#Fixit transformers
glitterr-ghoul · 16 days
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This is what I do instead of what I should be doing. (=ఠ్ఠܫఠ్ఠ =)∫ Anyways! Good morning. Today I wanted to post something but everything is still very much work in progress so... In the meantime, have this. I know I'm in doodle city right now, but I got a few animations I'm working on for the Cliffjumper ask blog (One is almost done!) and animations that aren't related to the ask blog. Getting back into making animation memes after two years... (I was too lazy to draw my sona so I drew Fixit instead-)
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transformersfan20 · 4 months
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lucky-cleric · 1 year
I made some TF characters heads part 2
More coming soon
I might redo some of these IDK (I’m definitely redoing Wedge)
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Part 1
TF Content Masterpost
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cc-cobalt-1043 · 9 months
Chapter 5: The Past Always Comes Back To Haunt You
The Bee team was all relaxing when the alarm went off.
"Decepticon signal in sector 7." Fixit said.
"What's his ID?" Bee asked.
"His name is Wheelspin, a Decepticon activist who started several riots not long after the great war ended, he was also responsible for the death of the original high council, including former Decepticon medic and member Highspeed." Fixit said.
None of the others noticed Sideswipe tense up.
Two young bots, one red, one gold were walking through the streets.
"Are you sure this bot can be relied on Sunstreaker." The red bot said nervously.
"Of course Sideswipe, he's a Decepticon like us, and don't get me wrong, I know Highspeed is trying to help us, but she doesn't seem to fully understand how bad this is." Sunstreaker said.
"I guess, I've told her time and time again the council don't care about us, what was his name again?" Sideswipe asked.
"Wheelspin." Sunstreaker said.
The present:
Sideswipe snapped back to attention when he heard Bumblebee saying his name.
"Sideswipe, are you alright?" Bee asked.
"Oh, yeah I'm fine." Sideswipe nodded.
"You sure?" Bee asked.
Sideswipe nodded giving Bee a fake smile.
"Alright, let's rev up and roll out." Bee said.
The Bee team transformed and headed out.
As they drove Sideswipe started thinking again.
Sideswipe and Sunstreaker were standing in front of a large black and gold mech, his piercing purple optics looking down at the two young mexhs in front of him.
"So, it's my help you seek." The mech said.
"Yes sir, we've heard of the things you've done to help our kind, we want to be a part of it." Sunstreaker said.
Sideswipe just nodded, unsure what to say.
"Well then, follow me." The mech said turning and walking away.
Sideswipe and Sunstreaker followed.
The present:
The team arrived at the coordinates and drew their weapons.
"Alright team, be vigilant, he's near." Bee said.
The team slowly moved forward weapons at the ready.
They saw a tall shadow nearby and Bee signaled for the team to surround him.
They did as ordered and Bee spoke up.
"Servos in the air, you're under arrest." Bee ordered.
Wheelspin surveyed each member of the Bee team, then his optics landed on Sideswipe, a cold sneer making its way onto his face.
"Hello Sideswipe." Wheelspin said.
"Sideswipe, you know him? " Strongarm asked surprised.
"It's so nice to see you again." Said in a cold drawl.
"Maybe more for you than it is for me." Sideswipe growled.
"Now is that any to treat your old friend, I'm all you have left, with Highspeed gone." Wheelspin sneered.
"You aren't fit to say her name." Sideswipe snarled, a venom in his voice none of the team had heard before.
"And you are, I'm surprised, especially since you caused her death." Wheelspin said.
(two weeks after Sunstreaker'death)
As quietly as he could Sideswipe snuck out of the apartment he now alone shared with his guardian Highspeed.
He transformed and started to drive down the street.
Unbeknown to him, Highspeed had seen him and she quickly followed him.
She arrived in a street and quickly hid as she saw Sideswipe approach Wheelspin.
"It's been a while Sideswipe." Wheelspin said.
"I need to talk to you." Sideswipe said.
"What about?" Wheelspin said.
"I can't do this anymore Wheelspin, these protests have led to nothing but chaos and now Sunstreaker is dead." Sideswipe said.
"He died to help our cause." Wheelspin said.
"HELP OUR CAUSE, Wheelspin these protests are not helping at all, the council are ignorant to how Decepticons are suffering, everything Sunstreaker and I have done to help you has done nothing, if you want to truly help our kind you'd stop these protests, anything is better than what you're doing!" Sideswipe exclaimed.
At this point Highspeed decided she had heard enough and stepped out from her hiding place.
"We seem to have company." Wheelspin said, distaste evident in his tone.
Sideswipe turned and his optics widened in horror.
