redwing4life · 3 months
PAIRING: Firefighter!Neighbor!Bucky x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: Night terrors (bucky), copious amounts of fluff, angst if you don’t search too hard for it, smut, firefighter bucky is a warning in itself
SUMMARY: When an unfortunate event forces you to confront the crush you’ve had on your neighbour since you moved in, you learn that Bucky knows you better than you know yourself. As the two of you grow closer, how does he deal with his past without pushing you away.
CHAPTERS: 5 - Ongoing
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tap whichever chapter title you want and enjoy reading <3
ONE: Forgotten Alarms
WARNINGS: Mentions of night terrors, trapped in small spaces, brief mention of reader being worried about bucky holding her weight, nothing else other than bucky being cute af
SUMMARY: When you get stuck in an elevator with your neighbour (who also happens to be your crush), you discover your interest in the firefighter isn’t as one-sided as you thought.
TWO: Shadows
WARNINGS: Fluff, talk about night terrors, ALPINEEE, reader continues to be oblivious, bucky being a flirt
SUMMARY: After yesterday’s elevator fiasco, you’re left with the guilt of overstepping in Bucky’s business. He could barely look at you when you went to the firehouse to thank the crew, so it’s fair to say you’re surprised when he turns up at the cafe you work at.
THREE: For You
WARNINGS: Mention of night terrors, Bucky being upset, fluff, flashbacks containing the death of a child, plenty of unholy thoughts, half naked bucky, dirty talk???, sexual tension, please let me know if i’ve missed something!!!
SUMMARY: You find Bucky at his most vulnerable when he’s sent home from work at 2 in the morning. While doing everything you can to comfort him, you realise you’re falling for him.
a/n: please lmk if you know the creator of the ai bucky images, full credit to them!!!!!
comment if you’d like to be added to my ashes to embers taglist 🧡
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world-of-aus · 3 months
Mr. Right?
Pairing: Firefighter! Bucky x Paramedic! Reader
Warning: tad bit of insecurities, fluff, flirting.
Author's Note: My favorite menace to society is back and he's on a date <3
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“Y/n the more you fuss over yourself in the mirror, the more you’re going to pick apart that outfit till you discard it like the first five, will you just get your shoes on already, you said you’d meet him at the bar and grill by 8.”  
Your eyes meet Wanda’s in the mirror, “but are you sure it’s not too much, maybe a jacket will help?” you question going back to looking at the outfit she had helped you choose for tonight. 
Your coworker turned best friend laughs watching you smooth over the dress once more, fingers picking at the ruffles hanging off your shoulders as if to fix them, “y/n you could show up in uniform and that man would have hearts in his eyes, but if throwing a jacket over it will help you feel better do it.” 
You lean over plucking the discarded denim jacket from the chair you had flung it on earlier. You slip it on doing a once over in the mirror, “don’t you dare,” Wanda chides removing herself from your bed, “you look beautiful.” She says sliding up behind you to smoothe over your arms, chin hooking on your shoulder as your eyes meet in the mirror, “talk to me.” 
“I don’t know wands.” 
She gives you a look, you sigh, “I just don’t understand why me? He could have anyone he wants, women literally throw themselves at him for just a sliver of his attention, so why me?” 
Your friend hums thoughtfully, “why not you? What makes those women so special that you can’t even begin to consider yourself part of them. They’re no different than you. So why can’t he want you, why must he want someone else when he’s clearly showing interest in you. He didn’t ask those women who throw themselves at his feet out tonight, he asked you. So, enjoy it, let yourself be the object of his desires, and hey if all goes wrong it’s one date, just one.” 
Your friend was right and despite your insecurities getting the better of you where a man as good looking, charming, and well-rounded as Bucky Barnes was involved, you would let yourself enjoy tonight, it was one date, and whether it went beyond just one well you’d wait to see how the night played out. 
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You had arrived a few minutes earlier than your agreed on time, the waitress walking you over to your favorite booth with a promise to be back shortly. You sent out a quick text to Bucky letting him know you already grabbed the two of you a booth and where to look for you. Placing your phone down next to you, you pick up the drink menu, browsing their various selection. You're flipping to the second page when a hand on your back draws your eyes up, your heart leaps to your throat.  
There’s a grin on his lips, “Hey there sweetheart I’m Mr. Right, someone said you were looking for me? 
You can’t help the laugh that bubbles out of your chest, as you move out of the booth to give him a proper greeting. “Well I’m here aren't I?” 
Bucky chuckles, his arm slipping around your waist leaving a trail of warmth as he pulls you in close, his lips finding your cheek. “You look beautiful tonight, thank you for coming.” 
He takes the spot across from you after helping you slip back into your side, both of you going grabbing a menu, “do you know what you want?” you question hoping to kick start a conversation. 
Heat slams into your face, your hands slowly bringing down the menu you hide behind, a cheeky smile awaits you, “I don’t think that’s on the menu.” 
He licks over his lower lip, “but I’m looking right at it.” 
You let out a choked noise hiding behind your menu, his laughter music to your ears, you bring it down slowly daring yourself to meet his eyes, “you know I think I'm beginning to understand why your charm works so well on other women.” 
He leans forward, elbows supporting him as he uses his fingers to drop your menu lower, “while it might work on other women, the only woman I care to know it’s working on is sitting right in front of me.” 
He’s rendered you speechless, the waitress saving you from what you're sure would have been a poor attempt at a comeback. She picks up your saving grace – the menu as she finishes jotting down your orders promising to return shortly.  
As much as Bucky would love to fluster you further, he wants to hear about you, your workday, what you like to do on your spare time, he wants to know you. So he asks you questions, listens, soaks in however much information of yourself you’re willing to give him, and in kind you do the same. Conversation flowing easily between the two of you, time passing though you two are frozen in the moment. 
The conversation doesn’t stop when your plates arrive, nor after the waitress has picked them up leaving the bill as she goes, “take your time,” she adds before disappearing. He’s got his fingers around the receipt before you can even attempt to grab it yourself, “put your purse away sweetheart,” he chuckles reaching for the wallet tucked away in his jeans, “I asked you on this date, I'll let you get the next one.” He says as he slips from the booth, offering you his arm as he guides you to the front to close the bill. 
He’s been a gentleman the whole night, your worries from earlier completely vanished as he walks you to your vehicle. “Thank you for tonight,” you say leaning against the door of your car, “I had a really nice time with you.” 
He drinks you in, “what?” you laugh warmth flooding your cheeks under his intense gaze, “I think you’ve got something in your eye – oh wait, its just a sparkle.” Your hand stops midstride to your face to swat at his arm instead, an opportunity he takes to pull you closer.  
You can feel his laughter, your own mingling with his, as you look up at him, “How soon is to soon?” 
Your brows furrow, “what?” 
He pulls you closer, “yeah, how soon is to soon for me to ask for another date?” 
Your hand finds his chest, “why don’t you find out?” 
He groans though there's a grin kissing his lips, he steals your breath when his head finds yours, if you thought his gaze was intense then having him this close is no match, “I know you said only one date Barnes, but I’ve had a really nice time with you tonight, such a nice night that I would really love to do it again, whaddya say sweetheart, will you let me take you out again?” 
Through your laughter at his poor attempt of mimicking you, you give him his answer. 
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buckrecs · 1 year
hey! Hope you're having a good day!
i was wondering if you can mack a masterlist for bucky x female neighbor?
masterlist | req masterlist
EVERYBODY should have a bucky barnes as their neighbor
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Next door neighbor by @buckylattes
Your next door neighbor, Bucky, has been trying to get your attention for a while now, but he fears that he’s taken the whole situation the wrong way. Will you ever give him a chance?
cookies, kisses and such by @stevebabey
All This Time by @jobean12-blog
When you finally meet your new neighbor you can tell you’re going to have a difficult time staying away from him, even though you should.
Bribe the Super by @real-jane
You have a very hot neighbor. He happens to think the same of you.
What Are Friends For? by @gogolucky13
When you threaten to swear off men for good after your last bad date, your neighbor and friend offers to help change your mind.
Day After Tomorrow by @buckyarchives
enhanced hearing is both a blessing and a curse. eavesdropping, loud music, footsteps and when your sweet neighbor has been coughing her pretty head off all day.
do i even have a chance? by @noceurous
you’ve found him and he was sure he didn’t have a chance
just a dream by @itsmeatballworld
Bucky and reader are neighbors in Brooklyn. When reader has a spicy dream about the broody man, it sets off a series of events that ignites something in both of them.
mutual by @buckycuddlebuddy
the windows you were sharing were belong to your bedrooms, and ─okay, it was wrong, bucky knew this but he was only human ─ you sometimes left your curtains open.
valentine by @softlyspector
You're Bucky's neighbor, Bucky is your secret admirer. Valentine's day and a potential date forces him to act.
Foolish Heart by @jadedvibes
You thought Bucky would never want to settle down, but it turns out you were very wrong.
A Very Special Recipe by @straywords
You’re feeling adventurous in the kitchen and your sinfully attractive neighbor has just the ingredient you need for that unique experiment.
Secret Admirer by @bxcketbarnes
Sneaky by @imagine-docx
Being neighbours with a cute boy has some perks. Also, Sam is being the best wingman (no pun intended) he possibly could.
see through by @buckys-black-dress
where bucky's your inconsiderate neighbor, but he's a frequent flyer at the coffee shop where you work, and you're determined to get on his good side.
Gentle Giant by @touchstarvedirl
You and your neighbor Bucky have will we, won’t we thing going on and you devise a plan to get him to tell you how he feels. It doesn’t go according to plan, or does it?
Neighborly by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
living in the apartment down the hall from Bucky Barnes is definitely not what you expected-and you definitely didn’t expect him to show up bleeding at your door.
blame it in the neighbors by @nev3rfound
having recently moved in next door, you and bucky become fast friends. however, there’s something looming between the two of you and it comes to light when it’s revealed you’re in the hospital.
Can’t Hurt Me by @sweetbbarnes
You're the one that takes care of Bucky after missions, only this time he asks for a different kind of relief.
new neighbor by @alisonsfics
being bucky's next door neighbor and slowly getting to know each other and falling in love?
Paper Walls by @writingcroissant
 Your apartment happens to be right next to Bucky's, heads only separated by a paper-thin wall, leading to you witnessing every second of his nightmares. Although, bonding over your late night conversations, you seem to forget that you never even saw him before.
Time after Time by @justsomebucky
When the reader’s parents divorce, her mother moves her to a new town, right next door to Bucky Barnes. This is their love story.
Hey Neighbor by @moonbeambucky
You had a plan and then life came along with one of its own. With your future almost derailed you worked hard to get yourself back on track and finally everything seemed to be going right... that is, until your new neighbor moved in.
Teardrops on Lashes by @delicatelyherdreams
After the Chitauri invaded New York and nearly ended your life, you moved to Bucharest to get away from the superhero stuff. You simply wanted an uneventful, ordinary life. But when a stranger moves into the apartment next to yours, you begin to question those aspirations and choose to risk it all for love.
