#Floral Print Wedding Gift Bags
vidilpaperbags · 4 months
Buy Themed Paper Gift Bags for Every Occasion
In today's world of thoughtful gifting, presentation matters just as much as the gift itself. That's where themed paper gift bags come in, offering a stylish and convenient way to elevate your gift-giving game. 
These pre-decorated bags boast a variety of themes, from whimsical butterflies to romantic hearts, allowing you to personalize your gift and express your sentiment in a visually captivating way. But themed paper gift bags offer more than just aesthetics. Here's why they're a winning choice for all your gifting needs: 
Convenience at Your Fingertips: 
Let's face it, wrapping a gift can be time-consuming and require a bit of artistic flair. Themed paper gift bags eliminate that hassle. Simply slip your gift inside and add a decorative bow or ribbon for a complete and polished look. This saves you valuable time and ensures a professional presentation every single time. 
A World of Themes to Explore: 
The beauty of themed paper gift bags lies in their versatility. With a vast array of themes available, you're guaranteed to find the perfect match for any occasion: 
Butterfly Theme Paper Gift Bags: Symbolizing transformation, joy, and beauty, these vibrant and colorful butterfly gift bags are ideal for birthdays, graduations, or celebrating a new beginning. 
Feather Theme Paper Gift Bags: Representing strength, wisdom, and creativity, these elegant feather themed gift bags are perfect for gifts meant to inspire or motivate, like a new journal or art supplies. 
Heart Themed Paper Gift Bags: The universal symbol of love and affection, these charming heart gift bags bulk are a delightful choice for weddings, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, or simply expressing your love to someone special. 
Floral Print Wedding Gift Bags: Exuding timeless elegance and romance, floral print wedding gift bags are ideal for weddings, bridal showers, or any occasion where you want to convey your heartfelt congratulations. 
Floral Printed Paper Bags: Floral prints come in a vast array of styles and colors. Choose a delicate and feminine design for a friend or opt for bold and floral gift bag patterns for a more playful touch. 
Beyond these themes, there's a whole world of possibilities! You can find themed paper gift bags for holidays like Christmas and Halloween, for specific hobbies like gardening or music, or even personalized bags with names or initials. 
Beyond Convenience and Style: The Benefits of Themed Paper Gift Bags 
Themed paper gift bags offer a multitude of benefits beyond convenience and aesthetics: 
Durability: Modern paper gift bags are crafted from sturdy materials that can withstand the weight of your gift without tearing or breaking. 
Eco-Friendly Options: Many themed papers gift bags are made from recycled materials, allowing you to be both stylish and environmentally conscious. 
Cost-Effective: Themed paper gift bags are a budget-friendly way to add a touch of elegance to your gift presentation. 
Themed paper gift bags offer a stylish and convenient way to elevate your gift-giving. With their versatility, affordability, and environmental benefits, they're a perfect choice for any occasion. So next time you're picking out a gift, remember the power of a beautifully themed paper bag! It can make all the difference in creating a lasting impression.
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cosmic-crybaby · 2 years
Blue Skies- Tommy Shelby
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Chapter 7: ‘All My Heart’ 
Warnings in this chapter: No warnings this chapter, mostly fluff, a little angst in the beginning. 
It was the very next week. 
Your children were over at your home once again. You had just picked them up from their tutors, feeding and bathing them before sending them up tp their rooms to read before you retreated to your own bedroom. You had just remembered you were gifted an old family recipe book, an old notebook made from parchment and covered in red leather that had to be old and tattered now. It was filled on every page with hundreds of recipes of baked goods, pastries, and deserts that dated back to the 1860′s. In hopes you would be able to use the book to find something new to sell for the customers, just in time for the Spring as it was just a few more weeks away. 
You looked through the many boxes that were stored in your closet, setting them on the floor in front of you. One of the boxes you had opened held a variety of fabric and smaller boxes. One of the pieces of fabric caught your eye You picked it up, gently unfolding it and holding it out in front of you as it was revealed to be an old yellow dress you wore on your first outing with your ex-husband. The next dress you found was the one you had worn when you first found out you were pregnant, it was a beautiful shade of blue like the sea and printed with floral designs. It was a dress your mother made for you. Digging deeper, you found the small box that contained your wedding band. You felt your stomach sink as your heart swelled with emotion. The memories you had shared with him since you were young. Taking a deep breath and shaking your head before the tears could form, ‘It’s in the past’ You reminded yourself as your quickly set the contents back in the box and placed the lid on. When you reached into the second box you felt something soft against your fingers, gently pulling it out. It was a cotton sheet that was tied with a lilac ribbon. 
You curiously untied the cotton bag, letting out a small gasp as the corners fell and draped over your lap. Your eyes widened at the pair of baby slippers. One pair was knitted in what used to be white wool, which now started to grow beige over time. The other pair looked nicer, being that they were store bought instead of hand-made. They were navy in color with white stripes around the ankle. When you were pregnant with Elizabeth, you and your husband had little money, so your mother took the liberty in giving you the hand-knitted socks. By the time you were pregnant with Henry your husband had a better job and you both owned a decent amount of money, so you had bought the second pair in a local store in London. You sniffled and cursed to yourself as the memories and guilt flooded through you once again. You gently placed them back in the rag and tied them up before placing it back in the box and putting them back in your closet after you found what you were looking for, hidden away and out of sight. 
The very next day you took the day off from the bakery. Sitting at your vanity, applying mascara on your lashes. 
“How come you’re wearing makeup, mum?” Elizabeth asked as she entered your room and sat herself down on your bed, her feet dangling off the side.
“I always wear makeup,” You inform her with a glance through the mirror as you focus on the task. 
“Are you going on a date?” She asked, you chortle and put the brush and pan of mascara away in the drawer.
“No, love I am not,” You told her, which caused her to nod quietly. You picked up the tube of lipstick. 
“Are you trying to look pretty for Thomas?” She then asked, you set the lip stick down and sigh as you turn your full attention to her.
“Elizabeth.” You warn. She only put her hands up in defense as she hopped off of the bed and left you alone in the room.
“You better be ready in one hour!” You called to her. You applied the light lipstick before blotting the excess on a tissue. You stood up, smoothing down your dress. It was a beautiful lavender shade with white detailing. It was simple and casual but still appropriate for your day with Thomas. You take a deep breath as you stop at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for Thomas’ arrival.
Just as you had stepped into the living room, you groaned at the mess your children had made of it. Their books and toys scattered around the room.
"Elizabeth, Henry!" You called, followed by a tsk. Finding it useless in asking them to clean up. You scanned the room, picking up any toy or book you could and attempting to find a place to put them. You scoffed at yourself and set the books on the shelf haphazardly and ran up the stairs to quickly place the toys in the toy box. A knock at the door caused you to gasp. It was Thomas. Running down the stairs to throw the last of the books on the shelves.
"You two know I cleaned the house, please pick up after yourselves! This is just..," You give up and sigh heavily. Kicking the last of the toys under the couch.
Out of sight, out of mind.
You smooth down your dress once more and fix any stray hairs as you open the front door. Thomas stood on the front steps, wearing his peaked cap, coat, and gloves. You smiled at him.
"Thomas…Hi," You heard the two sets of feet bounding down the wooden stairs and stopping behind you.
"(Y/n)…Elizabeth, Henry," He nodded in acknowledgment to your children who now stood in front of you.
"Hi Mr. Shelby," Henry said.
"Hello, Thomas," Elizabeth's voice was as stoic as her expression. You tsked again and threw your coat on before having the children lead the way. Thomas suggested you all go for a drive. The trees were starting to gain their leaves back this time of year and thought your kids would have a good time running up and down the hills and picking flowers. Upon your arrival to your secret destination, he opened the door for you and your children to exit the vehicle.
If Thomas Shelby was anything besides a criminal, he was a gentleman.
A good one at that.
You smiled brightly at him, your lips painted the slightest shade of red to match the natural blush of your cheeks.
The sun was shining bright that day, opposite of your usual gloomy Birmingham weather. The sun kissed your cheeks and warmed your skin, slightly. It was still cool out, but at least your kids got to soak up what little bit of sun that had peeked from behind the clouds. You took a breath of fresh air as you walked to the open grass. The large trees being the only thing providing shade. You set a large blanket down under the tree, Thomas sitting down beside you as Henry and Elizabeth took off running down the hill. You grin in contentment as you watch them from afar, shouting and chasing each other around the field.
“How do you do it?” He asked. You glanced at him, your shaded glasses over your eyes to shield the harsh rays of the sun.
“Do what?”
“Take care of the both of them by yourself,”
You took a deep breath and shrugged. Slightly shaking your head as you thought for a moment.
“It gets easier as they get older, but the older they get the less dependent they are on me,”
“That should be a good thing,” He spoke. You didn’t expect him to get it right away since he never got the chance to share the same feelings you did when it came to being a parent.
“It is sometimes, but they’re still going to be my babies no matter what, I won’t treat them like that forever but I also don’t want them to think that just because they grow up they don’t need me anymore,” You explained. You wished you could follow your own advice. The regret of pushing your own family away still plagues your mind to this day.
“I don’t just feed them, I bathe them, play games with them…I hug them when they’re sad and teach them things that I wished my family taught me before I had to learn them the hard way,”
“All we really know is the hard way…that can benefit them,” He said, blowing smoke out of his mouth. You nod in contemplation at this response.
“In some cases yeah,” You agreed. “I like to foster their self-interests, it helps ‘em find activities they enjoy,”
“I did the same with my boy, he loved horses…his mother wasn’t very fond of them, and the horses here are far superior to the horses in America,”
“Speaking from experience or is that a biased opinion?” You chuckled
“A bit of both,” The laughs eased into silence, the birds chirping were the only sounds that could be heard besides the screams and laughs of your children in the distance as they fed the birds by the pond. You wondered if their father had done the same for them. He wasn’t the most motivating man when it came to your marriage but he sure as hell was reassuring but you still wondered if he gave them the same motivation and reassurance.
