#Florida phlox
whatnext10 · 6 months
It’s the First Day of Spring
Spring Vibrations Today is officially the first day of spring for 2024. Here in central Florida signs of spring started about a month ago with some early blooming wildflowers and the occasional clouded sulfur butterfly. By now our iconic spring flowers, the Drummond’s phlox (Phlox drummondii), are popping up everywhere that there is open ground and plenty of sun. It always makes me happy to see…
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Phlox: Hey T'Pol, do you wanna talk about your feelings?
T'Pol: No.
Trip: I do.
Phlox: I know, Trip.
Trip: I love T'Pol.
Phlox: I know, Trip.
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michael-massa-micon · 2 years
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Phlox - April 2020 When COVID broke out in 2020 many full-time Rvers such as ourselves had to scramble to find somewhere that was open and would accept new campers. Luckily for us, the Suwanee Music Camp near Live Oak, Florida, had to cancel all of their concerts and events and had a huge camping area where campers could spread out and be safe. This phlox was growing alongside a fence near the highway. The beauty of nature was unaffected by the pandemics of humanity. MWM
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thresholdbb · 15 days
Was thinking about who would get Tuvixed from other series and came up with Phlox and Florida Man for Enterprise
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libraryofmoths · 1 year
Moth of the Week
Hummingbird Clearwing Moth
Hemaris thysbe
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The hummingbird clearwing moth is a part of the family Sphingidae or the hawkmoth family and was first described by Johan Christian Fabricius in 1775. The name Hemaris Thysbe is thought to be a reference to Thisbe, one of the doomed lovers in Ovid's Metamorphoses, due to the color of Thisbe’s blood-stained scarf and the maroon color of the moth. Additionally, the name hummingbird clearwing is due to the humming noise created by the rapid flapping of the moth’s transparent wings.
Description The hummingbird clearwing moth typically has an olive green and maroon back with a white or yellow and maroon underside. It has pale legs and no stripes, which is how you tell this moth apart from other in its genus, Hemaris. Its wings are transparent with a maroon border. After hatching, the hummingbird clearwing’s wings are a fully opaque dark red to black. Then the wing’s scales fall off when the moth takes flight, resulting in a clear wing with maroon borders and visible veins. However, a moth’s color and wing patterning varies between individual moths. For example, moths born in the south or later in the mating season are darker in color, and different populations have varying wing border shapes.
Average wingspan of 4.75 cm (≈1.9 in)
Up to 70 wingbeats per second
Can fly up to 12 mph (≈19.3 kph)
Diet and Habitat When in their caterpillar stage, these moths eat the leaves of cherry trees, European cranberry bushes, hawthorns, dogbane, honeysuckle, and snowberry bushes. Adult hummingbird moths feed on the nectar from flowers such as the Wild Bergamot and beebalm, red clovers, lilacs, phloxs, snowberry, cranberry, blueberry, vetch and thistle. The hummingbird clearwing prefers purple and pink flowers. They use their long proboscis or feeding tube to collect nectar from the flowers while flying in front of it like a hummingbird.
The average proboscis is 20 mm (≈0.8 in)
These moths are the most common in southern Ontario and the eastern United States. Their habitat ranges from Alaska to Oregon in the west and from Newfoundland to Florida in the east. They migrate northward from April to August and southward in late spring and the fall. They inhabit forests, meadows, and suburban gardens.
Mating The hummingbird clearwing has two broods a year in the south, but only one in the north. Mating takes place in May and June as females attract males with pheromones produce from glands at the tip of the abdomen. Female hummingbird moths will lay 200 eggs that will hatch in only 6 to 8 days.
Predators Hummingbird moths and caterpillars in general are hunted by birds, mantids, spiders, bats. To help protect themselves, these types of moths resemble hummingbirds or bees to fool predators.
Fun Fact Adults hummingbird clearwing moths are most active during the hottest parts of the day and have no hearing abilities due to a lack of “hearing organs.”