A Friendly Wager by @justsomebucky
Reader and Bucky Barnes are neighbors and best friends. After yet another bad date, reader comes home to find Bucky with his typical weekend target. They decide to make a wager about dating, but is there more on the line than reader cares to admit?
Come Over by @moonstruckbucky
You’re new to New York City. Fresh out of post-grad and wanting a change of pace, and this change comes in more ways than one. 
Keeping Me Up by @writing-for-marvel
When Bucky moves in next door, you seem to get much less sleep than when your previous neighbour lived in apartment 4a.
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metalbuckaroo · 2 years
Summary// Bucky harsh hours always leave him with a longing that needs satiated
Warnings// smut, somno, use of nickname- peach, cursing, unprotected sex, established relationship
AU// Firefighter!Bucky x F!Reader
Note// summary sucks like always, but that’s nothing new for me 😂
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Early morning, late night- Bucky didn’t care what you wanted to call it as he drug his feet out of the station at 3:28am.
All he cared about was being home for the next two days. His three day shift finally coming to an end and the plush bed that held you in it waiting for him.
Shedding his uniform the moment he walked through the front door, he peaked into the bedroom where you slept soundly. Carefully making his way into the bedroom and peeling back the thick comforter to slip into bed. Placing himself over your sleeping form as slowly as he could as to not wake you. Not yet at least.
He remembered the conversation the two of you had about his harsh hours as he caressed your soft skin. Knuckles dragging along your upper arm, remembering he was allowed to take what he wanted and needed whenever he pleased. You said so yourself when you’d caught him fisting over himself to a photo of you in the living room one night when he’d just gotten home.
Even in your sleeping state, you seemed to acknowledge his presence. Shifting to your back and legs falling open, the sight of you so inviting as he gently glided his hands along your legs.
Up your calves and to the soft thighs he just wanted to bury his head between and stay there for the next 48 hours. Feasting on your sweet nectar like a starved man until you begged for him to stop.
The throb of his cock started to become unbearable when he cautiously drug your underwear down. Folds glistening with arousal and calling out for him to devour, clit swollen and needing attention as his tongue swiped over his bottom lip. Skin heating at the thought of filling you until your warm walls spasmed around him.
“Oh, peach. Dreamin’ ‘bout me?” He whispered, fore finger and thumb spreading your slit to have a better view of how needy you were as he pulled the front of his briefs down. Your breath hitching when his swollen tip nudged your clit.
“Buck…” you breathed out, his eyes flitting to your face to see you were still sound asleep. Your slick letting him slip in with little effort.
“‘M right here, baby. Just relax.” Bucky said only a little louder. Gradually pushing in every inch of his cock to soak in the feel of your cunt stretching around him. Accepting everything he had to offer with a relieved sigh as his bionic left hand gingerly lifted the shirt of his that you wore, baring your chest to him.
Buried to the hilt, he slowly pulled out. Watching as your cunt clamped around him as if it were trying to pull him back in, fingers dancing over the supple flesh of your breasts. Tweaking your pebbled buds as he kept a slow pace and pushed back in until his skin was flush to yours.
“Fuck, peach. Drive me crazy.” He huffed out, an almost inaudible whimper passing your lips. Every roll of his hips bringing another pleasured sound from you as his rhythm gradually increased until you were wide eyed and reaching out for him. Your back arching from the mattress and hands gripping onto whatever part of him they could find.
“Bucky- oh, god- please- don’t stop-“ you keened, a proud grin spreading across his sharp features. Angling his hips to fuck into the rough patch that sent you over the edge, your nails curling into the skin of his thigh bringing a pleasurable sting as your mouth fell open in a silent cry.
His lips crashed to yours, twitch of his cock not registering with you as he spilled into you. Slowing the rock of his hips and slipping out of you despite the whine that muffled against his lips.
Letting out a content sigh as your arms went loosely around his neck and ankles hooked at the base of his back, Bucky grazed his lips against your jaw. Satiated and exhausted as he let a little bit of his weight rest on you. “I’m fucking addicted to you, peach.”
Taglist: @auriel187 @marvel-3407 @winters1917 @k-jones16-blog @wickedravyn @ah-blossom @tilltheendofthelinepal9950 @buckybraneslover111 @bonkybarnes106 @wakandabiitch2 @vllowe @kmuir1 @alyhull @stardust-galaxies @michellefoster12 @xleggo-my-elevenx @fionanovasleftnut
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Firefighter!Bucky x Female!Reader
The only fire he can’t put out is the one he started in my heart ❤️‍🔥
moodboard masterlist
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bobgasm · 8 months
lieutenant smoulder [08/15]
pairing: bucky barnes x reader word count: 2258 warnings: mentions of periods/menstrual cycles, allusion to pregnancy, a bombshell of a secret, angst
prompt: “i was made for you”
summary: in which they put aside any previous issues to tackle the next obstacle
author’s note: wow, been a minute, huh?
glow | lieutenant smoulder | inferno
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Y/N hated that she’d noticed, but the couple of times where she’s stayed at Bucky’s the previous night, he’d left in a rush. She also hated that she knew this morning he’d slept in and hadn’t gone anywhere.
Pushing that aside, she got up and threw his t-shirt over her head so she could make breakfast. Flicking the radio on to hear some catchy pop song and opening a window to let some fresh air in.
Their shift started in just over an hour, so she brewed up a pot of coffee and started making some bacon and eggs. She was starving, and knew leftover birthday cake wasn’t a substantial enough breakfast.
She wasn’t sure how long Bucky had been awake and watching her dance around the kitchen, but he seemed to be enjoying the show.
“Uh, I made food,” she said, gesturing to the plates on the counter in front of her.
He thanked her with a brief kiss and sat up at the breakfast bar to eat. She slid a mug of coffee over to him and picked at the last of her eggs.
“I need a shower before work,” she announced.
“I’ll let myself out,” he told her. “Thanks for breakfast.”
She slipped out of his shirt and left it on the counter beside him, well aware he was watching her as she walked to the bathroom. 
Y/N couldn’t explain it, but she’d felt something shift. Her relationship with Bucky – if you could call it such – had changed and she wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. There was something he was hiding and she didn’t like the jealous feeling that sat in the pit of her stomach.
“You any good at poker?” Romanoff asked as Y/N joined the crew in the mess.
She’d been busy in the gym for the past hour, trying to work her frustrations out in a more productive way. Freshly showered and ready for a quiet evening after a couple of calls throughout the afternoon. There hadn’t been anything major, so everyone was busy lounging around and enjoying the downtime.
Romanoff, Barnes, Wilson, Hill and Banner were playing poker. Someone was making dinner, but she forgot who’s night it was.
“Eh, I’ve played before,” she confessed. “Not sure if I’m any good, though.”
Romanoff dealt her in and she took a seat beside Banner, opposite Hill.
The basics were explained to her as they played a dummy round, just so she could get the hang of everything. It didn’t make a lot of sense, but they were betting peanuts rather than money, so she didn’t care if she won or lost. 
Bruce was quite obviously good, but it was Romanoff and Barnes’ poker faces that threw Y/N a bit. Hill looked like she’s rather be anywhere else but playing, and Wilson kept the banter high. He did his best to make the stone cold duo crack, and while Barnes did occasionally laugh, he was right back to being unreadable.
Y/N had seen that face the previous two mornings when he’d left without so much as a reason. She tried not to let it bother her, but it did, and she wasn’t sure why. 
“Hey, you’ve been kind of off for the last couple weeks. Everything okay?” Romanoff asked. It’d been a while since she’d found herself alone in the red-head’s company, but as they stripped the linen from the beds to do laundry, Y/N almost appreciated the check-in. 
“Yeah, just have a bit on my mind, is all,” she admitted half-heartedly.
“Doesn’t have anything to do with the guy who left the gnarly bruise on your neck after your birthday, does it?”
Y/N laughed as she folded the fitted sheet around the bed in front of her. “It plays a small part, I guess.”
“You want to talk about it?”
Natasha left the question hanging in the air between them, letting Y/N decide whether she wanted to chat or not. After a while, once the bed Y/N had been remaking was finished, she sighed. 
“I think he’s hiding something from me,” she admitted. “He’s always quick to make an exit and constantly telling me he’s having dinner with his Mom, or they get coffee every morning, blah blah. I just can’t help but feel like he’s lying about something.”
Natasha hummed. “Have you asked him about it?”
“We don’t have that kind of relationship,” she said. “I don’t want to come across as jealous or possessive, but if there’s someone else, I’d like to know, you know?”
“Do you want my advice or do you just want to vent?”
“I think it’s wise to confront him. If it’s just sex between the two of you, you have a right to know if he’s sleeping around with other women. If it was me, I wouldn’t want to see him if he didn’t wear protection. But on the other hand, maybe he is being honest. He could just be a total Mama’s boy.”
Y/N snorted in laughter. “You want to know the kicker, Nat?”
“Hit me,”
“We didn’t use a condom once, and ever since, he’s been insistent on using them,” Y/N said. “And I didn’t fight it, just because I don’t want some other woman’s STD. Last time we had this arrangement neither of us even thought about condoms. That’s what makes me think there’s someone else.”
“It sounds like you need to decide if you want to keep having sex with him, or sit him down and find out what he isn’t telling you,” Natasha said. “If it was me…I wouldn’t have sex with him again until he told me.”
“He’s been busy these last couple weeks,” Y/N said. “Since my birthday…he’s been weird. ‘We can’t see each other tonight, I’m out of town,’ or ‘I can be there in three hours.’ Like, if you don’t want to keep this going then just tell me. I’m a big girl, I can handle it. I just feel like I’m going crazy.”
“You’re not going crazy,” Natasha assured her. “He’s making excuses.”
“And if he is sleeping with other women, do I want him in my bed three hours after he’s likely been in her bed?”
“He sounds like trouble.”
You have no idea.
Y/N sighed, running a hand over her face. “Too much trouble for it to just be sex, right?”
“I didn’t say that,” she replied. “Only you know what you want the outcome to be. Just have to decide whether confronting him about his lies is worth losing the thing you have if you don’t like the answer.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Thanks, Nat.”
Y/N hauled a bag of washing down to the laundry room, needing a moment of silence to think things through. Natasha had a look about her, something she couldn’t quite read. Like she knew something Y/N didn’t, or maybe she was truly clueless and was trying to imagine herself in Y/N’s shoes.
“There’s more going on, isn’t there?” Natasha asked.
As she entered the laundry room with another bag of washing, she found Y/N leaning against the machine with her head lowered.
“I’m late, Nat. Him being weird about the condoms and his general behavior lately…I feel sick.”
Natasha didn’t get a chance to reply, because Wilson was hollering that dinner was ready. She gave Y/N a sympathetic look, but didn’t press the issue as she started angrily throwing sheets into one of the machines. Simply placing a friendly hand on her shoulder and leaving her alone. 
Y/N would be lying if she said she didn’t shed a couple tears, but she was quick to gather herself before plastering on a happy face and joining the team for dinner. Sam had made one of his family’s recipes, and the smell alone made her salivate.
