Breakfast Choices for Individuals with Diabetic Kidney Disease
Managing daily life and dietary choices can be challenging for those dealing with diabetic kidney disease, a common chronic condition. Breakfast, often hailed as the most important meal of the day, holds particular significance for individuals living with both diabetes and kidney disease. This article explores dietary strategies for the breakfast of individuals with diabetic kidney disease, aiming to assist them in better managing their condition and enhancing their overall quality of life. Whether you are personally managing diabetes or a concerned family member, the information provided here can be valuable to you.
1.Egg Custard with Mixed Vegetables
Seafood Egg Custard (60g egg, 10g dried shrimp, 2g sesame oil)
Colorful Vegetable Mix (150g, including purple kale, bell peppers, and leafy greens)
Whole Wheat Bread (2 slices, 50g)
1 cup of milk (250ml)
This meal offers a diverse array of vegetables and high-quality protein from seafood and eggs, providing a well-rounded nutritional profile.
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2.Broccoli with Chicken
Broccoli Salad (150g broccoli, a pinch of salt, a drizzle of sesame oil)
Chicken Breast Slices (50g chicken breast, 2ml light soy sauce, a touch of sesame oil)
1 cup of soy milk (300ml)
Half a Red Date and Sweet Potato Steamed Bun (30g small bun, 1 red date, 20g sweet potato flour, made from a mixture of wheat and sweet potato flour, fermented and steamed)
This meal includes a variety of vegetables, lean protein from chicken, and whole grains. Adjust the portion of chicken and broccoli for those with smaller appetites.
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3.Seaweed Rice Roll with Yogurt
Seaweed Rice Roll (150g cooked rice, 1 sheet of seaweed, half a carrot, a little ham, 1 egg, a moderate amount of sesame oil, a pinch of black sesame seeds, half a cucumber, and a lettuce leaf)
1 cup of unsweetened yogurt
The seaweed rice roll combines the main carbohydrate source with various vegetables. Paired with yogurt, it becomes a convenient and nutritious breakfast option, especially suitable for individuals with diabetes on the go.
4.Oatmeal Porridge
Oats are renowned for their stomach-nourishing and lung-moistening properties, helping prevent post-meal high blood sugar. Oatmeal porridge, often referred to as the “longevity porridge,” is favored by many centenarians. Adding millet to the oats creates a fragrant and soft porridge with calming and sleep-enhancing effects, along with stomach nourishment and lung moisturization. Oats are high in dietary fiber, providing a satisfying feeling of fullness without causing spikes in blood sugar levels, making it an excellent choice for preventing post-meal high blood sugar.
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What are the effective treatment for diabetic kidney disease?
Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by insufficient or ineffective insulin, leading to elevated blood glucose levels. Normally, insulin, a hormone, facilitates the conversion of blood sugar into energy. However, in individuals with diabetes, this process is disrupted, resulting in high blood sugar.
Diabetes is divided into two main types: Type 1, often caused by the immune system attacking insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas, and Type 2, involving insufficient insulin production or poor cellular response to it.
Elevated blood sugar can lead to various health issues, including cardiovascular diseases, kidney disease, and eye problems.
Therefore, the management of diabetes typically involves adjustments to diet, medication, and lifestyle. Timely diagnosis and effective control are crucial to slowing down or preventing the development of complications.
The treatment of diabetic kidney disease involves a multifaceted approach. The optimal approach to treating diabetes typically involves a comprehensive, personalized plan that combines medication and lifestyle adjustments.
Blood Glucose Control:
Tight control of blood glucose levels is crucial. This often involves a combination of medications (insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents) and lifestyle modifications, including a well-balanced diet and regular exercise.
Blood Pressure Management:
Controlling hypertension is vital to slowing the progression of diabetic kidney disease. Medications like angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) are commonly prescribed to help manage blood pressure and reduce proteinuria.
Medication Management:
Medications may be prescribed to address specific symptoms or complications associated with diabetic kidney disease, such as medications to control high cholesterol levels.
Dietary Changes:
A dietitian may recommend a diet low in sodium, saturated fats, and cholesterol. Protein intake may also be monitored, as excessive protein can strain the kidneys.
Weight Management:
Maintaining a healthy weight is important. Weight loss, if necessary, can help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of complications.
