kemetic-dreams · 28 days
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marley-strokes · 9 months
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Space Cowgirls
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u-jah-wah-watuu · 8 months
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ces-interactivemedia · 8 months
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archivyrep · 2 years
"Stuck in that amulet": From artifact to Crown Princess [Part 2]
Continued from part 1
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Mateo summons Alacazar's chanol, a spirit animal, and learns she needs the wand of Shuriki to free Elena. She somehow grabs the wand and goes with Mateo to an ancient Maruvian temple, which looks a little like an Mayan pyramid. She puts the amulet and wand on the crown of Azaluna. Elena is freed, she jokes about being inside the amulet, hugs Sofia, and in another typical Disney fashion, she somehow sings a song, even though its been less than a minute since she is out of the amulet. I mean, how is that even possible?
Reprinted from my Wading Through the Cultural Stacks WordPress blog. Originally published on Mar 15, 2023.
In some ways, I can see a lot of parallels between Lapis and Elena, in that both were trapped inside of an artifact. In Elena's case, however, it wasn't thousands of years, like Lapis. Even so, she was still imprisoned inside, and it undoubtedly let to some trauma. Despite all this, she bravely confronts Shuriki, exposes her as a person who overthrow the royal family, but it doesn't go well. It appears she has the upper hand, as she locks up Sofia's family, putting them in the royal dungeon, and gets her wand back. They temporarily retreat, with Elena explaining the story of how her sister and grandparents were put in a magical painting, and how Shuriki killed her parents. Sofia encourages her to be a leader, they enter through a secret back entrance to the palace, Elena says that Sofia is the one princess who could free her.
To sum it up, Elena leads a bloodless revolution of the Avaloran people to overthrow Shuriki and restore the royal family to power, with the help of a foreign power (Enchancia). It is almost akin to the French intervention in the American Revolution, turning it into a global war between the French and British, helping turn the tide of the war. In the film, the royal guards are overwhelmed, Esteban throws Elena the wand of Shuriki, and she breaks it, making her powerless. She falls over a waterfall, with the presumption that she died in the process. [1] After saying she has seen enough of the amulet "for a life time" (which is understandable), she declares to the Avaloran people that the people are "free", with Sofia saying she brought a new age of "joy and prosperity" for Avalor. The film ends with Naomi joking that Elena is 57 years old, since she was 16 when she went in the amulet, and was inside the magical object for 41 years, and they leave the waterfall, placing the wand in the treasury.
What the citizens of Avalor is doing is mainly in-line with how the Global Nonviolent Action Database defines nonviolent action: "a technique of struggle that goes beyond institutionalized conflict procedures like law courts and voting, procedures common in many countries". However, the involvement of Enchania in this revolution is not a "physical intervention of a third party into the arena of the conflict in such a way as to reduce the level of violence", i.e. civilian peacekeeping. Instead, the Avaloran people push back the guards. With the help of Enchancia's king, Roland, along with other members of Sofia's family, Elena, and others, they are successful. This revolution results in a coup d'etat, i.e. the "sudden, forcible overthrow of a ruler...by a small group of people" with some political or military authority, [2] as Elena becomes crown princess and ruler of Avalor, when Shuriki is pushed out of power.
What the Avalorans do is no mere movement or campaign. Instead, it has some characteristics of what Akinyele Omowale Umoja defines as spontaneous rebellion, i.e. "unplanned, unorganized, politically motivated collective violence intended to redress justice" and armed resistance, which can mean the "individual and collective use of force for protection, protest, or other goals of insurgent political action and in defense of human rights". But, the struggle is nonviolent, rather than armed, in that the people do not gain state power by military means. Instead, it is a revolution with one goal: restore the royal family (i.e. Elena, as rightful heir) to power and unseat the awful Shuriki. [3]
© 2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
Continued in part 3
[1] It is later shown that she survived. She later becomes a major villain in the series proper. In retrospect they should have just thrown the wand off the cliff instead of putting it in the treasury.
[2] Webster's New World College Dictionary (Fourth Edition, ed. Michae Agnes, Cleveland, Ohio: Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2007), 333. It is also a revolution, defined on page 1228 in the same book, as the "overthrow of a government, form of government, or social system by those governed and usually be forceful means, with another government or system taking its place". It is more than a revolt or an insurrection.
[3] See Umoja, Akinyele Omowale. "Introduction" in We Will Shoot Back: Armed Resistance in the Mississippi Freedom Movement (New York:New York University Press, 2013), 8-9. There is no use of arms, armed self-defense, retaliatory violence, or guerrilla warfare in this Avaloran revolution. He also adds on page 9: "The use of guns is not necessary in my definition [of armed resistance], only the use of force...Fists, feet, stones, bricks, blades, and gasoline firebombs may all be employed to defend, protect, or protest".
