remembering how a month ago shit hit the fan with them- he still never told them he won the competition anyways.
"well im sure you both are exhausted from your flight, i'll make you both something nice to eat while you go wash up....I even bought a cake!!"
You giggled, "mom...my birthday isnt until tomorrow.."
"so? let the festivities begin now, who cares!" she laughed and stood up, ushering you and taehyung upstairs.
"theres a guest room right here for you, taehyung" she politely spoke, pointing across the hall. You were obviously going to be sleeping in your old bedroom, and you would have taken him in there with you but you felt a little sheepish at telling your mom the situation with him, despite her possibly being elated, you also had just told her you got out of a relationship, and you didnt want to make it seem like something it wasnt.
You winked at him and walked to your room, opting to take a bath and clean up. Your throat had begun to develop a scratch, making you sit in the tub and pray that you weren't getting sick right now, not on your one week off.
meanwhile, down the hall, taehyung put his bags onto the rather large bed and looked around, it was pretty nice for a guest room. The view pointing out into the backyard, immediately flooding his head with past memories once more.
His eyes stayed on the small, now broken, tree swing. That very bench was where you cried into his chest senior year of high school, cursing your father for what he did.
"i'll never forgive him" you cried, hands gripping his shirt as your tears fell onto him.
All he could do in the moment was rub your back- "you dont have to..."
"h-how could he, taehyung?" you sat back to look at him, makeup running down your puffed up cheeks. "how could he just leave?? I dont even- god...what do I do?? im alone...my moms just- we are alone..." you began to sob again as he carefully pressed you back into his chest, quietly shushing you as he leaned against your head.
"shhh....you arent alone....you're never alone...."
"how can a man just leave his wife and child......"
He wasn't sure what to say...he knew your parents had issues for years but he never thought it would end like this: your parents divorcing because it turns out he cheated on your mother with a co-worker.
You swore would never trust another man again.
He cleared his throat as he snapped out of the upsetting memory, unpacking his clothing and stepping into the shower.
Afterwards, he had sat on the bed and continued to peer out the large window, millions of words soaring through his brain.
"you okay?"
His attention was brought to you, standing in the doorway with a towel on your head.
cute, he thought. "im okay...come here" he smiled and reached out for your hand, pulling you onto the bed with him.
"mm you smell nice" he whispered, arms wrapping around you as his face hid in your neck.
You blushed, unable to help the smile that crept onto your face. "tae-" you giggled and tried to get up
"shes not coming, shes in the kitchen cooking" he laughed, trying to keep you in his arms a little while longer.
You sighed and looked at him, "look, just dont do anything that would make her suspicious, okay? I dont really know what I would call us as of right now, we agreed to take things slow, if my mom sees us she will think we are dating and-"
He smiles and pulled you down to kiss him softly, his hands slipping under your shirt and up to your chest teasingly, making you gasp.
"I understand the plan princess, stop worrying"
You shyly smiled and turned away. "okay...."
He sat silently, taking off the towel on your head and running his fingers through your wet and curly hair, detangling it.
"you seem pale sweetheart, are you not feeling better?" he whispered
you shrugged, "ah my throat is starting to bother me now, I think im getting a cold unfortunately, just my luck right?"
"aw poor baby" he frowned and cupped your face, pressing kisses all over it gently
"you are gonna get sick too if you-"
"i dont care" he grinned and squeezed you against him once more before letting you stand up.
"kaito texted me" you suddenly spoke, making him freeze
"what? why?"
"he wrote me these huge paragraphs explaining how sorry he is and how he misses me....its ridiculous ill show you after"
He frowned and nodded, wanting to offer an apology but not sure for what exactly
"kids- dinner is ready!!" your mom suddenly called, making you smile
"cmon lets go eat"
"this is delicious mom, it really is" you smiled brightly, eating the warm meal she prepared for all three of you
"thank you, honey, i used to make it all the time"
"i remember" taehyung smiled, referring to the many times he would come and stay for dinner at your house growing up.
"I miss your cooking, at home we either get takeout or I try to replicate some recipe offline and it always tastes off" you snort
"nuh-uh, I think your meals are good" he protested
"no, they arent...but thank you" you giggled and rubbed your leg against his under the table.
"see you both need to visit me more so I can cook and cook and cook all day for you" your mother joked
"that sounds so fun" you spoke, taking a bite of your rice.
"so you guys told me about the paris trip, when is that happening?" she asked gently
"probably August-ish" taehyung spoke up
"mhm, we were thinking of coming back down here once the semester ends for me" you added, making your mom happy with that.
"that would be so delightful!!"
All three of you chatted happily as you finished your dinner, your mom standing up to clear the plates.
"i'll do it" you stood, collecting them and bringing them to the sink to clean.
"you know, just because I have back issues doesn't make me immobile" she teased, coming up from behind you as tae stayed seated at the table, distracted with the small cat prancing around the dining room. "go into the fridge and take the cake out!"
You smiled and walked over to the refrigerator, opening it up to grab the cake and place it on the table.
Your mother unboxed it and revealed it to you,
it was your all time favorite: a mango cream cake- topped with a "happy 23rd birthday" banner across the top.
"oh!!" you grinned, taking a photo of it, "its so pretty, thank you mama" you kissed her cheek and sat down as she grabbed plates.
Taehyung licked his lips in anticipation, always eager to eat dessert.
Your mom smiled widely, handing you a cut piece and kissing your forehead, "happy birthday my not-so little one"
you giggled and took a bite, and oh man, it was good.
"this is fucking delicious" taehyung mumbled, filling his mouth with the cream custard before remembering where he was, "sorry..." he giggled nervously
"aish, taehyung!" your mom jokingly swatted his head, taking a seat and enjoying a bite of the cake herself.
You were all discussing something when you felt your phone vibrate in your sweatpants, you took it out to see you had received yet another text from Kaito.
and this time- it wasnt so sweet.
Your eyes scanned over the screen, making your body run cold in chills and nervousness.
Suddenly- the cake wasnt as good and the room was too loud.
Taehyung noticed your look of fear and patted your back gently "you okay y/n?"
You looked up from your phone and at him, then looked at your mother who had grown concerned over your expression, "what is up sweetie? is everything ok?" she gestured to the phone.
You tried to gather your words but it was too late, you felt it come on suddenly as it always did: an anxiety attack.
"yeah- uhm, I just..." you put your phone away and stood up, hands trembling slightly. "I am not feeling well"
"so suddenly?" your mom frowned
"she mentioned not feeling well earlier" he spoke, looking at you as you peered at the floor.
"whats wrong?" she asked once more, trying to specify what exactly made her daughter so sick
You felt your vision clouding over, it seemed silly to have such a dramatic reaction to something youve dealt with before, you have dealt with much worse with kaito, why was this making you panic?
You apologized and mumbled something before quickly escaping upstairs to the bathroom, feeling yourself about to get sick-which made you panic even more.
"go check up on her please?" her mom asked taehyung, a sad look in her eyes, "I hope it wasnt the food...."
"im sure shes okay....she told me she wasnt feeling good all day" he patted her shoulder before coming up to your room, knocking softly on the door to your bathroom.
"baby...." he whispered
You felt dizzy and sweaty, but most of all, embarrassed for yourself and for worrying them like that. "what?" you mumbled, head in your arms as you sat near the toilet.
"can I come in?"
you hummed quietly, watching the door crack open just enough for him to peak his head in.
"princess whats wrong? did you get sick?"
You sniffed and wiped your eyes, "no- I feel so nauseous though" you waved him off, afraid that if you continued speaking you might actually puke.
He immediately grabbed a cold cloth and pressed it against your neck, cooling you down as he felt for a fever.
"I think it was an anxiety attack" you softly mumbled, leaning against him on the bathroom floor.
"oh baby....im sorry" he cooed, rubbing your arm slowly
"I havent had one in so long...it was so scary I felt sick and dizzy and-"
"what caused it?" he looked beyond worried to have seen you like that, it all escalated so fast.
You moaned in discomfort, pulling out your phone and bringing up the texts you received during dessert
"I would assume that?" you spoke as he took your phone
It was all messages from Kaito, cussing you out and calling you a whore, anger filled his entire body as he tensed up, unable to comprehend most of the paragraph.