‘No I shouldn’t think so negatively about him, I should still have faith in him’ You thought.
“Mummy!” Henry called as he ran up to you, slightly panting with Elizabeth running up behind him. Looking away from Thomas and up at their red faces and messy, winded hair.
“Yes, Love,”
Henry pulled out a crooked paper airplane, made from what looked like an old homework assignment.
“A boy in my class tried to teach me how to make a parchment aero-plane but it doesn’t fly very good,” He said, a small frown of disappointment.
“Let me see here, Henry,” Thomas leaned forward to hold out his hand for the boy to pass it to him. He took the small plane in his hands and examined it, he tsked before nodding once.
“That boy in your class had no idea what he’s doing…Here let me show you,” Thomas said before scooting over so Henry could take a seat beside him and watch Thomas unfold the paper. Elizabeth sat at your side and rested her head on your shoulder as she watched as well, calming her breaths. 
“...And you fold it like this…and you got yourself an aero-plane,” Thomas finished, handing the plane back to Henry as it was in better shape and had more of a sturdy structure to it. Henry smiled in delight, examining it with big bright eyes.
“Thank you, Mr. Shelby,”
“Let's go see if she flies now, boy,” Thomas said as he stood up. Henry followed suit and stopped just before the steep of the hill. Thomas held the plane, demonstrating how to throw it properly.
“Have you thrown a dart before, Henry?” He asked. Henry nodded.
“Yeah, dad taught me before,” He said, glancing up at Thomas.
“Good, now it’s just like that, all in the wrists,” He says as he motions how to throw it, giving the plane back to Henry. He counted down for Henry who jumped in excitement when he saw how smoothly the plane coasted the air and down the hill. It only went a few feet but Henry was ecstatic that it worked. You watched them interact together from your spot on the blanket. A smile started forming on your face, unbeknownst to you as your heart leaped at how your son already took a liking to Thomas.
“He asked dad to teach him last week…but dad was too busy,” Elizabeth said quietly. You turned your head to look at her as your hand was petting her beautiful long hair.
“Too busy?” You repeated, wondering what on earth had his attention rather than focusing on his kids.  
“Yeah…He works a lot, always running his bakery and having meetings with the men he works with,” She said, you had to refrain from rolling your eyes. It upset you that he fought to see his children every other week when he’s already too enveloped in his own work to ever really spend quality time with them. You cleared your throat.
“Love…does your father take you two to your lessons?" You asked. She looked up at you, squinting a bit from the sun, you took your shaded glasses off and set them over her eyes.
"Sometimes, when the bakery is super busy he forgets...or he gets one of his workers to take us," She said. This made your stomach tighten and your chest feel heavy with anger as you swallowed your words of concern and formed your lips in a tight line, but you knew deep down he cared for his family and had a huge soft spot for your children and he wouldn't put them in harms way, he was a tough, scary man on the outside and everyone knew not to fuck with him.
"Okay Love, as long as your father trusts these men, then okay but make sure you go to your lessons from now on...nag him if you have to," You mumble the last part.
After a few hours of walking along the grass and going down to the lake to look at the ducks and fish in the water, Thomas packed the car and took the drive back home. The sun was starting to set as the sky turned from a beautiful bright blue to a pink and purple sky. The all too familiar smoke of and clouds started to cover the sky the closer you got to the city. He parked the car in front of your home, the kids jumping out of the car and running inside. When the two of you stepped out of the car, he walked beside you.
"I had fun today," You smiled. "Thank you,"
"My pleasure, you deserve a break," He said. Just as you stopped at the front door you turned to him.
"Would you like to stay for dinner?"
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choicemall · 5 days
How Can I Personalize a Potli Bag?
Potli bags, with their timeless charm and cultural significance, are not just functional accessories but also stylish additions to any outfit. These small drawstring pouches, often associated with Indian traditional wear, have evolved into a fashion statement and can be personalized to reflect your individual style or mark a special occasion. Whether you’re looking to create a customized gift or add a unique touch to your wardrobe, personalizing a potli bag offers endless creative possibilities. In this blog, we'll explore how you can personalize a potli bag, from choosing the fabric to adding embellishments and monograms. Let's dive into the various techniques and ideas to make your potli bag one-of-a-kind.
1. Choosing the Right Fabric
The first step in personalizing a potli bag is selecting the fabric. The fabric not only determines the overall look and feel of the bag but also plays a crucial role in how other elements like embellishments and embroidery will adhere to it. Here are some fabric options that work well for potli bags:
Silk: Silk gives a luxurious touch and is a common choice for traditional potli bags. It’s perfect for formal occasions like weddings and festive events.
Velvet: Velvet adds a rich, royal vibe and provides a soft texture that enhances the bag’s elegance. It’s a popular choice for winter events.
Cotton: For a more casual or eco-friendly option, cotton is a great choice. It’s breathable and easy to work with for prints and dyes.
Brocade: A traditional fabric featuring intricate patterns, brocade is often used for potli bags meant for festive or bridal purposes.
Linen: If you want a more rustic, earthy look, linen is perfect. It gives a minimalist and natural vibe to the potli bag.
Once you've selected the fabric, you can move on to other customization aspects, keeping in mind how each will complement your choice of material.
2. Adding Embroidery
Embroidery is one of the most effective ways to personalize a potli bag. You can choose traditional or contemporary embroidery designs based on the occasion or purpose of the bag. Here are a few embroidery techniques that can add a unique flair:
Zardozi: A form of traditional Indian embroidery that uses metallic threads, Zardozi can give your potli bag a regal look. Perfect for weddings or festive occasions, this type of embroidery often features floral and paisley designs.
Thread Embroidery: Simple thread embroidery allows for more personalized designs, like initials, names, or abstract patterns. You can match the thread color to the fabric or choose contrasting colors for a more vibrant effect.
Mirror Work: Mirror embroidery, also known as shisha work, involves attaching small mirrors to the fabric. It creates a reflective, eye-catching effect, adding sparkle and depth to your potli bag.
Beadwork and Sequins: These can be incorporated into embroidery for extra glamor. Beads and sequins are perfect for evening or party wear bags, making them stand out.
Embroidery offers limitless options for customization, allowing you to craft a potli bag that resonates with your personal taste or the event you're designing it for.
3. Monograms and Initials
One of the simplest and most elegant ways to personalize a potli bag is by adding monograms or initials. Monogramming can be done using embroidery, printing, or even using metallic or leather patches. This technique adds a personalized touch, making the potli bag ideal for gifting or as a keepsake.
Metallic Threads: If you want to keep it subtle but chic, embroider your initials using metallic threads like gold or silver. This adds a touch of sophistication.
Bold Letters: For a modern and bold look, opt for large, colorful initials embroidered or printed on the front of the potli bag.
Custom Labels: You can also create custom labels with your name or initials and attach them to the bag. This is particularly great for branding purposes if you're making multiple potli bags for an event or as part of a product line.
Monograms make the potli bag truly unique and personal, and they’re versatile enough to suit any fabric or style of bag.
4. Using Tassels and Pom-Poms
Tassels and pom-poms can be added to potli bags for a playful or traditional touch. These accessories are easy to attach to the drawstring or the body of the bag and come in various colors and sizes, allowing you to mix and match according to the fabric and design of your bag.
Tassels: Available in silk, cotton, or metallic threads, tassels add a boho-chic vibe to the bag. You can also personalize tassels by adding tiny charms, beads, or shells.
Pom-Poms: These fun, fluffy adornments are great for adding color and texture to your potli bag. Use multiple colors to create a vibrant, playful look, or stick to a single color for a more minimalist feel.
Thread and Bead Tassels: For a more intricate design, opt for thread tassels with beaded details. These are ideal for special occasions, giving the potli bag a luxurious touch.
Tassels and pom-poms can easily be swapped or changed to refresh the bag’s look for different occasions.
5. Adding Decorative Borders
Another way to personalize a potli bag is by adding decorative borders or trims. These can be lace, ribbon, or beaded borders that line the edges of the bag, creating a polished and finished look.
Lace: Delicate lace borders can add a vintage or feminine touch to your potli bag, perfect for weddings or bridal showers.
Ribbon: Satin or silk ribbons can be tied around the drawstring or sewn along the seams to add a splash of color or contrast. You can also use printed ribbons to include patterns or text.
Beaded Trim: A beaded border can create a high-end, opulent feel, perfect for festive or formal occasions. The beads can either match the fabric or contrast for a striking effect.
Decorative borders help define the overall aesthetic of the potli bag, whether you’re going for something delicate or bold.
6. Custom Prints and Patterns
For a more modern approach, you can personalize your potli bag by incorporating custom prints or patterns. Digital printing technology makes it easy to add almost any design to the fabric, from photos to abstract art.
Block Printing: A traditional method that involves stamping patterns onto the fabric using carved wooden blocks. You can customize the design, color, and pattern to make the potli bag unique.
Screen Printing: This allows for intricate and colorful designs that can include anything from motifs to logos. Perfect for branding or large events.
Digital Printing: You can print photos, illustrations, or any custom design directly onto the fabric using digital printing technology. This is great for creating bespoke bags with a contemporary twist.
Custom prints allow you to break free from traditional designs and create something that truly reflects your personal style.
7. Incorporating Charms and Jewelry
Charms and small pieces of jewelry can be attached to the drawstrings or sewn onto the bag to give it a personalized touch. You can use initials, symbols, or even small gemstones to make the potli bag special.
