#Fire‐Proof Companies in UAE
idealspecial · 3 years
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Having adequate raw materials to manufacture door blanks at short notice and deliver to clients in a timely manner is what Ideal is known for. Process management as a team in Ideal is what we are proud of. Stay up-to-date with us, Follow our Page,  https://lnkd.in/epve3xr  
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Just contact fire sealant supplier UAE and improve the level of safety. Consult with engineers and other experts to learn how these sealants and other building material contain the spread of the fire. All the necessary safety guidelines must be taken into account so that the fire accidents can be averted. for more info visit us: https://www.acromaxgt.com/blog-use-smart-materials-like-fire-sealants-and-acoustic-panels.html
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metalix · 3 years
Why to choose Mueller pipes?
Mueller Industries is a company headquartered in the United States that produces and distributes copper piping systems for the medical, plumbing, HVAC, and refrigeration industries. These Streamline fittings comply with American, British, and European standards.
Mueller has a well-deserved reputation for delivering the highest-quality products in the industry, owing to their high quality, precision fit, and consistent performance, as well as their success in developing new products and developing revolutionary manufacturing processes.
Mueller Streamline Co. is a Mueller Industries, Inc. subsidiary that manufactures products for the plumbing, HVAC, refrigeration, PVF, and other industries. Copper tubing, line sets, copper fittings, valves, and related pieces are the company's flagship products, with headquarters.
Other Mueller Industries companies' brands are also sold through Mueller copper pipes in UAE including refrigeration valves, HVAC/R safety equipment, brass flare fittings, iron fittings, steel pipe, plastic tubing and fittings, plumbing valves, plumbing specialties, and more.
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Figure 1 Mueller copper pipes in UAE
Why Mueller Copper Pipes?
Mueller Streamline copper tubes have the power, precision, and cleanliness that are needed in HVAC and refrigeration applications. The Nitrogenized ACR Copper Tube from Streamline is pressurized with nitrogen to provide optimum protection against the formation of harmful oxides that occur during brazing operations.
The toxicity of the system is significantly reduced as these oxides are reduced. Our copper products have a long track record of reliable performance and need little maintenance.
Are copper pipe safe?
Your home's plumbing is an essential part of its overall functionality. You'd be in a lot of trouble if your pipes didn't work properly. Even if you don't think about your home's piping very much, it's important to know what kind of pipes you have and whether or not they're secure.
Plastic pipes are popular in today's new home construction, but copper pipes are still used in many homes.
Advantages of Mueller Copper Pipes in UAE:
1. Copper is highly economical:
Copper tube is the leading preference of modern contractors for plumbing, heating, and cooling installations in all types of residential and commercial buildings because it is strong and long lasting. The combination of easy handling, shaping, and joining allows for time, material, and overall cost savings during installation. Copper is the optimal, cost-effective medium for long-term efficiency and reliability, which means less callbacks.
2. Copper is light weight in comparison:
The heavy thickness of ferrous or threaded pipe of the same internal diameter is not needed for copper tube. This means copper is less expensive to ship, handles more quickly, and takes up less room when mounted.
3. Copper is easily formable:
Since copper tube can be bent and shaped, elbows and joints can also be eliminated. Smooth bends enable the tube to follow virtually any contour or corner. Soft temper tube requires much less wall and ceiling space, particularly when used for renovation or modernization projects.
4. Copper can easily join:
Capillary fittings may be used to connect copper tubes. These fittings save material and create joints that are smooth, neat, solid, and leak-proof. To compensate for the material removed by threading, no additional thickness or weight is needed.
5. Copper is safe:
Copper tubes do not ignite, do not help combustion, and do not decompose into poisonous gases. As a result, it won't bring fire across the floors, walls, or ceilings. Installation does not necessitate the use of volatile organic compounds.
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December 4, 2020
Heather Cox Richardson
While coronavirus continues to burn across the country, Trump is focusing instead on continuing to contest the election results and on the Pentagon.
The main story in the country continues to be the coronavirus. As of tonight, according to the New York Times, more than 14,441,700 people in the U.S. have been infected with the virus and at least 278,900 have died. Official daily death counts are well over 2000.
As several states continue to count votes from the November election, President-Elect Joe Biden’s popular vote margin over Trump is now more than 7 million. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, Georgia, Arizona, and Michigan, all states in which Trump contested the vote, have already certified their election results for Biden. In all six of those states, judges have ruled that Trump’s lawyers have provided no evidence of fraud. They have used words like “baseless,” “flimsy,” “obviously lacking,” “dangerous,” and “not credible.”
Trump’s obsession with winning an election he has clearly lost has brought into relief the struggle for control over the Republican Party. Trump is clearly trying to turn the party into a vehicle for loyalty to him and him alone. He has always turned on those who no longer serve his interests: Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions was one of the first elected Republicans to support Trump’s 2016 presidential candidacy, giving it an air of legitimacy. He left the Senate to become Trump’s first Attorney General, only to have Trump turn against him when he recused himself from the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, because he had lied about his own contacts with Russians. Trump forced Sessions to resign, and when Sessions ran again for the Senate, endorsed his rival and attacked Sessions on Twitter. Sessions lost his primary.
Now Trump has turned on men who similarly sacrificed their careers for his. Three days ago, Trump’s loyalist Attorney General, William Barr, undercut Trump’s election fraud arguments when he said that he had not seen such fraud. This apparently so infuriated Trump that he is considering firing Barr. Then, this morning, Trump turned on loyalist Louis DeJoy at the head of the United States Postal Service, who removed mail sorting machines and changed USPS rules to slow mail-in ballots expected to be for Biden. Trump tweeted that the USPS “is responsible for tampering with hundreds of thousands of ballots” and thus stole the election from him. He called the USPS a “long time Democrat stronghold,” although DeJoy is a major Trump supporter and donor.
While Trump is talking about running again in 2024, his turning against his most loyal supporters in the Republican Party will not inspire others to rally to his banner. Instead, it may simply be that he’s keeping the idea of his candidacy alive because it keeps money flowing in. Since the election, he has raised more than $200 million in donations.