"annie told everyone I dumped him because I was cheating on him....with you" you scoffed and covered your face, trying not to get worked up again.
It was one thing for Annie to be so jealous of your closeness with taehyung that she ran and had to seek attention from the entire college, but it was another thing for her to lie and accuse you of cheating.....something you resented so much yourself.
"I would never cheat on anyone and now all these kids from my classes are in my texts saying all of this shit and-" he took your phone and shut it off, squeezing you in his arms tightly, slowly rocking back and forth as you began to cry.
He wanted to say so much, but he had no strength. Seeing you upset and crying pained him more than anything, and for someone he considered a friend to go and ruin your reputation like this.....it was all so much. Suddenly your reaction made sense, he was feeling sick too now.
"my love im so sorry..." was all he could muster as you held his hand, closing your eyes and resting against his chest.
"I love you, okay? youre okay."
You nodded as he brushed away some tears on your cheek, "I love you too"
He sat there, tense, as he tried his best to comfort you while contemplating how to get away with murder.
"how is everything in- oh!"
You opened your eyes to see your mom standing in the bathroom door way, she noticed you on the floor in taehyung arms and immediately backed up, feeling a bit invasive.
"am i interrupting something?"
suddenly you were embarrassed that she had caught you and him being so close together, obviously you've sat with tae before but this looked a little more than friendly- you were practically in his lap.
"n-no we...she was feeling really sick so I sat with her." he mumbled rather quickly, slightly pushing you off his chest.
You nodded in agreement as she looked at the two of you, "do you know what happened?" she asked after a moment
"anxiety attack" you wiped your face with the cloth as she walked in and helped you stand
"oh sweetie, you still get those?"
nodding, you looked down at your hands which were trembling.
"havent had one in a long time..but yeah"
"well lets get you to rest then, yes?" she smiled softly and led you to the bed, tucking you in gently before bringing you a cup of tea.
You remember how when you were struggling with dad, you had your first panic attack and you quite literally assumed you were dying.
"I cant breathe.." you whispered, clutching your chest as you cried in your moms arms, she was absolutely terrified.
Her hand rubbed your back slowly as you sobbed, trying to console you. "my angel you need to try, you are scaring me"
You sat up and she wiped your tears, "I know you are upset, i am too, but we cant fall apart now, i need you to....I need you to stay strong for mommy, ok?"
You hiccuped and nodded, squeezing her hand.
She brought you a warm cup of tea and sang softly, watching as you came down from whatever level you were just on. She rubbed your back until you fell asleep in her bed.
You might have been 17, but you were her baby and she wanted to protect you.
You drank the tea as she brushed your hair, suddenly feeling calmer in her presence. You wish you never moved out, she had such an ability to calm you that even taehyung had not mastered.
She looked back at him as he awkwardly stood away from the bed, his face wearing concern, then she returned her gaze to you.
"i think we all need to rest okay? tomorrow is gonna be so good, I promise" she squeezed your hand before kissing your forehead softly. "goodnight honey...come get me if you need anything" she spoke, patting taehyungs arm on the way out.
He watched her leave, then looked back to see you laying under the covers of your childhood bed. He couldn't help but smile slightly, you looked so safe and comfy, he wanted to make you feel that as well.
"you alright?" he whispered
You nodded, sipping the tea once more and asking him to turn the lights off- he did so as he walked over to your bed, kissing you lightly.
"im sorry this happened, get some sleep okay? cant have a sad birthday girl tomorrow" he smirked as you giggled quietly, it was nice to hear.
"okay....goodnight taehyung..." you watched him begin to exit the room as you got lost in thought, quickly sitting up before he was gone
He turned and looked at you, eyebrows raised gently
sighing, you put your tea down, "can you...stay? just lay with me?" you seemed embarrassed to even ask this, but you knew you had told him to keep his distance while staying at your moms, now you were breaking your own rule.
"are you sure? what if your mom sees?"
You shrugged, eyes still red and puffy. "pretty sure she already saw in the bathroom.....I bet shes conspiring about us right now" you huffed, watching him giggle and walk over, slowly climbing onto the small bed.
He wrapped you into his arms gently, kissing your head.
"you are okay....I promise"
You hummed and held his hand, looking up at him, "can you rub my back?" you asked quietly, shyness in your voice as you felt yourself shrinking down to ask something that seemed silly to you.
He nodded and turned you to face him, his hand gently rubbing patterns against your clothed back, calming you quickly, "is this okay?"
"more than...." you smiled, eyes closing as you leaned into his chest. "my mom used to do it to help me sleep" you giggle
"thats sweet" he hummed happily, suddenly glad you felt safe enough to allow him with you at this moment, to do something so simple yet intimate.
It was silent in the dark room, only noise that is audible is your moms small cat meowing in the other room, making you smile.
"I dont want you on your phone for the rest of the trip okay? we have 6 days, lets just have ourselves yeah? if you need to make a call use my phone" he suggested after a moment
"but what if-"
"no what ifs or buts....you need a break, look at you." he huffed, rubbing your back still.
You had to admit, he was right, you were a fucking mess and tonight was shameful to say the least. It had been such a long day already and it just so happened to be the straw that broke the camels back.
"okay" you mumbled, allowing yourself to melt into his touch as the time slowly ticked by. He had fallen asleep not too long after, but you were still awake.
Your mind was no longer on panic mode, but you were thinking about possibly every situation there was to worry about at that very moment.
school. kaito. work with ms.choi,
fuck you forgot to tell ms.choi about your trip, she must be blowing up your phone right now.
you need to go grocery shopping when you get home
your mom is probably worrying sick about you down the hall
you are probably a bad daughter
you are 23 and have nothing to show for it
your throat still hurts, damnit
You roll over and look at the ceiling as your thoughts raced.
shit, you regret not finishing that cake slice, you are craving it.
dahyun and chae, fake ass friends...but maybe it was your fault?
you sigh and turn to lay on your stomach
why are you going crazy? are you losing your mind?
maybe its just your period starting
maybe but-
Your eyes shot open.
"my period...."
oh shit......yeah....the thing that never came.
@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @borahaexoxo @lelefoodlover @tan-veee
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 3 years
Twice as WLW Drama Love Interests Opposite The Reader
 so I made a few tik tok videos about this but I wanted to make this into a headcannons. Some of these might be full fics in the future, let me know which ones you guys like. Hope ya’ll enjoy!
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• Frenemies to lovers drama type 
• Your rival throughout school and now at the company you both worked at. 
• The both of you always tried to one up each other, whether it’d be with getting coffee first throughout the day or even taking lunch breaks first.
• Your guys’ boss, {insert whichever male k-drama, telenovela, or soap opera actor you’d like} was the popular guy who went to the same high school you both did. 
• See, if we’re following the drama formula here, he’d be the guy you and Nayeon would be pinning for but this here’s the opposite. He had eyes for you and Nayeon but ya’ll end up having eyes for each other. 
• What’s funny is that everyone around the office picked up on you and Nayeon’s sexual tension except him (pour guy)
• You’re oblivious to his advances, but Nayeon picked up on every little thing he did to get closer to you. 
• If he offered to take you out to lunch, she’d swoop in and take you herself. Often covering it up as a way to go over plans for work.
• If he offered you a ride home, Nayeon would meet you out front before you could get in his car, lying about living in the same building you did. 
• You began questioning Nayeon about it. 
“Why are you being so nice to me?” you would ask. “You haven’t insulted my work ethic in weeks.”
“Oh, would you rather our boss do it for us?” she’d ask back. “He’s been eyeing you for awhile.”
• You and her go back and forth while she drives you home; her hands tightening on the steering wheel while you pour out all the insecurities that you developed with trying to keep up with her throughout all these years. 
• Nayeon pulled over and confessed to you then and there.
“Are you kidding me?” she asked. “You made honor roll that year while I missed it because of a measly test score. I wanted to talk to you about it, but I didn’t want you to make fun of me for it.”
“Now why would I do that Nayeon?” you said. “I like you!”   
• After your confession she decided to start being nicer and show you how much you mean to her.
• Walks you to your desk and even practices kissing your cheek goodbye, no matter how flustered you get.