Regular Exercise:
Engaging in regular physical activity can help control blood glucose levels, manage weight, and contribute to overall cardiovascular health.
Smoking Cessation:
Quitting smoking is crucial, as smoking can exacerbate kidney disease and increase the risk of cardiovascular complications.
Regular Monitoring and Follow-up:
Regular check-ups and monitoring of blood pressure, blood glucose levels, and kidney function are essential. Adjustments to the treatment plan may be made based on these assessments.
Treatment of Complications:
Prompt treatment of complications, such as urinary tract infections or other infections, is important to prevent further kidney damage.
Kidney-Friendly Medications:
Some medications need adjustment or avoidance in individuals with kidney disease. It's important to consult with healthcare providers to ensure that prescribed medications are kidney-friendly.
Renal Replacement Therapy:
In advanced stages of diabetic kidney disease, when kidney function is severely impaired, renal replacement therapy such as dialysis or kidney transplantation may be considered.
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virujgroup · 9 days
Finerenone Manufacturers in India: Leading the Way in Innovative Pharmaceuticals
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India has long been a hub for pharmaceutical innovation and production, with an increasing focus on developing life-saving medications at affordable prices. One of the rising stars in the pharmaceutical landscape is Finerenone, a non-steroidal mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist (MRA) primarily used to treat chronic kidney disease (CKD) in patients with type 2 diabetes. As the demand for this medication grows globally, Indian manufacturers are positioning themselves as leaders in the production of high-quality Finerenone.
What is Finerenone?
Finerenone is a revolutionary drug that helps manage chronic kidney disease in patients with diabetes. It works by blocking the action of aldosterone, a hormone that can cause damage to the kidneys when overactive. Approved by regulatory bodies like the FDA and EMA, Finerenone offers a new line of defense against the progression of CKD in diabetic patients, significantly reducing the risk of kidney failure and cardiovascular events.
The Rise of Finerenone Manufacturers in India
India’s pharmaceutical industry is known for its ability to produce high-quality generic medications, and the production of Finerenone is no exception. Indian manufacturers are recognized for their ability to meet global demand while ensuring stringent quality controls. Leading Finerenone manufacturers in India are leveraging cutting-edge technology and R&D expertise to produce cost-effective versions of the drug.
India's prominence in the global pharmaceutical market is driven by:
State-of-the-art manufacturing facilities that comply with international standards such as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).
Cost-effective production without compromising on quality.
Skilled workforce and strong research and development (R&D) capabilities.
Key players in the Indian pharmaceutical market have been quick to recognize the growing demand for Finerenone. Companies with advanced manufacturing capabilities and strong distribution networks are well-positioned to meet both domestic and international needs for the drug.
Viruj Group: A Leader in Pharmaceutical Excellence
One of the top names among Finerenone manufacturers in India is the Viruj Group. With a proven track record in pharmaceutical manufacturing, Viruj Group stands out for its commitment to quality, innovation, and global compliance.
Founded with a mission to provide world-class healthcare solutions, Viruj Group has established itself as a reliable and respected name in the pharmaceutical industry. The company is dedicated to improving lives through its wide range of products, including those for chronic diseases like diabetes and CKD.
Why Choose Viruj Group for Finerenone Production?
Advanced Manufacturing Capabilities: Viruj Group operates in state-of-the-art facilities that meet global regulatory standards, ensuring high-quality production of Finerenone.
Stringent Quality Control: Every step of the production process is meticulously monitored to ensure that Finerenone is produced to the highest standards of efficacy and safety.
Commitment to Innovation: The company invests heavily in research and development, continually seeking to innovate and improve its offerings in line with the latest medical advancements.
Global Reach: With a strong international presence, Viruj Group ensures timely delivery of Finerenone to markets around the world, catering to growing global demand.
Sustainability and Ethics: In addition to its business success, Viruj Group is committed to ethical practices and sustainable production methods, ensuring long-term value for stakeholders and society at large.
As Finerenone continues to emerge as a critical treatment for patients with CKD and type 2 diabetes, India’s pharmaceutical industry is stepping up to meet the growing demand. Leading manufacturers, including the Viruj Group, are playing a pivotal role in this endeavor by producing high-quality, affordable medications that have the potential to transform patient outcomes.