(Source: Wikipedia, Life On CSG Pond, United States Department of Agriculture, Georgia Wildlife Federation, Beyond Pest Control)
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dr-pamela-isley · 13 days
Favorite plant? or like maybe top 5?
It seems like a copout answer to just say all of them so I'll give you five in no specific order (below the cut)
Colobanthus quitensis, also known as Antarctic pearlwort. It's one of two known flowering antarctic plants (the other being Antarctic hair grass), it was discovered in the late 1700's-early 1800's. Since Antartica is a dessert it's native plants have a special kind of leaf structure to account for the lack of rainfall.
Cornus florida, or the flowering dogwood. It's native to North America and Mexico, the trees are monoecious meaning that it has both male and female flowers. It also serves as a place for more then 12 species of moths to lay their larvae in.
Phlox subulata, or moss phlox. It's an pink, purple, blue, or white evergreen native to the united states that commonly covers ground in wooded areas. It also serves as a pollinator and can be used to prevent erosion.
Pinus strobus, or the eastern white pine tree. These trees have been known to live for over 400 years and are largely considered the tallest trees in eastern North America. They also serve as habitats for other plants along with animals and insects.
Opuntia, also known as the prickly pear cactus. I had to include some sort of cacti in this because they are so vital to the ecosystem and water cycle. The prickly pear cactus in particular are some of the most cold tolerating cacti, and like many other cacti are only native to the Americas.
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slurrmp · 1 year
little headcannons about elenore on board the enterprise.                       yes i will totally update these the more i rewatch.
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1. she 100% would have to spend a solid couple of days in the decon chamber. considering no one really considered all the illnesses and viruses that she hasn’t been exposed too yet. she actually happened to get deathly sick her third day on board. phlox was beside himself trying to keep her alive. 2. she hoards her inhaler with her life. the way that she probably doesn’t know if they could synthesize anymore. so she’s just wheezing every so often because she doesn’t want to waste it. until she fucking passes out in the hall and phlox is literally just “ ????? bitch????? its simple. “ 3. ellie does sometimes go poof. she disappears for a couple of days before always returning back to the enterprise. it’s almost like home base for her. she’s safe there. 3.1. she disappears to future ships. she can’t tell her enterprise crew, but it does help her get the upper hand on learner about new species. 4. but it also means that her and daniels have beef. 4.1. she also promptly stole his quarters. 5. she actually impresses chef when she’s finally cleared to roam the ship. she brings her a game and he actually lets her work a little bit in the galley. 6. which means she also proves her worth to archer. she does his dinner some nights. while also ripping it with desserts , for the little senior staff dinners. but she’s finally feeling useful after pretty much taking up space in sickbay for two solid weeks. 7. ellie introduces the crew to the wonders of 21st century reality tv. she finds shows like big brother , married at first sight (australia bc there is no better version) and even the bachelor. 7.1. t’pol is very very much into the bachelor , even if she would never admit it. she lets ellie eat from her popcorn bucket. 7.2. trip is very much into big brother. 7.3. hoshi adores a good singing contest. 8. ellie and trip bond over sun , surf and florida. well for ellie its mainly bonding over the fact that disney.world still exists. the idea that it does has ellie bouncing out of her seat (and a little terrified). 9. ellie has a four legged shadow.  she fed porthos cheese once and that dog follows her everywhere. 9.1. if he’s a good enough dog , she will feed him something more nutritious than the bagged dog food archer always seems to give him. 10. ngl when i say the four of them , i mean archer/trip/t’pol/ellie , all somehow end up joined at the hip. maybe its just a senior staff type of thing. the only ones to know of ellie’s special ability or something else. who knows. :)))))
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weerd1 · 9 months
ENT Rewatch Starlog, 07 January, 2024: Episode 2.26 “The Expanse”
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An unknown probe comes to Earth and cuts a 4000 kilometer swath across the surface of the planet from Florida to Venezuela, killing as many as seven million people. When the Enterprise returns home, they are intercepted by the Suliban, and Archer is given an audience with the mysterious “Future Guy” who controls the Suliban. He reveals that other future factions have told a species called “The Xindi” that Earth will be responsible for their destruction in the 26th Century. FG gives Archer a location and tells him that the Xindi must be stopped or the timeline will be altered.