Even if the thought of eating anything made her sick to her stomach.
She dished herself up a small plate, but grabbed a bottle of water as well. Taking a seat beside Bruce, far away from Bucky. Aware that the motion didn’t go undetected from the latter, but forcing herself to eat despite not feeling hungry.
A quiet night was needed, but it wasn’t likely. The siren rang out a little after nine – a candle had caught the shower curtain alight while its owner fell asleep in the bathtub. They required some minor medical attention, and the bathroom was worse for wear, but they’d be okay. It was a good outcome all things considered. 
Y/N was getting a bottle of water from the kitchen when Bucky cornered her. She’d been avoiding him and it was obvious he was here to address that. Even if he had waited until the shift was almost over, while everyone else was asleep in the bunk room. 
“What crawled up your ass and died?” He asked. 
Sure, he could’ve gone about it better, but this was the safest way to communicate. Snippy comments and sarcastic remarks were her M.O. He was trying to make her comfortable to have this conversation while at work.
“Not in the mood today, Barnes,” she replied with a sigh.
He took a moment to stare her down, really look at her. It’d been a couple days since he’d stayed over after her birthday, but she looked exhausted. Dark circles had made themselves at home under her eyes, her brows seemed to be set in a permanent frown, and her attitude had been less than that of a team-player.
While Y/N was still alternating who took the lead on calls, she’d barely spoken to him unless absolutely necessary. Even his smart-ass jabs hadn’t been enough to warrant a retort. 
“Anything I can help with?” He pressed. 
“You’ve done enough,” she stated, letting the words settle between them. 
“So you’re mad at me? That’s new.” He scoffed, rolling his eyes as he turned away.
“Get fucked, Barnes.”
“Are you on your period or something?” He snapped. “Because you’re never this much of a cunt without good reason.”
“Fuck you,” she spat. “I’m allowed to be pissed off without anyone questioning my menstrual cycle. But between you and me? I’m late.”
She was glad she whispered the last part, because it really drove home her point. His eyes widened ever-so-slightly, mouth opening to say something but ultimately deciding against it.
“I’ll pee on a damn stick within the hour. I don’t need you to hold my hand. I don’t need you to do anything, except leave me the fuck alone. Are we clear?”
It was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The first tear fell before she had the chance to swipe it away, and he was quick to wrap his arms around her.
“Let me go.”
“I can’t do that,” he replied, holding her tight as her tears began to soak his shirt. She hated feeling weak, but she hated it even more than he was the one seeing her like this. That he had played a potential role in this situation. “It could just be late.”
“Stop talking,” she shushed him, not wanting to hear any words of comfort from him. The thought had already crossed her mind, but her cycle was like clockwork. She were late, it was as simple as that. 
When the siren blared out, she pulled away from him and quickly wiped her face as she raced to the gear room, listening to where the call was coming from. Her heart sank to the pit of your stomach as she pulled on her turnouts, watching everyone else doing the same.
“That’s a school,” someone said. She honestly had no idea who said it because she was climbing into the rig and putting on her best game face. 
Barnes took his seat opposite her, his face riddled with worry as Captain Wilson relayed the information of the call.
“Fire alarm is going off at an elementary school. No news yet where the fire is, but most of the school has been evacuated. There will be parents going crazy trying to find their kids since it’s about time for school drop-off. We do not need them playing the hero and running into a burning building, copy?”
There was a chorus of ‘yes, sir’s that rang out, but Y/N’s eyes were locked on Bucky. Bucky, who usually kept his face blank when calls like this came in. Bucky, who would joke and keep morale up, was eerily quiet.
It worried her.
When they arrived at the school, she looked at him to run point.
He had eyes for no one but her.
“I need you to take this call, Y/L/N,” he said, voice thick and gravelly. He looked spooked. “I can’t go in there.”
“What? Barnes, it’s all hands on deck! Get your fucking head in the game!” She snapped.
“You’re running point because my son is in there!” He yelled back, running a hand over his face. “Please, my son is in there.”
She squared her shoulders, pushing aside any fear she had. Any doubt she had behind why he’d frozen. 
He had a son. A son he’d literally only just told her about. A son. 
“I’ve got him, Barnes,” she assured him, holding out her fist. He needed to bump it – it was good luck. A promise. She would do everything she could to make sure his boy was safe.
When his fist touched hers, she nodded and turned to face her team. 
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tom-holland-parker · 2 years
Heat on High
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Summary: When you and your daughter moved you expected a lot of changes, but you never expects to move across the hall from a hot firefighter than has a soft spot for you
Firefighter!Bucky Barnes x Singlemom!reader
Warnings: *each chapter will have its own warning* smut, cursing, fire
Part 1: Nice to meet you
While moving into your new apartment you meet your neighbor Bucky and quickly form a friendship
Part 2: Fire Hazard
 After a long shift all Bucky wants to do is go to bed, but when he hears your fire alarm go off he's quick to swoop in and save the day
Part 3:  Cookies
Deciding to thank Bucky for putting out the fire leads to him asking you out
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lanadelreyswifey · 9 months
There needs to be more boxer!bucky fics. Beefy boxer Bucky is literally the loml but there’s barely anything about him😔
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angellbarnes · 1 year
sparks flying
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day 1 - firefighter AU
pairing: firefighter!Bucky x reader
summary: a real life firefighter to crush on? say less. with you’re clumsiness you’ll definitely be needing him around a lot more
word count: 1.3k
warnings: just idiots with crushes fluff, (small) fires
A/N: so this is officially day 1 of my 30 day writing challenge! I’ve been gone from writing for wayyy too long. I’ve had a lot going on in life and in my head tbh but now I’m ready to saddle up again and hopefully this will be a good n fun way to bring back my writing! I think this is a cute one to start the challenge with. please like, comment and reblog, it means so so much🤍
A couple of weeks ago…
“Wanda, stop!” you yell. “You know how ticklish I am!” You’re fighting against her as she pins you down. Nat is cackling beside you, laughing at your struggling.
“Say it! Admit you like him!” She cries.
“No! I’ll never!” You cry back.
A relaxed girls night seemed like a good idea before truth or dare was involved, and it led to both Nat and Wanda forcing you to admit your schoolgirl crush on Bucky, a firefighter in your neighbourhood.
“Then I won’t stop.” You’re fighting for breath at this point, before you kick your leg perfectly, or unfortunately, to knock over a candle on the side. It falls to the carpet and everyone’s eyes widen.
“Shit!” You exclaim. You grab a pillow and hit it over the flames repeatedly. You exhale heavily when it’s out. You turn and see Wanda and Nat smirking as Nat is holding her phone to her ear. “Wha- Nat, no!” You say sternly, you can see her plan smug on her face. She holds her finger up at you as she starts speaking.
“Hey, Steve, we just had a small fire over here, maybe you should come over to make sure it’s been put out properly… Yeah, just a candle, nothing major… Ok, thanks babe. Oh, and you should probably bring Bucky too, if he’s around. Cool, see you soon.” She hangs up.
“Seriously?” You deadpan.
When they arrive, you’re sitting on the sofa with Wanda and Nat opens the door. Of course, behind Steve, Bucky comes striding in too. Wanda wiggles her eyebrows at you, poorly hiding her grin. You simply roll your eyes.
“What’ve we got here then?” Steve remarks, blankly staring and, frankly being unimpressed, at the charred patch of carpet beneath you.
“I just knocked over a candle. It is absolutely no big deal and it’s clearly out.” You reply, tight lipped. Avoiding eye contact with the looming brunet beside him, as if you’d drop dead if you were to. “What would we do without you two though?” You sarcastically add.
“What even happened?” Bucky asks, and you finally look at him, in the eyes, as you silently die inside while searching for a reason other than the truth.
“Wanda pushed me into it, and then it fell on the carpet.” Bucky raises a suspicious brow at your answer.
“Ok,” Steve says. “Just maybe try to keep candles upright from now on. We should go, Buck, and get to that bar before it’s too busy.”
“You guys are going out? We’ll come with!” Nat jumps up and pulls Wanda from the sofa, stretching her hands out to you next.
“I would, but I’ve got an early shift tomorrow. A 6am start is not what I want on less than 7 hours of sleep.” You reply, honestly this time.
“Ugh, fine.” Nat whines. Everyone starts to head out as you hold the door. You say bye to everyone and wish them a good night as Bucky hangs back.
“Shame you can’t come tonight, maybe next time?” He leans in the doorway and you think your heart actually skips a beat.
“Yeah, sounds good.” You can’t help but smile as he flashes a cheeky grin. He begins walking out and you admire his frame. It’s a shame he can’t put out the fire roaring inside of you right now.
“Have a fun shift tomorrow!” He calls out.
“Oh, I will.” You shut the door and roll your eyes and the feelings he gives you.
“Ugh, stupid fucking lights!” You growl and the flickering bulb above you, which eventually goes out altogether. You know it’s not the lightbulb because you’ve only just changed it. The same thing happens in your bedroom and the kitchen. Determined, you set out to find the light panel for your flat, which is somewhere in the building. You finally find it and open it up. You see your flat number and, beneath it, some switches and screws and wires you’ve never encountered before.
“Fuck it.” You take out your screwdriver and just head into this unknown world. You try a few switches and screws when a couple of sparks fly. You jump back with a slight shriek. Your eyes widen and your hand covers your mouth as the sparks turn into a small flame.
“Nooo. no, no, no, no, no, shit, shit, shit.”
The flame begins to grow and you look around, with no luck, for some sort of fire extinguisher. The nearest thing is a fire alarm. Brilliant. 10 in the evening and now the whole building is going to hate you.
“For fucks sake.” You press the alarm and run away from the scene of the crime before people can see you near it.
Everyone is stood outside, cold and annoyed, when the engines arrive. With everyone in gear it’s hard to tell who’s going in. You’re all waiting for a short while before they tell everyone it’s taken care of and you can start heading back in. The firefighters begin taking off their helmets and masks. You notice Steve and – shit – Bucky. You don’t have time to get away before he spots you too. He heads over.
“Hey. I’m starting to get used to this building now.” He comments. You chuckle lightly. “I’m worried you’re heading towards becoming an arsonist.” Your eyes go wide.
“How did you know it was me?” You whisper-yell. His eyes widen in response, brows furrowing.
“We didn’t. I was just making a joke, but now I’m actually concerned about you.” He folds his arms and laughs as you slap your hand to your face in stupidity.
“Oh. Shit. Uhh, there’s no getting out of this, is there? Oh god, are you meant to arrest me or something? Ok, here’s the plan: I never said or did anything. Sound good?” You reason, realising you’re just continuing your idiocy. He just smiles in response before nodding his head toward the building.
“Should I walk you up? Just to make sure you don’t start any more fires.” He quips and you scoff, rolling your eyes and playfully elbowing him.
“Fine. Just to make sure.”