Whether you're a healthcare provider looking for reliable suppliers or a patient in need of innovative treatment, Indian pharmaceutical companies, particularly the Viruj Group, offer a trusted solution in the production of Finerenone.
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canadianrxdrugs · 9 months
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teachingrounds · 2 years
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Finerenone works on the mineralocorticoid receptor. These receptors in the kidneys and colon upregulate the production of ENaC and Na-K-ase channels --> increased serum sodium (and therefore water) in exchange for potassium --> increased blood volume and blood pressure. MRs are also found in the heart and hypothalamus.
Image from Achim Lother, Wikipedia.
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gendronrecherche · 23 days
Finorenone: New Therapy to Reduce Heart Failure and Cardiovascular Mortality?
Finerenone is effective in decreasing the incidence of heart failure and cardiovascular mortality. This finding has been reported based on a clinical trial. http://dlvr.it/TClrfK
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How to reverse diabetic kidney disease?
Diabetic nephropathy is considered irreversible and is a chronic complication of diabetes that cannot be cured. The survival period varies for each patient, with some living around 10 years and others up to 20 years.
This largely depends on the progression of diabetic nephropathy in each individual. Some diabetes patients may already have diabetic nephropathy or reach a stage of renal insufficiency.
However, with good control of blood sugar and blood pressure, along with regular medication, the kidney disease may stabilize and not progress further. In such cases, the life expectancy of these patients may reach around 20 years.
For diabetes patients with concurrent kidney diseases, such as renal insufficiency, poor control of blood pressure and blood sugar, inadequate treatment, and a continuous rise in creatinine levels leading to uremia, prompt dialysis treatment is required.
The life expectancy for these patients is relatively short, possibly around 10 years, with more severe cases facing a survival period of around 5 years.
Diabetic kidney disease (or diabetic nephropathy) is a complication of diabetes that affects the kidneys. While it may not always be completely reversible, there are steps you can take to manage and potentially slow down its progression:
Blood Sugar Control: Maintaining stable blood sugar levels is crucial in managing diabetic kidney disease. This often involves a combination of medication, insulin, and lifestyle changes. Follow your healthcare provider's recommendations for managing your diabetes.
Blood Pressure Control: High blood pressure can contribute to the progression of kidney disease. Medications, dietary changes (such as reducing sodium intake), and lifestyle modifications can help control blood pressure.
Healthy Diet: Adopting a kidney-friendly diet can be beneficial. This often includes reducing the intake of salt, phosphorus, and potassium. A dietitian can provide personalized advice based on your specific needs.
Regular Exercise: Engaging in regular physical activity can help control blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Consult with your healthcare provider before starting a new exercise program.
Medication Management: Take medications as prescribed by your healthcare provider. These may include medications to control diabetes, blood pressure, and other conditions that may be contributing to kidney disease.
Quit Smoking: If you smoke, quitting can have numerous health benefits, including a positive impact on kidney health.
Regular Check-ups: Regular monitoring and follow-up with your healthcare provider are crucial. They can assess your kidney function, adjust medications, and provide guidance on managing your condition.