Metal Charms: Small metal charms in the shape of initials, stars, or other motifs can be attached to the drawstrings or added as a decorative element.
Gemstones: For an extra touch of luxury, sew small gemstones or crystals onto the fabric or attach them to the tassels.
Adding charms and jewelry not only enhances the beauty of the potli bag but also gives it a more personalized, thoughtful touch.
Personalizing a potli bag is a fun and creative way to make this traditional accessory uniquely yours. From selecting the right fabric and adding embroidery to incorporating tassels, monograms, and custom prints, there are countless ways to create a potli bag that reflects your personal style or celebrates a special occasion. Whether you're crafting a gift, creating a keepsake, or simply enhancing your wardrobe, a personalized potli bag is a beautiful and meaningful way to express yourself.
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favouritefab-blog · 1 month
Choosing the Right Wholesale Gift Bags for Your Event
When planning an event, whether it’s a wedding, corporate gathering, or birthday party, the details matter. One detail that can leave a lasting impression on your guests is the gift bag. A well-chosen gift bag not only reflects the theme and style of your event but also adds a personal touch to the experience. However, with so many options available, choosing the right wholesale gift bags can be overwhelming. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the key considerations to help you make the perfect choice for your event.
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1. Understand Your Event’s Theme and Style
The first step in choosing the right gift bag is to consider the overall theme and style of your event. The gift bag should complement the event’s decor and ambiance.
Weddings: For a classic wedding, you might opt for elegant gift bags in neutral tones like white, ivory, or gold. For a rustic or boho-themed wedding, consider bags made from natural materials like jute or burlap, adorned with lace or floral prints.
Corporate Events: If you’re organizing a corporate event, go for sleek and professional-looking bags in colors that match your brand’s palette. Customization with your company’s logo can also enhance brand visibility.
Birthday Parties: For a birthday celebration, especially for children, opt for vibrant and colorful bags with fun prints or characters that match the party theme.
2. Consider the Size and Shape
The size and shape of the gift bag should be appropriate for the items you plan to include. Think about what you’re gifting and choose a bag that accommodates those items comfortably.
Small Gifts: Jewelry, candles, or small keepsakes may only require small, dainty bags. Mini tote bags or pouches work well for these.
Medium-Sized Gifts: Books, stationery, or boxed treats fit nicely in medium-sized bags. Look for versatile options like paper or non-woven bags that are sturdy enough to hold their shape.
Large Gifts: If your gifts are bulkier, such as bottles of wine or large books, you’ll need larger, more robust bags. Consider bags with reinforced handles or structured designs to ensure they can hold the weight.
3. Material Matters
The material of your gift bags is another important factor, especially when considering durability, appearance, and environmental impact.
Paper Bags: Ideal for a wide range of events, paper bags are eco-friendly and can be easily customized with prints or logos. They come in various weights, so you can choose based on the sturdiness you need.
Non-Woven Bags: These reusable bags are perfect for eco-conscious events. They’re durable, versatile, and can be customized with different printing techniques. Non-woven bags are great for larger gifts or when you want to provide a bag that guests can reuse.
Fabric Bags: For a more luxurious feel, consider fabric bags made from cotton, jute, or satin. These are perfect for high-end events or when you want to add a touch of elegance.
4. Customization Options
Adding a personal touch to your gift bags can make your event even more memorable. Customization options include printing, embroidery, or adding embellishments like ribbons or tags.
Printed Logos: For corporate events, printing your logo on the gift bag reinforces your brand and creates a cohesive look.
Personalized Messages: Adding a thank-you note, the event date, or a personalized message can make your guests feel appreciated. This is especially popular for weddings and milestone celebrations.
Decorative Elements: Consider adding decorative touches like bows, ribbons, or charms that align with your event’s theme. These small details can make a big impact.
5. Budget Considerations
When ordering wholesale gift bags, your budget is a crucial factor. It’s important to find a balance between cost and quality.
Bulk Discounts: Buying in bulk usually offers significant savings, but be sure to order a few extra bags to account for any last-minute additions or mistakes.
Material Costs: Some materials, like fabric or custom-printed bags, may be more expensive than standard paper bags. Consider your budget and prioritize where necessary.
Shipping and Handling: Don’t forget to factor in shipping costs, especially if you’re ordering from a supplier located far from your event venue.
6. Choosing a Reliable Supplier
Your choice of supplier can make or break your gift bag experience. Here are some tips for choosing the right wholesale supplier:
Reputation: Look for suppliers with good reviews and a solid reputation for delivering quality products on time.
Sample Orders: Before committing to a large order, request samples to ensure the bags meet your expectations in terms of material, size, and design.
Customer Service: Choose a supplier who offers excellent customer service, as they’ll be able to assist with any customization queries or order issues.
7. Think About Sustainability
In today’s world, sustainability is a key consideration for many event planners. Choosing eco-friendly gift bags can reduce your event’s environmental impact and align with the values of your guests.
Recyclable Materials: Opt for bags made from recyclable materials like paper or rPET (recycled PET plastic).
Reusable Bags: Encourage your guests to reuse their gift bags by choosing durable, attractive designs that they’ll want to use again.
Minimal Packaging: Reduce waste by avoiding unnecessary packaging or opting for minimalistic designs that still look chic.
Choosing the right wholesale gift bags for your event involves careful consideration of your event’s theme, the types of gifts you’ll be giving, your budget, and your sustainability goals. By taking the time to select the perfect bags, you’ll enhance the overall experience for your guests and leave a lasting impression. Whether you opt for simple elegance or bold customization, the right gift bag can turn a thoughtful gesture into a cherished memory.
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Organza’s unique combination of sheerness, crisp texture, and lightweight nature makes it incredibly versatile, with a wide range of applications:
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Bridal Wear: Organza is a staple in bridal fashion, used to create ethereal wedding gowns, veils, and accessories. Its ability to hold shapes and add volume makes it perfect for dramatic skirts, ruffles, and overlays that create a fairy-tale look.
Evening and Formal Wear: Designers often turn to organza for evening gowns and formal dresses, where its lustrous finish and structured texture add a touch of glamour and sophistication. Layering organza over other printed fabrics can create stunning visual effects and add depth to the design.
Accessories: Organza is also used in making accessories such as scarves, sashes, and shawls. Its lightweight and sheer quality makes it ideal for adding an elegant touch to any outfit without overwhelming it.
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Event Decorations
Weddings and Parties: Organza is a favorite for wedding and event decorations, including chair sashes, table runners, and floral arrangements. Its ability to catch and reflect light adds a magical touch to celebrations, creating a festive and elegant atmosphere.
Backdrops and Canopies: For events, organza can be used to create stunning backdrops, canopies, and drapes that transform spaces into enchanting venues. Its lightweight nature makes it easy to handle and install, while its sheer beauty enhances the overall aesthetic.
DIY Projects: Crafters use organza for a variety of DIY projects, from making fabric flowers and gift wraps to creating holiday ornaments. Its versatility and ease of manipulation make it a favourite among hobbyists.
Floral Arrangements: Organza is often used in artificial floral arrangements, where its delicate texture and sheen mimic the look of real flower petals. This application adds a touch of elegance to bouquets, wreaths, and centrepieces.
Caring for Organza Fabric
Proper care is essential to maintain the beauty and longevity of organza fabric. Here are some tips for caring for organza items:
Washing: Hand washing in cold water with a mild detergent is recommended for organza, especially if it is made from silk. For synthetic organza, gentle machine washing in a delicate cycle may be acceptable. Always check the care label for specific instructions.
Drying: Air drying is the best method for organza. Lay the fabric flat on a clean, dry towel to maintain its shape and prevent wrinkles. Avoid wringing or twisting the fabric, as this can damage its delicate fibres.
Ironing: If ironing is necessary, use a low heat setting and iron on the reverse side of the fabric. Placing a pressing cloth between the iron and the fabric can help protect the delicate fibres. Be cautious not to apply too much pressure, as this can flatten the fabric’s crisp texture.
Storage: Store organza items in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Hanging garments made from organza can help prevent wrinkles and creases. For added protection, store the items in garment bags or cover them with a cotton sheet.
Organza is a fabric that embodies elegance and sophistication, with a rich history and a wide range of applications. Its sheer, crisp, and lightweight nature makes it a favourite in fashion, event planning, and crafts. Whether creating a stunning wedding gown, adding a touch of luxury to home interiors, or crafting delicate floral arrangements, organza offers endless possibilities for those seeking to infuse their projects with beauty and refinement.
Understanding the characteristics and care requirements of organza helps appreciate its value and versatility. As we continue to explore new uses and innovations in fabric production, organza remains a timeless material that continues to captivate and inspire. Its enduring appeal and adaptability ensure that it will remain a staple in the world of textiles for years to come.
#oganza#fabric#digital print#print fabric
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happeninghippo · 11 months
Floral Fantasy: Flower-Adorned Bags and Accessories
In a world where fashion often strives to be cutting-edge and avant-garde, there's something timeless and deeply captivating about the simple beauty of flowers. They symbolize love, purity, and the fleeting nature of life. And when these delicate blooms grace our accessories, they transform them into expressions of elegance and emotional depth. Welcome to the world of "Floral Fantasy," where we delve into the enchanting world of flower-adorned bags and accessories that speak to your heart and soul.
The Language of Flowers
Flowers have long been the language of romance and sentiment, each bloom carrying its own unique message. From the passionate red rose to the delicate purity of the lily, flowers communicate in a way that words often fall short. When designers incorporate these exquisite natural elements into bags and accessories, they're essentially weaving a story into every piece.
