#Fist bump kpop
jamnotjam · 2 years
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Kinda upsetting that no one on here or even in general Stans fistbump because LOOK AT HOW FUCKING FINE THIS MAN IS
if y’all like Gunil you’ll love Chihoon I promise
we talk on Instagram also he’s a sweetie
anyways stan fistbump
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princessleechan · 25 days
"You're the man!" Chapter 14 (written Chapter)
⚽Chapter tags: MDNI, she’s the man au, revenge au???, cross dressing!reader, reader identifies anything but male, sports au, queer themes, university au, love-whatever the fuck kind of shape, suggestive language, twice girls, melli appearance, and ridiculousness, WRITTEN CHAPTER
⚽Tag list: @90s-belladonna @the-boy-meets-evil @lirtha97 @hipsdofangirl @justineasian @kwanisms @multi-kpop-fanfics @pantumin @wooahaeproductions @mayashu @shuasdraftsalt @lone-lone-ranger @headlockimnida @horanghaezone @haolistic @porridgesblog @jeonjungkaka @luchiet @ujimatchaaa @skzdesi @cheoliehansolie @vlbii @myghobi @sisterofsomeone @joonsytip @gyublues @alltheshineofthestars-blog @randomworker @isabellah29 @savgogh @too-many-kpop-hubands @shingsoluvely @kamabokogonpachro @skittlez-area512 @seccdlurv @chisskaa @mochiteez @theyluvfrankocean @lllucere @thomawifey @middle-of-the-earth @okiedokrie @itsokaytobedumb00 @humankimbap @zezedoesshit @teenyfinds @jeonghansshitester @aaa-sia @heyitz00 @silvsie
Mingyu thought the on-campus sandwich shop had decent sandwiches, but he appreciated the atmosphere even more. The smell of freshly baked bread, bright ripe tomatoes, and spicy mustard seeds was like stepping into a baker’s childhood. The muted sound of the jukebox–stuck on the same five songs since the owners thrifted it–had it’s nostalgic charm. Most importantly, it offered a refuge from his rambling roommates who seemed to suck the oxygen out of any room. It was the epitome of a perfect lunch hour. For peace of mind, he could easily overlook the mediocre sandwiches.
“Dudes, slow down. It’s not going anywhere,” Jeonghan chuckled, watching the 6’2 man-child devour his Italian sub like it was his last meal.
Mingyu barely took the time to chew before swallowing and stuffing his face with more kettle-popped chips. “Are the sandwiches extra fresh today? They seem better than usual.”
“Just you, loser,” Wonwoo replied smugly.
“What’s got you in a good mood?” Soonyoung grinned.
Mingyu shrugged, wiping his mouth with a napkin crumpled in his fist. “Just a good day for me. Is that so bad?”
“You’re ugly when you’re happy,” Wonwoo answered.
Mingyu scoffed, savoring his ice-cold mug of root beer. "Not even you could ruin my lunch," he said, blissfully.
Meanwhile, you bounced on the balls of your feet behind the entrance door, summoning the courage to walk through. Minghao encouraged you from a distance, already inside the restaurant and surveying the floor plan to ensure the plan would unfold smoothly. "You ready, Yeonam?"
"More than ever, Hao."
With a deep breath, you swaggered through the double doors, determined to exude confidence despite the cringe-worthy memories of similar scenes in cheesy teen movies. One foot in front of the other, you enveloped yourself in feigned pride, nodding and pretending to know everyone there. You braved the occasional unreciprocated high-five and fist bump, but you maintained your composure, never dropping your guard.
Mingyu recognized him immediately and, annoyance flickering across his features swiftly slid down the booth as a safety precaution. He grumbled under his breath, irritated at the disruption to what had been a peaceful evening. With a resigned sigh, he hunkered down, his irritation palpable as he covertly monitored the newcomer's movements from the depths of the leather seats.
“What?” Soonyoung asked in concern.
“My roommate’s here, fuck.”
Wonwoo scoffed, “You’re a dick.”
“Rich coming from you–let’s just ignore him, alright? Spread out and make the booth look cramped.”
Reluctantly, the boys complied with Mingyu's request, casting quiet glances your way as you made your rounds, acknowledging you with subtle head nods against the tall friend's better judgment.
You could feel sweat trickling down your back in places it shouldn't, and you quickly averted their gazes, hoping not to unravel the carefully crafted ruse. Then, like clockwork, the plan fell into place. From the depths of the shadows emerged Jeongyeon, striding confidently toward you with purpose. "Yeonam? Is that you, handsome?" she called out, her voice cutting through the ambient noise of the restaurant.
“…What?” Mingyu murmured under his breath.
He and the rest of his teammates let their eyes roam over Jeongyeon as if she were on display, taking in her radiant smile as it illuminated the space around her. They watched her mid-length curls bounce in the fluorescent light, her arms falling naturally over your shoulders as she drew close.
"Still know how to make my knees go weak. I thought I'd never see you again," she beamed, her lips forming a playful pout.
"Jeongyeon," you replied, mustering confidence as you noticed the puzzled expressions on your teammates' faces from across the room, "You're stunning, darling. How have you been?"
Wonwoo has an amazed expression on his face, which followed the rest of his teammates, “did she just say that to Yeonam?”
"How am I? Are you really asking? What else would I be but heartbroken after you, the one and only Yeonam?" She pressed closer, her presence almost invading your personal space, and you found yourself choking on your breath, stunned by her acting. She leaned in further, her body language a masterful portrayal of longing and sorrow, so convincing and her eyes shimmered with unshed tears, and her voice trembling with emotion, pulling you into the act almost effortlessly.
You couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt as her words struck a chord within you. Despite knowing deep down that you hadn't done the things she accused you of, her compelling portrayal left you befuddled as if you were no better than any other man. And this girl was only cutting hair? Get her booked immediately.
“You give me the best sex of my fucking life and you take it away. With how long I was on my knees for you?”
"What…the hell?" Soonyoung exclaimed, his hands flying to his face as if he had just stumbled upon the juiciest gossip to ever hit the tabloids. "What was she doing on her knees?"
“She’s hot as fuck. What the fuck does she see in him?” Mingyu exasperated.
Jeonghan chuckled, “Looks like you do have something to worry about, Mingyu. Better watch your back if he’s around Chae.”
You stroked Jeongyeon’s head, maintaining the charade. “You know I can't be tied down like that, baby girl. You’d be obsessed with me. Just like you are now. Why don't you do what's best for both of us and walk away, flaunting that thang behind you?”
“Thang?” Soonyoung repeated, clearly intrigued.
The pretty girl pretended to cry, sensually caressing the curve of her body and showcasing the 'thang' you happened to mention. It took every ounce of self-control not to burst out laughing. No amount of rehearsal had prepared you for this moment. “You always did love my ass, but it hurts how you’ll never love me!”
She ran off, hands covering her face as she simulated her cry and exited stage. “Beautiful performance,” Minghao praised, giving himself a pat on the back. “You did well out there, Jeongyeon.”
“Women, am I right?” you quiped, your tone laced with a mix of amusement and feigned indifference.
The boys nod in agreement, their murmurs barely audible as they exchange confused glances, their expressions a blend of skepticism and bewilderment. They continue to steal furtive glances at each other, silently questioning the reality of the situation unfolding before them.
Minghao readjusts his earpiece. “Okay girls, you’re up next.”
The group of men swiftly diverted their attention, their eyes drawn to the source of the commotion. Their gazes locked onto two figures, their bubbly energy and tantalizing presence impossible to ignore, as they dashed towards you with an enthusiasm akin to discovering a rare treasure.
Jihyo and Sana latched onto you, their hands firmly gripping your biceps as they leaned in close, their lashes fluttering flirtatiously. "We were just thinking about you," Jihyo giggled, her laughter mingling with Sana's playful demeanor.
“Oh, we were doing more than thinking,” Sana interjected suggestively, grinning ear to ear.
“Girls, girls,” you swung your arms on either of their shoulders. “Without me?”
They squealed, pressing up against you as they gazed in awe. “We still have plenty of energy for you, Yeonam.”
"Lots and lots of energy. We can do what we couldn’t that other night. I can still do the splits, you know," Sana playfully reminded, her voice carrying a mischievous edge as she leaned in closer, her breath warm against your ear but loud enough for anyone with working ears to hear.
Whispers of admiration and curiosity floated through the air amongst the general public, their eyes flickering with intrigue as they watched the scene unfold before them. Some exchanged knowing glances, while others wore expressions respect. Soonyoung, in particular, appeared visibly excited, his grin widening as if he had just stumbled upon a kindred spirit or, perhaps, a lifelong partner in crime. “Yeonam, you dog,” the man egged delightfully.
You clear your throat, before gently shrugging the girls off. “I’ll text you, now go on. Daddy has business to tend to,” you said, your tone firm yet tinged with a hint of amusement, as you motioned for them to continue on their way.
“Yes, daddy,” they both responded in unison, their voices harmonizing before they each planted a kiss on your cheeks and vanished from sight in a matter of moments.
Now, the soccer boys were collectively impressed, their murmurs of admiration, nudging each other and commenting about what just happened, accepting that perhaps this Yeonam was cooler than they expected. However, Mingyu stood apart from the rest, his jaw hanging open in a mix of astonishment and incredulity, his expression a tableau of disbelief. No way did any of this happen, he thought to himself.
"This kid has some serious game," Soonyoung exclaimed, "Didn’t know cuties like Yeonam could pull girls like that. I need to step up my game—Oh hey there, beautiful!"
As his gaze shifted to a girl of model height, Soonyoung couldn't help but notice the impeccable fashion sense she exuded. She was dressed to the nines in the trendiest clothing, accessorized with the most expensive handbag, and exuded an air of effortless elegance that seemed to draw people in. Despite the perpetual frown etched upon her face, her beauty remained intact, and the young, eccentric man couldn't help but think he stood a chance with her.
With a confident nod, Soonyoung leaned over from inside the booth, a charming grin playing at his lips. "If you’re looking for the love of your life, you found him. You can call me Soonyoung."
"Ew. Did you just speak to me?" The girl's disdain was palpable, her tone dripping with condescension.
Soonyoung blinked, caught off guard by her reaction. "Uh…”
“Girls with my face and tits do not look at losers with penises as small as yours,” she snapped.
He let out a light scoff, his words cut off before he could finish. "I don’t know where you’re getting that from, y—"
But she interrupted him with a dismissive gesture, her hand coming up to the center of his face. "Ew. Save it," she retorted sharply. "I’m looking for my boyfriend, Yeonam. Any of you—not you—have a clue?"
Jeonghan snickered, flicking his thumb in your direction. “Is that the right Yeonam?”
Minghao's eyes widened in realization. "Oh, shit."
“Yeonam?” Melli called out in a defiant tone.
“Run, Y/n, run. Before she exposes you!” Minghao urged over the earpiece.
You quickly grabbed an empty tray from a nearby table, using it as a makeshift shield. “Uh, nope!”
“Yeonam!” Melli's voice rang out again, more insistent this time.
“Not me, wrong guy!” You pushed past various customers, putting distance between yourself and Melli. “Get away from me, crazy lady.”
“Yeonam! What are you doing? Are you avoiding me?”
You maneuvered through the crowded tables, desperately searching for something to shield yourself with, offering hurried apologies to every bystander in your path. “Fine! Look, Melli, you’re hot, like smoking hot,” you exclaimed, grabbing a packaged sandwich and hurling it in her direction to ward her off.
“What the fuck? Yeonam!”
You tossed more items at her, replacing your empty tray with a poor server's stack of packages, each one flung with increasing desperation. "You know what else you are? Fucking toxic, and that changes things!"
"Babe, what are you saying?" Melli screamed, deftly dodging all your incoming attacks.
Finally, you seized a heavy box of unknown contents and thrust it into her arms, obscuring her view and readying yourself for the final blow. "I’m saying when my eyes are closed, I see you for what you truly are, which is UGH-LEH! We’re done, girl!"
She dropped the boxes loudly, tears burning in her eyes and fueling her fury as she stormed off without a second glance, leaving a sense of relief flooding through your system. The rest of the building erupted into cheers, hands patting your back and words of encouragement filling the room. You felt an arm tug you along to another table, swept up in the collective energy of the moment.