While he is fighting over the election results, Trump has done very little else except to replace civilian employees at the Pentagon with his own hand-picked loyalists. This is unusual in a lame duck period, when presidents usually try to smooth the transition to the next administration.
Far from trying to smooth that transition, Trump is making it as bumpy as possible. His appointee at the General Services Administration delayed the start of the transition for weeks. Now that Biden’s team finally has access to Trump’s people to learn about their planning for the rollout of the coronavirus vaccine, it turns out there hasn’t been much planning. Biden today noted that “There is no detailed plan that we’ve seen, anyway, as to how you get the vaccine out of a container, into an injection syringe, into somebody’s arm…. It's going to be very difficult for that to be done and it’s a very expensive proposition…. There’s a lot more that has to be done.”
Also disturbing is that the Trump administration has denied the Biden team access to U.S. intelligence agencies that are controlled by the Defense Department, including the National Security Agency (which is the nation’s largest U.S. intelligence service), the Defense Intelligence Agency, and other intelligence services with a global reach. The Biden folks have, though, been able to meet with their counterparts at the CIA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
The refusal of the Pentagon to meet with Biden’s people comes at a time when Trump has been shaking up personnel there. Immediately after the election, Trump fired his fourth Defense Secretary, Mark T. Esper, and replaced him with an acting secretary of defense, Christopher C. Miller. Miller, in turn, has presided over the installation of a number of Trump loyalists both in the Pentagon leadership and on the Defense Policy Board, a group of advisors who consult with the Defense Secretary on specific issues when asked. Pushed out were about a dozen advisers, including former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and Henry Kissinger, as well as former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor.
Today, there was another major purge at Defense, this time from the Defense Business Board, a nonpartisan group of about 20 volunteers from the business sector who are appointed to give business advice to Pentagon leaders. The White House threw nine people off the board—informing them with a terse email—including its chair, Michael Bayer. Trump replaced them with his former 2016 campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, and that year’s deputy campaign manager, David Bossie, among other loyalists. Both Lewandowski and Bossie are outspoken Trump supporters who have led the fight to contest the election.
So has another Trump nominee for a Pentagon post, Scott O’Grady, who has endorsed the idea that Trump won by a landslide and that Trump should declare martial law. Trump has nominated him to become an assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs, overseeing operations in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
Exactly what Trump is doing with this packing of the Defense Department is unclear. There are, though, three major issues on the table right now that may or may not be involved, but are worth keeping in mind.
The first is that Trump is trying to remove many U.S. troops from around the world before he leaves office, and had gotten serious pushback on that from the people he has now purged from the Defense Department. Today, he ordered nearly all of about 700 U.S. troops out of Somalia, where they have been training local soldiers to hold ground against terrorists. They will not come home, though; they are being sent elsewhere in Africa.
There is also still hanging out there the administration’s sudden announcement of a $23 billion sale of arms to the United Arab Emirates, including a number of advanced F-35 fighter jets and Reaper drones. Lawmakers of both parties object to this sale, concerned about risks to Israel and that the UAE could transfer the technology to China and Russia. The Senate will vote next week on banning the sale.
There is also the effort by the White House to force the Pentagon to lease its airwave spectrum to a private company, Rivada Networks, to create a nationwide 5G network. Rivada is backed by major Republican figures, including operative Karl Rove, but established Pentagon officials have little interest in the project, pointing out that there is no proof that Rivada knows what it’s doing or that the plan would be legal. It’s also not clear that the use of this spectrum for private carriers wouldn’t impact its use for national security. The Defense Department spectrum the White House would like to lease to private investors is worth between $50 and $75 billion.
I always believe in following the money, and that’s especially true now as Trump’s years in the White House, which have given him access to huge sums, are drawing to a close.
Scott M. Krasner
I waver between bewilderment and rage when reading these daily summaries. I can almost "understand" his more political moves - installing loyalists, withdrawing troops, even trying to sell access to the Defense Department's wavebands. I don't agree or condone these actions, but they're consistent with his approach to governance to date.
What's comprehensible is ignoring - in any and every way - the coronavirus and its impact. Unconscionable doesn't begin to describe his failure to acknowledge the deaths of 280,000 Americans, or to endorse any means of protecting each other as best possible. It's inhumane. It's devoid of empathy, morally vacuous, and ethically deplorable. It is unequivocally and unalterably wrong.
And yet 74,000,000 thought it acceptable to return him to office. McConnell has personally obstructed any efforts to extend relief for 8 months and counting. It's Hobbseian in its social brutishness. Even Hobbes might be appalled. And Republican leadership is mute.
I'm almost beyond shock. Since the beginning, many thought each of Trump's transgressions would be the last straw, yet nothing happened. The only apparent imposition of accountability is his having lost the election. Court losses haven't swayed him. Our perverse campaign finance laws have given him license to steal despite the misleading fine print. His Cabinet, always incompetent for the task, is asleep, silent, or in on the game. Each day goes by with no visible effort to limit his efforts to salt the earth in advance of his successor. And Republican leadership ignores or enables him to proceed unhindered.
He's unmoored. He's looking to preemptively pardon family and loyalists who are most likely would be criminally liable but haven't yet been charged. His most ardent supporters are almost insane (read Giuliani and Powell) or seditious (read Flynn and Lin Wood). And still the Republican party watches with bloodless faces and dead eyed stares, saying not a word.
What is one to think? How does one explain this to children? How can one reason with any family, friends, or acquaintances who somehow believe Trump is in the right, brought low only by a grand, silent conspiracy of wrong minded citizens and foreign actors?
Perhaps history can look upon Trump's reign of terror more dispassionately. Today, however, I and many others feel like we're helpless, our minds and sensibilities best represented by the visage of horror in Edvard Munch's The Scream.