“We’re still at work Nayeon,” you said. 
“I don’t care,” Nayeon grumbled. “I have to wish my girlfriend a great work day. Don’t work too hard, OK? I’ll meet up with you during lunch.” 
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• Best Friend who would have her own love interest, but is too interested in you, the protagonist. 
• You both live together after attending the same university; the both of you wanted to get away from your parents and decided it was the best option to go for.
• She works at the cafe you frequent after work, so she’s there as a stress reliever during the afternoons you’d get off. Always ready with a discount drink and pastry. (I say discount, but we all know Jeongyeon will let you have it for free on most occasions)
• Listens to you vent always, but a little too closely when you told her about this woman who started flirting with you at work. 
“You told her off right? She was being too forward, right?” Jeongyeon asked; high key concerned and low key jealous. 
“Not really,” you said. “It was pretty flattering actually she was really cute.”
“Really? I-I mean, uh that’s great!”
• It was in fact not great for Jeongyeon, she watched you with a tiny smile as you gushed about this other woman while she wipes down the counter. 
• Throughout your time with this mystery woman that has caught your attention, Jeongyeon has gotten rather distant; you did too, but she hardly said three words to you after you arrived home and even on the days the both of you were off.
• You began to wonder why Jeongyeon would work all night when you got off work and why she changed to more busy shifts.
• You caught her one night when you were getting ready to fall asleep, catching her as she put a blanket over your half-sleep body as the TV continued to blast. 
“Jeong? Jeongyeon, is that you?”
Jeongyeon hesitated but nodded. You took her hand and pat the empty space beside you on the couch. 
“Talk to me,” you said through a yawn. “We’ve become strangers in our own apartment.”
Jeongyeon frowned and fixed the blanket over your legs. 
“You need to rest,” she groaned. “You can barely keep your eyes open.”
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong. You aren’t even working up front when I come in at the cafe anymore,” you said. “I thought you liked working up front better.”
Jeongyeon’s eyes softened. 
“I did. But--”
You didn’t let her finish as you went on. 
“Is it me?” you asked. “Have I not made enough time for us to hang out?”
Jeongyeon shook her head. 
“No, no. I’m ok,” she reassured. “I’m sure you’re busy with your own work and your girlfriend.”
You woke up a bit at the mention of the word, girlfriend. 
“Yeah! The girl you couldn’t stop gushing over,” Jeongyeon said. “You didn’t even tell me you had a girlfriend!”
“That’s because I don’t,” you whispered. 
• Jeongyeon grew quiet as she caught your eye, the both of you now staring at each other before each of you move to kiss. You pulled away to catch your breath when Jeongyeon held you tightly. 
“Jeong, I-”
“I like you, OK?” Jeongyeon said.
• From that moment on, Jeongyeon had her affections apparent, even around your workplace “girlfriend”
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• The fake dating type drama
• She’s the hot dancer who you fall for at your local gym, while you’re training hard to get in shape for your siblings wedding.  
• You got caught staring at Momo while you were filling up your wattle bottle and got embarrassed because water spilled down your shorts and shoes.
Momo offered you one of her clean towels for you to dry off as she laughed at how oblivious you were to the water spilling out. 
• She’d be rather cheeky about your obvious staring while you played it off with a suave wipe of the forehead with your towel.
“So, what do you normally do here?” she asked trying to make quick conversation. 
You almost choked on the water you consumed because the hot dancer who was just dancing circling around everyone in the practice room was talking to you.
“Uh, I-I j-just um cardio and light weights,” you said. “I-I wasn’t really staring I just loved your moves and felt inspired is all. I’m new to this working out thing.”
Momo gave you toothy smile.
“I could help if you’d like! And maybe teach you a few of my moves.”
• It wasn’t long before Momo became your workout partner, becoming someone who could push you when need be but also become the voice of reason when you go a bit too hard.
• Always makes sure you eat regardless of diets, eventually questioning why you have to uphold such an image for your family
• Accompanies you to the wedding as your plus one/ date 
• You couldn’t really confess to her yet, but everyone there assumed Momo was your girlfriend, which you laughed off awkwardly, telling them that she’s just a trainer while Momo only smiled.
 • She was a bit off the entire time, of course you picked up on it. 
“You Ok?” you finally asked as your sister and her groom began to dance. 
Momo shrugged. “Am I just a trainer to you, Y/N?”
“Of course not Momo you--” you cut yourself off as you thought about what to say.
• Momo didn’t let you finish as she got up and left the wedding, leaving you baffled and stuck watching your sister and her husband dancing with the other patrons
• You stopped going to the gym for a few weeks, too sad to face Momo again until your sister called you about her.
 • Momo eventually texted you, yet you still didn’t come back to the gym until she showed up at your door. 
“I was angry, OK?” Momo said. “It wasn’t fully at you, but mostly at myself for not admitting it to you soon Y/N--”
Before she could finish you confessed to her. 
“I-I like you Momo!”
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• The ex-girlfriend who showed back up in your life. 
• Usually if this happens in a drama or tv show the ex would scorn the protagonist or try to win them over, but that isn’t the case with Sana. 
• You and her would meet back up during a tough moment in your life, you thought she had malice against you but it was the opposite. 
• She would be extremely sweet and try to help you out the best way she could by getting to know you on a deeper level
• The both of you dated when you were younger in high school and now that you’re both in your twenties, emotional growth hit you both yet you’re still afraid to be vulnerable with her. 
• A lot of this potential rekindling of the relationship will deal with Sana attempting to grow closer to you while adjusting back to living in ya’lls hometown. 
“Sana,” you said. 
“Y/N, it’s been awhile.”
• The rest of Twice would be worried about you seeing Sana again, yet you didn’t mind. However you were a mess inside and Sana could tell which made her terrified to admit she still had feelings for you.
• Your romance with Sana would start out as light hearted friendship that turned intimate through your memories with one another and the conflicts that you have to face. Conflicts such as getting laid off by a job, or even a closed loved one passing. 
• Sana would prove herself as a dependable partner and someone who’s grown since the both of you have seen each other.
“I’m here, OK?” Sana said as she wrapped her arms around you. “I’m not leaving again.”
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• Office drama where you have a huge crush on your boss, Miss Park Jihyo herself. 
• You often would gush about your crush of Jihyo to your friends and co-workers
• Jihyo didn’t pick up on it at first, but she did appreciate the hard work you did around the office during those short times she’d see you.
• One night while you were leaving for the bus stop, a group of guys in the company tried to corner and hurt you or worse. 
• Luckily, Jihyo came down after finishing up some stuff in her office, shutting down the situation immediately. 
“To even attempt to do something that horrible as my employees is shameful,” Jihyo said. “Your contracts are terminated, leave now. All four of you are fired.”
After the guys fled, she turned to you with such softness and concern.
“Are you all right? Do you need a ride home?”
• You nodded, tongue tied up and dry at just being in the presence of Jihyo , some much so that your friends picked up on it more than usual.
• Jihyo would be in your department a lot more to see how you were doing, while tiptoeing over the fact that she cared about and had an attraction for you. She heard the rumors that you did too and decided to not be around you to cause more suspicion 
 • You did as well, but whenever she’d come around she’d only compliment your work and move along, barely looking at you.
• One night you were working late, all your friends and co-workers left, leaving you with your boss and crush again. 
She came by your department to make sure everyone left before locking eyes with you. She smiled softly prior to asking if you needed another ride home and you nodded.
The ride was quiet with quick stares at Jihyo from your side at the passengers seat. 
“Is everything all right?” she asks. 
“Yeah, I just--um. I can tell you something right? Since we’re not at work.”
Jihyo chucked and nodded for you to continue. 
“Well, I-I was just wondering why you don’t come over to say hi,” you say while fiddling with your seat-belt. “I know from those crush rumors that I seem delusional.”
Jihyo parks the car on the edge of the street near your apartment. 
“I don’t think you’re delusional but we should keep it under wraps at work,” Jihyo says.
“We? Should?”
Jihyo smirked. “How does lunch sound?”