The Blossoming Beauty of Handbags
Imagine a handbag adorned with an intricate display of delicate blooms. As you carry it, you're not just toting your essentials; you're showcasing an artistic masterpiece. The colors and patterns of the flowers can evoke feelings of joy, nostalgia, or love. A bag with a profusion of roses might whisper tales of passion, while a bag adorned with daisies invites the simplicity and purity of childhood days.
These floral handbags aren't just accessories; they are conversations starters. They invite compliments and questions, serving as a bridge between you and the admirer, who is often enchanted by the poetic symbolism of your bag's blooms.
Elevating Your Everyday Style
The beauty of flower-adorned accessories is that they can elevate even the most ordinary outfits. Your casual jeans and T-shirt ensemble suddenly becomes a fashion statement when you sling a floral bag over your shoulder. It's as if you've brought a piece of the garden with you, radiating a natural and genuine aura of charm.
Floral prints have a magical way of making us feel connected to nature, even in the hustle and bustle of the urban jungle. When you carry a floral handbag or wear a pair of flower-embellished shoes, you're expressing your love for the world's beauty, encapsulated in these petite and powerful symbols of nature.
Bridal Blooms
For brides-to-be, floral-adorned accessories hold an especially emotional resonance. Whether it's a clutch adorned with delicate orchids or a hairpiece featuring sprigs of baby's breath, these accessories become a part of the wedding day's narrative. They are a tribute to the beauty of the moment, the love shared, and the promise of a new beginning.
Every bride wants her wedding day to be memorable, and floral accessories serve as a charming reminder of the vows exchanged in the midst of nature's grandeur. They capture the essence of love's bloom in a tangible and touchable form.
An Ever-Blooming Trend
The allure of flower-adorned bags and accessories is not limited to any season or occasion. Whether you're preparing for a summer picnic, a cozy winter date, or a vibrant spring festival, floral accessories seamlessly transition from one season to another, mirroring nature's own ever-changing beauty.
These timeless pieces are an investment in lasting beauty. Unlike many fleeting fashion trends, flowers never go out of style. The language of flowers is eternal, and so are the emotions they stir within us.
The Emotion of Giving
Floral-adorned bags and accessories also make for heartwarming gifts. Gifting someone a flower-adorned bag is like saying, "You bring joy and beauty into my life," or "May your days be filled with the grace of nature's finest."
The emotions you put into selecting such a gift, combined with the message hidden in the choice of blooms, create a touching and memorable gesture. It's an acknowledgment of the recipient's individuality and the bond you share, wrapped in a beautifully adorned package.
Conclusion: The Emotional Connection
In the world of fashion, emotions often take a backseat to style and trends. However, with floral-adorned bags and accessories, the emotional connection takes center stage. These pieces aren't just items you wear; they are a representation of your heart and soul, a manifestation of the beauty and emotions you wish to convey to the world.
So, embrace the Floral Fantasy, and let nature's elegance bloom in your wardrobe. Let the flowers be your companions, and let their timeless beauty ignite emotions in your daily life. Whether you choose to carry a bouquet of roses or daisies, remember that, in the language of flowers, each petal speaks a different emotional tone, and you get to be the author of your own floral narrative through fashion.
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witchroad · 2 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Floral Vitrail Multi Stone Stretch Ring.
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theindiancreations · 4 years
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libraford · 4 years
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The short version: We had a serial thief at the flower shop. She’s retired recently and I think that due to Covid she really means it this time. 
The long version? hoooo boy, here we go.
This story, and others, are viewable on Tablo
There are rules and there are rules.
In dealing with shoplifting in retail, there are rules on how one engages with a thief. The handbook, if there were one, would consist of a single word. 
Don't pursue, don't interrogate, don't accuse. Let them take the merchandise, let them get away. Let them return the Cricut machine for an equivalent amount on a gift card to be exchanged once again for drugs. 
Let them. 
There is no handbook on how to handle Flower Thieves. Prior to working in a flower shop, I never thought that this was a problem. 
Life is surprising. 
 I'm sure some of you have figured that out by now. 
The Flower Thief is notorious, and she has a system. There are days when you simply know that she's going to be in. 
"Break the heads off the flowers before you throw them away," Grandpa will say. "She's going to be here tonight, I think." 
And sure enough, she would be. At 6:45, a quarter til we close- the Thief would announce her arrival. Loudly. 
"Heeeeey, baaaaaaby!" 
The very first time I encountered the Flower Thief, she came in through the back door. 
"Oh Hiiiii, Darlin'- ain't seen your face around here: you must be NEW! I'm Wren, you know- like the bird? Well, Kyle and I have an agreement that I come and work for y'all sometimes. You should take out this trash, it stinks to high heaven. Anyways, nice talkin' to ya, see ya later." 
I may only be a little bit psychic, but I've spent enough time around liars to know insincerity when I see it. Kyle, at the time, was the manager of our store and I have it on record that he's tried to throw her out of the building once or twice. 
While I was taking out the trash, her pile of purchase became so tall it towered over her. I watched Clark massively undercharge her for the sake of getting her to go away. 
She has a pattern.
She comes in during the design classes because she knows that when there's twenty people in the store, there's not enough people to watch her and make sure she's not stealing. "There's a class today," she asks as if it's not literally every Tuesday. "Don't worry I know you all wanna get out of here on time." 
The Flower Thief announces her presence in a grand way and then makes her way to the back to grab a trash bag or an empty box and then proceeds to bury any spare parts she finds in the cooler in the trash bag, hiding them under the things that she's actually buying. 
After that, she checks the garbage cans for things we might have thrown away that will last another three days and stuffs them underneath her other ill-gotten goods. 
Just when you think she's finished, she'll go through her pile of flowers and say: "You know what? I don't need this eucalyptus." And she'll go back into the cooler with it, stuff it in her purse, and walk back to the register. 
And when she's all done being sneaky, she asks one of us to come ring her out. 
This is the part that no one wants to do. Because ringing out the Flower Thief means haggling with the Flower Thief. 
"Oh baaby, you know I don't pay those prices." 
"Oh baaaby, I only pay $19 for roses." 
"Oh baaaaaaaaaby, those carnations were on special." 
She'll talk you down to under $100 with a sob story: 
"Oh baaaaby, you know I'm donating this spray to the family. It's for that woman you know- you know the one. She got herself murdered a couple nights ago? Two children and she was pregnant too! Pregnant! Can you believe it? Who murders someone with child? What's the world coming to? So I need a good discount to make sure we treat this family right because they got a looooong road ahead of them." 
"Oh baaaaaaby, you know this one's for that car crash over on Cleveland Avenue? I hear he was taking care of his dying father himself, so it's such a shame for him to go first like that." 
"Oh baaaaaaaaaaaaaaby, this is for that little boy that shot himself, isn't that sad?" 
Thank you, Sister Mary Loquacious. 
And you nod because you don't want to come off as an uncaring sociopath. And while you're nodding and adjusting the price for her sad, sad consequence and mulling over how good she is for donating to these people in their time of need, she steals some greens from the trash can and sticks them in her bag. 
She hands you crisp $100 bills. You check them and she makes jokes about how she printed them this morning. They're legit. Counterfeiting isn't why she went to prison. 
What she went to prison for was drug trafficking. 
"Do you need some help," you ask, trying to be a good citizen. 
"Oh no, I got it," she insists. "I'll make it in two trips. I'm stronger than I look!" 
And don't you dare get caught looking to see what she put in the bag or she will give you one hell of a lecture. 
By the time all of this has passed, the class will be over and there will two minutes left in the work day. She's spent thirty-seven minutes in the store. Your register is unbalanced because now you don't have enough small bills to balance it and only have one $100 bill to get you through tomorrow. 
And that's why there are rules. 
On occasion, a new person will break the rules not knowing that there's rules. One such occasion was when Clair decided to be helpful. 
"You know what? I don't need this eucalyptus," Wren said. 
"Oh! I'll put it back for you," Clair suggested. And before Wren could protest, it was out of Wren's hands and nowhere near her purse. 
It was mentioned to Sage, who only worked for us one summer, that Wren had failed to pay for something and she immediately chased her out into the street. 
Wren drives very fast. 
If you cross her too many times, she'll make sure you never forget it. One day, she stomped her way in through the front door, angry. 
"You ain't treated me better than a damn THIEF," screamed the Flower Thief. 
Grandpa, who was helping Blue make a wedding bouquet at the time, departed from the desk. "Beg pardon?"
"A thief! You been treating me like a thief ever since they made you manager and I'm sick of it! I see you bringing in your henchmen, following me in the cooler, chasing me down the street. Treat me with some damn respect." 
Words were exchanged. They were not kind. We thought we'd seen the end of her. 
But she was back one week later, doing the same damn thing. 
So now there are rules. 
If you make something and there's an excess of flowers left over from the pack, you have to make something out of the leftovers or she'll pick through them and stuff them in her bag. 
If you cannot make something out of them, you must throw them out. 
If you throw them out, you must break the heads off first. 
The trash cans must be emptied every night before 5:00. 
We do not keep trash bags in plain sight. 
Break down all empty boxes, or she will use them in place of trash bags. 
Do not leave any food or drink where she can find it. 
Do not leave any half-used rolls of floral tape where she can find it. 
Do not let her know anything about you- lest she use it against you. 
If you speak of a Thief, you summon a Thief- speak quietly, and never her name or you invite trouble. 
The basic rules one makes when dealing with pests. Or fairy-folk.
There are rules and there are rules and there are rules. 
If you want to keep a pest away, you make these sorts of rules. But if you want to get rid of a pest indefinitely, you have to remove their food source. And Wren's food source was her discount. 
You start exercising your right to say 'no' to a customer in small ways. 
She saw a bunch of carnations in the trash and said: 
"Oh baby, these are still good! I'll take them off your hands for you!" 
"They've been sitting without water for hours." 
"They're still good!" 