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stranotizie · 3 months
"La terapia ha profilo di sicurezza molto buono e un'efficacia da un punto di vista cardioprotettivo e nefroprotettivo" "Finerenone è il primo antagonista selettivo non steroideo dei recettori dei mineralcorticoidi, ovvero degli ormoni come l'aldosterone che, legandosi ai recettori, vanno a determinare un aumentato riassorbimento di acqua e di sodio e stimolano anche processi di infiammazione e fibrosi che, se iperstimolati, possono avere delle conseguenze in termini di danno cardiaco e danno renale. A differenza degli altri antagonisti dei recettori dei mineralcorticoidi che erano a disposizione prima di finerenone, quest’ultimo è 'non steroideo' ed ha una struttura completamente diversa. Questo fa sì che determini, in seguito al legame con il recettore di questi ormoni, degli stimoli di tipo inibitorio a livello delle citochine e delle sostanze proinfiammatorie e profibrotiche". Sono le parole di Paola Fioretto, professoressa di Medicina Interna all’università di Padova, a margine dell’incontro promosso da Bayer 'Verso un futuro senza dialisi: riduzione biomarcatori di infiammazione e fibrosi con finerenone' oggi a Milano. Durante l'evento è stato annunciato il via libera dell’Agenzia italiana del farmaco Aifa alla rimborsabilità di finerenone, un nuovo farmaco per il trattamento della malattia renale cronica, stadi 3 e 4, associata a diabete di tipo 2 in pazienti adulti con presenza di albuminuria, in aggiunta allo standard di cura. "Nel modello sperimentale nei topi è stato visto che, se vengono trattati con questo farmaco, si riduce l'infiammazione e la fibrosi - aggiunge Fioretto - Esistono ora anche dei dati, ottenuti dai trial che sono stati condotti finerenone sui pazienti, che dimostrano come nel sangue di questi pazienti ci sia una riduzione di vari biomarcatori di infiammazione e fibrosi. Questa è la grande differenza". Inoltre, il principale effetto collaterale di questa categoria di farmaci, che è l'iperpotassiemia, molto meno grave e molto meno frequente con finerenone rispetto ai precedenti antagonisti recettoriali steroidei: "Quindi, da un lato abbiamo un profilo di sicurezza molto buono - sottolinea l’esperta - e dall'altro abbiamo un'efficacia da un punto di vista cardioprotettivo e nefroprotettivo dimostrata nei trial clinici nei pazienti con diabete di tipo 2 e malattia renale cronica. Queste evidenze hanno portato le linee guida a raccomandare finerenone come farmaco di prima linea, assieme ad altri, nella gestione olistica del paziente con diabete di tipo 2 e malattia renale cronica".Le attuali terapie che rappresentano lo standard di cura - è emerso dall'incontro - agiscono principalmente sui meccanismi metabolici ed emodinamici, mentre i processi infiammatori e fibrotici, che giocano un ruolo cruciale nella progressione della malattia renale cronica, prima dell’arrivo di finerenone non venivano influenzati da alcuna strategia terapeutica. L’aggiunta di questo farmaco garantisce, quindi, una più completa nefroprotezione. "Uno degli aspetti che si vuole favorire e sollecitare in questi anni nella gestione di questi pazienti è la multidisciplinarietà, che generalmente inizia dal medico di medicina generale, seguito dagli endocrinologi, dai nefrologi e dai cardiologi, a seconda delle problematiche che presenta il paziente - conclude Fioretto - Una gestione olistica non prevede solo l'approccio farmacologico, che oggi possiamo garantire, essere in grado di colpire da varie parti i meccanismi che portano a queste complicanze del diabete, ma anche la gestione condivisa delle problematiche di questo paziente. Una cosa non facilissima da realizzare, ma ci si sta sempre più avvicinando a questo traguardo". {} #_intcss0{display: none;} #U115748056705WB { font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; } #U11574805670xyC { font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; } #U11574805670i3F { font-weight: bold; font-style: normal; } #U115748056700PF { font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; } #U11574805670pLF { font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; } Fonte
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rnomics · 3 months
IJMS, Vol. 25, Pages 6661: Hypertension and Heart Failure: From Pathophysiology to Treatment
Hypertension represents one of the primary and most common risk factors leading to the development of heart failure (HF) across the entire spectrum of left ventricular ejection fraction. A large body of evidence has demonstrated that adequate blood pressure (BP) control can reduce cardiovascular events, including the development of HF. Although the pathophysiological and epidemiological role of hypertension in the development of HF is well and largely known, some critical issues still deserve to be clarified, including BP targets, particularly in HF patients. Indeed, the management of hypertension in HF relies on the extrapolation of findings from high-risk hypertensive patients in the general population and not from specifically designed studies in HF populations. In patients with hypertension and HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), it is recommended to combine drugs with documented outcome benefits and BP-lowering effects. In patients with HF with preserved EF (HFpEF), a therapeutic strategy with all major antihypertensive drug classes is recommended. Besides commonly used antihypertensive drugs, different evidence suggests that other drugs recommended in HF for the beneficial effect on cardiovascular outcomes exert advantageous blood pressure-lowering actions. In this regard, type 2 sodium glucose transporter inhibitors (SGLT2i) have been shown to induce BP-lowering actions that favorably affect cardiac afterload, ventricular arterial coupling, cardiac efficiency, and cardiac reverse remodeling. More recently, it has been demonstrated that finerenone, a non-steroidal mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist, reduces new-onset HF and improves other HF outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes, irrespective of a history of HF. Other proposed agents, such as endothelin receptor antagonists, have provided contrasting results in the management of hypertension and HF. A novel, promising strategy could be represented by small interfering #RNA, whose actions are under investigation in ongoing clinical trials. https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/25/12/6661?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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conversationpoint · 5 months
