#Flibberty Gibbet
armorabs · 1 year
once again i have forgotten to draw mrs. puff smoking pot with flibberty gibbet for 4/20 :(
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senadimell · 2 years
What the flibberty-gibbet, why do I have 94 notifications???
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kingcrane8 · 9 months
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Kiko (Doc McStuffins) as Flibberty Gibbet (Spongebob Squarepants)
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splorp · 2 years
Via last.fm
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"After an argument with the Gal Pals group, she ran off into the Kelp Forest and never went back to Bikini Bottom :'0"
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her design is lovely and i just want her back </3
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linmeiwei · 3 years
I read Pride and Prejudice again… and now I get why Kitty
So two things always bothered me about Pride and Prejudice:
1. Jane Austen seemed weirdly cruel to Lydia and
2. Why Kitty? Like, in a novel so tightly, so expertly plotted and cast, what was the point of this seemingly superfluous character?
For ages my answer to those two questions was:
1. Well, progressive, proto-feminist though Austen was, she was not immune to the standards of her time, sadly
2. She needed someone for Lydia to interact with I guess?
I didn’t love those answers but it’s all I had. After re-reading P&P again though…epiphany! I get it! And these two outlying problems are actually connected!
Okay, so hear me out (and possibly laugh at me for not realising this sooner).
Lydia is a flibberty-gibbet. Yes, she’s badly brought up by a silly mother and an indifferent, indolent father, but she’s also naturally not particularly thoughtful, not contemplative or serious, she’s outgoing, flirty, superficial and flighty. She’s good-humoured, she likes to have fun, she’s boy-crazy. She’s a teenager.
Upon first reading, her story seems a typical cautionary tale of its time. It seems to say: listen up teenage flibberty-gibbets! If you go about Lydia Benneting, you’ll end up ruined or married to George Wickham! It seems like Austen has no sympathy for Lydia, who is written as irredeemably stupid and deserving of her punishment… except Kitty.
See, Kitty is just as bad as Lydia. She is like a poor copy of her younger sister. She’s like Lydia in every way except less successful at Lydia Benneting. She also runs after officers, flirts, laughs and seems to entertain no serious thoughts at all. But she does not end up punished. Nothing bad happens to her at all. In fact, in the end she’s taken under Elizabeth’s wing, and there matures, improves and grows out of flibberty-gibbetdom.
And that’s the point. That’s the real moral to Lydia’s story. That’s what should have been Lydia’s arc if Lydia had had better luck!
You might think: no, Lydia needed better guardians. But to rebut this I give you Georgiana.
Here we are presented with a girl whose character we have no reason to fault, and whose guardians are attentive, loving and careful. She still falls for the same trick Lydia does. What does that tell us? Of course it tells us that Jane Austen thinks the moral of Lydia’s story isn’t: don’t be a teenage flibberty-gibbet and don’t let your teenage daughter be one. It’s really: the only reason your teenage daughter or sister escaped being taken advantage of by a predator isn’t high morals on her part (or that she wasn’t wearing a mini skirt and make up) or that you’re such a super parent, but the fact that a skilled predator has simply not taken the trouble.
That’s what Kitty is for. Kitty is what Lydia would have been if she had not attracted a predator. Austen wasn’t cruel to Lydia. She was sorry for Lydia.
I guess ultimately we can see what she really thought of Lydia through Darcy: he thinks her annoying and vulgar, yes, but when he finds her with Wickham, he doesn’t want to rush her to the altar to be rid of her as a problem. His first desire is to return her to her family, so she can finish growing up. He understands that primarily she is not a misbehaving child who needs to be punished or controlled. Primarily, she’s a victim. He’s powerless to help in the end, and so Lydia’s tragedy is complete.
I should have trusted my old friend, Jane. She’s no slut-shamer. What she’s really doing with Lydia’s story is destroying the “but what was she wearing” argument. And Pride and Prejudice has proven itself to be, once again, far ahead of its time.
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artrageousgallery · 2 years
Favorite Movie Trilogy of All Time: The Hunger Games. Not without its flaws, but beautiful.
