#First To Deploy
papanowo · 2 years
Through out your posts you indicate that you head-canon Rex as gay, but who’s he got a crush on and or how’d he figure it out?
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he likes anakin. hes not happy about it either lmao
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bookshelfdreams · 4 months
one thing i love about charles is that he's always ready to throw down. no problem is so complex it can't be solved with violence. he looked at this fucked up, illogical world of supernatural horrors beyond comprehension with its myriad complicated rules, where every entity has it's own unique vulnerability and decided that you know what? there actually is a universal solution to every problem called Bash That Thing's Fucking Head In - and it works a solid 99% of the time!
Much like he doesn't care about every lock having a unique key, he doesn't care about the specifics of defeating monsters and nightmares. Yeah he knows all about casting spells, this next one is something called MOLOTOV COCKTAIL
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chitaquahq · 1 month
Dean feeling inferior to Endverse Dean because Endverse Dean founded like 6 different hunter camps and got offered a bunch of territory by a really powerful boss woman with physic powers and therefore got an army.
Just for Dean to then go to Ichabod and charm a powerful boss woman with physic powers to convince an entire trade alliance at the end of the world to give him territory and people to create another hunter base for his army. Under his first year in that world, I must say.
Captain of being oblivious to his own influence AND trying to win competitions against dead versions of himself.
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mvshortcut · 6 months
I was thinking about Kate and Milligan (as usual) but specifically about what Kate calls Milligan. Because he's Milligan to her, but that doesn't make him any less her dad, but she doesn't call him Dad, yknow?
How did it go? Was it an unspoken agreement where they just knew and understood the other despite just having met as father and daughter for the first time? Did she just bounce up to him and go "I'm not calling you Dad. You're Milligan and you're going to stay Milligan." and did he reply "Alright, Katie-Cat" without even a twinge of hurt because it's just so right? He just found his daughter, how could he ever be sad about anything ever again?
Or- maybe it wasn't that easy? Maybe she bounced up to him, and everything felt right, but he couldn't help but wonder... and so he went to the one place he always knew he could go when he felt lost. When he presented his troubles to Mr. Benedict - "No, it's going great, but I can't help wondering ... she doesn't want to call me Dad. Which is fine, of course, but ... maybe she doesn't see me in that way?" - when he presented his troubles to Mr. Benedict, how long did he laugh and slump unconscious for, before waking up and apologizing profusely, before helping Milligan sort it all out. (Which really meant sort himself out. Kate had it all figured out, apparently.)
Or- did she try at first? Did she try to press at a puzzle piece that just wouldn't fit? Her dad left. He left a long time ago and she's lived with that her whole life. But - her Milligan is here now. Could he ever understand?
Or- maybe it just slipped out one day, years down the line? When she was teasing him - "Extra coat, Kate, it's brisk out!" / "Da-ad, I'm nearly sixteen, you know, you don't need to-" - did they both freeze? Did she not realize what she'd done until she was halfway down the sidewalk? Did she catch him wiping at his eyes and blowing his nose? Did she tuck that away in her back pocket for later?
Just. It's all good, ya know?
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clannfearrunt · 4 months
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Booze review: feels good on mosquito bites, which is the secondary reason my mother bought it
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thedawningofthehour · 3 months
I'm imagining Cass and Gale attending a rave now and the image makes me so happy.
They would love raving so much.
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unforth · 1 year
Saw a post where people in the notes were arguing that behavior is only manipulative if it's intentional and planned, and tried to "prove" it with, like, Baby's First Example Of Manipulation ("if you don't do xyz, I'm gonna do abc.") and it's been ten minutes and it's still giving me hives. They were literally like "do we need to take 'manipulative' away and put it on the shelf" because they don't understand what manipulative behavior is.
Look if you (generic) think manipulative behavior has to be conscious, intentional, and planned, you are absolutely clueless and ripe for being manipulated. People can be i.n.s.a.n.e.l.y. manipulative without realizing they're doing it, and not recognizing that is, frankly, dangerous.
Signed, someone who has been repeatedly abused by people who certainly thought they weren't manipulative BUT ABSOLUTELY WERE.
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msburgundy · 4 months
orange man good. total coyote death. no more ducks for dinner.
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sunlitlemonade · 8 months
how to know which minyard you're talking to? hold a cigarette out to him. one might just take it. the other will regard you with contempt and disdain. hope that helps.
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delkios · 6 months
Still can't get over the fact that after a year (two?) with the Empire, Scorch makes commander while Boss led one of the top commando squads for three years with the Republic and never got promoted passed sergeant.