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•  Fan meeting an idol type drama that revolves around E-Sports and Video games (mostly fighting games, also I nerd out a lot with this one :) )
• Mina is the star Tekken 7 player for team JYP and has never lost at the annual Tekken tournament in her birth city of San Antonio, Texas. 
• You were just at the tournament to test out your skills and meet new people, until your first match was against the prodigy herself, Myoui Mina 
 • She mainly used characters who required lots of execution and skill like the Mishimas while you opted for Lee. 
• Mina was shy, reserved prior to the match, a bit shocked by your initial choice of Lee but the both of you shook hands on it anyway.
• The match was pretty one sided. You were super nervous to be sitting next to the Myoui Mina and for the fact that she was a pro player. But your decent prowess soon kicked in as you almost brought the match back, stunning Mina and everyone in attendance. But, you still lost as the wire zipped down, ended it when Mina got you with a leg sweep you couldn’t see.
• Mina shot up from her seat, looking to walk away but didn’t as she thanked you for the great match and shook your hand. You were baffled to say the least but thanked her and admitted (on accident) called her gorgeous, admitting that you were such a huge fan.
• She froze but chuckled under her own rosy cheeks. She choose to avoid you until Sana and Momo forced her to ask for your number and you vice versa.
• The relationship started as a friendship, texts about tips for getting better at the game and sending each other videos explaining things either of you had trouble dealing with in the game. 
• This soon turned to innocent flirting which only complicated things since she traveled the world to participate in tournaments while you were in your small town working a 9-5.
• The complications would come to head as  Mina grew distant because of her traveling and games causing you to worry about where you guys were, relationship wise.
• Ofc Sana texted you that Mina was off her game (quite literally) and urged you to call her.
“Y/N, sorry I didn’t call I just--”
“We can be honest, right Mina?” you asked. 
“Ok. It doesn’t matter if you win or not, I just want you to do your best. You always do and I love that about you.”
“You bring the best out of me, Y/N.”
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• Childhood friends to lovers drama with complicated families plus fake dating. 
• Both of you had unspoken feelings for one another but kept it under wraps due to your families wanted the both of your to marry decent men or just marry and have a family in general.
• After a night filled with a ton of junk food, alcohol and horrible yet hilarious films, Dahyun suggested the idea.
• Hearing Dahyun speak so casually about being in a relationship with you, albeit fake, was endearing and you almost confessed to her then and there.
• She’d forget about most of it in the morning but you remind her. Through her blushing and mumbling, she agrees.
• Nothing changed with you two, except more contact: heavy on the contact, hand holding, hugs, kisses on the cheek and pecks on the lips. Of course you hesitated to do more but remembered what you both agreed on and kept your feelings close to heart. 
• Dahyun’s mother questioned the both of you a lot, yet it was your own mother that pulled you aside one day to ask if you were truly happy with Dahyun, noticing your hesitation with her. You took this as your mother shoehorning her way into your relationship but she did have a point. Would Dahyun really replicate your feelings?
 • You grew distant to Dahyun because of your issue, resulting in dozens of missed calls and hundreds of texts from her until she showed up at your house in frustration and a heat of tears.
“Why won’t you answer? Did I do something?” she asked. 
You stared at her as she paced back and forth revealing how much she was worried that she fucked up the relationship to which you followed up her question.
“Which relationship? Our fake one or the real one?”  you said. 
• Dahyun stunted at your words before whispering, “the real one.”
• Her words broke you as your own tears fell before Dahyun swept you up in her embrace. She’d coo in your ear about love and loving you, but is it in the same way you love her?
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• Meet cute/ slice of life/ college au drama that’s funny, but serious and fun.
• Chaeyoung’s the girl in your 11 a.m. class who’s super creative and is apart of the art club’s showcase every year. She was a bit of a wallflower, kept to herself but was energetic and a force around the right people. Thus your crush was developed, especially based on how she stopped movement in the room when she spoke, so much that when the professor asked for your input, you tripped over your words. 
• Of course the class found it hilarious, and made an entire event out of it. Your eyes remained glued to your notebook. 
• Once class was dismissed, you packed up as quick as you could, only for your pen to fall against the floor. A minuscule event but still made you feel worse due to what happened earlier.
“Hey, this yours?” someone asked. 
You looked up to see Chaeyoung herself, eyebrow raised but kind as she held out the pen to you.
“Yeah, t-thanks Chaeyoung.”
• Chaeyoung smiled, revealing her adorable dimples that took your breath away. She was going to leave the classroom but stayed because of the tiny keychain from your favorite cartoon on your bag. She raved about how it and the both of you talked about your fav cartoons while leaving the building and stepping into the crisp, Autumn air of campus. 
• “You’re pretty cool Y/N,” Chaeyoung said. “I don’t know if this is too forward but could I get your number? I got class in a few but I’d love to grab a sandwich from subway later.”
You almost passed out then and there but typed your number into her phone anyway.
• Hanging out with Chaeyoung meant meeting a lot of people who admired and liked her just as much as you did. There was no competition but you still got jealous because you were still new to Chaeyoung. 
• Time outside of your classes included hanging out with Chaeyoung at library study sessions, some at her dorm and others in the courtyard. You guys would also support each other, whether it’s buying each other coffee or a meal after an exam.
“So, how’d the exam go?” you’d ask.
You were looking down at your phone, absentmindedly. A few moments passed before you looked up to find Chaeyoung staring at you. Her attention made you realize how close she was, leaning on her hand while she laid across her bed with her open notes. She was so close. 
“Y/N, have I told you how pretty I think your eyes are?”
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• Best Friends to lovers, but Tzuyu is a rich heiress of her family’s toy company.
• The both of you met at Chou’s Toy Factory, which you were a wide eyed intern who got lost one day. 
• You bumped into Tzuyu, frazzled already but your dishevelment increased at the gorgeous sight of the woman. 
• She started blankly at you, blushing at you as she pulled you up before you could fall.
“Are you all right?” 
“Yeah! Um, sorry I wasn’t looking.”
•  Tzuyu’s shy yet friendly demeanor drew you to her as she attempted to make small talk while she led you to your department. You noticed how the other workers bowed and looked to Tzuyu in awe, that’s when you put two and two together, figuring out Tzuyu was the daughter of the owner. 
• You kept it to yourself, not bringing it up as you talked with her as normal and being friendly while taking lunch breaks with her. This would happen a few weeks until she asked for your number and the both of you starting hanging out outside of work. 
•  Tzuyu would spoil you a lot, whether it’d be surprising you with coffee or lunch when you’re crunched at work but plays it off as a friendly gesture while leaving notes of encouragement on stick notes.
• You weren’t as well off but you did surprise her with gifts of your own, which Tzuyu welcomes with tight hugs. 
• The more time she spend with you, the more people started to notice, Tzuyu’s parents especially. 
• They began to wonder where Tzuyu’s time went into and when she would find a suitable partner when she takes over the business. Of course they mean a man and not you, which only frightened you more when your hangouts with Tzuyu begun to lessen. 
  •  She made herself scarce and you did too until Tzuyu ran into you while you were leaving work. 
• She asked if she could hang out with you at your apartment, you wanted to say no but she looked to desperate. 
“I can make you tea, but I don’t have much time to talk,” you said as you removed your coat, and shoes prior to closing the door. 
“Y/N, we can skip the tea,” Tzuyu said. “I just want to talk, you’ve been avoiding me.”
You scoffed at her words.
“Funny, you ditched me for every rich bachelor in town and I’m avoiding you?”
Tzuyu bit her lip.
“That’s not my choice Y/N,” she said. 
“Really? Which bachelor is the best? Saw you smiling with one of them while you were leaving the other day--”
“Could you just stop!” Tzuyu yelled, cutting you off. “My choice would be you Y/N, only you.”
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godly-jihyo · 2 years
time to twice [2]
Part 1
A/N two in one day!!! finally got around to posting part 2 and putting them both on tumblr... enjoy?
It was a miracle that I fell asleep during the car ride. The girls were being so loud, I half expected the passengers of other cars could hear them. Somehow I had ended up asleep with my head bent forward, a position that was made uncomfortable by the seat belt. Half-asleep, I was able to recognize some snickering and the sound of people taking pictures.
