#First Class Lawyer
angieloveshua · 11 months
“My five starts danmei novels.” Short, well, you do know, not short reasons why I like them.
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🎋 —C Language Cultivation.
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Programming? Cultivation? A pretty man with long hair? Fucking swipe my card— wait, I don't own a card... Anyways, you get my point!
This novel, C Language Cultivation, had all the possible elements to make it into the top of my favourite novels. Did it achieve it? Well, fellas, it is in the post for something!
Believe me, for a moment, I was crazy enough to think that studying Computer Science because of this book was a good idea of a degree (it is, but Angie is a literature girl), so Imagine how good it is.
If you're done with slow burn (I'm never done with slow burn, but there are times when I appreciate a couple who gets straight to the point), read C Language Cultivation! Dong Jun and Lin Xun had THEE tension going on from the moment they've met, and I was screaming with every single interaction.
I believe this novel had one of the best plot twists I've read in my entire life (and I've been reading since I was 10, guys, 10 years old!). I was literally staring into the wall, trying to process what I've just read. I still can't believe how it fucking played with me.
Alas, Dong Jun and I share birthdays! Do you need another reason to start reading it, like, mmm, NOW?
🎋 —Beyond The Outline.
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Grab yourself to something because this is the second, THE SECOND novel with almost no angst (there are sad moments, but it's mostly cute) that I ranked as a five starts book. The author? Obviously, Mu Gua Huang.
You see, guys, Mu Gua Huang makes me love happiness and to be quite addicted to it. Once I started this novel, I would keep reading it until 5 a.m., and it was worth it!
Beyond The Outline has a precious message behind the hilarious and mysterious situation where two high school students, completely opposite from each other, switch bodies after being hit by lightning. I was this emoji 🥺 all the time.
I love this couple. Shao Zhan 🤧, look, I don't mean to spoil you, but he does something that I was like, “No man will do this for me never. He's the last romantic.” He's the best boy and the best boyfriend. If someone hates him, they seriously need some help.
🎋 —Alpha Predator.
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No carrd, unfortunately.
Some of you may say, “Angie, didn't you review this novel before?” And I will do it again.
Alpha Predator is the last novel of the 188男团 (if you don't know, basically, the gongs are all 188 and scummy) and the best I've read from Suida. This book basically fell from the sky for me. I was on a reading block (is that the right term in English?) and needed something that made me retake my usual reading rhythm. May I aggregate that this has been the best novel I read in 2023 by so far? It is.
As the title suggests, Alpha Predator is an ABO world where rank plays an important role in society. The ML and scummy gong (mi bebé solo estaba jugando) is an S class Alpha, which means he is the one on top of the pyramid. I love Qu Moyu, and I am willing to defend him with my life. I accept that I tweeted that he was a stupid Alpha, but we all make mistakes, hahaha.
I love QuShen. 💜 They are my favourite 188 couple, and the best, in my not so humble opinion. They admire each other, and they come to love each other despite all the misunderstandings, and that makes me 🤧.
If you like scummy gongs and trust my taste, give it a try!
🎋 —Po Yun.
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What do we have here? My last reading, the best crime book, and the novel that made me couldn't look my chemistry teacher straight in the eye! The last point is kind of a long story that I'll tell you some other day.
Anyways, who are these sexy gentlemen? I'll introduce you to Yan Xie and Jiang Ting, the protagonists and couple of Po Yun!
I have great memories of reading this novel. I remember sending voice messages to one of my friends about this book: “Girl, you wouldn't believe what just happened...” Dalia and I agree that this is an amazing book.
I also found it quite realistic in the aspect of how much can drugs fuck up someone's life. I won't elaborate on this because it's spoiler, but you will piece a lot of things once you know about a certain character past.
🎋 —First-Class Lawyer.
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Look, maybe I wouldn't have dropped out of law school if it were as entertaining as this novel, but it wasn't in my case. Putting that new fun fact about me aside, welcome to First-Class Lawyer by Mu Su Li.
This novel is set in a futuristic environment, so Yan Suizhi and Gu Yan are not just lawyers but interstellar lawyers. Amazing, isn't it? The mystery involves the other planets, so you'll see them space-travelling to find out the truth. And if that didn't sell you, Yan Suizhi is “dead.” Yup, our main character was awakened from death and put in another body in the first chapter. As the critics (me) say, “You know the book is good when the author kills the protagonist in the first page.”
The couple, aw. Imagine having someone you could tell anything, it doesn't matter how insignificant it is, and that they listen to you and that they love you so much —that's Gu Yan and Yan Suizhi. They're also teacher × student, from those who like that kind of dynamic!
As I told you in the beginning, this is written by Mu Su Li, author of QQGK, which means it is freaking good!
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Some of you may be wondering, “Where the fuck is BAB?” I'M WAITING FOR OFFICIAL ART. 😭 HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO ART BAIT YOU IF THERE IS NO OFFICIAL ART???? /cries in it's my favourite book and it doesn't have art even though it was signed to a lot of publications
[coughs] I hope you like this pt. 4 of Angie recs! I don't know when I'll post the next, but this is my humble effort of making you read these amazing novels!