Name of the Main Character in the Last Book You Read/Currently are (Re)Reading: Sydney Sage also Sydney Melrose/Melbourne, she has another last name eventually, but yeah no spoilers 😉
Favorite Color Combination: Purple and Black and throw in some White 💜🖤🤍
Most Common Craving: Bread 🍞 and Water 💧 No joke, so delicious 😋
Favorite Word: Flibberty-gibbet, such joy 😊 just thought of heebie jeebies, so much better and actually regularly use in conversation lol
Word Count of Last Writing Piece You Worked On: 2,647 with a goal of 2700, I just could not with it anymore. (Not fanfic, but an academic paper on fandom 🙃)
Current Obsession: Tumblr and its Tumblrers...Tumblrinas, Tumblrusers? All the Tumblr bloggers with their beautiful minds and creative content! Esp. Supercorp Fanfic/Fanart (Tumblr obsession is the best problem to have tbh)
Tagging: @cazziesposie
@karaluthorzorel @sprqpointintern
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letteredlettered · 4 years
Absolutely no pressure to answer if u don't want to but how did u and ur girlfriend meet? U guys seem really cute together.
We are insanely cute together.
This is a long story that doesn’t need to be this long, but whatever. I love my girlfriend and you asked, so here you go.
Last spring I was writing That Lesson Alone, which was making me rethink a lot of things I’d already thought a lot about before. That rethinking made me promise myself to be more open to new experiences, which I try to be, but I do let my social anxiety drive quite a bit of what I do.
So, when I got an email from a fan who said she was going to be in what she thought was my hometown, and she loved my fics, and was I interested in meeting, I said yes. She mentioned she had left a comment on one fic and that we had had a little conversation; I remembered this comment in particular because the personal story in the comment was rather sensational and quite interesting. Still, I might not have agreed to meet, because it could be very awkward. I don’t like talking to strangers with faces. However, because of That Lesson Alone, and because she was fannish, I agreed to the meeting. (I like meeting strangers who are fannish far more than strangers in any other circumstance. At least you can talk about fandom with strangers who are fannish, and I’m very interested in fandom. You can talk about work with work strangers or the bus with strangers you meet at the bus, but most real things bore me so I struggle with these conversations.)
This person sent me another email in another language, which stymied me for a little while about how to reply, but then she quickly sent me another email saying the first email was meant for someone else; the someone else also sounded sensational. When she got to my hometown, she emailed to say she had arrived, but only had a vague idea of when she was leaving, and she had no concrete plans so could meet any time. I began to get the impression that this person was, how do you say, A Ride, by which I mean one of those people who is interesting and clever and sensational but also extremely non-linear and flighty and difficult to understand. I mean she was halfway around the world and didn’t know when she was leaving; she sent the wrong people emails; the people she told me she knew were sensational; she was perfectly bilingual; she was totally down for meeting random strangers. I have a friend who is A Ride. She is what the Sisters at the Abby would call a flibberty-gibbet, a will-o-the-wisp, a darling, a demon, a lamb.
I wanted to meet on a weeknight (I don’t know if you know this, honey, but I told you I wanted to meet on a weeknight because I was busy, but although I can always be busy, so it wasn’t strictly a lie, this wasn’t my main motivation. I wanted to have an excuse to only have a small window of time to meet so that I could get away if it was too awkward), but on the night we arranged to meet, I was unwell. I was in fact entering the worse part of what I have now learned is a chronic illness. Usually this would be enough to convince me to cancel altogether, and to this day I’m shocked that I didn’t. Is it becoming clear that I don’t like meeting anyone and never ever date? Anyway, because of That Lesson Alone and my determination to be open to new experiences, we rescheduled.
I bused to the restaurant where we met after work and then walked from the bus. I remember this walk. I remember doing the thing that I do to prepare myself for social situations I don’t like, which is not letting myself dwell on it too much, reminding myself that I am actually rather good at making other people feel comfortable when I make the effort, reminding myself to ask questions, reminding myself I could get away, reminding myself that people actually find me quite personable and even vivacious, because I am, but if it’s with strangers, only if I fake it hard enough. These little reminders get me into game face, the face I use for dealing with other people.
Anyway, when I met her, she was very tall. This immediately made me more comfortable, as I am very tall and often feel awkwardly large around other people. And then the first thing she told me was that she had been watching something happy and queer, which meant we could not only talk about fannish things but also queer things. But was she going to be one of those people who just went on about straight things being dull? That always makes me uncomfortable.
Luckily, she doesn’t talk that way, and it was such an amazing conversation, the kind of conversation you dream about having with the love of your life, but the one you doubt you’ll have when you actually meet the love of your life. You imagine when you meet the love of your life you’ll have a conversation that goes, “Pass the salt,” and maybe you’ll talk about the weather, and then a few weeks later you meet them again and talk a little more about something equally uninteresting. Not until months pass by do you realize how much you have in common and how much you like being near them, and then you will start to talk about the things that truly interest you, and after years, you realize they’re the love of your life.