“You do realise I’m going to be telling Steve about this?” Bucky says when you reach your door. “And then he’ll tell Nat, who will then tell Wanda.” He smirks, leaning against the doorway again after you step inside. God, you love a man in uniform. Although, you’d like him more out of it–
“Oh, I’m prepared for that.” You look back into your apartment, and at that patch of carpet from last time, and why it happened. “Did you want to come in?”
“Uhh…” He begins. You mentally scold yourself. He clearly doesn’t want to. But then again, he’s still in uniform.
“Oh, shit, are you still on duty? Or you don’t want to. Either way, it’s fine. Sorry for asking.” You ramble.
“No, no, that’s not it. I’m actually technically finished now. I was just going to ask if you wanted to go to that bar now? As long as you don’t have another early shift tomorrow, that is.” You light up inside at his question, and can’t help the grin that spreads across your lips.
“Yes! Yeah, that sounds nice, I mean.” You shyly look at the floor and notice he steps forwards. He lifts your chin with his finger so you’re looking into his eyes.
“Uh, there’s actually something else I wanted to ask you…” He begins, and you both instinctively begin to lean into one another.
“Yeah?” You reply softly. The corner of his mouth lifts.
“Can I kiss you?” He whispers into your lips and your breath hitches.
“Yes.” You pull him into you with his jacket and his lips press against yours. Suddenly, another fire is igniting. But a much, much better kind. The kiss is deep and long-awaited, both of you trying to get closer, while already being flush against one other. Finally you part, chuckling and biting your lip.
“I’ve wanted to do that for so long.”
“Thank god for my lack of my electrician knowledge, huh?”
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redwing4life · 3 months
Forgotten Alarms
PAIRING: Firefighter!Neighbour!Bucky x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: Mentions of night terrors, trapped in small spaces, brief mention of reader being worried about bucky holding her weight, nothing else other than bucky being cute af
SUMMARY: When you get stuck in an elevator with your neighbour (who also happens to be your crush), you discover your interest in the firefighter isn’t as one-sided as you thought.
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“You’re late, doll.”
The teasing voice of your neighbour catches you off guard when you open your front door; your hand slaps over your heart as you jump from shock.
“Says you” you smirk as you come down from the surprise. You step out of your door fully, turning and pulling it shut behind you.
Bucky chuckles, locking his own door while you do the same. He can’t help but sneak another glance your way - a light blush creeping up your neck under his gaze.
You think you’d be used to him by now, have your little crush under control seeing as you find yourselves leaving for work at the same time regularly. And yet here you are, heart beating faster than you’d like while you fumble with your keys.
Despite being late for work, Bucky waits for you to finish locking up before falling into step beside you as you walk down the hallway to the elevator.
“So let me guess, you slept through your alarm again?” The firefighter raises a brow, amused by your flushed appearance - unsure if that’s his effect on you or the fact your shift started five minutes ago.
“Worse,” you wince, “didn’t even set the damn thing.”
If you didn’t love it so much so much, you’d be inclined to be offended at the snort of a laugh he lets out. “Oh, doll.” Bucky shakes his head with a grin still left on his lips.
“What ‘bout you, Barnes? Spend too much time doing your hair?”
One unamused glare your way and now you’re the one giggling. Walking up to the elevator, you press the button to go down before stepping back to face Bucky.
“I’ll have you know, I woke up looking this good” He winks at you, hoping you’ll accept his non-answer for an answer. But you both know why he woke up late.
He barely even fell asleep, now that his nightmares are back.
His screams travel through the thin walls at night, falling on concerned ears. You pretend as though you don’t hear his night terrors but he sees the slight tug at your brows the next morning, the way you’re desperate to ask if he’s okay. But you never do; you don’t want to make him uncomfortable. You offered your help once, and you’re not sure you have the right to ask again.
“Who said you look good?” You tease, hoping to lighten the mood.
The elevator dings and the doors open. “Well the old lady whose cat we saved yesterday said I was the most handsome man in town” He smirks as you both step inside.
“Oh that’s high praise, Barnes” You reply, watching as he presses the ground floor button.
A comfortable silence falls upon the elevator as it roars back to life. Pulling out your phone, you fire a quick text to your boss to apologise for being late before shoving it back into your back pocket.
Bucky turns to you, “What time do you fin-“
A loud clunk sounds from above the lift and it stops moving, dropping a couple inches before coming to a halt again.
“Oh, shit” You all but whisper, almost afraid of speaking too loudly in case it sends you tumbling down.
“Well,” Bucky’s eyes are on the ceiling, “that didn’t sound great”
If you weren’t so nervous, you might slap him for stating the fucking obvious. Your eyes fall to your hand that’s grabbed his, not even realising you’d reached for him when the lift stopped.
Your cheeks burn crimson before you release the death grip you had on his wrist, ignoring the sparks resting beneath your fingertips.
“You okay, doll?” His voice softens when he sees the fear in your eyes.
“Umm..” You stutter, voice as shaky as your hands are.
“Hey, hey,” Bucky’s hands are on your shoulders now, “you’re shaking, Y/n. What’s wrong? What do you need me to do?”
Clenching your eyes shut, you take a deep breath. “Tell me we’re not about to fall to our deaths, please”
Your neighbour lets out a breathy ‘Oh, doll’ and strokes his thumbs over your shoulders. When you open your eyes, his blue ones bear into yours reassuringly, “We’re not gonna fall to our deaths.”
“This hunk of junk hasn’t been serviced in years but i’m pretty sure it’s just jammed or the powers cut out. Either way, we’re gonna be just fine” He continues.
You let out a wavering breath and nod slowly. “Okay. So what now?” You ask.
Bucky drops one of his hands to get his phone (much to your dismay), “I’m gonna call for the crew to come get us”
“Wait,” You frown, “why not press the help button?”
Bringing his phone to his ear, Bucky replies as it starts ringing. “Well, after Mr Garvey lugs his ass outta bed, he’d be calling them anyways. Might as well avoid being stuck here longer than we have to”
Ahh, Mr Garvey; the landlord to the whole building who also happens to be the laziest fucker around.
You mumble and ‘okay’ and roll your bottom lip between your teeth - completely unaware of the admiring eyes on you.
Eventually, a voice sounds from the other side of the phone and Bucky explains the situation, rambling off the information they need to find you. With a quick thank you, the call is over and you’re left with nothing but time to waste.
Your eyes follow the man before you as he approaches the far wall, sliding down it till he’s sat with one leg stretched out, the other bent at the knee where he rests his elbow.
“It’s alright, doll. You can sit down, it won’t break anything” He cocks his head to side, eyeing up your hesitant features.
You choose to trust him; after all, he is the one best qualified to know what will and won’t make this obnoxiously small lift crash to the ground.
Letting yourself drop to the floor, you sit with your knees up due to the lack of space to stretch your legs. Bucky is right in front of you, the tight squeeze seemingly not bothering him.
“Great day to be late, huh” You scoff lightly.
“Yeah well, at least we’re together”
A laugh escapes you, drawing a confused expression from your neighbour. “Let’s not pretend as though you need me here. If it weren’t for me you’d probably be climbing outta this thing”
“You overestimate my abilities, sweets. I’m no spider-man” He replies. Those damn pet names make you blush every time.
“You know,” you tilt your head a little to the left, “I can’t think of anyone who still uses ‘doll’ or ‘sweets’ aside from you”
You swear there’s a glint in Bucky’s eye when he replies, “Do you blush when someone calls you ‘baby’ as much as you do when I call you ‘doll’?”
Thinking for a moment, you shyly shake your head in response; he raises his brows at you, as though your answer proves his point. You wonder if he’s old fashioned in other ways. If he’s one to buy his girl flowers or open a car door for them. Maybe he’s just as polite in bed, though you find yourself disappointed at the thought. God, you need to stop thinking of him like that, no matter how hot he would look between your-
“You seeing that fella from last week again?”
Bucky’s question brings you out of your day dreams and you’re surprised by it, unaware he had any interest in your love life.
“Peter?” He nods. “No, I don’t think so. We weren’t really one the same page, if that makes sense”
“How so?”
You shrug slightly, “He’s fresh out of college and looking for a fuck buddy, not a genuine relationship.” You look away from Bucky as you continue. “And even if I wanted that, he’s hardly mature enough to know what he’s doing”
With your gaze settled on your hands, you miss the way Bucky starts biting his lip as he wonders what type of man would fulfil your needs. He shakes his head clear of those thoughts, not wanting to make a fool of himself.
“What about you? Haven’t heard any visitors at yours for a little while” You comment, hoping he doesn’t think you’ve been spying on him.
He lets out a dry laugh, “Lets just say I prefer my nights off with a beer and listening to you play the piano.”
“Oh god, you hear that?” You cover your face with your hands when he nods. “I hope I don’t disturb you. I didn’t think it-“
“It’s fine, doll,” he nudges your thigh with his boot, “I like it”
Your cheeks burn yet again as you drop your hands. “You do?”
“How could I not? You play beautifully. I’ve thought of slipping a request under your door but I didn’t wanna be the creep next door”
You giggle, “You couldn’t be creepy if you tried, Barnes”
“In that case, you should know my cat loves your music too”
With a gasp, you lean closer to Bucky till you’re sat cross legged barely a foot away from him. “James Barnes, the firefighter, has a cat!?”
You revel in his hearty laugh, eyes dancing across his face. From the crinkles at the corners of his eyes to the deep smile lines framing his mouth, you can’t help but be drawn to his beauty.
He sobers up. “Her name’s Alpine.” He says, “She was left at the firehouse a couple of years ago so I took her home with me. She’s probably the only thing that loves your music more than me”
A grin tugs at your lips as you enjoy the thought of your neighbour cuddled up with a little cat.
“If we make it outta here alive, I wanna meet her”
“We’ll be fine, doll. The crew’ll be here any minute now”
You hum and silence consumes the air once more. The soft dim glow of the overhead lights falls gracefully on your features and Bucky can’t pull his eyes away. He knows you’re not too fond of the situation you’re both in and yet he can’t help but thank whatever beings made this happen; to finally have an excuse to talk to you longer than your usual small talk, to tell you how much he’s in awe your piano playing.
He’s not ready to tell you that he’s rather in awe of you, too. Maybe next time you’re stuck in a lift together.
With the silence so heavy on your ears, your mind drifts to the reason you’re here in the first place. The reason he is here.
The nightmares.
You know he hasn’t slept properly in weeks; the dark circles beneath his eyes are just a glimpse of his exhaustion. And as much as you’re scared of pushing him away, the weight on your chest is growing too heavy to bear.
“I know you’re having nightmares again.”
Bucky stills.
“Those screams, James, I-“
“It’s nothing” He cuts you off with stern words. Your brows pull together, eyes laced with worry.
“It doesn’t sound like nothing. I thought they got better.“
His head falls back against the wall behind him, “Well you thought wrong.”
You curse yourself beneath your breath as you run your hands through your hair, searching for the right thing to say.