Alport Syndrome Market Size is expected to grow at a CAGR of 69% by 2034, estimates DelveInsight | ELX-02, Atrasentan, Finerenone, Setanaxib, BAY3401016, More
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New drug hope for 1.5 million diabetic Britons at risk of kidney disease
New drug hope for 1.5 million diabetic Britons at risk of kidney disease
Diabetics are to be offered a daily pill that slashes their risk of developing life-threatening kidney and heart complications. The high sugar levels in diabetes can damage blood vessels in the kidneys. When this happens, toxins cannot be filtered out of the blood, putting strain on the heart. Last week, NHS Scotland spending watchdogs approved a tablet, finerenone, for type 2 diabetes patients…
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wwwsarms4musclecom · 2 years
CBNumber: CB62464897
Chemical Name: Palbociclib
Molecular Formula: C24H29N7O2
Formula Weight: 447.53
CAS No.: 571190-30-2
Palbociclib is used in combination with letrozole (postmenopausal women or men) or with fulvestrant (disease progression following hormonal therapy) in patients with hormone receptor (HR)-positive, HER-2 negative advanced or metastatic breast cancer. It belongs to the group of medicines called antineoplastics.
Palbociclib interferes with the growth of cancer cells, which are eventually destroyed. Since the growth of normal cells may also be affected by the medicine, other unwanted effects will also occur. Some of these may be serious and must be reported to your people
Ibrance (chemical name: palbociclib) is used in combination with a type of hormonal therapy called an aromatase inhibitor to treat advanced-stage or metastatic, hormone-receptor-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer that hasn’t been treated with hormonal therapy before in postmenopausal women or men. Arimidex (chemical name: anastrozole), Aromasin (chemical name: exemestane), and Femara (chemical name: letrozole) are aromatase inhibitors. Ibrance also is approved to be used in combination with the hormonal therapy Faslodex (chemical name: fulvestrant) to treat advanced-stage or metastatic, hormone-receptor-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer that has grown after being treated with hormonal therapy in women or men. Premenopausal and perimenopausal women who take Ibrance in combination with Faslodex also should be treated with a medicine to suppress ovarian function. Ibrance is a pill taken by mouth.
Donate to support free resources and programming for people affected by breast cancer.
Drug Interactions
Although certain medicines should not be used together at all, in other cases two different medicines may be used together even if an interaction might occur. In these cases, your doctor may want to change the dose, or other precautions may be necessary. When you are taking this medicine, it is especially important that your healthcare professional know if you are taking any of the medicines listed below. The following interactions have been selected on the basis of their potential significance and are not necessarily all-inclusive.
Using this medicine with any of the following medicines is usually not recommended, but may be required in some cases. If both medicines are prescribed together, your doctor may change the dose or how often you use one or both of the medicines.
Eslicarbazepine Acetate
Sirolimus Protein-Bound
St John's Wort
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medicomunicare · 2 years
Aldosterone e malattia renale sono collegati: i nuovi dati aggiungono importanza alla relazione
Aldosterone e malattia renale sono collegati: i nuovi dati aggiungono importanza alla relazione
Il malfunzionamento del rene nel tempo può condurre all’insufficienza renale cronica (IRC), una condizione medica dalla quale si torna indietro solo con un trapianto renale. E i numeri globali non sono affatto confortanti: nel 2017, il 9% della popolazione mondiale, ovvero 697 milioni di persone, avevano una qualsiasi forma di IRC a vari stadi. L’aldosterone è un ormone steroideo secreto dalle…
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teachingrounds · 2 years
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The most common side effect of finerenone is hyperkalemia, which you could guess from its mechanism of action. This can be reduced by concommitant administration of a potassium waster like furosemide or an SGLT2 inhibitor. Other potential side effects include hypotension and hyponatremia. Because strong CYP3A4 inhibitors increase finerenone levels, don't take with grapefruit (juice), and monitor K levels when given with other possible offenders. Avoid in patients with severe liver disease (Child-Pugh C, and maybe B). Finerenone is found in breast milk. It does not cause AKI. Image: American Journal of Managed Care
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How effective is Finerenone?