Linda Mitchell
Hannah Arendt's book (based on her reporting for The New Yorker), "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil" encapsulates the issues TCinLA and the people who posted replies to it raise. I have read only bits of it but what she presents is a picture of evil that is stripped of glamour and that indicts everyone. As she says about Eichmann, "Except for an extraordinary diligence in looking out for his personal advancement, he had no motives at all." If you have access to JSTOR (you can read online for free but not download if you don't have access through a library) there is a great short article in The History Teacher (1981) that discusses Arendt and her book in clear and concise terms. https://www.jstor.org/stable/493684
Miller and most everyone else surrounding the Deranged Cheeto--including the criminal enablers in Congress--fit Arendt's description perfectly. They are not monsters. They are not (most of them) pathological narcissists. They are sterile, unoriginal, uncreative people who have decided that personal advancement through doing terrible things is fine with them. It is actually harder, in our modern world, to be a good person than to be an awful one. Empathy, emotional maturity, awareness, and wisdom all require effort on the part of the individual. One has to engage, one has to become self-aware, one has to be brutally honest with oneself. Evil simply requires reaching down to that lowest common denominator of the id: a desire for self-advancement by any means necessary.
This is why they all seem so petty, so puerile, so childish, so joyless. This is why their tantrums are so infantile. And this is why Biden and Harris seem, by contrast, so refreshingly mature, so willing to allow joy. Both have been radically affected by what Hegel referred to as the "slaughter-bench" of history. The subhumans surrounding the Unelected Ex-President have not got enough imagination to be affected by anything except their own hunger.
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cubiclesintl · 2 years
Advantages of using HPL panels for public toilet cubicles present in commercial buildings
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While planning the interior décor of commercial buildings like malls, hotels or restaurants, one must focus on investing in items that are long-lasting, budget-friendly, yet attractive to the eye. For instance, toilet cubicles and Table Tops for restaurants today popularly feature HPL panels. HPL or high pressure laminate panels are moisture-proof, water proof, fire proof, and have commendable performance in terms of impact resistance, along with long-lasting color.
HPL panels are ideally made from decorative colored paper that contains leaching melamine resin. Their features make them a good fit for commercial settings and high traffic service environments. HPL panels have a durable, hard and aesthetic surface, which is easy to clean. Hence, toilet cubicles, table tops and more, featuring these panels are simple to maintain and sanitize. HPL Toilet Cubicles make it easy to maintain hygienic conditions in public toilets, especially the ones present in malls, restaurants, spas, and so on.
Here are a few factors that make using HPL panels for toilet cubicles a good idea:
Cost-effectiveness:     By installing HPL panels, you can get the best value for your money. These     panels are highly durable and attractive, but manage to maintain a pretty     cost-effective price range in comparison to many others. Moreover, the     savings made on the maintenance and installation of HPL restroom cubicles     are also quite significant.
Easy maintenance     and high durability: One can expect toilet cubicles featuring HPL panels     to maintain their aesthetics and utility for a very long time, before     there is any consideration for replacement. They are particularly designed     to ensure increased wear and tear that is prevalent in public restrooms.     HPL panels are inherently resistant to water and steam, and therefore     well-suited for wet environments. These panels are durable enough to last     for around one or two decades.
Unique     design and color options: Top indoor and outdoor furniture supplier in UAE offer     restroom partitions and cubicle systems that are available in an expansive     range of colors. No matter whether you want a restroom partitions with     vibrant hues like green and pink or plan to stick with a more classic     palette like black and white, you can easily buy and install HPL panels of     any color you like through such companies. They turn mundane restrooms     into a colorful, stylish space.
You can visit the website of the top providers of HPL panels for restrooms, and check out their collection to find items suitable for your facility.
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qalasunshade · 2 years
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awning sun shade uae  If you want to buy awning shades in UAE, you have clicked the right place. Our Company Qala sunshade is the best for getting awning shades in bulk. Our company is a dependable name for offering quality awning shades in Dubai. 
Our products are flexible, best finished and reliable for protection against the weather for our client's place. We are offering highly portable and UV resistant proof and fire retardant awning to our prestigious customers.
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Biography of Mr. Madhu Shekhar Bhandari |Top Business Tycoon Dubai| Founder and Chairman Of Consta and Bramaas Group.
A true visionary - Mr. Madhu Shekhar Bhandari is a known entrepreneur owning multiple companies in diverse fields. He is a known name in the field of real estate as he started his career journey from here. And then, there is no looking behind. Being a successful managing Director to MSB reality, Madhu Shekhar Bhandari is also the founder and chairman of the Consta Group. This group offers multiple customer-centric services under one roof, backed by premium AI technology. Whether you are looking for doctor 4 advice, cab service, insurance, jobs, eat, travel, or any other service, the Consta group is at your disposal. It is considered to be one of the leading organizations in the UAE. Founded in 2019, Consta Citizenship under the aegis of Consta group aims at providing citizenship solutions to people all across the globe, keeping in mind the legalities of the immigration process. Keeping in mind the health of the people, he ventured into the wellness industry by founding SWAFE. It's a one-stop solution for the well-being of an individual. It focuses on five elements around which our life cycle revolves. They are Space, Water, Air, Fire, and Earth. The products designed by SWAFE are made keeping in mind these five elements. One incorporates, they will greatly help in improving and balancing the lifestyle of an individual. Even in the field of diagnostics, they have well-equipped labs from Germany that offers accurate and precise reports about prenatal screening, genome testing, and many other types of screening tests. Mr. Bhandari does not lack behind even in the race of the cryptocurrency market. The online trading platform Satoshi Fx is a perfect example of that. It's trusted by millions of people as a reliable platform for cryptocurrency, bitcoin exchange. All the organizations founded by Mr. Bhandari are customer-centric. The team of professionals always strives hard to strike a balance between thoughtful development and efficient engineering. They always work hard in molding their solutions concerning their client's needs.