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mxtxfanatic · 24 days
Book of the Week: First-Class Lawyer
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Author: Mu Su Li (木苏里)
Genre: futuristic setting, legal system, danmei
Rating: M (mostly for dark themes around the cases—nothing too graphic—but also fade-to-black sex)
My Synopsis: Do you like court dramas and murder mysteries? Well, you're in luck because so does our main character, Yan Suizhi! After waking up with a whole new face and identity after the bombing that supposedly killed him, Yan Suizhi decides to infiltrate the law firm of his former student, Gu Yan—who he is convinced hates him—in order to investigate the circumstances behind his "death." Along the way, Yan Suizhi and Gu Yan will uncover a conspiracy affecting even more than they thought they knew.
My Actual Review: Let's start here: Yan Suizhi's acting abilities are directly on par with Wei Wuxian's when he was pretending to be Mo Xuanyu. Man was a whole renowned lawyer, decides to pretend to be an untrained intern as his secret identity, and just... continues to act as a strong, highly experienced lawyer. The jokes write themselves. Anyways, the investigations for each case were interesting, as were the court cases, themselves, though I wish they got to play out for longer. I also enjoyed the side characters and how their backstories eventually weaved into the greater plot. Yan Suizhi and Gu Yan definitely have my heart as a couple, but Gu Yan was definitely not being paid enough to deal with the chaos that is Yan Suizhi, not when he was a student or his mentor 😭 Content warning for the court cases, which do involve themes such as kidnapping, child abuse, murders, etc. described to varying degrees, and an overdosing/(assumed) attempted suicide scene, also not described too graphically. However, nothing is described too graphically for those that are squeamish (like me).
Translation: complete
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wangjibff · 2 years
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A quick presentation on why you should read First-Class Lawyer by Mu Su Li !
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book-and-manga-dragon · 10 months
I absolutely loved First Class Lwayer by Mu Su Li. Yan Suizhi and Gu Yan are just perfection personified ... just
*chef's kiss*
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saehyn · 1 year
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having a blast reading first class lawyer now that my thesis is done. took a few creative liberties too.
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bellaroles · 3 months
After I read 3 series of Mu Su Li's, I think "Actions speak louder than words" really describe each of the main romantic relationships very much lol.
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fangjuexias · 1 year
First-Class Lawyer Audio Drama || Theme Song, "The Utopia Will Not Fall"
策划:Neko@Nekooooo呀 项目统筹:浅栗@小西木_lue| 监制:阿黄 词作:怀袖@柚梦游 作曲/编曲/混音:曾猴几@曾猴几 歌手:裂天@裂天 题字/排版:岑夏@花果山松鼠
纯白花朵 黑暗中漂泊 于是有银河 逆流的人啊 目睹谁心口 洞穿的沉默 漩涡吞噬着 飞鸟不见了 人类被欲望挥霍 欢笑声无边寂寞 真相背后 谁能解脱 世界乌托邦陷落 唯有牵手再来过 你已是灯火 辨认出我 沉潜深海 回忆苏醒 同虚无争夺 爱是佐证 存活的痛感 对抗着消磨 你为谁辩驳 又被谁铭刻 站向千刀万刃中 痛彻心扉又如何 理想背后 谁能解脱 世界乌托邦陷落 唯有牵手再来过 深渊的灯火 未熄灭过 酒杯撞碎了 樱桃甜美的幻影 地狱之门 已为你开启 冲破弥天的血色 谎言纷纷在凋落 少年访客 梦里鲜活 世界乌托邦陷落 唯有牵手再来过 不要放开我 漫长岁月都捱过 爱注定降临此刻 尚未开口 早已承诺 世界乌托邦陷落 唯有牵手再来过 正义和眷恋 重筑星河
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chiinoiserie · 2 years
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19 September 2022 | By lamp light
“…A misunderstanding that I can say something crude, or do something crazy.”
From First Class Lawyer by Musuli! Her writing is so good and these two are so soft! My MSL brain rot is getting worse and worse... 
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cramerlaw · 2 years
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angieloveshua · 2 years
I finished First Class Lawyer a while ago, but I didn't have time to finish making the posts until now. My final rating for it is 5/5 starts, yes, another novel that will be on Angie recs. ^^
It's marvellous. I recommend you all to give it a try. The plot is easy to follow, and the characters develop a beautiful relationship. ♡
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aviralmalik · 1 year
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Today in supreme Court of India
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wearifbillah2743 · 2 years
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bigchadlaw · 2 years
What is a truck accident lawyer? | Big Horn Law
A truck accident lawyer can identify the liable party or parties, collect evidence, interview eyewitnesses, negotiate with the insurance company, and take the case to trial if necessary, on your behalf.
The trucking industry has been increasing in recent years and there is a high probability that you or someone you know will be involved in a truck accident.
When the stakes are this high, it's essential to work with an experienced Arizona Truck Accident Lawyers who understands all of the nuances of handling such cases.
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starlightkun · 4 months
oh this professor gave us no instructions whatsoever for this assignment. we're supposed to draft a demand letter and pretty much all these directions r is two sentences explaining generally what a demand letter is, a few (bad) examples, and then she pretty much just tells us to make us our own facts and details of a torts case from scratch and draft an entire demand letter from that. this is a 2000 level class in a certificate program for people who arent already in the legal field. if i were my classmates i'd be terrified 😭 like i see demand letters everyday and i'm still like ?????? what do you want from me?? a creative writing exercise and a legal writing exercise in one how fun thank u soooooooo much
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bellaroles · 8 months
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Enjoying First-class Lawyer very much. I'm only about 50 chapters in and I laughed because of Yan Suizhi's snark a lot. Also Gu Yan's quietly taking care of him without letting him know that he knew who he was added to how confidence Yan Suizhi was of his acting skills made up for many funny situations.
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