“Now that is my man. Fuck yeah, Yeonam! Show it how it is!” You're greeted with a radiant smile from Soonyoung, who eagerly invites you to take the seat beside him, making sure there's plenty of space. As you settle in, your other teammates offer nods and smiles in welcome.
Amidst the camaraderie, there was a sense of understanding as most of them applaud your actions, even if they found it a bit exaggerated. They agree that she deserved the treatment for her nasty attitude, and you're grateful for their support, seeing it as a glimmer of hope for a more cohesive team dynamic once you all play together.
However, Mingyu stood out from the rest, his discomfort evident from head to toe, contrasting sharply with the lighthearted banter of the others.
You realize that men were that simple, but it looks like not all men. (Ew)
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bubbbii · 1 year
Shhh || P.JM Smut
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-title : Shhh
-genre : cheating ; kpop ; bts smut
-paring : jm x reader
- warning : mommy kink, spanking, handjob, blowjob, eating out, riding, doggystyle, cheating, name calling, dirty talking, teasing, edging, multiple orgasms, mature content
-summary : you and Jimin have been secretly fucking behind his girlfriend’s back, and one night Jimin decides to cut the ‘bullshit’ out so him and his girlfriend can be happy..but it looks like after 6 months of not feeling you is getting harder and harder. And he couldn’t be more relieved to see you at a club on a Saturday night.
do not steal story or idea without my permission thank uu :)
Let’s go <3
Author POV
“Hey, get over her man - you have a girlfriend focus on her!” “He ain’t focusing on that ugly bitch. If you don’t follow your heart and stop listening to this idiot” Namjoon glared at Jin’s words, making Jimin sigh at the decision. Jimin was torn, his mind on Y/N for 2 months straight. Him and his girlfriend couldn’t even have proper sex because he was afraid he would moan out her name. Imagine how his girlfriend would feel if she would’ve heard that.
“Look, how about this. We go to the club, and we drink until you ain’t thinking about nobody, how about that” Hoseok said, raising his eyebrows at Jin. Jimin hummed, the idea not being a bad one. “Yea..yea let’s do it” they stood up, Hoseok and Jin bumping fists. Hoseok and Jin are still friends with Y/N, knowing everything from both sides. Jimin is very..fond, of Y/N.
The best sex he’s ever had. But the most unexpected sex he’s ever had.
Jimin actually is in the..submission position when it comes to Y/N, no wonder Jimin was attracted to her from the beginning. That dominant persona and aura that surrounded her, he knew he wanted a piece of her. And he never left. He then cut things off because he couldn’t do it to his girlfriend..but even Y/N knows he’ll come crawling back to her. That’s why Hobi and Jin are gonna do anything they can for Jimin to realize what he’s got himself into.
Even Jimin knows he can’t get over Y/N. She’s everywhere, he’ll even wake up to a boner thinking about her in a sex dream. He sees something with Y/N, and he can’t take it any longer.
The boys got dressed for the club, meeting back downstairs to check and straighten everyone out. “Alright, we ready?” We nodded at Yoongi’s words and we were getting our things when a voice was heard. “Jiminie?” The boys stopped, knowing who it was. “I thought she fucking left” Jin whispered to Joon, making Namjoon sigh knowing she never left. “Yes, Kara?” “Where are you going? Without me?” She asked, walking to Jimin.
“None of your business, let’s go take the key im driving” Jungkook stepped in, putting the key against Jimin’s chest and pushed him towards the door. “Wait!” “Ain’t no wait you better shut up or I’m kicking you out my damn self” Jin stepped in, Jungkook putting an arm in front of him. “Where are y’all going!? He’s in my boyfriend!” Jin scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“Mhm, ok. Just make sure to not do no dumb shit because I know this house too well for you to get away with anything..we don’t wanna uh, let him know about your little study buddy right?” She gulped, making Jungkook and Jin smirk at the nervous state she was now in before going out the house and slamming the door in her face.
Jin knew all her secrets, that’s how much he hates her, and he’s gonna do anything to get Jimin to realize that the bitch, needs, to go. Pronto. And Jimin is aware of his hyung’s behavior. “What took y’all so long?” Jimin asked Jungkook and Jin as the the two got in the car. “Nothing, let’s go” Jimin hummed, sitting back comfortably in the backseat and Jungkook started driving towards the destination.
Meanwhile, Y/N was having the time of her life at the club, dancing and whining her body all over the place. She wasn’t worrying about Jimin, knowing he was gonna come back to her, and it was gonna happen soon. Because all those boners she would cause her ain’t gonna go away. “You don’t get drunk that easy do you?” “Nahh, I can tolerate alcohol very good. It’s gonna take lots and lots of strong drinks for me to be drunk” Y/N said to Lisa, taking another shot.
“Bitch..i think I see your baby boy” I turned my head to Jennie who came towards me and Lisa. “Who” Jennie smirked, looking in a direction. I looked at where she was looking at, and I smirked with her, seeing Jimin and his friends entering the bar. “Looks like the toy boy is back, but without..his girlfriend?” Seulgi jumped in, smirking with us. “He’s gonna notice you for sure, you’re the sexiest one here!” “I’m pretty sure he already noticed her” Lisa said to Rose’s comment, Jimin already locking eyes with Y/N.
She bit her lip, smirking at the submissive boy in her eyes and turned away from him. “BITCCHH GO TO HIM!” “Hell no, but I know some of his friends are on their way over here” “what’s good ladies” Y/N turns around and see Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jin. “Well hello boys, how’ve ya’ll been?” “We’ve been cool, how’ve you been babe?” “Hanging in there you know..how’s pussy boy over there?” Y/N talked to Jin, smirking at him. Jin turned around to see Jimin looking at them interacting.
“Now cmon Y/N you know he misses you” “of course he does, but we gotta give him and his little girl a chance right?” “It’s been 2 months..I think you need to step in” y/n sighed, eyeing Jimin down. “Please, save him from his misery?” Tae said, begging her. “We got you” Jennie said, grabbing her wallet and keys and Y/N sighed before walking towards the boys with shots in her hand with Jin behind her. “Shots?” Y/N started with Jimin, handing him a glass. Jimin grabbed it and drunk it down, Y/N sitting beside him.
“So..how’s life, Jimin?” Y/N asked the nervous boy, looking at him in the eye. Jimin gulped, nudging his head out of nervous habits before answering. “Treating me well, thank you. Yourself?” Y/N scoffed, rolling her eyes a little bit. “Tryna figure out why you being so..weird. Your giving off horny vibes. Way more than usual” Jimin faced her immediately with a panicked face, making Y/N chuckle. “Can you quiet down!?” “Oh baby no one can hear us..trust me” Jimin gulped, looking down at the empty glass.
“Your girlfriend?” He sighed, looking anywhere but my eyes. “She’s-“ “look at me” Jimin looked at her within a heartbeat, making Y/N smirk. “Guess like you haven’t forgotten hm?” Y/N cocked, smirking to herself. She’s getting attracted to Jimin more and more..the new hair dye is really giving her the vibes. “I uh..I dyed my hair. You like it?” Y/N hummed, biting her lip. “I always liked you with black..but this. This is something different. I love black on you, how can it look so good” Y/N answered, chuckling with Jimin chuckling also.
They stared at each other, seeing nothing but passion, love, and most of all..sex. Jimin wanted Y/N to take him and use him however she pleased. Because that’s what Jimin needed. Ever since Y/N took that dominant role away from him he hasn’t been the same since. He can’t fuck like a top, talk like a top..and he can barely act like a top anymore. On the outside, yea. When you see Jimin without knowing him he’s giving very much he will take you by the hair and ram your ass against a wall. But in reality..
He’s a submissive fucktoy for Y/N. And she’s unlocked this new side of him that only she get’s to see. And that was a promise to himself as well.
“It really does look good on you. Always told you black was your color” Jimin smiled a little, blood rushing to his cheeks at the compliment from her.
Y/N knew Jimin was weak around her, could barely hold eye contact in situations like this, and gets aroused and shy easily. And Y/N loved it. “Held off long enough?” Jimin sighed, looking at her. “..yes?” Y/N hummed, getting up which made the short shorts show half of her asscheeks. Y/N did a ‘get up’ motion with her finger which caught fo Jimin and he stood up.
He got close to Y/N, her scent feeling his nose and body all over again. He loved every moment of it. Y/N met him eye to eye with the lustful aura she had, wanting nothing but sex at the moment. “Upstairs, naked..and you have permission to touch yourself but do not come or you will get punished for it understand?” Jimin nodded, goosebumps arriving and the hairs rising from the demanding but sexual whisper coming from her.
“Good..now make it happen, I’ll meet you up there” Y/N handed him a key and he immediately took it before running upstairs within a heartbeat. Y/N watched him, desperately getting by the crowd and up the stairs to the bedroom.
“Looks like you got him wrapped around again” Y/N smirked, facing Hoseok and Jin. “I always do..if y’all end up leaving, take our stuff with you” “always, we’re all stopping by my house anyway for a night in. Care to join?” She smirked, humming. “Gladly. We’ll meet you” she fist bumped the two men before meeting Jimin in the room. Oh she’s been waiting for this moment.
“Mmh fuck, stop teasing me, please - I’m so hard, it hurts!” “I’ll tease you however I want to, when I want to ok? If you be good maybe you won’t have to get teased” Y/N spat at him, teasing his tip with her index finger, rolling around it only. “No - please, I’ll be a good boy. I’m a good boy for you mommy please” Y/N raised her eyebrows, a smirk pulling onto her face. “My baby’s back in shape now huh” Y/N chuckled before roughly stroking his cock, her fist colliding with his balls when she would come to the base.
“Yes yes yes - fuck oh my god. Mommy yessss please!” “Yea like that? Like that little bitch huh?” Y/N got rough in her hand, making Jimin go crazy and squirm around the silky sheets under him. “Im gonna-“ Y/N took her her hand away quickly, Jimin’s lips turning thin at the denied orgasm. “Shit! Why?” “Because I want too” Y/N answered simply, sitting up her body ever so nicely. “..can I taste your pussy please?” Jimin asked nicely, his greedy and desperate eyes roaming around Y/N’s body. Especially her tits.
“Really? You think you deserve it?” “I do. I do please mommy, please I want it” He whined out, seeing her touch it slowly in front of him. “If you come you aren’t coming again” “ok, I promise” Y/N sat on his face, and Jimin went in, sucking and slurping up all of her juices like a greedy dog for treats, making Y/N hiss and chuckle at how desperate Jimin was. “Ooh yea you like that huh? My pussy lips in your mouth hm?” “I do mommy - fuck. Your so pretty” Y/N smirked at the compliment, rolling her hips in his mouth. Jimin loved every moment of what was going on
He wanted to come.
“Shit - I’m getting close not gonna lie. Your tongue skills have gotten better. From sucking your little bitch’s pussy huh? Her pussy better than mine?” “Never mommy, never better than your’s. I-I practiced just for you..just for you” those were the words Y/N wanted to hear, and Jimin meant every one of them. Jimin had a sense that she was gonna come, so he sucked and flicked his tongue faster specifically on her clit, making her throw her back in pleasure. “Fuck, if you make me come, I’ll reward you” Jimin’s eyes lit up, doing what he knew what Y/N loved.
Looked in her eyes. And Y/N fell for it.
“Mmh shit, why do you do this. Fuck, I’m coming” Jimin kept locking eyes with her, focusing on her clit and she came all over his face, rolling her hips up and down in his mouth, feeling Jimin’s moans vibrate on her pussy.
“Fuck, all of it” Jimin followed orders, sucked all her juices before Y/N got up, looking at the sweaty and breathless Jimin below her, his eyes showing nothing but wanting more of her. “Why..why’d you go” “you did good don’t worry” Y/N assured him, bending down and kissed him slowly, but sensually making Jimin go crazy.
You wouldn’t know how happy and excited Jimin was from the time where he laid eyes on her when he got in the club. This is what she does to him..makes him remember who’s in charge. Always. And Jimin was here for it. “Shit, mommy. Don’t kiss me like that” “why..you don’t like it” “of course I like it. It’s just..it’s making me more hard than what I’m already am” Y/N knew what she was doing, knowing what she was doing was definitely getting to Jimin.