“I’m worried about you, James.” You breathe, eyes fluttering shut. You’re scared that if you look at him, you’ll cave in and promise to never ask about it again. “I get that i’m just your neighbour but I can’t keep acting like I can’t see there’s something wrong.“
“There is nothing wrong!” Bucky’s tone is sharp, not quite shouting but no longer calm.
Your eyes snap open, training on the clench of his jaw, the sole hint of any emotion on his face.
“I’m dealing with it. So you need to stop acting like you know me because you don’t.”
And there it goes. The worry in your chest morphs into regret. Regret for bringing it up, regret for thinking you could help, regret for hearing his screams in the first place.
Bucky hates how timid your voice is, barely loud enough over the ringing of his own heartbeat. That and the voice in his head telling him he’s a piece of shit. He wishes he could take it all back but he doesn’t know how to, so he decides that silence is better than opening his damn mouth and making things worse.
The pair of you sit there in silence, one that’s far less comfortable than before, and stare at the ceiling, waiting for help to arrive.
When it does, you count your lucky stars that the lift stopped just at the doors to the second floor. Bucky helps the crew pull the doors open enough for you both to climb through. You feel his blue eyes on you as you wait for them to stabilise the lift, avoiding his gaze at all costs.
“Okay, Ma’am,” One of the firefighters calls, the name ‘Rogers’ written on his jacket, “we need you guys to climb up here and we’ll pull you out.”
Your eyes widen at the thought of pulling yourself up there, suddenly very aware of your frankly appalling upper body strength.
Rogers catches the hesitation on your face. “Don’t worry, Buck will help you up so you can get out first”
Turning to look at your neighbour, you lock eyes for the first time in ten minutes. His lips are turned into an awkward half smile, changing his entire demeanour from one of a brooding firefighter to a sheepish kid.
You don’t know how long the pair of you stand there staring at each other, but it’s long enough for Roger’s to clear his throat in attempt to regain your attention.
Bucky steps closer to you while the crew get ready above you. “You okay with this, doll?”
You nod, “As long as this thing doesn’t fall while i’m half way through and snap my body in half, i’m good”
That heartwarming laugh fills your ears and the firefighter shakes his head in amusement. At least he doesn’t hate you enough to leave you to get out on your own.
“Well lucky for you, that ain’t gonna happen”
You roll your bottom lip between your teeth. “Okay, how is this gonna work?”
Bucky moves to stand below the gap, facing you. He lowers himself down to one knee before reaching for your hand.
His skin is warm but rough, gentle but strong as he pulls you closer to him. The unexpected tug on your hand sends you tumbling toward him, your right hand bracing yourself on his shoulder to regain your balance while his free hand lands on your hip.
You mumble an apology, flustered at the intense heat beneath his hands and the way Bucky is looking up at you.
“You good?” He asks, voice dripping with awe, though you’re oblivious to the admiration, still plagued by the way he shut you down earlier.
When you nod, Bucky removes his hand from your hip and taps his knee. “You’re gonna step on my knee, then on my shoulder and you then should be close enough for Steve to grab you and pull you out”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you” You admit, nervous at the thought of letting Bucky take your body weight on his shoulders.
He looks up at you through his lashes “Do you trust me, sweets?”
“Yes” You reply, not even having to think about it. There may be some walls between you, but you know he’s on the other side, waiting.
“Good, then get up here”
Bucky shouts up to the crew that he’s giving you a boost now and after hearing them shout back that they’re ready, you place your foot on Bucky’s knee and push yourself up.
“Don’t drop me” You warn, reaching up to the gap in preparation.
“Wouldn’t dream of it”
And with that, you climb onto your neighbours shoulders and stretch up for Steve to grab your hands.
Along with Bucky pushing your feet up, Steve pulls you out and you slide through the gap until you’re free of that god forsaken elevator.
“Well thank fuck for that” You groan, spread across the floor on your back, making the crew laugh.
You barely have time to recover before Bucky is stood above you, having lugged himself out with ease.
“Guess you won’t be forgetting to set your alarm again, ay?”
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a/n: first chapterrrrrr! hope you enjoyed, if you have any questions dm me or drop an ask <3
new chapter will be out soon, thanks to everyone to voted on the poll i put out, i hope it’s as good as you wished it would be :)
comment if you’d like to be added to my ashes to embers taglist 🧡
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world-of-aus · 3 months
How's Your Head?
Pairing: Firefighter! Bucky x Paramedic! Reader
Warnings: None.
Author's Note: The gym thoughts won.
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“What happened Chief?” 
Sam gives you a look, “I’m on the job so formalities only,” he cracks a smile, you roll your eyes biting back your own, “details on the injured chief where is he?” 
He tilts his head to the back of the fire truck stationed feet away, “he’s at the back of the drill truck, Rogers is keeping him talking, got his head and shoulder banged up pretty good running drills.” You hoist your bag higher on your shoulder, “take me to him.” 
You hear him before you see him, “Rogers I swear if you don’t get your damn fingers out of my face, I told you I’m fine, I’ve gotten hurt worse on the job there’s no need for all this fussin, you shouldn’t have called.” 
“And that’ll be my call to make,” you say rounding the truck finding Lieutenant Barnes sat slouched over the back, ice pack pressed to his head, Captain Rogers pressing one to his shoulder. You place the bag next to him taking over the icepack pressed to the lieutenant's shoulder. 
“I’ve got it from here Captain, you and chief are free to go.” you say excusing the two other men, they thank you letting the Lieutenant next to you know they’ll be at the station when he’s done.  
You turn to the broad-shouldered brunette sitting in front of you his posture much straighter now that his colleagues have left a glint in his eyes and a cheeky smile on his lips as he looks at you, you already know you’re in for trouble. 
“How are you feeling Lieutenant Barnes?” 
The man groans, clutching his chest in dramatics, “You wound me, I’ve told you to call me Bucky sweetheart, we’re past lieutenant Barnes at this point.” 
Your tongue pushes into your cheek, biting back the smile threatening to split your lips, “and I’m on the job lieutenant, now how are you feeling, any pain?” You question lifting the ice back from his shoulder, your fingers curling into the white top to peek at the reddened skin, a speckle of red and purple look back at you. 
“Sweetheart if you want to see me shirtless all you have to do is ask.” 
Ignoring his teasing comment, you press down on the skin softly drawing out a pained groan, “scale of one to ten what’s the pain level?” 
“I’d say an 8 but a kiss could bring it down to 1, get my mind right off of it.” 
You shake your head placing the icepack down “and how’s your head?” you continue getting right in front of him to remove the second icepack, your fingers combing softly through his hair to check for broken skin 
“I’ve had no complaints.” 
Your fingers pause in his hair, eyes meeting his amused ones, you laugh, “I meant your actual head Bucky, are you feeling pain?” 
“Will you kiss it to make it better?” 
“What about a date,” he continues, “I’d have something other than a headache to look forward to tonight.” 
You chuckle fingers moving in his hair again, “you should be glad they called I’m pretty sure you’re suffering from a concussion.” you say examining his head again. 
His hands find the sides of your thighs, the action rendering you motionless, your fingers still in his hair again eyes finding his, “I’m actually glad they called - I got to see you.”  
He’s grinning at the smile you try so hard to hide. “C’mon sweetheart one date.” 
“If I agree to this one date, will you let me finish checking you so I have something other than your incessant flirting to report back to the chief?” 
“If you agree you can check me as thoroughly as you want sweetheart.” 
“Fine Barnes, one date, one.” you stress. 
“Oh sweetheart you and I both know it won’t only be one.” 
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buckrecs · 1 year
2022 Bucky Barnes Fic Rec Wrap Up 2
part 1 | masterlist
favorite fics from 2022 series fic recs
All of them are COMPLETE Series.
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1. Fatal Attraction by @gayouijaboard
Bucky x Assassin!Reader
Bucky’s quite the flirt, even when you’re in the middle of trying to murder him
2. Lost Without You by @angrythingstarlight
Mob!Dad!Bucky x Reader
Soft Mob Bucky Series
3. should’ve been you by @classylo
Bucky x Reader, past Steve x Reader
a Stark gala, a cheating boyfriend, an upset reader, and her boyfriend’s best friend...let’s begin shall we?
4. kisses, cookies and such | candlelight & cuddles by @stevebabey
Neighbor!Bucky x Reader
Something had... shifted. Yet somehow, nothing had changed. You can’t put your finger on it, but sometime between then and now, there’s a difference. Well, that much was obvious — a lot of things had changed since Bucky and you became friends.
5. Something More by @tellmealovestory
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
After a bad breakup you ask your best friend to take your virginity. It’s just friends with benefits. What could possibly go wrong?
6. The Contingency Plan by @dilemmaontwolegs
Bucky x WOC!Reader
Bucky had promised he would find you after the war ended but you were planning on keeping your own promises to him, for better or for worse, so you were heading to Italy and to the front lines. Life in the war was fast, it was living moment to moment because you didn’t know how much time you had together. Then Bucky went missing and for a moment you had him back, all thanks to Steve, and despite your pleas Bucky went straight back into the fray of the war never to be seen again. When Bucky got his mind and body back in the 21st century he finds your name on a memorial for women who lost their lives or were missing in action during the war. He never had any idea you were still waiting for him.
7. Something Domestic by @fandoms-writings
Ex-military amputee!Bucky x Reader
Needing an escape from the loud and busy city life, Bucky comes to stay with you on your little farm. He didn’t expect you, a hardworking and beautiful woman with struggles of your own, to take his breath away and make life a little less dreary.
8. we’re fools. by @achillieus
Bucky x Reader College AU
for all bucky barnes knows, he hates clichés. and this thing between you two, happens to be the biggest one.
9. The Bienville by @indyluckycharlie
CEO!Bucky x Reader
Bucky is the young CEO of his family’s publishing house. A year into the role and working his ass off, he’s finally taking a much needed vacation (upon the advice of his well-meaning family and friends).
10. Greatest Hits by @lunarbuck
Bucky x Reader
You work at your family's record store, and Bucky lives next door. He comes into your store and asks you for some music recommendations. You soon realize that he has a lot to learn and make it your personal mission to show him the world he missed out on through music.
11. Obey by @waiting4inspiration
Bucky x Hydra!Reader
An assassin is brought in by Fury because he thinks she has a connection to HYDRA. Bucky recognizes her and knows how to handle the programming installed in her mind (much like his Winter Soldier programming). Things become challenging now that he is her new Commander and has the responsibility to look after and protect her from HYDRA.
12. Playing With Fire by @beccaanne814
Fireman!Bucky x Reader
What happens when two people who have nothing in common suddenly have to pretend to be in a relationship? Will the sparks between them ignite into something more, or is this romance doomed to crash and burn?
13. Strange Times by @/beccaanne814
Bucky x Reader
You have a certain type - smart, charming, and handsome as sin. For years you’ve been in love with the only man you thought possessed all of those traits, but a chance encounter with a Strange individual sends you and a certain ex-assassin on a journey of self-discovery. As you try to find a way back home, will you also be able to uncover the perfect man hidden beneath layers of guilt and self-loathing.