Most of the time, when you have a really stunningly good conversation, you don’t assume you’re talking to the love of your life. You assume it’s a once in a lifetime conversation, with a once in a lifetime person, and you never see them again, because they are too smart and too cool and too tall for you. Or, you do see them again, and you keep seeing them, because they are so mystic, so magical; they are so stunning and intelligent and intellectual; they make you feel so much, you just want to talk to them and talk to them and talk to them. And the more you talk, the more you find out that behind the magic, there’s actually not much that you have in common. Sometimes you find out that they trot out the same sensational stories on every occasion; they make the same jokes you found so witty over and over; you find out that everything that was glossy and new about them is something old that has been polished to shine, with very little you can hold on to and firmly understand underneath. Other times you just learn that your moral centers diverge, or you don’t actually like them. There is no fire beyond the initial spark.
This is just not true of my girlfriend. She is still smart and still cool and still sensational and, very importantly, still tall. I would not describe her as A Ride. She’s not one of those people who makes you feel like you have to sit back and hold on; though she’s endlessly clever, she can explain her thought processes and likes to; she thinks deeply about herself and others and listens. She’s so thoughtful and interesting and clever and also deeply passionate and exuberant about so many things that when you’re with her you can create a ride together that both of you drive or both of you sit back and enjoy. (She didn’t know when she was leaving my hometown because her flight back wasn’t for a long while, but she was traveling down to Oregon and California, and hadn’t bought train tickets yet, and we solved how the mistake was made on the email. We are guessing it was an autofill accident, since the person she was trying to email has a name that starts with the same letter).
She is reliable. She has a whiz-bang, knock-you-flat kind of memory, that not only remembers facts and conversations and locations but that remembers how you are feeling, and remembers to ask. She has the kind of broad-yet-also-piercing intellect that can follow an abstract conversation and build on it, even when you’re in the territory of feelings and concepts without names. She always wants to talk about her feelings, which makes me want to genuflect with gratitude, and she’s so hot she’d probably light a candle if she touched its wick. Like definitely keep her away from flammable substances. She’s creative and theatric and theatrically creative. She has big dark hair and curvy hips. She’s generous and accommodating and care-taking in a way that doesn’t negate her own self-interest. She’s gentle. She’s kind.
But anyway, so we got to talking, and it was one of the best conversations of my life, and I got on a bus and went home, very proud of myself for having accomplished A Social Thing, and telling myself, “See? Social Things are not always bad.” She had mentioned that she would be in town a little longer if I wanted to hang out again, but that would just be crazy, as having to do anything social twice in one week is a strain for me, much less with someone I don’t know. But the truth is, I already felt like I knew her, and leave yourself open to new experiences, said That Lesson Alone, and when else was I going to meet a magic person?
Also, I should mention, which I’m not sure I’ve mentioned to her, but I am suspicious of magical people. When I meet magical people I assume they are vampires underneath, by which I mean they are putting on an act, as I said above, or they are one day going to get you in a very difficult situation, because they are A Free Spirit, which, eventually, you find out means they think crime is fun, or something. I’m just a suspicious person, okay.
But we did hang out again. And that was also magical. And I invited her to my apartment, something I’ve barely done with anybody and never ever ever in my whole life with someone I’ve just met. And then I thought about having sex with her, which is something I basically never think about. And then she left town and said she might be in love with me, but at this point I still A LITTLE BIT thought she might be A Ride, in which case she probably fell in love with people all the time.
Usually when I meet someone very cool I assume they don’t want to pursue friendship with me, because they probably have way too many other friends. I think we’ve all been in the situation of knowing someone very popular and realizing that we do not mean as much to them as they do to us. I am always wary of investing too much emotion in someone who does not have the capacity to equally invest in me. However, because investing time in people I don’t know well is such a commitment for me, I’m also frequently guilty of just ghosting people. I often don’t respond to texts or emails. I often just drop people, without ever really meaning to. Part of it is how intently I focus on things—it’s difficult for me to be pulled in many directions at once, so it’s easier to have a few good friends rather than many casual ones. But part of it really is self-confidence, assuming people don’t want to know me.
However, writing That Lesson Alone reminded me that I am allowed to pursue friendships. It made me realize that a lot of my assumptions about people not wanting to know me are my own self-confidence issues, and not actually other people not wanting to know me. Writing That Lesson Alone reminded me I was worth knowing.