And she loves it. “Are you telling me what to do?” “No..No I’m not” “then I suggest watching that mouth, or I won’t give you your reward hm?” Jimin loved the way how demanding Y/N was. His cock must really hurt after all of this.
“So, for making me come, and knowing you are someone who has a lot of build up. I’ll give this to you” Y/N started, straddling his lap, Jimin’s hands feeling all over her thighs and hips. “I’ll give you 5 moves. You can use those moves however you’ll like : doggy, missionary, riding, I’ll even suck you off and handjob you. But you come 3 times” Jimin took a breath, slowly nodding at the information. “5 moves, 3 finishes. What would you like me to do” “I want..mommy in doggy” Jimin suggested, smirking up at her.
Y/N hummed, removing herself from off his lap and and perked her ass in the air, making Jimin drool over her. Jimin immediately got up, his hands feeling over the ass that was up for him. Jimin stuck it inside, moaning almost immediately as he moved his hips with his dick inside.
“Mmh there you go, feel that pussy huh? You want it?” “Fuck, I do. I do” Jimin snapped his hips, fucking Y/N with desperate and need. “Fuck fuck Fuck - mommy” “there you go - shit - good boy, doing so good” Jimin’s grip on her hips tighten, his thrusts become more rough.
“Yessss yes yes yes yes yes - oh my god! Fuck!” Jimin whined, throwing his head back the more rough he got. Jimin abruptly stopped, knowing he was close and caught his breath, leaning against Y/N’s back. “Someone was close huh?” Y/N said, smirking as she shook her ass a little with the dick inside her.
“Mommy, shit. I’m not ready yet. Missionary please?” Y/N turned over, putting her legs around his waist before Jimin began to snap is his again. He started to moan heartily, throwing his head back as his breath started to get heavy from getting close. “I’m close I’m close I’m close I’m closeee - fuck, I’m coming” “come baby you can do it” Jimin did some rough thrusts before coming in her pussy, jolting and moaning at the orgasm,
“Ooh look at you, good boy” Jimin whimpered at the nickname, still moaning at how much he’s shooting out. “Fuck, I’m coming so much” Jimin whispered to himself, rolling his hips before getting snatched down by the throat, now realizing her hand was wrapped around it.
“Look at you, little whore this is only your first release and your coming like you haven’t came in months” “I-I’ve missed you mommy, that’s why” “well someone’s finally understanding..you can never find a woman like me” Jimin sighed, knowing she was right.
No matter how hard he tried to get her out of his mind he couldn’t. She was one of a kind. And Jimin’s realizing he can’t think to see her with someone else.
“but we’ll talk about that later though. 2 finishes left, 3 moves to go, get to fucking” “can you handjob me please?” “Sounds about right” Y/N flipped Jimin onto his back sitting up as she looked down at the still hard cock. “You’ve gotten bigger hm, i know that cock is ready to blow so more” Y/N said, biting her lip as she’s quick enough to start stroking, doing her rough strokes on his cock making Jimin go crazy all over again.
“Fuck fuck fuckkk just like that just like that - oh shit!” “Yea like that? Stroking that cock like that you fucking love it don’t you” Y/N dirty talked in his ear, now running her thumb over the tip and roughly stroked his cock more.
“Mommy, I’m not gonna last long. Mommy - fuck!” “You wanna come again? You wanna come for me baby?” “Yea yea yea - fuck I’m gonna come!” Jimin’s hips bucked up, throwing his head back on the pillow before coming all over her hand. Y/N smirked, stroking his tip as he continued to come.
“Good Job, 2 finishes down..one more to go. Make it count” “I want you to ride me, please” Y/N teased the tip against her pussy, rubbing it up and down. “Ooh my baby’s still hard, feel it” Y/N locked eyes with Jimin, giving him the dominant aura as she sunk down on his cock. “Mommy please, fuck me please” Y/N rolled her hips in circular motion, Jimin’s hands griping her hips as he moaned his heart out. Y/N got rough with it, rocking back and forth which drove Jimin crazy.
“Shit, it feels so good” “yea? Feels good? It should you fucking bitch. I bet your girlfriend couldn’t make you feel this good huh? She couldn’t ride you better than I can, she couldn’t suck you off better than I can..someone needs to tell her that her little boyfriend is someone else’s bitch hm?” Y/N dirty talked, gripping his throat as she rode him harder. “I-I’m your bitch, I’m your bitch mommy - fuck, I’m close” “me too baby, wanna come together” “yes yes let’s come together - fuck! I’m coming”
“Fucking hell” Y/N cursed under her breath, throwing her head back before coating his cock, Jimin painting her walls white once again and she rode both of their highs, calming Jimin down. “Oh fuck, that was good. Good job, there you go” Y/N praised, making Jimin smile before Y/N slowly took his now soft cock out, breathing heavily in sync. Y/N went down, kissing Jimin softly as Jimin returned the action, wanting nothing but to continue to kiss her.
“..had fun?” Jimin nodded, making Y/N smile and kissed his cheek, jaw, and lips again. “I don’t want you to go” “oh I’m not going anywhere..but you, have to make a decision. A life, decision. I can’t be here on the side forever” Y/N truthfully said, making Jimin sigh knowing she was right. Y/N is special to him, he loves her. He does. “I like you..a lot. Something about your confidence - your aura..it just screams, Y/N. I’ve never felt like this before, knowing I wanted to know more you know” Y/N smiled, doodling on his chest.
“You like me?” “A lot! Believe it or not..I would hate to see you with anyone else” Y/N cooed, running her hands through his hair. “Let’s just, break it to her slowly. I wanna make sure you are sure-“ Jimin kissed Y/N, going on top of her making Y/N smile and wrap her arms around his neck to bring him closer. “I’m positive” Jimin whispered, kissing her jaw and neck. “You ready?” Y/N smiled, locking her hand with his.
“Let’s do It”
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Fic: I know I love you
Tags: Gong Shangjue x Gong Yuanzhi, High School AU, Cousin Incest, Singer Gong Yuanzhi, Pining, Talent Show, Age Difference, Businessman Gong Shangjue, gonna add the underage tag just coz of the age difference
A/N: This is the song that got me back into Kpop. As a Gen 2 fan, I never thought I would ever get back into it once I left that group of friends who loved it as much as I did. But there I was, diving headfirst into Gen 4 Kpop and thus far, it's been great.
This is all to say that it's okay to be a fan of something. There's no age limit to be a fan and as long as you're not hurting anyone with your passion and enthusiasm, you're good :) If you needed to hear this today, there's always a place in fannish spaces for us older fans. No matter what other people might say x
If Gong Yuanzhi were to say that he didn't feel an ounce of nervousness, that would be a lie.
Sneaking a peek at the auditorium's crowd, he hears a loud cheer - definitely led by his cousin Ziyu, the absolute simp - when Yun Weishan's voice starts going into the chorus of that earworm of a song by Esther Yu. Next to him, he can feel Jin Fan pushing at his shoulder so that he can steal a glimpse of his other cousin Zishang who had partnered up with Yun Weishan.
He's surrounded by simps, he swears.
Turning back to where Jin Fu, Jin Fan's fraternal twin, is twirling his drums and this quiet dude they only know as Ah Yue is testing out the keyboards, Yuanzhi meets the latter's eyes and nods.
"As I'll ever be," Yuanzhi huffs, fiddling with his guitar for the umpteenth time. Ah Yue takes pity on him and claps him on the shoulder. He doesn't even ask him the question he knows he wants to ask.
It's fine, Yuanzhi tries to reason. It's fine if he doesn't come tonight.
Logically, he knows that Shangjue gege is probably busy if not on another plane to another city to negotiate another deal to fatten up the family's coffers. More than that, he knows that Shangjue would have about a million things better to do on a Friday night than to attend some high school talent show just because half of the family's younger cousins are part of it.
Still, hope springs eternal. Even if reality is proving otherwise.
From where they stand at the curtained eaves of the stage, they can hear Yun Weishan and Zishang jie's voices bleeding into the final notes of their performance. It's show time.
"Deep breaths, yeah?" Ah Yue says, bumping fists with Yuanzhi as they step onto the stage to the applause of the audience.
They take their place as the emcees of the night announce their names and their class number. Breathing in deeply, Yuanzhi squints out at shadowed faces of the crowd, trying to quell the rapid-fire beating of his heart.
Positions himself at the microphone, he takes a deep breath, fingers pressing down on the opening chord.
I know I love you
Yuanzhi pours his heart into that opening growl. Behind him, he hears the guys start up on their instruments just like they'd spent hours and hours practising. Part of him wants to turn around, grin with glee at how cool this all is, but he holds on to what he needs to do.
In this world of zero, I know you're my one and only 
Try as he may, he cannot help his mind from turning to his gege. The lyrics of the song speak to a truth that his soul knows -- has known for a while now.
My life before you was a mess
Yuanzhi blinks and he can pick out Ziyu cheering him on in the shadows with a borderline maniacal grin. A warm sort of glow settles in his chest. This silly cousin of his...
He can’t help the grin of his own as he sinks his voice into the words. Adrenaline pumps through his veins when he hears Ah Yue’s voice harmonise with his own.
Now I can't stop thinking 'bout you, When I'm sinking alone
The beat kicks up. The drums start to pound through his chest and Yuanzhi closes his eyes as the guys all start singing together.
I know it's real, I can feel it
Yuanzhi feels free in the words of the song. Fingers strumming along as he tastes the way the crowd begins to cheer.
When he opens his eyes again, there he is. Standing in the back of the auditorium, haloed by the exit sign, but he’s here. In the shadows.
Yuanzhi can hardly believe it.
He can’t bring himself to believe it.
I'm a loser in this game
For the longest time, Yuanzhi had trusted in the emotions that tells him he loves Shangjue gege like a brother. Fond and protective in a familial way, respect and admiration all wrapped into how Shangjue gege is so capable and strong.
There was always a thread of gratefulness, too, when Yuanzhi thinks about his emotions. Grateful that Shangjue took him in and practically helped to raise him.
If there was anyone who deserved his love, it’d be Shangjue gege.
All or nothing, I want all of you 
But emotions change.
And recently, Yuanzhi’s heart hurts whenever he thinks about how Shangjue is being expected to marry and have kids.
Even more so when he thinks of gege having someone to love and hold in that way. In the deepest darkness of the night hours, Yuanzhi can admit into the shadows that he wants to be the person that Gege holds and loves. Especially if it’s in that way.
I'm full of problems, love sick 
Yuanzhi keeps his eyes fixed on the shadowed halo on the fringes of the room.
Everything else fades away and he bleeds his heart and soul into the words. Meaning every syllable, every beat, every lilt and crescendo.
In some distant part of his senses, he can hear his band mates carry their own parts as they harmonise together. Yuanzhi doesn’t linger on them.
He keeps his eyes on his prize.
Say you love me, to the end of the world 
Logically, Yuanzhi knows it’s wrong.
If he ever verbalised the exact emotions he feels about Shangjue, chances are he’d be excommunicated from the family. He can imagine the looks of disgust and contempt; can see it in his nightmares.
He knows Shangjue gege can tell something is wrong, but how does one even begin to tell the object of your affections that you love them in the romantic way that begs to burn down any bridge that could cultivate it back into familiar familial feelings?
Loss of his gege is unacceptable. The only thing left for Yuanzhi is to sing it.
All or nothing, I give all of you 
The auditorium shakes with the force of the audience’s cheers. Ah Yue, Jin Fan, and Jin Fu all clamour around him to wrap him up in a hug before they take a bow to the standing ovation they receive.
Yuanzhi turns back to the spot in the shadow and has to kill the bud of disappointment that starts to flower. He doesn’t have a right to feel that way, no.
So, he accepts the applause with a smile, bows politely and jogs backstage where Zishang jie is squealing and pulling him into a rib cracking hug before she jumps right into Jin Fan’s arms.
“Are you alright?” Ah Yue asks, a hand on his wrist. Outside, the next group takes their place in the spotlight. Yuanzhi nods, moving quickly to where they’d stash their bags and cases.
He feels sick.
What was he doing thinking that Shangjue ge was even here tonight? More than that, what the hell was he even dreaming about that Gege would even understand that this song is dedicated to him?
He stuffs his guitar back into its case, snapping it shut and gathering his bag.
“I’ll see you guys on Monday ok?”
“Hey, where are you going?” Jin Fu frowns. “They haven’t announced the winners!”