"Highspeed." Sideswipe said.
"Sideswipe please listen, he won't help you or the others, but we can bring him in." Highspeed said.
"So you heard, you know." Sideswipe said fearfully.
"Sideswipe, whatever it is you've done, whatever crimes you've committed, you can make up for it now by helping me stop him." Highspeed said trying to get through to the young bot.
Sideswipe closed his optics tears welling in his optics as he struggled to think.
"I'm afraid." He said.
"I know you are." Highspeed said.
Sideswipe opened his optics, an almost cold look them.
"I'm afraid it's too late." Sideswipe said drawing his sword.
"No." Highspeed said horrified.
Sideswipe lunged forward and Highspeed quickly drew her sword and blocked the blow.
Their swords clashed for a few moments before Highspeed suddenly vanished from sight.
Sideswipe looked around for her, Wheelspin smirking in the background.
Sideswipe jolted slightly as he heard Highspeed's voice.
"I am on your side Sideswipe, I stepped from my position on the council, you were right about so many things, the council should have listened, Sunstreaker did not have to die." Highspeed said.
Sideswipe closed heart a optics again as the mention of his twins' name made his spark clench.
Sideswipe suddery spotted her and the two immediately began dueling again.
After several minutes Sideswipe had Highspeed pinned to the ground and rose his sword ready to strike.
"Sideswipe...please." Highspeed begged.
Sideswipe closed his optics as he swung his sword downwards.
It slammed into the ground in front of them.
Sideswipe collapsed onto his knees his whole frame shuddering as he sobbed Violently.
Highspeed hugged the young mech.
"I knew you weren't like him." She smiled.
Suddenly a shot ran through the air and Highspeed saw a smoking hole in chest, she collapsed onto the ground.
"HIGHSPEED!" Sideswipe exclaimed in horror, taking his guardian's hand.
"Don't worry Sideswipe, you'll be fine without me, you'll find your way." Highspeed said looking up at the frightened teen.
"But you're the one who saved me." Sideswipe said looking into her optics.
"I love you Sideswipe, Sunstreaker and I, we love you so much." Highspeed said her optics going dull as she offlined.
"Highspeed." Sideswipe said looking at the dead body of his guardian.
"Such a great loss." Wheelspin said, though he didn't sound particularly sad.
Sideswipe stood up and walked backwards slightly.
"And just what are you doing.?" Wheelspin demanded.
"Giving you a clear shot." Sideswipe said.
Wheelspin pointed his blaster at Sideswipe and was about to fire when suddenly Sideswipe ran forward grabbing his sword, lodging it in Wheelspin's chest with a mighty swing.
Sideswipe heard sirens in the distance and without looking back he transformed and fled away into the night.
With a roar of rage Sideswipe lunged forward and swung his Decepticon hunter at Wheelspin, the two beginning another duel.
The Bee team trying to help where they could, but Wheelspin kept his focus on Sideswipe.
Sideswipe swung at Wheelspin again but the Decepticon slashed into his Decepticon hunter which began emitting sparks violently.
"Frag." Sideswipe cursed and threw it at Wheelspin.
There was a colossal explosion and when the dust had cleared the weapon was destroyed and Wheelspin was unconscious on the ground.
He was quickly cuffed and hauled through the groundbridge, being put in a stasis pod as soon as he was through.
Sideswipe went to his quarters, he couldn't even bear to look at his team.
Especially now that they knew his darkened past.
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its-elioo · 5 months
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Nerds hanging out
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asimp4bee · 3 months
how would Mea react to when RID bumblebee got hit my quillfire’s quills and was acting like a child?
#mama mea
This is why she doesn’t want children /hj
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peak-dumbass · 4 months
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she Robots on my In til i Disguise
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A message for Optimus prime
Here are my favourite frames
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Feel free to add your own context
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clitoris-maximus · 7 months
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they know each other. i know they do. (fixit and megatron, that is)
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kusakichan15 · 1 year
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Hearts and Sparks Ship Week Day 1: " Domestic / AU " 🍪🔧
Prompt list here
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Um maby about how bumblebee's team from rid2015 finds out about his base coding or how they deal with it.
Boy oh boy its been a while since I got to one of these asks.
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What do you do when your boss begins acting strangely? Ignore it of course!
Sideswipe is of the opinion that Bee is eccentric. Strongarm is familiar with the whole concept of active base coding and so does her best to keep clear of him when he's having moments. Grimlock has no idea what happens to Bee when he gets a bit feral, but he recognizes the animalistic instincts and is rightfully afraid. Fixit is by far the most educated on the matter and tries to be helpful rather than simply avoiding the former scout. Overall, Bee's team are not entirely sure what is up with their leader when he has his little 'episodes', but they've found ways to work with it.