14. Invisible String by @oitommothetease
Mob!Bucky x Reader
James Buchanan Barnes, the owner of the most expensive-looking club in town and your new apartment. He was a dick and you hated him. What could possibly go wrong when you, the new girl in town, start bartending at his club to pursue your dreams?
15. A Weapon No More by @empyreanwritings
Bucky x Mutant!Reader
You made a promise to retire from the life of being used as a weapon after you escaped the Facility, but what’s one more mission? You wanted revenge on the doctor that created and tortured you for all those years, and S.H.I.E.L.D was giving you the opportunity to do so. Would it be worth breaking that promise?
16. Scars by @tokoyamisstuff
Bucky x Reader
Based on the Soulmate Prompt where whatever you write on your skin, it appears on your Soulmate’s.
17. Stepping Up by @i-am-a-closet-fanfic-fiend
Bucky x Reader
When Steve can’t go with you to your cousin’s wedding, he sends Bucky in his place. What happens when more than one person assume you’re dating?
18. Bucky’s Bistro Dates by @wonderlandmind4
Bucky x Reader
A Bistro owner is witness to Bucky Barnes bad dates.
19. Better by @captainscanadian
Doctor!Bucky x Doctor!Reader
Dr. James Barnes has it all: a loving family, caring best friends, and a successful career as one of the best heart surgeons in New York. He has everything he ever wanted his whole life… well, almost everything. One thing he never thought he could ever have was Y/N Y/L/N. She may have been a lot of things, but he loved her because she made him better.
20. Under Pastel Skies by @redgillan
Writer!Bucky x Artist!Reader
Bucky doesn’t need anyone, especially not a sugar baby. He isn’t that desperate... but she smiles so sweetly and she's endearingly awkward, and he’s so lonely. She’s an artist, a painter, the type of person who always puts others before herself. Throwing caution to the wind Bucky offers her a place to live, a place where she can finally paint whatever her heart desires. He doesn’t need much in return; a friend, a muse.
21. Save Me by @espinosaurusrexex
Bucky x Reader College AU
Bucky Barnes has never had it easy, which ultimately turned him into a caveman-like introvert with no desire to see the positive side of life. But what happens when the clumsily charming art student, Y/N, stumbles to his rescue, determined to show Bucky how truly wonderful the world is?
22. Summer Plans by @notimetoblog
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
Planning a trip with Bucky takes a turn when someone new comes into his life. Will it all change or can you still manage to have the perfect summer you planned?
23. i hate you but by @buckybarnesthehotshot
Bucky x Avenger!Reader
bucky and y/n can’t stand each other, but y/n needs help with her sister’s kids (enemies to lovers au)
24. Hello and Goodbye, by @sweetascanbee
Bucky x Adopted Wilson!Reader
You are Sam's adopted little sister, and he brings home a mysterious friend.
25. Dreaming of Better Days by @wizardofrozz
40s!Bucky x Reader
Steve always manages to find a fight no matter where he goes and Bucky is always ready to defend his best friend, until one day someone beats him to it. Bucky isn’t prepared to find you standing up for his best friend and he definitely wasn’t prepared to be so swept up by you. But most of all, he didn’t expect you to have such an important place in his future. 
26. Grease Lightning by @language-rxgers
Bucky x Reader
You’re on the hair & makeup team for your school’s production of Grease, and Nat has signed you up to do the makeup for the lead role of Danny Zuko- played by none other than Bucky Barnes. 
27. Snow by @delaber
Bucky x Agent!Reader
Tired of your constant bickering, Sam sends you and Bucky on a mission alone. When the worst possible outcome happens and you’re forced to spend several days together in a small cabin, you finally get to see a different, more pleasurable side to the man whose flesh you’ve always had a thorn in.
28. How to Make Small Talk in Five Simple Steps | How to Make the Right Decision in Five Simple Steps by @certifiedskywalker
Bucky x Reader
When people meet, they often use small talk as a means to negotiate and define the start of a new relationship. When you and Bucky meet, you both struggle to find the right words.
29. Next to Me by @sgtjbuccky
Bodyguard!Bucky x Reader
After an attempt on you and your identical twin’s life, your father calls in the Avengers for protection. Bucky soon realizes your father’s goal is solely to keep you sister safe, and decides that the times of doing the bidding of others are long gone, and takes your protection into his own hands.
30. Money, Power, Glory by @sergeantxrogers
Criminal!Bucky x Informant!Reader
James “Bucky” Barnes, New York state’s most infamous organized crime leader since the 1980s. With Bucky weaving through the fingers of local police and the federal government for far too long, they decide to go with plan B: you. Your job? Simple. Relay inside information back to the FBI, slipping through the cracks of Bucky’s fortress of a crime ring as an unknown imposter. The Bureau, however, has no idea you and Bucky are much more acquainted than you let on.
31. Blue by @softlybarnes
Bucky x Reader
James and Y/N take a road tip across the country to help Bucky’s recovery process. A question Y/N asks at the beginning of the trip sets Bucky searching his memories for an answer, one he finds he needs if he can move forward.
32. It’s All Fun and Games by @yikeswtfmate
Bucky x Reader MCU AU
A glimpse into Bucky and Y/N’s relationship, where they’re not together, but every single one of their friends would beg to differ.
33. A love that never leaves by @bitsandbobsandstuff
Bucky x Enhanced!Reader
Sometimes when you go looking for the past, you find things you never expected. When an accident brings him face to face with something he never knew he lost, Bucky Barnes begins to understand an age old truth – it’s so easy, sometimes, to love the things that destroy us.
34. Heart to a Gunfight by @lailannajacobs
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
You didn’t want to help Bucky Barnes make it through the party by pretending to be his fake girlfriend, after all, you had just met him. You also didn’t plan on the charade lasting as long as it did.
35. Café Crema by @wonderlandmind4
Bucky x Reader
The first time was an accident. The second time was coincidence. The third time is just unlucky. The fourth time is getting out of hand and the fifth may or may not be with intent. Otherwise known as The One Where He Spills Her Coffee.
36. If Only You Were Mine… by @bbgem329
Bucky x Reader Modern AU
You’ve been in love with Bucky Barnes since the moment you laid eyes on him. That was five years ago, when your older sister brought him home for a Sunday lunch and introduced him as her boyfriend.
37. желание by @sebbytrash
Bucky x Agent!Reader
Steve had drafted Bucky in to help with your training, not knowing you had feelings for him. Feelings? Ok, you were attracted to the man. Insanely so. And he hated you. Or at least that’s what you think, but is there more going on than you realise?
38. Awake My Soul by @foreverindreamlandd
Bucky x Reader Zombie Apocalypse AU
It's been five years since zombies first started walking the Earth, destroying anything and everything in their wake. Now, in this apocalyptic world, fighting for survival comes as naturally as breathing. The one thing you've learned ever since they arrived, though, is that the living can be so much more dangerous than the undead. When you stumble across two young, scared boys lost in the woods and being chased by walkers, you go against your better judgment and help them to safety. Little did you know that helping them would lead you to Bucky - an angry, grumpy, distrusting member of the camp Shield. Bucky has zero interest in having you enter his life. He's been hurt before and lost too many people to risk experiencing that kind of pain again, and he knows that there are secrets you aren't telling the group. Yet, when push comes to shove, and you're put at risk, he'll stop at nothing to keep you safe.
39. Fatality by @moonlight-prose
Bucky x Reader
After being dusted for five years he was back, except so were the memories he never had a hold of before. No longer did they sit dormant in his mind, but instead they attacked him day in and day out. Moments in time he didn’t believe were him. Until one returns to him and brings with it a piece of himself he thought he’d lost for good.
40. pretty woman, this is me trying by @captainsimagines
Bucky x Sex Worker!Reader
Bucky Barnes does not like to be touched. He’s completely ready to live a distant life and give up when the time is right. Until Stark hires him his own personal pretty woman. Over time, Bucky Barnes begins to learn how to touch again. How to feel again. How to love himself again.
449 notes · View notes
metalbuckaroo · 2 years
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🎃 NOTE// All one shots will have their own warnings, to be added to the tag list just reply to the post
🎃 // I DO NOT own any of the photos or gifs used in moodboards, all credit goes to the rightful creators
-> Oct. 1st: Mutual Masturbation - SugarDaddy!Bucky
-> Oct. 2nd: Finger Fucking - Roommate!Bucky
-> Oct. 3rd: Somno - Firefighter!Bucky
-> Oct. 4th: Mirror Sex - College!Bucky
-> Oct. 5th: Black Mail - WinterSoldier!Bucky
-> Oct. 6th: Knife Play - Mafia!Bucky x Rival!Mafia!Reader
-> Oct. 7th: Thigh Riding - BestFriend!Bucky
-> Oct. 8th: Orgasm Denial - Biker!Bucky
-> Oct. 9th: Ball Worship - SugarDaddy!Bucky
-> Oct. 10th: Temp Play - DBF!Bucky
-> Oct. 11: Breeding - Soft!Dark!Pirate!Bucky
->Oct. 12th: Spanking - Mafia!Bucky
-> Oct. 13th: Sex Tape - Stripper!Bucky
-> Oct. 14th: Corruption - DILF!Bucky
-> Oct. 15th: Hate Sex - Neighbor!Bucky
-> Oct. 16th: Cuckolding - DBF!Stucky
-> Oct. 17th: Cockwarming - Stripper!Bucky
-> Oct. 18th: Exhibitionism - Biker!Bucky
-> Oct. 19th: Car Sex - BestfriendsDad!Bucky
-> Oct. 20th: Massage - Stripper!Bucky
-> Oct. 21st: Authority Kink - Alpha!Bucky
-> Oct. 22nd: Spit Kink - Rockstar!Bucky
-> Oct. 23rd: Sex Swing - Mafia!Bucky
-> Oct. 24th: Chasing - WinterSoldier!Bucky
-> Oct. 25th: Daydream - Rockstar!Bucky
-> Oct. 26th: Marking - DBF!Bucky
-> Oct. 27th: Squirting - Rebound!Bucky
-> Oct. 28th: Choking - Firefighter!Bucky
-> Oct. 29th: Dry Humping - 40s!Bucky
-> Oct. 30th: Sex Pollen -Soft!Dark!TFATWS!Bucky
-> Oct. 31: Aftercare - Pornstar!Bucky
🎃 Tag List: @auriel187 @marvel-3407 @winters1917 @k-jones16-blog @wickedravyn @ah-blossom @tilltheendofthelinepal9950 @buckybraneslover111 @bonkybarnes106 @wakandabiitch2 @vllowe @kmuir1 @alyhull @stardust-galaxies @michellefoster12 @xleggo-my-elevenx @fionanovasleftnut @
2K notes · View notes
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First responder C1
Summary: Darkish. When a normal night at home turns into a disaster you find yourself in the arms of a stranger. No use of y/n.