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harryandmeghansussex · 5 months
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"A wonderful afternoon with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex during their trip in Abuja, Nigeria. Happy to share with Meghan, the Duchess the warmth and friendly embrace of Nigerians. At our meeting with leading Nigerian women, ably moderated by the one and only @MoAbudu, she was showered with names - Ifeoma (a beautiful and good person), Omowale (a child has come home) and Edidiong (blessing)."
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ausetkmt · 2 months
We Will Shoot Back: History of Armed Resistance - Republic of New Africa
to accompany the video we give you the book - yes you can download it from THE BLACK TRUEBRARY
We Will Shoot Back: History of Armed Resistance - RNA
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We Will Shoot Back: History of Armed Resistance - Republic of New Africa
click the title link to download the book for free from THE BLACK TRUEBRARY
In We Will Shoot Back: Armed Resistance in the Mississippi Freedom Movement, Akinyele Omowale Umoja argues that armed resistance was critical to the Southern freedom struggle and the dismantling of segregation and Black disenfranchisement.
Intimidation and fear were central to the system of oppression in most of the Deep South. To overcome the system of segregation, Black people had to overcome fear to present a significant challenge to White domination.
As the civil rights movement developed, armed self-defense and resistance became a significant means by which the descendants of enslaved Africans overturned fear and intimidation and developed different political and social relationships between Black and White Mississippians.
This riveting historical narrative reconstructs the armed resistance of Black activists, their challenge of racist terrorism, and their fight for human rights.
click the title link to download the book for free from THE BLACK TRUEBRARY
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thatssosussex · 4 months
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Day 2- The Duchess of Sussex attended the “Women in Leadership” summit in Abuja, Nigeria. (5/11/24)⁣
⁣CNN Senior Editor in Africa, Stephanie Busari (purple dress), and founder of TEDxBrixton attended as well. She also met meghan, and gave her a gift. Here is what she said:⁣
⁣“It was an honour to be part of the Women in Leadership event co-hosted by Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex and the always inspiring Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. It was expertly moderated by the formidable Mo Abudu. Amazing day with great women who gave our sis Meghan Omowale a huge welcome home.” — Stephanie Busari
Meghan took pictures with the other women in attendance too.
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tuportamiviareturn · 7 months
Non si può separare la pace dalla libertà perché nessuno può essere in pace senza avere libertà.
Malcolm X, nato Malcolm Little, noto anche con il nome islamico El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, e diversi soprannomi come Detroit Red e Omowale (Omaha, 19 maggio 1925 – New York, 21 febbraio 1965)
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nerdyperday · 2 months
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Day 2862 Art Fight 15 Ekundayo Omowale, for Yokieet
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kemetic-dreams · 5 months
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Adut Akech was born in Sudan (in an area that later became part of South Sudan), but was raised in Kakuma, Kenya. Akech was born on Christmas Day, on the way to Kenya. She was 7 years old when she moved from Kenya along with her mother to Adelaide, Australia as South Sudanese refugees seeking asylum. They also had relatives there. Akech has five siblings.
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 Akech was known as "Mary", her Christian second name in Adelaide, as Australian teachers found it difficult to pronounce her name.
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Be proud of African names, and stop falling into the trap of saying all African names are hard to pronounce. Like European names are easy
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empanadasdehumita · 8 months
"slave owner gay fanfiction" ???
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flesh-jordinmg · 9 months
Welcome to GlamRock! Or shall I say Welcome Back FJ Rockstarr fffs 😘 In 2024 and moving forward its all about connecting, reconnecting with the House of the Rising Sons, Daughters of HIM 🤴👑👸💚🖤❤️🧡 Erase Your Fears!
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theculturedmarxist · 11 months
Zionist Logic -- Malcolm X on Zionism Malcolm X (Omowale Malcolm X Shabazz)
Taken from The Egyptian Gazette -- Sept. 17, 1964
The Zionist armies that now occupy Palestine claim their ancient Jewish prophets predicted that in the "last days of this world" their own God would raise them up a "messiah" who would lead them to their promised land, and they would set up their own "divine" government in this newly-gained land, this "divine" government would enable them to "rule all other nations with a rod of iron."
If the Israeli Zionists believe their present occupation of Arab Palestine is the fulfillment of predictions made by their Jewish prophets, then they also religiously believe that Israel must fulfill its "divine" mission to rule all other nations with a rod of irons, which only means a different form of iron-like rule, more firmly entrenched even, than that of the former European Colonial Powers.