“Do you think she’s as uncomfortable as she looks?” I heard a voice from behind me ask. As more camera shutters went off, the girls all agreed at the same time, mumbling different versions of a positive answer. I heard someone scold the girls and tell them to leave me alone as I slept.
“That girl,” the same voice who had stopped the girls from pestering me began, “is going to have some major neck and back pain.” Laughter sounded around the car. Tzuyu had an idea, but hesitated. She tried to get Mina’s attention as quietly as she could, as to try and not wake me. Little did she know, all the commotion had woken me up. I remained in the uncomfortable position, too tired to move and tried to fall back asleep.
“Mina, let her rest her head on your shoulder.” Tzuyu whispered to the blonde girl who had looked up from her Nintendo Switch when the girls started taking pictures. Gaming device in hand, Mina glanced in my direction and quickly returned the Switch to her bag. Tzuyu leaned me back gently, so that I was sitting upright. Dahyun, who was sitting behind me, overheard the conversation and reached forwards to gently move my head onto Mina’s shoulder. Seeing this, Tzuyu looked back at the two girls in the last row, only to see them already back in their own little world.
I woke up not long after that, to the girls shaking me and yelling. I almost fell out of my seat, but my seatbelt was still fastened. The girls laughed harder seeing this. While figuring out where I was and what was going on, I heard Jeongyeon and Nayeon bickering. 
“Nayeon, stop hitting me!” Jeongyeon said. In response, Nayeon laughed at her before calming down enough to actually respond. “I can’t, it’s too funny!” She choked out before laughing again. I looked out the window and realized we were stopped. Were we already there? I turned to Mina, who was grinning widely at the cackling Nayeon and the sulking Jeongyeon. I tapped her shoulder and she turned to look at me.
“Minari, how long have I been asleep?” I asked sheepishly, scratching the back of my neck. She lifted herself slightly from her seat to peek over the girl in front of her to see the time on the dashboard, before sitting back down. “Not too long, we’re just taking a gas station stop.” She responded. I heard Dahyun yell from the back row, “Yeah, because someone ate all the snacks!” At this, Momo’s head snapped around and they began bickering. I heard Tzuyu stifle a laugh, and turned to look at her, with a smile on my face. 
Just before pulling into the nearly empty gas station lot, Jeongyeon convinced Nayeon to stop hitting her, with much help from Jihyo after the ostrich pointed out how unsafe it was for Nayeon to be hitting her while she was driving. The girls were fighting their way out of the van, desperate to stretch their legs. After I watched the girls stampede into the poor, unsuspecting gas station, I turned my attention to Jeongyeon, who was currently occupied with the gas pump. I quickly shuffled around in my bag, before pulling my wallet out and offering my credit card to Jeongyeon. 
“No, that’s ok. I’ll handle it.” She said, shaking her head and waving her hands in front of her, dismissing my offer to pay. I shrugged and returned my card and wallet to my bag. “Are you not going in to get anything?” She asked while she inserted the nozzle into the gas tank. “No, I’m alright. I’ll just steal some of Chaeyoung’s food.” She chuckled at my response. We stood in comfortable silence, leaning against the car while waiting for the gas to finish pumping. I slowly zoned out, taking in the unfamiliar view in front of me.
The girls flooded out of the gas station doors just as the vehicle was fully fueled. Jeongyeon couldn’t help but sigh as she watched the girls skip towards us, singing a song I didn’t recognize. When they reached the car, Momo grabbed Jeongyeon’s hands and began to sway with her. The girls were all dancing around, and eventually Jeongyeon gave in and began to mess around with them. I hid a smile behind my hand, before Jihyo grabbed my hands and I joined in.
After we had all loaded back into the rented car, the girls began to hand out various snacks and drinks. Jihyo reminded them of the time and told them not to eat too much, because we were going to stop for lunch in an hour or two. They all agreed, and Nayeon resumed her music. While the girls were all singing boisterously, I turned to my left to see Mina with her headphones in, looking out the window at the various fields we passed. She looked so peaceful, despite the chaos surrounding her. I smiled softly and turned to my right to see Tzuyu slightly bobbing her head to the music that MC Nayeon had put on. I nudged her with my elbow, and she turned to face me. Her eyebrows were knit in confusion, and I began to copy her movements. She laughed at me before returning to her previous actions.
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b000mbayah · 3 years
Who needs a soulmate?
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings: I wrote this years ago, it's borderline awful 😖
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Soulmates, something we all apparently have. That special someone, the other half of our soul. 
I've always found the whole soulmate thing weird since day one. The fact that we know their emotions due to a small line on our arm. 
My line is coloured a deep black, the emotion of being hopeless, I'm sure theirs is some weird combination of greys and orange, boredom.
My teacher is blabbering on about some weird biology terms on how drugs are tested, something to do with a placebo? I don't know, I'm not really listening.
I'm sure we went through this in highschool, why would they need to bring it back up in college?
My eyes skim over the slit in my wrist, the slit emits a bright pink. I furrow my eyes in confusion, it was black a second ago, I'm not going crazy, right?
Pink, pink, pink, pink. Who could my soulmate be in love with? 
"Lim" the professor speaks, slapping his three foot ruler against the board.
"H-huh, yes Mr. Kim?" He glares at me for a few seconds before I get the hint. At the end of the ruler is a question I'm assuming I should probably answer.
"The placebo effect is defined as a phenomenon in which some people experience a benefit after the administration of an inactive "look-alike" substance or treatment. This substance, or placebo, has no known medical effect"
"Very good,but pay attention next time" Mr. Kim shoots me a warning look but eventually goes back to explaining some weird and random information.
That was close, I guess. My eyes drift back down to my wrist. I sigh and pull down my sleeve, not wanting to see it anymore.
They always say your soulmate isn't too far away from you, that they're always close by. If that's the case, then I better keep an eye out.
I grab my pen and continue to write down notes in my notebook. Every now and then I peek but other than that, I'm listening to the male teaching.
It doesn't take long for the bell to ring, causing students around me to grab their bags and close whatever book they had out, me following alongside them.
"Hey y/n" My timid classmate stands up next to me, offering me a hand. I sweetly smile at the girl and accept her hand, allowing her to help me stand up.
"I was wondering if you would like to, uh…" I stare at her, an eyebrow raised as her eyes droop to the floor "if we could go to a coffee shop, together"
"Of course Dahyun, I'll come with you" her signature smile is on display now, a smile no one really sees due to her shyness.
"Would you like to go now?" I ask, looking at her expectantly. 
"I'm sorry I have to do my homework right now. Can we go at five?"
Dahyun bows before speeding off, not saying another word with her face red. I give her a small wave before heading out myself.
Dahyun, the shy girl in class had just talked to me? Took me a second to realise what just took place, wasn't expecting that to happen, let alone being asked to get coffee with her.
I bow my head and look down to my wrist, still pink. I can't help but check on it every few minutes or so.
With a defeated sigh, I walk on, heading towards my dorm.
"You have a date, come on y/n" My roommate and best friend rushes me along.
"Nayeon, I've told you it's not a date" she rolls her eyes at my words.
"It's obvious. I catch her staring at you, she gets shy when I bring you up and worst of all, oh damn, she practices her love confessions. Y/n, she is so in love with you that she writes her feelings down on paper, trying to figure out the perfect way to ask you out. Now if that isn't love then God knows what is"
"No, I still refuse to believe it. We sit next to each other in class and that's it, we're seat buddies and that's final" I wave my hands around, looking like some drugged up homeless dude.
"Y/n~ listen to me. I'm older and i have the knowledge"
"Yeah, older by age. Not brains you grandma"
"Fine, I give up! Believe what you want to believe. Just don't lead the poor girl along" 
"I would never do such a thing" I gasp, taking a step back.
"Mhm, you better not do such a thing or I will hunt you down"
"Why are you so protective over some girl you don't talk to?"
At that, Nayeon raises an eyebrow, staring into my soul "who said I don't talk to her? Me and Dahyun were best friends when we were four"
"What happened?"
"Well I got popular and made the mistake of leaving her for the fame. Also leaving her friendless until the other school nerd, Tzuyu, came along"
"I sense jealousy… so I'm going to back up and get ready. In my room. Alone" I state before sprinting to my bedroom, unaware of the sharp glare being directed at me.