Warnings: dark, kidnapping, fire, manipulation, using emotionally unstable people, PLEASE DONT READ IF YOUR UNCOMFORTABLE
Events: juneiverse @buckybarnesevents
A/n just a heads up I suck at writing but I really wanted to join this event. Have not reread it so it probably sucks. About 970 words.
The alarm was ringing through your house a panic surged through your blood as you quickly sat up. And threw a hoodie over your head. Blindly grabbing your phone. You quickly made your way to your apartment door. Sliding a pair of slippers on and closing the door behind you as you stepped into the hall joining the crowd of your neighbours all walking to the staircase at the end of the hallway. You make your way into the crisp summer night holding your hoodie closer to your body, regretting only wearing the slightly Lacey sleep shorts and a thin bralette you had bought last week as a form of self-care.
As you watched multiple fire trucks pull up to your complex you couldn’t help but overthink everything. Where would you stay? Would you lose all your precious belongings? You tried not to panic as you stood amongst the flashing lights and harsh sounds. You couldn’t see any fire but you could smell it. It was faint but was there.
A tap on your shoulder pulled you from your overthinking spiral. You looked to your right where a large man stood. Your eyes glanced over him. The fireman gear he had on did nothing to conceal how massive he was.
You couldn’t help but think of what he must look like under that suit. Was he all muscle or was he also soft? As soon as your eyes made it to his face though not a thought was in your mind except his eyes. Those stormy blue eyes looked down at you with worry. He was speaking but you could focus on anything but those eyes.
A light shake of your shoulder snapped you out of his eyes.
“Hey, are you ok miss?” The man in front of you asked. You nervously nodded your head. Still unable to speak under his spell. “My name is Bucky I’m here to help you.”
“Bucky” you tried his name out on your tongue. You felt his hand land on your shoulder guiding you over to an ambulance.
“Hey Nat I think she may have a concussion,” he spoke to a lady with short red hair. Both of their hands gently pull you down to sit on the edge of the ambulance. Bucky stays beside you as the lady he called Nat checks you over. Your eyes stay on his until the paramedic puts a bright light in your line of vision. Snapping you out of the trance once again.
“She seems perfectly fine buck. Probably just a little shaken.”
“What’s your name sweetie?” She asks, bending down to be at eye level with you. You tell her your full name and she stands up and walks somewhere out of your view. Leaving you once again with Bucky.
“You alright doll?” He asks once again. All you managed to do was weakly shake your head. Trying desperately to be strong but all your fight left you as you looked into his eyes.
You couldn’t help but think back to the argument you had with your parents. The same argument that made you move to a city where you knew no one. The argument is that they decided to cut you off. It seemed silly now. It was hitting you just how alone you were. Your house is in flames with no one to help you.
A warm arm wrapped around you in comfort. And you felt yourself truly break.
You vaguely recall the lady coming back over to the two of you. Saying something to James before talking to you again. She gently placed what looked like an oxygen mask over your face. That lightheaded feeling came back stronger as you felt your mental state drift away.
A pounding headache is never what you want to wake up to. But as you pull yourself out of sleep you take in your surroundings. None of them are familiar and a panic takes over your breathing. You sit up and rip off the blankets that were laid carefully over your bare legs. You go to hop off the bed but a counter force makes you face plant on the carpet.
You hear movement from the other room. You turn around to assess the situation and to your horror, your leg is cuffed to the frame of the bed.
The sound of the door opening sends you into a panic. Flights are not an option while you are cuffed down so fight it is. You look for something, anything to protect yourself, settling on a book that is laid on the nightstand. Holding it in front of yourself you look at the door that is opening.
A smiling face pops through the door.
The man from last night stood on the threshold. His sweet voice filled the air. All filled with sweetness and warmth as if he didn’t lock you to a bed. Kidnapping you when you had trusted him.
“What is wrong with you?” You spat at him, needing answers. And desperately hope this is a big misunderstanding.
“I just wanted to help you doll.” There it was again that sweet voice that got you into this mess.
“Help me? You tied me to a bed!” You could believe you got into this situation.
“Hey, I only did that to protect you. I knew you wouldn’t understand right away.”
What the hell was he talking about?
“We’re meant for each other doll. And I couldn’t just let you walk away from me. I knew the second I saw you I had to have you.” His voice was so soft but those words were devious. “And now that I have you we can be happy. Don’t you wanna be happy doll.”
His blue eyes searched yours so desperately that you almost believed him. You couldn’t believe him though. Right?
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bobgasm · 8 months
lieutenant smoulder [4.5/15]
pairing: bucky barnes x reader word count: 2657 warnings: they’re insufferable assholes, he fingers her, smut, nsfw [18+ only], contains spoilers for future chapters
prompt: “i was made for you”
summary: in which bucky has a secret
author’s note: bonus part from bucky’s pov. contains spoilers – best read after part 8 but takes place between parts 4 & 5
devour | lieutenant smoulder | embers
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        Bucky silenced the alarm blaring from the nightstand, but not before Y/N yelled at him to “shut that fucking thing off before I ram it up your ass, Barnes.”
        “It’s really great waking up next to you when you’re screeching in my ear like a bat out of hell,” he said, running a hand over his face.  Wiping the sleep from the corner of his eyes.  “Glare at me any harder and you’ll burn a hole in the side of my head.”
        “One can only hope,” she muttered, closing her eyes and trying to go back to sleep.
        Bucky sighed, folding the cover back as he got out of bed rather than ignoring the alarm and going back to sleep like he wanted to.  Crossing the room and grabbing a pair of boxer briefs from the dresser, pulling them up his legs before snagging yesterday’s jeans from the floor.  Stepping into them and sliding the zipper home, donning the button through the hole before entering the bathroom.  He made quick work of brushing his teeth and washing his face.  Catching Y/N’s reflection in the mirror as she appeared in the doorway.
        She’d snatched his shirt from the bedroom floor.  She’d never worn his clothes before and he didn’t know how that made him feel.  He liked it, sure.  Leaning back against the vanity and folding his arms over his chest.  She matched the action.
        “So you want me to stay but then you’re the one getting ready to leave first thing in the morning?”
        “I have coffee with my mom every morning,” he replied simply.  It was part of the truth, but he wasn’t ready to tell her the rest just yet.  “Would you rather I invite her over here and you have to do the walk of shame with a witness?”
        “It’s only a walk of shame if you regret what you did,” she pointed out.  “I hope you don’t expect me to stay until you get back, because I have shit to do today, Barnes.”
        He didn’t give himself time to second guess his decision.  Taking two long strides so he was in front of her, one hand cupping her face as he commandeered a kiss, the other placed low on her hip.  He could tell she wasn’t expecting it, but matched his ferocity without much prompting.  Her hands placed firmly on his chest, like she wanted to push him away, but instead creeping up to wind themselves in his hair.  His hands sliding down her body, giving her ass a firm squeeze before lifting her off her feet and carrying her back to the bed.
        She groaned softly as he settled between her legs, rough denim against her most delicate parts.  Legs tightening around his waist, his hips grinding down softly.  A delicious moan falling past his lips – one he’d normally be embarrassed of, but didn’t have it in him to shy away.
       One strong forearm kept him propped up, the other enticed her to unwrap her legs from his waist.  His fingers finding her slick heat.  Teasing her clit and earning a moan before sliding home.  They both groaned.  Her teeth clamping down on his bottom lip enough to hurt.  Hands tightening their grip in his hair.  Legs falling open as his fingers worked to draw an orgasm from her.
        He kissed her again.  He really liked kissing her – it was one of the only times she wasn’t arguing with him.  The other time being when she was on her knees blowing him.
        She was close and they both knew it.  He worked his fingers faster, curling back towards himself when he was knuckle deep.  Knowing she couldn’t hold out much longer when he did this.  Her grip loosening in his hair, only to clamp onto his wrist.  Desperate to try and push him away.
        “James...please.  Oh, fuck, please,” she whimpered, so deliriously close she didn’t know what she was saying.  “I’m so close.  So–fuck.”
        He liked her in this state.  Desperate.  Begging.
        “You gonna come for me, hm?”  He asked, voice low.  Mouth dragging over the shell of her ear.  “Be a good girl and come for me, Y/N.  Come all over my fingers.”
        He kissed the corner of her mouth, fingers unrelenting.  Her breath caught in her throat, body resisting the orgasm he coaxed from her, only for her resolve to crumble moments later.  Breathy moans filling his ears, but still, his fingers didn’t stop.
        “JamesJamesJames,” she chanted.
        “That’s it, baby,” he praised, kissing her slowly as she came down from her high.  She whimpered against his mouth as he withdrew his fingers.  He nudged his nose against her own, pressing a soft kiss to her lips before pulling away again.  “Stay.  I’ll be back by nine.”
        “I want pancakes for breakfast,” she told him, letting him kiss her once more before he climbed off the bed.  She hummed as she rubbed her legs together, a content smile on her face as she stretched a little and made herself comfortable in the bed again.
        Bucky didn’t argue.  Instead, he popped back into the bathroom to finish getting ready.  Shaving his face and running a comb through his hair.  Finding a shirt and lacing a pair of boots on his feet before heading out, snagging his phone, wallet and keys on the way, and hoping Y/N actually stayed.
        It never took him more than 20 minutes to get to his mothers’ place.  Because of his change in morning events, he arrived closer to quarter-to-eight than just after half-seven like usual. His mother eyed him curiously but didn’t initially pry.
        “You’re late,” she pointed out.
        “I know.  I’m sorry,” he apologised.  “Thanks for taking Theo last night.”
         “I love having him around.  You know that,” she replied.
         “How was he?  Is he mad I’m late?”
        “He knows you’re busy,” she answered.  “I told him you text to say you’d be a few minutes late, and that he should start getting ready without you.  Don’t you dare make me lie to him again, James.”
        “I’m sorry,” he apologised once again.  “It won’t happen again.”
        “Was she worth it?”
        “We agreed we wouldn’t talk about my sex life.”
        “That was before it interfered with you seeing your son, James,” she stonewalled.  He took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair.  “You told me you were having a couple of drinks with a colleague.”
        “And I did.”
        He felt like a kid again and he hated it.  He hated being reprimanded by his mother, but he hated that she was right.  His son needed to be put first – before everything else.  And usually that wasn’t an issue.  There hadn’t been a time since Theo was born that he’d ever been late to pick him up from his mother’s – Theo’s grandmother’s, – house.  Until now, and he had to make a decision whether or not he told her who the colleague was.  She’d understand the predicament he was in if he told her, but also he wasn’t ready for the lecture that came along with it.
        “Were you with Natasha?”
        “I told you that’s not a thing,” he replied, scratching the back of his neck.  “Y/L/N was made Barton’s replacement.”
        “Yeah.  We’re pissing everyone off at the house, so she invited me out for a drink so we could try and get along.  One drink turned into a couple and she came home with me.  She drives me fucking crazy, Ma.  I don’t know what I’m doing here again.”
        His mother sighed and lightly patted his face.  She gave him a once over – noting the clenched jaw and creased forehead.  Bucky didn’t like the silence.  He was sure she had her own opinion about the situation he’d found himself in with Y/N once again, but he knew that she was carefully choosing her words.