Yuanzhi can only shake his head and plaster on a weak grin. “I…”
“He’s coming home with me.”
Yuanzhi thinks his soul jumped right out of him and into the underworld. Literal chills start breaking out down his spine when Shangjue gege steps confidently forward and wordlessly takes his school bag. Sliding their palms together, he tangles their fingers, guiding him away and out of the backstage area.
“Gege, what are you—“
“My Didi gave me a ticket to his school’s talent show. Did you think I was going to miss it?”
Yuanzhi wisely keeps his mouth shut.
Shangjue scoffs, weaving them through a sea of performers and their assortment of props and costumes. In no time, Yuanzhi is breathing in a lungful of cool, crisp night air, but gege doesn’t stop and he stumbles a little to keep up.
“Get in the car,” Shangjue says, letting go of him to move to the driver’s side. When Yuanzhi doesn’t immediately follow, he turns, sighing. Coming back to Yuanzhi, he cups him by the cheek.
Running his thumb over his cheekbone, Gege purses his lips. “We need to have a conversation and I’d rather we do it in the car.”
Yuanzhi numbly tips his head, looking down on the asphalt of the school parking lot while Shangjue manoeuvres the guitar case off him and into the back of his Jaguar, and then shuffles him into the front passenger seat, buckling him in with a smooth practiced motion.
Panic and trepidation sits thick on his tongue.
“Where do you want to start?” Shangjue says over the hum of the car’s engine as he takes them out of the parking lot and into the main road.
“I don’t even know where to do that,” Yuanzhi admits. He starts to fidget with his fingers, stilling with a start when Shangjue gege takes his hand into his own again. Deftly switching lanes, Yuanzhi watched the streetlights wash over the dark interior of the car in measured intervals.
“You’re my Didi,” Gege says. “I’m your Gege. It’s as simple as that.”
The words twist something sour in his chest. It’s the undeniable truth and one he can’t even run away from no matter how hard he tries to.
“Yeah.” Yuanzhi mumbles. Squeezing Gege’s hand he makes to pull away, only for Shangjue to hold on tightly.
Shangjue’s eyes are focused on the road. Cool and calm as he safely merges the car into the evening traffic.
“Yuanzhi, once again you’re hearing and not listening.”
Not a little offended, Yuanzhi tries to pry his hand out of Shangjue’s only to fail miserably when his gege huffs.
“I know you love me.”
Yuanzhi blinks owlishly, brain shorting out at the soft smile that Shangjue gege sports when he inches the car forward.
“Did you think I wasn’t listening?”
“I didn’t know what to think,” Yuanzhi manages. Shangjue’s hand squeezes his thrice.
A gentle quiet settles in the hush of the car. It’s not unpleasant, more so when Shangjue carefully lifts their hands to his lips. The gesture sends a thrill down Yuanzhi’s spine, especially when he lets go only to change gears, then sliding their hands back together again.
“I was going to wait until you’re a little older to broach the topic. I didn’t…” Shangjue trails off, throat bobbing. “I didn’t want it to seems like I was pressuring you into anything…”
Yuanzhi feels his cheeks warm.
“You wouldn’t have—“
“But I would have.” Shangjue cuts with certainty. “You wouldn’t have been anything but willing and that’s what makes it dangerous.”
Carefully, with an infinite tenderness Yuanzhi was sure he could never pour into another person, Yuanzhi whispers, “And yet I would have loved you.”
Shangjue turns to him. “I won’t apologise for making you wait.”
“How long?”
Shangjue blinks, confusion colouring his brow. “How long?”
“How long do I have to wait?” Yuanzhi elaborates. “How long until you will be comfortable with… this?”
The laughter that bubbles up in the car makes him smile. His heart settles in the sound of it, then picks up again at the way Shangjue looks at him syrup soft with an intensity that Yuanzhi now has a name for.
“Get into your top choice for university and then we will talk.”
Yuanzhi smiles. “Do you promise, Ge?”
“All or nothing, Didi.” Shangjue replies easily, running his thumb over the back of Yuanzhi’s hand.
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vroomlesbianvroom · 1 year
Unpopular opinion, I hate this whole Lestappen thing and it reminds me sometimes of Larry Stylinson (One Direction). I love both of them, I like it when they interact, but every smile, every fist bump, every time they talk it gets pushed too much. They aren't friends, both have said it before, they like racing with each other, but nothing more. Both have other drivers, where they have a much better relationship with.
I agree with the latter part especially. I think with shipping people you can get into dangerous categories very quickly.
I tend to use the Lestappen name because I’m two lazy to actually type both names for a certain sentence if that makes sense.
You see it a lot in Kpop though where people don’t want to interacts with each other because they two afraid to be shipped. With Harry and Louis, it really affected their friendship and that’s horrible to see.
It’s one thing if you ship things where they won’t see it, in my opinion. But some people like flood they’re comments and things and send them fics and I just question why?
Like they are becoming closer and more friendly, why would you want to jeopardise that. I also imagine it can get really uncomfortable for their partners. Like I imagine Kelly must get fed up with it.
Send in unpopular f1 opinions
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wrienne · 1 year
My Cheating, Amnesic Fiancé
Chapter 13: New Lodging
“What’s happening?”
A male voice whispered almost directly behind you. You hadn’t noticed Jungkook rising and having approached you, and you almost bumped into him as you whipped about in surprise. You reacted at his shadowy shape instinctively, though fortunately, his reflexes were quick enough to get him out of harm's way.
“Do you always have to punch things?” he asked indignantly after he had dodged your fist.
“Don’t you know better than to sneak up on me?” you parried. “I gave you a nosebleed when we were on that Halloween event a couple years ago with our parents and you scared the living crap out of me.”
He furrowed his brows. “I don’t remember that,” he said.
His tone wavered only slightly, but it was enough for you to understand that the continuously rising fear he felt at not being able to recall something was tearing into him again. You pursed your lips, reprimanding yourself at your lack of tact, then shook your head. “I have pictures, I think. I can show you them later.”
“What’s outside?”
Your eyes narrowed in anger. “Paparazzi,” you almost spat. “An army of them.”
“Why are they here?”
“I’m not sure, though I do have an idea.” You went to your phone and made a specific Google-search with keywords like “Jungkook” and “accident”. You shook your head at the headlines that popped up, then muttered, “Your accident has been publicized. All the news sites want to know the juicy details about the Bangtan Boys’ ‘Golden Maknae’.”
Nobody had written about amnesia. Yet.
“‘Bangtan Boys’?” echoed Jungkook, raising his brows. “‘Golden Maknae’?”
“That’s your group and you, in respective order,” you said overly cheerily as you began pacing back and forth, trying to hatch a plan of action. You and Jungkook needed to get away from AMC as soon as possible, before more than just journalists would cluster the area. If curious individuals or zealous fans would start flocking there in addition to the press, you and Jungkook could be stuck for who knows how long. Not to mention, the two of you together wouldn’t conjure a particularly suitable image. The rumors surrounding you were obnoxious and annoying enough - especially considering the truth they once had posed - and now that he had cheated on you with Park Yi-Jae, you really did not want to be associated with Jeon Jungkook in any romantic way.
And of course, the most important part - the idiot was amnesic.
“Why ‘Golden’?”
“Don’t ask me,” you answered, perhaps unnecessarily harshly. “I mean, I don’t know. Nothing that rings a bell?”
“Great,” you said sarcastically as you continued your brooding.
“Shit,” murmured Jungkook while peering through the blinds just as you had, albeit a bit higher up. He really had grown tall. “Why are they so many?”
“Didn’t I tell you this yesterday? You’re the biggest Kpop group at the moment. Everyone wants a piece of you.”
“It cannot be. I don’t believe it.”
There it was again. The fear. The fear of what had been, what he couldn’t wrap his mind around, what he didn’t know, yet affected him altogether. It flared stronger this time, changing Jungkook’s expression, voice - his whole demeanor, actually.
You couldn’t stand seeing him like that. Vulnerable, and so very alone.
“Get ready,” you told him as you began texting Jong-Yeol, then deleted everything you had written, deciding instead to call him. “We’ll be out of here soon.”
Jungkook looked at you, his features solemn. He had managed to restrain most of his dread, but you saw it brewing, struggling to break free again underneath his guise. And his eyes couldn’t lie to you. “Where are we going?”
“To our place,” you replied, your phone squeezed between your shoulder and your ear as you got into your boots. “My parents and yours are in Osaka at the moment, which probably is the reason why you haven’t been able to call yours. Though…” You frowned suddenly as you remembered what your parents had told you the day before. “...I think they might be within the borders. At least they were trying to find plane tickets back since yesterday noon.”
But where were they? Shouldn’t his parents already have gotten to the hospital by now? You might need to swallow your pride and hurt and call your parents later in the day in order to find out.
“Anyway,” you went on, redialing Jong-Yeol since he hadn’t answered you before the answering machine caught. “It also means we should have until Saturday to figure out where else you can live. Your parents don’t have a steady place in Seoul, right?”
Jungkook had been tying the laces of his brand boots when he looked up, a light frown tugging at his countenance. “Why can’t I just stay with you?”
“As much as it would make things easier,” you said, trying your best not to consider the sliver of warmth in your chest at his question, “I honestly think we might kill one another if we stay together at the same place for too long. Too long, meaning more than a day or two.”
“Want to make it a challenge?”
You regarded him closely, but his expression was unreadable. “Don’t want to sleep by yourself, do we?” you tried, curious of what reaction your taunt might produce. “Are you scared of the dark or something?”
“It’s not that, I--” He interrupted himself and averted his gaze. “Never mind.”
“No, tell me,” you insisted, though as softly as you could. You straightened and tried to catch his eyes.
He stood and inhaled deeply. “It’s just that--”
You regrettably had to hold up a finger to silence Jungkook. Did Jong-Yeol really have to answer his phone just when you thought you might hear something important about Jungkook, and from the source himself?
“I’m at Asan Medical Center,” you said as you turned away from Jungkook. “Could you be ready to pick us up outside the Starbucks just south from here? By the crossing you cussed out a taxi driver, who almost drove into our car? We’ll be there in ten.”
“‘We’?” repeated Jong-Yeol bemusedly, his tired voice immediately sharpening. “What ‘we’?”
“Jungkook and I,” you said while shrugging on your jacket. “The media have gotten hold of the accident and are just outside the hospital doors. We need to get him home, unseen, before the situation worsens”.
“Got it,” he said. “But I hope you’ve spoken to your parents about this.”
“Of course,” you lied.
“I’ll be there in fifteen.”
After gathering all your stuff, you went to discharge Jungkook at the front desk with help of the documents you had signed yesterday. You asked the nurse or administrator - or whatever her job title was accurately called - where you could find a more discreet way out of the hospital. She wouldn’t help you, eyeing Jungkook suspiciously, and the two of you found yourself stuck in the waiting room of AMC. You considered finding Doctor Lee, but found that her working hours ran from midday to late evening that day from a passing nurse. It wasn’t until you returned from a quick bathroom visit when you ran into the cleaning lady, who had kindly helped you dispose of Jungkook’s fried chicken. She helped you and Jungkook get out of a staff-only door at the side of the building, and you thanked her dearly. Soon you found yourself jogging down the street toward the Starbucks you had in mind, away from Asan Medical Center, with Jungkook by your side.
“Where’s your jacket?” you suddenly wondered as you noticed Jungkook wearing only the clothes you had brought him. It was really cold outside, probably below zero degrees Celsius, and you saw his skin pale in the chilly atmosphere.
“I don’t know,” he said. Both of your breaths escaped in white puffs. “Amnesic, you know.”
“I would have offered mine,” you began, “but it’s probably a bit small.”
“No, keep it,” said Jungkook in a neutral tone. “I wouldn’t want you to get a cold because of me.”
You snorted, even though you felt your heart rate increase. Though that might simply be because you were exercising, an act you tried to convince yourself to do more often. “What a gentleman.”
“Anything for you,” he said sarcastically, though a slight smile blunted the impact his tone would have had.
Even though you were aware that it was a joke of the simplest, most basic nature, you couldn’t help but smile back. And though it should have felt wrong, so very wrong in all kinds of ways, it didn’t. You didn’t know what that meant.
But he really shouldn’t say things like that.