The NX-01 continues to Earth, but Duras, a Klingon Archer embarrassed a few episodes back, attacks.  He is warned off by the timely arrival of other Starfleet vessels, allowing Archer to tell Starfleet about Future Guy’s info. It turns out the Xindi are located in the Delphic Expanse, and area known for strange spatial anomalies, and generally impassible; Vulcans have been driven mad just entering the area, and a Klingon ship once had its crew “anatomically inverted.” Starfleet decides to carry on with the mission, re-arming Enterprise and assigning a military contingent. Trip discovers that his sister is one of Florida’s casualties, and begins to express anger and the desire to seek revenge. Phlox chooses to stay on board, while T’Pol is reassigned by the Vulcan High Command back to her homeworld. The NX-01 is going to drop her off on the way to The Expanse when Duras attacks again, allowing Enterprise to show she’s got more teeth now, including “photonic torpedoes.” 
T’Pol reveals that she has decided to resign from the Vulcan High Command in order to stay on Enterprise; Archer initially argues, but then orders them to change course away from Vulcan and head straight to the Expanse. When they arrive seven weeks later they are AGAIN  ambushed by Duras, this time with three ships. They skirmish in the thermobaric clouds bordering the Expanse, and as they get closer, Duras’ escorts break off rather than enter. Mayweather pulls off some fancy flying and Enterprise destroys Duras’ Bird of Prey. She’s taken some damage though to the antimatter injectors; not enough to stop them but something that may be important later. Archer confirms once more with T’Pol that she wants to join them, and the NX-01 enters the Delphic Expanse.
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I’ve done these in the past where I did complete rewatches and write-ups for TOS and DS9. I wanted to do ENT as well, but started rewatching in chunks and bits and fell into a pattern without really catching them all, and like the entire world, have been just CRAZED the last three years and didn’t get there. But along the way I ended up watching all of Season 2 again, and wanted some opportunities to talk ENT.  I did recently make this post about the show in general, but when I started “The Expanse” this morning, it seemed like a good compromise to just follow the Xindi arc.  
As I recall, this fell at a time when Enterprise was taking a lot of shit-much of it deserved (some blatant sexism, plenty of cookie-cutter plots)—and DS9 was really starting to find an audience as it had finally made it to home video and you could watch THEM ALL IN ORDER AS RON D. MOORE INTENDED. There was a lot of buzz out there from Trek “fans” (and proto-internet dudebros and gatekeepers, and that was probably me in the case of the latter) about ENT not living up to canon or continuity.  To try to reel in some of that griping, TPTB (“the powers that  be” as we used to call them on Message Boards and Yahoo Groups etc.) decided to try to up some stakes, and go the DS9 route of a season long arc. Additionally, please know we were all living in a VERY fresh open wound post-9/11 and the inexorable hold that event would have on American film and television for about the next two decades (and perhaps now) was very much in play. So here comes the Xindi storyline.  
The set-up is good; the threat seems real, the Vulcans’ skepticism about the temporal Cold War works here, and T’Pol having to decide if she will stay on work well.
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Trip being the crewmember personally affected is interesting, if cliche that a sister we didn’t even know he had is his connection. I might have had a few more characters know SOMEONE; the destruction did cut through Cuba and into Venezuela. Could have been a point for more characters, but fridging Trip’s sister does set up some trauma to explore through the third season; could have been handled better.  I always thought it was a bit of a stretch that an Duras ancestor would still be such a Klingon dickbag 200 years before Worf, but this episode efficiently cuts him out of Archer’s narrative and adds some damage to the NX-01 that will come into play later with those antimatter injectors damaged.  Not an edge of your seat cliffhanger, but a good set up for the next season, and it certainly brought me back.  