        “Why don’t I take Theo for the rest of the week, hm?  You can keep picking him up for kindergarten like normal, and have dinner with us on Sunday night, but after shift and kindergarten on Tuesday he goes back home with you, okay?  Just try not to be late again, and if you are for whatever reason, give us a call so you can tell him yourself.”
        Bucky nodded his head, pressing a kiss to his mother’s cheek.  “Thank you, Ma.  I really appreciate it.”
        “Just promise me he won’t get a baby brother or sister in nine months.  Now go make sure he’s got underwear on.  I’ll finish making his lunch.”
        He thanked his mother again before walking down the hall to Theo’s room, deliberately ignoring the comment about a sibling.  Using the secret knock he and Theo had worked out together, only to have the door fly open .02 seconds later.
        Bucky grinned as he bent down to catch the toddler as he tackled him in a hug.  It was the same reaction he got every morning and he’d never grow tired of it.  Holding Theo tightly as the young boy hid his face in his father’s neck.
        “Easy there, Rookie, you almost knocked me over!”  Bucky teased, lightly tickling his sides.  Theo squealed in delight before giving his dad a kiss.  “Sorry I’m a little late today, bud.”
        “It’s okay, daddy!  You’re here now.  You can help me get dressed.”  Theo gave him a big grin, and just like that, all was forgiven.
        Bucky helped Theo finish getting ready.  Making sure his hair was combed, his teeth brushed, and his shoes on the right feet.  Theo grabbed a sweatshirt, but he still wasn’t sure how to use a zipper, so he asked his dad for help.
        “Hey, bud, how’d you like to stay with Grandma for the rest of the week, hm?”
        Theo’s eyes lit up.  “Yes!”
        “Yeah?  That okay with you?”  Bucky asked, wanting to make sure.  He crouched down in front of Theo, his hands on his sides.  Theo nodded his head enthusiastically.  “I’ll still pick you up for kindy each morning, and pick you up after.  I’ll even try to be there for dinner and bedtime, okay?”
        “I love you, buddy.  You know that, right?  I love you so much.”
        “I love you too, daddy.”  Theo wrapped his arms around Bucky’s neck, and Bucky picked him up to carry him back out to the kitchen.
        “Tears?”  Winnie asked.
        “No, we’re happy this morning,” Bucky replied, graciously accepting the travel mug from his mother and taking a sip of coffee.  “Do I need to bring anything back for him later?”
        “Nothing I can think of,” she said, tucking Theo’s lunchbox into his school bag and zipping it up.  “Arms out, Theo.  Then you boys are good to go.”
       Theo thanked his grandma and said goodbye.  Bucky gave her a kiss on the cheek and a promise to see her later.  Bucky sipped his coffee as he and Theo left and made their way to the subway, ready to head to kindy.  Theo told him all about the things he and grandma were going to do while he stayed with her and it warmed Bucky’s heart knowing he loved his grandma to bits.  
        Theo’s mom wasn’t in the picture.  She hadn’t been apart of Bucky’s life long – just long enough for a condom to break.  Things had ended before either of them knew she was pregnant, and she’d come back into his life a week before she was due to have Theo.  Back then, Bucky had been shocked, and demanded a paternity test once Theo was born.  Sure enough, he was his kid, and once Bucky had him home, his mom had left.
        It had been hard, and Bucky had relied a lot on his own mother’s help.  After the death of her husband and Bucky’s dad, Winnie had felt like a piece of her was missing.  Having Theo come into her life was the best gift the universe could’ve given her, even if she knew her son wasn’t coping.  She did everything she could to help Bucky, and forced him to take a few weeks furlough after breaking down at work so he could figure out how exactly to raise a baby.
        Natasha had been his only friend at the firehouse initially.  She graduated from the academy a few months before him, so she knew what it was like to be the cadet getting the shit jobs.  She was the one who realised something was going on at home which resulted in his sour mood at work, and he’d told her everything.  In a way, both she and Bucky’s mother had been his saving grace.  Keeping him sane and keeping his priorities straight when they saw him struggling.  Offering to help where they could, and eventually he stopped needing their help as much.  Finding a routine with his mom so he could still work, and to this day they stuck to it.
        Why fuck with something that worked?
        Natasha was Aunty Nat and she loved Theo to death.  After Barton died, he was her saving grace.  She ended up crashing at the Barnes’ for a while.  Bucky couldn’t stand to see her so cut up, and she’d been there when he needed help the most.  It was time he paid back the favour.  So he slept on an air mattress on the floor in Theo’s room, and she took his bed.
        Lines got blurred when she stayed over, and they wound up being a little more than friends.  The sex was good.  Bucky gave her the distraction her body craved, and they both made each other happy.  The entire relationship was short-lived, but that didn’t stop Bucky’s mom from wishing that something more would come of their friendship.
        There were only a few people who knew about Bucky’s kid.  Chief Fury knew, because there’d been a couple of incidences in the past that required him to leave work.  Times like Theo being sick and needing to go home, or the time he broke his arm on the jungle gym.  Captain Wilson and Lieutenant Rogers knew because they’d become Bucky’s close friends, but almost no one else knew Bucky had a kid.  He wanted to keep his personal life private, but if they asked him he wouldn’t deny it.  
        They two Barnes boys arrived at Theo’s kindergarten just before half eight.  Sharing a hug and a kiss before Theo waved goodbye to his father and raced inside the school gates so he could play with his friends.  Bucky waved goodbye once he knew he was happy inside before making his way back home.
        Now he just had to figure out the Y/N situation.  One thing was for sure, though; he knew he wasn’t ready to tell her about Theo.  The decision could easily come back and bite him in the ass, but they were just fucking.  There was no point in having a heart to heart, because that wasn’t who either of them were.  As of right now, she was just someone to keep his bed warm.  Someone to fool around with when they weren’t arguing.
        After the way things ended last time...you’d have thought he learnt his lesson by now.
        Bucky sighed as he unlocked his apartment, breathing in the fresh smell of coffee and heading into the kitchen to wash the travel mug his mom had given him.  Pouring himself a cup and leaving his things by the fruit bowl before making his way back down the hall to his room.
        “Where’s my pancakes?”
        Bucky wasn’t expecting Y/N to still be there, if he was being honest.  So finding her still wearing his tee from the day before, reclined back against the wall with pillows behind her and sipping a coffee was a bit of a shock.  A good one, if he was being honest with himself.
        “Do I look like a fucking IHOP?”
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tom-holland-parker · 2 years
Heat on High - Cookies
Summary: Deciding to thank Bucky for putting out the fire leads to him asking you out
Pairing: Firefighter!Bucky x Single Mom!reader
Word Count: 853
Masterlist /Series Masterlist/ Previous Part
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Two days passed before you had the chance to see bucky. He’d been busy with work so you decided to properly thank him for putting out the fire by delivering homemade cookies. The garage doors to the fire station were open but you hesitated to enter, unsure if you were allowed.
“Can I help you?” You turned toward the unfamiliar voice, the man was tall and stared at you with a smile. Your eyes glanced at his shirt, noticing the firehouse logo on it, “I’m looking for Bucky Barnes”
A look of realization spread across his face as his smile widened, “Are you Y/N?”
You nodded which only made him happier, “My name is Sam. It’s great finally meet you, Barnes will not shut up about you”
You chuckled,  “Well I hope he’s only told you good things”
He shrugged, “He should be inside, Follow me”
You trailed behind him not wanting to get lost. Sam kept small talk with you, telling you about the different rooms that you passed and asking you about your day. “There he is” He pointed to where Bucky sat playing cards with the others, “Barnes you’ve got a visitor” 
Bucky looked confused but when he saw you his eyes softened, “Y/N is everything okay?” He stood up for his seat, throwing his cards on the table before walking towards you, “what are you doing here?”
“Um” You handed him the container in your hands, “I thought I should properly thank you for putting out that fire so I made you cookies” You watched as the men behind him looked at you then at each other, all trying to hide the smirk on their face, “I would’ve waited until you got home it’s just you’ve been so busy and I’ve been running around with lily and-”
“Thank you” Bucky smiled, setting the cookies on the table. It took all but three seconds for the other firefighters to starting grabbing them and eating, “while you’re here I actually have something for you”
He grabbed your hand, gently leading you further into the building, “We usually give these to the kids but I think you’ll find them useful too” He stopped just outside the office door with the name plate, Lieutenant Barnes. You tried to hide a smile, “this better not be what I think it is”
Bucky laughed as he opened the door. The office was small, a simple desk in the corner and a bed on the opposite side with two duffle bags with clothes folded neatly on it. There were few pictures on the walls but for the most part it was neat and plain. He quickly grabs paper off his desk and hands it to you, “It’s a fire safety pamphlet”
“I’m never making you cookies again” You smiled, nudging his shoulder, “in fact I should take back those cookies”
“Good luck with that, Im sure Sam and Torres have eaten them all”
You grinned and glanced at the clock, “Shit I have to go pick up lily”
Bucky’s smile dropped, sad to see you leaving even though he knows he’ll see you at home, “Let me walk you out” The walk back to the exit was quick, you smiled and waved goodbye to Sam before turning to Bucky, “Well I guess I’ll see you at home”
“My shift doesn’t end till 3am but I’m sure I’ll see you when you leave in the morning” He wanted to kick himself. Why couldn’t he just ask you out like a normal person?
“Okay then” You smiled and started to walk away. Bucky sighed silently screaming at himself to chase after you.
“Are you serious? You’ve been talking our ears off about this girl for weeks and you didn’t even ask her out.” Sam slapped Bucky’s back, “She obviously likes you and if you don’t do it I will” 
Bucky rolled his eyes, “Shut up Sam, I’m working on it”
“Ya know you could invite her to the opening of the new firefighter museum” Torres spoke, chewing down on another cookie, “We have to go anyway might as well make it a date”
Sam smiled, grabbing Bucky’s phone, “that’s a perfect idea”
“Sam stop it” Bucky moved to take the phone back but it was too late he had already called your number. “Hello? Bucky?” You voice came through the speaker, he could hear Lily giggling in the background
“Hey Doll” Bucky said, trying not to sound awkward, “I’m I was just thinking maybe if you weren’t busy next weekend you’d want to maybe”
“Just do it” Sam whispered giving him a thumbs up
“Be my date to a museum opening” Bucky wanted to slap himself in the face, this was going terrible
You smiled, “Yeah I’d love to, just send me information”
Bucky let out a breath of relief, “Great, it’s a date then, see ya soon”
He hung up quickly, looking over at Sam and Torres who stared at him with stupid smiles. Bucky rolled his eyes as he grabbed the container of cookies “wipe the smirks off your faces and get back to work”
@wildxwidow @nelly-belly @marvelgurl @inas-thing @hehehehannahthings @prancerrparkerr @abiseifried @randomwriter1021 @hunnybunimdun @raajali3 @liltimmyst @marvel-ous-miss-maisie @enchantedbarnes
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