#Fitify fitness
marsapkcom · 2 years
Fitify Mod Apk
Fitify Mod Apk - Pro Unlocked (Free Premium)
Mod Apk, unlimited workouts, you can use the app without ads and in-app purchases. It is a modified version of the original application.
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kemetic-dreams · 4 months
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In 1830 a newspaper in North Carolina, the Newbern Sentinel, ran an article about an unpublished dictionary, titled The Cracker Dictionary. The work appears to have remained unpublished (perhaps the title had something to do with this), but in reporting on the words contained in the book’s nascent form the article provides early written evidence of a number of 19th century Americanisms. Among these is absquatulate, which is spelled with an initial O, rather than A, and defined as “to mosey, or to abscond.”
In addition to absquatulate, the reader is informed of the meaning of a number of other similar terms, many of which have retained some degree of currency in our language; flustrated (“frustrated and prostrated, greatly agitated”), rip-roarious, (“ripping and tearing”), and fitified (“subject to fits”) have seen enough continued use that we define them in our Unabridged Dictionary. Other words contained in this never-realized dictionary, such as ramsquaddled (“rowed up salt river”) and spontinaceously (“of one’s own accord”) appear to have been lost with the passage of time.
Two of the loafers, we understand, were yesterday taken and committed to prison; the other has absquatulated. — The Times-Picayune (New Orleans, Louisiana), 13 June 1837
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Cracker, sometimes cracka or white cracker, is a racial epithet directed towards white people, used especially with regard to poor rural whites in the Southern United States. Although commonly a pejorative, it is also used in a neutral context, particularly in reference to a native of Florida or Georgia (see Florida cracker and Georgia cracker)
The exact history and etymology of the word is debated.
The term is "probably an agent noun  from the word crack. The word crack was later adopted into Gaelic as the word craic meaning a "loud conversation, bragging talk" where this interpretation of the word is still in use in Ireland, Scotland, and Northern England today.
The historical derivative of the word craic and its meaning can be seen as far back as the Elizabethan era (1558–1603) where the term crack could be used to refer to "entertaining conversation" (one may be said to "crack" a joke or to be "cracking wise") The word cracker could be used to describe loud braggarts; An example of this can be seen in William Shakespeare's King John (c. 1595) "What cracker is this same that deafs our ears with this abundance of superfluous breath?"
The word was later documented describing a group of "Celtic immigrants, Scotch-Irish people who came to America running from political circumstances in the old world". This usage is illustrated in a 1766 letter to the Earl of Dartmouth which reads:
I should explain to your Lordship what is meant by Crackers; a name they have got from being great boasters; they are a lawless set of rascalls on the frontiers of Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia, who often change their places of abode.
The label followed the Scotch-Irish American immigrants, who were often seen by officials as "unruly and ill-mannered" The use of the word is further demonstrated in official documents, where the Governor of Florida said,
'We don't know what to do with these crackers—we tell them to settle this area and they don't; we tell them not to settle this area and they do'
By the early 1800s, those immigrants "started to refer to themselves that way as a badge of honor" as is the case with other events of linguistical reappropriation.
The compound corn-cracker was used of poor white farmers (by 1808), especially from Georgia, but also extended to residents of northern Florida, from the cracked kernels of corn which formed a staple food of this class of people. This possibility is given in the 1911 edition of Encyclopædia Britannica, but the Oxford English Dictionary says a derivation of the 18th-century simplex cracker from the 19th-century compound corn-cracker is doubtful. A "cracker cowboy" with his Florida Cracker Horse and dog by Frederic Remington, 1895
It has been suggested that white slave foremen in the antebellum South were called "crackers" owing to their practice of "cracking the whip" to drive and punish slaves. Whips were also cracked over pack animals, so "cracker" may have referred to whip-cracking more generally. According to An American Glossary (1912):
The whips used by some of these people are called 'crackers', from their having a piece of buckskin at the end. Hence the people who cracked the whips came to be thus named.
Another possibility, which may be a modern folk etymology, supposes that the term derives from "soda cracker", a type of light wheat biscuit which dates in the Southern US to at least the Civil War. The idea has possibly been influenced by "whitebread", a similar term for white people. "Soda cracker" and even "white soda cracker" have become extended versions of "cracker" as an epithet
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A 1783 pejorative use of crackers specified men who "descended from convicts that were transported from Great Britain to Virginia at different times, and inherit so much profligacy from their ancestors, that they are the most abandoned set of men on earth".
Benjamin Franklin, in his memoirs (1790), referred to "a race of runnagates and crackers, equally wild and savage as the Indians" who inhabit the "desert[ed] woods and mountains".