Awards and Achievements
There is no denying the fact that Mr. Madhu Shekhar Bhandari has touched greater heights of success with various recognitions and awards to his wallet. Graduating from Jodhpur (B.Sc.), Mr. Bhandari owns a joint partnership and a respectable position as a board member with IOTW. IOTW is a Big Data Unifying System that aims at accessing data from a cross-section of IoT devices and applications. It's built on native blockchain technology using POA (Proof of Assignment) Protocol.For the year 2018, he was also one of the board members of the Oman Global Tech and investment summit discussion. Mr. Bhandari was also awarded as one of the successful global leaders by Global Icons 2019 USA.Apart from being a global icon in UAE, Mr. Bhandari has also stepped his foot in the cab industry of India - Coop Cab. He owns 30% of shares in the same and also has a joint venture with E-Dukan on rent.There is so denying the fact that being in the industry for more than 40 years, Mr. Bhandari is not just a name now, he is a complete brand.
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sharpeagle-tech · 3 years
Top 3 Explosion proof camera solution providers in UAE
Top 3 Explosion-proof camera solution providers in UAE
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Industries need to adopt different kinds of security measures to keep their businesses safe and sound from unexpected circumstances. CCTV cameras have been the forerunner in providing security in industrial setup for the past couple of decades and continue to evolve with time. One of the major innovations in the field of security cameras is the explosion-protected camera. The device has a multitude of benefits, such as preventing potential risks of accidents, theft, and other crimes.
The explosion-proof cameras have become the primary weapon of defense and have been garnering immense popularity among start-ups and small & medium industrial organizations. There are many companies in the UAE that are selling these kinds of products, but only a few are providing ATEX-rated cameras.
When choosing security camera solutions, it is important to select the right service provider who offers quality equipment that is flexible, as well as, comes with cutting-edge technology.
Top three companies in UAE provide explosion-proof camera solutions which are trusted and reliable.
Hikvision is a renowned name in the field of IoT service providers, with high-definition security cameras being its core competency. The reason behind this brand’s immense popularity is the use of superior technology in each product, which makes them unique in their respective segments. The China-based video surveillance system supplier has now spread its product line-up across the globe, with 66 subsidiaries and branches in different parts of the world, including the UAE. The products of Hikvision are sold in over 150 countries.
The motto of the company is to make unrivaled products; therefore, they invest about 10 percent of the annual sales revenue in r&d to keep evolving in the field of technology and innovation. The brand offers customized solutions for diverse applications. It sells a variety of explosion-proof surveillance cameras right from PTZ to network and Turbo HD cameras that reduce risk and increase efficiency in industries and warehouses.
SharpEagle – Top explosion-proof surveillance system provider
SharpEagle is also one of the best-recognized brands in the UAE, known for providing industrial surveillance systems. The company has a presence in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, India, and Australia, whereas the products and solutions have also been implemented in countries like Pakistan, Egypt, Algeria, Chad, Kenya, Bangladesh and Papua New Guinea. The company believes in enhancing safety and security to facilitate a fail-safe working atmosphere and minimize losses.
One of the core strengths of SharpEagle is in providing surveillance systems like explosion-proof cameras. These devices have been tried and tested to work perfectly in the hazardous working environment and are very practical in averting fire-related accidents, thefts, mischiefs and other such incidents to create a secure working environment. These cameras are even better equipped to tackle industries, such as wood manufacturing and grain storage.
The CCTV camera provider in UAE has been offering solutions like Explosion-proof mini-IR camera, Explosion-proof PTZ camera, Explosion-proof fixed type dome camera, Explosion-proof Zoom IR camera and Explosion-proof PTZ dome camera. Ideal for boosting occupational safety, these camera makes working environments risk-free with their solid build quality, cutting-edge technology, and rich features.
The explosion-proof cameras are created with a robust frame giving them an edge over other such devices. They are well-equipped to work in extreme weather conditions and let the safety management keep a consistent check of production and manufacturing.
The cameras are easy to install in the existing infrastructure and can be smoothly operated via computer or a smartphone device. The 24×7 monitoring capability makes them crucial in noticing any potential dangers and preventing them further by analysing the video feeds. The superior image quality is another aspect that makes them a tempting product in their category, as super-sharp images help in making an informed decision. The colour fidelity and high-frame rates, motorized optical zoom, night vision, autofocus and exceptional light sensitivity are some of the features that make an explosion-proof camera an absolute beast.
The increased safety is guaranteed via intelligent features, including video motion detection, active tampering alarm, cross-line detection, combined with video analytics to help figure out the exact cause of the incident and respond automatically. Such things also help in training the employees and ensure maximum safety in future.
Honeywell is yet another well-known multinational security camera provider based in North Carolina, US, which provides security products for industries in the UAE. The Fortune 100 company has a global workforce of over 1 lakh spread in 70 countries. The firm is keen on solving some of the most difficult challenges industries face, and one of them is warehouse safety.
The brand provides a range of video surveillance systems, including the explosion-proof camera designed for use in challenging environments, and ensuring that organizations meet all the existing and future security needs with complete confidence.
The security surveillance solutions from Honeywell range from IP and analogues cameras to digital and network video recorders, powered by video analytics and video management systems. With the legacy of introducing unique and advanced cameras in the market with rich features, the products are befitting for all kinds of working environments.
The explosion-proof network cameras are ATEX/IECEx-certified and come with stainless steel housing, preventing sparks from escaping and igniting gases or other inflammable materials in the surrounding air. The ultra-low-light performance and certified temperature for hazardous areas and IP66/IP68 weatherproof rating, make them unbeatable.
To sum up, the health and safety of workers in industries have been at a huge risk. Until and unless appropriate safety solutions are incorporated in the infrastructure to thwart accidents and menace, there will always be a threat to not only to lives but also businesses to a large extent. So, the best way is to bank on the revolutionary technology with Explosion-proof cameras and make lives and assets safer.