You had spent your whole life in the heart of Seoul, and knew it well enough even around Asan Medical Center to be able to find the Starbucks. Also, in an emergency case, there was something as easy as Google Maps. Jong-Yeol found the two of you freezing by the time he arrived outside the shop, four minutes after you. You had offered Jungkook your gloves and a scarf you had stuffed into your purse, but it hardly helped against Seoul’s relentless winter gales. He was still pale and shivering in the car, though by the time you two reached your parents apartment, he at least didn’t look like a corpse anymore.
“I need to shower,” said Jungkook immediately as he took off your gloves and the scarf and placed them on a tiny bench you had in the hall. “I feel disgusting.”
“Be my guest,” you said while taking off your jacket and boots.
“The first door to the left,” you told him.
Jungkook chuckled. “You waited for that,” he said.
“Not at all.” You saw a pile of canvas bags with his shoes and the body bag you had stuffed with his clothes occupy the hallway. You had instructed Jong-Yeol to merely dump them at your place yesterday, and now you needed to figure out where to put it all. Your parents apartment was expensive, needlessly expensive to be fair, and though it was spacious, it only had two bedrooms. When your parents had bought the place two years ago, the other two bedrooms had been refurnished and remodeled at your parents command into an extra office space and a relaxation room for your mother.
While pondering where Jungkook could put his stuff, you hadn’t noticed him not moving for a while. It wasn’t until he murmured something that you found him staring at himself in the floor-to-ceiling mirrors lining the western wall of the hallway.
“Is this really me?”
Jungkook was touching his face hesitantly, his brown, familiar eyes rounding in surprise as his fingers trailed the shape of his mouth, cheekbones, forehead and finally, jawline. He blinked, hard, but seemed just as surprised as before when he spotted his reflection. You couldn’t even imagine how it must have felt, seeing oneself after five years of blankness. He had grown up to be a good-looking guy, you couldn’t lie about that. And his years within the appearance-obsessed music industry had made him take extra care of his looks, melding him into the lean, beautiful youth you had witnessed on stage the day before yesterday.
You fleetingly wondered how it felt to touch his face.
“Yeah,” you then replied nonchalantly, approaching him. You managed to stop from blushing, but only barely by the time his gaze darted to you as you slowly entered his line of sight. “You grew up to become really ugly. Sorry - oh, and welcome to the club.”
“At least I have a big nose,” he said with a smile as he checked his profile. “And I grew.”
“You’ve always had a big nose,” you said, then frowned. “Didn’t you go to the bathroom even once in the hospital? How could you not have seen yourself before this?”
“They were changing the mirrors, I think,” he said. “All of them were removed.” He pulled slightly at his cheeks, and then his earlobes, which were adorned with silver earrings. “I didn’t think I would look like this when I grew up.”
“You can admire yourself later,” you told him, moving past him to get to the kitchen. The screen on the microwave said 6:19, which was around the normal time you rose every morning. “Get out of the shower in eight and I might have some oatmeal to share with you.”
“Oatmeal? Really?” You heard his smile bleed into his voice. “How old are you?”
“The same age as you,” you said grumpily as you rummaged your cupboards for the necessary ingredients. “Which means, if it’s sufficient for me, it’s sufficient for you.”
“Not really. But since you’re making me breakfast, I guess I have no choice but to humbly agree.”
You snorted. “That’s right.”
You thought you heard him chuckle again as he disappeared into the bathroom. Abruptly, you realized you hadn’t seen him smile, least of all heard him chuckle with you… ever. Okay, that might be a bit of a cruel estimate, but you frankly couldn’t conjure to mind the last time he hadn’t been absolutely infuriating or just straight up rude to you. As much as you hated to admit it, a small part of you couldn’t help but like the amnesic version of Jeon Jungkook more than his real self.
The self where he had cheated on you.
You were done with the oatmeal and had poured up some juice for both of you by the time you heard the bathroom door unlock. You placed each of your servings onto the island overhang and was just about to sit on the bar stool closest to you when you heard naked feet pad into the kitchen.
You frowned. When had Jungkook had the time to change? And how did he know his clothes were in the body bag?
“How did you know--” you began as you glanced over your shoulder.
And then you choked.
Because Jeon Jungkook had just walked into your kitchen - practically naked.
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jooheonspinky · 1 year
Kpop Dream Log 16: with Yunho
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March 1, 2020, Sunday
My cousin @millie-ionaire05 and I were walking down a sidewalk that reminded me a lot of NY, except there weren’t a lot of people. We turned into an alley between two brick buildings and stopped at a dark red door that had a half-circle green overhang.
There were 3 other people there. Someone opens the door and we go up a slim set of stairs up to the second floor which opens up into a quaint bookstore. A women directs us to a waiting area where there are 2 other people already there, making our group 7.
My cousin and I start talking about how excited we are to finally meet ‘them,’ and I ask if she brought her notebook and questions.
As she says yes, they tell us it’s time to meet ATEEZ. We follow the lady to another area in the bookstore where there is a long couch in a ‘U’ shape, except one side is shorter than the other. There is a chair at that shorter end, and my cousin heads straight for it while I’m too nervous and kneel behind the couch so I can only see the back of the boys' heads.
As I look from the left back to the right, I see my cousin has stood up, and Yunho is holding her hand and smiling up at her. He had been sitting at the end of the couch in front of her. I crawl on my knees to that end of the couch so that now I’m right beside Yunho.
I gush, “Yunho! So handsome!” And he smiles down at me. I see that he has something written under his right eye in a black eye pencil, but I can’t remember what it says. I know it started with an "Old" and had like a small star inside the 'O'. My cousin sits down, and I tell him, “My cousin loves you so much.”
I see his hand is out so I thought he was trying to shake my hand or fist bump me, but his hand is limp and suddenly he looks bothered and upset. I give it a quick shake and let it go and move to the side a little away from him, but then he says something while pouting that I didn’t understand so I lean back in, touch my ear and say “Sorry?”
“The interview lady before...she call me pretty,” he says with such offense.
I tried my best to be serious because he was visibly upset about it, but he looked so cute. I just say, “Oh, don’t let that bother you. Yunho is a handsome guy,” and he finally smiled at me.
Now the event was going to start. I was so close up to Yunho that I could see the other members, but not enough to tell who was who, except for Yeosang at the very opposite end of the couch. Then I woke up just as I turned to look up at my cousin. She looked so serious. I couldn’t tell if she was nervous about the event or upset that I was talking too much with Yunho, lol.
I remember Wooyoung tweeted something about being pretty after I had this dream. That made me laugh because Yunho was just so offended in my dream about being called pretty lol. If I can find the tweet, I'll link it here.
The message I sent my cousin when I saw the Tweet:
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You can find Wooyoung's Tweet here, but below is a screenshot of the translation:
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fleursbending · 1 year
fav music artist/band/genre?
i listen to literally anything and everything but i'd say some of my fave genres would be - indie pop, kpop, r&b, bedroom pop, rap!
for bands OOHHH i have so many lmao!! but my ass will always have a soft spot for 5sos and 1d it is what it is. and omg another fave artist? i'd say wallows they sounded amazing live and i literally high-fived dylan and fist bumped braeden PLSS
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btstrashedits · 7 years
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irevanity · 2 years
okay I just found the GREATEST kpop song to ever exist so now you are getting more team kira idol headcanons.
Light joined Realm Entertainment when he was 14, on 11.18.06. Despite his parents protesting against it at first he made sure to work hard and ensure his debut.
He was naturally talented and pretty much excelled in every class, so it was a surprise to him when he met Mikami after 2 years of training.
Oh my god. That bitch was not gifted at all.
He was fucking casted for his looks. But he wasn’t even that hot
At first Light was like, “I’ll just watch him get booted on his third week” but as time went on, he noticed the determination in the 15 y.o’s eyes and was like, “you know what? You’re cool. I’ll help you”
They became trainee buddies basically. Little by little Mikami improved until he could hold his own against Light (and sometimes even beat him)
“Fuck, I taught him too much and now we’re basically fighting for the leader role”
Rival time!
At this point it wasn’t even about being friends it was about getting into the final line-up and debuting
It always switched between those two until the CEO said “fuck it you’re both debuting”
But then their debut got postponed. They were supposed to be in an 8 member boy group but then half the members left and it was basically just Light and Mikami.
They were both salty as fuck but whatever they just continued training
Okay Misa Amane time
She originally auditioned to be a child model but switched to become an idol when she accidentally bumped into Light at the company.
“Oh my god wow he’s so cool!” **becomes a trainee**
“My parents died, I can’t enjoy it.” **dead silence**
Okay now they have a 13 year old on their team which was okay-ish. She was average at everything but god damn can she talk fast
“You’re becoming a rapper with me.” “ok”
Light tolerated her but Mikami? Oh my god. He fucking despised her presence because she TALKED SO MUCH AND SO FAST AND
Mikami was about to snap at her when Misa suddenly roasted the shit out of him
He went quiet around her ever since
Light was like “oh yeah she’s definitely becoming a rapper”
Okay Kiyomi time
She joined the company in 2010 at 17. Misa was happy to have another girl in the group after all the others kept on leaving.
Kiyomi didn’t have a hard time. She already had dance training before so all of this was basically routine for her.
The only thing she struggled with was singing. Like she couldn’t do it at all without running out of breath too quickly
Main vocalist Mikami time! He basically told her that the secret to stable singing was to “run on a treadmill while belting high notes”
Cue Kiyomis horrified face.
She regretted joining so badly because 1. She wasn’t the type to work out. 2. She didn’t like getting all sweaty and tired and 3. She couldn’t eat whatever she wanted
But Kiyomi basically auditioned for this stuff so she just gotta persevere through the harsh training until she made the final line-up
And make the final line-up she did!
Woohoo! They were gonna be a 6 member co-ed group with a badass concept! They’re gonna debut on 2011!
SIKE. Two members (pretend they’re npcs) left. It got postponed again.
At this point Mikami was done. He trained for 3 years and had their debut cancelled twice. He basically flipped off the entertainment industry and was preparing to leave
Kiyomi was shocked, Light was panicking and even Misa seemed distressed.
The day before he planned to leave, Light LITERALLY slammed him against the wall and proceeded to yell at him for 15 minutes straight
Misa thought they were about to fist fight. AGAIN.
Okay but happy ending though! Mikami didn’t leave after all
The group decided to hang on to whatever hope they got left and held on for another 2 years.
In those two years:
Misa nearly got caught sneaking in an entire bucket of fried chicken into the building. It happened like 6 times until she eventually got caught and scolded
There was a big ass centipede on the ceiling of their dorm. It fell. Mikami still has the video of them SCREAMING.
A trainee DIED. (whoops)
During the monthly evaluation, Mikamis voice cracked and it haunted him forever (even after debut the other members kept on bringing it up)
Kiyomi once fainted during practice
Light “lost” his lyric book
2 years later BAAM! They finally debuted on January 28, 2013.
Lights hair colors only range from dark brown to light brown, and sometimes to black. Kiyomi only had highlights and hair style changes. Mikami went dark blue/green for a few comebacks. Meanwhile, Misas scalp is literally on the verge of death.
ISAC? FUCK YES. You just KNOW Light dominated everyone in the relay race. My guy reached 200 mph while bleeding out, imagine what he can do while LIVING. Misa is an ace in archery and Mikami absolutely decimates his opponents in wrestling. Kiyomi did that elegant ball dance thing.
They are nicknamed “The smartest kpop group”
Anyways that nickname. You know the mafia game? Oh my lord. It was the first time their fans ever saw KIRA T H I S chaotic. They were ready to end friendships!!!!!. BUT THE PLOT TWIST IS THAT N O. O N E. WAS SELECTED TO BE MAFIA. THEY WERE JUST ACCUSING EACH OTHER LEFT AND RIGHT
A fan once begged Mikami not to cut his hair. (that fan was me lolz)
Misa always drops the cake
After their 5th win, they promised their fans that they’d film a part switch video of their latest comeback. It was fucking CHAOS. Light can’t hit Mikamis high notes for crap and Misa had trouble keeping up with Kiyomis dance break.
You know that game where kpop idols roast the shit out of each other? Yeah. Light would be fucking ruthless. Their career would literally almost end 💀
Misa definitely has a secret account that she uses to follow her fans. Who knows? Maybe you’re following Misa already.