"They were out in the sun." 
"Oh baby, I've been working with flowers for 40 years and I know that these will still be fine for a couple of days!" She picks a bunch of them out of the trash and shoves it in my face. "See, it's still stiff- it's still good!" 
"Okay," I said. And before I could stop myself: "Full price."
Her eyes just about popped out of her skull. If it were just a little bit colder, I would have been able to see steam coming out of her ears. 
We stared at each other for about a minute, waiting for the other to flinch. She took the bunch away from my face and threw them back into the trash. While she was in the cooler, I took the liberty of snapping the heads off of them and burying them further into the garbage. 
And so began a war between the flower shop and the Flower Thief.
She came in: every single night. And each night, she got me. 
"Oh no, baby! These carns are supposed to be 39 cents a stem. I can bring up the email." 
"Sure." She brings up the email. "I see that they are 39 cents but... this was for Saturday." 
"Yea, and I bought those carns on Saturday and you charged me full price!" 
"You didn't buy these on Saturday. You bought them Friday." 
"Well I didn't know that they'd be on sale, so I need them for that price because I didn't know they'd be on sale." 
"The sales are one-day only. I can't adjust a sale from Friday to reflect Saturday's sale... on Sunday." 
She made a noise that reminds me somewhat of a cement mixer. 
 And again.
"I got a bad banner last time, can you print me a new one?" She shows me the banner in question. It's white. The 't' and the 'h' in 'mother' ran together. 
"Okay, I need it to say 'Beloved Mother' and I want it in pink." 
I print it. I ring her up $5. 
"Oh baaaaaaby, no, that one should be free." 
"Grandpa said- banners start at $5." 
"Oh, but you sold me a bad one last time." 
"We haven't sold you a banner in three weeks. How long have y'all had that body sitting in your cooler?" 
She grumbled, and paid. 
 And again. 
"I swear you been workin' every night this week! You must be tired," she said, nerves plain in her voice. "When do you get a day off?" 
"When the work is done." 
"That ain't what I'm askin'. When's your next day off, baby?"
"I stop working when the work is done, Wren." 
She narrows her eyes, which is a fun change from them bugging out of her skull like a fruit fly. "You don't ever get any days off?" 
"When the work stops, I rest."
 And again. 
"I'll be in and out, I know y'all want to get out of here on time," she said- announcing her presence to the entire class. She piled her stuff across the register counter and Grandpa began ringing her up. 
"Oh baby..." 
"No. We're doing away with the discounts." 
There are twenty people in the workshop for the class and Grandpa doesn't want to make a scene. She pulls her into the back, and I choose to make my instructions louder to mask the sound of them yelling. 
"So you're going to take your hypericum berries and you're going to cut the stem to about ten inches-" 
"How can you do this to me?" 
"And you're going to slowly fill the vase with these berries to kind of set the shape of the arrangement." 
"After all these years and this is how you treat me?" 
"Fun fact- you might know hypericum berries as their more common name: St John's Wort! St. John's Wort has been used as a medication for depression prior to modern medicine." You see- I, too, have taken notes from the Chattering Order.
"You can't do this to me," Wren said, stamping her feet like a toddler.
"But I wouldn't recommend eating them. However, they do smell somewhat like baked brown sugar." 
Stamp, stamp, stamp. 
Wren threw herself into the cooler and began putting a bulk of her flowers back. 
"This is robbery," I heard her say to Grandpa at the register. 
"Is it now?" 
 And again. 
She came in and immediately reached for a half-empty box of oasis bricks (the green sponge material that we use to hold flowers.) She said few words to me, few at all. She talked to Carrie about how she was going out to the country for awhile, to take care of her nephew's property. She needed to stock up. And oh- don't worry about it, she knows what she's doing. She's part of The Family.
She is in no manner of speaking, a member of The Family that owns this shop. Not even a third cousin. 
I saw her beeline for a rose I'd set in the trash. I picked it up, opened my mouth, and bit the head off of it. She stood in the middle of the workshop, absolutely stunned. 
Rose petals have the vague texture of arugula, by the way. Slightly sweeter, though. Tough to swallow in one go. 
She ran back into the cooler and didn't talk to me. 
I began taking down numbers. 
27 bricks of oasis. One pack of roses. Ten calla lilies. 1/2 pack of assorted greens. 
I punched the numbers in to the register. As if sensing something was amiss, she emerged from the cooler. 
"$54? What do I have that's $54?" 
"The oasis. They're $2 each." 
"Oh no baaaaaby, they're $1." 
"I can text Grandpa and ask her." 
"... that won't be necessary. Why are you charging me $22.50 for roses? You know my prices by now!" 
"22.50 is the price for a pack of roses." 
"22.50 is everybody prices." 
"Welcome to 'everybody.'" 
"I ain't paid a price increase in 7 years!" 
"The price of milk went up, Wren. So does everything else." 
She was seeing red, I knew it. There's a vein in her forehead that pops out when she's angry and it's the same shape as the river that runs through my home town. She sized me up, as if wondering if she could take me. 
I'm 256 pounds of 4H beef, and I have a knife. Try me. 
"I'm gonna call Kyle on this." 
"Do it." A lifetime of retail has made me immune to 'I'd like to speak to the manager.' 
She grumbled and put things back. Carrie offered to watch her, I held up my hand. 
"Can you do something for me  on these carns? They're the last pack in there and they're lookin' kinda ratty." 
"9.50's the regular price." 
"Regular price is $14." 
"No it ain't." 
"Is today. You're taking our last pack and we need those for funerals." 
She put them back. 
She gave me a credit card. It seemed fake, but it ran. Every time I see here, she's got a different card. Did she print this one this morning, too? At least she stopped trying to sell me on Bitcoin. As you can see, it made her incredibly wealthy. 
She gathered her things and left. "Guess I'm getting the rest of my flowers from KROGER!" 
There are things you want to say. Like... I hope they enjoy your company just as much as we do. Or: Haven't graced them with your presence in awhile, huh? But at the time, it was better just to watch her leave with her minuscule bunch of flowers. I get a choice in where I loan my voice. 
Not here. 
Is it over? Nah. She'll be back for another round. But one day she'll finally retire in the way that she's always threatened to. And then? Then it can be as over as it ever will be. 
It is shocking to come from a history of retail, where you're not allowed to even hint at the idea of a customer being wrong, where you have to override every single price change to get the scores up, where you have to just let them steal your things and pull the wool over your eyes... 
... to flat-out telling someone 'no.' 
It's such a great word. 
There are rules and there are rules. 
And there are thieves that the rules are made for. 
And there are words like 'no.' 
And all those things are magic in very human ways. 
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criminalrambling · 3 years
It Only Takes a Taste pt. 1
When things got stressful or you needed to take your mind off of things, you would bake. Pulling out a favorite recipe or trying a new one was a way to open a door to somewhere else… maybe a Parisian patisserie with some pain au chocolat, or your grandma's kitchen with her famous blueberry pie. It helped you escape for a while, and you loved to share the treats with friends and family.
Your neighbor Penelope Garcia was one common recipient of these goodies, in part due to proximity but also because you knew her job required her and her colleagues to deal with some super gruesome stuff… she hadn't shared too many specifics, but you knew that she helped catch serial killers, and that was enough to get the gist. She would sometimes come by when she returned home to sit in your kitchen with a mug of tea, talking about anything but work!
You'd tell her about the books you'd read that week, your latest craft project and what was happening with the planning for your brothers wedding. She would share about what she and her co-workers had gotten up to on girls night, and her favorite blogs for fashion tips and cute puppy photos. And you'd send her home with a tupperware or Ziploc bag full of baked goods to take to work. You hoped she and the team enjoyed them, plus it felt nice to share with others.
The entire team loved when Penelope would stroll in carrying a stash of treats, but none quite as much as notorious snack-fiend Spencer Reid.
He'd stop what he was doing every time he heard Penelope's heels clatter across the floor towards the empty desk that had become a congregation point for the team.
"Greetings, earthlings! I have sustenance!" She would chime happily, clapping her hands together after setting the bag or tray down.
"What do we got, li'l mama?" Derek asked, turning his chair towards Penelope, eyebrows raised.
"There's a toffee crunch blondie for the tame ones, or an espresso fudge brownie for those who like it dark and smooth." She replied with a wink.
Mouth watering, Spencer selected one of each to go with his coffee. JJ joined him, taking a bite of her blondie.
"Oh my god, Pen, these are great. Thank you!" JJ exclaimed.
"Any time I am gifted with sweets, I am always happy to share the wealth!"
"Who were they from? New boyfriend?" Derek asked, accepting the brownie that Penelope passed him.
"Nope. As usual, my neighbor and confidante Y/N."
"You should hang out with her more often. And bring us the spoils!" Emily argued, waving to Penelope in thanks before heading back to work.
Spencer silently agreed. Anyone who could prepare something so balanced and special had to be a wonderful person. She was clearly generous, since she always shared with Penelope… he found himself wondering about Y/N every time his bubbly colleague brought her up. Not what she looked like, that was irrelevant. Would she listen to jazz as she baked? An audiobook or podcast? Who were her favorite authors? He hoped someday they would all have an occasion to meet Y/N so he could find out.
You were on your way home from a pilates class when you felt your phone buzzing in your bag. Yanking it out, you saw it was Penelope and grinned as you answered.
"Hey Penny, what's up?"
"Hi! Not a lot, well, I mean a couple things with the work and the volunteering and stuff but not really that much! Any way, I wanted to invite you to this brunch party that my boss is hosting at his ridiculously gorgeous house. I'm making my famous marg-mosas!"
"That sounds great! When is it?"
"Next Saturday at 11:00. The weather looks nice so I think it will be outdoors for at least some of the time."