Buy Explosion proof surveillance camera
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idealspecial · 3 years
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At IDEAL we are always conscious of quality and manufacturing genuine Fire & Acoustic timber doors as tested. Our production is meticulously controlled right from the purchase of raw materials to supplying and installing finished products. Similarly, our overall Management system is periodically audited by a UKAS accredited certification body. The attached ISO 9001:2015 certificate is a formal acknowledgment of our good practices as an independent third party confirmation is essential to validate policies and principles that we stand for.This re-certification only increases our resolve to being committed to quality and ensuring our customers are guaranteed value when they opt for IDEALs’ products.Third-party tested and certified Fire & Acoustic rated timber doors are just a phone call away. Contact our Sales team on +971 6 7404840 or email us at [email protected]#IdealSpecialProductsFZC #Firerateddoors #isocertified #certifiedFireAcousticratedtimberdoors #AcousticDoorManufacturersDubai #DoorSuppliers #qualitymatters #highperformancedoors
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123454sworld · 2 years
There are five types of stainless steel are Austenitic, Ferritic, Martensitic, Duplex and Precipitation hardening. It used to make hot water tank and automatic exhaust. As an Fire sealant supplier UAE Acromax general trading knows its growing demand in the market. Get to know more about us: https://www.acromaxgt.com/blog-stainless-steel-introduction.html
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vivekbajaj-grs · 3 years
Global TCPP Flame Retardant Market Size, Manufacturers, Supply Chain, Sales Channel and Clients, 2021-2027
Flame retardants are compounds added to manufactured materials, such as plastics and textiles, and surface finishes and coatings that inhibit, suppress, or delay the production of flames to prevent the spread of fire. They may be mixed with the base material (additive flame retardants) or chemically bonded to it (reactive flame retardants). Mineral flame retardants are typically additive while organo halogen and organophosphorus compounds can be either reactive or additive.
TCPP is an additive flame retardant, i.e. it is physically combined with the material being treated rather than chemically combined. The amount of flame retardant used in any given application depends on a number of factors such as the flame retardancy required for a given product, the effectiveness of the flame retardant and synergist within a given polymer system, the physical characteristics of the end product (e.g. colour, density, stability, etc.) and the use to which the end product will be put.
TCPP, the chemical name is tris (2-chloroisopropyl) phosphate, is low cost chlorine and phosphorous based flame retardant. It has the best hydrolysis stability among currently available halogenated organic phosphates. Cannot dissolve in water, dissolve in most organic solvent, and have good compatibility with resins. TCPP flame retardant soluble in alcohols, benzene, esters and carbon tetrachloride. insoluble in water and aliphatic hydrocarbon. It has low toxicity, non-corrosive, moisture-proof and anti-static.
Download FREE Sample of this Report @ https://www.grandresearchstore.com/report-sample/global-tcpp-flame-retardant-2021-2027-930
There are companies adding new capacities and aim at the cost and quality leadership which shall improve profitability. As the same time, companies are focusing on technological innovation, equipment upgrades, and process improvements, to reduce costs and improve quality. The competition in TCPP Flame Retardant market will become more intense.
Market Analysis and Insights: Global TCPP Flame Retardant Market
In 2020, the global TCPP Flame Retardant market size was US$ 363.7 million and it is expected to reach US$ 417.8 million by the end of 2027, with a CAGR of 2.0% during 2021-2027.
Global TCPP Flame Retardant Scope and Market Size
TCPP Flame Retardant market is segmented by region, by country, company, type, application and by sales channels. Players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global TCPP Flame Retardant market will be able to gain the upper hand as they use the report as a powerful resource. The segmental analysis focuses on sales, revenue and forecast by region, by country, company, type, application and by sales channels for the period 2016-2027.
Segment by Type, the TCPP Flame Retardant market is segmented into
Endothermic Degradation
Dilution of Gas Phase
Gas Phase Radical Quenching
Thermal Shielding
Segment by Application, the TCPP Flame Retardant market is segmented into
Polyurethane Foam
Engineering Plastic
Regional and Country-level Analysis:
North America
United States
South Korea
Southeast Asia
Rest of Asia-Pacific
Nordic Countries
Rest of Europe
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
Rest of MEA
Competitive Landscape and TCPP Flame Retardant Market Share Analysis
TCPP Flame Retardant market competitive landscape provides details and data information by companies. The report offers comprehensive analysis and accurate statistics on revenue by the player for the period 2016-2021. It also offers detailed analysis supported by reliable statistics on sale and revenue by players for the period 2016-2021. Details included are company description, major business, TCPP Flame Retardant product introduction, recent developments, TCPP Flame Retardant sales by region, type, application and by sales channel.