These Israeli Zionists religiously believe their Jewish God has chosen them to replace the outdated European colonialism with a new form of colonialism, so well disguised that it will enable them to deceive the African masses into submitting willingly to their "divine" authority and guidance, without the African masses being aware that they are still colonized.
The Israeli Zionists are convinced they have successfully camouflaged their new kind of colonialism. Their colonialism appears to be more "benevolent," more "philanthropic," a system with which they rule simply by getting their potential victims to accept their friendly offers of economic "aid," and other tempting gifts, that they dangle in front of the newly-independent African nations, whose economies are experiencing great difficulties. During the 19th century, when the masses here in Africa were largely illiterate it was easy for European imperialists to rule them with "force and fear," but in this present era of enlightenment the African masses are awakening, and it is impossible to hold them in check now with the antiquated methods of the 19th century.
The imperialists, therefore, have been compelled to devise new methods. Since they can no longer force or frighten the masses into submission, they must devise modern methods that will enable them to manouevre the African masses into willing submission.
The modern 20th century weapon of neo-imperialism is "dollarism." The Zionists have mastered the science of dollarism: the ability to come posing as a friend and benefactor, bearing gifts and all other forms of economic aid and offers of technical assistance. Thus, the power and influence of Zionist Israel in many of the newly "independent" African nations has fast-become even more unshakeable than that of the 18th century European colonialists... and this new kind of Zionist colonialism differs only in form and method, but never in motive or objective.
At the close of the 19th century when European imperialists wisely foresaw that the awakening masses of Africa would not submit to their old method of ruling through force and fears, these ever-scheming imperialists had to create a "new weapon," and to find a "new base" for that weapon.
The number one weapon of 20th century imperialism is zionist dollarism, and one of the main bases for this weapon is Zionist Israel. The ever-scheming European imperialists wisely placed Israel where she could geographically divide the Arab world, infiltrate and sow the seed of dissension among African leaders and also divide the Africans against the Asians.
Zionist Israel's occupation of Arab Palestine has forced the Arab world to waste billions of precious dollars on armaments, making it impossible for these newly independent Arab nations to concentrate on strengthening the economies of their countries and elevate the living standard of their people.
And the continued low standard of living in the Arab world has been skillfully used by the Zionist propagandists to make it appear to the Africans that the Arab leaders are not intellectually or technically qualified to lift the living standard of their people ... thus, indirectly "enducing" Africans to turn away from the Arabs and towards the Israelis for teachers and technical assistance.
"They cripple the bird's wing, and then condemn it for not flying as fast as they."
The imperialists always make themselves look good, but it is only because they are competing against economically crippled newly independent countries whose economies are actually crippled by the Zionist-capitalist conspiracy. They can't stand against fair competition, thus they dread Gamal Abdul Nasser's call for African-Arab Unity under Socialism.
If the "religious" claim of the Zionists is true that they were to be led to the promised land by their messiah, and Israel's present occupation of Arab Palestine is the fulfillment of that prophesy: where is their messiah whom their prophets said would get the credit for leading them there? It was Ralph Bunche who "negotiated" the Zionists into possession of Occupied Palestine! Is Ralph Bunche the messiah of Zionism? If Ralph Bunche is not their messiah, and their messsiah has not yet come, then what are they doing in Palestine ahead of their messiah?
Did the Zionists have the legal or moral right to invade Arab Palestine, uproot its Arab citizens from their homes and seize all Arab property for themselves just based on the "religious" claim that their forefathers lived there thousands of years ago? Only a thousand years ago the Moors lived in Spain. Would this give the Moors of today the legal and moral right to invade the Iberian Peninsula, drive out its Spanish citizens, and then set up a new Moroccan nation ... where Spain used to be, as the European zionists have done to our Arab brothers and sisters in Palestine?...
In short the Zionist argument to justify Israel's present occupation of Arab Palestine has no intelligent or legal basis in history ... not even in their own religion. Where is their Messiah?
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votava-records · 7 months
Wildchild (feat. Posdnous, Big Daddy Kane & Stacy Epps) - Fatherhood
Wildchild of Lootpack fame dedicates the latest track off his acclaimed Omowale LP to all the fathers out there that play an active role in their children’s lives. With Father’s Day and Juneteenth falling on the same day, the song’s message is particularly momentous to the veteran emcee who’s joined by two living legends—Posdnuos (De La Soul) and Big Daddy Kane—on the funk fueled instrumental produced by Georgia Anne Muldrow.
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ratsaucethot · 2 years
Hey guys did u know that the main pirate dudes from OFMD were historically slave owners??? I didn’t. Cuz I didn’t watch the show lol.
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