"Fine, leave me. Leave your amazing friend for your room" 
"Will do"
The last thing I hear is her huffing before I shut my door, a light sigh breezing out of my lips as the thought of her complaining comes to mind.
I shake the thought out of my head as a new one enters.
"What do i wear?" I mumble as I make my way over to my closet.
I carelessly reach out, grabbing a white plain hoodie with some black jeans, something basic. 
"You better wear something nice y/n" Nayeon's voice comes from the other side of the door.
"I am" I respond, waiting for her to walk away.
Once the clothes are on my body, I exit the room, sitting down on one of our couches with my phone in my hand.
I still have some time before I leave, I don't see a point in being early.
"What. The. Heck. Are. You. Wearing." I turn to see Nayeon, her eyebrows are slanted downwards making her look furious "I said nice y/n, not comfortable"
"It's all I own"
"Oh, so that's why I never see you wearing anything but hoodies, oversized shirts, joggers and jeans?"
"You are one massive disappointment, miss Lim" Oh wow, thanks miss perfect…. "I need to take you shopping for more clothes at some point" it's just turning spring, I'm not about to go and buy shorts and dresses.
"Oh, oh well. I'll be bidding my goodbye now" I hurriedly stand up, bowing to my elder as I scurry around to find my keys.
"Your lucky I'm busy today, I would have loved to spy on you"
"How sad" I half yell before slipping out of the door and into the dormitory's hallway.
On my way, one simple question buzzes around inside my head. Who is Nayeon's soulmate? She keeps talking about someone named Jeongyeon but I honestly haven't seen her on campus once, let alone heard them speak on the phone.
Only a seven minute walk, that's my daily exercise done for today.
I look at the sign, a wooden sign with the bright neon word coffee lit up with a warm lavender colour
Not many people are out here but there are those occasional few. Through the glass windows I can clearly see Dahyun inside, she has removed her glasses and is wearing a shirt with a denim jacket, playing with her thumbs in a cute manner to pass time.
She looks totally different with her hair down and no glasses resting the bridge of her nose. If she wasn't the only person currently here, I would have mistaken the girl..
My hand rests against the door handle, gently pushing against the piece of metal so the door would open. The smell of warm coffee and baked cakes welcomes me, engulfing me in a warm hug.
"Y/n!" Dahyun calls me over, effortlessly dragging her hand through the air in a waving motion to gain my attention.
I drag my feet over to the delightful wooden table, taking my place in the chair opposite her.
"Thank you for coming" Dahyun reaches out and brushes a strand of hair behind her ear, a small smile playing peek-a-boo on her face
"No need to thank me, this is a way we can get closer, right? Soon enough we'll be close friends" I smile at her as hers falls slightly
"What would you like? My treat" she pushes a small menu my way, choosing not to comment on what I previously said.
"I'll just get what you're getting"
"An iced coffee?" She tilts her head, looking at me with shiny eyes.
"Yeah, sure" I nod, pulling out my vibrating phone as she goes to order for us.
Darn you Nayeon, messaging me about this so called 'date', I've only just arrived. I type a quick response, sending some weird gif of her that I had made to shut her up.
"Ordered it" her dorky smile is back up and running.
"Dahyun" she hums at my words, making eye contact for a split second. "I need to ask you something important"
I look down to my wrist that's just about visible, the colour pink still displayed
"Why I'd you invite me out?"
She tenses, a rush of pigment hits her once pale cheeks. Her eyes dive down, looking at something beyond my sight, but based off of my knowledge I'd say she's looking at her wrist. 
She's biting her lip when she looks back up, a nervous look is displayed on her face. "I-I like you and so I thought this would be a good way to bond"
I sigh, dropping my head as I look down at my wrist again, still the bright pink I've been seeing all day long. 
She's not my soulmate, if she was, the slit would have glowed a deep orange due to her nervousness. Not to mention, I don't have feelings for her. How do I break it to her?
"Dahyun… we can't be together, we're not soulmates. That would be going against so many regulations" I show her my wrist, the colour still the same…
"Y/n, I don't care about the regulations. Who are the regulations to tell us who we should and wouldn't be with? Y/n?" Dahyun looks like she's on the verge of tears as she stares at my wrist, noticing how it hasn't changed to a royal blue due to her outburst of an upset feeling.
"I felt that pang in my heart, like everyone says when they meet the one they're destined to be with" another pause follows, her eyes still glued to my coloured line.
"Ma'am, your food" A waitress walks up to us, her pink hair tied back and everything. She places the order down before bowing, making eye contact with me as her mouth is hung slightly open.
A sudden pang hits my heart, the one Dahyun was just talking about. That feeling just happened to me with the waitress.
"Y/n…" Dahyun sounds defeated as she stands, grabbing her drink and her bag "I'll just uh, see you tomorrow I guess"
"A-alright" I say, still staring at the girl I just met a few seconds ago. Dahyun leaves without a sound, clearly understanding what's going on.
"H-hi" I begin.
"YOU WHAT?" nayeon yells at me, her expression is unreadable as she proceeds to process the words I just laid upon the table like a stack of cards.
"Geez, calm down Nayeon"
"NO I BLOODY WILL NOT. You went out single and came back as a taken child. You left to see dahyun and came back after seeing some chicken called sana"
"Yes, a chicken"
"She actually looked more like a squirrel, but sure, whatever"
"I'm disappointed in you y/n. I said don't hurt Dahyun's fragile heart. She cries easily and it was clear she was pretty emotional when I saw her in the hallways earlier"
"I'm sorry nayeon, but how am I supposed to love someone who I'm not set for, Sana has been chosen for me, not Dahyun"
"I don't like this," Nayeon sighs, rubbing her hand along her forearm. "At least apologise to Dahyun"
"Will do" I nod my head, happily skipping over to my bedroom with my phone in hand.
It's been three months now, dating Sana wasn't as good as I thought it would be, she's always busy with work and whenever I visit her she's rushing around, sweating whilst maintaining her sweet smile for the hungry customers.
I admire her for that, always upkeeping her sweet side when things get hectic. I can tell she's stressed due to the lava red light that emits every now and then before changing back to a blue, almost a black since she feels that drained of energy.
Me and Dahyun haven't been on the best of terms, when we got assigned to do some project together she did her part and I did mine without speaking. She would send me that occasional text telling me what part I should do but other than that, nothing.
"Photosynthesis, very important to the plant-" biology, again. I genuinely can't right now. I feel like death has just ran me over, thrown me off a cliff and incinerated me twice only to throw my ashes in lava.
My pen glides across my notepad, scribbling amongst the pages. I can't be bothered to listen to another thing I learnt then I was eleven.
I'm mostly doodling small sketches of things I obviously see and things I can picture in my head. All of them end up looking like some deranged donkey on steroids so I have no clue why I'm even doing this.
"Miss Lim, someone is here for you" my professor suddenly informs me, indicating to the door, hinting someone is outside the room.
I nod my hand and hurriedly make my way to the front of the class and out the door.
"Sana?" I look at her mysteriously as she giggles, grabbing onto my hand.
"I came to talk to you" her smile warms my heart.
"And what is it you'd like to talk about?"
"Nothing in particular" she leads me along the corridors "Maybe we can go out later?"
"Ooo~ where?"
"I'm thinking, maybe, the beach?" I show her a smile full of gratitude as I nod my head excitedly. "Just before sunset?" She adds, waiting for my response once again.
The bell suddenly rings, catching us both off guard and causing sana to jump due to shock.
I laugh as she stumbles around, eventually grabbing onto one of the walls for support. "Yes, I'll come before the sun sets if you can survive till then" she rolls her eyes, laughing along with me.
"I'll see you soon then" Sana gives me a tight hug goodbye before walking off, her shift starts soon.
A thump makes me look down, my bag resting on the floor a few centimetres away from my feet. I look up to see Dahyun walking away, flinging her bag over her shoulder as she fixes her glasses.
When will she forgive me? It's been months now. Nayeon said you can't fix a broken heart but you can bandage it up. I'm still fighting to figure out what that means, still struggling to understand what she wants me to do.