The major companies include:
Jiangsu Yoke Technology
Zhejiang Wansheng
Taizhou Xin?an retardant Materials
Futong Chemical
Jiangsu Firex Chemical
Yangzhou Chenhua New Materials
Zhejiang Honghao Technology
Xinhang Chemical
Zhejiang Chunan Auxiliary
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1 Study Coverage 1.1 TCPP Flame Retardant Product Introduction 1.2 Market by Type 1.2.1 Global TCPP Flame Retardant Market Size Growth Rate by Type 1.2.2 Endothermic Degradation 1.2.3 Dilution of Gas Phase 1.2.4 Gas Phase Radical Quenching 1.2.5 Thermal Shielding 1.3 Market by Application 1.3.1 Global TCPP Flame Retardant Market Size Growth Rate by Application 1.3.2 Polyurethane Foam 1.3.3 Engineering Plastic 1.3.4 Others 1.4 Study Objectives 1.5 Years Considered 2 Executive Summary 2.1 Global TCPP Flame Retardant Market Size Estimates and Forecasts 2.1.1 Global TCPP Flame Retardant Revenue 2016-2027 2.1.2 Global TCPP Flame Retardant Sales 2016-2027 2.2 TCPP Flame Retardant Market Size by Region: 2021 Versus 2027 2.3 TCPP Flame Retardant Sales by Region (2016-2027) 2.3.1 Global TCPP Flame Retardant Sales by Region: 2016-2021 2.3.2 Global TCPP Flame Retardant Sales Forecast by Region (2022-2027) 2.3.3 Global TCPP Flame Retardant Sales Market Share by Region (2016-2027) 2.4 TCPP Flame Retardant Market Estimates and Projections by Region (2022-2027) 2.4.1 Global TCPP Flame Retardant Revenue by Region: 2016-2021 2.4.2 Global TCPP Flame Retardant Revenue Forecast by Region (2022-2027) 2.4.3 Global TCPP Flame Retardant Revenue Market Share by Region (2016-2027) 3 Global TCPP Flame
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researchkenneth · 3 years
Global Outdoor Fabric Market Size study, by Product Type (Polymer Coated Fabrics, Fire Resistant, Smart textiles), Application (Chemicals, Healthcare, Automotive & Transportation, Marine, Fire Protection Production, Defense, Household, Others) and Regional Forecasts 2021-2027
Global Outdoor Fabric Market is valued approximately USD 5.44 billion in 2020 and is anticipated to grow with a healthy growth rate of more than 11.1 % over the forecast period 2021-2027. Outdoor Fabric made from a wide variety of synthetic fibers, polyester, acrylic, and even cotton blends, outdoor fabrics are woven textiles that undergo a chemical treatment during manufacturing. Also, the Outdoor Fabric is used Spill-Proof Seating, Fade-Proof Curtains, Multifunctional Ottomans. Rapid demand in industries, high volume of construction industry, Rising Industrialization has led the adoption of Outdoor Fabric across the forecast period. Rapid demand of PTFE fabric commonly known as Teflon, is used in end-use industries such as, construction, chemical, food, packaging, and textile, among others. For Instance: as per the IBEF India’s textiles industry contributed 7% to the industry output (by value) in 2018-19. The Indian textiles and apparel industry contributed 2% to the GDP, 12% to export earnings and held 5% of the global trade in textiles and apparel in 2018-19 and America’s $19.7 billion in manufactured fiber, yarn and fabric exports, the countries. However, lack of wearing resistant capabilities for the products, addition of various potentially harmful chemicals impedes the growth of the market over the forecast period of 2020-2027. Also, growing consumer preferences is likely to increase the market growth during the forecast period.
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The regional analysis of global Outdoor Fabric market is considered for the key regions such as Asia Pacific, North America, Europe, Latin America and Rest of the World. North America is the significant region across the world in terms of market share owing to its technology advancement and high investment. Whereas, Asia-Pacific is also anticipated to exhibit highest growth rateover the forecast period 2020-2027. Factors such as rising Industrialization, increasing population, would create profitable growth prospects for the Outdoor Fabric market across Asia-Pacific region.
Major market player included in this report are: E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company Koninklijke Ten Cate NV W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. Low & Bonar PLC Teijin Limited Saint Gobain S.A. BASF SE Kimberly-Clark Corporation 3M Company Gentherm Incorporated
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The objective of the study is to define market sizes of different segments & countries in recent years and to forecast the values to the coming eight years. The report is designed to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the industry within each of the regions and countries involved in the study. Furthermore, the report also caters the detailed information about the crucial aspects such as driving factors & challenges which will define the future growth of the market. Additionally, the report shall also incorporate available opportunities in micro markets for stakeholders to invest along with the detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product offerings of key players. The detailed segments and sub-segment of the market are explained below: By Product Type: Polymer Coated Fabrics Fire Resistant Smart textiles
By Application: Chemicals Healthcare Automotive & Transportation Marine Fire Protection Production Defence Household Others By Region: North America U.S. Canada Europe UK Germany France Spain Italy ROE
Asia Pacific China India Japan Australia South Korea RoAPAC Latin America Brazil Mexico Rest of the World
Furthermore, years considered for the study are as follows:
Historical year – 2018, 2019 Base year – 2020 Forecast period – 2021 to 2027
Target Audience of the Global Outdoor Fabric Market in Market Study:
Key Consulting Companies & Advisors Large, medium-sized, and small enterprises Venture capitalists Value-Added Resellers (VARs) Third-party knowledge providers Investment bankers Investors
The report further discusses the market opportunity, compound annual growth rate (CAGR) growth rate, competition, new technology innovations, market players analysis, government guidelines, export and import (EXIM) analysis, historical revenues, future forecasts etc. in the following regions and/or countries:
North America (U.S. & Canada) Market size, Y-O-Y growth, Market Players Analysis & Opportunity Outlook
Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Rest of Latin America) Market size, Y-O-Y growth & Market Players Analysis & Opportunity Outlook
Europe (U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Belgium, Netherlands & Luxembourg, NORDIC, Poland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe) Market size, Y-O-Y growth Market Players Analys  & Opportunity Outlook
Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Rest of Asia-Pacific) Market size, Y-O-Y growth & Market Players Analysis & Opportunity Outlook
Middle East and Africa (Israel, GCC (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman), North Africa, South Africa, Rest of Middle East and Africa) Market size, Y-O-Y growth Market Players Analysis & Opportunity Outlook
About Kenneth Research
Kenneth Research is a reselling agency providing market research solutions in different verticals such as Automotive and Transportation, Chemicals and Materials, Healthcare, Food & Beverage and Consumer Packaged Goods, Semiconductors, Electronics & ICT, Packaging, and Others. Our portfolio includes set of market research insights such as market sizing and market forecasting, market share analysis and key positioning of the players (manufacturers, deals and distributors, etc), understanding the competitive landscape and their business at a ground level and many more. Our research experts deliver the offerings efficiently and effectively within a stipulated time. The market study provided by Kenneth Research helps the Industry veterans/investors to think and to act wisely in their overall strategy formulation
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alaydi · 3 years
Where can you buy the finest quality Exhibitions Tents in UAE?
Exhibitions play a pivotal role in promoting trade and commerce. These are highly intriguing and informative, attracting visitors from all spheres of life. As an event organizer, booking the best portable tents for the exhibition is the right way to organize the fair and ease both the host and guest.
If you are also awaiting to schedule an exhibition and diligently looking for the best exhibition tent suppliers, this is the right place to be.
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Why should you choose the best Event Tent Suppliers?