New medicine for treating diabetic nephropathy – LUCIFINE finerenone tablets
LUCIFINE Finerenone Tablets Is a non-steroidal mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist (MRA) indicated to reduce the risk of sustained eGFR decline end stage kidney disease, cardiovascular death non-fatal myocardial infarction, and hospitalization for hear failure in adult patients with chronic kidney disease(CKD) associated with type 2 diabetes T2D)
Because clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a drug cannot be directly compared to rates in the clinical trials of a drug and may not reflect the rates observed in practice.
The safety of LUCIFINE was evaluated in 2 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter pivotal phase 3 studies, FIDELIO-DKD and FIGARO-DKDin which a total of 6510 patients were treated with 10 or 20 mg once daily over a mean duration of 2.2 and 2.9 years, respectively.
Overall, serious adverse events occurred in 32% of patients receiving LUCIFINE and in 34% of patients receiving placebo in the FIDELIO-DKD study: the findings were similar in the FIGARODKD study. Permanent discontinuations due to adverse events also occurred in a similar proportion of patients in the two studies (6-7% of patients receiving LUCIFINE and in 5-6% of patients receiving placebo).
The most frequently reported (≥10%)adverse reaction in both studies was hyperkalemia [see Warnings and Precautions(5.1)]. Hospitalization due to Hyperkalemia for the LUCIFINE was 0.9% vs 0.2% in the placebo group across both studies. Hyperkalemia led to permanent discontinuation of treatment in 1.7% receiving LUCIFINE versus 0.6% of patients receiving placebo across both studies.
LUCIFINE is a CYP3A4 substrate. Concomitant use with a strong CYP3A4 inhibitor increases Finerenone exposure, which may increase the risk of LUCIFINE adverse reactions. Concomitant Use of LUCIFINE with strong CYP3A4 inhibitors is contraindicated see Contraindications (4) Avoid concomitant intake of grapefruit or grapefruit juice.
Moderate and Weak CYP3A4 Inhibitors LUCIFINE is a CYP3A4 substrate. Concomitant use with a moderate or weak CYP3A4 inhibitor increases Finerenone exposure, which may increase the risk of LUCIFINE adverse reactions. Monitor serum potassium during drug initiation or dosage adjustment of either LUCIFINE or the moderate or weak CYP3A4 inhibitor, and adjust LUCIFINE dosage as appropriate [(see Dosing and Administration (2.3) and Drug interaction (7 .2)]. Strong and Moderate CYP3A4 inducers.
LUCIFINE is a CYP3A4 substrate. Concomitant use of LUCIFINE with a strong or moderate CYP3A4 inducer decreases Finerenone exposure. which may reduce the efficacy of LUCIFINE. Avoid concomitant use of LUCIFINE with strong or moderate CYP3A4 inducers.
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stranotizie · 3 months
'Con nuova terapia offriamo soluzione concreta alla comunità scientifica e ai pazienti italiani' "Bayer entra in una nuova area terapeutica, quella della nefrologia. Questo è importante, in quanto vantiamo una storia di ricerca in diverse aree terapeutiche, penso, infatti, che la nostra partnership nel campo cardiovascolare sia nota a tutti. Oggi finalmente ci occuperemo anche del rene, che sappiamo essere uno degli organi più importanti del nostro corpo". A dirlo la country division head pharmaceuticals di Bayer Italia, Arianna Gregis, in occasione dell’incontro 'Verso un futuro senza dialisi', promosso da Bayer per annunciare il via libera dell’Agenzia italiana del farmaco alla rimborsabilità di finerenone, un nuovo farmaco per il trattamento della malattia renale cronica. "Con finerenone offriamo una soluzione concreta alla comunità scientifica, ma soprattutto ai pazienti che più ne hanno bisogno" conclude Gregis. Fonte
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