Once the brown haired girl leaves my sight, I grab my bag with a frown. "I told you so" Nayeon slides up beside me.
"Oh you're annoying" I turn my head to look at the rabbit, my lips pursed.
"I'm just reminding you of your mess ups my young, young child"
"And I'm just reminding you that you're annoying my ancient, ancient grandma"
"You better not talk to everyone the way you talk to me"
"Don't worry, I do" I smile as she glares at me.
"Anyways, are you going to the beach with Sana later?" I furrow my eyebrows at her question.
"H-how did you know?"
"I-I urm.. let's get you home, shall we?" Nayeon boasts, dragging me away from the area I was just standing in.
Standing here, at the beach alone as I wait for Sana is perfect. It's peaceful and most certainly relaxing.
Nayeon… again, forced me to wear one of her dresses. It somehow fits me, considering she's like a size zero, I'm shocked. Her white dress isn't something I like but look at me… I'm wearing it, unfortunately.
The chilly breeze is brushing up against me as the skirt to the dress flows in the calm wind.
"Hello darling" she Shiba's head suddenly rests upon my shoulder, giving me a miniature heart attack. "You look beautiful wearing that" 
"I beg to differ, I would actually kill to get out of this outfit" she giggles in my ear,"it's so darn itch and urgh" I mentally frown at Nayeon's idiotic idea. 
"Well you look beautiful and nothing can change my mind" I give her a thank you smile before holding onto her arm
"Shall we?" She nods as we proceed to walk along the seashore.
"How was your day at college?"
"As boring and as confusing as ever, so I just doodled the entire lecture" I sigh as she lightly punches my shoulder. "What was that for?"
"It was for your future, you should be learning not 'doodling' on whatever surface you were doing it on"
"A notepad?"
"A notepad" she clicks her tongue, shaking her head and allowing her pink hair to smack her in the face whilst doing the action. "At least do it on the table"
"You're a horrible example for me"
"Oh how sad"
"You're just cruel"
"And you're stuck with me.. unless.."
"Unless what sana?" She pauses, giving me the widest grin I've ever seen.
"Just wait, you'll see soon, sooner than expected" she whispers the last part, her mouth only a few inches away from ear "but other than that, look at the ocean"
Sana points to the beautiful sight.
The sun still has a few minutes until it begins to emit the hues we're all used to seeing around this time. However, it is still an amazing sight to look at.
The once white clouds begin to shift into a light grey before turning into a lighter black. The sand sparkles like glitter and the ocean waves wave calmly at me, even from a distance.
Sanas hand guides itself to my own, resting on top of time as she begins to lean forwards. "Y/n, do you like Dahyun?" Sana asks abruptly, catching me off guard
"What do you mean?"
"I always see you writing when I visit, and seeing as Nayeon keeps talking about how much you two are friends it gives me a feeling you like each other"
"First off, me and Dahyun don't even talk so God knows how we're friends. Secondly, I was doing my homework and thirdly… I need to talk to Nayeon about keeping her big mouth shut"
"Mhm, sorry. It was just a hunch" Sana gives me a sad smile "I just thought that…" she drifts off, her eyes attaching something behind me. 
I follow her lached eyes, turning around until I see that familiar bunny with roses in her hand.
"N-Nayeon.. what the heck are you doing here?" Nayeon's rabbit smile shows as she hands me the red roses.
"Y/n, I want you to listen to us" sana nods, stepping beside Nayeon with a serious expression… odd?
"Right now, we're going to leave. Once we're out of sight I want you to turn around and read this note" Sana hands me a small slip of paper. "Follow the instructions"
And with that they are quick to scurry away, leaving in a matter of seconds. That happened way too fast.
With a puzzled mind, I turn around and open the folded paper to reveal some bullet points, great… reminding me of school straight up.
•look up
Is all it reads. That was worth my time.
When my head lifts itself, the first thing I can clearly see is a girl, she's standing on the smooth sanded beach.
"GO TO HER YOU FLIPPIN' DUMBY" Nayeon yells from across the road. I could have sworn I watched them leave…. Why would they come back?
"GO!" she yells again in a more aggressive tone.
Not wanting to die today, I follow the given algorithm and head down the concreted steps onto the silky sand.
As I approach the silhouette, I'm able to make out feature by feature. Her long brown hair was the main one. Her long brown hair that goes just a few inches over her shoulder blades.
She's wearing a black baggy shirt with denim shorts, her hair blows carefree in the wind, revealing her ears and parts of her neck.
Her hearing senses seem to catch me since she turns around and gives me a smile. "W-what are you doing here?" 
A small rock hits my back
"I-I ment, what a pleasant surprise seeing you here, Dahyun" I give her a wide smile as she bites her lip, like she did in the restaurant a few months ago.
"Hi y/n" her voice is meak.
"Met your soulmate yet?" She shakes her head, a heartbroken expression left on her face. "You'll meet them one day, Dahyun, I know it. And they'll be very lucky to have you since you're one of a kind"
"Why couldn't that person be you though" her hushed voice reaches my ears, saddening my heart.
"Because the universe has set it up this way, it's what's best for us" she shakes her head again, looking down as a single tear drops to the surface we're standing on.
"But we don't need the universe, I don't need the universe to tell me who I should and shouldn't be with. I can be with someone else, someone I want, not some that's been set up for me"
"But they weren't set up for you, they're set up for your soul, so you may pass the gates to heaven, so you can be complete" 
"No y/n, I don't care about my soulmate. I just want you but it's clear you don't like me back so I have no clue on as to why I am even trying with you"
My heart feels heavy, I can't, if she breaks down I can only just about imagine I'll be joining her until we pass out.
"I'm sorry I wasn't the person you were hoping for, I'm sorry that I'm not the 'one' for you but that doesn't mean you won't fall for anyone else out there"
"I-I just don't want anyone else" she looks up at me, rain in her eyes and waterfalls running down her cheeks "I just want you, I don't know now how many times I need to say it but I will say it as many times as needed because my heart wants you" her lower lip is trembling.
I don't know what effect that had on me but something from within just isn't feeling right.
"D-Dahyun… I-I…"
Maybe I do love her. Seeing her in such a state has made me feel responsible for her, it's made me feel protective and so far that's all I've ever heard from people around me.
It's what my parents felt when they met, it's what my uncles and aunties told me they felt.
Surely my feelings have just revealed themselves, surely they were there before because there's no way they've only just formed, in this moment where my classmate is crying infront of me, because of me.
I drop the roses, not knowing what to do. I look down at her wrist, an instinct of mine whenever I feel sad, however her wrist shows a gold colour.
My mind malfunctions at the newly found information.
"I'm sorry" my head drops, I can't look at her twisted face any longer. The pain and melancholy twisted on her face doesn't sit right with me.
"I'm sorry I'm not the other half to you, to your soul" I hear footsteps approach me, only one or two steps but it's enough to know that the girl I've just discovered I do indeed love, is standing right in front of me.
"But I can try and make it up to you" I mumble as her hand reaches out and touches mine in a poking motion.
Due to her strange action of poking me, I raise my head to look into her chocolatey eyes that are normally so full of determination.
"Make it up to me?" She whispers, maintaining eye contact with me "please tell me how, I'm curious now" 
I hold her hand and yank her closer, pulling her into a passionate kiss. Our lips glide against one another, agreeing with the motions and moving in synchronisation.
Once we pull away I notice her dorky smile as it fights past all of the gloomy emotions. "I-I" her cheeks are red again as she bows her head, finally realising what just happened.
The thing is, the other instruction on the paper had said to kiss the person I see,no matter what, and it was in Sana's handwriting.
"Dahyun, look at me, please" she listens and follows my words.
I gently grab ahold of her wrist and look down upon the limb. Her line is illuminated in a rich gold.
I rub my wrist up against hers, moving it to the side of hers to form an extra large line. A small smile appears on my lips as the colour in both of ours faded into a dull gray
"Who needs a soulmate if I have you?" I giggle, finally realising that my heart longs to be with the dork I've been sitting next to for the past three years.
"Wooo~ guys,  that's it, end the cut" Nayeon screams, earning that same punch from Sana.