In his 1964 speech "The Ballot or the Bullet", Malcolm X used the term "cracker" in reference to white people in a pejorative context. In one passage, he remarked, "It's time for you and me to stop sitting in this country, letting some cracker senators, Northern crackers and Southern crackers, sit there in Washington, D.C., and come to a conclusion in their mind that you and I are supposed to have civil rights. There's no white man going to tell me anything about my rights."
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manglesworld · 8 months
I just completed 10 minutes of Rozciąganie pleców Workout with Stretching by @FitifyApps https://fitifyapps.com
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appalachianmike · 3 years
Want a simple plan to get fit?
1. Cut out carbs
2. Eat Real Food
3. Get a Medium Weight and a Heavy Weight Kettlebell
4. Start a Consistent Kettlebell Workout Routine
(I use the Fitify Kettlebell app)
5. Repeat.
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waldenlustcafe · 4 years
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After several days of no physical activity at all, I couldn’t start again with my usual 50 minute workout. Instead, I did a smaller high-intensity workout to get back on the right track. 
I use Fitify app for my workouts. I tried many different apps, but I ended up with using only this one: it has a clear and easy design, no ads, no distractions, just your exercises. I love the level structure that makes you “climbing” increasingly high mountains as you advance and improve. 
As you can see from the picture, I use Google Fit for tracking any additional movement (unfortunately now I’m totally sedentary, but normally I’m quite active). Google Fit can be synchronized with the majority of fitness apps; it also encourages you to reach a minimum level of daily and weekly physical activity. 
Specifically, with one of the last upgrades they shifted from minutes of activity to the number of steps, while they kept the indication of 150/300 minutes per week of moderate heart rate according to the WHO suggestions. I personally prefer the first measure. 
👉🏻 FITIFY https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fitifyworkouts.bodyweight.workoutapp&hl=it
The free version offers a wide range of exercises and it is already extremely useful to get/stay in shape, but if you want even more, you can of course switch to the premium version. 
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androforever · 2 years
[table id=109 /] Fitify es una aplicación de salud y fitness que te ayuda a entrenar en casa sin necesidad de ningún equipo especial ni de un instructor. En Fitify Pro para Android necesita solo tu propio peso corporal y el equipo más sencillo, como una pelota, etc., así como mancuernas / kettlebells para un proceso completo. Hay más de 850 ejercicios, puedes crear un plan fitness personal diseñado para cada día, incluyendo programas para el clásico entrenamiento de fuerza, cardio, yoga, entrenamientos y más. El diseño de Fitify para Android es cómodo y elegante. Lea también: 🥇 Ejercicios en casa Premium APK última versión ¿Qué es Fitify para Android? Fitify para Android es una aplicación útil para ayudarte a poner tu cuerpo y tu forma física en forma. Una vez que empieces, la aplicación te hará algunas preguntas que te ayudarán a determinar tu edad, peso y condición física actual, lo que posteriormente te dará la oportunidad de elegir un entrenamiento específico para ti. Recibirás un conjunto de planes de fitness recomendados por expertos, o puedes elegir otra opción. Los entrenamientos y consejos que encontrarás en Fitify Pro para Android te ayudarán a: deshacerte del exceso de peso, quemar grasa, aumentar la masa muscular y simplemente tonificar tu cuerpo. En total, se han preparado más de 900 ejercicios diferentes para dinamizar tu cuerpo y variar tu actividad física. Los ejercicios están pensados para que puedas entrenar tanto en gimnasios como en casa, utilizando equipos improvisados comprados en tiendas. Novedades de Fitify Conoce las nuevas funciones de Fitify Pro APK. Versión de junio de 2022 (v1.30.0) Se corrigieron unos errores y ajustado unas cosillas para asegurarnos de que puedes disfrutar de la mejor experiencia posible con tus entrenamientos. [monsterinsights_popular_posts_inline] Descripción del mod Funciones Pro / de pago desbloqueadas. Anuncios eliminados. Google Fit funciona. Idiomas: Multi Lenguajes. CPUs: arquitectura universal. [asap_highlight color_bg="#00fbff" color_text="#181818"]¡BUSCA MÁS APPS PREMIUM! ✅[/asap_highlight][asap_search] Descargar Fitify MOD APK para Android ¿Quieres tener un cuerpo tonificado y saludable como los culturistas profesionales? Descarga ahora Fitify MOD APK (Pro Desbloqueado), una aplicación de fitness muy valorada por los deportistas profesionales. [asap_btn link="https://androforever.com/fitify/" target="self" color_bg="#05e0f0" color_text="#1c1c1c" position="center" text="Descargar - Aquí" rel="nofollow" padding="14" show_border="1"] NOTA: En nuestro sitio todo está totalmente seguro en alta velocidad y sin virus. 