Kiyomi would leak her predebut photos just to prove she didn’t get any plastic surgery.
While Light is more of a lyrical genius and flow kind of rapper, Misa would be more about speed and catchy lyrics.
Mikami is one of kpops best male vocalists and can easily belt while dancing, but sometimes he gets accused of lip-syncing because he sounds literally exactly the same as the CD. Like he’d be 😐 while hitting a note higher than Misa is tall.
Talking about height differences. They would definitely bully her for her height. SHES LITERALLY 5’0!!! MIKAMI IS 6’0!!!! Imagine the meme videos lmao
In terms of stage presence, it would be Kiyomi>Misa>Light>Mikami. Kiyomi would (ofc) have the best expressions on stage while Mikami sometimes looks…bored.
After a few years when they can finally take a break from all the schedules and go home for a while, Light and Kiyomi invited the other two to meet their family because they knew they had no one alive waiting for them to come home.
Light always makes sure to put his members first and isn’t afraid to call out the staff if they’re not doing their job properly.
Every product Kiyomi uses and shows on live gets sold out within the blink of an eye. Then she’d go on bubble and scold her fans jokingly
At the beginning of their career they were pretty uptight about everything, but now that they’re a well respected and established name within the industry they can relax and let their personalities show.
Misa and Light are definitely the most chaotic members. The other two just sit there and watch everything unfold.
Okay so I know that technically Light would be the youngest in the group but I’m just going by their birth months. That being said, here’s their birthdays!
Light — 2.28.92
Mikami — 6.7.92
Kiyomi — 7.12.93
Misa — 12.25.95
Okay I am now tired. I hope my dear sexy Mutual uses this information to continue on planning the k-idol fanfic (iykyk)
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bubbbii · 1 year
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title : Patience
pairing : yoongi x hoseok
genre : sope smut, gay smut, kpop smut, dirty content
warning : daddy kink, gay, doggy style, blowjob, handjob, degrading, choking, multiple orgasms, mirror sex, fingering, spanking, aftercare, etc.
summary : yoongi, a very impatient and dangerous criminal who everyday he waits for his favorite policeman, hoseok, who gives him his checkup everyday. But one particular day, things are switching up..yoongi being extra impatient, and extra needy.
do not steal story or idea without permission please thank uu :)
Let’s go <3
“Alright everyone in!” The bell buzzed around the huge jail house as all of the criminals went back inside their cells. Namjoon shut the steel door, locking the locks and turned to the other police officers. Aka his friends. “The visits?” “Seems to me everyone’s doing good! You know Mr Kim made a great decision putting you up as head chief” Namjoon smiled at Jungkook’s compliment, ruffling his hair. “Jimin?” Jungkook’s smile faded, making Namjoon and Hoseok laugh at the attitude change. “We still..have some work” “imagine your own boyfriend? Your own boyfriend getting out in handcuffs without you knowing” “UNTIL THE DAY AFTER! Had his own cell and everything..I don’t know what to do”
Namjoon sighed, sitting in the chair in front of the 2 who were leaning against the table. “I’ll talk to Mr Kim, but tomorrow you have to Jimin and let him know that just because we are all best friends doesn’t mean he doesn’t have to pay for his consequences” Jungkook nodded, running his hand through his hair. “Yoongi?” “He’s doing good..impatient ass” “not gonna lie yall look cute togetherrr” Jungkook teased, poking Hoseok’s arm. “Shut up, he’s let me know that he has an interest already” Jungkook and Namjoon looked at him.
“And you don’t?” “I do! It’s just- he’s a handful” “Jimin is too and look where we are 3 years strong” Jungkook said, fist bumping Joon. “Ok well - that’s you and Jimin what about me!? Do you know how DIFFICULT Yoongi is?” “It gives you a nice challenge! Yoongi is one feisty cat - anyone could tell you. But Hobi he’s got eyes on you to handle him. And trust me..we all know how that would turn out” Jungkook smirked, nodding with Namjoon.
Hoseok sighed, sitting on the table now. “8 pm, his last check up for the day. Make that check up, count” Namjoon said, handing the ring full of keys to Hoseok. He sighed, taking it and clipping it on his belt. “Fine..and for the record, Yoongi is a different breed. Don’t be shocked when I don’t come out alive” Jungkook scoffed, patting his back before leaving the two to go into Namjoon’s office. Hoseok and Namjoon followed him.
8 pm…
Hoseok went out his office, sighing and he saw Namjoon. “I got you” he gave me the ID pass and fist bumped me before opening the metal gates and went down the long line of jail cells. He reached the back, pressing the pass to the black button which turned green and heard the door unlock. He opened the metal door, seeing a sight he was least imagined to see. “Mmh fuck” Hoseok gulped, staring at the submissive boy, seeing his head squished in the pillow and his ass perked up in the air.
His fingers inside his ass and moaning his heart out. He’s lucky he has the cell all the way in the back. I closed the door, seeing his head turned towards me, seeing the smile and his lower lip tugged between his teeth. “Mmh daddy” he called out, giggling as I sighed in horniness and disturbance. “Yoongi..get up” “whyy? I want you..you don’t understand” I sighed, crossing my arms as I looked at him.
He groaned, sitting up. “Put your shorts on” “I will..if you come to me” “Yoongi, cmon now” “please? Stop playing hard to get it!” “I’m doing my job that’s what I’m doing” Yoongi huffed, leaning on his arms. “Pleaseee, come here!” Hoseok sighed, before taking his time going up to the boy, seeing him spread his legs once he got closer. “Yoongi we’re suppose to be doing our check up close your legs” “daddy..” he whined, wrapping his legs around my waist. “Yoongi-please don’t, stop” “I know you want me, stop resisting. I’ve been trying to get you ever since I laid eyes on you, I know you want me”
Hoseok did want him..and he isn’t making it easier for him. “Yoon..” I overthought my thought, looking at the clock. It was already 8:30. I know everyone’s asleep. What makes it better..no one can hear what happens in each cell. Hoseok looked at Yoongi, seeing him smirk and pull him closer by the legs. “Fuck me officer, please” Yoongi whispered, pulling Hoseok down by the suit and smashed his lips on his, moaning uncontrollably as he wrapped his arms around Hobi’s neck.
Hoseok thought about it before kissing back slowly, his hands slowly placing themselves on his waist. Yoongi squirmed at the contact, moaning at the touch before Hoseok broke it almost immediately. “No..no no no - no this cannot happen” “yes it can, it’s almost 9. Everyone’s pretty much asleep..besides, I’ve seen the way you look at me during lunch time, and I know you want me” Hoseok raised an eyebrow, trying to deny the fact that he does have a staring problem. “That doesn’t change anything” “oh yes it does. And look - my hair grew..grew it out just for you. And I dyed it black as well, Joon let me..you like it?”
Hoseok liked it. A lot.
“Black suits you” “guess were twins huh? Hm..I like this hair as well. Long and..curly and..fucking sexy” Yoongi seduced, whispering the last part, as he pulled me closer to him. “It just turns me on even more don’t you think?” “Yoongi” “stop…you know what to call me instead” Yoongi interrupted, smirking. “I know what turns you on..daddy” Hoseok let out a small but quiet hiss, knowing it does turn him on. “No-“ “daddy..I wanna get fucked by you, please?” He moaned whispery in my ear, bitting the earlobe. Hoseok was on the verge of giving up.
“Babe..” “please! Please I have a boner! I’ll come a lot for you, like - a lot a lot I promise. I promise daddy” Hoseok’s nose flared at the name, feeling his dick beginning to risen. “..you’re gonna be a good boy?” “I will, I will daddy” “you sure?” “Yes, yes I’m a good boy for you always” hoseok pinned him down before kissing Yoongi roughly, giving up completely from resisting. Yoongi moaned his heart out, throwing his arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss.
“Mmh fuck, pants - pants off, please” i ripped the shorts he had in half, teasingly taking down the thong he had underneath and his lower half was exposed to me. “Awh that little boner of yours, so pretty” Yoongi hips bucked out of reflex at the tone of his voice. Hoseok smoothed his index finger around the outside of his clenching and unclenching hole. “Well, don’t need lube” Hoseok teased, chuckling as he entered 3 fingers in him, making Yoongi moan softly, throwing his head back on the pillow. “Fuck, Mmh Daddy” “yea like that? You like that shit hm?” Hoseok unexpectedly scissored him, going fast and rough before taking his fingers out.
“Oooh shit, no - why?!” “You want it? Come get it” Yoongi immediately went on all fours, and pulling down the oversized cargo pants with the boxers and grabbed the cock in his hand. Yoongi wasted no time taking the whole thing down pack, moaning around it making Hoseok’s breathing rapid, rolling his hips. “Ooh yea you like that shit huh? You fucking bitch hm?” Yoongi moaned at the dirty words, stroking himself in a rough pace as he sucked Hoseok’s cock with passion.
“Fuck, ok” Yoongi took it out, breathing heavy as he turned around and bent over in front of him, rolling his ass on the hard cock. “Can I put it in? Please?” Hoseok chuckled, slapping his cock on his asscheeks before sitting back. “Put it in” Yoongi wasted no time once again, putting the cock inside him making him moan and whine at the stretch of his insides. It’s been so long since Hoseok gave into Yoongi, and it takes a lot for him to give into him. That’s why Yoongi is attracted to Hoseok so much.
It’s thrill to him.
“Mmh fuck” “fuck me fuck me fuck me daddy please please please” Hoseok grabbed his hips and fucked him deep inside, hearing Yoongi scream and moan as Hoseok fucked him like his last day on earth. “Ooh there you go. That ass going back on that dick huh? Your greedy tonight” Yoongi whined and moaned, gripping the sheets from below him at the fifth words. “Daddy fuck - I’m close already, I’m not joking - I think I’m gonna come. Daddy” “oh you’re ready to come? Come for me baby, come for daddy baby you can do it. Come on that dick” Yoongi moaned louder and came on the sheets, coating Hoseok’s cock at the same time.
“Good boy, there you go” “more, daddy more” “i know i know” Hoseok turned Yoongi over, running his fingers against the hard cock if his, hearing him moan and hum at the pleasure as he played with the tip. “Fuck, it feels so good” “ooh yea?” Hoseok began to stroke it, seeing Yoongi squirm as heat rushed up his body. “Fuck fuck fuck - daddy!” Hoseok took his hand away, inserting his cock again making Yoongi moan loudly. “Think you can come again?” “Always” Yoongi’s answer motivated Hoseok’s horniness specifically and snapped his hips to fuck him harder.
“Im coming…im coming - im gonna come again” “go ahead Angel” Yoongi whined at the nickname as it turned him on even more, and came all over himself. And coating Hobi’s cock once again. “There you go, fuck” Hoseok continued to fuck him, feeling the similar feeling at the pit of his stomach. “Shit” Yoongi knew Hoseok drew bruises all over his thighs and hips from gripping to hard. But he loved it. He loved it when Hoseok got rough with him, especially when he’s close to his high. Like at this moment.
“Fucking hell - oh my god” hoseok slapped the living life out of Yoongi’s thigh making him whimper and moan at the extra pleasure he was receiving. Yoongi got what he wanted, and he was here for every moment of it. “I’m gonna come - fuck im gonna come” Hoseok’s pace quickened by the second before painting Yoongi’s ass white, filling him up. “Shit, daddy” “ooh you like that? You like that little slut?” Yoongi whined, feeling Hoseok’s hand tighten around his neck as he continued to come.
He was finished, pulling out as he smirked down at the panting Yoongi. “That was..that was good, shit” “oh..you’re funny” Hoseok flipped them, Hoseok on the bottom and Yoongi on top of him. He scooted to the edge of the bed and Hoseok smirked at the big mirror in front of them. “Look at me” Hoseok demanded calmly, seeing Yoongi’s eyes look into his. “This is what you wanted. Remember? ‘I want you to make me come over, and over, and over again. Fuck me until the morning sunrise’. Remember that?” Yoongi bit his lip, knowing he was eavesdropping on him while fucking himself.