Bee doesn't tend to have his episodes often. They are rare and often induced due to extreme stress. Sometimes, leadership get to be too much. A harsh battle or a difficult situation can leave Bee so on edge that he can't help but revert without Optimus or someone else around to ease his base coding. And so he lashes out.
When an episode occurs during a battle, Strongarm has taken it upon herself to get herself and the team out of the area while Bee rages. There have thus far been no casualties, but frankly, none of the team are particularly inclined to step in even if Bee did start to get a big vicious. Bumblebee for his part tends to compose himself about half way through a moment of rage, in large part due to his age. Still, sometimes the agitation lingers and can lead Sideswipe and Grimlock to take Bumblebee out to spar once they are back at base. The additional combat lets him get out his aggression and ease him back into a semi-stable state. Fixit usually guides Bumblebee to some dark corner of the base with a pile of comforting things afterwards.
Let the beast rest and ease back into dormancy. Don't disturb him lest he lash out.
When Bumblebee base coding is activated in response to leadership induced stress, its a different story. He either becomes painfully clingy or overly reclusive. Without Optimus around, he either wants to vanish into the void where its safe or hang around the next best thing. It's hard to tell what he'll do, but the team manage. Sideswipe tends to be the unfortunate spark stuck under the umbrella of 'small child'. This means that when Bee is unsettled and the base coding is particularly active (And Bee isn't trying to be a recluse), Sideswipe is watched like a hawk and occasionally dragged back into base if he wanders too far. Grimlock gets stuck with Bee hanging off him since he's big, intimidating, and overall tends to be quite warm (he reminds Bee of Optimus when he's in bot mode, but he will never admit that).
Strongarm tends to sit somewhere between 'small child' and 'parental unit' on Bumblebee's base coding inspired way of looking at the world. Often, this means that when he's feeling clingy, he'll just... hang around. He won't touch, but he follows her quietly and occasionally shoos off others who get too close. Fixit is firmly in the guardian category, landing him with the lovely fate of having Bumblebee lurk around him the most, sometimes even carrying him around when Grimlock is too afraid to let Bee hang off him. Fixit is surprisingly fine with this and even makes use of his situation to finally be on optic level with other bots.
However, when Bumblebee is more inclined toward being a feral recluse, the team take more drastic measures. When he gets into such moods, he doesn't want to leave his quarters and will fight anyone who tries to make him. He tends to not feel safe and so will have a violent reaction without Optimus or another loved one near. The team try to make due by sending Grimlock in as an offering. Sometimes it works and can snap Bee into being clingy over reclusive. Other times, Grimlock comes screaming down the hall with claw marks (which Bee always apologizes for afterwards).
If the Grimlock solution fails, the team have to wait it out. They try to speed along Bumblebee's whole process though.
Sideswipe will purposefully make a ton of noise in the halls, trying to make it seem like he's been injured. Sometimes it gets Bumblebee to come out and drag him to the medical bay, usually leading to Bee shifting gears. If that fails, Strongarm will attempt to entice Bumblebee with energon and other goodies. If it works, Bumblebee will hide for a few more hours before emerging. If that fails, the last resort that is Fixit is brought in. The only reason he's the last resort is because he is the only mech with recordings of Ratchet and Optimus.
If Bumblebee won't move because he's in a state of unsettlement, Fixit takes the risk and plays a recording. It never fails to get Bumblebee to scramble out of his room, anxious to see the closest mecha he has to parents. This quite literally never ends well and the team are often forced to hide in a barricaded room until Bumblebee finishes hunting his way through the entire base just to check and make sure that no one is there. After that, he usually snaps out of it.
Sometimes though... sometimes Fixit will find Bumblebee crying softly in his room, clutching whatever memento of his Sire he had closest to him at the time.
He politely never mentions this.
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glitterr-ghoul · 14 days
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Work in progress frame to a animation because I was feeling eager to finish at least one frame before bed. ;; Currently having Fixit brain rot... This animation is gonna be a short one so I hope to finish it soon! I wonder what's going on in that processor of his... - ALSOO THANK YOU FOR 102 FOLLOWERS. It makes me very happy. -
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transformersfan20 · 4 months
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lucky-cleric · 1 year
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Fixit hunting
(Human is OC named Marah who likes working with cars)
TF Content Masterpost
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mgarmagedon · 3 months
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I'm hilarious
YES Strongarm would just torture the spider for information XDDDDD
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dragonsgirl572 · 2 months
this is addicting for some reason-
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