So, we kept talking. I was still late to replying to some emails, but I eventually did reply. I even got a new messenger app just to talk to her. We both have an interest in theater. I was directing a play. She expressed interest in seeing it. She was going to be in Canada when it opened. I told her if she wanted to see it she could stay with me if she wanted. I’d never really done anything like that before. She said yes. I still didn’t really think it would happen—but it did. She came to stay with me for a week that summer. I remembered thinking about having sex with her. I remembered thinking she might be open to it.
One of the things I wanted to be open to when I was writing That Lesson Alone was the idea of dating. I used to think that if I was open to dating, I would have to be open to dating lots of people I didn’t want to date; I thought dating meant you had to give everyone “a chance” and suffer through a lot of “pass the salt” just In Case. That’s why I didn’t date. I have actually been happy being mostly single most of my life. I never really felt a strong need for a partner, except in some sadder lonely moments, and even then, I wanted to be alone more than with someone who was just “pass the salt” okay. But one revelation I had writing That Lesson Alone was that I didn’t have to give everyone “a chance.” I didn’t have to give anyone a chance. I could just be open to dating, and look at what was out there (OK Cupid), but if nothing appealed, I didn’t actually have to do anything, since I already knew I was happy being alone. So, I thought more about what would be appealing, so I could know what I was open to.
I realized the person I wanted was tall (natch). With big dark hair. They like reading and talking about fiction and fictional characters. They can have abstract conversations about philosophical topics. And they are caring and accommodating in a way that can deal with an acerbic nature like mine, but they are also self-aware enough and assertive enough to be honest when I’ve hurt them. And they aren’t acerbic back.
This is a tall order. (hahaha) I thought about it a lot, because I really am harsh sometimes. I try not to be. I try very hard. I just get snappy when I’m tired or stressed, and even though I think about it deeply and put measures in place so that it won’t hurt other people, and I reflect on my own behavior and make apologies, I still hurt people. And despite all of this I’m still hurt by anyone that acts like me. I can deal with it! In fact, lots of times I like it, as lots of people like that (myself included) tend to be blunt and I love blunt, because I love knowing where I stand with people. But I also know that, as a rule, I just cannot be extremely close and spend my life with someone who will snap at me. I’m just too sensitive.
Anyway, over this week she stayed with me, I realized she actually was the only person I’d ever met who fit all of these qualifications. She was someone I would date if she was local. Meanwhile, she made it pretty clear she was really, really into me, which was also something that had never really happened to me before. If people have been into me before (which I still doubt, but who knows), they haven’t made it clear. If they thought they were making it clear, they didn’t realize that I am someone who needs heavy, heavy hints in order to understand flirting, even when I see it happening to other people. But luckily my girlfriend is pretty great at making what she wants clear. She made it really clear she wanted me.
So, well, things happened. I told her I wished that we could date and she could be my girlfriend. She asked why we couldn’t. I told her I thought the distance thing was an obvious problem. She didn’t think it was. So then I had a girlfriend, and she did too.
The end.
PS I love her.
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darkisrising · 3 years
Holy flibberty gibbet! I just read your prison au and hot damn Luke is one stubborn fuck. Like, screw Dad Vader in this one because he’s an ass, but poor baby Luke is so determined and it breaks my heart. Then clueless killer Din? And observant and involved Boba? Man just wanted to be with his husband, fuck.
Is there any single chance at all of you continuing this one because oh my ever loving everything I adore this! Thank you so much for another amazing fic!
Also, I’m sorry your birthday was so stressful. I hope you’re doing better now and that things are more relaxed. Best wishes, darling!
You!!! I've been wondering where you went, anon!! I'm so happy you enjoyed the prison au, it was for sure one of those where I wrote it thinking "either people will like it or everyone will hate me for it forever and ever."
I will be super totally honest, usually I have a sense of where all my stories go after I end them but this one I'm not all that certain. Like all I really imagine is fast sex before the guards see them and Luke has to get used to there always being mandos guarding the Manda'lor within earshot. Which isnt much of a plot 🤷‍♀️
And thanks! Birthday is much better now, I have a glass of bourbon and a glass of prosecco and I'm pretending I won't regret that combo come morning. Hot tip for all my readers: never try to move to a new place on your birthday. Just.... don't.
Thanks again for the kind words! They were a great end to an otherwise tumultuous birthday
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rillabrooke · 4 years
vaughan williams isn’t the public domain what the flibberty gibbets
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armorabs · 2 years
Thoughts on a friendship between Flibberty Gibbet Squidabeth Karen two and squidina!! (Or as I call them gal pals side b!!)