"Congratulations guys" Sana claps for us, glaring at the grandma to her left
"Wait, but aren't you and Sana… dating?" Nayeon bursts the mood, gaining a harder punch from sana.
"No, not anymore. They're a way better match. Better than me and y/n could ever be. Besides, there's always my next life" Sana winks at me.
"As one couple breaks up, another one gets together" Nayeon joyfully boats, throwing her arms in the air like some crazed kid.
"I'm going to take this lunatic away before she kills someone" Sana laughs awkwardly as she drags the pouting rabbit away.
"Y/n" Dahyun tugs on my arm, her face immediately closing in once I turn to her, forcing me to kiss her again
Once we pull away, I take full focus to the scene in front of me.
If I had to describe this in one word, I would say it's a masterpiece
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Even though I was taught that soulmates are our everything, I taught myself that a soulmate isn't what I need to be happy
There's no such thing as a soulmate if you can live life with someone who isn't your other souls half 
Especially if they're slit is gold, meaning their soulmate is deceased...
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lauvwithfreckles · 6 years
Twice reaction
“I want to request a twice reaction to their s/o waking them up with kisses”
(This is my first reaction ever and I don’t know Twice that well, but I did my best 😇 hope you like it)
Jihyo: “Babe?” At first, she will be a bit confused but she will enjoy it so much. I think she would hold you tight and I think she wouldn't let you get out of bed, too.
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Nayeon: “Good morning y/n” She would wake up with a smile on her face, but she would be a little embarrassed since it is usually she who shows affection, so...she would give you twice as many kisses as you gave her.
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Jeongyeon: “Wh-what are you doing?” I think she would be very shy about it and very flushed. And even though she did not admit that she likes it, she would approach you to hold you tight, and maybe just maybe give you a little kiss on the forehead, too.
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Mina: “y/n?” She would blush a lot, since she is someone shy. I think she would give you a big hug and then ask you if she could help you with breakfast, a little excuse to spend more time with you.
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Momo: “What a wonderful way to wake up” I think she would take the opportunity to tell you that you should wake her up that way more often. She would take a selfie with you, telling you that every time she sees that picture in the future she will remember that moment which made you blush.
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Sana: “Aww babe, you’re so cute” I think she is someone who likes affection so much that waking up in that way was very nice. No doubt she would act adorable, so you would give her more kisses.
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Dahyun: “Good morning, sweetie” I think she would be very happy because you woke her up like that, since she loves your kisses. Even though you wanted to wake her up, and you did it, I think she would hug you thightly and not let you go, so you started a cuddling session.
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Tzuyu: “Cute” She would be shy about all the kisses received from you and would not know very well how to react so she would end up blushing. Like Mina, she would help you with breakfast and from time to time she would give you a back hug to return all the love received.
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Chaeyoung: “B-babe?” I think she will giggle and blush a lot. Not knowing very well what to do, she would simply give you a kiss back as a greeting. She would be shy the rest of the day but wanting your attention.
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sinswithpleasure · 2 years
Series Masterlist
All covers to the respective series were edited by the wonder @panchatea.
Bucket List (ft. TWICE’s Nayeon)
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Im Nayeon, Seoul U’s It Girl—rich, beautiful, intelligent, and confident, hides a burning secret and desire, and with her graduation from university coming at the end of the school year, she has requests that aim to fulfil the burning desires she keeps within her heart.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Interlude—Experiment Five.5
Interlude—Workout Five.8
Interlude—Five.Six [Queen & Princess]
Queen (ft. TWICE’s Nayeon)
The Queen-Imperial Im Nayeon demands your presence in her Throne Room privately and for reasons unknown. With your close involvement in her past, just as she is with yours, what could be her motivations?
Queen (ft. TWICE’s Nayeon) || Companion Short: Queen’s Past
Queen (ft. TWICE’s Nayeon) - [Part 2]
Queen [Part 3 - Reminiscence] (ft. TWICE’s Nayeon)
Queen (ft. TWICE’s Nayeon) [Part 4 / Finale]
Gamble (ft. TWICE)
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An ill-fated gamble lands you into the worst position you could have in life—delegated as the new fucktoy for use by the Student Council, led by Hirai Momo and her counterparts.
Gamble (ft. Momo)
Gamble (ft. Momo & Sana) [Part 2]
Gamble (ft. Dahyun) [Part 3]
Gamble Part 4 (ft. Jihyo)
Gamble Part 5 (ft. Chaeyoung)
Gamble Part 6 (ft. Mina) [Finale]
The Playgirl (ft. LOONA’s Yves) [Female Reader]
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When you’re forced to tutor the bane of your existence/your seatmate/the campus fuckgirl, you naturally expect the toughest of experiences. After all, she is your polar opposite—she gives no fucks, and you give a lot. When she offers you a deal you cannot refuse after testing limit after limit of yours, she takes you on a journey where you learn how opposites attract, how shared experiences form strong bonds, and how she can become a lover from an enemy.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Caught In 4K
A collaboration between me and the wonderful @worldsover.
Im Yeojin—student by day, camgirl off hours for fun. You're her best friend, secretly in love with her, and very aware of her side job she has. This is your story as much as it is hers—the journey that leads the both of you closer together.
Chapter 1
A collaboration between myself and the wonderful @midnightdancingsol.
Interrupted during your self-love session by the very target of your fantasies results in a sexually filled weekend between yourself and the Class President Jeon Heejin.
[JHJX-210] "My Class President Caught Me Masturbating, But Instead of Stopping Me, She Made Me Touch Myself So Hard That I Came All Over Myself!"
Worth Your X
One unfortunate (well, maybe fortunate) encounter between you and Council President Jo Haseul results in your new role as the Student Council’s new boy toy.
Worth Your While (ft. Haseul)
Worth Your Time (ft. Kim Lip)
Worth Your Risk (ft. Kim Lip)
A Family Affair
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‘Taboos meant to be broken.’
You’re well aware of the more-than-familial sisterly bond between your girlfriend and your sister, but when Kim Chaewon brings you into that relationship and into her family, you soon learn that her entire family has no qualms with breaking the incest taboo.
Sisterly Bonding (ft. Chaewon & Winter) 
Parental Guidance (ft. Taeyeon & Winter)
Familial Ties (ft. Taeyeon, Chaewon, Yeoreum, Karina)
To-Do List
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Minju is an angel that really likes sex.
To-Do List: Cream & Coffee
After School Sex-Ed
The After School "Student Entertainment" Club is officially the school Gaming Club, but unofficially, it's not that at all—it's more of an excuse for certain students to have a room for sex at all times in school.
This collection details the world and relationships that the club members have with each other.
The After School "Student Entertainment" Club [ft. aespa's Karina & Giselle]
The After School "Student Bonding" Experience [ft. aespa's Winter & Ningning]
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bubbletaeeee · 2 years
Masterlist ✨💛
I write for gender neutral and female/feminine readers. I have some boundaries or rules which I have pinned on my blog 😊
Smut ~ 🔥 Angst ~ ⚡️ Fluff ~ ☁️
I’d Like It If You Stayed ☁️
G!P Dom!Ryujin x Sub!Fem!Reader 🔥☁️
Lovestruck Sweethearts ☁️
Special Birthday Surprise - Jennie Kim x Sub!Fem!Reader 🔥
Whee In
Aespa Distracts Gamer S/O For Cuddles ☁️
The Tease ⚡️☁️
We Were A Secret ☁️
In My Arms Only 🔥☁️
Fatally Reunited ⚡️☁️
G!P Dom!Giselle x Sub!Fem!Reader 🔥
Insecure Not So Little Secret 🔥☁️
Jealousy ⚡️☁️
Opposites Attract ⚡️☁️
Her Possession 🔥
Mistletoe No Kisses ☁️
Love Is The Saviour ⚡️☁️
My Distraction 🔥
Cockwarming With Dreamcatcher 🔥☁️
You Can’t Hide Love ☁️
I’m Better For You 🔥☁️
Kim Lip
G!P Dom!Heejin x Sub!Fem!Reader 🔥
Olivia Hye
I Missed You ☁️
Purple Kiss
Pretty Girl ☁️⚡️🔥
Huening Kai
Stray Kids
Lee Know
~Thank You For Your Support~
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