“Oh? Speechless? I wonder” “stop..your making me feel embarrassed” Hoseok chuckled, sitting up. “I’ll do whatever I want, what will you do?” Hoseok whispered in his ear, smirking as he kissed softly on his neck, and earlobe. “So what are you waiting for..the only way to get what you want is by working for it” Yoongi gulped, stroking Hoseok’s cock slowly making Hoseok hiss, leaning back on his elbows as he felt his hand go faster. “Ooh there you go, shit” Yoongi stood up, putting it inside.
“Mmh shit, fuck” “Don’t be a pussy now, this is what you wanted. Now ride that dick like you mean it” Yoongi loved this side of Hoseok, taking control over him excited his insides even more. Yoongi rolled his hips, moaning loudly all over again as he felt the dick fill every inch in him. “There you go, go faster for me” Yoongi followed orders, rocking faster with a little bounce in his pace. “Fuck” Hoseok thrusted upward, making Yoongi moan louder with whines here and there as Hoseok went full on rough mode.
“Fucking bitch” Hoseok grabbed his hair, pulling it as he fucked him harder. “Fuck, daddy..so fast” “shut up” Hoseok’s hips lost control, fucking him more roughly as his high caught up to him. “Daddy I’m gonna come..I’m gonna come again - fuck” “look in that mirror, and see yourself come all over yourself hm? Wanna be a slut I’ll treat you like one. Go ahead” Yoongi’s moans turned into ‘pleases’ and whines as he looked into Hoseok’s hooded eyes, smirking face which got him even closer. “Fuuuckk daddy!” Yoongi came all over himself, Hoseok holding him to support his body that was going numb from the intense orgasm he was having at the moment.
“Ooh Good boy, look at that, coating my cock like that? That slick going all over look at you” Yoongi whimpered, his hips rolling and squirming as his dick started to get sensitive. “Forgot someone?” Yoongi smirked, taking his time to take Hoseok’s hard cock out before turning around and landing his lips on his. Yoongi kissed his jawline, neck, all the way down to his cock, kissing the tip of it. He then took the whole thing down in one go, which made Hoseok go crazy. “Ooh I’m coming, I’m coming - stay still” Hoseok’s hand kept Yoongi’s head to the base of his cock, rolling his hips he groaned and moaned until come shot into Yoongi’s mouth.
Yoongi chuckled, looking up at Hoseok as he happily swallowed it all and slowly took it out his mouth, seeing it soften. Yoongi sighed smiling as he kissed Hoseok softly, Hoseok returning the gesture as Yoongi climbed on top of him. Yoongi broke the kiss, smiling as he nuzzled their noses together. “So..what now?” Hoseok smiled softly, massaging Yoongi’s waist gently. “What do you want to happen?” Hoseok asked softly, kissing his lips gently. “..I want you” Hoseok smiled, looking at the clock above Yoongi.
11 pm.
“I want you too…go to sleep. And I’ll be back after my break” Yoongi smiled, nodding and Hoseok stood up with Yoongi in his arms, laying him down and tucked him under the covers..and the new comforter that Hoseok bought him. “Good night Angel” Hoseok whispered, kissing his forehead before getting his clothes on, carrying his vest in his arm and tidied up in his cell before leaving it. He locked the door with his key and took a deep breath, smiling to himself as he walked along the hallway of cells filled with sleeping prisoners.
There he saw Namjoon, smiling as the two 94 liners chuckled with each other. “What are you thinking?” Hoseok handed Joon his vest, crossing his glossy, buffed arms as he thought. And a small smile soon came on his face.
“..i think he’s learned his lesson”
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combat-wombatus · 4 years
Truth or Dare
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Pairing: Sero Hanta x reader
Genre: fluff, a lil bit of crack
Warnings: swearing (bakugou), but other than that, none! (unless u have traumatic memories of truth or dare)
WC: 3.1k
Summary: Mina and Denki work together to make sure that you know exactly who Sero's crush is. 
(A/N): so @klvbxlove requested some headcanons about sero’s fem!crush having an obsession with kpop/anime and sero doing cute stuff for her and i tried sticking with the prompt in the beginning but then i led myself off-topic (oops) so it turned into this! sorry it’s not what u requested, i can write something else for u if u want! i was just struck by sudden ✨inspiration✨ for this fic so...here u go...
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“EEEK!” You squealed, bouncing over to your friends. “LOOKLOOKLOOK-”
“(Y/L/N),” Bakugou grumbled. “Calm the fuck down, no one can understand you.”
You took a deep breath, then handed your phone over to Mina.
As soon as Mina saw the screen, she started squealing just like you were.
“(Y/N)!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG-” she grabbed your arms and started jumping up and down like an overexcited toddler.
Bakugou rolled his eyes, gave an exasperated huff, then stomped away. “Can’t deal with you idiots when you’re like this.”
Mina dragged you by your arm over to a bench on the side of the cafeteria and the two of you spent your lunch break slurping udon and watching your favorite K-pop group’s newest music video on repeat.
Sero was chatting idly with his friends, mouth full of sushi. Unbeknownst to you, he had been watching you from the corner of his eye, sneaking glances every couple of minutes. Dense as Kaminari may be academically, he had noticed Sero’s preoccupation with you throughout the meal.
“Hey bro,” He poked Sero’s elbow with the clean end of his chopstick. “Whaddya keep looking at (Y/L/N)-chan for?” He squinted at Sero. He glanced briefly at you, and seeing nothing out of the ordinary, turned his eyes back on Sero. “Do you have a crush on her or something?”
Sero choked on his piece of salmon and spluttered, face beet red. “N-no! It’s not l-like that!”
Bakugou snorted. “You dumbass. The hell you mean ‘it’s not like that’? Any idiot with eyes and half a brain can see that you’re obsessed with her.”
As Sero tried to deny his feelings for you, Mina slowly shifted her attention from your phone to hers, which was dinging incessantly.
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hey bro bro broski my man my lady? minaaaaa
asdkjfhluhal i told u to stop calling me that and what
so u know abt seros crush right
u have the AUDACITY to ask me, the queen of gossip, whether or not I know abt seros crush? the sheer AUDACITY is STAGGERING-
ok ok stop bullying me anyways wanna get them tog?
D U H would be easier if y/n wasn’t so dense and sero wasn’t so chicken
since ur in do u have a plan
Mina grinned. Of course she did. What kind of person did Kaminari think she was?
take sero to the boba place after school meet u there
Pocketing her phone, she turned back to face you. She had to resist the urge to cackle. This was gonna be fun.
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Later that day, you and Mina walked to the dorms together.
“Whaddya say we go out today?” Mina asked excitedly, eyes gleaming. You found it a bit suspicious, since yesterday she had told you that she was failing math and was going to study with Yaomomo today.
“Didn’t you say you were going to study with Yaomomo?”
“Shit.” Mina face palmed. “I did, didn’t I? But I don’t waannnnaaa,” she whined. “Let’s just go out and get some boba and we’ll come back,” she promised, giving you the puppy dog eyes.
“Okay, okay.” You relented. “But if you fail math again, don’t blame it on me.”
She clasped a hand to her chest dramatically. “I would NEVER.”
Giggling, the two of you made your way to Coco’s Café, a cozy little place that served everything from coffee to cookies. It was also a developing cat café, mostly due to the popularity of the kitty that the place was named for, Coco.
Sidling up to the counter, you ordered a matcha boba tea while Mina ordered a strawberry milk tea with lychee jelly and boba.
“Is that it for you ladies today?” The man behind the counter asked cheerfully.
“Yes please!” Mina replied. The two of you sat in a corner booth, sipping your drinks and gossiping.
“Hey (Y/N),” Mina started. “So you know about Sero’s crush, right?”
You halted mid-sip. What? Sero had a crush?
Laughing at your startled expression, Mina leaned forward in a conspiratorial manner. “So,” she whispered. “Who do you think it is?”
You sat there, drink forgotten, racking your brain for possibilities. Jirou and Hagakure hung out with Sero sometimes, exchanging memes and goofing around, but they weren’t really around that often. Usually, Sero only hung out with Kaminari, Kirishima, Bakugou, Mina, and you. Mina, possibly? Was Sero gay? Did he have a thing for, say, Kaminari or Kirishima? You didn’t think that Sero would be the type to like Bakugou, but hey, he put up with Bakugou’s temper all the time, so maybe? Ugh. You resisted the urge to groan and drop your head into your hands. This was so complicated.
Mina sat back, this reaction obviously not being what she had hoped for. “Well?” She crossed her arms. “Do you have a guess yet?”
You thought about it, then decided to pick an answer randomly. “You?” You tried.
Mina snorted and almost spit out her drink. You were absolutely unbelievable. Of all the people you could’ve chosen, you picked HER? “No, (Y/N). It’s not me,” she managed to choke out in between fits of laughter.
You sprawled out on the table, no longer concealing your frustration. “Who is it then?” You whined. “Jirou? Hagakure? Is Sero gay?”
Mina actually did spit out her drink this time.
As she cleaned up her mess, Mina silently judged you with her signature side-eye. She really is that dense, huh. Guess I’ll have to knock some sense into her.
Furiously brainstorming, you tried to think of any more possibilities. As you sat in silence, something warm and fuzzy crawled sneakily onto your lap, and stayed there.
Knocked from your daze, you glanced down and the unfamiliar presence, only to realize that it was a kitty. THE kitty. Coco, the café’s namesake.
“Aww,” you cooed, lightly scratching behind her ears. She purred happily in response to your ministrations and curled into herself, tail tucked neatly around her haunches.
Just then, the doorbell jingled and the rest of your close friends walked in.
“Hey!” Kaminari chirped, giving you and Mina a lighthearted wave.
“Hey!” You replied, unaware of the glare Mina was currently giving Kaminari. As soon as they went up to order, Mina stood up and announced that she was going to the bathroom. You took out your phone and scrolled through your social media feeds, taking advantage of this time to research.
“Psst!” Mina pinched Kaminari’s elbow lightly.
“Ow! What?” Kaminari turned to face her.
Mina gave Kaminari her scariest glare. “I told you to bring Sero, not the whole squad!”
Kaminari whimpered. “But Kirishima heard and wanted to tag along too! And it would’ve been suspicious if I said no! And then Bakubro heard that Kiri was coming and decided to come too-”
Mina sighed. “You could’ve texted Sero in private!”
Scratching the back of his head, Kaminari gave Mina a sheepish smile. “Sorry Mina, I hadn’t thought of that”.
Mina stole a quick glance back at your table, and seeing that you were otherwise occupied, she turned her attention back to Kaminari.
“So, Stage 1 of the plan didn’t work. She didn’t even seem to consider herself as a possibility! However, no fear! It is time that we put Stage 2 into action!” Mina whisper-shouted. “It’ll be more complicated with Kiri and Bakugou present, but we always have a Plan B!” She quickly related her backup plan to Kaminari, who promised to tell the boys (minus Sero) to make it run more smoothly.
After giving Kaminari a quick fist bump, Mina slinked back into her seat. “So, (Y/N),” she paused, chin resting on her hand. “Since the boys are here, why don’t we ask Sero himself?”
You looked up from your phone. You hadn’t really found any clues as to who Sero’s crush could be. Most, if not all, of his posts were with your group of friends. You thought about it for a moment.
“Wouldn’t it be awkward if he didn’t want us to know?” You asked Mina.
“Oh, but we’re nosy friends! It’s our JOB to know and then tease him about it!” Mina giggled. “And besides,” she added. “Aren’t you even a little bit curious?”
You hesitated. She did have a point. You were curious, but at the same time, a little voice in the back of your brain nagged at you. Did you really want to know? Did you really want to see him crushing on someone else, and then tease him about it? That wouldn’t really be funny, for you, at least. But if you disagreed with Mina, it would be suspicious, and besides, you WERE curious. Even if the answer wasn’t the one you wanted, you would still rather it be out in the open than bottled inside. You’d rather know for certain than lose sleep over it at night.
Sighing, you relented. “Sure. What did you have in mind?”
Mina rested both of her elbows on the table and smiled at you, eyes gleaming with mischief.
“Truth or dare.”
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As the boys returned, each holding their own drinks, Mina was bouncing in her seat. Bakugou and Kirishima each pulled up a chair, and Sero took the chance to sit next to you. At that, Mina smirked devilishly.
“So,” she grinned, fingertips dancing on the table. “Let’s play truth or dare.”
Bakugou huffed, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. He couldn’t believe he’d been roped into this, but Kirishima and Kaminari wouldn’t let him ruin it. Kirishima dropped a fist on the table. “Yeah!” He turned towards Mina. “Who’s starting?”