Choose the right size for your event
Not all exhibitions are of the same size. Some may require less space while the others are relatively huge. Whether you choose marquee tent suppliers or other exhibition tent suppliers, ensure to grab the right size to fit your requirement. The best tent companies shall have a colossal collection and can recommend you the right tent.
Grab the tone of your Portable Tents
Exhibitions focus on marketing and expansion of the business. Most organizers prefer to design the tents and customize them according to the company. Best event tent suppliers will understand the tone of your business and deliver a customized portable tent that can convey ideas well with various designs and color themes.
High Technology Tents
Exhibitions tents are a broad genre. They are diverse and highly customized according to the needs of customers. The latest technologies used by tent rental services UAE is of producing water-proof, sun-proof, and fire-resistant exhibition tents. Renting your exhibitions tents from such polygon tent rentals in Dubai shall help make visitors comfortable and safe. You can also be stress-free and enjoy the event.
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What should you look for before deciding on the Exhibition Tent Suppliers?
Quality of Exhibition Tents
The marquee tent suppliers for exhibitions must provide you durable tents made of robust materials. Ensure the exhibition tents are of high-quality ABS walls or PVC walls. Aluminium or stainless steel can also be your preferred options.
Aesthetically Pleasing
Since the tent shall speak for your business, it must be of top-most quality and appealing to eyes. When approaching polygon tent rentals in Dubai, look for the varied designs they offer. The tent rental services must show you a lot of options in terms of design and purpose.
Around 74% of regular exhibition visitors have confirmed that they leave an exhibition tent immediately if it is excessively hot or crowded. Some of them do not even care to look at the product. The exhibition tent suppliers should have a wide variety of spacious tents, sun, wind, and water-proof.
Ease of Installation
Once you are sure about the quality of the portable tents, ease of installation is also necessary. Either the tent rental services UAE should provide installation service or ensure that the tent is easy to install through proper instructions. Also, choose the event tent suppliers who suggest the exhibition tents considering the ground they will install. The best tent companies in Dubai shall offer exhibition tents suitable for all settings, i.e., marble, grassland, or concrete.
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The exhibition tent suppliers imbibe their knowledge regarding the right tent through their extensive experience. Al Aydi tents also have a broad spectrum of serving clients with exhibition tents. You can always count on us as the best exhibition tent suppliers delivering top-quality and aesthetically pleasing tents. For any tent related services in the UAE, Contact us or Call us +971 6 5312531.
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3dprintingdxb · 3 years
Inoventive 3D Solutions - the best Industrial 3D Printing in Dubai !!
3D Printing Dubai - Inoventive 3D Solutions, the best 3D Printing and model making company in Dubai, now offers Industrial grade large scale 3D Printing in Dubai. Few years ago, the idea of printing something real and physical object was mostly considered as unrealistic idea and it was only seen in science fictions !!
3D Printing technology just changing the concept of creativity all around the world. Today, 3D Printing has been used from space projects to Healthcare and Medicine, to fashion industry... just name it...  Construction industry is taking a huge leap and getting a make-over in its traditional methods. Now, you can just 3D print your villa and it can be controlled remotely!! Zero Wastage !! Save time !! less cost !! Environment friendly !!
3D Printing technology already marked the start of the next industrial revolution. Fast-forward to today and 3D printing has been used to develop the world’s first fully drivable 3D-printed car !! Astronauts are taking use of 3D Print for their much needed tools and researchers are working on to get fully functional 3D Printed human organs.
3D Printing is bringing revolution in Inventory systems. With this latest technology, one can 3D Print accessories, spare parts or any other such products as they need. Hence, the best part is avoid, huge storage space, shipping cost and the product will be immediately available.
 Architects, Designers and artists will be getting benefitted from the limitless scope of 3D Printing... They can imagine and design any product and get it printed without any limitation
At Inoventive 3D Solution, we are equipped now with the state-of-the-art 3D Printing facility and offers Large Size 3D Printing in Dubai 10x faster than any other 3D Printing companies. If you need to use fire rated or season proof materials to be used for making your product, our 3D Printing machine can print that !!
Affordable 3D Printing Services in Dubai. Inoventive 3D Solution is the best 3D Printing company in UAE and Model Making company in the region.
We do offer affordable 3D Printing services, architectural scale models, industrial scale models,  3D Models, Rapid prototyping, Customized 3D Printed Jewelry, Customized home decor, 3D Printed Furniture etc.,
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance;
Call:+971 4 261 8388 | Whatsapp:+971 52 595 9616 | email:[email protected] | https://inoventive3d.com/
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gmiresearch · 3 years
Cellular Glass Market Research Report
Cellular Glass Market
Growth opportunities in the cellular glass market look promising over the next six years. This is mainly due to the growing prevalence for the protection against fire, low transportation costs and the increasing demand for the highest form of insulation for industrial purposes.
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Cellular Glass Market Dynamics (including market size, share, trends, forecast, growth, forecast, and industry analysis)
Key Drivers
The surging demand for the highest insulation form for industrial purposes and the rising need for protection against fire are the key drivers stimulating the global cellular glass market's growth. Also, features like better insulation properties, non-flammable, non-toxic, water & steam resistance, lightweight, easy to manage, corrosion-resistant, and low cost of transportation will contribute to the market growth. The Governments across various developing countries are taking various measures to fuel cellular gas demand due to the low carbon footprint. Moreover, the mineral formulation possessed by the cellular gas results in making it resistant to chemical reactions, worms, and parasites and unbudgeable. It also aids in proofing the petroleum tanks against fire, thereby accelerating the market growth.
The widespread outbreak of the COVID-19 has led to a drastic slowdown in industrial operations because of the governments' lockdown practices. Moreover, the halt in the construction industry has negatively affected the supply and demand of cellular glass. Cellular gas production has been ceased due to the pandemic, thereby hampering the growth of the global cellular glass market.