OHHHHHHH now thats a really fun idea
tbh in my... (sighs) gonna have to call this a fanon. gonna have to. anyways. in my fanon i always imagine karen two leaving bikini bottom to explore the surface with randy after getting fixed up by sandy, so like. itd be kind of hard for her to really... be around and maintain a gal pals b squad but its a really fun idea im adding it to the mind palace to rotate a bit
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squiddytentacles · 5 years
sandy for the ask meme :3
How I feel about this character
All the people I ship romantically with this character
KAREN THE COMPUTER!!! wamen in general..... i think flibberty gibbet and sandy could be cute too. 
My non-romantic OTP for this character
SPONGEBOB, PATRICK, SQUIDWARD, MRS. PUFF!!!!!! plankton and her can do science sometimes i guess.
My unpopular opinion about this character
she’s the best???? 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
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mwritesink · 6 years
Tagged by @mrmissmrsrandom
star sign: Gemini
name: [redacted] prefer to go by M or Inky on the internet. 
height: 5 foot... something? I think I’m like five four or five three? Taller than Wolverine at any rate. 
put your iTunes or Spotify on shuffle. what are the first 4 songs that popped up?
“Strange” by Tokio Hotel & Kerli from the album “Almost Alice (music inspired by the motion picture)”
“The Howling” by Within Temptation from the album “The Heart of Everything”
“Desolation Row (from “Watchmen” by My Chemical Romance (originally recorded by Bob Dylan)
“Love Me Dead” by Ludo, from the album “You’re Awful, I Love You”
have you ever had a poem or song written about you?
Ha! no. 
when was the last time you played guitar?
Undergrad fun course. I haven’t kept it up but I keep telling myself I should get back at it. 
who is your celebrity crush?
currently Daniel Day Lewis and Aidan Turner. Lewis has such an amazing accent range that I’d love to emulate, and I’ve loved every character I’ve seen Turner play. 
what’s a sound you hate and a sound you love?
Hated sound: car horns honking for no reason
loved sound: violin music
do you believe in ghosts?
Yes. (however, I will note that I don’t believe that demons exist. I mention this only becuase I went to a paranormal track panel at Dragon Con and was with them up until the moment that they started talking about demon possession. Noped out the moment that got mentioned becuase demons, and the way the panelists talked about them especially, feel very Christian religion based and any of my beliefs about the ghosts come from a very non-religious area)
how about aliens?
who knows? the universe is vast enough for other planets in other galaxies to hold life. but I really doubt that, should they exist, they wouldn’t be interested in our backwater. 
do you drive?
Yes. gotta get to work somehow. 
what was the last book you read?
Guardian Spirits by Jordan L Hawk, Third book in their Spirits Trilogy. EVERYONE SHOULD READ HAWK’S WORK. 
Series is set in the US, in the 1890s, and centers on Henry Strauss, an inventor who has made a machine to conduct seances with electricity/electro-magnetism in an effort to make sure that people are not conned by fake mediums, and Vincent Night, an actual medium who - with his business partner and fellow medium  Elizabeth “Lizzie” Devereaux - is trying to keep an occult shop afloat after the death of his and Lizzie’s mentor.
It’s a really stellar and diverse cast, including a trans woman (Lizzie), a Native American man (Vincent), and a black woman (Henry’s cousin Jo). However, the first book (Restless Spirits) has content warnings for transphobia and forced outing. 
do you like the smell of gasoline?
what? No. 
what’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
My dog, whom I love and cherish, nearly took out my eye. I was really lucky that he just broke the skin of my eyelid and didn’t go further. Was not exactly fun driving myself to the emergency room with one hand putting pressure on the wound, but I did it. I had like... eight to ten really tiny stitches. 
do you have any obsession right now?
same gender historical fantasy romance books and same gender historical fiction romance books. Namely those written by Jordan L Hawk, K. J. Charles, and Sebastian Nothwell
do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
less a grudge and more an avoidance. I don’t wnat to think about them, see them, or hear from them ever again. it’s chased me out of some geek spaces that I’ve tried to enter. 
in a relationship?
Yes!! and I love her and she’s perfect and good and can deal with me being a flibberty-gibbet with a brain going in five hundred million directions all at once.
Go off and do if you wish any who see this.
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Flibberty🐬 and Spongebob🧽
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(via https://open.spotify.com/track/3DxS2WmmqepGek2UAVUDes)
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