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Next Voyage: Season 3 begins with “The Xindi,” getting right into just WHO these Florida-burning bad guys are!
(Images copied from the library at @trekcore; I will happily remove them if there is any issue with me using them. Meanwhile, all you Trekkies, go hit Trekcore! They're a fantastic resource.)
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elencr · 1 year
                little headcannons about elenore on board the enterprise.                        yes i will totally update these the more i rewatch.
1. she 100% would have to spend a solid couple of days in the decon chamber. considering no one really considered all the illnesses and viruses that she hasn’t been exposed too yet. she actually happened to get deathly sick her third day on board. phlox was beside himself trying to keep her alive. 2. she hoards her inhaler with her life. the way that she probably doesn’t know if they could synthesize anymore. so she’s just wheezing every so often because she doesn’t want to waste it. until she fucking passes out in the hall and phlox is literally just “ ????? bitch????? its simple. “ 3. ellie does sometimes go poof. she disappears for a couple of days before always returning back to the enterprise. it’s almost like home base for her. she’s safe there. 3.1. she disappears to future ships. she can’t tell her enterprise crew, but it does help her get the upper hand on learner about new species. 4. but it also means that her and daniels have beef. 4.1. she also promptly stole his quarters. 5. she actually impresses chef when she’s finally cleared to roam the ship. she brings her a game and he actually lets her work a little bit in the galley. 6. which means she also proves her worth to archer. she does his dinner some nights. while also ripping it with desserts , for the little senior staff dinners. but she’s finally feeling useful after pretty much taking up space in sickbay for two solid weeks. 7. ellie introduces the crew to the wonders of 21st century reality tv. she finds shows like big brother , married at first sight (australia bc there is no better version) and even the bachelor. 7.1. t’pol is very very much into the bachelor , even if she would never admit it. she lets ellie eat from her popcorn bucket. 7.2. trip is very much into big brother. 7.3. hoshi adores a good singing contest. 8. ellie and trip bond over sun , surf and florida. well for ellie its mainly bonding over the fact that disney.world still exists. the idea that it does has ellie bouncing out of her seat (and a little terrified). 9. ellie has a four legged shadow.  she fed porthos cheese once and that dog follows her everywhere. 9.1. if he’s a good enough dog , she will feed him something more nutritious than the bagged dog food archer always seems to give him. 10. ngl when i say the four of them , i mean archer/trip/t’pol/ellie , all somehow end up joined at the hip. maybe its just a senior staff type of thing. the only ones to know of ellie’s special ability or something else. who knows. :)))))
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random-cryptid · 2 years
ok so the light brown one with pink spots on its wings is an achemon sphinx moth is a species of hawkmoth and eat nectar from flowers like phlox and japanese hineysuckle. apparently their wings can beat so fast that they can sometimes be mistaken for hummingbirds (which is making me lose my mind over it cuz now im imagining either mary or winnie freaking out ciz they thought they were being attacked by a bird but its really just a big moth tryna hamg out on their head)
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the little greenish blue one is a blackberry looper. theyre super small and like eating flower petals, and the leaves of blackberries and strawberries. theyre also found in most of the u.s. except for california, washington, oregon, alaska and hawaii, which im sad about cuz they look so cute and tiny and i wanna see one up close! (cant have shit in cali djdhdj)
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the last on vibing on sarah's head is a cecropia silk moth! the catsrpillars like sugar maple, dogwood, apple and plums while the adults dont seem to really eat. their found anywhere from nova scotia down to florida as well as southern canada all the way to the rocky mountains (which means i cant fuckin see these guys either! why are all the cool moths found onthe other side of the country?!)
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im honestly having so much fun learning about moths! ive always loved learning about different insects, and getting to learn more about moths was so much fun!