#republic commando#honestly i've got an entire headcanon regarding commandos' lack of upward mobility in the ranks#originally they were organized to serve directly under the jedi and commanders would exist in a parallel hierarchy to infantry#which they still did mostly#but after losing half their number on geonosis and realizing the jedi didn't know what to do with them they had a massive restructuring#only a couple divisions- like kenobi's -got commando squads but to ensure they were deployed properly they needed their own officers#so clones like gregor were taken from the command track and crosstrained as commandos#i imagine first gen commandos have very mixed feelings about this because suddenly outsiders are in charge of them?#and scorch and fixer and sev resent it because on one hand boss was absolutely wasted as a sergeant#on the other hand they looked at a fucking alpha-arc-desk-jockey captain maze and knew boss would be even more wasted off the field#trying to imagine scorch's reaction to his meteoric rise in rank suddenly leading hundreds of commandos and TKs and no foreseeable fieldwor#'no! how could they do this to me the great and loveable scorch!'#sev would find it hilarious that they gave scorch that much responsibility but also#he went mia as a private and now the others are all officers what the fuck#probably would've been more hilarious if scorch hadn't already been on the verge of snapping from ptsd and having abandoned a brother#and knowing fixer and boss are held hostage to keep him in line just as he knows he's a hostage to keep them in line (headcanon)#these tags are now novels#i just have a lot of thoughts about commandos okay?
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permafrown · 7 months
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moment of weakness
how much do we wanna bet that .5 seconds after this bat either almost or completely dropped meddy onto the ground
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getvalentined · 1 year
I was gushing about Genesis' design the other day and decided to transplant the whole rant over here because I love how Genesis' whole design makes no pretense about him doing things specifically to make himself look taller, but also more delicate—because he has an aesthetic that he's determined to maintain, but it's a ruse. The whole thing is a ruse. Genesis knows what he looks like, particularly what he looks like compared to the people around him, and he works with it in such a fantastic way it makes me feral.
It's so obvious from an artistic and fashion design perspective that he's trying to give himself a more masculine shape while also trying to look unintimidating in that shape, like he's petite when he's absolutely not—which makes perfect sense when paired with the fact that he's a mage and when he uses a sword it's in very close-quarters combat compared to his peers.
Genesis is trying to look like the least intimidating of the Firsts because it means opponents are more likely to underestimate him and let him get too close, only to realize that he's like 6'3" and can throw a freight truck.
Take the cut of his coat, the way he wears his belt a little low—like he's trying to look taller, but also like he wants you to think that his legs maybe aren't quite that long, like his waist is wider than it is, but his shoulders are narrower. Like his frame is more average, like he lacks the physical capacity to do too much damage compared to his similarly ranked colleagues.
His clothing makes him look less svelte; he doesn't want people to catch that he can be on you in four steps because he's long-legged and limber as fuck. His pauldrons are set low on his jacket, as if he wants them to look slightly too big. Genesis' shoulders and chest are actually pretty broad for his frame, his legs and arms are long and well toned, but he dresses and carries himself in a way that makes it difficult to tell unless you're really looking.
Most opponents won't parse Genesis' build correctly, they won't realize that he's got some beastly upper body strength until he's on them far too quickly and he's grabbed them by the face—and since when were his arms so long?—and flung them across the battlefield.
At a distance, or alongside Sephiroth or Angeal, Genesis doesn't just look delicate, he looks fragile. He looks like you can snap him in half. On his own, though, up close? You're fucked.
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thegirlwholied · 8 months
not to have a grudge against all books written in a certain POV but first-person alternating, we meet again, my beloathed
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devilofthehounds · 10 days
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[image id: The top of the image has black text on a white background reading “The research originated at Anagura, after all.” Below that is a still, three-panel rendition of the “Blinking White Guy” meme. /end id]
Was anybody gonna tell me the Far East Branch has a name besides "The Far East Branch"?
Anyway, if there's an official localization for "Anagura", let me know because I couldn't find one instance in all of Resurrection and Rage Burst.
Edit: Turns out "Anagura" is the equivalent of the localization using "the Den". See the notes for details.
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cosmicrhetoric · 1 month
really excited to relive dressrosa via the manga btw like it was definitely one of the arcs in the anime that was stretched out to high heaven but i did end up enjoying like all of it regardless. but im just thinking about it and so many of my fave moments in the series happen here, like everything about usopp. law backstory. law planking. the shrek 2 nature of the entire enslaved toys/kyros plotline. epic sabo reintroduction. bartolomeo. rebecca and lucy. AND ive gained the ability to imagine clothing on rebecca because it's still bad in black and white but just looking at her the way toei animated her made me want to start killing
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gramarye · 2 months
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imagine being the first academia girl in your dorm to get your sleeves shortened skirt changed and like beat face contoured.. and then you walked into like the training grounds or whatever academia people have and everyone dropped their duel disks and was shookedt? like everyone fusion summoning was just in shock and you walked across the artisanal garden courtyard in your wantmylook.com blue leather high heeled boots like your life depended on it... yes god
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