🙂 Cómo instalar (actualizar) Fitify Pro Descarga el archivo APK. Permite en la configuración la instalación de aplicaciones de fuentes desconocidas. Instale el APK (por ejemplo, usando un administrador de archivos). Ejecutar la aplicación. [asap_note color_bg="#c2feff" color_text="#181818" position="left"]Quizá te gusté: Sleep Cycle APK (MOD, Premium Desbloqueado)[/asap_note] Palabras Finales Tener una buena salud es extremadamente importante para todos. Además de tener un buen cuerpo, el objetivo de Fitify Pro para Android es aportar a la gente salud y una vida sana, especialmente el entrenamiento de la fuerza de voluntad, sin renunciar a conseguir tus objetivos. Igualmente, hazme saber tu experiencia de uso en los comentarios a continuación. También puedes hacer clic aquí para ver las últimas mejores aplicaciones de Android y listas de juegos. [monsterinsights_popular_posts_inline] ¡MAS APLICACIONES RECOMENDADAS! [asap_categories id="386,382,385,383" columns="4" color_bg="#eeeeee" color_text="#181818" show_icon="yes" show_stars="no" color_stars="#f2b01e"]
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thoigianranh · 2 years
Fitify Mod
Do you want to own a toned, healthy body like professional bodybuilders? Download now Fitify MOD APK (Pro Unlocked), a highly rated fitness application from both users and professional athletes. About Fitify Mod Owning a strong body with a toned, healthy body is the dream of many people. The proof is that more and more people are looking to fitness centers to exercise in a standard environment.…
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gamesbeep · 2 years
Fitify: Workout Routines & Training Plans v1.23.2 [Unlocked] [Mod Extra]
Fitify: Workout Routines & Training Plans v1.23.2 [Unlocked] [Mod Extra]
Fitify: Workout Routines & Training Plans v1.23.2 [Unlocked] [Mod Extra]Requirements: 6.0+Overview: Join over 3 million people who exercise with Workouts & Plans from Fitify. With us, you can workout using only bodyweight training (no equipment!). However, we are the only app out here providing also Workouts and Programs with fit tools, such as: • Kettlebell• TRX• Bosu• Swiss Ball• Resistance…
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itsyourbizme · 3 years
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mylucky137276 · 3 years
Huawei's smart wearable devices to support third-party applications
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Chinese tech giant Huawei has announced that its smart wearables are now open to third-party apps.
Huawei has created a live proof of concept of a third-party app with a workout app for the Watch GT2 Pro called Fitify, reports GSMArena.
Fitify is a fitness app that is fine-tuned for mobile devices and wearables. With over 10 million users in 170+ countries, the App has 900+ exercise guides. The company seems to have used HMS's 5 integration kits like Account, Push, in-app purchases, Analysis, and Wear Engine.
The App is now available on the App Gallery, supports up to 18 languages -- English, Arabic, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, and Turkish.
As per the report, the app was created using five integration kits developed by Huawei Mobile Services, and the Chinese company aims to provide "one-stop, full-spectrum operational support for all app content providers" that may be interested in launching apps for its wearables.
As far as the Huawei Watch GT2 Pro is concerned, that smartwatch launched back in December as a high-end offering from the company.
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sharmaheena850 · 3 years
Huawei's smart wearable devices to support third-party applications
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Chinese tech giant Huawei has announced that its smart wearables are now open to third-party apps.
Huawei has created a live proof of concept of a third-party app with a workout app for the Watch GT2 Pro called Fitify, reports GSMArena.
Fitify is a fitness app that is fine-tuned for mobile devices and wearables. With over 10 million users in 170+ countries, the App has 900+ exercise guides. The company seems to have used HMS's 5 integration kits like Account, Push, in-app purchases, Analysis, and Wear Engine.
The App is now available on the App Gallery, supports up to 18 languages -- English, Arabic, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, and Turkish.