Boy do I love moths they’re so cool 😭😭😭😭 look at all these funky fellas!!! I love learning about moths and beetles so much
My fave from all of these has to be the Cecropia Silk Moth like look at those colors!!!! It’s so pretty 🥹🥹🥹 and idk but I find the Blackberry Looper eating flower petals and strawberry and blackberry leaves so cute I JUST LOVE MOTHS
Well at least you get to see moths, here where I live I barely see any 😭😭😭😭😭 (the perks of living on a tropical island amirite)
Thank you for showing me these!!!! I love them they’re so cool looking
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paletalegear · 4 months
NHL 2024 Eastern Conference Final Florida Panthers Advance Shirt
NHL 2024 Eastern Conference Final Florida Panthers Advance Shirt
Flowers and NHL 2024 Eastern Conference Final Florida Panthers Advance Shirt ornamentals that have grown well at our place include lupine, tansy, golden rod, perennial sweet pea, Queen Anne’s lace, prairie mallow—and a whole host of other beautiful native wild flowers, also phlox, daisy, lilies and day lilies, (the Easter lily I planted regularly grows to 5 or 6 feet high), hostas (for some reason, deer don’t seem to bother the hosta until the fall when I’m happy to have them trim down the plants for me), autumn clematis, autumn crocus, iris, peony, and sunflowers, which do well, but usually bloom after we’ve left. Again, these are plants that do well on their own. I uncover, weed around them at the beginning of summer and then leave them to grow and bloom on their own while I swim, hike, read—vacation home!
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NHL 2024 Eastern Conference Final Florida Panthers Advance Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Vneck, Unisex and T-shirt
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whatnext10 · 7 months
The First Beautiful Phlox Flowers are Here
First Phlox of Spring The last two days have been miserably rainy and kind of cold, keeping me pretty much confined to the house. Days like that always make me feel tired and blah, so I was very happy to see the sun shining this morning when I woke up. When I headed into town to complete some errands, I was also very happy to see a few little Drummond’s phlox flowers (Phlox drummondii) blooming…
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blue-eyed-freckle · 6 years
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cedar-glade · 2 years
(Not comprehensive) What to expect for riparian zones in orv confluence.
it’s the best time of year to fen hop here in Ohio but before anyone does that a pilgrimage to a less addressed habitat is necessary and fun, its check on mudflats in western Ohio time;
I just spent a few solid days botanizing some of Ohio’s most classic habitats.
Two mudflat locations: Little Miami meets ORV and Great Miami meets ORV. (though a weirder one is the ancient oxbow flats of the Great Miami. BTW ORV is Ohio River Valley.
 A group of really good friends and I got together and tried to hit the Shawnee lookout giant ragweed thickets(15 foot tall this year with native amaranth mixed in at similar height)  Each year a few people check this spot earlier and than a few later for a tricky plant not seen since 2010 called Orobanche riparia
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which may or may not be state extirpated from TN WV VA and OH. these are only affiliated with confluence zones and specifically Ancient ragweed thicket communities. Normally Ragweed is 7 foot max, and dies every year, falluvium(alluvium displaced by frequent floods), buries these past frost lines and their roots are insulated. and the stems are more supported at the base.
while being a classic rare species, Japanese hops have now made it extremely problematic to spot and so it remains elusive.
while the 3 giant amaranth and 8 species of Persicaria are present with the cockerburl and ragweed along with florida and giant lettuce; It’s also notable that rough barnyard grass and two other river bank giant ragweed thicket rarities are also present. https://explorer.natureserve.org/Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.155128/Ripariosida_hermaphrodita  virginia riverbank mallow and ....
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Nabalus crepidineus
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Flood plain woods: wood nettle, greenheaded cone flower, panicled fall phlox, cup plant, Jerusalem artichoke, 2 Persicaria spp., more angry hops, 2 common Rubus spp. (black cap and Alleghany), Monarda serotina, more lettuce, both of Ohio’s jewel weed.