"Ok, awesome, I'm free. Is there anything I can bring? Some bubbly or cinnamon rolls?"
"I don't think anyone would say no to more of your baking, but whatever you feel like bringing or not bringing is totally fine. We can carpool? I'll come by and grab you at 10:15, his place is a bit of a drive."
You agreed to her plans and said your goodbyes. What a fun idea! Garden brunch at a mansion, who could say no to that? You hoped Penelope's friends were as great as she was. Now… what would you wear? And more importantly, what would you bake?!
Spencer had been looking forward to the team brunch at Rossi's even more than usual once Penelope had mentioned that Y/N would be in attendance. He'd arrived unfashionably early, and sat at Rossi's kitchen island with a cup of coffee while his host made the final adjustments to the various dishes that would be served.
Soon, JJ, Will and the boys arrived, followed by Derek and Savannah. The group of them caught up on the patio, and while he was definitely curious how Henry was doing in school he couldn't help losing his focus every time the doorbell rang. Finally, he heard Penelope's loud greeting to Rossi and a softer introduction of her friend. His eyes widened in anticipation of seeing Y/N, who he'd wondered so much about.
The first thing he noticed as they rounded the corner was her bright smile and shiny, soft-looking hair. She was dressed casually, wearing a white tee that was tucked into a floral print skirt that ended a few inches below her knees and a slim pair of sneakers. Rossi was clearly enamored with her, finding plenty in common with another accomplished home cook as he welcomed her to his home. She carried a large tray covered in foil wrapping, and he wondered what she'd brought.
He soon didn't have to wonder, as Penelope ushered her friend over to the group on the patio.
"Friends, this is Y/N! My neighbor, friend and beloved source of baked goods. Y/N, meet Derek and his girlfriend Savannah, JJ, Will and their boys, and Spencer."
"It's so nice to meet all of you!" Y/N said, sounding genuinely pleased but looking a little more reserved. As the conversation continued she seemed to become more comfortable, making a couple of jokes and sharing more about herself. Spencer felt she was even better than he'd imagined… her favorite musician was either Etta James or Taylor Swift, and she'd gone into great detail about a podcast she'd listened to recently about medical malpractice in a Dallas-area hospital. It was clear she was someone with strong opinions and intelligence, but a bright outlook on the world around her. Spencer thought he could use some of that optimism in his life.
Rossi and a couple of hired servers ushered them over to the dining table that had been set up, asking everyone to take their seats. Miraculously, Spencer was able to get a seat close enough to Y/N that he knew they'd be able to talk throughout the morning. Mugs of coffee and champagne were passed around, and then Rossi proposed a toast.
"To this family of the BAU, and to friends old and new. For you I am thankful and blessed. Saluti!"
Spencer clinked his mug of black coffee to Y/N's own, with a small smile that he hoped was appealing. New friends indeed!
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favouritefab-blog · 2 months
Wedding Bags pages
Make Your Special Day Even More Memorable with Favourite Fab's Wedding Bags
At Favourite Fab, we understand the importance of every detail in making your wedding day perfect. Our exquisite collection of Wedding Bags is designed to add a touch of elegance and practicality to your celebration. Whether you are looking for favor bags, gift bags, or carry bags for your wedding, our non-woven fabric bags are the ideal choice.
Key Features
Premium Quality Material: Our Wedding Bags are made from high-quality non-woven fabric, ensuring durability and a luxurious feel.
Elegant Designs: Available in a variety of sophisticated designs, colors, and sizes to match your wedding theme and style.
Customizable: Personalize your bags with names, dates, and unique messages to create a lasting impression on your guests.
Eco-Friendly: Our bags are reusable and recyclable, making them an environmentally friendly option for your wedding.
Versatile Usage: Perfect for welcome bags, favor bags, gift bags, and more.
Why Choose Favourite Fab's Wedding Bags?
Superior Craftsmanship: Our bags are crafted with attention to detail, ensuring that they meet the highest standards of quality and aesthetics.
Customizable Options: We offer a range of customization options to make your wedding bags truly unique and reflective of your special day.
Environmentally Conscious: Choosing our eco-friendly bags means making a sustainable choice without compromising on elegance.
Affordable Luxury: We provide high-quality wedding bags at competitive prices, ensuring that you get the best value for your money.
Customization Options
Print Options: Customize your bags with beautiful prints, including floral patterns, monograms, and wedding motifs.
Handles: Choose from a variety of handle types, including ribbon handles, rope handles, and die-cut handles.
Colors and Sizes: Available in a wide range of colors and sizes to fit your specific needs and preferences.
Personalization: Add a personal touch with names, dates, or special messages.
Welcome Bags: Greet your guests with a warm welcome by providing them with a beautifully designed welcome bag filled with essentials and goodies.
Favor Bags: Perfect for handing out wedding favors, ensuring your guests have a memorable keepsake from your special day.
Gift Bags: Ideal for presenting gifts to the bridal party, family members, and special guests.
Carry Bags: Provide a stylish and practical way for your guests to carry their belongings during the wedding festivities.
Q: What materials are used in Wedding Bags? A: Our Wedding Bags are made from high-quality non-woven fabric, which is durable, elegant, and environmentally friendly.
Q: Can I customize the Wedding Bags with my wedding details? A: Yes, we offer a variety of customization options, including adding names, dates, and special messages to make your bags unique.
Q: What is the minimum order quantity for custom Wedding Bags? A: The minimum order quantity varies based on the customization requirements. Please contact us for specific details.
Q: How long does it take to produce custom Wedding Bags? A: Production time typically ranges from 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the order size and customization complexity.
Q: Are these bags reusable? A: Yes, our Wedding Bags are designed to be reusable, providing lasting value beyond the wedding day.
Get in Touch
Ready to add a touch of elegance to your wedding with our exquisite Wedding Bags? Contact us today to discuss your requirements and get a quote. At Favourite Fab, we are committed to making your special day even more memorable with our premium products and exceptional service.
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sambergscott · 5 years
like a sexy zoo keeper
(pregnant amy is kinda insecure but jake thinks she looks great/amy wearing melissa’s animal print dress. for @amez-santiago​)
He turns off the water and steps out the shower, wrapping a towel round his waist and humming it’s the most wonderful time of the year as he heads back to their bedroom. He pauses in the doorway, regarding a familiar scene from the last few months: his wife stood in front of the mirror, hands on her bump, examining herself from every angle. He hates that pregnancy has made her so self-conscious because, to him, she’s the most beautiful person in the world.
“Lookin’ good, babe,” he reminds her, piercing the silence and making her jump. “Sorry.” He closes the gap between them and apologises with a kiss on the cheek.
“How long were you stood there?”
“Couple of minutes,” he estimates. “What were you thinkin’ about?”
“My ankles look really fat today,” she says sullenly, pointing at the offending body part. Yesterday, it was her butt (which is Insane, because he loves her butt), the day before it was her fingers (he came home from work to a very pregnant, very upset wife whose wedding rings no longer fit). He’s been thinking about developing a game show pilot: Which Part Of My Pregnant Wife’s Body Does She Hate Today (the title needs some work). Her boobs are the only thing she’s never had a problem with. Pregnancy boobs are awesome. At least they’re in agreement there.
“Your ankles are swollen because you’re pregnant with our baby.”
A smile appears on her face at the phrase “our baby”. It’s been seven months and it’s all still so surreal and exciting, the fact that they will soon be parents. The smile is fleeting when she catches sight of her ankles in the floor-length mirror and they’re massive.
Jake instantly notices the change in her demeanour. “Swelling is caused by extra water in your body when you’re pregnant. The water gathers in the lowest part of the body, hence, the swollen ankles. The pressure of your growing womb can also impact blood flow to your legs,” he recites from Section B, Subsection G from the pregnancy binder (otherwise known as the Things For Jake To Say To Make Amy Feel Better chapter).
“I know there’s nothing I can do about it,” she sighs, “but I still hate it.”
“You could sit down on the bed.” He words it as a suggestion, but they both know it’s more of an order. They have a long day ahead of them and she’s been getting a lot more tired lately. He gathers his pillows and uses them to prop her feet up once she’s on the bed, fussing over her until she reassures him three times that she’s comfortable. Then he dries himself and quickly dresses in the nice blue shirt Amy bought him for his birthday, jeans and his favourite sneakers. “How do I look?” He asks her, striking a silly pose and eliciting a musical laugh.
“You look great,” she responds dutifully. “C’mere.” He sits next to her on the bed and she fixes his unruly curls. “Perfect,” she says once she’s done, kissing his nose.
“Thanks, Ames. You ready to go?”
“Could you get me my white sneakers, my coat and my purse?”
“Anything for my baby mama.” He retrieves said items and even helps her put on her shoes, earning him a few extra Husband Points. When they’re ready he grabs their suitcase and one of the large gift bags for her family (he’ll have to make a second and third trip for the others) and follows her out to the car. “I love this dress on you, by the way,” he comments.
She blushes (and he absolutely loves that he still has this effect on her) and glances down at the knee-length, long-sleeved animal print dress. She borrowed it from Gina when none of her other dresses fit and she had a Oh-My-God-What-Am-I-Going-To-Wear-For-Christmas breakdown. Gina was all too happy to lend Amy some of her old pregnancy clothes. Apparently she’d been waiting years to give Amy a makeover and wondered aloud whether Amy would let her incinerate the grey pantsuits.
The answer was a firm no, but Gina still donated her clothes to a charitable cause. The charitable cause being Amy’s closet, of course.
“You really like it?” She bites her lip. “It’s not my usual style.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I love all your floral dresses and that red one you wore on our first date and that other red one you wore to Captain Holt and Kevin’s party and that other red one you wore on your birthday - you get the point - but you look really good in this. Like a sexy zoo keeper.”