Mina pretended to think about it, when in reality, she had already made plans.
“How about (Y/N)?”
“Me?” You raised an eyebrow. You thought that Mina would be the one to interrogate Sero.
“Yes you, dummy,” Mina teased. “Is there another (Y/N) sitting here?”
You rolled your eyes. “Who are you calling dummy?”
Mina grumbled. “Just get on with it, would you? Who are you going to ask?”
“Hmm. How about Sero?” You turned to face him. “Truth or dare?”
Sero was panicking. You weren’t the type to give out ridiculous dares, and he definitely needed to be cautious about truth. “Dare.” He said confidently.
You chuckled. Mina had prepared you for this possibility.
“I dare you to kiss your crush within the next 24 hours,” you said, “and the whole squad had to be there to see it.”
Mina and Kaminari let out simultaneous “oohs”. Bakugou pointed out the obvious. “Why the next 24 hours?”
“Because we don’t know who his crush is and they’re probably not here right now,” you answered. “And the whole squad will have to see it to make sure that he does it and doesn’t chicken out. You’ll have to ask their permission first, though,” you added. “Consent is key. Even if they turn you down, as long as you tried, we’ll count the dare as completed.”
Your friends nodded in agreement. Mina clapped her hands gleefully. “You should’ve known, Sero! You can’t hide things from us!”
Sero was *this* close to having a panic attack. He had to consciously remind himself to keep breathing. This is going to be so embarrassing how am I going to do this without making an utter and complete fool of myself gosh you really should’ve not stared at her at lunch today Sero or this wouldn’t have happened jeez are you really that dumb now the whole squad will know and you won’t be able to look her in the eye anymore adfkhiavelrsnjaerliaevr BREATHE SERO BREATHE-
The game continued. Mina dared Bakugou to smile for 5 consecutive minutes, at which Bakugou nearly flew out of his seat, palms crackling.
“You fucking extra how dare you-” He didn’t get to finish, as Mina quickly took out her phone and opened the timer app.
“And the countdown starts now!” She cackled. “That is, unless you forfeit-”
“I’M NOT GONNA LOSE TO YOU, YOU DUMB FUCKING EXTRA!!!” With that, Bakugou angrily took his seat again, disregarding all the angry scowls he received from the rest of the café’s patrons, and pulled his lips up into what could only be described as the devil’s grin. He sat like that for a full five minutes, glaring lasers into Mina, not moving a muscle. You think Mina was mentally scarred after that, because she never looked at Bakugou for the rest of the game.
Kirishima dared Kaminari to record a video of him singing the pi song and send it to Jirou. The poor boy had so many voice cracks while singing it that Kirishima went easy on him and told him to just send the first 15 seconds.
Bakugou dared you to let everyone look through your phone for one minute. You were reluctant, but seeing as you were relatively normal with only minimal embarrassing photos, no confession texts, and a fairly clean search history, you let them do it. The most embarrassing thing they found was your playlist.
“How the fuck is your playlist 74 hours and 42 minutes? What the fuck do you have on here?” Bakugou held out your phone for the rest of your friends to see.
“And why is your history full of that shitty Korean music?”
You gasped. He did not.
“Hey!” You snatched your phone back. “If you’re going to insult my music, you don’t get to continue!”
“Tch.” Bakugou sneered. “You call that shit music?”
You were thoroughly offended by this point and refused to even acknowledge his statement. You glared at Bakugou with as much intensity as you could muster. This man had no taste in music whatsoever.
The 1-minute timer dinged, and Bakugou was saved from a scathing talking-to as you all moved onto the next victim.
Mina was dared to order a glass of milk with ice, then put it on a random table (with customers) and leave without an explanation. She ended up choosing an old couple, likely in their sixties, who were cuddling with two cats. They’d each ordered a cup of coffee and shared a plate of cookies. When Mina put the glass of iced milk on their table, and the two women shared a confused look before turning their attention to Mina.
“Thank you?” The lady with horn-rimmed glasses asked rather shakily.
“Yes, thank you very much young lady, but we didn’t order this?” The one who had a tabby on her lap said, perplexed, looking Mina up and down.
Mina made a motion with her hand, zipping her lips, then giggled and sat back down at your table. The two ladies, baffled, took one look at your table and seemed to understand what was going on. They turned back to their coffees and cats and resumed their conversation.
You had all gone one full circle, and everyone had finished their drinks, so you all decided that it was time to go. You rubbed between Coco’s ears one last time and walked out into the afternoon sun.
“Hey Sero!” Kirishima clapped Sero on his back. “Don’t think we’ve forgotten about your dare,” he smiled cheekily. “Better get it over with when we first head back into the dorms, huh? That’ll probably be the easiest time to get it over with.”
Sero groaned. He’d hoped that you would all forget after the game was over, but his luck had run dry. He’d have to face the music sooner or later. He debated on his options. If he waited too long, he’d seem cowardly. He didn’t want to do that. On the other hand, maybe if he waited a full day, you would all forget? He shook his head. No, with Mina here, she’d never let him live it down. And besides, who was he to renege on a dare?
Taking his hands out of his pockets, he rubbed them together nervously. This was it. This was the moment of truth.
“Hey guys! Wait up!” He called out to Kirishima and Bakugou, who had walked ahead of the group. “I’ve got something to show you!”
Bakugou quirked an eyebrow. “Oh?” He smirked. “Whatcha got, Tape Arms?”
Sero cleared his throat. “I-I’m ready. I’m ready to do the dare.”
Your heart leapt into your throat. It was just you and the rest of the squad here. Did you really have a chance? You were scared to get your hopes up, but maybe, just maybe, you would be the one he kissed.
Hands curled into fists at his sides, Sero gulped. He was doing this. He was really doing this. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath in and out, and strode over to where you and Mina stood.
“(Y/N),” He stared at his feet. “Would you…would you allow me to kiss you?”
You covered your mouth with your hand, trying to calm yourself down. It was you. Sero had a crush on you. Your crush liked you back!
After a while, Bakugou felt the need to step in.
“Oi, dumbass!” He hollered, garnering the attention of curious passerby. “You gonna let Soy Sauce Face over there kiss you or not?”
Your face flushed a furious red. “U-Umm, y-yeah!” You stuttered. “You can kiss me, Sero!” You cringed at how excited you sounded.
Slowly, Sero tilted his face downwards. He lifted your chin tenderly and lowered his lips to yours. His lips were soft against yours, his breath tickling your cheek as he let go. You blushed harder than you ever thought was possible, and he looked down with a pleased smile.
“Thanks, (Y/N).” He said in a soft voice. “Can I take this as a sign that you have feelings for me too?”
Nodding frantically, you whispered a noncommittal “mhm”.
“Can’t hear you, sweets,” Sero teased. “Come on, I’m gonna need a verbal confirmation.”
Looking up at him, you cleared your throat. “Yes.” You whispered in a slightly louder tone. “Yes, I h-have feelings for you too.”
At this admission, your friends all cheered, Mina hooting especially loudly. “Hells yeah!” She high-fived Kaminari. “We did it!”
“Best wingmen ever!” Kaminari shouted.
“That was so manly of you Sero!” Kirishima added, flashing a thumbs-up. “Congrats!”
“Tch. Yeah, whatever. Finally got it in their thick skulls that they liked each other. Big fucking deal,” Bakugou grumbled.
“Hey, hey! Don’t you go and ruin the mood now!” Mina scolded him. “Just look at them! They look so happy!” She pointed towards you and Sero.
“Hmph. Well, those idiots could’ve been happier sooner if Sero had the fucking balls to confess earlier.”
“Oh, shut it already! Just be glad that they’re finally together!”
“Like I care.”
“Stop pretending, you big grouch! We all know you care!”
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the-angry-pixie · 2 years
hiiii i think we have talked once or twice a year or two ago but i see u in my notifications sometimes and i just wanted to know how u manage to find the IT things i rb in between all the kpop stuff or if u search for it? jafkdhjdhfs just curious!! :D
Hey bud - every time I see posts from you im like "yo its my aussie buddy!" *fist bump*
its actually easy to avoid your kpop posts because i use a blacklist extension through my Xkit settings.
I do this with all the peeps I follow who are into stuff that I'm not interested in (i only follow blogs that have a good tagging system).
Blacklisting just minimises posts so its easy for me to scroll past them.
So your Kpop posts tend to look like this on my dash.
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zhaozi · 3 years
i feel so sorry for people that follow me bc what do i even post? thai dramas? kpop? hyunbin’s under armour photoshoot for spring/summer 21? all of the above? you all get kisses or fist bumps for being patient and kind
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claudemblems · 3 years
So some strange but nice things that happened to me today:
1) I was at Target looking at kpop albums and I heard these girls whisper behind me “SHE’S A BTS FAN” ajdlsajad like first of all it wasn’t even really a whisper and I wasn’t even looking at the BTS albums when I said that (I guess they just knew lol), but it was also nice to see people that love BTS. Just makes me feel happy for them :,)
2) My dermatologist saw characters on my phone (specifically stickers of students from the Black Eagles in Three Houses) and he asked me if I watched anime to which I replied yes. Then he proceeded to ask me which anime I like and then asked me if I watched it subtitled, which I also answered yes, and he gave me a fist bump and we briefly talked about how the English dubs are pretty bad (a matter of opinion but ya know). I wasn’t expecting my dermatologist of all people to ask me about anime but it was awesome 10/10
Just living life as the anime protagonist 
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koreandragon · 3 years
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work
i was tagged by @cuddlybitch and @thingskateknows thank you!!!
gu seung jung and seo dan + the one that got away by katy perry: i think we were all devestated when he was killed off and their love was never fulfilled...also i used to listen to this song as a 12 yo and cry even though i had no idea what it was about because i didn’t speak english lmao. this became one of my most popular edits
fist bump in 365 repeat the year:  this show was undoubtedly one of my favorites this year and i titled every gifset i made about it with otp: fist bump buddies. anyway this gifset is special because this is my first gifset i did with my new method when i actually started caring about how my gifs looked. you can see the coloring and the sharpness changed and i was really happy about it
3D gif of namjoon: this gif is just special because i learned how to make 3D gifs and it came out pretty good i think, i lost some braincells in the process too
felix in blueprint:  i just love how the coloring turned out on this, the blues really pop and he looks very good in it so i had this pinned on my blog too, i was really proud of it
where your eyes linger kiss scene: we all know...we all lost our minds...this was such a groundbreaking scene and i was so happy to be able to gif it. they paved the way
eric nam paradise:  my husband  eric nam dropped a new mini album and it slapped, so i had to gif the mv and i used a different coloring style which i quite liked, i also had this pinned to my blog for a while
strangers from hell: this was a kdramaspace challenge i did for villains and i chose moon joo from strangers from hell since that is probably one of my favorite kdramas of all time. this was around the time i started to get into coloring backgrounds so i attempted that here and i think it came out quite well
18 again umbrella scene: i just thought this scene was really pretty and also dong hyun’s face is in it, oh yeah and i really liked how the coloring turned out for this. i did a lot of gifs for this drama and experimented a lot
kingdom: i participated in kdramaween and i think this was the free day so i chose kingdom. i liked all the sets i did for this challenge but i think this turned out especially good, i was really proud of myself for it
stray kids side effects: i bought a ticket for their online concert, that’s when i first saw this performance, then they uploaded it on youtube lmao. anyways i loved the visuals and it’s one of my favorite skz songs. i worked really hard on this, i made a ripped paper effect and tried to figure out how to do the text over it, i really gave it my all and it only has 82 notes, please reblog for the love of god fjkvhekdf
stray kids victory song: this gifset got me a lot of praise and i’m so happy because i worked hard on it. i always try to do something new, effects with the texts and coloring and i think it worked really well here because the stage was mostly red and that could pop really well
kdramas watched in 2020: i was insane for doing this, never let me do this again. i was on this for days. meanwhile i realized i watched 28 dramas this year which just proves how crazy i am. lots of good dramas, lots of bad ones and some just mediocre. but isn’t that just every year
since i’m not strickly a kdrama blog i included kpop sets too, i hope that’s okay heh
tagging @dohyunsoo @hwanginyeop @junghaesin @kojiseok 
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