Silt formed Mudflats:
It’s ok though because the disturbance is still frequent in some sections and many rare sedges and rushes exist as well as mud flat species can be seen as preserved. These are very small species that thrive on silt
the map above is for a species that recently got split again after already being split from drummunds’ bull rush. Now called dwarf bull rush and went through a new genera name too. River dwarf bull rush is no longer Hemicarpha micrantha and is now Lipocarpha micrantha.
Others of notable interest in flat: Kyllinga pumila,  Paspalum fluitans,  Myosurus minimus(adventive), Cyperus acuminatus,
both toothleafs are present too. Ammania coccinea(sessile peduncle and least common) and Ammania robusta(most common) for ohio.,
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another classic forbe thats pretty darn common is obi wan conobea usually with carolina geranium not far apart,
green, dentate, davids, prostrate, true spotted, and Phyllanthus caroliniensis along with multiple copper leaves are present.
(plenty of other sedges but I can’t think of all the ones Dan Boone has tried to teach me there.)
Broken bank( sand cut banks):
alleghany monkey flower, blue siphilis lobellia, indian tobacco inflated lobellia, common milkweed, 3 uncommon Rubus spp. all adventive except for one that looks like a glaberous prickily virginia creeper vine Rubus trivialis . We also see both swamp and ciliate margin loose strife, two figworts, and cockerburl again along with 4 native persicaria, 2 native day flower(Commelina spp.), 3 seedbox/ludwigs (Ludwigia spp.), waterspeedwell Veronica catenata ,
mints are well represented: 3 Stachys spp. water hoarhound, american germander, 3 potential Monarda spp. (bubblegun, basal white, and M. serotina), both ciliate and hairy wood mints.
  Classic creeping fabaceae are: Amphicarpaea bracteata and Apios americana.
Gravel point bar:
lance leaf frog fruit, smooth scouring rush, verticilate scouring rush, and rough scouring rush, smooth rush, green bull rush, the brown tall giant one, 3 sided rush, big bluestem? some how?,  button bush, both the common hibiscus, sand bar and black willows, water willow(not a willow), lizard tail(the fruitloop smelling one).
If you want someone who knows more about this habitat than anyone else, Dan Boone is probably the person to ask.
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vandaliatraveler · 3 years
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Mason-Dixon Historical Park, which straddles the West Virginia-Pennsylvania state line a few miles northwest of Morgantown, protects a number of historic stone markers commemorating the most westerly reach of the Mason and Dixon survey in 1767. The expedition ended at the Catawba Trail - one branch of a much greater Native American trail system that extended from the Carolinas north through Pennsylvania - for fear of angering the Shawnee, who claimed the area as a sacred hunting ground. The site continues to yield Native American artifacts to this day. Just as important, the park is a wonderful place for a spring hike, particularly along Dunkard Creek. Among the wildflowers blooming this past weekend (top to bottom): hispid buttercup (Ranunculus hispidus), also known as bristly buttercup and swamp buttercup; white trout lily (Erythronium albidum); yellow trout lily (Erythronium americanum); smooth Solomon’s seal (Polygonatum biflorum), just starting to unfurl; blue wood phlox (Phlox divaricata), also known as wild blue phlox; Virginia bluebells (Mertensia virginica); and flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) - one of the few trees in this area to have survived the dogwood anthracnose blight of recent years.
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kiranerysismyhero · 3 years
gotta love how in Enterprise they're boldly going to like, the next town over. with a map the vulcans gave them. wouldn't directly just give them a ride though, that would be too much
they did send T'Pol though, so she could keep them going when Archer spots something interesting off the side of the road and takes his bike off the RV to go check it out. And there's the exchange student (Phlox) who, unlike everyone else, knows how to work the clasp to actually get into the RV's first aid kit
also the area's like only language tutor still hasn't decided if she was convinced to come along or lowkey kidnapped. and there's the kid who seems to have been born in an 18 wheeler, that kid who left florida when it was discovered he wasn't actually old enough to be operating his own mechanic shop yet, and the weirdly quiet brit who's a little too good with his slingshot
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