Product Segment Drivers
Based on the product type, blocks & shells are predicted to expand at a faster CAGR over the forecast period. This is due to the rising industrial and construction sectors and their use in pipelines, roof insulation, and storage tank insulation. Also, blocks can take the desired form to install them accordingly, which further propels the market growth.
Regional Drivers
Based on the regional coverage, Europe is expected to witness a faster CAGR during the forecast period. This is due to the wide range of ongoing and upcoming construction projects, which are expanding cellular glass use. For example, the ongoing project of Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link to build an 18km tunnel between Denmark and Germany. Moreover, the escalating use of eco-friendly and sustainable insulation materials and the prevalence of a huge number of cellular glass manufacturers in the European region, including Uusioaines Oy (Finland), Misapor AG (Switzerland), POLYDROS, REFAGLASS s.r.o. (Czech Republic), S.A. (Spain) plays an important role in strengthening the market growth.
Cellular Glass Market ’S Leading Manufacturers:
·         Stikloporas
·         GEOCELL Schaumglas GmbH
·         Anhui Huichang New Material Co., Ltd
·         POLYDROS, S.A.
·         Misapor AG
·         STES-Vladimir
·         Uusioaines Oy
·         REFAGLASS S.R.O.
·         Zhejiang Dehe Insulation Technology Co., Ltd.
·         Owens Corning
Cellular Glass Market Segmentation:
Segmentation by Product Type:
·         Blocks & Shells
·         Foam Glass Gravels
Segmentation by Application:
·         Construction
·         Industrial
·         Others
Segmentation by Region:
·         North America
o   United States of America
o   Canada
·         Asia Pacific
o   China
o   Japan
o   India
o   Rest of APAC
·         Europe
o   United Kingdom
o   Germany
o   France
o   Spain
o   Rest of Europe
·         RoW
o   Brazil
o   South Africa
o   Saudi Arabia
o   UAE
o   Rest of the world (remaining countries of the LAMEA region)
About GMI Research
GMI Research is a market research and consulting company that offers business insights and market research reports for large and small & medium enterprises. Our detailed reports help the clients to make strategic business policies and achieve sustainable growth in the particular market domain. The company's large team of seasoned analysts and industry experts with experience from different regions such as Asia-Pacific, Europe, North America, among others, provides a one-stop solution for the client. Our market research report has in-depth analysis, which includes refined forecasts, a bird's eye view of the competitive landscape, key factors influencing the market growth, and various other market insights to aid companies in making strategic decisions. Featured in the 'Top 20 Most Promising Market Research Consultants' list of Silicon India Magazine in 2018, we at GMI Research are always looking forward to helping our clients to stay ahead of the curve.
Media Contact Company Name: GMI RESEARCH Contact Person: Sarah Nash Email: [email protected] Phone: Europe – +353 1 442 8820; US – +1 860 881 2270 Address: Dublin, Ireland Website: www.gmiresearch.com
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gojennybaker · 3 years
Fire Protection Materials Market Emerging Trends, Business Opportunities, Segmentation, Production Values, Supply-Demand, Brand Shares and Forecast 2021-2028
Global fire protection materials market
Increasing construction sites and growing need for renovation of houses and office spaces to bring technological updates in the structures is a major factor fueling the growth of global fire protection materials market over the coming years. Further, increasing need for fire proofing the building and residential apartments in order to give enough escape time for the people to get out of the building in cases of fire is also contributing to the industry growth through the coming years. Rising number of entertainment and rejuvenation spaces such as theatres, parks, malls and other such places give space for a large number of people to come and enjoy at those places, also the infrastructure developments require huge time and money for building, hence getting caught by a fire may cause huge loss and damage to the infrastructures as well as endanger the safety of people coming to visit the place, thereby fueling the growth of global fire protection materials market in the coming years.
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By 2024, the global market size of the fire protection materials market is expected to hit USD 4.0 billion, rising at a CAGR of 8.5%. Increased demand for passive defensive fire materials and stringent regulations by the government. On the flip side, it is expected that the technological difficulties of passive fire safety products will hamper the growth of the market under study.
Fire protection materials include fire safety coating which is used to coat several electrical appliances, walls, machines and other items that needs to be saved at the times of fire hazards so that t doesn’t cause any harm to the infrastructure or the humans and animals stuck in those places. Even though it cannot completely keep the place from catching fire but it can give time for the people to get out of those places and takes shelter in safe environments. Further, strict regulation norms by the government to the commercial as well as residential complexes to use fire protection in their infrastructures is also creating opportunities for the growth of global fire protection materials market over the forecast years.
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Rising prevalence of COVID-19 has caused temporary shutdowns of these factories and industries, which is likely to hamper the industry growth in coming years.
Key Segments of the Global Fire protection materials Market
Type Overview, 2018-2028 (USD Billion) (Tons)
Sealants and Fillers
Application Overview, 2018-2028 (USD Billion) (Tons)
Regional Overview, 2018-2028 (USD Billion) (Tons)
North America
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
Rest of Asia-Pacific
Middle East and Africa
South Africa
Rest of Middle East and Africa
South America
Rest of South America
Who should buy this report?
This study is suitable for industry participants and stakeholders in the Fire protection materials market. The report will benefit: Every stakeholder involved in the Fire protection materials market.
Managers within the Fire protection materials industry looking to publish recent and forecasted statistics about the Fire protection materials market.
Government organizations, regulatory authorities, policymakers, and organizations looking for investments in trends of Fire protection materials market.
Analysts, researchers, educators, strategy managers, and academic institutions looking for insights into the market to determine future strategies.
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Adroit Market Research is an India-based business analytics and consulting company incorporated in 2018. Our target audience is a wide range of corporations, manufacturing companies, product/technology development institutions and industry associations that require understanding of a market’s size, key trends, participants and future outlook of an industry. We intend to become our clients’ knowledge partner and provide them with valuable market insights to help create opportunities that increase their revenues. We follow a code – Explore, Learn and Transform. At our core, we are curious people who love to identify and understand industry patterns, create an insightful study around our findings and churn out money-making roadmaps.
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