“A sexy zoo keeper?” She snorts. “That wasn’t really the vibe I was going for for our family Christmas.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he assures her with a gentle kiss. “I’m gonna run back and get the rest of the presents. Do you need help getting in the car?”
“No, Jake. I’m not a child.”
“But you are carrying one. My child. And it’s my duty as New York’s Second Best Detective and First Best Husband to look after you.”
“That’s sweet,” she kisses him again, “but I’m fine. Go. I want to get there before David.”
“I know, I know, your mother loves an early bird,” he holds his hands up. “Be back in a minute.”
It ends up taking four (four trips!) to pick up all the presents for all her grandparents, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews. He’s always known she’s had a big family but he didn’t quite realise how many Santiago’s he was facing until his first Christmas with her family when there were, like, a hundred of ‘em. And they all had a favourite font. He’s one of them now and is inexblicably excited to chat Police work with Victor, basketball with Tony and Barbie dolls with her cousin Ava. He loves Christmas with his new family, seeing the kids’ faces light up when they carefully unwrap open their presents (Santiago Style). Even more so, he loves picturing a mini-Jake or Amy sitting alongside them. He glances over at his wife and can tell she’s thinking the same thing.
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caerwynherondale · 5 years
Wedding Bells
Caerwyn bounced on the toes of her stockinged feet, unable to stay still as she walked the length of her bedroom and back again, steps muffled by the carpet. She wrung her hands together, peeking up at the blue, cat shaped clock on her bedside table, the hands drifting silently across the face of it. She hated ticking clocks, the noise drove her batty, so this one had been a blessing when her parents had found it for her when she’d been about six. They could have simply gone with a digital one, but Caerwyn liked the classic look of the numbers and hands, in this case, each minute increment was marked by a tiny paw print and the numbers white on top of black cat head silhouettes. It was super cute, making her smile in that way girls who liked cute things did when they saw them. Most wouldn’t have pinned Caerwyn for liking adorable things like that, but she did. She supposed the only people who knew were her family and Rose, though, Louis may have picked up on it by now considering her usual go-to purse was shaped like a bunny.
“Winnie, I swear to fucking god...” Cleo, the girl’s sister spoke up from where she laid on her bed. The pair couldn’t have been any more different from one another. Caerwyn’s hair was inky and her body shapely while Cleo’s hair was light and she was skinny. At the moment, Cleo was on her stomach, knees bent, legs swaying as her ankles crossed and she perused whatever magazine she was currently interested in. She was on spring break from her school was well, but it wouldn’t have mattered either way considering she went to one of the local high schools and lived at home throughout the year instead of boarding like Caerwyn did. She had actually been quite excited to see Caerwyn when the girl had gotten off the train, showing it with the way she grabbed at her sister’s hand and dragged her along to the car without a single word. The past winter break had been the first they’d ever really spent apart and while they didn’t get along on a regular basis, Christmas time had always been a very important thing for their family. Not having one of them home had been kind of a big deal actually.
Carnegie had been even more thrilled to have Caerwyn home, clinging onto her the moment she walked through the door and refusing to leave her side even at bedtime for the first couple of days. She’d let him sleep in her bed, curled up against her stomach, a little warm package of heat. She loved it, his blond hair smelling still of newness and baby shampoo, his fingers slightly sticky in that way all little kids seemed to be. He was five now, having had his birthday a couple months back and he had even more to talk about now than ever. He’d jabbered on about everything under the sun. His favorite toys, his friends and teachers at school, all of the new things he was learning, and showing off how he could read simple worded books now.
As far as Caerwyn’s parents went though, things were still… strained to say the least. She was happy to see them, to have their loving arms around her and hear her dad’s dry jokes, but there was still that lingering sensation of worry underneath. The discussion they had had over the winter break was still fresh in her mind, but they had promised her that it wouldn’t be a subject they talked about this time. They would simply enjoy the holiday together. Both of her parents had been a bit on edge though, when Caerwyn told them she’d been invited to attend Victoire’s wedding. They knew who Victoire was, the nurse at the school Caerwyn attended, but she was also the cousin of their daughter’s best friend, Rose. Caerwyn had, conveniently, left out the information that she was actually going as a date for Victoire’s little brother, who also happened to be her boyfriend. She had thought it better to tell them it was Rose who had invited her along, easier to get them to agree that way. It had taken a bit of convincing, but her parents had finally conceded into letting Caerwyn spend the remainder of the break with the Weasleys.
“They’ll be along fucking soon.” Caerwyn shot back, but she flopped down anyway, sitting on the window seat between the two large built in bookcases. The bedroom was split evenly in two, everything matching, picked out by a mother who didn’t want her daughters fighting. Whites, light yellows, and laces decorated most of the room. White satin bed covers dotted with little silk roses sat upon the twin beds, curtains of tulle hanging down over the curved, white headboards, fairy lights intertwined into them. A bench sat at the foot of each bed, serving as both seating and storage, matching nightstands and lamps beside the beds. The walls were decorated with yellow wallpaper dotted with a small, pretty floral print. Each of the girls had taken over their own side though, adding their own touches to create a kind of drastic separation. Caerwyn’s bed boasted more throw blankets and her wall décor consisted of several of her own paintings and a limited amount of photos displaying friends and family. Her half of the bookcases was filled with old school texts, empty potion bottles, broken quills, and fairy tales. Cleo’s side of the room was nearly bursting in comparison. Posters, photos, a cork board and sticky notes plastered the walls. Clothes were scattered here and there on the floor and her bookcase held more girly items, like perfume, jewelry displays and magazines. There was still a faded bit and sticky residue on the carpet from the long piece of duct tape they had run across the floor years ago to make sure the other stayed on their side.
“You’ve got at least another hour.” Cleo chided, sitting up on the bed and tossing her magazine down in frustration. She stared at Caerwyn, eyeing her up and down. The way she kept tugging at the front of her baggy sweater, how she’d put on a pair of thigh highs instead of her usual tights, though, one wouldn’t be able to tell under her dress, and the little bit of make-up she’d used to accentuate her eyes and lips. She had even taken time to really brush out her hair, sitting down and running through it over and over again until she was certain all the knots were gone. “So, are you going to tell me who the boy is or not?”
“What boy?” Caerwyn asked, glancing up from where she had started picking at her finger nails. They were clean, the blue polish upon them fresh, but she swore she could still feel some dirt underneath them. She followed Cleo’s gaze to the newer photos by above her bed. The ones Louis’s aunt had taken on Christmas. She had kept the ones of just her and Louis hidden away in her things, but she’d hung up several of her, Louis, Rose, and Albus that she hadn’t noticed being taken on Christmas Eve. She didn’t look too terrible in them, with her hair all pulled back prettily and in the outfit Fleur had helped her pick out. She was particularly fond of the one where she was turned, drinking from a glass as Rose spoke to her and Louis was sat beside her, looking down at her as he tugged a loose bit of confetti from the Christmas crackers from her hair.
“The redhead.” Cleo pointed, her eyebrows raised in question. It wasn’t the first time she had asked, nor would it be the last. The answer was the same though, as it always was.
“None of your goddamn fucking business.” Caerwyn shot back, pushing up from the window seat. She snatched her duffle bag from the floor where it had been stuffed with the things she’d brought home from school, but also things she would need while she was staying with the Weasleys.  She dug through it, double checking the contents. Extra pajamas, her clothes for the wedding, a toothbrush… Last time she’d shown up with nothing but the clothes on her back, a book, her cat, and Louis’s Christmas gift. This time she was prepared. She already had Manson’s wicker carrier by the front door, his favorite cushy blanket inside of it for when it was time to go.
Cleo was, unfortunately right about the time. It took an hour and then a little bit before the doorbell was ringing through the house. Little feet scampered, slapping across the wooden floor of the downstairs portion of the house as Carnegie raced for the door. He loved answering it, though, there was usually always someone coming right behind him in case he didn’t know the person there, which was rarely. He reached up with both of his small hands, grabbing hold of the knob and twisting it, tugging the big white door open, a giant smile on his little face. The little boy was dressed in nothing more than a pair of overalls and a red towel tied around his neck as a cape. He’d refused a shirt that morning, saying superheros didn’t need them.
“Creoso!” The little boy stepped back from the door, his bare arms spread wide, eyes closed for a moment as he greeted the three teenagers standing on the front porch. He finally looked up at them, his head tilting back in wonder as his eyes moved up, and up, and up. The redheaded girl wasn’t too tall, but both of the boys standing behind her were quite a lot bigger than anyone Carnegie was used to seeing on a regular basis. He gaped for a moment before turning his little head and calling over his shoulder. “Mama! Da! Mae ffrindiau Winnie yma!”
“Ydw, ydw, Carnegie.” A woman’s voice called back. Her heels clicked against the floor as she appeared in the front room, her brown hair falling in curls around her shoulders as she stopped behind her son, placing her hands on his shoulders. “Hello there. How do you do? You must be Rosie and... I don’t believe Winnie mentioned your names. Come in, come in.”
“You fucking bitch!” A scuffling from above sounded as both Caerwyn and Cleo made for the door of their room. There was a small battle of pushing and shoving, the door banging against the wall as they both tried to get through it first. Cleo won as she tripped her sister, using her thinner frame to squeeze through. Caerwyn was right on her heels though, both of them using the corner of the banister to turn rapidly on the landing before they were heading down the stairs. Cleo skidded to a hault beside her mother, her hair pulled back into it’s usual messy bun on top of her head. She stared at the three strangers and then laughed, pointing with a victorious ‘ha!’ at the sight of Louis. The boy from the photo. He’d come along with Rose to get her sister, as well as a dark haired fellow.