As per the report, the app was created using five integration kits developed by Huawei Mobile Services, and the Chinese company aims to provide "one-stop, full-spectrum operational support for all app content providers" that may be interested in launching apps for its wearables. Read More
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manglesworld · 8 months
I just completed 15 minutes of Rozciąganie całego ciała Workout with Stretching by @FitifyApps https://fitifyapps.com
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the-pressnews · 3 years
Huawei's smart wearable devices to support third-party applications
Huawei’s smart wearable devices to support third-party applications
Chinese tech giant Huawei has announced that its smart wearables are now open to third-party apps. Huawei has created a live proof of concept of a third-party app with a workout app for the Watch GT2 Pro called Fitify, reports GSMArena. Fitify is a fitness app that is fine-tuned for mobile devices and wearables. With over 10 million users in 170+ countries, the App has 900+ exercise guides. The…
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rulinarulina · 3 years
Μετά το Huawei AppGallery έρχεται το Fitify fitness app στα wearables της Huawei
Μετά το Huawei AppGallery έρχεται το Fitify fitness app στα wearables της Huawei
Για πρώτη φορά, η Huawei ανοίγει την πόρτα στις εφαρμογές τρίτων εταιρειών, με το λανσάρισμα-ορόσημο του fitness app Fitify! Η εφαρμογή Fitify, ένα δημοφιλές fitness app για προπονήσεις χωρίς εξοπλισμό γυμναστηρίου, είναι διαθέσιμη σε όλη τη σειρά wearables της Huawei, συμπληρωματικά της αντίστοιχης εφαρμογής που υπάρχει ήδη στο ταχέως αναπτυσσόμενο Huawei AppGallery. Είναι η πρώτη… The post Μετά…
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az2apk · 3 years
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Fitify: Workout Routines & Training Plans v1.9.15 Unlocked Apk
Fitify: Workout Routines & Training Plans Unlocked Apk
Who needs a gym? Get in shape at home with Workouts & Plans from Fitify. With us, you can workout using only bodyweight training (no equipment!). However, we are the only app out here providing also Workouts and Plans with fit tools, such as: • Kettlebell • TRX • Bosu • Swiss Ball • Medicine Ball • Resistance Band • Dumbbell • Barbell • Foam Roller • Pull-Up Bar
Fitify: Workout Routines & Training Plans
Fitify is your ultimate full body workout app to lose weight, burn fat, build muscle & strength. With over 900 exercises in the work out app, your daily workout routines are always fresh, fun & effective! Work out anywhere, anytime using any fit tool. No equipment required, but if you have one - take advantage of it! What can we do for you? • Personalized fitness plan - custom training plan based on your experience, goal and time options. Each workout routine is created based on your personal fitness level to get you the best results. • 15 minutes daily workouts • over 900 bodyweight & fit tools exercises - so the workout is always fun, unique and effective • 20+ prebuilt workouts - choose body part, type of training and duration • 15+ prebuilt recovery sessions - Stretching, Yoga, and Foam Rolling classes • ability to build your own “Custom workout” from our huge exercise database • works offline • voice coach • clear HD video demonstrations Fitness Plans • Weekly training plan full of Workout and Recovery sessions • Workouts only take 15-25 minutes to complete. • HIIT, Tabata, Strength Trainings, Cardio and Recovery sessions with easy-to-follow video exercises. • See history and track your awesome progress!
Fitify: Workout Routines & Training Plans
Custom Workout Routines Blend your own workout from our beast database of over 900 exercises. Standalone Workouts Whether you go bodyweight or use a tool like Kettlebell, you can choose to follow a plan or run any of our prebuilt workouts. Choose body part, type of training, duration. That’s it. Strength: • Fullbody Workout • Insane Six Pack • Complex Core • Strong Back • Complex Lower Body • Explosive Power Jumps • Amazing Butt • Complex Upper Body • Arm Blaster • Monster Chest • Shoulders & Upper Back Download some applications from the same Category HIIT & Cardio • High Intensity (HIIT) • Light Cardio (LISS) • Tabata • Cardio-Strength Intervals • Plyometrics • Joint Friendly Special • Warm Up • Cool Down • Balance & Coordination • Scientific 7 minutes • Functional workout • Fullbody training Recovery Sessions • Full Body Stretching • Upper Body Stretching • Back Stretching • Lower Body Stretching • Full Body Flexibility Yoga • Yoga for Runners • Yoga for Healthy Back • Morning Yoga • Yoga for Sleep • Full body Foam Rolling • Legs Foam Rolling • Back Foam Rolling • Neck Foam Rolling Workout Blender Blender feature is available by default so your fitness routine is never the same. Each workout is fresh and fun so you're still motivated on your fitness journey. The download and usage of Fitify is free of charge. Get your training plan and extra features with the Pro version, which is available on a subscription basis. You can always cancel the subscription here in Google Play/Subscriptions. When you cancel, access to the Pro features will expire at the end of the current payment period. There is no increase in price when renewing. We provide 10 days money back warranty. Contact: [email protected] Website: https://GoFitify.com Thanks for reading to the end. Thanks for keeping yourself fit with us 💙💪
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postdaily · 4 years
Fitify Workout Routines & Training Plans 1.8.21 Unlocked Fitify Workouts s.r.o. APK Download
Fitify Workout Routines & Training Plans 1.8.21 Unlocked Fitify Workouts s.r.o. APK Download
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Adjust your training routines and training plans 1.8.21 Unlocked
You can train with us using only physical training (without equipment!). However, we are the only application that also provides training and designs with the right tools Characteristics:
* Personal fitness program – Personalized training program based on experience, goals and time options. Every workout routine is created…
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