“Rhosynie!” Caerwyn called brightly as she finally hit the bottom of the stairs. She laughed, reaching out to snatch at her best mate, hugging her tightly as Carnegie moved to close the door behind her friends. He took a few steps, his tiny hand reaching up to tug at Louis’s much bigger one, gazing up at him with big blue eyes.
“Ai chi yw'r dyn talaf ar y blaned?” The five-year-old asked curiously.
“Nac ydw, Carnie. Yw'r dyn talaf dw i.” A man’s voice filted into the living room as he came out of the kitchen, wiping his hands on a tea towel. Carnegie laughed, releasing Louis’s hand to race to his father, arms outstretched so he could be scooped up properly.
“Albus!” Caerwyn grinned, hugging him as well before she released him and stepped back a bit. Her eyes fell on Louis and she stared up at him, a small smile pressing at her lips, cheeks a bit pink at the sight of him. God, she’d missed him so much. It had only been a week away. She sighed, closing the distance between them more rapidly than she had with the other two. Her arms came up around his waist, face burying against his chest as she breathed him in. Fuck, he smelt so good. “Fuckface.”
*Welcome! Mama, Winnie’s friends are here.
*Yes, yes.
*Are you the tallest man on the planet?
“No, Carnie. I’m the tallest man.
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beanfic · 5 years
Pairing: Tyler Joseph x reader
Word count: 1720
Warnings: Just some fluff
Author’s note: I haven’t written a fluffy fic for what seems like in forever? I was able to write this during a quick moment where my writer's block disappeared! I have about three requests I need to write so hopefully I will get some inspo and write them this week!
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“Ty, are you sure it’s safe for us to go to the beach?” you asked your husband with worried eyes. He took a few steps towards you and placed his hand on your left cheek.
“My sunshine, it will be okay.” He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your nose making you giggle softly. “The tour is finally over and we finally have time for us.”
“I know but the fans, what if they recognize us and use this an opportunity for a spontaneous meet and greet?”
“I promise it will be okay,” he said softly. He pulled away from you and continued to pack a picnic basket for the meal. “Plus we only have three more days left in LA until we head back to Ohio and we rarely get chances to go to the beach during the summer.”
“I suppose that’s true.” You rubbed your arms which has goosebumps from the A.C being turned up all the way. You and Tyler were house sitting Josh’s home while he was on his own little vacation to New York with Jordan and Jim, which you were disappointed that you weren’t also dog sitting.
“Huntington Beach is about an hour drive,” Tyler mentioned and you nodded.
“Can I play music?”
“You always get to play music,” Tyler whined.
“That’s because you always are playing music!”
“How about you get the aux there and I get it back,” Tyler suggested and you shrugged with defeat since there was no way you could argue so you gave in. “Ready to go?”
You nodded, “I’ve been waiting!” You both headed out to Josh’s Tesla that he stupidly allowed Tyler to drive. It made you nervous driving such an expensive car, especially when it wasn’t yours but Tyler was also a good driver.
The car immediately started playing the radio so you quickly plugged your phone in and shuffled your ‘be happy’ playlist and Take Me Home, Country Roads started playing. You could feel Tyler glare over at you while he started to drive but you turned up the music and rolled down the windows and started to sing at the top of your lungs.
“West Virginia,” Tyler sang along with you and you couldn’t help but to giddily smile. You both harmonized the rest of the song and he headed on the freeway. The sun was hot on your arms but the breeze cooled you off.
“I’m thirsty,” you yelled over the music.
“What?” Tyler yelled back. You ended up leaning over and turning down the music to a reasonable volume.
“I said I’m thirsty! Is there a Starbucks we could stop at?”
“I think there's one off this exit,” he said. Sure enough, the sign for a Starbucks at the next exit showed up and Tyler ended up taking a small detour to quench your thirst. He pulled up to the drive through and ordered a Venti Vanilla Cold Brew and then looked at you.
“Could I please get a venti iced caramel latte with coconut milk, please?”
“So fancy,” Tyler teased. He pulled up to the window and you braced yourself for him to get recognized.
“Hi! $8.50, please! Oh my gosh, you’re Tyler Joseph,” the barista said with shock. You knew it was going to happen.
Tyler chuckled, “Nice to meet you! Here’s my card.”
“I love your music so much, oh my gosh, I saw you live last year and I ended up being under you for Trees and it was amazing,” she ranted as she swiped the card.
“I’m glad you liked the show!” Tyler took his card back and placed it back in his wallet.
“Thank you so much for everything,” she said over and over as she slowly but surely handed you both your drinks. You noticed that on top of your cups had the twenty one pilots symbol written in sharpie.
“Nice to meet you!” Tyler waved goodbye before driving off.
“At least she didn’t ask for a picture,” you whispered once you were far enough away.
“What if that happens at the beach?”
“I told you not to worry!” He placed his hand on your thigh and gave it a little squeeze to reassure you. You tried to do some heavy breathing to bring your heart rate back down. The rest of the ride was spent listening to your playlist which included Walking On Sunshine and Lookin’ Out My Back Door. You had almost finished your entire drink before Tyler was finally arriving at the beach. The sounds and smell of the ocean filled your nose and it made you sigh with happiness.
“Is this parking spot okay do you think? I don’t want anyone scratching Josh’s car,” Tyler asked.
“I think it should be fine! I’ll grab the towel bags and you grab the picnic bag!”
“Already on it!” Tyler yelled from the trunk as he had the picnic basket thrown over his shoulder and was also carrying the two towel bags.
“Ty, you can’t carry everything. Let me help!”
“I said I got it!” Tyler quickly moved away from your reach.
“Whatever you say,” you laughed.
The walk down to the beach was quick and you both found a spot that had a little bit of shade and sun and was away from most families. It was around 85 degrees out so you knew you were going to end up getting in the water.
“Here’s your towel!” Tyler handed you your white beach towel that said ‘Mrs. Joseph’ on it. It was a wedding gift since you had gotten married on Manele Bay in Hawaii. Tyler laid down his towel next to yours and took out a small portable speaker.
“I didn’t know you brought that.” You narrowed your eyes.
“Yep, and I get to play music since you called it in the car,” he remarked.
“As long as it’s not twenty one pilots, I’ve had enough of that from tour.”
“Hey, that hurted my feelings.” He stuck his lower lip out and pouted. You picked up a handful of sand and threw it at Tyler’s legs making him groan.
“You’re annoying,” you smiled.
“I know, and that’s why you love me.”
“Very true.” You leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips. “Can you help me put the sunscreen on?”
“No, no way, I would never want to do that,” Tyler mumbled sarcastically. You stripped off your tank top and shorts to reveal the floral print bikini that you were wearing.
“Stop staring, Ty.”
“Sunshine, you’re so gorgeous.”
“I know, you tell me every day.”
“And I will continue telling you.” He squeezed some of the coconut scented sunscreen into this hand and began to lather it on your back. Your body got goosebumps as his cold hands slid across your skin.
“It’s cold,” you whispered softly.
“You’ll warm up soon.” Tyler placed a kiss to your neck and you moaned with happiness. This is everything you have ever wanted in your life.
“Do you need some sunscreen?” you asked him and he shook his head.
“I need to tan to make sure I stay darker than Josh.”
“I think you’ll always be darker than Josh! That man is pasty.”
“I’m going to tell him you said that,” Tyler joked.
Tyler grabbed your hand and started walking towards the ocean. The sand turned from soft warm grains to being cold, hard and wet. You stopped right before the tide came in and closed your eyes to take in your surroundings. The sun was shining and warmed your skin, the seagulls were singing, and the waves were crashing.
“The last one in is a rotten egg!” you screamed as you let go of your husband's hand and went splashing into the cold salt water.
“Not fair!” you heard Tyler yell behind you but you were already throwing yourself into the water before he even started moving. You found your footing on the ground and wiped your hair out of your eyes. You didn’t spot Tyler so you turned in a circle to try to find him.
“Ahh!” you screamed as Tyler slid up behind you grabbing your legs and pulling you under.
“Shark attack,” he laughed as you sputtered.
“Saltwater does not taste good!”
“It probably tastes even worse now too, did it just get warm?” he raised his eyebrow at you and your eyes got wide.
“Tyler Joseph you did not just pee.”
“I’m joking! I wouldn’t do that right next to you.”
“Boys are gross!” you threw yourself onto your back and floated there. You kept your eyes closed as the sun beamed down on you.
“I’m going to go lay in the sun, care to join me?”
“We just got in, but sure.” You grabbed Tyler’s hand once again and followed him back up to your towels. The sand stuck to your wet feet and once you laid down on the towel you tried your best to brush them off.
“Why did we bring our wedding towels? I don’t want them to get dirty,” Tyler mumbled.
“They can be washed, love.” You put your sunglasses on and laid down. Your eyes were closed but you could sense that Tyler was still looking at you. “Ty?”
“Yes, sunshine?”
“You’re staring again,” you smiled.
“I can’t help it! I have the most beautiful wife in the universe.”
“I have the most beautiful husband in the universe.” You lifted your sunglasses so you could look into his chocolate brown eyes. He batted his eyelashes and you rolled your eyes. You could feel the sand move as Tyler laid down next to you. His fingers made their way over to yours until they were intertwined.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you, even more, Ty.”
“I need to play music!” Tyler sat up quickly and grabbed his phone to link to the speaker. The song Hooked on a Feeling started to play and you couldn’t help but to smile like an idiot. Josh and he played this song for you at your wedding, and even though it was a hilarious scene, it was also one of the best memories you have.
“Today was amazing,” Tyler whispered. “In the sunshine with my sunshine.”
“Yeah, it really was.”
“Can we get Taco Bell for dinner?”
“Sure, Ty.”
“Thanks, sunshine.”
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